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CAE QB Q400 Part 1
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CAE QB Q400 Part 1
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| | | nen taxing at a speed of not more than 8 4. pntiskid is available for brakin nets with the an | formal braking will se ve and ready to assist dg. watis minimum PK RK pressure | 500 psi Allowed before starting engine #2 frst? 'p. 1000 psi. cc. 2000 psi. d. 3000 psi. 47, when stopping the aircraft by the emergency br s aks ‘a. Anti-skid will be available to assist in ae ae 'b. And must only be used below 60 knots. ae ¢. Differential braking is available, and ant-ski i : -Skid is not avail _ vata braking and anti-skid are not available. ae Communication Each ARCDU provides communication reception selection via: 3. Lever locked switches. dual toggle-type switches joff and rotary switches EMER" mode. The hand microphone must be used to transmit? failure is annunciated to the FDR NORM/GND test switch lays (windows) associated, Whats shown in insmit frequency ie asyatem fixed standby frequency@) The standby hydraulic pump will turn on automatically if ‘No. 4 engine fail . No. 2 engine fails. ¢. Atleast one engine is operational 4, Allof the above. .all systems operational in fight, the PTU will turn on. ‘automatically if? Flaps are selected more than 0. 'b. The landing gear is selected up following failure of the No.2 engine after take-off. cc. No.2 EDP fails. d. The No.2 pull fueVHY off handle is pulled (Dra does the [HYD #3 ISOL VLV] switchlight do? a, Turns the DCMP on continuously. . When illuminated, indicates pressure in the No.3 hydraulic system. ¢. Jeelected on for take-off and landing ‘Opens the isolation valve in No.3 hydraulic system. (@ ren the No.2 system isolation valve closes, only the following services in the No.2 hydraulic gyten remain operational? a. Rudder and flaps. udder and elevators ‘c. Flaps and ptu. 4d. Elevators and flaps 1 does the priorty valve close? valve fails and you will see [PRI LV) illuminated on caution panel ‘closes, this is a maintenance only valve. rough the valve is insufficient. drop below 2100 psi in system No.1 because of system demand. ss the DHC8-400 have for main and nose gear ground lock? main gears and for the nose gear oth main gears and hydraulic for nose gear. and listand performing tem landing gear Sel/Lights/Hom you notice he d as well. This indicates? ou have to call for maintenance. re still installed in the hydraulic doors. always illuminated on ground ors are openZT CBE 3:2, Course pictior "898° taining 2-83 2.2 Questionnaire ; Take-off memorization. 2. is optional for take-off in the a ‘control panel. ‘wlomatic mode and may ty med off manualy onthe pressurization § Wi the bleeds on, during take-off the ato ‘a. PSEUs inthe flight mode. 2 Powe levers ate advances above 60 degrees, ¢. Bleed switches are turned on 4. Power levers are at fight ide. utfiow valve begins to modulate when the. ‘The maximum cabin altitude during press. eer 19 Pressurized flight is imited to? 4000 feet c. 25 000 feet. d. 12700 feet 1, Whats maximum permissible cabin/atmosphere differential pressure? 95 psi. b. 5.8 psi, epressurization mode after one minute, is operational in ‘and baggage compartment smoke removal is?Trento ia, Sta quest , 2 Qe on, The pack switch is Set to of, as; Per tie ts on the 400. ‘cswiteh is in OFF position ion the ight will extinguish, wen n to OFF post ncition goes 2W2Y: the fight attendant control for cabin temperature adjust ments Kew i ths aooorsned? A ‘a buton and s8y "YO ‘control’ a By pushing the | wae ean Tem contol Kno to the FIA position. He ba FLT COME TP OO nob to the FIA position. . Select the pack switches to MAN. fed forthe following... 5, overtemperatue protectin is Prov ‘a Cabin duct eA cet and fight compat in duc, fight compartment duct. ‘d, Cabin a son ac i compare ct ‘and the Recire duct air inlet, and inlet and opens the ee etree.Ph 2 Theoretical CAE 22, Course pet edge traning 277 2.22 Questionnaire pHc-0400 44, Fuel tank overpressure during refueling is a. Rameairiniet ing is relieved by the? », Surge bay. tk vents mp valve bumpvave. {pte magn sk 8d fl, tis means tat ne? fain taki a Aone Cho cher magna sick mus be checkod fof Both tanks are full mes, APU 4, The APU is certified for? “Ground operation only. y > Airoperation ony ¢, Ground and air operation, 4. Air in the event of an emergency. 2, The APU fuel supply is availabe for use, when? 2 The starter is engaged lef fuel tank collector bay indicates 2500 pounds , APU PWR switch is pushed lextinguish the fire out the exhaust ‘down and releases the fire bottle within 7 sec. anally by releasing the fire bottle within 7 sec ‘and the fire bell is coming on to alert you. smperature is sensed? ‘Caution light iluminates and on the APU control panel2 What are the main sources of presgur e for the N a. Electrically driven standby pum lo and N & 10.2 hyat The power transfer unit(PTU) ca oe ae ‘Engine-driven pumps (EDP), , None of the above. 4, The altemate hydraulic system (No.4) is ‘a. Correct, if hydraulic system No.1 is eee Via the SPU _ Wrong, the alternate hydraulic system i 8 ./ Wrong, the alternate hycraulc system is povenaen ee 4 Wrong, the altemate hydraulic system is powered ee en eam Powered by No.2 hydraulic system @ Which subsystems are powered by the No.1 hydraulic system? a, Landing gear, nosewheel steering, outboard roll spoilers, and upper rudder actuator. ys landing gear, brakes and anti-skid, and ground spoilers. Flaps, brakes and anti-skid, int i i od etn board roll spoilers, lower rudder actuator, outer elevator actuators, d. Power transfer unit, alternate gear extension, and outboard and inboard roll spoilers. 5, Whgtis the purpose of the standby hydraulic pump (SPU)? fe for the No.1 and No.2 hydraulic systems. Janding gear extension. 4 STBY HYD pump hot] caution light indicate? standby system y5 are overheating for more than 60 sec. light comes on when? indition lever is in the fuel off position. ‘the No.1 hydraulic subsystems. dy pump pressure. up, what is required to get the PTU toTe pease pHc8-2400 the PSEU senses down-lock engagement and extinguishes We, Asm derton rls yr once wih 8 Are AOI and ag Pane adv lights. amibe does ac sory ight as each gear locks down. When all are down, the handy en at rl et gam asa to Humnates neal alee ag goes ot a hese ne doors cose regntonanets caution ht Sten ay nove door abe air Hh 40. How is the landing gear down-locked? a. Electrically . Electrically and mechanically Be race, @) ‘The maximum speed (vic) for operation with the landing gear extended is? a. 300 knots. 218 knots. | ©. 173 knots 6. 158 knots. “42, Analtemate landing gear extension is required when? " @. No.1 hydraulic system fluid is zero. The #1 hyd iso viv caution light is illuminated. #2 ac-gen caution light is illuminated. ‘hydraulic system fluid is zero or with the illumination of the [LOG gear INOP] caution light alternate gear extension procedure. Which lights wil be illuminated on the landing get ‘addition to the three unsafe lights and handle light, when pulling the t-hanale in oot iber advisory lights and finally the left and right green gear advisory lt ssafe lights will extinguish advisory lights, all three gear advisory lights, and all three red gear unsafe222 Questionnairs the deice boot Pete riccsiiele cr eran, "iGhts indicates what? Power is availabe tothe distritus ¢. The timer s cycing 4. Suction Is applied to the boots, tor solenoids, ‘4 Onground, the propeller blade heaters ar a Associated PCU oll pressure, . Weight on wheels being sensed, Np below 409 RPM. 'd. Ambient temperature sensors, Fe inhibited by the ‘5. What does illumination of the pitot heat 1 or 2 2 Associated pitot static switch is on, b. Affected heating element has failed eae pitot static switch is OFF Caution light indicate? Either B or C. \Whep are the engine intake flange heaters operative? Engine intake bypass door is selected open, ar temperature is 15°C or less and ol pressure is sensed b. PSEU system is in the flight mode, ‘¢ Engine intake bypass door is selected open, air temperature is below 0°C and oil pressure is ‘sensed on both engines. 4. The heaters can be turned on anytime as long as AC power is avaliable inflow of temperature controlled arto the cabin and fight “automatic mode of temperature, they should select: | FLT COMP rotary knob as required. IF COMP rotary knob as required.442 Uuestionnaire pH8-a400 heels (WoW) 4, Weight-on-w Proximity sen: pase allow the gear to retract on the cain a ‘Will prevent inadvertent gear retraction on the ¢, Are situated on the landing gear doors only." 4d, Will be accessible through the PACIS system, sar retraction starts, 4, As gear retraction the PSEU senses the over-center 2, Iiluminates all three amber door lights and extinguishi », illuminates all three red door unsafe lights. - ¢. Iiluminates the amber nose door brief cies. ¥y, all three red door unsafe lights and the gear handle light ‘illuminates all three red gear unsafe lights and turn: Son the amber ight the landing gear handle, i ee ee © ee retraction completes, the PSEU senses up-tock engagement and. ‘Extinguishes the red gear unsafe advisory lights and the amber gear selector handle light, and ‘once the doors are closed extinguishes the door advisory lights. b. Extinguishes the green gear advisory lights and the amber gear selector handle light. “¢, Extinguishes all nine lights at once. all three red gear unsafe advisory lights and all three door lights and the gear handle illuminated to verify gear up position. down-lock disengagements and. all three green gear lights. yere itis safe to extend the landing gear? 1e PSEUto initiates the gear extension and signals dle advisory light r year hat ee est ‘advisory light and finally the amber ‘amber gearnandle: red gear unsafe advisory li hts. all three ighDHc8-2400 sectitemenn — ‘switching from a preset o an active frequency on the ARCDU is accomplished by: | peeeaws the associated side key twice. | 'b. Pushing the CH pushbutton. . Pushing the associated side key once. d. None of the above. 6. Whetie one of the functions of the side Keys on the ARCDU adjacent the comm frequencegy “Highlights the preset frequency for tuning ipurposes: . Momentarily shuts down the receive function of the system. c. Increments the set frequency by 10. | d. All the above. 7. Crew communication and passenger address are provided by the.. mS b. VHF. c. Crew communication BUS. d._ INS Interphone Link, 8. The green light on the call pushbutton on the ARCDU in conjunction with a chime indicates? ‘a SCARS system is indicating an incoming transmission. Call from an flight attendant. ¢ Call from the lavatory, d. PAis in use. ‘SBY CTI in place of VHF Comm 1 active frequency indicates... |. FMS is auto-tuning Comm 1. Unit is warming up. @ standby control and display unit is tuned on. jon is imminent level is indicated on led page for the INT, ge 2.7 CAE 2%. Course piottay "29° taining 275 22.2 Questionnaire pHe8-0400 Q ‘AG generator is driven by? a. The accessory gearbox High-pressure bleed air & ressure bleed air “The propeller reduction gear-box, 11, AC BUS faults taken care of by the... ‘a. BUS bar protection unit, BBPU. b. Electrical power control unit, EPCU 1e AC generator control unit, GCU. None of the above, 42, AllDC electrical switches isin OFF position, AC. ‘extemal powers connected to the AIC and you takes: the AC EXT PWR switch to ONIEXT PWR position, what wl happen? u a, The AC system is independent of the DC system and will power up the electrical system ee ‘TRUs will provide the required DC power for the AC control circuits ‘The AC system cannot be initiated without DC power available, b: sin ON, for ccontrol circuits. cea battery master in ON, for the AC 4, AAC BUSes and galley BUSes will be powered by external AC power. 43, Ifthe GCU on the No. 1 AG generator isolates it from the system, the generator may be brought back 1@ AC GEN 2 switch to OFF and then back to ON. has isolated a generator, there is nothing the fight crew can do to bring it back on master switch present in the system that required the generator to be offline and the AC ed OFF and then back to ON.the BL ait ‘ewitchlight IS Pressed, as jo, vee tng ag he apu wit PO aitotne eos wren rot online ner iin OFF position sare in OFF PO tes a satectr isin He max position: o, 10-19% Theres no recommendation ler overspeed governing? iT curing an engine statis region, son, above rating ang ae will result in? SIMTOP and p speed will latch at 102070" ropeler speed wile ue i of MTOP and propelier speed will b® auton al ys Position of the power levers: 10 14 cated? yee action must be taken t0 initiate the fire-extinguis! A sre te xinguihing system s automatic initiated. The crew must manual ite the extinguishing ‘system if automatic operation does not coy ~ within ten seconds. ‘i hing system. in the baggage compartment. ates, and a chime sounds over the PA. ee bottle into the waste disposal bin. from the detector : , turns on a red light, and produces an audtle ‘0n board the aircraft are?. < DHC8-a400 2.2.2 Questionnaire Cay a Bo a trcn con craves > : Monitor the generators fr over-voltage conditions | ', Protect the batteries from over heating é ©. Psovide a place for the crew to place their drinks. rotect the batteries and generators from overloads due to BUS faults, ‘S. When a battery temperature monitor indicates an over-temperature condition? em hot caution light comes on and the battery is automatically isotated, +The battery must be manually isolated from the generating system. © An audio warning “Battery hot, battery hot" is activated by the WTG. 4. A bell rings until the battery is isolated. 4. When only the batteries power the airplane, the load monitor shows? 8. 28 volts. b. A positive indication, ©. 24 volts. ‘Anegative indication, 5. The left TRU normally supplies? ft secondary feeder BUS ®. Left main feeder BUS. . Left essential BUS. d. Left galley BUS. ‘6 With both engines running and both condition levers in the starbfeather position and al switches placed to their proper position... AC generators will power all AC variable frequency BUSES. he DC generators will power all DC BUSES. AC BUS is powered by the? =TTCAE 22 Course picy i ™"009° training a 222 ‘Questionnaire DHC8-2400 7. The elevator position is inccated on a, Elevator fight conto systom indicator, »: Elevator im postion inicatn +, By looking out the side windows, PFCS indicator. a. Standby elevator tim is actuated by, a. The autopilot oniy. », Rotation of the manual elevator trim wheel ¢, Placing the standby elevator tri Up OF nose down poate T7HNG SWICh fo ARM and moving the standby tim switch to None of the above. There is no standby elevator tim, 9. The flap drive light iluminates when. ‘a, The primary transmission shaft fails on one side. There is @ flap fault, which may not result in loss of their use. There is a total flap fallure, which will result in loss of thei use. . The hydraulic PTU (power transfer unit fails. 410, illumination of push off in SPLR1 switchiight on the glareshield panel would indicate ‘a, Ball spoiler servo failure ‘Aroll spoiler actuator linkage jam ‘c. The switch is depressed. ler hydraulic failure ‘actuator with a mechanical tri tab. ‘actuators with no trim tab.¢. 2minutes on, 70 seconds off (three attempis) 4, 2minutes on, 2 minutes of (three attempts) ‘ pe propeller ground range light flashes when the power levers are close to fight idle? ‘The associated propeller blade angle moves in and out of ground bes, M b. Beta backup is preventing the associated proper from entering ground beta @. The beta system is working normally, and no restitons apply. 4d, This can't happen as the Beta lights only come on steady as the propellers enter ground beta. 10. What power is used to operate the propeller altemate feather pump? a. 15 VAC variable freq $8 VOC. . Reduction gearbox. d. Accessory gearbox. ‘11, When does autofeather occur? @. Anytime an engine fails in fight. ino matter of power level setting power level setting.7 7 2, Theoretical knowte 2. CAE Course plotter °° amin a8 Quest lonnaire pHce-0400 GPWS operates... Y aways. b. Only when TCAS is operational c. Afall altitudes. 42, The GPWS flap override switchiight inhibits @ “Too low flap” call below 200 ft AGL. b, Cancels any GPWS alert condition which may occur ‘c. Only functions with a flap malfunction 4. Deactivates automatically upon landing, 43, With the GPWS landing flap selector switch selected to flap 15 you will get? 2, The “Too low flap” call is inhibited regardless of fap setting, . The “Too low flap” call is inhibited only with flap 35 set. he “Too low flap” call is heard when attempting to land with flap 10 degrees or less. 4. Flaps automatically retract from 35 to 15 on a balked approach fe EFIS control panel (EFCP) key adjacent ATC on either ARCDU. ORM, oF BLW) is set 4/2 pushibutton on the ARCDU. and using the side-key. ‘pushbutton on the EFIS control panel Manual ————ne@) The standby hydraulic pump will turn on automatically if ‘No. 4 engine fail . No. 2 engine fails. ¢. Atleast one engine is operational 4, Allof the above. .all systems operational in fight, the PTU will turn on. ‘automatically if? Flaps are selected more than 0. 'b. The landing gear is selected up following failure of the No.2 engine after take-off. cc. No.2 EDP fails. d. The No.2 pull fueVHY off handle is pulled (Dra does the [HYD #3 ISOL VLV] switchlight do? a, Turns the DCMP on continuously. . When illuminated, indicates pressure in the No.3 hydraulic system. ¢. Jeelected on for take-off and landing ‘Opens the isolation valve in No.3 hydraulic system. (@ ren the No.2 system isolation valve closes, only the following services in the No.2 hydraulic gyten remain operational? a. Rudder and flaps. udder and elevators ‘c. Flaps and ptu. 4d. Elevators and flaps 1 does the priorty valve close? valve fails and you will see [PRI LV) illuminated on caution panel ‘closes, this is a maintenance only valve. rough the valve is insufficient. drop below 2100 psi in system No.1 because of system demand. ss the DHC8-400 have for main and nose gear ground lock? main gears and for the nose gear oth main gears and hydraulic for nose gear. and listand performing tem landing gear Sel/Lights/Hom you notice he d as well. This indicates? ou have to call for maintenance. re still installed in the hydraulic doors. always illuminated on ground ors are open| | | nen taxing at a speed of not more than 8 4. pntiskid is available for brakin nets with the an | formal braking will se ve and ready to assist dg. watis minimum PK RK pressure | 500 psi Allowed before starting engine #2 frst? 'p. 1000 psi. cc. 2000 psi. d. 3000 psi. 47, when stopping the aircraft by the emergency br s aks ‘a. Anti-skid will be available to assist in ae ae 'b. And must only be used below 60 knots. ae ¢. Differential braking is available, and ant-ski i : -Skid is not avail _ vata braking and anti-skid are not available. ae Communication Each ARCDU provides communication reception selection via: 3. Lever locked switches. dual toggle-type switches joff and rotary switches EMER" mode. The hand microphone must be used to transmit? failure is annunciated to the FDR NORM/GND test switch lays (windows) associated, Whats shown in insmit frequency ie asyatem fixed standby frequencyZT CBE 3:2, Course pictior "898° taining 2-83 2.2 Questionnaire ; Take-off memorization. 2. is optional for take-off in the a ‘control panel. ‘wlomatic mode and may ty med off manualy onthe pressurization § Wi the bleeds on, during take-off the ato ‘a. PSEUs inthe flight mode. 2 Powe levers ate advances above 60 degrees, ¢. Bleed switches are turned on 4. Power levers are at fight ide. utfiow valve begins to modulate when the. ‘The maximum cabin altitude during press. eer 19 Pressurized flight is imited to? 4000 feet c. 25 000 feet. d. 12700 feet 1, Whats maximum permissible cabin/atmosphere differential pressure? 95 psi. b. 5.8 psi, epressurization mode after one minute, is operational in ‘and baggage compartment smoke removal is?Trento ia, Sta quest , 2 Qe on, The pack switch is Set to of, as; Per tie ts on the 400. ‘cswiteh is in OFF position ion the ight will extinguish, wen n to OFF post ncition goes 2W2Y: the fight attendant control for cabin temperature adjust ments Kew i ths aooorsned? A ‘a buton and s8y "YO ‘control’ a By pushing the | wae ean Tem contol Kno to the FIA position. He ba FLT COME TP OO nob to the FIA position. . Select the pack switches to MAN. fed forthe following... 5, overtemperatue protectin is Prov ‘a Cabin duct eA cet and fight compat in duc, fight compartment duct. ‘d, Cabin a son ac i compare ct ‘and the Recire duct air inlet, and inlet and opens the ee etree.Ph 2 Theoretical CAE 22, Course pet edge traning 277 2.22 Questionnaire pHc-0400 44, Fuel tank overpressure during refueling is a. Rameairiniet ing is relieved by the? », Surge bay. tk vents mp valve bumpvave. {pte magn sk 8d fl, tis means tat ne? fain taki a Aone Cho cher magna sick mus be checkod fof Both tanks are full mes, APU 4, The APU is certified for? “Ground operation only. y > Airoperation ony ¢, Ground and air operation, 4. Air in the event of an emergency. 2, The APU fuel supply is availabe for use, when? 2 The starter is engaged lef fuel tank collector bay indicates 2500 pounds , APU PWR switch is pushed lextinguish the fire out the exhaust ‘down and releases the fire bottle within 7 sec. anally by releasing the fire bottle within 7 sec ‘and the fire bell is coming on to alert you. smperature is sensed? ‘Caution light iluminates and on the APU control panelTe pease pHc8-2400 the PSEU senses down-lock engagement and extinguishes We, Asm derton rls yr once wih 8 Are AOI and ag Pane adv lights. amibe does ac sory ight as each gear locks down. When all are down, the handy en at rl et gam asa to Humnates neal alee ag goes ot a hese ne doors cose regntonanets caution ht Sten ay nove door abe air Hh 40. How is the landing gear down-locked? a. Electrically . Electrically and mechanically Be race, @) ‘The maximum speed (vic) for operation with the landing gear extended is? a. 300 knots. 218 knots. | ©. 173 knots 6. 158 knots. “42, Analtemate landing gear extension is required when? " @. No.1 hydraulic system fluid is zero. The #1 hyd iso viv caution light is illuminated. #2 ac-gen caution light is illuminated. ‘hydraulic system fluid is zero or with the illumination of the [LOG gear INOP] caution light alternate gear extension procedure. Which lights wil be illuminated on the landing get ‘addition to the three unsafe lights and handle light, when pulling the t-hanale in oot iber advisory lights and finally the left and right green gear advisory lt ssafe lights will extinguish advisory lights, all three gear advisory lights, and all three red gear unsafe2 What are the main sources of presgur e for the N a. Electrically driven standby pum lo and N & 10.2 hyat The power transfer unit(PTU) ca oe ae ‘Engine-driven pumps (EDP), , None of the above. 4, The altemate hydraulic system (No.4) is ‘a. Correct, if hydraulic system No.1 is eee Via the SPU _ Wrong, the alternate hydraulic system i 8 ./ Wrong, the alternate hycraulc system is povenaen ee 4 Wrong, the altemate hydraulic system is powered ee en eam Powered by No.2 hydraulic system @ Which subsystems are powered by the No.1 hydraulic system? a, Landing gear, nosewheel steering, outboard roll spoilers, and upper rudder actuator. ys landing gear, brakes and anti-skid, and ground spoilers. Flaps, brakes and anti-skid, int i i od etn board roll spoilers, lower rudder actuator, outer elevator actuators, d. Power transfer unit, alternate gear extension, and outboard and inboard roll spoilers. 5, Whgtis the purpose of the standby hydraulic pump (SPU)? fe for the No.1 and No.2 hydraulic systems. Janding gear extension. 4 STBY HYD pump hot] caution light indicate? standby system y5 are overheating for more than 60 sec. light comes on when? indition lever is in the fuel off position. ‘the No.1 hydraulic subsystems. dy pump pressure. up, what is required to get the PTU toDHc8-2400 sectitemenn — ‘switching from a preset o an active frequency on the ARCDU is accomplished by: | peeeaws the associated side key twice. | 'b. Pushing the CH pushbutton. . Pushing the associated side key once. d. None of the above. 6. Whetie one of the functions of the side Keys on the ARCDU adjacent the comm frequencegy “Highlights the preset frequency for tuning ipurposes: . Momentarily shuts down the receive function of the system. c. Increments the set frequency by 10. | d. All the above. 7. Crew communication and passenger address are provided by the.. mS b. VHF. c. Crew communication BUS. d._ INS Interphone Link, 8. The green light on the call pushbutton on the ARCDU in conjunction with a chime indicates? ‘a SCARS system is indicating an incoming transmission. Call from an flight attendant. ¢ Call from the lavatory, d. PAis in use. ‘SBY CTI in place of VHF Comm 1 active frequency indicates... |. FMS is auto-tuning Comm 1. Unit is warming up. @ standby control and display unit is tuned on. jon is imminent level is indicated on led page for the INT, ge 2.222 Questionnairs the deice boot Pete riccsiiele cr eran, "iGhts indicates what? Power is availabe tothe distritus ¢. The timer s cycing 4. Suction Is applied to the boots, tor solenoids, ‘4 Onground, the propeller blade heaters ar a Associated PCU oll pressure, . Weight on wheels being sensed, Np below 409 RPM. 'd. Ambient temperature sensors, Fe inhibited by the ‘5. What does illumination of the pitot heat 1 or 2 2 Associated pitot static switch is on, b. Affected heating element has failed eae pitot static switch is OFF Caution light indicate? Either B or C. \Whep are the engine intake flange heaters operative? Engine intake bypass door is selected open, ar temperature is 15°C or less and ol pressure is sensed b. PSEU system is in the flight mode, ‘¢ Engine intake bypass door is selected open, air temperature is below 0°C and oil pressure is ‘sensed on both engines. 4. The heaters can be turned on anytime as long as AC power is avaliable inflow of temperature controlled arto the cabin and fight “automatic mode of temperature, they should select: | FLT COMP rotary knob as required. IF COMP rotary knob as required.442 Uuestionnaire pH8-a400 heels (WoW) 4, Weight-on-w Proximity sen: pase allow the gear to retract on the cain a ‘Will prevent inadvertent gear retraction on the ¢, Are situated on the landing gear doors only." 4d, Will be accessible through the PACIS system, sar retraction starts, 4, As gear retraction the PSEU senses the over-center 2, Iiluminates all three amber door lights and extinguishi », illuminates all three red door unsafe lights. - ¢. Iiluminates the amber nose door brief cies. ¥y, all three red door unsafe lights and the gear handle light ‘illuminates all three red gear unsafe lights and turn: Son the amber ight the landing gear handle, i ee ee © ee retraction completes, the PSEU senses up-tock engagement and. ‘Extinguishes the red gear unsafe advisory lights and the amber gear selector handle light, and ‘once the doors are closed extinguishes the door advisory lights. b. Extinguishes the green gear advisory lights and the amber gear selector handle light. “¢, Extinguishes all nine lights at once. all three red gear unsafe advisory lights and all three door lights and the gear handle illuminated to verify gear up position. down-lock disengagements and. all three green gear lights. yere itis safe to extend the landing gear? 1e PSEUto initiates the gear extension and signals dle advisory light r year hat ee est ‘advisory light and finally the amber ‘amber gearnandle: red gear unsafe advisory li hts. all three igh7 CAE 2%. Course piottay "29° taining 275 22.2 Questionnaire pHe8-0400 Q ‘AG generator is driven by? a. The accessory gearbox High-pressure bleed air & ressure bleed air “The propeller reduction gear-box, 11, AC BUS faults taken care of by the... ‘a. BUS bar protection unit, BBPU. b. Electrical power control unit, EPCU 1e AC generator control unit, GCU. None of the above, 42, AllDC electrical switches isin OFF position, AC. ‘extemal powers connected to the AIC and you takes: the AC EXT PWR switch to ONIEXT PWR position, what wl happen? u a, The AC system is independent of the DC system and will power up the electrical system ee ‘TRUs will provide the required DC power for the AC control circuits ‘The AC system cannot be initiated without DC power available, b: sin ON, for ccontrol circuits. cea battery master in ON, for the AC 4, AAC BUSes and galley BUSes will be powered by external AC power. 43, Ifthe GCU on the No. 1 AG generator isolates it from the system, the generator may be brought back 1@ AC GEN 2 switch to OFF and then back to ON. has isolated a generator, there is nothing the fight crew can do to bring it back on master switch present in the system that required the generator to be offline and the AC ed OFF and then back to ON.the BL ait ‘ewitchlight IS Pressed, as jo, vee tng ag he apu wit PO aitotne eos wren rot online ner iin OFF position sare in OFF PO tes a satectr isin He max position: o, 10-19% Theres no recommendation ler overspeed governing? iT curing an engine statis region, son, above rating ang ae will result in? SIMTOP and p speed will latch at 102070" ropeler speed wile ue i of MTOP and propelier speed will b® auton al ys Position of the power levers: 10 1TTCAE 22 Course picy i ™"009° training a 222 ‘Questionnaire DHC8-2400 7. The elevator position is inccated on a, Elevator fight conto systom indicator, »: Elevator im postion inicatn +, By looking out the side windows, PFCS indicator. a. Standby elevator tim is actuated by, a. The autopilot oniy. », Rotation of the manual elevator trim wheel ¢, Placing the standby elevator tri Up OF nose down poate T7HNG SWICh fo ARM and moving the standby tim switch to None of the above. There is no standby elevator tim, 9. The flap drive light iluminates when. ‘a, The primary transmission shaft fails on one side. There is @ flap fault, which may not result in loss of their use. There is a total flap fallure, which will result in loss of thei use. . The hydraulic PTU (power transfer unit fails. 410, illumination of push off in SPLR1 switchiight on the glareshield panel would indicate ‘a, Ball spoiler servo failure ‘Aroll spoiler actuator linkage jam ‘c. The switch is depressed. ler hydraulic failure ‘actuator with a mechanical tri tab. ‘actuators with no trim tab.4 cated? yee action must be taken t0 initiate the fire-extinguis! A sre te xinguihing system s automatic initiated. The crew must manual ite the extinguishing ‘system if automatic operation does not coy ~ within ten seconds. ‘i hing system. in the baggage compartment. ates, and a chime sounds over the PA. ee bottle into the waste disposal bin. from the detector : , turns on a red light, and produces an audtle ‘0n board the aircraft are?7 7 2, Theoretical knowte 2. CAE Course plotter °° amin a8 Quest lonnaire pHce-0400 GPWS operates... Y aways. b. Only when TCAS is operational c. Afall altitudes. 42, The GPWS flap override switchiight inhibits @ “Too low flap” call below 200 ft AGL. b, Cancels any GPWS alert condition which may occur ‘c. Only functions with a flap malfunction 4. Deactivates automatically upon landing, 43, With the GPWS landing flap selector switch selected to flap 15 you will get? 2, The “Too low flap” call is inhibited regardless of fap setting, . The “Too low flap” call is inhibited only with flap 35 set. he “Too low flap” call is heard when attempting to land with flap 10 degrees or less. 4. Flaps automatically retract from 35 to 15 on a balked approach fe EFIS control panel (EFCP) key adjacent ATC on either ARCDU. ORM, oF BLW) is set 4/2 pushibutton on the ARCDU. and using the side-key. ‘pushbutton on the EFIS control panel Manual ————ne. < DHC8-a400 2.2.2 Questionnaire Cay a Bo a trcn con craves > : Monitor the generators fr over-voltage conditions | ', Protect the batteries from over heating é ©. Psovide a place for the crew to place their drinks. rotect the batteries and generators from overloads due to BUS faults, ‘S. When a battery temperature monitor indicates an over-temperature condition? em hot caution light comes on and the battery is automatically isotated, +The battery must be manually isolated from the generating system. © An audio warning “Battery hot, battery hot" is activated by the WTG. 4. A bell rings until the battery is isolated. 4. When only the batteries power the airplane, the load monitor shows? 8. 28 volts. b. A positive indication, ©. 24 volts. ‘Anegative indication, 5. The left TRU normally supplies? ft secondary feeder BUS ®. Left main feeder BUS. . Left essential BUS. d. Left galley BUS. ‘6 With both engines running and both condition levers in the starbfeather position and al switches placed to their proper position... AC generators will power all AC variable frequency BUSES. he DC generators will power all DC BUSES. AC BUS is powered by the? =¢. 2minutes on, 70 seconds off (three attempis) 4, 2minutes on, 2 minutes of (three attempts) ‘ pe propeller ground range light flashes when the power levers are close to fight idle? ‘The associated propeller blade angle moves in and out of ground bes, M b. Beta backup is preventing the associated proper from entering ground beta @. The beta system is working normally, and no restitons apply. 4d, This can't happen as the Beta lights only come on steady as the propellers enter ground beta. 10. What power is used to operate the propeller altemate feather pump? a. 15 VAC variable freq $8 VOC. . Reduction gearbox. d. Accessory gearbox. ‘11, When does autofeather occur? @. Anytime an engine fails in fight. ino matter of power level setting power level setting.¥ as the stick pusher shut off switchight cisabies the pusher? et ‘p. False. warning systems 4, When @ malfunction occurs, the cautionwa hasan anne iming system activates. 4, Asystem annunciator, the associated master switch ¢, Amaster switchiight and an aural tone SO ee d. Anaural tone. ‘The warning panel annunciators flash until? fa. The master caution and master waming switchight is reset . The master caution switchlight is reset “The master warning switchlightis reset. 4, Either A or C. 4. fa fauttsigna ecivates temporanly and exingushes pir tothe master ‘switclight being reset? ‘2, Master switchlight continues to flash , System indicator remains lurninated -switehlight remains illuminated steady. 1 the test switch is set to the CAUT position, all? all doors closed, wher jators iluminate flashing, except wo, and steady, warning annunct flashing. steady, wamin: 1 switchiights illuminate steady, warnin four master .g annunciators iluminate steady and al 9 annunciators does not illuminate steady for 5 sec.-—oninairg Aircraft general 2. Whatis the m, con 1um flight altitude? 25 000 ft. ©. 27000 4. 290008. 3. Whats the locati ition of the tai a. In the left and right wing mee lights? b. Inthe aft fu 'Selage on the left and right side ofthe vertical tabi izer © Sennen Of the left and right engine nacelle, bottom of the left and right horizontal stabilizers, ‘4. Whats the approximate. Ber ee 208 ee. m. 28.4 m. — d. 30.4.m. 6.) What is the difference between the approach and the flare atts? flare lights are angled more downwards than the approach Ights *p. The approach lights have a higher intensity than the fae fats. 6 The approach lights flash while the fare ligts are stay. 4. The flare lights are retractable while the approach lans ae fred taxi light. pointing ion of the nose gear ide of the fuselage. fending 962" act the correct statement regarding the es in the direction the nose gear is P ive of the direct “of two retractable lamps on each Murmed on irespectiv ofthe Poston ofthe postion lights? iy. Cae Matic primary fa. ‘secondary is Used _ pliant Manual ——— ogc2 *pHce-a400 ee cc muminates wen the arpiane the | 4, Theattude ale ‘annunciation oF pact | as 100 fet te ee aide ene 4000 feet of he preselected altitude. a ~, Deviates more tha 450 feat fom the preselected ee 4 Deviates mre tan 200 feet from he preselected E The ight deck eat! center for the autopit and fight director is the. | Tight guidance module (FGM. 1 pdx contro panel (ICP). Q | Fight guidence ‘control panel (FGCP) & 4, Ris conte! panel (EFF). 4, Whatinformation does te fight director provide? ‘a. company administrative guidance: 10 tera and vertical guidance ‘¢, Waming of possible collision. . Autopilot engagement status. commands come, when the fight director isin navigation ( wall 4. Fromwhere do the steerin and autoplot is engaged? ‘a. Flight guidance module #2. “a eens ‘module #1 a jeel and AFCS: "4 Avplat sero SE Eee ae knob. damper ot be engaged unti the o Ne auto be Te with the me en ' fees er withthe autopiot engaged ‘or without the autopiiot engaged je 10 2 Nia 33pg) Question 2.2. jonmian~ lt ttSOS SNS , EFIS nt instruments: pressure to which systems? es static pro jot |. The left pitot static ‘ a ADUt ‘and the pilots ASI. PSDU Zand the coplots AS! pou jee a2ROUT. 2 What do the ADU provide ‘output to? g i a b. ‘The FCECU. The CECE ¢ AHRS 1 and 2. 7 All the above. 43. The AHRS operating made “normal” is? | ‘a. For alignment and normal is annunciated on PFD to show s) \ormal. aireraft heading and TAS is used to compensate for acceleration-induced errors. i b, for Aggasciaaac ws Se to compensate for acceleration-in: i a, Nene of above. “4, The pilot's and copiots EFIS control panels (EI Sieeeeaase coer panels (EFCP) have the controls for operation ofthe. operating mode “stave” is? FCECU to work in slaved mode with the AHRS. = 1 mia x jever is not in the DN positon ‘ctor lever is in the O position riot in the DN postion ang , shy rectly describes the location of ine CB panels? cor 4 behind the first officer and the avionics og —s ‘9. Which of the following s ive ‘variable frequency AC-CB pane! IS locates located behind the captain. ‘ . The avionics CB panels Torated ehind fst officer and the variable feauency AC CB pag located behind the captain is eis located below the first office's side window ard hg ‘o. The variable frequency AC CB pan Jyronice CB panel is below the captain's ‘side window. + tocated below the fist officers side window and the variable rena, . The avionics CB panel i below the captain's side window. ‘AC CB panel is located the battery switches off, and the engines aren, tthe dome light switch is in the DOME position, operating. a, Generator power is being used. b. External power is being used. c. None of the above. Battery power is being used. fight, what is the normal position ofthe pilots EMER lights switch? @) owing is correct about thelamergency lighting system’ from the L DC main BUS and controlled by the L DC essential BUS. ‘and controlled by the L DC essential BUS. the L DC essential BUS and controlled by the L DC main BUS.4. Aferan engin fae The bleed system respond ‘automatic to the 2 ich statements UP" tion and increases bleed air ow tom gy joss of bleed from the failed engine pensate for ing engine 1 MAX 19. COMP condition and adjust bleed flow from the ‘othe ees rc 1 ove regardless of MININORMMAX sei, “The bleed system © eed sharing isstilin contol nly between the engines and if one eng, 4. The bleed system wil shut down in tis situation. the luminatin of the [#1 bleed hot] caution light? ‘must inate vital memory item procedures. matic system wil respond to the bleed hot condition. ORMIMAX selector stl has control of the flow rate. cd fora total oss of pressurization. ed switches set o OFF, i ar still available for de-icing systems? loses al valves supplying comes from the packs. from the engine. plied regardless of the bleed switches position ems that uses bleed air. ne during airframe auto operation is? a veers Gear eho. be Goocer Airc ee,
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