Instrumentation and Biotechniques Lab

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(Deemed to be University established Under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

Eachanari PO, Coimbatore – 641 021, India




OCTOBER - 2021
(Deemed to be University established Under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)
Eachanari PO, Coimbatore – 641 021, India


Practical Record

Name :

Register No. :

Class : III – B.Sc., Microbiology


This is to certify that, this is a bonafide record work done by Mr./Ms.
of III – B.Sc. Microbiology during the
academic year 2021 – 2022 for the Practical Examination held on _____________.

Reg.No: 19MBU0

Staff-in-charge Head of the Department


1. (Internal)

2. (External)


Study of fluorescent micrographs to visualize

1 1
bacterial cells- Demonstration
Ray diagrams of phase contrast and electron
2 microscopy- Demonstration

Separation of mixtures by thin layer

3 chromatography
Demonstration of column packing in any form
4 of column chromatography
Separation of protein mixtures in any form of
5 chromatography
Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate
6 Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis 14
Determinaton of λmax for an unknown
7 sample and calculation of extinction 18

Separation of components of a given

8 mixture using a laboratory scale centrifuge

Understanding density gradient

9 centrifugation with the help of pictures
Ex. No: 1

Study of fluorescent micrographs to visualize bacterial cells- Demonstration

Principles of fluorescence microscopy

Fluorescence is a property of some atoms and molecules to emit light at longer wavelengths after absorbing
light of a particular and shorter wavelength. Each fluorescent atom or molecule can absorb only certain
wavelengths of light. Upon absorbing a photon of energy, the electron of a fluorescent molecule is excited
from the ground state to a higher electronic energy and vibrational
state. The energized electron then returns to the ground energy state with a loss of vibrational energy to
the environment. During the return of the molecule to the ground state, a photon of longer wavelength is
emitted. This is referred to as fluorescence. The emitted light is always of a longer wavelength and of a
lower intensity than that of the absorbed light because of the energy loss. The excitation (or absorption)
spectrum can be obtained by scanning the absorption wavelengths at a fixed emission wavelength.
Similarly, the emission spectrum can be obtained when the excitation wavelength is constant and
emission wavelengths are measured. Some molecules are autofluorescent and emit fluorescence when
excited. This phenomenon is called primary fluorescence. Secondary fluorescence represents the
emission produced after a molecule is combined with a primary fluorescent molecule called a stain or

Fluorescence microscopy
Fluorescence microscopes can be categorized into two types based on their optical paths: (1) transmitted-
light fluorescence microscopes, and (2) incident-light or epiillumination fluorescence microscopes.
Transmitted-light fluorescence microscopes require careful alignment of the condenser and objective
lenses to avoid the excitation light interfering with the emitted fluorescence. A barrier filter helps screen
out the excitation light. Transmitted- light fluorescence microscopes cannot be used for simultaneous
fluorescence/phase or fluorescence/differential interference contrast imaging. With the epi- illumination

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set-up, the condenser is also the objective. Therefore, only one optical path to the detector exists (i.e., that
of the emitted fluorescence) and perfect alignment is not required. Other advantages of epifluorescence
microscopy are the effective use of a dichromatic beam splitter and the easy change-over between
fluorescence microscopy and transmitted light microscopy. All these advantages make incident- light
fluorescence microscopy the more commonly employed system.
The key components of epifluorescence microscopy include an excitation light source, wavelength
selection devices (a set of well-balanced filter combinations), objectives, and detectors.
Only the first two components will be discussed in this paper. A light source (e.g., tungsten halogen
lamps, high pressure mercury, xenon, mercury/xenon combination arc lamps, or lasers) emits excitation
energy of different wavelengths. The maximal excitation of fluorescence occurs when the light
wavelength peak is close to the absorption peak of the fluorescent molecule. Maximum excitation can be
reached by using an excitation filter that only transmits light below a specific wavelength corresponding
to the maximal absorbance of the molecule. The excitation filter also reduces the intensity of
background light that has the same wavelength range as the emitted fluorescent light. A second filter
called a dichromatic beam splitter (also known as a dichromatic mirror) is designed to reflect light of
shorter wavelength while transmitting light of longer wavelength. The excitation light is reflected by the
dichromatic beam splitter and condensed by the objective before reaching the specimen. In theory, only
the fluorescence emitted from the specimen passes through and reaches the detector (the eyepiece or a
camera in the microscope). The development of the dichromatic beam splitter is one of the major
advantages of epifluorescence microscopy over transmitted-light fluorescence microscopy. To further
limit the unabsorbed excitation light from reach reaching the detector, a barrier filter is installed between
the chromatic beam splitter and the detector. The various types of filters are defined by their wavelength
selection characteristics: short pass filter, long pass filter, dichromatic beam splitter, wide pass filter,
narrow band pass filter and short pass-long pass combination.

Page 2
Ex. No: 2

Ray diagrams of phase contrast and electron microscopy- Demonstration

Ray diagrams showing the important optical elements for (a) conventional transmission electron
microscopy (CTEM) and (b) scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). The CTEM image is
obtained in parallel; the STEM image is obtained pixel-by-pixel by scanning the probe. The diagrams
are shown with the electron source at the top for CTEM and at the bottom for STEM, to show the
reciprocal nature of the optical paths. STEM also provides simultaneous annular dark-field imaging.
Actual microscopes have several additional lenses, and the beam-limiting aperture positions may

Page 3
Light passing from one object into another object of a slightly different refractive index or thickness
undergoes a change in phase.

In a phase-contrast microscope, this difference in phase is translated into variation in brightness of the

image and hence is detectable by eye. With a phase-contrast microscope, the differences among various

cells with different refractive indice s or thickness can be seen in unstained conditio n.

Microscopic objects can be seen in unstained condition, due to the difference in the refractive index of

the object and its surrounding medium. Unstained structures within cells, not discernible by other

microscopic methods can also be observed due to the slight differences in their refractive indices or


A phase-contrast microscope is a compound microscope fitted with a phase-contrast condenser and a

phase-contrast objective (Figure 4.12). An annular aperture in the diaphragm placed in the focal plane of

the sub-stage condenser controls the illumination of the object.

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Ex. No: 3

Separation of mixtures by thin layer chromatography

TLC is a type of planar chromatography.

 It is routinely used by researchers in the field of phyto-chemicals, biochemistry, and so forth, to
identify the components in a compound mixture, like alkaloids, phospholipids, and amino acids.
 It is a semi quantitative method consisting of analysis.
 High performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) is the more sophisticated or more precise
quantitative version.

Similar to other chromatographic methods, thin layer chromatography is also based on the principle of
1. The separation depends on the relative affinity of compounds towards stationary and the mobile
2. The compounds under the influence of the mobile phase (driven by capillary action) travel over the
surface of the stationary phase. During this movement, the compounds with higher affinity to
stationary phase travel slowly while the others travel faster. Thus, separation of components in the
mixture is achieved.
3. Once separation occurs, the individual components are visualized as spots at a respective level of
travel on the plate. Their nature or character are identified by means of suitable detection techniques.
System Components
TLC system components consists of
1. TLC plates, preferably ready made with a stationary phase: These are stable and chemically inert
plates, where a thin layer of stationary phase is applied on its whole surface layer. The stationary
phase on the plates is of uniform thickness and is in a fine particle size.
2. TLC chamber. This is used for the development of TLC plate. The chamber maintains a uniform
environment inside for proper development of spots. It also prevents the evaporation of solvents,
and keeps the process dust free.
3. Mobile phase. This comprises of a solvent or solvent mixture The mobile phase used should be
particulate-free and of the highest purity for proper development of TLC spots. The solvents
recommended are chemically inert with the sample, a stationary phase.
4. A filter paper. This is moistened in the mobile phase, to be placed inside the chamber. This helps
develop a uniform rise in a mobile phase over the length of the stationary phase.

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The stationary phase is applied onto the plate uniformly and then allowed to dry and stabilize. These
days, however, ready-made plates are preferred.
1. With a pencil, a thin mark is made at the bottom of the plate to apply the sample spots.
2. Then, samples solutions are applied on the spots marked on the line in equal distances.
3. The mobile phase is poured into the TLC chamber to a leveled few centimeters above the chamber
bottom. A moistened filter paper in mobile phase is placed on the inner wall of the chamber to
maintain equal humidity (and also thereby avoids edge effect this way).
4. Now, the plate prepared with sample spotting is placed in TLC chamber so that the side of the plate
with the sample line is facing the mobile phase. Then the chamber is closed with a lid.
5. The plate is then immersed, such that the sample spots are well above the level of mobile phase (but
not immersed in the solvent — as shown in the picture) for development.

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 It is a simple process with a short development time.
 It helps with the visualization of separated compound spots easily.
 The method helps to identify the individual compounds.
 It helps in isolating of most of the compounds.
 The separation process is faster and the selectivity for compounds is higher (even small differences
in chemistry is enough for clear separation).
 The purity standards of the given sample can be assessed easily.
 It is a cheaper chromatographic technique.
1. To check the purity of given samples.
2. Identification of compounds like acids, alcohols, proteins, alkaloids, amines, antibiotics, and more.
3. To evaluate the reaction process by assessment of intermediates, reaction course, and so forth.
4. To purify samples, i.e for the purification process.
5. To keep a check on the performance of other separation processes.
Being a semi quantitative technique, TLC is used more for rapid qualitative measurements than for
quantitative purposes. But due its rapidity of results, easy handling and inexpensive procedure, it finds its
application as one of the most widely used chromatography techniques.

6. Allow sufficient time for the development of spots. Then remove the plates and allow them to dry.
The sample spots can now be seen in a suitable UV light chamber, or any other methods as
recommended for the said sample.

Page 8
Ex. No: 4
Demonstration of column packing in any form of column chromatography


To separate Organic compounds with the help of Column Chromatographic technique.



Chromatography has been developed into a new method of separation of mixture of substances mainly
when they are available in small amounts. This method is very useful when the components of a mixture
have almost the same physical an d chemical properties and hence can’t be separated by other usual
methods of separations. The term chromatography means writing in colour (in Gre ek: Khromatos-colour,
and graphos- written). It was discovered by Mikhail Tswett in 1906.

The methods of separation in chromatography are based on the distribution of the components in a

mixture between a fixed (stationary) and a moving (mobile) phase. The stationary phase
h may be a column
of adsorbent, a paper, a thin layer eof adsorbent on a glass plate, etc., through w ich the mobile phase
moves on. The mobile phase may b a liquid or a gas. When a solid stationary phase is taken as a column
it is known as column chromatography.

Column Chromatography:

Column chromatography is one of the most useful methods for the

separation and purification of both solids and liquids. This is a solid
- liquid technique in which the stationary phase is a solid & mobile
phase is a liquid. The principle of column chromatography is based
on differential adsorption of substance by the adsorbent.

The usual adsorbents employed in column chromatography are

silica, alumina, calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, magnesia,
starch, etc., selection of solvent is based on the nature of both the
solvent and the adsorbent. The rate at which the components of a
mixture are separated depends on the activity of the adsorbent and
polarity of the solvent. If the activity of the adsorbent is very high
and polarity of the solvent is very low, then the separation is very

Page 9
slow but gives a good separation. On the other hand, if the activity of adsorbent is low and polarity of the
solvent is high the separation is rapid but gives only a poor separation, i.e., the components separated are
not 100% pure.

The adsorbent is made into slurry with a suitable liquid and placed in a cylindrical tube that is plugged at
the bottom by a piece of glass wool or porous disc. The mixture to be separated is dissolved in a suitable
solvent and introduced at the top of the column and is allowed to pass throug the column. As the
mixture moves down through the column, the components are adsorbed at different regions depending on
their ability for adsorption. The component with greater adsorption power will be adsorbed at the top and
the other will be adsorbed at the bottom. The different components can be desorbed and collected
separately by adding more solvent at the top and this process is known as elution. That is, the process of
dissolving out of the components from the adsorbent is called elution and the sol vent is called is called
eluent. The weakly adsorbed component will be eluted more rapidly than the other. The different
fractions are collected separately. istillation or evaporation of the solvent from the different fractions
gives the pure components.
n c

Intermolecular forces, which vary i strength according to their type, make organi molecules to bind to

the stationary phase. The stronger the intermolecular force, the stronger the binding to the stationary
phase, therefore the longer the compound
f takes to go through the column.
Intra-molecular hydrogen bonding ise present in ortho- nitro phenol. This is due to the polar nature of the
O-H bonds which can result in theuormation of hydrogen bonds within the same molecule. But in para-
nitro phenol, inter molecular hydr gen bonding (between H and O atoms of two different para-nitro sult
phenol molecules) is possible. As rcof inter molecular hydrogen bonding para-nitro phenol undergo lar
association that increases the molec weight, whereby decreasing volatility.

Para nitro phenol with inter mole ular hydrogen bonding:

Page 10

1. Preparation of the Column:

o Place the column in a ring stand in a vertical position.

o A plug of glass wool is pushed downto the bottom of the column.
o Prepare slurry of silica gel with a suitable solvent & pour gently into the column.
o Open the stop cock & allow some solvent to drain out. The layer of solvent should always cover the
adsorbent; otherwise cracks will develop in the column.

2. Adding the Sample to the Column:

o Dissolve the sample mixture in a minimum amount of solvent (petroleum ether).

o Remove the solvent by placing the mixture in a rotary evaporator at a low temperature.
o Place the dry powder on a piece of weighing paper and transfer it to the top of the column through the

3. Developing the Chromatogram:

o Attach a dropping funnel filled with petroleum ether on to the column.

o Add petroleum ether continuously from the funnel to the top of the column.
o Open the stopcock carefully.
o The components of the mixture run down the column forming two separate yellow bands.

4. Recovering the Constituents: e

o Continue running the petroleum eth r till both the bands are eluted out separately.
o Collect the constituents in two different R.B flasks. (Ortho nitrophenol is obtained first, followed by para
nitro phenol.).
o Evaporate the solvent by placing the mixture in a rotary evaporator.

Page 11
Ex. No: 5

Separation of protein mixtures in any form of chromatography


Chromatography is an important biophysical technique that enables the separation, identification, and
purification of the components of a mixture for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Proteins can be
purified based on characteristics such as size and shape, total charge, hydrophobic groups present on the
surface, and binding capacity with t he stationary phase. Four separation techniques based on molecular
characteristics and interaction type use mechanisms of ion exchange, surface adsorption, partition, and
size exclusion. Other chromatography techniques are based on the stationary bed, including column, thin
layer, and paper chromatography. Column chromatography is one of the most com mon methods of
protein purification.


Chromatography is based on the principle where molecules in mixture applied onto the surface or into the
solid, and fluid stationary phase (stable phase) is separating from each other while moving with the aid of
a mobile phase. The factors effectiveon this separation process include molecular characteristics related
to adsorption (liquid-solid), partition (liquid-solid), and affinity or differences among their molecular
weights [1, 2]. Because of these differences, some components of the mixture stay longer in the
stationary phase, and they move slowly in the chromatography system, while others pass rapidly into
mobile phase, and leave the system faster

Based on this approach three components form the basis of the chromatography technique.

 Stationary phase: This phase is always composed of a “solid” phase or “a la yer of a liquid
adsorbed on the surface a solid support”.

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 Mobile phase: This phase is always composed of “liquid” or a “gaseous component.”
 Separated molecules.

 The type of interaction between stationary phase, mobile phase, and substances contained in the
mixture is the basic component effective on separation of molecules from each other.
Chromatography methods based on partition are very effective on separation, and identification of
small molecules as amino acids, carbohydrates, and fatty acids. However, affinity
chromatographies (ie. ion-exchange chromatography) are more effective in the separation of
macromolecules as nucleic acids, and proteins. Paper chromatography is used in the separation of
proteins, and in studies related to protein synthesis; gas-liquid chromatography is utilized in the
separation of alcohol, esther, lipid, and amino groups, and observation of enzymatic interactions,
while molecular-sieve chromatography is employed especially for the deter m ination of molecular
weights of proteins. Agarose-gel chromatography is used for the purification of RNA, DNA
particles, and viruses [4].
 Stationary phase in chromatography, is a solid phase or a liquid phase coatedon the surface of a
solid phase. Mobile phase flowing over the stationary phase is a gaseous or liquid phase. If
mobile phase is liquid it is termed as liquid chromatography (LC), and if it is gas then it is called
gas chromatography (GC). Gas chromatography is applied for gases, and mixtures of volatile
liquids, and solid material. Liquid chromatography is used especially for thermal unstable, and
non-volatile samples [5].
 The purpose of applying chromatography which is used as a method of quantitative analysis apart
from its separation, is to achive a satisfactory separation within a suitable ti m
einterval. Various
chromatography methods have been developed to that end. Some of them include column
chromatography, thin-layer chromatography (TLC), paper chromatography, gas chromatography,
ion exchange chromatography, gel permeation chromatography, high-pressure liquid
chromatography, and affinit ychromatography

Column chromatography

Since proteins have difference characteristic features as size, shape, net charge, stationary phase used,
and binding capacity, each one of these characteristic components can be purified u sing chromatographic
methods. Among these methods, most frequently column chromatography is applie d. This technique is
used for the purification of biomolecules. On a column (stationary phase) firstly the sample to be
separated, then wash buffer (mobile phase) are applied (Figure 1). Their flow through inside column
material placed on a fiberglass support is ensured. The samples are accumulated at the bottom of the
device in a tme-, and volume-dependent manner

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Ex. No: 6



SDS-PAGE was performed to separate and observe the protein pattern of the sample by the method
of Lammeli (1970)
SDS-PAGE was performed to accomplish the following:
a) To observe the protein pattern of the enzyme mixture.

b) To determine the homogeneity of the purified enzyme mixture.

c) To determine the molecular weight of the purified enzyme.

1. Preparation of stock solution and buffers:
30% acrylamide a) Acrylamide: 29.2g b) N, N-methelyne–bis–acrylamide: 0.8g Added
water, dissolved and made upto 100mL and filtered with Whatman no.1 filter paper.
2. Separating gel buffer:
a) Tris-HCl: 1.5M, pH 8.8 18.171g of Tris was dissolved in 60mL of water and adjusted the
pH to 8.8 with HCl and finally made upto 100mL with water.
3. Stacking gel buffer:
a) Tris-HCl:
1M, pH 6.8 6.057g of Tris was dissolved in 60mL water and adjusted the pH to 6.8 with HCl
and upto 100mL with water.
4. 10% SDS solution:
1g of SDS in 10mL of distilled water. 5. N,N,N’N’-Tetra methylene diammine(TEMED)
10% Ammonium per sulphate (APS): 1g of APS in 10mL of distilled water.

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7. Electrophoresis Buffer:
a) Tris: 25mM, pH 8.3 b) glycine: 250mM,pH 8.3 c) SDS: 0.1%: Dissolved in minimum
amount of water (500mL) and then added SDS. Allowed to settle and dissolved. This was
finally made upto 2.5liters.
8) Sample buffer 4x:
5.0mL a) Tris (1M, pH 6.8): 2.1mL b) 2% SDS: 100mg c) Glycerol (100%): 1.0mL d) b-
mercaptoethanol: 0.5mL e) Bromophenol blue: 2.5mg f) Distilled water: 0.4mL
9) Staining solution (100mL):
a) Alcohol: 40%
b) Acetic acid: 10%
c) Commassie Brilliant Blue (CBB): 259mg d) Distilled water: 50%
10) Destaining solution (100mL)
a) Alcohol: 50%
b) Acetic acid: 10%
c) Distilled water: 40%
Preparation of gel:
The glass plates were washed in warm detergent solution, rinsed subsequently in tap water, deionised
water and ethanol and dried. The unnotched outer plates were laid on the table and Vaseline (or grease)
was coated. Spacer strips were arranged approximately at the sides and bottom of the plates. The notched
inner plates were laid in position, resting on the spacer strips and the arrangement was mounted
vertically. Sealing was done properly to avoid leakage.
APS and TEMED were added just prior to the pouring of gel. The solution was mixed well and poured
into the space between the two plates leaving an inch of the upper space unfilled. Water was carefully
laid over the surface of the poured gel mixture to avoid air contact, which reduces the polymerization
reaction. The gel mixture was allowed to polymerize, undisturbed at room temperature for 60 minutes. In
the mean time gel mixture for stacking gel was prepared. (The reagents in the following table yield 10mL

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of solution after the addition of APS & TEMED) After the separating gel was polymerized the over laid
water was removed carefully with filter paper and an appropriate comb was inserted between the plates.
0.1mL of 10% APS and 10 l of TEMED were added to the stacking gel mixture. It was mixed well and
poured immediately (to the brim) over the separating gel. The stacking gel was allowed to polymerize.
Additional gel mixture was added when gel retracted significantly.
Preparation of protein samples:
The required volume of sample buffer was added to protein samples and they were loaded (the final
concentration of sample buffer in the prepared sample should come to 1x. If the protein was dried
suspend it in 1x buffer). The samples were incubated for 2min in a boiling water bath prior to loading.
When the polymerization was completed the comb was removed and the lower spacer strip was carefully
removed. The Vaseline (or grease) from the bottom was removed with a piece of tissue paper. The gel
was attached to the electrophoresis tank using appropriate clips/clamps. The lower reservoir was filled
with 1x electrophoresis buffer, using a bent Pasteur pipette or syringe needle to remove any air bubble
trapped beneath the bottom of the gel. The protein samples were loaded using a micropipette and the
wells were completely and carefully filled with 1x electrophoresis buffer. The upper reservoir was also
carefully filled with 1x electrophoresis buffer. The electrodes were connected to a power pack. The gel
was run at constant current (20 milli ampere 100 volts) for 4-6 hrs at room temperature. Electrophoretic
mobility of the samples was determined by bromophenol blue front. At the end of the run the power pack
was switched off. The gel and plates were laid flat on the table and a corner of the upper glass plate was
lifted up and the gel was carefully removed.
Staining of the gel:
After the completion of the electrophoresis, the gel was fixed with 10% trichloroacetic acid for 5minutes
and stained with CBB. The CBB staining solution was prepared using methanol, acetic acid and double
distilled water in the ratio of 4:1:5 and 0.25gm of CBB was added and the gel was stained over night.
solution was prepared using methanol, acetic acid and double distilled water in the ratio of 4:1:5 and
0.25gm of CBB was added and the gel was stained over night.
Destaining of the gel:

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The destaining of CBB stained gel was done by using methanol, acetic acid and double distilled water in
the ratio of 5:1:4 till the appearance of clear bands on the gel.

The sample proteins are separated by Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate-Poly Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis.
The proteins appeared as discrete bands in the gel. The relative molecular weights of the protein with
respect to their bands were observed in Kilo Daltons.

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Ex. No: 7

Determinaton of λmax for an unknown sample and calculation of extinction coefficient

(I) To determine λmax (wavelength of maximum absorption) of CuSO4– NH3 solution
using a spectrophotometer
(II) To verify Beer-Lambert’s law and apply it to find the strength of unknown solution

When an electromagnetic radiation is passed through a sample, certain characteristic wavelengths are
absorbed by the sample. As a result the intensity of the transmitted light is decreased. The measurement
of the decrease in intensity of radiation is the basis of spectrophotometry. Thus the spectrophotometer
compares the intensity of the transmitted light with that of incident lights. The absorption of light by a
substance is governed by Beer’s and Lambert’s law. According to the Beer-Lambert’s law: when a beam
of monochromatic light of intensity I0 passes through a medium that contains an absorbing substance, the
intensity of transmitted radiation I depends on the length of the absorbing medium and the concentration
of the solution. Mathematically it can be represented as: Absorbance = log(I0/I) = εcl
Where, I0 = intensity of incident light I = intensity of transmitted light A = absorbance l = length of the
absorbing medium c = concentration of the solution ε = molar absorption coefficient or molar extinction
The molar absorption coefficient or molar extinction coefficient is the absorbance of a solution having
the unit concentration (c = 1M) placed in a cell of unit thickness (l = 1 cm). Absorbance is also called
optical density (OD). Thus, for a particular wavelength λ, the absorbance or OD of a solution in a
container of fixed path length is directly proportional to the concentration of a solution. i.e. A ∞ c A plot
between absorbance and concentration is expected to be a straight line plot, passing through the origin,
shows that Beer-Lambert’s law is obeyed. This plot, known as calibration curve, can also be employed in
finding the concentration (or strength) of a given solution.
Spectrophotometer, cuvette, beaker, pipette. Chemicals: CuSO4, NH4OH, tissue paper.

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1. The spectrophotometer is calibrated for 100% transmittance in water.
2. The CuSO4 solutions of different strength are supplied, such as (N/60), (N/70), (N/80), (N/90) and
3. Determination of λmax: Take 5 mL of CuSO4 solution and 5 mL of NH4OH solution in the cuvette
and mix it well. Measure the absorbance or transmittance at different wavelengths. The minimum
transmittance at a particular wavelength will correspond to maximum absorbance which will give λmax.
[Important: Trnsmittance of the pure solvent (water) is always adjusted to 100% before each wavelangth
measurement. This is because the extinction coefficient of the blank (pure water) also changes with
4. Verification of Beer-Lambert’s law: Fix the wavelength at λmax value. Measure the absorbance or OD
of different CuSO4-NH4OH solutions at that λmax. Plot a graph between OD and concentration (or
strength) of the solution. [If a straight is obtained, then the BeerLambert’s law is verified]
5. Now find out the absorbance or OD of the unknown solution and find out the strength of the solution
form the graph.

Page 19
Ex. No: 8
Separation of components of a given mixture using a laboratory scale centrifuge

To separate the components of a mixture using the following techniques:

 Separating funnel
 Chromatography
 Centrifugation
 Simple distillation
 Fractional distillation

How is a homogeneous mixture different from a heterogeneous mixture?

Most materials in our surroundin gs are mixtures of two or more components. Mixtures are either

homogeneous or heterogeneous. Homogeneous mixtures are uniform in composition, but heterogeneous

mixtures are not uniform in composition.
Air is a homogeneous mixture and oil in water is a heterogeneous mixture. Homogeneous and
heterogeneous mixtures can be separated into their components by several physical methods. The choice
of separation techniques is based on the type of mixture and difference in the che mical properties of the
constituents of a mixture.

Sometimes the solid particles in a liquid are very small and can pass through a filter paper. For such
particles, the filtration technique cannot be used for separation. Such mixtures are separated by
centrifugation. So, centrifugation is the process of separation of insoluble materials from a liquid
where normal filtration does not work well. The centrifugation is based on the size, shape, and density
of the particles, viscosity of the medium, and the speed of rotation. The principle is that the denser
particles are forced to the bottom and the lighter particles stay at the top when spun rapidly.
The apparatus used for centrifugati n is called a centrifuge. The centrifuge consists of a centrifuge tube
holder called rotor. The rotor hol s balanced centrifugal tubes of equal amounts of the solid-liquid
mixture. On rapid rotation of the rotor, the centrifuge tubes rotate horizontally and due to the centrifugal
force, the denser insoluble particles separate from the liquid. When the rotation st ps, the solid particles
end up at the bottom of the centrifuge tube with liquid at the top.

 Used in diagnostic laboratories for blood and urine tests.

 Used in dairies and home to separate butter from cream.

 Used in washing machines to squeeze water from wet clothes.

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Materials required:

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 Take a centrifuge tube and fill 3/4th of it with milk.
 Place the centrifuge tube in one of the holes of the rotor.
 Take another centrifuge tube and fill 3/4th of it with distilled water.
 Place it opposite the first centrifuge tube to balance the rotor in the centrifuge machine.
 Close the centrifuge machine and centrifuge the milk for 2 minutes.
 Stop the centrifuge machine and take the centrifuge tube containing milk from the machine.
 Observe the changes.


 The fat rises to the top resulting in a cream layer at the top and skim milk (plasma phase of milk)
at the bottom.


 The denser particles are forced to the bottom and the lighter particles stay at the top when spun


1. Close lids at all times during operation.

2. Always cap tubes before centrifugation.
3. Do not operate the centrifug ewithout the rotor properly balanced.
4. Do not open the lid while the rotor is moving. Allow the centrifuge to come to a complete stop
before opening.
5. Stop the centrifuge immediately if an unusual condition (noise or vibration) begins and check
load balances.

Page 22
Ex. No: 9
Understanding density gradient centrifugation with the help of pictures


Centrifuges are used in cell and molecular biology departments, in industrial laboratory settings and
medical laboratories. They are the workhorses for separating the components of het erogeneous mixtures
or for purifying biological particles. Fundamental to centrifuges is the increase in the effective force of
gravity = relative centrifugal force (rcf) ⇒expressed in multiples of Earth's gravity (1g). This is
accomplished by spinning the sample to be disaggregated in the single cavity or the tubes of a rotor as the
‘mobile part’ of a centrifuge. Subjected to the rcf thus applied, the constituents of a sample will
differentially sediment according to their physical properties, like size and molecular mass as well as
density and viscosity of the sample solution.

Modern ultracentrifuges accelerate an appropriate rotor to speeds up to >50 000 revolutions per minute
(rpm), generating thereby an rcf up to the millionfold of the Earth's gravity. Efficiency and range of
activities of these latest machines reflect the technological progress during the past 3–4 decades with the
upcoming microchip technology, the construction of new heavy□duty drive systems, the installation of a
sophisticated control equipment and last but not least the access to the novel carbon□fibre material in the
design of rotors. While the classic floor□standing ultracentrifuge has been revolutionised by these
groundbreaking changes to its design, with the benchtop version, a novel model matching with the
demands on flexibility and versatility of experimental working has been launched in the meantime.

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Basically, there are two kinds of ultracentrifuges, preparative and analytical ones. The former is widely
used to fractionate tissue homogenates or cell suspensions, aiming to isolate and purify the distinct
classes of biological material: intact cells, subcellular organelles, macromolecules and corresponding
complexes, bacteria or viruses. By means of analytical centrifuges, the physico□chemical properties of
a sedimenting particle or molecular interactions of the subunits of multiprotein complexes can be

Key Concepts

 Centrifugation is widely used in studying fundamental cellular processes such as theh inter□ and
intracellular transport of metabolit es, the biosynthesis and breakdown of proteins or the molecular

interactions of the components of multiprotein complexes.

 Ultracentrifugation is basically carried out in two ways: preparative and analytical centrifugation.
 The former aims to isolate and purify subcellular organelles or multiprotein complexes; the latter allows
to analyse the mutual interactions etween the subunits of multiprotein complexes and to unravel
physico□chemical properties like the mass and size of macromolecules.
 Preparative centrifugation may be performed as batch□type (conventional) centrifugation
or alternatively in the continuous□flow mode.
 The former is mostly used to separate and enrich organelles out of complex biological mixtures
commonly limited in their quantity.
 Continuous□flow centrifugation is particularly useful for the large□scale collection of particles out
of diluted solutions or suspensions (bacteria, viruses) as it combines high centrifugal forces with
high throughput.
 Theoretically, two kinds of preparative centrifugation have to be distinguished: differential
centrifugation and density gradient centrifugation.
 Differential centrifugation fractionates organelles according to their size, mass and shape yet leads only
to an enriched rather than a highly purified preparation of a particular organelle.
 To get such a preparation genuinely purified, contaminants have to be removed by density gradient
 Rate zonal and isopycnic density gradient centrifugation differ in their basic concepts and the types of
density gradients employed.

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