Process Chillers 4-9-15

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Process Chillers When Precision Cooling is critical to your application. Blue Star, India’s leading airconditioning company, has been providing expert cooling solutions {for over seven decades now. It has been a pioneer In manufacturing a wide range of Screw, Scroll and Centrifugal Chillers catering to various applications such as hospitals, hotels, green buildings and process industries. Drawing from this expertise, Blue Star presents a range of aircooled Process Chillers for diverse industrial process application needs. Process applications, such as those encountered in the pharmaceutical, medical, textile, plastic, packaging, and food-processing industries require precise temperature control at all times. This translates within the chiller into precise water temperatures at all times, and an ability to work under all ambient conditions. Blue Star Process Chillers are specifically designed keeping process needs in mind. Moreover, it includes an energy-efficient and reliable scroll compressor as well a a stainless steel plate-type heat exchanger. With an integrated pump, buffer tank and a plug-in design Blue Star aircooled Process Chillers enable simplified pipe routing and also ensure that the industrial process is not interrupted at any point of time. These are not the features that a typical chiller can provide. ‘Overall, these Process Chillers not only ensure precise temperature control but also offer the following key benefits: + Increased productivity and reduced production cyce time + Reduced production costs and minimal wastage + Reduced maintenance time and fewer interruptions during production + Enhanced product quality Since these Process Chillers operate in a closed circuit, they also offer the following advantages: + Precise water temperature control, independent of ambient conditions + Quick reaction to any sudden load changes, ensuring steady operating conditions + Re-utilisation of the chilled water thereby avoiding wastage and reducing health hazards of water-borne bacteria Blue Star’s microprocessor-controlled, aircooled Process Chillers come with the following feature: Highly efficient scroll compressor Time-tested scroll compressors are used in these chillers, which are highly energy-efficient. Tis results In higher reliability as well as lower power bills. These compressors are suction gas-cooled, fully hermetic and provided with a crank-case heater. Multi-compressor advantage ‘The presence of multiple compressors helps the system in two \ways: there is built-in redundancy adding therefore to reliability; and it allows for capacity modulation by switching on only as many compressors as will be required at any time to suit partoads, thereby increasing efciency. Quick to install Blue Star Process Chillers come pre-fitted with insulated chilled water tank and chilled water pump. The units also come fully wired, refrigerant charged, and tested from factory before dispatch. In the field therefore, only chilled water and electrical connections need to be made before the system is ready for commissioning. Load balancing system Generally, the heat loadin process applications fuctuates heavily A load balancing system is therefore implemented in Bue Star Process Chillers to ensure the supply of constant temperature, leaving water at both high and low loads. While the water storage tank takes care ‘of sudden demand for high heat load, the load balancing valve takes care of low loads. This unique combination supplies chilled ‘water to the process ata fairly constant temperature. Plate-type heat exchanger with water storage tank The plate-type heat exchanger design makes Blue Sta Process Chillers more compact without compromising on the temperature difference that is required to be achieved, This, coupled with the buffer tank and corresponding pump in the same cabinet, ensures high reliability ofthe system, supplying constant quantity ‘of water atthe desired temperature for the process. Blue Star also offers stainless steel tanks for specific applications where the process demands such a construction. High-efficiency heat transfer ‘The condensor coils on these chillers have super-sit aluminium fins, ‘with internally finned copper tubes. Fins are optionally coated with anti-corrosive blue-coating, All these measures inerease heat transfer ‘and improve efficiency, while preventing corrosion too, Hot gas bypass arrangement ‘An inbuilt hot gas bypass arrangement is provided to maintain constant leaving water temperature and to take care of low load Conditions. This also prevents liquid flood ‘back under low oad conditions and in winter. Corrosion-resistant structure The body is made of galvanized steel coated with pure polyester, UV-resistant powder coating, tested to withstand 500 hours of salt spray test. Righ base frames cater to the full weight ofthe chiller during handling and installation. Al refrigerant lines are fabricated ‘of copper and the complete hydronic circuit, including water low switch, stralner, aut at vent, and thermo-well are of non-ferrous material to avoid corrosion. Intelligent mictoprocessor controller All the chillers ae provided with imported microprocessor controllers. These controllers are specifically developed for Process Chiller applications. The controller can be wired to an On/Off switch so thatthe ‘operator can easly switch the machine on o of from a distant location. Remote alarm monitoring can also be optionally provided. The controller ‘thus aids in monitoring the chiller from a remote location ifneeded. Salient features of the controller + Precise temperature control of water at inlet and outlet * Complete alarm management + Auto loading/unloading of compressor + Auto-restart of unit after power restoration + Time delays for compressor and evaporator pump + Single-phase and phase-reversal protection + Password protection at various levels, + Built-in anti-freeze protection Fail-safe operation Controlled by an advanced microprocessor controler, the system has the following features that ensure fail-safe operation: = Low and high pressure suction and discharge side protection + Overload protection +50 PR + Float valve Low noise design Allcondenser fans are designed for silent, ficient operation, thereby ‘ensuring that the entire chiller is noise-free and quiet. Fully tested units Al chillers are wired, charged and tested after manufacturing, prior to dispatch. Settings of the microprocessor and safety devices are also. verified. Technical Specifications of Special Packaged Aircooled Chiller (SPAC-NR2) with R-407C Refrigerant SPRCOSNRD SPAC-10NR2 SPAC-1SNR2 Nominal Capacity ** TaykW 47/165 94/330 141/285 Nominal Dimensions Length mm 1240 aio i715 Width rom 450 { 755 535 Height mm 1370 175 1505 NetweightUnit 9 195 335, 620 Operating Weight/nit g 256 655 70 Refrigerant RATE Power supply *00V73Piv50 He, AC Incoming Cable Size ime A 4 10 6 re? 35 6 30 Compressor I [pe Sei Input Power each Compreso)_—_—_ KW 33 33 a Qy Nos 1 2 2 Enporstor Type Fiaerype Heat Exchanger ay, Nos. 7 (Ova TO Construction Matera Sails eee ‘ir Cooled Condenser FanDaxcty inex. 12 wa we Fan Matrl ‘uminiarvG oor Make, Type & Speed co GE Totaly Enclosed 900 7PM Motor input Power each Far i ans a2 os Oy Nes 2 | 2 2 Chilled Water Pump “ype Centrifoga Monoblock Make rundios Rated Fow Rate \PMrUSPM ws5/2 91/24 1364736 Rated Head Mts 38 “8 0 MaxFlow Rate \eM/UsceM 707185 405/277 750/660 ‘Maximum Pressure Head Mis. 6 6 6 amp Powe input i 06 16 28 Pump Mex input Fower wats eas I 1308 20 “Total input) Load lectin co 32 130 300 Safety Devices High Pressure Switch Low Pressure Switch Flow Sitch, Aces Protection Nar with Buzzer Electrical Safety Corks Hee Ove Purp Cru rer Compress Sle ps Pas rerese poco re rE) Tank Capacity ls 0 120 160 Chilled water connection Inet inch r ie Te Outi neh r 1 rr ‘Rating Conditions: 1) Coole Leaving Water Temperature 6:7 (44*F} and Cooler Entering Temperature 122°C (54°F) 2) Cooler Fouling Factor 0.0001° Ff h/Btu 3) 35°C 5] Ambient Temperature ‘Specifications are subject to change due to continuous product development Technical Specifications of Special Packaged Aircooled Chiller (SPAC-N) with R-22 Refrigerant Description Units c= SPACOBN | SPACOSN SPACION | SPACASN PAC ‘Nominal Capacity TRyRW 3/105 5/376 10/35 35/527 22/738 ‘Nominal Dimensions Length mm 240 240 0 3775 2286 width mm 350 450 755 935 1380 Helen mm 1370 3370 5 1505 1566 | Net Weighe/Unit x. 180 196 535 620 1250 ie 240 256 635 770 1220 rani z a 0 ra % inca 25 25 6 10 16 Compressor — — . ~ Type . ; Input Power (ach Compressor) kw 3a 33 5a a Ba ‘iy Nos T T 2 2 2 ype lat ype Hest ehanger = ‘oy Nos | 1(0ua)——4(Oual) | 1 (bua) z Contuion Mara Sans see ‘Air Cooled Condenser Fon bisa. ie? |e) Wat | waa? Fon Materal “Numi /S Motor Make, Type & Speed GE, Tetliy Enclosed 800 TPM HMTE900. | HMITE700 a 033 013 oa oa O58 2 2 2 2 2 2 arisage Ine 31/24] 1964736 | 200/524 “| 6 a 35/277 ¥80/ 660 816/57 s 6 32 input kw 16 28 ar ump Max Input Power Wots 1530 180 3180 “otal input) Load Hletreal iw cy 62 33 Safety Devices High Pressure Swith, Low Presur Switch, Hw Swine Electr! Safety Crankas str, Overs for Ramp Crete for Compre (ne Tank Capacty cs © © 20 ‘Chilled water connection inet wah bg Ed cy Oulee inch ¥ ¥ 1 **fating Conon 1) Cooler Leaving Water Temperature 67°C (MF) and Cooler Entering Temperature 122°C (54°F) 2) Coole Fouling Factor 000012 F.7hV/Btu 3) 35°C (95 Ambient Temperature 4 Specifications are subject to change due to continuous product development Era

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