Lecture 2. Organization and Management
Lecture 2. Organization and Management
Lecture 2. Organization and Management
Organization and
The driving force behind every organization is its
management team. Different teams operate in different
ways.There is no universal accurate management to define
the one that is best.
1. Distribution of functions.
The functions to performed
The groupings of functions
The vertical and horizontal task relationship
among functions
2. Vertical and Horizontal Authority
Relationship ( who are the authority to do
3. Communication and Decision Process.
The manner which formal decisions are
made and by whom.
4. Policies.
The decision, rules or guidelines established.
“Traditional structures are no longer adequate
for today‟s complex organizations”.
A management structure is a means of
attaining the objectives and goals of an
institution. Thus, should responsive to respect
needs and changes on those needs.
Peter Drucker
1.Principle of objective
A clear and complete definition of the objective
must be known.
Can be through:
or by projects of the organization
6. Centralization of Authority and Responsibility.
Necessary in order to have authority and
responsibility definitely fixed.
When there is unity of command, every person
What he can perform within his scope of authority
Knows the things for which he is responsible of,
Whom to report and to consult in case of problems
or doubts.
7. Limited Span of Control.
The number of subordinates an executive can
manage effectively.
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