Zurich Personal Protection Target Market Statement

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Zurich Personal Protection

Zurich Personal Protection

Target market statement

This document is designed to

provide advisers with the appropriate
information to enable them to
understand the identified target
market and expected distribution
strategy for the Zurich Personal
Protection product and the various
optional benefits available.

The Zurich Personal Protection product has been financial cost of suffering a serious, life changing illness,
designed to be suitable for customers who wish to protect and can help them pay off debts such as a mortgage, pay
against the financial implications of death or serious illness for treatment, care or other specialist equipment needed to
and who primarily require cover for a fixed term. The target help them recover or cope with the illness, and compensate
market covers a broad range of customer segments, but for a loss of income that may occur as a result of the illness.
customers will typically, but not exclusively, be in the 25-65
Individuals who need critical illness cover tend to be of
age range. The primary targets for Zurich Personal
working age, with the core market likely to be between ages
Protection are covered by the following customer segments:
25-55 (although younger and older ages than this are
• customers aged between 25 and 39, fewer possible). For customers in this core market, if they did suffer
responsibilities, affluent or likely to be in future. a critical illness it would be likely to materially impact on
their financial resilience and the payout from the insurance
• customers aged between 40 and 55, peaking
policy will help them protect their financial wellbeing.
responsibilities, affluent.
Zurich Personal Protection includes two levels of critical
• customers aged 55+, reducing responsibilities, affluent.
illness cover: Critical Illness and Critical Illness Select.
Zurich Personal Protection may not be suitable for: The core level of cover provides a comprehensive package
for customers looking to protect their family and liabilities in
• Individuals with group life cover arrangements through
the event they suffer a critical illness. Zurich Critical Illness
their employer.
Select offers a number of additional features and may be
• Individuals who would create no financial obligations suitable for customers who want to extend the cover to
in the event they were to die or suffer a serious illness further support their family.
(for example customers with, no mortgage or Inheritance
Critical illness may not be suitable for:
Tax liabilities).
• Anyone already suffering a critical illness and would
• Individuals who have no financial dependants.
possibly not meet underwriting criteria.
• Individuals who need protection for the rest of their life
• Anyone with sufficient group critical illness cover through
(unless they select the conversion option).
their employer, although many of these offerings are
For critical illness specifically it will be suitable for through flexible benefits, where cost and benefits may not
individuals who wish to protect themselves against the be comparable.
Cover type Total permanent disability (optional benefit)
Level cover will typically be suitable where the protection The total permanent disability benefit may be suitable
needs of the customer remains stable. for customers who want to protect themselves against
an eventuality (not covered by the conditions under the
Increasing cover will typically be suitable where the
policy) that would mean they are never able to do their
customer wishes for their cover to keep pace with inflation.
own occupation again before they turn 60 due to any
As an example this may be suitable for family protection
illness or injury.
cases to help the family stay in their home or compensate
for a loss of income. Waiver of premium (optional benefit)
The waiver of premium optional benefit may be suitable
Decreasing cover will typically be suitable for customers
for working customers who want to ensure that the
with a mortgage or loan to repay, where the debt is
premiums for their protection policy continue to be paid
decreasing over time and the customer wishes to ensure any
in the event they are ill and unable to work for more
outstanding amount will be cleared on death or critical illness.
than six months.
Children’s benefit (optional benefit)
Multi-fracture cover (optional benefit)
Including children’s benefit (alongside critical illness cover)
The multi-fracture cover optional benefit may be
on a policy is likely to be suitable for anyone with children up
suitable for anyone who wishes to protect themselves
to the age of 22, where they wish to protect against the risk
against the risk of suffering an injury, and the financial
they incur costs or loss of income caring for their child in the
implications of this.
event they suffer a serious illness. For younger customers
without children, but who are considering having children in the It may not be suitable for anyone with osteoporosis, or
near future, it may be suitable to include the children’s benefit. anyone who takes part in specified sports or activities with
a high risk of injuries, as fractures as a result of these are
Children’s benefit would not be suitable for anyone who has
specifically excluded from the cover.
children grown up beyond 22 and with no plans to have or
adopt further children. Distribution strategy
Zurich Personal Protection has been designed for
Renewal option (optional benefit)
customers who value the help of an insurance intermediary.
The renewal option may be suitable for customers where
We expect this product to be sold through an
there is an indefinite liability or a dependant to protect but
intermediated distribution strategy.
the term this is needed for is unknown. Examples where this
benefit could be suitable include:
• Interest only borrowing to be repaid on death, long term
or serious illness.
• Providing cover to enable ongoing care to be paid for
dependants such as parents or disabled children.
Conversion option (optional benefit)
The conversion option may be suitable for customers who
currently have a whole of life protection need which may
reduce in the future. This will primarily be for Inheritance
Tax (IHT) planning where the customer may feel that their
IHT liability could be reduced by government changes to IHT
limits and legislation or they may reduce this themselves by
gifting or using their financial assets.
The conversion option may also be suitable for customers
who cannot currently afford a whole of life policy due to
their current financial circumstances. They may have another
liability such as a mortgage or the need to cover dependants
that will end at a specific point in the future, making larger
premiums more affordable at that point in time.
This option may also be suitable for customers who have
personal liabilities that do not have a fixed ceasing date and
dependants who could be dependent for life.

For financial advisers only – not for use with your clients.
Zurich Assurance Ltd.
Registered in England and Wales under company number 02456671.
Registered Office: The Grange, Bishops Cleeve, Cheltenham, GL52 8XX.

NP721463002 (04/19) CMS

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