Data Warehouse Architecture
Data Warehouse Architecture
Data Warehouse Architecture
Data warehouse Architecture is a design that We need to clean and process the operational data
encapsulates all the facets of data warehousing for an before putting it into the warehouse. We can do this
enterprise environment. Data warehousing is the creation programmatically, although most data warehouses use a
of a central domain to store complex, decentralized staging area instead. A staging area simplifies building
enterprise data in a logical unit that enables data mining, summaries and general warehouse management.
business intelligence, and overall access to all relevant
data within an organization. Data warehouse architecture
is inclusive of all reporting requirements, data
management, security requirements, band width
requirements, and storage requirements. There are three
common types of data architecture which are as follows:
B. Multidimensional Analysis
Over the next few years, the growth of data warehousing
is going to be enormous with new products and
technologies coming out frequently. The Data warehouse
Architecture is simply a framework for understanding
data warehousing and how the components of data
warehousing fit together. Data warehouse architecture
Multidimensional analysis enables users to look at a provides a useful way of determining if the organization
large number of interdependent factors involved in a is moving toward a reasonable data warehousing
business problem and to view the data in complex framework. The type of analysis that will be done with
relationships. End users are interested in exploring the the data warehouse can determine the type of model and
data at different levels of detail, which is determined the model’s contents.
dynamically. The complex relationships can be analyzed
through an iterative process that includes drilling down to
lower levels of detail or rolling up to higher levels of
summarization and aggregation. Figure demonstrates that
the user can start by viewing the total sales for the 1. Chuck Ballard, Dirk Herreman, Don Schau, Rhonda
organization and drill down to view the sales by Bell ( Data Modeling techniques for Data
continent, region, country, and finally by customer. Or, Warehousing -
the user could start at customer and roll up through the
different levels to finally reach total sales. Pivoting in the 2. Principle Partners Inc presentation(Data Warehouse
data can also be used. This is a data analysis operation concepts and Architecture)
whereby the user takes a different viewpoint than is
typical on the results of the analysis, changing the way 3. Oracle Data warehousing guide – Release 2(9.2)
the dimensions are arranged in the result. Like query and
reporting, multidimensional analysis continues until no
more drilling down or rolling up is performed.