Stuck Story: Cynthia Garcia
Stuck Story: Cynthia Garcia
Stuck Story: Cynthia Garcia
Introducing... The Stuck Story Self-Coaching Method
The Stuck Story Self-Coaching Method
In Closing...
Writing My Story
I woke up the morning of my 8th birthday as
excited as… well, a girl on her 8th birthday!
I was well aware of the fact that my family was poor. “Dirt poor,” as I was often reminded.
We lived in a tiny 3-room house, 4 if you count the kitchen that we had to go outside to enter. We weren’t
fortunate enough to have indoor plumbing or an indoor bathroom, and the fridge was usually bare.
As I walked into the living room, there was no birthday present or cake in sight. Just my mom, enjoying
her coffee and morning cigarette.
That’s ok, I thought. I’m sure they just want to surprise me later.
I went through my day – reading, fighting with my younger sister, spending time playing in the woods
beside my house, enjoying the hot August sun on my face. I could hardly stand the suspense!
As evening rolled around and the sun set, I started to get concerned. Where was my cake? I understood
if there was no present. Honestly, I understood if there was no cake. But it was my birthday. Surely
someone would say something.
As it was getting close to bedtime, I couldn’t wait any longer. “Do I have a present?” I blurted out to my
“What do you mean?” she said, clearly confused. “Why would you get a present?”
I’ll never forget what happened next. My mom looked me dead in the eye, no emotion at all on her face,
and said, “So?”
A Visionary Victim
That day I became what I refer to as a “Visionary Victim.”
I’ll show you how using the Stuck Story Self-Coaching Method.
Your history is a powerful influence in your life. It determines how you think
and the actions you take (or don’t take).
The Stuck Story Self-Coaching Method is a powerful tool that shows you
If you are human, then you tell yourself stories, both positive and
negative. You’ve done this your entire life.
You tell these stories consciously, but mostly We tell stories about our jobs, our relationships,
unconsciously. our bodies, our health, our children, our friends,
our home, our success (or lack thereof), our faith,
Stories can span a moment or a lifetime. our freedom, our colleagues, and more.
We’re conditioned to use stories to understand The important thing to know is your stories create
ourselves and the world around us from a young your reality. (record scratch) I get it, that’s major.
Even more interesting is the fact that whether the
Stories provide knowledge and direction for story is true or not doesn’t matter. (I know!)
moving through life and offer a n e xplanation f or
our experiences. Scientists have long understood that your mind
doesn’t know the difference between something
When things happen in our lives, the first thing we that happens right in front of you and a story
do is tell a story about it. Stories give meaning and you’re imagining. To your mind, those things are
explanation to the events that happen. perfectly equal.
For example, instead of simply saying, “I didn’t get That’s why your stories create your reality.
that promotion at work,” we will often say, “I’m (lightbulb moment)
not worthy of being promoted.” This then
becomes your story. Your belief. And if your stories create your reality and you’re
not completely thrilled with every part of your life,
We are all constantly telling stories, even if you then you have to learn to tell better stories.
don’t realize it. Some are helpful stories. Some,
not so much.
Your history is
simply a collection
of stories bound
together in your
mind. And if you
rewrite those
stories, you rewrite
You may have other Stuck Stories, but this one is the most prominent in your life right now. Pay attention to
it and how it’s holding you back.
Using the Stuck Story Self-Coaching Method, you will discover where that story came from and how it’s
creating your current reality so you can rewrite history and live a new life. And yes, it’s as exciting as it
Visit to discover your Stuck Story and how it’s holding you back!
Self-Coaching Method
Stuck Story
S - Stuck Story
The first step is to get clear on what your Stuck on what others want for you or what you think you
Story is holding you back from. In other words, should want.
what do you really want in your life?
You could choose a better marriage, a promotion, a
You know, the thing you would love to have but better relationship with your friends or family, weight
feel “stuck” when it comes to getting it. loss, better health, a more successful business, etc.
There are no limits. It’s your life. You get to choose.
Be specific here. If you want a partner, what kind of
partner? If you want to make more money, how much For example, let’s say your one specific thing is that
more money and by when? The more specific you you want to make more money. Specifically, you
are, the more actionable you can be. want to make an extra $20,000 in six months with
your current career.
It’s time to be courageous and honest. Don’t hold
back. And remember to focus on what you want, not
Self-Coaching Method
T - Theme
The next step to getting unstuck is to uncover your Beliefs are different from thoughts. Thoughts
story theme. alone don’t impact us in a significant, lifelong way.
However, when emotions are attached to thoughts,
The theme is what your story “believes in.” In other they become beliefs. And your beliefs are everything.
words, the theme of your story is the belief the Thoughts don’t create your reality. Beliefs do.
story expresses. So what beliefs are holding you
back and keeping you stuck? Some beliefs are powerful and move us forward in
the direction of our dreams. And some hold us back.
Let’s dive deeper. This type of belief is called a limiting belief.
Beliefs are the guiding principles in your life that Limiting beliefs are exactly what they sound like:
provide direction and meaning. They are the preset, beliefs that limit what you believe is possible for
organized filters to our perceptions of the world. As yourself. They keep you from taking action to live
such, beliefs create our reality. the life you want to live.
Most limiting beliefs are formed in childhood, mostly during traumatic events. And remember, many things
can be traumatic to a child and there are varying degrees of trauma. When these events take place, they
create beliefs that are forever written in your mind. I refer to these beliefs as Original Beliefs.
Original Beliefs operate in our unconscious and run the entirety of our lives. They are the root of our identity
and the source of all our judgments.
You might also have adopted beliefs from your family members or others close to you. They may have
had certain expectations of you, or maybe you adopted their belief systems from simply observing
their behaviors and responses to things in their lives. These beliefs can range from money to career to
relationships to life in general.
For example, if you grew up poor, you may have formed the limiting belief, “Money is for other people but
not me.”
Or if you had a friend who betrayed you, you might form the limiting belief that you can’t get too close
to people because they will cause you pain. In other words, people can’t be trusted.
If you had a partner who cheated on you, you might form the belief that if you’re in a relationship, you will
get hurt.
In fact, it’s very likely that your life is a dance to a song that was recorded when you were a child. (I don’t
know about you but I danced to “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” as a child. That’s not a good look for me today.)
The point is… the beliefs we formed in childhood from the stories we told ourselves create our adult lives.
Self-Coaching Method
O - Original Event
Now that you’ve uncovered your belief as to why These beliefs follow you your whole life unless you
you can’t have what you want, it’s time to time find a way to deconstruct them and let them go. In
travel to the place and space where that belief was fact, we form beliefs and then spend our lifetimes
created. looking for evidence to back them up, to prove that
they’re true. This is a process called “looping.”
As I shared earlier, beliefs are often formed when
we’re young children, usually before the age of 8 The good news is, beliefs follow a simple equation
and often with our parents. that can be dismantled:
When you experience impactful events as a child, Event + Emotions + Explanation = Belief
you will typically feel a strong emotion and look for
This means if you can provide a new
ways to explain them. You form beliefs – everything
Explanation that removes strong Emotion from
from “I’m not good enough” to “I can’t do anything
the Event that took place, then the Original Belief
right” to “I’m not worthy” and more.
no longer exists.
This is really exciting, because if you can change your beliefs, you can change everything! (cue the confetti)
So, now that you are aware of your Original Belief, when is the first time you can remember feeling this way?
What Event sparked this belief? If you can’t remember back to when you were young, start with the earliest
memory you have of this belief and keep navigating backward, remembering earlier and earlier Events.
Our goal here is to get back to what is referred to in stories as the “Inciting Incident.” The inciting incident
is the event in a story that launches the main action. It typically occurs early in a story and has significant
meaning for the main character, most likely impacting their entire life. It sets the stage for what’s to come. I
simply refer to this as the Original Event.
Now, let’s dive deeper. What Emotions did you feel during this Event? This is critical since research shows
beliefs are simply thoughts until we put emotions to them. Then these beliefs become emotionally coded
in the body and mind.
As you recall these Emotions, know that you are safe. What happened then isn’t happening now.
Finally, what Explanation did you give for what was taking place? In other words, what story did you tell?
We give meaning to events in order to make them real. In other words, we tell ourselves stories.
For example, the Original Event (the earliest event you can remember where you had the Original Belief you
wrote down earlier) may have been that you brought home poor grades on your report card.
Your parents sat you down and said they demand better. You must bring your grades up or else.
The Explanation you gave this event was “I’m just not good enough.” Sound familiar?
Parents Addressed Report Card + Hurt + I’m Not Good Enough = Belief
TheBelief Equation
Self-Coaching Method
Rewrite the
Remember, we form beliefs by giving meaning (aka Explanation can you give the Event instead?
“explanations”) to events that don’t have any
by default and feel emotions that plant them in Once you create a new Explanation for the Event,
our bodies and minds for life. Again, we tell the Emotions associated with that new Explanation
ourselves stories. And those stories create our will also change.
history which then creates our present and future.
For example, the Explanation that was given in the
But wait… we can fix this! Event above was, “I’m not good enough.”
The interesting thing is that this is only your story. Another possible Explanation for that Event is that
And you are the only person that decided it was true your parents wanted a better life for you than the
based on your own filter o f w hat h appened. W hat one they had. They love you deeply and didn’t want
Explanation, or story, did you give for the Event that you to struggle like they had.
happened and the Emotions you felt? And what new
With that new Explanation, what Emotions do you feel? Probably something close to love and gratitude.
So now that you have a new Explanation and you experience new Emotions, the Event simply becomes
your parents having a conversation with you and the Belief is now gone!
It’s also important to note that not every new Explanation is as positive as that last example.
Let me explain.
Your Original Belief might stem from an Original Event that was painful or even traumatic, and you just can’t
seem to find an explanation that’s positive. That’s ok. The Explanation doesn’t have to be positive. It just
has to be honest.
This is your opportunity to break away and let go of the thing that’s holding you back. If there’s no positive
spin to put on the Explanation, then call it like it is.
A possible Explanation is maybe they were doing the best they could with what they knew. Maybe they had
been hurt or mistreated and they didn’t fully know how to love you or give you the support you needed. Or
maybe you just had shitty parents.
All of those Explanations are completely ok. The point here is to provide a new Explanation that allows you
to dismantle your Original Belief. That’s your only goal.
Now, there’s only one step left in letting go of these beliefs for good, and that’s forgiveness.
So why is forgiveness so important? Forgiveness isn’t easy or always pleasant, but it is always worth it.
Forgiveness is about freedom and clearing space. As long as we harbor resentment, we are the ones who
continue to pay.
It doesn’t mean acceptance of what happened or what another person did. You can forgive a person
without excusing the act. When you choose to embrace love and let go of ill feelings, you allow yourself to
finally feel peace. You can truly move on from the event and move towards what you want to create.
We are afraid to forgive people because we are afraid it will somehow invalidate the event that transpired.
That it will make what that person or people did ok.
And we want justice. We are hardwired to retaliate. We want them to feel what we feel.
But they can’t and it honestly doesn’t matter that they can’t. By holding onto this resentment, we are only
punishing ourselves. Holding a grudge is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies.
Forgiveness has nothing to do with absolving a criminal of his crime. It has everything to do with relieving
oneself of the burden of being a victim - letting go of the pain and transforming oneself from victim to
survivor and beyond.
Now here’s the great thing about forgiveness. You don’t have to know how. You just have to want to. And
there’s no “right way” to forgive either. You just have to be ready and willing.
If you get out of your head, open up your heart, and connect to something bigger than you, letting the Universe
(or God or Source or whomever) know you’re ready, you’ll be guided toward exactly what you need to do. Ask,
listen, and the answers will be given to you. (Even if you’re skeptical, you owe it to yourself to give it a try.)
Once you’ve provided a new Explanation and dismantled this Belief, it’s important to note that you still might
be triggered by it. That’s perfectly normal.
However, unlike before where this Belief ran your life, you now have more awareness. So you can simply
become the observer of your own life and note, “Oh, this is me, referring back to that Original Belief again.”
From there, you can move through the Stuck Story Self-Coaching Method again quickly, going back to the
Original Event, providing a new Explanation, and feeling new Emotions. Then let the trigger and the Belief go.
This will get easier and easier over time, and soon the trigger will disappear as well.
Once you identify and let go of the old beliefs no longer serving you, you can also let go of the Identity you’ve
been carrying around as well.
As you let go of your Identity your story created, make sure you also note how it has also served you.
For example, when I was growing up, if a button came off, you learned to sew. That made me resourceful and
scrappy. I still use that in my business today.
I didn’t have a great mother figure in my life so I figured out how to nurture and meet my own needs. I became
a problem solver who can handle anything. That still serves me to this day.
Often the perceived weaknesses from your past are actually your greatest strengths.
Once you’ve taken the good from your story, you can let go of the Identity you’ve been carrying around.
In this example of the Powerful Procrastinator Stuck Story, when you let go of the Identity of “Procrastinator,”
all that’s left is “Powerful.” Instead of being a Procrastinator, you’re now simply Powerful.
Now you can select a new Identity – the successful version of yourself you want to become. Let’s do that next.
Self-Coaching Method
Your New
Now that you understand where your Original Belief Here’s what I know for sure… you’re going to be a different
came from and you’ve created a new Explanation person in the future than you are in the present. You can
for the Event that happened and you feel different either choose who that person is or you can let your past
is where the magic happens!) your life. In the example we’ve been using, you want “more
According to research by Dr. Daniel Gilbert of Harvard, six months with your current career.
future. Why? It’s simply far easier to remember the past Your next step is to create a vision of that life where you
Why? Because, when you create a new vision for your life, you immediately begin to see your whole life in
light of that new vision. It changes the meaning of your life. It creates possibility.
A vision might be something like, “I’m completely capable of achieving any level of success I choose. I
understand how to show up and do the work. I am confident and become increasingly so each day as
my income grows. I have put myself out into the world with no apologies and have become wonderfully
successful as a result. I now have a deeper purpose and I’m making a bigger impact. I finally believe I can
do anything I put my mind to. I simply have to choose.”
Obviously, there are many, many ways to write a vision. This one is an overview – short and sweet. I
encourage you to go deep, get detailed, use your senses to create a vision so powerful that it feels alive.
Once you do, share it with others. They will start to hold you accountable, and just sharing it will cause you
to believe it more. Your words will become actions and your actions will create your future.
Then take it one step further and feel it. Feel what it would be like to be that person you want to be.
Remember, your thoughts paired with Emotion form Beliefs.
Why am I asking you to feel yourself so deeply? Because, according to research, once you put yourself
in that new vision, your brain physically starts to change. You begin creating new neural pathways. These
pathways get stronger and stronger, eventually becoming habits that are your new normal.
In other words, your brain will stop looking like the person you are and start looking like the person you are
choosing to become. It will look as if your future has already happened.
Your Identity and how you define y ourself i s c ritical t o b eing, h aving, a nd d oing e verything y our h eart
A well thought out Identity can help you bridge the gap between where you are now and your vision for the
future while still allowing you to enjoy the process.
So ask yourself, what kind of person (Identity) would live the life you are choosing to live in your vision?
What kind of person would have what you said you wanted at the beginning of this Self-Coaching Method?
How would that person act? What would they say? When would they wake up? Go to bed? What would they
eat? Not eat?
To be the kind of person who has what you want to have, you must have the same higher standards as that
kind of person.
If you don’t adopt a new Identity, chances are solid that even if you get the thing you said you wanted, you
won’t keep it.
One of the more interesting things I have observed in my work is people getting exactly what they want in life
only to not create the Identity required to keep it. What ends up happening? They lose it all.
I’ve seen this clearly when an overweight person loses a substantial amount of weight. I’ve seen this on my
work with The Doctors TV Show, Dr. Phil, and even Revenge Body with Khloe Kardashian.
They changed their habits, some even let go of their beliefs (many with my help using this same self-coaching
method you are using now), but they failed to adopt a new Identity. And that was their downfall.
I’ve had so many of these people say to me, “When I look in the mirror, I still see a fat person.” They still
wear clothes they wore before, even though they are hanging off of them, and they still struggle on a daily
basis to keep the weight off. They do not identify as a normal weight person. They still own the Identity of an
overweight person.
I’ve had clients on these shows regain the weight and say to me, “I’m just not meant to be skinny. It’s just not
who I am.”
Because in that moment, they have assumed the Identity of someone overweight struggling to be slim. So
that’s who they become.
It’s simply a matter of seeing yourself as the person you want to become and making the decision to act as
if you’re already that person.
I’m not saying it will be easy or that you will always get it right. It will be challenging and you will mess it
up. That’s ok.
What would that successful Identity do if they messed up? I’m guessing they would get right back at it at
their earliest opportunity. That’s what you will do too.
You have to work to become the person you want to be and to live the life you want to live. Here’s the harsh
reality – your dream life will not be given to you on a platter. (I know!)
But the good news is that you are more than capable of having this and you can start today.
So, get clear. What exactly does your new Identity look like? What does it stand for? What is it against? What
are the positive traits of this new Identity? What does it do when things go wrong? What does it eat?
Drink? When does it go to bed? Get up? How does it manage its time? So on and so forth. Get clear.
Become this new Identity. Live it every day.
When you start making changes to live the life you really want and become the person you really want to
be, do you know what happens?
You begin to see past the limits of what you thought was possible for you.
You start to see new horizons of what you are capable of.
You start to appreciate the work as you're on the path that leads you to the person you’ve so desperately
wanted to become for so long now.
You begin to realize that this person does indeed exist inside you and that all you need to do is set them
In Closing...
I deeply believe that everything is possible.
I believe in you.
To rewriting his
Want more support around rewriting your story? Join our Stuck Story Society community today.
It’s exclusively for modern-day leaders who want to finally get unstuck and create a life, career, and
relationships so good they’re only jealous of themselves! See you there!