2021-2022 National Educational and Health Awareness Dates: AUG.21 SEPT.21

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2021-2022 National

Educational and Health

Awareness Dates

1 Friendship Day
8 Happiness Happens Day
13 Left Handers Day

National Immunization Awareness Month 26 Women’s Equality Day

5-11 National Suicide Prevention Week
8 International Literacy Day
10 World Suicide Prevention Day
12 Grandparents Day
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Children’s Good Manners Month 13-19 Student Sleep Health Week
Deaf Awareness Month 15 National School Backpack Awareness Day
Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15–Oct. 15) 17 Constitution Day/Citizenship Day
Library Card Sign-up Month 18 World Clean-Up Day
National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month 19-25 Child Passenger Safety Week
National Preparedness Month
21 International Day of Peace
National Recovery Month
23 International Day of Sign Languages
Self-Improvement Month
29 National Women’s Health & Fitness Day
Sexual Health Awareness Month
Suicide Prevention Awareness Month 29 World Heart Day

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1 International Day for Older Persons
1 World Smile Day
3-9 Mental Illness Awareness Week
4 Child Health Day
ADHD Awareness Month
4 World Habitat Day
Bullying Prevention Month
Communicate with Your Kids Month 5 World Teacher’s Day
Computer Learning Month 6 Walk to School Day
Crime Prevention Month 7 National Depression Screening Day
Domestic Violence Awareness Month 10 World Mental Health Day
Down Syndrome Awareness Month 11 Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Dyslexia Awareness Month
11 National Coming Out Day
Health Literacy Month
16 World Food Day
LGBT History Month
Meet the Blind Month 17-23 America’s Safe Schools Week
National Book Month 18-22 National Health Education Week
National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month 18-22 National School Bus Safety Week
National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month 20 Unity Day – Kindness, Acceptance, Inclusion
Positive Attitude Month 22 International Stuttering Awareness Day
23-31 Red Ribbon Week (Drug-Free America)
24 United Nations Day

1-5 Solidarity Week
13 World Kindness Day
13-19 Transgender Awareness Week
13-21 American Education Week
Adoption Awareness Month
13-21 National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness
Military Family Appreciation Month
National Career Development Month
16 International Day for Tolerance
National Family Caregivers Month
National Homeless Youth Awareness Month 18 Children’s Grief Awareness Day
National Runaway Prevention Month 18 Great American Smokeout
National Scholarship Month 18 National Parental Involvement Day
Native American Heritage Month 20 International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day
Picture Book Month 20 National Adoption Day
20 Transgender Day of Remembrance
26 Native American Heritage Day
26 Random Acts of Kindness Friday

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1-7 National Handwashing Awareness Week
1 World AIDS Day
2 Special Education Day
3 International Day of Persons with Disabilities
National Impaired Driving Prevention Month
5 International Volunteer Day
Safe Toys and Gifts Month
10 Human Rights Day
15 Bill of Rights Day

1 Emancipation Proclamation Anniversary
1 Global Family Day
16 World Religion Day

Get Organized Month 17 Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service

National Mentoring Month 24-28 GLSEN Freedom Seeds
National Thank You Month

7-11 National School Counseling Week
1 National Freedom Day
2 National Groundhog Job Shadow Day

African American History Month 7-11 Black Lives Matter in Education Week
Career and Technical Education Month 14-18 Random Acts of Kindness Week
Gap Year Awareness Month 22 World Thinking Day
International Boost Self-Esteem Month 28-March 7 National Eating Disorders Awareness Week
National Children’s Dental Health Month
Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month

1-11 National School Breakfast Week
1 Self-Injury Awareness Day
2 Read Across America Day
8 International Women’s Day
Deaf History Month (March 13–April 15)
Gender Equality Month 13-19 National Sleep Awareness Week
Middle Level Education Month 21 International Day for the Elimination of Racial
Music in Our Schools Month Discrimination
National Nutrition Month 21 World Down Syndrome Day
Women’s History Month 22 World Water Day
Youth Art Month 31 Transgender Day of Visibility

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2-8 Week of the Young Child
2 World Autism Awareness Day
3-9 National Library Week
5 Sexual Assault Awareness Day of Action
Alcohol Awareness Month
Arab American Heritage Month 7 National Alcohol Screening Day
Child Abuse Prevention Month 7 World Health Day
Community Service Month 17-23 National Volunteer Week
Counseling Awareness Month 22 Earth Day
D.E.A.R. Drop Everything and Read Month 22 Day of Silence
Keep America Beautiful Month
25-29 National Youth Violence Prevention Week
Mathematics Awareness Month
27 Administrative Professionals Day
Month of the Military Child
28 Holocaust Remembrance Day
National Autism Awareness Month
National STD Awareness Month 29-May 1 Global Youth Service Days
National Youth Sports Safety Month 30 Children’s Day/Book Day
School Library Month
Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month

1-7 Choose Privacy Week
2-6 National PTA Teacher Appreciation Week
2-8 Screen Free Week (TV Turnoff Week)
Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month 5 National Children’s Mental Health Awareness
Better Hearing and Speech Month Day
Clean Air Month 17 International Day Against Homophobia,
Transphobia, and Biphobia
Jewish American History Month
Mental Health Month 21 Armed Forces Day
Military Appreciation Month 25 National Missing Children’s Day
National Bike Month 31 World No Tobacco Day
National Foster Care Month
National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month

1 International Children’s Day
5 World Environment Day
11 Family Health & Fitness Day
14 Flag Day
Fireworks Safety Month (June 1–July 4)
LGBTQ Pride Month 19 Juneteenth
National Hunger Awareness Month
National Safety Month

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