Memantine AD Drug Study
Memantine AD Drug Study
Memantine AD Drug Study
Drug Name Classification/ Indications Contraindications Side effects/ Adverse Effects Nursing responsibilities
Mechanism of Action
Generic Name: Therapeutic class: Moderate to Those who are CNS: aggressiveness, Apply the eight rights of
Memantine Anti-Alzheimer Drug severe allergic to drug and agitation, anxiety, ataxia, medication administration.
Hydrochloride Pharmacologic Class: Alzheimer its components. confusion, depression, Give drug without regards for
N-methyl D-aspartate dementia Use cautiously in dizziness, fatigue, food.
receptor antagonist patients with hallucinations, headache, Give drug the day to avoid
Brand Name: Antagonizes N-methyl seizures, CV hypokinesia, insomnia, pain, insomnia at night and possible
Namenda D-aspartate receptors, disease, or severe somnolence, syncope, vertigo, disturbance in sleep due to
the persistent hepatic or renal TIA, drowsiness. incontinence.
activation of which impairment. CV: HF, edema, hypertension, Explain that drug doesn’t cure
Route: seems to increase Use cautiously in hypotension. Alzheimer disease but may
P.O. Alzheimer symptoms. patient who may EENT: cataracts, aid patient to maintain
have an increase conjunctivitis. function for a longer period of
urine pH. GI: anorexia, constipation, time.
Dosage: Use cautiously in diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, Tell patient or caregiver to
5 mg pregnant and abdominal pain. report adverse effects.
breast-feeding GU: incontinence, urinary Urge patient to avoid alcohol
women. frequency, UTI. during treatment.
Frequency: Hematologic: anemia Advise patient not to take
Metabolic: weight loss or gain herbal or OTC products
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, without consulting prescriber.
back pain Monitor patient carefully for
Respiratory: bronchitis, adverse reactions as patient
coughing, dyspnea, flulike may not be able to recognize
symptoms, pneumonia, URI. changes or communicate
Skin: rash effectively.
Other: abnormal gait, falls,
injury, flulike symptoms