Experiment No. 05: To Study Meiosis in Onion Bud Cells
Experiment No. 05: To Study Meiosis in Onion Bud Cells
Experiment No. 05: To Study Meiosis in Onion Bud Cells
To study meiosis in onion bud cells
through permanent slide.
Objective. To study meiosis in onion bud cells through permanent slide.
Permanent slide of different
stages of meiosis in onion bud cells, microscope.
1. Fix the permanent slide under the
First observe the slide under the low and then under
power high power of the microscope.
Under the high power of microscope, following stages of meiosis are distinctly observed:
A. Meiosis I
1. Prophase I. It is of long duration and has five sub stages
(a) Leptotene
(7) Chromatin fibres condense and form thick thread like structures called chromo-
(ii) Nuclear envelop and nucleolus are distinct.
(b) Zygotene
() Homologous chromosomes form pairs called bivalent. This pairing is called
(ii) The individual of a pair are similar in length and in position of their centromere.
(c) Pachytene
(i) The two chromatids of each chromosome become visible, so that a bivalent be-
comes a tetrad.
(ii) Crossing over (exchange of chromatid segments between homologous chromo-
somes) takes place between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromo
(d) Diplotene
) The two chromosomes of each bivalent move away and homologues are held to-
gether at one or m o r e points called chiasmata.
(e) Diakinesis
i) Homologous chromosomes appear thick and ring shaped.
(i) Nucleolus and nuclear envelope disappear and spindle begins to be formed.
2. Metaphase I
) The bivalent (homologous chromosomes) arrange themselves at the equator of the
(ii) The spindle get attached to the centromere of the chromosome.
3. Anaphase I
(i) The two chromosomes of each bivalent move to the opposite pole.
ci) Each pole has half the number of chromosomes with two chromatids each.
4. Telophase I
i) The chromosome at each pole uncoil, and nucleolus and nuclear envelope reappear
(ii) Cytokinesis occurs to form two haploid daughter cells.
A very short interphase may intervene between meiosis I and meiosis II.
d e
1. Floral buds should be fixed between 8 to 10 A.M.
2. Slide should be warmed gently to avoid over heating.