Script Fashion
Script Fashion
Script Fashion
and anti-consumerism. Our primary aim is not to sell clothing, our aim is to sell our beliefs and
virtues that could have a positive impact for society.
Fact 1: The majority of our product line is made up of organic and natural materials that is
extremely friendly towards the environment. Linen, bamboo, wool and cotton are materials
that can are easily recycled and biodegrades. Moreover, for their organic nature, these
materials does not produce plastic microfibres that can get into waterways, which can have
detrimental effects to the environment as plastic microfibres can enter our food chain and
damage the health of ourselves and our ecosystem. According to the Plastic Soup Foundation,
we can absorb into our lungs from up to 68000 plastic particles per year in our households
alone, which can stop the development of our lungs through time. Thus, I believe the utilization
of these materials is of utmost importance.
Fact 2: From our collection, you can see many overlapping details. This is by design, as we figure
that using one item for different events can help with reducing waste, making our product line
affordable for everyone and make a statement about consumerism. Data by the Environmental
Protection Agency suggests that in America alone, volumes of throwaway clothing increased by
over 200% in the past 20 years from 7 million tones to 14 million tones, which is absolutely
outrageous. That is a huge number, considering that in order to make even one cotton shirt, it
takes over 2,700 liters of water to adequately meet the demand. Adding these wasted water
figures up and take into account the other environmental impacts like landfills, our collection is
made with the aim of minimising these impacts and lower costs, which explains the repeating
characteristic of our collection. This also points out the massive negative impact on the
environment that the fashion industry is having in using water alone without mentioning
landfills of undisposed clothes in all regions of the world. Addtionally, our product maximizes
utility and effectiveness, as one item of ours can be used for many different purposes and
occasions and can be universally seen as suitable for each of those events and occasions. From
the utilization benefits and effectiveness of our clothing, we want to use these advantages to
serve as a mock against consumerism, which is splurging money on things that we already have,
which goes against the human values of being altruistic instead of being greedy, as it is being
witnessed in this capitalist society through acts of throwing away millions of tons of clothing
each year which shows that humanity is growing numb to emotions and no longer appreciate
what is given to us by mother nature. We strongly believe that our clothing line is a first step in
reviving those human virtues and appreciation of the Earth, so please join us in this journey in
making society a better place.