03 Assignment II

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[CPMT 1974; KCET 2000]

Capacitance (a) The positive charges

1. The capacity of a parallel plate condenser is 5μF . When a (b) Both the positive and negative charges
glass plate is placed between the plates of the conductor, its (c) The field between the plates
potential becomes 1/8 th of the original value. The value of (d) Around the edge of the capacitor plates
dielectric constant will be [MP PMT 1985] 8. The energy stored in a condenser of capacity C which has
(a) 1.6 (b) 5 been raised to a potential V is given by
(c) 8 (d) 40 [MP PMT 1993; CPMT 1974; DCE 2002; RPET 2003]
2. A capacitor is charged by using a battery which is then 1 1 2
disconnected. A dielectric slab is then slipped between the CV CV
(a) 2 (b) 2
plates, which results in
[NCERT 1980; MP PET 1995; BHU 1997] 1
(a) Reduction of charge on the plates and increase of potential (c) CV (d) 2 VC
difference across the plates 9. If two conducting spheres are separately charged and then
(b) Increase in the potential difference across the plate, brought in contact [NCERT 1979]
reduction in stored energy, but no change in the charge on (a) The total energy of the two spheres is conserved
the plates (b) The total charge on the two spheres is conserved
(c) Decrease in the potential difference across the plates, (c) Both the total energy and charge are conserved
reduction in the stored energy, but no change in the charge (d) The final potential is always the mean of the original
on the plates potentials of the two spheres
(d) None of the above
10. Two insulated charged spheres of radii 20 cm and
3. The energy of a charged capacitor is given by the expression (
q = charge on the conductor and C = its capacity) 25 cm respectively and having an equal charge Q are
[MP PMT 1989] connected by a copper wire, then they are separated
[NCERT 1971]
q2 q2
(a) Both the spheres will have the same charge Q
(a) 2C (b) C
q (b) Charge on the 20 cm sphere will be greater than that
(c) 2qC (d) 2 C2 on the 25 cm sphere
4. The capacity of a condenser is 4×10
farad and its (c) Charge on the 25 cm sphere will be greater than that
potential is 100 volts . The energy released on discharging it on the 20 cm sphere
fully will be [AFMC 1988; AIIMS 1980, 84]
(d) Charge on each of the sphere will be 2Q
(a) 0.02 Joule (b) 0 . 04 Joule 11. Eight drops of mercury of equal radii possessing equal charges
(c) 0.025 Joule (d) 0.05 Joule combine to form a big drop. Then the capacitance of bigger
drop compared to each individual small drop is
5. The insulated spheres of radii
R1 and R2 having charges
[MP PET 1990; MNR 1987; MP PMT 2002, 03;
Q1 and Q2 respectively are connected to each other. Pb. PET 2004; J & K CET 2005]
There is [NCERT 1971, 84; MP PMT 2001] (a) 8 times (b) 4 times
(a) No change in the energy of the system (c) 2 times (d) 32 times
(b) An increase in the energy of the system 12. A condenser of capacity 50 μF is charged to 10 volts .
(c) Always a decrease in the energy of the system Its energy is equal to
(d) A decrease in the energy of the system unless [CPMT 1978; MP PET 1994; MP PMT 2000]
Q 1 R2 =Q 2 R1 −3
(a) 2.5×10 joule (b) 2.5×10−4 joule
6. Which one statement is correct ? A parallel plate air condenser −2 −8
is connected with a battery. Its charge, potential, electric field (c) 5×10 joule (d) 1.2×10 joule
and energy are oQ ,V ,E
o o and
o respectively. In order 13. The potential gradient at which the dielectric of a condenser
to fill the complete space between the plates a dielectric slab is just gets punctured is called
inserted, the battery is still connected. Now the corresponding (a) Dielectric constant (b) Dielectric strength
values Q, V , E and U are in relation with the initially (c) Dielectric resistance (d) Dielectric number
stated as [IIT 1985] 50μF
14. A parallel plate condenser has a capacitance in air
Q>Q o (b)
V >V o 110 μF
and when immersed in an oil. The dielectric
E>E o (d)
U >U o constant ' k ' of the oil is [CPMT 1985; J & K CET 2004]
7. In a charged capacitor, the energy resides (a) 0.45 (b) 0.55
2 Electrostatics
(c) 1.10 (d) 2.20 1
15. Separation between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is (b) Decreased proportional to 2
d and the area of each plate is A . When a slab of
material of dielectric constant k and thickness t(t <d ) is
(c) Increased proportional to √2
introduced between the plates, its capacitance becomes 1
[MP PMT 1989]
(d) Decreased proportional to √2
ε0 A ε0 A
23. The capacitance of a spherical condenser is 1μF . If the
1 1
( )
d+ t 1−
k (b)
( )
d+ t 1+
k spacing between the two spheres is 1 mm , then the radius of
the outer sphere is [CPMT 1989]
ε0 A ε0 A
(a) 30 cm (b) 6m
1 1
( )
d−t 1−
k (d)
d−t 1+( ) k (c) 5 cm (d) 3m
24. If the dielectric constant and dielectric strength be denoted by
16. The capacity of parallel plate condenser depends on
k and x respectively, then a material suitable for use as
[CPMT 1974; MP PMT 2000; JIPMER 2002]
a dielectric in a capacitor must have [EAMCET 1986]
(a) The type of metal used
(a) Highk and high x (b) Highk and low x
(b) The thickness of plates
(c) The potential applied across the plates (c) Low k and low x (d) Low k and high x
(d) The separation between the plates 25. When air in a capacitor is replaced by a medium of dielectric
constant K, the capacity
17. The energy of a charged capacitor resides in
[NCERT 1990; CPMT 1972, 82, 90; MP PMT 1993;
(a) The electric field only MP PET 1994; KCET 1994]
(b) The magnetic field only (a) Decreases K times (b) Increases K times
(c) Both the electric and magnetic field 2
(c) Increases K times (d) Remains constant
(d) Neither in electric nor magnetic field
26. 64 drops each having the capacity C and potential V are
18. No current flows between two charged bodies connected combined to form a big drop. If the charge on the small drop is
together when they have the same q , then the charge on the big drop will be
[MP PMT 1984; CPMT 1971, 83] [MP PET 1985; MP PET/PMT 1988; CPMT 1971]
Q 2q 4q
(a) (b)
(a) Capacitance or V ratio (b) Charge
(c) 16q (d) 64q
27. The capacity of a parallel plate capacitor increases with the
(c) Resistance (d) Potential or C ratio [AFMC 1995; MH CET (Med.) 1999]
19. The capacity of a parallel plate condenser is C . Its capacity (a) Decrease of its area (b) Increase of its distance
when the separation between the plates is halved will be (c) Increase of its area (d) None of the above
[CPMT 1984]
28. The radius of two metallic spheres A and B are
(a) 4C (b) 2C r 2 respectively (r 1 >r 2 ) . They are connected by a
C C thin wire and the system is given a certain charge. The charge
(c) 2 (d) 4 will be greater
r (a) On the surface of the sphere B
20. Eight small drops, each of radius and having same charge
q are combined to form a big drop. The ratio between the (b) On the surface of the sphere A
potentials of the bigger drop and the smaller drop is (c) Equal on both
[CPMT 1983, 89; MP PMT 1989, 94] (d) Zero on both
(a) 8 : 1 (b) 4 : 1 29. The capacity of a spherical conductor in MKS system is
(c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 8 [MP PMT 2002]
R 4 πε 0
21. 1000 small water drops each of radius r and charge q
coalesce together to form one spherical drop. The potential of (a)
4 πε0 (b) R
the big drop is larger than that of the smaller drop by a factor of 2
4 πε R
0 (d) 4 πε 0 R
[CPMT 1991, 97;
NCERT 1984; MP PMT 1996; MP PET 2002] 30. Can a metal be used as a medium for dielectric [DPMT 1999]
(a) 1000 (b) 100 (a) Yes (b) No
(c) 10 (d) 1 (c) Depends on its shape (d) Depends on dielectric
22. A parallel plate condenser is immersed in an oil of dielectric 31. The area of each plate of a parallel plate capacitor is
constant 2. The field between the plates is
100 cm2
[CPMT 1975]
(a) Increased proportional to 2 and the distance between the plates is 1mm . It
is filled with mica of dielectric 6. The radius of the equivalent r/2 and thickness d of dielectric constant 6 is placed
capacity of the sphere will be
between the plates of the condenser, then its capacity will be
(a) 47.7 m (b) 4.77 m (a) 7 C /2 (b) 3 C/7
(c) 477 m (d) None of the above
(c) 7 C /3 (d) 9 C /4
32. The respective radii of the two spheres of a spherical condenser
39. The distance between the plates of a parallel plate condenser is
are 12 cm and 9 cm . The dielectric constant of the
medium between them is 6. The capacity of the condenser will
8 mm and P.D. 120 volts . If a 6 mm thick slab of
be [MP PET 1993] dielectric constant 6 is introduced between its plates, then
240 pF 240μF (a) The charge on the condenser will be doubled
(a) (b)
(b) The charge on the condenser will be reduced to half
(c) 240 F (d) None of the above
(c) The P.D. across the condenser will be 320 volts
33. A parallel plate condenser is connected with the terminals of a
battery. The distance between the plates is 6 mm . If a glass (d) The P.D. across the condenser will be 45 volts
plate (dielectric constant K=9 ) of 4 .5 mm is 40. In a parallel plate condenser, the radius of each circular plate is
introduced between them, then the capacity will become 12 cm and the distance between the plates is 5 mm .
(a) 2 times (b) The same
There is a glass slab of 3 mm thick and of radius 12 cm
(c) 3 times (d) 4 times
with dielectric constant 6 between its plates. The capacity of the
34. The radii of two metallic spheres P and Q are
r1 condenser will be
r2 respectively. They are given the same charge. If (a) 144×10 F
(b) 40 pF
r 1 >r 2 . then on connecting them with a thin wire, the charge (c) 160 pF (d) 1.44 μF
will flow 41. The true statement is, on increasing the distance between the
[MP PMT 1985] plates of a parallel plate condenser
(a) From P to Q (a) The electric intensity between the plates will decrease
(b) From Q to P (b) The electric intensity between the plates will increase
(c) Neither the charge will flow from P to Q nor from Q to P (c) The electric intensity between the plates will remain
(d) The information is incomplete unchanged
35. A capacitor of capacity C has charge Q and stored (d) The P.D. between the plates will decrease
energy is W . If the charge is increased to 2Q , the 42. There is an air filled 1 pF parallel plate capacitor. When the
stored energy will be [MP PET 1990] plate separation is doubled and the space is filled with wax, the
(a) 2W (b) W /2 capacitance increases to 2 pF . The dielectric constant of
4W W /4 wax is [MNR 1998; KCET 2005]
(c) (d)
(a) 2 (b) 4
36. Between the plates of a parallel plate condenser, a plate of (c) 6 (d) 8
t1 and dielectric constant k1 is placed. In the 43. The capacity and the energy stored in a parallel plate condenser
t2 with air between its plates are respectively
o and
o .
rest of the space, there is another plate of thickness and
k 2 . The potential difference across the If the air is replaced by glass (dielectric constant = 5) between
dielectric constant the plates, the capacity of the plates and the energy stored in it
condenser will be [MP PET 1993] will respectively be
Q t1 t2 ε0 Q t 1 t 2 W0
Aε 0 ( +
k1 k2 ) (b)
A k1 k2(
) (a)
5Co , 5W o (b)
5Co ,
Co Co W o
Q k1 k2 , 5Wo ,
Aε 0 t 1 t 2 )(d) A
ε0 Q
(k 1 t 1 +k 2 t 2 )
(c) 5 (d) 5 5
Force of attraction between the plates of a parallel plate
37. The distance between the plates of a parallel plate condenser is capacitor is [AFMC 1998]
4 mm and potential difference is 60 volts . If the q2 q2
distance between the plates is increased to 12 mm , then (a) 2 ε 0 AK (b) ε 0 AK
(a) The potential difference of the condenser will become
q q2
180 volts 2ε 0 A 2 ε 0 A2 K
(c) (d)
(b) The P.D. will become 20 volts C
45. A capacitor of capacity is connected with a battery of
(c) The P.D. will remain unchanged
potential V in parallel. The distance between its plates is
(d) The charge on condenser will reduce to one third
reduced to half at once, assuming that the charge remains the
38. The two metallic plates of radius r are placed at a distance V
same. Then to charge the capacitance upto the potential
d apart and its capacity is C . If a plate of radius
again, the energy given by the battery will be
4 Electrostatics
[MP PET 1989] (c) 4 (d) 2.5
2 2
(a) CV /4 (b) CV /2 53. Force acting upon a charged particle kept between the plates of

3 CV /4 2
2 a charged condenser is F . If one plate of the condenser is
(c) (d)
removed, then the force acting on the same particle will become
46. N identical spherical drops charged to the same potential [MP PMT 1991]
V are combined to form a big drop. The potential of the
(a) 0 (b) F /2
new drop will be [MP PMT 1990, 2001;
KCET 2000; Kerala PET 2002] (c) F (d) 2F
(a) V (b) V /N 54. Two metallic charged spheres whose radii are 20 cm and 10
respectively, have each 150 micro−coulomb
2 /3 cm
(c) V ×N (d) V ×N
47. One plate of parallel plate capacitor is smaller than other, then positive charge. The common potential after they are connected
charge on smaller plate will be by a conducting wire is [MP PMT 1991]
(a) Less than other
(a) 9×106 volts (b) 4.5×106 volts
(b) More than other
(c) Equal to other (c) 1.8×107 volts (d) 13.5×106 volts
(d) Will depend upon the medium between them k
55. The dielectric constant of an insulator cannot be
48. A 6 μF capacitor is charged from 10 volts to [CPMT 1974]
20 volts . Increase in energy will be [CPMT 1987, 97;
(a) 3 (b) 6
BCECE 2004] (c) 8 (d) ∞
−4 −4
(a) 18×10 J (b) 9×10 J 56. A frictionless dielectric plate S is kept on a frictionless
(c) 4. 5×10 J
(d) 9×10 J
table T . A charged parallel plate capacitance C (of
49. As shown in the figure, a very thin sheet of aluminium is placed which the plates are frictionless) is kept near it. The plate S
in between the plates of the condenser. Then the capacity S
is between the plates. When the plate is left between the
[AIEEE 2003]
Al strip [CPMT 1988]
– – – – – –
+ + + + + +
(a) Will increase (b) Will decrease
(c) Remains unchanged (d) May increase or decrease (a) It will remain stationary on the table
50. Twenty seven drops of water of the same size are equally and (b) It is pulled by the capacitor and will pass on the other end
similarly charged. They are then united to form a bigger drop. (c) It is pulled between the plates and will remain there
By what factor will the electrical potential changes (d) All the above statements are false
[MP PET 1991; MP PMT 1994; RPET 2001] 57. A parallel plate capacitor is charged and the charging battery is
(a) 9 times (b) 27 times then disconnected. If the plates of the capacitor are moved
(c) 6 times (d) 3 times further apart by means of insulating handles, then
[IIT 1987; MP PET 1992;
51. The outer sphere of a spherical air capacitor is earthed. For
Manipal MEE 1995; MP PMT 1996]
increasing its capacitance [MP PET 1991]
(a) The charge on the capacitor increases
(a) Vacuum is created between two spheres
(b) The voltage across the plates decreases
(b) Dielectric material is filled between the two spheres (c) The capacitance increases
(c) The space between two spheres is increased (d) The electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor increases
(d) The earthing of the outer sphere is removed 58. A capacitor with air as the dielectric is charged to a potential of
52. The plates of parallel plate capacitor are charged upto 100 volts . If the space between the plates is now filled with
100 V . A 2 mm
thick plate is inserted between the a dielectric of dielectric constant 10, the potential difference
plates. Then to maintain the same potential difference, the between the plates will be [MP PET 1992]

1.6 mm (a) 1000  volts (b) 100 volts

distance between the plates is increased by . The
(c) 10 volts (d) Zero
dielectric constant of the plate is [MP PMT 1991]
(a) 5 (b) 1.25
59. The distance between the circular plates of a parallel plate 66. The distance between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is
condenser 40 mm in diameter, in order to have same d . A metal plate of thickness d /2 is placed between
the plates. The capacitance would then be [MP PMT 1994]
capacity as a sphere of radius 1 metre is (a) Unchanged (b) Halved
[MP PET 1992] (c) Zero (d) Doubled
(a) 0 . 01mm (b) 0.1 mm 67. An uncharged capacitor is connected to a battery. On charging
(c) 1.0 mm (d) 10 mm the capacitor
[MP PMT 1994; MP PET 1997; KCET 2002]
60. When a slab of dielectric material is introduced between the
(a) All the energy supplied is stored in the capacitor
parallel plates of a capacitor which remains connected to a
battery, then charge on plates relative to earlier charge (b) Half the energy supplied is stored in the capacitor
[MP PET 1992]
(c) The energy stored depends upon the capacity of the
capacitor only
(a) Is less
(d) The energy stored depends upon the time for which the
(b) Is same capacitor is charged
(c) Is more 68. A capacitor is kept connected to the battery and a dielectric slab
(d) May be less or more depending on the nature of the is inserted between the plates. During this process
material introduced [MP PMT 1994]
1μF (a) No work is done
61. The capacitance of a metallic sphere will be , if its
radius is nearly (b) Work is done at the cost of the energy already stored in the
capacitor before the slab is inserted
[MP PMT 1992; MH CET (Med.) 2001; UPSEAT 1999]
(c) Work is done at the cost of the battery
(a) 9 km (b) 10 m (d) Work is done at the cost of both the capacitor and the
(c) 1.11 m (d) 1.11 cm battery
62. A parallel plate capacitor of plate area A and plate 69. The capacitance of an air capacitor is 15μF the separation
separation d is charged to potential V and then the between the parallel plates is 6 mm . A copper plate of
battery is disconnected. A slab of dielectric constant k is 3 mm thickness is introduced symmetrically between the
then inserted between the plates of the capacitors so as to fill plates. The capacitance now becomes
[MP PMT 1995]
the space between the plates. If Q, E and W denote
respectively, the magnitude of charge on each plate, the electric (a) 5μF (b) 7.5 μF
field between the plates (after the slab is inserted) and work (c) 22.5 μF (d) 30μF
done on the system in question in the process of inserting the 70. An air capacitor is connected to a battery. The effect of filling
slab, then state incorrect relation from the following the space between the plates with a dielectric is to increase
[IIT 1991; MP PET 1997] [MP PMT 1995]
ε 0 AV ε 0 AV 2 (a) The charge and the potential difference
Q= W= (b) The potential difference and the electric field
(a) d (b) 2 kd
(c) The electric field and the capacitance
ε 0 AV
kd (d)
2d ( 1− 1k ) 71.
(d) The charge and the capacitance
A light bulb, a capacitor and a battery are connected together as
shown here, with switch S initially open. When the switch
63. The capacitance of a parallel plate condenser does not depend
on [MP PET 1994] S is closed, which one of the following is true
(a) Area of the plates [MP PMT 1995]
(b) Medium between the plates
(c) Distance between the plates
(d) Metal of the plates
64. Between the plates of a parallel plate condenser there is
1 mm thick paper of dielectric constant 4. It is charged at
100 volt . The electric field in volt /metre between the
(a) The bulb will light up for an instant when the capacitor
plates of the capacitor is [MP PMT 1994] starts charging
(a) 100 (b) 100000 (b) The bulb will light up when the capacitor is fully charged
(c) 25000 (d) 4000000 (c) The bulb will not light up at all
65. The electric field between the two spheres of a charged (d) The bulb will light up and go off at regular intervals
spherical condenser [MP PMT 1994]
(a) Is zero 72. A parallel plate capacitor has a capacity C . The separation
(b) Is constant between the plates is doubled and a dielectric medium is
introduced between the plates. If the capacity now becomes
(c) Increases with distance from the centre
2C , the dielectric constant of the medium is
(d) Decreases with distance from the centre
[Haryana CEE 1996]
(a) 2 (b) 1
6 Electrostatics
(c) 4 (d) 8 R (R−x ) R
73. The diameter of each plate of an air capacitor is 4 cm . To (c) x (d) x
make the capacity of this plate capacitor equal to that of
79. A capacitor when filled with a dielectric K=3 has charge
20 cm diameter sphere, the distance between the plates will
be [MP PET 1996] Q0 , voltage V0 E
and field 0 . If the dielectric is
replaced with another one having K=9 the new values of
−3 −3
(a) 4×10 m (b) 1×10 m
1 cm 1×10 cm
−3 charge, voltage and field will be respectively
(c) (d)
74. A spherical condenser has inner and outer spheres of radii a (a)
3Q0 , 3V 0 , 3 E0 (b)
Q0 , 3V 0 , 3 E0
and b respectively. The space between the two is filled with V0 V 0 E0
air. The difference between the capacities of two condensers Q0 , , 3 E0 Q0 , ,
(c) 3 (d) 3 3
formed when outer sphere is earthed and when inner sphere is
earthed will be [MP PET 1996] 80. A charge of 10 C is placed on each of the 64 identical
(a) Zero (b)
4 πε 0 a drops of radius 2 cm . They are then combined to form a
bigger drop. Find its potential [MP PET 1997]

4 πε b
0 (d)
4 πε 0 a ( b−ab ) (a) 7.2×10 V
(b) 7.2×10 V

2 3
75. The expression for the capacity of the capacitor formed by (c) 1. 44×10 V (d) 1. 44×10 V
compound dielectric placed between the plates of a parallel
81. 125 identical drops each charged to the same potential of
plate capacitor as shown in figure, will be (area of plate
=A ) [MP PET 1996]
50 volts are combined to form a single drop. The potential
of the new drop will be [MP PET 1997]
ε0 A
d 1 d2 d 3 (a) 50 V (b) 250 V
( + +
K1 K2 K3 ) d1 d3 (c) 500 V (d) 1250 V
ε0 A 50 μC
82. The plates of a parallel plate capacitor of capacity
d 1 +d 2 + d 3
( ) K1 K2 K3 are charged to a potential of 100 volts and then separated
K 1+ K 2+ K 3
(b) from each other so that the distance between them is doubled.
ε 0 A( K 1 K 2 K 3 ) How much is the energy spent in doing so
(c) d 1 d 2 d3 [MP PET 1997; JIPMER 2000]
AK 1 AK 2 AK 3 (a) 25×10 J (b) −12. 5×10−2 J

( d1
d3 ) (c) −25×10−2 J (d) 12. 5×10−2 J
76. The intensity of electric field at a point between the plates of a 83. Two spherical conductors each of capacity C are charged to
charged capacitor [MP PMT 1996]
potentials V and −V . These are then connected by
(a) Is directly proportional to the distance between the plates means of a fine wire. The loss of energy will be
(b) Is inversely proportional to the distance between the plates [MP PMT 1997]
(c) Is inversely proportional to the square of the distance 1 2
between the plates (a) Zero (b) 2
(d) Does not depend upon the distance between the plates 2 2
(c) CV (d) 2CV
77. The capacity of a condenser in which a dielectric of dielectric
84. The area of the plates of a parallel plate condenser is A and
constant 5 has been used, is C . If the dielectric is replaced
by another with dielectric constant 20, the capacity will become the distance between the plates is 10 mm . There are two
[MP PMT 1996] dielectric sheets in it, one of dielectric constant 10 and
C thickness 6 mm and the other of dielectric constant 5 and
(a) 4 (b) 4C thickness 4 mm . The capacity of the condenser is
[MP PMT 1997]
2 2C 12 2
(c) (d) ε A ε A
(a) 35 0 (b) 3 0
78. In a spherical condenser radius of the outer sphere is R .
The different in the radii of outer and inner sphere in x . Its ε A 1500 ε 0 A
capacity is proportional to (c) 7 0 (d)
xR x( R−x) 85. An air capacitor of capacity C=10 μF is connected to a
(a) ( R−x) (b) r constant voltage battery of 12 V . Now the space between
the plates is filled with a liquid of dielectric constant 5. The 93. The capacity of a parallel plate condenser is 10μF without
charge that flows now from battery to the capacitor is dielectric. Dielectric of constant 2 is used to fill half the
[MP PMT 1997]
distance between the plates, the new capacitance in μF is
(a) 120μC (b) 699 μC [EAMCET (Engg.) 1995]
(c) 480 μC (d) 24 μC (a) 10 (b) 20
86. A parallel plate capacitor is first charged and then a dielectric (c) 15 (d) 13.33
slab is introduced between the plates. The quantity that remains 94. The energy stored in the condenser is
unchanged is [MP PMT/PET 1998] [EAMCET (Engg.) 1995; CPMT 2000; CBSE PMT 2001]

Q 1
(a) Charge (b) Potential V QV
(a) QV (b) 2
(c) Capacity C (d) Energy U
1 1Q
87. A 2μF capacitor is charged to 100 volt and then its (c) 2 (d) 2C
plates are connected by a conducting wire. The heat produced is
95. The capacitance of an air filled parallel plate capacitor is
[MP PET 1999; Pb. PET 2003]
10μμ F . The separation between the plates is doubled and
(a) 1J (b) 0.1 J
the space between the plates is then filled with wax giving the
(c) 0.01 J (d) 0.001 J −12
capacitance a new value of 40×10 farads . The dielectric
88. The force between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor of
constant of wax is [AMU 1995]
capacitance C and distance of separation of the plates d (a) 12.0 (b) 10.0
with a potential difference V between the plates, is (c) 8.0 (d) 4.2
[MP PMT 1999]
96. Two identical charged spherical drops each of capacitance C
CV 2 C2V 2 merge to form a single drop. The resultant capacitance is
(a) 2d (b) 2 d2 [AFMC 1993]
C V 2
V d
2 (a) Equal to 2C
(c) d2 (d) C (b) Greater than 2C

89. Two metal spheres of capacitance

C1 and carry
C2 (c) Less than 2C but greater than C
some charges. They are put in contact and then separated. The (d) Less than C

final charges
Q1 and Q2 on them will satisfy
97. A condenser having a capacity 2.0 micro farad is charged to
[MP PMT 1999] 200 volts and then the plates of the capacitor are connected
Q1 C 1 Q1 C 1 to a resistance wire. The heat produced in joules will be
< =
Q2 C 2 Q2 C 2 [KCET 1992; JIPMER 2000]
(a) (b) 4 10
Q1 C 1 Q1 C 2 (a) 4×10 J (b) 4×10 J
> < −2 −2
(c) Q2 C 2 (d) Q2 C 1 (c) 4×10 J (d) 2×10 J
90. A parallel plate condenser with oil between the plates
98. The radius of a metallic sphere if its capacitance is 1/9 F ,
(dielectric constant of oil K=2 ) has a capacitance C . If is
the oil is removed, then capacitance of the capacitor becomes [KCET 1999; Pb. PET 2001]
[CBSE PMT 1999; MH CET 2000] 6
√ 2C 2C (a) 10 m (b) 107 m
(a) (b)
9 8
C C (c) 10 m (d) 10 m
(c) √2 (d) 2 99. The ratio of charge to potential of a body is known as
3F [CPMT 1999; MH CET 2001; Pb. PMT 2004]
91. What is the area of the plates of a parallel plate
5 mm (a) Capacitance (b) Conductance
capacitor, if the separation between the plates is
[AIIMS 1998; Pb. PET 2000; BHU 2002] (c) Inductance (d) Resistance
1. 694×109 m2 4 . 529×109 m2 100. If the capacity of a spherical conductor is 1 picofarad, then its
(a) (b)
diameter, would be [Pb. PMT 1999]
(c) 9.281×109 m2 (d) 12.981×10 9 m2 1. 8×10 m
18×10 m
(a) (b)
92. A parallel plate capacitor has circular plates of 0 . 08m −5 −7
−3 (c) 1. 8×10 m (d) 18×10 m
radius and 1. 0×10 m separation. If a P.D. of
101. A parallel plate air capacitor is charged to a potential difference
100 volt is applied, the charge will be of V. After disconnecting the battery, distance between the
[ISM Dhanbad 1994] plates of the capacitor is increased using an insulating handle.
(a) 1. 8×10−10 C (b) 1. 8×10−8 C As a result, the potential difference between the plates [KCET
(c) 1. 8×10−20 C (d) None of these
8 Electrostatics
(a) Decreases (b) Increases
(c) 3.5×10−2 J (d) 4×10−2 J
(c) Becomes zero (d) Does not change
A 12 pF capacitor is connected to a 50V battery. How
A 10 pF capacitor is connected to a 50 V battery. How
much electrostatic energy is stored in the capacitor
much electrostatic energy is stored in the capacitor
[AFMC 2000]
[KCET 1999]
−8 −7
1.25×10−8 J 2.5×10−7 J (a) 1.5×10 J (b) 2.5×10 J
(a) (b)
3.5×10−5 J 4.5×10−2 J (c) 3.5×10 J (d) 4.5×10−2 J
(c) (d)
103. Two protons A and B are placed in space between plates of a 111. The capacity of a parallel plate condenser is 15μ F , when
parallel plate capacitor charged upto V volts (See fig.) Forces the distance between its plates is 6 cm. If the distance between
on protons are
FA and
F B , then the plates is reduced to 2 cm, then the capacity of this parallel
plate condenser will be [AFMC 2000]
[RPET 1999]
F A >F B (a) 15μ F (b) 30μ F
(a) + –

F A <F B + – (c) 45 μ F (d) 60μ F

+ – 112. When we touch the terminals of a high voltage capacitor, even
F A =F B +
after a high voltage has been cut off, then the capacitor has a

+ tendency to [AFMC 2000]
(d) Nothing can be said –
−3 (a) Restore energy (b) Discharge energy
104. If a slab of insulating material 4×10 m thick is (c) Affect dangerously (d) Both (b) and (c)
introduced between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor, the
separation between plates has to be increased by 113. In a capacitor of capacitance 20μ F , the distance between
3.5×10 m to restore the capacity to original value. The
the plates is 2mm. If a dielectric slab of width 1mm and
dielectric constant of the material will be [AMU (Med.) 1999] dielectric constant 2 is inserted between the plates, then the new
capacitance is [BHU 2000]
(a) 6 (b) 8
(c) 10 (d) 12 (a) 2μ F (b) 15.5 μ F
105. When a dielectric material is introduced between the plates of a
charged condenser then electric field between the plates (c) 26.6 μ F (d) 32μ F
[Pb. PMT 1999] 114. A metallic sheet is inserted between the plates of a parallel
(a) Decreases (b) Increases plate capacitor. The capacitance of the capacitor
(c) Remain constant (d) First (b) then (a) [Roorkee 2000]
106. A parallel plate capacitor has a plate separation of 0.01 mm and (a) Increases
use a dielectric (whose dielectric strength is 19 KV/mm) as an (b) Is independent of the position of the sheet
insulator. The maximum potential difference that can be (c) Is maximum when the metal sheet in the middle
applied to the terminals of the capacitor is (d) Is maximum when the metal sheet touches one of the
[AMU (Engg.) 1999] capacitor plates
(a) 190 V (b) 290 V 115. The capacity of a parallel plate capacitor with no dielectric
(c) 95 V (d) 350 V substance but with a separation of 0.4 cm is 2μ F . The
107. Sixty-four drops are jointed together to form a bigger drop. If separation is reduced to half and it is filled with a dielectric
each small drop has a capacitance C, a potential V, and a charge substance of value 2.8. The final capacity of the capacitor is
q, then the capacitance of the bigger drop will be [CBSE PMT 2000]
[AMU (Engg.) 1999]
(a) 11.2 μF (b) 15.6 μF
(a) C (b) 4C
(c) 16C (d) 64C (c) 19.2 μF (d) 22.4 μF
108. A 700 pF capacitor is charged by a 50 V battery. The 116. Two insulated metallic spheres of 3μF and 5μF
electrostatic energy stored by it is [MH CET 2000] capacitances are charged to 300 V and 500V respectively. The
−8 −9 energy loss, when they are connected by a wire is
(a) 17.0×10 J (b) 13.6×10 J [CPMT 1999; KCET 2000; Pb. PMT 1999, 2001]

9.5×10 J −9
8.7×10 J −7 (a) 0.012 J (b) 0.0218 J
(c) (d)
(c) 0.0375 J (d) 3.75 J
109. A variable condenser is permanently connected to a 100 V
117. Two conducting spheres of radii 5 cm and 10 cm are given a
battery. If the capacity is changed from 2μ F to 10 μ F , charge of 15μC each. After the two spheres are joined by a
then change in energy is equal to [BHU 2000] conducting wire, the charge on the smaller sphere is

(a) 2×10−2 J (b) 2.5×10−2 J [AMU (Engg.) 2001]

(a) 5 μC (b) 10μC (a) 120 m F (b) 120 μ F
(c) 15μC (d) 20μC (c) 24 μ F (d) 24 m F
118. In a parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C, a metal sheet is 126. The mean electric energy density between the plates of a
inserted between the plates, parallel to them. If the thickness of charged capacitor is (here q = charge on the capacitor and
the sheet is half of the separation between the plates. The A = area of the capacitor plate) [MP PET 2002]
capacitance will be [KCET 2001] 2
C 3C q q
2 4 (a)
2 ε0 A2 (b) 2 ε0 A2
(a) (b)
(c) 4C (d) 2C q2
119. While a capacitor remains connected to a battery and dielectric (c) 2ε0 A (d) None of the above
slab is applied between the plates, then 40 μ C
127. A charge of is given to a capacitor having
[KCET 2001]
(a) Potential difference between the plates is changed capacitance C=10μ F . The stored energy in ergs is
(b) Charge flows from the battery to the capacitor [CPMT 2002]
(c) Electric field between the plates increases (a) 80×10 (b) 800
(d) Energy store in the capacitor decreases (c) 80 (d) 8000
120. A body of capacity 4 μ F is charged to 80 V and 128. Work done by an external agent in separating the parallel plate
capacitor is [AIEEE 2002]
another body of capacity 6 μ F is charged to 30V. When 1 2
4μF C V
they are connected the energy lost by capacitor is (a) CV (b) 2
[EAMCET 2001] 1 2
(a) 7.8 mJ (b) 4.6 mJ CV
(c) 2 (d) None of these
(c) 3.2 mJ (d) 2.5 mJ
121. The capacity of the conductor does not depend upon 129. A parallel plate capacitor has an electric field of 10 V /m
[BHU 2001] between the plates. If the charge on the capacitor plate is
(a) Charge (b) Voltage 1μ C , the force on each capacitor plate is [Orissa JEE 2002]
(c) Nature of the material (d) All of these
122. A solid conducting sphere of radius R1 is surrounded by another (a) 0.5 N (b) 0.05 N
concentric hollow conducting sphere of radius R2. The
capacitance of this assembly is proportional to (c) 0.005 N (d) None of these
[MP PET 2001; UPSEAT 2001] 130. A parallel plate capacitor has plate area A and separation d. It is
R 2−R 1 R 2 + R1 charged to a potential difference V0. The charging battery is
R1 R 2 R1 R 2 disconnected and the plates are pulled apart to three times the
(a) (b)
initial separation. The work required to separate the plates is
R1 R 2 R1 R 2
[Kerala PET 2002]
R 1 + R2 R 2−R 1
(c) (d) 3 ε 0 AV 20 ε 0 AV 20
123. Two spherical conductors A and B of radius a and b (b > a) are d 2d
placed in air concentrically B is given charge + Q coulomb and (a) (b)
A is grounded. The equivalent capacitance of these is ε 0 AV 20 ε 0 AV 20
[MP PMT 2001]
(c) 3d (d) d
4 πε 0 131. The electric field between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor
(a) b−a (b) 4 πε 0 (a+b )
when connected to a certain battery is
0 . If the space
4 πε 0 b 4 πε 0 between the plates of the capacitor is filled by introducing a
(c) (d) b−a material of dielectric constant K without disturbing the battery
124. The capacity of a parallel plate condenser is 10 μ F , when connections, the field between the plates shall be
the distance between its plates is 8 cm. If the distance between [AMU (Med.) 2002]
the plates is reduced to 4 cm, then the capacity of this parallel
KE 0 (b)
plate condenser will be [CBSE PMT 2001]
(a) 5μF (b) 10 μ F
(c) K (d) None of the above
(c) 20 μ F (d) 40 μ F 132. If the distance between parallel plates of a capacitor is halved
125. A capacitor is used to store 24 watt hour of energy at 1200 volt. and dielectric constant is doubled then the capacitance
What should be the capacitance of the capacitor [BHU 2001; CBSE PMT 2002]
[Kerala (Engg.) 2001] (a) Decreases two times (b) Increases two times
10 Electrostatics
(c) Increases four times (d) Remain the same
(a) 8μF (b) 6μF
133. Putting a dielectric substance between two plates of condenser,
capacity, potential and potential energy respectively (c) 4μF (d) 3μF
[AFMC 2002]
(a) Increase, decrease, decrease 143. A capacitor of capacitance 6 μ F is charged upto 100 volt.
The energy stored in the capacitor is
(b) Decrease, increase, increase
[BHU 2003; CPMT 2004; MP PMT 2005]
(c) Increase, increase, increase
(a) 0.6 Joule (b) 0.06 Joule
(d) Decrease, decrease, decrease
(c) 0.03 Joule (d) 0.3 Joule
134. A thin metal plate P is inserted half way between the plates of a
144. A parallel plate air capacitor is charged and then isolated. When
parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C in such a way that it is
a dielectric material is inserted between the plates of the
parallel to the two plates. The capacitance now becomes
[Orissa JEE 2002]
capacitor, then which of the following does not change
[Orissa JEE 2003]
(a) C (b) C/2
(a) Electric field between the plates
(c) 4C (d) None of these
(b) Potential difference across the plates
135. If there are n capacitors in parallel connected to V volt source,
(c) Charge on the plates
then the energy stored is equal to [AIEEE 2002]
(d) Energy stored in the capacitor
nCV 2 145. Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor becomes 4/3 times its
(a) CV (b) 2 original value if a dielectric slab of thickness t = d/2 is inserted
1 between the plates (d is the separation between the plates). The
2 CV 2 dielectric constant of the slab is [KCET 2003]
(c) CV (d) 2n
(a) 8 (b) 4
136. If n drops, each of capacitance C, coalesce to form a single big
(c) 6 (d) 2
drop, then the ratio of the energy stored in the big drop to that
in each small drop will be [UPSEAT 2002] 146. A 10 micro-farad capacitor is charged to 500 V and then its
plates are joined together through a resistance of 10 ohm. The
(a) n : 1 (b) n1/3 : 1
heat produced in the resistance is [Orissa JEE 2003]
(c) n5/3 : 1 (d) n2 : 1
(a) 500 J (b) 250 J
137. A conducting sphere of radius 10cm is charged 10μ C . (c) 125 J (d) 1.25 J
Another uncharged sphere of radius 20 cm is allowed to touch it 147. The unit of electric permittivity is [MP PET 2003]
for some time. After that if the sphere are separated, then
(a) Volt/m2 (b) Joule/coulomb
surface density of charges, on the spheres will be in the ratio of
[AIIMS 2002] (c) Farad/m (d) Henry/m
(a) 1 : 4 (b) 1 : 3 148. The work done in placing a charge of 8×10 coulomb on
(c) 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 1 a condenser of capacity 100 micro-farad is [AIEEE 2003]
138. 64 small drops of mercury, each of radius r and charge q 32×10−32 Joule 16×10−32 Joule
coalesce to form a big drop. The ratio of the surface density of (a) (b)
charge of each small drop with that of the big drop is 3.1×10−26 Joule 4×10−10 Joule
(c) (d)
[KCET 2002]
(a) 1 : 64 (b) 64 : 1 149. 64 drops of mercury each charged to a potential of 10 V .
(c) 4 : 1 (d) 1 : 4 They are combined to form one bigger drop. The potential of
139. Capacitance (in F) of a spherical conductor with radius 1m is this drop will be (Assume all the drops to be spherical)
[AIEEE 2002] [MP PET 2003]
(a) 1. 1×10 (b) 10−6 (a) 160 V (b) 80 V
9×10−9 10−3 (c) 10 V (d) 640 V
(c) (d)
150. A spherical drop of mercury having a potential of 2.5 V is
140. A condenser has a capacity 2μ F and is charged to a obtained as a result of merging 125 droplets. The potential of
voltage of 50 V. The energy stored is [MH CET 2002] constituent droplets would be [Orissa JEE 2003]
(a) 25  105 Joule (b) 25 Joule (a) 1.0 V (b) 0.5 V
(c) 25  10 erg (d) 25  103 erg (c) 0.2 V (d) 0.1 V
141. The energy required to charge a capacitor of 5μF by C0
151. A parallel plate capacitor of capacity is charged to a
connecting a d.c. source of 20 kV is [Pb. PMT 2002]
(a) 10 kJ (b) 5 kJ
(c) 2 kJ (d) 1 kJ (i) The energy stored in the capacitor when the battery is
The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is 12 μ F . If
disconnected and the separation is doubled 1
the distance between the plates is doubled and area is halved, (ii) The energy stored in the capacitor when the charging
then new capacitance will be [MH CET 2002] battery is kept connected and the separation between the
capacitor plates is doubled is
E2 . Then
E1 /E 2 159. An air filled parallel plate capacitor has capacity C. If distance
between plates is doubled and it is immersed in a liquid then
value is [EAMCET 2003]
capacity becomes twice. Dielectric constant of the liquid is
(a) 4 (b) 3/2 [BCECE 2004]
(c) 2 (d) 1/2
(a) 1 (b) 2
152. A parallel plate capacitor carries a charge q . The distance (c) 3 (d) 4
between the plates is doubled by application of a force. The
160. On increasing the plate separation of a charged condenser, the
work done by the force is [MP PET 2003]
energy [Kerala PMT 2004]
q2 (a) Increases (b) Decreases
(a) Zero (b) C (c) Remains unchanged (d) Becomes zero
q q2 161. The energy stored in a condenser is in the form of
2C 4C [J & K CET 2004]
(c) (d)
(a) Kinetic energy (b) Potential energy
153. As in figure shown, if a capacitor C is charged by connecting it
(c) Elastic energy (d) Magnetic energy
with resistance R, then energy is given by the battery will be
[MP PMT 2003] 162. When a dielectric material is introduced between the plates of a
charges condenser, then electric field between the plates
1 2
CV [Pb PMT 2004]
(a) 2 C
(a) Remain constant
1 2 (b) Decreases
(b) More than 2 (c) Increases
1 2 R (d) First increases then decreases
(c) Less than 2 V
163. When a lamp is connected in series with capacitor, then
(d) Zero [Pb. PMT 2004]
154. A capacitor is charged to 200 volt it has 0.1 coulomb charge. (a) Lamp will not glow (b) Lamp will burst out
When it is discharged, energy will be [MP PET 2003] (c) Lamp will glow normally (d) None of these
(a) 1 J (b) 4 J 164. If the potential of a capacitor having capacity of 6 F is
(c) 10 J (d) 20 J increased from 10 V to 20 V, then increase in its energy will be
[Pb. PET 2002]
155. If eight identical drops are joined to form a bigger drop, the
potential on bigger as compared to that on smaller drop will be (a) 12  10–6 J (b) 9  10–4 J
[RPMT 2002] (c) 4  10–6 J (d) 4  10–9 J
(a) Double (b) Four times 165. A 4 F condenser is charged to 400 V and then its plates are
(c) Eight times (d) One time joined through a resistance. The heat produced in the resistance
156. If a dielectric substance is introduced between the plates of a is [UPSEAT 2004]
charged air-gap capacitor. The energy of the capacitor will (a) 0.16 J (b) 0.32 J
[MP PMT 2004] (c) 0.64 J (d) 1.28 J
(a) Increase 166. A parallel plate capacitor having a plate separation of 2 mm is
(b) Decrease charged by connecting it to a 300 V supply. The energy density
(c) Remain unchanged is [BHU 2004]
(d) First decrease and then increase (a) 0.01 J/m3 (b) 0.1 J/m3
157. A 40 F capacitor in a defibrillator is charged to 3000 V. The (c) 1.0 J/m3 (d) 10 J/m3
energy stored in the capacitor is sent through the patient during 167. The capacity of an air condenser is 2.0 F. If a medium is
a pulse of duration 2ms. The power delivered to the patient is
placed between its plates. The capacity becomes 12 F. The
[AIIMS 2004]
dielectric constant of the medium will be [Pb. PMT 2003]
(a) 45 kW (b) 90 kW
(a) 5 (b) 4
(c) 180 kW (d) 360 kW
(c) 3 (d) 6
158. A spherical drop of capacitance 1 F is broken into eight drops 168. If the distance between the plates of parallel plate capacitor is
of equal radius. Then, the capacitance of each small drop is ...... halved and the dielectric constant of dielectric is doubled, then
[KCET 2004]
its capacity will
1 [MH CET 2003]
(a) 8 (b) 8 μF (a) Increase by 16 times (b) Increase by 4 times
1 1 (c) Increase by 2 times (d) Remain the same
μF μF
(c) 2 (d) 4
12 Electrostatics

169. Two metallic spheres of radii 1 cm and 2 cm are given

charges 10 C and 5×10 C respectively. If they are
−2 (a)
connected by a conducting wire, the final charge on the smaller
sphere is [CBSE PMT 1995]
−2 −2
(a) 3×10 C (b) 1×10 C

(c) 4×10−2 C (d) 2×10−2 C (b)

170. The potentials of the two plates of capacitor are +10V and –10
V. The charge on one of the plates is 40 C. The capacitance of
the capacitor is [AFMC 2005]
(a) 2 F (b) 4 F
(c) 0.5 F (d) 0.25 F
171. The potential to which a conductor is raised, depends on
[KCET 2005] (d)
(a) The amount of charge
(b) Geometry and size of the conductor 5. Four plates of equal area A are separated by equal distances
(c) Both (a) and (b) d and are arranged as shown in the figure. The equivalent
capacity is
(d) Only on (a)

Grouping of Capacitors A B
1. Two identical capacitors are joined in parallel, charged to a
potential V and then separated and then connected in series 2ε0 A 3 ε0 A
i.e. the positive plate of one is connected to negative of the (a) d (b) d
other [NCERT 1972, 73, 82; KCET 1993] 3 ε0 A ε0 A
(a) The charges on the free plates connected together are (c) d (d) d
destroyed 6. The capacitor of capacitance 4 μF and 6 μF are
connected in series. A potential difference of 500 volts
(b) The charges on the free plates are enhanced
(c) The energy stored in the system increases applied to the outer plates of the two capacitor system. Then the
2V charge on each capacitor is numerically
(d) The potential difference in the free plates becomes
(a) 6000 C (b) 1200 C
2. The condensers of capacity
C1 and C2 are connected in
parallel, then the equivalent capacitance is (c) 1200 μC (d) 6000 μC
[NCERT 1977; KCET 2000; 7. A parallel plate capacitor with air as medium between the plates
DPMT 2002; MP PMT 2004] has a capacitance of 10μF . The area of capacitor is divided
C 1 C2 into two equal halves and filled with two media as shown in the
C1 +C2 C 1 +C 2 figure having dielectric constant 1 k =2 and k 2 =4 . The
(a) (b)
capacitance of the system will now be
C1 C2
[MP PMT 1987; RPET 2001]
(c) C2 (d) C1 10μF
A parallel plate capacitor is made by stacking n
(b) 20μF
spaced plates connected alternately. If the capacitance between k1 k2
(c) 30μF
any two plates is C then the resultant capacitance is
[NCERT 1971; DPMT 2001; MP PMT 2003; AIEEE 2005] (d) 40 μF
C nC 8. Three capacitors are connected to D.C . source of
(a) (b)
(n−1)C (n+1)C
100 volts shown in the adjoining figure. If the charge
(c) (d)
accumulated on plates of
C1 , C 2 and C3 are
4. Seven capacitors each of capacity 2μF are to be so
q a , q b , q c , qd .qe and q f respectively, then
μF [CPMT 1986]
connected to have a total capacity 11 . Which will be
the necessary figure as shown [IIT 1990]
100 2F 3F 4F 14. Two capacitors each of 1μF capacitance are connected in
q b +q d +q f = C
a b c d e f parallel and are then charged by 200 volts d.c. supply. The
q b +q d +q f =0 total energy of their charges (in joules) is
[MP PMT 1990, 2002]
q a +q c +q e=50 C
(a) 0.01 (b) 0.02
q b =qd =q f 100 Volts (c) 0.04 (d) 0.06
9. n identical condensers are joined in parallel and are charged 15. In an adjoining figure are shown three capacitors
C1 , C2
to potential V . Now they are separated and joined in series. and 3 C joined to a battery. The correct condition will be
Then the total energy and potential difference of the
(Symbols have their usual meanings) [CPMT 1988, 89]
combination will be [MP PET 1993] V2 C2 Q2
(a) Energy and potential difference remain same V1 C1 Q1
(b) Energy remains same and potential difference is nV
(c) Energy increases n times and potential difference is
V3 Q3
nV C3
(d) Energy increases n times and potential difference + –
remains same V
Q1 =Q 2=Q3 V 1 =V 2=V 3=V
10. Three capacitors each of capacitance 1μF are connected in (a) and
parallel. To this combination, a fourth capacitor of capacitance (b)
Q1 =Q 2 +Q 3 and V =V 1 +V 2 +V 3
1μF is connected in series. The resultant capacitance of the Q1 =Q 2 +Q 3 and V =V 1 +V 2
system is [MP PMT 1985]
Q =Q V =V
(a) 4 μF (b) 2μF (d) 2 3 and 2 3

4 3 16. In the circuit diagram shown in the adjoining figure, the

μF μF resultant capacitance between P and Q is
(c) 3 (d) 4 [MP PET/PMT 1988]
11. Five capacitors of 10μF capacity each are connected to a 47 μF P
d.c. potential of 100 volts as shown in the adjoining figure.
(b) 3μF 2F 3F
The equivalent capacitance between the points A and B
will be equal to [CPMT 1986, 88; MP PMT 1999] (c) 60μF Q
10F 10F 10μF
(a) 40 μF (d)
A 10F B
(b) 20μF 17. Two condensers of capacity 0.3 μF and 0.6 μF
10F 10F
respectively are connected in series. The combination is
(c) 30 μF 6 volts
100 Volt connected across a potential of . The ratio of energies
(d) 10μF stored by the condensers will be
[MP PMT 1990]
12. Three capacitors of capacitances 3μF , 9 μF and 18μF 1
are connected once in series and another time in parallel. The (a) 2 (b) 2
Cs 1
ratio of equivalent capacitance in the two cases
( )
will (c) 4 (d) 4
be [CPMT 1990] 18. The capacitor of capacitance 4 μF and 6 μF are connected
(a) 1 : 15 (b) 15 : 1
(c) 1 : 1 (d) 1 : 3 in series. A potential difference of 500 volts is applied to the
outer plates of the two capacitor system. The potential difference
13. Four condensers each of capacity 4 μF are connected as 4 μF
across the plates of capacitor of capacitance is
V P −V Q=15 volts
shown in figure. . The energy stored in
(a) 500 volts (b) 300 volts
the system is [CPMT 1976, 89]
(c) 200 volts (d) 250 volts
(a) 2400 ergs
4F 4F 19. Two capacitances of capacity
C1 and C2 are connected
(b) 1800 ergs P Q in series and potential difference V is applied across it.
(c) 3600 ergs 4F
C1 will be
Then the potential difference across [MP PMT
(d) 5400 ergs 1985]
C2 C 1 +C 2
(a) C1 (b) C1
14 Electrostatics
C2 C1 (C1 +C2 )/C1
V V (a)
C 1 +C 2 C 1 +C 2 S
(c) (d)
(b) C1 /(C 1 +C2 )
C1V0 C2
20. Three capacitances of capacity 10μF , 5μF and 5μF are C1 C 2
connected in parallel. The total capacity will be
[MP PET/PMT 1988] (d)
C1 /C2
(a) 10 μF (b) 5μF 27. Four capacitors of each of capacity 3μF are connected as
(c) 20 μF (d) None of the above shown in the adjoining figure. The ratio of equivalent
C1 , C 2 C 3 capacitance between A and B and between A and
21. Three capacitors of capacity are connected in
series. Their total capacity will be C will be
[MP Board 1977; MP PET/PMT 1988; CPMT 1996]
C1 +C2 +C3 1/(C 1 +C 2 +C3 ) (a) 4 : 3
(a) (b)
−1 −1 −1 −1 (b) 3 : 4
(c) (C1 +C2 +C3 ) (d) None of these (c) 2 : 3
22. Two capacitors of equal capacity are first connected in parallel C
(d) 3 : 2
and then in series. The ratio of the total capacities in the two
cases will be [MP Board 1988; MH CET 2001] 28. The capacities of two conductors are
C1 and C2 and
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 1 : 2
their respective potentials are 1 V V
and 2 . If they are
(c) 4 : 1 (d) 1 : 4
23. Two capacitors connected in parallel having the capacities connected by a thin wire, then the loss of energy will be given
C1 and C2 by
are given ' q' charge, which is distributed
[MP PMT 1986]
among them. The ratio of the charge on
C1 and C2 will C 1 C 2 (V 1 +V 2 ) C 1 C 2 (V 1 −V 2 )
(a) 2(C1 +C 2 ) (b) 2(C1 +C2 )
[NCERT 1977; MP PET/PMT 1988]
C1 C2 C 1 C 2 (V 1 −V 2 ) (C1 +C2 )(V 1 −V 2 )
(a) C2 (b) C1 2(C 1 +C 2 ) C1 C 2
(c) (d)
1 29. A parallel plate condenser is filled with two dielectrics as
C1 C 2 C1 C2
(c) (d)
shown. Area of each plate is A metre 2 and the separation is
24. Two capacitors of capacities
C1 and
C2 are charged to
t metre . The dielectric constants are
k1 and
respectively. There will be no respectively. Its capacitance in farad will be
exchange of energy in connecting them in parallel, if [MP PET [MNR 1985; DCE 1999; AIIMS 2001]
ε0 A
C1 =C 2 (b)
C1 V 1 =C 2 V 2 (k 1 +k 2 )
(a) t
C1 C2
= ε0 A k 1+ k 2
V 1 =V 2 (d) V1 V2 .
(b) t 2 k1 k2
25. If three capacitors each of capacity 1μF are connected in 2ε0 A
such a way that the resultant capacity is 1.5 μF , then t
(k 1 +k 2 )
[MP PET 1989]
ε 0 A k 1 −k 2
(a) All the three are connected in series .
(b) All the three are connected in parallel (d) t 2
(c) Two of them are in parallel and connected in series to the 30. Three condensers each of capacitance 2F are put in series.
The resultant capacitance is
(d) Two of them are in series and then connected in parallel to
[CPMT 1976; NCERT 1981; MP PMT 2001]
the third
C1 is charged to the potential of 3
26. A capacitor of capacity F
(a) 6F (b) 2
V o . On disconnecting with the battery, it is connected with a
C2 as shown in the adjoining figure. F
capacitor of capacity (c) 3 (d) 5F
The ratio of energies before and after the connection of switch
S will be
31. Two condensers of capacities 1μF and 2μF are 36. In the adjoining figure, four capacitors are shown with their
respective capacities and the P.D. applied. The charge and the
connected in series and the system is charged to 120 volts . 4 μF
P.D. across the capacitor will be
Then the P.D. on 1μF capacitor (in volts) will be [MP PMT 600μC ; 150 volts
1987] 20F
(a) 40 (b) 60 (b) 300μC ; 75 volts 300 Volt
4F 4F
(c) 80 (d) 120 (c) 800 μC; 200 volts 12F
32. Four condensers are joined as shown in the adjoining figure.
(d) 580μC ; 145 volts
The capacity of each is 8 μF . The equivalent capacity
37. Three identical capacitors are combined differently. For the
between the points A and B will be same voltage to each combination, the one that stores the
(a) 32μF greatest energy is [MP PMT 1995]
(a) Two in parallel and the third in series with it
(b) 2μF
A (b) Three in series
(c) 8 μF (c) Three in parallel
(d) 16 μF (d) Two in series and third in parallel with it
33. The capacities and connection of five capacitors are shown in 38. Two capacitors each of capacity 2μF are connected in
the adjoining figure. The potential difference between the parallel. This system is connected in series with a third
points A and B is 60 volts . Then the equivalent capacitor of 12μF capacity. The equivalent capacity of the
5μF system will be [MP PET 1990; MP PMT 1990]
capacity between A and B and the charge on
capacitance will be respectively (a) 16 μF (b) 13μF
44 μF ; 300μC 5F 9F (c) 4 μF (d) 3μF
16 μF; 150 μC
A 39. A 4 μF condenser is connected in parallel to another
(b) 8F
condenser of 8 μF . Both the condensers are then connected
12F 10F
(c) 15μF ; 200μC 12μF condenser and charged to
in series with a
(d) 4 μF ; 50μC B 20 volts . The charge on the plate of 4 μF condenser is
C are [MP PET 1989]
34. Three equal capacitors, each with capacitance
connected as shown in figure. Then the equivalent capacitance (a) 3.3 μC (b) 40 μC
between A and B is [MP PET 1985, 89] 80 μC 240 μC
(c) (d)
(a) C 40. A capacitor having capacitance C is charged to a voltage
(b) 3C V . It is then removed and connected in parallel with another
identical capacitor which is uncharged. The new charge on each
A B capacitor is now [MP PET 1990]
(c) 3 C C C (a) CV (b) CV / 2
3C (c) 2 CV (d) CV / 4
(d) 2 41. In the connections shown in the adjoining figure, the equivalent
35. Four plates of the same area of cross-section are joined as capacity between A and B will be
shown in the figure. The distance between each plate is d . (a) 10.8 μF
6F 12F
The equivalent capacity across A and B will be 69μF B
(b) A
2ε 0 A 9F 24F
d (c) 15 μF
3 ε0 A (d) 10μF
d A
(b) 42. 2μF capacitance has potential difference across its two
3 ε0 A B
terminals 200 volts . It is disconnected with battery and
(c) 2d then another uncharged capacitance is connected in parallel to
ε0 A it, then P.D. becomes 20 volts . Then the capacity of another
(d) d capacitance will be [CPMT 1991; DPMT 2001]

(a) 2μF (b) 4 μF

(c) 18 μF (d) 10μF
16 Electrostatics
43. The resultant capacitance between A and B in the 6 14
following figure is equal to 3F 3F 3F (c) 14 and 30 volt (d) 6 and 0 volt
(a) 1μF 48. 0 .2 F capacitor is charged to 600 V
by a battery. On
3μF 2F 2F 3F removing the battery, it is connected with another parallel plate
condenser of 1F. The potential decreases to
(c) 2μF B [MNR 1978; MP PET 2002]
3F 3F 3F
(d) 1.5 μfF (a) 100 volts (b) 120 volts
44. In the following circuit, the resultant capacitance between (c) 300 volts (d) 600 volts
A and B is 1F. Then value of C is [IIT 1977] 49. In the circuit shown in the figure, the potential difference across
32 the 4.5F capacitor is
μF C 1F
(a) 11 [MP PET 1992; RPET 2001; BVP 2003]
11 3F
μF 8F 8
(b) 32 volts 4.5F
6F 4F (a) 3
23 6F
μF (b) 4 volts
(c) 32 2F
2F 12V
32 B
(c) 6 volts
(d) 23 (d) 8 volts

Two dielectric slabs of constant 1 and 2 K

have been
K 2μF
45. 50. Minimum number of capacitors of capacitance each
filled in between the plates of a capacitor as shown below.
required to obtain a capacitor of 5μF will be [MP PET
What will be the capacitance of the capacitor 1992]
[MNR 1985; MP PET 1999; DCE 2002] (a) Three (b) Four
2ε0 A (c) Five (d) Six
(K 1 + K 2 )
(a) 2 51. A condenser of capacitance 10 μF has been charged to 100
2 ε 0 A K 1+ K 2 volts . It is now connected to another uncharged condenser

2 K 1×K 2 ) k1
in parallel. The common potential becomes 40 volts . The
capacitance of another condenser is
2 ε 0 A K 1×K 2

2 (
K 1+ K 2 ) k2
(a) 15 μF (b) 5μF
[MP PET 1992]

2 ε 0 A K 1×K 2 (c) 10 μF (d) 16.6 μF

d (
K 1+ K 2 ) 52. A capacitor 4 μF charged to 50 V is connected to another
A and B capacitor of 2μF
charged to 100 V
with plates of like
46. What is the equivalent capacitance between in
charges connected together. The total energy before and after
the given figure (all are in farad)
[BHU 1997] connection in multiples of (10 J ) is [MP PMT 1992]
13 (a) 1.5 and 1.33 (b) 1.33 and 1.5
F 8 4
(a) 18 (c) 3.0 and 2.67 (d) 2.67 and 3.0
48 53. Two capacitors of 3pF and 6pF are connected in series and a
F potential difference of 5000 V is applied across the
(b) 13 A B
combination. They are then disconnected and reconnected in
1 12 4 16
F parallel. The potential between the plates is
(c) 31 [MP PMT 1992]

240 (a) 2250 V (b) 2222 V

F 6 6
(d) 71 (c) 2. 25×10 V (d) 1. 1×10 V
47. A condenser having a capacity of 6 F is charged to 100 V and 54. Two identical parallel plate capacitors are connected in series to
a battery of 100 V . A dielectric slab of dielectric constant
is then joined to an uncharged condenser of 14 μF and then
4.0 is inserted between the plates of second capacitor. The
removed. The ratio of the charges on 6 F and 14F and the
potential difference across the capacitors will now be
potential of 6F will be [MP PMT 1991] respectively [MP PMT 1992]
6 14 (a) 50 V, 50 V (b) 80 V, 20 V
(a) 14 and 50 volt (b) 6 and 30 volt (c) 20 V, 80 V (d) 75 V, 25 V
55. Four capacitors are connected as shown in the equivalent 61. 100 capacitors each having a capacity of 10μF are
capacitance between the points P and Q is connected in parallel and are charged by a potential difference
[MP PET 1983; MP PMT 1992; UPSEAT 1999]
of 100 kV . The energy stored in the capacitors and the cost
(a) 4 μF 1F
of charging them, if electrical energy costs
1 108 paise per kWh
μF , will be
(b) 4 [MP PET 1996; DPMT 2001]
3 107 joule
μF (a) 300 paise
(c) 4 6
P Q (b) 5×10 joule and 300 paise
μF 6
(d) 3
(c) 5×10 joule and 150 paise
56. The total capacity of the system of capacitors shown in the (d) 107 joule and 150 paise
Three capacitors of 2.0, 3.0 and 6.0 μF
adjoining figure between the points and is
62. are connected
[Pantnagar 1987; SCRA 1996; MP PMT 2002]
2F in series to a 10 V source. The charge on the 3.0 μF
(a) 1μF
A capacitor is
(b) 2μF 1F
[MP PMT 1996; RPMT 1999; Pb. PMT 2001]

(c) 3μF 1F 2F
(a) 5μC (b) 10μC

(d) 4 μF B (c) 12μC (d) 15μC

2F A B 63. Four capacitors are connected as shown in the figure. Their
57. The equivalent capacitance between and in the
capacities are indicated in the figure. The effective capacitance
figure is 1μF . Then the value of capacitance C is [MP
between points x and y is (in μF )
PET 1994]
[RPET 1997]
(a) 1.4 μF A
C 5
(b) 2.5 μF
2.5F 1F (a) 6 1F 1F
(c) 3.5 μF
(d) 1.2μF B 6
A condenser of capacity
C1 is charged to a potential V 0 . x 1F y
58. 8
The electrostatic energy stored in it is
U 0 . It is connected to 3
another uncharged condenser of capacity 2 in parallel. The
C (d) 2 2F
energy dissipated in the process is [MP PMT 1994]
64. In the circuit shown here
C1 =6 μF , C 2 =3 μF and battery
C2 C1
U0 U0
(a) C 1 +C 2 (b) C 1 +C 2 B=20 V . The switch S 1 is first closed. It is then
C1 −C 2 C 1 C2 S 2 is closed. What is the charge
( C1 +C2 0)
2(C 1 +C 2 ) 0
opened and afterwards

finally on
59. Three capacitors each of 6 μF are available. The minimum 120μC
and maximum capacitances which may be obtained are (a) C2 3F
[MP PMT 1994]
(b) 80 μC
(a) 6 μF, 18 μF (b) 3μF , 12μF C1 6F
(c) 40 μC
(c) 2μF , 12μF (d) 2μF , 18μF S1
(d) 20 μC
60. Four capacitors are connected in a circuit as shown in the B = 20V
figure. The effective capacitance in μF
between points A 65. The effective capacitance between the points P and Q
and B will be [MP PET 1996; Pb. PMT 2001; DPMT 2003] of the arrangement shown in the figure is [MP PET 1997]
28 2F 12F 1
(a) 9 (a) 2 2F 1F
(b) 4 (b) 1μF P Q
A 2F B 2F 5F
(c) 5
2F (c) 2μF
(d) 18 2F 1F
18 Electrostatics

(d) 1.33 μF (d) Two capacitors in parallel and the third in series with the
combination of first two
66. A capacitor of capacitance 5μF is connected as shown in 10 μF
71. A capacitor is charged to a potential difference of
the figure. The internal resistance of the cell is 0 .5 Ω . The
50 V and is connected to another uncharged capacitor in
amount of charge on the capacitor plate is [MP PET 1997]
parallel. Now the common potential difference becomes

0 μC
1 1 20 volt . The capacitance of second capacitor is
[MP PET 1999; DPMT 2000]
(b) 5μC 5F
(a) 10μF (b) 20μF
(c) 10μC 30μF 15μF
2.5 V (c) (d)
(d) 25 μC 72. What is the effective capacitance between points X and
+ –
67. Choose the incorrect statement from the following: When two Y
identical capacitors are charged individually to different C1 = 6F [CBSE PMT 1999]
potentials and connected parallel to each other after 24 μF
disconnecting them from the source [MP PET 1997] C3 = 6F C2 = 6F
(a) Net charge equals the sum of initial charges (b) 18μF X A C D Y
C5 = 20F
(b) The net energy stored in the two capacitors is less than the
(c) 12μF
sum of the initial individual energies C4 = 6F
(c) The net potential difference across them is different from (d) 6 μF
the sum of the individual initial potential difference 73. The combined capacity of the parallel combination of two
(d) The net potential difference across them equals the sum of capacitors is four times their combined capacity when
the individual initial potential differences connected in series. This means that [EAMCET 1994]

68. A 10μF capacitor and a 20μF capacitor are connected (a) Their capacities are equal

200 V supply line. The charged (b) Their capacities are 1μF and 2μF
in series across a
capacitors are then disconnected from the line and reconnected (c) Their capacities are 0.5 μF and 1μF
with their positive plates together and negative plates together (d) Their capacities are infinite
and no external voltage is applied. What is the potential
difference across each capacitor [MP PET 1997] 74. The charge on a capacitor of capacitance 10 μF connected
as shown in the figure is 2 [AMU 1995]
400 800
(a) 9 (b) 9
(a) 20 μC 3 10F

(c) 400 V (d) 200 V

(b) 15μC
69. Two condensers
C1 and C2 in a circuit are joined as
(c) 10μC
shown in figure. The potential of point A is
V 1 and that 2V
(d) Zero
of B is
V 2 . The potential of point D will be [MP 75. The resultant capacitance of given circuit is [RPET 1997]
PMT 1997]
(a) 3C P
A D B 2C
2C 2C
V1 V2 (b)
C1 C2
C 2C
C 2 V 1 +C 1 V 2 (c)
1 C
(V +V ) C
(a) 2 1 2 (b) C 1 +C 2 C C
C 1 V 1 +C 2 V 2 C 2 V 1 −C1 V 2 (d) 3
(c) C 1 +C 2 (d) C1 +C2 76. Three plates A , B, C each of area 50 cm have
70. To obtain 3μFcapacity from three capacitors of 2μF separation 3 mm between A and B and 3 mm
each, they will be arranged [MP PMT/PET 1998] between B and C The energy stored when the plates are
(a) All the three in series fully charged is
(b) All the three in parallel [SCRA 1996]
(c) Two capacitors in series and the third in parallel with the (a) 1. 6×10 J
combination of first two −9 A
(b) 2. 1×10 J
C 12V
(c) 5×10−9 J (d) 5μF
7×10 J
−9 83. What is the effective capacitance between A and B in the
following figure [AMU (Engg.) 2000]
A capacitor of 20μF is charged to 500 volts and 2F
(a) 1μ F 2F
connected in parallel with another capacitor of 10 μF and
200 volts (b) 2μ F
charged to . The common potential is 1F
[BHU 1997; CBSE PMT 2000; MH CET 1999; BHU 2004] (c) 1.5 μ F
(a) 200 volts (b) 300 volts (d) 2.5 μ F
(c) 400 volts (d) 500 volts 84. A potential difference of 300 volts is applied to a combination of
2.0F and 8.0F capacitors connected in series. The charge on the
In the given network capacitance,
C1 =10 μ F , C 2=5 μ F
78. 2.0F capacitor is [MP PMT 2000]
C =4 μ F . What is the resultant capacitance between
3 2. 4×10
4 . 8×10
(a) C (b) C
A and B [Pb. PMT 1999] −4
(c) 7.2×10 C (d) 9 . 6×10 C

(a) 2.2 μF A
C1 85. Ten capacitor are joined in parallel and charged with a battery
(b) 3.2 μF up to a potential V. They are then disconnected from battery
and joined again in series then the potential of this combination
(c) 1.2 μF C3 will be [RPET 2000]

(d) 4.7 μF B (a) V (b) 10V

(c) 5V (d) 2V
79. The equivalent capacitance between A and B is
86. In the circuit here, the steady state voltage across capacitor C is
[RPMT 1999]
1F 1F a fraction of the battery e.m.f. The fraction is decided by
1F [AMU (Engg.) 2000]
(a) R1 only R1
(b) R1 and R2 only C
1F (c)
R1 and R3 only R2
(a) 2 μF (b) 3 μF (d)
R1 , R2 and R3
(c) 5 μF (d) 0.5 μ F 87. A parallel plate capacitor of area A, plate separation d and
80. The capacitance between the points A and B in the given circuit capacitance C is filled with three different dielectric materials
will be [AMU (Med.) 1999; MH CET 1999; having dielectric constants 1 2 k ,k
and 3 k
as shown. If a
Pb. PET 2002; BCECE 2005] single dielectric material is to be used to have the same
(a) 1 μF 1.5 F capacitance C in this capacitor, then its dielectric constant k is
given by [IIT-JEE Screening 2000]
(b) 2 μF 3F A/2 A/2
A B K1 K2 d/2
(c) 3 μF d
(d) 4 μF 1.5F

81. The equivalent capacitance of three capacitors of capacitance A

A = Area of plates
C1 ,C 2 and
C3 are connected in parallel is 12 units and 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
C1 . C 2 . C 3 =48 . When the capacitors C1 = + + = +
product and (a)
k k 1 k 2 2k 3 (b)
k k1+ k2 2 k3
C2 are connected in parallel, the equivalent capacitance is 6 k k
units. Then the capacitance are k = 1 2 + 2k 3
(c) k 1 +k 2 (d) 1 k =k + k +2 k
2 3
[KCET 1999]
(a) 2, 3, 7 (b) 1.5, 2.5, 8 88. Two capacitors A and B are connected in series with a battery
(c) 1, 5, 6 (d) 4, 2, 6 as shown in the figure. When the switch S is closed and the two
82. In the circuit shown in figure, each capacitor has a capacity of capacitors get charged
2F fully, then 3F
3μF . The equivalent capacity between A and B is
[MP PET 2000]
[MP PMT 2000]
(a) 4
10 V S
(b) 3μF A B

(c) 6 μF
20 Electrostatics
(a) The potential difference across the plates of A is 4V and
(b) 20 μ F
across the plates of B is 6V
(b) The potential difference across the plates of A is 6V and (c) 40 μ F
across the plates of B is 4V
(c) The ratio of electrical energies stored in A and B is 2 : 3 (d) 5μF
(d) The ratio of charges on A and B is 3 : 2 95. The combination of capacitors with
C1 =3 μ F , C 2=4 μ F
89. In the figure, three capacitors each of capacitance 6 pF are and
C =2 μ F
3 is charged by connecting AB to a battery.
connected in series. The total capacitance of the combination
Consider the following statements
will be [MH CET 2000; CPMT 2001]
C1 C2 C3 C1 = Energy stored in C2
(a) 9×10−12 F I. Energy stored in +
Energy stored in 3 C
(b) 6×10−12 F
II. Charge on C1 = Charge on C2 + Charge on C3
(c) 3×10 F III. Potential drop across C1 = Potential drop across C2 =
−12 Potential drop across C3 C3
(d) 2×10 F V
Which of these is/are correct [AMU (Med.) 2001]
90. Equivalent capacitance between A and B is [DCE 2001] C1
(a) I and II
(b) II only A B
(a) 8μF (c) I and III C2

(b) 6μF 4F (d) III only

26 μ F 96. Two capacitors

C1 =2 μ F and
C2 = 6 μ F in series,
(c) A B
10/3 μ F 4F 4F are connected in parallel to a third capacitor
C3= 4 μ F .
This arrangement is then connected to a battery of e.m.f. = 2V,
91. Two capacitors of 10 μ F and 20 μ F are connected in as shown in the figure. How much energy is lost by the battery
series with a 30V battery. The charge on the capacitors will be, in charging the capacitors [MP PET 2001]
respectively [AMU (Engg.) 2001]
μC μC μC μC (a) 22×10−6 J C1 C2
(a) 100 , 200 (b) 200 , 100

(c) 100 μC , 100 μC

(d) 200 , 200 μC μC (b) 11×10−6 J
92. In the figure a capacitor is filled with dielectrics. The resultant
capacitance is [UPSEAT 2001]
(323 )×10 −6
A/2 A/2
+ –
d/2 K1
K3 d
(163 )×10 −6

K2 97. A 20F capacitor is charged to 5V and isolated. It is then

connected in parallel with an uncharged 30F capacitor. The
decrease in the energy of the system will be [EAMCET 2001]
2ε0 A 1 1 1 ε0 A 1 1 1

+ +
k1 k2 k3 ] (b)
+ +
d k1 k2 k3 ] (a) 25 J
(c) 125 J
(b) 200 J
(d) 150 J
2ε0 A 98. A parallel plate capacitor has capacitance C. If it is equally
d [ k 1 + k 2 +k 3 ] filled with parallel layers of materials of dielectric constants K1
(c) (d) None of these
and K2 its capacity becomes C1. The ratio of C1 to C is
93. Three capacitors of capacitance 3μ F , 10μ F and [MP PMT 2001]
15μ F are connected in series to a voltage source of 100V. K1 K 2
The charge on 15μ F is (a)
K 1 +K 2 (b) K 1−K 2
[Pb. PMT 1999; AIIMS 2000; CPMT 2001]
K 1+ K 2 2 K1 K2
(a) 50 μ C 100 μ C (b) K1 K2 K 1+ K 2
(c) (d)
(c) 200 μ C (d) 280 μ C 99. The equivalent capacitance in the circuit between A and B will
Consider a parallel plate capacitor of 10μ F
be [UPSEAT 2002]
94. (micro-farad)
with air filled in the gap between the plates. Now one half of (a) 1 μF
the space between the plates is filled with a dielectric of 1F 1F 1F
dielectric constant 4, as shown in the figure. The capacity of the (b) 2 μF
capacitor changes to [AFMC 2001; MP PET 2001]
(c) 3 μF A B
(a) 25 μ F
1 Two capacitors of capacitances 3μ F and 6 μF
μF 105. are
(d) 3 charged to a potential of 12 V each. They are now connected to
100. The equivalent capacitance between A and B is each other, with the positive plate of each joined to the negative
[Pb. PMT 2002] plate of the other. The potential difference across each will be
C [KCET 2002]
(a) 4 (a) 6 volt (b) 4 volt
3C C C C C (c) 3 volt (d) Zero
(b) 4 106. Two identical capacitors, have the same capacitance C. One of
3 them is charged to potential 1 and the other to 2 . The
B negative ends of the capacitors are connected together. When the
positive ends are also connected, the decrease in energy of the
(d) 3
combined system is [IIT-JEE (Screening) 2002]
101. The effective capacity between A and B in the figure given is
[Kerala PMT 2002] 1 1
C(V 21 −V 22 ) C(V 21 +V 22 )
43 (a) 4 (b) 4
μF 2F 3F
(a) 24
1 1
24 A C ( V 1 −V 2 ) 2 C ( V 1 +V 2 )2
μF (c) 4 (d) 4
(b) 43
4F 4F 107. A capacitor of 10F charged up to 250 volts is connected in
μF parallel with another capacitor of 5F charged up to 100 volts.
(c) 12
B The common potential is [BHU 2002]
μF 2F 3F (a) 500 V (b) 400 V
(d) 43
C ,C , C , C (c) 300 V (d) 200 V
102. In the given figure the capacitors 1 3 4 5 have a
108. Two capacitors of 1F and 2F are connected in series, the
capacitance 4F each if the capacitor C2 has a capacitance
resultant capacitance will be [MP PET 2002]
10F, then effective capacitance
C4between A and B will be
[AIIMS 2002] 2
(a) 2F C1 C2 C3 (a) 4μ F (b) 3
(b) 4F 3
(c) 6F
(c) 2 (d) 3μ F
(d) 8F 109. The charge on any one of the 2μ F capacitors and 1μ F
103. Two capacitors C1 and C2 = 2C1 are connected in a circuit with
a switch between them as shown in the figure. Initially the
μ C ) as
capacitor will be given respectively (in 2F
switch is open and C1 holds charge Q. The switch is closed. At [AMU (Med.) 2002]
steady state, the charge on each capacitor will be (a) 1, 2
[Orissa JEE 2002] (b) 2, 1 1F
Q C1
(a) Q, 2Q (c) 1, 1
(b) Q/3, 2Q/3 (d) 2, 2
R 110. When two identical capacitors are in series have 3 F
(c) 3Q/2, 3Q capacitance and when parallel 12 F. What is the capacitance of
C2 = 2C1
(d) 2Q /3, 4Q/3 each [DPMT 2002]

6μ F 3μ F
104. Three capacitors of 2μF , 3μF and 6 μF are joined in (a) (b)
series and the combination is charged by means of a 24 volt
(c) 12μ F (d) 9μ F
battery. The potential difference between the plates of the
111. In the circuit as shown in the figure the effective capacitance
6 μF capacitor is [MP PMT 2002] between A and B is [KCET 2003]
(a) 4 volt (b) 6 volt 4F
(a) 3μF
(c) 8 volt (d) 10 volt A

(b) 2μF
4F 2F 2F

22 Electrostatics

(c) 4μF 117. A series combination of three capacitors of capacities

1μ F , 2 μ F and 8μ F is connected to a battery of e.m.f.
(d) 8μF
13 volt. The potential difference across the plates of 2 μ F
112. Four equal capacitors, each of capacity C, are arranged as capacitor will be [MP PET 2003]
shown. The effective capacitance between A and B is 1V 8V
(a) (b)
[MP PET 2003] 13
5 (c) 4V (d) 3
C 118. Two capacitors of capacitance 2 F and 3μF are joined in
3 series. Outer plate first capacitor is at 1000 volt and outer plate
(b) 5 A of second capacitor is earthed (grounded). Now the potential on
inner plate of each capacitor will be
C C [MP PMT 2003]
(c) 3 (a) 700 Volt (b) 200 Volt
(d) C (c) 600 Volt (d) 400 Volt
113. In the figure shown, the effective capacitance between the 119. In the figure a potential of + 1200 V is given to point A and
points A and B, if each has capacitance C, is point B is earthed, what is the potential at the point P
[MP PMT 2004]
[MP PET 2003]
(a) 100 V 3F
(a) 2C C B
(b) 200 V P
C (c) 400 V
5 2F
(b) (d) 600 V
(c) 5C C C 120. All six capacitors shown are identical, Each can withstand
maximum 200 volts between its terminals. The maximum
voltage that can be safely applied between A and B is
(d) 2 A [MP PMT 2004]

4μ F (a) 1200 V
114. Three capacitors each of capacity are to be connected A B
(b) 400 V
in such a way that the effective capacitance is 6 μ F . This (c) 800 V
can be done by [CBSE PMT 2003] (d) 200 V
(a) Connecting them in parallel 121. The charge on 4 F capacitor in the given circuit is .... in C
[Kerala PMT 2004]
(b) Connecting two in series and one in parallel
(c) Connecting two in parallel and one in series 4F
(d) Connecting all of them in series (a) 12 5F
(b) 24
115. Three capacitors of capacitance 3 μ F are connected in a 3F
(c) 36
circuit. Then their maximum and minimum capacitances will be
[RPET 2003] (d) 32
122. Three plates of common surface 10area
V A are connected as shown.
(a) 9μF , 1μF (b) 8μF , 2μF The effective capacitance will be [Orissa PMT 2004]
9μF 0μF 3μF 2μF ε0 A
(c) , (d) ,
(a) d
116. A capacitor of capacity
C1 is charged upto V volt and then 3 ε0 A d

connected to an uncharged capacitor of capacity

C2 . Then (b) d A B
final potential difference across each will be 3 ε0 A d
[MP PET 2000; CBSE PMT 2002; MP PET 2003] (c) 2 d
2ε 0 A
C2V C2

(a) C 1 +C 2 (b)
( )
(d) d
Three capacitors 2, 3 and 6 F are joined in series with each
other. What is the minimum effective capacitance
C1 V C2

(c) C 1 +C 2 (d)
( )
V [Orissa PMT 2004]
(a) 2 (b) 1 F
(c) 2 F (d) 3 F
124. Effective capacitance between A and B in the figure shown is
(all capacitance are in F) [KCET 2004]
(a) 21 F
(b) 23 F 3 6

μF A 2 B
(c) 14
14 8
μF 4
(d) 3
125. Three capacitors of capacitance 1 F, 2 F and 3 F are
connected in series and a potential difference of 11 V is applied
across the combination. Then, the potential difference across
the plates of 1 F capacitor is [DCE 2003]
(a) 2 V (b) 4 V
(c) 1 V (d) 6 V
126. Four identical capacitors are connected as shown in diagram.
When a battery of 6 V is connected between A and B, the charge

stored is found to be 1.5 μC . The value of

C1 is
A PMT 2005]

(a) 2.5 μF C1

(b) 15 μF C1

(c) 1.5 μF C1
(d) 0.1 μF
127. A 10 F capacitor is charged to a potential difference of 1000
V. The terminals of the charged capacitor are disconnected from
the power supply and connected to the terminals of an
uncharged 6F capacitor. What is the final potential difference
across each capacitor [Kerala PMT 2005]
(a) 167 V (b) 100 V
(c) 625 V (d) 250 V

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