Ansible - Automation Choral
Ansible - Automation Choral
Ansible - Automation Choral
Which option will give you error while accessing your complex variable?
{{ ansible_eth0[ipv4][address] }} --Correct
You can skip the task of gathering facts through which of the following way?
gather_facts: no --Correct
Which of the folowing can you include in your Playbook?
all of the option --Correct
You can run non tagged tasks using which magical word?
none of the option --Correct
this keyword gives you flexibility to run specific part of your playbook?
How can your scaffold your roles?
Which of the following can you use to delete your installed role?
You can view the details of a role using which of the following?
ansible-galaxy init username.role -- wrong
You can contribute your roles to Ansible community through GitHub Profile.
true --Correct
Tagging allows you to run or skip certain part of Playbook. Can you run tasks that
are not tagged?
yes --Correct