Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Science VI: Earthquake: Its Effects
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Science VI: Earthquake: Its Effects
Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Science VI: Earthquake: Its Effects
Ask: What can you infer about the cause of this surface rupture?
a. Divide the class into three groups.
b. Recall the standards during cooperative work.
Group 1 (Poster)
Criteria 1 2 3
Content Hardly shows an Shows a fair understanding of Shows a good understanding
understanding of concepts concepts of concepts
Clarity Hardly makes sense Makes some sense Easy to understand
Each group presents the results of the activity. Teacher encourages interaction among the
class, clarifies the misconceptions and addresses questions.
a. Generalization
What are the effects of earthquakes?
b. Application
Ask: What earth changes do you observe in each picture? What inference can
you make about the causes of each change?
c. Contextualization
Show pictures.
Ask: Are you familiar with this place? Where is this found? What possible changes
can happen to Menasngi beach if a strong earthquake hits this place?
Direction: Read each item carefully. Put a check ( ) mark before the number if the item shows an
effect of earthquake and cross (X) if not.
Assignment: Draw a poster that shows an effect of earthquake. Below the picture, describe how
damage of such effect can be minimized.