LLM-Old and New
LLM-Old and New
LLM-Old and New
of Questions :6]
SEAT No. :
P1516 [Total No. of Pages : 1
(Semester - I) (Credit System)
Total No. of Questions :7] SEAT No. :
P1517 [5042]-102 [Total No. of Pages : 1
(Semester-I) (2014 Pattern) (paper - II) (Credit System)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Attempt any four questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q3) The Doctrine of equality before law is a necessary corollary of Rule of Law
which pervades the Indian Constitution. Elaborate Critically.
Q4) Discuss the objectives of the Indian Constitution outlined in the Preamble of
Indian Constitution.
Q5) The term procedure established by law has been interpreted as a due
procedure established by law. Discuss the merits and demerits of these two
terms in the backdrop of Constituent Assembly Debate.
Q6) Freedom of association and assembly are two important rights which make
democracy more functional and viable. Discuss the nature and scope of
these two rights with the help pf judicial decisions.
Q7) Discuss critically the recent debate as regards appointment of Judges of higher
judiciary and judicial Accountability.
[5042]-102 1
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No :
P1518 [5042]-103
[Total No. of Pages : 1
(Credit System) (Semester - I)
Q1) Explain the interrelationship between fact, concept and theory as an essential
characteristic of scientific methodology with the help of suitable illustrations.
Q2) What do you mean by research problem? Enumerate sources of sociolegal
research problem. Discuss process of formulation of legal research problem.
Q3) Observation is a method that employs vision as its main means of data
collection. Discuss. Explain the different types of observation Methods along
with merits and demerits.
Q4) Distinguish between Sampling Method and Census Method. Explain Sampling
Techniques with the help of suitable illustrations.
Q5) What is research report? Write a critical note on legal research report writing.
Q6) Write detailed notes (any two):
a) Case study method of research.
b) Inductions and deductions.
c) Scaling Techniques.
d) Research Design.
[5042]-103 1
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :
P1519 [5042]-104
[Total No. of Pages : 2
(Cluster-I)(New course) (Credit system)( 2014-Pattern)
(Paper-IV) (Semester-I)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
1) Question Number 1 is compulsory.
2) Answer any three questions out of the remaining.
Q2) According to John Austin International Law is not a true law but a positive
international morality only, analogous to the rules binding a club or society
comment. [12]
Q3) The material source of International law are the actual material from which an
International lawyer determines rules applicable in a given situation. Which
according to you is the most suitable and effective source in the present era?
Answer with illustrations. [12]
Q4) Explain the methods for the peaceful Settlement of International Disputes in
International Law. [12]
Q5) The United National Law of sea represents the most momentus development
in the whole history of the rules of international law concerning the high
seas.Referring to various conventions explains International Law on Sea.[12]
Q6) The law of use of Force in international law, has developed mostly after
World War I and World War II since 1945,explain with the help of relevant
provisions of the UN Charter. [12]
v v v
1 P.T.O.
Total No. of Questions : 6]
LL.M. (Credit System)
(Cluster-II) (New Course)(2014 Pattern) (Paper-IV)
Time : 3 Hours]
1) Question No.1 is Compulsory carrying 14 marks.
2) Out of the Remaining five attempt any Three. Each Carries 12 Marks.
Q5) Mergers and Acquisitions are the strategies for sustaining and Growth of
economic Power in Global Market does Law Regulate this adequately?
v v v
Total No. of Questions :8] SEAT No. :
P1483 [5042]-11 [Total No. of Pages : 1
(Semester - I)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Attempt any four questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks i.e. 15 marks.
Q1) Preamble of the Constitution is framed with great care and deliberation so that
it reflects the high purpose and noble objectives of the makers of the
Constitution. Discuss the significance of Preamble in the light of 42nd
Amendment Act,1976.
Q2) The main object of Article 16 is to create a constitutional right to equality of
opportunity and the employment in public offices. Discuss with appropriate
case laws.
Q3) Article 25 emphasizes on the practice of religious freedom by individuals and
equality of all religions, thereby promoting secularism.Discuss.
Q4) Whether the right to life includes Right to Die? Explain Article 21with this
proposition in light of judicial decisions.
Q5) Article 19(1)(a) guaranteed Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression under
Indian Constitution and is subject to reasonable restrictions under Article 19
(2). Discuss.
Q6) Wider the meaning attributed to the term Other Authorities under Article 12,
wider will be the coverage of Fundamental rights. Justify.
Q7) Article 13(2) of the Indian Constitution relates to post-Constitution laws and
prohibits the state from making a law which either takes away totally or
abrogates fundamental rights.Examine.
Q8) Write short notes: (any Two)
a) Self-incrimination.
b) Write Jurisdiction under Article 32 and 226.
c) Doctrine of Severability.
d) Right to Education.
[5042]-11 1
Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No :
P1484 [5042]-12
[Total No. of Pages : 2
(2006 Pattern) (Semester I) (Revised)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Attempt any four questions.
2) All questions carry 15 marks.
Q6) Karl Lewellyn has relied upon the grand style to be adopted by Judges in their
Decision-making process. Explain with appropriate case-laws.
Q7) According to St.Thomas Acquinas Law is else than ordinance of reason for
the common good, promulgated by him who has care of community... In the
light of above definition critically examine the nature of Law with appropriate
[5042]-12 1 P.T.O.
Q8) Write short notes: (Any Two)
a) Principle of Respect.
c) Internal Morality.
[5042]-12 2
Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No. :
P1485 [5042]-13 [Total No. of Pages : 2
( NEW) (Semester - I)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
Instructions to candidates:
1) Attempt any four questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks i.e.15 Marks.
Q1) The preamble and various Articles contained in Part IV of the Constitution
promote social justice so that life of every individual becomes meaningful and
he is able to live with human dignity. Examine.
Q2) Court must recognise the fundamental nature and importance of legislative
process and accord due regard and deference to it, just as the legislature and
the executive are expected to show due regard and deference to the
Q3) Legislations are based on public opinion, but at time even Legislations also
create public opinion. Critically discuss the importance of public opinion in
legislative formulation and implementation.
Q4) The prime object of Article 44 is to bring about integrity of the Nation by
securing for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the country. Critically
Q5) Article 15 of the Constitution of India recognises that the State has the power
to resort to protective discrimination in favour of the socially and economically
backward classes fo citizens having regard to the various historical and
sociological factors.Discuss.
Q6) Every citizen has the freedom of movement and residence throughout the
country. Examine.
[5042]-13 1 P.T.O.
Q7) The concept of cooperative federalism has been worked out in a number of
constitutional provisions as well as strengthened through legislation and
administrative practices. Examine.
c) Panchayat system
v v v
[5042]-13 2
Total No. of Questions :8] SEAT No. :
P1486 [5042]-14
[Total No. of Pages :2
LL.M. - I
LW- 104:Research Methods and Legal Education - I
(2006 Pattern) (Semester- I)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks :60
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Attempt any four questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks i.e. 15 marks.
Q1) As all teaching methods have their inherent utility and shortcomings, teaching
methods in Law should be appropriate combination of all methods. Discuss
and substantiate your answer with appropriate illustrations.
Q2) Point out the significance of seminars, symposia and workshop as a part of
law school programme. How does the outcome of these activities benefit the
legal education?
Q3) Do you think that the formation of Linguistic States has become a divisive
factor today? Critically comment with the help of relevant provisions of law
and policies in India.
Q4) Discuss the impact of Marxist Philosophy in Indian Legal System and also
express your opinion upon Marxist critique on Law and Justice.
Q5) What do you mean by Clinical legal Education? Discuss the forms and
procedure of imparting Clinical Legal Education.
Q6) Define Scientific method and discuss the characteristics of the Scientific
method. Support your answer with appropriate examples.
c) Empirical Research.
d) Survey of Literature.
[5042]-14 2
Total No. of Questions :6] SEAT No. :
P1520 [5042] - 201
[Total No. of Pages : 2
(Business Law)
(Cluster-II)(Credit System) (Semester - II)(Paper-VIII)
Q1) Define Free Consent Explain the essential ingredient of Undue influence
with appropriate illustration. [12]
Q2) Discuss the rule that a strangers to a contract cannot sue on the contract and
state the exception to that rule. Substantiate your answer with appropriate
case laws. [12]
Q5) Define the term Acceptance. Explain the legal rules regarding a valid
acceptance giving suitable examples. [12]
a) Auction Sale
b) E-contract
d) Dissolution of firms.
tu tu tu
Total No. of Questions : 6]
a) WHO
Q4) Critically analyze- Western European Union is the mirror image of NATO.
tu tu tu
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :
P1521 [5042]- 202
[Total No. of Pages : 1
LL.M. - I
Comparative Constitutional Law
(Semester - II) (Credit System)
Q1) Discuss the Emergency provisions under various Constitutions. Explain how
Supreme Court of India has settled down the law on State Emergency.
Explain your answer with the help of recent case laws.
Q4) Discuss the notion of Federalism. Explain the distribution of legislative powers
under different federal system.
Q5) Discuss Parliamentary Privileges under various Constitutions. Explain the need
for Codification of Privileges under the Indian Constitution.
l l l
[5042]- 21 1
Total No. of Questions :6] SEAT No. :
P1522 [Total No. of Pages :1
[5042] - 203
LL. M.
(2014 Pattern) (Semester - II)
Q1) Explain statutory law making and general scheme of legislative drafting in law
making process. [12]
Q2) Discuss the types of External aids with special reference to aids which are
generated as a part of law making process. [12]
Q4) Critically analyze the maxims Nocitur a sociis and Ejusdum generis and
its application. [12]
Q5) Discuss the rules of interpretation of Penal Statutes with the help of relevant
case laws. [12]
Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No. :
P1487 [5042]- 21
[Total No. of Pages : 2
(2006 Pattern) (Semester - II)
Q1) Is Indian Constitution truly federal in nature? What are the essential features
of federalism? Substantiate your answer with appropriate case laws and
Q2) Discuss the scheme of distribution of legislative powers between Center and
State under the Indian Constitution. Also examine the Doctrine of Pith and
Q3) Examine in detail the scheme of allocation of taxing powers under the
Constitution of India. Discuss the restrictions on taxing power.
Q4) Write a critical note on the scope of judicial review of imposition of Presidents
Rule under Article 356 of the Constitution of India.
Q6) Every High Court has a power of superintendence over all Courts and
Tribunals throughout the territory in relation to which it exercises jurisdiction,
excepting military tribunals comment critically.
[5042]- 21 1 P.T.O.
Q7) Discuss the powers and functions of the Election Commission of India. What
reforms would you suggest in the present election system?
l l l
[5042]- 21 2
Total No. of Questions :7] SEAT No. :
P1488 [Total No. of Pages :1
[5042] - 22
LL. M.
(2006 Pattern) (Semester - II)
Q1) Art. 141 of the Indian Constitution confers a constitutional status on the doctrine
of precedent. Comment and elaborate on the circumstances that destroy the
binding force of judicial precedent.
Q2) Discuss Goodharts Material Fact theory of Ratio Decidendi. Also write a
critique to the same.
Q3) Critically examine Rawls theory of justice. Also explain its relevance to Indian
Legal System.
Q5) There has always been a contest and debate about the relationship between
Law and Morality. Comment.
Q6) Rights are not the gifts from the God or any favour done by the Legal
System. Discuss the concept, nature and theories of rights.
Total No. of Questions : 8]
SEAT No. :
P1489 [5042]-23 [Total No. of Pages : 1
Time :3Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Attempt any four questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks i.e 15 marks each.
Q1) The Indian Constitution has assigned a dynamic role to Indian Judiciary-
Q2) Power of Judicial review is wide but with some limitations-Critically examine
this statement.
Q3) Public Interest litigation is the reflection of judiciarys concern to liberalize the
access to Justice to all- Comment
Q1) Discuss the significance and utility of Research Design in conducting Socio
Legal Research. What are the various stages involved in preparing a Research
Design? Support your answer with the help of an illustration.
Q2) Discuss the essential requisites of a valid Hypothesis. Evaluate the need of
Hypothesis in a scientific inquiry pertaining to Legal Research.
Q3) What is the importance of sampling method in a Legal Research? Discuss the
different methods of probability Sampling Techniques with the help of
Q4) Make a comparative analysis of the methods, utility and limitations of using
Interview and Questionnaire as a research tool.
Q5) Define a Legal Research Report. Discuss the purpose and the essential steps
necessary to facilitate a good Organization of the research Report.
Q6) Comparative Research and Historical Research are both methods of Legal
Research for Law Reforms. Draw out the essential requirements utility and
limitations of these methods.
Q7) What is content analysis? Explain the basic characteristics, utility and steps
involved in Content Analysis. Support your answer with apt illustrations.
Q8) Write short notes on any two:
[5042]-24 2
Total No. of Questions :6]
SEAT No. :
P1523 [Total No. of Pages : 1
(Semester - III) (Credit System) (2014 Pattern)
Q1) Explain the interaction between Law and tradition with special reference to
Child Marriage and Polygamy.
Q2) Secularism is a solution to the problems of religious conflicts.Discuss the
social dimension of secularism and its role in social transformation with relevant
case laws.
Q3) Critically evaluates the crimes committed against women and the legislative
steps taken to ensure remedy against such crimes.
Q4) Discuss the reforms undertaken by the Government of India in agrarian sector.
Q5) Evaluate the constitutional provisions relating to regionalism and its response
to unity and integrity of India.
Q6) Write short notes on any Two:
a) Gram Nyayalayas as an alternative approach to law.
b) Language policy under the constitution.
c) Child prostitution and Law.
d) Acceptance of caste as a factor to undo past injustices.
Total No. of Questions :6] SEAT No. :
P1524 [5042]-302 [Total No. of Pages : 1
(Semester -III) (Compulsory Paper)
Time :3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No. 6 is compulsory. Out of the remaining questions, answer any three
2) Question No.6 carries 14 marks and all other questions carry 12 marks each.
Q1) Discuss in detail Science & Technology vis-a-vis Sustainable and Equitable
Development with the help of landmark judicial pronouncements.
, Q2) Explain the statement that the Law has to alter its approach and content with
the development in Science and Technology as they are co-related with the
help of appropriate illustrations.
Q3) Clinical trials shall commence after proper framework is in place concerning
audiovisual recording of the informed concerned process and the preservation
of documents while adhering to the principals of confidentiality. Critically
evaluate the Statement in the light of recent judicial decisions.
Q4) Trace the Origin and Development of Biotechnology and discuss the debatable
issues involved in Biotechnological Innovations.
Q5) What do you understand by Genetic Engineering? Explain the Ethical and
Moral implications on the use of Genetic Engineering.
Q6) Write Short Notes on:(any Two)
a) Significance of Science and Technology in the Legal Proceedings.
b) Uses and Misuses of Nuclear Technology.
c) Human Rights and Preservation of Human Health.
d) Law of Privacy vis-a-vis Science and Technology.
[5042]-302 1
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :
P1525 [5042]-303
[Total No. of Pages : 2
(Specialisation) (New ) (Credit System) (2014 Pattern) (Cluster - I)
(Semester - III)(Paper-XI)
Q2) Private International law is a substantive part of law and was until the last two
or three decades, almost entirely the result of judicial decisions, though a
considerable part of it has now been embodied in a statute. In the light of the
above statement trace the historical development of private International law.
Q3) The Lugano convention extends the free circulation of judgements beyond
the European community, With refrence to the above statement,explain the
Significance of the Lugano Convention in determination of Jurisdiction. [12]
Q4) In European Civil law countries there is a broad agreement on the application
of law of the country where the torts was committed. Explain the status of
torts law under Private International Law. [12]
Q5) Explain the traditional rule for the recognition and enforcement of foreign
Judgements. What is its position in India? [12]
Q6) The Doctrine of Renvoi has immensly contributed to resolve the issue of
determination of application of law in a given case. Comment critically with
the exceptions. [12]
1 P.T.O.
Total No. of Questions : 6]
(Business Law) (Credit System)
(Specialisation) (2014Pattern) (Semester - III) (Cluster - II)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question No.1 is compulsory. It carries 14 Marks.
2) Out of the remaining attempt any three.
3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q2) Explain the consumer movement throughout the world. Trace the evolution of
consumer movement in India and discuss the historical development of
Consumer Protection law in India. [12]
Q3) With the advent of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization Policy there
has been a change in the Market Policy in India. In the light of above statement,
elucidate the importance of Consumer Protection Act in the current era. [12]
Q5) In case of a conflict between two legislations, the law having overriding effect
will prevail. In the light of the above rule of interpretation examine various laws
which are in conflict with the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. [12]
Q6) The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 provides for setting up of quasi - judicial
bodies at the District, State and National levels for the redressal of consumer
disputes. At the backdrop of this statement explain the procedure along with
the jurisdiction provisions of the State Commission and the National
Commission under the said Act. [12]
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :
Q2) John austin elaborated the theory of law based on the notion of the sovereign
issuing a command backed by sanctions. Explain how international law is a
true law with the help of the above statement?
Q3) Explain in detail the significance of the vienna convention on the law of
treaties. How has it contributed to the development of international law?
Q4) Explain the doctrine of 'pacta sunt servanda'. How are treaties are an important
source of international law?
Q5) State succession is the replacement of one state by another in the responsibility
for the international relations of territory. What are the different effects of
state succession in international law?
Q6) Define state responsibility. Elaborate how the state can be made liable and
accountable for its actions under the international law?
Total No. of Questions :7] SEAT No. :
P1491 [Total No. of Pages :2
[5042] - 32
(Semester - III) (New)
Q1) The United Nations is designed to make possible lasting freedom and
independence for all its member. Do you agree that United Nations is
successful in accomplishing the purposes for which it has been created? Answer
in the light its purpose, principles and achievements.
Q3) The practice of sending and receiving Diplomatic agents by states is an ancient
one. Explain in the light of historical jurisprudence and discuss in detail the
immunities and privileges enjoyed by Diplomatic Agents.
Q4) Extradition is more a matter of political consideration rather than law. Do you
agree with this statement? Discuss in detail when a sate can refuse to Extradite.
Q5) Economic and Social Council is one of the principal organs of United Nations
involved with International, economic and social co-operation. Discuss the
statement in the light of functions, powers and its co-ordination with the
specialized agencies.
Q6) Nationality and citizenship though used interchangeably differ on various counts
with each other. Explain the points of differences along with the modes of
acquiring and losing Nationality.
[5042] - 32 2
Total No. of Questions :8] SEAT No. :
P1492 [Total No. of Pages :1
[5042] - 33
LL. M.
(2003 Pattern) (Semester - III)
Q1) It is said that criminal law is a weapon in the hands of strong and powerful
sections of the society to protect their own interests and maintain status quo
in the society. Do you agree with this statement? Discuss in light of few of the
provisions of Indian Penal Code.
Q3) Discuss with help of leading judgments of Supreme Court of India the tests
evolved by the court to distinguish between Attempt and Preparation.
Q4) Why is consent a defence to a charge of crime? Discuss the provisions relating
to consent under IPC that will entitle a person to get exemption from criminal
liability. Refer to leading case laws.
Q5) Define mistake and distinguish between mistake of fact and mistake of
law. Substantiate your answer with appropriate illustrations and case laws.
Q6) State the law relating to intoxication as laid down under the IPC? What is the
justification for reducing criminal liability in case intoxication?
Q7) What is right of Private defence? What are the limitations to the exercise of
the right of private defence of body and property?
Time :3Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Attempt any four questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q1) Define Criminology. Explain its inter relation with other Social Sciences.
Q4) Explain the concept of Juvenile Deliquency. Also discuss the factors that
contribute towards this problem & suggest remedial measures to curb this
Q5) Critically analyse the concept of victimology & role played by united nation
to tackle the problems of victims of crime.
Q6) Communal violence is any form is a serious crime. Comment on the various
forms of communal violence.
Q7) Critically examine sutherlands Differential Association theory of crime
[4960]-1339 1
Total No. of Questions :8]
SEAT No. :
P1494 [Total No. of Pages : 1
(Semester - III) (LAW)
Q1) Define an offer and explain the essential elements of an offer and bring out the
distinction between an offer and invitation to an offer.
Q2) What are various Rights and Liabilities of partners in a firm?
Q3) Critically explain the principles relating to award of damages for breach of
contract .
Q4) Mere silence does not amount to fraud- Explain the statement with reference
to fraud with exceptions if any.
Q5) What is agency by ratification? And state when agency by ratification is valid.
Q6) Sureties liability is secondary and coextensive with that of principal debtor
Elaborate this statement with reference to the nature and scope of suretys
Q7) Who is unpaid seller? and What are various remedies available to unpaid
Q8) Write short Notes:(Any Two)
a) Undisclosed Principal.
b) Duties of Bailor.
c) Past consideration.
Total No. of Questions :7] SEAT No. :
P1495 [Total No. of Pages :1
[5042] - 36
(New Course) (Semester - III)
Q1) How can a company make a compromise or arrangement with its member
and/ or creditors without going into liquidation?
Q2) Discuss the relationship between the Articles and Memorandum of Association.
Q3) Discuss the Corporate Personality with the help of appropriate case laws.
Q4) As fiduciaries, directors must not place themselves in a position in which
there is a conflict between their duties to the Company and their personal
interests. Illustrate with reference to the provisions of Companies Act regarding
Contracts by Directors with the Company.
Total No. of Questions :8] SEAT No. :
P1496 [5042]-37 [Total No. of Pages : 1
LW - 307 : Trade Unionism and Collective Bargaining
(Semester - III)(New)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Attempt any four questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q1) A review of Indian trade Union movement shows that, in spite of its weakness
it has manifold advantages, explain briefly and assess present role of trade
union in India in the context of economic development.
Q2) Critically analyze rights and liabilities of registered trade union under the Trade
Union Act 1926.
Q3) Lock-out can be described as an antithesis of strike just as a strike is a
weapon available to the employee for enforcing their industrial demands lock
- out is weapon available to the employer to persuade by coercive process the
employees to accept his demands. Comment
[5042]-37 1
Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No :
P1497 [5042]-38
[Total No. of Pages : 1
(Labour Laws - II)
(2006 Pattern) (Semester III)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
1) Attempt any four questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks i.e. 15 each.
Q1) Trace the origin and development of the concept of Social Security in India.
Also state the relevant judicial pronouncements which strengthened this concept
in the light of part III and part IV of Indian Constitution.
Q2) Explain the role of ILO in promoting Labour Welfare and Security in the
Modern Era.
Q3) The object of the Employees Provident Fund and (Miscellaneous Provisions)
Act, 1952 is to make some provisions for distant future of the Industrial
Worker so that he is not put to unnecessary hardship after retirement. Explain.
Q4) Evaluate the judicial creativity to extend compensatory benefits to workers
with the help of doctrine of notional extension and principles thereunder.
Q5) Trade Union in India is instrumental in ensuring the social security of working
class in India. Explain the role of Trade Unions in India in the light of this
Q6) Explain the Concept of Wage Differentials. Also state the factors responsible
for it.
Q7) The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 intends to achieve the object social justice
to workmen employed in the scheduled employment by prescribing minimum
rates of wages for them. Critically examine this statement in the light of
object and scheme of this Act.
Q8) Write Notes on:
a) Theories of Wages.
b) Set off and set on under the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.
[5042]-38 1
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :
P1498 [5042]-39 [Total No. of Pages : 1
(2006 Pattern) (Semester - III) (New)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
Instructions to candidates:
1) All questions carry 15 Marks.
2) Attempt any four questions.
Q2) Right to privacy vs. Right to Disclose is a debatable issue. Discuss the legal,
ethical and social issues related to it in detail.
Q3) Explain the law relating to Transplantation of Human Organs in India in detail.
Q4) What are the bioethical issues involved in pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques?
Q5) What is Surrogacy? Which are the legal, ethical and social issues involved in
it? What are the regulations in India to deal with the issues relating to it?
Q6) What is the linkage between Law and Science? Whether study of law is a
Science? Elaborate the impact of technology on Law.
v v v
[5042]-39 1
Total No. of Questions :7] SEAT No. :
P1499 [5042]-40
[Total No. of Pages :1
(New Course) (Semester - III)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks :60
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Attempt any four questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks i.e. 15 marks each.
Q1) Explain the Notion of Artificial Intelligence and Discuss whether it is boon
or curse for Human Resources.
Q2) Define the term Cyberspace? Explain relevant legal provisions and point out
various legal issues and problems relating to it.
Q3) State and explain the Nature and Scope of Cyber Rights and establish the
interrelationship between Fundamental Rights and Cyber Rights.
Q4) Discuss the Historical Genesis and Salient Features of the Information
Technology Act, 2000.
Q5) Once the internet becomes an integral part of the daily life of even the common
man, which is not far away, Cybercrimes, if not checked would be destructive
to civilization itself. Elucidate.
Q6) Discuss in detail the intellectual Property Rights and information Technology
law relating to protection of Software and patenting of Hardware.
b) Duties of Subscribers.
c) E-governance
Total No. of Questions : 6] SEAT No. :
P1526 [5042]- 401
[Total No. of Pages : 2
(Specialization) (2014 Pattern) (Credit System) (Semester - IV)
(Cluster - I)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Question no. 6 is compulsory.
2) Out of remaining attempt any three. A figure to the right indicates full marks.
Q1) Explain the inter relationship between Law and Economic with appropriate
examples. [12]
Q2) Discuss the relationship between the National and International Economic
Law. [12]
Q3) Critically analyze the role and contribution of International Centre for Settlement
of Investment disputes in the development of International Investment Law.[12]
Q4) Discuss the dispute settlement system under GATT/WTO and analyze the
goals and contribution of this system in the development of International
Trading System. [12]
Q5) Critically evaluate the International Movement of Labour and Labour Standards.
l l l
[5042]- 21 1 P.T.O.
Total No. of Questions : 6]
[5042]- 401
Banking and Negotiable Instrument
(Specialization) (2014 Pattern) (Credit System) (Semester - IV)
(Cluster - II)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Sixth question is compulsory. Attempt any three questions out of remaining
2) Sixth question carry 14 marks and all remaining questions carry 12 marks each.
Q1) Explain the term Bank, Banker and Banking. What are different kinds
of banks?
Q2) State and explain the provisions of regulation of monetary mechanism for
Credit control.
Q3) Define the term Negotiable Instrument. What are the different kinds of
Negotiable Instruments? Explain essentials of statutory negotiable instruments.
Q5) What are special provisions for protection of Bank Consumer? Whether
banking is service?
l l l
[5042]- 21 2
Total No. of Questions : 8]
SEAT No. :
P1500 [5042]-41 [Total No. of Pages : 2
Time :3Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Attempt any four questions.
2) All questions carry 15 marks.
Q1) It may be stated that Human Rights are those fundamental and inalienable
rights of individual, which are essential for the survival of human beings.
Explain the international concern for human rights and its historical
Q2) The philosophy of human rights attempts to examine the underlying basis of
the concept of human rights and critically looks at its content and justification.
Q3) Karel Vasak, a Czech Jurist classified Human Rights into three categories.
Explain why they are called as Three Generations of Human Rights.
Q4) Minority rights are the normal individual rights as applied to mumbers of
racial, ethnic, class, religious, linguistic or sexual minorities; and also the
collective rights accorded to minority groups. Explain.
[5042]-41 1 P.T.O
Q7) In our world prisoners are still laboratories of torture, warehouses in which
human commodities are sadistically kept and where spectrums of inmates
range from driftwood juveniles to heroic dissenters.- Justice V.R. Krishna
Iyer. Discuss the rights of prisoners in India.
tu tu tu
[5042]-41 2
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :
P1501 [5042]- 42
[Total No. of Pages : 1
(Semester - III) (New Course)
Q1) United Nations has been engaged in various types of peace-keeping activities
for maintaining international peace and security. Examine the role of UN in
peace keeping operations.
Q3) Critically examine the American Convention on Human Rights and its
contribution for promotion and protection of Human Rights.
Q4) Evaluate the role of International Court of Justice as United Nations highest
judicial branch of settling disputes.
Q5) Trace the civil and political rights enshrined under the International Covenant
on civil and political Rights and Part III of the Indian Constitution.
Q6) NGOs contribute to an enormous extent in the human rights field. Elaborate
with special reference to the work of internationally known Organization.
l l l
[5042]- 21 1
Total No. of Questions : 7]
SEAT No. :
P1502 [5042]-43 [Total No. of Pages : 1
(2006 Pattern) (Semester-III)
Time :3Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Attempt any four questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q1) With help of various definitions propounded by different jurists discuss the
nature and scope of Administrative law.
Q3) Discuss the meaning function and the reasons for the growth of delegated
legislation in India.
Q5) Discuss in detail the doctrine of Rule of Law as enumerated in the Indian
Constitution. Substantiate your opinion with appropriate case laws.
Q6) The courts have adopted a more critical attitude in the matter of scrutinising
statutes conferring administrative discretion with reference to fundamental
rights. Discuss the doctrine of Fundamental Rights and Administrative
Q7) State is a legal entity and not a living personality, it has to act through an
agency i.e. through its servants. Discuss the Tortious Liability of the state
with the relevant case laws.
tu tu tu
[4960]-1339 1
Total No. of Questions :8] SEAT No. :
P1503 [Total No. of Pages :2
[5042] - 44
(Semester - III) (New Course)
Q1) Critically analyse the Judicial Review of Administrative action through Writs
in India.
Q3) The principles of natural justice are those fundamental rules, the breach of
which will prevent justice from being seen to be done. Analyse the statement
in the light of recent judicial decisions.
Q4) The whole basis of estoppel is that one has made a representation on which
someone has relied, so that one is not allowed to deny it. Discuss with the
help of landmark judgements.
Q5) Discuss the grounds developed by the judiciary to control the discretionary
powers of administration. How far these are effective?
Q6) Evaluate the scope of Government Privileges in Legal Proceedings and its
changing facets.
Q7) Critically examine the application of the Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation in
India with the help of recent judicial decisions.
[5042] - 44 2
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No :
P1504 [5042]-45
[Total No. of Pages : 1
(Semester - III) (2006 Pattern)
[5042]-45 1
Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No. :
P1505 [5042]-46
[Total No. of Pages : 2
(GATT) (New Course) (Semester-IV)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
1) Attempt any four questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks i.e.15 marks.
Q2) Right from its evolution to the formation of WTO there have been several
additions in the features of GATT. Focusing on the salient features of GATT,
1994 discuss the outcome of Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade
Q3) The GATT is intended to reduce Tariff and Non- Tariff Barriers in
goods.Critically comment.
Q4) Globalization is not a continuous and consistent phenomenon but one which
has different levels of impact on the economies at different eras. Write a
detailed note on different waves of Globalization and its impact on the
International Trade.
Q5) The year 1991 can be marked as the most epoch-making with reference to
incorporation of international economy in India. Explain the concept of
Globalization of Economy and examine its impact on Indian Economy.
Q7) Discuss the objectives of GATT, 1947 and explain the concept of Most
Favoured Nation (MFN) clause.
a) General Council
b) Method of Multilateral Trade Negotiations under GATT.
c) International Trade and Regionalism.
v v v
[5042]-46 2
Total No. of Questions :8] SEAT No. :
P1506 [Total No. of Pages :2
[5042] - 47
LL.M (Environmental & Law - I)
(2006 Pattern) (Semester - III)
Q2) Discuss the various five years plans and its role in protecting and preserving
the environment in India.
Q4) Discuss the deferent sources of energy? Examine the problem relating to
tapping, transmission and utilization of energy.
Q5) In framing Forest Policy, the Law makers have to consider three factors -
justice to the people, justice to nature and justice to future generations. Explain.
Q6) Examine the ill effects of mining and quarrying on environment? Discuss the
legal methods to control the degradation of environment from mining and
Q7) Discuss the Polluters pay principle and Precautionary principle as propounded
by Indian judiciary. Discuss relevant case laws.
[5042] - 47 2
Total No. of Questions :7] SEAT No. :
P1507 [Total No. of Pages :2
[5042] - 48
Prevention and Control of Pollution
(Semester - III) (New Course)
Q1) Water Pollution is the biggest menace in India. The governmental lethargy and
apathy of the public has contributed to increase the water pollution in India.
At this backdrop discuss the provisions of The Water (Prevention and Control
of Pollution) Act, 1974 and such other regulations applicable for the prevention
of Water Pollution in India.
Q2) Discuss the major Air Pollutants and sources or causes of Pollution.
Q3) Apart from other types of visible forms of pollutions, recently attention has
been focused on the second invisible type of pollution in the form of energy
residuals such as thermal pollution and noise pollution.... Discuss the causes/
sources, effects and general measures to be taken to control the noise pollution.
Q4) Explain the rules regarding the disposal and recycling of waste and various
kinds of wastes.
Q6) Write Short notes on:
a) Difficulties involved in public participation process.
b) Environmental audit-the emerging legal control.
Q7) Absolute liability for the harm caused by industry engaged in hazardous and
inherently dangerous activities is a newly formulated doctrine, free from the
exceptions to the strict liability rule in England. The Indian rule was evolved in
MC Mehta v. UoI, which was known as the Oleum Gas Leakage Case.
[5042] - 48 2
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No :
P1508 [5042]-51
[Total No. of Pages : 1
(2006 Pattern) (Semester IV) (New)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Attempt any four questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q1) Explain the Declaration of Use of Force 1987, and categories of force like
Retorsion and Reprisals under International Law.
Q2) Disarmament serves the interests of all nations by strengthening international
peace and security, which is the highest mission of the United Nations. Discuss
the role of UN General Assembly for Disarmament.
Q3) Elaborate the role of International Committee of Red Cross in promoting and
implementing International Humanitarian Law.
Q4) Neutrality rules are viewed in different perspectives depending upon the type
of conflict from which nations may stay neutral. Discuss at length the rights
and duties of Neutral States as enumerated under the Hague Convention.
Q5) Refugees are distinct group of individuals without the protection of a National
State and victims of gross human rights violations. Comment on the Convention
relating to the Status of Refugees, 1951.
Q6) Discuss the provisions for Prisoners of War under International Humanitarian
Q7) Write short notes: (Any Two)
a) International Terrorism.
b) Conventional Warfare.
c) Enemy Character.
d) Contraband
[5042]-51 1
Total No. of Questions :8] SEAT No. :
P1509 [5042]-52
[Total No. of Pages :2
(Semester - IV)
Q3) Examine various forms of Punishment prescribed in the past vogue as Capital,
Corporeal, Social and Financial punishment.
Q4) Life Imprisonment is the Rule and Capital Punishment is an exception. Explain
the doctrine of Rarest of rare case in the context of recent judgement of
Supreme Court of India.
Q5) Discuss the Role of Police, their Powers, functions and responsibilities in
maintaining Law and order in Society.
Q6) Discuss fully the concept and object of Probation along with the Judicial
Attitude regarding grant of Probation.
Q7) Explain fully the evolution of prison administration in India.
c) Parole.
[5042]-52 2
Total No. of Questions :7] SEAT No. :
P1510 [Total No. of Pages :2
[5042] - 53
(Semester - IV) (New Course)
Q1) Discuss the Powers of Reserve Bank of India under the Banking Regulation
Act, 1949.
Q2) Define Contract of Insurance? Discuss its nature and fundamental principles
of Insurance.
Q3) Define Life Insurance? Discuss essential elements and advantages of Life
Q4) Elaborate the relationship between Banks and its Customer with the help of
relevant legal provisions.
Q5) Discuss the Provisions relating to Discharge from Liability on Notes, Bills
and Cheques under the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881.
Q6) Explain the mechanism established for promotion and protection of Rights of
Consumers under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
Q7) Write Short Notes on: (Any Two)
a) Bills in Sets.
b) District Forum.
c) Central Banking Functions.
d) Negotiation.
[5042] - 53 2
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :
P1511 [5042]- 54
[Total No. of Pages : 1
LW-404 : Industrial Relations and Adjudication
(New Course) (Semester - IV)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Attempt any four questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks.
Q2) What are the constitutional goals enshrined in the Constitution Protecting
capital and labour in Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State
Q3) Explain Domestic Enquiry, Disciplinary Action and Powers of Labour Courts
and Tribunals under Section 11A of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
Q5) Discuss nature of power to make Reference under Section 10(1) and condition
precedent to exercise it with the help of judicial decisions.
Q6) A seven Judges bench of Supreme Court exhaustively considered the scope
of Industry and Justice Krishna Iyer laid down Triple Test. Discuss the
judicial formulation of the concept of Industry.
Q7) All Retrenchment is termination of service but all termination of service may
not be retrenchment. Discuss. State also when retrenchment will be illegal?
With the help of cases.
l l l
[5042]- 21 1
Total No. of Questions :7] SEAT No. :
P1512 [5042]-55 [Total No. of Pages : 1
LW-405 : Biotechnology Law
(Semester -IV) (New Course)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Attempt any four questions.
2) All questions carry equal marks i.e.15 marks each.
Q1) State and Explain the Rights and Obligations of Scientific Community towards
the Society.
, Q2) What is Biosafety? Discuss salient features of Cartagena Protocol on
Biosafety and the Indian Law in this context.
Q3) Who are Farmers? Examine the Human Rights Perspective relating to the
Rights of Farmers and the role of Indian Laws to protect the same.
Q4) Define the technology of Cloning and discuss the pros and cons of Cloning
Plants, Animals and Humans.
Q5) What is Medical Biotechnology? Explain the application of Medical
Biotechnology to improve Health Care System.
Q6) Discuss the progress of Biotechnology and Legal Regulation in India with the
help of appropriate illustrations.
Q7) Write Short Notes on:(any Two)
a) Meaning and Definition of Biotechnology.
b) Problem of Bio-hazards in recombinant DeoxyriboNucleic Acid(rDNA)
c) Intellectual Property Rights and Biotechnology.
d) Regulation of deliberate release of Genetically Mutated Microorganisms.
[5042]-55 1
Total No. of Questions :7]
SEAT No. :
P1513 [Total No. of Pages : 1
(Semester - IV)
Q1) What are the functions assigned to the National Human Rights Commission
under the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 for promotion and protection
of Human rights in India?
Q2) It is the duty of the State under part IV of the Indian Constitution to promote
and protect Human rights of all. Elaborate in the light of important case laws.
Q3) How does Public Interest Litigation help to protect the Fundamental Rights
of a person?
Q4) Evaluate the rights of women under various laws for the enforcement of their
Human Rights in India.
Q5) Discuss the various legal provisions and national policies on child labour in
Q6) Discuss the composition, Powers and functions of National commission on
Scheduled castes and scheduled Tribes for the protection of Scheduled castes
and Scheduled Tribes.
Q7) Write short notes on any Two of the fullowing:
a) National Commission for Minorities.
b) Bonded labour .
c) Human Right courts.
d) Human Rights jurisprudence.
Total No. of Questions : 7] SEAT No. :
P1514 [5042]-57 [Total No. of Pages : 1
(NEW) (Semester-IV)
Q1) Discuss the legislative attempts and judicial pronouncements which developed
administrative law in United States.
Q2) Concept of rule of law requires that the exercise of powers by the Government
whether it be the legislature or the executive or any other authority, be
conditioned by the Constitution and the law. Examine.
Q5) Ombudsman is the public safety valve against maladministration, and the
protector of the little man. Examine.
Q6) Describe the nature of Civil Liberties and point out the scope and extent of
freedom of person in England.
d) Freedom of discussion.
v v v
[5042]-57 1
Total No. of Questions :7] SEAT No. :
P1515 [Total No. of Pages :2
[5042] - 58
LL. M.
(Semester - IV)
Q2) Discuss the Merits & Demerits of Judicial & Non - Judicial settlement of
Trade Dispute arising during International Trades with the help of recent
examples. [15]
Q3) Explain the role of Export credit guarantee corporation (ECGC) in India in
Financing International Trade. Also explain the controls on Foreign
Investments. [15]
Q4) Explain the concept of Transnational corporation. Also discuss the regulations
of TNCs by UN. [15]
Q5) Explain the Nature, Scope & components of Private International Trade Law.
Point out its significance in the present era of globalization , privatisation &
liberalization. [15]
Q6) What is character party? Explain the liability of the ship owner for the loss or
damage a goods. Support your answer with the help of relevant case laws.[15]
[5042] - 58 2
Total No. of Questions : 8] SEAT No. :
Q1) Explain the nature and significance of the international concern for
environmental protection in International law.
Q2) What are the causes of Marine Pollution and what legal measures are adopted
in international law to protect Marine Environment?
Q3) The early efforts of the International Community prior to the Stockholm
Declaration albeit sporadic, primarily bilateral as opposed to multilateral,
and decidedly unsystematic, nevertheless materially contributed to the
development of International Environmental Law. In the light of the above
statement examine the role of International and Regional Organisations in
the protection of Environment.
Q5) The impacts of disasters, whether natural or man-made, not only have human
dimensions, but environmental ones as well. Comment upon the Disaster
Management Techniques at the International Level.
Q6) Disposal of Hazardous Waste by developed and industrialized countries to
developing nations is a serious problem faced by International Environmental
Law. What are the mechanisms to control such activities?
[5042]-59 2