Module 1 (The Electric Circuits)
Module 1 (The Electric Circuits)
Module 1 (The Electric Circuits)
Electric circuits are methods to show how an electric device receives power and
perform the task. It is a route or path to give direction to the electric current. Sometimes
the path is closed or sometimes the path is not closed. If the path or route is connected
to a starting point it is called a closed loop circuit. If the path or route is not connected
to a starting point it is called an open loop circuit.
In our house also we have electric circuit. It transfer the current. In our house the circuit
take 230 volts. These volts can be calculated as energy per unit charge.
Take an example of flashlight has batteries to give power to a light bulb, the wires are act
as medium to bring the current from batteries to the bulb and it has a switch to act as a
action i.e, on ,off.
A practical electric circuit has at least four parts (components):
(1) a source of electromotive force (battery),
(2) a conductor (wire),
(3) a load (resistor), and
(4) a means of control (switch).
Closed Circuit is an unbroken path for current from the emf, through a load, and back
to the source.
Open Circuit means if a break in the circuit does not provide a complete path for current.
Short Circuit means the circuit encounters dangerously “large amount of current”. It
caused by an accidental connection between two points in a circuit which offers very little
Resistor: A resistor opposes the flow of current through it. For a linear circuit, Ohm’s law
is applicable, which states that voltage across the resistor is directly proportional to the
current flowing through it, the proportional constant being the resistance.
Inductor: An inductor stores energy in form of the electromagnetic field. The voltage
across an inductor is proportional to the rate of change of current flowing through it.
Capacitor: A capacitor stores energy in form of the electrostatic field. The voltage across
a capacitor is proportional to the charge.
Electrical Charge
Electricity is the movement of electrons. Electrons create charge, which we can harness
to do work. Your lightbulb, your stereo, your phone, etc., are all harnessing the movement
of the electrons in order to do work. They all operate using the same basic power source:
the movement of electrons.
The three basic principles can be explained using electrons, or more specifically, the
charge they create:
Georg Ohm was a Bavarian scientist who studied electricity. Ohm starts by describing a
unit of resistance that is defined by current and voltage.
Electric Circuit Quantities
When describing voltage, current, and resistance, a common analogy is a water tank. In
this analogy, charge is represented by the water amount, voltage is represented by the
water pressure, and current is represented by the water flow. So for this analogy,
● Water = Charge
● Pressure = Voltage
● Flow = Current
Consider a water tank at a certain height above the ground. At the bottom of this tank
there is a hose.
The pressure at the end of the hose can represent voltage. The water in the tank
represents charge. The more water in the tank, the higher the charge, the more pressure
is measured at the end of the hose.
We can think of this tank as a battery, a place where we store a certain amount of energy
and then release it. If we drain our tank a certain amount, the pressure created at the end
of the hose goes down. We can think of this as decreasing voltage, like when a flashlight
gets dimmer as the batteries run down. There is also a decrease in the amount of water
that will flow through the hose. Less pressure means less water is flowing, which brings
us to current.
We can think of the amount of water flowing through the hose from the tank as current.
The higher the pressure, the higher the flow, and vice-versa. With water, we would
measure the volume of the water flowing through the hose over a certain period of time.
With electricity, we measure the amount of charge flowing through the circuit over a period
of time. Current is measured in Amperes (usually just referred to as "Amps"). An ampere
is defined as 6.241 x 1018 electrons (1 Coulomb) per second passing through a point in
a circuit. Amps are represented in equations by the letter "I".
Let's say now that we have two tanks, each with a hose coming from the bottom. Each
tank has the exact same amount of water, but the hose on one tank is narrower than the
hose on the other.
We measure the same amount of pressure at the end of either hose, but when the water
begins to flow, the flow rate of the water in the tank with the narrower hose will be less
than the flow rate of the water in the tank with the wider hose. In electrical terms, the
current through the narrower hose is less than the current through the wider hose. If we
want the flow to be the same through both hoses, we have to increase the amount of
water (charge) in the tank with the narrower hose.
This increases the pressure (voltage) at the end of the narrower hose, pushing more
water through the tank. This is analogous to an increase in voltage that causes an
increase in current.
Now we're starting to see the relationship between voltage and current. But there is a
third factor to be considered here: the width of the hose. In this analogy, the width of the
hose is the resistance. This means we need to add another term to our model:
● Water = Charge (measured in Coulombs)
● Pressure = Voltage (measured in Volts)
● Flow = Current (measured in Amperes, or "Amps" for short)
● Hose Width = Resistance
Consider again our two water tanks, one with a narrow pipe and one with a wide pipe.
It stands to reason that we can't fit as much volume through a narrow pipe than a wider
one at the same pressure. This is resistance. The narrow pipe "resists" the flow of water
through it even though the water is at the same pressure as the tank with the wider pipe.
In electrical terms, this is represented by two circuits with equal voltages and different
resistances. The circuit with the higher resistance will allow less charge to flow, meaning
the circuit with higher resistance has less current flowing through it.
This brings us back to Georg Ohm. Ohm defines the unit of resistance of "1 Ohm" as the
resistance between two points in a conductor where the application of 1 volt will push 1
ampere, or 6.241 x 1018 electrons. This value is usually represented in schematics with
the Greek letter "Ω", which is called omega, and pronounced "ohm".
AC circuits
Ac circuits are those circuits, Whose excitation element is an AC source. Unlike DC
source which is constant AC source has variable current and voltage at regular intervals
of time. Generally, for high power applications, AC circuits are used.
Ohm's Law
Ohm's Law states that the current through a conductor between two
points is directly proportional to the voltage.
Combining the elements of voltage, current, and resistance, Ohm developed the formula:
● V = Voltage in volts
● I = Current in amps
● R = Resistance in ohms
If the value of current is asked and the values of the resistance and voltage are given,
then to calculate current simply cover the I. We are left with Voltage over Resistance
or V ÷ R. So, the equation for Current is Voltage divided by Resistance.
Voltage (V) = 8.0 V
Current (I) = 2.0 A
Resistance (R) = V / I = 8V / 2A = 4Ω
Example: Find the current and power using the circuit below.