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By: Josh Rogers & Naomi Bolden

Bloomz is a behavioral and learning management application and website. It is an effective source of communication through
teachers and parents and allows simple and simultaneous updates on what is taking place in the classroom. Bloomz allows
teachers to share information in numerous ways by creating posts, activities, events, assignments, and allows the sharing of
photos. This application connects home and school and is an effective and professional source of teacher and parent

Bloomz Overview – Bloomz is a rising web and mobile application that connects a new wave of technology savvy parents to the
class room.

Choose three most important tasks or features. Describe the classroom application for each task or feature. Why is this feature or
function important?
1. One feature is the Award Cam. The Award Cam alerts parents on how their child’s behavior is in class. It informs the
parents if the child’s behavior is positive or negative in the classroom.
2. Bloomz is available as an app so it is easier for parents to access. It can be accessed through desktops, laptops, cell
phones and tablets. A teacher can communicate easily with parents. Bloomz can reach parents through email if a
parent doesn’t have access to the app.
3. Bloomz offers a conference call feature. Parents can schedule a conference through Bloomz. The call is then held
through Bloomz.

Support AvailableFS
What types or formats of support are available? Bloomz has a support link that redirects you to their separate support website.
What is the quality of the resources? The support website is high quality and informative. It has separate areas for school
districts, teachers, childcare, and parents.
Is there a cost associated with any of the support options? The support website is free. However, there are premium packages
that can be purchased for teachers and parents.
Does the company offer a certification in the use of the product? There is no certification offered in the use of Bloomz.

Key Resources with DescriptionSS

1. Bloomz is a classroom app that saves teachers time by helping them connect, coordinate, and communicate with today’s
generation of parents – This website featured Bloomz as the app of the week. This page offers a question-and-answer format
answering question such as “what grade and age range” is targets. It also features real testimonials from teacher and parents. -

2. Why Bloomz is the Parent Communication App We Need Right Now – This source lists the new features of Bloomz and
goes into detail about the benefits that the new assets provides communities. It also brings in the reality of present-day
use. Specifically pertaining to the Covid-19 virus and the opening the Bloomz developers saw in their app to make it
better for online school. -
3. Bloomz + The Scholastic Network – This source harps on a collaboration between Bloomz and The Scholastic Network.
Bloomz is a holistic solution to school communication, event planning, and classroom management and TSN gives district
and school leaders the ability to broadcast important messages to students, staff, and the community. These two
combined ensure an entire community stays informed and up-to-date, resulting in inclusivity and clear communication. -
4. Tips & Tricks: School Accounts – This source is from the Bloomz Blog. It gives users the inside scoop on what’s new and
includes information on how to troubleshoot and work through any road blocks one may experience. One of my personal
favorites is the list of how those running the site manage theirs schools site featuring a variety of ages. –
By: Josh Rogers & Naomi Bolden
5. Tips for Teachers Teaching Remotely: The Ultimate List – This is a source for integrating Bloomz into online schooling. It goes
through a list of effective ways to get the most out of electronic learning and the integration of Bloomz in the process. It is a
brief mention of Bloomz specifically however, this is simple but very important way that this app is most useful. –
6. Beginning with Bloomz: Teacher Basics – This video tutorial walks teachers through the beginning of using Bloomz on a
computer or mobile phone. It walks users from a teacher perspective through activating an account, navigating the app,
setting up a profile, determining class settings and managing contacts. -
7. Beginning Parents on Bloomz – This video is a teacher and parent resource in how parents can adapt to Bloomz. It walks
viewers through adapting the app to your needs, updates & announcements, messaging with your child’s teacher, and getting
involved in the school. -
8. Bulk Removing Parents || Bloomz Tutorial – This video is a step-by-step walk through for teachers on how to remove past
students’ parents from receiving notifications. This is a great resource because it teaches educators that their needs can be
met with hast and clear instruction. -
9. Bloomz for Schools Premium Subscription – This short video dives into 7 specific benefits of the Bloomz Premium
Subscription. It shows views all that PREMIUM has to offer. P = premium experience for all, R = Replace many tools with one
app, E = Easy & Complete Security, M = Monito for compliance, I = Integrate instantly, U = Use premium support, M =
Measure all Engagement. -
10. Beyond the Basics: Engaging More Views with Posts, Announcements, Alerts, + Messages – This is resources for the more
experienced users. It includes multiple tips and tricks on how to up parent engagements. It spans from the type of post a
teacher should make for specific occasions to the formatting said posts should be in. –

Pricing ModelSS

Bloomz offers a selection of paid subscription to different audiences:

Bloomz free for Parents and Teachers: offers a holistic set of tools for you to connect, communicate, and coordinate with
parents, at no cost.
Bloomz Teacher Premium: offers unlimited video, message, translation in every part of the application, photo sharing, along with
unlimited groups. For the annual price of $98.99
Bloomz Parent Premium: gives parents options for more access, including media downloads. For the annual price of $19.99

Possible ImprovementsFS
Describe the possible improvement. Explain why this is a needed improvement.
1. One improvement that would be beneficial is having more features included in the free version. This will allow teachers
more options before they have to pay for premium services.
2. When I read reviews regarding the app, it seems many people have to uninstall and reinstall the app to get it to work.
This is something that needs improvement to avoid that.
3. There also appears to be a problem with uploads being slow in the app. This needs improvement.

Frequently Asked QuestionsFS

Question Answer
1. How much does Bloomz cost?  Key word: cost or pricing

 Bloomz basic package is free. They also offer a teacher premium package
and a parent convenience package. The teacher premium package is $7.99
per month, but it is billed annually. The parent convenience package is
$19.99 per year.
2. How can I change my profile picture?  Key word: profile picture

 Desktop: Click on your profile picture on the left navigation tray

By: Josh Rogers & Naomi Bolden
 After clicking on your profile picture, click My Profile
 Then click Edit
 Finally, click your profile picture again
 Mobile app:
 On the "Left Navigation Tray" click your current profile picture
(On desktop mode profile picture will be on the bottom of the
navigation tray)
 After clicking on your profile picture, your profile shall appear
 Click on Edit on the top right of your profile screen
 Click on the silhouette or current profile picture
 Follow the instructions to choose photo from your phone or
remove the current photo

3. Can a parent register their phone  Key word: register phone number
number to received text messages. 

 Yes, the parent just needs an access code provided by the teacher or the
teacher invites the parent by a phone number.
4. Can a parent be blocked if they post  Keyword: block a parent
inappropriate content? 

 A parent (or member) can be muted which prohibits him/her from posting or
messaging on the site. He/she can still read the site.

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