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Electrical Distribution Service

Statement of Work

OnSite Preventive Maintenance



Author: David Morte

Date: 2018 11
1 Executive summary .......................................................................................................................... 3
2. Features and benefits....................................................................................................................... 3
3. Details of service .............................................................................................................................. 4
4. Assumptions & exclusion ................................................................................................................. 5
Assumptions ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Exclusions ....................................................................................................................................... 5

1 Executive summary
The purpose of this document is to define the conditions under which Schneider Electric
Services is offering and will perform OnSite Preventive Maintenance service to customer.

OnSite Preventive Maintenance deeply inspects, checks and conditions electrical distribution
equipment, modular RM6 gas insulated ring main unit, and proactively recommends parts
replacement as per its projected service life according to Schneider Electric specifications as
original equipment manufacturer. The work activity uses a detailed method of work and follows
strict protocols, by trained and experienced Field Service Representatives.

OnSite Preventive Maintenance is the maintenance practice recommended for equipment with
a low level of criticality in the customer process. It has to be scheduled on predefined intervals
(periodicity) according to site planned shutdowns. Please, consult with your local Schneider
Electric Services Sales Representative or reseller for details on electrical distribution
equipment serviceability.

2. Features and benefits

Features Benefits
General Help to improve the safety of your people, goods and the electrical distribution
equipment operating conditions.
Scheduling Agreed with customer to plan electrical distribution with scheduled outages (low
production / activity periods).
Frees customer Allows customer to invest more on their core competences and processes to
resources deliver more value to their customers.
Visual and Verify the system’s surroundings according to the manufacturer’s specifications
environmental for a prolonged life of the equipment.
Trained Field Help to ensure the equipment is maintained with the right know-how:
Service Certified architecture, technologies, disassembly/reassembly, features, and technical
Engineer evolutions along its lifecycle and its impact on maintenance works.
Manufacturer High quality of service conducting proprietary methods of work and following
Maintenance strict protocols to the equipment’s specifications for each range / type.
Genuine Spare Help to achieve fast identification and short access to restart time. Get the
Parts standard Schneider Electric warranty on genuine spare parts
Manufacturer tools Help to achieve consistency and harmonization of our operations conducted
(hardware and during the on-site maintenance works as a world-class service
Customer Work Provides a detailed and comprehensive assessment of performed intervention
Report and recommendations to help to optimize the operation and life of the
Operating & Help to achieve fast detailed operating and maintenance documentation of the
Maintenance electrical equipment to enhance customer support.
Includes Labor Easy service budgeting

Technical Support Provides call center support to address the equipment issues in a timely and
efficient manner during labor warranty period
Labor warranty 12 months

3. Details of service
Activities Description
Check Site Check available site documentation (Safety Plan, single-line diagram,
documentation & drawings, etc.) for an efficient and safe work. Our FSRs are fully trained in
de-energize safety programs, with an emphasis on electrical safety following industry safe
practices and customer safety protocols.
Before starting the intervention the customer will de-energize the faulty
equipment / system, delivering the corresponding authorization bulleting as
pre-requirement to start the service work.
Power distribution Verify and document that the equipment’s environment is within specified
equipment operating conditions and clearances, including but not limited to room
characterization temperature, airflow, dust contamination, etc., “as found” (measuring
temperature & humidity, pictures, settings, alarms, events, etc.). FSR will
document possible environmental non-compliance issues and recommend
appropriate action as necessary
Maintenance RM6 D_B_BC (circuit breaker function)
activities RM6 I_IC (switch function)
RM6 Q_P (fuse-switch function)
RM6 O (cable-connection function)
RM6 Mt (metering function)
RM6 D2S (double disconnector circuit breaker function)
RM6 T (voltage transformer function)

Check the state of the equipment before the intervention

Visual inspection
Service operations
Functional tests and diagnostics
Check the state of the equipment after the intervention
Restart Energize the equipment.

Customer Work At the end of the OnSite Preventive Maintenance work, the on-site customer
Report contact will have the opportunity to review and sign off on the completed Work
Instruction. Any critical findings will be immediately communicated.
Upon receipt of the Schneider Electric FSRs work report, the Schneider
Electric Service Sales Representative will review it for accuracy and
completeness (recommended actions to revamp the equipment condition to
original features), forwarding a copy to the customer on-site contact.

4. Assumptions & exclusion

• All scheduled services performed by OnSite Preventive Maintenance service will be
executed during business the business week and normal business hours. OnSite
Preventive Maintenance upgrades to 7 x 24 are available. OnSite Preventive
Maintenance hours of operation for Technical Support are Country specific and include
business hours coverage. These hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. to
5:00 P.M. weekly, local time. Exceptions are holidays.
• Delays in fulfilling the service caused by labor disputes of third parties, customer
contracted services, or other unforeseen conditions may affect the schedule. Schneider
Electric Services will not be responsible for delays related to circumstances outside of
its control.
• Geographical restrictions may apply. Please verify the service coverage and response
time with your local Schneider Electric Services Sales Representative or reseller.
• Some aspects of the service definition presented in this document may vary by location.
In the case of a conflict between the service definitions contained on this Statement of
Work and the local service definitions the local service definitions will prevail. For more
information, please refer to your local Schneider Electric Services Sales
Representative or reseller for details.

• Fire detection and fire suppression
• Physical security
• Structural analysis
• Circuit Tracing
• Repair of damage due to abuse, misuse, lack of maintenance or other damage
caused by outside forces
• Support for third party equipment
• Any specialized testing
• Any oil sample analysis (transformers) or another diagnostic
• OnSite Condition maintenance Essential or Advanced.

© 2018 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. The information provided in this Statement of Work cannot be used or duplicated,
in full or in part. Other uses for this document are prohibited without written consent by Schneider Electric. All Schneider
trademarks are property of Schneider Electric and its subsidiaries and affiliates. Other trademarks are property of their respective
owners. Specifications are subject to change without notice.


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