After Sci Evaluation
After Sci Evaluation
After Sci Evaluation
During a time of intense interest in neural recovery, there is strong emphasis on quantification of clinical
outcomes. To promote responsible outcome measurement, a review of commonly used ambulation as-
sessments was conducted, with an emphasis on application to the population with spinal cord injury (SCI).
Each ambulation/walking assessment tool addressed includes a description of the examination, review of
statistical support, and information on the utility of the assessment. Ambulation assessment measures are
categorized by the variable being measured and considered for use either independently or in combina-
tion. In summary, no one assessment quantifies all parameters of ambulation, and comprehensive mea-
surement is completed by using a combination of ambulation/walking assessments to document improve-
ment in walking function after an SCI. Key words: ambulation, ambulatory capacity, gait, gait assessment,
locomotion, outcome measures, SCI-FAI, SCIM, walking assessment, WISCI
ne of the most obvious functional need for more sensitive walking outcome
skills observed and measured by measures for use in SCI clinical practice or
clinicians is that of locomotion research trials to accurately reflect neuro-
(or ambulation). Persons with incomplete logic and functional capacity.4
spinal cord injuries (SCIs) ranked this as The purposes of this article are to:
one of the most important functions for • review current walking assessment
recovery.1 Outcome measurements of am- measures, with an emphasis on those
bulation capacity include various compo-
nents, such as speed, distance, time, use
of assistive devices, amount of physical
assistance, physiologic demand, kinematic Mary Schmidt Read, PT, DPT, MS, is Spinal Cord In-
jury Program and Research Director, Magee Rehabili-
assessment, and so forth. Each of these tation Hospital, Regional Spinal Cord Injury Center of
may be used singularly or in combination. the Delaware Valley, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
There is much literature available on each Sue Ann Sisto, PT, MA, PhD, is Professor and Re-
of these parameters and their usefulness search Director, Division of Rehabilitation Science,
and statistical significance in assessing Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York.
outcomes; however, the publication of the John F. Ditunno, MD, is Professor of Rehabilita-
use or validation of these measures in the tion Medicine, Jefferson Medical College, Regional
spinal cord–injured population is limited.2,3 Spinal Cord Injury Center of the Delaware Valley,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Quantification of ambulation for both the
incomplete and complete SCI populations Top Spinal Cord Inj Rehabil 2008;14(1):39–60
can be documented by utilizing these mea- © 2008 Thomas Land Publishers, Inc.
sures, however, some may not be appropri-
ate for one or another category. There is a doi: 10.1310/sci1401-39
40 Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation/Summer 2008
without an assistive device), a stopwatch, demonstrated good intra- and interrater reli-
and a 10-m level straight surface. ability of the TUG when used with the elderly
Another measurement included in this cat- and persons with either unilateral lower limb
egory is the Timed Up & Go test (or TUG). amputation or Parkinson’s disease (intra-
Although the name refers to a “timed” test, class correlation coefficient [ICC] = 0.99,
this test is based on use of a specified distance ICC = 0.93 and 0.96, and ICC = 0.87–0.99,
and quantifies the amount of time to stand and respectively). The TUG has also been shown
complete that distance. It is a modification of to have a high correlation with the Berg
the original Get Up & Go test as defined by Balance Scale (r = –0.81), walking speed (r
Mathias19 for use in looking at balance with = –0.61), and the Barthel Index (r = –0.78)
the elderly and as modified by Podsiadlo and content and concurrent validity with
and Richardson15 to include the addition of a the elderly population.15,22 Van Hedel et al.2
time element. This version (TUG) measures successfully tested both the 10MWT and the
the patient’s ability to perform sequential TUG when evaluating ambulation in persons
locomotor tasks that incorporate walking with SCI. He determined that both tests are
and turning. It incorporates the functional valid measures for use with persons with SCI
elements of sit-to-stand and balance in ad- and appear to have good intra- and interrater
dition to standard walking. It is considered reliability (r > 0.97). This same group also
a quick and easy test to administer, using showed in another study23 that timed walking
minimal equipment (chair, stopwatch, 3-m tests were more sensitive and responsive to
distance) and no special staff expertise. The showing change in ambulatory function for
TUG is performed with a specified 3-m persons at the higher levels of walking capac-
area and the patient’s preferred ambulation ity than some of the other scales described
assistive device. Upon the command “go,” later in this document (i.e., WISCI).
the patient moves from sit to stand from a Van Hedel et al.18 have reported that the
standard armchair, walks to a line 3 m away, 10MWT represents a sensitive and reliable
turns, walks back to the chair and sits, using assessment tool of walking capacity in per-
a self-selected speed. The test is reported in sons with incomplete SCI. In the same study,
seconds from “go to sit” and ends with the they also looked at the use of preferred versus
buttocks touching the seat. maximum walking speed with the 10MWT
Limited references are found that address and the 6-minute walk test (6MWT) in refer-
the use of the aforementioned time category ence to use with varied functional environ-
assessments with the SCI population. Rossi- ments. Preferred walking speed does not
er and Wade10 determined that the 10MWT always correlate with the potential to partici-
was a reliable and valid measure of mobility pate in the community setting, as evidenced
in patients with varied neurologic disorders by the need to cross a street in a specified
(including stroke, head injury, tumor, my- amount of time warranting an increase in
elopathy, encephalopathy, Huntington’s dis- voluntary speed. Therefore, it was concluded
ease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, dystrophy, that both speeds should be considered in a
and polyneuropathy), however they did not clinical assessment. Use of these timed as-
include any participants with SCI in their sessments for measuring results of specific
study. Various other authors15,20,21 have also interventions for persons with an SCI are
Standardized Ambulation Assessments 43
being documented, as exemplified by Wirz et the overall distance traveled on a flat, hard
al.24 and Hornby et al.25 in their study of the surface in a period of 6 minutes. The results
effectiveness of automated locomotor train- of this assessment are reported as a change
ing in patients with incomplete SCI. in the 6-minute walk distance (or 6MWD).
This can either be stated as an absolute value
Measuring Distance (preferred), as a percentage change, or as a
change in percentage of predicted value.29
This category of ambulation assessments The 6MWT is a practical and inexpensive
is based on standardizing the amount of test and has been shown to have excellent
time allotted for walking, with the outcome reproducibility.29 It is easy to administer
variable being the distance covered within with no special training and requires minimal
that time. Again, velocity can be calculated, equipment (stopwatch, cones for turnaround,
because distance and time parameters are tape, a chair, unobstructed hallway, and a
both collected. Brooks26 stated that “walk lap counter). According to the American
tests are quantitative measures of speed Thoracic Society (ATS),29 this assessment
and distance that provide information about should be done in a standardized environ-
functional exercise capacity.”(p1562) The dis- ment, preferably an indoor 100-ft hallway
tance walk test is considered a reflection of with no oval or circular track and no use of
endurance and cardiovascular conditioning, treadmill, which would alter the participants’
although it provides no direct information self-pacing. Cones are used for turnaround
on cardiopulmonary efficiency. The physi- markers and tape for starting and end lines. A
ologic costs and subsequent endurance may 10-minute rest prior to starting is suggested,
be dependent upon the choice of varying and participants should not have exercised
times, that is, 2-minute, 5-minute, 6-minute, vigorously within 2 hours of testing. Par-
or 12-minute walk tests. The shorter time- ticipants are asked to walk as far as they
frames are more often used for neurological can for 6 minutes. They use normal walking
patients who often have less endurance. aides and a self-selected pace (no running or
Cardiac implications would be considered a jogging). Complete, simple instructions are
contraindication or precaution for use of this given before the test begins, and the assessor
type of assessment.27 limits verbal dialogue during the 6 minutes
The most recognized test in this category to standardized encouragement and time
is the 6-minute walk test (6MWT). Fol- notifications and does not walk along with
lowing the model of the 12-minute walk the participant. This test can be done with
test, which was originally developed in the or without cardiac or oxygen monitoring
1960s by Cooper,28 the original guidelines equipment. Rests are allowed (in standing
written for the 6MWT were developed for position or against a wall) if needed during
use in cardiac care and were considered an the 6 minutes; however, if the participant
indirect assessment of functional capacity sits to rest, the test is considered complete.
and often exercise capacity.29 This assess- At the end of 6 minutes, or whenever the
ment was accepted as easier to administer, participant stops before that time, the num-
better tolerated, and a better reflection of ber of laps are counted and total distance
activities of daily living.27 This test measures calculated. This test has already been used
44 Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation/Summer 2008
for persons with SCI in clinical trials, such they showed all three to have good correlation
as the SCILT trial,30 and a multicenter clini- with the WISCI II (r > 0.6), and intra- and in-
cal trial studying the effects of automated terrater reliabilities were excellent (r > 0.97).
locomotor training.24 In another study by van Hedel et al.,18 the use
A shorter version of the timed assess- of preferred versus maximum walking speeds
ments, more commonly used for persons was assessed for persons with incomplete SCI
with physical disabilities, is the 2-minute who could perform both the 10MWT and
walk test (2MWT). This is run similarly to the 6MWT, showing that the 6MWT did not
the 6MWT, however it calculates the dis- provide additional information about walking
tance walked in 2 minutes. It is often used capacity compared to the 10MWT. No use to
for those populations who would have dif- date of the 2MWT specific to the SCI popula-
ficulty walking a full 6 minutes. This test is tion was found.
also considered practical, simple, quick, and One finding noted when examining use
easy to administer.31 Butland et al.32 showed of the timed walk tests was the possibility
it to be comparable to the more established that the distance walked in the defined min-
6MWT in persons with respiratory disease. utes improved with repeated testings, when
The 2MWT has been used or tested for clinical practice or the study design called for
multiple populations, including amputees, them.2,26,35 One possible explanation is that
persons with cardiac events, and persons participants experience a training or learning
with a variety of neurological diagnoses, effect. Another suggestion is the potential
including SCI.2,10,26,31,33,34 effect of memory of the previous test and
The walk timed tests measuring distance the individual’s desire to show improve-
have been assessed by a few investigators for ment. Also, it is possible that there may be a
validity, reliability, sensitivity to change, and therapeutic treatment effect of the repeated
intercorrelations.10,26,31,33,34 Their combined trials. These possibilities should be consid-
work has confirmed construct validity when ered when using the timed tests in clinical
used with patients with cardiac disease, lower practice or trials to determine improvement
extremity amputations, or neurologic disabili- in walking endurance. It has been suggested
ties (not including SCI). They have also cited that using training walks before testing or
sensitivity to change (p < .001) in persons use of different corridors or different start-
with cardiac implications and stroke and inter- ing points for repeated testing may help to
and intrarater reliability (ICC = 0.90–0.99) eliminate this effect.26
within the cardiac, stroke, amputee, and
neurologic dysfunction populations. Rossier
and Wade10 showed a significant intercorrela- Measuring Cardiopulmonary Capacity
tion as valid mobility measures between the To measure cardiopulmonary capacity of
2MWT, the Rivermead Mobility Index (RMI; persons with an SCI during gait, a relative
two versions), and the 10MWT. Van Hedel comparison to the individual’s maximal
et al.2 looked at the use of the 6MWT, along exercise capacity is needed. Without this, it
with the TUG and 10MWT, specifically with would be difficult to determine the demand
the SCI population. They reported significant of activity such as gait on the cardiopulmo-
concurrent validity of the three tests (r > 0.8); nary system. This type of measurement is not
Standardized Ambulation Assessments 45
able to capture information from all of these The software is able to record temporal and
components. Quantitative kinematic mea- spatial gait parameters, including walking
surements are most commonly captured via speed, cadence, step length, single and double
a series of cameras surrounding a walkway limb support, stride width, and foot placement
or treadmill. These cameras are designed to angles. The walkway is placed in an area to
detect sensors placed on the body that define allow the person to begin walking a few me-
body segments and joints. The sensors can be ters prior to the starting edge of the mat and
active light emitting diodes (LEDs) or pas- decelerate once off the mat. Ambulation is
sive retro-reflective markers. Quantitative usually at a self-selected pace utilizing normal
gait analysis does not require the observer assistive devices. Markings from the assistive
to position him/herself adequately to be able devices can be eliminated by the software
to view all these planes and phases, rather during analysis.
the cameras capture full motion in three A number of studies42–45 have compared
dimensions. Again, video gait analysis, like results of the use of GAITRite assessments
kinetic gait analysis, requires a costly sys- with other gait measures (such as chalk
tem of computerized machinery and a level footsteps, powdered footprints, in-shoe
of expertise and training for utilization and pressure measurement tools, and video
analysis. movement analysis systems) and reported
It is universally recognized that extensive variable results, but all supported the use of
kinetic or video gait analysis systems have the GAITRite as a valid tool for objective
limited availability in the clinical environ- gait analysis. A high level of intertrial repeat-
ment, therefore less resource intensive ability by the GAITRite for the measurement
means of quantifying temporo-spatial gait of spatiotemporal variables is reported by
parameters are desirable. This type of objective Bilney et al.43 Greater consistency of these
clinical assessment could be helpful in early iden- gait parameters is demonstrated at pre-
tification of potential fallers, documentation of ferred or faster walking speeds than at slow
illness-specific gait disorders, and identification speeds, although all speeds show high ICC
of intervention-related changes in rehabilitative values. Following initial training, use of the
therapies. One alternative presently available GAITRite system is considered a quick and
and being used in research and clinical envi- simple objective measure of selected spatial
ronments is an electronic pressure-sensitive and temporal gait parameters useful in a
walkway mat. The GAITRite® Walkway clinical setting. No studies supporting use of
System by CIR Systems, Inc. (Clifton, NJ) the GAITRite specifically with persons with
is one such commercially available device. SCI were found.
This instrumented “carpet” walkway system Quantitative gait analysis has been read-
consists of a portable computerized pres- ily accepted as an important and needed
sure-sensitive mat (approx 3-ft wide and of assessment tool for surgical and rehabilita-
varying lengths starting at 14 ft) integrated tive planning. Computerized gait analysis
with a laptop computer containing GAITRite measures gait parameters more precisely
software. Pressure sensors are embedded than is possible with clinical observation
in the walkway that detect footfalls as the alone and is widely used in the evaluation
person walks across the length of the mat. and treatment planning for patients with gait
Standardized Ambulation Assessments 49
abnormalities.46,47 It has been shown that sur- observational gait assessment instrument ad-
gical decision making is altered in 52%–92% dresses three domains of performance: gait
of children who undergo gait analysis.48 parameters/symmetry, assistive device use,
Although gait analysis in children has been and temporal-distance measures. The gait
widely used, only one study described gait parameters/symmetry component includes
analysis with children and adolescents six ranked gait components that describe
with SCIs.49 The goal of this study was to some elements of quality of movement and
demonstrate the utility of instrumental gait are weighted in scoring based on clinician-
analysis in children and adolescents with determined relative importance of the gait
SCIs. Quantitative gait evaluations and parameters. The second domain describes
physical examinations were performed on 33 use of assistive devices and differentiates
children and adolescents with SCIs. The au- upper extremity balance/weight bearing
thors reported abnormal kinematic patterns devices from lower extremity orthotics,
that were repeatable over several years and with the weighted scoring dependent upon
concluded that gait analysis was beneficial in the degree of assistance provided by each.
making educated treatment decisions about Walking speed and distance are assessed
orthotic prescription, surgery, postsurgical by use of a self-perceived walking mobil-
evaluation, prescription of new therapy, ity scale, as modified from the Functional
evaluation of spasticity medications, and Walking Category scale published by Perry
experimental treatments. The authors also et al.51 A 2-minute walk test (2MWT) was
concluded that treatments such as physical included as a measure of walking speed
therapy, orthotics, spasticity management, and endurance. The reliability and validity
and surgery as well as innovative new areas of this assessment has been addressed only
such as functional electrical stimulation and by the scale developers, Field-Fote et al.,50
robotic-assisted therapy rely on quantitative showing both inter- and intrarater reliability
gait analysis to provide a baseline of walking (ICC = 0.703–0.960) for the objective and
patterns from which to measure functional observational domains. They also demon-
improvements. strated validity by correlations between the
In contrast, observational gait analysis gait score and walking speed (r = 0.700).
includes the visual inspection of walking by Moderate sensitivity was also shown as a
a trained clinician who reviews particular percentage change in gait score (44.7%)
elements of the gait cycle as performed by following rehabilitation intervention, and
the patient. One particular observational gait moderate correlations were noted between
assessment instrument designed specifically change in gait score and lower extrem-
for use with SCI is the Spinal Cord Injury ity motor scores (LEMS; r = 0.58). This
Functional Ambulation Inventory (SCI-FAI; standardized assessment for clinical use is
Table 1).50 Although there are many observa- quick and easy to perform, requiring only
tional gait analysis instruments available in one assessor, time clock, minimal space,
the literature, the SCI-FAI incorporates ele- and standard assistive devices for upper and
ments specific to the clinical presentation ex- lower extremities. It was found equally reli-
pected following an SCI. It was designed to able whether the observation is performed
be used both clinically and in research. This live or from videotaped records.
50 Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation/Summer 2008
Reprinted from Field-Fote EC, et al. The spinal cord injury functional ambulation inventory (SCI-FAI). J Rehabil Med.
2001;33(4):177–181. Copyright © 2001.
Standardized Ambulation Assessments 51
outdoors that are not needed if ambulating in- the 6MWT, and the TUG tests were all able
doors), it is recognized that different WISCI to show changes in specific components of
levels may be scored for different forms of gait. In a study by van Hedel et al.,2 it was
ambulation by the same person.56 It has also shown that overall the WISCI II correlated
been reported that many people with chronic well with the 10MWT, 6MWT, and the TUG
SCI are capable of ambulating at different (r > 0.60). However, in SCI persons with se-
WISCI levels dependent upon whether they verely impaired walking ability, the WISCI
are given the choice to use a self-selected II correlated poorly with these timed tests.
level of function or encouraged to ambulate In another study by the same investigators23
at maximum capacity on the WISCI scale.56 looking at responsiveness of certain walk-
Self-selected WISCI levels have been shown ing tests over a year of time post incomplete
to be more efficient, as evidenced by greater SCI, the WISCI II displayed a ceiling ef-
velocity and decreased physiological cost fect compared to the 6MWT and 10MWT,
index and total heart beat index.56 which showed a continued responsiveness
WISCI II has been shown to be a valid to change over time. Various authors3,18,23,53,61
(construct, prospective, concurrent, crite- support the opinion of the ICCP (Interna-
rion, predictive, and face) and reliable mea- tional Campaign for Cures of Spinal Cord
surement, either in an observational mode Injury Paralysis) Clinical Guidelines Panel
or by use of photo documentation.12,53,55,57–60 that a more accurate assessment may be
Morganti et al.53 demonstrated that, although provided by a combination of the WISCI
WISCI II correlated well (p < .001) with the scale and other quantitative timed walking
Rivermead Mobility Index (RMI; r = 0.67), tests (i.e., 10MWT, 6MWT). This sugges-
Barthel Index (BI; r = 0.67), FIMTM (r = 0.7), tion supports the continued use of a popular
and SCIM (r = 0.97), the WISCI II scale is combination of walking assessments we
more sensitive to incremental change than see in clinical trials (WISCI, 10MWT, and
each of the other four assessments. They also 6MWT) altogether quantifying gait param-
showed more patient distribution by WISCI eters, assistance, use of devices, distance,
levels (12) when the same patients were and speed. WISCI II and the 10MWT can
categorized by the four other scales (four in be performed simultaneously to enhance
FIMTM, three in the BI, two in RMI, and five efficiency.
in SCIM). Also supporting sensitivity of the WISCI II study results have also shown a
instrument, in a preliminary report on acute monotonic progression of levels correlating
SCI patients, Ditunno et al.4,59 reported that highly with lower extremity motor score
seven different WISCI levels (12–13, 15–17, improvement (p < .001), changes in walking
and 19–20) were recorded on patients who speed (p < .0001), and changes in FIMTM and
were scored with the same FIMTM level of SCIM scoring.53,58–60,62 In the SCILT trial,30
5 (supervision), suggesting again more dis- the results showed the responsiveness of
crimination from use of the WISCI scale than the WISCI scale to improvement in neuro-
the FIMTM locomotor subscale. However, in logical recovery reflected in the LEMS and
a multicenter clinical trial by Wirz et al.24 on correlated with other primary and secondary
automated locomotor training, the WISCI II outcome measures such as walking speed,
was less sensitive to changes, as the 10MWT, distance measure, locomotor FIMTM, and
54 Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation/Summer 2008
Berg Balance Scale.57,58,60 Additional work allow it to count steps during predetermined
is needed to show whether the WISCI scale time spans, allowing step detection at various
can measure how well participants walk points in the day and not just total activity.
in regard to speed, distance, and energy Training is necessary for the programming
requirements.56,63 of a few questions describing the person
and their gait, however application of the
Measuring Disability device and data downloading to the respec-
tive computer software are quick and simple.
Differentiating from the functional capac- Reports can be generated showing the
ity tests addressed previously, disability as- number of steps/minute over time. Bowden
sessments measure self-care and mobility in and Behrman64 analyzed the accuracy and
different physical environments such as the test-retest reliability with use of the SAM
hospital, home, outdoors, cities, and rural with persons with incomplete SCI and found
areas.8 These disability measures may or may it to be an accurate and reliable device for
not be standardized and attempt to show how capturing walking activity in this popula-
the outcome correlates to function within tion. The SAM was 97% accurate compared
their environment, whether it be home, with hand-tallied step counts when evalu-
work, and/or community. Included in this ated during laboratory-based standardized
category are quantifiable ambulation activity timed tests (6MWT and 10MWT), when
monitoring and observation activity assess- ICC values for test-retest reliability of the
ments. The observation assessments may be 10MWT and 6MWT were 0.97 and 0.99,
either clinician observed or patient reported respectively. Shaughnessy et al.65 have also
and most often use physical function scales shown in the stroke population that the SAM
developed specifically for the measurement is more sensitive to changes in ambulation
tool. These scales usually quantify level sur- activity than gait speed, endurance, or the
face ambulation and elevations separately. FIMTM. Resnick et al.66 reported high ICC
The Step Activity Monitor (SAM; Cyma of r = 0.84, reflecting reliability with use of
Corporation, Seattle, WA) is a simple device the SAM with older adults. McDonald et al.67
used to quantify ambulatory activity (rather supported the use of the SAM in children,
than disability) by counting steps. It is a citing the advantage of increased compliance
small (size of a pager), lightweight, sealed, with this population over other measures of
microprocessor-driven accelerometer worn activity. In two different studies, Shepherd68
on the ankle, which can capture walking and Silva69 reported that SAM had less error
performance throughout all environments when reporting all activities than the use of
over long periods of time. It does not inter- a pedometer. It is felt that the use of a SAM
fere with the gait cycle, while it continuously across environments and time may measure
records the number of steps per time interval more meaningful ambulatory behavior as a
over extended periods. The SAM reports participation measurement of function.64
only the steps taken by the leg on which the Specific examples of some clinician-
device is placed; it does not reflect a bilateral observed disability measurements used for
stepping total. Programming (either standard persons with SCI include the FIMTM, the
or individualized) capabilities of the device Barthel, and the SCIM. The FIMTM14 is an
Standardized Ambulation Assessments 55
assessment of overall physical functioning walking 50 yards, either with minimal help
known to measure the burden of care for a or without assistance. If the patient is unable
person with any physical disability or how to walk 50 yards, they are scored for use of a
much assistance the person with a disability wheelchair. This assessment of locomotion
requires for daily functions. All activities is limited and not very sensitive to change,
listed are measured on a 1- to 7-point scale, although the measure has shown validity and
relative to the amount of assistance required interrater reliability. Use of the Barthel Index
to complete the specified function. It is not in SCI clinical trials is usually in comparison
considered a measure of enhanced perfor- with other functional scales.71
mance or improvement of impairments but The SCIM is the newest observational
an indicator of severity of disability, with the assessment of overall physical functioning
scale designating major gradations in behav- specific to persons with a spinal cord lesion;
ior from dependent (1) to independent (7). it was developed in 1997,11 revised as SCIM
Specific to the FIMTM locomotor subscale, it II in 2001,72 and reported as SCIM III in
was not developed to relate a change in levels 2006.73 The SCIM was developed with the
of walking. The descriptive levels of walk- intent of being more sensitive for persons
ing only indicate the amount of assistance with SCI than the more global functional dis-
needed, based on a distance of less than 50 ft ability measures (FIMTM, Barthel Index) and
(15 m) or greater than 150 ft (50 m). There is scored according to the item’s proportional
often confusion by raters on how to properly weight in the patients’ general activity. The
score the walk versus wheelchair functions. main difference between the SCIM and the
Staff of most rehabilitation facilities in the FIMTM is the relative weight given to the
United States presently use the FIMTM, as it different tasks, especially those related to
has been adopted by the US government for sphincter control and mobility.11 The SCIM
use in the tool that determines reimburse- includes items listed in three categories: self-
ment for rehabilitation care, including for care, respiratory and sphincter management,
persons with SCIs. The FIMTM is considered and mobility. For the mobility categories,
simple to use following training and, as a the descriptors include reference to assistive
global instrument, has tested as valid and devices, lower extremity bracing, type of gait
reliable and requires minimal resources. The (swing vs. reciprocal), amount of physical
subscale for walking has not been validated assistance, and three distances (either in-
independent of the global scale,4 although it doors <10 m, between 10 and 100 m, or >100
has been used in SCI clinical trials, such as m). The mobility items are grouped accord-
the SCILT project.30 ing to these distance parameters, with the
The Barthel Index70 and the Modified Bar- same descriptors listed under each distance
thel Index are older observational functional section. As noted by Ditunno4 and Catz,74 the
assessments that have been routinely re- walking subsale of the SCIM contains less
placed by the FIMTM and are also not validat- descriptive walking levels than the WISCI.
ed specific to the SCI population. The Barthel To complete the SCIM assessment, the
Index includes an item addressing walking assessor (either multidisciplinary or singular
on a level surface. The two possible scores assessor) observes performance and scores
for ambulation imply the patient is capable of according to the defined descriptive levels.
56 Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation/Summer 2008
The total SCIM score is recorded upon descriptive of ambulation, and sensitive to
completion and ranges between 0 and 100. change in function than the FIMTM and the
Longitudinal improvements can be moni- Barthel Index.11,72,74 Catz et al.11 reported
tored by periodic assessments of function content, face, and construct validity com-
with this assessment tool. As the SCIM is pared to FIMTM in the early version of the
an observational or interview assessment of total SCIM; however, as with the FIMTM, the
daily functional tasks, it requires no special walking subscale has not been individually
equipment or space and only an understand- validated.4 SCIM was shown to be more
ing by the assessor of the items identified. sensitive than FIMTM for each subgrouping
As a global instrument, the SCIM has of paraplegia, tetraplegia, complete, and
been repeatedly reported to be more precise, incomplete lesions, as the FIMTM missed
Standardized Ambulation Assessments 57
25%–27% of the functional changes detected the SCI-FAI by Field-Fote.50 This categori-
by the SCIM.74 Reliability of the SCIM I and zation is based on a therapist’s assessment
II has been tested by both observation and of the participants’ walking level along with
interview methods.75 Results supported the the participants’ description of their walking
reliability of the SCIM assessment by inter- capacity as practiced in the home and com-
view and showed it to be comparable with munity environments. Other quality of life
assessment by observation (r = 0.69–0.96, assessments that include questions relative to
p < .001). An international, multicultural ambulatory capacity are descriptive in nature
study73 utilized a Rasch analysis that estab- and offer only subjective outcome measures
lished cross-cultural validity, reliability, and of functional improvement. The only burden
usefulness of SCIM III across six countries to administering this type of measurement is
from North America, Europe, and the Middle if the patient needs assistance writing answers
East. Unfortunately, it did not include any to questionnaires due to lack of hand function
sites from the United States. An attempt is or reading abilities.
in process to duplicate the SCIM III study in
the United States to establish local cultural Discussion
significance. It is hoped that the SCIM can
Table 3 displays the current use, applica-
serve as a universal tool for future disability
tion, and SCI-specific statistical support of
assessment of spinal cord lesion patients,
the ambulation assessments cited within
both in clinical and research assessment.74
the scope of this review. At the time of this
In the patient reported portion of this cat-
review, the literature shows SCI population-
egory of ambulation assessment tools, patient
specific validation only with the following
reported questionnaires or PROs (patient
ambulation assessments:
reported outcomes) are used, where patients
• TUG, 10MWT, 6MWT, plus good cor-
subjectively report information on their
relation with WISCI2
perceived levels of exertion, distance, use
of stairs, and so on, in reference to their am-
• WISCI12,30,53
bulation capacity. These measurements may
• SAM64
also be a subgroup of quality of life question-
• SCIM11,72,74,75
naires that ask the participants not only what
they are capable of doing but also what they
are satisfied with and/or what is important to Conclusion
them. Whatever it includes, often disability Change in walking capacity is a popular
measurement questions are asked pre and and desirable outcome for the person with an
post intervention and are correlated with other SCI. Clinical practice and clinical trials will
objective locomotion data. For example, the continue to address it using various interven-
classification system known as the functional tions. Some commonly used ambulation as-
walking categories, although developed sessment tools have been reviewed that can
for persons with stroke,51 has been used in be used in both clinical practice and clinical
spinal cord–injured patients as the Ambula- trials with the SCI population. Each has been
tory Capacity Categories by Kim et al.7 and described, statistically addressed, and util-
modified into the Walking Mobility Scale for ity discussed. As can be seen from Table 3
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