Lesson 5 Catering Menu Program

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Unit 5: Catering Menu

Intended Learning Outcome:

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

a. Identify components of catering menu program

b. Determine types of menu format

c. Discuss table service styles as it relates to catering functions


1. What do you think are the components of catering menu program?

2. Why is it important to have a menu format in catering program?

Concept Review:

Catering Menu Program

The catering-menu program in any food-service operation includes all of the menus for the
range of meal services offered for private functions, including menus for reception as well as
theme functions. The basic menus that can be included in a catering program are:

 Breakfast, lunch, and dinner menus

 Hors d'oeuvres menus
 Reception menus
 Special-function menus
 A la carte menus (dessert or salad menus)
 Beverage menus (wine, liquor, cordial, and specialty)

The identification of specific menu items is based on six major factors as they relate to a
catering operation.

 Style of service
 Price range
 Menu-item selection
 Cuisine
 Food production capabilities
 Awareness of customer need


The basic menu formats used to develop catering menus are based on the classical French menu
plans for dinner, luncheon, and breakfast. Laid down by Auguste Escoffier in the early 1900's
these are used, either whole or in part, to present a series of menu items for a planned meal
program in both institutional and commercial settings.

Appetizer Wine No.1

Soup Fish Entree Wine No.2

Sorbet Poultry or Beef entree Wine No.3 Classical dinner format

Vegetable/ starch Salad Dessert Wine No.4

Cheese Wine No.5

Appetizer or Soup Salad

Main course entree (Fish, Poultry, or

Commercial Adaptation of the Meat)
classical menu Starch Dessert


APPETIZER (Oyster Rockefeller)

SALAD (Fresh Salad Greens)

ENTREE (Roasted Tenderloin Beef Sauce Chasseur

Sauteed Mushrooms en Beurre Pommes Tomate Petite Commercial catering menu -

following the classical dinner

French Rolls and Butter) menu format

DESSERT (Banana Foster Flambe Cafe and Tea)


Establishing the level and type of table service that a catering business offers as a daily
standard of operation is necessary to the menu-development process.

The Selection of Service Style Is Influenced by the Following Factors:

 Skill level of available waitstaff

 Cuisine being served
 Available equipment
 Menu price range
 Customer profile

The style of table service adapted for banquet service are:

 French Service
 Russian Service
 American service
 Buffet service
 The style of table service adapted for banquet service are

French Service

French service in American food-service

operations and is often combined with aspects of
Russian service. Classical French service requires a
brigade de service, or six-member dining-room staff,
to prepare the dishes tableside before serving them
to guests. This style is generally inappropriate for
catering service because of high labor demands and
Russian Service

The most appropriate style of table service

used in formal catering is Russian service. This
service style is ideally adapted to table seatingof6to
12guests. All food items are arranged on platters
and serving dishes. Server’s portion and serve the
food directly to the guests at the table. Labor
requirements for this type of service include skill
training in both Russian service and French service.

American Service

American service is the style service most

commonly used in catering in the United States.
All food is prepared and served onto plates in the
kitchen. This style of table service employs a
minimum number of servers and requires basic
table -service skills.

Buffet Service

Buffet service is a popular style of service for private functions and is often combined
with American service. The service style
does, however require more time for the
overall meal. Buffet service requires the
least amount of labor, both kitchen and

Post Test:
Directions: Multiple choices: Read the following questions and answer it in the space provided.

1. What does menu catering program means?

a. Includes all of the menus

b. Includes selection of items presented in the format identified for a specific meal

c. Includes goals and objectives for the overall catering operation

d. Both a & b

2. The following are the basic menus that are included in catering program EXCEPT for?

a. Reception menus c. Ala carte menus

b. Special-function menus d. Food menus

3. Which of the following are NOT true about menu format?

a. It is use to develop catering menus

b. It should be based in classical French menu plans

c. It is used to offers as a daily standard of operation

d. Laid down by Auguste Escoffier in year 1990’s

4. In classical luncheon menu format, what would be the exact sequence?

a. Salad, appetizer, entrée, eggs, vegetable, dessert

b. Appetizer, salad, eggs, entrée, vegetable, dessert

c. Entrée, eggs, vegetable, salad, appetizer, dessert

d. Vegetable, eggs, salad, appetizer, entrée, dessert

5. In catering breakfast-menu format, what would be the first in the list of your menu?

a. Bread c. Cereal

b. Fruit d. Juice

6. What best to describe table service style in catering?

a. Guests are seated at banquet tables

b. Both a & c

c. Food is served on large platters placed in the middle of the table by waitstaff

d. Guests then help themselves to the items and portions they would like

7. The selection of service style is influenced by the following factors EXCEPT:

a. Customer profile c. Menu price range

b. Available food d. Skill level of available waitstaff

8. What are those table-service style that are adapted for a banquet service?

a. French service c. Russian service

b. American service d. All of these

9. It is often combined with aspects of Russian service.

a. Buffet service c. French service

b. Russian service d. American service

10. Which style of table service that is required more time for the overall meal?

a. American service c. French service

b. Russian service d. Buffet service

Performance Task: “Let’s Be Creative!”


1. Group yourselves into 5.

2. Each group should create any design that you preferred in making menu at least three
familiar basic menus using recycled materials (magazine, newspaper, brochures, etc.)

3. Explore your creativity. Your output should be tidy and attractive at the same time.

4. Your performance will be rated according to the rubric attached below.


Criteria Very Good Good Poor Score

(15) (10) (5)
Creativity Very Creative in Lack of
creative in making creativity in
making menu with terms of
menu with the used of using the
the used of the different
the different recycled
different recycled materials.
recycled materials.
Teamwork All members Some Not
are members participatin
participatin are g with their
g in terms participatin members in
of making g in terms terms of
this menu. of making making this
this menu. menu.
Tidiness The said The said The said
output is output is output had
very neat neat and some dirt
and tidy. tidy. and wrinkle.







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