Department of Education: Region II - Cagayan Valley Santiago City National High School

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Calaocan, Santiago City

Subject : Philippine Contemporary Arts in the region.

Description : The subject covers various contemporary arts practices of the region where the school is

It aims to provide students with an appreciation of a broad range of styles in the various
disciplines with consideration on their elements and principles, and engage them to an integrative
approach in studying arts.

Through this subject, students will broaden and acquire the necessary creative tools that open
opportunities in pursuing their individual career goals and aspirations.

Activity #02 : Performance Activity

PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The Learners create avenues to advocate the arts and culture from SANTIAGO


1. Info-mercial
2. Music, Dance and Choreography.
3. Visual Design (Painting, Digital arts and Architectures)


a. The whole class are going to divide into 3 groups.

a. Group 1 - Infomercial
b. Group 2 - Music, Dance and Choreography
c. Group 3 – Visual Design (Painting, Digital arts and Architectures)
b. Choose a group that is appropriate for your skill level. After you've chosen and identified the members of
the group, choose a leader with dignity and have the competence to organize a specific group.
c. Every group has no maximum number of members; however, it must have at least minimum four or five.
d. Submit your Group names with sections to your subject teacher’s email address [email protected].
e. The concept of the aforementioned activity is based on the performance standard "Advocate Santiago City's
Arts and Culture Amid Covid-19."
f. Learn around and explore Santiago City's ARTS & CULTURE by searching the internet, conducting
interviews, visiting art galleries, collecting literature, and so on.
g. Communicate and interact effectively with each group in order to fully understand and distribute what needs
to be done.
h. In each group, scoring rubrics are provided, and these will serve as your guidance.
i. Your output has a time limit of two weeks or 14 days to complete the activity and must be submitted before or
on the deadline.
j. For BONUS points. The group with most likes and shares may be excused from the quiz!
k. Best output will be exempted in QUIZ AND EXAMINATION!
l. Avoid poor performance and late output.
Group 1 - INFO-MERCIALS ("Advocate Santiago City's Arts and Culture amid covid-19.")


1. Search and watch examples of infomercial on online websites. (YouTube, Facebook, Google Vids etc.)
2. Digital/phone cameras and DSLRs must be used correctly throughout the productions. Equipment is
carefully cared for, respected, and always stored properly.
3. Learn how to use your editing software to edit/crop/insert music and videos.
4. Going outside is not encourage but at least you must strictly observe the maximum health protocols
being enforced by the (IATF)/policy for safety and well-being.
5. Encourage your members to give full participation in the said activity.
6. The infomercial output has a time limit of 3 minutes and a maximum of 10 minutes.
7. Once completed, send the output activity to your subject instructor at [email protected] through
Google Drive.
8. Do not forget to give credits and acknowledgement.
9. Good Luck!

Rubrics for Scoring

Content Description Score

Content and  Well documented and organized. 35
Organization  Excellent, well thought out explanation shows
superior effort.
 Topic thoroughly covered in an interesting and
creative manner.
 Made excellent persuasive statement.
Creativity and  Excellent sense of design. 25
elements of  Effective camera techniques used for the video
design and pictures
 Video and pictures are in focus and of good
 Smooth transitions are appropriate and aid in
delivery of the presentation.
Teamwork  Students met and had discussions regularly 15
through online flatforms.
 All students on the group contributed to the final
 Group members showed respect with each other.
Mechanics and  Grammars/spellings are correct. 15
Presentation.  Sources are documented correctly and copyright
law has been followed.
 Well-rehearsed
 Voice, eye contact and pacing hold interest and
attention of audience.
 Effectively showed desired action during and at
end of advocacy video.
Timeliness  Output deadlines were met, 10
SCORE 100%

Prepared by : MISAEL B. VIRAY

Subject Teacher
Group 2 - Music, Dance and Choreography ("Advocate Santiago City's Arts and Culture amid covid-19.")


1. Search and watch videos about Contemporary Dance on online websites. (YouTube, Facebook, Google Vids
etc.), learn how to perform it.
2. Create/compose a song with musical accompaniment that is relevant to the content and dance it with good
choreography. Your music's title must be related to the topic. ("Advocate Santiago City's Arts and Culture
amid covid-19.")
3. Digital/phone cameras and DSLRs must be used correctly throughout the productions. Equipment is
carefully cared for, respected, and always stored properly.
4. Learn how to use your editing software to edit/crop/insert music and videos.
5. Going outside is not encourage but at least you must observe the maximum health protocols being enforced
by the (IATF)/policy for safety and well-being
6. Once completed, send the output activity to your subject instructor at [email protected] through Google
7. Do not forget to give credits and acknowledgement.
8. Good Luck!

Rubrics for Scoring

Content Description Score

Over All  The message of the song and dance is clearly 60
Performance relevant to the topic.
 The style and interpretation of the piece is
beautifully executed with both appropriate style
and interpretation.
 The axial and locomotor movements are
memorized and performed with control and skill.
 The dancer is focused, concentrated and
committed to the performance of the movement.
 Musical accompaniment produces good-quality
sound. The instrument meets the requirements of
loudness and pitch.
 All students on the group contributed to the final
 Demonstrates excellent creativity. Shows
interesting formations and patterns and presents
a story within the piece.
 The movement language is unique and reflects
the theme or idea.
Timeliness and  Effective camera techniques used for the video. 40
Presentation.  Video is not shaky, reflects clean editing and
clear audio.
 Output deadlines were met,
SCORE 100%

Prepared by : MISAEL B. VIRAY

Subject Teacher
Group 3 – Visual Design (Painting and Digital arts)

Instructions/Mechanics (PAINTING)

1. It is common for each group to contribute expenditures for supplies required for the specific activity.
2. Provide or purchase color paints, brushes, and an aisle stand. Required for the art exhibition.
3. Color paint can be acrylic, oil base, water base paint, gloss paint etc.
4. The canvas size is (30 X 40) or (36 X 48) if the other is not available, get at least close sizes of the two.
5. The painting output must be creative, competitive and related to the topic: "Advocate Santiago City's
Arts and Culture Amid Covid-19."
6. Captions relevant to the topic must be included in the output that will be posted on the PAGE.
7. Submit the product before and on the deadline, with the aisle for art presentation, you may pass the
output face-to-face to your teacher.
8. Good Luck!

Rubrics for Scoring

Content Description Score

Painting Skill  Application of paint is preplanned and done in a 30
logical, sequential manner.
 Art work is impeccable and shows no evidence of
smudge marks, rips, tears or fold.
 All objects are placed in correct space. Negative
and positive space is balance.
 Till life objects are in excellent proportion with real
Design/Compositio  Student applies design principles (such as unity, 30
n contrast, balance, movement, direction, emphasis,
and center of interest) with great skills.
 Art work reflects a high level of originality.
Elements of artistic  Interpretation and the clarity of the topic to the 30
expression viewer.
 Creativity and originality of the depicted topic.
 Quality of artistic composition and over all design
based on the topic.
Time and Effort  Every minute of time was used wisely. 10
 Much time and effort went into the planning and
design of the painting on canvas.

Prepared by : MISAEL B. VIRAY

Subject Teacher
Instructions/Mechanics (Digital Arts)

1. The output must be created digital art image as (Select one or two)
a. Graphic poster
b. Web comic
c. Fractal/algorithmic art
d. Data-moshing
e. Dynamic painting
f. Photo-painting
g. Manual vector drawing
h. Integrated art/ mixed media and hybrid painting.
2. Output should be 1080 X 1920 pixels, at least 300 dpi and in JPEG format.
3. The output must reflect to the topic ("Advocate Santiago City's Arts and Culture Amid Covid-19.)
4. Tarpaulin size (TRICYLE SIZE TARP) to be printed. (Search the actual size)
5. Captions relevant to the topic must be included in the output that will be posted on the PAGE.
6. Good Luck!

Rubrics for Scoring

Content Description Score

Composition and  Strong use of art elements and principles of design 40
Creativity are evident. Well balanced design
 Impressive and pleasing at first glance.
 Original design; exceptional expression of
idea/thoughts, excellent rendering.
 Immaculate and precise presentation
Color and tools use  Colors work well together, reinforcing a color 40
 Background color enhances image and text
design. Colors strongly support readability.
 Students know which tools use to create ARTS or
desired elements and effects. Uses tools
effectively and independently.
Documentation and  Art document are submitted in requested file 20
Presentation format.
 Captions must clearly and completely explain the
digital art piece.

Prepared by : MISAEL B. VIRAY

Subject Teacher
Good LUCK sections.


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