Educ 107 Week 3 Abstraction
Educ 107 Week 3 Abstraction
Educ 107 Week 3 Abstraction
Assessment AS learning
“a formative assessment focusing on teaching the students the
metacognitive processes to evaluate own learning and make
Assessment OF learning
“A summative assessment used to compare students and report
Assessment AS learning
- students became metacognitive learners
- students reflect on their own work all throughout the learning
- students take responsibility of their own learning and monitor
future works and directions
Assessment OF learning
- conducted usually at the end of work
- designed to provide evidence of achievement to parents, other
educators, students, and outside groups (other stakeholders)
- assessment that becomes PUBLIC and used for future purposes
- should be grounded from defensible and credible measurement
of learning
- teaches the skills - aligns instructions - reports student
of self- assessment learning accurately
- identifies needs of and fairly based
- guides students students from learning
in setting their own evidence
goal and - selects and adapts
monitoring their materials/resources -provides rationale
own progress for undertaking
- creates assessment at a
- provides differentiated certain point of
exemplars that teaching strategies time, clear
reflect curriculum and learning description of
outcomes opportunities intended learning
TEACHER ROLE outcome, process
- works with - provides to demonstrate
students in immediate feedback students’ skills and
developing criteria and directions to competence,
of good practice student alternative
- guides students achieving the same
in developing goal, and
internal feedback transparent
and self- approaches to
monitoring interpretation of
mechanisms to result
validate learning
Source: Rethinking Classroom Assessment with Purpose in Mind
Additional Reading: Assessment of Learning, for Learning, and as Learning, Ch 3 from the
Learning, Teaching and Assessment Guide. Reprinted from Earl, Lorna. (2003). Assessment as
Learning: Using Classroom Assessment to Maximise Student Learning. Thousand Oaks, CA,
Corwin Press.