Descriptosaurus - Myths & Legends

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The book aims to help children improve their creative and technical writing skills through developing descriptive language within the context of myths and legends.

The book 'Descriptosaurus: Myths & Legends' builds on vocabulary and descriptive phrases to promote colourful, cinematic writing and helps children experiment with heroes, gods and supernatural beings to create legendary stories.

The book includes planning sheets for the hero, creature, object, setting and ways to build suspense with elements like wind, storms, rain etc.


Myths & Legends

Descriptosaurus: Myths & Legends builds on the vocabulary and descriptive

phrases introduced in the original bestselling Descriptosaurus and, within the
context of myths and legends, develops the structure and use of the words and
phrases to promote colourful cinematic writing. This essential guide will enable
children to take their writing to the next level, combine their descriptions of
setting and character and show how the two interact. Children can then
experiment with heroes, gods and supernatural beings to create a legendary story.
This new system also provides a contextualised alternative to grammar
textbooks and will assist children in acquiring, understanding and applying the
grammar they will need to improve their writing, both creative and technical.

Alison Wilcox has extensive teaching experience in schools in England and

Scotland. Colleagues describe her methods as ‘innovative and inspirational to
even the most reluctant of writers’.
Myths & Legends

Alison Wilcox
First published 2016
by Routledge
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© 2016 Alison Wilcox

The right of Alison Wilcox to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance
with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging in
Publication Data
Names: Wilcox, Alison, author.
Title: Descriptosaurus : myths and legends / Alison Wilcox.
Description: New York, NY : Routledge, 2016.
Identifiers: LCCN 2015031446| ISBN 9781138858701 (hbk.) |
ISBN 9781138858718 (pbk.) | ISBN 9781315717746 (ebk.)
Subjects: LCSH: Creative writing (Elementary education) |
Description (Rhetoric)—Study and teaching (Elementary) |
Vocabulary—Study and teaching (Elementary)
Classification: LCC LB1576 .W48759 2016 | DDC 372.62/3—dc23
LC record available at

ISBN: 978-1-13885870-1 (hbk)

ISBN: 978-1-13885871-8 (pbk)
ISBN: 978-1-31571774-6 (ebk) Typeset in Myriad Pro
by Keystroke, Station Road, Codsall, Wolverhampton

Key elements

Part 1: The setting

1 Hooks to build interest and tension

Warning of danger to come
The ticking clock
A decision/plan
Too close for comfort
Don’t do it!

2 Objects


3 The journey

4 Mountains

5 Forests


6 Caves


7 Ruined cities


8 Castles


Part 2: Atmosphere and suspense

9 Storms

Part 3: Creatures
10 Parts, size and shape

Type and body parts


11 Head

12 Eyes

13 Arms and legs

Arms and hands

Legs and feet

14 Wings and tails


15 Smell and sound


16 Habitat

17 Movement

18 Weapons/attack

19 Interaction with and reaction to the creature


20 Defeating the creature


Planning a myth or legend

Plot planning sheet
Hero planning sheet
Creature planning sheet
Object planning sheet
The setting – S/C-I-R sheet
The creature – S/C-I-R sheet
Suspense: wind/sky – S/C-I-R sheet
Suspense: storms – S/C-I-R sheet
Suspense: rain – S/C-I-R sheet
Suspense: waves and currents – S/C-I-R sheet
Suspense: sounds, smells, touch – S/C-I-R sheet

My name might be on the front cover, but to complete this book took the help
and support of a great many people. Without the unerring belief and support of
my family and friends, I might never have reached the finishing line. Thanks to
Andrew, Robert and Kitty for their patience and understanding; to my loyal black
labradors, Alfie and Monty; to my wonderful parents, Ann and John, and to my
friends, Gail and Jinny.
Bruce Roberts at Routledge has been the mastermind behind the
Descriptosaurus series, and as always, I owe him an immense gratitude for his
wise words, guidance and support. Sarah Richardson’s efforts have been tireless
and I am extremely grateful for her input and support.
Maggie Lindsey-Jones and her team at Keystroke have been exceptional.
The work of the National Literacy Trust is absolutely essential in helping to
raise standards in literacy and their involvement was vital in creating the
momentum to get the project started.
To Katie and Tom. I hope you enjoy reading about your adventures!

When I first decided to write Descriptosaurus it was because my experience of

teaching creative writing to children had revealed that many had great
imaginations and lots of ideas, but did not have the descriptive vocabulary to
communicate these effectively. This was partly due to a lack of reading or a
passive involvement with a text so that the techniques and vocabulary were not
absorbed. I have been delighted with the response to the original work and have
seen many fabulous examples of descriptive writing.
After writing Descriptosaurus, I returned to the classroom to conduct further
research on different ways to use the resource. It became evident that one of the
weaknesses in children’s texts was the way they connected their writing. Often
the pace of their writing was dramatically slowed by lengthy, unnecessary detail
because they didn’t have the vocabulary to move the story on to another scene. I
also found that displaying the text on the whiteboard and modelling the process
was extremely effective. This was why the second edition included a CD and a
section on connectives and adverbs.
National Literacy Trust – Descriptive
Writing Competition

In 2013, I collaborated with the National Literacy Trust on a descriptive writing

competition. I was astounded by the response and the quality of the entries. I
think that too much attention is given to the apparent decreasing standards in
schools, particularly in literacy, and not enough media attention given to the
outstanding young writers and teachers in our classrooms today. The work and
support of the National Literacy Trust are vital in maintaining and improving
these standards.
Why Write Descriptosaurus: Myths &

As part of the process, the National Literacy Trust analysed the genres children
chose in their descriptive pieces. It is important that children are given the
opportunity to develop their interests and passions. To ensure that children are
engaged and enthused with creative writing, it is vital that they are, where
possible, given a choice. The four genres that stood out as by far the most popular
were: ghost stories; adventure; fantasy; and myths and legends, which is why we
have decided to concentrate on these four areas.
The original research and model for Descriptosaurus arose as a result of
teaching a unit on myths and legends. There was a wealth of resources to spark
the pupils’ creativity, and the texts were a treasure trove of excellent descriptive
vocabulary and the use of figurative language. As the pupils’ knowledge of the
plots, themes, structures, characters and creatures became familiar, the ideas for
using the formula and stories to create their own myths and legends became
more and more imaginative. However, it soon became clear that when tackling
the written task, the pupils’ imaginations were being stifled by a lack of
descriptive vocabulary to transfer the images and scenes to paper. Giving the
pupils a wealth of vocabulary and descriptive tools to draw from, not only
improved the quality of their writing, but unleashed some formidable
S/C-I-R: Setting/Character, Interaction,

Often pupils’ action scenes are just a list of various actions, with no description of
the setting, other characters or emotions. I have seen excellent descriptions of
settings, but the character(s) does not move (interact) through the setting. They
are disjointed pieces of description. I have, therefore, been experimenting with a
new system, which I have called S/C-I-R, which has resulted in cinematic writing
of an exceptional standard.
The resulting work has described the setting, moved the character through the
setting, and described their reactions to what they see or the events in which they
are involved. A model of S/C-I-R is included at the beginning of each chapter.
Contextualised Grammar Learning

Another benefit of this system has been to provide a contextualised alternative to

the prescriptive, repetitive focus on textbook grammar in response to the
introduction of the SPAG tests. Taking a number of sentences or phrases for
setting, interaction and reaction, combining them into a descriptive paragraph of
a scene, and then experimenting with different ways of combining the sentences,
openers and length is a very engaging way of learning about grammar and its
impact on the flow, sense and expression. I have also noticed that the discussion
that results from this experimentation has a dramatic impact on the quality of
responses to comprehension tasks.
The exercise can be extended to changing tenses, including adverbs, or even
using it to write a scene for a playscript. These exercises can be done as extended
sessions, as part of the planning, or as warm-up exercises. They are also excellent
for modelled and collaborative learning. Different focuses can be used. For

Giving the class three sentences all starting with pronouns, and setting them
the challenge of using different ways to open their sentences.
Asking them to use the three sentences to produce a paragraph of five or
more sentences.
Blending the sentences, but changing them into the first person and present

Planning and Editing

The age-old problem of ineffective planning and cursory editing still remains. To
aid in this process, I have included a section in the Appendix on the structure and
planning of a myth and legend, breaking it down into manageable parts. A plot
planning sheet is also included in the Appendix, as is a planning sheet to collect
ideas about the hero’s special object. Developing a habit of using a planning sheet
to brainstorm ideas will, as we all know, greatly enhance the final piece of text.
Hopefully, the structure of the planning sheets will also aid in the structure of the
To help with the development of strong characterisation, I have also included a
planning sheet for a hero and a creature.
To combat cursory editing, planning sheets are provided for object, setting and
suspense. If phrases and sentences are collected for Setting, Interaction and
Reaction for each of the scenes, and the process of blending, altering, reducing,
practised in warm-up activities, is used, hopefully the editing will become more
focused and effective.

Myths and legends are already used in many schools as a focus for a lengthy unit,
which includes many and varied non-fiction tasks. Other ideas could include:

Instruction leaflets for encountering certain mythological creatures, for

example, a gorgon.
A ‘Wanted’ poster for Robin Hood.
Diary entries for events in the life of a ‘legend’ – for example, King Arthur.
A newspaper article about an event – for example, in the Trojan War.
A discursive piece on what qualities are required for a character to become a
legend; what achievements they would need to accomplish.
A travel brochure for a trip to an exotic location.
A government warning notice about travelling to a ‘dangerous location’
featured in one of the myths or legends.
An information booklet about the Greek or other gods.
A design for a new mythological object.
A sales advert for the auction on eBay of a mythological object – for
example, Thor’s hammer; Hades’ helmet; Hermes’ sandals; King Arthur’s

I have had so much fun writing this book, it has been hard to stay focused on the
brief, as I constantly found myself writing lengthy action scenes, which expanded
into short stories. I hope all those who use Descriptosaurus: Myths & Legends
enjoy using it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Alison Wilcox
Key elements

Myths are the oldest of all story forms and are to be found in many different
world cultures. They originate from a time when people relied on oral story-
telling to explain natural events, to answer questions about origins and creation,
about life and death, to teach important values and virtues, as well as to
entertain. Many have cultural importance, as they are a source of knowledge
about the way of life of ancient civilisations – their history, beliefs and values.
Legends are also a source of historical information about what people believed
and the way they lived, but unlike myths, although they are not entirely true,
they have a historical stimulus and are based on a real event, person or place. In
legends, the focus is on the adventure plot rather than the message.
There are many different types of myths, but hero myths are most like legends,
and this book is, therefore, based on hero myths. For example, in the tales from
ancient Greece, heroes had a central role – undertaking challenging quests and
embarking on dangerous voyages. As with legends, they illustrate the importance
of courage, with the hero battling against impossible odds, taking part in battles,
tackling terrible creatures. They remain very popular today, and many modern-
day fantasy stories have their roots in myths and legends – for example, the
popular Percy Jackson series.
Form of Entertainment

The success of myths and legends lies in their ability to educate, inform and
entertain. They provide a sense of excitement, action and suspense, by
transporting the reader into a new, exciting world where there are strange
creatures and supernatural powers.

The tales often include:

A brave, heroic character with special powers, for whom the reader can root
An exciting undertaking involving physical danger (quest)
A special object or person that enables the hero to accomplish impossible
challenges and quests
A journey to dangerous, exotic locations
A series of trials to overcome
Life or death stakes should the hero fail
A villain or creature to fight against
Many twists and turns
Fast pace, drama
Excitement and suspense
Rich, descriptive vocabulary
Action sequences – battles, fights, chase, capture
Last minute escapes and victory against all the odds.
A. The Hero/Heroine

A hero myth or legend needs a hero that the reader wants to follow, and who is
capable of accomplishing awe-inspiring feats. (For ease, I have referred to the
hero (he), rather than alternating between hero/heroine.) He should essentially be:

brave and clever and either have supernatural powers, or a special object,
talent or assistance that gives him enhanced powers or skills.

It is also important that the hero develops or changes in some way as a result of
his experiences.

Get to know your hero

Collect ideas of heroes from myths and legends you have read.
Decide on a name.
How old is he?
Think of details that could be used in your physical description, such as,
face, eyes, voice, clothes or armour that reflect their personality, or skills.
Add a description of any distinctive features.
Who are his family and close friends?
What are his main interests?
What is his special talent/strength?
What is he most afraid of? What is his weakness? (This could be really
important to the story, as you may want to make your hero face their worst
fear or overcome their weakness as one of the obstacles they have to
Does the hero or any of his family or friends have any secrets?
What has he got to gain by achieving the task, overcoming the challenge, or
to lose by failing to do so?

Descriptions of heroes are not included in this book as the periods in which the
myths or legends could be set range from ancient Greece and the Middle Ages to
the modern day and it would be impossible to provide specific, detailed
vocabulary and ideas in the limited space available.
B. The Villain

Opposites often occur in myths and legends, so if the hero is good and brave, he
needs a villain to fight who is the opposite. The villain can be (a) human, (b) a
creature, or (c) both, and is usually:

(a) selfish, greedy, power-crazy

(b) hideous, vicious.

As the villain could be a human or a creature, for ease, the term ‘villain’ (and
‘he’) has been used to refer to both.
It is possible that the enemy and hero share the same goal. It is their motive
that is different. The creature may be controlled by a villain or simply terrorising
an area, island, forest, mountain, cave, sea.

Get to know your villain/creature

Collect ideas of villains from myths or legends you have read.
Decide on a name(s).
Add a description of any distinctive features.
Where does he live? What type of place is it? Is it very secure, scary? Is it in
an isolated location? How is it protected?
Who are his allies?
Does he have a special talent/object/weapons?
Does he have any secrets/weaknesses? How can he be defeated or
What has he got to lose by the hero achieving the task?
What does he do to people who challenge him?
C. Quest, Challenge

The hero has a problem to solve. This could be:

(a) A challenge – surviving encounters with dangerous creatures.

(b) A journey – across a dangerous setting, for example, a sea, mountain,
forest, underground.
(c) A quest – usually to do with someone or something in danger and

Rescue: an object or person, e.g. a princess from a sea dragon; an

imprisoned king;
Recovery: e.g. a golden fleece, a crystal sword, Holy Grail;
Prevention: e.g. preventing any more children being sacrificed to a
monster; preventing an evil king from robbing the poor.

Make sure there is a good reason for making the journey or being in the
setting. The consequences of failure must be so severe that the reader is aware
that there is no going back and that the hero will have to face the many obstacles
and dangers along the way until he reaches the end.
D. A Dangerous Journey

The hero battles for survival:

against the elements, such as a storm on land, sea, hurricanes, floods, fire
and explosions, or hideous creatures, e.g. sea monsters that block his path
across the sea; a nine-headed serpent that inhabits a mountain cave; a fire-
breathing lion that prevents passage through a forest.
E. Sinister, Dangerous Setting

In faraway, exotic locations, such as desert islands; or

A forest, cave, ruined city, castle, mountain.

Setting in a myth or legend is where:

the action takes place;

the object or person being sought will be found;
the quest will be accomplished.

There may be a number of settings as the hero travels to his final destination,
overcoming obstacles and evading the main villain. In a myth or legend, the hero
has to overcome a number of obstacles, which may all occur in different settings
until he reaches his ultimate challenge.

Key points

1. Decide why the setting is important to the story

(a) What features are there that will help the hero?
(b) What barriers are there to entering or escaping from the setting?
(c) What obstacles are there to retrieving the object or person that has been

2. Think of words and phrases to help you build up the

2. Think of words and phrases to help you build up the
description of the setting
(a) Imagine you have a camera and move it around the location, then zoom in
to pick up extra details. Make notes of interesting settings from myths and
legends you have read.
(b) Make a note of important obstacles or items that will assist or impede the
hero’s victory.

3. Be descriptive
Use figurative language such as similes and metaphors. Some chapters have
ideas for similes and metaphors included in the word section.

4. Use senses to bring the setting to life for your reader

As well as sight, think about what your character can:

hear, smell, touch, taste

5. To increase the tension, create a storm

Storms add atmosphere and danger to the story, can be used to indicate a
supernatural or divine presence and are useful to introduce other senses, in
addition to sight, to add tension, such as sounds, touch and smells. For example:

As he touched the handle of the hammer, he felt the metal grow warm in his
hand and lightning sparked along its length. Above him, a hole opened in the
clouds – a swirling vortex of black and silver and an immense dazzling, guillotine
blade of lightning streaked across the sky and flooded the land. Around him, the
wind whirled up in strange clouds, flurrying and swirling, until it had grown to a
thing of force and fury, crashing and howling, darkening the air with billowing
clouds of dust.

Add detail and description to paint a picture in the reader’s mind. Giving a
setting an atmosphere is more than stating that, It was dark. For example, adding
more descriptive detail could give you:

The whole world suddenly seemed unnaturally dark, as if it had been drained of
all light before the onset of a terrible storm. She looked up to see a gigantic bank
of dark cloud that hadn’t been there moments before.

F. Suspense

Chapter 1: Hooks to build interest and tension includes a number of ideas and
sentences on how to create suspense and give a hint to the reader of the danger to
come, or that the danger is getting closer.

(a) Entering the danger zone – what’s lurking in the cave, at the top of the
mountain, behind the shattered pillars in the ruined city?
(b) Feeling of being followed/watched.
(c) Fear of discovery in a hiding place as footsteps/voices, hisses/growls get
closer; branches snap nearby.

(e) Use of punctuation to add suspense:

Include a sentence(s) that holds back essential information from the

reader until its ending.
Use colons, commas and repeated full stops to delay the revelation.


Entering the cave, he stopped dead in his tracks.

She heard the shuffle of footsteps, the scrape of metal. Silence. A shadow
loomed over her. She dropped to her knees. Silhouetted in the trees was…

(e) Build a sense of tension by:

Making frequent references to time (the ‘ticking clock’ effect):

Could he make it in time?

He searched desperately for a way out. Frantic now… time was running
The next few seconds unfolded in horrifying slow motion.
For fatal seconds, they stared, unable to think or move. And as they
faltered, the jaws of the trap closed around them.

Varying the length of the words, sentences and paragraphs to increase the
pace and tension:

Use short words, e.g. at once, rather than, immediately.

Place several short sentences consecutively: She ducked. He lunged.
Include one-or two-word sentences. For example: Oh no! or Coming
closer. Too close.
When the action is fastest use partial sentences, e.g. He had to get to his
sword. Had to reach the ledge. He staggered, stumbled, scrambled. Five
paces more. He lunged.
Use short paragraphs – some may be a single line.
Include lots of verbs to convey action and create a fast pace. Use
several verbs in a sentence.
G. Obstacles

Examples of obstacles the hero might have to face are:

Ground (muddy, icy, uneven)

Impenetrable forests, swamps, bogs
Sheer mountains, flooded caves, labyrinth of tunnels
Menacing, hideous creatures
Injuries sustained on the journey or inflicted by the villain.
H. Emotion

Show how the hero reacts to events, setting, villain, challenges, etc. The basic rule
is the same as in any other genre – ‘SHOW NOT TELL’.

(A) Reaction
Describing how a character reacts to events in the setting brings the scene to life
for the reader and enables them to empathise with the character’s situation and
to root for the hero. For example:
He was terrified as he heard her demonic cackle… she had returned.

This tells the reader that the character is terrified, but does not show how the
character reacts to the situation.
Instead describe:

How he is feeling inside using, for example, heart or pulse

Facial expressions

For example, the same situation could be expanded to describe the character’s
reaction to the demonic cackle.
An explosion of adrenalin surged through his body as he heard the demonic cackle… she had returned.
He searched the shadows between the trees. Scrambling to his feet, he began to move. He glanced back
and froze. She was right behind him.
The next few seconds unfolded in horrifying slow motion, as her black cloak spread, wings sprouted
from her shoulders and her nose stretched into a sharp beak. Flapping her wings, she flew into the trees
and circled above his head, transformed into a raven.

Note: The hero will experience many emotions during his adventure, but for
the purposes of this book, the reactions for each section have been limited to
mainly fear, anger and determination, as these are the common emotions
that you would expect the hero to feel whilst he is overcoming his
challenges and completing his quest.

(B) Interaction
To add a cinematic quality to your writing, it is essential that the action scenes
include a description of the character’s movements as he reacts to the events, to
the villain, and moves through the setting. The character may:

be frozen to the spot

move nervously, cautiously, furtively
duck behind a tree
move quickly – jump, spin, leap, whirl, dash, sprint
frantically look for a way of escape
move forward to defend himself.

Apart from enabling the reader to visualise the characters’ movements, their
interaction is a signpost to the reader of the degree of danger and the closeness of
the threat. For example:
She crouched on the ground. She was terrified of raising her head.

She darted and dodged around the pillars. Blundering and slipping on the gravel and stones, she ran for
the wall, pushed off the ground, lunged for the ledge and frantically scrabbled for a grip to pull herself
up. She had almost hauled herself over the top when her foot slipped and stones cascaded beneath her

Part 1
The setting
Hooks to build interest and tension

Note: Apart from aiding the flow of your writing, this chapter can also be
used to stimulate quick, brainstorming activities to get your creative juices
flowing by asking the questions – Why? How? When? Where? Who? What
happened? It is amazing how many stories can be created as a result of these
quick activities.

There was something strange about the hammer – she could feel it – sense
something, a presence.
He would remember this moment later. He would remember the excitement
about finding the spear. Then, everything was normal and he had been
unaware of the approaching danger.
From that moment on, peace had been a brief, fragile thing doomed to
shatter; the only question was when and where.
When he looked at the rippling reflection in the mirror, although he had no
idea what it meant, he could sense that it was a warning. Warning him to
get away while he still could.
He could sense the danger prickling down his spine. Every night since he
had found the orb, he had dreamed of being pursued, chased by a menacing
presence closing in around him, lurking in the background, but which he
could never see. He didn’t know how to put his unease into words as he
didn’t know what it was he feared.
She woke shivering with a sense of foreboding, a premonition of doom
hanging over her, as if her dreams foreshadowed terrible events to come.
Frantically, she checked her neck to make sure that the locket was still there.
Sometimes, she wished she could just forget what she knew. Forget the day
she had first learned about her powers.
He lay awake night after night, heart filled with dread; he knew he had to
make the most difficult decision of his life.
It was days later that he would remember that moment.
They were nervous days while she waited for him to return. She knew that
she had taken a step towards something sinister and there was no going
back. Not now.
As he saw the air shimmering around the stone, he knew that the time had
come, and he was terrified of what lay ahead.
Nowhere was safe any more.
He was shaken to the core by what he had just witnessed.
How different things would have been if she had never found the…
He shouldn’t have followed them, or listened to their conversation. That was
when everything started to go wrong. If he had known what would happen,
he would have run the other way.
Warning of Danger to Come

He sensed that something was wrong here. Very wrong. Why had he come?
Was it too late to turn back?
As she entered the forest, she looked up at the dark shadows between the
trees and got the weirdest feeling; a feeling of unease and a sense of a
threatening, malignant presence.
As soon as he had stepped into the city, an eerie sensation had enveloped
him and would not go away. At night, in particular, he felt very uneasy. The
feeling was getting stronger by the day. It was like the ruins were watching,
waiting, biding their time.
As soon as he had entered the castle, he’d been fighting an underlying sense
of panic and as night approached and the shadows lengthened, the castle
suddenly felt full of dark secrets.
He couldn’t shake off a sense of unease, a vague feeling that something was
wrong, that he shouldn’t have come.
She was safe for now.
On the fourth day of his journey, events took a different turn.
A horrible suspicion started building inside her.
There was something she couldn’t quite put her finger on, something
different, something not quite right.
A dreadful sense of misgiving began to creep over him, like the chill of a
cold breeze.
He had all at once a dreadful, surging conviction of disaster hovering
around the corner.
She felt that she was caught in a maze without end, and round every corner
lurked hideous monsters waiting to pounce.
He had a sinking feeling in his stomach about what lay ahead. Something
bad was about to happen and there was no way of escaping it.
He still couldn’t be sure that he was doing the right thing. There were too
many things that could go horribly wrong.
It was only just the beginning of a new chapter of dangers. All day she had
been haunted by the feeling that something was coming; something of
which she should be very afraid; something that was hunting her down.
She tried to make sense of what she had heard. And as the truth dawned on
her, she began to shake.
He began to feel cold. Icy dread prickled his neck, warning him that danger
was near.
He had seen and heard enough to know that he was in grave danger.
Out of nowhere, the hairs on his neck rose.
Halfway through the forest everything went wrong.
He had sensed something dark moving in the shadows, waiting for them,
and now he knew what. There was no way of warning her what lay in wait;
that she was escaping one nightmare and about to land in the middle of
He had a feeling he was delivering himself into a trap, but nothing could
have prepared him for what he met around the next corner.
All was still as death and dark as the grave.
It was very quiet. Too quiet!
The night had been silent and now even the dawn chorus was still.
When the breeze stopped, everything went very still and the forest became
unnaturally quiet.
Then there was silence. Even the wind seemed to have died down.
It suddenly seemed frighteningly quiet. The air was charged with tension.
There were all sorts of noises. They were probably nothing, but they
reminded him that he had no right to be there.
Every instinct in his body warned him that he was entering dangerous
An owl hooted and swept by on silent white wings.
A scream from above caused his pulse to race. It was nothing more than a
rook in the branches of a tree behind him.
The wind howled. Great swirling gusts, relentless like an army of screaming
Shadows spread and lengthened. Their fear grew as night fell. Fear of the
unknown. Fear of what lurked in the dark.
Twilight was closing in and she felt very uneasy.
The last glowing embers of the fire slid into darkness.
The shadows were now merging into one another, and the ground was
being cloaked in the first shade of grey, heralding the night to come.
It was dark with only flitting glimpses of the moon to keep them company.
The mist came in with the tide, smothering everything like a giant fleece.
He wandered like a ghost through the mist, guided by the murmuring of the
The night wind swept over them, whispering through the trees, shaping the
mists into ghostly figures that flung flickering shadows in front of them.
The Ticking Clock

His plan would buy him a few hours and nothing more.
When he opened his eyes, he guessed that a few hours must have passed. It
was enough. It was time to make his move.
He counted the time by the pace of the shadows creeping slowly across the
The hours dragged past.
The minutes seemed to crawl.
Tension mounted with every hour that passed.
The seconds ticked away, agonisingly slowly. It seemed to be taking forever.
An hour passed, and then another, and after a while…
In the long, agonising moments that followed…
It was late evening when it finally happened.
The next few minutes were going to be vital.
Time was of the essence.
He had less than a second to make a decision.
It was too late to turn back now.
There was no time to worry. No time to think. He had to act now. Time had
run out.
She knew she didn’t have long to act. It had to be soon.
He had only a second in which to act.
In the single instant that it took her to glance down…
The next seconds unfolded in horrifying slow motion.
The clock was ticking down.
She couldn’t afford to wait any longer.
He could feel the seconds ticking away.
He knew they were running out of time. They might be too late.
If he had arrived too late, everything he had been through had been for
For fatal seconds, they stared, unable to think or move. And as they faltered,
the jaws of the trap closed around them.
They weren’t going to make it in time.
But he was too late, far too late.
He was too slow and one second too late before the gates slammed shut.
A Decision/Plan

He knew his next move would be crucial. He ran through his options.
The thirst to know as much as possible grew with each passing day.
Over the next few days she concocted numerous plans and dismissed them
all until suddenly all the details clicked into place.
His rescue plan relied on stealth, cunning and a great deal of luck.
He felt hopeless, but going back would be admitting defeat. It was time to
fight back.
It was an impossible task, but he refused to admit defeat.
He was about to give up hope when…
All the pieces were fitting together. She was beginning to form a plan.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, he had an idea. He knew what he needed to do
next and he knew he was taking a huge risk. But he had no other choice.
It was then that she knew what she had to do. There was nothing left to
This was the moment he had been waiting for. He knew that the greatest
trial of his life was approaching, but he had come too far to turn back now.
She was convinced that they had reached yet another dead end. Suddenly, a
light flashed in her head; a searchlight cutting through the dark maze. A jolt
of memory as his words came flooding back to her.
Somewhere, buried deep in her memory, she had a feeling she should know
what she had to do next; that she had been given some clue.
She felt there was an answer there – a vital piece of information she needed.
Then came an incredible piece of luck.
It was all beginning to make sense at last.
With a jolt like an electric shock, he finally understood.
In a split second, he realised what was happening.
Just when he was thinking of giving up…
Too Close for Comfort

That had been close, too close. If he had been caught it would have all been
over for him.
She realised her mistake too late.
The sound of footsteps behind her was all the warning she had.
The footsteps were louder. Another roar… only seconds away.
At that moment, she heard footsteps outside the door.
Any second now, they would be discovered.
The hooves seemed to be moving away from where he was concealed, but
then, in a moment of utter terror, he heard voices behind him. They had
dismounted and circled round and were now on his side of the track.
The footsteps were growing louder and getting closer. He could hear the
squeak of boot leather, the clank of a sword.
As he crouched in the ditch, he could hear the voices of the men close by in
the shadows ahead of him.
Behind him, the soldiers were calling softly to each other.
Suddenly, the breeze carried the murmur of her name.
He was over halfway when the sound of voices alerted him to danger.
He heard a voice whispering in the room, and he was aware that there was
someone or something – standing very close to him.
Then she heard something nearby, the slightest catch of breath.
Nearer and nearer they came until he could smell their rancid breath.
The squawks behind him grew louder and closer.
A noise close behind him made him turn.
It was a very soft thud, barely audible even in the absolute silence.
He became aware of faint, muffled sounds of movement.
Then he heard a sound – the quiet, stealthy sound of someone or something
A flicker of sound from the darkness caught her ear.
Just then she heard something. She was on her feet immediately, crouching
down. She heard another sound. The crack of a branch breaking, then
another, and another. Someone or something was moving very fast through
the forest towards them.
He had already turned away and didn’t notice the slight rise and fall of its
chest, the brief twitching of its fingers.
Don’t Do It!

It was as if she was being pulled into something dark and dangerous by a
hand she couldn’t see, couldn’t stop even if she wanted to.
There was no reason why she was so desperate to go to the ruined city; she
just knew she had to. It was as if she was being drawn by an invisible force.
Despite her fear, she was seized with an urgent need to enter the cave.
Something urged him on. Every nerve in his body screamed at him to get
out. But before he knew what he was doing, his legs seemed to move of their
own accord.
She didn’t want to look but she couldn’t seem to stop herself.
The cave summoned him like a dark, unblinking eye.
Gripped by an urge to turn and run, he knew he couldn’t. It was like an
invisible thread was pulling him towards the mountain.
The S/C-I-R Structure

He thrust the golden trident into the air. He was not sure what he expected, so
he was ready for anything. He waited, scanning the sky, the sea, the surface of
the waves. Suddenly, he caught sight of a dark mass on the horizon… a huge
wave a long way off, but getting bigger and bigger, rising higher and higher as it
thundered nearer, rising in an arch as it moved very fast towards him.
For a brief moment, the sight of the wave made his heart pound in his
chest. He could not help looking into the dark, yawning entrance in the
middle of the wave and wondering what he would find when he entered its
gloomy depths.
As he watched the wave break into a roar of boiling foam, he braced himself. It
swirled and seethed, crashed onto the rock. He was lifted off his feet like a rag
doll and dragged under the surface of the water.

A magical object would help the hero complete his quest by giving him special
powers to:

1. Seek guidance
2. Protect himself
3. Escape
4. Attack/destroy an enemy.

Examples of the skills he would need would be:

Enhanced hearing, sight
Ability to disappear – using an object that makes him invisible or enables
him to transport himself to another location
Ability to see into the future
Ability to see what is happening in a different setting
Access to powerful weapons.

In modern spy and adventure stories, inventions – such as a pen that can shoot
darts, or chewing gum that blows apart locks – assist heroes. In your myth or
legend, any object can be turned into a magical item to assist the hero. For

Jewellery, watches, keys, clothing, shoes, sandals, belts, armour, helmets,

weapons, sticks, gemstones, plates, cups, bowls, mirrors, scrolls, quills,
books, boxes, feathers, scales, bones, twigs, stones, rope, musical

Section 1 - Objects

Nouns Poseidon, Hermes, Hades, Thor, King Arthur

Locket, necklace, pendant, lanyard, bracelet, ring, watch
Crystal, gem, jewel, diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald,
Key, lock, fire rod
Box, chest, lid, tray, hinges
Cover, sides, base, bottom, rim
Book, manuscript, scroll, parchment, vellum
Mirror, frame, surface, reflection
Cloak, mantle, sandals, shoes
Belt, buckle, plates, links
Bowl, pestle, mortar, sickle
Hand, murderer, fingers, wax, candles
Rope, string, chain
Weapon, whip, staff, spear, shaft, blade, sword, pommel,
hilt, hammer, mace, wand
Shapes, symbols, runes, patterns, words, images
Light, mist, glow, haze, fire, flames
Similes/Metaphors Like a huge, almond-shaped eye; rounded head like a
shamrock; as strong as a steel-linked chain; like a sharp
blade; like a huge, metal brick; fingers of fire; hung like a
shimmering eye; pulsed like a heartbeat; wrapped around
her arm like a serpent
Adjectives Large, huge, enormous, small
Long, short, thin, thick
Heart-shaped, almond-shaped, rounded, curved
Blue, purple, green, red, ruby-red, golden, black
Silver, bronze, jewel-encrusted, steel, iron, metal
Wooden, oak, rosewood, leather, silk, enamel, glass, crystal
Cold, hot
Warped, battered, rusty
Glittering, shimmering
Sharp, serrated, double-edged
Mystical, mysterious, strange, eerie, enchanted
Verbs Carved, engraved, etched, embedded, welded
Lined with, set, attached, protruded
Protected, covered, dipped in
Rose, hung, dangled
Creaked, lifted, slid, revealed
Lit, shone, glinted, pulsed, glowed, burned, blazed, sparkled,
Felt, tingled
Held, clutched, wrapped, raised, wielded, twirled, waved
Hissed, spat
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

A heart-shaped locket
An enchanted, gold, jewel-encrusted bracelet
A diamond like a huge, almond-shaped eye
Glittering crystal of blue topaz
Large, ruby-red pommel-stone
Large fob watch
Small, iron key with a rounded head like a shamrock
White, silk cloak
Leather sandals
Metal belt
A large, leather belt with a golden buckle
A golden bowl
Small, golden sickle
Enamel dragons
Wooden box
Rusty hinges of the false bottom
A thick, leather-bound book
Mystical symbols and mysterious runes on the cover
Black mirror
Oak frame
Severed hand of a hanged murderer
Silver rope as strong as a steel-linked chain
Golden whip
Metal of the steel fire rod
Crooked, bronze staff about the size of a man
Long, wooden shaft
Double-edged, crystal sword of the Pendragon
Small dagger with a glass blade
Thin, sharp blade
Bronze helmet
Curved horns
Like a huge, metal brick on the end of the hammer
A metal plate like a sharp blade
Image of Thor
Green mist
Fingers of fire
Phrases – Verbs

Carved with strange symbols

Carved with elaborate floral patterns
Sets of keys carved around the sides
Engraved around the base
Embedded with pearls and gold leaf
Outer circle was lined with weather symbols
Runic symbols etched in each metal plate
Words and symbols etched into the side
Curved plates of metal had been welded together as links
Protected by a silver casing
Bound in black leather
Set in the pommel of the sword
Set into the top of the hilt
Attached to the rim
Rose from the bowl
Slid down the side
Creaked as it slid open to reveal a tray containing…
Hung like a shimmering eye beside the…
Glinted in the sun
Lit up with an eerie glow
Began to pulse like a heartbeat
Began to glow
Glowed a brilliant blue
Burned with a cold tongue of blue fire
Blazed down the blade
Sparkled with a purple haze when held up to the light
Shone from the enormous buckle
Shimmered as he wrapped it around his shoulders
Cast a warped reflection into the hall
Felt cold in his hand
Tingled beneath his fingers
Knew that it could melt any lock
Only his eyes were visible
Covered his entire head
Covered the nose
Protruded from each side
Dipped in wax
Hissed and spat as he lit the fingers
Towered above him
Clutched his hammer
Wrapped around her arm like a serpent
Impossible for him to lift it, let alone wield it as a weapon
Started to shrink until it was small enough for him to hold in his hand
Hung it around his neck by the looped, leather lanyard
Twirled the rosewood wand slowly in the air
As she waved the wand, the runes carved around it…

The large fob watch was protected by a silver casing and, instead of figures, the
outer circle was lined with weather symbols.

Inside, he found a golden bowl with a small, golden sickle attached to the rim.

A green mist rose from the china bowl, slid down the side and over the dragons
that had been engraved around the base.

The wooden box was embedded with pearls and gold leaf; the lid carved with
elaborate floral patterns. The rusty hinges of the false bottom creaked as it slid
open to reveal a tray containing…

The thick book was bound in black leather with mystical symbols and mysterious
runes on the cover.

The crooked, bronze staff was about the size of a man, and towered above him.

She twirled the rosewood wand slowly in the air, and as she did so, the runes
carved around it lit up with an eerie glow.

The black mirror, set in an oak frame, had sets of keys carved around the sides. It
hung like a shimmering eye beside the door and cast a warped reflection into the

The metal of the steel fire rod felt cold in his hand, but he knew that it could melt
any lock.

The severed hand of a hanged murderer had been dipped in wax. Each finger
hissed and spat as he lit them.
The golden whip wrapped around her arm like a serpent.

The double-edged, crystal sword of the Pendragon burnt with a blue fire.

A glittering crystal of blue topaz had been set in the pommel of the sword.

A large, red pommel-stone was set into the top of the hilt.

The small dagger with a glass blade sparkled with a purple haze when held up to
the light.

The white silk of the cloak shimmered as he wrapped it around his shoulders.

Fingers of fire blazed down the blade so that the words and symbols etched into
the side glowed.

The metal belt glinted in the sun as it shone on the curved plates of metal which
had been welded together as links. In each plate runic symbols had been etched.
The image of Thor clutching his hammer shone from the enormous buckle.

Only his eyes were visible in the bronze helmet which covered his entire head. A
metal plate like a sharp blade covered the nose. Curved horns protruded from
each side.

He stared at the huge metal brick on the end of the hammer. It would be
impossible for him to lift it, let alone wield it as a weapon.

Slowly, the hammer started to shrink until it was small enough for him to hold in
his hand. Taking hold of the looped, leather lanyard he lifted the hammer and
hung it around his neck.
Section 2 - Guidance

Nouns Pouch, wallet, satchel, scrip

Book, manuscript, pages, scroll, seal
Place, castle, trees, hills, mountains, cave, lake, waterfall,
island, beach, lagoon
Mirror, frame, glass, surface, reflection, outline, silhouette,
Image, symbol, tree of life
Light, mist, vapour, flames
Ball, globe, orb
Table, floor, mat, animal hide
Herbs, dragon dust, salt, powder, liquid
Pestle, mortar
Scent, smell, dust, decay, incense
Voice, whispers, crackle
Breeze, gust, wind
Similes/Metaphors Like a huge curtain of shimmering water; blazed like a
candle; black seal like a bow and arrow; shimmering ribbon
like a road
Adjectives Huge, heavy, small
Leather, bronze, bronze-bound, silver
White, sugar-white, turquoise, black
Dry, husky, rasping
Misty, shadowy
Old, ancient, archaic
Verbs Rose, sprang, floated, danced, released
Flicked, opened, turned, stopped, revealed
Ran, stretched, led
Cast, blazed, filled
Concentrated, blocked out, visualised, drawn into
Shimmered, rippled, misted, took shape, formed
Reached out, touched
Saw, glimpsed, watched
Heard, listened, whispered, hissed
Ground, sprinkled, mixed
Held, shook, tossed
Uncoiled, quivered, shuddered
Phrases – Nouns And Adjectives

In front of him…
From somewhere in front of them
In the middle of the scroll
From his leather pouch
Ring on his finger
Huge, bronze-bound book
Silver rope
Smooth bones slightly longer than a finger
A ball of light
Orbs of light
Small globes of rainbow light
Surface of the glass
Smooth surface of the lake
A reflection in the surface
A huge castle like a mailed fist
Trees, hills and mountains
Waterfall like a huge curtain of shimmering silver
Paradise island
Sugar-white beach
Brilliant turquoise lagoon
Mouth of a cave
Symbol of the tree of life
Scent of incense
Husky voice
Phrases – Verbs

Sprang from her palm

Danced along his fingertips
Floated over their heads
Filled the room with light
Danced through the air above their heads
Came out of nowhere
Sat on the table at his side
Blazed like a candle to light the way
Cast enough light for them to find their way
Took a handful of powder
Ground the herbs in the bronze mortar
Cast salt mixed with dragon dust to summon…
Flames hissed upwards
Filled with white vapour
Saw only her reflection at first
Reached out and touched the frame
Surface shimmered and rippled
Misted up and suddenly…
Concentrated on visualising the place
Drawn into the surface of the mirror
Where her reflection had been instead she saw…
As the shadowy outlines began to take shape…
Image started to form as a shadowy outline
Slowly became clearer
Could clearly see…
Could hear sounds as the scene came to life
Could see what was going on outside the…
Unseen but watching their every movement
Rippled as the breeze drifted through the air over it
When he touched the cover…
Stamped with a heavy, black seal like a bow and arrow
Rose up from the scroll
Pages flicked open with a dry crackle
Pages stopped at a map of…
Released the smell of dust and decay
Whispered in an ancient language
Quivered under his feet as it uncoiled
Stretched into a shimmering ribbon like a road
Ran from his feet far into the distance and over the hills
Held a handful of the bones between his palms and shook them
Tossed the bones onto the mat of animal hide

The ring on his finger blazed like a candle to light the way.

Flames danced along his fingertips casting enough light for them to find their
way around the cavern.

He took a handful of the powder from his leather pouch, sprinkled it into the
bronze mortar, and flames hissed upwards, filling the room with light.

As he walked in a circle, he cast salt mixed with dragon dust to summon the

A mist came out of nowhere, filling the room. From somewhere in front of them,
a husky voice whispered in an ancient language.

At first, she saw only her reflection, then the surface rippled and where her
reflection had been instead she saw the image of the ruined city.

He reached out and touched the frame, concentrating on visualising the place.
The surface of the glass shimmered and rippled. Very gradually the image started
to take shape from a shadowy outline until he could hear sounds and the scene
came to life.

The glass misted up and suddenly he could see what was going on outside the
cave, unseen but watching.

His eyes were drawn into the surface of the mirror as the shadowy outline began
to take shape and he could clearly see a huge castle thrusting like a mailed fist
out of a forest.

The surface of the lake rippled as the breeze drifted through the air over it. A
reflection in the surface caught his attention.

The orb filled with white vapour.

Trees, hills and mountains rose up from the scroll, and in the middle was the
mouth of a cave.

In front of him was a huge, bronze-bound book. When he touched the cover the
pages flicked open with a dry crackle and released the smell of dust and decay.
Eventually, they stopped at a map of the dwarf kingdom.

The manuscript was stamped with a heavy, black seal like a bow and arrow.

The silver rope quivered under his feet as it uncoiled and stretched into a
shimmering ribbon like a road that ran from his feet far into the distance and
over the hills.

The scent of incense was heavy in the air. The symbol of the tree of life sat on the
table at his side. The smooth bones were slightly longer than a finger. He held a
handful between his palms, shook them and then tossed them onto the mat of
animal hide.
Section 3 - Protection

Nouns Whistle, horn, flute, harp, notes

Lips, breath, throat
Pole, staff
Tube, stopper
Belt, buckle
Shield, barrier, energy, force
Ripple, glow
Dragon, wyvern, wings, scales
Phoenix, eagle, feather
Powder, water, blood, mixture, liquid, juice
Fog, mist
Strength, power, speed, sight
Veins, nerves, sinews, muscles
Features, details
Wounds, cuts, bruises
Similes/Metaphors Like powerful waves of energy; almost blinding speed; as
though she was looking through a pair of high-powered
Adjectives Bitter, acidic, rancid
Invisible, indistinct, blurred
Tiny, small, thick, curved
Deep, high, shrill, clear
Silver, bronze, golden, blue, dark
Wooden, acacia, wax, snake-skin
Battered, crooked, scaly
Verbs Raised, took, blew
Carried, echoed
Buckled, strapped on
Opened, contained
Protected, warded off
Prayed, hoped
Flung up, threw, erected
Struck, clattered, sizzled
Swirled, rippled
Hid, obscured
Ground, dripped, stirred, mixed, drank, swallowed
Flowed, stung, scorched
Vibrated, surged, flooded
Moved, saw
Healed, disappeared, vanished
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

In moments…
Tiny, silver whistle
Small, curved wooden horn
Dark, scaly acacia pole
Battered snake-skin tube with a thick wax stopper
Scales of the wyvern’s wings
Blue glow
Like powerful waves of energy
Phrases – Verbs

Took a deep breath

Raised the… to her lips
Blew a series of shrill notes that would carry to…
Blew one clear note that echoed across the lake
Had no idea what it contained
Had to open the… only when he needed help
Meant to ward off evil
Prayed he would arrive in time
Flung up an invisible shield of blue energy
High and wide enough to protect them
Clattered harmlessly against his invisible shield
Sizzled into the barrier but got no further
Glimpsed nothing more than a ripple in the air
Became obscured by a blanket of fog
Started swirling around her feet
Gradually obscured her from view
As he buckled on the belt…
Felt something stirring inside him
Rippled through his veins
Set every nerve on fire
Vibrated through every sinew
Strength flooded his body
Ground the scales into powder and added some water
Let a few drops of blood fall into the water
Swirled the mixture with the phoenix feather
As she swallowed the juice…
As the liquid flowed down her throat…
Bitter juice stung her throat
Could feel the liquid scorching through her veins
After he had drunk the liquid…
Could move with almost blinding speed
Caught an arrow flashing towards him in mid-air
Had been granted the sight of an eagle
As though she was looking through a pair of high-powered binoculars
Could see every feature, every detail of the rocks miles in the distance
Flowed to heal her…
Wounds appeared to be healed
Cuts disappeared and the bruises vanished

She put the tiny, silver whistle to her lips and blew a shrill note that would only
carry to the Lady of the Lake.

She prayed he would arrive in time.

She took a deep breath, raised the small, curved wooden horn to her lips and
blew one clear note that echoed across the lake.

He gripped the dark, scaly acacia pole that was meant to ward off evil.

He had been given a battered snake-skin tube with a thick wax stopper, but he
had no idea what it contained, other than he was to open it when he needed help.

He flung up an invisible shield of blue energy high and wide enough to protect
them. The spears clattered harmlessly against his invisible shield, sizzling into the
barrier but going no further. The soldiers glimpsed nothing more than a ripple in
the air.

The room was becoming obscured by a blanket of fog that started swirling
around her feet and gradually obscured her from view.

He let a few drops of blood fall into the water, and swirled the mixture with the
phoenix feather. After he had drunk the liquid, he could move with almost
blinding speed. When an arrow flashed towards him, he caught it in mid-air.

She took the scales of the wyvern’s wings, ground them into powder and added
some water. As the liquid flowed down her throat, she could feel it surging
through her veins, and when she opened her eyes it was as though she was
looking through a pair of binoculars. She had been granted the sight of an eagle.
She could see every feature, every detail of the rocks miles in the distance.

As he buckled on the belt, he felt something stirring inside him, like powerful
waves rippling through his veins, setting every nerve on fire and vibrating
through every sinew as strength flooded his body.

A blue glow consumed him, and in moments his wounds appeared to be healed –
the cuts disappeared and the bruises vanished.

The juice was bitter and stung her throat as she swallowed it. She could feel it
scorching through her veins as it flowed to heal her ribs.
Section 4 - Escape

Nouns Air, current, breeze, wind, whirlwind, vortex

Circle, rectangle
Agility, speed
Shimmer, ripple, blur
Phoenix, eagle, wing, feather
Body, back, hands, legs, feet, hair
Clothes, cloak, sandals, helmet
Guards, sentries, warriors, creatures, monsters
Door, mirror, stone, tunnel, portal, surface, ground
Cliff, rocks, cracks, footholds
Similes/Metaphors Like those of a huge eagle; as if he had been shot from a
catapult; like vanishing behind a curtain of shimmering
water; pulled back like rubber
Adjectives Huge, massive
Red, black, grey, white
Leather, brick, stone
Round, oval
Impossible, incredible, unbelievable
Fuzzy, faint, indistinct, invisible
Slow, quick, fast
Verbs Melted, dissolved
Sprang, grew, sprouted
Arched, stretched, fluttered, beat
Rose, lifted, catapulted, floated, flew
Flickered, rippled, swirled, gusted
Tugged, pulled
Spun, turned, circled, rotated
Streamed, poured, spilled
Held, clasped, squeezed
Climbed, slid, moved, walked
Swallowed, engulfed, vanished, disappeared
Found, discovered, realised
Shocked, disturbed, horrified
Dodged, ducked, evaded
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

All around her…

In front of him…
In a moment
All at once
A current of air
A red circle
A massive swirling rectangle of whirling air and then nothing
No more than a blur
With impossible agility
Phoenix feather
Two wings like those of a huge eagle
Leather sandals
Phrases – Verbs

Could melt through locks

Sprang from the neck of his cloak
Fluttered from the sides of his sandals
Arched his back and stretched
Beat his wings
Rose into the air
Felt a force lift him up off the ground
Shot skywards as if he had been shot from a catapult
Felt like his whole body was floating
As if the vortex was swallowing him up
Air shimmered and then went black
Realised that his hands were fuzzy and indistinct
Could no longer see his own feet
Could see the trees through his body
Rippled as he vanished
As the cloak covered her…
Vanished behind a curtain of cascading water
Vanished in a faint shimmer
Walked right past the guards without them noticing him
Not one guard moved in his direction
Stood arms outstretched
Clasped her hands above her head
Breeze gusted around him
Swirled as if caught inside a slow whirlwind
Began to spin, faster and faster
Tugged at his hair
Tugged at his clothes
Cheeks pulled back like rubber
Eyes streamed
Lifted her off the ground
Transformed into a portal door
Would work as long as it was not cracked
Climbed into the mirror into the shadows beyond
Solid brick surface rippled
A tunnel appeared
Created a portal into which he disappeared
Bounded down the cliff
Found tiny footholds no bigger than coins
Dodged rocks that plunged towards him

He shot skywards as if he had been shot from a catapult.

Taking the phoenix feather in his hand, he arched his back and stretched. Two
wings, like those of a huge eagle, sprang from the neck of his cloak. He beat his
wings, felt a force lift him up off the ground, and he rose into the air. His whole
body felt like it was floating.

As she held up her hands, she realised that they were fuzzy and indistinct, and
she could no longer see her own feet.

The air rippled as he vanished.

It was now possible to see the trees through his body. Then, all at once, he was

She walked right past the guards and not one of them so much as moved in her

The mist engulfed him as the air shimmered and then went black.

It was like vanishing behind a curtain of cascading water as the silvery haze
swallowed her and she vanished in a faint shimmer.

A breeze gusted around him, tugging at his hair. His cheeks pulled back like
rubber and his eyes streamed.

As she stood with her arms outstretched, all around her the trees swirled as if
caught inside a slow whirlwind. A current of air lifted her off the ground.

Clasping her hands above her head, she began to spin, faster and faster until she
was no more than a blur. Then she was gone.

The mirror had been transformed into a portal door. It would work as long as it
was not cracked. He climbed into the mirror into the shadows beyond.

The solid brick surface rippled and a tunnel appeared ahead of him.

In front of him, a red circle appeared which grew larger, creating a portal into
which he disappeared.

In front of him was a massive swirling rectangle of whirling air and then

She bounded down the cliff with impossible agility, finding tiny footholds no
bigger than coins, dodging rocks that plunged towards her.
Section 5 - Weapons/Attack

Nouns Hand, fingers, fingertips

Bearer, holder, carrier
Sky, horizon, land, ground
Air, clouds, dust, wind, current, force, vortex
Bolt, ball, fork, flash, flare, blade
Lightning, electricity, thunder
Sparks, flames, fire, smoke
Water, spout, stream, wave, arch, crest, foam
Boat, ship, shore, cliffs
Fragments, shrapnel
Orb, wand, quill, spear, staff, trident, whip, sword, hammer,
handle, tip
Cord, knots, wind
Beast, creature, monster
Similes/Metaphors Like an arrow-headed, pronged fork; like throwing a
firework into the room; like tiny, jagged arrows of lightning;
like heat from a furnace; struck him like a whip; like statues;
like a rag doll; as if their legs had been cut out from under
Adjectives Huge, big, enormous, massive
Fast, quick
Pointed, sharp, razor-sharp
Red, blue, golden, bronze, white, white-hot
Icy, cold, warm, hot
Bright, brilliant, piercing, blinding
Curling, arching, spouting, swirling, boiling, seething,
churning, foaming
Powerful, brutal, hideous, unstoppable
Still, motionless, immobile
Pungent, acrid, bitter
Deafening, ear-splitting, booming, thundering
Verbs Launched, hurled, propelled
Held, lifted, raised, thrust
Twirled, flicked, pointed, stabbed, struck
Tied, knotted, lashed
Felt, touched, pressed
Appeared, emerged
Flew, shot, spilled, snaked, streaked
Bubbled, thrashed, rose, ascended, spouted, burst, exploded
Hit, slammed, sliced, pierced
Radiated, emitted, filled, flooded
Cracked, hissed
Opened, parted, separated, divided
Grew, whirled, flurried, swirled, billowed
Darkened, dimmed
Stood, froze, fell, crumpled, collapsed
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Above him…
Severed hand of a hanged murderer
Only he, as the bearer of the hand…
A large spear, like an arrow-headed pronged fork
Pointed quill
A bolt of white light
Bright, red bolts
Piercing light
An icy light
Blue ball of electricity
An electric current
Swirling vortex of black and silver
An immense dazzling, guillotine blade of lightning
A wall of force
Ropes of flames
Tendrils of fire
Pillars of smoke
A stream of water
Curling spout of water
A huge wave a long way off
Massive, hideous, unstoppable wall of water
Deafening crack
Frozen in time and motion like statues
Phrases – Verbs

Waited patiently, knowing he would not be affected

Knew that soon everyone would be put into a deep sleep
Would be asleep until he blew out the wax fingers
Raised his sword
Stabbed the bronze staff into the ground
Held the staff upright
Thrust the orb skyward
Twirled the wand slowly in the air
Flicked the whip
As he touched the handle of the hammer…
Appeared in his hand
Flew from her hand
Pointed it directly at…
Threw it towards the beast
Struck the ground at their feet
Shot from the tip
Shot from his hands into the sky
Spilled out of…
Snaked towards her fingertips
Appeared in the air
Streaked across the sky
Pointed the trident at the water
Water came to life
Bubbled, thrashed and moved upwards
Moved in a downward arc towards…
Like throwing a firework into the room
Threw up a shower of sparks
Burst into flame
Created a pungent cloud of smoke
Exploded into razor-sharp fragments of blinding white light
Snapped against the wall
Flew across the cave
Hit the walls like tiny jagged arrows of lightning
Sliced through the air like shrapnel
Suddenly felt hot
Felt the metal grow warm in his hand
Radiated from her like heat from a furnace
Sparked along its length
Cracked and hissed like lightning
Began to glow white-hot
Lit up with an icy flame
Flooded the land
Filled the room
Flooded the room
Held the length of leather in his hand
Tied knots down its length
As he finished tying the last knot…
Clouds parted
Wind grew stronger
Grew to a thing of force and fury
Whirled up in strange clouds, flurrying and swirling
Darkened the air with billowing clouds of dust
Shuddered with a crack of thunder
Felt as if the ground beneath his feet…
Being ripped apart
As he lifted the golden trident…
Could see a dark mass on the horizon
Rose higher and higher as it thundered nearer
Rose in a huge arch
Moved very fast towards the ships
Grew bigger and bigger
Broke into a roar of boiling foam
Swirled and seethed around the ships
Pummelled and tossed the ships with its brutal power
Threatened to bury the ships in a watery grave
Sharp enough to pierce a man’s skin
Struck him like a whip
Stood stiff and still
Picked up the guard
Lifted off his feet like a rag doll
Threw the sentry bodily against the wall
Blown across the room
Fell to each side of the door
Crumpled against the stone wall
As if their legs had been cut out from under them
Split the stone in two

He waited patiently, knowing that soon everyone in the building would be put
into a deep sleep that would last until he blew out the wax fingers. Only he, as
the bearer of the hand, would not be affected.

A bolt of white light shot from the tip of his spear.

She twirled the wand slowly in the air and ropes of flames shot from the end.
Within moments, pillars of smoke filled the room.

As he touched the ring, his hand suddenly felt hot.

She held the staff upright, stabbed it into the ground. It began to glow white-hot.

A stream of water appeared in the air, moving in a downward arc towards the

As he pointed the trident at the water, it came to life, bubbling and thrashing,
and a curling spout of water moved upwards.

She felt as if an electric current had flown from her hand.

It was like throwing a firework into the room. It snapped against the wall and
threw up a shower of sparks, creating a pungent cloud of smoke.

A blue ball of electricity appeared in his hand and he threw it towards the beast.
It exploded into razor-sharp fragments of blinding white light that flew across the
cave, hitting the beast like tiny barbed arrows of lightning.

Holding the length of leather in his hand, he carefully tied knots down its length.
As he finished tying the last knot, the wind grew stronger, whirling up in strange
clouds, flurrying and swirling, until it had grown to a thing of force and fury,
darkening the air with billowing clouds of dust.

As he touched the handle of the hammer, he felt the metal grow warm in his
hand and lightning sparked along its length. Above him, a hole opened in the
clouds – a swirling vortex of black and silver – and an immense dazzling,
guillotine blade of lightning streaked across the sky and flooded the land.

The quill was pointed and sharp enough to pierce a man’s skin.

Bright blue bolts shot from her hands, striking the ground at their feet.

As he slammed the staff into the ground, it shuddered with a crack of thunder. It
felt as if the ground beneath his feet was being ripped apart.

As he thrust it skywards, the orb lit up with an icy flame and a piercing light
flooded the room.

As he lifted the golden trident, he could see a dark mass on the horizon… a huge
wave a long way off, but getting bigger and bigger, rising higher and higher as it
thundered nearer, rising in an arch as it moved very fast towards the ships. It was
massive, hideous, unstoppable. When it broke into a roar of boiling foam, it
swirled and seethed around the ships, pummelling and tossing them with its
brutal power, threatening to bury them in a watery grave.

There was a deafening crack as the stone split in two.

They were frozen in time and motion, like statues standing stiff and still.

He was lifted off his feet like a rag doll and blown across the room where he
crumpled to the floor.

The soldiers fell to each side as if their legs had been cut out from under them.

A wall of force picked up the guard and threw him bodily against the wall.
The journey

Nouns Adventure, journey, voyage, destination

Mountains, slopes, top, summit
Forest, woods, outlaws
Ocean, waves, rivers, lakes, streams
Miles, weeks, days, hours
Day, night, moonlight, stars
Settlements, stables, road, trail, path
Footprints, camp fire, hoof prints, claw marks
Adjectives Long, endless, difficult, challenging, dangerous, treacherous
Dense, impenetrable, shadowy
Verbs Travelled, journeyed, voyaged, headed
Climbed, crossed, passed, faced with, avoided
Trekked, trudged, tramped, plodded, stumbled, struggled, staggered,
shuffled, scrambled
Crept, hid, watched
Guided, indicated
Entered, reached
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Long journey
Difficult journey
All the way to…
Towards the shadowy north
At the end of the journey
Miles and miles
In the distance…
Every day…
For a week…
Hours before they…
For the next hour…
Mostly by night
Through the bitter cold of the night
Blackest depths of the night
Full of dangerous outlaws
Only occasional footprints or a camp fire
A series of endless waves
An ocean of rolling waves
Phrases – Verbs

Going to be a long journey

Wherever she was going…
Would take them across… all the way to…
Headed towards the shadowy north
Travelled through…
Before they eventually reached their destination
Would have to climb soaring mountains
Find a way through dense, impenetrable forest
Cross treacherous ice fields
Pass an active volcano
Faced with new problems and challenges daily
Journeyed mostly by night
Guided only by the faint moonlight and the stars
Found a place to hide
Avoided any settlements and even the road
Crept into the woods
Hid under bushes and slept in stables
Slept under the trees
Kept watch, constantly alert for any sound or movement
Indicated that others had passed the same way
Moved up the trail
Reached the top
Entered the forest
Trudged on in silence
Kept on walking
Ran and walked, staggered and stumbled
Pushed on relentlessly
Sucked every ounce of energy out of them
Heard the sound of the river
Reached their destination
Fell to his knees
Buried his head in his hands
Unable to believe he had actually made it

They realised that somehow their old life had ended and a new one was about to
begin. It was an adventure that would take them across seas and mountains all
the way to the Isle of Avalon.

Wherever she was going it was going to be a long journey.

They knew they would have to find a way through a dense, impenetrable forest
full of dangerous outlaws, pass an active volcano, and climb soaring mountains,
before they eventually reached their destination.

His journey was difficult and every day he was faced with new problems and
challenges. But he kept on walking, heading further towards the shadowy north
that lured him on.

For three days, they rode past cascading waters toppling down the hills, up into
the wooded foothills, then, finally, into the denser forest. As they rode, eagles and
hawks soared overhead, following their progress.

For a week, she travelled on, journeying mostly through the bitter cold of the
night, guided only by the faint moonlight and the stars. Where possible, she
avoided any settlements, and even the road, unless she could be sure there was
no one around.

They had travelled mainly through the blackest depths of the night, run and
walked, stumbled and staggered, hidden in bushes, slept in stables, one of them
always keeping watch, constantly alert for any sound or movement. Now, finally,
they were at the end of the journey.

Kitty trudged on wearily for miles and miles, with only the occasional footprints
or a camp fire to indicate that others had passed the same way. Finally, she heard
the sound of the river.

Shouldering her quiver and bow, she moved up the trail, glancing up every so
often to see how far she still had to climb before she reached the top.

He looked ahead and saw a series of endless waves stretching to the horizon. It
seemed as if they were crossing an ocean of rolling waves, forever denied a sight
of land.

They went miles and miles down the steep slope before they entered the forest.

He trudged on – silent, as exhaustion sucked every ounce of energy out of him,

until, finally, he saw it in the distance. Falling to his knees, he buried his head in
his hands, unable to believe he had actually made it.
The S/C-I-R Structure

She knew one thing for sure – this was the greatest trial of her life. Even
though she had been trudging towards the summit, it never seemed to get any
nearer. Just staying on her feet was now a monumental task of sheer
willpower and determination. As she looked up, the mountain stretched high
up towards the heavens, piled high with snow and carved by the gods into blade-
like edges as sharp as scimitars.
A sheer rock-face rose up to her right, and cliffs dropped away to her left. She
glanced back one more time and then continued to climb into the unknown.
Even though she knew she had taken a step towards something sinister and
final, there was no going back now.
Suddenly, there was a distant rumble like thunder, which grew louder, and the
ground beneath her feet started to shake. Above her, stones cracked and
exploded, sending fragments in every direction. It was as if the mountain itself
was being shaken. She couldn’t stay upright and was thrown violently
backwards, teetering precariously on the edge of the path. For a dreadful moment
she was hanging in the air, her legs flailing and her eyes widening in fear as
she lunged with her right hand. Her heart raced as she felt her hand beginning
to slip, her frozen fingers scrabbling as her body swung perilously over the drop.
Her shoulders were burning. She was losing her grip. Her fingers slid towards the

She thought they had made it, that their epic struggle was coming to an end.
They were now tantalisingly close to the top of the mountain. The ghostly
blanket of dark clouds that had covered the summit suddenly cleared and she saw
what waited for them at the top. Panic welled up inside her. She stared
unblinking, as if in a trance and frozen to the spot.
Section 1 - Setting

Nouns World, country, land, horizon, scene, view

Top, peak, summit
Slope, climb, drop, ascent, descent
Cliffs, rock-face, precipice, rocks, slabs, boulders, scree,
rock-falls, landslides
Pillars, arches, ridges, humps
Crack, crevice, fissure
Clouds, mist, fog, haze, shadows
Streams, waterfalls
Valley, gorge
Fields, pastures, meadows, heather
Path, route, road, trail
Similes/Metaphors Like huge spearheads; like menacing, black daggers; as
sharp as scimitars; like enormous arrowheads; like the
humps of a gigantic dinosaur; like a giant black shadow;
like huge, pointed, black teeth; like a hungry mouth; like
silver ribbons
Adjectives Tall, high, huge, soaring, enormous, massive, giant,
gigantic, towering
Amazing, majestic, magical, spectacular, magnificent,
breathtaking, enchanting
Rough, stony, rocky, uneven, sharp, pointed, rugged,
jagged, craggy, shark-finned
Steep, vertical, sheer
Narrow, winding
Dangerous, unstable, deadly, savage, harsh, hostile, lethal,
perilous, threatening, ominous, menacing, treacherous
Snow-capped, white-capped
Black, dark, bleak, gloomy, inky, creepy, ghostly, shadowy,
eerie, haunting, echoing
Slippery, glistening, shimmering, glinting
Verbs Rose, loomed, soared, towered, framed, surrounded
Fell, dropped, plunged, plummeted
Burst, thrust, thundered, erupted, pierced, slashed, gashed
Carved, worn, sculpted, split, torn, ripped, cracked,
Scattered, blocked
Sparkled, shimmered
Covered, hidden, concealed, wrapped, enveloped, swathed,
shrouded, shadowed
Poured, gushed, hurtled
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

From high up on the summit

Somewhere below her
Beyond the cliffs
On the far side
To the north
Up to their right
On their left
Land of the gods
Land of soaring mountains
Majestic mountains
Huge, snow-capped mountains
Soaring summits
Range of jagged, white-capped peaks
Magical world of shimmering snow
Spectacular views
Magnificent cliffs
Paths of shimmering pillars and arches
Lush, green meadows
Green valleys
Carpet of purple heather
Cascading waterfalls
Streams like silver ribbons
Black, deadly mountains
Shadowy precipices, stony valleys
Giant, eerie shadow of the huge, hostile mountains
Gloomy summit
Towering peaks
Craggy mountain
Great, jagged peaks
Savage summits
Bleak, perilous peaks
Shark-finned ridges
Enormous peaks like arrowheads
Hunched shoulders of the craggy mountain
Steep, rocky slopes
Sheer rock-face
Sheer, deadly slopes
Bare, perilous slopes
Steep, almost vertical ascent
Sheer drop
Narrow, winding path
Inky black maze of steep, rugged paths
Black boulders of jagged rock
Shattered boulders and unstable rock-falls
Great crevices
Veil of mist
Ghostly blanket of dark clouds
Deafening roar of churning water
Phrases – Verbs

As they neared the cliffs…

When she looked down…
Surrounded by breathtaking summits
Towered above the city
Framed by the mountain’s majestic peaks
Filled the horizon
Rose to meet the sky
Soared above her
Stretched towards the gods
Had a spectacular view
Split, cracked and carved by the magic of the gods
Carved by the gods into blade-like edges
Thundered towards the sky
Pierced the sky above her
Thrust sharply upwards
Slashed by the stark, hostile mountains
Loomed ahead
Burst out of the forest
Rose steeply to the top
Loomed like a black beacon
Erupted in sharp points
Fell away steeply to the left
Dropped into a black chasm
Snaked up the mountain
Glistened with damp
Polished into dangerous, slippery slopes
Shimmered in the haze
Shattered by the gods into jagged blades
Blocked the path
Scattered everywhere as if there had been many landslides
Hurtled over the edge
Gushed out of a hole
Poured out of the echoing gorges
Plunged into the black depths below
Lost in wisps of cloud
Shrouded in mist
Enveloped in thick storm clouds
Covered by a veil of mist
Covered by a ghostly blanket of dark clouds
Could conceal an army of ambushers
Lay in wait
Warned them not to come any closer
Waiting to crush him in their stony mouth

The mountains seemed to stretch towards the gods, their summits lost in wisps of

He was surrounded by the soaring summits of the majestic mountains.

A magical world of shimmering snow towered above the city.

Split, cracked and carved by the magic of the gods, the rocks had created a path
of shimmering pillars and arches.

The magnificent cliffs filled the horizon and beyond the cliffs a carpet of purple
heather shimmered in the haze.

Through the hazy low cloud she could clearly see a range of jagged white-capped

Erupting out of the land, the savage summits of the mountains were like
menacing, black daggers.

She gasped as she looked up at the hunched shoulders of the craggy mountain
soaring above her. Its peaks rose and fell menacingly like the humps of a gigantic

To the north were mountains, with great jagged peaks thrusting sharply upwards,
piled high with snow and carved by the gods into blade-like edges as sharp as

The land was slashed by stark, hostile mountains, with peaks like enormous
arrowheads warning them not to come any closer. This was the land of the gods!
It was a land of soaring mountains, savage summits, shadowy precipices and
stony valleys. Rivers poured out of the echoing gorges to plunge into the black
depths below.

The mountains loomed ahead like a giant, black shadow, their peaks like huge,
pointed, black teeth waiting to crush him in their stony mouth.

The top of the mountain was covered by a ghostly blanket of dark clouds.

The mountain was a giant, eerie shadow covered by a veil of mist.

Shivering, he looked up at the gloomy summit lying in wait.

The bare, perilous slopes rose steeply to the top.

The steep path glistened with damp – polished by the gods into dangerous,
slippery slopes.

A sheer rock-face rose up to their right and to their left cliffs dropped away into a
dark abyss.

The dim light outlined the rims of the gorge; shadowy outcrops and crevices deep
enough to conceal an army of ambushers.

As they neared the cliffs, the roar of the churning waters was deafening.

On the far side, the cliffs rose much higher. A river hurtled over the edge into the
swirling mist below.

A narrow, winding road snaked up the mountain. It was a dangerous route; rocks
were scattered everywhere, as if there had been many landslides.
Section 2 - Interaction

Nouns Climb, ascent, drop, descent

Top, peak, summit
Ground, slope, path, edge, ledge
Crack, split, hole, chasm
Rock, rock-face, boulder, boulder field
Luck, fortune, events
Mist, thunder, cold, chill, wind, breeze, gust
Body, back, legs, knees, ankle, boots, feet, footing, arms, shoulders,
hand, fingers, grip
Adjectives Frozen, burning
Steep, sheer
Smooth, jagged
Bleak, wild, desolate
Small, fist-sized
Verbs Climbed, trudged, scrambled, scrabbled, crawled
Grabbed, clung, dug, jammed, hauled, levered
Pulled, shoved, tugged, yanked
Hung, balanced, dangled, teetered
Edged, inched, wound, pressed
Jumped, leaped, lunged, swung
Shook, vibrated, cracked, exploded
Threw, flung
Slipped, slid, slithered
Swayed, flailed, buckled, slumped, fell, dropped, plummeted
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

On the final day of his ascent

For a dreadful moment
With his last ounce of strength
Above him
Across the top of the rock
Beneath his feet
Away from the towering, bleak summit
A veil of mist
Distant rumble like thunder
Colder than ice
Frozen fingers
Burning shoulders
Phrases – Verbs

Never seemed to get any nearer

What she saw next changed things completely
Began to turn against them
Took a turn for the worse when…
Happened in an instant
Slipped and slid on the rocks
Trudged towards the bleak summit
Climbed slowly higher and higher
Crawled and scrambled up the steep slope
Linked arms and started to inch their way
Wound their way around the rocks
Edged along until they had…
Pressed their backs firmly against the slope
Tore their hands and knees on the jagged rocks
Was aware that the edge was somewhere just ahead
Descended from the summit
Was hidden in the mist
Blanketed the mountain
The higher they climbed, the colder the air became
Clung to the side of the rock-face
Shoved, pulled, tugged at him ferociously
Climbed the boulder field
Jumped from one boulder to another
Risked jarring an ankle with every leap
Leaped upwards
Grabbed the edge of the rock
Lunged with her right hand
Levered himself upwards
Jammed his left arm into the crack
Scrabbled with her fingers for a grip
Took the full weight of her body
Balanced precariously
Swung out from the crack
Hauled himself onto the top
Tried pulling himself up in one motion
Dug in with his boots
Found a fist-sized hole in which she could jam her foot
Brought his leg up
Would find no grip on the smooth face
Would be dangling over the sheer drop
Would send him plummeting down
Lost his grip
Felt her hand beginning to slip
Scrabbled as her body swung perilously over the drop
Hung in the air, eyes widening in alarm, her legs flailing
Lost her footing
Began to slither towards the edge
Slithered down the jagged slopes
Teetered precariously on the edge of the path
Dived towards her
Grabbed her collar
Yanked her back
As if the mountain itself was being shaken
Grew louder and the ground started to shake
Cracked and exploded
Sent fragments in every direction
Ducked behind a boulder
Couldn’t stay upright
Buckled under him
Slumped against the slope
Thrown violently backwards by the force of the rock-slide
Sent her sprawling to the ground
Fell as a fist-sized chunk of stone slammed into his side
Bruised his arm
Cracked her ribs

He trudged towards the bleak summit that never seemed to get any nearer.

They had to wind their way around the rocks that protruded like grey teeth
breaking through the earth.

They edged along until they had their backs pressed firmly against the slope.

Although his feet kept slipping and sliding on the rocks, he slowly climbed higher
and higher.

Tearing their hands and knees on the jagged rocks, they crawled and scrambled
up the steep slope.

They linked arms and started to inch their way across the top of the rock. They
slowed down suddenly, aware that the edge was somewhere just ahead, hidden
in the mist.

Fortune began to turn against them.

What she saw next changed things completely.

On the second day of his ascent, events took a turn for the worse when a veil of
mist descended from the summit to blanket the mountain.

The higher they climbed, the colder the air became. He felt a chill surge through
him, as he clung to the side of the rock-face with the wind shoving, pulling,
tugging at him ferociously.

Then several things happened at once. Above him, stones cracked and exploded,
sending fragments in every direction. He ducked behind a boulder, and nearly fell
as a fist-sized chunk of stone slammed into his side, bruising his arm.

It was as if the mountain itself was being shaken. She couldn’t stay upright. She
was thrown violently backwards.

He climbed the boulder field, jumping from one boulder to another, risking jarring
an ankle with every leap.

It all happened in an instant. There was a distant rumble like thunder, which
grew louder, and the ground beneath his feet started to shake.

Leaping upwards, he grabbed the edge of the rock, and tried pulling himself up in
one motion. Instead, he just hung there, his eyes widening in alarm, swaying
slightly in the breeze. His shoulders were burning; he was losing his grip.

Kitty lost her footing, teetering precariously on the edge of the path for a
moment. She began to slither towards the edge. Rob dived towards her, grabbed
her collar, and yanked her back. As she collided into him, she sent them both
sprawling to the ground.

She hauled herself up, finding a fist-sized hole in which she could jam her foot.
Desperately, she scrabbled with her fingers for a grip.

Balancing precariously, he brought his leg up, then jammed his left arm into the
crack which ran up the corner of the cliff.

He knew he would find no grip on the smooth face, that his feet would be
dangling over the sheer drop, and that the slightest slip of his fingers would send
him plummeting down.

She lunged with her right hand, and took the full weight of her body as she
swung out from the crack.

Her heart raced as she felt her hand beginning to slip; her frozen fingers
scrabbling as her body swung perilously over the drop.

For a dreadful moment, Tom watched her hanging in the air, her legs flailing and
her eyes widening in fear as she reached out.

He dug in with his boots and levered himself upwards, and with his last ounce of
strength, he hauled himself onto the top.

His legs buckled under him and he slumped against the slope.

They slithered down the jagged slopes, away from the towering, bleak summit
looming above.
Section 3 - Reaction

Nouns Something, force, phenomenon, presence

Sense, instincts, feeling, thoughts, warning
Task, struggle, trial, trap, survival, chances
Anxiety, fear, shock wave, paralysis
Willpower, determination, hope, optimism
Breath, gasps, wheeze
Pain, blood, wound, injury
Body, hip, shoulder, arms, hands, legs, feet, step, head,
forehead, mouth, voice
Limbs, muscles, nerves, heart, lungs
Similes/Metaphors Like a drum; like a clenched fist; like a dark fog; like a red-
hot needle
Adjectives Tingling, prickling
Painful, aching, sickening
Dizzy, delirious, feverish
Battered, bruised, exhausted, weakened
Helpless, defenceless, powerless
Strange, sinister, malevolent
Vast, huge, epic, monumental
Verbs Worried, bothered, concerned
Felt, thought, wondered, considered, knew, realised,
warned, urged, compelled
Jolted, kick-started, ignited
Staggered, faltered, slumped, stumbled, fell, toppled
Glanced, peered, stared, fixed, glued, searched
Breathed, gasped, shuddered, muttered, grumbled, groaned,
Crept, slithered, welled, pounded, hammered
Tugged, pulled, gripped
Froze, stood, paused, hesitated
Lurked, loomed, waited, watched
Dripped, dropped, dribbled
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Something about the mountain

Something sinister
A strange phenomenon
A menacing force
A shadowy presence
Tantalisingly close
Jaws of a trap
Greatest trial of her life
A small part of her
However slim his chances
All around them
Round every unseen corner
When he eventually…
For a few fatal seconds
Again and again, the same thoughts
Tingling sixth sense
Almost as if a voice inside his head…
Every muscle in her body
Every nerve in his body
Every step
With every ounce of strength
Sheer willpower and determination
A trickle of blood
Blistered feet
Bruised arm
With his hands on his knees
As if in a trance
A low, painful wheeze
Phrases – Verbs

Bothered her
Made her wonder what powers could create…
What was he up against?
Knew one thing for sure
Was powerless to stop
Had come too far to turn back now
Would see it through together – whatever it took
Tugged at her
Drew her closer – like a fish on a line
Had the strangest feeling of being called
Screamed a warning, yet urged him to come
Glanced back one more time
No going back
Never considered giving up
Climbed into the unknown
Knew they had all taken a step towards…
Kept running through his mind
Increased his sense of anxiety
Felt as if he was caught in a maze without an end
Felt like something was watching them
Lurked, waiting to pounce
Waited for them at the top
Turned but there was no one there
Made him look up
Turned and froze
Standing right above him was…
Just when he thought he was safe…
Thought it was safe until she saw…
Changed things completely
Welled up inside her
Felt a familiar shiver
Something was about to go terribly wrong
No time to ask questions
Only time to survive
Knew his life hung by a thread
Wondered what else would try to hinder him
Shrivelled with fear when he looked down
Saw how high up he was
Pounded like a drum
Panic was beginning to set in
Crept over her
Slithered around her like a dark fog
Brought a damp chill
Raced through his veins
It was as if time had stopped
Slithered to a halt
Stood hands on hips, head bowed
Shuddered and went rigid
Started to lose all memory of how to move her aching limbs
Felt battered and bruised, utterly exhausted
Staying on her feet was a monumental task
Weakened with every step
Had reached her limit… couldn’t go on… shutting down
Slumped to the ground
Ached with the sickening pain
Screamed at him as the pain…
Sprinkled red-hot needles across her arms and legs
Gripped his shoulder like a clenched fist
Sent a shock wave of pain through…
Dripped down his forehead, and into his mouth
Knew that their epic struggle was coming to an end
Had nearly reached the top of the mountain
Moved her lips silently in prayer
Drew in a deep breath
Came in painful gasps
Gasped for each painful breath
Blew out his breath hard to stop himself howling
Started to become delirious
Muttered, rambled, groaned
Stared unblinking above her
Stared, unable to think or move
Jolted him out of his paralysis
Kick-started his survival instincts
Had to move. And soon
Forced herself to keep calm… keep moving

Something about the mountain bothered her.

He wondered what powers could create such a strange phenomenon. What was
he up against?

He knew that however slim his chances, they were worth taking.

She knew one thing for sure – the greatest trial of her life was approaching. She
had come too far to turn back now.

They would see it through together – whatever it took.

A small part of her wanted to turn back, but something larger tugged at her and
she was powerless to stop.

He had the strangest feeling of being called, almost as if a voice inside his head
was screaming a warning, yet urging him to come.

He glanced back one more time and then climbed into the unknown.

She knew they had all taken a step towards something sinister and final, and
there was no going back.

She never considered giving up. Some force drew her closer – like a fish hooked
on a line.

Again and again, the same thoughts kept running through his mind, increasing
his sense of anxiety. He felt as if he was caught in a maze without an end, and
round every unseen corner lurked monsters waiting to pounce.
He started to feel like something was watching them – something vast and
malevolent – a presence all around them.

What she saw next changed things completely.

A tingling sixth sense made him look up. As he turned, he froze.

Their optimism lasted only a moment.

She thought they had escaped; at least she thought it was safe until she saw what
waited for them at the top.

Panic welled up inside her as she felt the familiar shiver. She turned but there
was no one there.

Every muscle in her body tensed. Something was about to go terribly wrong.

There was no time to ask questions – there was only time to survive.

He knew his life hung by a thread.

He staggered a little as he went on, and wondered what else would try to hinder
him from reaching his goal.

For fatal seconds, they stared, unable to think or move. And, as they faltered, the
jaws of the trap closed about them.

His heart shrivelled with fear when he looked down and saw how high up he was.

Fear slithered around her like a dark fog, bringing a damp chill that gradually
crept over her, even though she was sweating with the effort of the climb.

It was as if time had stopped. She shuddered and went rigid, as if frozen to the

Every movement was an effort, fighting to breathe, forcing himself to keep

He slithered to a halt, and stood hands on hips, head bowed, his breath coming in
painful gasps.

She was starting to lose all memory of how to move her aching limbs. Her heart
pounded like a drum and panic was beginning to set in.

She felt battered and bruised, utterly exhausted. She had reached her limit. She
couldn’t go on. Her body was shutting down. Her muscles ached with the
sickening pain. It was as if someone had sprinkled red-hot needles across her
arms and legs.

Just staying on her feet was a monumental task of sheer willpower and

Every nerve in his body screamed at him as the pain gripped his shoulder like a
clenched fist.

Every step sent a shock wave of pain through his ankle.

A trickle of blood dripped down his forehead, and into his mouth. It was what he
needed to jolt him out of his paralysis and kick-start his survival instincts. He had
to move. And soon.

He slumped to the ground with his hands on his knees, gasping for each painful
breath, and when he eventually managed to speak, his voice was a low, painful

He knew that their epic struggle was coming to an end. They had nearly reached
the top of the mountain. They were tantalisingly close, but their bodies were
weakening with every step.

She moved her lips silently in prayer.

Drawing in a deep breath, she blew it out hard to stop herself howling and force
herself to keep calm… keep moving.

He was starting to become delirious, muttering, rambling, groaning.

She stared unblinking above her, as if in a trance and frozen to the spot.
The S/C-I-R Structure

The forest was an endless labyrinth of towering trees – an unending green

blanket steeped in shadow. As the forest closed in around them, their unease
grew. They knew that its dark recesses could conceal any number of dangers
and ambushes. Every few steps, they kept glancing nervously over their
shoulders, probing the forest for any flicker of movement, expecting to see
something hideous in every shadow.
As they wound their way through the forest, they stalked amongst the trees
without the snap of a twig to betray them. However, the deeper into the forest
they went, the more uneasy Rob was becoming. At every sound, every
shadow, he fingered his bow nervously. He couldn’t shake off the strange
sensation that he was being followed.

The forest was usually teeming with life, but it had fallen strangely silent. Even
though her heart was thudding wildly in her chest, Kitty knew she had to
keep moving. When she heard a faint noise behind her, she risked a quick glance
over her shoulder… no one there.
Then, suddenly, without any warning, the silence was shattered by the rattle of
armour, the thundering of hooves, the distinctive whistle of an arrow. Kitty
hurtled back towards the trees… the safety and cover of the shadows. Easing
herself sideways, she kept the trunk between her and the approaching riders. She
moved her lips silently in prayer. They couldn’t catch her now! There was
nothing she could do but stay dead still, press herself against the tree, and hope
she wouldn’t be seen.
Section 1 - Setting

Nouns Clearing, track, path, trail

Maze, labyrinth, corridor, passageway, gaps, recesses
Trees, bushes, canopy, trunks, bark, branches, boughs,
twigs, leaves, roots, undergrowth, bogs, swamps, mud
Thorns, brambles, creepers, weeds, pine needles
Owl, crows, rooks, hawk
Wolf, hounds
Horse, hooves, bridle, harness
Soldier, armour, chain mail, hunters, outlaws
Quiver, bow, bowstring, arrow, tip, arrowhead
Footsteps, shouts, yells
Hiss, whistle, twang, clink, clang, rattle
Hoot, howl, snort
Similes/Metaphors Unending green blanket; like melting wax; like barbed
wire; grasping limbs; like lots of sharp fingernails; like a
cunningly laid tripwire; as if the forest was holding its
breath; like a pistol shot
Adjectives Dark, gloomy
Unseen, invisible
Cold, chilly, icy
Thick, dense, pathless, impenetrable, endless
Tall, high, vast, towering
Gnarled, twisted, interlocking
Wild, ancient
Sudden, occasional
Strange, eerie, silent, faint, muffled
Snapping, cracking, crackling, splintering, jangling,
clinking, thundering
Bare, bony, mossy, rotting, matted, peeling, dead, decayed
Vicious, barbed, ankle-twisting, dangerous, treacherous
Yew, oak, birch, willow
Verbs Surrounded, stretched, dotted, wrapped, covered
Twisted, turned
Grew, narrowed, pressed, closed, blocked
Littered, strangled, choked
Sheltered, hid, concealed, camouflaged
Tugged, grasped, grabbed, clasped, clutched, tripped
Darkened, shrouded
Ran, headed, plunged, wound, struggled through, doubled
back, carried on
Ducked, crashed through, leaped, vaulted
Rose, burst, flew, descended, spiralled
Looked, peered, saw, watched
Heard, hissed, smacked, clattered, jangled, echoed
Approached, thundered
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Every so often
Within minutes
All at once
Without warning
All the way through the forest
In the distance
From somewhere ahead
In that part of the forest
In the clearing
Behind them
Ahead of him
Through the leaves
On either side of the track
Past their heads
Ancient, pathless forest
An endless labyrinth of trees
An unending, green blanket
Every towering tree, every trunk, every trail
Vast gnarled oak tree
Mossy oaks with trunks like melting wax
Birches with peeling, white bark
Knuckled roots
Splintered trunks
No easy paths
No straight lines – limited visibility
Tight interlocking branches
Impenetrable walls of thorns and brambles
Dense undergrowth
Corridors between the tall yew trees
Dark recesses
Hollow, darkened passageway
Darkened space between the trees
Clouds of steamy mist
Twisted boughs
Dead branches and hidden roots
Patches of brambles, fallen trees, boggy strips
Matted creepers
Mat of creeping, dark green weed
A thick layer of pine needles
Roots, thorns and grasping limbs
Treacherous, ankle-twisting path
Unseen owls
Hunting owls
Hunting hawk
Murder of crows
Strangely silent
Faint footsteps
Sound of a snapping twig
Crackling in the canopy above their heads
Shouts of alarm
Howl of a wolf
Loud hoot
Blast of a hunting horn
Belling of the hounds
Horse’s snort
Faint rattle of a bridle
Jangling of a harness
Thundering hooves
A handful of shadowy figures on horseback
A rattle of armour
Sound of many hunters
Occasional clink of his bow
Distinctive whistle of an arrow
Twang of a bowstring
Flight of arrows
Volley of fire arrows
Hiss of an arrow
Phrases – Verbs

As he was about to return to camp…

As if the forest was holding its breath
Twisted and turned
Dictated which way they could move
Impossible to follow a straight course
Had to find higher ground or climb a tree
Closed in on him
Pressed in closer to the trail
Blocked the path
Blocked any access
Stretched across the forest floor
Climbed almost horizontally out of the ground
Seemed to get narrower with every step
Covered the full width of the path
Could not penetrate the ancient tangle
Only visible to those who knew the forest
Headed towards…
Headed deeper into the forest
Plunged into the wood
Wound their way through the wood
Struggled on, doubling back time and again
Carried on until they came to a clearing
Dotted with vicious thorns
Wrapped in vines
Made a natural ladder up into the canopy
Choked with dead wood and leaves
Littered with treacherous bogs
Camouflaged by dead leaves and slippery lichen
Threw up ankle-twisting, gnarled roots
Ran through the semi-darkness like barbed wire
Tugged at her feet
Tried to trip her up
Grabbed at them like lots of sharp fingernails
Ducked under low branches
Climbed over fallen trees
Crashed through the vines
Steeped in shadow
Formed a gloomy vault
Surrounded by blackness on all sides
Peered into the black spaces between the trees
Darkened the already gloomy evening
Loomed out of the shadows
Shrouded in mist
Could conceal any number of dangers
Imagined the trees had grown eyes
Caught a movement on the edge of his vision
Rose from the woodland floor
Flew above them like a white shadow
Filled the night sky
Circled above the branches
Burst from the trees
Rose in a flurry
Spiralled down towards the trees
Usually teeming with life
Fell quiet
Waiting to exhale when the danger had passed
Muffled their footsteps
Heard a faint noise
Heard the sound of voices
Cracked out like a pistol shot
Drowned by the flapping of hundreds of wings
Echoed through the forest
Approached them from behind
Approached slowly through the forest
Vaulted over the rise and into view
Came thundering out of the mist
Swept overhead
Hissed into the camp from unseen attackers
Smacked into the trunk of a tree
Clattered into the trees
Shot through the dark
Sliced through the sky in a blazing arc
Left a trail of fiery light

The forest was an endless labyrinth of trees – an unending green blanket. Every
towering tree, every trunk, every trail looked like the one before.

The trees grew densely in that part of the forest – mossy oaks with trunks like
melting candles, birches with peeling white bark.

The trunks were wrapped in vines that grew in all directions, making a natural
ladder up into the canopy.

The forest closed around them – huge, ancient oaks with knuckled roots and
splintered trunks spreading into an arched ceiling.

The trail twisted and turned. As they headed deeper into the forest, the trees
seemed to get thicker and press in closer to narrow the trail even further.

The bushes dictated which direction they could move. It was not easy as there
were no straight lines and visibility was limited unless they found higher ground
or climbed a tree.

There were no easy paths. They struggled on, doubling back time and again as
the going grew too difficult.

It was an old, pathless forest, and it was impossible to follow a straight course.
Patches of brambles, fallen trees, strips of bog and dense undergrowth blocked
the path.

The path to their camp was completely overgrown, but still visible to those who
knew the forest – marked from its surroundings by a mat of creeping, dark green
They carried on until they came to a small clearing where the path seemed to

The corridors between the tall yew trees were steeped in shadow.

The shadows deepened, stretching across the forest floor.

The track seemed to get narrower with every step until the wood swallowed
them whole; the branches darkened the already gloomy evening.

There was a growing unease among them as they wound their way through the
wood, knowing that its dark recesses could conceal any number of dangers and

The tight interlocking branches formed a gloomy vault. It felt like she was going
down a hollow, darkened passageway and it was easy to imagine someone or
something watching her from the darkened spaces between the trees.

Even the moonlight could not penetrate the ancient tangle of roots, thorns and
grasping limbs, but every so often the trunk of a tree would loom out of the

It was a treacherous, ankle-twisting path. He had to watch his footing – there

were dead branches and hidden roots everywhere, camouflaged by rotting leaves
and slippery lichen.

They crashed through vines dotted with vicious thorns that ran through the
gloom like barbed wire and grabbed at them like lots of sharp fingernails.

The ground was boggy and choked with dead wood and leaves. Progress was
slow as they kept having to duck under low branches and climb over fallen trees.

A vast gnarled oak tree climbed almost horizontally out of the ground; its twisted
boughs covered the full width of the path and blocked any access.

The dense undergrowth tugged at her feet, trying to trip her, throwing up ankle-
twisting, gnarled roots and impenetrable walls of thorns and brambles.
Something tripped him and he sprawled headlong – a vine stretched across the
path like a cunningly laid tripwire.

The forest was utterly silent. It was as if it was holding its breath, waiting to
exhale when the danger had passed.

The forest was usually teeming with life, but it was strangely silent.

Not a thing stirred in the trees. The only sounds were his own faint footsteps and
the occasional clink of his bow against his belt.

The sound of a snapping twig cracked out like a pistol shot.

The rooks fell quiet. Then rose in a flurry, circled once and spiralled down
towards the trees.

The howl of a wolf in the distance was swiftly drowned out by the flapping of
hundreds of wings.

A murder of crows rose from the trees; their caw, caw, caw filled the night sky as
they circled above the branches.

A hunting owl burst from the tree with a loud hoot and flew above them like a
white shadow.

High above them, a hunting hawk circled.

A thick layer of pine needles muffled their footfalls.

They had not walked far when he began to hear the sound of voices coming from
somewhere ahead.

The sound of creaking, snapping and breaking branches filled the air.

He had just entered the forest when he heard the haunting blast of a hunting
As he was about to return to the camp, he heard a faint noise: a horse’s snort, the
faint rattling of a bridle and, then, the distinctive whistle of an arrow.

He heard it again, the belling of the hounds, the thundering of hooves

approaching them from behind. Then, a shout, the rattle of armour – the sound of
many men hunting. A handful of shadowy figures on horseback suddenly vaulted
over the rise and into view.

The sound was coming from behind him. The sound of hooves, the jangling of
harness, a number of horses approaching slowly through the forest.

There was a twang of bowstrings as arrows let fly, and suddenly soldiers came
thundering out of the mist.

A flight of arrows whispered through the dark. Another volley of arrows swept
overhead and clattered against the trees. The archers were nowhere to be seen.
More arrows hissed into the camp from the unseen attackers.

Shouts of alarm echoed through the forest as a volley of fire arrows sliced
through the sky in a blazing arc towards them, leaving a trail of fiery light on the

The first bolt shot through the dark, past their heads, smacking into the trunk of a
tree just metres away. Then another and another.
Section 2 - Interaction

Nouns Bushes, undergrowth, trees, saplings, branches, twigs, roots,

logs, vines, brambles, thorns, grass
Hill, slope, bank, ground
Track, trail, path
Shelter, cover, safety, hiding place, camp
Light, shadows, gloom
Rider, horse, hooves, bridle, stirrups, reins
Weapon, sword, sheath, bow, arrow, quiver, staff, net
Sound, rattle, jangle
Movement, pursuers
Similes/Metaphors As delicate as a wild creature; like fugitives; petrified as a
statue; wooden claws of a branch
Adjectives Ancient, narrow
Dim, faint
Dense, impenetrable
Patchy, uneven, random
Flattened, squashed, trampled
Gnarled, rugged, crooked, twisted
Verbs Moved, walked, stalked, looped, circled
Cleared, slashed, sliced
Waited, stopped, halted, stood
Ducked, dived, flung, threw
Sat, crouched, huddled, pressed, flattened, burrowed
Eased, inched, edged, crawled
Rushed, galloped, ran, raced, darted, dashed, sprinted,
bolted, hurtled, outran, outpaced
Slipped, skidded, slid, stumbled, blundered, scrambled
Fell, dropped, crashed, catapulted
Groped, flung out
Grasped, clutched, tangled, caught, whipped, smacked,
Leapt up, lunged, reached, grabbed, seized, pulled, pushed
off, let go, released
Climbed, shimmied, hopped, swung
Rose, raised, looked, glanced, peeked, peered, flickered,
probed, searched, scoured, strained, watched
Heard, hissed, rattled
Pulled, gripped, fitted, notched, nocked, drew, aimed, fired
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

One moment… the next…

From her hiding place
In the bushes to his left
Somewhere nearby
Top of the hill
Behind him
Behind the tree
Towards the trees
In the shadows
Safety and cover of the shadows
Dim light
Narrow track
Ancient yew tree
Gnarled branches
Wooden claws of a branch
Patchy, flattened grass
Faint sound
Sound of a snapping twig
Faint rattle of a bridle
Approaching riders
Out of range
Only paces from him
On the tips of his toes
Motionless and alert
Unable to move, rigid with fear
Petrified as a statue
Flailing hand
As delicately as a wild creature
Like fugitives
Head down, legs a blur of movement
Phrases – Verbs

As the trail became more difficult to follow…

Until he made the shelter of the trees…
As they hunted for him…
As he heard the sound of hooves behind him…
As he heard an arrow hissing through the air…
When he tried to quicken his pace…
One minute, he was walking along the track, the next…
Worked her way through the forest
Stalked amongst the trees
Walked backwards in a circle
Looped round the camp towards the trees
Landed on the trail behind them
Cleared a way forward
Slashed at the dense undergrowth
Sliced through the grasping vines that dangled in front of him
Used his staff to force a path through it
Listened to the sound from…
Strained for any sound
Heard something
Heard the sounds of shifting armour
Cracked out like a pistol shot
Warned him that at least one of his pursuers stood close by
Strained to see
Peered into the shadows
Looked all about him
Looked from side to side and over her shoulders
Probed the forest for a flicker of movement
Darted from side to side,
Checked for any movement
Risked a quick glance over his shoulder
Indicated to the others that they should…
Signalled with his hands
Raised his hand to signal someone was coming
Lingered in the shadows
Stopped when she reached the narrow track
Stopped dead in his tracks
Hadn’t moved a muscle for five minutes
Waited, watched… still did not move
Nothing she could do but sit dead still
Counted to ten before daring to look
Pressed herself against the tree
Ducked down low
Ducked behind a tree
Dived under a bush
Flung himself down behind a tree
Threw herself down on the top of the hill
Crouched behind the…
Flattened herself against the ground
Pressed himself closer to the ground
Burrowed deeper into his thorny hiding place
Raised her head cautiously
Peered through the branches
Rose to take another look
Peered out and squinted into the darkness
Watched from underneath the bush
Looked down without being spotted
Could not make out anything
Could not make out the features of their faces
Eased herself sideways
Kept low and in the shadows
Kept the trunk between her and the approaching rider
Crawled out of the forest as fast as she dared
Crawled backwards out of range
Carefully placed her hands and feet on the patches of long grass
Prayed that the grass would spring back into position behind her
Dashed to the other side of the trail, out of sight
Scrambled up the bank
Darted forward
Hurtled back towards the trees
Darted and dodged through the trees
Changed direction quickly
Raced towards the undergrowth
Ran blindly, taking no notice of distance or direction
Ran like a wild creature
Tried to outpace his pursuers
Kept on running, arms pumping, her lungs burning
Never once did she turn and look back
Lost his footing many times
Couldn’t tell where he was going
Stumbled blindly through the undergrowth
Crashed to the ground
Groped for something to stop her falling
Flung her hand out in front of her
Blundered and slipped
Fought his way through the undergrowth
Slid down through the undergrowth
Fell over roots and branches
Crashed into trees and tangled his legs in brambles
Tangled in a thick tree root and fell headlong
Stumbled into the wooden claws of a branch
Tripped by saplings and fallen logs looming out of nowhere
Whipped by unseen, sharp branches
Clutched at his arms as he pounded past
Whizzed by him
Smacked at his face when he couldn’t duck fast enough
Catapulted into the air by a large net
Covered by leaves and branches and attached to a tree
Leapt up and threw himself at a lower branch of the tree
Grasped the branch and scrambled upwards
Swung her legs, wrapping them around the branch
Pulled herself on to the branch
Reached from branch to branch
Found a fork in the branches where she could sit
Climbed along the branch
Hopped onto the next tree
Shimmied out on the branch and reached for the next one
Swung herself off the branch
Used his legs to push off from the tree
Let go of the vine and seized another mid-air
Dropped to the ground
Everyone moved, rushing for weapons, running for their horses
Galloped past
Stood upright in her stirrups
Leaped out, drawing her bow
Drew an arrow from his quiver
Gripped the bow in her left hand
Nocked his bow
Notched an arrow, aimed and fired
Pulled his sword from its sheath
Drew her sword and led the way down the path

Pulling his sword from its sheath, he started slashing at the dense undergrowth to
clear a way forward.

The foliage thickened and, as the trail became more difficult to follow, he used
his staff to force a path through it.

He listened to the faint sound from behind him and indicated to the others that
they should move to either side of the trail, out of sight.

When he raised his hand to signal something was coming, the others
immediately ducked down low.

Scrambling up the bank, she flattened herself against the ground.

He crouched behind the tree, motionless, his ears straining for any sound, his
eyes peering into the shadows.

Frantically, looking from side to side and over her shoulders, she ducked behind a

He flung himself down behind a tree and nocked his bow.

Hearing the sounds of shifting armour, he trembled and burrowed deeper into his
thorny hiding place, ignoring the pain as the needle-sharp leaves pierced his skin.

Diving under a bush, she pressed herself flat against the ground and waited. She
counted to ten before daring to look. They hadn’t seen her, yet! If she had any
chance of escape, she had to move now.

The sound of a snapping twig cracked out like a pistol shot, warning him that at
least of one his pursuers stood only paces from him. He strained to see him but
could make out nothing, not so much as a moving shadow in the gloom. He
pressed himself closer to the ground.

From her hiding place, she could not make out the features of their faces, so she
couldn’t be sure it was them, but a sixth sense warned her that it was, that they
had picked up her trail. She was unable to move, rigid with fear.

There was nothing she could do but sit dead still and press herself against the tree
and hope she wouldn’t be seen.

He watched from underneath the bush as they hunted for him.

She was crouched behind the ancient yew tree. She hadn’t moved a muscle for
five minutes. She waited, watched… still did not move.

Motionless and alert, they lingered in the shadows, ready to move quickly. They
watched and waited. Then, slowly, Tom peered out and squinted into the
darkness. His eyes darted left and right, probing the forest for a flicker of

On the tips of his toes, he rose to take another look.

Raising her head cautiously, she peered through the branches.

He walked backwards in a circle, looking all about him.

He crawled backwards, out of range.

She crawled out of the forest and into the meadow as fast as she dared. Very
carefully, she placed her hands and feet on the patches of long grass, praying that
it would spring back into position behind her and conceal her movements.

She stopped when she reached the narrow track. She had heard something… the
snap of a twig, the faint rattle of a bridle. She hurtled back towards the trees… the
safety and cover of the shadows. Easing herself sideways, she kept the trunk
between her and the approaching rider.
He stopped dead in his tracks as he heard the sound of hooves behind him.
Quickly, he changed direction, raced towards the undergrowth and ducked behind
a tree.

Darting forward, Kitty kept low and threw herself down on the top of the hill
behind the tree so that she could look down without being spotted.

She ran blindly, taking no notice of distance or direction. Every sense became
sharpened and she moved as delicately as a wild creature, avoiding twigs and
loose stones.

Never once did she turn and look back… just kept on running, arms pumping, her
lungs burning.

He darted and dodged through the trees. Blundering and slipping, he fought his
way through the undergrowth grasping at his ankles.

Keeping low, and in the shadows, she ran back, looping round the camp towards
the trees.

He ran on, falling over roots and branches, crashing into trees and tangling his
legs in brambles. He risked a quick glance over his shoulder as he heard an arrow
hissing through the air somewhere nearby.

He ran like a wild creature, trying to outpace his pursuers, until he made the
shelter of the thick trees.

Clenching his fists, he ran. The trees whizzed by him, their gnarled branches
clutching at his arms as he pounded past.

He lost his footing so many times, he gave up and slid down through the
undergrowth, branches smacking at his face when he couldn’t duck fast enough.

She turned and fled, but fell over a tree root, stumbling onto her face, stunned as
her head made sharp contact with the ground.

She stumbled and flung her hand out in front of her, groping for something to
stop her falling.

The ground was uneven, so when he tried to quicken his pace, he stumbled,
crashing to the ground.

One moment he was stumbling blindly through the undergrowth, the next, his
feet tangled in a thick tree root and he fell headlong.

The darkness was so complete he couldn’t tell where he was going. He stumbled
into the wooden claws of a trunk, was whipped by unseen, sharp branches and
tripped by saplings and fallen logs looming out of nowhere.

One minute he was walking along the track, and the next he was catapulted into
the air by a large net. It had been covered by leaves and branches and attached to
a tree.

He leapt up and threw himself at a lower branch of the tree, grasped the branch
and scrambled upwards.

Swinging her legs, wrapping them around the branch, she pulled herself on to it,
then reached from branch to branch until she found a fork in the branches where
she could sit and look out.

He climbed along the branch, and hopped onto the next tree.

He shimmied out on the branch and reached for the next one.

There was a cracking sound, and he swayed on the branch. He was too far from
the trunk and the branch beneath his feet was splintering and about to give way.

The branch dipped dangerously low, threatening to snap and send him spiralling
to the ground.

She swung herself off the branch and dropped to the ground.

Using his legs, Tom pushed off from the tree, let go of the vine and seized another
Suddenly, everyone was moving, reaching for weapons, running to their horses.

A path branched off to the right; its patchy grass showed signs of being recently
trampled. She drew her sword and led the way, eyes darting from side to side,
checking for any movement.

Working her way through the forest, she stalked amongst the trees without the
snap of a twig to betray her. When she neared their position, she leaped out,
drawing her bow, landing on the trail behind them.

He drew an arrow from his quiver, notched it, aimed and fired.

She galloped past, standing upright in her stirrups, her reins dangling loose, a
bow gripped in her left hand.
Section 3 - Reaction

Nouns Instant, moment, split-second

Presence, shadows
Instinct, feeling, thoughts, senses, sensation
Adrenalin, nerves, muscles, sweat
Panic, urgency
Shock, fear, fright, dread, terror
Brain, heart, pulse, temples, chest, breath, cheeks
Body, stomach, shoulder, spine, neck, arm, hand, face, eyes
Voice, whisper, sob, shout, scream, howl, shriek
Similes/Metaphors Like an electric shock; a shivering wave of terror
Adjectives Raw, blind, sheer, tight
Sixth, tingling, prickling
Low, slow, halting
Chilly, icy, steely
Alert, wide, staring, urgent
Pounding, thudding, hammering
Desperate, frantic, rasping, jagged, halting
Menacing, hideous
Verbs Expected, discovered, anticipated, warned, knew, realised,
remembered, recalled
Squashed, repressed, suppressed
Felt, sensed, imagined
Pounded, thudded, hammered, charged, surged
Held, drew, sucked, gasped, steadied, blew out
Gritted, gnashed, clenched
Looked, flickered, darted, swept, strained
Spoke, dropped, lowered, whispered
Fingered, clutched, gripped
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

In that one instant

But the next moment
From a little way off
Away from the camp, deeper into the woods
Raw instinct
Blind instinct
Sheer panic
Utterly alert
Every nerve in his body
Every muscle in her body
Beads of sweat
Tingling sixth sense
Tight knot in her stomach
Surge of adrenalin
Like an electric shock
Wide and staring
Urgent and twisted with terror
Horse’s snort, rattle of a bridle
Distinctive whistle of an arrow
Clang of metal on metal
Phrases – Verbs

As he crept through the forest…

All her senses were on high alert
Even though his heart was pounding…
If she had any chance of escape…
Realised he had run in the wrong direction
Registered a menacing presence lurking in the shadows
Tried to remember the way back to the camp
Could not afford to get lost in the wood
Knew he had to remain calm
Repressed the rising tide of panic
Forced herself to…
Tried to anticipate their next move
Tried to discover where the archer was hiding
Had to move now
Could not relay the message to her legs in time
Expected to see something hideous in every shadow
Afraid something or someone was following her
Warned her that she was walking into trouble
Felt a chill, steely fist squeeze her heart
Reeling with fright
Clenched and thudded in her chest
Sent a shivering wave of terror down his spine
Pounded in her temples
Charged down his spine like an electric shock
Strained to breaking point
Tensed and ready to run
Blew out her cheeks
Drew a rasping, jagged breath
Held their breath
Gasped for breath
Could hardly breathe
Clenched his jaw
Gnashed his teeth together
Terrified to make a noise
Darted to and fro
Darted wildly from side to side
Flickered nervously left and right
Swept the scene in front of her
Strained to pierce the darkness
Made her look up
Looked furtively over her shoulder
Risked a glance over his shoulder
Glanced fearfully around
Looked at one another
Exchanged a nervous glance
Dropped to an urgent whisper
Spoke in a low, halting voice
No one said a word
Dared not swallow
Feared they would hear her
Steadied himself, holding his breath
Strained for the sound of the approaching horses
Heard a faint noise
Slithered to a halt
Froze her to the spot
Turned her head, and froze
Fingered his bow nervously

As he crept through the forest, beads of sweat broke out across his forehead. He
fingered his bow nervously, his hand stiff.

Her heart clenched and thudded in her chest. She had to force herself to struggle
to her feet. If she had any chance of escape, she had to move now.

Her brain registered a menacing presence lurking in the shadows, but she was
unable to relay the message to her legs in time.

Reeling with fright, he realised that he had run in the wrong direction – away
from the camp, deeper into the woods.

A shiver charged down his spine like an electric shock.

A tight knot in her stomach warned Gail that she was walking into trouble, but
she knew she had to warn them at all costs.

Even though his heart was pounding, he knew he had to remain calm and repress
the rising tide of panic. He could not afford to get lost in the wood.

Raw instinct took control as a surge of adrenalin shot through her. Every muscle
in her body was tensed and ready to run.

A tingling sixth sense made her look up. As she turned her head, she froze. A
cowled figure had stepped out from behind a bush. He was holding something in
his hands. Her stomach lurched as she realised that it was a crossbow… nocked…
the arrow aimed directly at her.

All her senses were on high alert as she strained for the sound of the approaching
He felt as if there were eyes everywhere, following his every move.

Her eyes darted to and fro, sweeping the scene in front of her, trying to discover
where the archer was hiding.

She looked furtively over her shoulder, as if she was afraid something or someone
was following her.

Their eyes flickered quickly upwards.

Her eyes swept over the scene in front of her as she tried to anticipate their next

He risked a quick glance over his shoulder.

She glanced fearfully around, expecting to see something hideous in every


Blowing out her cheeks, she drew a rasping, jagged breath.

They all held their breath. From a little way off, they heard a faint noise: a
horse’s snort, the faint rattling of a bridle and then the distinctive whistle of an

His voice dropped to an urgent whisper.

They looked at one another, but no one said a word.

She dared not swallow for fear they would hear her.

She steadied herself, holding her breath.

Clenching his jaw, he gnashed his teeth together, too terrified to make a noise.

He spoke in a low, halting voice, constantly looking from side to side.

The S/C-I-R Structure

Cautiously, they edged their way through the gap and emerged in an enormous
cave the size of a cathedral. Along the left-hand wall, strange letters and
geometric shapes had been carved and scraped into the surface.
They moved along the wall, leaning closer to get a better look at the drawings.
All of a sudden, Kitty stopped dead in her tracks. She had noticed a movement
out of the corner of her eye. Ahead of them, rays of light, like ghostly fingers, had
suddenly filtered through from a gap somewhere high above their heads. Where
the light fell on the wall, it had lit up a dragon that had been painted over the
entrance to the next cave, its vast wings stretching across the arch. For some
reason, the painting sent a chill shivering down Kitty’s spine, as if someone
was pushing ice-cold needles into the back of her neck.
Section 1 - Setting

Nouns Mouth, hole, gap, entrance, side, edge, centre

Inside, interior, pit, bowels
Cavern, chamber, passage, gallery, columns, pillars, arches,
crypt, vault, tomb, walls, roof, floor, ground
Water, stream, pool, lake
Stalagmites, stalactites, icicles, crystals
Carvings, etchings, pictures, scenes, signs, symbols, paint,
Horses, deer, stags, unicorns, dragons, phoenix, griffins,
eagle, bull, bison, boar, bear, bird-headed man
Statue, warrior, sculpture, effigy, king, sword
Skeletons, bones, skull
Roots, vines, moss, lichen
Sound, voice, hiss, shriek, laughter, echo
Light, rays, torch, beam, brazier
Darkness, shadows
Smell, stench, water, damp, mould, peat, chalk, flint,
sulphur, decay
Similes/Metaphors Like a silent, screaming mouth; like a cathedral; like a
secret, ancient vault; like enormous diamonds; like giant
crystal spikes; like a crystal chandelier; like glistening spears
of light; like a forest of stalagmites; as cold as a crypt; as
dark as night; like ghostly fingers; like marble; like a
bubbling rock soup; like manacles around her wrists; like
being sucked down into the depths of the earth
Adjectives Huge, life-sized, giant, enormous, monumental
Low, high, deep
Secret, ancient
Dark, black, inky, gloomy, dim, shadowy, ghostly, spectral
Eerie, sinister, empty, lifeless, powerful, menacing
Flickering, dancing
Cold, icy, freezing, damp, clammy
Colourful, vivid, rich, life-like, detailed, realistic
White, blue, red, gold, green, brown
Luminous, phosphorescent
Shimmering, glistening, glowing, jewelled, ornate, gilded
Interlocking, linking, mathematical, geometrical
Putrid, sickly, stale, sulphurous
Rough, jagged, sharp, needle-sharp
Hissing, sucking, snickering
Verbs Stretched, opened, branched, divided, split, radiated
Rose, hung, dangled, swooped, suspended, cascaded
Sculpted, carved, etched, chiselled, engraved, chalked
Daubed, flecked, speckled
Covered, littered
Lit, crept, cast, illuminated, pierced, reflected, flooded
Revealed, glimpsed, disappeared, vanished
Heard, floated, came from, surrounded by, filled
Boomed, crackled, crunched, dripped, echoed
Bubbled, trickled, gushed
Wafted, carried, drifted, brought
Rocked, cracked, thrashed, lashed, wrapped
Startled, spooked, alarmed
Tensed, braced, stiffened
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

For a brief second

In one of the caves
At the entrance to the cave
In the centre of the cave
Deep in the bowels of the cave
Beneath his feet
Above his head
Somewhere in the distance
Behind thick, tangled vines
In the face of the sheer, deadly slopes
Mouth of a low cave
Entrance to an enormous cave
A ghostly black hole – a silent screaming mouth
An enormous cavern, the size of a cathedral
Gallery of columns
Monumental arches
Like a secret, ancient vault
A hole in the rock the size of a small door
Huge, shimmering stalactites like enormous diamonds
Stalagmites like giant crystal spikes
Glittering gallery of white crystals
Like glistening spears of light
Like a forest of stalagmites
Deep carvings
Strange letters from an ancient language
Pictures of leaping white stags
Scenes from a wild boar hunt
Walls completely covered by paintings of four, enormous, black bulls
Life-like hunting scenes
Terrifying, bird-headed man
Strange, interlocking, geometric symbols and signs
Niches in the walls where lamps…
Clammy, cold, icy to the touch
As cold as a crypt and dark as night
Long buried and forgotten
Not one ray of light
Nothing but impenetrable dark
Rays of dim light like ghostly fingers
Eerie growl
Clouds of shrieking bats
Dying echo in the freezing passage
Humming sound
Dripping water
Eerie noise in the sinister stillness of the cave
Sinister sucking, snickering sound
Deep voice
Sound of beating wings
Putrid, sickly stench
Waft of stale air
Cobwebs and mould
Smell of stagnant water and damp decay
Smell of peat, chalk, flint and sulphur
Shimmering lake
Needle-sharp tipped vines
Bones like rotten wood
Hollow skull
Stone tomb
Figure of an enormous warrior
Life-sized effigy of a king
Jewelled sword
Phrases – Verbs

Carved out of the rocky wall

Reached out into the shadows
Stretched away in every direction
Extended into the dark caves beyond
Wound between…
Branched off to the right
As they walked further into the cavern…
Found himself in…
Opened out into…
Rose high above their heads
Suspended from the roof
Hung like a crystal chandelier above his head
Plunged from the roof
Covered the floor
Littered the floor
Merged together to form solid, shimmering pillars
Leaked in through the rocks
Glistened with damp
Shone like marble
Bubbled through the middle of the cave
Trickled under the cave wall
Formed a pool of deep, glowing blue water
As his eyes got used to the dark…
Where light flooded into the cave…
Caught a glimpse of…
Disappeared out of sight
Peered into the inky blackness
Reflected the light from his torch
Pierced the shadows around her
Rose from the gloom
Crept across the floor and walls
Glowed with a phosphorescent light
Held the candle before her like a weapon
Swung it from side to side
Did little to push back the darkness
Saw a flickering light
Filtered through from above
Cast spectral shadows on the walls
Cast dancing shadows across their path
Noticed a shadow that seemed darker than the others
Heard a whisper of sound
Heard whispering laughter
Floated towards her
Seemed to be coming from inside the walls
Came from the distance
Surrounded by the echoes of…
Boomed out of one of the tunnels
Seemed treacherously loud
Hissed through the darkness
Filled with the sound of…
Swooped from the ceiling
Covered in pictures of…
Etched into the stone walls
Carved into the rock
Daubed with swirling red and blue paint
Wafted against his face
Drifted through the air
Brought a smell of…
Like being sucked down into the depths of the earth
Rose from the bottom of the pit
Bubbled like soup
Sent columns of sulphurous stench
Gushed out into the fiery river of boiling lava
Rocked and cracked
Vines forced their way through the gaps
Thrashed at the air
Crept closer to her
Wrapped around her ankle
Lashed out to lock like manacles around her wrists
Felt a presence… cold, powerful, menacing
Edged further into the cave
Startled by…
Stood stiff, staring ahead with empty, lifeless eyes
Stumbled over one of the many skeletons
Littered the floor
Cracked and shattered the bones

Hidden behind thick, tangled vines was the mouth of a low cave that had been
carved out of the rocky wall.

The cave was a black hole – a silent, screaming mouth in the face of the deadly

He found himself in a huge, circular cavern.

An enormous cavern, the size of a cathedral, stretched out into the shadows.

A gallery of columns stretched away in every direction around them;

monumental arches rose high above their heads. It was like a secret, ancient vault
long buried and forgotten.

The cavern was like a forest of stalagmites, narrow paths winding between them,
stretching into the dark caves beyond.

Hanging from the roof, like enormous diamonds, were huge, shimmering
stalactites. Stalagmites like giant, crystal spikes covered the floor.

The tunnel suddenly opened out into a glittering gallery of white crystals.

Icicles plunged from the roof to hang like a crystal chandelier above his head,
reflecting the light from his torch back like glistening spears of light to pierce the
shadows around him.

In one of the caves, the stalactites and stalagmites had merged together to form
giant, solid, shimmering pillars.

Where water had leaked in through the rocks, the walls and floor glistened like

They found deep carvings etched into the stone walls – strange letters from an
ancient language, and pictures of leaping white stags, scenes from a wild boar
hunt, and in one corner, what looked like a phoenix spreading its wings across the

At the entrance to the cave, the walls were daubed with swirling red and blue
paint. As they walked further into the cavern, they came across strange
mathematical symbols and signs that had been chalked and scraped into the

Moss that glowed with a phosphorescent light crept across the floor and the

The cave was as cold as a crypt and dark as night. Not one ray of light. Nothing
but impenetrable dark.

As his eyes grew used to the dark, he made out two amber, reptilian eyes staring
back at him from the shadows.

She held the candle before her like a weapon, swinging it from side to side. But it
did little to push back the darkness and its flame cast spectral shadows on the

For a brief second, he thought he saw the flickering of a flame deep in the bowels
of the cave.

Rays of dim light, like ghostly fingers, filtered through from a gap somewhere
high above.

By the entrance, a metal brazier lit the way, casting dancing shadows across their
path. To his right, he noticed a shadow that seemed darker than the others,
creeping across the wall.

Where light flooded through an opening in the top of the cave, it created a
cascading, shimmering waterfall of light on one of the walls.

From somewhere in the gloom, she heard whispering laughter floating towards
her. It seemed to be coming from inside the walls.

The echo of her voice rebounded between the enormous stalactites.

The sound of dripping water from ahead of him made an eerie noise in the
sinister stillness of the cave.

The sinister, sucking, snickering sound seemed to come from a distance, yet the
echo surrounded him.

A deep voice boomed out of one of the tunnels stretching away from the cave.

Every step seemed treacherously loud in the cave.

An eerie growl stopped him dead in his tracks.

Something hissed through the darkness.

The air was filled with the sound of beating wings as clouds of shrieking bats
swooped from the ceiling.

A cold, clammy air wafted against his face, bringing with it a smell of stagnant
water and damp decay.

It felt like he was being sucked down into the depths of the earth as the smell of
peat, chalk, flint and sulphur drifted through the air.

A stream bubbled through the middle of the cave and then trickled under the cave
wall, where it formed a pool of deep, glowing blue water.

At the centre of the cave was a shimmering, silver lake.

Hot air rose from the bottom of the pit in the centre of the cavern, which bubbled
like soup, sending columns of a sulphurous stench to gush out into a fiery river of
boiling lava.

As the stones started to rock and crack, needle-sharp vines forced their way into
the gaps, thrashing at the air, creeping closer to her, until they were near enough
to wrap around her legs and lock like handcuffs around her ankles.

As she entered one of the smaller caves set into the side, she felt a presence…
cold, powerful, menacing. She edged further in, and was startled by the figure of
an enormous warrior, clad in mail, visored helmet and armed with a sword. It
stood stiff, staring ahead with empty, lifeless eyes.

He stumbled over one of the many skeletons that littered the floor, the bones
cracking and shattering like rotten wood beneath his feet.

In the centre of the cave was a stone tomb. Lying along the top was a life-sized
sculpture of a warrior, his jewelled sword clenched in his hand by his side.
Section 2 - Interaction

Nouns Cavern, chamber, opening, hole, archway, niches, pillars

Passage, path, slope, wall, ground, floor, ledge, chasm,
abyss, tomb
Rocks, stones, gravel, dirt, dust
Cover, shelter, safety
Lake, pool, river, stream
Darkness, gloom, light, lamp, torch, beam, glare
Air, wind, blast
Bats, skulls, skeleton, serpents, hooves, vines
Cudgel, spear, dagger, blade, sword, hilt, sheath, bow, arrow
Body, back, arms, shoulders, elbows, hands, wrists, fingers,
knuckles, legs, knees, feet, footholds
Bones, muscles, sinew
Effort, strain
Similes/Metaphors Quiet as a grave; stalactites like spears; like a black plume
of smoke; a hair’s breadth
Adjectives Huge, vast, echoing
Narrow, steep, precipitous
Rocky, jagged, rough-hewn
Damp, slippery, loose, dangerous, treacherous
Fiery, burning, boiling, raging
Wary, cautious, terrified
Verbs Ventured, crossed, descended
Entered, emerged, reached, came to, arrived at
Squeezed, eased
Raised, motioned, indicated
Felt, groped, jerked, flapped
Stopped, halted, froze
Dropped, ducked, dived
Crouched, hugged, pressed, flattened
Rolled, flipped, crawled, scuttled
Shuffled, edged, inched
Moved, stepped, walked
Quickened, rushed, darted, ran, raced, sprinted, surged,
Sprang, leapt, launched
Climbed, scrambled, clambered, hauled
Hung, dangled
Struggled, clawed, flailed
Slipped, slid, skidded, stumbled
Fell, toppled, plunged, plummeted
Landed, crashed
Knocked, threw, sent, slammed, seized
Glimpsed, stared, peered, glanced
Swallowed, gasped, shrieked
Jarred, flared, strained, popped
Drew, grabbed, held, gripped
Dropped, skittered
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Out of the corner of his eye

For a moment
Only seconds before
Out of sight
Out of range
Almost at the top… almost safe
Quiet as a grave
Gust of wind
Raging waters of the lake
Stalactites like spears
Thick cudgel
A serpent with a diamond-shaped head
Millions of bats, like a black plume of smoke
Bulging, burning, orange eyes
Both hands on her iron-tipped spear
Phrases – Verbs

By the time he had reached…

Felt like a trap
Couldn’t back away now
Descended a precipitous path into a huge cavern
Squeezed through a hole carved out of the rocky wall
Emerged from the passage into…
Came to a narrow archway
Reached the stream of boiling rock
Ventured further in
Edged down the…
Put a hand on her arm
Indicated that they should move to either side of the pillar
With his arms fully extended…
Felt gingerly along the wall
Felt along the wall for any holes in the rock
Raised his hand to shield himself from the fiery blast of wind
Jerked his hand back
Threw her arms out
Flapped his hands in front of him
Clung to each other
Stopped dead in her tracks
Too frightened to move
Froze, trapped in the glare of…
Crouched behind the tomb
Dropped to his knees behind a large rock
Hugged the wall with her back
Shuffled sideways along the ledge
Stepped sideways out of the shelter of the rocks
As he inched forward…
Turned and walked backwards to check behind them
Stepped forward to get a closer look
Moved warily around the chamber
Edged closer towards the source of the sound
Without taking his eyes from…
Stared upwards
Peered cautiously around…
Kept glancing behind her
Concealed in the darkness
Trapped in a dead end with nowhere to run
Whirled around
Crawled as fast as she could
Scuttled backwards on his elbows
Rolled quickly to the side
Quickened her pace
Raced down the passage
Forced himself to move faster
Moved fast and made for the wall of the cavern
Sprinted to the wall
Darted down the slope
Hurtled down the slope
A mistake to glance down
Willed himself not to look down
Tried to forget that it was a long way to fall
Sprung from rock to rock
As he sprang off the rock…
Launched himself across the gap
Leapt over the crack that split like a lightning bolt
With his arms fully extended…
Rushed at the wall, arms pumping
Reached for the ledge
Clambered up the wall
Found footholds in the rough-hewn stones
Hung in mid-air for an age
Hung there, legs flailing, shoulders burning
Struggled to stay out of reach
Just as he hit the ground…
Threw herself forward
Flattened herself against…
Fell forward and sprawled on the floor
Flipped over onto her back
Sent sprays of gravel over the edge
Crashed onto the other side
Couldn’t have stopped even if he had wanted to
Struggled to grip on to the slippery ledge
Clawed at the ground to stop himself toppling into the chasm
Almost slipped
Slid on the loose stones
Managed to keep his balance
Couldn’t stay upright
Hit the ground hard
Arms flailed as she tried to keep her balance
Knocked backwards by the force of the blast
Thrown violently backwards
Sent him plummeting through the air
Jarred her elbows and wrists
Pain flared up her arms
Could feel his knuckles popping with the strain
Jarred every bone in his body
Swallowed a couple of deep breaths
Shrieked as the ground opened up behind her
Avoided toppling into the chasm
Landed in the raging waters of the lake below
Dodged the falling stone
Never saw the thing that seized hold of her
Plunged from the roof
Slid out of the tomb
Lunged towards her
Slammed her against the wall
Drew his sword
Drew his sword and spun on his heel
Struggled to get her dagger out of its sheath
Held the blade before him
One hand held his shield, the other his sword
Descended where her head had been
Missed the trampling hooves by a hair’s breadth
Held the hilt of his sword tightly
Made a grab for her sword
Slipped out of her hand
Threw herself after her dagger
Sliced the vine that grasped his body
Let his arrow fly

He put a hand on her arm as he noticed a movement out of the corner of his eye.

As the hissing sound echoed off the walls of the cave, closer this time, he
indicated that they should move to either side of the pillar, out of sight.

Throwing her arms out, she felt gingerly along the wall.

Suddenly, millions of bats, like a black plume of smoke, fluttered from every
corner and the passage rang with the echoes of his scream as he flapped his
hands in front of him.

He jerked his hand back, cold sweat trickling down his back.

He raised his hand, trying to shield himself from the intense wind being blasted
at him.

She stopped dead in her tracks, staring upwards.

They clung to each other, too frightened to move.

For a moment, he froze, trapped in the glare of its bulging, burning, orange eyes.

She crouched behind the tomb, both hands on her spear.

He was concealed in the darkness, but trapped in a dead end. If the creature
returned, he knew he would have nowhere to run.

Hugging the wall with her back, she shuffled sideways along the ledge, one foot
crossing the other.
As he inched forward, Tom felt along the wall for any holes in the rock.

She crawled as fast as she could, ignoring the stones that scraped her knees and

All was as quiet as a grave. Rob carried his crossbow, occasionally turning and
walking backwards to check behind him.

As quietly as he could, he stepped forward to get a better look.

She moved warily around the chamber to the next archway.

He edged closer, towards the source of the sound. It felt wrong, like a trap. But he
couldn’t back away now.

She kept glancing behind her, every muscle in her body tensed, and quickened her

He came to a narrow archway and cautiously peered around it, not knowing
what he was going to find on the other side.

Without taking his eyes from the deformed dwarf-like creature in front of him, he
scuttled backwards on his elbows.

Rolling quickly to the side, he missed the trampling hooves by a hair’s breadth.

She dodged, none too soon, as a thick cudgel descended where her head had been
only seconds before.

He drew his sword and held the blade before him.

The blade slipped out of her hand; she threw herself after it. Made a grab for it.
Just as another serpent slid out of the tomb and lunged towards her, she rolled to
the side.

A gust of wind slammed her against the wall.

Glancing down was a mistake. Her foot almost slipped, sending sprays of gravel
over the edge and into the flaming pit.

She stumbled, hitting the ground hard, jarring her elbows and wrists with a pain
that flared up her arms.

His feet slipped. His arms flailed. He tried to keep his balance. Desperately, he
clawed at the ground to stop himself toppling into the chasm that had opened up
in front of him.

He was knocked backwards by the force of the blast. It was like the ground itself
was writhing and bucking in an underground storm. He couldn’t stay upright. He
was thrown violently backwards.

She shrieked as the ground opened up behind her, and threw herself forward, just
in time to avoid toppling into the chasm that had split the cave in two.

He could feel his knuckles popping as he struggled to grip on to the slippery


She fell forward, sprawling on the floor. Quickly, she flipped over onto her back
and looked up.

Just as he hit the ground, a crack opened up beneath him, sending him
plummeting through the air towards the raging waters of the lake in the cavern

She moved fast. Made for the wall of the cavern. Flattened herself against it. Just
as she felt the stone wall at her back, stalactites like spears began to plunge from
the roof.

He dodged the falling stones, and leapt over the cracks that were splitting like
lightning bolts ahead of him.

He raced down the passage, one hand holding his shield, the other his sword.

As she ran, she struggled to get her dagger out of its sheath.
Almost at the top, almost safe… almost! He forced himself to move faster, not
look down, forget that it was a long way down if he fell.

He launched himself down the slope, sliding on the loose stones, but just
managing to keep his balance and surge on.

He rose to his feet, and sprinted to the wall, dropping to his knees behind a large

He darted down the slope, springing from rock to rock.

He clambered up the wall, easily finding footholds in the rough-hewn stone.

Desperate, he rushed at the wall, arms pumping. He jumped. Even with his arms
fully extended, only his fingertips reached the ledge. The rest of his body
smashed against the stone, driving out his breath. He gasped and hung there, legs
flailing, shoulders burning, as he struggled to stay out of its reach.

He swallowed a couple of deep breaths, and hurtled down the slope. By the time
he had reached the stream of boiling rock, he couldn’t have stopped even if he
had wanted to. Panic made him take off too early, and as he sprang off the rock,
he seemed to hang there for an age before he crashed onto the other side with an
impact that jarred every bone in his body.

She whirled round, but never saw the thing that seized hold of her.

She drew her sword and spun on her heel. Anything could be hiding in the

Stepping sideways out of the shelter of the rocks, he let his arrow fly.

Holding the hilt of his sword tightly, he cut the vine that grasped his body.
Section 3 - Reaction

Nouns Brain, muscles, nerves, pins and needles, heart, throat, chest, lungs,
breath, neck, arms, hands, face, mouth, lips, eyes
Instinct, sense, sensation, images, panic, terror
Glance, look, stare
Adjectives Dry, ice-cold, gnawing, lingering
Sixth, tingling, prickling
Ready, determined, unwavering
Painful, rasping, wheezing
Trembling, quivering, shivering, shuddering
Wide, staring, gaping
Verbs Wondered, expected, knew, realised, remembered
Alerted, warned, prepared
Willed, prayed, hoped
Listened, heard
Felt, touched, brushed
Closed, squeezed, clenched, tightened, twisted, banged, stabbed
Rooted, nailed
Glanced, peered, scanned, searched, tracked, probed, darted,
flickered, blinked
Shot, exchanged
Glued, fixed, stared
Sucked, gasped, swallowed, gulped, choked, trailed off, sawed, razed
Twisted, dropped open, uttered, whimpered, yelled, shrieked
Covered, clutched, pressed
Felt, groped, floundered, flailed
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Dark, yawning entrance to the cave

Sudden, intense brightness
Every nerve in his body
Every muscle in his body
Like ice-cold needles in the back of his neck
A tingling, sixth sense
A tingling sensation that he wasn’t alone
A lingering chill
Quivering dread of an invisible presence
Fear of when it would appear again
Fear of what would happen when it did
Too terrified to look up
A thousand terrors
Terrifying images
Out of the corner of her eye
Wide, staring eyes
At every new noise
Sound of echoing footsteps
Throat suddenly dry
Painful gasps
With trembling hands
Ready for anything
Phrases – Verbs

When she entered its gloomy depths…

As a shadow fell across the entrance…
As he turned his head…
As his hand brushed something in the dark…
As a single word roared in her head…
Not sure what he expected
Wondered what she would find when she entered…
Flashed through her mind
Made him look up
Warned him not to move
Knew he had to think of something fast
Realised she wasn’t going to make it
Alerted it to her presence
Listened for the venomous hiss
Getting closer by the minute
Felt as if there were eyes everywhere
Could not see it but knew it was there
Felt icy fingers close around her heart
Banged against his ribs
Stabbed by a splinter of fear
Tightened and twisted
Clenched in panic
Seemed nailed to the ground
Fought her body’s natural instinct to run
Glanced behind him
Cast one glance over her shoulder
Peered out and squinted into the darkness
Strained to see through the dim light
Scanned the chamber
Looked for a means of escape
Searched for any sign of movement
Tracked from side to side
Probed the shadows at the edge of the cave
Darted wildly back and forth
Kept her eyes glued to the entrance
Kept her narrowed eyes fixed to the floor
Couldn’t tear her gaze away from…
Stared unwavering on the path before him
Willed himself not to look
Prayed that if she kept her eyes closed it would…
Flickered briefly to his face
Shot him a warning glance
Exchanged a nervous look
Made her blink rapidly
Blinked the darkness out of her eyes
Set in a thin, determined line
Sucked in a breath
Swallowed, his throat suddenly dry
Choked back a gasp
Trailed off as he realised what lay ahead
Breath came in painful gasps
Could hear his own ragged breathing
Sawed in and out
Twisted in a scream that never came
Uttered a silent, desperate cry
Whimpered and covered her face with her hands
Clutched his hand to his mouth to stop himself screaming
Uttered a thin, high-pitched scream
Yelled at the top of his voice
Couldn’t help the shriek of terror that escaped his throat
Echoed through the cave
Felt his way
Floundered around in the dark
Slithered to a halt
Struggled to nock her arrow
Fumbled to unsheathe her sword
Dropped her dagger

She could not help looking at the dark, yawning entrance to the cave, and
wondering what she would find when she entered its gloomy depths.

He felt as if there were eyes everywhere following his every move.

He was not sure what he expected, so he was ready for anything.

Every nerve in his body warned him not to move, even though his arm was
shaking and pins and needles prickled painfully in his ankle.

A tingling sixth sense made him look up. As he turned his head, he froze.

She felt icy fingers close round her heart. Her stomach tightened and twisted as a
single word roared in her head.

It was a quivering dread of a presence he could not see, but knew was there.

Katie was stabbed by a splinter of fear, fear of when it would appear again, fear
of what would happen when it did.

He felt his courage fading. His feet seemed nailed to the ground.

A thousand terrors flashed through her mind at once, and, with trembling hands,
she struggled desperately to nock her arrow.

She tensed, fighting her body’s natural instinct to run, and having to fight hard to
do so.

He had a lingering chill, as if someone was pushing ice-cold needles into the back
of his neck.
His stomach clenched in panic and he knew he had to think of something fast.
The sound of echoing footsteps was getting closer by the minute.

His heart banging against his ribs, he squeezed through the hole and edged
towards the lake.

There was a look of sheer terror on her face. She sucked in her breath as shivers
racked her body.

His mouth was set in a thin line, his gaze unwavering on the path before him.

He willed himself not to look.

She prayed that if she kept her eyes closed it would go away.

His eyes tracked from side to side, probing the shadows at the edges of the cave.

Her wide eyes strained to see through the dim light and darted wildly back and

The sudden intense brightness made her blink rapidly.

They kept their eyes glued to the entrance, searching for any sign of movement.

Kitty kept her narrowed eyes fixed to the floor, too terrified to look up at
whatever had touched her.

Her eyes widened and her body jerked at every new noise.

Kitty’s eyes flickered briefly to Robert’s face and they exchanged a nervous look.

She blinked the darkness out of her eyes, trying to focus.

Frantically, she scanned the chamber, looking for a means of escape.

She cast one glance over her shoulder and realised she wasn’t going to make it.

John couldn’t tear his gaze away from the snake’s fiery eyes.
He watched and waited. Slowly, he peered out and squinted into the darkness.
His eyes darted left and right, probing for a flicker of movement.

She shot him a warning glance to keep hidden.

He kept glancing behind him, listening for the venomous hiss, every muscle in his
body tensed.

It circled them warily, its eyes flicking from one to the other.

He swallowed; his throat suddenly dry.

He slithered to a halt, his breath coming in painful gasps.

She sucked in a shallow breath – a tiny sound, but a sound that alerted it to her

He could hear his own ragged breathing, sawing in and out, otherwise it was

Her mouth twisted in a scream that never came.

He choked back a gasp as a shadow fell across the entrance to the cave.

When she swallowed it was as if lots of tiny, needle-tipped claws were scratching
at her throat.

She stopped, her mouth open, and uttered a silent, desperate cry.

He uttered a thin, high-pitched scream, which echoed through the cave.

He clutched his hand to his mouth to stop himself screaming out, but as his hand
brushed against something in the dark, he threw back his head and yelled at the
top of his voice.

He couldn’t help the shriek of terror that escaped his throat.

Ruined cities
The S/C-I-R Structure

Kitty passed through the west gate and scanned the ruins. She was faced with a
labyrinth of crumbling walls and pillars, courtyards and tunnels that spread out
in all directions. Archways pocked every crumbling wall, like rat-holes, leading
into dark alleys.
She knew it was here. She could feel it. She had the strangest feeling of
being summoned by a presence, lurking in the background, but which she
could never see.
She hesitated at every pillar, every arched gateway, cautiously peering around
them, not knowing what she was going to find on the other side. Every moment
became an exercise in paranoia: watching over her shoulder, jumping at every
sound, sliding her hand to her sword, checking that it was still there.
All along she had had a nagging suspicion that she was delivering herself
into a trap, but nothing could have prepared her for what she met around
the next corner.
Section 1 - Setting

Nouns Hill, hillocks, slope, terrace

Castle, towers, buttresses, turrets, battlements, moat
Defence, walls, barbican, gate, gateways, tunnels
Staircase, stairs, steps
Labyrinth, maze
Streets, courtyard, square, alleys, passageways, fountain,
Arch, archways, pillars, columns, spire, chimneys
Church, cloister, temple
Windows, shutters, doors, hinges, walls, roof, floor, ground
Carvings, statues, gargoyles, mosaics, tiles
Griffins, ogres, serpents, baboons, ravens, crows, phoenix
Wings, feathers, talons, claws, beaks, faces
Ruins, remains, outlines, shell, base, foundations, cracks,
Stones, bricks, masonry, rubble, fragments
Grass, nettles, brambles, weeds, ivy, bushes
Similes/Metaphors Like the skeleton of a giant creature; like a path of
enormous, chipped, stone teeth; like fallen trees of
monstrous stone; pocked every wall like rat-holes; gaped like
open mouths; like a carcass that had been picked clean; like
a gunshot
Adjectives Large, huge, hulking, vast, enormous, immense, high,
Ancient, archaic
Grey, black, dark, pale
Forbidding, hostile, brooding, sinister, menacing,
Ruined, dilapidated, derelict, tumbledown
Broken, chipped, cracked, crumbling
Jagged, craggy, rugged, uneven, barbed, shattered
Fading, rotting, decaying
Crooked, bent, twisting, leaning
Empty, hollow, bare, barren, desolate
Gaping, yawning, cavernous
Gruesome, ghastly, macabre
Vicious, savage, monstrous
Foul-smelling, putrid, rancid, rank
Magnificent, grand, elaborate, glittering, gleaming
Triangular, circular, rectangular
Iron, stone, brick
Verbs Spread, covered, surrounded
Weaved, twisted, looped, coiled, wound, snaked
Rose, soared, reared, loomed
Built, erected, constructed, carved
Led, opened on to, connected with, bordered
Passed, emerged, faced with, found
Destroyed, collapsed, demolished, ravaged
Lay, rested, situated
Toppled, tumbled, plunged, overturned
Smashed, crashed, crushed, splintered, snapped, shattered
Supported, bolstered, held up, propped up
Hung, dangled, suspended, swung, swayed
Grew, sprouted, crept, wriggled, spilled, choked
Perched, gripped, grasped, clutched
Sounded, echoed
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Once a formidable defence

At the top of the hill
From among the hillocks
Beyond the gate
Beyond the tunnel-like arch
From each of the four gateways
In the centre of the courtyard
Among the ruins
In some of the windows
On the floor
Huge grey castle like a mailed fist
Great Norman towers and frowning buttresses
Large, forbidding castle with turrets and battlements
Towering grey walls
Broken, city walls
Ruined wall
Shattered walls
Forbidding gateway
Iron gates
Triangular turrets like teeth along its roof
Hulking, crooked, black towers and turrets
Towers and turrets and shattered, stone staircases
Jumble of huge, high chimneys and jagged archways
Huge, cracked chimneys
Immense blocks of black stone
Shining, pale stone
Foul-smelling moat
Terrace upon terrace of…
Huge flight of steps
Lookout towers
Ancient, stone towers
Labyrinth of crumbling walls and towers, courtyards and tunnels
City streets
Magnificent courtyard
Pillared entrance to the temple
Empty shell of a temple
Like the skeleton of a giant, sprawling creature
Long row of dilapidated, stone pillars
Towering pillars
Crumbling columns
Ancient cloister
Row of arches
Ruins of a vast arch
Stone archway
Clock tower
Leaning, crooked spire
A succession of grotesque gargoyles
Gruesome griffins
Ogres with serpent heads
Baboons with the faces of men
Elaborate stone carvings
Stone statues
Vivid, stained-glass windows
Ornate fountain
Enormous phoenix
Gleaming tail feathers
Vicious talons
Outstretched wings ready for flight
Crumbling chimneys and hanging gutters
Broken stone carvings
Crumbling bricks
Pile of masonry
Shattered fragments
Piece of timber
Part of a flight of stairs
Like a path of enormous, chipped, stone teeth
Like fallen trees of monstrous stone
Cracked, fading mosaics
Tussocks of grass and nettles
Weeds and ivy
Thorny bushes
Barely visible through the overgrown grass
Hollow creak of his boot
Sudden bang of a shutter like a gunshot
Flock of crows
Phrases – Verbs

As the sun began to set…

Cast shadows over the…
Cast jagged shadows along the ground
Spread out in all directions
Weaved in and out of the hillside
Surrounded the ancient city
Soared into the clouds
Reared up out of…
Built on the top of the hill
Led up to the top of the hill
Carved into the side of the hill
Passed under a crumbling archway
Found themselves walking down…
Emerged in what had once been…
Led into the centre of a courtyard
Led into dark alleys
Went past a pillared entrance to the temple
Bordered the square
Pocked with the remains of buildings
Pocked every wall, like rat-holes
Stood dark and empty
Gaped like open mouths
All that was left was…
Could make out the jagged outlines of…
Had been completely destroyed
Had been broken off
Toppled onto their sides
Found broken pillars
Held up non-existent roofs
Lay in pieces on the ground
Lay in piles of rubble
Hung off their hinges
Lay across the street
Had collapsed on their own foundations
Gathered at their bases
Like a carcass that had been picked clean
Grown over the remains
Sprouted in and around them
Eaten their way into the cracks
Spread their tentacles into every crevice
Crept and wriggled over the ruins
Carved with ravens
Jutted out from the towers
Gripped the stone
Perched in the trees
Rose cawing in the air
Echoed along the passageways

Beyond the black gate that lay in pieces on the ground, a labyrinth of crumbling
walls and towers, courtyards and tunnels spread out in all directions.

The broken city walls weaved in and out of the hillside, once a formidable
defence surrounding the ancient city that had been built on top of the hill.

From among the hillocks that had grown over the remains of the ancient city,
they could see the empty shell of the temple like the skeleton of a giant creature
whose carcass had been picked clean.

A huge flight of steps led up to the top of the hill, past a pillared entrance to the
temple at the top. The hill was pocked with the remains of buildings – terrace
above terrace of jagged archways, ancient stone towers and crumbling columns.

From each of the four gateways, a stone archway carved with ravens led into the
centre of the courtyard.

The ruins of a vast arch, a long row of stone pillars, and walls that held up non-
existent roofs were all that was left.

They passed under a crumbling archway that had broken stone carvings jutting
out of the walls, and emerged in what had once been a magnificent, pillared

Hulking, crooked towers and turrets, built from immense blocks of black stone,
soared into the clouds. In some of the windows, he could make out the jagged
outlines of what remained of elaborate stained-glass windows.

Beyond the tunnel-like arch were the city streets where the buildings stood dark
and empty.

Ruined walls, now a pile of masonry, bordered the square. Trees grew in and
around them. A flock of crows that had been perched in the trees rose cawing
into the air as they entered.

Some of the towering pillars had collapsed on their own foundations, their
shattered fragments gathered at the bases like felled trees of monstrous stone.
Tussocks of grass and nettles grew in and around them.

Many of the columns had been broken off, and had toppled onto their sides. It
was like walking along a path of enormous, chipped, stone teeth.

A succession of grotesque, broken gargoyles – snarling griffins, ogres with heads

of baboons, monkeys with the faces of men – jutted out from the towers, casting
jagged shadows along the ground.

In the centre of the courtyard was an elaborate fountain. Rearing up out of the
dry interior was a phoenix, its enormous outstretched wings ready for flight,
gleaming tail feathers trailing behind it, vicious talons gripping the stone.

As the sun began to set, the pillars cast shadows over the cracked, fading mosaics
on the floor.

Among the ruins, he found broken pillars made of shining pale stone.

Sections of the wall had come away and lay in piles of rubble, one of the towers
had been completely destroyed, and the solid iron gates hung off their hinges. A
piece of timber lay across the street from him – part of a flight of stairs.

Weeds and ivy had eaten their way into the cracks of the ruins and spread their
tentacles into every crevice.

Archways pocked every wall, like rat-holes, leading into dark alleys, where doors
gaped like open mouths.

In the silence, the sudden bang of a shutter cracked like a gunshot.

The hollow creak of his boots echoed along the pavement and passageways.
Section 2 - Interaction

Nouns City, ruins, archway, alley, courtyard, dead end

Gate, gateway, walls, columns, roof, roof-edge, tiles, door,
Slope, corner, side, edge, ledge, gap, crack
Shell, rubble, masonry, stones, rocks, boulders
Movement, sound, noise, whinny
Danger, threat
Dark, gloom, shadows
Hitching post, horse, flanks, head, neck, ears, nostrils,
saddle, reins
Legs, feet, knees, ankles, heels, eyes, stomach
Sword, hilt, blade
Similes/Metaphors As nimbly as a mountain goat; toppled like a felled oak
Adjectives Magnificent, majestic, grand
Empty, bare, desolate
Gaping, yawning
Jagged, uneven, rough-hewn
Crumbling, decaying, collapsing
Flickering, jerking
Quiet, stealthy, furtive, skulking, cautious, uneasy
Quick, swift
Creeping, squirming
High, shrill, piercing
Terrified, petrified, frantic
Crunching, grinding, pounding
Verbs Thought, summoned, controlled
Felt, sensed
Saw, looked, watched, searched, gazed, peered, glanced,
Listened, heard
Entered, ventured, came to, emerged
Backed away, retreated, hugged, pressed
Shuffled, edged, inched, eased
Lay, rolled, writhed, twisted, crawled
Dodged, ducked, dived
Struck, hit
Stopped, paused, waited, straightened
Turned, spun, swung, whirled
Ran, darted, sprinted, dashed, charged
Blundered, staggered, slipped, slid, fell, toppled
Bent, sprung, leapt, pushed off, jumped
Climbed, clambered, scaled, scampered
Scattered, bounded
Groped, flailed, flung
Drew, clutched, held
Rode, trotted, galloped
Grabbed, yanked, jerked, hauled, gripped, dug, slapped,
Stirred, whinnied, shied, reared
Mounted, dismounted, tied, tethered
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

For almost an hour

Out of the corner of her eye
On the roof
Directly above him
Far beneath his feet
By the gate
At the end of the alley
On the other side
Over the edge
Another dead end
Centre of the city
Tunnel-like archway
Magnificent courtyard
Empty shell
Piles of jagged masonry
Rusty hinges
No one there
Every flickering movement
As nimble as a mountain goat
In one swift movement
Ears back, nostrils quivering
Phrases – Verbs

Tried to control the creeping terror

Summoned up his courage
Thought he saw…
As he turned…
As she rode into…
Trotted quietly around the…
Entered cautiously
Made a gradual, skulking progress
Ventured a step closer… then another
Came to a gateway
Emerged in what had once been…
Backed away
Stepped further into the shadows
Hugged the jagged, crumbling wall
Shuffled sideways
Lay on her stomach
Crawled to the roof-edge
Writhed and twisted
Crawled through the gaps in the crumbling columns
Spun on her heels and checked behind her
Dodged out of sight
Dived head first
Ducked and dived behind…
Flung himself down behind…
Struck the ground in a tuck
Rolled to his feet
Stopped dead in her tracks
Straightened. Listened. Peered towards…
Paused at the…
Turned and ran
Darted down the slope
Sprinted down the alley
Charged through the gaping doorway
Broke into a stumbling run
Blundered and slipped
Darted and dodged through the ruins
Sprung from rock to rock, boulder to boulder
Faced with another collapsed wall
Blocked the entrance to the courtyard
Saw it was a dead end
Tried to back out of the alley
Took a massive leap of faith
Ran for the wall of rocks
Bent his knees
Leapt upwards
Pushed off the ground and jumped upwards
Clambered to the safety of the rooftops
Clambered up the outer walls
Found footholds in the rough-hewn stone
Scaled the crumbling walls
Scampered across the rooftops
Leaped across the gaps
Threw himself at… and clung on
Feet flailed in the air
Wondered if he’d misjudged his leap
As the… rose to meet him…
Had almost reached… when…
Slid under his feet
Cascaded beneath his feet
Sent fragments of stone
Scattered the rubble and loose stones
Bounded away into the dark
Almost slipped
Staggered slightly
Felt his ankle shoot out from under him
Toppled like a felled oak
Stumbled and flung his hand out in front of him
Groped for something to stop him falling
When he looked…
As he looked around…
Swung his head from side to side
Gazed around with darting eyes
Peered down
Peered around the gateway
Stared upwards
Peered into the gloom
Gaze froze on something in front of her
Searched for a way out
Did not look back
Did not know what he was going to find
Glancing down was a mistake
Sensed danger
As she drew her sword…
Clutched the hilt of his sword
Held his blade before him
Grabbed the horse’s reins
Swung himself up into the saddle
Horse stirred uneasily
Gave a high, terrified whinny
Shied and reared
As he dug his heels into the horse’s flanks…
Had to grip tightly with his knees
Stopped herself being thrown from the saddle
Slapped his horse’s neck
Urged it through the gates
Galloped to the closest building
Jerked her horse to a stop
Hauled their horses to a halt
Jumped from the saddle
Dismounted and tethered his horse
Heard a crunching noise

He noticed her gaze slip upwards past his head. Out of the corner of his eye, as he
turned, he thought he saw a flicker of movement by the gate, as if someone was
dodging out of sight. But when he looked, there was no one there.

They trotted quietly around the city and entered it cautiously.

As she rode into the centre of the city, her horse stirred uneasily, ears back,
nostrils quivering. Suddenly, one of the horses gave a high, terrified whinny, and
shied, rearing. Kitty had to grip tightly with her knees to stop herself being
thrown from the saddle.

He ducked, and dived behind a pillar for cover.

Tom flung himself down behind the fountain.

John charged through the gaping doorway. Diving head first, he struck the
ground in a tuck and rolled to his feet, sword at the ready.

For almost an hour, he dodged and hid, making a gradual skulking progress
through the ruined city, jumping at every slight sound, every flickering

Lying on her stomach, she crawled to the roof-edge and peered down.

As nimbly as a mountain goat, he clambered to the safety of the rooftops, scaling

the crumbling walls, and scampered across them, leaping over the gaps.

Rob clambered up the outer walls, easily finding footholds in the rough-hewn
Bending his knees, he leapt upwards in one swift movement.

She ran for the wall of rocks, pushed off the ground and jumped upwards.

He’d almost reached the next level, when the surface slid under his feet. He
threw himself at the next ledge and clung on. Stones cascaded beneath his feet.
As he pulled himself to safety, another stone bounded away into the dark.

Summoning up his courage, he took a massive leap of faith. Piles of jagged

masonry glinted in the moonlight far beneath his feet as they flailed in the air.

As the hard grey wall rose up to meet him, he wondered if he’d misjudged his
leap. But, suddenly, he was on the roof, staggering slightly, but still on his feet.

He sensed danger and leapt to his feet, drawing his sword.

A shadow darted ahead. He jumped and drew his sword.

The door was pushed open, the rusty hinges screeching. He clutched the
longsword in both hands.

He clutched the hilt of his sword and gazed around with darting eyes.

Katie stopped dead in her tracks, staring upwards.

He straightened. Listened. Peered towards the empty shell that had once been the

Trying to control the creeping terror that was spreading through her, she paused
at the tunnel-like archway, and peered into the gloom.

Slowly, he slid forward. He was about to extend his hand when he heard a
crunching noise directly above him.

Hugging the jagged, crumbling wall with her back, she shuffled sideways.

Writhing and twisting, Katie crawled through the gaps in the crumbling columns
and emerged in what had once been a magnificent pillared courtyard.

He came to a gateway and cautiously peered around it, not knowing what he was
going to find on the other side.

She ventured a step closer. Then another.

He backed away. Looked around. As he did so, his gaze froze on something
behind Katie.

Anything could be hiding in the shadows. As she drew her sword, she spun on her
heels and checked behind her.

He drew his sword. Held the blade before him. Moved further into the shadows,
scattering the rubble and loose stones.

Glancing down was a mistake. Her foot almost slipped, sending fragments of
stone over the edge.

He stumbled and flung his hand out in front of him, groping for something to
stop him falling.

Tom felt his ankles shoot out from under him and he toppled like a felled oak.

He darted down the slope, springing from rock to rock.

Desperately, he broke into a stumbling run.

He turned and ran and did not look back.

Blundering and slipping, he leapt from boulder to boulder, darting and dodging
through the ruins.

She sprinted down the alley. At the end, she was faced with another collapsed
wall that blocked the entrance to the courtyard. Another dead end.

He started to make his way towards the sound when a shadow moved behind him;
something was raised above his head.

He slipped into a narrow passageway, and saw it was a dead end. He tried to
back out, but the entrance was already blocked. He swung his head from side to
side, searching for a way out, but there was none.

As he dug his heels into the horse’s flanks, he slapped its neck and urged it
through the gates.

Katie galloped to the closest building, and as she jerked her horse to a halt, she
jumped from the saddle.

He grabbed the horse’s reins and swung himself up into the saddle.

He dismounted and tethered his horse to a hitching post.

Section 3 - Reaction

Nouns Sense, sensation, instinct, urge

Paranoia, paralysis
Dread, horror, fear, unease
Courage, bravery, determination
Nerves, mind, panic, breath, adrenalin, sweat
Threats, traps, trouble, danger, evil, menace
Face, skin, neck, throat, windpipe, eyes, spine, hands, fingers
Body, heart, ribs, shoulders, legs, forehead, stomach
Alley, door, doorway, roof
Boulders, pillars, columns, rubble
Night, gloom, darkness, shadows, shapes
Dagger, sword, bow, weapon
Cuts, bruises, blood, pain
Similes/Metaphors Jangled together like wind chimes
Adjectives Huge, enormous
Shattered, smashed, cracked, splintered
Fierce, evil, menacing, sinister
Cold, chilly, icy
Spider-like, tingling, prickling
Wide, bulging
Staring, gaping
Several, numerous, countless
Possible, potential, likely
Quick, rapid, fleeting
Wild, frantic
Strange, odd, curious, eerie, suspicious
Shifting, moving, flitting
Verbs Felt, thought, wondered, warned, knew, realised
Happened, occurred, took place
Acted, moved
Lay, settled down
Crawled, jangled, prickled, tingled
Jolted, kick-started
Raced, pounded, hammered, jumped
Gasped, choked, caught
Saw, made out, looked, watched, peered, scanned, strained,
probed, glanced, flickered, darted
Gripped, clutched, drew
Stumbled, smashed, struggled
Winded, bruised, cut, hurt, injured
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Every waking moment

In front of him
Behind her
Behind every boulder, every pillar
Behind the huge boulders of shattered columns
Through every gaping doorway
On the edge of the roof
A menacing presence
A fierce gust
Sound of footsteps
With a sudden feeling of dread
Uneasy about what lay ahead
Certain there was someone or something
As if some sense at the back of her mind
Cold, spider-like sensation
A tight knot in the pit of her stomach
An explosion of adrenalin
All the colour from his face
The skin on the back of his neck
Wide, staring eyes
Numerous cuts
Trickle of warm blood
Pain in his…
All the warning she had
Only a second in which to act
Phrases – Verbs

As soon as he had entered the ruins…

As a shadow fell across the entrance…
As a shadow rose out of the darkness…
As night approached and the shadows lengthened…
When he stood…
Beginning to feel a great unease
Saw potential threats and traps behind every…
Wondered what she would find when she…
Warned that she was walking into trouble
Could not help looking at…
Fought back the urge to flee
Forced herself to find the courage to…
Put one foot in front of the other
Fought an underlying sense of panic
Became an exercise in paranoia
Trying to tell her something
Something she did not realise she knew
Knew his life hung by a thread
Realised her mistake too late
Several things happened at once
Crawled down her spine
Moved to her fingers
Jangled together like wind chimes
Felt a cold sweat break out on…
Prickled as he entered
Felt evil
Felt full of dark secrets
Lurking in the shadows
Raced through her body
Hammered against his ribs
Watched over their shoulders
Jumped at every sound
Peered through…
Scanned the gloom
Strained to pierce the darkness
Probed the ruins
Turned to look in the direction of…
Glanced rapidly around
Flickered from… to…
Darted wildly from side to side
Began to make out strange, shifting shapes
Scanned the narrow, darkened alleys
Took his breath away
Snaked around his windpipe
Choked his breath into shallow gasps
Caught in his throat
Stumbled and smashed into a pile of rubble
Struggled to his feet
Jolted him out of his paralysis
Kick-started his survival instincts
Had to hang on
Had to claw his way to the top
Winded and bruised
Made his leg buckle
Dripped down from his forehead
Gripped her dagger tighter
Hands dropped to their weapons at the slightest sound

She was beginning to feel a great unease about what lay ahead, as if some sense
at the back of her mind was trying to tell her something she had not realised she

He saw potential threats and traps behind every boulder, every pillar, through
every gaping doorway.

She could not help looking at the dark, yawning entrance to the temple and
wondering what she would find when she entered its crumbling, gloomy depths.

A cold, spider-like sensation crawled down her spine. The prickling sensation
moved to her fingers. She felt a cold sweat break out above her upper lip.

A tight knot in the pit of her stomach warned Gail that she was walking into
trouble. Shuddering, she fought back the urge to flee.

The skin on the back of his neck prickled as he entered the courtyard. The place
felt evil, as if a menacing presence was lurking in the shadows.

An explosion of adrenalin raced through her body and she quickened her pace.

As he glanced back, his heart almost stopped.

She forced herself to find the courage to put one foot in front of the other.

As soon as he had entered the ruins, he’d been fighting an underlying sense of
panic, and as night approached and the shadows lengthened, the ruins suddenly
felt full of dark secrets.

Every waking moment became an exercise in paranoia: watching over their

shoulders, jumping at every sound, hands dropping to their weapons if a horse so
much as snorted.

All the colour had drained from her face.

Her wide, staring eyes scanned the ruins.

She peered through the gaping door, and gripped her dagger tighter. She was still
scouring the gloom when her lantern flickered. The light wavered again… then
went out.

He turned to look in the direction in which she was staring.

Glancing rapidly round, his eyes flicked from the fountain to the archway.

His wide eyes strained to pierce the darkness and darted wildly from side to side,
certain there was someone or something behind the huge boulders of the
shattered columns.

She settled down on her stomach on the edge of the roof and scanned the narrow

He choked back a gasp as a shadow fell across the entrance.

Panic snaked around his windpipe and choked his breath into shallow gasps.

His breath caught in his throat as a shadow rose out of the darkness in front of

She stumbled and smashed into a pile of rubble, winded and bruised and bleeding
from numerous cuts.

He struggled to his feet, his right arm bruised and cut.

A trickle of warm blood dripped down from his forehead and into his mouth. It
jolted him out of his paralysis and kick-started his survival instincts. He had to
hang on. He had to claw his way to the top. And quick.
When he stood, the pain in his knee made his leg buckle.
The S/C-I-R Structure

As the sun peeped over the horizon, the drawbridge came creaking down. The
sound of oiled chains shattered the early morning silence as the portcullis was
slowly drawn up.
Tom kicked his horse’s flanks and rode towards the entrance, his eyes scanning
the battlements for any sign of movement, any tell-tale glint of metal. The sound
of his horse’s hooves clattering over the open drawbridge seemed deafening, as if
they were announcing his arrival.
Tom glanced up again. He couldn’t see anything, but sensed they were
waiting. They were expecting him. Fear of what was to come sharpened his
senses and made him alive to every detail. A bead of sweat trickled from his
brow as he spotted the gruesome row of severed heads sprouting from poles
planted above the gates.
Tightening his grip on the reins, Tom urged his horse forward and rode
through the gates. He could almost feel the crossbows aimed at his back. Even
though his heart was pounding, he knew he could not afford to make any
mistakes now. He tried to swallow his fear but his mouth had suddenly gone
As Rob walked past the gatehouse, his back quivered with the strain of
maintaining a steady walk when every instinct demanded that he break into
a desperate sprint.
Suddenly, he stopped dead in his tracks. Behind him, he had heard the clink of
spears and the faint metallic slither of chain mail. He glanced quickly over his
shoulder and ducked into the shadows as the guards strode from the gatehouse.
Rob glimpsed a flicker of movement out of the corner of his eye, but he didn’t
have time to lift his shield. He only had seconds to register the shadow of the
raised weapon before it descended to club him behind the ear. With a cry at the
sudden, searing pain, he fell senseless to the ground.
Section 1 - Setting

Nouns Castle, citadel, fortress, fortification

Cliffs, woods, trees
Wall, curtain wall, moat, sewage
Drawbridge, portcullis, barbican, gate, gatehouse, doors,
postern, sally port
Watchtower, towers, spires, turrets, battlements, tunnels,
courtyards, dungeons
Buildings, stables, forges, kitchen, bakery, brewery
Windows, slits
Gargoyles, heads, skeletons
Staircase, stairs
Corridor, passage, room, gallery
Hall, platform, dais, tables, benches
Ceiling, beams, panel
Tapestries, animal pelts, antlers, skulls
Battles, hunts, dog, monster, serpent
Lights, torches, torchlight, candles, braziers, lamps
Fire, hearth, cauldron, spit, meat, ale
Floor, rushes, herbs, lime
Horses, hooves, harness, flanks, reins, snort, whinny
Soldiers, warriors, guards, sentries, archers
Crossbows, longbows, swords, shields, knives, maces, axes,
spears, war-hammers, pikes, halberds, armour
Stands, racks, hooks
Thud, crash, barks, boots
Similes/Metaphors Like a mailed fist; cut the air like a knife
Adjectives Blank, grey, black, dark, gloomy
Ancient, medieval
Grim, desolate, bleak, stark, forbidding, brooding, sinister,
Grotesque, gruesome, monstrous, hideous, macabre
Sheer, steep, vertical
Big, large, huge, vast, enormous, high, towering, great,
Thick, dense, heavy, solid, hulking
Long, short, thin, narrow, little
Arched, rounded, domed, beamed, vaulted
Pointed, spiked, barbed, sharp, razor-sharp
Crooked, twisted, winding, spiral
Carved, sculpted, chiselled
Central, inner, left-hand, right-hand
Stone, wooden, oak, metal, iron
Tallow, wax, beeswax
Hollow, echoing
Chill, cold, icy
Rancid, rank, foul, putrid
Two-headed, many-headed, severed
Armoured, iron-clad
Roasting, baking, cooking
Faint, quiet, muted, muffled, stifled
Distant, far-off, faraway
Grinding, tinkling, hissing
Harsh, grating, rasping, jangling
Glowing, burning, flickering, shifting, dancing
Verbs Built, perched
Rose, soared
Surrounded, overlooked, stretched
Brooded, loomed, thrust
Protected, lined, studded, topped, spiked, impaled
Manned, guarded, protected
Positioned, set, located, situated
Raised, drew up, opened
Close, shut, lowered, sealed, barred, slammed
Flanked, bordered, edged
Emerged, entered, went through
Covered, filled, displayed, propped
Hung, draped, dangled, adorned
Strewed, scattered, spread
Wafted, drifted
Lit, glowed, pierced
Polished, varnished, waxed
Burned, hissed, sputtered, guttered
Wielded, brandished, flourished
Rode, trotted, cantered, dismounted, tethered
Clattered, clanked, rattled
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

On top of sheer black cliffs

Above the woods
Through a break in the trees
Behind the curtain walls
Outside the walls
On all sides
By the castle gates
Behind the jaws of the portcullis
Either side of the doors
In front of them
In the middle of the otherwise blank wall
Only thing visible above the fortifications
Ancient castle
Huge monstrosity
Dark, brooding castle
Grey, forbidding castle
Vast, towering fortress
Big, dark and mysterious
Gloomy and deserted
A desolate fortress in a barren, desolate land
Rancid, dry moat
Stench of sewage
Long, pointed, crooked spires as sharp as needles
Grey stone labyrinth
Walls and towers, courtyards and tunnels
Hulking towers and turrets
Forbidding towers
Thick walls
Grim, grey walls
Seconds before the…
Until at last she…
As the grinding noise of hidden cogs…
Open drawbridge
Portcullis down
Great gates
An enormous, black gate
Another gate in an inner wall
Great, arched gatehouse
Massive, heavy doors
Two, massive, oak doors
Heavy wooden door
The thin, dark rectangle of the sally port
A little door in a turret
Doors to the chambers
Through an inner door
Barely wide enough for a single man
Hollow slits
Large, arrow-slit windows
Succession of grotesque gargoyles of two-headed dogs
Gruesome row of severed heads of executed criminals
On the far side of the courtyard
Vast paved courtyard
Mass of smaller buildings
Smiths’ forges and stables
Kitchens, bakery and brewery
Smell of yeast and brewing ale
Several, spiral staircases
Down a flight of stairs
At the far end of the room
Along a passageway
Short, unlit corridor
On either side of the passage
Somewhere down the passage
At one end of the hall
Down the length of the hall
Behind the dais
Harsh, chill, stone hall
Large with a beamed ceiling
Large room with heavy beams on the ceiling
Smoke-blackened beams
Magnificent carvings on the beams and panels
Great fire with extra logs by the side of the hearth
Stone floor
Raised platform
Dais with a table for the nobles
Even in daytime…
Tallow candles
Dim light
In the flickering torchlight
Lights in the castle windows
At regular intervals
Around the walls
Armoured soldiers
Points of the guards’ lances
Animal pelts and antlers
Large display of pikes and halberds
Armour – mail, plate and leather
Crossbows, longbows, shields, swords, knives, axes and maces
Enormous skulls, spears and war-hammers
Smell of roasting meat
Huge cauldron
Big enough to stand in
Faint tinkling of harness
Horses snorting and whinnying
Soft thud of horses’ hooves
Distant cacophony of barks
Echo of boots
Clatter of swords
Phrases – Verbs

Had been built on a high hill

Surrounded by a dense wood
Brooded over the little town
Perched on a massive, table-like rock
Overlooking the sea
Had been built around…
Loomed into sight
Thrust like a mailed fist
Soared into the clouds
Rose at each corner
Stretched in all directions
Protected by twelve-foot-thick walls
Ran a dry moat
Lined with iron spikes
Studded with spikes
Topped with rows of sharp, metal spikes
Impaled anyone who attempted to charge it
Rumoured to contain…
Contained skeletons of those who had attempted to escape
Manned by sentries with loaded crossbows
As they rode towards the entrance…
Set in an arched medieval portal
Positioned between two large towers
As the portcullis was drawn up…
Clattered over the drawbridge
Sealed shut for the night
Shut and barred
Studded with huge, spiked rivets
Sprouted from poles planted above the gates
Set within the left-hand door
Reached the postern gate
Found themselves in…
Emerged in a central courtyard
Reached the inner courtyard
Dismounted and tethered their horses to an iron ring
Gargoyles jutted out from the corner of the tower
Bared their razor-sharp teeth
As his eyes grew accustomed to the dark…
Flickered on top of the ramparts
Showed from a doorway
Moved in the glow of the braziers
Flanked by hissing torches
Hung on metal rings around the walls
Braziers glowed in the darkness
Threw shifting pools of light
Cast dancing shadows on the ground
Pierced the gloom
Started to lower the portcullis
Slammed closed
Slowly drew open
Guarded the gates
Stepped out, wielding lances
Filled with pointing arrows
Went through many passages
Passed through a polished gallery
On one side of her was…
On the other was…
Big enough to stand in
Burned in the huge fireplace
Braziers filled with burning coals
Guttered in dishes on the tables
Hung with battle pennants and ancient arms
Strewn with rushes mixed with herbs
Filled with long benches and trestle tables
Arranged in two parallel lines
Where the lord and his family sat with honoured guests
Covered one of the walls
Hung on the walls
Giant, ape-like monster rising from the swamp
Depicted hunting scenes
Fighting a many-headed serpent
Piled in the corner
Lined with shields, swords and hauberks of every size
Displayed in carved, wooden stands
Propped in racks against the walls
Hung over an open fire
Stood beside a large, open fireplace
Turned a large piece of meat on a spit
Carried pitchers of ale to the tables
Wafted across from the open door
Kicked the flanks of his horse
Urged his horse to move faster
Yelled for them to wait
Clashed against stones in the courtyard
Heard voices, scuffling, grunting
A door crashed
Broke the silence
Cut the night like a knife
Filled the air
Sounded in the distance
Clanged out somewhere

The castle had been built on a high hill, surrounded by a dense wood.

The ancient castle brooded over the little town, a huge monstrosity in comparison
with the rest of the city.

The dark, macabre castle was perched on a massive, table-like rock on top of
sheer black cliffs overlooking the sea.

A vast, towering fortress reared out of the hills.

The castle was big, dark and mysterious, with thick walls where sentries stood
guard and forbidding towers – a desolate fortress in a desolate land.

The castle was the only thing visible over the fortifications. It was protected by
twelve-foot-thick walls, and a rancid, dry moat lined with iron spikes, which was
rumoured to contain the skeletons of those who had attempted to escape.

A grey, forbidding castle loomed into sight through a break in the trees, thrusting
like a mailed fist above the woods, its hulking towers and turrets soaring into the

Outside the walls ran a dry moat studded with spikes.

Watchtowers rose at each corner, manned by sentries with loaded crossbows.

The castle had four circular towers and an enormous, black gate, topped with
rows of sharp, metal spikes to impale anyone who attempted to charge it.

The castle had been built around a vast, paved courtyard, with the great grey
walls of the castle rising on all four sides.
Behind the curtain walls was a mass of smaller buildings, including smiths’
forges, stables, kitchens, bakery and brewery.

It was a grey stone labyrinth of walls and towers, courtyards and tunnels
spreading out in all directions.

The towers had long, crooked spires as sharp as needles.

An open drawbridge led to the gate, which was positioned between two large

The drawbridge came creaking down and they heard the sound of chains as the
portcullis was drawn up.

As they rode towards the entrance, the hooves clattered over the open
drawbridge and they emerged in the central courtyard, where they dismounted
and tethered their horses to an iron ring set in the wall.

The drawbridge was up, the portcullis down, and the great gates sealed for the
night, but torches flickered on top of the ramparts, and there were lights in the
castle windows. Soldiers moved in the glow of braziers by the castle gates.

Just as they came within sight of the portcullis, it started to descend. Yelling for
them to wait, he kicked the flanks of his horse, urging it to move faster, and burst
through the entrance seconds before the gateway slammed closed.

The gate was flanked by hissing torches, which cast dancing shadows on the
ground in front of them. The grinding noise of hidden cogs broke the silence and
the doors were slowly shut.

Behind the jaws of the portcullis, armoured soldiers stepped out of the sentry
posts, wielding lances.

The hollow slits either side of the doors were filled with pointing arrows.

Fierce-looking warriors guarded the gates, the points of their lances glittering in
the moonlight.
They went inside through two massive, oak doors set in an arched medieval

They found themselves in a great, arched gatehouse – the enormous, black doors
were shut and barred. The doors were massive, heavy, and studded with huge,
spiked rivets.

A gruesome row of the severed heads of executed criminals sprouted from poles
planted above the gates.

The sally port was set within the left-hand door, a thin, dark rectangle barely
wide enough for a man to pass through.

They reached the postern gate, a small, but heavy wooden door, in the middle of
the otherwise blank wall.

Jutting out from the corner of the tower were a succession of grotesque gargoyles
of two-headed dogs, their razor-sharp teeth bared menacingly.

They emerged in another courtyard, larger than the first, gloomy and deserted.

He was led into the courtyard, where another gate was set in an inner wall.

She went through many passages, up several spiral staircases, until at last she
went through to a little door in a turret, where the battlements were on one side
of her and on the other side, a steep roof.

He passed through a polished gallery, with large arrow-slit windows on one side
and doors to the chambers on the other.

Through an inner door was a long, stone-flagged passage, and on either side of
the passage were heavy, wooden doors.

She headed for the spiral staircase at the far end of the room.

The walls of the spiral staircase were peppered with window slits for the archers.
She glanced through the arrow slit of the thick wall, and spotted a group of riders
cantering towards the castle.

The spiral staircase twisted to the right so that the soldiers defending the stairs
had room to swing their swords or thrust pikestaffs at advancing intruders.

They were taken along a passageway and down a flight of stairs, where he
unlocked a narrow, oak door and they slid into a small, dimly lit chamber.

The hall was large, with a beamed ceiling from which hung huge banners.

It was a large room with heavy beams on the ceiling, and a fireplace at the far
end big enough to stand in.

It was a harsh, chill, stone hall, with smoke-blackened beams and hung with
battle pennants and ancient arms.

They entered a large hall with a high, vaulted ceiling and magnificent carvings
on the beams and panels. A great fire burned in the huge fireplace. Extra logs lay
by the side, warming before they could be set on the hearth.

The hall had a stone floor strewn with rushes that had been mixed with herbs. It
was filled with long benches and trestle tables arranged in two parallel lines
down the length of the hall. Tallow candles guttered in dishes on the tables.

At one end of the hall was a dais with a table on it, where the lord and his family
sat, along with honoured guests. Behind the dais were a number of large
tapestries depicting hunting scenes.

Benches sat in little clusters around braziers filled with glowing coals.

On one of the walls was a huge, medieval tapestry of a scene from Beowulf, with a
giant, ape-like monster rising out of the swamp.

A tapestry of soldiers fighting a many-headed serpent covered one of the walls.

On other walls, there were tapestries of great and bloody battles. Weapons were
piled in the corner, crossbows, longbows, swords, knives and maces.
The walls were lined with shields, swords and hauberks of every size, knives,
crossbows, maces and axes. Arrows were displayed on carved wooden stands.

Enormous skulls, spears, swords, maces and war-hammers hung on steel hooks.
There was also armour – mail, plate and leather.

The walls were decorated with an array of animal pelts and antlers.

Leading out from the hall was a short, unlit corridor, with a large display of pikes
and halberds propped in racks against the walls.

The smell of roasting meat wafted across from the open door.

A huge cauldron hung over an open fire.

A servant stood beside the large open fireplace, turning a large piece of meat on a
spit. Other servants carried pitchers of ale to the tables.

As his eyes grew accustomed to the light, he made out a display of severed hands
mounted above the door.

One of the servants lit the torches that hung in metal rings around the walls.

Even in daytime, the corridors were dark. At regular intervals around the walls
were braziers that glowed in the darkness.

Lamps threw shifting pools of light to pierce the gloom.

A dim light showed from a doorway on the far side of the courtyard.

There was a sound of bolts quickly being drawn.

He heard the faint tinkling of harness, and then the soft thud of horses’ hooves,
which became a clatter as the soldiers rode into the courtyard.

He heard voices, scuffling and grunting. Then silence. Somewhere down the
passage a door crashed.
A scream cut the night like a knife.

A distant cacophony of barks sounded in the distance.

As the portcullis jerked upwards, he heard horses snorting and whinnying, the
clatter of swords in the flickering torchlight.

A gate clanged open somewhere, and the echo of boots marching on a stone floor
filled the air.
Section 2 - Interaction

Nouns Castle, battlements, embrasure, rampart, parapet

Tower, gatehouse, courtyard, stables
Roof, tiles, walls, window, corridor, passage, stairs, hall,
dais, platform, chamber
Portcullis, wheel, gate, door, lever, rope, bolts, ring, handle
Lists, joust, pavilion, gallery, stands, pennants, banners,
Herald, pages, squires, knights, lords, ladies, nobles, crowd,
villagers, servants
Tabards, armour, chain mail, helmet, visor, slit
Colour, background
Sounds, noise, cacophony, cheer, shouts, groans, murmurs
Drums, trumpets, bugles, horn
Clink, slither, clatter, clank, blast
Signal, alarm, footsteps, guard, sentry, warrior, archer
Quintain, shield, bag, counterweight
Pole, ring, circle, target
Horse, mount, charger, destrier, legs, stride, hooves, flanks,
Saddle, harness, reins
Trot, canter, gallop, charge
Ground, track, earth, dirt, dust, clods
Thud, blow, strike, impact
Lance, spear, axe, sword, hilt, blade, knife, dagger, sheath,
scabbard, belt
Bow, arrow, quarrel, bolt, groove, string, cords, tip
Back, shoulder, stomach, ribs, chest, side, legs, feet, head,
forehead, eyes
Shadow, silhouette, light
Similes/Metaphors Like a hammer blow; like a statue; like a wooden eye
mocking him; as silently as a cat; in a deadly rain of wood
and steel; gripped his lance like a vice
Adjectives Vivid, brightly coloured, gleaming, flaming
Red, yellow, gold, green, black, bronze, white
First, second, third
High, high-horn, low, short
Faint, vague, quiet, muted, silent
Wooden, oak metal, metallic, iron, steel, straw
Horizontal, vertical, rotating, spinning
Blunted, edgeless, sharp, serrated
Desperate, frantic, last-gasp
Rowdy, noisy, loud, clamorous, thundering, booming,
rumbling, resounding, reverberating
Dramatic, spectacular, awesome
Huge, large, massive, wide
Low, flat, off-centre
Slow, motionless, quick, fast, nimble
Odd, strange, unnatural, unusual
Verbs Arranged, displayed, arrayed
Fluttered, flapped
Felt, sensed, detected
Spotted, saw, caught sight of, looked, watched
Blinked, narrowed, focused, stared, fixed, glanced, peered
Trickled, beaded, dripped
Heard, listened, sounded, warned, alerted
Hushed, silenced, murmured, groaned
Creaked, beat, drummed, clattered, whistled
Rose, rolled, surged, erupted
Neared, approached, advanced, entered, emerged
Signalled, indicated, motioned
Challenged, dared, defied
Hauled, yanked, pulled, shoved, pushed, dragged
Secured, barred, closed, descended, slid, opened, raised
Sat, poised, leaned back, rode, trotted, cantered, galloped
Nudged, squeezed, spurred, urged
Snorted, whinnied, pawed, reared
Clung, clutched, jerked, wrenched, wrestled
Gripped, loaded, lowered, pointed, aimed, lined up, raised,
hooked, shot
Hung, dangled, spun, rotated
Waited, paused, halted, tensed, stiffened, braced
Crouched, huddled, slid
Edged, eased, inched, crept, crawled
Stepped, side-stepped, dodged, ducked, dived, threw,
Spun, turned, twisted, whirled
Fell, tucked, rolled, somersaulted, landed
Scrambled, dashed, darted, ran, sprinted, plunged, flew
Reached for, drew, released
Lunged, launched, leapt, seized, caught, flung
Kicked, lashed out, looped, slammed, knocked, toppled
Hit, struck, nicked, slashed, jabbed, prodded, parried,
blocked, fended off
Clashed, thudded, stabbed, buried, vibrated, jarred,
Missed, avoided, evaded
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

From the end of the lists

From the pavilion
In the direction of the gallery
Towards the tree of shields
Pennants and banners
Famous knight
Flaming red dragon
Green and yellow background
A riot of colour
Vivid reds and golds and greens
Brightly coloured tabards of the pages
A vivid background of colour
Gleaming black harness
High-horn saddle
Small, wooden shield
Wooden ring
Plaited, straw circle
Bag of sand
Horizontal pole
Blunted lance
Black handle of a throwing knife
Just above their heads
Beneath his visor
Straight out in front of him
In a single movement
With his body flat to the roof
Over her outstretched foot
In a moment
Without hesitation
With one last, desperate effort
Impossible to break free
As quickly and quietly as he could
Only sign of life
Dim light in the stables
Cacophony of sound
Clink of spears
Faint metallic slither of chain mail
Trumpet blasts
Drums and bugles, trumpets and cheers, shouts and groans
On the third blast of the trumpet…
Rowdy cheer
An enormous cheer
Distinctive whistle of arrows
Sound of heavy feet
Clatter of swords
Clang of metal on metal
Shower of sparks
Like a hammer blow
Phrases – Verbs

As if time had stopped

Time stood still
As if everything was happening in slow motion
As if the world was holding its breath
As he emerged from the pavilion…
As the white baton was thrown down…
As he neared the rampart…
As they spotted him…
Displayed the knight’s arms
Fluttered in the early morning breeze
Had already spotted the shield
Hit it with his lance
Challenged… to face him in a joust
Waited by the pavilion
Sat on his high-horn saddle like a statue
Started to move forward
Rode forward slowly
Nudged his destrier forward
Kicked his charger’s flanks
As his horse’s stride lengthened…
Spurred his mount on
Broke into a canter
Urged his horse to a gallop in a thundering charge
Galloped towards
Sent clods of earth flying into the air
Sensed the excitement of the crowd
Began snorting and pawing at the ground
Reared up onto two legs
Front hooves pawed the air
Jerked back on the reins
Leaned back in the saddle
Clung to his horse
Fought to bring the horse under control
Wrestled with the reins
Tried to get to the end of the list without being unseated
Pointed the horse at the quintain
Gripped his lance like a vice
Lowered his lance down over the horse’s neck
Kept his lance lined up with the target
Raised his shield slightly
Dangled from the pole
Rotated on the horizontal pole
Rings had gradually decreased in size
Like a wooden eye mocking him
Hooked it with his lance
Had hit the target off-centre
Nicked the outside of the smallest ring
Met with a dramatic clash of lance and shields
Felt the thud as his lance made contact with…
Felt his opponent’s lance thud into his side
Hurtled towards him
Braced himself for the impact
As the… thudded into him…
Sent him crashing to the ground
Stabbed his side
Stared down the length of the track
Narrowed his eyes
Peered through the visor slit
Eyes fixed on the herald
Stared ahead
Cast a glance over his shoulder
Looked both ways to check the coast was clear
Peered warily over the edge of the battlements
Looked from side to side and over her shoulders
Didn’t look back
Sweat rolled down his forehead and into his eyes
Blinked and tried to focus
Couldn’t see if there was anyone
Spotted two guards
Saw the… hurtling towards him
Turned to see…
Caught sight of a glint of metal
Brought a hush over the crowd
Fell silent
Sent the birds whirring into the sky
Murmur rolled through the crowd of villagers
Rose from the spectators
Erupted from the battlements
Creaked with every movement
Drum began to beat
Hooves drummed on the ground
Echoed in the silence
Thudded behind them
Clash of blades sounded from above
Horn sounded the alarm
Heard the clink of spears
Until the bow was fully drawn…
Braced back, leaning away from the curve of the bow
Pointed it into the sky
Brought the bow down in a smooth arc
Kept her eyes fixed to the tip
Poised to release…
When the tip passed down the target, she…
Knew he had moments before…
Until she was sure the guards had not heard her
Waited, motionless
Stopped dead in his tracks
Stiffened as the sound of…
As he sat in the shadows…
Slipped further into the shadows
Kept to the shadows
Waited a moment and peered round
Paused to listen for any unnatural sounds
Held her breath, motionless
Waited for his breathing to steady before…
Edged towards an embrasure
Eased herself over until she was on the battlements
Hauled herself to the top
Crept along the roof tiles
Edged slowly towards the window
Edged forward a few paces
Stayed close to the walls
Edged round the courtyard
Paused… nothing stirred… edged towards the tower
Dropped to a crouch
Ducked down low
Ducked into the shadows
Dived behind the dais
Threw herself flat
Flattened herself against the stable wall
Crouched down behind…
Pulled her knees tightly up to her chest
Made himself as small as possible
Rolled away
Rolled to the side
Sidestepped around a corner
Crawled forward
Placed his hands and feet with extreme care
Moved as silently as a cat
Inched forward until he was close enough to…
Inched away from…
Hurled himself out of the…
Grasped the rope he had left dangling outside
Gripped the rope with his feet
Slid faster and faster down the rope
Hands burned as they tried to keep pace
As she fell, raw instinct took control
Tucked into a roll
Turned the impact into a somersault
Came up standing
When she signalled that someone was coming…
As the guards strode from the gatehouse…
Was on his feet quickly
Could not stay where she was any longer
Scrambled to his feet and began to move
Dashed to the doors
Ran to the next corner
Sprinted to the door, and dived inside
Spun and dashed back to the stairs
Plunged down three at a time
Turned sharp left at the bottom
Plunged into the maze of passages beneath the castle
Twisted and dodged as his pursuer advanced
Flew down the corridor
Barrelled past the door
Darted up the stairs
Raced towards the door
Dived inside the chamber
Ran, darting left and right
Strained every muscle
Hauled on the massive iron ring
Pulled the lever that operated the huge, iron bolts
Leaned against the wheel
Pushed as hard as they could
Began to turn slowly
Dragged the huge, oak doors closed
Secured the gates
Barred the doors
Started to descend
Slid her dagger into the gap
Eased the door open
Yanked at the handle
Wrenched the door open
Shoved the door open
Stood wide open
Sky darkened above them as…
Arrows rose over the wall
Thudded into the door
Vibrated in the wooden post
Plunged earthward in a deadly rain of wood and steel
Would have been buried near her heart if…
As a spear flew past his ear…
As a crossbow bolt exploded along the passage…
Rubbed dirt into his sword so the glint would not betray him
Struggled to get her dagger out of its sheath as she ran
Reached for his sword
Reached for the secret dagger
Kept strapped to his arm
Released the blade from its scabbard with a single movement
Drew the sword from her belt
Held his sword out in front of him
Clutched their weapons, staring ahead, waiting
Lunged at her
Seized him from behind
Lashed out with her feet
Took his knees out from under him
Caught the sentry in the stomach
Flung herself at him
Launched herself from the shadows directly at his feet
Leapt onto his back
Fell backwards and took the attacker by surprise
Kicked him in the ribs
Looped her arms over his head
Slammed as hard as she could into his shoulder
Sent him sprawling into the dirt
Knocked him off balance before he could loose his bolt
Stepped nimbly aside
Jerked to one side and then the other
Rolled to her feet quickly
Thrust the arrow at him like a dagger
As they slashed and struck…
Stood back to back, blades raised
Faced the soldiers who had surrounded them
Parried the first couple of blows
Sword arm circled in a blur
Grazed his neck and forced him to drop his sword
As the warrior slashed with his sword…
Fended off the first blow with her sword
Ducked underneath the blade
Parried, blocked, ducked and sidestepped
Found it impossible to penetrate his defence
Found it difficult to land a blow
Sparks flew from their blades
Clattered with a shower of sparks into…
Blade whistled as it sliced through the air
Narrowly missed him
Missed him by a hair’s breadth
Ducked and the axe swung wide
Seemed almost to predict his thrusts before they came
Avoided blows that would have injured any other man
Sliced at the knee joint of his opponent’s armour
Sent him toppling to the ground, his left leg useless
As he doubled over…
As the momentum of his attack carried him forward…
When he felt the hands closing around his neck…
Jabbed their spears at him
Prodded him forward at sword point
Kept him at a distance
Edged closer, tightening the circle
Knew it was only moments before he was overwhelmed
Only had seconds to register…
Descended to club him behind the ear
Didn’t have time to lift his shield
Made his legs buckle
Crashed to the ground in a tangle of arms and legs
Fell senseless to the ground
Drew back the strings of their bows
Loaded a quarrel into the groove
Leaned over the parapet
Shot into the mass of soldiers below
When she looked up…
Looked up and saw…
Caught a glimpse of…
Silhouette crouched on the battlements
Aimed directly at his head
Quarrel hissed through the air
Watched the bolt coming towards him
Made no attempt to riposte
Stayed crouched and braced behind his shield
Drove back with every attack
Grip on his shield started to weaken
Jarred his arm
Buried itself in her shield
Twisted in the grip of the captors
No matter how hard she writhed and kicked…
Listened with horror as…
Shattered the silence
Could only hear the spinning of the quarrel
Heard the echo of heavy footsteps behind him
Warned her they were closing fast

Alfred stared down the length of the track at the small wooden shield.

Gripping his lance like a vice, straight out in front of his body, Alfred kicked his
charger’s flanks, spurring it on. As its stride lengthened and they began to canter,
he pointed the horse at the quintain, narrowing his eyes to keep his lance lined
up with the target.

It was as if time had slowed. He felt the thud as his lance made contact with the
shield and saw the bag of sand hurtling towards him, rotating wildly on the
horizontal pole. Alfred braced himself for the impact as the bag thudded into him
and sent him crashing to the ground. He had hit the target off-centre once again!

It felt as if the wooden circle dangling from the pole was like an eye mocking
him. He still had not managed to hook it with his lance.

Each ring had decreased in size, and he had only managed to nick the outside of
this smallest ring.

As Tom emerged, a rowdy cheer erupted from the battlements.

He rode forward slowly to the tree of shields, where the coloured shields were
hung. He had already spotted it – the flaming red dragon on a green and yellow

Without hesitation, he rode straight to Sir William’s shield, and hit it with his
lance, challenging the famous knight to face him in a joust.

The lists were a riot of colour – the vivid reds and golds and greens of the
pennants and banners, displaying the knights’ arms, as they fluttered in the early
morning breeze.

The brightly coloured tabards of the pages provided a vivid background.

There was a cacophony of sound: drums and bugles, trumpets and shouts, cheers
and groans.

Suddenly, from the end of the lists, the trumpet blasts brought a hush over the
crowd and sent the birds whirring into the sky.

John waited by the pavilion. As a murmur rolled through the crowd of villagers
seated in a large group off to his left, he nudged his destrier forward.

His horse, sensing the excitement of the crowd, began snorting and pawing at the
ground, its gleaming black harness creaking with every movement.

John jerked back on the reins and leaned back. The horse reared up onto two legs,
its front hooves pawing the air. An enormous cheer rose from the crowd as they
spotted him.

Beneath his visor, the sweat was running down his forehead and into his eyes.
Blinking, Tom tried to focus, and peer through the visor slit.

A drum began to beat and the crowd fell silent. Tom sat in his high-horn saddle
like a statue, his blunted lance ready. On the third blast of the trumpet, Tom
kicked the flanks of his horse and started to move forward.

He lowered his lance down over the horse’s neck, raised his shield slightly and
waited, motionless, his eyes fixed on the herald.

As the white baton was thrown down, he kicked the flanks of his horse and urged
him to a gallop until they were in a thundering charge.

The hooves drummed on the ground, sending clods of earth flying into the air,
until the riders met in a dramatic clash of lance and shields.

Tom felt his opponent’s lance thud into his side like a hammer blow. It was all he
could do to cling to the horse and make it to the end.

A searing pain stabbed his side as he fought to bring the horse under control and
wrestled with the reins.

Ann braced back, leaning away from the curve of the bow until it was fully
drawn and pointing into the sky. Slowly, she brought it down in a smooth arc,
her eyes fixed to the tip, poised to release the moment the tip passed down the

The wall rose sheer above Kitty so she couldn’t see if there was anyone on the
battlements. She flung a grappling line over the top and, as silently as she could,
hauled herself to the top.

As Rob neared the rampart, he spotted two guards. Thankfully, they had their
backs to him. He knew he had moments before they turned, so as quickly and
quietly as he could, he edged towards an embrasure and peered warily over the
edge of the battlements.

Cautiously, she eased herself over until she was on the battlements, and dropped
to a crouch, holding her breath, motionless until she was sure that the guards had
not heard her.

As Kitty fell, raw instinct took control. She tucked into a roll, turned the impact
into a somersault, and came up standing.

Robert hurled himself out of the window, and just managed to grasp the rope
dangling outside. As the clash of blades sounded from above, he caught sight of a
glint of metal. Gripping the rope with his feet, he started to slide faster and faster,
his hands burning as they tried to keep pace.

As the horn sounded the alarm, they dashed to the doors, hauled on the massive
iron ring and slowly dragged the huge, oak doors closed.

Straining every muscle, they pulled the lever that operated the huge, iron bolts to
secure the gates. To the left of the gate, however, a small sally port stood wide

They knew they only had minutes to lower the portcullis. With one last,
desperate effort, they leaned against the wheel and pushed as hard as they could.
Eventually, the wheel began to turn and the portcullis started to descend.

He stopped dead in his tracks as he heard the clink of spears and the faint
metallic slither of chain mail.

They stiffened as the sound of footsteps echoed in the silence. Someone was
following them. There was a thud behind them and they turned to see the black
handle of a throwing knife vibrating in the wooden post just above their heads.

They stared ahead, hands clutching their weapons, staring, waiting. They listened
with horror as the distinctive whistle of arrows shattered the silence and the sky
darkened above them. Arrows rose over the wall and plunged earthward in a
deadly rain of wood and steel.

When Kitty raised her hand to signal someone was coming, the others
immediately ducked down low.

As a spear flew past his ear, he flung himself down behind the battlements.

Rob ducked into the shadows as the guards strode from the gatehouse.

Quickly, throwing herself flat, she rolled to the side just as a crossbow bolt
exploded along the passage and thudded into the door. If she hadn’t dived, the
shaft would have been buried somewhere near her heart.

Looking from side to side and over her shoulders, she quickly dived behind the

He pulled his knees tightly up to his chest, making himself as small as possible.

Slipping further into the shadows, she flattened herself against the wall, and
crouched down behind the horses.
He sat in the shadows, rubbing dirt into his sword so that its glint wouldn’t
betray him. Behind him, Rob heard the echo of heavy footsteps. He cast a glance
over his shoulder. In a moment, he was on his feet, his sword out in front of him.

He waited for his breathing to steady before crawling forward. Keeping to the
shadows and moving as silently as a cat, he inched forward until he was close
enough to overhear their conversation.

Slowly, placing his hands and feet with extreme care, he inched away from the
pocket of knights sitting around the table by the fire.

He ran to the next corner, waited a moment, and peered round.

She looked both ways to check that the coast was clear, slid her dagger into the
gap, and eased the door open.

Creeping along the roof tiles, his body flat to the roof, Rob gripped the tiles and
edged slowly towards the window.

Staying close to the walls, Katie edged round the courtyard, paused… nothing
stirred… a dim light in the stables was the only sign of life. She edged further
towards the tower… paused again to listen for any unnatural sounds, then
sprinted to the door, and dived inside.

He heard steps behind him, and peered over his shoulder. In a moment, he was on
his feet, sword drawn.

She spun, dashed back to the stairs and plunged down three at a time. The sound
of heavy feet, the clatter of swords, warned her they were closing fast. She didn’t
look back, but turned sharply right at the bottom and plunged into the maze of
passages beneath the castle.

He flew down the corridor, and shoved the door open.

He barrelled past the doors that guarded the entrance to the hall. As he ran, he
struggled to get his dagger out of its sheath.
Darting up the stairs, he saw a door ahead and raced towards it. He yanked at the
handle, wrenched the door open, and dived inside.

She scrambled to her feet. Began to move. Time had run out. She could not stay
where she was any longer.

Suddenly, he was out in the open, tearing across the courtyard, exploding out
through the gate.

He ran, darting left and right, twisting and dodging, as his pursuer advanced

She reached for her sword and, with a single movement, released the blade from
its scabbard.

Very quietly, he reached for the secret dagger he always kept strapped to his arm.

As quietly as she could, she drew the sword from her belt and edged forward a
few paces, keeping to the shadows.

Kitty lashed out with her feet to take his knees out from under him.

He lashed out with his foot, catching the sentry in the stomach. As he doubled
over, Rob leapt onto his back and looped his arms over his head.

The guard lunged at Kitty. She parried the blow and stepped aside, sending him
sprawling into the dirt as the momentum of his attack carried him forward over
her outstretched foot.

Someone seized Rob from behind, but he was ready, and when he felt the hands
closing around his neck, he fell backwards and took the attacker by surprise.

Ann flung herself at him, slamming as hard as she could into his shoulder,
desperate to knock him off balance before he could loose his bolt.

Katie launched herself from the shadows directly at his feet, and they crashed to
the ground in a tangle of arms and legs. Quickly, she rolled to her feet, and
kicked him in the ribs.

Stepping nimbly aside, she thrust the arrow at him like a dagger, grazing his
neck, and forcing him to drop his sword.

They fell on each other, sparks flying from their blades as they slashed and

John’s sword arm circled in a blur, the blade whistling as it sliced through the air.

As the warrior slashed with his sword, he ducked underneath the blade. It missed
him by a hair’s breadth. Using his own weapon, he sliced at the knee joint of his
opponent’s armour, sending him toppling to the ground, his left leg useless.

He found it impossible to penetrate John’s defence, to land a blow. John parried,

blocked, dodged and sidestepped, seeming almost to predict his thrusts before
they came, and avoiding blows that would have injured any other man.

They reloaded, drawing back the strings, loading a quarrel into the groove,
leaning over the parapet and shooting into the soldiers below.

John made no attempt to riposte, staying crouched and braced behind his shield.
He was driven back with every attack. Until now his defence was holding, but his
grip on his shield was starting to weaken.

He parried the first couple of blows, but the shock that jarred his arm nearly
made him buckle.

As she fended off the first blow with her sword, there was the sound of heavy
boots rushing up behind her.

He ducked and the axe swung wide, clattering with a shower of sparks into the
stone of the wall behind him.

He saw a movement out of the corner of his eye, but Nigel didn’t have time to lift
his shield. He only had seconds to register the shadow of the raised weapon before
it descended to club him behind the ear and he fell senseless to the ground.
An arrow buried itself in Ann’s shield, and when she looked up she caught a brief
glimpse of a silhouette crouched on the battlements.

Will looked up and saw a crossbow aimed directly at his head, the quarrel hissing
through the air. Time stood still. It was as if the world was holding its breath.
Only the spinning of the quarrel broke the silence.

It was as if everything was happening in slow motion as he watched the bolt

coming towards him.

Every time he moved, the soldiers jabbed their spears at him, keeping him at a
distance. Gradually, they were edging closer, tightening the circle, and he knew
that it was only moments before he was overwhelmed.

She jerked to one side and then the other, trying to slip past, but there was
always another guard to block her path.

They stood back to back, blades raised, as they faced the soldiers who had
surrounded them.

They prodded him forward at sword point.

Katie twisted in the grip of the captors, but with so many soldiers holding her, it
was impossible to break free, no matter how hard she writhed and kicked.
Section 3 - Reaction

Nouns Castle, battlements, portcullis, walls, gates, arrow slits

Presence, movement, direction
Footsteps, chain mail
Dangers, secrets, trap, attack, escape, retreat
Lights, glint, night, darkness
Dread, foreboding, unease, panic, fear
Hope, determination, anger, fury
Muscles, nerves, senses, pulse, adrenalin
Rush, flash, surge, explosion
Effort, strain, action, strength
Body, back, spine, stomach, neck, hackles, forehead, nose,
eyes, mouth, breath
Pace, walk, sprint
Similes/Metaphors A fist of unease; red mist of fury; like a fish hooked on a
line; spread like prickly heat; like he’d swallowed a fiery
breath; as if he’d been injected with a shot of adrenalin
Adjectives Grey, black, dark, gloomy
Eerie, sinister, menacing, evil
Steel, metal
Tell-tale, unmistakable
Alert, ready
Desperate, frantic, last-ditch
Cold, hard, harsh, severe
Wide, staring, narrowed
Sudden, unexpected
Painful, searing
Verbs Approached, neared, entered
Darkened, plunged
Lowered, barred, secured, locked
Watched, observed, followed
Trapped, snared, cornered
Felt, sensed, thought
Acted, reacted
Waited, moved, walked
Lost, evaded, merged, disappeared, escaped
Sharpened, enhanced
Quivered, quaked, shuddered
Flared, kindled, clenched, spread, rushed, surged
Collected, beaded, trickled, dripped
Clamped, dampened, suppressed, stifled
Ebbed, subsided
Dried, flooded, swallowed, sucked, held, breathed, sawed,
rattled, rasped, let out, exhaled
Narrowed, squeezed, blinked, glued, fixed, scanned,
searched, looked, flitted, darted, glanced, flickered, flicked
Startled, shocked, scared, paralysed
Kept, maintained
Quickened, ran, raced, sprinted
Slid, released, gripped, tightened
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Some kind of eerie presence in the castle

Inside a world full of dangers and dark secrets
Something evil
Like a menacing predator
From any direction
At any moment
For several nights
Slightest bit out of the ordinary
Too quiet
Sound of footsteps
Clatter of steel
Slither of chain mail
Tell-tale glint of metal
Every muscle in her body
Every nerve and muscle in his body
Constantly alert
On high alert
A rush of nerves
A surge of adrenalin
An explosion of adrenalin
A quivering dread
With a sudden feeling of dread…
Flash of foreboding
A fist of unease
Fear of what was to come
A presence she could not see
Pulse in his fingertips
A desperate hope
A red mist of fury
A cold, hard anger
Wide eyes
Narrowed eyes
Alert to anything that might be out of the ordinary
Sudden, searing pain
No time to think
No time to do anything but react
Ready for whatever came at him next
Phrases – Verbs

As he waited for the white baton to be thrown down…

As soon as he had entered the castle…
As he walked through the gates…
As night approached…
As the lights went out one by one…
Plunged into darkness
Portcullis was lowered and the gates were barred
Felt that the castle had trapped her
Could almost feel the crossbows aimed at his back
Didn’t feel right
Not sure what he expected but…
Sure he was walking into a trap
Waiting for its next victim
Watching his every movement
If they glanced in her direction
If she was spotted in the castle
Sensed something behind her
Sensed it reaching out to her
Sensed they were waiting, expecting her
Drawing her in like a fish hooked on a line
A presence she could not see
Knew it was there, lurking behind the castle walls
Knew what would happen if…
Knew she had to get away
Had to lose herself in the crowds
Sharpened his senses
Made him alive to every detail
Going to be the fight of his life
Couldn’t dampen the dread of…
Quivered with the strain of…
Rushed through him
Surged through his body
Marked the passing of the seconds
Threatened to paralyse him
Had collected on his forehead
Trickled down the side of his nose
Sent a shiver down his spine
Made his hackles rise
Walked with his hackles up
Clenched in the pit of his stomach
Spread through his body like prickly heat
Tried to clamp down the fear
Tried to swallow his fear
Fought an underlying sense of panic
Even though his heart was pounding…
Knew he had to remain calm
Could not afford to make any mistakes
Scared into action
Could feel the fear ebbing away
Panic gradually subsided
Could feel the strength surging through him
Started to take root
Flared up inside him
As if someone had injected a shot of adrenalin
Kindled inside him like he’d swallowed a fiery breath
Narrowed his eyes
Eyes narrowed with determination
Fixed his gaze on the target
Strained to pierce the darkness
Watched his every move
Kept their eyes glued to the battlements
Searched for any sign of movement
Watched through the arrow slit
Observed the routes and routines of the guards
Flitted quickly upwards
Darted wildly from side to side
Glanced up
Glanced rapidly around
Flicked from the gates to the battlements
Moved constantly
Took in every detail
Looked desperately around for a means of retreat
Squeezed his eyes shut
Blinked rapidly
As he glanced back…
Couldn’t see anything
Mouth had gone dry
Seemed to have flooded with saliva
Sucked in a startled breath
Could hear his own harsh breathing
Sawed in and out under his visor
Let out a long breath
Realised he had been holding his breath
Uttered a cry
Quickened his pace
Maintained a steady walk
Every instinct demanded he break into a desperate sprint
Fingers tightened on his sword
Hand slid to the hilt of her sword

He was not sure what he expected, but it was too quiet. It just didn’t feel right.
He was sure he was walking into a trap.

The castle sent a shiver down his spine. It was like a menacing predator watching
his every move, waiting for its next victim.

She knew she had to get away. The only way was to lose herself in the crowd
when the gates opened.

Every muscle in her body tensed. She was constantly alert for the sound of
footsteps, the slither of chain mail, the clatter of steel.

As a surge of adrenalin rushed through him, every nerve and muscle in his body
was on high alert, ready for an attack from any direction.

She sensed something behind her and felt the hairs go up on the back of her neck.

Kitty was shaking with terror that at any moment they would glance in her
direction. She knew what would happen if she was spotted in the castle.

Sweat had collected on his forehead and was trickling down the side of his nose
into his eyes. He squeezed them shut and blinked rapidly.

As he glanced back, an explosion of adrenalin surged through his body and he

quickened his pace.

He tried to clamp down the fear that threatened to paralyse him. This was going
to be the fight of his life.

There was no time to think. No time to do anything, but react to whatever came
at him next.

Even though his heart was pounding, he knew he had to remain calm. He could
not afford to make any mistakes now.

She sensed something – some kind of eerie presence in the castle. She sensed it
reaching out to her, drawing her in like a fish hooked on a line.

It was a quivering dread of a presence she could not see, but knew was there,
lurking behind the castle walls.

As soon as he had entered the castle, he had been fighting an underlying sense of
panic, and as night approached – the portcullis lowered and the gates barred – he
felt the castle had trapped him inside a world full of dangers and dark secrets.

His back quivered with the strain of maintaining a steady walk when every
instinct demanded that he break into a desperate sprint.

Something made his hackles rise and his fingers tightened on his sword.

The pulse in his fingertips marked the passing of seconds as he waited for the
baton to be thrown down.

Suddenly, a rush of nerves spread through his body like prickly heat.

A flash of foreboding blackened his thoughts – he couldn’t dampen the dread

that as soon as he entered the castle something evil was going to enter his life.

He walked with his hackles up, alert to anything that might be the slightest bit
out of the ordinary.

A fist of unease clenched in the pit of his stomach.

His instincts told him that if he could make it to the stables, he would be safe for
a while.

Fear of what was to come sharpened his senses and made him alive to every

As he walked through the gates, he could almost feel the crossbows aimed at his

A desperate hope flared up inside him.

Rob was suddenly scared into action as if someone had injected a shot of
adrenalin into his legs.

He could feel the strength surging through him and the fear ebbing away.

She looked at him through a red mist of fury as her hand slid to the hilt of her

Anger kindled inside him like he’d swallowed a fiery breath.

His fear was gradually subsiding, and in its place, a cold hard anger was starting
to take root.

He narrowed his eyes and fixed his gaze on the target.

Her wide eyes strained to pierce the darkness, darting wildly from side to side.

She kept her narrowed eyes on him, watching his every move.

They kept their eyes glued to the battlements, searching for any sign of
movement, any tell-tale glint of metal.

Glancing rapidly around, his eyes flicked from the gate to the battlements.

He risked a quick glance over his shoulder.

She glanced up. She couldn’t see anything, but she sensed they were waiting.
They were expecting her.

He watched through the arrow slit as the lights went out one by one and the
castle was plunged into darkness.
For several nights, he observed the routes and routines of the guards.

He tried to swallow his fear, but his mouth seemed to have flooded with saliva.

He could hear his own harsh breathing sawing in and out under his visor.

He uttered a cry at the sudden, searing pain.

He sucked in a startled breath.

He let out a long breath he hadn’t realised he was holding.

Part 2
Atmosphere and suspense
The S/C-I-R Structure

A sheer rock face rose up to her right, and to her left, cliffs dropped away into a
dark abyss. She glanced back one more time and then continued to climb into the
unknown. Even though she knew she had taken a step towards something
sinister and final, there was no going back now.
A cold, shivering wind blew on the back of her neck and ears like the touch of
cold fingers. Suddenly, the whole world seemed unnaturally dark, as if it had been
drained of all light before a terrible storm broke. She looked up to see a dark cloud
that wasn’t there moments before. Above her, a distant rumble like thunder grew
louder, and the ground beneath her feet started to shake. Stones cracked and
exploded, sending fragments in every direction. It was as if the mountain itself
was being shaken. She couldn’t stay upright and was thrown violently
backwards, teetering precariously on the edge of the path. For a dreadful moment
she was hanging in the air, her legs flailing and her eyes widening in fear as
she lunged with her right hand. Her heart raced as she felt her hand beginning
to slip, her frozen fingers scrabbling as her body swung perilously over the drop.
Her shoulders were burning. She was losing her grip. Her fingers slid towards the

Nouns Menace, force, fury

Scene, image, vision, spectacle
Thunder, lightning, sky, clouds, air, horizon, heavens,
nature, elements
Whirlwind, vortex, maelstrom
Bolt, fork, flash, flare, flicker, spears, arrows, blade, trails,
guillotine blade
Clap, crash, crack, creak, groan, roar, screech, explosion
Voice, shouts, echo
Mountainside, mountain, hill, slope, cliff
Rock, gravel, mud, dirt
Forest, trees, trunks, branches, roots, leaves
Land, city, street, ground, building, castle, battlements,
towers, courtyard, roof, windows, shutters, doors, room,
Water, sea, ocean, river, lake, current, waves, crests, foam
Ship, boat, raft
Rain, raindrops, showers, downpour, torrent
Wind, breeze, gust, gale, hurricane
Skin, neck, ears, legs, feet, stride, skull, hair, face, eyes,
clothes, cloak, hood
Similes/Metaphors Like an exploding firework; like camera flashes; like the
echo of a drum; a bulging blister of grey water; as big as
telephone poles; grated together like broken teeth; like the
touch of a cold finger; like a gust of icy wind; like an
avalanche of cold; like being buffeted by a whirlwind; burst
like waterfalls; misty haze like a veil; like an inky black
finger; like some giant, invisible hand; like a huge fist
pounding the sky; like wooden tentacles searching for prey;
like a fist against the roof; tickled his ear like a feather;
hunted him like a beast; tore with its invisible hands; like
stabbing fingers; like they were being fired from a cannon;
hissed and spat like a bonfire; like a writhing nest of vipers
Adjectives Great, torn, jagged, forked
Bright, white, brilliant, dazzling, flickering, shimmering
Silver, grey, murky, misty, blurred, dark, black
Cold, icy, bitter, harsh
Huge, enormous, massive, gigantic
Heavy, dense, leaden
Thunderous, pulsing, powerful, dangerous, fierce, savage,
vicious, ferocious, menacing, ominous, monstrous
Boiling, swirling, whirling, surging
Eerie, sinister, unnatural
High, sharp, piercing, ear-splitting
Sickening, dreadful, hideous
Verbs Gathered, massed, grew, swelled
Darkened, blotted, shadowed
Lit, streaked, flooded, blinded, blurred, flickered, seared,
illuminated, spattered, flecked
Clung, snaked, swallowed, blanketed, enveloped, encircled
Split, cut, ripped, forked, pierced
Blew, rose, blasted, gusted, strengthened
Hit, smashed, thudded, beat, pounded, hammered,
shuddered, shook
Drifted, rushed, tore, dashed, wound, twisted, whirled,
churned, writhed, swirled, flurried
Bent, wound, arched, shoved, pushed, tugged, pulled,
yanked, dragged, forced, pressed, crushed, swept away
Tickled, prickled, tore, whipped, thrashed, buffeted
Struggled, staggered, trudged, gripped, clung
Whispered, whistled, sighed, moaned, hissed, spat, howled,
screamed, shrieked, boomed, pulsed
Rumbled, rattled, creaked, groaned, grated, banged,
thudded, echoed
Opened, parted, burst
Rained, poured
Foamed, churned, thundered, broke, crashed, slammed,
battered, rocked, pitched, showered
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

At the mercy of…

An awesome spectacle
From out of nowhere
One moment… the next…
At other times
Within minutes
In front of him
Behind him
Above them
Directly overhead
From the heavens
Ahead and below them
Ground around him
Down the slope
Unnaturally dark sky
Murky black
Boiling, black clouds
Dark, storm clouds
Funnel cloud
Gigantic bank of dark cloud
Layers of heavy, black clouds
Fingers of swirling black cloud
Swirling vortex of black and silver
Maelstrom of cloud and rain
Menacing whirl of grey and white
Grey, ominous and threatening
Powerful, dangerous and menacing
Misty haze like a veil
Breath of wind
Cold breeze
Bitter winds
Cold, shivering wind
Like the touch of cold fingers
Surging wind
Violent wind
Ferocious wind
Like an inky black finger
Swirling cone of black vapour
Like a gust of icy wind
Icy shards
Like some giant, invisible hand
Lightning bolt
Flash of lightning
Savage crack of lightning
A great flare of lightning
A fork of lightning
Flash of brilliant white lightning
Flickering white light
Trails of lightning
Jagged spears of lightning
Dazzling arrows of lightning
Huge, guillotine blade of lightning
Eerie light
Clap of thunder
Like an exploding firework
Like the echo of a drum
Thunderous echo
High branches
With a sharp crack
Sickening creak
Ear-splitting crash
Sudden screech of anger
A trickle of water
Showers of heavy rain
Wall of the storm
Far out at sea
Over the shore
A bulging blister of churning grey water
Dark, grey sea around them
Menacing crests
Huge wall of water
Swirling current
Trunks as big as telephone poles
Phrases – Verbs

As if the world had been drained of all colour

Brought a feeling of dread and menace
As darkness fell, the storm worsened
As night approached, the wind strengthened
Looked up to see…
Wasn’t there before
Dark clouds gathered
Massed above her
Drifted across the sky
Whirled up in strange clouds
Darkened the air with boiling clouds of dust
Cast long shadows down the mountainside
Blotted out the sun
Clung to the hill
Blanketed the city
Formed a misty, silver veil
Grew and swelled as if it was alive
Seemed to come from all directions at once
Did not just come from one direction
Gained power all the time
Grew to a thing of force and fury
Grew stronger by the minute
Writhed and twisted
Flurried and swirled around her
Like being buffeted by a whirlwind
Whirled around her
Hit like an avalanche of cold
Whistled and sighed
Shrieked towards them
Howled in the courtyard
Deepened its roar as it pounded against the doors
Rattled the bare branches of the shivering trees
Grated together like broken teeth
Banged wildly in the sudden gust of wind
Roared through the hall
Filled with the sound of its roar
Screamed through the trees
Howled over the castle
Shrieked through the courtyard
Heard the crack and groan of the falling tree
Echoed down the mountains
Bent the trees
Whipped and stabbed at the forest
Thrashed and writhed against the fierce gale
Arched from side to side
Wound itself round the ancient trunks
Tore at the bark
Made the branches writhe
Like wooden tentacles searching for prey
Rushed towards the mountain
Beat like a fist against the roof
Swirled like a hurricane from wall to wall, floor to ceiling
Flung itself at the battlements
Twisted round the towers
Carried her voice away
Stole their shouts
Whispered across her skin
Blew on the backs of their necks and ears
Tickled his ear like a feather
Made the skin on his neck prickle with foreboding
As the wind shoved and tugged fiercely at him…
Slowed his stride
Pushed him along
Crushed her to the rock
Pressed her body close to the slope
Clung on with all her might
Forced him back inside the building
Staggered back and forth, side to side
Struggled to stay on his feet
Hunted them like a beast
Thrashed at his hair
Tore at their cloaks with its invisible fingers
Whipped his cloak
Tugged at their hoods
Whipped at his clothes, his hair, his face
Felt the vicious whip of the wind
Lashed their skin
Stung their skin
Battered his eyes shut
Flew across his path
Bent branches which slashed at his face
Would have blinded him if he had not…
Tore at her face like stabbing fingers
As if they were deliberately trying to blind him
Lashed their legs and faces with dirt and gravel
Blasted at the shutters
Smashed back and forth against the wall
Gusted against the windows, against the doors
Echoes bounced through the room
Rumbled in the distance
Rumbled closer and closer
Followed almost immediately
Crashed and howled overhead
Boomed menacingly
Struggled and howled in fits and starts
Pulsed and rumbled ominously
Shuddered with a crack of thunder
Shook the house to its core
Like a huge fist was pounding the sky
Felt as if the ground beneath his feet was being ripped apart
Streaked across the horizon
Tore through the night sky
Streaked through the streets like an exploding firework
Forked through the huge, boiling clouds
Spattered with lightning
Pierced the sky
Torn apart by the jagged spears of lightning
Burst across the crest of the oncoming storm
Lit up the whole scene
Split the sky
Cut through the darkness like camera flashes
Flooded the land
Touched the roof of the cave
Lit up the sky above the mountain
Illuminated the sky with a stark, blue-whiteness
Seared his vision
Blinded him as it flickered in and out
Clouds parted
A hole opened in the clouds
Crashed together, boiling and shrieking
Began to swell and pour down in streams
Rushed through the trees
Burst like waterfalls from the mouth of the darkening sky
Shrieked through the forest
Began to pound his skull
As though the huge raindrops were fired from a cannon
Hissed and spat like a bonfire
Ran into his eyes and blurred his vision
Churned into a swirling, miniature hurricane
Snaked its way down the hill
Swallowed the mountain
Encircled the forest
Trudged on through the wet and mud
Soaked to the skin
Ran down his hair
Followed the line of his spine to his waist
Trapped by the black blanket of sea and sky
Looked as if the sea was boiling
Began to swirl and churn fiercely
Had become a surging torrent
As the lake boiled and churned…
Foamed as the waves dashed against the rocks
Churned the spray into foam
Rolled and rushed, churned and boiled
Hurled white crested waves at the shore
Thundered towards them from the sea
Swallowed trees and land, spread and swirled
Battered the ship
Broke against the sides of the boat
Rocked and pitched in the heavy swells
Slammed head-on into the monstrous, black waves
Showered them with icy seawater
Twisted around them as if trapped by a writhing nest of vipers
Tore whole trees out of the ground
Exposed the enormous balls of the roots
Swept away whole trees
Hurtled past
Reached out to grab the raft
Dragged the raft along with them

The whole world seemed unnaturally dark, as if it had been drained of all light
before a terrible storm broke.

She looked up to see a dark cloud that wasn’t there moments before.

Above the ridge, dark clouds were gathering, casting long shadows down the

Layers of heavy black clouds clung to the hill and blanketed the city.

A gigantic bank of dark cloud was massing above her. It seemed to writhe and
twist, growing and swelling as if it were alive.

Dark storm clouds sped over the waves to blot out the sun.

The clouds rushed towards the mountain, trailing veils of rain in their wake.

The storm was an awesome spectacle, but powerful, dangerous and menacing.

A hole opened in the clouds – a swirling vortex of black and silver.

Fingers of swirling black cloud came down from the sky to whip and stab at the

The storm churned into a swirling, miniature hurricane, which blocked their
way, pushed them back down the slope.

A funnel cloud snaked its way down the hill like an inky black finger.

The storm swallowed the hill in a swirling cone of black vapour.

The thunder struggled and howled in fits and starts, until it rumbled closer and
closer, and crashed overhead.

Thunder boomed through the city, shaking it to its core, and streaking through
the streets like an exploding firework.

The air shook as the loud, booming wind hammered at the trees, and thunder
crashed and roared overhead.

Thunder rumbled in the distance, the sky continued to darken, and the wind blew
harder, gusting against the walls, screaming through the ruins.

The branches, then the whole tree shuddered with a crack of thunder. Another
explosion, but much bigger this time. It felt as if the ground beneath his feet was
being ripped apart.

Lightning tore through the sky, blinding him as it flickered in and out.

An immense, dazzling, guillotine blade of lightning streaked across the night sky,
illuminating it with a stark blue-whiteness and flooding the land.

Flickering white light burst across the crest of the oncoming storm.

White bursts of light, one after another, cut through the darkness like camera

Overhead, lightning ripped through one of the dark clouds, and the thunder
crashed around them like a huge fist pounding the sky.

The cold breeze caught their cloaks, tugging at their hoods.

The breeze was cold, the sky grey, ominous and threatening, the misty haze like a
veil drifting across the sky, bringing with it a feeling of dread and menace.

From out of nowhere, a violent wind began to blow from the sea.

The wind seemed to grow in strength and was soon screaming through the trees.
The bitter winds and harsh whispers rattled the bare branches of the trees, which
grated together like broken teeth.

The tops of the trees were bending, arching from side to side, whistling and
sighing as the wind wound itself around the ancient trunks, through the tangle of
leaves, tearing at the bark.

The forest seemed to thrash and writhe against the fierce gale – creaking and
groaning as the wind rushed through the trees, twisting branches, making them
flail like the arms of monsters searching for prey.

The wind was ferocious, gaining power all the time, until it screamed over the
castle and beat like a fist against the walls, flung itself against the battlements,
howled into the courtyard, twisted round the towers, blasted the doors, smashing
them back and forth against the wall with a thud, roared through the hall,
swirling like a hurricane from wall to wall, floor to ceiling.

A cold, shivering wind blew on the backs of their necks and ears like the touch of
cold fingers A breath of wind ghosted past him, tickling his ear like a feather and
making the skin at the back of his neck prickle with foreboding.

The wind carried her voice away unanswered into the dark night.

The wind swirled around her, then tugged at her, pushed her and crushed her to
the rock: she pressed her body close to the slope and clung on with all her might.

The wind grew stronger, whirling up in strange clouds, flurrying and swirling,
tugging at them, lashing their legs and faces with dirt and gravel.

The wind shoved against him as though some gigantic, invisible hand was
forcing him back inside the building.

The wind started to howl, growing stronger by the minute, whipping at his
clothes, his hair, his face. The bending branches tore into his face like stabbing
fingers, as if they were deliberately trying to blind him.
The wind did not just come from one direction: one moment it was in front of
him, slowing his stride, pushing him back. Within minutes, it was behind him,
pushing him forward in another direction. At other times, it appeared to come
from all directions at once to whirl around him.

The wind had grown to a thing of force and fury, darkening the air with
billowing clouds of dust and tearing at their cloaks with its invisible fingers.
Hunting them like a beast. They staggered back and forth, side to side, struggling
to stay on their feet.

The sky darkened and showers of heavy rain poured from the heavens.

All he could see was a maelstrom of cloud and rain.

The rain battered the dry leaves that clung to the branches of the trees like dead

The rain fell harder, forming a misty, silver veil; the castle a blurred shadow
behind it.

They trudged on through the wet and mud, wretched in the cold and soaked to
the skin. A trickle of water ran down from his hair and followed the line of his
spine to his waist.

Rain began to pour down in streams, bursting like waterfalls from the mouth of
the darkening sky.

Rain began to pound his skull as though the raindrops were being fired from a

The ground around him hissed and spat like a bonfire.

As fast as he wiped the rain from his eyes, water ran back into them again,
blurring his vision.

They were at the mercy of the wind and waves. Ahead and below them it was
dark. They were trapped by the black blanket of the deep, swirling sea and stormy

As the wind rose, the light dimmed across the sky and the sea grew as dark as the
sky; there was a rumbling as the waves grew, their menacing crests visible far
out, churning the spray into foam.

As darkness fell, the storm worsened. It looked as if the sea was boiling. Then it
began to swirl and churn fiercely, and foam as the waves dashed against the

The ship rocked and pitched in the heavy swells. It slammed head-on into the
monstrous black waves. The foaming crests battered the ship, breaking against its
sides and relentlessly showering them with icy seawater.

Lightning flashed across the surging water that rolled and rushed, churned and
boiled, hurling white crested waves at the shore.

The river had become a surging torrent, a bulging blister of churning, grey water.
It had torn whole trees out of the ground, and swept them away. Trunks as big as
telephone poles hurtled past, their root-balls exposed, their branches reaching out
to grab the raft and drag it along with them.

With a great flare of lightning, the sky rumbled and roared. A huge wall of water
came thundering towards them from the sea, over the shore, swallowing trees,
and land, spreading and swirling.

As the lake boiled and churned, the swirling currents twisted round them like a
writhing nest of vipers.
Part 3
Parts, size and shape
The S/C-I-R Structure

It was as if the howling was coming from all directions at once. Then he realised
– it was heading towards him. He could hear the scuttling of clawed feet as it
moved closer to where he lay behind the rocks. It stopped metres from where he
was crouched in the shadows. It sniffed the air. The blood had frozen in his
veins. He wanted to run. He couldn’t move. Could only crouch lower to the
ground. His legs were glued to the floor.
The air trembled with every flap of its black, bat-like wings as it scanned the
area. He sensed something behind him; felt the hairs go up on the back of his
neck. He whirled round. An icy claw of fear had gripped his chest. He found
himself looking into the beetle-black eyes and snarling face of a massive wolf. It
stepped closer and then reared up on its hind legs.
It came at him in a blur of clashing claws and fangs. He ducked as its claws
sliced the air in front of his face. Horror-struck, he watched, as its slavering jaws
plunged towards his outstretched arm. For a brief second, he hesitated. Then, his
racing pulse sent a wave of adrenalin surging through his veins. Pushing
with his legs, he launched himself off the ground and was quickly on his feet
again. Almost at once, its savage, serrated teeth snapped where his arm had been
just seconds before.
He broke into a frantic, stumbling run, trying to put as much distance between
himself and the creature as possible… to reach the safety of the trees.
He couldn’t hear anything. Hadn’t sensed any movement behind him. Quickly,
he risked a glance over his shoulder. As he turned, it plunged out of the night
sky, and sliced the air in front of his face. He started running again, trying to get
out of sight… forcing himself to ignore the burning that was creeping up his legs.
When he reached the tree-line, he flung himself down behind a tree, trying to
steady his breathing. And waited. He knew he would have only a second in
which to act. His eyes tracked from side to side, probing the edge of the
forest. All of a sudden, it emerged in the clearing. Seizing an arrow from his
quiver, he fitted it and let it fly. The arrow flew towards its target in a shower of
blue sparks, finding its mark in the centre of its forehead.
Section 1 - Type and Body Parts

Nouns Body, skeleton, torso, abdomen, waist, armour, shell

Head, mane, tusks, horns, face, ears, eyes, tentacles
Arms, hands, fingers, talons
Legs, feet, toes, hooves, claws
Wings, tail
Mammals Human, man, hag, monkey, ape, gorilla
Cat, tiger, lion, leopard, panther
Dog, wolf, mastiff, greyhound, hyena, jackal, coyote, tapir,
pig, hog, boar, ram, goat, bull
Horse, donkey, deer, stag, camel
Raccoon, weasel, badger, beaver, hedgehog, rabbit
Rat, mouse, gerbil
Sea lion
Reptiles Crocodile, alligator, lizard, iguana, gecko, snake, cobra,
viper, serpent
Tortoise, turtle
Birds Vulture, buzzard, eagle, hawk, owl, gull, raven, rook
Albatross, condor, swan, emu, ostrich, peacock, pelican,
Turkey, rooster, chicken
Insects Fly, wasp, moth, dragonfly, bee, cockroach, beetle
Arachnids Spider, scorpion
Fish Shark, eel, barracuda, piranha
Molluscs Snail, slug, octopus
Mythical Dragon, griffin, sphinx, Pegasus, centaur, satyr, unicorn,
minotaur, chimera, werewolf, Cerberus, Celtic war hound
Basilisk, hydra
Charybdis, Scylla, leviathan, sirens, mermaid
Phoenix, thunderbird
Dwarf, elf, genie, goblin, leprechaun, gorgon, harpy, giant,
ogre, troll, cyclops, Grendel
Demon, ghost, banshee, furies, kelpies, boggart, death spirit,
tree spirit, water spirit
Similes/Metaphors As white as snow; as tall as two men; as big as a skyscraper
Adjectives: Colour Black, charcoal, inky, blue, red, purple
Grey, silver, pale, white, maggot-pale, dusty white
Golden, yellow, bronze, red, crimson, scarlet, brown, copper
Green, bright green, lime, slime green, poisonous green
Gleaming, bright, shining, luminous, shimmering
Size Small, tiny, minute, elfin, short, dwarf-like
Large, enormous, gigantic, immense, colossal, massive,
Shape Narrow, thin, slim, slender
Wide, broad, stubby, stocky, squat
Round, oblong, square, serpentine, stretched, flattened,
humped, deformed, misshapen
Double-headed, wingless, long-finned
Appearance/ Ugly, vile, hideous, monstrous, repulsive, ghastly, grotesque
Character Fierce, brutal, savage, violent, vicious, menacing, merciless,
venomous, malicious, ferocious, fiendish, malevolent,
frightening, terrifying, petrifying
Sly, crafty, cunning
Ancient, wrinkled, wizened
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Horned ogre
Skeleton of a giant horse
Half-human, half-hyena
Part ape, part scorpion
Back legs and tail of a lion
Slime-green body of a lizard and head of a badger
Head of a horse, ears of a wolf
Sleek body of a sea lion with a dog-like face
Wrinkled hag with bat-like wings
A great hydra with nine serpent heads
Cruel beak, wings and claws of a griffin
Horse-shaped kelpies
Part mastiff, part greyhound, part wolf
A double-headed serpent with the body of a giant black widow spider
Hideous, red creature with eight legs, the head of a fly and a snake for a tail
Ferocious, rooster-like animal with tentacles
Tiny, vicious goblin with a scarlet rat’s tail
Savage spirit like a rooster from behind, with the front of a hyena
Terrifying, eight-legged monster with chicken feet and the tusk of a rhino
Vicious spirit in the shape of a gerbil
Large, flying beast with the wings of a giant bat, the body of an enormous,
white stag and the legs of a raptor
Something between an ancient hag and a gigantic chicken
Enormous, silver, serpentine creature with bat-like wings and a long-finned
Sleek, black body of a panther with the wings and head of an eagle
A black leviathan – half-lizard, half-snake
Spider-like creature with a fat, poisonous body
Head of a stag, with a human face and unblinking eyes like an owl
Huge creature like a lion with a black mane and a long, black whip-like tail,
with a hooded cobra at the tip
Deformed, dwarf-like creature with leathery wings and hooked claws
A hideous, gleaming black, wingless moth with a huge, skull-like head and
barbed legs
Human from the waist down, clad in metal armour, with scaly dragon’s legs
Tiny, elfin body
Minute goblin with a lizard’s tail
Huge, white, ghostly spider
Enormous dragonfly with the wingspan of an albatross
Lime-green bat as large as an eagle
Snake as short and thick as his forearm
Massive, purple snake, with long coils as thick as his body and twice his
Two-feet tall with a thin body and limbs
Giant, three-headed Cerberus
Shaggy monster the size of a bull
About the size of a large dog
Twice his height
Hulking, black ape-like creature
Spider the size of a cat
Butterfly bigger than an owl
Ten times the size of an eagle
Well over fifteen feet tall with enormous shoulders
As tall as two men
As big as a skyscraper
As high as a mountain
Tall, thick and wider than a doorway
Almost as tall as the trees
Nearly as big as an eagle
Almost as wide as it was tall
Bulging muscles on its arms and chest
Serpentine creature with eight, scuttling, cockroach legs
A single spider-leg
Bulbous, black abdomen
Long and sleek
Jointed body like an insect
Bulging, spider-shaped body
Misshapen body
Like a humped rat with a snake-like tail
A segmented monster with a single, trunk-like leg
Hedgehog-like creature, with a long, flat shape like a crocodile

It had the body of a lizard and the head of a badger, with thick, red feathers
around its neck.

A vast midnight-blue raptor loomed above her.

Scuttling towards him was a hideous, black, wingless moth. It had a huge, skull-
like head and a terrifying, demonic face.

The island was guarded by a fierce sea-monster with an enormous, humped,

serpentine body and nine serpent heads, each with a cruel, barbed beak.

She was something between an ancient hag and a gigantic chicken.

The ogre was as big as a skyscraper, with muscles on its arms and chest that
bulged as it brandished the enormous, wooden log clutched in its fist.

The vile creature was so terrifying that anyone who looked at it died instantly.

No one dared to go near the caves, which were guarded by vicious, female
monsters with boar fangs, and hair of writhing, hissing snakes.

The three-legged bird had the huge wings of an albatross, the claws of an eagle
and hog’s tusks.

Scuttling towards him was a huge scorpion. The sun glinted on the sharp spikes
sprouting from its ten legs and the air trembled with every flap of its black, bat-
like wings and flick of its stinger-tipped tail.

As the lion-like creature stalked towards him, he spotted a hooded cobra arched
over its back.
Section 2 - Covering

Nouns Skin, hide, feathers

Spikes, spines, fins, quills, arrows
Studs, horns, plates, lumps, armour
Scales, tentacles, suckers, spots, warts
Fur, hair, whiskers, mane, beard, tussocks, locks
Plants, leaves, grass, vines, seaweed, barnacles
Similes/Metaphors As slippery as polished leather; as wrinkled as a prune;
scales as soft as silk; smooth like fish scales; like a massive,
moulting parrot; fins like thin tentacles; spines like wire
Adjectives Hairy, woolly, furry, white-furred, fleecy
Bare, hairless
Fleshless, loose-fitting
Metallic, steely, leathery, scaly, feathery
Slippery, wet, moist, clammy
Rough, coarse, thorny
Dry, soft, silky, smooth
Long, thick, huge, enormous, trailing
Sharp, stiff, bony, pointed, stinger-tipped
Straight, triangular
Untidy, moulting, wild, matted, tangled, torn
Living, bristling, squirming, flicking, hissing
Venomous, poisonous
Verbs Covered, grew, clung
Hung, drooped, trailed, flowed
Stuck up, jutted, protruded, sprouted
Wrinkled, polished, glistened, gleamed, glinted
Oozed, bulged
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Pale, white skin
Bright, poisonous green skin
Ill-fitting skin
Hard, leathery skin
Thick hide of leathery skin
Dirty, tangled hide
Bare skin around its face and neck
Practically hairless
Skin was black and hairless
Skin as slippery as polished leather
As wrinkled as a prune
A wrinkled hag
Furry body
White-furred wolf
Fur as white as snow
Yellowy fur
Furry, brown creature with a single crimson stripe across its face
Dark, hairy body
Short, dark ruffs on its neck
Long, black, matted hair
Locks of copper hair
Coarse, red hair
Long, sea-green hair
Thick tussocks of hair
Hair of living, venomous snakes
Black, tangled lion’s mane
Strange, feathery mane along its back
Billy-goat beard
Beard like a dragon
Hairy whiskers
Mane and beard like a bison
Scaly body
Snake scales
Scaly, clammy skin
Slippery scales
Dry, red, scaly skin
Reptilian scales
Glowing, blue scales
Red and white striped scales
Smooth like fish scales
Scales as soft as silk
Bird feathers
Feathers the colour of copper
Gleaming feathers of scarlet and gold
Mane of thick, black feathers
Scarlet breast feathers
Trailing black tail feathers
Ring of crimson feathers around its neck
Like a massive, moulting parrot
Bright plumage, shimmering greens, reds and blues
Spikes along its back
Stiff quill feathers
Steely hackles
Stiff, rod-like hair
Bristling, thorny spines all over
Spikes like wire along its spine
Porcupine quills
Body armour with spikes on its shoulders
Bony crests
Tough, armour-plated skin with pointed, bony plates
Triangular plates round its neck
Heavy, overlapping plates of bone on its shoulders and wings
Enormous tortoise shell
Stinger-tipped tentacles
Rows of suckers
Masses of fins like thin tentacles
Phrases – Verbs

Ran from its head to the tip of its tail

Ran the length of its body
Travelled up the ridges of its shoulders and wings
Ringed its neck
Drooped in loose folds
Hung loosely on its skeletal body
Clung to its fleshless skeleton
Flowed to her feet
Trailed out behind her
Stood up to form a row of sharp spikes
Stuck up along its spine
Bristled along its back
Sprouted from its body
Jutted out of its back
Covered in inky, black fur
Covered in heavy scales
Covered in sharp, metallic feathers
Dressed only in leaves
Hair and beard made from living grass and vines
Covered in studs, spikes and horns
Covered in sharp quills
Studded with bony lumps
Bulged with green spots that oozed a yellow liquid
Glistened like wet leather
Glinted red and gold
Matted with burrs

She was half-human, half-hyena, with long, wild green hair.

It had thick, red feathers around its neck.

Its hairy whiskers were long, purple and twitching.

The five-headed, monstrous beast was covered in bulging, green spots.

No one dared to go near the caves, which were guarded by vicious, female
monsters with boar fangs and hair of writhing, hissing snakes.

The sun glinted on the sharp spikes sprouting from its ten legs.

Below the waist it was covered in black fur, and above, stinger-tipped tentacles
hung from its body.

Grinning maliciously at him was an ugly little goblin with a sly face, and hard,
leathery skin covered in warts.

Bristling, thorny spines ringed its neck.

Masses of fins like thin tentacles clung to its fleshless skeleton.


Nouns Head, skull, face, chin, jaw

Skin, flesh, folds, hood
Horns, tusks, antlers, spikes
Beak, bill, snout, nose, nostrils
Mouth, jaws, teeth, fangs, tongue
Whiskers, feelers, crests, antennae
Suckers, tentacles, blow-hole
Drops, gobbets, ropes, stream
Venom, poison, acid, slime, drool, spittle, poison sacs
Similes/Metaphors Bald head like a turnip; horn spiked upwards like a
thrusting sword; crests like red trumpets; teeth like spikes on
a trap; fangs like hypodermic needles; teeth like tombstones;
curved beak as merciless as a dagger; sharp tusks like a wild
boar; like steel arrowheads; as sharp as the edge of a blade;
spiked upwards like a thrusting sword
Adjectives Small, tiny, large, huge, massive, enormous, gigantic
Wide, broad, thin, slim, long, short
Rounded, pointed, twisted, curved, curling, spiralling,
Oval, cone-shaped, wedge-shaped
Pale, yellow, golden, pink, red, scarlet, orange, slime green,
Bald, knobbly, bony, scaly, rubbery, steel, metallic
Sharp-beaked, cruel-beaked, horned
Ape-like, bird-like, reptilian
Sharp, razor-sharp, scissor-like, needle-sharp, hooked,
Bulging, sagging, drooping, sprouting, thrusting
Writhing, twitching
Dripping, drooling, slobbering, snarling, slavering
Ugly, hideous, grotesque, monstrous
Nasty, cruel, evil, savage, vicious, demonic, malicious,
menacing, merciless, intelligent
Venomous, poisonous, stinger-tipped
Verbs Covered, stretched, grew, sprouted, thrust, spiked
Hung, drooped, curled, curved
Lined, rimmed
Tipped with, coated in
Opened, unhinged, revealed
Lengthened, elongated
Bared, snarled, dribbled, trickled, drooled, dripped,
Flicked, flickered, tasted
Shot, spurted, blasted
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Small, horned head

Scaly head of a lizard
Enormous, wedge-shaped head
Twisted head like a corkscrew
Cruel-beaked bird’s head
Large, knobbly, bald head
Narrow head and bulging skull
Ape-like face with a beak
Narrow, pointed face
Oval, bony face
Long, thin, snarling face
Small, grotesque face
Malicious, demonic face
Coldly intelligent face
Deathly pale, scaly skin
Huge folds of sagging skin
Hood of purple skin around its head
Hood of slime-green and red skin
Chunks of missing flesh
Horn in the middle of its forehead
Golden antlers like a stag
Great, curled horns
Sharp tusks like a wild boar
Two long corkscrew horns
Sprouting, rubbery feelers
Stinger-tipped tentacles
Huge, spiralling antennae
Gigantic, writhing feelers
Head crests like red trumpets
Venom-storing blow-hole on top of its head
Monstrous, slobbering mouth
Massive, pink, circular mouth
Cavernous, scaly mouth
Grotesque thick lips
Long, black, forked tongue
Black reptilian tongue
Scissor-like jaws
Razor-sharp fangs
Thin, needle-sharp teeth
Savage, needle teeth like spikes on a trap
Rows of pointed teeth
Fangs like hypodermic needles
Teeth like tombstones
Huge teeth like steel arrowheads
Pair of long, dripping fangs
Teeth the size of a dragon’s claws
A dozen rows of teeth
Eagle’s beak
Parrot-like beak
Needle-sharp, metallic beak
Hooked, golden beak
Huge, rounded beak
Cruel, steel-coloured beak
Massive horned bill
Curved beak as merciless as a dagger
As sharp as the edge of a blade
Stream of venom
Venomous slime
Gobbets of slime
Scarlet poison sacs
Ropes of yellow drool
Phrases – Verbs

Covered in black hair

Drooped from its face
Sprouted from its head
Hung from its head
Curved from its head like a dagger
Spiked upwards like a thrusting sword
Unhinged its jaw
Dropped open as if it had been unhinged
Flickered constantly
Tasted the air in search of its prey
Lolled from its mouth
Flicked far out from its scaly mouth
Fangs curled beneath its chin
Opened its mouth to reveal…
Rimmed with shark’s teeth
Yellow teeth elongated into fangs
Tipped with a needle of iron
Coated in spittle
Trickled from its teeth
Capable of biting a shark in two
Filled with drooping tentacles
Tipped with suckers
Dripped slime
Dripped with blood from its last kill
Fire blasted from its open jaws

Huge folds of sagging skin drooped from its long, snarling face.

Its scaly head was like that of a lizard and was surrounded by a hood of slime-
green and red skin.

Its small, narrow head had a rounded beak like a turtle. Its face was coldly

It was small and wrinkled, with a large, knobbly, bald head like a turnip.

It had an ape-like face with a beak. Some of its flesh was missing, as if it had been
eaten away by acid.

There was a single, spiral horn in the middle of its forehead.

It had a cruel, metallic beak that curved from its head like a dagger, and dripped
blood from its last kill.

Two large tusks thrust upwards through the dense fur covering its face.

Huge, spiralling antennae erupted from its head.

Rubbery feelers sprouted from its mouth.

Stinger-tipped tentacles hung from its enormous, wedge-shaped head.

Her jaw unhinged and her yellow teeth elongated into fangs.

Its jaw dropped open as if it had been unhinged. An impossibly long, black
tongue was thrust out.
Its grotesque, thick lips were coated in spittle.

A black, reptilian tongue flicked far out from its scaly mouth.

Its forked tongue flickered constantly, tasting the air in search of its prey.

It opened its mouth to reveal thin, needle-sharp teeth.

Its massive, pink, circular mouth was rimmed with shark’s teeth.

Savage needle teeth tore at Kitty’s legs, like spikes on a trap.

Fangs curled beneath its chin and dribbled with blood from its last kill.

A dozen rows of teeth circled the cavernous mouth.

Its hooked fangs were the size of a dragon’s claws.

Beneath the tentacles on its face were a pair of long, dripping fangs.

It had huge teeth like steel arrowheads that were capable of biting a shark in two.

Venomous slime drooled from its razor-sharp fangs.

A stream of venom shot into the air from the blow-hole on top of its head.

Gobbets of slime trickled from its teeth.

Scarlet poison sacs were just visible behind its rows of pointed teeth.

Ropes of yellow drool hung from its open, circular mouth.

Its tongue lolled from its mouth, spraying them with foul saliva.

Fire blasted out of its open jaws, bathing the forest in orange flames.

The fangs jutting from its jaws were nearly as thick as his fist, their points as
sharp as a spear.

Nouns Pupils, sockets, orbs, whites, slits, stalks

Back, forehead, skull
Look, stare, glare
Hatred, anger, greed, malice
Similes/Metaphors Like diamonds; like two, bright coins; like slivers of glass;
single, round eye like a spotlight; like flickering sparks; as
big as headlights; moved in and out like telescopes; burned
like furnaces; flared like a cornered animal
Adjectives Black, beetle-black, raven-black, grey, green, emerald,
yellow, golden, orange, amber, brassy, pink, red, fiery,
bloodshot, blind
Long, large, huge, thin, little, small, beady, slitted, lidless
Raised, bulging, goggling
Bright, vivid, angry, fierce, glowing, gleaming, burning,
blazing, flaming, ferocious
Cold, dead, evil, cruel, dangerous, intelligent
Unblinking, staring, piercing, malicious
Verbs Lit, cast, shone, burned, flared, blazed, gleamed, glinted,
glowed, glittered
Looked, watched, stared, glared, drilled, twitched, flickered,
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Beady, beetle-black eyes

Raven-black eyes
Thin, slitted, black pupils
Eyes like bulging emerald balls
Bright green eyes
Single, bloodshot eye
Pink orbs of its eyes
Glowing, red eyes
Piercing, red eyes
Blazing, bloodshot eyes
Goggling, yellow eyes
Two amber eyes
Amber-coloured, reptilian eyes
Bulging, orange eyes
Raised brassy eyes
Blind eye sockets
Eye sockets but no eyes
Clearly blind
Single eye like a spotlight
Middle of its forehead
On top of long, thin stalks
On rubbery, twitching eye-stalks
Two raised little bat eyes
Long slits
Size of headlights
Huge, cold eyes
Unblinking eyes
Cold, lidless stare
Malicious, staring eyes
Cold and calculating
Disturbingly intelligent
Flaming, red eyes
Full of hatred and anger
Bulging and fierce in its hideous face
Phrases – Verbs

Dotted along its back

Bulged out of its skull
Looked in different directions
Cast wide beams of light
Burned like furnaces
Flared like a cornered animal
Flickered with a dangerous light
Burned with a cruel light
Glowed like flickering sparks in the dark
Glinted with greed
Gleamed maliciously
Glittered with intelligence
Watched from the shadows
Drilled into her

Its beady, black eyes glinted with greed.

Its red eyes burned with a cruel light from its long, snarling face.

Goggling, yellow eyes glinted from rubbery, twitching eye-stalks.

It had a single, round orange eye in the middle of its forehead.

Its glowing, red eyes were bulging and fierce in its grotesque face.

Its eyes were the size of headlights and cast wide beams of light on the ground in
front of it.

She closed her eyes to escape the cold, staring eyes that drilled into her from his
sharp-beaked bird’s head.

Above a curved beak as sharp as a blade, its bulging orange eyes burned like

Its eyes were on top of long stalks, which twisted and writhed as they followed
Kitty’s every movement.

It had piercing, red eyes, which glowed like flickering sparks in the dark.

Its beetle-black eyes were bright with malice.

As she looked at its eye sockets, she realised that it was clearly blind.

Its eyes were on long horns like snail’s eyes, and could move in and out like
Its raven-black eyes looked disturbingly intelligent – cold and calculating.

Its reptilian eyes flickered with a dangerous light as it watched her from the

The thin, slitted black pupils of its amber-coloured, reptilian eyes regarded him
with a cold and lidless stare.
Arms and legs
Section 1 - Arms and Hands

Nouns Fingers, knuckles, wrists, fingernails

Suckers, claws, talons, tentacles, stumps
Similes/Metaphors Like rippling octopus tentacles; long, hairy arms like a
baboon; arms like stumps; claws as long and thick as a
thumb; talons as long as a finger; as sharp as a dagger; arms
as sharp as razor blades; as sharp as needles; hooked claws
like coat hangers; wriggled like mindless maggots; extended
like bony switchblades
Adjectives Long, short, skinny, fat, huge, giant
Bird-like, webbed
Woolly, brass, steel
Sharp, sharp-clawed, curved, hooked
Dead, lifeless, pale
Deadly, menacing
Verbs Dangled, dragged, scraped
Spread, folded, extended, displayed, wriggled
Fused, bound, merged
Shot, flicked, whipped
Sharpened, honed
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

On the end of her fingers

From the end of its tentacles
Each of its six fingers
Long arms like rippling octopus tentacles
Great, long, hairy arms like a baboon
Short arms like stumps
Small, useless stumps with webbed fingers
Short, skinny, woolly arms
Short, bird-like arms
Webbed hands
Sharp-clawed hands
Six fingers on each hand
Suckers on the ends of its hands
Lifeless hands
Dead, white fingers
Claws as long and thick as a thumb
Deadly, brass talons
Giant, steel claws
Razor talons
As sharp as razor blades
Points as sharp as needles
Huge, menacing claws as sharp as a dagger
Hooked claws like coat hangers
Long, deadly, eagle talons on its fingers
Phrases – Verbs

Dragged along the ground

Folded, bird-like, under its shoulders
Dangled from its wrists
Extended like bony switchblades
Fused together to make a honed set of sharpened claws
Wriggled like mindless maggots
Scraped tracks in the earth
Displayed its claws
Shot out barely a hair’s breadth from his face
Flipped out and whipped towards him

Its arms were small, useless stumps with webbed fingers.

There were long, deadly, brass talons on the ends of her fingers.

Each of its six fingers had claws as sharp as razor blades.

The ends of its fingers were speared by hooked claws like coat hangers.

Its arms were long like a baboon, and as it walked, its knuckles grazed along the

It had short arms that folded, bird-like, under its shoulders.

Its fingers and fingernails had fused together to make a honed set of sharpened

Dead, white fingers wriggled like mindless maggots from the end of its octopus

As its long arms dragged along the ground, its huge, menacing claws scraped
tracks in the earth.

It opened its hand and displayed its claws, which had points as sharp as daggers.

Razor-sharp talons as long as his fingers shot out from its claws barely a hair’s
breadth from his face.

One of its tentacles suddenly flicked out and whipped along the ground towards
Section 2 - Legs and Feet

Nouns Footprints, foot, toes, paws

Claws, talons, spurs, suction cups
Mist, acid, venom, poison sacs, glands
Goat, lion, horse, hippopotamus, octopus, vulture, chicken
Similes/Metaphors Like tree trunks; claws the size of a butcher’s knife; claws
the size of a sword
Adjectives Short, long, tiny, small, large, giant
Thick, thin, skinny
Scaly, furry
Two-legged, four-toed, clawed, scythe-like
Sharp, jagged, barbed
Agile, powerful, clumsy
Verbs Faced, pointed, extended
Acted as, ended with, tipped with, linked to
Crawled, shuffled, scuttled
Bared, revealed
Gushed, spouted
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Tree-trunk legs
Thin, two-legged beast
Legs like a horse
Legs of a goat and eagle talons
Six, short, thick legs like a hippopotamus
Six, octopus-like legs
Hind legs like tree trunks
Front legs shorter than the hind legs
Tiny front legs
Short, skinny front legs
Powerful front legs
Powerful hind legs and a kangaroo tail
Cushioned, furry paws
Long, agile legs and four-toed feet
Two, scaly legs
A dozen, skittering legs
Spurs on its front legs
Lion paws and vulture claws
Single large foot
Giant, chicken feet
Two, scaled chicken feet
Large tortoise feet
Seven clawed toes on each foot
Claws the size of a sword
Claws the size of a butcher’s knife
Suction cups on the tips of its toes
Brown, poisonous mist
Phrases – Verbs

Extended from a thick leg in the middle of its body

Feet faced backwards and forwards
Used to crawl on all fours
Used its front legs to…
Shuffled clumsily
Acted as a tripod
Ended in sharp claws
Ended in jagged claws
Linked to poison glands in its body
Tipped with vicious talons
Tipped with vulture claws
Gushed from the spurs
Bared its scythe-like claws

The spurs on its front legs were linked to poison glands in its body.

A brown mist gushed from the spurs on its powerful front legs.

A single large foot extended from one thick leg in the middle of its body.

The giant shuffled clumsily on its tree-trunk legs and large tortoise feet.

It was a thin, two-legged beast, with seven clawed toes on each foot.

It had legs like a horse and its cushioned paws were tipped with vulture claws.

It had two, scaly legs and giant, chicken feet that ended in sharp claws.

Its hind legs were like huge tree trunks, but its front legs were short and skinny
and only used when it crawled on all fours.

It had powerful hind legs and feet, which were tipped with vicious talons the size
of a butcher’s knife.

Its powerful hind legs and kangaroo tail acted as a tripod, as it stood motionless,
watching them with its darting, red eyes.

Its feet could face backwards and forwards, so it was impossible to tell from its
footprints which direction the creature had taken.

The vile creature fell to the floor, and using its tiny front legs, it crawled into the

It had a set of six octopus-like legs that made a dry, skittering sound as they
Wings and tails
Section 1 - Wings

Nouns Bat, beetle, ostrich, eagle, hawk

Body, shoulder, withers, sides, flanks
Similes/Metaphors Unfurled like sails
Adjectives Short, stubby, long, huge, giant, massive
Shiny, golden, black, grey, shadowy
Bat-like, leathery, scaly, spiny, razor-sharp
Verbs Grew, burst, sprouted
Arched, stretched, flapped, beat, fluttered
Circled, dived, rushed
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Wings like an ostrich

Golden, eagle wings
Two grey wings
Short, stubby wings
Two massive blue wings
Shadowy, bat-like wings
Huge, black, bat-like wings twice its length
Shiny, beetle wings
Huge, spiny wings
Long, scaly wings
Winged death spirits
Phrases – Verbs

Sprouted from its shoulders

Sprouted from the horse’s sides
Burst from its withers
Folded its wings against its shoulders
Folded back along the length of its body
Unfurled like sails
Tipped with a razor-sharp talon
Circled above
Dived towards them
Sent air rushing through the trees
Arched her back and stretched
Sprang from the neck of her cloak

Long, scaly wings sprouted from its shoulders.

Winged, death spirits haunted the forest.

Huge, black, bat-like wings burst from its withers.

Wings of leathery skin stretched between its finger bones.

It circled above, folded its long, scaly wings flat against its shoulders and dived
towards them.

The winged, death spirits sent the air rushing through the trees with every beat
of their huge, bat-like wings.

Each wing was tipped with a razor-sharp talon.

Two massive blue wings sprouted from the horse’s sides.

Its golden wings folded back along the length of its body.

She arched her back, stretched and two grey wings sprang from the neck of her

Bat-shaped wings twice its length unfurled like sails.

Section 2 - Tails

Nouns Lion, peacock, lemur, scorpion, snake

Spear, club, oar, whip, rudder, corkscrew
Tuft, stinger, spines, tail feathers
Similes/Metaphors As long as a peacock’s; long tail like a squashed pine cone;
like a scorpion; thrust up like spears
Adjectives Large, thick, heavy, long, broad, flat
Scaly, bony, barbed, spiked
Stiff, rigid, whip-like
Scarlet, fiery, golden, black
Poisonous, venomous
Verbs Ended with, tipped with, studded
Dragged, swung, thumped
Thrashed, tossed, whipped, swished, jerked, beat, lashed
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Thick, heavy tail

Scaly, corkscrew tail
Barbed, oar-like tail
Broad, flat tail like a squashed pine cone
Long, stiff, rudder-like tail
Long, lemur-like tail
Enormous, whip-like tail
Thick, swishing tail
Long whipping tail of a black dragon
Steel-bladed tail
Glittering, golden tail
Gleaming black tail feathers
Scarlet and gold tail feathers
As long as a peacock’s
Long tail with a spear at the end
Club at the end of its tail
With a hooded cobra on the tip
Poisonous tail stinger like a scorpion
Phrases – Verbs

Thrust up like spears

Ended in a scorpion’s sting
Tipped with four, tall, poisonous spines
Tipped with a razor-sharp talon
Studded along the length of its tail
Dragged along the ground
Thumped on the ground
Used its tail to swing through the trees
Thrashed the air, searching for its target

Its thick, heavy tail dragged along behind it. The club at the end thumped on the
ground with every step.

Its tail was broad and flat like a squashed pine cone. The spikes studded along its
length made it a lethal weapon.

It hung from the branch by its long, lemur-like tail and swung towards them,
baring its needle-sharp teeth.

Its four, poisonous spines were thrust upwards like spears and thrashed the air,
searching for their target.

The huge lion had an enormous, whip-like tail with a hooded cobra on the tip.
Smell and sound
Section 1 - Smell

Nouns Smell, stink, vapour, stench, odour

Meat, flesh, water, plants, seaweed, smoke, acid, chlorine, sulphur,
Adjectives Foul, strong, bitter, rotting, decaying, poisonous, pungent, putrefying
Verbs Smelt, stank, reeked
Rose, seeped, wafted, released, drifted
Clung, surrounded, enveloped
Choked, coughed, retched, vomited
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Rotting flesh
Stench of decay
Foul-smelling vapour
Pungent odour of decay
Phrases – Verbs

Stank of rotting meat

Reeked of foul water
Smelt of rotting plants and seaweed
Clung to it like a rotting cloak
Reeked of chlorine
Smelt of smoke and sulphur
Surrounded by the stench of poisonous acid
Polluted the air with each beat of its wings
Gave off a pungent odour

Its breath stank of rotting meat.

The dragon’s breath smelt of smoke and sulphur.

It gave off a pungent odour of decay and rotting flesh.

A foul-smelling vapour polluted the air with each beat of its wings.

The stink of rotting meat and decay clung to the beast like a rotting cloak.

Its fur reeked of decaying plants and foul water from years spent in the swamps.

Its breath stank of rotting meat and the blood from its last kill dripped from its

She retched as the creature drew near and the stench of decay and rotting flesh
wafted towards her.

She was surrounded by the stench of poisonous acid squirting from the spurs on
its front legs.

Even though it was invisible, she knew the death spirit was near from the
pungent odour of decay and rotting flesh that followed it.
Section 2 - Sound

Nouns Silence, hush, echo

Noise, hiss, whistle, murmur, moan
Cry, howl, yell, yelp, scream, screech, shriek
Cackle, gurgle, snicker, snort, laughter
Hoot, squawk, caw
Call, trumpet, roar, growl, bark
Wood, trees, bark, branches, twigs, leaves
Ground, slope
Movement, feet, footsteps, hooves, paws, claws, feelers,
Similes/Metaphors Like dry leaves rustling in the autumn breeze; as if a
giant had broken a stone slab; like a whisper of silk; cold
and pitiless as the fangs of the mountain peaks; like several
snake tongues flicking the air: ugly, wet sounds like giant
Adjectives Low, faint, muffled
Slithering, skittering, clicking, scuttling, padding,
Hissing, sibilant
Throaty, rasping, gurgling, sucking, snickering
Deathly, mournful, cruel, vile, demonic, gruesome
Eerie, sinister, unearthly
Loud, bleating, high-pitched, shrill, ear-splitting, piercing
Thunderous, deafening
Wild, feral, snarling, wolf-like, vicious, venomous, full-
throated, blood-curdling
Verbs Clicked, rustled, snapped, scraped, creaked, shuffled
Landed, shook, vibrated
Heard, sounded, wafted, drifted
Tore, ripped, rushed, shattered, rent, blasted, pierced,
Filled, surrounded, enveloped, masked
Rang, stung, echoed, answered
Lingered, drew near, died
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

From all directions at once

From behind her
From overhead
Near his feet
Down the slope
In the grass behind them
At the same time
With every second that passed
Unlike anything she had heard before
Skittering noise
Clicking sound
Low murmur
Vile gurgling
Throaty gurgle
Gruesome, gurgling whistle
Hideous, guzzling noise
Sinister sucking, snickering
Slobbering, slurping, chewing
Hissing calls
Sibilant hiss
Venomous, hissing noise
Rasping of a rattlesnake
Rasping, slithering sound
Loud, hooting call
Deathly moan
Long, eerie cry
Shrill, whistling sound
Demonic cackle
Piercing squawk
Squawking crows
Snarling growl
Low, feral growling – half-warning, half-threat
Feral howling
Wolf-like snarls and howls
Yelping and snapping jaws
Snorts and growls and clashing of teeth
Mournful howling of hunting wolves
Huge roar
Full-throated roar
Blood-curdling growl
Bellow of anger
Trumpet roar
Bleating scream
Piercing scream
Unearthly screech
Thunderous cry
High-pitched, human scream
Ear-splitting shriek
Beating of wings
Flap of wings
Drumming of hooves
Scuttling of clawed feet
Sound of padding paws on the hard earth
Lumbering footsteps of a huge beast
Deafening, cracking noise
Explosion of shattering branches
Striking thump on the ground
Feral and vicious
Dark, cruel and threatening
Phrases – Verbs

As it clicked its feelers together

Came from the direction of…
Felt a gust of movement from the left
At first, it sounded like…
Before he could see anything, he heard…
Heard it, though he still couldn’t see it
Gave her a minute’s warning
Coming after her, gaining all the time
Grew stronger and stronger
Grew louder and louder
Vibrated through the ground
Landed all around them
Rustled behind him
Ripped through the air
Blasted across the clearing
Wafted across the water
Echoed through the air
Echoed through the night
Echoed down the tunnel
Filled the cave
Enveloped him, surrounded by…
Masked every other sound
Lingered, filling the air with…
Drifted away, leaving a tingling hush
Died to an anxious murmur
Rang in his ears
Stung his ears
Rushed past his ear
Pierced the silence
Shattered the silence
Rent the air
Turned to see…
Made every hair on his body stand on end
Came from its mouth
Rose from somewhere deep in its throat
Snapped branches, crunched leaves
Scraped against the bark of a tree
Broke a twig
Shuffled through the leaves, moving closer
Rustled through the woods
Rose to shrieks
Screeched and screeched and screeched
Answered by more… down the slope

The sound of its piercing squawk rung in his ears.

It threw back its head and let out a mournful howl.

A loud, hooting call echoed through the night.

A blood-curdling growl ripped through the air.

The silence was pierced by a high-pitched scream high in the trees.

Before he could see anything, he heard a scuttling of clawed feet.

The sound of beating of wings gave her a minute’s warning before it rushed
through the air and dived towards her.

The sound of lumbering footsteps grew louder and louder, vibrating through the
ground as the creature gradually got closer and closer.

A blood-curdling shriek somewhere nearby shattered the silence and made every
hair on his body stand on end.

She felt a gust of movement, heard a rasping, slithering sound, and then, to the
left of where she lay crouched in the undergrowth, came a vile gurgling, a
sinister sucking, snickering unlike anything she had heard before.

Nouns Castle, church, graveyard, house, fireplace, boot, pipes, sewer, drains
Hills, mountains, rocks, caves, tunnels, underground
Swamp, creek, lake, river, pools, sea, ocean, seashell
Forest, tree, trunk
Adjectives Dark, damp, swampy
Ruined, deserted, haunted
Verbs Lived, lodged, inhabited, guarded
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Hill-dwelling creature
Trunks of large trees
Dark caves and tunnels
Rock crevices
Ruined castles
Deserted graveyards
Swampy habitats
Deep pools
Rivers with dangerous currents
Enormous rock in the middle of the ocean
Phrases - Verbs

Lived in the mountains

Lived in caves and tunnels
Lived underground
Guarded the treasures of the dead
Inhabited ruined castles
Came out of the water at night
Lurked in swamps and creeks
Stood in the middle of the ocean

It stood in the middle of the ocean and, at a distance, appeared to be an enormous


It hid in the rocks and only came out at night to search for prey.

It lived underground and tunnelled through the earth, uprooting trees in its path.

The lake was guarded by a huge, humped monster that stretched from shore to
shore. Its humps looked like islands dotted across the water.

Nouns Legs, feet, footprints, steps, stride, movements

Body, back, haunches, tail, wings, talons
Fingers, claws
Head, neck, feelers, snout, tongue
Undergrowth, trees, treetops, water, waves, swamp, sky,
air, mid-air
Similes/Metaphors Like a scuttling lizard; cracked like thunder; like a crab
with a hunched back; like a curtain of beating wings; like
wolfhounds sniffing for prey; like a projectile; lightning
Adjectives Front, hind, rear
Leathery, scaly
Large, massive, powerful
Pecking, shuffling, scuttling
Angry, furious, venomous
Adverbs Slowly, furtively, covertly
Awkwardly, clumsily
Quickly, rapidly, swiftly, sharply, deftly, powerfully
Angrily, fiercely
Menacingly, ominously
Verbs Shuffled, dragged, loped, lumbered
Slid, slithered, skimmed, twisted, writhed, turned
Ran, galloped, scampered, streaked, darted
Climbed, shinned
Spread, unfurled, unfolded, furled, stretched, flapped, beat,
fanned, rose, spiralled
Swooped, dived, plunged, hovered
Twitched, lowered, dipped, flattened
Jerked, swung, rammed
Tasted, sniffed, breathed
Flicked, flickered, waved
Crouched, hunkered
Reared, uncoiled
Pawed, gored, prowled, stalked
Slunk, stepped, inched, edged
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Whirl of leathery wings

A flurry of wings
Powerful, swanlike wings
Magnificent winged horses
Massive talons
Phrases – Verbs

Left no footprints
Galloped without any sound
Stalked at night amongst the silent trees
Dragged its clawed foot over the ground
Ran in pecking strides
Shuffled forwards
Loped out of the shadows
Swayed as it walked in a zig-zag path
Edged forward, swinging its head from side to side
Slid its scaly skin over the gravel
Twisted and writhed as it slithered across the courtyard
Slipped beneath the surface of the water
Passed in a swirl of dust
Scampered down the path
Streaked across the room
Darted out from the undergrowth
Slithered very quickly in both directions
Turned at lightning speed
Moved in silence like a projectile
Moved faster than any of them could follow
Shinned up the tree as if it was a staircase
Skimmed over the waves
Shot across the water
Beat at the air and rose in a spiral
Reared up, spread its wings
Furled its wings against its back
Snapped its wings close to its body
Circled around them in a spiral
Unfolded its wings, and shot back up into the sky
Stretched out its wings to beat the air in a deadly rhythm
Fanned its wings
Spiralled up through the smoke and flames
Swooped out of the treetops
Dived at the tree directly above their heads
Plunged like darts towards the treetops
Swooped downwards in a heart-stopping dive
Spiralled down to find a landing place
Swooped to a halt in mid-air
Paused to hover in mid-air, wings flapping
Jerked its head up
Rolled its head from side to side
Swung its head to and fro
Dipped its head from side to side
Rammed its head into the entrance
Flattened out its neck like a cobra
Twitched its feelers rapidly from side to side
Lowered its snout to sniff
Like wolfhounds sniffing for prey
Tasted the air with its tongue
Sniffed the air, taking deep breaths, trying to locate the scent
Flicked its tail with a furious rattle
Flicked its tail with an angry twitch
Whipped from side to side
Whipped its tail behind it as it leapt out of the way
Waved its clawed fingers in the air
Landed on its haunches
Hunkered down
Dropped to all fours
Dropped into a shallow crouch
Crouched on its hind quarters
Rose up out of the swamp
Reared up behind him
Reared up on its hind legs
Uncoiled itself to its full height
Pawed the ground
Gored and pierced the shadows
Prowled restlessly
Took a pace towards her
Slunk towards her
Stepped closer and clawed at the air in front of him

It moved towards them and then passed by in a swirl of dust.

It walked slowly, clumsily dragging its clawed foot over the ground.

It stretched out its leathery wings and beat the air in a deadly rhythm.

Swooping out of the treetops, it plunged like a dart, diving at the tree directly
above their heads.

It swayed as it walked in a zig-zag path, swinging its head from side to side.

Faster than any of them could follow, it shinned up the tree like a silent

Suddenly, it tasted the air with its tongue, then dipped its head from side to side.

It landed on its haunches in the middle of the cave, swiping at the air with its
clawed fingers.

It stepped closer and then reared up on its hind legs.

The S/C-I-R Structure

Kitty’s legs were jerked from under her as she was lassoed by the silk thread
from its mouth. It snaked around her legs and wound round and round, until her
feet were locked together by the sticky ball at the end. Waving her arms wildly,
she grasped for a hold as she was dragged towards the cave and the spider’s web.
Sweat had collected on her forehead and was trickling down the side of
her nose into her eyes. Frantically, she squeezed them shut, blinking rapidly
to clear her vision. Sudden hope surged through her. As she turned her head,
she had seen a glint of metal… to her left… within touching distance… her

His muscles were locked. The icy breath had fallen like a mist and frozen him to
the spot. He was unable to move, unable to run. His mouth frozen in a silent
scream, his eyes wide with terror, he stood motionless as the beast towered
over him.

Nouns Prey, victim

Gorgon, sirens, basilisk
Breath, mist, fog, wind, thunder, lightning, electricity
Stream, jet, plumes
Slime, saliva, acid, liquid, venom, ichor, spit, poison, poison
Stare, grip, song, harp, sound, noise, tune
Skin, flesh, bones, mouth, muzzle, jaws, teeth, fangs, bite,
tentacles, stingers, tongue
Hand, fingers, knees, ankles, grip
Tail, legs, paws, clubs, spines, warts, talons, claws
Horn, tusks, beak
Flame, fire, smoke, nostrils
Spear, javelin, trident
Similes/Metaphors Force as mighty as a gale; gusts of air like a tornado; like
barbed spikes on a trap; like the tusks of a boar; claws as
long and thick as thumbs; as sharp as an ice pick; swung its
club like a huge bat; like steel bands; like a knife through
butter; like water dropped on hot coals
Adjectives Huge, massive, thick, dense, long
Icy, cold
Sticky, slimy, rubbery
Sharp, pillar-like, barbed, serrated, dagger-like
Green, yellow, scarlet, orange, black, metal, steel
Dripping, streaming, frothing
Venomous, poisonous, toxic, acid-laced, stinging, sizzling,
Deadly, powerful, savage, lethal, fearsome
High, shrill, piercing, hypnotic, enchanting
Snapping, slavering, snarling, blood-stained
Verbs Breathed, opened, spat, shot, sprayed, spurted, squirted,
belched, blasted, melted
Trapped, lured, lassoed, hooked
Played, sang
Hypnotised, wooed, enticed
Stared, glared
Froze, paralysed, wilted, killed
Grabbed, seized, gripped, wrapped, clinched, tightened,
squeezed, pulled, yanked
Carried, raised, slashed, whipped, lashed, plunged,
slammed, struck
Bared, snapped, tore, sliced, pierced, shredded, crushed
Hissed, snarled, growled, roared
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Icy breath like a cold mist

Dense streams of grey fog
Trail of sticky slime
Thunder hawk
Massive wings
Force as mighty as a gale
Deep rumble of giant wings
Spidery, crackling lightning around it
Sparking electricity along its skin
Poisonous saliva
Powerful stream of acid
Streaming jet of liquid
Acid-laced venom
Stinging, black ichor
Thick, frothing, green spit on its mouth
Dripping, yellow venom on its fangs
Deadly poison from the warts on its skin
Venomous spines on its legs
Scarlet mist of venom
Scarlet and orange poison sacs behind its teeth
Snapping jaws
Slavering jaws
Gnashing teeth
Fearsome bite
Blood-stained muzzle
Pillar-like teeth
Long, serrated teeth
Savage teeth like barbed spikes on a trap
Dagger-sharp metal teeth
Teeth like the tusks of a boar
Steel talons
Black claws as long and thick as thumbs
Pair of lobster claws
Massive tusk
Club on the end of its tail
Steel-bladed tail
Long snout like a vacuum hose
Jet of orange flame
Thick, red puff of smoke
Smoking nostrils
Spear tip as sharp as an ice pick
Shrill, piercing, hypnotic singing
Deadly, basilisk stare
Phrases – Verbs

Paralysed prey with its venomous spines

Laid a trail of sticky slime to trap its prey
Lassoed its victims with the silk thread from its mouth
Stare turned him to stone
Froze him to the spot
Felt a slow paralysis of numbing cold
Instant death if one looked into its eyes
Gorgon glared at him with her deadly eyes
Wilted beneath the basilisk stare
Played enchanting songs on its harp
Sang as they rose from the water
Sang the same tune over and over until the ship was broken on the rocks
Hypnotised by the song
Wooed them to dive into the water
Sirens enticed him to throw himself into the sea
Swept great gusts of air like a tornado down onto…
Carried a massive club over his shoulder
Swung its club like a huge bat
Raised his javelin and thunder ripped through the sky
Clapped thunder from its wings and shot lightning from its eyes
Fire blasted out of its open jaw
Opened its mouth, and jetted out a stream of flame
Breathed a river of white-hot fire
Lashed them with red tongues of flame
Blinded by the flash of light
Shot bolt after bolt of flame as it pursued her
Engulfed by a swirling wall of flames
Could shred her to pieces
Crushed the life out of its prey with its teeth
Tore the flesh from its prey with savage teeth
Snapped its needle-like teeth close to her cheek
Spat out a powerful stream of acid
Squirted a deadly poison
Could melt bones with a single blast of its acid-laced venom
Squirted brown acid from its eyes
Venom glistened on the tip of its stinger
Wrapped itself around her ankles
Pulled her to her knees
Tightened its grip
Wound itself around his chest
Squeezed the breath out of him
Slammed into him and hurled him across the street
Slashed at his legs
Whipped out towards him
Seized her ankle and yanked
Lashed around his waist, dragging him closer to its gnashing teeth
Wrapped around her body, dragging her down
Wrapped around his arms like steel bands
Sliced the air in front of his face
Plunged out of the night sky to peck at his eyes
Grabbed her in its front claws and vaulted in the air
Slammed him against the slope
Jarred his bones
Pierced his side
Slashed at their skin
Cut into her side with its claws
Raked down either side of his head
Dug its pincers into her chest
Ripped at him with furious swipes of their claws
Caught him on the side of the face with her claw
Gouged into the chain mail like a knife through butter
Plunged its poisonous tail into him
Burnt through his skin
Spat jets of green poison that smoked on the ground
Snorted plumes of steaming breath
Turned the floor into a steaming crater of melted stone
Hissed like water dropped on hot coals
Released a lash of flame from deep in its throat
Struck with its front paws
Lashed down like a whip-stroke
Slashed with blinding speed
Grabbed her with its enormous beak
Pinned her to the ground with one massive paw
Grabbed him with one of its long, thin sinewy tentacles

Poisonous saliva dripped from its savage jaws.

Its pillar-like teeth closed around the body and crushed the life out of it.

The warts on its skin split open and it squirted its deadly poison.

It blew up like a balloon and squirted brown acid from its eyes.

It tore the flesh from its prey with savage teeth like barbed spikes on a trap.

Venomous spines shot from its legs to paralyse its prey.

Women and children were lured into the lake by the enchanting songs it played
on its harp.

Keeping his eyes fixed to the floor, he avoided her stare, knowing that it would
turn him to stone.

Whipping its head around, it spat out a stream of acid, which sizzled as it hit the
ground at his feet.

Bolt after bolt of white-hot flames shot out of its mouth until the forest was
engulfed in a swirling wall of flames.

As it blasted fire out of its open jaws, thunder clapped from its wings and
lightning shot from its eyes.

It plunged its poisonous tail into him, shooting acid-laced venom into his leg that
sizzled as it burnt through his skin.
He could easily imagine the creature killing him with one swipe of its massive

It slashed with blinding speed and pinned her to the ground with one massive

With a whip-like stroke, it lashed down and caught him on the side of the face
with its claw.

It lowered its curved bull’s horn, pawed the ground and slammed into him,
gouging his chain mail and sending him sprawling into the wall.

It bared its needle-sharp teeth. Then, in a lightning fast move, it lunged towards
her and snapped them inches from her cheek.

Enormous front claws grabbed her and lifted her into the air.

It plunged out of the night sky, sliced the air in front of her face, grabbed her in
its front claws and vaulted in the air.

With blinding speed, it lashed in a whip-stroke, and cut into her side with its
Interaction with and reaction to the creature
The S/C-I-R Structure

As the rasping, slithering sound drew closer, a shiver charged down her spine
like an electric shock. She ducked back into one of the other caves and stood
there, behind a pillar, not daring to move.

He was crouched behind the wall. Hadn’t moved a muscle for ten minutes.
Waited – still did not move. Still there was no sign. He was certain that they
were somewhere nearby. His eyes darted from side to side, probing the
shadows, searching for the slightest movement. To his left… a flicker of
movement. Then another, above him, to his right. Another and another,
swarming towards him. His heart almost stopped. They were coming at him
from all directions; their giant, wasps’ heads swooping towards him. He started to
run, not daring to look back, the sound of his breathing roaring in his ears, as
his racing pulse sent an explosion of adrenalin surging through his veins.
Section 1 - Interaction

Nouns Silence, darkness, shadows, light, moonlight

Head, face, knees, haunches, back, stomach, belly, chest
Mountain, rocks, boulders
Woodland, tree-line, trees, branches, trunk, logs, reeds, foliage,
leaves, pine needles, shrub, bush, hedge, grass
Cave, tunnel, wall, pillar, column, tomb
Floor, ground, ditch, trench, hole
Sounds, noises
Adjectives Thick, wide, low, hanging
Dark, shadowy, gloomy
Automatic, instinctive
Verbs Dug, scooped out, covered, concealed, camouflaged
Heard, listened
Saw, glimpsed, watched, looked, stared, searched, glanced, peeped,
peered, peeked
Lay, sat, waited, poised, leaned
Hid, merged, submerged, vanished, disappeared
Hugged, pressed, pinned, wedged, flattened
Lifted, raised, craned
Moved, inched, edged, eased, slunk, crept, crawled, slithered, rolled
Stopped, paused, slowed, walked, headed, followed, reached,
Slid, slipped, stumbled, scrabbled, scrambled, scurried
Dipped, bowed, ducked, dropped, dived, crouched
Sank, lowered, shrank, sneaked, backed, retreated, moved back,
stepped back
Hit, threw, flung, jerked
Crashed through, blundered, shoved, slashed at
Turned, spun, swung, twisted, whirled, swerved, whipped round,
lunged, avoided, missed, evaded
Quickened, hurried, fled, darted, rushed, ran, dashed, sprinted,
bolted, hurtled, tore across, piled through, plunged
Dodged, bobbed, weaved
Climbed, jumped, leaped, sprang, bounded, pounded, vaulted
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

Out of the corner of her eye

Just a few paces away
Only a stone’s throw away
Alarmingly close to where…
Nearer by the second
Within minutes
Seconds later
Out of nowhere
In front of him
Ahead of him
Behind him
Out of sight
Invisible from just a few metres away
Still no sign
With every step, he…
For a fraction of a second
Barely time to…
Just in time
Almost at the top, almost safe
With a new sense of urgency
In a last mad dash
Slowly, noiselessly
Waterlogged trench
Trailing branches close to the ground
Towards the trees about a hundred metres away
Through the twists and turns of the tunnel
Phrases – Verbs

Closing in on her
About to turn away when…
Just getting back to his feet when…
As they were about to leave the cover of the rocks…
When he reached the corner…
All he had a chance to notice was…
As soon as he was out of sight…
Without even looking up…
Not sure where it would take her
Hid amongst…
Hid when she heard…
Looked around for a place to hide
Searched for a hiding place
Backed away and set about finding somewhere to hide
Slipped into the shadows
Lay in the shadows under…
Slunk back into the shadows
Stuck to the shadows
Shied away from…
Retreated into the shadow behind…
Shrank back against the wall, glancing from side to side
Backed quietly away towards…
Staggered back
Scurried for cover behind…
Stopped, spun around, and dropped onto his belly
Turned, and melted back into…
Dipped his head
Dropped onto her knees
Ducked and rolled underneath…
Ducked back into one of the other caves and stood there
Ducked down, seeking cover behind…
Dived the last few feet into the shelter of…
Lowered herself to the ground
Sank to her hands and knees
Dropped his back against the wall
Sank down at the base of one of the trees
Slid back against the… onto his haunches
Ducked down behind the… so he couldn’t be seen
Crouched behind the rocks halfway up the slope
Bent down lower and peered through…
Dropped flat
Went to ground
Hit the dirt
Flung herself down behind…
Scrambled for cover behind…
Threw himself to the floor
Scattered, diving for cover in the undergrowth
Darted behind…
Had frozen in mid-crawl
Poised on one knee and one muddy hand
Dug herself in deeply behind…
Covered herself with leaves and pine needles
Climbed up the oak until she found a sturdy fork in the tree where she could
stay undetected
Dragged herself into the tangled bushes at the base of the trees
Scooped out a hollow under the bushes
Waited in edgy silence
Waited without moving
Hadn’t moved a muscle for ten minutes
Waited a few minutes longer
Waited silently in the shadows until he was sure that…
Waited, motionless, for what seemed like an eternity
Jerked her head back into the shadows
Sat cross-legged on the floor in the shadows
All he could do was lie still, hugging the ground
Crept along the floor against the wall until she was…
Crawled underneath… so that she was hidden by…
Crawled to the edge of the bushes and peered out
Rolled to the ground, flattening himself against…
Rolled into the high grass so that she was out of sight
Flattened himself against…
Wedged himself behind…
Pressed her back against…
Eased himself up behind…
Covered his head with his hands
Wrapped his arms round his head and ducked low
Peered over…
Sneaked a glance at…
Glanced up and peered through…
Leaned forward so that she could see around…
Edged carefully along until he was able to peer out
From where he was crouching he could see…
Leaned back out as far as he dared to…
Listened for the sound of…
Listened intently
Sprang to their feet
Scrambled to her feet
Launched himself up from the ground
Hauled himself to his feet
Began backing away slowly
Scuttled back to the shadows
Retraced his steps
Headed towards the nearest…
Turned sharp left
Fled in different directions
Stopped when he reached…
Made his way down…
Scurried along…
Knew he had to move quickly
Forced himself to move faster
Tried to gain as much ground as possible
Tried to put as much distance as possible between her and her assailants
Quickened his pace
Raced towards…
Darted back into…
Bolted up…
Broke into a run
Ran blindly on
Ran on until his lungs were bursting
Ran for his life
Began running towards…
Started running again, trying to get out of sight
Ran faster, pushing herself to the limit
Kept on running, arms pumping, her lungs burning
Pressed on, running when he could
Hurtled towards the shadows
Dashed the last few yards
Turned blindly to the right at the end
Swerved to the right, down another tunnel
Darted and dodged through the trees
Ran, bobbing and weaving across…
Weaved in and out of the bushes
Ran again, slashing through the branches, heading for the darkest part of the
Dodged left and right down the warren of passages
Crashed through the undergrowth, stumbling as she ran
Stumbled towards the tree she had spotted
Blundered and slipped
Fought his way through the undergrowth that grasped at his ankles as he
Stumbled on the rutted forest floor
Tripped over rocks and shattered pillars
Slid on the loose stones
Stumbled over a ledge and hit the ground
Stumbled on, almost falling on some tree roots
Landed on his belly, scrabbled up and carried on
Slipped and slid in the boggy marsh
Recovered his balance and kept running
Managed to keep his balance
Hauled herself up, edged along
Pulled herself up onto the next branch, then the next
Climbed higher and higher
Leaped the low stone wall
Vaulted roots
Launched himself down the slope
Dropped the last few metres
Crashed down on the ground
Knew that it was a long way to fall if he slipped

She caught a flicker of movement. Looking up, she saw it standing at the top of
the slope.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a hideous creature crawling out from
behind the tomb. A giant, wasp’s head was attached to its black, porcupine body,
on the end of which was a poisonous tail stinger.

It was heading in his direction. He could hear the scuttling of clawed feet as it
moved close to where he lay in the shadows.

It hovered close to his hiding place. He could hear its flapping wings. Any minute
it would look down and spot him. He had to find somewhere else to hide… and

She was unaware of his presence, skulking in the shadows behind the boulders.
She didn’t look in his direction. He could see the hissing snakes on her head
flicking their tongues, tasting the air. If she had looked for more than a few
seconds she would have seen him.

The huge scorpion stopped metres from where he was crouched. The sun glinted
on the sharp spikes sprouting from its ten legs and the air trembled with every
flap of its black, bat-like wings as it scanned the area. He could hear the flick of
its stinger-tipped tail in the dust.

She slipped further into the shadows and flattened herself against the wall.

Lowering herself to the ground inside the ditch, she waited a few minutes longer,
and then peered over the muddy lip.
Holding her breath, she waited, sitting down carefully, drawing her knees up
against her chest so she couldn’t be seen.

Quickly, he dived for cover. Wedging himself behind a pile of rocks, he froze –
motionless as if carved from stone.

Rob scooped out a hollow under the bushes and covered himself with leaves and
pine needles.

She was crouched behind the tree. Hadn’t moved a muscle for ten minutes.
Waited – still did not move. Still there was no sign. She peered through the
hanging branches.

Cautiously, Kitty leaned forward so that she could see around the trunk of the

They all dropped flat, going to ground, and with an automatic action rolled into
the high grass so that they were out of sight.

They walked for another ten minutes, neither of them speaking, and then they
saw it up ahead.

Whirling round, she found herself face-to-face with the ape. Huge folds of
sagging skin flopped around its long, snarling face as it swung its head from side
to side, sniffing the air.

It was closing in on her. She knew she had to move quickly. Swiftly, she retraced
her steps through the twists and turns of the tunnel.

It was as if the hideous squawking was coming from all directions at once. He
quickened his pace, but the ground was uneven and he stumbled, crashing to the

Hauling herself up onto the ledge, Katie edged along to the rail and grasped it
with both hands.

Whirling to the left, she just managed to evade it. She sprinted down the hill, not
daring to glance back, just trying to gain as much ground as possible.

She stopped when she reached the narrow track. She had heard something… the
snap of a twig. She hurtled back towards the trees… the safety of the shadows.

Almost at the top, almost safe… almost. He forced himself to move faster, but he
also knew that it was a long way to fall if he slipped.

She scrambled to her feet, and began to move, not sure which way to go, only
knowing that she couldn’t stay where she was.

He darted and dodged through the trees. Blundering and slipping, he fought his
way through the undergrowth, which was grasping at his ankles.

Bent over, she tried to get her breath, risking a glance over her shoulder. She
started running again, trying to get out of sight… forcing herself to ignore the
burning that was creeping up her legs.

Faster and faster she ran, pushing herself to the limit, running blindly on, trying
to put as much distance as possible between her and the hideous creature.

With a new sense of urgency, they plunged deeper into the cave, letting its
shadows swallow them.

He launched himself down the slope, sliding on the loose stones, but just
managing to keep his balance and surging on.

He rose to his feet, and sprinted to the wall, dropping to his knees behind it.

Never once did she turn and look back… just kept on running, arms pumping, her
lungs burning.

She was up and running again, slashing through the branches, heading for the
darkest part of the forest.
Section 2 - Reaction

Nouns Fear, dread, panic, terror, shock, horror

Brain, senses, sensation, nerves, pins and needles, breathing
Prayer, hope
Sound, noise, whisper, murmur
Body, spine, arm, ankle, chest, stomach, head, eyes, throat,
windpipe, temples, nose, lips
Similes/Metaphors Like an electric shock; like a coiled spring in the pit of her
stomach; as if carved from stone
Adjectives Tingling, electric, coiled, alert
Wide, still, frozen
Urgent, low, tight
Verbs Gripped, snaked, squeezed, choked
Surged, raced, charged, pounded, hammered, pumped,
Warned, dared, felt, thought, knew, wanted, prepared
Swallowed, gulped, stifled, gasped, winced
Clasped, clenched, gritted
Looked, strained, blinked, glanced, peeped, peered, darted,
watched, closed
Shook, shivered, trembled
Collected, gathered, dripped, trickled
Stood, waited, remained, froze, paralysed
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

No more than a whisper from the shadows

At any moment
A few more seconds until…
Every nerve in his body
Tingling sixth sense
Like an electric shock
Like a coiled spring in the pit of her stomach
Pins and needles
Wide eyes
Horror-stricken expression
Gasping, ragged breath
Certain it was somewhere nearby
Phrases – Verbs

Tried desperately to think of…

Thought of what would happen if it caught her
Motionless, alert and ready to move quickly
Motionless as if carved from stone
Prickled painfully in his ankle
Surged through her
Enveloped her
Warned him not to make a sound
Wanted to get up and run
Knew she couldn’t move
Didn’t dare move as…
Tried to remain absolutely still
Warned him not to move, even though…
Watched in horror as it moved closer
Hammered in her chest as…
Only bit of him that was moving was his heart
Was almost deafening in the silence
Pounded in her temples
Raced through her body
Blasted by an explosion of terror
Pumped through his veins like molten lava
Pounded so hard it seemed about to break his ribs
Held his breath
Hardly dared to breathe in case he was discovered
Stifled a gasp
Choked off his breath
Swallowed hard
Breathed heavily
Gulped for air
Made her wince and tremble
Kept his voice low
Dropped to an urgent whisper
Whispered in a tight, choked voice
Clutched his hand to his mouth
Stopped himself screaming out
Choked back the bile that rose in her throat
Clenched her teeth so hard her jaw ached
Moved her lips silently in prayer
Closed her eyes
Peeped round the…
Squeezed them shut and blinked rapidly
Strained to pierce the darkness
Darted wildly from side to side
Started to shake
Shaking with terror and dread
Shook from the effort of holding herself still
Collected on his forehead
Trickled down the side of his nose into his eyes
Panic flooded her face
Clasped her hands in her lap

He lingered in the shadows, motionless, alert and ready to move quickly.

She shook from the effort of holding herself still until it passed.

Every nerve in his body warned him not to move, even though his arm was
shaking and pins and needles prickled painfully in his ankle.

Kitty was shaking with terror and dread that at any moment it would glance in
her direction and she would be discovered.

A tingling sixth sense made him look up. As he turned his head, he froze. It was
standing right above him.

He could hear the hissing calls getting closer. A shiver charged down his spine
like an electric shock.

She felt the fear like a coiled spring in the pit of her stomach.

She wanted to get up and run, but she knew she couldn’t. She felt a rush of air as
it swiped at the branches with its clawed fingers.

As the blood pounded in her temples, her brain quickened and all her senses were

Her heart hammered in her chest as she heard it moving closer and closer.

The only bit of him that was moving was his heart, which pounded so hard it
seemed about to break his ribs.

As he glanced back, his heart almost stopped. They were coming at him from all
directions, and closing in on him.

An explosion of adrenalin raced through her body and she quickened her pace.

She started to run, not daring to look back, the sound of her breathing roaring in
her ears, her pulse thumping hard. She didn’t dare stop.

The sound of his own breathing was almost deafening in the silence.

She clenched her teeth so hard her jaw ached.

Clasping her hands in her lap, she moved her lips silently in prayer.

His voice dropped to an urgent whisper.

He whispered in a tight, choked voice, watching in horror as it swooped closer.

His voice was hardly more than a whisper from the shadows.

The fear of being caught choked off his breath into unsteady, rasping gasps, until
he was gulping for air.

She breathed heavily, choking back the bile that rose in her throat.

He clutched his hand to his mouth to stop himself screaming out.

When she thought of what would happen if they caught her, she was blasted by
an explosion of terror that made her wince and tremble, her palms sweaty, her
heart racing.

His wide eyes strained to pierce the darkness, darting wildly from side to side,
certain it was somewhere nearby.

Sweat had collected on his forehead and was trickling down the side of his nose
into his eyes. He squeezed them shut and blinked rapidly.

Panic flooded his face as he spotted it emerging out of the shadows.

He tried to pick up his dagger, but he was so scared his fingers felt frozen, numb,

He was unable to move, unable to run. His mouth frozen in a silent scream, his
eyes wide with terror, he stood motionless as the beast towered over him.
Defeating the creature

Nouns Presence, shadow, movements, direction

Sky, air, gust, floor, ground
Beast, creature, monster, bird, raptor, gorgon, snake,
Rock, stone, gravel, dirt, dust
Branch, fire, flame
Touch, contact, blow, strike, attack
Sling, whip, scythe, arrow, tip, shield, spear, shaft, dagger,
knife, blade, sword, hilt
Belt, ankle-strap, sheath, scabbard
Flesh, bones, muscles, heart, lungs
Horn, tusk, beak, bill, teeth, fangs, claws, talons, pincers,
tentacles, stinger, sting, venom
Head, neck, forehead, muzzle, chin, jaw, face, throat,
mouth, eyes, eye sockets
Body, back, side, shoulder, chest, middle, stomach, tail, legs,
thigh, feet, ankle, knee, paw, wings, feathers, arms, elbow,
Similes/Metaphors Quick as lightning; buzzed around it like a wasp
Adjectives Horror-struck, terrified, petrified, panic-stricken
Massive, thick, long, spiral
Front, hind, rear
Bat-like, scaly, metal, steel
Quick, fast, rapid, deft
Lumbering, clumsy, awkward, blundering
Fierce, vicious, furious, ferocious, savage, brutal, deadly,
fatal, mortal
Venomous, poisonous, toxic
Barbed, hooked, jagged, spiked
Lashing, stabbing
Reflective, shiny
Verbs Looked, realised, warned, alerted
Watched, followed, stared, fixed, glued, shut, squeezed
Unfurled, rose, circled, hovered, beat, flapped, folded,
dived, hurtled
Gusted, swirled
Reared, dipped, thrust, pawed, gored, charged, attacked
Snapped, seized, grabbed, yanked, wrenched, dragged
Opened, spat, shot, sprayed
Clipped, jarred
Weakened, staggered, flopped, toppled, crashed, sprawled
Shielded, blocked, protected
Hesitated, waited, avoided, evaded, missed
Spread, braced, readied
Retreated, stepped back, backed away, recoiled
Edged, pressed
Side-stepped, dodged, dived, threw, flung, rolled, tumbled,
crouched, huddled
Leapt, sprang, launched, bounded, vaulted
Darted, danced, buzzed, twisted, turned, whirled
Prodded, poked, rammed, barged, slammed, smashed,
Picked up, tossed, spun, swung, flung, released
Seized, fitted, pointed, aimed, let loose, fired, flew
Blazed, sparked, crackled, exploded
Unsheathed, drew, gripped, clutched, flipped
Raised, poised, lowered, levelled, waved, swept, swished,
brandished, wielded
Flicked, whipped
Lunged, slashed, lashed
Cut, stabbed, hacked, chopped, shoved, plunged

Hit, struck, speared, hammered, landed, lodged

Pierced, pricked, gashed, speared, impaled, skewered,
Phrases – Nouns and Adjectives

At the very last moment

Almost at once
Too late
At every movement
With deadly accuracy
With a thud
Quick as lightning
Like a buzzing wasp
In front of his face
Inches from his face
In the centre of its forehead
Just below the head
At the side of the neck
Tip of its horn
Slavering snout
Snapping jaws
Savage, serrated teeth
Blur of clashing claws and fangs
Venomous, yellow drool
Golden whip
Blade of his spear
Unbreakable sword
Movement of his sword… a blinding blur
In a shower of blue sparks
With every deadly beat of its bat-like wings…
Furious swipe of its pincers
With one vicious jerk of her wrist…
With one final thrust…
Phrases – Verbs

As he looked into its eye sockets

Realised that it was clearly blind
Careful to keep his movements as silent as possible
Alerted to his presence when dead leaves rustled under his feet
As the shadow of the bird fell over her…
Circled above
Folded its long, scaly wings flat against its shoulders
Dived towards her
Hurtled out of the sky
Rush of air gusted towards him
More and more dirt swirled into the cave
Reared up in front of her
Rammed its head into the entrance
Dipped its head, gored the ground, charged
Thrust the single spiral horn in the middle of its forehead at…
Came at her in a blur of claws and fangs
Came down to bite through his flesh
Stinger jabbed into his shield
Felt the barbed sting strike off the wood
Sprayed the surface with venom
Hesitated a moment
Narrowly avoided the lashing whip of its tail
Evaded its claws
Evaded the venomous spines that shot from its legs
Twice it had come close to touching him
Jaws snapped a hair’s breadth from his leg
Thrust centimetres from his face
Raked down either side of his head
Slashed at his head
Plunged towards his outstretched arm
Snapped where his arm had been just seconds before
Seized her ankle
Dragged her closer to its gnashing teeth
Clipped his side
Jarred his arm painfully
Weakened his grip
Sent him crashing to the floor
Hit it with such force, he staggered back
Crouched behind his shield
Lifted his shield to block the blow
Held up his reflective shield
Watched the gorgon moving towards him
Each time the gorgon changed direction…
Followed her movements with his shield
Protected his eyes from looking directly at her
Watched as it dived directly at him
Watched, horror-struck as…
Eyes firmly fixed on the roaring beast
Squeezed his eyes shut
Cowered down
Wrapped his arms over his head
Leapt sideways
Threw himself aside
Sprang aside as it pounced
Ducked as its claws sliced the air
Rolled across the ground away from…
Tumbled to one side
Forced to retreat
Stepped back
Backed away, edging towards…
Jammed up against the wall
Tried to keep it at bay
Never let the lumbering creature get too close
Fought desperately to keep its massive horned bill from…
Snatched a flaming branch
Jabbed the flame at its head
Quickly scrambled back on his feet
Scurried away on his elbows
Launched himself off the ground
Leapt over the…
Darted from side to side
Buzzed around like a wasp
Danced out of the way of its metal tusk
Darted out of reach of its stabbing sting
Vaulted the… and ducked down behind it
Spread his feet
Wrenched his foot away
Snatched her foot away
Yanked his foot back
Raised both boots
Kicked back
Slammed both boots into…
Sprang forward
Took a quick step forward
Lunged forward
Rolled underneath the beast
Launched himself between its hind legs
Wings sprouted from the sides of his sandals
Rose on a current of air, sword poised
Picked up a handful of gravel
Flung it into its eyes
Smashed the rock into its nose
Picked up a stone from the ground
Spun the sling and swung with all her might
Swung the sling rapidly in circles around her head
Released the stone with a deft flick of her wrist
Flicked her golden whip out in front of her
Seized an arrow
Fire blazed along the tip of the arrow
Fitted the arrow and let it fly
Pointed his arrow with deadly accuracy
Fired an arrow
Released the arrow
Let loose another arrow, and another
Flew through the air towards…
Found its mark
Gripped the shaft of his spear
Swung her shield from her shoulder
Unsheathed her dagger
Drew a dagger from his belt
Took out her dagger from her ankle strap
Clutched his dagger and waited in the shadows
Levelled his spear at the charging beast
Brandished her sword in its face
Bounded forward, knife raised
Waved her sword before her in wide sweeps
Sliced the air
Swept his sword in a low arc
Slashed his sword in a vicious arc
Lashed out with his sword
Lunged upwards with her sword
Swished back and forth with his sword
Cut the air into a thousand slices
Flipped his sword backwards
Gripped his sword tightly as the beast fell to the ground
In the time it took for him to draw back his sword…
Smashed the beak with his shield
Stabbed at its throat
Slashed at the underside of its body
Lashed at one of its talons
Hacked at one of its tentacles
Stabbed it behind the head
Smashed into its left eye
Rammed its muzzle with his shield
Charged, her dagger aimed at its chest
Drove his knife into its paw
Plunged deep into its thigh
Chopped with his scythe at the bull’s head
Jabbed it in the ankle with his spear
Plunged into the beast’s neck
Thrust her sword up into its throat
Lunged, shoving the blade deep into its…
Struck it between its huge fangs
Landed a blow on the back of the beast
Hammered it in the chin with the hilt of his sword
Hit the metal feathers, but with no effect
Just missed its left eye
Tore through its ruff of feathers
Pierced the tip of its right wing
Lodged in the beast’s chest
Cut through the head of one of the writhing snakes
Thrust his sword into the heart of the creature
Aimed a slash of his sword at its side
Lunged at the beast’s throat
Hacked at its leg with his sword
Jabbed his sword into its mouth
Rammed his sword between its wings
Struck at the back of its knee
Cut away some of the spikes
Speared it in the calf
Skewered the serpent with his sword
Severed its wing and it flopped to the ground
Gave the hilt a twist
Slid the sword into the beast’s heart
Creature recoiled at the touch of steel
Deadly steel made contact with…
Exploded into fragments that turned to ash as they hit the ground

As its tail lashed down, Kitty leapt sideways, narrowly avoiding the spikes
studded along its length.

He dived to the side to evade the venomous spines that shot from its legs.

It dipped its head, pawed the ground, charged… thrusting the single, spiral horn
in the middle of its forehead at Tom’s chest. He threw himself to the side. He was
too late. The tip of the horn clipped his side, sending him crashing to the ground.

It circled above, folded its long, scaly wings flat against its shoulders and dived
towards her. With every beat of its huge, bat-like wings, a rush of air gusted
towards her. She watched as it dived directly at her, and sprang aside at the very
last moment.

It came at her in a blur of clashing claws and fangs. She ducked as its claws sliced
the air in front of her face.

Tom rolled frantically across the ground away from the furious swipe of its
pincers that had raked down either side of his head.

Forced to retreat, jammed up against the wall, he crouched behind his shield. He
fought desperately to keep its massive horned bill from slashing at his head, but
each stab of its beak jarred his arm painfully, and was weakening his grip.

She snatched her foot away as its jaws snapped a hair’s breadth from her leg.

As he looked at its eye sockets, he realised that it was blind. Careful to keep his
movements as silent as possible, he began backing slowly away, but dead leaves
rustled under his feet and the beast froze.
Holding up his reflective shield, he watched the gorgon moving towards him.
Each time she changed direction, he followed her with his shield, protecting his
eyes from looking directly at her.

As he scurried back on his elbows, the slavering snout thrust inches from his face.

He cowered down, wrapped his arms over his head, squeezed his eyes shut as a
powerful stream of venomous, yellow drool sprayed from its mouth.

The stinger jabbed into his shield with such force, he staggered back.

He watched, horror-struck, as its slavering jaws plunged towards his outstretched

arm. He hesitated a moment, and then, his racing pulse sent a wave of adrenalin
surging through his veins. He launched himself off the ground and was quickly
on his feet again. Almost at once, its savage, serrated teeth snapped where his
arm had been just seconds before.

Quick as lightning, she leapt aside, vaulted the wall and ducked down behind it.

As the wings sprouted from the sides of his sandals, he rose in the air, his sword

With his eyes fixed on the roaring beast rearing up on its hind legs, he gripped
his shield and crouched, his sword thrust out in front of him.

She darted from side to side, brandishing her sword in its face.

Like a wasp, he buzzed around, never letting the lumbering creature get too close.

Springing forward, he gripped the shaft of his spear and levelled it at the
charging beast.

More and more dirt swirled into the cave with every deadly beat of its wings. Her
hand slid to the dagger in her ankle strap. She slunk back into the shadows,
waiting, clutching the handle.

The next moment, she bounded forward, knife raised, and slashed at the
underside of its body.

With an almighty crack, she flicked her golden whip out in front of her and with
another vicious flick of her wrist, she slashed at one of its tentacles.

The blade of his spear plunged deep into its thigh.

Without taking her eyes from the vile raptor, she picked up a stone from the
ground. She swung the sling rapidly in circles around her head, and then, with a
deft flick of her wrist, released it. She watched, holding her breath, until, with a
tremendous thud, it smashed into its left eye and sent it crashing to the ground.

As it rammed its head into the entrance, she picked up a handful of gravel, flung
it into its eyes and smashed its muzzle with her shield.

He backed away, edging towards the fire. When he was close enough, he lunged,
snatched a flaming branch and jabbed at its head.

As it emerged in the clearing, she seized an arrow, fitted it and let it fly. The
arrow flew towards its target in a shower of blue sparks, finding its mark in the
centre of its forehead.

The arrow, fire blazing along the tip, flew through the air and pierced its right

She let loose another arrow, and another, with deadly accuracy.

It seized her ankle and yanked, dragging her closer to its gnashing teeth.
Wrenching her foot away, she leaned back and slammed both feet into its face as
hard as she could.

Rolling underneath the creature, he launched himself between its hind legs, and
thrust his sword up into its middle.

Darting forward, he slashed his sword in a vicious arc and sliced off one of the
writhing snakes, but, in the time it took for him to draw back his sword, another
had taken its place.
A searing pain jarred his arm as he struck the metal feathers, but the sword
merely bounced off, with no effect. In desperation, he flipped his sword
backwards and hammered it in the chin with the hilt.

He smashed the beak with his shield, and, at the same time, he stabbed his sword
into its body, cutting away one of its tentacles.

Tom lunged at the beast’s throat and then darted out of reach of its stabbing

As the shadow of the bird fell over her, she swung her shield from her shoulder
and lunged upwards with her sword.

Fire ran along the blade as he cut the air into a thousand slices, his sword a
blinding blur.

Taking a quick step forward, he thrust with his spear, and skewered the serpent
with the steel blade.

As the sword struck the creature’s side, it recoiled. The moment the deadly steel
made contact with its skin, it exploded into fragments that turned to ash as they
hit the ground.

With one final thrust, he slid his sword into the beast’s heart.

Planning a myth or legend

1. The hero is in his ordinary world

The hero is in his own world that is considered to be ordinary and
uneventful. The hero is often considered to possess some ability or
characteristic that makes him feel that he doesn’t entirely belong to that
world – his abilities set him apart from his family, friends and neighbours.

Why is the hero different?

2. The hero is called away from his home

by a discovery, event or danger
The challenge or adventure is revealed to the hero. Quests don’t happen in
everyday life. Heroes have to leave their ordinary life and home, family and
friends to embark on their quest. They may at first be reluctant to accept the
quest, but agree eventually, perhaps as a result of the discovery of a
mystical object or that their world is in danger from a rival kingdom, from
an evil knight or from a hideous creature.
The hero finds out about the new setting where the story is to take place.

Describe the event that gets the hero involved in the adventure.

3. Hero travels to the location

Describe the journey.

Does he meet someone who may go on the journey, give advice or give
him something to complete the quest, for example, an object with
magical powers, a piece of valuable wisdom as to how to defeat the
Does he find useful clues?

Note: As the villain could be a human or creature, for ease, the term villain
has been used and can refer to either.

4. The adventure begins

The hero gets to the new setting, where the main adventure will take place.
The new setting is either in a faraway land or very different from the
original setting, for example, an underground kingdom, secret forest, ruined
city, castle, mountain, cave. The setting could be full of dangers and threats,
including menacing creatures, knights, warriors.
As the hero has never been there before, you need to think about:

What does he see, hear, smell?

Are there any dangers/obstacles?
How does the new setting make him feel?

The hero:

will learn something about the villain that reveals the extent of the
danger he faces.

5. A problem occurs in the setting/The hero

meets the villain’s allies
Dream up scenes and events where the hero is tested:

Losing his talisman.

The hero’s experiences:

test his strength, bravery and determination.

The hero:

does not come face-to-face with the villain yet

learns more about the villain or the location of the object(s), person.

Don’t just tell the reader what is happening. Describe the hero’s feelings
(reaction) and his interaction (movements/actions) with the setting and/or
the enemy.

6. Hero is in great danger (the ‘black

The hero has successfully survived a series of tests and obstacles and
has arrived at the final, supreme challenge he has journeyed to
The hero comes face-to-face with the villain. Imagine how and where
the hero and villain meet.
Either the villain finds the hero, or the hero has found the enemy’s
Describe the route the hero takes through the setting.
Include lots of action.
Describe the hero’s fear/nervousness.
Build the suspense and atmosphere before they meet by including
sounds and shadows.
Ask the readers questions so that they are drawn into the story.

7. Climax – final struggle/the problem is

Devise a plan or find something that will help the hero to face the ultimate

Where do they meet? Describe any barriers to entering the setting, any
advantages that the setting provides for the villain.
How does the hero defeat the villain?
Does the hero have any help, for example, the special object?
How is he feeling?
Is he injured?
What happens to the villain?

8. Resolution – the journey home

The hero returns home victorious. What was the result of his
completing the task? Was it a reward – for example, a kingdom, a
knighthood, vast riches, saving a loved one?
How has the adventure changed the hero?

© 2016, Descriptosaurus: Myths & Legends, Alison Wilcox, Routledge.

Plot planning sheet

What happens to get the hero

involved in the adventure?
Does he discover a mystical object or
that his world is in danger?
What does the challenge involve?
Describe the journey and route.
Describe the new location.
Does the hero learn anything about
the villain?
Does he meet the villain’s allies?
How does the hero meet the villain?
Where? What happens?
The hero defeats the villain. How?
Does he have help?
How does his special object help him?
What happens to the villain?
The hero returns home.
What is his reward?
How has he changed?
Additional notes

© 2016, Descriptosaurus: Myths & Legends, Alison Wilcox, Routledge.

Hero planning sheet

Physical description: face, eyes, voice,
clothes, armour
Distinctive features
What is the hero most afraid of?
What is his/her weakness?
Does the hero have any secrets, skills
or unusual traits? What special object
does he/she have that enhances
his/her powers and skills?
What are the hero’s main interests?
Who are the members of his/her
What do they do?
Do any of them have a secret?
Who are his/her close friends?
Will any of them help/hinder the
Do they have any special skills or
What has the hero got to gain by
achieving the task, overcoming the
What has the hero got to lose if
he/she fails?
How does the hero change?
What is his/her reward?
Additional information

© 2016, Descriptosaurus: Myths & Legends, Alison Wilcox, Routledge.

Creature planning sheet

Arms and legs
Wings and tails
Additional information

© 2016, Descriptosaurus: Myths & Legends, Alison Wilcox, Routledge.

Object planning sheet

How did the object come to be in the
hero’s possession?
How does the hero discover what the
object can do?
For what purpose could the object be
Guidance, protection, escape, weapon
How and when does the hero use the
Additional information

© 2016, Descriptosaurus: Myths & Legends, Alison Wilcox, Routledge.

The setting

Setting/Character Interaction Reaction

© 2016, Descriptosaurus: Myths & Legends, Alison Wilcox, Routledge.

The creature

Setting/Character Interaction Reaction

© 2016, Descriptosaurus: Myths & Legends, Alison Wilcox, Routledge.

Suspense: wind/sky

Setting/Character Interaction Reaction

© 2016, Descriptosaurus: Myths & Legends, Alison Wilcox, Routledge.

Suspense: storms

Setting/Character Interaction Reaction

© 2016, Descriptosaurus: Myths & Legends, Alison Wilcox, Routledge.

Suspense: rain

Setting/Character Interaction Reaction

© 2016, Descriptosaurus: Myths & Legends, Alison Wilcox, Routledge.

Suspense: waves and currents

Setting/Character Interaction Reaction

© 2016, Descriptosaurus: Myths & Legends, Alison Wilcox, Routledge.

Suspense: sounds, smells, touch

Setting/Character Interaction Reaction

© 2016, Descriptosaurus: Myths & Legends, Alison Wilcox, Routledge.

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