Unesco 2016 2
Unesco 2016 2
Unesco 2016 2
Published in 2017
by the United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
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© UNESCO 2017
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Study for Wind Comb VI
by Eduardo Chillida
(1924–2002) at
UNESCO Headquarters.
© ART for PEACE, Austrian FMEIA
and Lois Lammerhuber
Chapter 1
Education for the 21st Century 7
Chapter 2
Fostering Freedom of Expression 25
Chapter 3
Protecting our Heritage and Fostering Creativity 39
Chapter 4
Learning to Live Together 59
Chapter 5
Building Knowledge Societies 75
Chapter 6
One Planet, One Ocean 87
Chapter 7
Science for a Sustainable Future 103
Annexes 127
© UNESCO/H. Houguenade
Preface by Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO
UNESCO’s soft power in times of change UNESCO has also strengthened its global leadership to face ‘cultural
2016 has been a year of action to renew UNESCO’s mandate and founding cleansing’ – the deliberate destruction of cultural heritage, illicit trafficking,
values. Across the world, we have seen the enduring relevance of UNESCO’s and attacks against individuals on religious or cultural grounds. We raised
soft power in education, culture, the sciences and communication to the alarm to protect heritage in danger in Libya, Yemen, Syria and Iraq,
strengthen the resilience of societies, to implement the 2030 Agenda for assessing damages to World Heritage sites in conflict, bringing together
Sustainable Development and the Paris Climate Agreement. experts to define emergency measures to safeguard Syria’s heritage, at an
This Annual Report highlights the contribution of UNESCO to bolster international meeting held in Berlin (Germany).
peoples’ capacity and skills to respond to their development challenges and In all this, UNESCO has continued to lead action to enhance the safety
to equip societies with the knowledge and cultural literacy they need to of journalists, working with countries across the world, striking new
respond to violence and hatred. partnerships to end impunity – for instance, with Uruguay.
UNESCO has acted across the board to respond to these emerging In the context of the 2030 Agenda, UNESCO launched two ground-
challenges, using its global leadership to strengthen education, as breaking reports. The World Social Science Report warned that inequalities
in the crisis in Syria and Iraq, notably, contributing to the first World could jeopardize the efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development
Humanitarian Summit. UNESCO enhanced its advocacy to transcend the Goals. The Global Report on Culture for Sustainable Urban Development,
humanitarian–development divide in order to avoid a lost generation presented at ‘Habitat III’ in Quito (Ecuador), highlighted recommendations
of out-of-school children, bridging emergency response and long‑term for fostering the role of culture for sustainable development. UNESCO
aid. In the same spirit, the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report enhanced its programmes to prevent and respond to natural disasters, with
showed the power of education to drive progress on all the other 16 goals a strong focus on ocean science and coastal sustainability, integrated for the
of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in particular to first time in the climate discussion during the COP21 in 2015.
promote gender equality. Reform has continued apace across the Organization – to streamline
In 2016, UNESCO spearheaded a multi-pronged strategy to prevent working processes, strengthen transparency and accountability, sustain
radicalization and violent extremism. In September, the First International evaluation and delivery across the board. UNESCO launched a New
Conference on the Prevention of Violent Extremism through Education was Evaluation Policy, the Invest for Efficient Delivery initiative and a New
co-organized by UNESCO and the UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of UNESCO Transparency Portal, thereby leading to an in-depth review of
Education for Peace and Sustainable Development in New Delhi (India). processes and tools to make the Organization ‘more fit for purpose’.
In November, UNESCO organized in Québec (Canada), an international This Annual Report shows the outstanding range and depth of UNESCO
conference on the Internet and the Radicalization of Youth, which saw in action, to lead forward the 2030 Agenda, to support societies and
renewed commitment to freedom of expression online and to promoting governments in responding to the challenges of turbulent times in ways
narratives that condemn violence and hate speech, to prevent radicalization. that bolster the unity of humanity in its diversity.
In April 2016, Director-General Irina Bokova met teachers and students from
the Tilaurakot Community Learning Centre in the Lumbini zone (Nepal), where literacy
courses in the Awadhi language are being taught with the support of UNESCO’s CapEFA
Programme. Literacy in their mother tongue is breaking isolation and creating new
prospects for marginalized populations in this historic area, where a vast archaeological
complex tracing back to Lord Buddha’s early years has been recently unearthed.
Children are delighted to come back to
Sibaya school in the Huara district, between
the Andean highlands and the Pacific coast in
northern Chile. This school’s infrastructure and
those of the surrounding communities were severely
weakened by the April 2014 earthquake which affected
Chile and Peru. In view of the population’s obvious
needs, Huara’s Municipal Government, the Chilean
Ministry of Education and UNESCO drew up an action
plan for 2015 and 2016, including the maintenance,
expansion and improvement of the district’s 12 public
schools, which serve a total of 405 students.
© UNESCO Office in Santiago
for the
21st Century
Education for the 21st Century
As the United Nations’ specialized agency for education, UNESCO leads and coordinates the Education
2030 Agenda, in order to achieve the ambitious Sustainable Development Goal 4 to ‘Ensure inclusive
and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all’. Throughout
2016, UNESCO worked to fulfil its mandate, by underscoring that education will only meet
its potential to drive progress when there is greater participation and funding; learning becomes
truly lifelong; and education systems fully integrate girls and women, and bring displaced and
refugee children and adolescents back to school.
■■ Leading the Education The cost of education is one of the During the Week, a panel titled
2030 Agenda many reasons some 263 million children ‘Financing for SDG 4–Education 2030:
Under the Education 2030 Framework for and young people are out of school. leaving no one behind – what will it take
Action adopted in November 2015 to achieve In this context, UNESCO marked the to narrow inequity gaps?’ was organized
the ten targets of Sustainable Development 2016 Global Action Week for Education with the GCE at UNESCO Headquarters.
Goal (SDG) 4, governments have committed (GAWE) from 24–30 April, under the It explored opportunities and challenges
to providing a full course of free, equitable banner ‘Funding the Future’. GAWE is in financing the new agenda with
and high-quality primary and secondary a worldwide annual event organized by a focus on marginalized populations.
education. But without an additional US$39 the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) As a conclusion, and in light of the
billion in education funding each year, the to raise awareness of the importance of funding gap, governments are being
entire global agenda will be at risk. education for all. urged to spend 4 to 6 per cent of their
gross domestic product (GDP), and donors
HE Ms Dessima
are called upon to increase support which
Williams, Special
Adviser for the has been lagging since 2010.
Implementation Scarce data on education finance
of the Sustainable and multiple funding sources make
Development it difficult to see the whole picture.
Goals to the UN To counter this deficiency, the UNESCO
General Assembly, Institute for Statistics (UIS) and UNESCO’s
and Mr Qian Tang,
International Institute for Educational
UNESCO Assistant
Director-General for Planning (IIEP) are developing a set of
Education, during methodological tools, under the National
the Education 2030 Education Accounts initiative, to help
Steering Committee countries improve the quality of data, and
meeting, where a better target policies and plans.
two-year roadmap As a follow-up, in early December
was established to
translate into action
members of the Education 2030 Steering
the commitments Committee laid out a roadmap to translate
Banner used in
263 million children and young people are out of school from the primary to upper secondary levels UNESCO social
media to highlight
According to a paper released jointly this year by UIS and the GEM Report team, some 263 million children and young people are out of school. the high number
of children and
The paper suggests that persistent disparities in education participation linked to gender, location and wealth are key obstacles to achieving SDG 4. young people who
Of all regions, sub-Saharan Africa has the highest rates of exclusion. Armed conflict poses another major barrier to education: globally, 35 per cent of all are currently out
out‑of‑school children of primary education age, 25 per cent of all adolescents of lower secondary age, and 18 per cent of all out-of-school young people of school according
of upper secondary age live in areas affected by conflict. In general, 15 to 17-year-olds are four times more likely to be out of school than are children to UIS and the GEM
aged 6 to 11. This is partly because primary and lower secondary education are compulsory in nearly every country, while upper secondary school is not. Report team.
And many of these young people have no choice but to work. Girls are more likely than boys to never set foot in a classroom, despite efforts made and
progress achieved over the past two decades. Poverty creates an additional barrier for girls. These gaps are far wider in Northern Africa and Western Asia.
The UIS launches the ground-breaking eAtlas for Education 2030 data ■■ Global Education
Monitoring Report 2016:
On 18 July, UIS launched the eAtlas for
Education 2030, bringing together all available
an urgent call to prioritize
data to monitor SDG 4. education to reach SDGs
This eAtlas is designed to be the one-stop shop
for education data. Continually updated with
The 2016 Global Education Monitoring
the latest data, a series of interactive maps
(GEM) Report reiterates that chronic under-
financing is holding back progress: on
present key findings related to learning, equity
current trends, universal primary education
and the quality of education by illustrating, for
will only be achieved in 2042, universal
unless there is greater participation the school wall and throughout life, with
across sectors, learning becomes truly an emphasis on relevant work skills.
lifelong, and education systems fully Despite the stark messages, the
embrace sustainable development. 2016 GEM Report stresses the untapped
In addition, education itself must potential for education to make greater
transform to become a holistic solution headway towards the education goals,
to global challenges, including growing with even modest progress over the next
urbanization and refugee populations. 15 years being expected to bring big
Education also needs to expand beyond development dividends.
The future of jobs and skills at the heart ■■ Fostering Global
of an UNESCO Cedefop global conference Citizenship Education
As young people and adults need better skills to fully participate in Global Citizenship Education (GCED)
their societies and economies, governments are increasingly seeing aims to build a sense of belonging to a
technical and vocational education and training (TVET) as key to common humanity and empower learners
promoting employment, inclusion and lifelong learning in light of to assume active roles in resolving
the new SDGs. interdependent global obstacles to a more
Global trends and local challenges in matching skills to the peaceful, tolerant, inclusive and secure
changing job market were examined in October at a conference world. GCED is one of UNESCO’s strategic
organized by UNESCO and the European Centre for the Development areas guided by the Education 2030
of Vocational Training (Cedefop) at the Organization’s Headquarters. Agenda (and target 4.7 in particular).
With over 120 policy-makers, stakeholders and experts from Its themes include Peace and Human
around the world, the event emphasized the need for stronger Rights Education and Preventing Violent
synergy between education and training across different regions Extremism (PVE) through education.
of the world, as well as for a platform to share best practices in GCED works hand in hand with A Teacher’s Guide on the Prevention of Violent
Education for Sustainable Development Extremism is UNESCO’s first contribution to the
anticipating and matching skills in a shifting labour market.
(ESD) to ensure education helps build a implementation of the UN Secretary-General’s
Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism,
peaceful and sustainable world. UNESCO announced in January 2016.
seeks to promote the integration of
GCED in education systems including
curricula, policies and pedagogies in With regard to the prevention of
order to enable learners to transform violent extremism through education,
themselves and society. UNESCO helps to build countries’ capacities
In 2016, UNESCO made significant to deliver education programmes that
strides to support the global strengthen young people’s resilience to
monitoring of the achievement of violent extremist messaging, and foster a
target 4.7. UNESCO undertook the sixth positive sense of identity and belonging.
consultation on the implementation In September 2016, the First International
of the Recommendation concerning Conference on the Prevention of Violent
Education for International Extremism through Education was
Understanding, Co-operation and Peace co‑organized by UNESCO and the UNESCO
and Education relating to Human Rights Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for
and Fundamental Freedoms (the 1974 Peace and Sustainable Development in New
Recommendation), which serves as a Delhi (India), with over 150 participants
monitoring tool for measuring progress from around 70 countries, which included
made towards target 4.7. UNESCO also youth delegates. The event provided
Adult learning and education can improve health launched its new web-resource on the opportunity to present UNESCO’s
and well-being, employment opportunities and target 4.7 – ‘Learning to live together Teacher’s Guide on the Prevention of Violent
develop local communities, according to the Third
Global Report on Adult Learning and Education sustainably: trends and progress’, that Extremism. UNESCO also finalized the first
(GRALE III), produced this year by UNESCO’s publishes regular reports produced by Guide for Policy-Makers on the Prevention of
Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL). UNESCO and its partners. Violent Extremism through Education.
■■ Scaling up efforts for a priority area: policy, transforming to face and online, conducting nearly
Education for Sustainable learning, capacity-building, mobilizing
youth, and accelerating local solutions.
500 in-person and online training
sessions that served 30,000 stakeholders,
Development The GAP is intended to drive a and welcoming 1,600 new members to
‘Scaling up’ was the theme of a meeting worldwide effort on ESD, a crucial the networks.
of more than 80 members of the Partner element in achieving the new 2030
Networks of the Global Action Programme Education Agenda.
The Centre for Community Regeneration and
(GAP) on ESD. The GAP was launched at The five partner networks met to Development (CCREAD-Cameroon) is one of three
the World Conference on ESD in November review progress towards the SDGs, which laureates of the 2016 UNESCO-Japan Prize on
2014 in Japan as a follow-up programme contain three targets related to ESD. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
to the UN Decade of ESD (2005–14). The achievements were documented in awarded on 11 October. Funded by the Government
The group, which met at UNESCO a Preliminary Monitoring Report, and of Japan, the prize honours exceptional projects in
the field of ESD. CCREAD-Cameroon runs strategic
Headquarters on 5 and 6 July, serves as include reaching more than 1 million programmes to introduce marginalized communities
a global community of practice and is stakeholders with information, working to social and economic empowerment opportunities
made up of five networks, each tackling with nearly 100,000 individuals face and foster environmental sustainability.
■■ Special focus on education
for Iraqi and Syrian
children and young people
After Syria, Iraq has the third largest
number of internally displaced persons
(IDPs) in the world: 4.4 million (figures
from UNHCR Global Trends 2015), with
the majority of school-aged IDPs lacking
access to education. It also hosts nearly
a quarter of a million Syrians, including
75,000 children and young people
under the age of 18, a large proportion
of whom have no access to education.
With military operations under way
throughout 2016, it was expected that
up to an additional 1 million people
could be forcibly displaced as a result of
violence and conflict.
With funding from the Government
of Japan, UNESCO has been supporting
access to, and improving the quality
of, education for IDPs, with a focus on
bridging gaps in secondary schooling
for adolescent girls and boys. As part
of this work, UNESCO launched
emergency projects to provide
adolescents of IDP communities and
Syrian refugees currently residing
in the Kurdistan region of Iraq with
educational support to ensure gains
already made were not lost.
As Iraq is witnessing a new
humanitarian emergency, bridging
widening learning gaps is critical to bring
stability, a sense of normalcy and hope
for the future for thousands of young IDPs
© UNICEF Iraq/2016/Niles
All forms of
discrimination and
violence in schools
are an obstacle to
■■ A big push for girls’ and and boys in more than 200 countries the fundamental
women’s education and territories. The maps and ranking right to quality
education. As
tables, which can be embedded easily in
part of its work
With the adoption of SDGs 4 and 5, websites and blogs, can also be used to on school-related
governments have pledged to eliminate evaluate the extent to which educational gender-based
gender disparities and ensure that every disparities between genders are changing violence, UNESCO
child is in school and learning by 2030. over time. launched this year
Yet girls are still the first to be denied a The role of education in combating the publication
Out in the Open:
basic education, and data suggest that the violent extremism and its consequences Education sector
number of those out of school is rising. for girls and women was highlighted responses to
All through 2016, UNESCO led actions on 9 March at the round table ‘Violent violence based
on this front by providing better gender- extremism and radicalization: women on sexual
disaggregated data, leading discussions as victims, accomplices and engines of orientation and
on the role of education for girls and change’, held at UNESCO Headquarters gender identity/
women in a context of violent extremism, as part of its focus on International
launching a major global initiative, and Women’s Day. It was inaugurated by
rewarding outstanding projects for girls’ Director‑General of UNESCO Irina Bokova, I’m 15 years old. I’m here to tell you
and women’s education. the Chairperson of the Executive Board my story, because I was abducted by
On 8 March, UIS launched the eAtlas of Michael Worbs, and Goodwill Ambassador Boko Haram. When the sect came, they
Gender Inequality in Education, featuring of UNESCO for the education of girls and took us to a brothel. We were 40. The men
a wide range of gender-disaggregated women, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of selected girls and we were locked up. It
data for all levels of education. Regularly Luxembourg. was in this place that someone had chosen
updated with the latest available At the meeting, a Nigerian teenager me as his wife. They insulted our parents
information, the eAtlas lets readers told of her escape from the clutches and we were abused .… A month later
explore the educational pathways of girls of extremists. ‘My name is Assiatou. I was forced into marriage. This is the worst
moment of my life. ... To combat ignorance,
it is essential to go back to school, so I
decided to resume my studies. I would like
to become a doctor.’ The meeting aimed to
develop the case of women as architects
of peace able to shape a new narrative,
while also recognizing the efforts of many
women who have said ‘no’ to extremism.
the next 14 years. Agenda.
A highlight of the day was the
■■ Valuing teachers, The forum aimed at sharing relevant awarding of the 2016 UNESCO-Hamdan Bin
improving their status policies, practices and tools among Rashid Al- Maktoum Prize for Outstanding
international key stakeholders with a Practice and Performance in Enhancing
The teacher target in SDG 4 is to ‘by view to facilitating the understanding, the Effectiveness of Teachers to two
2030, substantially increase the supply implementation and monitoring of programmes from Malaysia and Cambodia.
of qualified teachers, including through the teacher-related target. More than The Hamdan Award seeks to improve
international cooperation for teacher 300 national and international policy- the quality of the educational system and
training in developing countries, makers, researchers, representatives encourages initiatives, innovation and
especially least developed countries and of intergovernmental organizations, excellence in all literary and scientific
small island developing states’. non‑governmental organizations (NGOs) domains. The prizes were jointly awarded
To achieve these ambitions 69 million and teachers participated. by UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova
qualified teachers will be needed, The declaration affirms the importance and the Minister of Health of the United
24.4 million at the primary level and of professional development and support, Arab Emirates, Mr Abdul Rahman Bin
44.4 million at the secondary level. And and the use of ICT as vital to bridge gaps Mohammed Al Owais.
these teachers need to be qualified, in teacher supply and quality. The ceremony was followed by a
motivated, and to work in well-resourced It calls for the TTF to reinforce its high-level panel attended by the French
education systems. position as a global alliance and develop Minister for National Education, Higher
These ideas were at the heart of the its post-2016 strategic plan to respond to Education and Research Ms Najat Vallaud-
Teachers for Education 2030 Declaration the SDG agenda, continue to disseminate Belkacem, the Honourable Dr Mahali
adopted at the Eighth International policy-relevant knowledge and support Phamotse, Minister of Education and
Policy Dialogue Forum – International countries to develop and implement Training of Lesotho, Mr Gilbert Houngbo,
Task Force on Teachers (TTF), held evidence-informed policies, urge all Deputy Director-General for Field
in March in Mexico City (Mexico) members and partners to vigorously Operations and Partnerships at the
under the theme ‘Implementing the pursue their efforts to achieve the teacher International Labour Organization (ILO),
teacher target in the Sustainable target, push for further investment in and Mr Fred van Leeuwen, General
Development Goals and Education 2030’. teachers, and contribute to monitoring Secretary of Education International.
Stories from the field
Myanmar With the guidance of the trainers,
I managed to do the assignments
Communications and Information
Technology in Myanmar.
The new academic year in again and then I caught up faster.’ It has so far provided 3,100 tablets,
Myanmar saw the start of After only six months, teachers were 186 teacher laptops, over
a ‘first of its kind’ UNESCO able to create presentation files with 270 instructional training hours directly
project to introduce mobile graphics and videos to teach their to 22 Department of Basic Education
technology into classrooms courses. ‘I now feel more comfortable team members, 31 school leaders and
in teaching my class using ICT. I have 155 teachers in Mandalay Region, Bago
customized a number of presentation Region and Mon State. Trained teachers
In 2016, teachers from 31 project
files as teaching aids to arouse are transferring their knowledge to
schools in rural or semi-urban areas
students’ interest in learning life skills,’ other teachers in the 31 basic education
got their first taste of using ICT for
she said. high schools in Myanmar.
mobile learning, after their participation
The project is part of the ‘Connect To
in a series of UNESCO ICT-pedagogy
Learn’ initiative in Myanmar launched by These teachers from rural schools
integration training sessions in the
UNESCO, Ericsson, the UK Department in Myanmar are no longer afraid
previous months. to use technology in their class
of International Development and
UNESCO Yangon’s ICT for Education after attending a series of UNESCO
other project partners, with support ICT–pedagogy integration training
Programme has taken a sustainable
from the Ministries of Education and sessions this year.
approach, transferring ICT pedagogy
to a dedicated team from the Myanmar
Department of Basic Education, who
in turn train teachers in rural or
semi‑urban schools.
Daw Yaung War Lin, a Life Skills
teacher at the Basic Education High
School in Bago Region, is one of the
many trained teachers who have
overcome their fear of using new
technology as a teaching aid. Like
many teachers during the first basic
training, she had difficulty in typing and
controlling the mouse.
‘I felt frustrated because I was not
© UNESCO/Kar Hung Antony Tam
■■ Tracking the roots of hate
speech on the International
Day of Commemoration
in Memory of the Victims
of the Holocaust
‘From words to genocide: antisemitic
propaganda and the Holocaust’ was the
theme of this year’s International Day
of Commemoration in Memory of the
Victims of the Holocaust (27 January),
to examine the roots and consequences
of hate speech and the need to promote
human rights-based education.
On this Day, UNESCO organized two
round-table debates at its Headquarters:
‘A history of hate speech and genocide’,
and ‘In the shadow of the past:
countering anti-semitism and hate
speech today’. The debates brought
together academics, representatives of
the United Nations and the Organization
for Security and Co-operation in Europe
(OSCE), as well as representatives of
NGOs and civil society.
During the commemoration, two
exhibitions were on display at UNESCO:
‘State of Deception: The Power of Nazi
Propaganda’, produced by the United
States Holocaust Memorial Museum,
and ‘A is for Adolf: Teaching German
Children Nazi Values’, presented by
the Wiener Library (UK), on the outer
The 2016 International Mother Language The day included an exhibition wall surrounding the Organization’s
Day (21 February) was held under the banner and thematic panel discussions on Headquarters.
‘Quality education, language(s) of instruction 50 years of teacher development in UNESCO and the European
and learning outcomes’. This theme underlines BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, Commission, in cooperation with the
the importance of mother languages for quality
education and linguistic diversity, in particular the People’s Republic of China and Georg Eckert Institute for International
for girls and women, as well as minorities, South Africa), teacher motivation across Textbook Research, took the opportunity
indigenous peoples and rural populations, in light different levels of education, and in crisis to launch The Holocaust and Genocide
of the Education 2030 Agenda. and emergency situations. in Contemporary Education: Curricula,
Mr Roman Kent,
Textbooks and Pupils’ Perceptions in President of
Comparison, a comparative study that the Auschwitz
takes stock of Holocaust history teaching International
in the European Union. The findings of Committee,
this study should help educators develop President of the
American Gathering
better methodologies and draw on of Jewish Holocaust
existing best practices in their teaching Survivors and
about the Holocaust. President of the
Before the event, on 6 December, Jewish Foundation
UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova for the Righteous,
gives a speech
and the President of the International during the official
Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, ceremony on
Mr Mihnea Constantinescu, opened International Day
a round table at the Organization’s of Commemoration
Headquarters entitled ‘How to respond in Memory of
the Victims of
to antisemitism through education, the Holocaust,
culture and communication?’ with
© UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo
Mr Robert Badinter, former Minister Headquarters.
of Justice and President of the
Constitutional Court of France, giving
the keynote speech.
at UNESCO Headquarters
for the International Day
of Commemoration in
Memory of the Victims of
the Holocaust.
To celebrate World Press Freedom Day 2016,
and mark the 25th anniversary of the Windhoek
Declaration which gave birth to this day,
the UNESCO Office in Windhoek and the Media
Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Namibia
Chapter hosted a ceremony at Zoo Park in
the Namibian capital, which brought together
representatives from relevant government offices,
diplomatic corps, humanitarian organizations,
NGOs and the media. During the ceremony,
youth leader Josephat Vijanda Tjiho, radio
© MISA Namibia
disc‑jockey Nesindano Namises and the Ondunga
Cultural Group performed a flash mob to spread
the word on media freedom.
Fostering Freedom
of Expression
Fostering Freedom of Expression
Freedom of expression and the right to information are fundamental rights, and play a central role
in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, particularly Sustainable Development
Goal (SDG) 16. This year, UNESCO spared no efforts to protect these rights by reinforcing
international standards and cooperation for the safety of journalists, supporting judicial operators,
and strengthening the role of the media in the midst of the enduring humanitarian refugee crisis.
■■ World press freedom In this new context, UNESCO’s flagship the world’s first freedom of expression
in the context of the 2030 celebration of World Press Freedom and freedom of information legislation,
Day (3 May) was held in 2016 under the promulgated by modern-day Finland and
Agenda for Sustainable overarching theme ‘Access to information Sweden in 1766, and the 25th anniversary
Development and fundamental freedoms’, with a of the UNESCO Windhoek Declaration, at
focus on freedom of information and the origin of World Press Freedom Day.
The link between press freedom and sustainable development. In nine parallel sessions, participants
sustainable development was globally The main events took place in Helsinki took stock of a wide range of political,
recognized for the very first time with the (Finland), from 2 to 4 May, and gathered societal and technical issues, such
adoption in 2015 of the 2030 Agenda for some 1,100 participants. The Director- as the impact of the current refugee
Sustainable Development, which underlined General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, the Prime crisis on public service media values,
the need to ‘ensure public access to information Minister of Finland, Juha Sipilä, and the artistic freedom and development,
and protect fundamental freedoms, in Mayor of Helsinki, Jussi Pajunen, opened whistleblowers and journalists’ source
accordance with national legislation and this year’s celebrations. The participants protection, and countering hate speech
international agreements’ (SDG 16, target 10). commemorated the 250th anniversary of in the media. Also on the agenda were
discussions about access to information
on SDG indicators, a subject of particular
The 2016 UNESCO/ concern to UNESCO.
Guillermo Cano In keeping with the new SDGs set
World Press by the United Nations for the next 15
Freedom Prize
was awarded years, participants adopted the Finlandia
to Ms Khadija Declaration, which stresses the importance
Ismayilova, a of access to information, the responsibility
freelance journalist of states in making public information
and contributor available both on and offline, and
to the Azerbaijani
service of Radio promoting universal access to the Internet.
Free Europe. She The Declaration also calls on states to ensure
was detained in the safety of journalists, and recognizes the
2014 and sentenced pertinence of UNESCO’s 2005 Convention
in 2015 to seven
© Khadija Ismayilova
UNESCO published
in 2016 its first
two assessments of
an interactive panel discussion on ‘Safety Speakers in New York and other meetings the safety situation
of journalists and ending impunity in around the world echoed the call for of journalists and
the issue
conflict situations’ at the UN Headquarters concerted action by Member States and their of impunity, for
in New York on 27 October. According judicial systems, as well as for both concrete Kenya and Nepal.
to key findings of the Report of UNESCO’s actions and precautionary measures to be These reports
Director-General on the Safety of taken, now that there is an international are based on
Journalists and the Danger of Impunity normative framework in place. Knowing the Organization’s
Journalists’ Safety
relayed during the panel discussion in New that 40 per cent of journalists killed receive Indicators (JSI),
York, in the last ten years 827 journalists threats beforehand, more preventive action developed in
lost their lives for informing the public and can also be undertaken. the context of
only 8 per cent of these killings have been As the vast majority of murderous the endorsement
reportedly resolved. The unacceptably attacks on media workers remain of the UN Plan of
Action on Safety
high rate of impunity (92 per cent) unpunished, UNESCO made another of Journalists
perpetuates a cycle of violence by call for justice on the occasion of IDEI and the Issue of
emboldening criminals to continue. on 2 November. Impunity.
UNESCO published
in May the first-
ever comprehensive
report on media
development in
Curaçao, the result
My Killers Are Still Free: The story of a campaign
of a study based on A 2016 awareness-raising campaign by UNESCO on the safety of journalists reached millions of
people worldwide. The aim of the advocacy initiative titled ‘My Killers Are Still Free’ was to draw
endorsed Media attention to the high level of journalists’ killings and the prevailing impunity for these crimes, on the
Development occasion of IDEI (2 November).
Indicators (MDIs). Through a series of representative cases of attacks against journalists, My Killers Are Still Free brought into
UNESCO also the spotlight the statistics of a decade of violence against journalists, media workers and social media
supported this year
producers. The campaign also presented powerful and heartfelt testimonials of close relatives, co-workers
a series of master
classes to assist and lawyers of killed journalists across the world, to reflect upon the distress caused by impunity at a
the development personal level and the damage to society as a whole. UNESCO’s efforts joined with those of many other
of media research actors calling to end impunity for crimes against journalists, with the Twitter hashtag #EndImpunity.
capacity in this IDEI and the campaign together received coverage from at least 250 newspapers around the world.
new country. A UNESCO op-ed reinforcing the message was published by over 40 media outlets. The campaign
itself was widely shared in social media by UN agencies, media development organizations and
media leaders worldwide, reaching approximately 300,000 users in Facebook, as well as 650,000 and
70,000 potential views in Twitter and Instagram respectively.
The Director-
General of UNESCO
has cumulatively
information from
59 Member States
on 408 out of the
827 journalists
killed in the last
decade. However,
only 63 of these
408 crimes have
been reported as
solved. For the
remaining 345,
either an enquiry
is reportedly still
underway, or the
cases have been
archived or deemed
to be unresolved.
■■ Covering migrations and
refugees – are media
doing the right thing?
The movement of persons has become
one of the most urgent humanitarian
crises of the new century, as people
search for safe havens and economic
opportunities in developed countries in
Europe and elsewhere.
Against the backdrop of the UN Office
for the Coordination of Humanitarian
Affairs (OCHA) estimate of over 4 million
registered refugees, the question of the
role of the media in ameliorating this
© Shutterstock/Eugenio Marongiu
MYTH: Refugees are a European problem MYTH: Refugees are welfare cheats
Europe is actually home to just 6 per cent of global refugees, compared with Most refugees pay much more into the public purse than they take from
39 per cent in the Middle East and North Africa, and 29 per cent in the rest it. Research in the UK, Canada, Germany, Greece, Portugal and Spain
of Africa. Among Syrian refugees, the vast majority are in the bordering shows that refugees are dependent on public funds less than or equally
countries of Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq. While more than 1 million with locals.
refugees arrived in Europe by sea in 2015, this represents just 0.3 per cent of
the continent’s total population. MYTH: Refugees and migrants bring terrorism
MYTH: Refugees are not desperate – they are choosing Of the major terrorist attacks worldwide in recent years, the vast majority
to migrate have been perpetrated by citizens born in the countries involved.
By definition, refugees are people who flee across borders to escape violent MYTH: Developed countries cannot take
conflict or persecution. They are making use of the universal legal right to any more people
asylum included in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Migrants are
a broader category which does include those moving for economic reasons, The native population in most developed countries is actually in decline,
but also those fleeing environmental disasters, starvation and famine. something that migration can be key to addressing. Refugees and migrants
can sustain population levels and provide a base of working age people to
MYTH: Most refugees are young, able-bodied men support a growing number of retirees.
According to UNHCR, more than 75 per cent
of all Syrian refugees are women and children.
Of refugees arriving in Europe, more than half
are women and children.
On 14 December, Sami Al-Khoja,
Management and Liaison Officer with
UNESCO (facing the camera), and
Louise Haxthausen, Director of the
UNESCO Office for Iraq (to his right),
inspect the ruins and devastation of
the ancient site of Nimrud (Iraq) for
the first time since it was destroyed by
violent extremists. The city of Nimrud
was founded more than 3,300 years
ago and was one of the capitals of
the Assyrian empire.
© AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo
our Heritage and
Fostering Creativity
Protecting our Heritage and Fostering Creativity
Amid ongoing conflicts marked by new strategies of cultural cleansing and unprecedented
levels of destruction, looting and damage to cultural heritage around the world, in 2016
UNESCO brought together all partners to assess damages, implement emergency protection
measures and facilitate international cooperation on urgent heritage and security issues.
Building on Sustainable Development Goal 11, UNESCO continued to foster creative industries
and launched a major report on the role of culture in the development of sustainable cities.
The Archaeological
cultural heritage and cultural pluralism, Site of Cyrene
notably in the Middle East and Africa, An urgent action plan for Libya’s heritage contains the ruins
the event emphasized the human face of Key Libyan and international partners joined with UNESCO to approve a new action plan to address of one of the main
cultural preservation, highlighting the cities of the Hellenic
emergency and short-term interventions for the safeguarding of Libya’s cultural heritage, following a world, and is one of
vital importance of heritage and diversity three-day international expert meeting, ‘Safeguarding Libyan cultural heritage’, held in May in Tunis, five World Heritage
in addressing humanitarian, human rights with the support of the US Embassy in Libya, and in cooperation with the Department of Antiquities sites in Libya. Cyrene
and security challenges. The participants of Libya, UNESCO and the International Centre for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and all the other
had the opportunity to witness major (ICCROM). Participants agreed on medium and long-term joint actions, with areas of concern Libyan sites were
examples of heritage preservation under included this year
including the preservation of archaeological sites, museums and urban heritage. The crucial role of on the List of World
difficult conditions in Iraq, Bosnia and civil society, and young people in particular, in achieving these goals was underlined. Heritage in Danger.
Herzegovina, and Mali.
In April, UNESCO
experts and the At the opening event, the European close of the conference, which endorsed development, peace and security, citing
Director-General Union voiced its commitment to support the creation of a new International Fund UNESCO’s #Unite4Heritage campaign,
of Antiquities and the protection of cultural heritage in for the Protection of Heritage, with an which involves young people in particular
Museums of Syria, situations of armed conflict, and to enhance initial contribution by France of US$30 in efforts to protect cultural heritage
Professor Mamoun
cooperation with UNESCO in this field. million and the ultimate objective of and embrace cultural diversity. The event
undertook a The Director-General called collecting US$100 million. This fund also underscored the crucial involvement
technical assessment for a renewed commitment to will provide much-needed resources of military and security forces in the
of the damage to protecting heritage under attack at to protect heritage under attack, and protection of cultural property in times
the World Heritage the International Conference for the will be managed in close coordination of conflict. UNESCO took this opportunity
site of Palmyra.
The image portrays
Protection of Cultural Heritage in with UNESCO. to launch a military manual entitled
the extensive Conflict Areas, organized at the initiative A high-level panel ‘Targeting heritage: Protection of Cultural Property, a first-
destruction of the of Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al in search of new paradigms – save of-its-kind training tool published
archaeological site’s Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, and heritage through dialogue’ was held on with the support of the International
triumphal arch President of France François Hollande, 5 December at UNESCO Headquarters to Institute of Humanitarian Law (Sanremo,
and Temple of Baal
Shamin as seen by
on 3 December. The conference, held explore how the protection of cultural Italy). It includes best practices,
the mission’s experts. under the patronage of UNESCO, brought heritage can be strengthened through preparatory measures for identifying,
together heads of state and ministers exchange and outreach. The event was moving and preserving cultural objects
from over 40 countries, as well as organized by UNESCO and the Permanent during military operations, and legal
representatives from international Delegation of Azerbaijan. resources for cultural property protection.
organizations and museums. The Abu Participants discussed how to make At its 11th meeting, UNESCO’s
Dhabi Declaration on the Protection of the protection of heritage an integral Intergovernmental Committee for
Endangered Heritage was adopted at the part of sustainable strategies to foster the Protection of Cultural Property
The involvement
of military and
security forces in
the protection of
in the Event of Armed Conflict took ■■ Special focus on cultural property is
crucial in times of
several decisions, including the granting
of enhanced protection to the Tomb
the Syrian Arab Republic conflict. In order to
train the military
of Askia in Mali and to the Historic Since the beginning of the conflict in in the specificities
Monument of Mtskheta in Georgia, the Syrian Arab Republic, its cultural of cultural property
both of which are World Heritage sites. heritage has suffered unprecedented and reference
The Committee granted US$35,000 destruction. The country’s six World new regulations,
to Mali and US$50,000 to Libya in Heritage sites, its 11 sites inscribed on the conduct and
curricula in this
international assistance related to World Heritage Tentative List, and many field, UNESCO
emergency measures under the Fund for places of cultural significance have been published a first-
the Protection of Cultural Property in damaged or destroyed. A large number of of-its kind training
the Event of Armed Conflict. its archaeological sites have been illegally tool entitled
excavated and looted. Protection of
In 2016, these attacks continued. On Cultural Property:
Military Manual.
During the technical assessment mission to the 9 May, the Director-General condemned
World Heritage site of Palmyra (Syria), UNESCO the destruction of the Maarrat al Numan UNESCO’s experts also presented their
experts took stock of the considerable damage Museum in Idlib province, and called preliminary findings on the damage to
to the museum, where most of the statues and once again on all parties to refrain from the World Heritage site of Palmyra after
sarcophagi that were too large to be removed for
safekeeping were defaced endangering cultural heritage and to returning from a technical assessment
or smashed. Work to match and document the keep military operations away from mission at the end of April. The mission,
fragments of destroyed statues has already begun. heritage sites. which was accompanied by UN security
forces, covered both Palmyra’s museum
and the archaeological site, and followed
up on decisions made by the World
Heritage Committee in 2015 and the 199th
session of UNESCO’s Executive Board.
The experts, joined by the Director-
General of Antiquities and Museums of
Syria, Professor Mamoun Abdoulkarim,
took stock of the considerable damage to
the museum, where most of the statues
and sarcophagi that were too large to be
removed for safekeeping were defaced
or smashed, their heads severed, their
fragments left lying on the ground.
The experts provided several emergency
measures to consolidate and secure the
building, and noted that considerable work
will be required to document, evacuate,
safeguard and restore what remains. Work
and defining priority emergency
safeguarding measures. Held two years
after UNESCO’s first emergency expert
meeting on Syria, the Berlin conference
included several round-table discussions Traditional
on damage assessment and current performance for
actions by cultural heritage professionals. the launch of the
Concrete measures were identified #Unite4Heritage
Stories from the field
Nepal’s museums reopening
after the earthquake
On 25 April 2015, Nepal was devastated
by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake and its
subsequent aftershocks. This natural
disaster heavily damaged Nepal’s cultural
and natural heritage, including 691
historic buildings in 16 districts, of which
131 fully collapsed. The monuments,
institutions and sites within the World
Heritage site of Kathmandu Valley were
heavily affected.
Today, progress from ongoing
© UNESCO Office in Kathmandu
■■ Combating illicit trafficking Permanent Missions of Jordan and Italy, for Promoting the Return of Cultural
INTERPOL and UNODC. Held within the Property to its Countries of Origin or its
According to the UN Office on Drugs framework of the partnership initiative Restitution in Case of Illicit Appropriation
and Crime (UNODC), illicit trafficking ‘Protecting cultural heritage – an included discussions on treasure hunters,
represents an estimated annual value imperative for humanity: acting together the regulation of metal detectors and
of US$3.4–6.3 billion. The situation is against the destruction and trafficking of underground scanners, free ports and
particularly dire in countries affected cultural property by terrorist groups and illicit trafficking.
by crisis. Throughout 2016 the political organized crime’, the meeting brought
momentum to curb illicit trafficking together a wide array of stakeholders
continued to gain ground with a total of to discuss growing threats to cultural Winner of the awareness-raising poster
47 Member States sharing information heritage. Participants identified gaps contest against illicit trafficking in
with UNESCO on measures taken, in the in the international response, including cultural property launched this year
framework of the historical Security the lack of documentation and inventory by the UNESCO Office in Montevideo
Council Resolution 2199 adopted in 2015. of destroyed cultural assets, inefficient for the South American region.
The poster was designed by graphic
On 30 March 2016, UNESCO and planning for emergency response and artists Alejandro Rodríguez Juele and
the Conseil des ventes volontaires, capacity, and a lack of coordination at the Nicolás Peruzzo from Uruguay.
the public auction regulator of France, national and global levels. The linkages
organized a round-table debate to between the illegal trafficking of cultural
promote international cooperation in property and the financing of terrorist
the fight against the illicit trafficking of organizations were also discussed.
cultural property, particularly in view Discussions led to a high-level meeting
of the unprecedented scale of pillaging during the annual General Debate of the
of cultural sites and museums in the UN General Assembly in September 2016.
Middle East. This pioneering event At the end of September, two
brought together market stakeholders, meetings at UNESCO Headquarters
including representatives of auction examined issues pertaining to the illicit
houses and online platforms, museum trafficking of cultural property and
representatives, cultural heritage to the restitution of artefacts to their
experts, specialized intergovernmental countries of origin. The fourth session of
organizations and NGOs, and Member the Subsidiary Committee of the 1970
States. A set of recommendations was Convention on the Means of Prohibiting
adopted at the end of the event, which and Preventing the Illicit Import,
called for strengthening cooperation Export and Transfer of Ownership of
between all concerned actors, raising Cultural Property focused on issues
© Alejandro Rodríguez Juele & Nicolás Peruzzo
public awareness, adopting good ethical such as online sales, money laundering
practices, and harmonizing international and a new international mechanism
and national regulations. on the repatriation of ceremonial
On 27 May, global experts on the objects and human remains.
destruction and illegal trafficking of An action plan for the return of
cultural objects gathered at the UN cultural objects illegally offered for sale
Headquarters in New York for a meeting was also examined. The 20th session
co-organized by UNESCO with the of the Intergovernmental Committee
■■ A year in World Heritage Africa, including climate change, natural
and human-made disasters, population
The events of 2016 represented an growth, rapid urbanization, the destruction
important step forward for the safeguarding of heritage and environmental degradation,
Tourism can play of African World Heritage and sustainable the declaration calls on African nations
a positive role in
helping to secure
development, particularly with the adoption to develop and implement policies that
the future of many of the Ngorongoro Declaration. The promote heritage, prevent conflicts, restore
World Heritage declaration was adopted on the last day of peace and security, promote social cohesion
sites, according to the international conference ‘Safeguarding and involve local communities, particularly
World Heritage African World Heritage as a Driver of women and young people. Moreover,
and Tourism in a
Changing Climate,
Sustainable Development’, co‑organized by it appeals to international financial
co-published this UNESCO, the United Republic of Tanzania institutions, industry, the private sector
year by UNESCO, and the People’s Republic of China, and and multilateral and bilateral partners
the United Nations held from 31 May to 3 June in Arusha to undertake innovative development
Environment (United Republic of Tanzania). projects, and requests support from the
Programme (UNEP)
and the Union
Recognizing the need for sustainable World Heritage Committee, States Parties
of Concerned solutions to the many challenges facing and civil society. The declaration also refers
Scientists. explicitly to the 2014 Social Responsibility
Declaration by Chinese Enterprises in Africa,
which invites Chinese enterprises in Africa
to respect local cultures and customs,
and to protect the local environment and
natural resources.
On 10 July, the 40th session of the
World Heritage Committee opened in
Istanbul (Turkey). The opening ceremony
was an opportunity to stress that world
heritage, now confronted with more
threats than ever before, must remain a
vector of cohesion and dialogue at the
international level. During this session, of Micronesia)’ was inscribed on both
the Committee inscribed 21 new sites – the World Heritage List and the List in
12 cultural, six natural and three mixed – Danger. The Committee’s 41st session will
on the UNESCO World Heritage List, which be held in Kraków (Poland), in July 2017.
now includes 1,052 sites in 165 countries. In early November, an international
The Committee also examined the state UNESCO conference held at Headquarters
of conservation of 155 sites. Libya’s five examined the challenges facing the
World Heritage sites were inscribed on 8,000 museums worldwide that are
the List of World Heritage in Danger, situated in World Heritage sites, some of
as were sites in Uzbekistan and Mali. which, like the museums of Mosul in Iraq
The site of ‘Nan Madol: Ceremonial Centre and Palmyra in Syria, have been damaged
of Eastern Micronesia (Federated States or looted in conflict situations.
Antigua Naval
and Related
Sites (Antigua and
Barbuda) is one
of 2016’s 21 new
inscriptions on
the UNESCO World
Heritage List.
The site consists
of a group of
naval buildings
and structures,
set within a
walled enclosure.
The natural
environment of this
side of the island
of Antigua, with
its deep, narrow
bays surrounded
by highlands,
offers shelter
from hurricanes
and is ideal for
repairing ships.
Attendees at the
consecration ceremony
held in February for the
restored mausoleums in
Timbuktu (Mali), to mark
a new beginning for
the city’s cultural life.
© UNESCO Office in Bamako
© Kjell Magnus Økland
■■ Promoting artistic freedom
and creativity
What is the impact of the new digital
environment on the diversity of cultural
expressions, from creation to distribution?
How can we encourage creativity and civil
participation in the digital environment?
And how can we improve legislation to
protect and promote artistic freedom,
in particular for women as creators and
producers of cultural goods and services?
These were some of the questions
discussed during two side-events held
in honour of World Press Freedom Day,
organized in early May by UNESCO in
cooperation with the Finnish Ministry
of Education and Culture and the
Hanasaari Culture Center for Sweden
and Finland. The first event, held at the
National Museum of Finland on 2 May,
brought together a panel that featured
the Director-General, the Nordic Culture
Ministers and artists to discuss the
© UNESCO/Corinne Hayworth
to Live
Learning to Live Together
In today’s increasingly diverse societies, UNESCO continues to accomplish every day its fundamental
humanist mission to support people in understanding each other and working together to build
just and inclusive societies. This year, the Organization launched a global report on social science
research into inequalities whose reduction is vital to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals,
promoted the key role of cities in the integration of migrants and refugees, helped empower young
people to participate in policy decisions which affect them directly, and encouraged intercultural
dialogue to eradicate social injustices and discrimination.
© Shutterstock/Procyk Radek
generated by and the eradication of stereotypes, and
human mobility.
Syrian girl at the bring to the fore the human side of the
refugee camp in predicaments of migrants and refugees.
Suruc (Turkey). The study, deliberations at the round
table and analysis of a survey among
ECCAR member cities set the stage for a
■■ Refugees and migrants: a shift of focus away from the negative high-level conference in Athens (Greece)
assets for social, cultural perceptions of refugees and migrants on 22 November, where experts and
to the assets and advantages generated city representatives gathered to develop
and economic development by human mobility. This relates among policy and action recommendations
2015 and 2016 witnessed a dramatic rise other issues to demographic trends in and contribute to the elaboration of
in the number of refugees arriving in many European countries and their need guidance instruments for municipal
Europe, and created significant additional to receive an additional working force to authorities and city-level actors.
challenges for local governments. support development and growth.
Cities are on the front line of efforts to The round table presented the
guarantee the well-being and inclusion of preliminary key findings of a study
refugees and migrants. Today they play conducted by Patrick Taran, President of
an increasingly important role in ensuring Global Migration Policy Associates. Research
respect for human rights and social carried out for this study further underlines
cohesion. SDG 11 calls on Member States that the current situation of refugees in
to ‘make cities inclusive, safe, resilient Europe is a crisis of perception and values.
and sustainable’. The round table addressed the role of
In 2016 UNESCO, the foundation of culture in promoting inclusion and changing
UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Marianna negative stereotypes about refugees.
V. Vardinoyannis and the European
Coalition of Cities against Racism (ECCAR) This new UNESCO publication identifies and
launched the initiative ‘Welcoming Cities analyses trends and approaches by municipal
for Refugees: Promoting Inclusion and authorities, in the areas of housing, water and
sanitation, food, health care and education,
Protecting Rights’ with a round table at to the significant increase in refugee arrivals
UNESCO Headquarters on 9 May. The three to several European cities of initial reception,
partners are working hand in hand to bring and also of transit and destination.
© UNHCR/C. Tijerina
implemented by NET-MED Youth through
radio programmes produced by and for
young people on the occasion of several
‘Let’s talk! We love ■■ Making young voices heard Networks of Mediterranean Youth international days.
projects by young
people, with All over the world, young people are (NET-MED Youth) members had a busy As a complement to this radio
young people driving social change and innovation, year making young voices heard as campaign, NET-MED Youth members
and for young claiming respect for their fundamental clearly and as loudly as possible in public in Palestine installed ten billboards in
people’, reads this human rights and freedoms, and seeking dialogue. In early March, participants high-traffic areas in Gaza and the West
billboard, one
in ten installed
new opportunities to learn and work from NET-MED Youth and other youth Bank in October, to raise awareness about
in high-traffic together for a better future. UNESCO organizations gathered in Tunis (Tunisia) priority youth issues, young people’s
areas in Gaza prioritizes its work with and for young to discuss the implementation of participation in public policies, their
and the West people across all its programmes. a National Youth Council. In the process representation in the media, and youth
Bank in October In September, UNESCO, the National of strengthening Tunisia’s emerging employment. The members chose this
Youth members
Commission of China to UNESCO, and democracy, the council aims to serve as form of communication following a series
in Palestine. Perfect World, a private sector company, an appropriate framework through which of discussion sessions, media workshops
organized the Asia-Pacific Youth Dialogue young people can participate in analysing and trainings in communications,
in Chengdu (People’s Republic of China). public policies, elaborating strategies and campaigning and advocacy, so that their
The Dialogue was convened within formulating recommendations related awareness-raising campaign could be as
the framework of the UN International to youth issues, at a time when the visible and effective as possible. On the
Decade for the Rapprochement of government is beginning to reflect on day when the billboards were installed,
Cultures (2013–22) for which UNESCO its strategy for youth. a group of NET-MED Youth members
is the lead agency. Young people from The brainstorming workshop walked around the streets of Kalandia,
46 countries gathered to come up with between young women and men laid Soq Asha3b and all the way to Bethlehem
recommendations on the relations between the groundwork for the future council, University, to engage in conversation with
Asia-Pacific civilizations, cultures, social supported by several experts who passers-by on how young people can be in
cohesion, respect for diversity and peace- shared their own methodologies and the driver’s seat of change. The billboards
building. Their recommendations will be recommendations. By the end of the remained in their locations until the end
presented to regional leaders attending workshop, participants agreed on key of the year with the aim of reaching out
the Asian Civilizations Dialogue Forum concepts for the legal framework of to more people and promoting actions to
planned for 2017, and to national and the future council, a communication further youth empowerment, engagement
international bodies. and visibility strategy, and project and representation.
Stories from the field
El Salvador
Multi-partisan Group of
Young Parliamentarians
created in El Salvador
According to the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD), the key issues affecting
young people in El Salvador today are
lack of access to quality education,
unemployment, emigration, and a strong
culture and practice of violence which
prevents young people from participating
in the socio-economic and political
development of the country.
On 1 March, a landmark agreement
was reached at the Legislative Assembly
of El Salvador for the establishment
of a multi-partisan Group of Young
■■ Learning values
through sport
UNESCO is actively engaged in the
promotion of sport and physical activity
as an entry point for the delivery of values
education, both in schools and more
generally in society. The Organization
is also a member of an education
partnership aiming to embed sport values
across school-based curricula, with the
International Council of Sport Science
and Physical Education (ICSSPE), the
International Fair Play Committee (IFPC),
the International Olympic Committee
(IOC), the International Paralympic
Committee (IPC) and the World Anti-
Doping Agency (WADA).
On 6 April, celebrating the International
Day of Sport for Development and Peace
2016, UNESCO initiated a campaign
promoting the role of sport in delivering
values education. A motion design
animation, a photo book and a dedicated
webpage were launched to this effect.
The motion design animation highlights
core values triggered by sport such as
equality, inclusion, respect and fairness,
and makes the case for using sport in order
to empower learners to be self-determined,
responsible and contribute to society.
The publication, entitled The Power of
Sport Values, is a bilingual (English-French)
photo book featuring the top 15 entries
from UNESCO’s photo contest on the
power of sport values, selected from over
300 photos submitted by photographers
from 76 countries all around the world.
In 2016, the Fund for the Elimination
of Doping in Sport also approved 29 new
initiatives amounting to more than
girls through
football, one of
the programmes
of the Football
for All in Vietnam
project, as seen
by photographer
Phan Cu.
This image is
one of the best
15 entries of a
UNESCO photo
contest to
promote sport
values worldwide.
UNESCO Facebook post with a quotation
from French philosopher Simone de Beauvoir
to celebrate World Philosophy Day 2016.
Its Spanish version was November’s most liked
and shared of all UNESCO Facebook posts,
across all languages.
© UNESCO/Christelle Alix
at UNESCO Headquarters on the occasion of
World Philosophy Day 2016. Through this
work, the artist proposes a sculptural echo of
the olive tree in Dani Karavan’s Tolerance Square
at the Organization’s Headquarters.
Stories from the field
Switzerland The selected images were the object of an Named to honour Alfred Hermann
‘What does peace look like?’ exhibition entitled What Does Peace Look Fried, the Alfred Fried Photography
Like, inaugurated at the Palais des Nations Award is co-organized by UNESCO, the
Forty dazzling photos were selected in Geneva (Switzerland) on 7 November. Austrian Parliament, the International
from among the 14,000 received from By portraying myriad deeply personal Press Institute, the Austrian
121 countries for the third edition of perspectives, the photos selected provide Parliamentary Reporting Association,
the Alfred Fried Photography Award a transformative vision of how to build Photographische Gesellschaft and
with the support of UNESCO. peace in the world. Edition Lammerhuber.
■■ Promoting intercultural rights among nations and peoples in Latin
dialogue America and the Caribbean.
On 14 April, Palestinian author Elias
The world is more and more interconnected Sanbar and the Biblioteca Islámica
but this does not mean that individuals and of Spain’s Agency for International
societies really live together, as is shown by Development Cooperation were awarded
the exclusion suffered by millions of poor the 13th UNESCO-Sharjah Prizes for
people, women, young people, migrants Arab Culture by the Director-General of
and marginalized minorities. All through UNESCO. Created in 1998 at the initiative
2016, UNESCO continued its relentless of the United Arab Emirates, this prize
efforts to promote intercultural dialogue rewards the efforts of two personalities or
through a series of events. organizations, one from an Arab country
On 28 January, Alfonso Herrera and one from any other country, who
Franyutti (Mexico) was awarded the 2016 have made a significant contribution
© UNESCO/Christelle Alix
International UNESCO/José Martí Prize. to the development, dissemination and
He was chosen by an international jury of promotion of Arab culture in the world.
experts for his longstanding contribution On 16 November, the Federal Research
to promoting peace, solidarity and human and Methodological Center for Tolerance,
Artists Tawfiq Psychology and Education (Tolerance
Omrane (Tunisia) Center) of the Russian Federation was
and Laurent Publication of the last two volumes of UNESCO’s collection awarded the 2016 UNESCO-Madanjeet
Salles (France)
drew caricatures on Islamic culture Singh Prize for the Promotion of Tolerance
live during and Non-Violence, during a ceremony
the international The last two volumes of UNESCO’s collection The held on the occasion of the International
conference Different Aspects of Islamic Culture were presented at Day for Tolerance. The Center received the
‘Mawaïd – UNESCO Headquarters on 17 November. This unique prize in recognition of its wide range of
Rendez‑Vous collection of six volumes totalling over 5,700 pages
for Euro-Arab
activities, including the implementation
has mobilized more than 150 researchers and of more than 60 educational programmes
Dialogue’ at
specialists who have compiled a comprehensive to promote dialogue between religions
the Organization’s
Headquarters. account of the complexity and diversity of Islamic and worldviews, with a particular focus
culture. Launched in 1977 and completed this year, on young people.
the collection, overseen by an International scientific
In December, UNESCO, National
committee, is the fruit of 40 years of debate among
Commissions for UNESCO members of
researchers and experts from varied backgrounds, both
the Euro-Arab Dialogue Initiative and the
Muslims and non-Muslims. It offers readers a large
MBI Al Jaber Foundation organized an
amount of knowledge on Islam and its contribution to
the world from a pluralistic and global perspective.
international conference entitled ‘Mawaïd
– Rendez-vous for the Euro-Arab Dialogue’
Newly completed Volume 6 of UNESCO’s collection at the Organization’s Headquarters, to
The Different Aspects of Islamic Culture, published strengthen Euro-Arab cooperation and to
in two parts, considers efforts to achieve mutual adapt this initiative, created in 2001, to the
understanding and coexistence in both Muslim and
non-Muslim countries. current international challenges. Opened
by Eric Falt, Assistant Director-General for
Staff member
External Relations and Public Information Commissions for UNESCO, who are also Among the activities carried out under Doris Jugganadum
on behalf of the Director-General Irina contributing to the International Decade for this programme was the Cultural Diversity is happy to
Bokova, and Carolyn Perry, Director and the Rapprochement of Cultures (2013–22) Festival in Doha, which brought together welcome visitors
Head of Philanthropy at the MBI Al Jaber coordinated by the Organization. performing groups from 21 countries around to UNESCO’s stand
Foundation, the two-day conference Throughout 2016, the UNESCO Office the world. Over five months, the festival at the Sharjah
International Book
focused on topics such as harnessing in Doha, the Katara Cultural Village created an atmosphere that reflected the Fair 2016 (United
cultural heritage for reconciliation, the Foundation and the Qatar National cultural traditions of the performing groups Arab Emirates)
importance of local governments in Commission to UNESCO conducted an and countries, celebrating their diverse where the
educational and cultural cooperation Intercultural Dialogue and Cultural Diversity expressions. In December an international Organization was
between Europe and the Arab world, Programme to increase intercultural conference ‘Encouraging Dialogue and guest of honour.
The fair was an
education as a vehicle for the prevention of understanding, promote dialogue and Diversity through Cultural Industries’ explored ideal spot for the
violent extremism, and the role of media in foster respect for cultural pluralism. As the social, cultural and economic impact and presentation and
promoting intercultural dialogue to prevent Qatar’s rapid development has allowed it to opportunities for traditional Qatari handicraft discussion of the
radicalization. host a multitude of people from all around practices, specifically in terms of community UNESCO collection
A Plan of Action was adopted during the globe, this provides both challenges involvement, gender empowerment and The Different
Aspects of Islamic
this conference to strengthen the dialogue and opportunities for the country to further youth mobilization. The conference created Culture, completed
between Europe and the Arab world. develop deep cross-cultural understanding a platform where international and regional this year.
It takes into account the proposals of while becoming a global source of experiences were shared through case
young participants invited by National innovation and creativity. presentations and expert discussions.
Starting on
7 February,
52 editions of
Radio France
International’s history. Starting on 7 February, 52 editions
programme of Mémoire d’un continent are being
d’un continent devoted to history. Presented by Congolese
(Memories of historian Elikia M’Bokolo, President of the
a Continent) will Scientific Committee for the Pedagogical
focus on UNESCO’s Use of the General History of Africa, the
General History of RFI programme focuses on a great many
Africa with a view
to overcoming aspects of the history of the continent,
the prejudices drawing on a wealth of sound archives,
that still taint this many of which are being broadcast for the
continent’s history. very first time.
On 7 December, a delegation of
more than 50 Malian artists signed
the Declaration of Commitment of the
Coalition of Artists for the promotion of
the General History of Africa at UNESCO
Headquarters. The primary objective
Ming-Kuok Lim, from the UNESCO Office in Jakarta (back
row, right), and this group of people in bright yellow T-shirts
surprised the passengers on the popular Jakarta–Bogor
commuter train line on the first weekend of September,
to help spread the message of the universal right to access
publicly held information ahead of the International Day for
the Universal Access to Information (28 September).
Building Knowledge
Building Knowledge Societies
The Sustainable Development Goals for education, gender equality and infrastructure comprise bold
targets for information and communication technology. But as broadband is failing to reach more than
half the world’s population, those who could profit most are unable to take advantage of the economic
and social benefits the Internet can offer. This year, UNESCO made available the latest data and
analysis of global connectivity objectives, helping advance the use of ICT in Africa to fight poverty and
foster peace, reflecting on how to prevent youth radicalization online leading to violent extremism,
and partnering for the safeguard and revitalization of the world’s linguistic diversity.
■■ New connectivity targets development. This was the message of business sectors began working
to meet the Sustainable UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova on formulating concrete, measurable
shared at this year’s meeting of the UN broadband connectivity goals, which
Development Goals Broadband Commission for Sustainable were submitted to the following full
Around the world, 1.3 billion people still Development, held in March in Dubai meeting of the Commission in New York
live without electricity, and an estimated (United Arab Emirates). The Commission in September.
3.9 billion people have no access to the was established by UNESCO and the A few days before its meeting in New
Internet. Yet the world is going through International Telecommunication Union York on 18 September, the Commission
a staggering confluence of emerging (ITU) in 2010 to promote connectivity released The State of Broadband:
technological breakthroughs which can for public benefit. Broadband catalyzing sustainable
open vast new horizons for growth and As access and connectivity are development, a new country-by-country
absolutely crucial for societies across report on the state of broadband
The ITU/UNESCO the world, the UN Broadband Commission access worldwide. According to this
report The State agreed this year on the need for a publication, while Internet access is
of Broadband new set of connectivity targets to approaching saturation in richer nations,
was launched by help governments harness broadband connectivity is still not advancing fast
the Broadband
networks and services more effectively enough to help bridge development
for Sustainable to meet the 17 Sustainable Development gaps in areas such as education and
Development Goals (SDGs). The Commission called health care for those in poorer parts of
in September. for improved statistical indicators to the world. Of the total global population
The report gauge broadband access accurately, 55 per cent are still offline.
indicates that
there were
and methodologies to generate precise, The report also indicates that India
300 million reliable measurement. Commissioners has overtaken the United States to
more people also highlighted the importance of become the world’s second largest
connected in 2016 developing national digital scorecards to Internet market, with 333 million users,
than in 2015, measure countries’ progress in achieving trailing the People’s Republic of China’s
with 3.5 billion
people online by
broadband targets. 721 million. The report is optimistic
the end of 2016. The Commission’s leaders and about the potential of mobile broadband,
experts from government, UN agencies, with 165 countries now having deployed
civil society and a broad spectrum ‘4G’ high-speed mobile networks.
As smartphone penetration reaches
near-saturation in the United States,
Europe and mature markets in Asia such
as Japan and the Republic of Korea, India
and Indonesia in particular are expected
to drive future growth.
In its report, the Commission argues
that if today’s near-universal basic
mobile phone access could be converted
to high-speed mobile broadband
access, mobile phones could serve as
a major accelerator of development,
driving rapid progress towards the 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development.
As the SDGs for education, gender
equality and infrastructure include bold
targets for ICT, these require urgent
efforts and progress in the speed,
degree and equality of development.
© Shutterstock/Yavuz Sariyildiz
© UNESCO/Marion Piccio
International Development Cooperation
Agency, students from the University
of Juba participated in a ‘Peacebuilding
and Literacy through Tech Innovation
Bootcamp’ in Juba (South Sudan) at
A total of 104 young girls were boys and girls to acquire basic technical the end of October. This bootcamp was
trained in three sessions, at Boromo skills and the necessary confidence the follow-up to a series of previous
(province of Balé), Ziniaré (province of for the development, promotion and UNESCO YouthMobile workshops which
Oubritenga) and Diébougou (province marketing of mobile applications that have involved some 43 young South
of Bougouriba), in July and August. address local sustainability issues. Sudanese students since 2014 on mobile
The pedagogical approach used both By 2017, the initiative’s overall objective applications development.
theoretical and practical tools to is to allow at least 25,000 young people By the end of the bootcamp, they were
promote the integration of ICT into to develop the skills of the 21st century, able to launch a mobile application for
entrepreneurial initiatives. The girls to fully participate in addressing the educating South Sudanese youth on how to
were taught how to use the Internet, challenges of sustainable development actively engage in the process of building
mobile phones, GSM (Global System in their communities. a peaceful and literate nation.
for Mobile Communications) networks,
smartphones, laptops, iPads and iPods, UNESCO-Talkmate partnership for the World Atlas
as well as social networks such as
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Viber and
of Languages
Whatsapp in order to share information, UNESCO and Beijing 200H Education Technology Co. Ltd (Talkmate) agreed to cooperate during
search for a job or market a product. a four-year period on the development of the World Atlas of Languages. Based on the existing
The objective of this training was to UNESCO World Atlas of Languages in Danger, the World Atlas of Languages will contribute to
optimize the use of mobile applications the safeguarding of the world’s linguistic diversity, and the promotion of multilingualism in
in the fight against poverty, and to cyberspace through effective application of ICT through educational institutional networks,
contribute to employment creation public–private sector and civic engagement.
and the country’s economic growth. The launch of the partnership with Talkmate took place on 8 July at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in
This capacity-building initiative is part Beijing (People’s Republic of China). A half-day event included an official ceremony and roundtable
of UNESCO’s YouthMobile Initiative discussion on ‘Language matters for development’ to determine the next steps for the project
and IFAP. The UNESCO Youth Mobile implementation and establish new synergies for cooperation.
Initiative, created in 2014, enables young
This ‘PeaceApp’ describes the ■■ Alternative narratives prevent but to curb youth radicalization
terminologies related to conflict, violence
and their impact on daily life interactions.
to extremist propaganda leading to violence. As part of UNESCO’s
IFAP, this event payed special attention
It offers practical steps to peace and on the Internet to the role the Internet and media play in
reconciliation, and allows users to share UNESCO and the Government of Québec, the radicalization of youth.
relevant messages and make personal with the support of the Government At the conference, the Director-
commitments to the peacebuilding process. of Canada, organized an international General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova,
With guidance from Web4All, an ICT conference of high-level experts entitled emphasized that responding to
company based in Kenya, the students ‘Internet and the Radicalization of extremists’ use of the Internet required
went through a hands-on training on the Youth: Preventing, Acting and Living the engagement of a digital citizenry,
development process of the app. In addition Together’ which ran from 30 October educated to exercise critical thinking:
to technical aspects and practical exercises, to 1 November. Following the first-ever ‘I see this as a new global struggle of
the students were also given lectures on the conference organized by UNESCO on this ideas, a struggle for hearts and minds.
growth of mobile technology in Africa, as subject in June 2015, this event brought Young women and men must have
well as an introduction to revenue-generation together up to 400 participants in Québec knowledge to claim humanity’s cultural
modules for mobile apps. At the end of the City (Canada). Researchers, experts, civil heritage and diversity as their own, and
bootcamp, the PeaceApp was released for society representatives and government they must have skills to build dialogue
testing and published on Google Play Store officials gathered to identify innovative through diversity. This means nurturing
for download and use. The app was also and collaborative projects at the national the Internet’s full potential for peace,’
made available through a dedicated website. and international levels, not only to she argued.
In order to identify
innovative and
projects at the
national and
international level,
not only to prevent
but to curb youth
leading to
violence, experts
and government
representatives met
at the international
‘Internet and the
Radicalization of
Youth: Preventing,
Acting and Living
Together’ organized
this year by UNESCO
and the Government
of Québec.
The participants reaffirmed the 2016 UNESCO/Jikji Memory
positive potential of information
technologies to build bridges among of the World Prize awarded
people and convey narratives that to the Iberarchivos
counter hate speech and violent Programme
extremism. Speakers also voiced
commitment to freedom of expression The 2016 UNESCO Jikji Memory of
online, and encouraged all stakeholders the World Prize was awarded to
to facilitate access to all information the Iberarchivos Programme for the
and communication platforms, and Development of Ibero-American Archives
promote narratives that condemn (Spain) on 1 September. Iberarchivos
violence and hate speech, and promote was established in 1998 as an initiative
inclusion, equality, intercultural dialogue for cooperation and integration among
and peace. Ibero-American countries to promote
Many participants contended that access, organization, description,
the Internet is not the problem, and that conservation and dissemination of the
more should be done to understand why documentary heritage that contributes to
young people yield to propaganda and the consolidation of the Ibero-American
messages for youth radicalization. They cultural space. It has since become the
also asserted that youth radicalization main cooperation programme for archives
can only be contained through a in the region. This year’s ceremony was
multidimensional approach. Pulling hate symbolically held at the Cheongju Early
material from the Internet will never Printing Museum, located on the site
be enough to curb the phenomenon of Heungdeoksa Temple in the city of
of violent extremism, because when Cheongju (Republic of Korea). This is
one website goes down, two or three where Jikji, the first book ever printed
more are up the very next day. Young with movable metal type, was published
people should be prepared to counter in 1377, 78 years before the Gutenberg
hate online with arguments and facts, Bible, demonstrating the advanced
and be engaged in the consolidation printing technology and flourishing
of peace. Some participants stressed publishing culture of the late Goryeo
that unemployment and economic Dynasty in Korea.
conditions play a far greater role in The Jikji Prize promotes the objectives of
youth radicalization than do religion the Memory of the World Programme to
and culture. preserve the world’s documentary heritage
On the last day of the conference, the as a platform for dialogue, mutual respect
Premier of Québec, Philippe Couillard, and and understanding among peoples and
the Minister of International Relations between societies, in order to strengthen
and la Francophonie, Christine St-Pierre, the ground for cooperation and peace,
launched the ‘Call of Québec’ to rally and to ensure its wide accessibility as a
support for a responsible answer to common heritage of humanity.
radicalization online.
of a historical
document from
the Archdiocese of
Santo Domingo’s
Republic) by
an expert from
the Spanish
Programme for
the Development
of Ibero-American
Archives. This
programme won
the 2016 UNESCO/
Jikji Memory of
the World Prize
for its outstanding
contribution to
© Iberarchivos-Programa ADAI
■■ Protecting the world’s
documentary heritage
The Memory of the World (MoW)
Programme has grown significantly
since its establishment in 1992, with
the proliferation of activities, events,
committees and registers, and the
cumulation of operational experience.
The adoption of the Recommendation
on the Preservation of, and Access to,
Documentary Heritage including in Digital
Form by the General Conference in 2015
also required that the General Guidelines of
the Programme be modified in accordance
with the provisions of this unique
normative instrument.
At its meeting in October 2015 in
© National Library of Anthropology and History, Madrid Codex. Fol 254r. Feast Atamalcualiztli.
Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), the
International Advisory Committee (IAC)
of the Memory of the World Programme
decided to launch a comprehensive review
of the programme, including the statutes,
the General Guidelines and the Register
Companion. The review seeks to explore
means to strengthen the programme further
by improving visibility, resource mobilization,
transparency and dialogue. The review was
welcomed by the UNESCO Executive Board at
its meeting in April 2016. The MoW review
is conducted on a global scale.
In 2016, a wide-ranging and open online
consultation process was conducted over
a four-month period to involve all parts
of the MoW structure, including the IAC
and subcommittees, national and regional
The work of Fray Bernardino de Sahagún (1499–1590), a pioneer of modern MoW committees, and the four NGOs which
anthropology, constitutes one of the most renowned historic sources of closely relate to the work of the MoW
ancient Mexico. His work contains the Matritense Codex, a manuscript Programme (ICA, ICOM, IFLA and CCAAA).
product of the great ethnographic research in the New Spain of the mid-16th
century, and the Florentine Codex, a manuscript in two columns with texts in This consultation process was also open
Náhuatl and Spanish. This documentary heritage submitted by Mexico, Italy to UNESCO Member States. The review is
and Spain was included in the Memory of the World Register in 2015. scheduled to be finalized in 2017.
Stories from the field
World Book Capital 2016
On 23 April (World Book and Copyright
Day), the Polish city of Wroclaw was
designated World Book Capital 2016
by UNESCO, with the promise of an
innovative, diverse and inclusive literary
programme of events to be shared with © Europejska Noc Literatury
Located on the west coast of Greenland (Denmark), the World Heritage
site of Ilulissat Icefjord (40,240 ha) is the sea mouth of Sermeq Kujalleq,
one of the fastest (19 m per day) and most active glaciers in the world.
Studied for over 250 years, it has helped to develop our understanding
of climate change and icecap glaciology. The role played by UNESCO
designated sites as dedicated climate change observatories, and
how these sites can support the implementation of the Paris Climate
Agreement and the 2030 Agenda through concrete actions on the
ground, was one of the key subjects discussed by the Organization this
year at the 22nd Conference of Parties (COP22) to the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
© Shutterstock/Romantravel
One Planet,
One Ocean
One Planet, One Ocean
In 2015, for the very first time, the key role of the ocean for sustainability, poverty reduction and
human development was recognized at the highest level, as a core part of the new 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development and the Paris Climate Agreement at the COP21. This was a result of
UNESCO’s advocacy. This year, UNESCO undertook many actions to translate international commitments
into concrete actions, and actively mobilized during the COP22 conference to raise awareness and
provide science-based solutions to the effects of climate change.
■■ Moving from agreement ocean acidification – the overexploitation For more than 20 years, IOC-UNESCO
to action for the sake of resources and pollution diminish has promoted transboundary waters
marine ecosystems’ capacity to adapt to and LME approaches in marine and
of the ocean present and future climate changes. coastal conservation and sustainable
The ocean produces more than 50 per cent Long overlooked in international development policies. Funded by GEF,
This UNESCO of the oxygen in the world. By absorbing negotiations about climate change, with the technical assistance of IOC-
tweet for World more than a quarter of the carbon the role of the ocean was taken into UNESCO and UNESCO-IHP, such projects
Oceans Day emissions produced by human activity, account for the first time at the 2015 have accumulated experience, knowledge
2016 recalls the
ocean’s vital role the ocean is also a key regulator in climate United Nations Conference on Climate and a wide network of practitioners.
as a key regulator change. However, the increase of carbon Change (COP21) in Paris. Along with the The new segment of IW:LEARN attempts
of the climate. dioxide emissions – which translate into Ocean and Climate Platform, the Global to move projects from a demonstration
Ocean Forum and other institutional phase towards scaled-up global learning
partners, UNESCO’s Intergovernmental on transboundary waters. The second part
Oceanographic Commission (IOC-UNESCO) (LME:LEARN) seeks to improve global
spearheaded a strong mobilization, ecosystem-based governance of LME and
which helped include the ocean in the their coasts by generating knowledge,
Paris Agreement. Throughout 2016, IOC- building capacity, harnessing public and
UNESCO led a series of actions to pursue private partners, and supporting South-
scientific knowledge, improve ocean to-South and North-to-South learning.
governance and implement the Paris Both projects will be executed by IOC-
Agreement over the coming years. UNESCO in close collaboration with the UN
In March 2016 IOC-UNESCO and Development Programme (UNDP), among
UNESCO’s International Hydrological other partners, through the next four and
Programme (UNESCO-IHP) hosted a three years, respectively.
joint inception meeting with the Global In April, the Joint Scientific Committee
Environment Facility (GEF), partner of the World Climate Research Programme
agencies and other stakeholders to launch (WCRP) held its 37th session in Geneva
the fourth phase of the International (Switzerland). Major advances and
Waters Learning Exchange and Resource challenges in climate sciences were
Network (IW:LEARN), and the inaugural presented, and reports on the WCRP’s
phase of a similar initiative focused latest activities in atmospheric, oceanic,
on large marine ecosystems (LME). hydrological and cryospheric sciences were
United Nations
Educational, Scientific and
Oceanographic Celebrating
World Oceans Day 2016
Cultural Organization Commission
Visit unesco.org/new/en/oceans-day
Image from
Jérôme Salle’s new
film L’Odyssée on
the life of French
explorer and
Jacques Cousteau.
On the occasion of
the film’s release,
the director
and lead stars
Lambert Wilson
and Pierre Niney
and the Ocean and
Climate Platform to
raise awareness of
the urgent need to
protect the ocean.
of transfer of marine technology. SDG 14
explicitly calls on countries to use the
IOC Criteria and Guidelines on Transfer of
Marine Technology to support national
implementation efforts. Tools such as
these could be similarly used to support
a new marine biodiversity governance
© UNESCO/Line Bourdages
Mr Thomson shared details of the main a collaboration agreement to join efforts and provide guidance to the current
lines of work currently under way to towards a sustained, coordinated global negotiations for the new legally-
organize the UN conference. He also ocean system of marine biological and binding instrument under UNCLOS on
emphasized the crucial role IOC-UNESCO ecosystem observations, to support the conservation and sustainable use
can play in mobilizing policy-makers management decisions and address of marine biological diversity in areas
around a science-based solutions relevant science and societal needs. beyond national jurisdiction. Individual
portfolio. IOC-UNESCO will contribute to A coordinated global ocean observing nations need historical and current
many of the discussion round tables to system would provide the information information about ocean biodiversity to
take place during the June conference, and knowledge needed to inform understand the potential of their own
alongside partner international agencies. progress towards SDG 14 targets, resources, and help preserve or improve
IOC-UNESCO will focus on aspects the 2020 Biodiversity Aichi targets of the the resilience of their coastal areas.
related to marine pollution, impacts of Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
ocean acidification, ecosystem-based and the second World Ocean Assessment,
management approaches, and the Ocean Science Essay
contribution of marine scientific research
and capacity development as a cross- IOC-UNESCO through its Sub
Competition 2016
cutting theme to all SDG 14 targets. Commission for Africa and Adjacent The UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa,
In December, three major initiatives Island States (IOCAFRICA) organized
the Ocean Science Essay Competition in collaboration with the Kenya National
(GOOS, OBIS and GEOBON MBON) signed Commission for UNESCO, the Kenya Federation
2016 to raise awareness of ocean
sciences in Kenyan high schools. of UNESCO Clubs, Centers and Associations,
and the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research
Institute launched in May the Ocean Science
Essay Competition 2016. Students aged between
13 and 18 were required to submit an essay in
English, on one of the following topics: life in the
oceans; climate change and oceans; food from
oceans; ocean pollution; and oceans as a source
A rally of school
Over the last 500 years, 75 tsunamis participants, and comprised a simulated 35,000 participants. An evaluation was children held in
have occurred in the Caribbean. Whether earthquake with a 9.2 magnitude south conducted after the exercise to identify August in Odisha
caused by earthquakes, landslides or of Sumatra (Indonesia) and a simulated gaps and weaknesses and improve the Province (India),
volcanic activity, tsunamis have claimed earthquake with a 9.0 magnitude in the Indian Ocean System. in preparation for
the Indian Ocean
more than 3,500 lives in the region since Makran Trench south of Iran and Pakistan. Indian Ocean nations called for the Tsunami Warning
the middle of the 19th century. The region Simulating tsunami waves travelling across establishment of an Indian Ocean Tsunami and Mitigation
has become ever more vulnerable to the Indian Ocean, both exercises were Warning and Mitigation System in the System IOWave16
such risks because of massive population conducted in real time for about 12 hours. wake of the 2004 tsunami disaster. The mock drill. The
growth and the development of tourism As part of this exercise, Australia, new system became operational in 2011 children carried
banners in the
in coastal areas. Comoros, India, Indonesia, Kenya, with the support of IOC-UNESCO, which Odia language
On 7 and 8 September, 24 countries Mauritius, Oman, Seychelles, Sri Lanka and continues to coordinate the system’s with safety tips
participated in a large-scale tsunami Timor-Leste carried out public evacuation governance mechanism. on how to protect
simulation exercise organized under exercises in coastal areas. In Sri Lanka, In September, Bucharest (Romania) communities from
the auspices of IOC-UNESCO. Standard 14 villages were evacuated, involving hosted the 13th session of the tsunamis.
operating procedures of the Indian Ocean some 7,000 participants. In Oman eight Intergovernmental Coordination
Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System schools and about 8,000 students took Group (ICG) for the Tsunami Warning
were tested, including communication part in simulated evacuations. In India, and Mitigation System in the North-
links between all stakeholders. The community-level evacuations were carried eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean
exercise (IOWave16) involved over 50,000 out in about 350 villages involving some and Connected Seas (ICG/NEAMTWS).
It marked an important milestone in the
WORLD TSUNAMI AWARENESS DAY development of NEAMTWS, the only system
where the ICG has decided that tsunami
WHAT IS A TSUNAMI? service providers should be accredited.
Four candidate tsunami service providers
A tsunami is a series of ten or more giant, long ocean waves created by an underwater
disturbance such as an earthquake, landslide, volcanic eruption or meteorite
from France, Italy, Greece and Turkey were
accredited during this year’s session. The
group also decided to organize a tsunami
wave exercise in the fourth quarter of 2017.
KEY FACTS The first celebration of the UN-designated
World Tsunami Awareness Day was held this
In the last 100 years, Most victims of the 2004 A tsunami can move
58 tsunamis killed more Indian Ocean Tsunami were as fast as a jet plane and year on 5 November under the coordination
than 260,000 people women and children reach 30 meters high
of the United Nations Office for Disaster
805 km/h Reduction (UNISDR). The focus for this first
edition was on education and evacuation
drills. The Asian Ministerial Conference on
Disaster Risk Reduction in New Delhi (India)
was the main global event of the Day. Many
WHAT CAN WE DO WHO IS AT RISK other activities and events were scheduled to
EDUCATE PEOPLE Protect essential infrastructure People living by the
take place around the world.
on tsunami risk such as schools and hospitals,
roads, harbours, power plants,
sea and in earthquake Ahead of this first World Tsunami
prone zones
banking and building structures,
BY RELOCATING THEM AT Awareness Day, IOC-UNESCO handed the
HIGHER LEVELS if possible and
away from the shore Tsunami Ready Certificate of Recognition to
Saint Kitts and Nevis for compliance with
People living in poor
quality buildings
all international tsunami risk reduction
guidelines. The country joined 51 other coastal
with shelter or safe areas, which BARRIERS – dunes, mangroves communities in the Caribbean that have
can be reached immediately and coral reefs
Tourists in
been recognized as ‘Tsunami Ready’. It is the
sea resorts first community to receive this recognition
as part of the CARIBE EWS Tsunami Ready
pilot project, modelled after the successful
US TsunamiReady® programme in Puerto
Have an EARLY WARNING Maintain and use INDIGENOUS
at sea Rico and the US Virgin Islands, and an earlier
KNOWLEDGE and practices
joint Tsunami Ready project piloted jointly by
about tsunamis to save lives IOC-UNESCO and the US National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
climate change
on 7 November.
generations, to observe and respond change. The similarities and differences give benefits back to the communities;
actively to changing climatic conditions. between different knowledge systems they provide tools for the sustainable
On 7 November, the UNESCO Pavilion must be better understood, in order to management of nature. However, defining
hosted a series of discussions on the facilitate this collaboration. For example, appropriate ways to engage indigenous
solutions that indigenous knowledge can extreme events are measured by Sami knowledge at the intergovernmental level
offer to tackle climate change, and how herders in terms of consequence, while remains challenging.
to best support particularly vulnerable climatologists consider intensity. A series The next day the session on UNESCO
local and indigenous communities. of low-intensity warm and cold spells, designated sites as a climate change
Indigenous representatives presented resulting in the formation of an ice crust observatory discussed how these sites
the main conclusions of an international on the snow that prevents reindeer from could support the implementation of the
conference organized by UNESCO and accessing their food, will be recorded as Paris Climate Agreement and the 2030
CNRS (the French National Centre for an extreme event by the Sami but not by Agenda through concrete actions on the
Scientific Research) a few days before climatologists. ground. It explored how World Heritage
COP22, in support of international efforts Over generations, indigenous peoples sites, Biosphere Reserves and UNESCO
to implement the Paris Agreement. have modified and maintained most Global Geoparks apply in an innovative
UNESCO took this opportunity to stress of the world’s ‘wilderness’ areas. Fire way and test climate monitoring,
how collaboration between indigenous management, community forestry and mitigation and adaptation, and raise
knowledge holders and mainstream indigenous soil enhancement practices awareness on climate change impacts
scientific research can generate new have shaped landscapes across the globe. on human societies, cultural diversity,
co-produced knowledge that will enable These traditional practices have the biodiversity, ecosystem services, and the
effective action to cope with climate potential to enhance carbon sinks and world’s natural and cultural heritage.
UNESCO tweet
posted during
COP22, to raise
of the role
has in the
observation of
and response to
climate change.
On 9 November, a full day was session explored how to strengthen ‘Rooting sustainability starts on the
dedicated for the first time to water and the potential of more than 2,000 UNESCO benches of schools,’ affirmed UNESCO
climate change. Special attention was designated sites and protected areas to Director-General Irina Bokova at a
given to the use of new technologies ensure site conservation in the face of high-level panel during the day. ‘For
in tackling the impacts of climate natural hazards. the first time ever, we have a single
change on water resources. The first A thematic day on small island internationally agreed goal that makes
global real‑time crowd-sourced developing states (SIDS), on specific reference to Education for
rainfall observation system, the IRain 12 November, paid special attention Sustainable Development in target 4.7.
application, was launched, and a to SIDS preparedness and response to This goal does not only focus on getting
session focused on UNESCO’s open natural disasters in combating climate all children to school, but on what
source software platform of experts on and environmental change through they learn – on skills, on competencies
hydrology, the HOPE Initiative. a participatory and multidisciplinary for global citizenship and sustainable
Two sessions on disaster risk reduction approach. development.’ Panellists at this side
and climate change to showcase concrete At COP22, 14 November was event entitled ‘Education – a key driver
initiatives, lessons learned and issues designated as the thematic day for to scale-up climate action’ included Ms
to be addressed were organized on 10 education, and numerous events Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of
November. The first session discussed supported by UNESCO took place. The the UNFCCC, HRH Princess Lalla Hasna of
how science and technology can maximize climate summit provided the opportunity Morocco, President of the Mohammed
their impact to reducing disaster risks to ensure that the Paris Agreement, VI Foundation for Environmental
and losses, and adapting to climate including its article 12 on Education Protection, and the Minister of Education
change in the context of a harmonized for Sustainable Development, is put and Vocational Training of Morocco,
policy-making process. The second into practice. Mr Rachid Benmokhtar Benabdellah.
Stories from the field
Kuwait fish farms and photovoltaic installations.
BTS has also contributed to establishing
a lecture and activity room, and a fish
farming room. All spaces are made from
The Big Tree Society relationships with government entities and recycled materials and are powered by
Programme education institutions in order to improve photovoltaic panels. Fish and shrimp
environmental awareness in school curricula. specimens were provided by the Kuwait
For the fourth year in a row, the UNESCO On 25 April, at the Big Tree Society Scientific Centre, while the pools were
Big Tree Society (BTS) Programme was Award 2016 ceremony, 30 schools built by the students and teachers
successfully rolled out in Kuwait by the received awards and special recognition themselves. The school succeeded in
UNESCO Office in Doha, the Boubyan Bank for their outstanding work for the farming several fish species and selling
and the Kuwait National Commission for academic year 2015/16. The Mulla the surplus in order to help finance
UNESCO. BTS has encouraged students to Suleiman Mohammed primary school the project into the next year.
design eco-friendly projects and spread for boys won the first prize in the BTS
environmental awareness in more than Awards 2016 competition for its marine Director of the UNESCO Office in Doha
300 schools in Kuwait – more than life conservation activities. A dedicated Anna Paolini (back, seventh from left)
30 per cent of the schools in the country. space for the project was created at is happy to meet the students and teachers
of the Mulla Suleiman Mohammed primary
Projects include school gardening, the school to involve all students and school, who won the first prize in the
composting of leftover food from students’ teachers. The space comprises an Big Tree Society Programme Awards 2016 for
lunch packs, marine life conservation, exhibition of marine life in Kuwait, their marine life conservation activity.
Ho Chi Minh City (Viet Nam) has become
the centre of a metropolitan area of 19 million
inhabitants – a population that is growing by
about 3 per cent each year. The case of this
Vietnamese megacity is one of the 15 presented
in the new UNESCO-ARCEAU IdF co-publication
Water, Megacities and Global Change,
launched this year at the Habitat III conference.
As megacities share similar water governance
challenges, UNESCO is creating a global network
for them to work together in finding solutions
for climate change adaptation and to achieve
SDG 6, which concerns universal access to water
and sanitation.
Science for
a Sustainable
Science for a Sustainable Future
Science is a public good that deserves to be valued more highly and used effectively by decision‑makers
at all levels in order to accomplish the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations.
This year, UNESCO worked relentlessly to this end by providing major recommendations at the global
level; building constructive international scientific cooperation; facilitating knowledge sharing
worldwide; and sounding the alarm on the important role water plays for growth, job creation, and
the sustainability of the cities of today and tomorrow.
■■ Science, cornerstone of term interests of people and the planet,’ to the Secretary-General of the United
sustainable development the members of the Scientific Advisory Nations from the Scientific Advisory Board,
Almost 25 years passed between the Board of the UN Secretary-General which was presented to UN Secretary-
scientific community’s first warnings (SAB) noted in 2016. They contend that General Ban Ki-moon by Irina Bokova,
about climate change and the adoption science should weigh more heavily on the Director-General of UNESCO, together
in December 2015 of the Paris Agreement decisions of political leaders. with members of the Scientific Advisory
on that subject. ‘Decisions are often taken This statement is part of the UN report Board, on 18 September 2016 at the UN
in response to short-term economic and entitled The Future of Scientific Advice to Headquarters in New York.
political interests, rather than the long- the United Nations, A Summary Report The report collects the conclusions of
the SAB, established in 2014 to formulate
recommendations in the sciences,
technology and innovation (STI) to
enlighten the work and decisions of the
United Nations. UNESCO serves as its
The report calls for all nations to
invest more in STI, which can be a crucial
player in dealing with nearly all the
most pressing global challenges, and
has a key role in accomplishing the 2030
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As an example, the report notes that
scientists and engineers have improved
social inclusion, new strategies to deepen researchers to reflect together upon the
citizen science and science popularization, links between gender and science.
building bridges between academia and The forum was also a unique
the private sector, and the role of science opportunity to establish grounds for
in corporate innovation. At an informal cooperation in the fields of science, technology,
breakfast, young women scientists innovation, education and research.
UNESCO receives a 2016
Science Diplomacy Award
The first global meeting of UNESCO’s South Africa’s Department of Science and ■■ Biosphere reserves and
Natural Sciences Centres opened on 16
May in Beijing (People’s Republic of
Technology gave a 2016 Science Diplomacy geoparks: laboratories for
Award to UNESCO, in recognition of its work
China), to discuss how they can best to foster partnerships and international
the achievement of SDGs
contribute to the 2030 Agenda and collaboration among nations in the field of Biosphere reserves are sites of global
strengthen cooperation. UNESCO has STI. The award was presented on 9 December importance to both biological and
a network of 65 associated centres in by HE Naledi Pandor, South Africa’s Minister cultural diversity, and represent an almost
the fields of water, renewable energy, of Science and Technology, in Pretoria, during full range of the planet’s ecosystems.
science policy, biotechnology, ecology the Science Forum South Africa, a two-day These are areas that promote innovative
and geosciences, the basic sciences international gathering aimed at creating a solutions to issues of conservation,
and remote sensing. Forty-four of the platform for dialogue on the role of STI both ecology and sustainable development,
centres were represented at this first nationally and internationally. and they are recognized as such by
meeting, together with four UNESCO UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB)
affiliates: the Abdus Salam International Programme. There are currently 669 MAB
Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), 2030 Agenda. The meeting was hosted biosphere reserves in 120 countries.
the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water by the Chinese Academy of Engineering The Fourth World Congress of
Education, the World Water Assessment (CAE) and the Chinese Academy of Biosphere Reserves ended on 17 March
Programme (WWAP) and the World Sciences (CAS), and co-organized by in the capital city of Peru with the
Academy of Sciences for the Developing two UNESCO Category 2 Centres, the adoption of the Lima Declaration and a
world (TWAS). International Knowledge Centre for new ten-year Action Plan for UNESCO’s
For three days, representatives from Engineering Sciences and Technology MAB Programme and its World Network
UNESCO’s centres reflected together on (IKCEST) and the International Centre of Biosphere Reserves. The Declaration
identifying ways to improve information on Space Technologies for Natural and sets out to promote synergies between
sharing and efficiency, and increase their Cultural Heritage (HIST), with the support biosphere reserves, the SDGs and the
ability to conduct joint projects. They also of the Chinese National Commission for 2015 Agreement on Climate Change
focused on maximizing their efforts to UNESCO and the Permanent Delegation adopted in Paris.
assist Member States in implementing the of China to UNESCO. This new roadmap recommends a
(From left) In ‘wider and more active role’ for local
December Assistant communities in managing biosphere
for the Africa
reserves and establishing ‘new
Department Firmin partnerships between science and policy,
Edouard Matoko, between national and local governance,
Director-General of and public and private sector actors’.
UNESCO Irina Bokova It also calls for greater involvement of
and Djibouti’s Prime
Minister Abdoulkader
citizen groups and organizations, notably
Kamil Mohamed indigenous and youth communities.
launched the French The Lima Declaration further expresses
© UNESCO/Jauad El Kharraz
The first milk chocolate to blend
raw materials from two
UNESCO biosphere reserves
The Swiss start-up company Choba Choba created its first milk
chocolate, Gaggo Leche, in 2016. The ingredients used to make
dark chocolate – trinitario cocoa from Peru’s Gran Pajatén biosphere
reserve, unrefined sugar cane and cocoa butter – were blended
with milk provided by 200 dairy producers in the Entlebuch
biosphere reserve in Switzerland. The name was chosen to denote
the link between the two biosphere reserves: ‘gaggo’ means cocoa
in Swiss German and ‘leche’ means milk in Spanish. Both biosphere
reserves share a common interest in promoting local agricultural
products, and pay particular attention to the sustainable use of
resources and habitats.
The 36 families that make up the Peruvian producers are also
shareholders in this start-up and therefore entrepreneurs in
their own right. Oswaldo Castillo, co-founder of Choba Choba
and President of the producers’ association, said, ‘We are finally
shareholders and take part in the decisions of the company and the
marketing of our product. This makes us proud and helps us improve
our living conditions. With this international cooperation … we
want to fight against the fall in raw material prices and to offer a
product of excellence on the market that does not exist anywhere
else.’ For the launch of Gaggo Leche, three of the cocoa producers
and co-founders of Choba Choba travelled from the Peruvian
Amazon to meet the dairy producers of the Entlebuch biosphere
reserve and share experiences on fair practices.
Stories from the field
News from Peru of climate change. Massive and selective integrate their traditions with aquaculture
techniques and funding management to
logging, over-fishing and hunting,
Indigenous communities migratory agriculture and unsustainable address the unsustainable overfishing and
promote sustainable use of agrochemicals are threatening poaching that is putting pressure on local
development in a Peruvian both the reserve’s biodiversity and its species. They have also set about sharing
biosphere reserve communities’ way of life. their experience with their neighbours:
As a result, the Asháninka have since 2014, part of their production is
Indigenous communities, including the undertaken several projects to support being distributed to other indigenous
Yánesha, Asháninka and Ashéninka sustainable consumption and resource communities in the area, in the hope of
(with over 8,000, 10,800 and 99 management, while improving their replicating the experience.
inhabitants respectively) have lived in the income and quality of life. One such This type of grassroots effort serves
Oxapampa-Asháninka-Yanesha biosphere project is the installation by the to implement the 2030 Agenda, and
reserve (Peru) since time immemorial, Asháninka Association of Integrated and represents the aspirations of UNESCO’s
fishing and hunting in harmony with Sustainable Fisheries (APIS), comprising World Network of Biosphere Reserves.
nature. The reserve, covering 1.8 million 20 families living in this biosphere This project was featured as part of
hectares, is part of the Amazon, one reserve, of a laboratory to breed pacu the Organization’s ‘My Biosphere,
of our planet’s most important lungs, fingerlings (Piaractus brachypomus) for My Future’ campaign (#MyBiosphere)
which is currently suffering from years consumption and sale. Since its inception launched at the Fourth World Congress
of intensive exploitation and the impacts in 2013 this has allowed APIS members to of Biosphere Reserves in Lima in 2016.
■■ Water, a precondition or in economic sectors that are heavily
for growth and job creation water-dependent such as agriculture,
fishing, power, industry and health.
An estimated three out of four jobs Good access to drinking water and
worldwide are water-dependent. sanitation promotes an educated and
Water shortages and lack of access may healthy workforce, an essential factor for
limit economic growth in the years to sustained economic growth.
come, according to the 2016 United Understanding the key role of
Nations World Water Development water in the world of work will be
Report, Water and Jobs, launched on essential to achieve the 2030 Agenda
22 March, World Water Day, in Geneva on Sustainable Development. Creating
(Switzerland). The UN World Water conditions that improve water
Development Report is produced productivity and favour the transition
by the UN World Water Assessment to a green economy, and training more
Programme (WWAP), hosted by UNESCO skilled workers in order to respond
on behalf of UN Water. It is the result of to increasing demands for labour in
collaboration between the 31 UN bodies the water sectors are some of the
and 37 international partners. points that the report brings to the
From its collection, through various attention of governments, encouraging
uses, to its ultimate return to the natural them to respond appropriately to
environment, water is a key factor in the requirements of the UN SDGs –
the development of job opportunities notably SDG 6 dedicated to water and
either directly related to its management sanitation. Water shortages
and lack of access
may limit economic
growth in the
How are megacities addressing the threats of climate change years to come,
to their water-related needs? according to the
2016 UN World
By 2030, over one billion people will live in approximately 100 very large cities. Sustainable water Water Development
management is particularly challenging in large urban centres, or megacities, which are exposed to Report, Water and
extreme risks in terms of the negative impacts of climate change on water and sanitation infrastructure Jobs, launched on
and services. World Water Day
(22 March).
A new publication, launched during the Habitat III conference in Quito (Ecuador), draws portraits of
15 emblematic megacities, their unique circumstances and how they are addressing shared water
governance challenges. Entitled Water, Megacities and Global Change, and co-published by UNESCO and
ARCEAU-IdF, the publication is the result of concrete scientific analysis and a call for general mobilization
to devise sustainable urban policies. This publication is one of the building blocks of the International
Platform for Cooperation, a partnership established in 2015 between UNESCO-IHP, the Alliance of Water
Stakeholders from the Paris Region (ARCEAU-IdF) and the Global Association of Local Governments
Addressing Sustainability (ICLEI), to facilitate dialogue, exchange of best practices and partnership
opportunities for megacities on water-related issues.
■■ Fostering conservation
of mangrove ecosystems
Mangroves are rare, spectacular and
prolific ecosystems on the boundary
between land and sea. They ensure food
security for local communities. They
provide biomass, forest products and
sustain fisheries. They contribute to
the protection of coastlines. They help
mitigate the effects of climate change
and extreme weather events. For all these
reasons, the protection of mangrove
ecosystems is essential today. Their
survival faces serious challenges, from
the alarming rise in the sea level to an
increasingly endangered biodiversity.
In 2016, on the first International Day
for the Conservation of the Mangrove
Ecosystems (26 July), UNESCO sent out a
clear message: taking forward the 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development
means forging new sustainable pathways
to development in harmony with
the Earth. This implies preserving all
mangrove ecosystems.
Indonesia has one of the largest
mangrove forests in the world. As part of
the celebrations of the Day, the UNESCO
Office in Jakarta and L’Oréal Indonesia
invited three notable women scientists
to speak to students from an all-girls
secondary school in Jakarta (Indonesia).
The women scientists shared their
learning experiences, scientific career
journeys, and scientific research activities
and potential contribution to mangrove
ecosystem conservation.
Assessed contributions to the regular budget: Annual programme
Top 25 assessments, 2016 in thousands of US$ expenditure, 2016 in millions of US$
Unpaid contributions as at 31 December 2016 Voluntary
Sector* Core funding Total
Scale of Amount Contributions Contributions funding
Rank assessment assessed for unpaid for unpaid for Total unpaid Education 44.6 88.1 132.7
in % 2015 the year previous years Natural sciences 23.2 25.4 48.6
1 United States of America* 22.000 71 830 71 830 399 012 470 842 Social and 12.0 7.7 19.7
2 Japan 9.679 31 602 - - - human sciences
3 People's Republic of China 7.920 25 859 - - - Culture 21.3 34.4 57.7
4 Germany 6.389 20 860 - - - Communication 11.8 12.4 24.2
5 France 4.859 15 865 - - - and information
6 United Kingdom 4.463 14 572 - - - Total 112.9 168.0 282.9
of Great Britain and * Excluding category 1 Institutes and Brasilia office.
Northern Ireland
7 Brazil 3.823 12 482 12 482 6 296 18 778
8 Italy 3.748 12 237 - - -
9 Russian Federation 3.088 10 082 - - - Expenses by category,
10 Canada 2.921 9 537 - - -
11 Spain 2.443 7 976 - - - 2016–2015 in millions of US$
12 Australia 2.337 7 630 - - - 2016 2015
13 Republic of Korea 2.039 6 657 - - - Employee benefits 313 346
14 Netherlands 1.482 4 839 - - - Consultants & missions 47 53
15 Mexico 1.435 4 685 - - - External trainings, grants & 45 41
16 Saudi Arabia 1.146 3 742 1 871 - 1 871 transfers
17 Switzerland 1.140 3 722 - - - Consumables & supplies 53 54
18 Turkey 1.018 3 324 - - - Contracted services 109 125
19 Sweden 0.956 3 121 - - - Allowance for unpaid 96 101
20 Argentina 0.892 2 912 1 511 - 1 511 contributions and other
21 Belgium 0.885 2 890 - - - Total 663 720
22 Norway 0.849 2 772 - - -
Note: Revenue and Expenses are recognized in accordance with
23 Poland 0.841 2 746 - - - International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS).
24 India 0.737 2 406 - - -
25 Austria 0.720 2 351 - - -
* The United States of America has suspended the payment of its contributions since 2011
2. Fellowships
A total of 232 fellowships were awarded for the period from 1 January 2016 to December 2016 under
the Regular Programme for a total value of about US$4 million. The breakdown by fellowships
programmes is presented below.
3. UNESCO in the news, its website and social media
Articles monitored monthly in all media sources in which 'UNESCO' appears in the story,
in 2016 (Source: CISION)
Over 680,000 articles mentioning UNESCO
were monitored in 2016. Coverage
of specific events in March, ●● L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards
April, May and October marked ●● Launch of the UN World Water Development Report 2016
the highest peaks in the year. ●● 4th World Congress of Biosphere Reserves
●● International Jazz Day
●● World Book and Copyright Day ●● World Teachers’ Day
80 000 81 988 ●● World Press Freedom Day
●● Director-General’s statement on the Old City of Jerusalem
Habitat III
78 526
73 150
70 942
●● 1 1th session of the Intergovernmental
60 000 Committee for the Safeguarding of
60 880
60 175
59 662
the Intangible Cultural Heritage
58 439
48 762
48 631
40 000
39 297
20 000
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
(n/a) (7–28) 2016
8 000 000
6 000 000
4 000 000
2 000 000
Page views
00 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Total number of followers/fans by social media channel
●● More than 5.5 million followers on Twitter Google+ Facebook Sina Weibo Instagram VKontakte
UNESCO’s main accounts by December
3 000 000
2016 – a 39 per cent increase (with
1.5 million new followers) compared 2500000
2 500 000
with December 2015.
2 000 000
●● Twitter shows the strongest increase in 1500000
1 500 000
followers: a 65 per cent growth compared
with December 2015. 1000000
1 000 000
700 000
600 000
500 000
400 000
300 000
200 000
100 000
00 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
2015 2016
4. Prizes
Education UNESCO-KING SEJONG LITERACY PRIZE Social and Human Sciences
Center for Knowledge Assistance and
Community Development (Viet Nam), Research
Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia Elias Sanbar (Palestine),
Female Students Network Trust of the Mahidol University (Thailand) Biblioteca Islámica (Spain)
(Zimbabwe), Directorate of Early Childhood INTERNATIONAL UNESCO/JOSÉ MARTÍ PRIZE
Education Development (Indonesia) UNESCO-CONFUCIUS PRIZE FOR LITERACY
South African Department of Basic Alfonso Herrera Franyutti (Mexico)
Education (South Africa), Jan Shikshan
Sansthan (India), Directorate of Literacy
Centre for Community Regeneration and and National Languages (Senegal) Federal Research and Methodological Center
Development (Cameroon), Okayama ESD for Tolerance, Psychology and Education
Promotion Commission (Japan), National UNESCO KING HAMAD BIN ISA AL-KHALIFA
PRIZE FOR THE USE OF INFORMATION AND (Tolerance Center; Russian Federation)
Union of Students (United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Communication and Information
Jaago Foundation (Bangladesh), Kiron (Germany)
L’ORÉAL-UNESCO AWARDS FOR Khadija Ismayilova (Azerbaijan)
See Beyond Borders (Cambodia) Quarraisha Abdool Karim (South Africa), SABAH PRIZE FOR DIGITAL EMPOWERMENT OF
Hualan Chen (China), Emmanuelle Charpentier PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES
(France), Andrea Gamarnik (Argentina), Alireza Darvishy (Switzerland), Tiflonexos
Jennifer Doudna (United States of America) Asociación Civil (Argentina)
●● Nan Madol: Ceremonial Centre of Eastern ●● Lut Desert ●● The Ahwar of Southern Iraq: Refuge of
Micronesia MEXICO Biodiversity and the Relict Landscape of the
SPAIN ●● Archipiélago de Revillagigedo Mesopotamian Cities
●● Antequera Dolmens Site SUDAN Transboundary Sites
TURKEY ●● Sanganeb Marine National Park and
●● Archaeological Site of Ani Dungonab Bay – Mukkawar Island Marine ARGENTINA/BELGIUM/FRANCE/GERMANY/
NORTHERN IRELAND The Architectural Work of Le Corbusier, an
Mixed sites (cultural and natural)
6. Intangible Cultural Heritage inscriptions
List of Intangible Cultural Heritage Representative List of the Intangible CHINA (PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF)
in Need of Urgent Safeguarding Cultural Heritage of Humanity ●● The Twenty-Four Solar Terms, knowledge
in China of time and practices developed
CAMBODIA AFGHANISTAN – AZERBAIJAN – INDIA – through observation of the sun’s annual
●● Chapei Dang Veng IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) – IRAQ – motion
●● Bisalhães black pottery manufacturing ●● Rumba in Cuba, a festive combination of
process – UZBEKISTAN
●● Nawrouz, Novruz, Nowrouz, Nowrouz, music and dances and all the practices
UGANDA Nawrouz, Nauryz, Nooruz, Nowruz, Navruz, associated
●● Ma'di bowl lyre music and dance Nevruz, Nowruz, Navruz DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
●● Music and dance of the merengue in the
●● Cossack’s songs of Dnipropetrovsk Region KAZAKHSTAN – KYRGYZSTAN – TURKEY Dominican Republic
●● Flatbread making and sharing culture: EGYPT
Lavash, Katyrma, Jupka, Yufka ●● Tahteeb, stick game
●● Mangal Shobhajatra on Pahela Baishakh ●● Gada system, an indigenous democratic
BELGIUM socio-political system of the Oromo
●● Beer culture in Belgium FRANCE
●● Carnival of Granville
●● Living culture of three writing systems of ●● Traditional wall-carpet craftsmanship in ●● Carnival of El Callao, a festive representation
the Georgian alphabet Romania and the Republic of Moldova of a memory and cultural identity
●● Idea and practice of organizing shared ●● Almezmar, drumming and dancing with ●● Practices related to the Viet beliefs in the
interests in cooperatives sticks Mother Goddesses of Three Realms
●● Momoeria, New Year's celebration in eight ●● Puppetry in Slovakia and Czechia Register of Good Safeguarding Practices
villages of Kozani area, West Macedonia, SLOVENIA AUSTRIA
Greece ●● Škofja Loka passion play ●● Regional Centres for Craftsmanship: a
INDIA strategy for safeguarding the cultural
SPAIN heritage of traditional handicraft
●● Yoga ●● Valencia Fallas festivity
SWITZERLAND Festival of folklore in Koprivshtitsa: a system
●● Khidr Elias feast and its vows ●● Winegrowers’ Festival in Vevey
Extensions of Existing Reserves JAPAN Yakushima and Kuchinoerabu Jima REPUBLIC OF KOREA Mount Sorak
JAPAN Mount Odaigahara, Mount Omine and REPUBLIC OF KOREA Shinan Dadohae
HONDURAS Trifinio Fraternidad
ITALY Toscana
PERU Noroeste Amotapes – Manglares NORTHERN IRELAND Wester Ross
JAPAN Mount Hakusan
10. Designations of eminent personalities
UNESCO Goodwill Ambassadors
Filmmaker and music producer Deeyah Khan Publisher Vera Michalski-Hoffmann was Born in the Lebanese city of Tyre, Maha El‑Khalil
was appointed UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador designated a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador on Chalabi was named a UNESCO Goodwill
for Artistic Freedom and Creativity on 21 14 October, in recognition of her commitment to Ambassador on 17 February. She is the founder of
November. Ms Khan has dedicated her life and the publishing profession, her support of literary the International Association to Save Tyre for the
work to promoting human rights and freedom creativity and reading, notably through the preservation, development and revitalization of her
of expression for artists through a variety of self- activities of the Jan Michalski Foundation, and for native city. She also created the Tyre Foundation,
started initiatives, including the World Woman her dedication to the ideals of UNESCO. and has helped establish the International Festival
Festival in Oslo and the award winning sister-hood of Tyre and a medical and social care centre for
online magazine to promote better representation the city.
of women and artists.
Niger Slovenia Poland
Fashion designer Alphadi (born Sidahmed Alphadi On 5 February, sculptor Marko Pogačnik was Composer and jazz singer Urszula Dudziak was
Seidnaly) was designated a UNESCO Artist for designated a UNESCO Artist for Peace. This title named a UNESCO Artist for Peace on 19 February.
Peace on 25 January. This title was bestowed in was bestowed upon Mr Pogačnik in recognition This title was bestowed on Ms Dudziak in
recognition of his commitment towards culture of his commitment to improving relationships recognition of her contribution to peace-building
and development in the service of peace, respect between people and their environments, based through charity work aiming to encourage young
and human dignity, his contribution to the on the concept of protection, education and talents, and to support women’s empowerment.
promotion of tolerance, as well as his dedication to sustainable development, to increase people’s Among her many actions, she has recently
the ideals of the Organization. ability to efficiently use Earth, its resources and supported musical projects for young people in
landscapes. Kenya and Tanzania.
was named a UNESCO Artist for Peace. This title on proper water management and the need to
was bestowed in recognition of Mr Makarenko’s preserve the environment. The orchestra has
commitment to promote music as a vehicle for enabled more than 18,000 children and young
dialogue and mutual understanding among people from Paraguay to access music education.
people, his contribution to peace and tolerance,
VIOLETA URMANA notably through the performances of the Kyiv-
Lithuania Classic Orchestra, and his profound commitment to
the ideals and aims of the Organization.
On 7 March, opera singer Violeta Urmana was
designated a UNESCO Artist for Peace. The
designation comes in recognition of Ms Urmana’s AHLEM
unfailing efforts to promote culture as a vehicle for MOSTEGHANEMI
dialogue and mutual understanding, as well as her Algeria
dedication to issues that are in line with UNESCO’s
priority on the African continent. ZARIFA MGOYAN On 16 December, writer Ahlem Mosteghanemi was
(ZARA) named a UNESCO Artist for Peace in recognition
Russian Federation of her commitment to support the causes of social
justice and education of young people affected by
On 5 December, singer Zarifa Mgoyan, known as conflict, as well as for her dedication to the ideals
Zara, was designated a UNESCO Artist for Peace for and objectives of the Organization.
her tireless contribution to the promotion of the
universal value of music as an indispensable means
of dialogue between cultures. Zara is a member UNESCO Champion for Sports
Turkey of the Board of Trustees of the charity foundation
‘Step Towards’ providing assistance to children and
Musician Kudsi Ergüner was named a UNESCO adults with disabilities. She is also involved with
Artist for Peace on 10 July, in recognition of his the activities of the foundation ‘By Call of Heart’
efforts to promote the universal values of music, an aiming to help blind and visually impaired children.
essential instrument of dialogue between cultures,
for his contribution to the protection of musical ORCHESTRA H2O SOUNDS OF EARTH HRISTO STOICHKOV
heritage, his support for the International Decade of Paraguay Bulgaria
the Rapprochement of Cultures (2013–2022) and
his unwavering commitment to the ideals of the Football legend Hristo Stoichkov was designated
Organization. a UNESCO Champion for Sport on 5 May. The
designation comes in recognition of Mr Stoichkov’s
efforts to promote sport as a tool to advance
social inclusion and tolerance, his support to
physical education among disabled students, his
commitment to fighting racism and violence in
Orchestra H2O Sounds of Earth was designated sport, and his dedication to the aims and values
a UNESCO Artist for Peace on 6 December. of UNESCO.
HERMAN MAKARENKO The musical ensemble, with its 50 orchestras
Ukraine composed of 2,200 children and 300 adults
coming from 44 communities, travels across
On 29 November, conductor and Artistic Director
Paraguay and organizes awareness campaigns
of the Kyiv-Classic Orchestra Herman Makarenko
11. Highlights of partnerships signed in 2016
JANUARY ●● UNDP Enhancing seismic and tsunami ●● Mexico’s Ministry of Environment of the
●● Flanders (Belgium) agreed to support the preparedness in selected schools state of Coahuia contributed to the project
two following projects through the UNESCO/ through training on simulation exercises Sustainable future of life in the desert
Flanders funds-in-trust for cultural and (US$240,276) (US$0.15 million)
natural heritage: Strengthening sub-regional ●● UNOPS Integral improvement of the Cultural ●● UN/UN Human Security Trust Fund
cooperation and national capacities in seven Heritage interpretation service through the – Increasing disaster resilience in Haiti –
southern African countries for implementing design of museological plan for the next Integration of DRR in the formal education
the 2003 Convention for safeguarding of the National Museum of Archeology of Peru, system (US$514,672)
Intangible cultural heritage (US$250 000) District of Lurin, Lima (US$320 684) ●● UNDP – International waters: Learning
and Scaling-up conservation of marine exchange and resource network
sites on UNESCO’s World Heritage List (US$3,987,500)
●● Germany signed an agreement for reducing
HIV infection and improving sexual and ●● UNDP – LME:Learn – Strengthening global
●● European Union supported the project
reproductive health outcomes for young governance of large marine ecosystems and
Promoting the contribution of World people in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) their coasts through enhanced sharing and
Heritage for sustainable development and (€0.15 million) application of LME/ICM/MPA knowledge
reinforcing capacities for protection and and information tools (US$2,500,000)
●● Japan renewed the Funds-in-Trust for the
conservation of paleontological sites in
promotion of education and science in Asia ●● UNICEF – Teacher and school leadership
Ethiopia (€0.4 million)
and the Pacific Region (US$0.6 million) training for formal education for out-of-
●● UNAIDS UBRAF 2016–2017 programme for
●● Malaysia agreed to support under the school children in Somalia (US$2,385,774)
HIV and health education (US$3,100,000)
Malaysia-UNESCO Cooperation Programme APRIL
●● UNDP Haiti – Alphabétisation fonctionnelle
(MUCP) 9 additional projects (a total amount ●● Australia renewed its commitment to
en faveur des jeunes et des femmes et of US$2.2 million)
renforcement des centres de formation the Global Education Monitoring Report.
●● Accord entre l’UNESCO et le Maroc pour le (AU $1.5 million)
professionnelle (US$799,000)
projet « Les changements climatiques et la ●● Through its Horizon 2020 programme, the
●● UNEP Technical support for the IPBES Task
préservation et la valorisation du patrimoine European Union supported the project
Force on Indigenous and Local Knowledge culturel immatériel lié à l’artisanat » pour
Systems (IPBES Workprogramme 2014–18) Improving resilience to emergencies
1 million MAD through advanced cyber technologies
●● Accord entre l’UNESCO et le Maroc pour le (€0.35 million) and contributed to building
FEBRUARY projet « Le Nexus Eau- Energie-Agriculture & resilient communities and integrated early
●● UNDP/MPTF (Uruguay One UN Fund) valorisation du patrimoine culturel comme warning systems for tsunamis and other
Institutional strengthening of Ministry approche innovante de développement ocean-related hazards in Central America
of Industry, Energy, and Mining and durable et d’amélioration de la résilience aux (€0.55 million)
the Ministry of Housing, Land Use and changements climatiques dans la réserve ●● Germany signed an agreement for capacity-
Environment for comprehensive mining de biosphère Arganeraie au Maroc », pour building for the conservation of the Borobudur
development in Uruguay (US$220,000) 1 million MAD. temple compounds within a disaster risk
●● UNDP Life-Saving Actions: Disaster ●● European Union contributed to the UNESCO reeducation framework (€0.1 million)
preparedness and seismic and tsunami risk Implementation of the Skills and Technical ●● Japan exchanged signed letters for a Funds-
reduction on the south coast of San Cristóbal Education Programme (STEP) project in in-Trust for the promotion of the Global
province, Dominican Republic (US$163,537) Malawi (€9 million) Action Programme on ESD (US$1.4 million)
MAY ●● Turkey contributed to the WHC special ●● UNDP – Renforcement des capacités de
●● Switzerland approved a second phase of account for the organization of the 40th la radio citoyenne des jeunes au Congo
the successful initiative on governance of Committee of the WHC (US$0.75 million) (US$130,000)
groundwater resources in transboundary ●● Drossos Foundation signed an ●● UNDP/UN Partnership on the Rights of
aquifers (GGRETA) (CHF1.9 million) agreement to support the second phase Persons with Disabilities (UNPRPD) –
●● The periphery of Mexico City (La of the project Empowering women and Promoting the rights of disabled children to
Secretaría de Desarrollo Social del increasing resilience in the Jordan Valley quality education (US$150,000)
Gobierno de la Ciudad de México de los (US$0.6 million) ●● UNWomen – Alphabétisation fonctionnelle
Estados Unidos Mexicanos) contributed to ●● The Chengdu Culture and Tourism numérique et promotion du genre à
establishing the framework of the UNESCO Development Group llc signed a l'extrême Nord et au Centre du Cameroun
Recommendation on Urban Historic framework to support UNESCO’s activities (US$113,441)
Landscape (MXN$2.8 million) in education, culture, social and human SEPTEMBER
●● Joint Programme (pooled fund supported sciences, and external relations and public ●● The People's Republic of China renewed
by UNWomen and the Netherlands) information (US$1 million)
its contribution to the Culture and urban
– Empowering rural women in Mafraq JULY development initiative (US$0.4 million)
Governorate through the management ●● Italy contributed to the World Water ●● The People's Republic of China signed
and preservation of the Umm el-Jimal's
Assessment Programme – WWAP special an agreement to revitalise the flagship
Archeological Site in Jordan as income-
account in 2016 (€1.6 million) publication UNESCO Courier (US$5.6 million)
generating activities (US$422,486)
●● Republic of Korea supported the project
●● Germany signed an agreement for the
JUNE Provision of technical and technical and Global Education Monitoring Report
●● The People's Republic of China signed an vocational education for Syrian and (GEM Report) (€0.15 million)
agreement in support of UNESCO’s activities vulnerable Jordanian youth (US$1 million) ●● Dubai Cares signed a strategic partnership
in favour of education development in
AUGUST framework agreement to contribute to
Africa for the period 2017–18 allowing the
inclusion of two additional African countries
●● Flanders (Belgium) agreed to support progress towards the Education 2030
in the very successful CFIT (US$4million) under the Funds-in-Trust in support of Agenda. (US$3 million)
●● Finland signed an agreement to support
science the project Integrated approach ●● The MISK Foundation signed a framework
to coastal and marine ecosystems for agreement to support UNESCO’s full range
the programme for enhancing literacy in
sustainable blue growth in the Southeast of expertise with special emphasis on youth
Afghanistan (€2 million)
Pacific (SPINCAM III) (US$549,000) (US$5 million)
●● Mexico (La Secretaría de Cultura de la
●● Hungary signed a framework agreement
●● FAO – Enhanced knowledge and education
Ciudad de México de los Estados Unidos
focused on cultural heritage in crisis zones for resilient pastoral livelihoods in South
Mexicanos) contributed to promoting
(€0.2 million) Sudan (US$1,075,210)
culture for development in Mexico City
●● European Union signed an agreement
(MXN$2.9 million) ●● UNICEF – Projet d'appui à la restauration
reproductive health and HIV prevention the Strengthening norms and knowledge
●● Netherlands signed an agreement for
amongst children and young people for media development through IPDC
Earmarked Intangible Heritage Fund
through promoting comprehensive sexuality indicators-based research and grassroots
(€1 million)
education in Eastern and Southern Africa projects that support freedom of
●● Norway signed a new framework
●● Switzerland signed an agreement for expression in the amount of SEK3 million
agreement and a new PCA for the year 2016.
Safeguarding applied management of water (around US$330,000)
Additional information on www.unesco.org/
resources (SAMoWaR) in the autonomous ●● Switzerland agreed to support mobilizing
Kurdistan region of Iraq (US$1 million) UNESCO Science Chairs for policy action
●● Italy AICS contributed to Promoting human towards the 2030 Agenda (US$0.2 million)
●● UNDP/Peace building Trust Fund –
development and civic virtues among the ●● European Union signed an agreement for
Sudanese rural communities: Supporting the access to inclusive quality primary and
Institutions démocratiques intègres,
the rural radio broadcasting in the Eastern secondary education for IDPs and refugees
représentatives et crédibles (US$502,472)
States (€0.3 million) in crisis-affected areas in Iraq (€12.6 million)
●● UNOPS – Development of a synthesis report
12. Non-governmental organizations accredited
by UNESCO in 2016
(IGLYO) Belgium ( March)
United Kingdom of Great Britain Canada (November)
(LIPA) Bulgaria (February) and Northern Ireland (April) SAUDI HERITAGE PRESERVATION SOCIETY (SHPS)
WILDLIFE CONSERVATION SOCIETY (WCS) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (December)
United States of America (April)
●● Zainab Mirzaee
●● Dharmendra Singh
●● Nicolás Humberto García
●● Haji Mohammad Zubair Khaksar
●● David Gilkey
●● Anne Vihavainen
●● Hassan al-Anbaki
●● Zabihullah Tamanna
●● Katri Ikävalko
●● Saif Talal
●● Yaqoub Sharafat
●● Ali Mahmud
For further information,
please contact:
The Division of Public Information,
Sector for External Relations
and Public Information
7, place de Fontenoy,
75352 Paris 07 SP,
[email protected]
United Nations
Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization
Building peace
in the minds
of women and men