Digicamera. Her First Camera Was Bought From
Digicamera. Her First Camera Was Bought From
Digicamera. Her First Camera Was Bought From
LESSON 1: WHAT IS CONTEMPORARY ART? - The core of the sculture evokes the figure of the
sari-manok, a mythical rooster carrying a fish in
Traditional/Neoclassic – employs human proportion
its beak.
Fishing Scene by Fernando Amorsolo - The curvilinear shape reminds us of the motifs
pako rabong and naga from the Tausug and
Modern Art Maranao wood carving traditions.
The Builders by Victorio Edades HR Ocampo’s painting
Victorio Edades – pioneered of introduced modern - Was painted in the early 1960’s. At that time,
art in the late 28’s the ainting was considered as contemporary.
- Today, we refer to these works as example of
Contemporary Art
Modern Art, produced between the American
Photo from DH colonial period to the Post-war period.
Imelda Felipe – Candaya: Filipina DH - Zyra Bacani – portrays poverty
- Folk song is the secular song that appeals NON –MOTIVATED FUNCTIONS
directly to the people's heart. A folk song is
- are those that are integral to being human,
short, simple, and eventful.
transcend the individual, or do not fulfill a
Tagulaylay - A melody depicting grief Comes specific external purpose. In this sense, art as
from the words “taghoy” (lament) and “alalay” creativity is something humans must do by their
(sustain). Best adapted through the singing of nature.
Pasyon Usually sung in monotone. 1. Basic human instinct for harmony,
Awit balance, rhythm.
- Palimos - A recitative written in 3/4 time and in - Art at this level is not an action or an object, but
minor key its verses are about a Philippine an internal appreciation of balance and harmony
legendary hero or to a heroic poem also called (beauty), and therefore an aspect of being
"awit" a song of the blind asking for alms. human beyond utility.
Kumintang - Originally a war song but later 2. Experience of the mysterious.
became a plaintive song. A nocturnal song sung - Art provides a way to experience one’s self in
with the accompaniment of the guitar. relation to the universe. This experience may
Balitaw - Derived from the Malayan word often come unmotivated as one appreciates art,
"berita" which means narration or "balita”. It is music or poetry.
the counterpart of kundiman. 3. Expression of the Imagination
Kundiman - Art provides a means to express the imagination
- Harana - A traditional form of courtship music in non-grammatic ways that are not tied to the
in which a man wins a woman by singing formality of spoken or written language. Unlike
underneath her window at night Comes from the words which come in sequences and each of
words "kung hindi man“. A Tagalog love song which have a definite meaning, art provides a
whose rhythmic figure is derived from the lively range of forms, symbols, and ideas with
Spanish bolero, a typical 3/4 waltz. meanings that are malleable.
4. Ritualistic and symbolic functions
American/European inspired classical, semi-
- In many cultures, art is used in rituals,
classical, and popular music
performances and dances as a decoration or
- The American regime lasted from 1898 to 1946 symbol. While these often have no specific
during which time Philippine music underwent utilitarian (motivated) purpose, anthropologists
another process of transformation. know that they often serve a purpose at the
- In the newly established public school system, level of meaning within a particular culture.
music was included in the curriculum at the
elementary and later at the high school levels.
Music conservatories and colleges were
established at the tertiary level. Graduates from - refers to intentional conscious actions on the
these institutions included the first generation of part of the artists or creator. These may be to
Filipino composers whose works were written in bring about political change, to comment on an
western idioms and forms. aspect of society, to convey a specific emotion
- American lifestyle and pop culture gave rise to or mood to address personal psychology to
music created by Filipinos using western pop illustrate another discipline, to (with commercial
forms. Referred to as Pinoy pop it includes a arts) sell a product, or simply as a form of
wide range of forms: folk songs, dance tunes, communication.
ballads, Broadway type songs, rock’ n’ roll,
disco, jazz, and rap
1. Communication popular conceptions or mood. In a similar way,
- art as its simplest is a form of communication. art tries to sell a product also Influences mood
As most forms of communication have an intent and emotion. It manipulates the viewer into a
or goal directed toward another individual, this particular emotional or psychological response
is a motivated purpose. Illustrative arts such a toward a particular idea or objects.
scientific illustration, are a form of art as
2. Art as entertainment
- art may seek to bring about a particular A. PLATO
emotion or mood; for the purpose of relaxing or
entertaining the viewer. This is often the - His most famous contribution is the theory of
function of the art industries of motion pictures Forms, known by pure reason, in which Plato
and video games. present a solution to the problem of universals
3. The Avant-Garde- art for political change. known as Platonism—also called Platonic
- One of the defining functions early 20th century. realism/idealism.
Art has been use visual images to bring about - According to Theory of Forms, there are at least
political change. Art movements that had this two worlds: the apparent world of concrete
goal Dadaism, Surrealism Russian constructivism objects, grasped by the senses, which constantly
and Abstract Expressionism. changes; and an unchanging and unseen world
4. Art as a “Free Zone” of forms or abstract objects, grasped by pure
- removed from the action of social censure. reason, which ground what is apparent.
Unlike the avant-garde movements, which - It can also be said that there are three worlds,
wanted to erase cultural differences in order to with the apparent world consisting of both the
produce new universal values, contemporary art world of material objects and of mental images,
has enhanced its tolerance towards cultural with the “third realm” consisting of Form.
differences as well as its critical and liberating - Plato believed that all things that exist in reality
functions (social inquiry; activism; subversion; are mere representations of perfect
deconstruction) becoming a more open place for metaphysical constructs which he called Forms.
research and experimentation. - Plato condemns art because it is in effect a copy
5. Art for Social Inquiry, Subversion and/or of a copy since reality is imitation of the Forms,
Anarchy and art is then imitation of reality.
- while similar to art for political change, - For Plato, since art is an is an imitation, it is in
subversive or constructivist art may seek to effect three times removed from the truth. As a
question aspects of society without any specific result, Plato interprets this to mean that art
political goal. In this case, the function of art cannot give the viewer any real knowledge
may be simply to criticize some aspect of about the world. (Palmer, p.438) He would
society. argue that we can obtain no truth from the
6. Art for Social causes study of art.
- Art can be used to raise awareness for a large
variety of causes. A number of art activities
were aimed at raising awareness of autism, - Aristotle, in opposition to Plato, developed a
cancer, human trafficking, and a variety of other metaphysics which was grounded much more in
topics, such as ocean conservation; using art to the real world. For Aristotle, the notion of form
raise awareness about pollution. was really a part of all matter and the distinction
7. Art for Psychological and Healing between the form and the actual substance that
Purposes. made up an object was merely as intellectual
- Art is also used by art therapists, one. (Palmer, pp.447-450).
psychotherapists and clinical psychologists as art - Aristotle defends art by saying that in the
therapy. The end appreciation of art the viewer receives a certain
product is not the principal goal, but rather a “cognitive value” from the experience.
process of healing through creative acts is (Stumpf, p.99).
sought. - Aristotle, unlike Plato believed that while art
8. Art for Propaganda or Commercialism does appeal to the more unruly side of
- Art is often utilized as a form of propaganda, humanity, the encouragement of these
and thus can be used to subtly influenced animalistic characteristics is beneficial to society
because through experiencing art, particularly ideas, a means for exploring and appreciating
tragedy, the people would experience a formal elements for their own sake, and as
catharsis, or a purgation, which would rid them representation.
of their dangerous emotions (Palmer p.450).
- Identified art as a use of indirect means to
- He is best known for contributions to communicate from one person to another.\
Phenomenology, hermeneutics, and - The aim of art is not merely to produce
existentialism. beauty, or to provide pleasure, enjoyment,
- He interpreted art as the means by which a or entertainment. Art is a means of
community develops for itself a medium for self- communication, and is an important means
expression and interpretation. of expression of any experience, or of any
- Works of art are not merely representations of aspect of the human condition.
way things are, but actually produce a - Tolstoy defines art as an expression of a
community’s shared understanding. Each time a feeling or experience in such a way that the
new artwork is added to any culture, the audience to whom the art is directed can
meaning of what it is to exist is inherently share that feeling or experience.