11. 201909 抗高血压 antihypertension
11. 201909 抗高血压 antihypertension
11. 201909 抗高血压 antihypertension
Antihypertensive drugs
* A family history .
* The prevalence of hypertension increases with age,
but decreases with education and income level.
* Non-Hispanic blacks > non-Hispanic whites and
Hispanic whites.
* Persons with diabetes, obesity, or disability status.
Fig. Baroreceptor reflex arc. IC, inferior colliculus; CP, cerebellar peduncle.
A fall in blood pressure causes pressure-sensitive neurons (baroreceptors in the aortic
arch and carotid sinuses) to send fewer impulses to cardiovascular centers in the spinal
Mechanisms For Controlling Blood Pressure
Physiologically, in both
normal and hypertensive
individuals, BP is
maintained by moment-
to-moment regulation of
CO and PVR, exerted at
3 anatomic sites (Fig):
arterioles, postcapillary
venules (capacitance
vessels), and heart.
A 4th anatomic control
site, the kidney,
contributes to
maintenance of BP by
regulating the volume of
Fig. Anatomic sites of blood pressure control. intravascular fluid.
B. Renal Response to Decreased Blood Pressure
β1 on the
activity Increased
α1 venous return
on smooth
Decrease in muscle Peripheral
BP resistance
β1 on
Renal blood kidney
in BP
Angiotensin II
filltration rate Aldosterone
Sodium, water retention volume
Fig. Response of the autonomic nervous system and the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone
system to a decrease in BP.
Section 2
antihypertensive drugs
Basic antihypertensive drugs :
A. Thiazide diuretics
B. Loop diuretics
C. Potassium-sparing diuretics
C. Potassium-sparing diuretics
renin Angiotensin II
β1 on Aldosterone Decrease
in BP
Sodium, Blood
water retention volume
* Therapeutic uses
Output of Vasodilation production
sympathetic of vascular
nervous system smooth muscle
Retention of
sodium and
Labetalol [la-BAY-ta-lol]
used in the management of
gestational hypertension
and hypertensive
carvedilol [kar-VE-di-lol]
A. Enalapril.
B. Losartan.
C. Nifedipine.
D. Prazosin.
E. Propranolol.
A. The cough is most likely an adverse effect of the ACE inhibitor enalapril.
Losartan is an ARB that has the same beneficial effects as an ACE inhibitor
but is less likely to produce a cough. Nifedipine, prazosin, and propranolol
do not cause this side effect.
2 Which may cause reflex tachycardia and/or postural
hypotension on initial administration?
A. Atenolol.
B. Hydrochlorothiazide.
C. Metoprolol.
D. Prazosin.
E. Verapamil.
A. Chlorthalidone. .
B. Clonidine.
C. Furosemide.
D. Losartan.
E. Nifedipine.