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Gentral Rate Contract 147 (BL: Supply of Drugs Dressings

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(VALID FROM 14th October,2021to 31"t October, 20231








(VALID FROM 14th October,20Zl to 31st

October, ZO2gl

ES|C RC 147{8)



Sno. Contents Page

1 Fonararding letter along with terms & t-x

conditions for operation of Rate Gontract
No. 142 (C).

2. List of Approved Pharmaceutical firms. 1

3 Address with I E of the 1-3

Eligible firms

4 lndex 1

5. Rate Schedule 14

tD 1 -?{t?1

v'ffi rrq dtfl frrrq {WT{C/ HEADQUARTERS'

,i+4c !qc, *onffi qrf. r{ Rd - r ro ooz
trq qti fuim {zroq, r{R? gr6rg
EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE P.Echd..t, BhrFsa,C.I.G. Urtg,IYee Delhl-1 10002
CORPORATION www esrc.nrc rn, 801 1-23234334,8 dmc-rcaesrc.nrc.tn
(Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of

No.U-25ltzlLa2C-L RC Da r 2021
-t t-t
The Director General,
E.S.I. Corporation,
Panchdeep Bhawan,
c.I.G Road,
NEW DELHI . 110 OO2.
Director (Medical)
Medical Superi
Director, ESI


FROM 14.10.2021 TO 31.10.2023 .
Sir / Madam,

Please find for

supply of drugs and

validity of this i.e. w.e.f.

14.10.2021 to 31.10.20 23

Further, the following terms operation of the Rate


1. Immediately on receipt of this communication, the Chlef Direct Demanding Officers

(Director/Addl. Di I Officer/Director
(Medical) Delhi & Noida shal and the officers who
have been designated as ration of this
Rate Contract on his beha toa the Rate Contract ers. The Rate Contract holders
would entertain the supply orders & related correspondences from the officers working as
DDOs only after the receipt of such communication from the Chief DDOS.

2. Supply orders will be placed by Heads of ESI Scheme of various States/ Deans/ Medical
Superintendents, ESIC Model Hospitals, who for the purpose of this Rate Contract, shall be
deslgnated as Chief Direct Demanding Officer and will exercise the powers of Director
General, ESI Corporation in all matters connected with the execution of supplies and / or
wherever specifically provided in the terms & conditions of the Rate Contract. The Chief
Direct Demanding Officer can also designate any of his subordinate officer as Direct
Demanding Officer (DDO) to operate this Rate Contract.

3. All the supply orders shall be signed only by the officers who have been duly authorised
and included in the list of DDOs. DDOs will *nd g44gl
coPy of Urc Purchase
order through email followed by speed Post directly to the firm.

4. The Chief DDOs may bring to the notice of the undersigned the discrepancies (especially in
rate, packing, composition of the drug) if any observed by them.

5. The Chief DDOs shall monitor the performance of the Rate Contract holding firms in regard
to their execution of supply orders in time. He shall send a consolidated quarterly non-
supply report along with the comments and details as under: -

R.C. Item No, & Name of S.O. No. Qty. not Risk Payment Remarks
No. Name of flrm with supplied Purchase/ if
Drug Date penalty pending
1 2. 3 4. 5 6. 8

6. The applicability of GST may affect to some extent the rates finally approved under this
Rate Contract and in such cases, orders may be placed to the firm at the lowest rates.
while taking this step, the benefit of concession in rate of GST available under GsT Act or
the rules framed there under will be taken into account'

7. It will be ensured before placing order by the Director Demanding Officer that necessary
funds are available and payment of bills should be arranged expediuously within 4-6 weeks
time of the execution of the orders by the Rate Contract Holder and there should not be
unnecessary delay in the payment of their bills.

8. Supply orders will be placed from time to time during the currency of the contract in which
the exact quantities required on each occasion together with the date of delivery shall be
specified by the Direct Demanding Officers.

9. No guarantee can be givenias to the rninirnrim quantiry Whith will be drawn against this
contiact but the pharmaceutical firm will supply quantiry as may be ordered by the Direct
Demanding Officers during the currency of the contract

10. supply orders against the contract will be accepted as long as these reach the
Phaimaceutical firm on or before last date of the currency of the contract' Supply orders
recelved during the closing days should be complied within due course, in accordance with
the contract iieven though in some cases owing to contract having expired, supplies are
to be complied with even after the expiry of the last date of the contract.

11. Notwithstanding any omission or shortcoming in the supply order it is incumbent upon the
Pharmaceutical firm to supply the item as per the specifications of the relevant rate


12.The purchaser will not pay separately for transit insurance and the contractor will be
responsible for delivery of items covered by the supply order in good condition at the
specified destination and for this purpose freight, insurance, Octroi etc, if any, will have to
be borne by the supplierrThe consignee'will, .as soon..a5 possibler-qutroblateithan 30
days of the date oftrriVal.of, stores at degtination, notify !h-e:contri:@r oliny loss or
damage to the stores,Jhat,mai have.occrlrred during the transit. -. r'. i,.

13. During transit pharmaceutical firm should maintain the recommended

temperature of the drug (wherever erwise if on checking it is
found that temperature has not inst the said order



16. Marking:

nomenclature and shall be

drug must
under the Legbl 2009 and

17. Packing:
a) It should be ensured that all labels of cartons, ampoules, vials, bottles, jars,
tubes, tins, containers etc; have "For ESI supply, Not to be sold"
imprinted/rubber stamping'iUiBt indeliblir. ink clearly. Any consignment
wathout such stamping will not be cons valid and wi ll be rejected.

b) Loose supplies/damaged packing/tempered or damaged labeled supplies shall not be

accepted under any circums(3n'qgs:.' .1-
c) Supplies to be made in proper boxes,

d) Liquid orals to besupplied only in glass/ plastic bottles conforming to Drugs &
Cosmetics Act and rules made there under.

e) Large volume parenterals to be quoted and supplied only in plastic bottles / polypacks
conforming to Drugs & Cosmetics Act and rules made there under.

f) It should be ensured that only first use packaging materia! of uniform size
including Bottles and vials should be used for making supplies on the basis of ESI
Rate Contract.

g) All primary packing containers should be strictly conforming to the specifications

described/ mentioned in the relevant pharmacopoeia.

h) Packing should be able to prevent damage or deterioration during transit'

i) All containers i.@Wes,Etiryir Gartop4tup€$etc.4re r;puire$o{bgryuSd with

pilfer-proof seal*to e=nsurdgEnulnen*$f fhe produSs pi{ed qnd $effie$ess of
-bneoy-"labe|&tfrmseft wfl dEqElilFd.
the contents. M*?$EuE rioFbe+rrt6n

18. ti&lcrisd:
a) For Drugs having shelf life of Two years or less: As on the date of delivery,
Drugs should not be older than one fourth (1/4) of its shelf life from the date of

b) For Drugs having shelf life more than Two years: As on the date of delivery,
Drugs should not be older than one sixth (U6) of its shelf life from the date of

c) Imported Drugs: As on the date of delivery, Drugs should have a minimum

500/o of valid shelf life from the date of manufacture.
However, the consionee mav relax this criteria in case of exigencies with
reasons duly recorded and shall be resoonsible for use of that stores within
stores and usaoe oattern. The Consionee should ensure that there should

pharmacopoeia specification IPIBP/USP etc. should be clearly mentioned against each
drug/constituent of the formulation supplied as per the provisions of Drug and Cosmetics

''llio'lT5',i:"Jffi:'J:t&''ffi Iffi .'Hn1ry6i6."4.'6i";?[5.'3*$i

order. *f Q jd l_*1.1""pA3
21. It should be ensured that ISI code No. is indicated on the packing and at the time of
supplies, it must be ensured that the items supplied has ISI Mark as well as Code No.,
as is the statutory requirement of the Bureau of Indian Standards.

22. Testino of Druos - QualiW Control
a Approved Rate Contract Holder should submit a Test Report that particular
batch of medicines tested by the GovernmenV Government approved
Laboratories (as per list circulated from ESIC Hqrs/ Hospitals/ State Govt. from
time to time) along with each supply.

b. The Director General, ESI Corporation shall be at liberty to undertake regular

and random testing of the drugs supplied by the pharmace utical firm/ firm at
regular interval to maintain and ensure the quality of drugs.

c The Chief D.D.Os may get at least l0% of the drugs tested in the Government
Laboratory, or in any of the Govt. Approved laboratories. Instructions issued in
this regard from Hqrs. Offlce time to time may please be adhered to.

d. Details of the items found not of standard quality should be brought to the
notice of the undersigned along with the test reports immediately. All such test
reports should necessarily come through Chief D.D.Os only. A copy of the test
report should be sent immediately to.the firm, the concerned Drug controllers,
and respective Central Drug Control. authorities for necessary action.

The repod of the Gow./Govt. approved laboratory shall be accepted by the

pharmaceutical firm. In case the same is disputed by the pharmaceutical flrm
the report of the Appellate Laboratory only will be accepted as final'
However the same should be submitted within three months, from the date of
communication of the disputed test report to the pharmaceutical firm. For this,
the pharmaceutical firm should approach the concerned Drug Control
Authorities for getting the drugs tested, as per procedure, from the Appellate
f. For imported druos for which testino faciliw is not available in India:-


at the time of supply

s. If any drugs supplied against this Rate Contract are found to be not of
standard quality on inspection by Competent Authority, the pharmaceutical firm
will be liable to replace the entire quantlty within 15 days otherwise risk
purchase will be charged from the Pharmaceutical firms.

h If the product is found to be 'not of standard quality', the cost of testing will be
recovered from the supplier.

If standard quality is not maintained in two batches in two years

duration of the rate contract, the drug of the that company wil! be
blacklisted and debarred from running in ESIC rate contract for a
period of three Years,
23. The classification of defects into different categories is as Der the
ouidelines issued bv the Druo Controller of India & action will be taken
bv ESIC for each cateoory of defects, described as under:-

A. CATEGORY'A'DEFECT (Spurious / Adulterated Drugs)-

If any item / Batch of the item declared Not of Standard quality (NSQ) under
Category A .
. Recall of the NSQ item immediately from all ESIC/ ESIS User Units. Recoveries to
be initiated by the DDo's wherever payment had been made already'
. Fofeiture of Performance Security from the respective DGESIC Rate Contract for all
the quoted drugs.
. Debarring of the Rate Contiact holder / Pharmaceutical firm from cilirent and all
future DGESIC Rate Contract for a period of five (5) years.
. Rate Contract Holder/ Pharmaceutical firm will be liable to pay damages/
compensation (if any) to indivjduaf individuals arising due to consumption of item
declared NSQ and in case oi any adverse ibaction reported in the Hospital during
administration of the drug.

B. CATEGORY'B' DEFECT (Grossly Substandard Drugs)

I. If single item/ Batch of item is declared NSQ under Category B

. Recall of the NSQ item immediately from all ESIC/ ESIS User Units' Recoveries
to be initiated by the DDO's wherever payment had been made already.
. Forfeiture of Performance Security from the respective DGESIC Rate Contract
for that drug.
. Rate Contract Holder/ Pharmaceutical firm will be debarred for further supply of
the said NSQ item in the currenry of the Rate contract'
. Rate Contract Holder/ Pharmaceutical firm will be liable to pay damages/
compensation (if any) to individuay individuals arising due to consumption of
item declared NSQ and in case of any adverse reaction reported in the Hospital
during administration of the drugs'
II. If more than one item/ Batch of item belonging to any individual
pharmaceutical firm is declared NSQ under Category B within a year
. Recall of the NSQ item immediately from all ESIC/ ESIS User Units. Recoveries
to be initiated by the DDO's wherever payment had been made already.
. Forfeiture of Performance security from the respective DGESIC Rate Contract
for all the quoted drugs.
. Rate Contract Holder/ Pharmaceutical firm wlll be debarred for further supply of
the said NSQ item in the currency of the Rate contract.
. Debarring of Rate Contract Holder/ Pharmaceutical firm immediately from
current and all future DGESIC Rate Contracts for a period of three years.
. Rate Contract Holder/ Pharmaceutical flrm will be liable to pay damages/
compensation (if any) to individual/ individuals arising due to consumption of
item declared NSQ and in case of any adverse reaction reported in the Hospital
during administratlon of the drugs,

C CATEGORY' C' DEFECT (Minor Defects)

I. If single item/ Batch of item is declared NSQ under Category C

. Recall of the NSQ item immediately from all ESIC/ ESIS User Units. Recoveries
to be initiated by the DDO's wherever payment had been made already.
. Forfeiture of Peformance Security from the respective DGESIC Rate Contract
for that drug.
. Rate Contract Holder/ Pharmaceutical firm will be debarred for further supply of
the said NSQ item in the currency of the Rate contract.
. Rate Contract Holder/ Pharmaceutical firm will be liable to pay damages/
compensation (if any) to individual/ individuals arising due to consumption of
item declared NSQ and in case of any adverse reaction reported in the Hospltal
during administration of the drugs.
U. If more than one item/ Batch of item belonging to any individual
pharmaceutical firm as declared NSQ under Category C within a year
. Recall of the NSQ item immediately from all ESICi ESIS User Unlts. Recoveries
to be initiated by the DDO's wherever payment had been made already.
. Forfeiture of Performance Security from the respective DGESIC Rate Contract
for all the quoted drugs.
. Rate Contract Holder/ Pharmaceutical firm will be debarred for further supply of
the said NSQ item in the currency of the Rate contract.
. Debarring of Rate Contract Holder/ Pharmaceutical firm immediately from
current and all future DGESIC Rate Contracts for a period of three years
. Rate Contract Holder/ Pharmaceutical firm will be liable to pay damages/
compensation (if any) to individual/ individuals arising due to consumption of
item declared NSQ and in case of any adverse reaction repoted in the Hospital
during administration of the drugs.

24. Deliverv Period - Risk Purchase

a. Delivery period will be of six weeks from the date of issuing of the P,O. sent
by email and the Pharmaceutical firm shall execute the order within stipulated

b. If the pharmaceutical firm fails to execute the supply order within the
stipulated period of six weeks, a penalty of two (2) per cent of the value of
the order calculated at the contract rate per week or a part of a week will be
levied. The maximum penalty for late supply shall not exceed 100/o of the
total value of the order/orders. A pharmaceutical firm can seek extension of
the delivery period with the prior- consent,i:f the Director Demanding Officers,
if it is not in a pirsition to execute the'oider in time; Such eltension is
permissible for a maximum period of 5 weeks only but penalty will be levied.

c In case of failure to supply, the Corporation reserves the right to purchase
the stocks from other sources as risk purchase, i.e. purchase from any other
pharmaceutlcal firm or firms, in the rate contract or from outside the contract
at the discretion of the Direct Demanding Officer concerned at a competitive
rate or from local chemist.

That exfunsion of delivery oeriod annot be claimd as a malter of

riaht but will be at the discrction of anemed Officen

d, If the items/ drugs are not supplied by the schedule date (as indicated above
the.extended date) full or. in part, the order;in respect of the quantity-
or by'supplied
not is liable to be cancelled at the risk and expense of
pharmaceutical flrm. The extra expenditure involved in procuring supplies
trom elsewhere i.e. Local Purchase/ L2 firm/other running GoW. Contract etc',
in that case, will be recoverable from the pharmaceutical firm, in full at
discretion of Direct Demanding Officers, The recoveries thus due will be
deducted from any sum payabla by the Direct Demanding Officer or which at
any time thereafter may become payable under this contract or any other
contract placed with bidder by the Direct Demanding Offic9r9' He will be
deemed to be exercising the powers of Director General, ESI Corporation in
case any such contingincy arises. Apart from risk purchase action, the
bidder's ihe performante security deposit may be forfeited and shall invite
other penal action like debarring from participating in ESI Corporation Rate
Contract piesent and future for a period of not less than five years'

e. If the pharmaceutical firm fails to execute the supply order three

times it any location of ESIC / ESIS in any paft of the country
during the period of rate contract, it shall !e debarred fior the next
three- yea* with effect from the last failure and forfeiting of
Performance Security for that drug.

! G\
25. Quoting of Price f'
a The price must be quoted F,o.R Destinauon per unit as shown in the schedule
annexed and should be exclusive of GST Tax but inclusive of all other charges.

b GST, if extra, where legally leviable and intended to be claimed, should be

distinctly shown separately alongwith the price quoted. where this is not done,
no claim of GST will be admitted at any later ' stage and on any ground

26. Pavment

Payment for the supply will be made within 4 to 6 weeks (after receipt and
acceptance of the drugs/items) directly by the Direct Demanding Officers or
through nominees to whom bills are submitted. Notwithstanding any omission or
shortcoming in the supply order it is incumbent upon the pharmaceutical
firm/bidder to supply the items as per the specifications of the relevant rate
contract. No claim for the payment from contractor shall be entertained after the
lapse of three years of arising of the claim.

27. Any dues or paymenB that have arisen to the Corporation from the
pharmaceutical firm for which no specific time limit has been laid down in the
terms and conditions shall be payable by the pharmaceutical firm within such time
limit as may be prescribed in the letteryorders addressed to the pharmaceutical

28 Any payments that have been demanded as per the provisions of above
mentioned clause or under any other clause shall be payable within the time laid
down. On failure to do so: -

The pharmaceutical firm shall be liable to be debarred for supplying items/

drugs etc. to the Corporation for a period not exceeding three years.

. The Corporation reserves its right to take appropriate legal action against the
defaulting firms as may be legally advised, including claim for compensation
and damages for the period of delay and / or simple interest 10o/o per annum
for each day of default.

29. Rate Schedule along with list of item-wise finalized rates/ along with name of the
approved firms is enclosed. In regard to items where rates of more than one firm
have been approved, order should be placed to the firm at First Preference and
whose rates are the lowest. In case of non-supply by such firm, order shall be
placed to the flrm with the next higher approved rate invoking risk purchase.

30. No other document should be entertained for giving any cognizance for placing the
supply orders.

31. Acceptance letter issued to the flrms by this office cannot be used for placing
32. SCoGeM, under Ministry of Labour & employment has granted exemption to
operate DGSIC Rate Contract for"drugs and dressings as per Minutes of the
meeting vide Office lYemorandum no' 2-20025 12512017 - Adm II dated 29.01 2021'

33. Force Majeure:
If at any time during the applicability of Contract the bidder fails to discharge its
Obligation due to force majeure (natural disaster or act of God etc.) he will
promptly notifo the Director General or its representative about the happening of
such an event. The Director General or its representative is solely entitled to
terminate/ determine the order/contract in respect of such pefformance of the
bidder(s) obligations if he so desires. The obligations under the contract on behalf
of bidder for the contract shall be resumed as soon as practicable after the event
has come to an end or ceased to exist.

34 It shall be the sole responsibility of Dean/MS/ DIMS/ Head of

Institutions of respective field units to maintaan an optimum Inventory
level with strict control as per ABC-VED matrix and ensure the drug
formulary of the respective institution is followed in right earnest to
provide medical services to ESI beneficiaries.

35. Purchase order to backup RC 1478 is to be placed only after generating

GeM non availability report/ any other lelevant document from GeM
portal for non supply of respective items by CPSE's.

This issue with the approval of Competent Authority.

Yours faithfully,
Enc!.: As above. ,/"-^^y-
Dy. Medical Commissioner(RC)

Copy to:

1 All Chief Direct Demanding Officers (In-Charge) of ESI Scheme of all States/UT's for
information and with the request to circulate this letter along with enclosures among
all DDOs under their control for necessary compliance. They are also requested to
send the list of DDOs to the firms approved in the Rate Contract.
2 PPS/PS to Director General for information of Director General'
3 PPS/PS to Financial Commissioner for information'
4 PPS/PS to Medical Commissioner(Procurement/ Medical Services/ l"ledical Education /
Medical Administration) for information.

?n') 'A'-.*
5 Accounts Branch - V (Hqrs. Office)
,t. rrl
) , Dy. Medical Commissioner (RC)

Approved Vendor List 1478

SNo. Name of the Firm




E)l1 a
ics India Limited
nL rellI I
5 Revat Laboratories h^. Ltd.

6 Sai Parenterals
7 Themis Limited


I rIt.i


Page 1 of 1
Vendor Name Term 1 Delivery within 6(six) weeks (of the actual date
GALPHA I.,ABORATORIES of dispatch) of supply order on FOR Destination

E-221,KANAKI,A ZILUON JUNCTION Term 2 GST as applicable will be extra except for items
OF LBS&CST ROAD,BKC where no tax has been approved.
Term 3 If at any time documents submitted/
Mobile/ Tel No: 77-188!31-68 / information given by the firm in the tender is
022 - 2654 4999 / 3040 09,99 found to be false/ erroneous, the award will be
Fax No (ifany): 022-26544900 I Term 4 Supply to be made directly.

3040 0900
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Vendor Name Term 1 the actual date


A-105/2, Okhla I Term 2 be.extra exce pt for items

Phase-II, New r aoDroved,
Term 3 submitted/
Mobile/ Tel t{o: the tender is
0tt-40717777 award will be

Fax No (if any): 91-1 Term 4 Cirecty.

Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Vendor Name Term 1 Delivery withln 5(six) weeks (of the actual date
MrcRor{ PHART,TAGEUTZ 9f1FryfrQ oqrppl8order on FoR Destination

Plot no 2117 A-2 Phase III GIDC

0 lL-
Term 2
4- \J
! , F n
d.* J
GST as applicable will be extra except for items
Vapi 396 1953 where no tax has been aDoroved,
Term 3 If at any time documents submitted/
Mobale/ Tel No: 9924170750 / information given by the firm in the tender is
0260 240s4001 0s106107 found to be false/ erroneous, the award will be
Fax No (if any): 0260 2405419 Term 4 Supply to be made directly.
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

Page 1of 3
Vendor Name Term 1 Delivery within 6(six) weeks (of the actual date
PSYCHOTROPICS INDIA of dispatch) of supply order on FOR Destination

Plot No. 17, Sector 20 & Term 2 GST as applicable will b€ extra except for items
Faridabad-1210013 where no tax has been approved.
Term 3 If atany time documents submitted/
Mobile/ Tel No: 9812069251 / information given by the firm in the tender is

Fax No (if any): 0129-2296764

Df Joun$o beJalSAErr$Tu? tle award will be
cancElhd. y'? :' i I
Term 4 Supply to be made direcUy.
-E i
Email: kapoorsatishT2@yah;o.com

Vendor Name Term 1 (of the actual date


8-2-700, Srida An Term 2 for items

No.12, Banj ara Hil
500 0343
Term 3 If at any rents submitted/
Mobile/ Tel No n in the tender is
040-23097936 the award will be

Fax No (if any): 0091-040- Term 4 Supply to be made direcUy.

Email: [email protected] F

Vendor Name Term 1 Delivery within 6(six) weeks (of the actual date
SAI PARENTERALS PvT LTD of dispatch) of supply order on FOR Destination

8-2-700, Srida Anushka Pride , Road u Tersr z G.Sf,- as"aQPliQleJAtiU be extra exc€pt for items
rth -l
No.12, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad -:r
500 0343 T
a .{ }
Term 3 If at any time documents submitted/
Mobile/ Tel No: 9885021555 / information given by the firm in the tender is
040-23097936 found to be false/ erroneous, the award will be
Fax No (if any): 0091-040- Term 4 Supply to be made direcuy.
Emai I r mllarpolclteEls@sIrail
[email protected]

Page 2 of 3
Vendor Name Term 1 Delivery within 6(six) week (of the actual date
THEMIS MEDICARE TIMITED of dispatch) of supply order on FOR Destination

lU L2,Udyq Nagar,S.V. Road, Term 2 GST as applicable will be extra except for items
Goregaon(W),Mumbai-400 1043 where no tax has been approved,
Term 3 If at any time documents submifted/
!.to!!t9{ l_el_!9: eo72esrg(i /: information given by the firm in the tender is
9r-22-67@7080 tt--e.!a L ;t .*=
Fax No (if any) 1g13"*
*'i ; -""
I= * RT
Term 4
found to be false/ erroneous, the award will be
Supply to be made directly.
Email: [email protected]

Vendor Name 1 (of the actual date

Zim Laboratories FOR Destination

B-7U22, l'41Dc Area, Kalmeshwar- Term 2 GS pt for items

441501 Dist. Nagpur3 wher€
Term 3 If at any submitted/
Mobile/ Tel information given tender is
07718-2714701 found to be false/ will be
Fax No (if any): Term 4 Supply to be made direcdy.
Email: admino
[email protected]
[email protected]


Page 3 of 3
INDEX 1478

SNo Item Item Description Page no

Pentazocine Inj-
1 86 Each ml to contain: Pantazocine (as lactate) 30mg 1
Cotrimoxazole Tab/Cap-
Each Tab/Cap to contain: Trimethoprim 80m9.
2 774 Sulphamethoxazole 400m9 1
Norfloxacin Tab/Cap-
3 776 Each T;b/Gp .to contain: Norfloxacin 400mS ... *1
done Susp-
to co ntein: pomperi done 1 mg (pack size offered
4 1014 n 15ml to 30 ml bottle) 1
Amikacin Inj-
5 1189 Each 2ml to contain: Amikacin 500mq ( as Amikacin sulphate) 2
Vitamin B Comlex, Vitqmin C and Zinc TablQp-
Each Tab/Cap to contain:.Zinc Sulphate Mcii'iOhydrate 61.8m9
(eqv to Elemental Zinc 22,5m9), Ascorbic Acid (as coated)
150m9, Nimtinamide 50m9, Thiamine Mononitrate 10m9,
Riboflavin 10m9, Calcium Pantothenate 10m9, Pyridoxine
6 1995 HCL 3mg, Folic Acid 1.5m9, Cyanocobalamin 10mcg 2

) 100000 IU in
per gm) (pack
7 2003 I bottle) 2
Ceftriaxone Inj-
Each vial to contain: Ceft riaxone Sod. Eqv to Anhydrous
8 1185a Ceftriaxone 500m9 3
Amikacin Inj-
Each 2ml to contain i Amikacin 250mg ( as Amikacin
9 1189b Sulphate) 3
Ampicillin Tab/Cap-
Each Tab/Cap to contain: Ampicillin Trihydrate eqv.to
10 160b Ampicillin 500mq 3
Sparfloiacin Tab/Qp: -, r.
11 304a Each Tab/Gp to contain: Sparfloxa cin 100 mg. 4
Sparfloxacin Tab/Cap-
72 304b Each Tab/Gp to contain: Sparfloxacin 200 mg. 4


Page 1 of 1
Employes' State Insurance Corporation
Rate Schedule of Running Rate Contract No. U-25/121142C-L46C|zOLg-Med V FOR RC t47B
Valid from Thursday, October L4th 2O2L to Tuesday, October 31st 2023
ftem No Drug Description Packing

Firm Name Firm Rate/ Preference Dexription of stores ac@pted

unit Packinq

86 Pentazocine Inj- 1ml Amp

Each ml to contain: Pantazocine (as lactate) 30mg

Themis Medicare 18.90 Per 1ml FIRST TAZOWIN

Limited 1ml Amp Amp SAME AS IN ITEM
Rupees Eighten AIYD Paise Nine Zeru Only

t74 Cotrimoxazole Tab/Cap- l Tab/Cap

Each Tab/Cap to contain: Trimethoprim 80m9.
Sulphamethoxazole 400m9
Micron 0.75 Per 10 Tabs FIRST SAME AS IN ITEM
Pharmaceuticals l Tab/Cap

Rupees Nil AND Paise Seven Six Only,

L76 Norfloxacin Tab/Cap- l Tab/Cap

Each Tab/Cap to contain: Norfloxacin 400m9

[ark Laboratories 1.71 Per 10 Tabs FIRST SAME AS IN ITEM

(India) ttd. l Tab/Cap

Rupees One AND Pai*Seven One Only

1014 Domperidone Susp- 15ml to 30ml bottle

Each ml to contain: Domperidone 1mg

Revat Laboratories 0.21 Per 30ml FIRST SAME AS IN ITEM

Pl^. ttd. 1ml Bottle
Rupe* Nil AND Paise Two One Only,

Page 1of 4
Employecs' SbE fnsunn@ Corporation
Rate Schedule of Running Rate Contract No. U-25/12l142C-L46Cl2Ol9-Med V FOR RC 1478
Valid from Thursday, October 14th 2021 to Tuesday, October 31't 2023
ftem No Drug Description Packing

Firm Name Firm Rate/ Prcfercnce De*ription of stotes acephd

unit Packing

1189 Amikacin Inj- 2ml ViaUAmp

Each 2ml to contain:
Amikacin 500m9 ( as Amikacin sulphate)
Sai Parente6ls PYt. 17.90 Per l ViaI FIRST SAME AS IN ITEM
ttd. 2ml ViaUAmp

Rupees *venten AND Paise Nine Zero Only

Psychotropics India 20.98 Per l Vial SECOND MIKAPIL

Limited 2ml Vial/Amp SAME AS IN ITEM

RupesTwenty AND Paise Nine Eight Only

1995 Vitamin B Comlex, Vitamin C and Zinc Tab/Cap- l Tab/Gp

Each Tab/Cap to contain: Zinc Sulphate
Monohydrate 61.8m9 (eqv to Elemental Zinc
22.5m9), Ascorbic Acid (as coated) 150m9/
Nicotinamide 50m9, Thiamine Mononitrate 10m9,
Riboflavin 10m9, Calcium Pantothenate 10m9,
Pyridoxine HCL 3mg, Folic Acid 1.5m9,
Cvanocobalamin 10mcq
Zim La boratorier 2.27 Per 10 CapFIRST BECOZIM FORTE
Limited l Tab/Cap SAME AS IN ITEM

Rupees TWo AIVD Pai* Two *ven Only

2003 Vitamin A Soln- 30ml to 50ml Bottle

Each ml to contain: Vitamin A (as Palmitate)
100000 IU In Arachis oil (equivalent to about
1,09,500 IU per gm)
Revat La boratories 0.96 Per 50ml FIRST Vitamin A
Pt t. ttd. 1ml Bottle SAME AS IN ITE]",.

Rupees Nil AND Paise Nine Six Only

PaBe 2 of 4
Employees' SbE fnsuran@ Corpration
Rate Schedule of Running Rate contract No. u-25/121142c-L46cl2o!9-Med v FoR Rc 1478
Valid from Thursday, October L4rh 2021to Tuesday, October 31st 2023
ftem No Drug Description Packing

Firm Name Firm Rate/ Firm Prefercnce De*ription of stores a@phd

unit Packing

1185a Ceftriaxone Inj- 1 Vial

Each vial to contain:
Ceftriaxone Sod. Eqv to Anhydrous Ceftriaxone
Sai Parenterals hrt. 9,50 Per l ViaI FIRST SAME AS IN ITEM t'
Ltd. l Vial

Rupees lline AND Paise Five Zeto Only

Galpha 10.60 Per l vial SECOND ODICEF 500
Laboratories I Vial SAME AS IN ITEM

Rupees Ten AND Paise Six Zerc Only

Psychotropics India 15.94 Per T ViaI THIRD MONOPIL

Limited l Vial SAME AS IN ITEM

Rupees Fifteen AND Paise Nine Four Only

1189b Amikacin Inj- 2ml Vial/Amp

Each 2ml to contain:
Amikacin 250m9 ( as Amikacin Sulphate)
Sai Parenterals hrt. 10.90 Per l Vial FIRST SAMEAS IN ITEM
Ltd. 2ml Vial/Amp

R Ten AND Paise Nine Zero

160b Ampicillin Tab/Cap- l Tab/Cap
Each Tab/Cap to contain: Ampicillin Trihydrate
eqv.to Ampicillin 500m9
Lark Laboratories 2.41 Per 10 Caps FIRST SAME AS IN ITEM
(India) Ltd. l Tab/Cap

Rupes Two AIYD Paise Four One Only

Page 3 of4
Employes' SbE fnsurance Corporation
R.ate Schedule of Running Rate Contract No. U-25l12/142C-L46C|2OLg-Med V FOR RC 1478
Valid from Thursday, October 14th 2021 to Tuesday, October 31't 2023
ftem No Drug Description Packing

Firm llame Firm Rate/ Preference De*ription of stores a@phd

unit Packing

304a Sparfoxacin Tab/Cap- 1 Tab/Cap

Each Tab/Cap to contain: Sparfloxacin 100 mg.

Micron 4.95 Per 10 Tabs FIRST SAME AS IN ITEM

Pharmaceuticals l Tab/Cap A 7,

Rupees Four AIVD

Pai* Mne Five Only
304b Sparfloxacin Tab/Cap- l Tab/Cap
Each Tab/Cap to contain: Sparfloxacin 200 mg.

Micron 8.10 Per 10 Tabs FIRST SAME AS IN ITEM

Pharmaceuticals l Tab/Cap

Ru$es Eight AND Pai* One Zeto Only


PaSe 4 of 4

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