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Tell me about yourself

My Name is Surut Shah; I have done my B. Marketing from Griffith University in 2006.
I have joined T-Systems in 2017 as a Basis consultant and currently I having 9 year of
experience in SAP Basis and total 12 Yrs in IT Industry. I have worked on monitoring,
support and implementation projects and I am Comfortable with Oracle, MaxDB, Sybase and
HANA database on Linux, AIX and windows Operating system.
I have work on 15 different projects during this 4 year.
The first one was USA Based client names Johns Manville and my role was to
monitoring the system, TR Movement, system restart and some security work like user
creation, assigning role to user and unlocking user.
The second one was Internal Server and I have performed activity like Kernel
Upgrade, ECC and PI System installation, security work, Client creation and client copy and
one OS/DB Migration that include “Migration of ERP 6 EHP 8 to S4HANA 1909 on Hana.
Where OS migrated from Windows 2016 to Linux and database Oracle to HANA 2.0
SPS 37 using DMO with SUM.”
The third one is Everything Everywhere on which I am currently working and
performed activity like, applying notes, Web dispatcher installation and upgrade, SSL
Certificate renewal, Configuring Autosys job, EHP Upgrade for ECC from NW7.3 to 7.4 and
EHP 6 to EHP 7.

On Johns Manville
 Monitoring
 TR movement
 System Restart
 Security Task
On Internal Server
 Kernel Upgrade
 Client creation and copy
 ECC & PI installation
 OS/DB Migration
 Security Work
On Honeywell
 Applying notes
 Web dispatcher installation and upgrade
 SSL Certificate renewal
 Configuring Autosys job
 EHP Upgrade for ECC from NW7.3 to 7.4 and EHP 6 to EHP 7
Type of System in Landscape
 ECC / ECC 4.7
 BW / BO
 SRM, xRPM (PPM, Project and portfolio Management )
What is your daily task?
 Check pending tickets, shift handover, Activity Assigned
 Apply Snotes
 TR Movement
 Printer Issue resolution
 Register developer/register object
 Production Monitoring and report preparation
 Taking proactive measures to avoid issues
 Process Main Activate if fail
 Ticket resolution based on some SLA
1. BO services restart
2. Source system connectivity issue
3. RFC creation
4. Add-ons Installation

Activity Performed by you?

 Kernel Patch level Upgrade
 Add-ons installation
 Support pack upgrade (spam)
 Support Pack stack upgrade
 Client creation and client copy
 Startup and shutdown system
 BO System Startup and stop
 SSL Certificate renewal
 Web dispatcher installation & upgrade
 IDM upgrade
 EHP 8 upgrade
 SAP System installation
 Implements RTCCTOOL Recommendations
 Source system connectivity
 OS DB Migration
What is your strong Area?
1. Kernel Upgrade
2. SAP Installation
3. EHP 8 Upgrade
4. OS DB Migration
What are the monitoring activities you do? What transactions do you use for
ABAP stack
SM51, SM66, SM12, ST22, SM21, ST02, ST03, DB12, DB13, DB14, ST04, LC10
Java Stack
Checking the java portal accessibility by URL https://<Hostname>:5<NR>00/irj/portal
Logs and Traces Management -> Monitoring -> Logs and Traces
Check server node status -> jsmon pf=GVP_J03_gvpsapci
Check accessibility of management console https://<Hostname>:5<NR>13
BO System: - URL and Running services from Dashboard
Performance Issue Resolution
Check below Tcode
 SM66 long running job and check private memory
 ST02 Hit ratio should be high – that indicates good performance
 ST03 Check response time
 ST04 Alerts – Deadlocks & timeouts
 SM12 lock entries
 SM13 Ensure update is active, sometime Tablespace full may cause the issue
Identify and tune Expensive SQL statements:
 Check for table statistics? If not run the statistics
 Check for table re-orgs? If not run the re-orgs.
 Are there missing indexes? Create index.

If a report running on particular table is noticed in sm50/sm66 for a long time, Check
Explain SQL Statement in ST04, which shows no index, exists
Slowness Issue in MIRO Tcode and we found from the trace (ST05 – trace) that mostly
RBKP table used in this and there was index missing so we have suggested the Application
team to build index and move changes to production.
Issue in starting SAP/java System
 Check network issues
 Check table spaces and take action at OS level from brtools if 100% full
 Check the default trace for any critical errors
 Check application log to determine any memory related issues
 Check server node status at OS level or through management console and action and
bring up the java again
 Check File system if full, take action.
 Check mount point are correct, if server reboot happened
 Go to the work directory and check the developer traces. If the dev_w* logs exist it
means that the message server and dispatcher started and the issue is in the work
process logs
Regular Dumps:-
CALL_FUNCTION_SINGLE_LOGIN_REJ: This dump is generally reported when there is
insufficient authorization to login to the trusted system
SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED: In most situations SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED is related to the
R/3 system kernel.
SYSTEM_NO_TASK_STORAGE: Address space/memory related
TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED: simply indicates an exhaustion of available SAP
memory resources by a process. When this DUMP is reported more memory was requested
by the SAP system because the program needed to expand an internal table.
Regular logs:-
Database connection error,
EHP Upgrade
 No action required on Initialization stage. Normally, it will take you only seconds to
 Enter the password for SAP user DDIC and database user
 The Extraction phase will extract the relevant files from the download directory
 SUM will do the version check for spam
 Check of relevant tool and system parameters
 SUM will prompt for any missing notes that should be applied
 ERROR!! You’ll need to manually exchange R3trans & TP from
 Configuration of processes and other performance relevant parameters
 The number of R3load processes, which you can set in the phase
PREP_CONFIGURATION/INITSUBST, is the only visible parameter that affects the
migration performance in the downtime
 We provide SPAU/SPDD TR Number in case of QA RRD
 Shadow instance number we defined
 It will check OS and database compatibility
 Calculation of the space for the shadow system
 It will check for the Spaces in database. If space is not available then create
Tablespace for space
 You can use the command <SUM directory>/abap/bin/SAPup dmpspc to check the
used space at different points of time.
In this roadmap step, SUM creates the shadow system.
The shadow system is then used for various update activities while you can still use the
original system in production operation. The SUM builds up the shadow system by cloning
parts of the original system. All tables of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server are needed
as shadow tables to operate the shadow system.
The shadow system is used to perform the modification adjustment of the ABAP Dictionary
objects and the activation of new ABAP Dictionary objects that are part of the update.
Finally, the Software Update Manager performs the shadow import and writes directly into
the shadow tables.
Modifications to the contents of the original tables are indicated by triggers. These tables
are copied and imported during downtime
Here we will have move the SPDD TR#SIDK900020 into shadow system
The following actions are carried out:
 Checks for locked objects
 ABAP Workbench locking
 Running the shadow system for preparation of new release (ACT_UPG, PARDIST,
In this roadmap step, the switch to the target system takes place.
The SUM completes the copy import action during downtime for all tables with set triggers.
The EU_SWITCH phase completes the switch to the new system. All tables prepared in the
shadow system are copied to the target system. The KX_SWITCH_1 phase switches the SAP
kernel. The PARCONV_UPG phase converts the application table, and the phase TABIM_UPG
imports the remaining data. Finally, the XPRAS_UPG phase starts the XPRAs required by the

The following actions are carried out:

 Repository & kernel switch
 Migration of application data from source database to target database
 To change the number of R3load processes dynamically, use the following
commands: cd <SUM directory>/abap/bin./SAPup set procpar gt=scroll
 Time estimation for the overall process and for long-running phases is written to the
file <SUM directory>/abap/log/SAPupStat.log
Post processing
In this roadmap step, SUM saves the log files and prompts you to start certain follow-up
The following actions are carried out:
 Cleanups
 Transaction SPAU
 Transport unlock
SPDD: This is for data dictionary corrections. If any standard tables have been modified,
then that object appears in the list and you have to adjust it again after comparing the
SPAU: This is for repository objects (programs, screens, functions, classes, etc.). These
have to be compared to the previous versions too and any missing modified code is too re-
Repository object: Functional module/program/report/screen
Data dictionary Object: Table, view
Customizing: All customizing changes (changes to SAP functionality) are collected in
customizing requests.
Workbench requests: All Changes to the SAP repository and data dictionary (customer’s
development or changes to SAP standard objects) are collected in workbench requests.
Example: SAP Notes TR, logical system
Error you faced in EHP 7 Upgrade
Extraction: R3trans & TP error so download new version and keep in /SUM/abap/exe
Check: Tablespace issue and we have added datafile we have Fix copy initTPW.ora
file to /oracle/TPW/121/dbs directory
Preprocessing: There are not enough system resources to process the request. The
request cannot be processed. SQLSTATE=57011”.
Solution – Sent mail to DB2 DBA Team to increase the database buffer.
Batch job RSVBCHCK Failed with error code 8
Solution: SM13: Repeat or Delete all update records
1873772 - Last error code set: Single errors (code <= 8) found in logfile 'PSVBCHCK.ELG'
Transaction LBWQ; Delete all queues;
Transaction LBWG; Delete 06/13
Execution: Error occurred during the XPRAS execution Accept non Sevier error after SAP
Hana Migration:-
Server Service
Component OS Process Name Description
Index server hdbindexserver indexserver Contains the actual data stores
  It contain Engines for processing the data
Preprocessor Used by the index server to analyze text
server hdbpreprocessor preprocessor data
Owns the information about the topology
Name server hdbnameserver nameserver of the SAP HANA system
Known as SAP HANA Extended Application
XS Server hdbxsengine xsengine Services (SAP HANA XS)
Provide Access for Application and
developers to access Hana Database
  using HTTPS.
Compile hdbcompileserve compile
server r server Compile stored procedures and programs
It runs on every host and does not persist
SAP Web hdbwebdispatch webdispatche Inbound HTTP and HTTPS connections to
Dispatcher er r XS services.
SAP start It starts and stops the other services in
service sapstartsrv sapstartsrv the correct order.
It also performs monitoring of services at
  runtime state.

Installing HANA Database:-

1) Go through the installation and upgrade guide as well as Redhat Linux 6.X
configuration guide and configure the OS and install missing packages and
parameter (as compat-sap-c++, kernel.shmmax=137438953472). We can get these
guides from help.sap.com.
2) Install latest version of java
3) Check PAM
4) Download the HANA database software from service market place
1. SAP HANA Database
2. HANA Client
3. SAP HANA Studio
Note: - when we download the media it’s give 3 in rar format so when we double
click on first its extract all 3 in a single folder and from there we can choose
HANA Software and Client as per our requirement.
There are three types of SAP HANA installation
HDBCLM: Command-Line Interface
HDBLCMGUI: Graphical User Interface
HDBLCMWEB: Browser based need installation of SAP Host agent port (1128/1129)
1. Transfer all the media to HANA Server after unzipping using winscp to
2. Run hdblcm as per below form /hana/shared/media/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64
./hdblcm –component_root=/hana/shared/media
(HDBLCM Default location: /hana/shared/HDB/hdblcm)
3. Provide the below details:
Install new system
It will ask to install Additional Component or ALL or client choose all
Enter installation Path (default: /hana/shared )
Local Host Name
Additional Host if any
Instance no. 00
Define Single/Multiple container singles
Define DEV, QA, PRD or custom
Location of data volume and log volume (default: /hana/data/H00, /hana/log/H00)
Restrict maximum memory allocation
provide password and home folder and shell(home: /usr/sap/H00/home)
4. After that it will show summery
5. Finished installation
HANA Database Upgrade
1. Download media as per your requirement and transfer the media to hana server
using winscp
2. Run hdblcm as per below form /hana/shared/HDB/hdblcm
./hdblcm –-action=update –-prepare_upgrade –
3. The above steps only extract the media
4. Run hdblcm as per below form /hana/shared/HDB/hdblcm
./hdblcmgui –-action=update -– component_root=/hana/shared/media

Rolling Kernel Switch (RKS)

SAP Note: - 953653
It is procedure that enables the kernel in an ABAP system to be exchanged without any
system downtime. RKS can also be used to make parameter changes while the system is
running. Usually, RKS only causes minimal restrictions for users of the system.
The advantages of the rolling kernel switch are:
1. Kernel exchange with no system downtime
2. The procedure is automated
3. The procedure can be started and monitored using standard tools in SAP MMC and in
the system overview (transaction SM51).
4. No or minimal impact on system users
5. Static parameters can be changed while the system is running
SAP WEB DISPATCHER: Points to remember
 The SAP Web dispatcher present between the Internet and your SAP system.
 It is the entry point for HTTP(s) requests into your sap system.
 it also use d for load balancing. SAP Web Dispatcher decides whether the incoming
request should be forwarded to an ABAP or Java Server.
 SAP Web Dispatcher for Multiple Systems (disp/system_ <xx>)
 The Web Dispatcher has the function of a “reverse proxy”, and not that of a “proxy”.
The SAP Web Dispatcher carries out the following tasks:
 Checks the session ID to pass subsequent requests for stateful sessions to the
processing server ( Session-Stickiness).
 Decides whether the request is an ABAP request (e.g. a BSP application) or a Java
request (for example, a JSP or a servlet).
 Load Balancing, HTTPS scheduling or end-to-end SSL, URL filtering
Minimal Requirement for webdispatcher
 Host and HTTP port of the SAP Message Server (parameter rdisp/mshost and
parameter ms/http_port)
 Port, on which the HTTP(s) requests are to be received to sap system (parameter
Web Dispatcher uses various handlers to process incoming requests. Once request come to
web dispatcher it decide it ABAP or JAVA based on the url prefix defined in profile (/sap). If
that not matched it used to send to JAVA instance.
After java and abap part detectetion web dispatcher perform the load balancing task

The SAP Web Dispatcher gets information about the SAP system that it needs for load
distribution from the message server and application server via HTTP.

Planning of HANA Migration

1. Export of sap system
2. Transfer load (bring dumps of export to server)
3. Install (Install target system + empty DB (without load)
4. Import DB load Source DB
General Pre-Requisites
 Access Requirements
 Operating System
 Root or root equivalency (sudo) on Source/Target systems
 <sid>adm/ora<sid> (where appropriate) on Source systems
 <sid>adm on Target Hana servers
 DDIC Password Client 000
 Super User in Default Client
 Database
 Oracle SYSTEM password
 Oracle SCHEMA password
 HANA “SYSTEM” password
 Software and Patches
 Latest SUM version
 Latest SAPHostAgent
 Latest brtools for source platform
 HANA Client for Application Server
 Stack Download
 Stack XML file
 License Keys
 Migration Key
 HANA Database Key
 New SAP License (if necessary)
 Disk Space Requirements
 Space locally for SUM – roughly 25-50 GB
 Space to create ORACLE table space – P<SCHEMA>740 -> 50-100GB
 Miscellaneous
 Access to any Jump servers
 HANA Studio Access

Pre-Steps for Migration:

Source System Preparations
1. Implement Oracle SSFS (note 1639578)
2. Ensure all SAP Java components removed from Primary Instance
3. Ensure Valid Maintenance Certificate (SPAM if status is green)
4. Update SPAM to latest level
5. Check SPAD SPAU entries
6. Check missing objects in database
7. Update Oracle Statistics
Prepare Application Server for SUM
1. Check availability of Stack file patches, stack file and updates
2. Update SAP Hostagent
3. Unpack SUM archive into /usr/sap/<SID>
4. Configure SUM/DMO to work with SAPHostagent
5. DMO parameter adjustments
6. (Optional) Copy UPGANA.XML of any previous run to SUM
7. (Optional) Ensure custom split for large tables
DMO Steps
 Prepare Application Server for SUM
cd SUM/abap
./SUMSTART confighostagent
Run the url as per given link from above command
 DMO Extraction Phase
 Start of phase
 Provide Stack XML/Download Directory
 Provide Passwords for DDIC 000 and Oracle “SYSTEM”
 Select Migration Option (Select HANA)
 Migration Parameters
 Do Not compare table contents
 Provide Migration Key
 For scale-out systems select “Landscape Reorg”
 Source OS for DB database (Select AIX)
 SPAU/SPDD adjustments (Should be none)
 End of Phase
 DMO Configuration Phase
 Start of Phase
 Tool Configuration
 Input Parameters
 Target HANA system information
 Target Passwords
 BI_CONT Add in Password
 Target Patch Levels
 Include Change request (from 7.40 system)
 SPAU/SPDD for 7.40 System
 Shadow Instance Information
 End of Phase
 DMO Checks Phase
 Start of Phase
 BI Report temp data parameters
 Instructed to not delete bookmarks
 Start ASU Tool Box (Already Completed in Preparations)
 End of Phase
 DMO Preprocessing Phase
 Start of Phase
 Lock Development
 Release Open Requests
 Repository Modifications (should be none)
 Activation Errors (if ANY)
 Lasdscape Reorganization tasks
 Backup SUM directory and <SID> files
 Backup kernel, profile directories
 Backup <sid>adm environment profiles
 Disable Archiving Source and Target
 End of Phase
 DMO Execution Phase
 Start of Phase
 Fix any Migration Errors
 Fix any Activation Errors
 Backup Request (delay until post-processing is done)
 End of phase
 DMO Post-processing Phase
 Start of Phase
 Apply note 1908075 recommendations and 7.40 Notes
 Review/Record Post-Processing errors for validation/fix later
 End of Phase
 Post Migration
 Backup
 Migration and Runtime Analysis
 UPgana.xml
 DMO Summary

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