Conical Rotor Balancing Technique

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Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2012 V Deepika Poornima et al.

, 2012

ISSN 2278 – 0149

Vol. 1, No. 3, October 2012
© 2012 IJMERR. All Rights Reserved

Research Paper



V Deepika Poornima1*, S Adinarayana1 and B V Appa Rao2

*Corresponding Author: V Deepika Poornima,  [email protected]

Mounting and balancing of a conical rotor is taken up reducing the gyro component which plays
down the general two plane balancing technique creating error in finding out the correcting
masses. Faulty result in estimating the correcting masses may be because of horizontal belt
drive or gear drive or even the direct drive with misalignment. The horizontal drive will be leading
to bending of the shaft length wise sufficient to precess the rotating shaft vector culminating into
the gyro action. Additional components of frequencies may intrude into the balancing procedure
and may disturb the phase estimation. Hence, vertical belt drive nearer to the bearing is mooted
to avoid the precession of the rotating shaft. Short length belt drive and compression of the rotor
supporting bracket entail lesser displacement in the vertical direction ensuring smooth
transmission of power with lesser vibration disturbance. With this precaution, the correcting
masses have been calculated and the final vibrations were observed to be well within limits.

Keywords: Two plane balancing, Gyro effect, Trial masses, Correcting masses

INTRODUCTION increase in vibration levels. This condition

When the center of mass of a rotating element can only be corrected by accurately
does not coincide with its axis of rotation a measuring the vibration response of the rotor
condition of unbalance exists. The force at its fundamental frequency and following a
generated by this unbalance is proportional series of steps designed to determine the
to the square of the rotational frequency. If the amount of unbalance and adding (or
amount of unbalance exceeds permissible subtracting) an appropriate amount of
levels, even small increase in operating compensating mass at the necessary
speed of the rotor can lead to significant locations.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, MVGRCE, Chinthalavalasa, Vizianagaram 535005, AP, India.
Department of Marine Engineering, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam 530003, AP, India.

Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2012 V Deepika Poornima et al., 2012

The first step in balancing is the definition either the time or frequency domain along with
of the number of balance planes, the maximum the visualization of the addition of trial masses.
allowable vibration at each balance plane and Measurement concludes with a table of
the setup of vibration channels and tachometer correction masses and locations for all the
input which is used to provide a measure of balance planes (Entek IRD #2049; and ISO
the rotor speed during balancing and also Standard, 1925).
serve as a vibration phase reference (ISO
Dynamic unbalance is also referred to as
Standard 8821:1989; ISO 1940/1; ANSI S2.
two plane unbalance, indicating that correction
19-1975; BS 6861: Part 1; VDI 2060;
is required in two planes to fully eliminate
Standard Paragraphs; MIL-STD-167-1
dynamic unbalance. A two plane balance
(SHIPS); Dynamic Balancing Handbook; ISO
specification is normally expressed in terms
of correction weight and radius per plane and
Measurement of vibration channels may must include the axial location of the correction
be defined in units of acceleration, velocity planes to be complete. Dynamic unbalance
or displacement and the maximum allowable captures all the unbalance which exists in a
vibration limits for each balance plane may rotor. This type of unbalance can only be
also be defined in any of these units. The measured on a rotating balancer since it
tachometer has to be capable of jitter free includes couple unbalance.
triggering for the synchronous averaging of
Gyro effects may creep into if the drive
vibration required for accurate balancing
provided creates precession of the spin axis
and that is the reason mounting of the shaft
The second step is to define the rotor and the drive to rotate the rotor is to be
geometry. Components making up the rotor carefully designed not to create error in the
being balanced can be defined as supports estimation of the phase angle with the help of
(usually bearing locations) along with rotors the optical stroboscope. Proper Tooling is
where the addition of correction masses necessary in the mounting design (Thearle,
occurs. The position of each component along 1932; Genta et al., 1999; and Derek, 2006)
the axis of rotation, a radius for each rotor and to ensure smooth rotation in the bearings
optionally, the number of pre-drilled holes without any gyro effect.
available on the rotor for the addition of trial
mass and which are used by the system for MOUNTING OF THE RIGID
“weight splitting” must all be defined. In this CONICAL ROTOR AND THE
experiment, two aluminum plates with same EXPERIMENTAL SET UP
diameter and thickness have been interposed The conical rotor (450 mm span, small end dia.
inside the rotor span to connect the trial mass 3.81 mm, big end dia. 5.08 mm, 6060 gm) is
at the assumed radii. mounted on the centre of a base frame and
The final step is the balancing brackets support the bearings at both ends
measurement. It is advantageous to view the fastened rigidly with nut and bolts. To avoid the
measurements for all balancing planes in gyro effect on the rotor and to ensure its smooth

Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2012 V Deepika Poornima et al., 2012

running a motor (with rated rpm of the motor at approximately 97.6 gm. DC-11 vibration
1350) mounted on adjacent bracket in line with analyzer is used to measure vibration phase
rotor is connected to it by short length vertical and amplitude (Figure 1).
belt nearer to its big end which minimizes the
displacement nearer to zero avoiding NOMENCLATURE
precession of the spin vector. A provision for FFT – Fast Fourier transform
fixing trial mass and correction masses
mV – milli volts
around the rotor is made interposing two
aluminum plates (10 mm outside diameter and Hz – hertz
6 mm thickness) inside the rotor span in the mm/s – milli meter per second
respective two planes which are located
ms – milli seconds
15 mm from each end. Mass of each ring is

Figure 1: Experimental Set Up

The trial mass is 5-10 times of maximum
Vibration Analyzer
Optical Stroboscope
Piezo Electric Probe Electric residual mass. The range of trial mass gives
Alluminum Plate Correction Mass the flexibility for not considering the mass of
V- Belt lighter aluminum plates in calculations. Range
of trial mass is 60-130 gm. A nut and bolt
(8 mm dia.) with six washers (for symmetry)
weighing 86.56 gm is used as trial mass.
Locating trial mass is important as it leads to
error in balancing. The radius of trial mass
location should not be less than 35 mm for the
assigned mass as calculated. Two holes

Figure 2: FFT at Small End of Rotor Before Balancing

Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2012 V Deepika Poornima et al., 2012

(180 deg. apart) 8 mm diameter centered at rotor is kept constant and thus simultaneously
40 mm radii and at same position on each recording the Time Wave and FFT at each
aluminum plate are drilled for connecting trial point (Figures 2-5). For the correction mass
mass. The second hole on ring balances the calculation, firstly the amplitudes (vibration)
mass loss of first hole. Accelerometer probe and phase angles in two planes are measured
is positioned at bearing support at small (point by attaching the probe at each point in vertical
1) and big end (point 2) of rotor, the optical direction. Secondly, the trial mass is connected
stroboscope is set for proper watch, speed of in plane 1 and the same are measured in the

Figure 3: FFT at Big End of Rotor Before Balancing

Figure 4: Time Wave at Small End of Rotor Before Balancing

Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2012 V Deepika Poornima et al., 2012

Figure 5: Time Wave at Big End of Rotor Before Balancing

two planes. Procedure is repeated for RESULT DISCUSSION

plane 2. Finally correction masses and the Holes (8 mm diameter centered at 40 mm pitch
angles for two planes are calculated (Table 1). radius) are drilled in two plates to connect the
Standard balancing procedure equations are correction masses at calculated locations.
used in calculations. These results compare Mass loss of hole (0.8 gm approximately) is
favorably with the results obtained using added to correction masses (Table 1). The
programmable calculator (Bruel and Kjaer, correction masses thus used are nut and bolts
1989). with four washers each. Connecting the
correction masses 57.15 gm in plane 1 and
Table 1: Before Balancing
67.899 gm in plane 2 in the respective
Probe Point Amplitude (mm/s) Phase (deg.) locations and at constant speed and test run
Without Trial Mass is made to assess the quality of balance of
1. 4.195 49 rotor. The Time wave, FFT are recorded in
2. 2.905 241 vibration analyzer (Figures 6-9) and phase
Trial Mass in Plane 1 angle, amplitude of vibration (peak to peak)
1. 12.124 272 are measured (Table 2). The vibration levels
2. 2.768 92 have reduced by 98.95% and 98.55% in two
Trial Mass in Plane 2 planes respectively.
1. 9.031 342
The velocity plots of the vibration (FFT)
2. 7.461 337
before balancing indicate emergence of
Correction Mass Location from several synchronized and unsynchronized
(gm) Trial Mass (deg.)
frequencies which will certainly affect the
1. 56.61 304.42
bearings at both ends with respect to time.
2. 67.17 56.53
Same is the case with the time waves

Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2012 V Deepika Poornima et al., 2012

recorded at the small end and big end of the impact on the bearing at the end because of
rotor. Time wave at the small end shows conical volumetric geometry of the rotor.
vibration levels of nearly 100 mV and the time Figures 6 and 7 indicate smoother velocity
wave is of ‘M’ type indicating couple curves of FFT indicating rectification of couple
imbalance. The time wave recorded at the big imbalance after correction masses attachment
end further shows higher amplitudes of at the radii evaluated minimizing the amplitude
vibration exceeding 100 mV, which indicate of vibration at the rotating frequency to lowest

Figure 6: FFT at Small End of Rotor After Balancing

Figure 7: FFT at Big End of Rotor After Balancing

Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2012 V Deepika Poornima et al., 2012

Figure 8: Time Wave at Small End of Rotor After Balancing

Figure 9: Time Wave at Big End of Rotor After Balancing

level. The time waves recorded after correction

Table 2: After Balancing
indicate micro volt amplitudes showing
substantial reduction in vibration and the time Probe Amplitude Phase % Reduction of
Point (mm/s) (deg.) Vibration
waves encompass the belt vibration over a
1 0.044 308.4 98.95
fixed level of vibration 2400 Micro Volts. The
2 0.042 299.8 98.55
phase calculations of the vibration instrument

Int. J. Mech. Eng. & Rob. Res. 2012 V Deepika Poornima et al., 2012

are expected to be reliable now with the Gyro 5. “Dynamic Balancing Handbook”, October
effect bringing down to minimum level with the 1990, IRD Mechanalysis Inc.
kind of drive given to the rotor.
6. Entek IRD #2049, “Dynamic Balancing
Considerable reduction in vibration levels 7. Genta G, Delprete C and Busa E (1999),
shows that gyro effect on rotor is successfully “Some Considerations on the Basic
reduced and rotor is almost balanced. Thus Assumptions in Rotordynamics”, Journal
the mounting of rotor and drive to rotate rotor of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 227, No. 3,
are properly designed to reduce gyro effect pp. 611-645.
on rotor. The existing vibrations in rotor are
8. ISO 1925, “Balancing Vocabulary”,
seen as a black band with amplitude reversals
International Organization for
in time wave represent belt drive vibration due
to tensions change in the length of the belt.
9. ISO 1940/1, “Balance Quality
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Requirements of Rigid Rotors”,
At the outset, I thank my professor and guide International Organization for
Prof. S Adinarayana for suggesting me this Standardization.
problem in the area of condition monitoring of
10. ISO Standard 1925, “Mechanical
machinery and guiding me till end which include
the thesis writing. The author thanks Prof. B V
Appa Rao for constantly guiding throughout the 11. MIL-STD-167-1 (SHIPS) (May 1, 1974),
experiment held at Andhra University, Marine “Mechanical Vibrations of Shipboard
Dept. and making it a success. Thanks to his Equipment”, Department of the Navy,
valuable suggestions in writing this paper. Naval Ship Systems Command.

REFERENCES 12. SO Standard 8821:1989, “Mechanical

Vibration-Balancing-Shaft and Fitment
1. ANSI S2 19-1975, “Balance Quality
Key Conventions”.
Requirements of Rotating Rigid Bodies”,
American National Standards Institute. 13. Standard Paragraphs, API Subcommittee
2. Bruel and Kjaer (1989), “Static and on Mechanical Equipment, Revision
Dynamic Balancing of Rigid Rotors”, September 19, 1991, American
Application Notes. Petroleum Institute.

3. BS 6861: Part 1, “Balance Quality 14. Thearle E (1932), “A New Type of

Requirements of Rigid Rotors”, British Dynamic-Balancing Machine”, Trans.
Standards Institution. ASME, Vol. 54 (APM-54-12), pp. 131-141.

4. Derek Norfield (2006), Practical 15. VDI 2060, “Balance Quality Requirements
Balancing of Rotating Machinery, of Rigid Rotors”, German Standards
Elsavior Publications. Institution.

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