Ow To Achieve Success in Examinations 1. Planning Course Material
Ow To Achieve Success in Examinations 1. Planning Course Material
Ow To Achieve Success in Examinations 1. Planning Course Material
1. Planning
Course Material
• Select the book which adequately covers the topic you are studying. You may also select
different books for different topics
• The key to selecting the right text book is consulting your teachers / senior students. You may
also refer the list of recommended reading available on the website
• Panic makes you think less clearly, so avoid it by starting work early.
• Lecturers/tutors assume that you will decide for yourself what and when to revise and may give
little direction.
Check your plan regularly to see how well you are doing. You may need to amend your plan, e.g. if
something unexpected happens or if some revision takes longer than expected.
Sample Plan
• Name of Topic
• Source of coverage
• Time required
• Completion status
• Revision 1
• Revision 2
2. Preparation
Where to Study
• Don’t make long notes in the form of paragraphs, which you may find difficult to learn and
• Your notes should ideally be in the form of pointers which are easier to remember and quicker
to revise
• Underline important points
• Even if a paper involves mathematical calculation it is still very important that you study the
theory also to learn the concepts and logic behind the mathematical workings and formulae.
Principles of Understanding
Principles of Memorizing
• Atleast 10-15 days before the end of the leave conduct real time mock examinations
• Self assessment
Make an assessment of your answers by responding to the following questions related to the marks
Examination Techniques
• Present your work well. Headings and a good layout make your work easier to read
• Tables and graphs need to be clear with correct labeling
• Use practical examples to illustrate the points made subject to the availability of time and
requirements of the question. It may not be practical to give examples where only brief
answers are required
• As far as possible give answers in pointers showing the main heading and then describing it in
appropriate details as per the requirements of the question. Just by giving pointers you can
atleast secure some marks and convey your knowledge to the examiner.
• It has been noted that most students only give the conclusions in such type of questions
• The most important aspect of giving such questions is to test if you have understood the
• Therefore the key to such questions is the reasoning and not the conclusion
• The examiner is interested in the thought process that went into the conclusion.
• You can conclude correctly without any reasoning, by sheer guessing you have a fifty percent
chance of getting it right. The examiner knows this and therefore no marks are allowed for
guessing the conclusion – you must support it.
• If you have proper reasoning that forms the basis for your conclusions you can atleast get pass
marks even if your conclusion does not match with that of the examiner.
• Marks that you will obtain for your answers depends on two factors:
• Stress can be good - it can make you mentally alert. You will do better if you see stress as
positive, and exams as a chance to show what you can do, not as a way of tripping you up.
• Work out what to do if you panic…. Take deep breaths
• Do good revision/preparation.
• Find out in advance as much as possible about the examination centre or the exam room.
• Identify what to do in the first 5 minutes of the exam in what order and stick to it.
• Make yourself comfortable for the exam (eg warm/cool clothes, handkerchiefs etc)
• Calm yourself beforehand (e.g. visualize a pleasant scene, distract yourself)
• Avoid being overtired (is it worth staying up late to cram in extras?).
• Avoid last minute revision. Trying to remember facts then may block out 'deep learning' (i.e. of
concepts and principles).