Chapter 1. Introduction: Why Are We Concerned About Power Quality

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Chapter 1.


Why Are We Concerned About Power Quality


Repared by Surya Hardi, PhD

This IEEE defined power quality disturbances have been organized
into seven categories based on wave shape:

1. Transients
2. Interruptions
3. Sag / Under voltage
4. Swell / Overvoltage
5. Waveform distortion
6. Voltage fluctuations
7. Frequency variations

Repared by Surya Hardi, PhD

PQ problems have become a significant issue for
both electric power supplier and customers.
the increasing use of electronic equipment in
several sectors for the reason to improve energy
Customer’s equipment has become more
susceptible to PQ problems than before
The equipment may suffer disruption, miss-
operation, or even the components may damage
when the voltage and current are not similar to its
value rated even though in small magnitudes.
 Economic loss……

Repared by Surya Hardi, PhD

The sensitivity of equipment used in industrial processes directly
influences the response of the processes to voltage sags and
interruptions, and therefore has direct impact on the consequential
financial losses.
For example,
 Voltage sag duration can shutdown industry for several hours, due
to long start up times. The production loss in a hot rolling mill has
been estimated to be as much as $100.000 per hours, Carlson et
al., (2003).
 Jouanne et al., (1999) and Dugan et al., (1999). According to
Jouanne et al., (1999), survey reports that voltage sags of 10 –
30% below nominal for 3 – 30 cycles duration. The ASDs
controlled process may be momentarily interrupted or
permanently tripped out.

Repared by Surya Hardi, PhD

The cumulative cost estimates of power disturbance in the U. S.
ange from $ 20,000 billion to $ 100,000 billion per year, where
industries have reported losses ranging from $ 100,000 to $
1,000,000 per disrupting event.
 Dugan et al., (1999), typical directly costs of momentary
interruptions for high-volume manufacturing process range from
$3,000 to 10,000 per event customer. Costs of more than $
100,000 have been claimed for some assembly-line process. Cost
data processing industry are estimated at $ 10,000 per minute
with a minimum downtime of 15 minutes.

Repared by Surya Hardi, PhD

The cost of a power quality disturbance can be captured
primarily in three major categories:
 Product-related losses, such as loss of product and materials,
lost production capacity, disposal charges, and increased
inventory requirements.
 Labour-related losses, such as idled employees, overtime,
clean-up, and repair.
 Ancillary costs such as damaged equipment, lost opportunity
cost, and penalties due to shipping delays.

Repared by Surya Hardi, PhD

WHEN the problems in PQ appeared for the first time ?
 Marcos and Gomes, (2003), beginning of the 1980s
with the introduction of non linear loads (Electronics
 Burke, et. al., (1990) and Tayjassanat, (2006)
assumed term “power quality” has different meaning
to different people and it is depending on reference.
 PQ for the electric utility company could mean the
integrity of the sinusoidal aspect of the voltage wave
 PQ for industrial customer could mean the relative
absence of voltage variations as measured at the point
Repared by Surya Hardi, PhD
What is Power Quality?

 Burke, et. al., (1990) defines PQ as the relative absence of

utility related voltage variations particularly, the absence of
outages, sags, surges and harmonics as measured at the point
of service
 Dugan et. al., (2003) defines PQ problems as any power
issue that causes difference in voltage, current, or frequency
from its nominal and lead to disruption or malfunction of
customer’s equipment.
 Marcos and Gomes (2003) define PQ issue is each
occurrence deviated in form of voltage, current, or
frequency that leads to the equipment breakage, disruption,
drop out, or malfunction.
Repared by Surya Hardi, PhD
AC power systems are designed to operate at a sinusoidal
voltage of a given frequency [typically 50 or 60 hertz (Hz)] and
magnitude. Any significant deviation in the waveform
magnitude, frequency, or purity is a potential power quality

Although the generators may provide a near-perfect sine-

wave voltage, the current passing through the impedance of
the system can cause a variety of disturbances to the voltage.
For example,
1. The current resulting from a short circuit causes the voltage
to sag or disappear completely, as the case may be.

Repared by Surya Hardi, PhD

2. Currents from lightning strokes passing through the power
system cause high-impulse voltages that frequently flash over
insulation and lead to other phenomena, such as short circuits.

3. Distorted currents from harmonic-producing loads also distort

the voltage as they pass through the system impedance. Thus a
distorted voltage is presented to other end users.

Repared by Surya Hardi, PhD

PQ disturbances ?

 Arrilaga, et. al., (2000) defines that a disturbance is a

temporary deviated from steady state waveform caused
by faults in short time or suddenly changes in the power
 PQ disturbances which include: voltage sags,
interruptions, voltage swell, transients, waveform,
distortion, inter harmonics, notching, voltage
symmetrical, voltage fluctuation (flicker). (Arrilaga et.
al., 2000; Dugan et. al., 2003 and IEEE std. 1159, 1995)

Repared by Surya Hardi, PhD

This IEEE defined power quality disturbances have been organized
into seven categories based on wave shape:

1. Transients
2. Interruptions
3. Sag / Under voltage
4. Swell / Overvoltage
5. Waveform distortion
6. Voltage fluctuations
7. Frequency variations

Repared by Surya Hardi, PhD

Repared by Surya Hardi, PhD
Following among equipment is most susceptible to these
common disturbances: Programmable logic controllers,
Automated data processors, Adjustable speed drives,
Contactor, motors, etc
Repared by Surya Hardi, PhD
Fig. 1.1 show the results of one survey conducted by the Georgia Power
Company in which both utility personnel and customers were polled about
what causes power quality problems.

Repared by Surya Hardi, PhD

The Power Quality Evaluation Procedure

Figure 1.2 gives some general steps that are often required in a
power quality investigation, along with the major
considerations that must be addressed at each step. The general
procedure must also consider whether the evaluation involves
an existing power quality problem or one that could result from
a new design or from proposed changes to the system.

Repared by Surya Hardi, PhD

Fig. 1.2.

Repared by Surya Hardi, PhD

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