Media Walla User Guide June 2019
Media Walla User Guide June 2019
Media Walla User Guide June 2019
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................................................1
Introduc on ...........................................................................................................................................................2
1.8.1 Arrangements for Final Day foreign language discourses – Sa pa hana and 10-Day courses ...............10
5. Instruc ons to follow if there is a problem in connec ng the tablet to the Wi : ............................................20
Media Walla is an advanced system to facilitate delivery of audio and video material at
Vipassana Meditation Courses as taught by S. N. Goenka in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba
Khin. The system plays the material on the meditation hall audio-visual system in the
language of the course. It also allows receiving of audio instructions and discourses
simultaneously in foreign languages on specially configured mp3 players over a wireless
network, as per the needs of the students.
While the Media Walla system is simple and intuitive by design, this user guide is essential
reading in familiarizing with it and using it. The guide is divided into 3 major sections with the
first one covering operation of the AT control interface on the tablet to conduct a course.
The second section covers the setup and usage of foreign language MP3 players, and the
third section covers playing of non-course material (for Dhamma Padhana this consists of
between-course group sittings and chantings only).
Touch the flashing cursor or swipe the screen with fingers, to bring up the keyboard. Type in
the password: atat. Then touch “Done”. The tablet communicates with the server through
Wifi and it usually connects very quickly. Sometimes it takes slightly longer, especially if the
tablet has not been used for a while. Wait for the Wifi signal indicator in the lower right
corner to turn blue/grey and then touch the Dolphin icon in the middle. (If there is a delay,
follow the instructions given on pages 20 of this document; these instructions are also
available at the console).
When there is no course in progress, the tablet screen shows the following:
• “Start Course” to start a new course within the Media Walla framework
• “Reset” to bring system to the default state when no course is running, and no other
audio is being played.
Video Demo
• The different course types available can be viewed by touching “10 Day Course” in
the screen above. From the display list, the course required can be selected. (For VCE
select 10 Day Course, then select English-only-executive under language)
• By default, Media Walla begins each course on Day 0. If necessary, the course can
be started with Media Walla on any day, for example, Day 5 of a 10-day course. To
do this, touch “Day 0” above, and select from the list.
If a “bilingual” long course is chosen, the following drop down menu will appear:
Evening Discourses in Hall: To select the language and the sequence to play in the hall,
choose one of these options:
Long Course Morning Chanting Sets: These will default to suggested sets for Dhamma
Padhana. A different chanting can be selected from a separate list.
Example of language selection (note that the list can be scrolled up and down by touch):
Video Demo
The above screen is what Media Walla tablets will show most of the time during the course,
allowing the appropriate audio or video to be played in the hall, and to show the progress
when something is being played. Importantly, the “Play” turns into a “Pause” when a track is
being played. To start playing the Tikapatthana, touch the Play icon.
Likewise, the Media Walla system keeps on advancing to the next track, which is then ready
for playing. While many tracks are loaded and not played until Play icon is touched, some
are automatically played after a calculated delay, when their ending time is pre-
determined (this aspect is covered in more detail in a later section).
Media Walla User Guide, June 2019
Video Demo
The next morning, you need to switch on the tablet before chanting is due to auto play.
Touch “Continue with Day 1” button to start Day 1.
Video Demo
• 9:00 pm BSM
• Gongs (in the hall and cells – at 11:00 am, 2:15 pm, and 5:00 pm). No 5 pm gong on
10-day course Vipassana day, in case the session over runs.
At other times, Play must be pressed to manually start the tracks. Due to the auto-start
features, the only action required to deliver all the audio and video is to touch Play eight
times during a day (on 10-day courses), and even less on long courses; no other action is
required except turning On/Off TVs, or adjusting volume, etc. The Previous Track and Next
Track buttons can be used if required to view the previous and next tracks.
On VCE courses, on Day 1, if it is necessary to bring the afternoon group sitting forward to 2
pm to make time for new-student checking, touch Next track button to 2.30 pm track and
play it manually at 2 pm. Also play the end chanting and subsequent afternoon instructions
Video Demo
When ready, touch the Play icon on the screen shown below to start the discourse.
Media Walla User Guide, June 2019
10-Day course including VCE - after Workers’ Metta, forward to Day 11 discourse and
download the foreign language discourses into the mp3 players. Then put the course back
to D11 morning chanting and switch off the tablet as usual.
Since the mp3 players will be switched off overnight, check in the morning that the
downloaded discourses are there. The students listen to their discourses in the usual places
and come to the hall for Final Metta.
• Please switch off the tablet and put it back in the glass-fronted cupboard in Male AT
Touch the “View Course Audio” icon to start using the device to listen to foreign language
course material. It is not possible to return to this screen without turning the device off and
back on. Also, once the “View Course Audio” icon has been touched, the student is locked
into a subsequent page, which delivers the audio (mp3) material. It is not possible to use the
device for any other activity whatsoever.
The “Settings” icon allows changing of device settings, which is password protected
(Password “2828”), and is provided for maintenance only, when needed. It is not required for
normal operation as the device is already configured.
Do not touch “Settings”. If it is touched by accident, simply touch “Cancel” (do not touch
‘OK’) and return to the main screen.
If battery level gets too low and the device asks if you want to enable “Power Saving
mode”, DO NOT select it as it will disconnect the WiFi. Select “Cancel”. Do not select “OK”.
Recharge the battery straight away. If “OK” is touched by mistake, you will need to reset the
Wi-Fi by going to “Settings”, put in password 2828 and touch Wi-Fi “On”, on the next screen.
See pictures below.
Touch Device box to bring up the keyboard and then enter the device number in the field (1
in this case), touch the language box and scroll to choose the language required, then
either touch “Save and Add More”, or “Save and Return to Course”.
Additional devices, as required, are paired with the language by repeating this process. As
shown below, the paired devices are now listed.
After device number 5, the list may become out of view behind the keyboard. You can scroll
up the screen by touch. Alternatively, you can rotate the tablet to vertical/portrait position
and the keyboard then occupies only the lower quarter of the screen, making the long list of
devices visible. Note: devices can be prepared at any stage of the course.
The “Delete” link, beside the language box as shown above, can be used to un-pair a
device. Once finished configuring all the devices, touch “Return to Course” to go back to
the main Media Walla interface.
Use masking tape (and not cello tape, address labels etc.), to label each device (at the
back) with the student’s name. You may also make a list of names, languages and device
numbers, for easy reference.
Please note: maximum three devices are loaded at any one time; the others stay in queue
and are loaded in turn. Percentage being loaded is shown. “Abort and retry” may show if
the device has been waiting for about 30 seconds. Ignore this and the device will be loaded
when it is its turn. If the screen goes black while loading, do only a ‘short press’ of the power
button. The total time for twenty devices to be loaded will be only a few minutes.
Device 1 setup in the previous section is shown below. Note that the language Burmese is
now displayed in the bottom-left corner, and a message is there indicating that the next
track will be available at 8:00 pm. Next to the MP3 device screens below, the state of the
Media Walla tablet at that time is shown.
After Tikapatthana has been played, and the Anapana Instructions are loaded on the server
as shown on the tablet below, the same instructions in Burmese for Device 1 are loaded on
the device upon touching “Refresh.”
The following are the two states that the device alternates between throughout the course.
The first one is shown when no foreign language audio is made available to the student.
Upon touching “Refresh” on this screen, the second screen is shown whenever a foreign
language audio is available for the student. The Play icon can be pressed to start listening.
Another example of these states is also shown below for illustration.
The slider on the device enables the student to fast forward or rewind the track while they
are listening but once the track is played till the end, this function is lost. It would not be
necessary to mention this facility to the students. The slider on the tablet enables the AT to
fast forward the track, go back to the beginning etc., but this facility would not normally be
Since the next track is automatically queued on the tablet after the previous track has been
played, it would then be possible for the student to load this next track and listen before it is
due to be played in the hall. The times that this would be possible are between 6:30 and 8:00
am, between 2.15 and 2.30 pm, and between 5:00 and 6:00 pm, and should not cause any
problems. It is not necessary to share this information with the students, unless you want them
to listen to the 6 pm instructions earlier before they are played in the hall. Students should be
asked at the beginning of the course, to leave their devices on their hall seats when not in
The screen of the device goes black after ten minutes while the track is being played
(battery saving function), but it will come back with only a ‘short press’ of the power button.
To switch off the device, press On/Off button and then touch Power off shown on the screen.
However, it is not necessary to switch off the device every time after a track has been
Do not touch the “Airplane mode” since this will remove the Wifi access.
Make sure the devices are fully charged at the start of the course. They should be switched
off at the end of the course.
The following tracks are made available in foreign languages through these devices, as
applicable, based on the course type.
• 7:10 pm discourse
• 8:30 pm PDIs
• Final discourse/metta
A category is then selected. For example, “Group Sittings”, and this will show the list of
available tracks.
When any of these are played, the same screen as described in section 1.3 is shown,
allowing the track to be played, or paused, and also showing the progress with time elapsed
and remaining.
For short video demonstrations of Media Walla in action, please refer to these links:
(There are eight video clips, ranging from 0:17 to 1:30 in lengths)
1. Check that the tablet is not in Airplane mode. If it is, the icon will show in the right upper
corner of the tablet. To remove it, go to settings and check Wifi.
3. If this does not work, switch off the tablet by pressing the On/Off button, touch “Power off”
on the screen, then touch “OK” and wait a little while. Re-start by pressing the On/Off
Usually, the above is all that will be needed to connect to Wifi. If it still does not work,
continue with the following:
4. Switch off the Router switch and switch it on again. The switch is in the upper console
cupboard, plugged into a six-plug extension lead.
5. If this still does not work, switch off the UPS button and turn it back on again. The UPS
(Uninterrupted Power Supply) battery is on a low table in the male AT Hall lobby. The on/off
button is clearly marked.