Viva KR

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1) What is the duty of system administrator?

are responsible for managing, troubleshooting,

licensing, and updating hardware and software assets.
2) user management
To manage user access to various resources like systems, devices,
applications, storage systems, networks.
3) root user vs normal user
the root user has maximum permissions and can do anything to the system.**998
Normal users run with reduced permissions –
for example, they cannot install software or write to system directories.
normal user needs temporary root privilege to execute a command

4)disk quota
A disk quota is a limit that sets the maximum storage space available for each
in a Linux system. Setting up such a limit prevents users from filling the entire
file system
in a multi-user environment and disadvantaging other users in the system.
A quota provides limited disk space for each user.
The mount command mounts a storage device or filesystem,
making it accessible and attaching it to an existing directory structure.
6) unmount
The umount command "unmounts" a mounted filesystem, informing the system
to complete any pending read or write operations, and safely detaching it.

7)data link layer is responsible for multiplexing data streams,

data frame detection, medium access, and error control.

chmod - used to change permission of a file

chown -change ownership of a file( chown username filename )
system configaration
Log files are a set of records that Linux maintains for the administrators to keep
track of important events.
They contain messages about the server, including the kernel, services and
applications running on it.

9) network layer is to enable different networks to be interconnected.

Logical Addressing. In the internet world, there are two kinds of addressing
implemented by the data link layer, it handles addressing problems locally. ...
Routing. ..

etc/passwd file store essential information,during login, user ID ,group id,home

10) Use rsync for File Level Backups. ...
Local Backup With rsync.
3)Basic Linux Commands
a) Pwd For print the name of the current working directory.
b) ls List information about the FILEs (the current directory
c) ls -l A total sum for all the file sizes is output on a line before the
long listing.
d) cd Change the current directory to DIR. The default DIR is the value of
theHOME shell variable.
e) mkdir To create DIRECTORY
f) touch Update the access and modification times of each FILE to the current
This command can be used when the user doesn't have data to store at the
time of file creation.
g) rmdir Remove the DIRECTORY
h) rm -r Remove (unlink) the FILE
i) cp cp command will copy afile from one place to another
j) mv To move one or more files or directories from one place to another in a
file system.
k) cat To Concatenate FILE
l) locate The locate command is the quickest and simplest way to search for files
and directories by their names.
m) echo The echo command prints the strings that are passed as arguments to the
standard output
n) sudo sudo allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or
another user.
o) df It showsinformation about the file system on which each FILE resides,or
all file systems by default.
p) du Summarize disk usage of the set of FILEs, recursively for directories.
q) uname operating systems that prints the name, version and other details about
the current machine and the
operating system running on it.
r) hostname This command can get or set the host name or the NIS domain name.
s) ping pingcommand is a simple utility used to check whether a network is
available and if a host is reachable.
t) traceroute It is useful when you want to know about the route and about all
the hops that a packet takes.
u) diffIt is used to display the differences in the files by comparing the
files line by line
v) sortWrite sorted concatenation of all filesto standard output. This command
processes on your data and reorders
it in the specified way, which helps us to read the data
w) exit To Exit the shell
x) findIt can be used to find files and directories and perform subsequent
operations on them
y) headPrint the first 10 lines of each FILE to standard output.With more than
one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name.
z) tailPrint the last 10 lines of each FILE to standard output.With more than
one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name.
aa) lessit is a command line utility that displays the contents of a file or a
command output, one page at a time.
But has more advanced features and allows to navigate both forward
and backward through the file.
bb) history Display the history list with line numbers
dd) psIt is used to list the currently running processes and their PIDs
along with some other
information depends on different options

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