Midwifery Education in Japan
Midwifery Education in Japan
Midwifery Education in Japan
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International Collaborative
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How to become a midwife in Japan
Around 2000 midwifery students taking the
national midwifery examination yearly.
National Midwifery Examination
there are several pathways to midwifery education
Junior College of
Graduate school of College of nursing Training school for
nursing advanced
nursing advanced course midwives
2 years 1 years 1 years
1 years
Nursing school
3 types (College/University, Training school) 3 or 4 years
Since it is not necessary to renew the Around 2000 midwifery students taking
license once it is obtained, the holder can the national midwifery examination
continue midwifery practice indefinitely. yearly.
Midwifery Management 2 2
Clinical Midwifery Training 11 11
Total 28 31
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