EB AF S: Ad To 5
EB AF S: Ad To 5
EB AF S: Ad To 5
t in g m o dule with
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S E nti t o
D(Acc Ro
ou ad
Rex Ng
Rex Ng nal Accoun
) (P ro fe s s io
BBA (Hons d CUHK
S c (M a rk eting), DipE
Exam expert
•• Currently teaching in a Band 1 school, former
subject panel head of Principles of Accounts and
former tutor of a leading tuition center
•• Former auditor of one of the “Big 4” auditing
•• Invited by secondary schools to share exam
strategies and exam skills
•• Interviewed by the media to share teaching
This book can effectively point out mistakes
that students often make in the DSE BAFS
examination. Notes are smart and teaching
skills are unique. Practice can help students
revise important concepts. I think it is the
best and most comprehensive DSE BAFS
examination revision guide in the market!
Professor R
ita Yip
Associate Pro
D fessor,
The Hang Sen epartment of Accounting
g University o ,
f Hong Kong
Q est &
u Short questions (5 marks to 8 marks)
Section 1 Common Mistakes
1. Sales transactions are entered in sales journal.
Credit sales transactions are entered in sales journal.
Concept Clarification
Returns inwards can be by credit customers or by customers who are paid.
•• Returns inwards by credit customers is recorded in returns inwards journal.
•• Returns inwards by customers who are paid is recorded in cash book as refund
is needed.
Concept Clarification
Returns outwards can be to credit suppliers or to suppliers who have been paid.
•• Returns outwards to credit suppliers is recorded in returns outwards journal.
•• Returns outwards to suppliers who have been paid is recorded in cash book as
refund is needed.
Concept Clarification
•• Purchases journal only records credit purchases of goods that are for resale.
•• Non-current assets for production are not for resale and the credit purchases of
non-current assets are recorded in general journal.
Concept Clarification
•• Sales journal only records credit sales of goods.
•• Sales of non-current assets for production are recorded in general journal.
There are 6 different books of original entry. They are used to record
different types of transactions.
Books of original entry
Sales day book Record credit sales transactions
(Sales journal)
Purchases day book Record credit purchases transactions
(Purchases journal)
Returns inwards day book Record returns inwards by credit customers
(Returns inwards journal) transactions
Returns outwards day book Record returns outwards to credit suppliers
(Returns outwards journal) transactions
Cash book Record all transactions involving the use of
bank or cash
General journal • Record other transactions not listed above
(The journal) • Record period-end adjustments
DSE Tips
No marks will be awarded if names of books of original entry are incorrect.
Concept Clarification
A ledger is like a folder and each folder holds T-accounts of the same type.
Ledgers Uses
Sales ledgers Keep trade receivables accounts
(Trade receivables ledgers)
Purchases ledgers Keep trade payables accounts
(Trade payable ledgers)
General ledgers Keep other accounts not mentioned above
DSE Tips
Cash book can be treated as a ledger if it is defined in the question. It is
logical to do so as cash book keeps cash and bank accounts.
Reference HKDSE 2016 Paper 2A Q2
Mr. A Sales
$ $ $ $
Jan 1 Sales 50 Jan 31 Trade receivables 300
Mr. B
$ $
Jan 2 Sales 100
Mr. C
$ $
Jan 3 Sales 150
DSE Tips
• Cash book is one of the books of original entry. However, in some cases,
cash book is also treated as a ledger to keep cash and bank account.
Reference HKDSE 2016 Paper 2A Q2
Purchases ledger $ $
Paper 1
transactions SQ Q5
in books
Key to Success
•• Since 2016, this topic has been moved from Paper 1 to Paper 2A.
Before 2016, this topic used to appear in the question types of MC
and SQ. From 2016 onwards, this topic usually appears as SQ but
marks can be up to 8. Thus it is a very important topic in DSE
BAFS exam.
•• Students must know how to identify different types of books and
Book of
original entry
Bought telephone sets on credit (i)
Sold telephone sets and received cash (ii)
Bought furniture on credit (iii)
Received a credit note from credit supplier for furniture returned (iv)
Accrued for outstanding electricity at year end (v)
Gave full refund to a customer for furniture returned (vi)
(a) (i) The Journal
(ii) Cash book
(iii) Purchases journal
(iv) Returns outwards journal
(v) The Journal
(vi) Cash book (0.5 marks each)
2. ABC Company keeps six books of original entry: sales journal, purchases
journal, returns inwards journal, returns outwards journal, cash book, the
journal and four ledgers: sales ledger, purchases ledger, general ledger and
cash book. Complete the following table:
Books to be Ledger for Ledger for
recorded debit entry credit entry
e.g. Paid rent in cash Cash book General ledger Cash book
(a) Cash purchases
(b) Received debit notes from
credit customers
(c) Goods sold on credit
(d) Electricity expense accrued
(e) Credit purchase of
machine for production
(f) Paid water bill by cheque
(9 marks)
Reference HKDSE 2016 Paper 2A Q2
Accounting cycle
Transactions would be posted to the following T-accounts in ledgers:
Dr Cr
(a) Purchases Cash
(b) Returns inwards Trade receivables
(c) Trade receivables Sales
(d) Electricity expense Accrued electricity expense
(e) Machinery Other payables
(f) Water expense Bank
Bank Reconciliation
ing nk reconciliation statem
Learn (i) Explain the uses of a ba
Points e it.
g in cash book and updat
(ii) Identify items missin
onciliation statement.
(iii) Prepare a bank rec
Q est &
u Long questions (6 marks to 14 marks)
Concept Clarification
Bank reconciliation statement is not used to correct errors. It is used to locate and
explain difference.
Concept Clarification
Bank reconciliation statement as at 31 March 2019
Balance as per updated cash at bank account
Add: Unpresented cheques
DSE Tips
The question has stated that “commencing with the cash at bank balance”. No
marks will be given if students do not follow the requirement.
DSE Tips
Reasons for dishonoured cheque:
•• The drawer does not have enough money in his account.
•• There are mistakes on the cheque, for example:
- wrong drawer’s signature
- wrong drawee’s name
- amount in words does not match amount in number
DSE Tips
•• Cash at bank is a T-account. Entries found in cash at bank are presented in
account names. No marks will be given if corresponding account names
are not given in the entries.
•• Standing order, direct debit, direct credit, dishonoured cheque, post-dated
cheque, stale cheque are not account names.
Uses of
a bank
Key to Success
Peter Company received the following bank statement for the month
December 2018:
Date Description Dr Cr Balance
2018 $ $ $
Dec 1 Balance b/d 3,000 O/D
Dec 11 Cheque deposit 3,000 0
Dec 13 Cheque 201801 1,500 1,500 O/D
Dec 20 Cheque 201804 300 1,800 O/D
Dec 21 Cheque deposit 5,600 3,800
Dec 23 Credit transfer 1,500 5,300
Dec 25 Cheque 201803 12,000 6,700 O/D
Dec 31 Direct debit – Water 1,800 8,500 O/D
Dec 31 Interest charge 150 8,650 O/D
(Note: O/D means overdraft)
Additional information:
(i) Credit transfer on 23 December 2018 was made by a customer Pearl Ltd.
(ii) The difference between cash at bank and bank statement balance
on 1 December 2018 was due to unpresented cheques 201801 and
201802 being still unpresented in November 2018.
(iii) Cheque number 201804 was wrongly recorded in bank statement.
(a) Update the cash at bank account of Peter Ltd. (4 marks)
(b) Prepare a bank reconciliation statement as at 31 December 2018,
commencing with bank statement balance. (6 marks)
Reference HKDSE 2015 Paper 2A Q1
Exam strategies
2 Matching approach
Cash at bank
2018 $ 2018 Cheque No. $
Dec 10 Cheung Ltd 3,000 Dec 1 Balance b/d 5,000
Dec 12 Chan Ltd 8,000 Dec 15 Salaries 201803 12,000
Dec 19 Lee Ltd 5,600 Dec 16 Mary 201804 3,000
Dec 25 Wong Ltd 16,230 Dec 28 Ming Ltd 201805 6,000
Uncredited cheques Dec 31 Balance c/d 6,830
32,830 32,830 Unpresented cheque
Cash at bank
2018 $ 2018 $
(0.5) Dec 31 Balance b/d 6,830 Dec 31 Water 1,800 (1)
(1) Dec 31 Pearl Ltd 1,500 Dec 31 Interest charge 150 (1)
Dec 31 Balance c/d 6,380 (0.5)
8,330 8,330
DSE Tips
•• Write account name in cash at bank account.
•• Check if the balance of bank reconciliation statement is equal to cash at
bank balance ($6,380).
•• Follow the requirement: commencing with bank statement balance.
•• Cheque number must be written for all unpresented cheques.
•• Cheque 201802 remains unpresented. It should be put under bank
reconciliation statement.
The cash at bank account of Peter Ltd showed a debit balance of $10,000
as at 31 December 2018, which did not match the bank statement balance
on the same date. An examination of the cash at bank account and the
bank statement disclosed the following:
(i) The following cheques had not yet been presented for payment:
Cheque number Issue date Amount ($)
2018011 10 March 2018 3,000
2018016 30 April 2018 4,000
2018113 18 December 2018 5,000