STREPTOCOCCI: Important Diagnostic Criterion…….C carbohydrate
Streptococci Lancefield Group Typical Hemolysis Diagnostic Features
S. pyogenes A Beta Bacitracin-sensitive
S. agaclactiae B Beta Bacitracin-resistant,
Hippurate hydrolyzed
S. faecalis/ D Variants (Alpha, Beta, Growth in 6.5% NaCl
Enterococcus faecalis None) Grow on bile-esculin
S. bovis/ Non D Variants (Alpha, Beta, No growth in 6.5%
Enterococci Groups None) NaCl
Grow on bile-esculin
S. pneumoniae None Alpha Bile – soluble
Inhibited by Optochin
Viridans Group S. None Alpha Not bile – soluble
Not inhibited by
Group A Streptococci produce the 8 important enzymes and toxins:
1. Streptokinase (Fibrinolysin) ⮚ Activates plasminogen to form
plasmin, which dissolves fibrin clots,
thrombi, and emboli
2. DNase (Streptodornase) ⮚ Depolymerizes DNA in exudates or
necrotic tissue
3. Hyaluronidase ⮚ Degrades hyaluronic acid
⮚ Also known as a Spreading Factor
⮚ It facilitates the rapid spread of Group
A in skin infection 🡪 Cellulitis
4. Erythrogenic Toxin ⮚ Cause rash of Scarlet fever 🡪 (+)Dick
test 🡪 (-) antitoxin
5. Streptolysin O ⮚ A hemolysin that inactivated by
oxidation (oxygen-labile)
⮚ It causes beta-hemolysis only when
colonies grow under the surface of a
blood agar plate
⮚ It is antigenic and the antibody to it
(ASO) develops after group A
⮚ The titer of ASO antibody can be
important in the diagnosis of
rheumatic fever
6. Streptolysin S ⮚ Is a hemolysin that is not inactivated
by oxygen (oxygen-stable)
⮚ It is not antigenic but is responsible
for beta-hemolysis
7. Pyrogenic Exotoxin ⮚ Is a toxin similar to staphylococcal
toxic shock syndrome toxin (TSST)
⮚ It is a superantigen that causes the
release of large amounts of cytokines
from helper T cells and macrophages.
8. Exotoxin B ⮚ Is a protease that rapidly destroys
tissue, and is produced in large
amounts that cause Necrotizing
Enterococcus faecalis
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Neisseria meningitidis Neisseria gonorrheae
Diseases 1. Meningitis 1. Gonorrhea
2. Meningococcemia 🡪 2. Purulent/neonatal
Waterhouse conjunctivitis/Ophthalmia
Friderichsen neonatorum
Syndrome 3. PID Pelvic Inflammatory
Transmission Airborne droplets 1. Sexually
2. During birth
Colonization nasopharynx Urethra/eyes
Virulent factor
⮚ Prominent Present Absent
Serologic groups 13 serotypes Many serotypes
❖ Based on the ❖ Based on the antigenicity
antigenicity of their of its pilus protein
❖ (+) Antigenic
Endotoxin in the outer Presence Presence
membrane ❖ Lipopolysaccharide ❖ Lipooligosaccharide LOS
Lipid A Presence Presence
Ig A Protease Presence Presence
Oxidase (+) (+)
Sugar Fermentation
⮚ Maltose (+) (-)
⮚ Glucose (+) (+)
Silver nitrate
Streptococcus agalactiae
N. meningitidis - <2mos