Robin Hood and The Little John
Robin Hood and The Little John
Robin Hood and The Little John
1.outlaw—person who often breaks the laws of a land and hides to
avoid being caught. group
4.stubborn—refusing to listen to others or change his mind
5.staff—a thick ,long stick
6.archery – the art or sport of shooting arrows with a bow.
8.spluttering—speaking with difficulty and making soft spitting sounds
9.wades—walks through water which is not very deep
10. tumble—fall down suddenly
12.tyrant—a cruel leader
13. settle with us—deal with us by fighting
14. offers fine sports—refers to a life that provides opportunities for
exciting adventures.
II ..Answer the following questions.
Q1. Describe how John Little and Robin Hood earned each other
A1.When John Little said that Robin was armed with a bow and arrow
and he was only having a stick then, Robin put down his bow and arrow
and preferred to fight with a stick.
Similarly, John Little gave Robin a fair chance to show his archery by
saying that if Robin could shoot an arrow better than him then, he
would do whatever he would say. This shows that both earned each
other’s respect.
Q2. Why did John Little not get any work?
A2. John Little was a gigantic and extremely strong man. People were
afraid of him. In addition, he did not easily accept anyone’s authority
over him. This made it difficult for him to get work.
Q3.Do you think Robin Hood was a fair man? Why do you think so?
A3. Yes, Robin was fair man. Robin did not hurt John Little with his bow
and arrow. In order to fight with John in a fair way, he cut a staff for
himself and fought with that as John Little had only a staff. He also
prevented his men from tossing John Little into the stream as
punishment, as he believed that a brave man should be respected.
Q4. Where did Robin Hood meet Little John for the first time?
A4. Robin Hood met John Little while trying to cross a narrow wooden
bridge. He saw the giant of a man at the other end of the bridge
crossing over at the same time.
Q5. Why did Robin Hood request John Little to join his band of Merry
Men? Did John Little accept the offer?
A5. Robin Hood and John Little had an encounter on the narrow bridge.
John Little fought bravely and cleverly made Robin Hood fall into the
stream. Robin Hood was greatly impressed by this mighty man and first
he offered to give him a good meal and then requested him to join his
No, John Little did not accept his offer immediately. He said that if
Robin Hood could shoot an arrow better than him then he would agree
to his request.
Q6. What are the similarities and differences between Robin Hood and
John Little? Give examples from the text to support your answer.
A6: Though his name was John ‘Little’, John was a giant of a man. Robin
Hood on the other hand was of normal-build. Robin Hood robbed the
rich and gave the riches to the poor. The common people loved him. He
had a group of faithful followers. John Little on the other hand was a
lonely man. People were afraid of him because of his size and often he
would just go hungry. The most striking similarity between the two was
their fairness. Both fought a fair fight. John Little joined Robin Hood’s
band only after proving that he was worthy of joining them. After he
joined, he remained Robin Hood’s loyal friend for the rest of his life.
Q7. Do you approve of Robin Hood as an outlaw? Give reasons.
A7. Robin Hood was an outlaw who robbed the rich and gave the riches
to the poor. Though the common people loved him, he was a robber. It
is not right to rob anyone whether rich or poor.
Q8. How was Robin Hood different from his band of Merry Men?
A8. Robin Hood was very fair while dealing with any situation. Though
he was a robber he was fair and just. Even while confronting John Little,
he fought with a staff as John did not have a bow and an arrow. His
band of men asked him to throw John into the stream because he
made him tumble into the stream. Robin Hood refused and instead
admired John for his bravery and asked him to join his band.
III. Read these lines from the text and answer the questions.
1’.I hope you know how to swim’
a. Who is the speaker of the above line and to whom he is speaking?
Aa. Little John is the speaker of the above line and he is speaking to
Robin Hood.
b. Where do they meet?
Ab. They meet at the middle of a narrow wooden bridge.
c. What is the challenge they have to face?
Ac. The person who wins over the other in a fight will cross the bridge
d. Why does the speaker make the above remark?
Ad. Robin declares that they would fight till one of them falls into the
stream and the one who falls first would be considered the loser. John
Little who is sure of winning, makes the above remark.
2.’ No one has been able to do what you have done today. You’re a
brave and strong man’
a. Who speaks the above lines and to whom?
Aa. a. The above lines are spoken by Robin Hood to John Little.
b. What has the person done?
A b. In the fight between the two on the bridge, John Little has thrown
Robin Hood into the water
c. . How does the person react to the speaker’sremark?
Ac. John Little is as fair as Robin Hood and says that he will let him cross
the bridge as long as he has accepted his defeat.
d. How did the speaker want to help the person spoken to?
Ad . Robin is impressed with John and invites him to come with him so
that he could have a good meal.
3.”Well,well, you are very stubborn.I’IIshpw you howwe deal with
fellows like you”.
a. Who said these words to whom?
Aa. Robin Hood said this to John Little
b. Why did he say this?
Ab. When Robin saw John Little start crossing the bridge at the same
time as him, he asked him to stop and let him pass first. John Little
refused to move and continued to cross the bridge.
C .What did he do after saying this ?
Ac .After saying this, Robin lifted his bow to attack John Little.
4. ’What are you doing, fine fellow’
A .Who said these words to whom?
Aa. John Little said these words to Robin Hood
B .What was the ‘fine fellow’ doing?
Ab. Robin Hood was swimming in the stream below the bridge.
c. What did the ‘fine fellow’ say in reply?
Ac. Robin Hood replied that he was swimming. He also added that this
was the first time he had been defeated
5.”Nobody gives me any work .Everybody is afraid of me. I often go
a. Who said these words? Why did he say so?
Aa. . John Little said this when Robin asked him where he was
b. What happened after he said this?
Ab. Robin invited John to meet his Merry Men. Later, Robin asked him if
he would like to join this group.