Rungta Mines Annual Report

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Rungta House, Chaibasa, District West Singhbhum,

Jharkhand - 833 201

385 MW TO 695 MW, AREA 674.765 TO 1769 ACRES)


Prepared by:


A- 12 1 , P ar ya v ar a n Co m plex , I G NO U Ro a d, Ne w De l h i – 1 1 0 03 0
Ph : 91-11-29532236, 29535891; 29532568, Web site: An ISO 9001:2015
Estb. 1983 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] approved company
Rungta House, Chaibasa, District West Singhbhum,
Jharkhand - 833 201

385 MW TO 695 MW, AREA 674.765 TO 1769 ACRES)

ISSUE 1 REV. 0 OCTOBER, 2020 (Post TOR)

Prepared by:


A- 12 1 , P ar ya v ar a n Co m plex , I G NO U Ro a d, Ne w De l h i – 1 1 0 03 0
Ph : 91-11-29532236, 29535891; 29532568, Web site: An ISO 9001:2015
Estb. 1983 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] approved company
Rungta Mines Limited


Sl. No. Description Page No.


1.1 Purpose of the EIA report 1-1

1.2 Identification of the project 1-2
1.3 Project proponent 1-6
1.4 Brief description of the project 1-7
1.5 Legal aspects 1-11
1.6 Scope of study- details of regulatory scoping carried out as per 1-12
terms of reference
1.7 Status of litigations 1-17
1.8 Compliance of terms of reference TOR 1-17


2.1 Products and capacity 2-1

2.2 Plant layout 2-4
2.3 Process description 2-7
2.4 Producer gas plant 2-36
2.5 Oxygen plant 2-39
2.6 Lime plant 2-40
2.7 Cement plant 2-41
2.8 Captive power plant 2-43
2.9 Raw material 2-47
2.10 Finished products 2-50
2.11 Power 2-50
2.12 Water requirement 2-52
2.13 Manpower 2-55
2.14 Project implementation schedule 2-55

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha i
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. No. Description Page No.


3.1 General 3-1

3.2 Topography and drainage 3-1
3.3 Climate 3-6
3.4 Micro-meteorology 3-9
3.5 Ambient air quality 3-12
3.6 Water environment 3-18
3.7 Noise level 3-27
3.8 Traffic Volume 3-28
3.9 Land environment 3-29
3.10 Soil quality 3-33
3.11 Ecology 3-34
3.12 Socio-economic conditions 3-38
3.13 Industries 3-43
3.14 Places of tourism/religious/historical interest 3-44
3.15 Seismicity 3-44
3.16 Raw material and slag analysis 3-44



4.1 General aspects 4-1

4.2 Topography and drainage 4-2
4.3 Climate and meteorology- impact and mitigation 4-3
4.4 Air quality 4-5
4.5 Land environment 4-21
4.6 Water environment 4-23
4.7 Solid waste 4-27
4.8 Noise 4-35
4.9 Transportation 4-38
4.10 Ecology 4-43
4.11 Socio-economics - Impact and management 4-46
4.12 Occupational health and safety 4-48

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha ii
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. No. Description Page No.


5.1 Site alternatives 5-1

5.2 Technology selected after assessing alternatives 5-1


6.1 Introduction 6-1

6.2 Proposed organizational set-up 6-1
6.3 Monitoring schedule and parameters 6-2
6.4 Budgetary provision for environmental monitoring 6-4
6.5 Corporate Environment Policy 6-5



7.1 Hazard identification and risk assessment 7-1

7.2 Type of disaster 7-7
7.3 Accident level 7-14
7.4 Disaster preventive measure 7-14
7.5 Contingency plan for management of emergency 7-16
7.6 Miscellaneous preventive measures 7-20
7.7 Summary of the proceeding of public consultation 7-24


8.1 Employment potential 8-1

8.2 Improvement in social and physical infrastructure 8-1
8.3 Corporate social responsibility 8-1
8.4 Corporate social responsibility budget 8-5
8.5 Corporate environment responsibility 8-5


EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha iii
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. No. Description Page No.


10.1 Environmental Management Plan with Administrative aspects 10-1

10.2 Structure and Administrative responsibilities of EMP Execution Cell 10-9
10.3 Plan for implementation of CREP guidelines for steel plant 10-9
10.4 Budgetary provision for environmental management 10-12


11.1 Introduction 11-1

11.2 Project description 11-1
11.3 Present environmental scenario 11-4
11.4 Environmental impact assessment and mitigation 11-7
11.5 Analysis of alternatives 11-12
11.6 Environmental control and monitoring organisation 11-12
11.7 Disaster management plan 11-12
11.8 Project benefit 11-12
11.9 Disclosure of consultants 11-13


EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha iv
Rungta Mines Limited


Table No. Particulars Page No.

1.1 Status of facilities under construction as on 31.08.2020 1-2

1.2 Existing facilities as per EC and proposed facilities & production 1-3
1.3 Salient features of the existing & proposed project 1-5
1.4 Co-ordinates of the site 1-7
1.5 Import data for Bars & Rods 1-10
1.6 Baseline data generated 1-14
1.7 (2b) Compliance to standard terms of reference for mineral 1-18
beneficiation plant issued by MOEF&CC
1.8 (3a) Compliance to standard terms of reference for metallurgical 1-27
industries (ferrous & non ferrous) issued by MOEF&CC
1.9 (3B) Compliance to standard terms of reference for cement 1-42
plant issued by MOEF&CC
1.10 (4b) Compliance to standard terms of reference for coke oven 1-53
plant issued by MOEF&CC

2.1 Existing facilities as per EC and proposed facilities & production 2-1
2.2 Break up of total plot area in acres 2-4
2.3 Configuration of beneficiation plant 2-8
2.4 Material balance for sanctioned iron ore beneficiation plant (No 2-9
Change in Expansion Phase)
2.5 Configuration of sanctioned & proposed pelletisation plant 2-10
2.6 Material balance of sanctioned & proposed pelletisation plant 2-11
2.7 Chemical, Physical & Metallurgical properties of DR pellets 2-13
2.8 Configuration of sanctioned & proposed coal washery 2-14
2.9 Material balance for sanctioned & proposed coal washery 2-15
2.10 Configuration of sanctioned and proposed DRI Plant 2-16
2.11 Material balance for sanctioned and proposed DRI 2-18
2.12 Configuration of sanctioned and proposed mini blast furnace 2-18
2.13 Material balance of sanctioned & proposed blast furnace 2-22
2.14 Configuration of sanctioned and proposed sinter plant 2-22
2.15 Material balance of sanctioned and proposed sinter plant 2-24
2.16 Configuration of sanctioned and proposed coke oven plant 2-25
2.17 Material balance of sanctioned and proposed coke oven 2-26
2.18 Configuration of sanctioned and proposed SMS via IF-LRF- 2-28
CCM route
2.19 Material balance for sanctioned and proposed SMS via IF-RF- 2-29
CCM Route
2.20 Configuration of sanctioned and proposed SMS via EAF Route 2-30

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha v
Rungta Mines Limited

Table No. Particulars Page No.

2.21 Material balance of sanctioned and proposed SMS (EAF) 2-30

2.22 Sanctioned & proposed configuration & production of CCM 2-31
2.23 Sanctioned & proposed configuration & production of rolling mill 2-32
2.24 Material balance for sanctioned and proposed rolling mill 2-32
2.25 Configuration of sanctioned and proposed strip mill 2-33
2.26 Material balance of sanctioned and proposed strip mill 2-34
2.27 Configuration of sanctioned and proposed ductile pipe plant 2-34
2.28 Material balance of sanctioned and proposed ductile pipe plant 2-35
2.29 Configuration of sanctioned and proposed producer gas plant 2-37
2.30 Material balance of sanctioned and proposed producer gas 2-38
2.31 Configuration of sanctioned and proposed oxygen plant 2-39
2.32 Material balance of sanctioned and proposed oxygen plant 2-40
2.33 Configuration of revised lime plant 2-40
2.34 Material balance of revised lime plant 2-41
2.35 Configuration of cement plant (no change in expansion phase) 2-41
2.36 Revised material balance of cement plant (no change in cement 2-43
2.37 Configuration of sanctioned and proposed WHRB 2-44
2.38 Configuration of sanctioned and proposed CPP 2-45
2.39 Material balance of sanctioned and proposed CPP 2-45
2.40 Annual raw materials consumption for entire 3.55 MTPA Plant 2-47
2.41 Annual finished/intermediate products manufacturing for entire 2-50
3.55 MTPA Plant
2.42 Energy consumption 2-51
2.43 Water requirement and discharge for entire plant (KLH) 2-53
2.44 Project implementation schedule 2-55

3.1 River/ Nala Present In 10 km Radius 3-5

3.2 Average monthly temperature, relative humidity and rainfall 3-6
(IMD Station, Angul)
3.3 Average wind speed and direction (2009-2011) recorded at IMD 3-7
station Angul
3.4 Summary of monitored micro-meteorological data (March to 3-9
May 2019)
3.5 Wind frequency table of monitored data (March-May 2019) 3-9
3.6 Location of air sampling stations 3-12
3.7 Summary of Procedures for determining various air quality 3-16

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha vi
Rungta Mines Limited

Table No. Particulars Page No.

3.8 Summary of ambient air quality monitoring results 3-17

3.9 Location of water sampling stations 3-23
3.10 Surface water test results 3-24
3.11 Ground water test results 3-26
3.12 Location of noise monitoring stations 3-27
3.13 Ambient noise levels in dB(A) (All values in Leq) 3-28
3.14 Traffic volume at Nimabahali chowk, NH55 3-29
3.14A Traffic volume ON Nimbahali to Jharbandh road 3-29
3.15 Districts/sub district wise villages in study area 3-30
3.16 Land use details of study area (as per Census 2011) 3-30
3.17 Soil sampling stations 3-33
3.18 Soil test result 3-33
3.19 List of forests in 10 km radius of the project 3-34
3.20 Area under major field crop & horticulture in Dhenkanal district 3-36
3.21 District & sub district wise population (Census 2011) 3-39
3.22 Demographic details of the study area (as per Census 2011) 3-39
3.23 Summary of employment & occupation in the study area 3-41
3.24 Amenities as per Census 2011 3-42
3.25 List of industries in study area 3-43
3.26 Analysis of raw material (concentration in µg/m3) 3-46
3.27 TCLP test results for Slag 3-46

4.1 Stack data for proposed 3.55 MTPA steel plant 4-6
4.2 Fugitive emission sources and emission rates 4-9
4.3 Calculated maximum ground level concentration for Existing EC 4-11
(3.0 MTPA) and proposed expansion of plant to 3.55 MTPA (all
values in (µg/m3)
4.4 Calculated maximum incremental ground level concentration 4-11
(µg/m3) at Ambient Air Quality Stations
4.5 Cumulative impact due to incremental and ambient 4-12
concentration (µg/m3)
4.6 Recommended measures for control of fugitive emissions 4-13
during construction
4.7 Summary of air pollution control systems 4-20
4.8 Break up of plot area 4-22
4.9 Waste water generation from various sources for entire plant 4-23
(3.55 MTPA)
4.10 List of water pollution control systems envisaged 4-25
4.11 Rain water harvesting proposal for project site 4-26
4.12 Solid waste characteristics 4-27

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha vii
Rungta Mines Limited

Table No. Particulars Page No.

4.13 Likely solid waste generation (TPA) 4-28

4.14 Solid waste generation & management for 3.55 MTPA ISP 4-30
4.15 Ash utilisation plan 4-34
4.16 Noise attenuation with distance on flat bare ground without and 4-37
with green belt Combined noise of more than one source = 103
4.17 Number of trucks required for raw material 4-40
4.18 Plantation programme 4-45

5.1 Comparison between wet & dry grinding 5-2

5.2 Comparison of different methods 5-3

6.1 Monitoring schedule and parameters 6-3

6.2 Capital cost for environmental monitoring 6-4
6.3 Recurring cost for environmental monitoring 6-5

7.1 Likely hazards in the plant and their location 7-2

7.2 Fuels Characteristics 7-4
7.3 Hazard identification of the proposed expansion of steel plant 7-13
7.4 Different fire extinguishers at different sites 7-20
7.5 Personal protective equipments 7-23

8.1 CSR activities planning 8-1

8.2 Present physical & social infrastructure need assessment and 8-7
proposed interventions

10.1 Environment management measures with administrative aspect 10-1

10.2 Plan for implementation of recommendations mentioned in 10-10
charter on corporate responsibility for environmental protection
(CREP) for integrated iron & steel industry
10.3 Capital & recurring cost 10-13

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha viii
Rungta Mines Limited


Figure No. Particulars Page No.

1.1 Location map 1-9

2.1 Plant layout map 2-5

2.2 Plant site photographs 2-6
2.3 Google image of project site 2-7
2.4 Process flow of pelletisation process 2-12
2.5 Coal washery process 2-15
2.6 Flow Sheet DRI Plant 2-17
2.7 Process flow sheet of mini blast furnace 2-21
2.8 Process flow of sinter plant 2-25
2.9 Coke oven plant 2-27
2.10 Process flow sheet of induction furnace 2-29
2.11 Process flow sheet of electric arc furnace 2-31
2.12 Process flow sheet of rolling mill 2-33
2.13 Manufacturing process of ductile pipe 2-36
2.14 Manufacturing Process 2-42
2.15 Typical flow diagram of power plant 2-46
2.16 Water balance diagram for total plant 2-54

3.1 Topography and drainage map of the study area 3-2

3.2 Digital elevation model of the study area 3-3
3.3 Windrose diagram of IMD data of Angul at 08:30 Hrs 3-8
3.4 Windrose diagram of IMD data of Angul at 17:30 Hrs 3-8
3.5 Windrose diagram of monitored data 3-11
3.6 Locations of sampling stations 3-13
3.7 Hydrogeological map of Dhenkanal district, Orissa 3-20
3.8 Land use pattern in the study area (Census 2011) 3-31
3.9 10 km radius satellite imagery 3-32
3.10 Location of forests 3-35
3.11 Literacy level in the study area (Census 2011) 3-40

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha ix
Rungta Mines Limited

Figure No. Particulars Page No.

3.12 Break up of SC & ST in the study area (Census 2011) 3-40

3.13 Employment pattern in the study area (Census 2011) 3-41
3.14 Break up of main workers in the study area (Census 2011) 3-42
3.15 Break up of marginal workers in the study area (Census 3-42
3.16 Location of industries 3-45

4.1 Proposed five stages of clarification in washery 4-24

4.2 Rain water oil trap and desilting chamber prior to reservoir 4-27
4.3 Noise attenuation with distance in all directions over flat 4-36
open bare ground
4.4 Transportation route 4-39

5.1 Combustion systems for solid fuels 5-8

6.1 Organisational chart for environmental management 6-2

6.2 Flow chart of the system of reporting of non compliances 6-8

7.1 Earthquake hazard map 7-8

7.2 Flood hazard map 7-11
7.3 General coordination among on site emergency team 7-18

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha x
Rungta Mines Limited


Annex. No Particulars

I Terms of References (TOR) issued by MoEF&CC, New Delhi vide

letter no. J-11011/309/2018-lA.ll(l) dated 19.09.2020
II(a) EC vide letter no J-11011/241/2009-lA.ll(l) dated 02.08.2010 for
integrated steel plant 1.9 MTPA steel and 385 MW power plant
II(b) EC vide letter no. J-11011/241/2009-lA.ll(l) dated 25.01.2011 (written
as 2010 in letter) for amendments to add lime plant, dolo plant,
oxygen plant and vacuum degassing
II(c) EC vide letter no. J-11011/241/2009-lA.ll(l) dated 27.08.2015 for
validity extension (i.e. within 5 years) but due to MOEF's Notification
dated, the validity was extended by default to 7 years. Nearing 7 years
II(d) EC vide letter no. J-11011/241/2009-lA.ll(l) 07.07.2017 for extension of
validity of EC
II(e) EC vide letter no. J-11011/241/2009-lA.ll(l) dated 20.09.2018 for
change in configuration of power plant
II(f) EC vide letter no. J-11011/309/2018.IA.II(I) dated 11.09.2019 for
Integrated Steel Plant (2.85 MTPA Steel)
II(g) EC vide letter no. J-11011/309/2018.IA.II(I) dated 13.04.2020 for
change in configuration of pellet plant from 2x1.47 MTPA to 1x2.948
II(h) EC vide letter no. J-11011/309/2018.IA.II(I) dated 04.06.2020 for
expansion to 3.0 MTPA under clause 7(ii) of EIA Notification 2006
III Environmental Clearance for Sanindpur Iron & Bauxite Mine vide letter
no. J-11015/107/2018-IA.II(M) dated 11 September 2019
IV Water withdrawal permission & recommendation letter
V Climatological table of data recorded at IMD station Angul, Orissa,
(2001 to 2011)
VI Daily average of micro-metorological monitored data
VII Ambient air quality test results
VIII National ambient air quality standards (NAAQS)
IX Water quality test results
X Test characteristics for drinking water (IS 10500 : 2012)
XI Noise level monitoring data
XII Ambient air quality standards in respect of noise
XIII Damage risk criteria for hearing loss, occupational safety and health

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha xi
Rungta Mines Limited

Annex. No Particulars

XIV Traffic volume monitoring results

XV Land use pattern within the study area (as per Census 2011)
XVI Authentication List of flora & fauna in the core zone & study area
XVII Village wise population and literacy within the study area (Census
XVIII Village wise employment pattern in the study area (Census 2011)
XIX Village wise amenities in the study area (Census 2011)
XX Air quality prediction modelling for anticipating the ground level
concentration (GLC’s) of air pollutants due stack emissions
(a) ISCST3 model for proposed 3.55 MTPA steel plant at Jharbandh
(b) ISCST3 model for 3.0 MTPA steel plant at Jharbandh (with revised
stacks for capacity sanctioned as per EC dated 04/06/2020)
XXI MOEF & NABL certificates for laboratory
XXII Delhi High Court order permission to consultant for preparation of
EIA/EMP report
XXIII Consent to Establish, issued by Orisha, SPCB
XXIV IPICOL for allotment of land in favour of RML vide letter no.
CGM/SLNA/RML-225/20 dt. 02.07.2020
XXV Corporate Environment Policy
XXVI MOEF&CC RO letter dt. 11.06.2020 regarding observation during
monitoring of 2.85 MTPA plant sanctioned vide EC dated 11.09.2019
XXVII Soil test results
XXVIII Occupational health monitoring format prescribed by government
XXIX Summary of OHS monitoring of Dhenkanal Plant, RML employees
XXX Approval letter of WLCP and Site Specific Wildlife Conservation

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha xii
Rungta Mines Limited


AFBC - Atmospheric Fluidised Bed Combustion

AMSL - Above mean sea level
BDL - Below Detectable Limit
BF - Blast Furnace
BGL - Below Ground Level
CFBC - Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion
CGWB - Central Ground Water Board
cm - Centi meter
CPCB - Central Pollution Control Board
CPP - Captive power plant
CTE - Consent to establish
Cum/day - Cubic metres per day
Cum/hr - Cubic metres per hour
DG - Diesel Generator
Dia - Diameter
DM - Demineralisation
DRI - Direct Reduction Iron
E - East
EC - Environmental clearance
EMD - Environment Management Department
EMP - Environmental Management Plan
ETP - Effluent Treatment Plant
FES - Fume Extraction System
G - Gram
Ha - Hectare
IF - Induction Furnace
ISP - Integrated Steel Plant
Kcal - Kilo calorie
Kg - Kilogram
KL - Kilo litre
KLD - Kilo litre/day
KLH - Kilo litres per hour
KVA - Kilo Volt Ampere
KW - Kilo Watt
KWH - Kilo Watt Hour
LRF - Ladle Refining Furnace
L - Litres

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha xiii
Rungta Mines Limited

Lpd - Litres per day

M - Meter
m2 - Square meter
m3 - Cubic meter
MBF - Mini Blast Furnace
MCM - Million Cubic Meter
MoEF&CC - Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate
MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
MT - Million Tonnes
MTPA - Million Tonnes Per Annum
MVA - Mega Volt Ampere
MW - Mega watt
N - North
NOC - No objection certificate
NH - National Highway
Nos. - Numbers
OSPCB - Odisha State Pollution Control Board
PFBC - Pressurised Fluidised Bed Combustion
REIA - Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment
RML - Rungta Mines Limited
RPM - Respirable Particulate Matter
S - South
SMS - Steel Melt Shop
SPM - Suspended Particulate Matter
Sq.m - Square metre
T - Tonnes
TOR - Terms of reference
TPY - Tonnes Per Year
TPA - Tonnes Per Annum
TPD - Tonnes Per Day
TPM - Tonnes Per Month
W - West
WHR - Waste Heat Recovery
WHRB - Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha xiv
Rungta Mines Limited





Company had obtained following Environmental Clearances from Ministry of

Environment, Forests and Climate Change vide letter numbers

(i) J-11011/241/2009-lA.ll(l) dated 02.08.2010 for integrated steel plant

1.9 MTPA steel and 385 MW power plant

(ii) J-11011/241/2009-lA.ll(l) dated 25.01.2011 for amendments in the

environmental clearance to add lime plant, dolo plant, oxygen plant
and vacuum degassing.

(iii) J-11011/241/2009-lA.ll(l) dated 27.08.2015 for validity extension

(i.e. within 5 years) but due to MOEF's Notification dated, the
validity was extended by default to 7 years. Nearing 7 years from
date of environmental clearance

(iv) J-11011/241/2009-lA.ll(l) 07.07.2017 for extension of validity of EC

(v) J-11011/241/2009-lA.ll(l) dated 20.09.2018 for change in

configuration of power plant

(vi) J-11011/309/2018.IA.II.(I) dated 11.09.2019 for expansion to 2.85

MTPA steel with public hearing on 07.03.2019

(vii) J-11011/309/2018.IA.II.(I) dated 13.04.2020 for change in

configuration of pellet plant from 2x1.47 MTPA to 1x2.948 MTPA

(viii) J-11011/309/2018.IA.II.(I) dated 04.06.2020 for expansion to 3.0

MTPA under clause 7(ii) of EIA Notification 2006

Now Rungta Mines Limited (Dhenkanal Steel Plant) proposes to enhance

production capacity from 3.0 MTPA to 3.55 MTPA steel by expansion of
facilities such as pelletisation plant (from 2.948 to 28.75 MTPA), coal
washery (from 4.141 to 5.029 MTPA), sponge iron plant (from 1.613 to
2.247 MTPA), mini blast furnace (from 1.559 to 1.934 MTPA), sinter plant
(from 1.663 to 2.827 MTPA), steel melting shop (from 2.618 to 3.22 MTPA),
finished product facilities (from 3.0 to 3.55 MTPA), producer gas plant (from
480 to 5387 million Nm3/annum), oxygen plant (from 0.098 to 0.294 MTPA),
and captive power plant (from 385 to 695 MW). The capacity of
beneficiation plant (5.4 MTPA), lime plant (0.3045 MTPA) and cement plant
(1.686 MTPA) shall remain same. Coke oven plant will reduce from 1.12 to
1.07 MTPA.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-1
Rungta Mines Limited

Need for study

This Environmental Impact Assessment report has been prepared for the
expansion of the 3.00 to 3.55 MTPA steel. As per procedure laid down in
the EIA Notification dated 14th September 2006 and its amendments, Form-
I, proposed terms of reference (TOR) for the EIA along with the pre-
feasibility report was submitted to Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate
Change (MoEF&CC) vide online application no. IA/OR/IND/172347/2020
dated 11.09.2020. MOEF&CC granted standard TOR vide letter no J-
11011/309/2018.IA.II.(I) dated 19.09.2020 (for 3.55 MTPA) (copy given in
Annexure I). Based on the ToR, this Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA)/ Environment Management Plan (EMP) is being prepared to conduct
public hearing and obtain environmental clearance.

Environmental clearance is a statutory requirement as per EIA Notification

dated 14th September 2006 and its amendments till date. Serial number and
category of the proposed units in the plant as per the Schedule of the EIA
Notification S.O. 1533 will be as follows:

Sub-Project Existing Proposed Item No. Category

Pellet Plant   2(b) A
DRI, MBF, SMS,   3(a) A
Ferro Alloy Plant
Coal washery   2(a) A
Coke oven plant   4(b) B
Captive Power   1(d) B
Cement Plant X  3(b) A
Colony X  8(b) B


The facilities of Dhenkanal Steel plant under implementation as per

previously granted environmental clearances are given in Table 1.1.


AS ON 31.08.2020
Sl. Facilities Production Status
1 Sponge Iron plant (2x500 TPD) 0.455 MTPA Under construction
2 Steel Melting Shop IF 4x20 T 0.308 MTPA Under construction
3 Captive power plant 50 MW Under construction
(a) WHRB 25 MW

Present sanctioned capacity and additional capacities of facilities, as per

TOR dated 19.09.2020, are given in Table 1.2.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-2
Rungta Mines Limited


Sl. No. Proposed Plant Unit Capacity as per Proposed Total After Expansion
facilities the EC dated Additional/
04.06.2020 change
Overall finished steel MTPA 3.0 0.55 3.55
1 Beneficiation Plant MTPA 5.4 - 5.4
(2X2.69 MTPA) (2X2.69 MTPA)
2 Pelletisation Plant
Pellet Plant (I) MTPA 2.948 0.802 3.75
(1X2.948 MTPA) (Config (1X 3.75 MTPA)
Pellet Plant (II) MTPA - 25.0 25.0
(4X3.75 +10x1 (4X3.75 MTPA +10x1
Total MTPA 2.948 25.802 28.75
3 Coal Washery MTPA 4.141 0.888 5.029
4 DRI Plant
4.1 DRI (I) (2X500 TPD) MTPA 0.4745 0.0473 0.5218
4.2 DRI (II) (3X600 TPD) MTPA 1.1387 -0.2761 0.8626
(4X600 TPD) (reduced 1 (3X600 TPD)
X600 TPD)
4.3 DRI (III) (2X900 TPD) MTPA - 0.8626 0.8626
(2X900TPD) (2X900TPD)
Total MTPA 1.6132 0.6338 2.247
5 Mini Blast Furnace MTPA
5.1 MBF I (1X600 cum.) MTPA 0.567 0.210 0.777
5.2 MBF II (2X450 cum.) MTPA 0.992 0.174 1.166
(1X1050 cum.) (Config (2X450 cum.)
Total 1.559 0.384 1.943
6 Sinter Plant
6.1 Sinter Plant (I) (2X80 MTPA 0.612 0.908 1.520
sq.m.) (1X64 sq.m.) (config revised) (2X80 sq.m.)
6.2 Sinter Plant (II) 1X110 MTPA 1.051 0.256 1.307
Total MTPA 1.663 1.164 2.827
(1X64 + 1X110 (2X80 + 1X110 sq.m.)
7 Coke Oven Plant MTPA 1.12 -0.05 1.07
(16 batteriesX (Config (6 batteries x 70,000

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-3
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. No. Proposed Plant Unit Capacity as per Proposed Total After Expansion
facilities the EC dated Additional/
04.06.2020 change
70,000 TPA) revised) TPA + 1 battery x
250,000TPA + 1
battery x 400,000 TPA)
8 Steel Melting Shop MTPA 2.618 0.602 3.22
8.1 Steel Melting via MTPA 0.693 0.847 1.54
Induction Furnace Route (7X 20 T IF + 4X25 (8 X20T IF (15 X20 T IF + 4x25T
T LRF) + 3x45T LRF) LRF + 3x45 T LRF)
8.2 Steel Melting via Electric MTPA 1.925 MTPA -0.245 1.680
Arc Furnace-Vacuum (1X90 T + 1X160 T (Config (1X90 T+1X110 T and
Degassing-Argon EAF and 1X90 T + revised) 1x90 T LRF+1x110T
Oxygen Decarburization 1X160 T LRF) LRF)
8.3 Continuous Casting MTPA 2.566 MTPA 0.59 3.156
Machine (Billets/ Bloom (3 nos. X 4 strands) (8 nos. X 4 (11 nos. X 4 Strand)
Caster/ Slab) Strand)
9 Finished Product MTPA 3.0 0.55 3.55
9.1 Rolling Mill (TMT/ Flat/ MTPA 1.75 0.8 2.55
Round/ Wire Rod/ (5 nos.X0.2 + 1 (Config (2 nos.X0.2 + 4
Structural Mill/ others) no.X0.3 + 1 revised) nos.X0.3 + 1 no. X0.45
no.X0.45 MTPA) + 1 nos. X0.5 MTPA)
9.2 Strip Mill/ Sheet/ Coil/ MTPA 0.85 -0.35 0.5
Wire & Bar Mill/ Wire (1 no.X0.45 + 1no. (Config (1 no.X0.2 + 1no.X0.3
Rope X0.4 MTPA) revised) MTPA)
9.3 Ductile Pipe Plant MTPA 0.400 0.1 0.5
(2 nos.X0.2 MTPA) (Config (2 nos.X0.25 MTPA)
10 Producer Gas Plant Million 480 4907 5387
Nm3/ (20 nos.X3000 (32 (20 nos.X3000 + 32
Annum Nm3/hr) nos.X12500 + nos.X12500 + 28
28 nos.X7500 nos.x7500 Nm3/hr)
11 Oxygen Plant MTPA 0.098 0.196 0.294
(1 no.X100 + 1 (Config revised (2 nos.X180 TPD + 1
no.X180 TPD) & added) no.X220 TPD + 2
12 Lime Plant MTPA 0.3045 MTPA 0 0.3045 MTPA
(1 no.X 300 + 1 (Config (1 no.X390 + 1 no.X
no.X 570 TPD) revised) 480 TPD)
13 Cement Plant MTPA 1.686 - 1.686
(1 no.X2600 + 1 (1 no.X2600 + 1
no.X2300 TPD) no.X2300 TPD)
14 Captive Power Plant MW 385 310 695

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-4
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. No. Proposed Plant Unit Capacity as per Proposed Total After Expansion
facilities the EC dated Additional/
04.06.2020 change
14.1 Waste Heat Recovery MW 135 100 235
Boiler (WHRB) based
Captive Power Plant
(a) DRI Kiln exit gas based MW 68 82 150
(2X50+2 X60 TPH) (Config revised (2 nos.X50 + 3 nos.X85
& added) TPH + 2 nos.X120
(b) MBF Gas based MW 31 4 35
(1 no.X50 + 1 (Config (1 no.X50 + 2 nos.X45
no.X90 TPH) revised) TPH)
(c) Coke Oven Gas based MW 36 4 40
(1 no.X 60+1 no. (2 no.X60 +
X100 TPH) 1no.X40TPH)
(d) TRT MW - 10 10
14.2 AFBC/CFBC based CPP MW 250 210 460
(2 nos.X125 + (Config revised (10 nos.x125 + 1
4nos.X250 TPH) & added) nos.X130 + 3nos.X250
15 Colony Acres - - 34

Salient features of the proposed project is given in Table 1.3.


Location Jharbandh, Galpada, Tarkabeda, Kothalu, Beruanpal,
Kankalu, Benipathar, Kadala and Badamunda, District
Dhenkanal, Odisha
Latitude Plant area : 20° 45’ 05’’ to 20° 46’ 23’’ N
Colony area : 20° 45’ 51’’ to 20° 46’ 03’’ N
Water Reservoir area : 20° 46’ 14’’ to 20° 46’ 33’’ N
Longitude Plant area : 85° 15’ 42’ to 85° 18’ 39’ E
Colony area : 85° 18’ 39’to 85° 18’ 55’ E
Water Reservoir area : 85° 18’ 58’ to 85° 19’ 13’ E
Total Area Existing : 674.765 acres
Proposed : 1094.235 acres
Total : 1769.00 acres
Status of land 608.495 acres land is already allotted to Rungta Mines
Ltd. and the remaining 1160.505 acres has been
recommended for allotment.
Product Steel, Power, Pellet, Cement & Clinker
Rated capacity 1. Beneficiation Plant 5.4 MTPA, no change
existing & proposed 2. Pelletisation Plant from 2.948 to 28.75 MTPA

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-5
Rungta Mines Limited

3. Coal Washery from 4.141 to 5.029 MTPA

4. DRI from 1.613 to 2.247 MTPA
5. Mini Blast furnace from 1.559 to 1.943 MTPA
6. Sinter Plant from 1.663 to 2.827 MTPA
7. Coke Oven Plant 1.12 to 1.07 MTPA
8. Steel Melting Shop from 2.618 to 3.22 MTPA
9. Finished Product Facilities from 3.0 to 3.55 MTPA
10. Producer Gas Plant from 480 to 5,867 Million
11. Oxygen Plant from 0.098 to 0.284 MTPA
12. Lime Plant 0.3045 MTPA, no increase
13. Cement Plant 1.686 MTPA, no increase
14. Captive Power Plant from 385 to 695 MW
15. A colony is proposed over 34 acres
Status of Plant has recently started construction of following
Construction units, construction of which is still underway:
1. DRI (2x500 TPD)
2. SMS (4x20 T IF)
3. CPP (25 MW WHRB and 25 MW AFBC/CFBC)
Working Days Existing : 355
Proposed : 355
Manpower Existing : 2650
Proposed Additional : 2200
Total : 4850
Expected cost of the Existing : 7,886.9 Crores
project Proposed Additional : 5500 Crores
Total : 13,386.9 crores
Water Requirement Existing : 2,981 KLH
Proposed additional : 771 KLH
Total : 3,752 KLH
Source of water Brahmani River
Power Description Existing : 394 MW
Proposed Additional: 300 MW
Total : 694 MW
Power Source Captive Power Plant
Implementation 84 months from the date of EC


M/s Rungta Mines Limited (RML), is one of the leading and the oldest
mining company of the mineral rich belt of Odisha and Jharkhand. The
company is engaged in these activities for the past six decades. The
company’s owns and successfully operates iron ore and manganese ore
mines, steel plants and power plants in Odisha and Jharkhand.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-6
Rungta Mines Limited

The Corporate office of Rungta Mines Limited is located at Chaibasa,

Jharkhand. The company's vision and mission is to utilise its core values
and strengths, complemented with the vast experience gained, to help it
keep pace with the changing times and respond to domestic & international
market forces by maintaining consistent quality and dispatch schedules,
making RML synonymous with reliability.


1.4.1 Nature of project

The proposed project is an Integrated Steel Plant of 3.55 million tonnes per
annum finished steel production. It is an expansion from 3.0 million tonnes
steel production, which was sanctioned vide environmental clearance dted
04.06.2020. Details of sanctioned and proposed manufacturing facilities
have already been given in Table 1.1.

1.4.2 Size

Dhenkanal Steel Plant proposes to enhance steel production capacity from

3.0 MTPA to 3.55 MTPA steel. The total area of existing plant is 674.765
acres and expansion area shall be in an additional 1094.235 acres. The
total plant area after expansion shall be 1769.00 acres.

1.4.3 Location

The existing & proposed site for plant is located in villages Jharbandh,
Galpada, Tarkabeda, Kothalu, Beruanpal, Kankalu, Benipathar, Kadala and
Badamunda in District Dhenkanal, Odisha and is shown in Fig 1.1. The
location of plant and study area can be seen in Survey of India Open Series
No. F45T1, F45T2, F45T5 & F45T6. The co-ordinates of the site as per
google earth are as given in Table 1.4.


Point Plant Area Colony Area Water Reservoir Area
Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude Latitude Longitude
North most 20° 46’ 23’’ 85° 16’ 57’ 20° 46’ 03’’ 85° 18’ 54’ 20° 46’ 33’’ 85° 19’ 04’
East most 20° 46’ 00’’ 85° 18’ 39’ 20° 45’ 52’’ 85° 18’ 55’ 20° 46’ 32’’ 85° 19’ 13’
South most 20° 45’ 05’’ 85° 16’ 45’ 20° 45’ 51’’ 85° 18’ 39’ 20° 46’ 14’’ 85° 18’ 58’
West most 20° 45’ 30’’ 85° 15’ 42’ 20° 45’ 56’’ 85° 18’ 39’ 20° 46’ 14’’ 85° 18’ 58’

1.4.4 Communication
The plant is accessible by all weather road from the district headquarter
Dhenkanal (32 km) and town Angul (18.2 km). The site is located near NH-
55 (1.3 km aerially from it), which connects Bhubaneswar to Angul. The
nearest railway station is Meramandali at a distance of 3.4 km. The nearest
airport is at Bhubaneswar, which is approximately 77 km from the site.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-7
Rungta Mines Limited


EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-8
Rungta Mines Limited

1.4.5 Importance to country & region

As per the National Steel Policy, the objective is to build a globally

competitive industry. It is anticipated that a crude steel capacity of 300
Million Tonnes will be required by 2030 based upon the demand

Thus, achieving crude steel capacity of upto 300 Million Tonnes will require
extensive mobilization of natural resources, finances, manpower and
infrastructure including land.

The proposed expansion of the existing steel plant will assist in our
endeavour to meet the projected demand of steel in the country.

This projection shows that there is good scope for creation of additional
capacities for value added wire rods, i.e. Wire Rods in Medium Carbon,
High Carbon and Alloy Steel Grades.

Production & National Steel Policy 2017

 The Indian steel industry has entered into a new development stage,
post de-regulation, riding high on the resurgent economy and rising
demand for steel.

 Rapid rise in production has resulted in India becoming the 3 rd largest

producer of crude steel in 2015 as well as in 2016. The country was the
largest producer of sponge iron or DRI in the world during the period
2003-2015 and emerged as the 2nd largest global producer of DRI in
2016 (after Iran). India is also the 3rd largest finished steel consumer in
the world and maintained this status in 2016. Such rankings are based
on provisional data released by the World Steel Association for the
above year.

 In a de-regulated, liberalized economic/ market scenario like India, the

Government’s role is that of a facilitator which lays down the policy
guidelines and establishes the institutional mechanism/ structure for
creating conducive environment for improving efficiency and
performance of the steel sector.

 In this role, the Government has released the National Steel Policy 2017,
which has laid down the broad road map for encouraging long term
growth for the Indian steel industry, both on demand and supply sides,
by 2030-31.

 The Government has also announced a policy for providing preference to

domestically manufactured Iron & Steel products in Government
procurement. This policy seeks to accomplish PM’s vision of ‘Make in
India’ with objective of nation building and encourage domestic
manufacturing and is applicable on all government tenders where price
bid is yet to be opened. Further, the Policy provides a minimum value

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-9
Rungta Mines Limited

addition of 15% in notified steel products which are covered under

preferential procurement. In order to provide flexibility, Ministry of Steel
may review specified steel products and the minimum value addition

TMT Rebars and Wire Rods are global commodities. Depending on urgent
requirement and price difference in different countries, imports and exports
do take place regularly. Import figures are published by Joint Plant
Committee (JPC).

As per the latest publication (April 2019) available from JPC, import data for
Bars & Rods for April 2018 to March 2019 is given in Table 1.5.


Sl. Description Gross Imports
No. Production (tonnes)
i) Bars & Wire Rods MS Grade 38,057,000 349,000
ii) Non-Flat Products, i.e., Wire Rods, 7,338,000 591,000
Plain Bars etc. Value Added Grades
Total 45,395,000 940,000
Source: Pre-feasibility report, October 2019 by KORUS Engineering Solutions Pvt.

 The above figures show that imports are small quantity for MS Grade but
substantial for Value Added Grades.

 Imports are not expected to impose a significant threat to domestic

players in future. There is no proposal.

State scenario

Occupying an important position on the country's map, Odisha's rich mineral

reserves constitute 28% iron ore, 24% coal, 59% bauxite and 98% chromite
of India's total deposits. The state's comparative advantage on this account
has attracted the attention of many mining and metallurgical companies. In
Odisha, industrialization started shortly after independence. The oldest
mines in the state were coal mines at Talcher and Ib valley. After
nationalization of coal in 1975 and the national policy on energy sector,
many power plants have come up in the state.

Iron ore is abundantly available in the districts of Mayurbhanj, Sundargarh,

Keonjhar and Jajpur. While chromite is confined to Jajpur, Dhenkanal and
Keonjhar districts. Manganese deposits are available in Sundargarh,
Keonjhar, Rayagada and Balangir districts and Dolomite is available plenty
only in the district of Sundargarh. There are two major coal bearing areas in

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-10
Rungta Mines Limited

the state which are currently being exploited namely Talcher and the Ib

The Government of Odisha holds out a plethora of possibilities adopting

therewith a pragmatic approach to usher in balanced socio-economic
growth in the State through industrialization, appropriate harnessing of
natural resources and maximizing the employment potential of the local


The requisite NOCs and environmental clearance for under implementation

plant have been obtained from the OSPCB and MOEF&CC respectively.
The same will be obtained for expansion also. Company will adhere to the
statutory provisions, as applicable, for the following:

1. The Factories Act, 1948

2. The Explosive Act, 1884 and the Explosive Rules 1983

3. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981

4. Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

5. Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and Rules thereunder

6. Environmental (Protection) Rules,1986 (and its Amendments till


7. Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules

1989 amended in 1994 and 2000.Hazardous Waste Management
Rules, 2016

8. Solid Waste Managment Rules, 2016

9. Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules 2016

10. Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 and amendment 2018

11. Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary

Movement) Rules, 2016 and amendments 2016, 2017, 2018

12. Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and

Response) Rules, 1996

13. Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000

14. Environment Impact Assessment Notification 2006 and its


Source: website/ MineralProc. aspx? GL=mines&PL=2
Source: website/ Govt_ steel. aspx?GL=sip&PL=4

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-11
Rungta Mines Limited

15. Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001 and amendment


16. E-Waste Management Rules, 2016 and amendment 2018

17. Fly ash in construction activities, Responsibilities of Thermal Power

Plants and Specifications for use of ash-based
products/responsibility of other agencies, Notification, 1999 and
amendment 2003, 2009, 2016

18. GSR 94(E): Mandatory Implementation of Dust Mitigation Measures

for all Construction and Demolition Activities

19. Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 and amendments till date

20. Motor Vehicles Act 1988 and the amendments thereunder

21. Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 and

amendment 2000, 2002, 2017

22. Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 and amendments 2002, 2006

23. Forest (Conservation )Act, 1980

24. Wetland Rules, 2017

25. The Petroleum Act, 1934 and amendments thereunder

Compliance to State Rules and Notifications is being and will also be

ensured along with the environmental clearance being sought for expansion
to 3.55 MTPA under EIA Notification 2006 from MOEF&CC Government of



The Environmental Impact Assessment and Environment Management Plan

for the steel plant addressing the environment related issues are prepared
in accordance with the requirements of Terms of Reference (TOR)
prescribed by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Govt. of

The study evaluates the prevailing environmental conditions. The adverse

impacts have been identified and possible mitigation measures have been
drawn in order to protect the environment. In order to carry out the study,
the baseline environmental scenario has been established.

The main objectives of the present EIA study area:

 To record the proposed project details

 To establish the baseline environmental scenario.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-12
Rungta Mines Limited

 To identify, predict and assess the impacts of proposed future

project on the environment.

 To prepare a detailed action plan for implementation of mitigation


 To suggest preventive measures to minimize adverse impacts and to

maximize beneficial impacts.

 To prepare a detailed action plan for implementation of mitigative


 To suggest a monitoring programme to evaluate the effectiveness of

mitigation measures.

 To suggest the formation of a core group responsible for

implementation of the EMP.

 To prepare a capital cost estimate for environment management


 To address the concerns of disaster management and social


Any industrial project is expected to cause environmental impacts near the

project site during its operation phase. The type and intensity of impacts on
various components of the environment vary depending upon the nature
and size of the project as well as its geographical location. The net impacts
from individual project can be quantified through Environmental Impact
Assessment studies of various components of environment such as noise,
air, water, land, biological and socio- economic aspects. EIA studies form a
basis for preparing an Environment Management Plan (EMP) to conserve
the environment of the area. The total EIA study for a particular project site
can be divided into three phases. The first is identification of significant
environmental parameters and then assessing the existing (pre-project)
status within the impact zone with respect to environmental descriptors. The
second phase is prediction of impacts from proposed project on identified
environmental parameters based on experience of other projects. The third
phase includes the evaluation of total impacts after superimposing the
predicted impacts over baseline data. This helps in incorporating proper
mitigation measures wherever necessary for preventing deterioration in
environmental quality.

The scope of the present study is to conduct EIA covering all the disciplines
of environment and field monitoring in relevant disciplines over one full
season of 3 (three) months (excluding monsoon months). The draft EIA
report is prepared as per the MoEF&CC Notification dated 14.09.2006. After
completion of the Public Consultation, all the environmental concerns
expressed during the Public Consultation process have to be addressed
and appropriate changes in the draft EIA Report are made accordingly to
formulate the Final EIA Report. The final EIA Report is then presented to

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-13
Rungta Mines Limited

the Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC) of MoEF&CC. Any queries raised

will be clarified and replies will be submitted to them.

The project area is termed as "core zone". The area within 10 km radius
around the periphery of the project boundary has been considered as the
“buffer zone” for identifying and assessing impact with respect to air, water,
noise, land use, ecology and socio-economic environment. The core zone
and buffer zone together comprise the "study area". The studies covering all
individual components of environment are described in detail in subsequent

Baseline environmental data was generated by Min Mec R&D Laboratory

(NABL accredited &MOEF&CC recognised) as given in Table 1.6.


Description No. of Total No of
locations samples
 Air 8 192
Ambient air monitoring (24 hourly samples), (one in core
twice a week for 3 months for one season zone and 7 in
Parameters : PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NO2, CO buffer zone)

Benzene,NH3, BaP, Arsenic, Selenium and Lead 1 core zone 24

7 Buffer zone 7
Meteorological parameters measured at hourly 1 90 days
duration simultaneously at one air monitoring (Core Zone)
station for 3 months for Wind speed, direction,
relative humidity, temperature, etc
Water 16 16
Water sample from various surface, ground & (Surface-11) (Surface-11)
supply water sources in core and buffer zone (10 (Ground-10) (Ground-10)
km radius) and tested for physical, chemical &
biological parameters
Soil 9 9
Noise 10 10
Hourly readings taken for 24 hours (Leq)
Traffic volume survey 2 2

Secondary and primary data collection was done comprising of, but not
restricted to the following:

 Long Term Climatic data from Indian Meteorological Department (IMD)

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-14
Rungta Mines Limited

 Geo-hydrological aspects based on available data from various

secondary sources

 Identification of water bodies, hills, roads etc. within 10 km radius from

toposheet and google earth

 Details of fauna, flora, information in forests, major habitats, sanctuaries,

sensitive places within a distance of 10 km from the project site
(including forest details).

 Major industries within 10 km radius.

 Historical monuments and places of public importance within 10 km


 Land use pattern within core zone and buffer zone (10 km radius around
the core zone), Cropping pattern.

 Demography and Socio-economic based on last available Census data

for entire study area

The preparation of the EIA/EMP has been done as per the generic structure
prescribed in EIA Notification dated 14th September 2006 and its
amendments, as follows:

 Chapter 1: Introduction

Covers purpose of the report, identification of project & project proponent,

brief description of nature, size, location of the project and its importance to
the country, region and scope of the study – details of regulatory scoping
carried out (As per Terms of Reference)

 Chapter 2: Project Description

(Based on study of the reports like Pre-feasibility Report or Techno-

economic Feasibility Report)

This includes Condensed description of those aspects of the project (based

on project feasibility study), likely to cause environmental effects. Details
such as type of project, project boundary & project site layout, size or
magnitude of operation (including associated activities required by or for the
project), project implementation schedule, technology and process

 Chapter 3: Present Baseline Scenario

The base line data generated and collected will be used to establish the
present environmental scenario. This will cover the study area, period,
components & methodology, establishment of baseline for valued
environmental components, as identified in the scope and base maps of
applicable environmental components.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-15
Rungta Mines Limited

 Chapter 4: Environmental Impacts & Mitigation

(Identification, prediction and evaluation of Anticipated Environmental

Impacts due to the proposed plant and related facilities)

The impact assessment and mitigation is proposed for:

* Ambient air quality * Surface and ground water quality & resources

* Noise levels * Soil quality

* Topography * Ecology

* Land use * Socio-economic conditions

* Traffic density

* Occupational health and safety

* Sensitive Places/Historical Monuments etc.

Environmental management plan suggesting the environmental safeguards,

abatement technology and pollution control measures as follows:

 Air, water, noise pollution control measures

 Solid waste management

 Traffic management

 Land use changes and mitigation

 Pronounce the improvement in socio-economic conditions and

benefits the people will get on implementation of the project.
Outlining corporate social responsibility.

 Green belt development plan & reclamation plan.

 Environmental monitoring, implementation organization and feedback

mechanism to effect mid course corrections.

 Cost for Environmental Protection measure

 Chapter 5: Analysis of Alternatives (Technology & Site).

In case, the scoping exercise results in need for alternatives then

description of each alternative, summary of adverse impacts of each
alternative, mitigation measures proposed for each alternative and selection
of alternative is done.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-16
Rungta Mines Limited

 Chapter 6: Environmental Monitoring Program

Technical aspects of monitoring the effectiveness of mitigation measures

including measurement methodologies, frequency, location, data analysis,
reporting schedules, detailed budget & procurement schedules.

 Chapter 7: Additional Studies

This shall comprise of public consultation, risk assessment, social impact

assessment and R&R action plans or any other studies specified by

 Chapter 8 : Project benefits

This comprises of the improvements in the physical infrastructure,

improvements in the social infrastructure, employment potential –skilled;
semi-skilled and unskilled and other tangible benefits.

 Chapter 9: Environmental Cost Benefit Analysis

If recommended at the Scoping stage. In this case, it has not been


 Chapter 10: Environmental Management Plan

Description of the administrative aspects of ensuring that mitigative

measures are implemented and their effectiveness monitored, after
approval of the EIA.

 Chapter 11: Executive Summary of EIA/EMP

This will constitute the summary of the EIA Report.

 Chapter 12: Disclosure of Consultants engaged

The names of the Consultants engaged with their brief resume and nature
of Consultancy rendered.


There are no litigations/ court cases pending against the project as on



The Standard Terms of Reference were prescribed online vide MoEF&CC

letter no. J-11011/309/2018-lA.ll(l) dated 19.09.2020. The copy of said letter
is given in Annexure -1. Table 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 & 1.10 gives the compliance of
received Terms of Reference for expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant to
3.55 MTPA.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-17
Rungta Mines Limited


ToR ToR Point Compliance
1 The alternate sites considered, the relative It is a expansion project.
merits and demerits and the reasons for Beneficiation plant is proposed
selecting the proposed site for the inside proposed plant area, hence
Beneficiation Plant should be indicated no alternate site were evaluated.
Advantages of site are discussed
in section 5.1 of Chapter 5.
2 Details of the technology and process Technology selected after
involved for beneficiation should be given. assessing the alternatives for
beneficiation plant is given in
section 5.2.1 of Chapter 5.
The beneficiation process is given
in detail with technology,
specification and other parameters
in Section 2.3.1, Chapter 2.
3 Location of the proposed Plant w.r.t. the The source of the Iron ore fines will
source of raw material and mode of be from companys mines/
transportations of the ore from mines to the OMC/other private mines from
beneficiation plant should be justified wherever it can become available.
The transportation distance will
vary according to the mines from
which raw material has got
available at any point of time. The
ore will be transported to the plant
through road and may come up to
the nearest rail head Meramandli.
4 Treatment of run of mine (ROM) and or of Washery- ROM coal will be
the fines/waste dump should be spelt out. washed in three stream washery.
The washed coal will be used in
process, the middlings in power
plant and the rejects will be
temporarily stored till they can be
sent back for backfilling in mine.
Pelletisation plant - ROM iron ore
fines/ blue dust will be
agglomerated and utilised in
process. The waste dusts collected
in the air pollution control systems
shall be sent back to the mixinbg
unit of the pelletisation plant for
100% reuse
5 Estimation of the fines going into the In the coal washery no fines will be
washings should be made and its washed. Only ROM coal will be
management described washed. The raw material for the

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pellet plant will be 100% iron ore
fines or blue dust (fines).
6 Details of the equipment, settling pond etc. In washery- there will be five stage
should be furnished. clarification system which will have
settling ponds and 100%
In pellet plant, only agglomeration
of fines shall be taking place and
washing is required, hence, no
settling pond shall be there.
7 Detailed material balance should be provided Refer Table 2.4 of Chapter 2.
8 Sources of raw material and its The source of the Iron ore fines will
transportation should be indicated. Steps be from companys mines/
proposed to be taken to protect the ore from OMC/other private mines from
getting air borne should be brought out. wherever it can become available.
The ore will be transported to the
plant through road and may come
up to the nearest rail head
Refer 4.4.2, Chapter 4 for
mitigation measures proposed for
control of fugitive emission.
9 Management and disposal of tailings and Tailings will be collected in small
closure plan of the tailing pond, if any after tailing pond, dewatered and
the project is over, should be detailed in a dredged for 100% reutilisation as
quantified manner. sand substitute in infrastructure/
fine concrete aggregate/ cement
10 The water requirement for the project, its Refer section 2.12 of chapter 2.
availability and source should be furnished. A Water balance diagram is given in
detailed water balance should also be Fig 2.16 of chapter 2.
provided. Fresh water requirement for the
project should also be indicated
11 A copy of the document in support of the fact A copy of EC letter in support of
that the Proponent is the rightful lessee of the fact that the proponent is the
the unit should be given rightful is given in Annexure II
12 All documents including EIA and public All documents are compatible with
hearing should be compatible with one one another as required.
another in terms of the production levels,
waste generation and its management and
technology and should be in the name of the
13 All corner coordinates of the Unit, Coordinates are given in section
superimposed on a High Resolution 1.4.3.

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Imagery/Toposheet should be provided. The boundary is superimposed on
Such an Imagery of the proposed Unit should google earth image and given in
clearly show the land use and other Fig 2.3, Chapter 2 and on satellite
ecological features of the study area (core image in Fig 3.9, Chapter 3.
and buffer zone).
14 It should be clearly indicated whether the Company has Environment Policy
proponent Company has a well laid down approved by Board of Director.
Environment Policy approved by its Board of The Environmental Policy is given
Directors? If so, it may be spelt out in the EIA in Annexure XXV and the salient
Report with description of the prescribed features and infringement/
operating process/procedures to bring into deviation/ violation reporting
focus any infringement/deviation/ violation of procedure with hierarchical system
the environmental or forest norms/ is given in section 6.5 of Chapter
conditions? The hierarchical system or 6.
administrative order of the Company to deal
with the environmental issues and for
ensuring compliance with the EC conditions
may also be given. The system of reporting
of non-compliances / violations of
environmental norms to the Board of
Directors of the Company and/or
shareholders or stakeholders at large, may
also be detailed in the EIA Report
15 Issues relating to Safety should be detailed. Risk associated with the plant
The proposed safeguard measures in each have been identified and given in
case should also be provided. Disaster section 7.1 of chapter 7.
management plan shall be prepared and Disaster Management Plan have
included in the EIA/EMP Report been prepared and the same is
given in Chapter 7 itself.
16 The study area will comprise of 10 km zone EIA studies has been done for the
around the Plant study area of 10 km zone around
the plant. Study area map is
shown in Fig 3.1 of Chapter 3.
17 Cumulative impact study of both Cummulative impact study have
Beneficiation Plant with suggested mitigation been done and furnished along
measures as per the study should be with mitigation measures in the
described EIA report. Refer section 4.4.1 &
4.4.2, Chapter 4.
18 Location of Railway siding with its handling Not applicale as raw material
capacity and safety measures should be required will be transported
indicated through road.
19 Option to provide only silo for storage of No silo arrangement has been
minerals instead of open stacking to avoid proposed.
fugitive dust should be explored and
arrangements finalized justified

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20 Land use of the study area delineating forest Land use pattern of the study area
area, agricultural land, grazing land, wildlife are given in Table 3.16, chapter 3
sanctuary, national park, migratory routes of and interpretation of landuse as
fauna, water bodies, human settlements and per recent satellite imagery have
other ecological features should be indicated. been presented in section 3.9.3,
Land use plan of the lease area should be chapter 3.
prepared to encompass preoperational,
operational and post operational phases and
submitted. Impact, if any, of change of land
use should be given.
21 Details of the land for any Over Burden Area for storage of solid waste is
Dumps outside the lease, such as extent of 116 acres (after expansion). No
land area, distance from lease, its land use, R&R is required in expansion
R&R issues, if any, should be given phase. There is displacement of 54
families which have been
rehabilitated & resettled as per
R&R Policy, Government of
Odisha. Compensation has
already been paid through IDCO
as per previous EC.
22 A Certificate from the Competent Authority in 7.8 acres of Forest land is present
the State Forest Department should be within existing plant area. Stage II
provided, confirming the involvement of forest clearance has been
forest land, if any, in the Project area. In the obtained from MOEF&C vide letter
event of any contrary claim by the Project no. 5-ORB207/2014-BHU dated
Proponent regarding the status of forests, the 02.07.2015.
site may be inspected by the State Forest
Department along with the Regional Office of
the Ministry to ascertain the status of forests,
based on which, the Certificate in this regard
as mentioned above be issued. In all such
cases, it would be desirable for
representative of the State Forest
Department to assist the Expert Appraisal
23 Status of forestry clearance for the broken up Refer point above.
area and virgin forestland involved in the
Project including deposition of net present
value (NPV) and compensatory afforestation
(CA) should be indicated. A copy of the
forestry clearance should also be furnished
24 Implementation status of recognition of forest Not Applicable
rights under the Scheduled Tribes and other
Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of
Forest Rights) Act, 2006 should be indicated.

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25 The vegetation in the RF / PF areas in the Refer section 3.11.2, Chapter 3.
study area, with necessary details, should be
26 A study shall be got done to ascertain the A “Site Specific Conservation Plan”
impact of the Project on wildlife of the study has been approved with respect to
area and details furnished. Impact of the Dhenkanal Steel Plant by PCCF
project on the wildlife in the surrounding and (WL) vide letter no. 3188/1 WL-
any other protected area and accordingly SSP-10/2015 dated Bhubaneswar
detailed mitigative measures required, the 9th April, 2015 Copy of the
should be worked out with cost implications letter is enclosed as Annexure
and submitted XXX
27 Location of National Parks, Sanctuaries, Not applicable as no National
Biosphere Reserves, Wildlife Corridors, Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere
Tiger/Elephant Reserves/(existing as well as Reserves, Migratory Corridors of
proposed), if any, within 10 km of the mine Wild Animal is present within 10
lease should be clearly indicated, supported km radius of plant.
by a location map duly authenticated by
Chief Wildlife Warden. Necessary clearance,
as may be applicable to such projects due to
proximity of the ecologically sensitive areas
as mentioned above, should be obtained
from the Standing Committee of National
Board of Wildlife and copy furnished
28 A detailed biological study of the study area No Schedule I animals observed in
[core zone and buffer zone (10 km radius of the study area.
the periphery of the mine lease)] shall be Authenticated lists of flora & fauna
carried out. Details of flora and fauna, are attached in Annexure XVI.
endangered, endemic and RET Species duly
authenticated, separately for core and buffer
A “Site Specific Conservation Plan”
zone should be furnished based on such
has been approved with respect to
primary field survey, clearly indicating the
Dhenkanal Steel Plant by PCCF
Schedule of the fauna present. In case of
(WL) vide letter no. 3188/1 WL-
any scheduledI fauna found in the study
SSP-10/2015 dated Bhubaneswar
area, the necessary plan alongwith
the 9th April, 2015 Copy of the
budgetary provisions for their conservation
letter is enclosed as Annexure
should be prepared in consultation with State
Forest and Wildlife Department and details
furnished. Necessary allocation of funds for
implementing the same should be made as
part of the project cost.
29 Proximity to Areas declared as 'Critically Nearest 'Critically Polluted' area is
Polluted' shall also be indicated and where Angul-Talcher at 21.8 km, NW,
so required, clearance certifications from the aerially from plant
prescribed Authorities, such as the
SPCB/CPCB shall be secured and furnished
to the effect that the proposed activities could

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be considered
30 Similarly, for coastal Projects, A CRZ map Plant does not lie in coastal area.
duly authenticated by one of the authorized
agencies demarcating LTL. HTL, CRZ area,
location of the unit w.r.t CRZ, coastal
features such as mangroves, if any, should
be furnished. (Note: The Projects falling
under CRZ would also need to obtain
approval of the concerned Coastal Zone
Management Authority)
31 R&R Plan/compensation details for the There is no habitation in the
Project Affected People (PAP) should be project area. No displacement is
furnished. While preparing the R&R Plan, the involved in expansion phase
relevant State/National Rehabilitation & There was displacement of 54
Resettlement Policy should be kept in view. families which have been
In respect of SCs /STs and other weaker rehabilitated & resettled as per
sections of the society in the study area, a R&R Policy, Government of
need based sample survey, family-wise, Odisha. Compensation has
should be undertaken to assess their already been paid through IDCO
requirements, and action programmes as per previous EC.
prepared and submitted accordingly,
integrating the sectoral programmes of line
departments of the State Government. It may
be clearly brought out whether the village(s)
located in the lease area will be shifted or
not. The issues relating to shifting of
village(s) including their R&R and socio-
economic aspects, should be discussed in
the report
32 One season (non-monsoon) [i.e. March-May Monitoring period from March 2019
(Summer Season); October-December (post to May 2019 and the same have
monsoon season) ; December-February been complied in EIA/EMP report.
(winter season)] primary baseline data on The Air sampling stations and
ambient air quality as per CPCB Notification justification for selecting the
of 2009, water quality, noise level, soil and stations are tabulated in Table 3.5
flora and fauna shall be collected and the of Chapter 3.
AAQ and other data so compiled presented
date-wise in the EIA and EMP Report.
Sitespecific meteorological data should also
be collected. The location of the monitoring
stations should be such as to represent
whole of the study area and justified keeping
in view the pre-dominant downwind direction
and location of sensitive receptors. There
should be at least one monitoring station
within 500 m of the unit in the pre-dominant

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downwind direction. The mineralogical
composition of PM10, particularly for free
silica, should be given
33 Air quality modeling should be carried out for Refer Annexure XX
prediction of impact of the project on the air
quality of the area. It should also take into
account the impact of movement of vehicles
for transportation of mineral. The details of
the model used and input parameters used
for modeling should be provided. The air
quality contours may be shown on a location
map clearly indicating the location of the site,
location of sensitive receptors, if any, and the
habitation. The wind roses showing pre-
dominant wind direction may also be
indicated on the map.
34 The water requirement for the Project, its Refer section 2.12 of chapter 2.
availability and source should be furnished. A
detailed water balance should also be
provided. Fresh water requirement for the
Project should be indicated.
35 Necessary clearance from the Competent Water withdrawal permission &
Authority for drawl of requisite quantity of recommendation letter are given in
water for the Project should be secured and Annexure IV.
copy furnished.
36 Description of water conservation measures Methods to be adopted for water
proposed to be adopted in the Project should conservation are:
be given. Details of rainwater harvesting 1. Rain water harvesting, details
proposed in the Project, if any, should be given in section 4.6.6 of
provided. Chapter 4
2. Recycling of treated waste, as
per water balance seen in
section 2.12.1, Chapter 2.
37 Impact of the project on the water quality, Impact of the project on the water
both surface and groundwater should be quality both surface and ground
assessed and necessary safeguard water and its mitigation is given in
measures, if any required, should be section 4.6 of Chapter 4.
38 Details of any stream, seasonal or otherwise, Refer Section 4.2.2 of Chapter 4
passing through the lease area and
modification / diversion proposed, if any, and
the impact of the same on the hydrology
should be brought out.
39 A time bound Progressive Greenbelt Refer Section 4.10.2 of Chapter 4

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Development Plan shall be prepared in a
tabular form (indicating the linear and
quantitative coverage, plant species and time
frame) and submitted, keeping in mind, the
same will have to be executed up front on
commencement of the project. The plant
species selected for green belt should have
greater ecological value and should be of
good utility value to the local population with
emphasis on local and native species and
the species which are tolerant to the pollution
40 Impact on local transport infrastructure due The impact has been assessed in
to the Project should be indicated. Projected Section 4.9, Chapter 4.
increase in truck traffic as a result of the
Project in the present road network (including
those outside the Project area) should be
worked out, indicating whether it is capable
of handling the incremental load.
Arrangement for improving the infrastructure,
if contemplated (including action to be taken
by other agencies such as State
Government) should be covered
41 Details of the onsite shelter and facilities to Refer section 4.12.6 chapter 4
be provided to the workers should be
included in the EIA report
42 Occupational Health impacts of the Project Please refer section 4.12, Chapter
should be anticipated and the proposed 4
preventive measures spelt out in detail.
Details of pre-placement medical
examination and periodical medical
examination schedules should be
incorporated in the EMP. The project specific
occupational health mitigation measures with
required facilities proposed in the mining
area should be be detailed
43 Public health implications of the Project and Please refer section 4.12, Chapter
related activities for the population in the 4
impact zone should be systematically
evaluated and the proposed remedial
measures should be detailed along with
budgetary allocations
44 Measures of socio economic significance Please refer section 4.11, Chapter
and influence to the local community 4
proposed to be provided by the Project
Proponent should be indicated. As far as
possible, quantitative dimensions may be

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given with time frames for implementation
45 Public hearing points raised and commitment Public Hearing is yet to be held
of the Project Proponent on the same along
with time bound Action Plan to implement the
same should be provided and also
incorporated in the final EIA/EMP Report of
the Project
46 Details of litigation pending against the No litigation pending against the
project, if any, with direction /order passed by project till date
any Court of Law against the project should
be given
47 The cost of the Project (capital cost and Please refer section 6.4, Table 6.2
recurring cost) as well as the cost towards and 6.3, Chapter 6
implementation of EMP should be clearly
spelt out.
48 A brief background of the Project, its financial Please refer Section 1.3, chapter 1
position, Group Companies and legal issues
etc should be provided with past and current
important litigations if any
49 Benefits of the Project, if the project is Refer Chapter 8
implemented should be outlined. The
benefits of the projects shall clearly indicate
environmental, social, economic,
employment potential, etc.
50 Besides the above, the below mentioned
general points are also to be followed:-
a Executive Summary of the EIA/EMP Report Executive Summary of the project
is given in chapter 11 of the
EIA/EMP report.
b All documents to be properly referenced with All documents to be properly
index and continuous page numbering referenced with index and page
c Where data are presented in the report Complied
especially in Tables, the period in which the
data were collected and the sources should
be indicated
d Project Proponent shall enclose all the Water, Air, Soil Noise etc. data has
analysis/testing reports of water, air, soil, been collected by Min Mec R & D
noise etc. using the MoEF&CC/NABL Laboratory, New Delhi (NABL
accredited laboratories. All the original accredited lab) and the same has
analysis/testing reports should be available been enclosed as various
during appraisal of the project annexures with this EIA report.
e Where the documents provided are in a complied

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language other than English, an English
translation should be provided
f The Questionnaire for environmental complied
appraisal of project as devised earlier by the
Ministry shall also be filled and submitted.
g While preparing the EIA report, the complied
instructions for the proponents and
instructions for the consultants issued by
MoEF&CC vide O.M. No. J-11013/41/2006-
IA.II(I) dated 4th August, 2009, which are
available on the website of this Ministry,
should also be followed
h Changes, if any made in the basic scope and Agreed
project parameters (as submitted in Form-I
and the PFR for securing the TOR) should
be brought to the attention of MoEF&CC with
reasons for such changes and permission
should be sought, as the TOR may also have
to be altered. Post Public Hearing changes in
structure and content of the draft EIA/EMP
(other than modifications arising out of the
P.H. process) will entail conducting the PH
again with the revised documentation
i As per the circular no. J-11011/618/2010- Complied
IA.II(I) dated 30.5.2012, certified Report of
the status of compliance of the conditions
stipulated in the environment clearance for
the existing operations of the project by the
Regional Office of Ministry of Environment,
Forest and Climate Change, as may be


ToR ToR Point Compliance
Generic ToRs in respect of Industry Sector
1. Executive Summary Executive Summary of the project is
given in chapter 11 of the EIA/EMP
2 Introduction
i) Details of the EIA Consultant including Refer chapter 12.
NABET accreditation.

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ii) Information about the project proponent Information about the project
proponent is given in section 1.3 of
Chapter 1.
iii) Importance and benefits of the project For importance of the project refer
section 1.4.5 of Chapter 1.
Benefits of project is given in
Chapter 8
3. Project Description
i) Cost of project and time of completion. Cost of the expansion project will be
Rs. 5500 crores. Proposed time
schedule for implementation of
project shall be 84 months from
date of receipt of EC
ii) Products with capacities for the Please refer section 2.1 of Chapter
proposed project 2.
iii) If expansion project, details of existing Please refer Table 1.2 of chapter 1
products with capacities and whether
adequate land is available for expansion,
reference of earlier EC if any.
iv) List of raw materials required and their Refer section 2.9, of Chapter 2
source along with mode of transportation
v) Other chemicals and materials required Please refer section 2.9 of Chapter
with quantities and storage capacities 2 for consolidated list of raw
vi) Details of Emission, effluents, hazardous Please refer Chapter 4
waste generation and their management. Section 4.4.1, Table 4.1 for
Section 4.6.2, Table 4.10 for
Section 4.7.1 Table 4.12 for solid
vii) Requirement of water, power, with Please refer the following of
source of supply, status of approval, Chapter 2:
water balance diagram, man-power Water : Section 2.12, Fig. 2.16
requirement (regular and contract) Power: Section 2.11 and Table 2.42
Manpower : Section 2.13
Agreement of source of water is
given in Annexure IV.
viii) The project proponent shall furnish the The estimated sanctioned make-up
requisite documents from the competent water requirement for the Complete
authority in support of drawl of ground Steel Plant is 2981 cum per hour.
water and surface water and supply of Water withdrawal permission of

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electricity. 2950 cum/hr from Bramhani River
has been obtained from the Water
Resource Department, Govt. Of
Odisha. Additional 771 KLH water
will be required for the proposed
expansion, for which IPOCOL
recommended dated 02.07.2020
Copy given in Annexure IV.
ix) Process description along with major Please refer section 2.3 of Chapter
equipment and machineries, process 2 for flow sheet of manufacturing
flow sheet (quantitative) from raw process in proposed steel plant
material to products to be provided
X) Hazard identification and details of Please refer Chapter 7.
proposed safety systems
xi Expansion/modernization proposals
a) Copy of all the Environmental EC is granted by MOEF&CC have
Clearance(s) including Amendments been listed in section 1.1 of chapter
there to obtain for the project from 1. Copy of ECs are given in
MOEF/SEIAA shall be attached as an Annexure II)

A certified copy of the latest Monitoring A certified report of the latest

Report of the Regional Office of the monitoring of the Regional office
Ministry of Environment and Forests as Bhubaneswar is enclosed as
per circular dated 30th May, 2012 on the Annexure XXVI.
status of compliance of conditions
stipulated in all the existing
Consent to Establish (CTE) is given
environmental clearances including
in Annexure XXIII.
Amendments shall be provided. In
addition, status of compliance of
Consent to Operate for the ongoing/
existing operation of the project from
SPCB shall be attached with the
EIAEMP report.
b) In case the existing project has not For existing capacity, EC has been
obtained environmental clearance, obtained and given as Annexure II.
reasons for not taking EC under the
provisions of the EIA Notification 1994
and /or EIA Notification 2006 shall be
provided. Copies of Consent to
Establish/No Objection Certificate and
Consent to Operate (in case of units
operating prior to EIA Notification 2006,
CTE and CTO of FY 2005 - 2006)
obtained from the SPCB shall be

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submitted. Further, Compliance report to
the conditions of consents from the
SPCB shall be submitted
4 Site Details
i) Location of the project site covering Project location is shown in Fig. 1.1,
village, Taluka/Tehsil, District and State, of Chapter 1
Justification for selecting the site,
whether other sites were considered.
ii) A topo-sheet of the study area of radius Please refer Fig 3.1 of Chapter 3
of 10 km and site location on 1:50,000/
1:25,000 scale on an A3/A2 sheet
(including all eco-sensitive areas and
environmentally sensitive places).
iii) Co-ordinates (lat-long) of all four corners Refer section 1.4.3 of chapter 1.
of the site.
iv) Google map-Earth downloaded of the Please refer Fig. 2.2 of Chapter 2.
project site.
v) Layout maps indicating existing unit as Please refer Fig 2.1 of Chapter 2
well as proposed unit indicating storage
area, plant area, green belt area, utilities
etc. If located within an industrial
area/Estate/Complex, layout of Industrial
Area indicating location of unit within the
Industrial area/Estate.
vi) Photographs of the proposed and Please refer Fig 2.2 of Chapter 2.
existing (if applicable) plant site. If
existing, show photographs of plantation/
greenbelt, in particular.
vii) Land use break-up of total land of the Please refer section 3.9.1 of
project site (identified and acquired), Chapter 3.
government / private- agriculture, forest,
wasteland, water bodies, settlements,
etc. shall be included (not required for
industrial area).
viii) A list of major industries with name and List of industries in 10 km radius is
type within study area (10 km radius) given in Table 3.25 and shown in
shall be incorporated. Land use details fig. 3.16 of Chapter 3.
of the study area.
ix Geological features and Geo- Geological features and Geo
hydrological status of the study area hydrological status is given in
shall be included section 3.6.2 of Chapter 3.
x) Details of Drainage of the project up to 5 Refer section 3.2.2 of Chapter 3
km radius of study area. If the site is

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within 1 km radius of any major river,
peak and lean season river discharge as
well as flood occurrence frequency
based on peak rainfall data of the past
30 years. Details of Flood Level of the
project site and maximum Flood Level of
the river shall also be provided (mega
green field projects).
xi) Status of acquisition of land. If Please refer section 3.9.1 of
acquisition is not complete, stage of the Chapter 3
acquisition process and expected time of
complete possession of the land.
xii) R & R details in respect of land in line There is displacement of 54 families
with State Government policy which have been rehabilitated &
resettled as per R&R Policy,
Government of Odisha.
Compensation has already been
paid through IDCO. No R&R is
proposed for expansion phase.
5. Forest and Wildlife related issues (if
i) Permission and approval for the use of Stage II forest clearance has been
forest land (forestry clearance), if any, obtained from MOEF&C vide letter
and recommendations of the State no. 5-ORB207/2014-BHU dated
Forest Department (if applicable) 02.07.2015
ii) Land use map based on High resolution Land use map based on High
satellite imagery (GPS) of the proposed resolution satellite imagery (GPS) is
site delineating the forestland (in case of given in Fig 3.9 of Chapter 3.
projects involving forest land more than
40 ha)
iii) Status of Application submitted for Stage II forest clearance has
obtaining the stage I forestry clearance already been obtained from
along with latest status shall be MOEF&C vide letter no. 5-
submitted. ORB207/2014-BHU dated
iv) The projects to be located within 10 km No National Parks, Sanctuaries,
of the National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves, Migratory
Biosphere Reserves, Migratory Corridors Corridors of Wild Animal is present
of Wild Animal; the project proponent within 10 km radius of plant
shall submit the map duly authenticated
by Chief Wildlife Warden showing these
features vis-a-vis the project location and
the recommendations or comments of
the Chief Wildlife Warden - thereon.

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v) Wildlife Conservation Plan duly A “Site Specific Conservation Plan”
authenticated by the Chief Wildlife has been approved with respect to
Warden of the state government for Dhenkanal Steel Plant by PCCF
conservation of schedule I fauna, if any (WL) vide letter no. 3188/1 WL-
exists in the study area. SSP-10/2015 dated Bhubaneswar
the 9th April, 2015 Copy of the letter
is enclosed as Annexure XXX.
vi) Copy of application submitted for Not applicable as no National
clearance under the Wildlife (Protection) Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere
Act, 1972, to the Standing Committee of Reserves, Migratory Corridors of
the National Board for Wildlife. Wild Animal is present within 10 km
radius of plant.
6. Environmental Status
i) Determination of atmospheric inversion The site specific micro-
level at the project site and site-specific meteorological data has been
micro-meteorological data using collected from the site during March
temperature, relative humidity, hourly to May 2019. Micrometeorology
wind speed and direction and rainfall. data is given in Annexure VI and is
summarized in section 3.4 of
Chapter 3
ii) AAQ data (except monsoon) at 8 The AAQ data has been collected
locations for PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx, from the site during March to May
CO and other parameters relevant to the 2019. AAQ data is given in
project shall be collected. The monitoring Annexure VII and is summarized in
stations shall be based CPCB guidelines Table 3.8 of Chapter 3. Location of
and take into account the pre-dominant sampling stations is given in Table
wind direction, population zone and 3.6 and shown in Fig. 3.6 of
sensitive receptors including reserved Chapter 3.
iii) Raw data of all AAQ measurement for AAQ data is given in Annexure VII
12 weeks of all stations as per frequency and is summarized in Table 3.8 of
given in the NAQQM Notification of Nov. Chapter 3.
2009 along with min., max., average and
98% values for each of the AAQ
parameters from data of all AAQ stations
should be provided as an annexure to
the EIA Report.
iv) Surface water quality of nearby River The analysis results of surface
(60m upstream and downstream) and water quality of the study area are
other surface drains at eight locations as presented in Annexure IX
per CPCB/MoEF& CC guidelines. Locations of sampling stations are
shown in Fig. 3.6 of Chapter 3.
v) Whether the site falls near to polluted The site does not falls near to
stretch of river identified by the CPCB / polluted stretch of river identified by

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MoEF& CC. the CPCB / MoEF& CC.
vi) Ground water monitoring minimum at 8 The analysis results of ground water
locations shall be included and surface water quality of the
study area are presented in
Annexure IX and Surface & ground
water summarized results is given
in Table 3.10 and 3.11 of Chapter 3.
Locations of sampling stations are
given in Table 3.9 and shown in Fig.
3.6 of Chapter 3.
vii) Noise levels monitoring at 8 locations Results of ambient noise
within the study area. measurements are presented in
Annexure XI
viii) Soil Characteristics as per CPCB Soil Characteristics as per CPCB
guidelines. guidelines is given in Table 3.18 of
Chapter -3. Test report is enclosed
as Annexure XXVII.
ix) Traffic study of the area, type of Traffic density is monitored at 1
vehicles, frequency of vehicles for location and shown in Fig. 3.6 of
transportation of materials, additional Chapter 3. The details are given in
traffic due to proposed project, parking Annexure XIV.
arrangement etc.
x) Detailed description on flora and fauna The details of flora and fauna are
(terrestrial and aquatic) existing in the given in section 3.11 of Chapter 3.
study area shall be given with special List of flora and fauna is given in
reference to rare, endemic and Annexure XVI.
endangered species. If Schedule-I fauna A “Site Specific Conservation Plan”
are found within the study area, a has been approved with respect to
Wildlife Conservation Plan shall be Dhenkanal Steel Plant by PCCF
prepared and furnished. (WL) vide letter no. 3188/1 WL-
SSP-10/2015 dated Bhubaneswar
the 9th April, 2015 Copy of the letter
is enclosed as Annexure XXX.
xi) Socio-economic status of the study area. Socio-economic status of the study
area as per census 2011 is given in
Annexure XVIII and summarized in
section 3.12 of Chapter 3.
7. Impact Assessment and Environment
Management Plan
i) Assessment of ground level Please refer section,
concentration of pollutants from the Chapter 4 and Annexure XXI.
stack emission based on site-specific
meteorological features. In case the
project is located on hilly terrain

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characteristics for determining the
potential impacts of the project on the
AAQ. Cumulative impact of all sources of
emissions (including transportation) on
the AAQ of the area shall be well
assessed. Details of the model used and
the input data used for modeling shall
also be provided. The air quality
contours shall be plotted on a location
map showing the location of project site,
habitation nearby, sensitive receptors, if
ii) Water Quality modeling- in case, if the The project will not discharge any
effluent is proposed to be discharged in effluent in any natural local drain. All
to the local drain, then Water Quality the effluent will be treated and
Modeling study should be conducted for reused within as well as outside
the drain water taking into consideration plant. The reused water will get
the upstream and downstream quality of evaporated or trans-evaporated
water of the drain. and, therefore, no seepage to
ground water will occur. Hence, no
water modelling study has been
iii) Impact of the transport of the raw Impact of transportation is given in
materials and end products on the section 4.9.1 of chapter 4.
surrounding environment shall be
assessed and provided. In this regard,
options for transport of raw materials and
finished products and wastes (large
quantities) by rail or rail-cum road
transport or conveyor-cum-rail transport
shall be examined.
iv) A note on treatment of waste water from Refer section 4.6.3 of Chapter 4
different plant operations, extent
recycled and reused for different
purposes shall be included. Complete
scheme of effluent treatment.
Characteristics of untreated and treated
effluent to meet the prescribed standards
of discharge under E(P) Rules.
v) Details of stack emission and action plan The prediction modeling for Ground
for control of emissions to meet Level Concentration of pollutants
standards. from the stack emissions is given in
section of Chapter 4 and the
detailed study is given in Annexure

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vi) Measures for fugitive emission control Measures for fugitive emission
control is given in section of
chapter 4
vii) Details of hazardous waste generation, Please Refer Section 4.7.2, Chapter
and their storage, utilization and 4
disposal. Copies of MOU regarding
utilization of solid and hazardous waste
shall also be included. EMP shall include
the concept of waste minimization,
recycle/ reuse/ recover techniques,
Energy conservation, and natural
resource conservation
viii) Proper utilization of fly ash shall be Ash utilization is given in Section
ensured as per Fly Ash Notification, of Chapter 4
2009. A detailed plan of action shall be
ix) Action plan for the green belt The green belt area kept in the
development plan in 33 % area i.e. land proposed setup is about 33% i.e.
with not less than 1,500 trees per ha. 90.11 ha of total plant area and it
Giving details of species, width of will be maintained. Details are given
plantation, planning schedule etc. shall in section 4.10.2 of Chapter 4 and
be included. The green belt shall be can be seen in Fig 2.1 of Chapter 2.
around the project boundary and a
scheme for greening of the roads used
for the project shall also be incorporated.
x) Action plan for rainwater harvesting Rain water harvesting measures will
measures at plant site shall be submitted be practised proposed project. The
to harvest rainwater from the roof tops details are given in section 4.6.6 of
and storm water drains to recharge the Chapter 4.
ground water and also to use for the
various activities at the project site to
conserve fresh water and reduce the
water requirement from other sources.
xi) Total capital cost and recurring Total capital and recurring cost per
cost/annum for environmental pollution annum for environmental pollution
control measures shall be included. control measures is given in section
6.4 of Chapter 6.
xii) Action plan for post-project Refer section 6.3 of Chapter 6.
environmental monitoring shall be
xiii) Onsite and Offsite Disaster (natural and Please refer Chapter 7
Man-made) Preparedness and
Emergency Management Plan including
Risk Assessment and damage control.
Disaster management plan should be

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linked with District Disaster Management
8. Occupational health:
i) Details of existing Occupational & Safety Refer section 4.12 of Chapter 4.
Hazards. What are the exposure levels The exposure levels will be
of above mentioned hazards and maintained within the prescribed
whether they are within Permissible limits of the Second Schedule of the
Exposure level (PEL). If these are not Factories Act, 1948 and its
within PEL, what measures the company amendments till date, for CO (<55
has adopted to keep them within PEL so mg/m3 for 8 hours) and iron oxide
that health of the workers can be fumes (<5 mg/m3 for 8 hours).
ii) Details of exposure specific health status It is a new plant, data shall be
evaluation of worker. If the workers’ collected on commencement of
health is being evaluated by pre operation. Proposed plan of OHS
designed format, chest x rays, management is given in section
Audiometry, Spirometry, Vision testing 4.12 of Chapter 4.
(Far & Near vision, colour vision and any
other ocular defect) ECG, during pre-
placement and periodical examinations
give the details of the same. Details
regarding last month analyzed data of
abovementioned parameters as per age,
sex, duration of exposure and
department wise.
iii) Annual report of health status of workers Annual health data shall be
with special reference to Occupational collected on commencement of
Health and Safety. operation. Proposed plan of OHS
management is given in section
4.12 of Chapter 4. Format for
monitoring is given in Annexure
XXVIII. Summary of OHS
monitoring of workers of Dhenkanal
Plant is given in Annexure XXIX.
iv) Plan and fund allocation to ensure the Refer section 10.3 & Table 10.3 of
occupational health and safety of all Chapter 10
contract and casual workers.
9. Corporate Environment Policy:
i) Does the company have a well laid down The Company has formulated a
Environment Policy approved by its Corporate Environment Policy and it
Board of Directors? If so, it may be has been duly approved by the
detailed in the EIA report. Board of Directors vide agenda item
no. 6 of minutes of meeting/
resolution dated 10.12.2018 (copy
enclosed as Annexure XXV).

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ii) Does the Environment Policy prescribe Yes, refer section 6.5 of Chapter 6.
for standard operating process /
procedures to bring into focus any
infringement / deviation / violation of the
environmental or forest norms /
conditions? If so, it may be detailed in
the EIA.
iii) What is the hierarchical system or Refer section 6.5 of Chapter 6
Administrative order of the company to
deal with the environmental issues and
for ensuring compliance with the
environmental clearance conditions?
Details of this system may be given.
iv) Does the company have system of Refer section 6.5 of Chapter 6
reporting of non-compliances / violations
of environmental norms to the Board of
Directors of the company and / or
shareholders or stakeholders at large?
This reporting mechanism shall be
detailed in the EIA report.
10 Details regarding infrastructure facilities During the construction of proposed
such as sanitation, fuel, restroom etc. to project, all facilities will be arranged
be provided to the labour force during for the labour force. Refer section
construction as well as to the casual 2.13 of Chapter 2.
workers including truck drivers during
operation phase.
11 Enterprise Environment
Responsibility (CER)
i To address the Public Hearing issues, Refer section 8.5 of chapter 8
an amount as specified under Ministry’s
Office Memorandum vide F. No. 22-
65/2017-IA.III dated 1st May 2018
amounting to Rs………. crores, shall be
earmarked by the project proponent,
towards Corporate Environment
Responsibility (CER). Distinct CER
projects shall be carved out based on
the local public hearing issues. Project
estimate shall be prepared based on
PWD schedule of rates for each distinct
Item and schedule for time bound action
plan shall be prepared. These CER
projects as indicated by the project
proponent shall be implemented along
with the main project. Implementation of

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such program shall be ensured by
constituting a Committee comprising of
the project proponent, representatives of
village Panchayat & District
Administration. Action taken report in this
regard shall be submitted to the
Ministry’s Regional Office. No free
distribution/donations and or free camps
shall be included in the above CER
12 Any litigation pending against the project No litigation has arisen or pending
and/or any direction/order passed by any against and/ or any direction/ order
Court of Law against the project, if so, passed by any Court of Law against
details thereof shall also be included. the plant till date.
Has the unit received any notice under
the Section 5 of Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986 or relevant
Sections of Air and Water
13 A tabular chart with index for point wise Please refer Table 1.7 to 1.10,
compliance of above TORs. Chapter 1.
B Specific terms of reference for EIA
studies for metallurgical Industries
(Ferrous & Non Ferrous)
1) Complete process flow diagram Refer following sections, figures and
describing each unit, its processes and Tables of Chapter 2 for Process
operations, along with material and description, flow sheet and material
energy inputs & outputs (material and balance
energy balance). Beneficiation plant- Section 2.3.1,
Table 2.4
Pelletisation Plant- Section 2.3.2,
Fig. 2.4, Table 2.6
Coal washery-Section 2.3.3, Fig.
2.5, Table 2.9
DRI Plant -Section 2.3.4, Fig. 2.6,
Table 2.11
Mini Blast furnace - section 2.3.5,
Fig. 2.7 and Table 2.13
Sinter Plant-Section 2.3.6, Fig. 2.8,
Table 2.15
Coke Oven Plant -Section 2.3.7,
Fig. 2.9 & Table 2.17
SMS through IF-LRF-CCM route-
Section, Fig. 2.10, Table

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SMS through EAC-LRF-CCM route-
Section, Fig. 2.11, Table
CCM- section, Table 2.22
Rolling Mill- section, Table
2.24 & Fig 2.12.
Strip Mill- section, Table
DIP- section, Table 2.28 &
Fig. 2.13.
Producer gas plant- section 2.4,
Table 2.30.
Oxygen plant- section 2.5, Table
Lime Plant- section 2.6, Table 2.34.
Cement Plant- section 2.7, Table
2.36 & Fig 2.14.
CPP-WHRB- section 2.8.1
CPP-AFBC/CFBC- section 2.8.2,
Table 2.39.
2) Details on blast furnace/ open hearth Please refer section 2.3.5, Chapter
furnace/ basic oxygen furnace/ladle 2 For other processes please refer
refining, casting and rolling plants etc point 2 above
3) Details on installation/activation of Online stack monitoring systems will
opacity meters with recording with be installed which will be connected
proper calibration system to OSPCB/ CPCB and monitor the
pollutants emitted.
4) Details on toxic metals including The heavy metals have been
mercury, arsenic and fluoride emissions measured in the raw materials and
the results have been given in
Chapter 3, Table 3.26.
5) Details on stack height requirement for Please refer table, Chapter
integrated steel 4
6) Details on ash disposal and Please refer table 4.7, Chapter 4
management -Non-ferrous metal
7) Complete process flow diagram Process flow diagrams of various
describing production of units are given in their respective
lead/zinc/copper/ aluminium, etc. sections of Chapter 2. For all
processes please refer point 2
8) Raw materials substitution or elimination Please refer the material balances
and processes described in section
2.3, Chapter 2

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9) Details on smelting, thermal refining, Please refer the processes
melting, slag fuming, and Waelz kiln described in section 2.3, Chapter 2
10) Details on Holding and de-gassing of Not applicable as no melting or
molten metal from primary and smelting of aluminum is proposed.
secondary aluminum, materials pre-
treatment, and from melting and smelting
of secondary aluminium
11) Details on solvent recycling No solvent generation is anticipated
in any of the proposed processes,
hence, not applicable
12) Details on precious metals recovery No precious metals usage is
envisaged, hence, no precious
metals recovery is proposed
13) Details on composition, generation and Please refer section 2.3.7, Chapter
utilization of waste/fuel gases from coke 2 for process details, table 2.17 for
oven plant and their utilization. material balance and fig 2.9 for
process flow sheet. Refer section for emission and table 4.14
for solid waste generation and
utilization from various units.
14) Details on toxic metal content in the Please refer table 3.27, Chapter 3
waste material and its composition and
end use (particularly of slag).
15 ) Trace metal mercury, arsenic and The heavy metals have been
fluoride emissions in the raw materials measured in the raw materials and
the results have been given in
Chapter 3, Table 3.26
16) Trace metal in waste material especially The heavy metals in slag have been
slag measured and the results have
been given in Chapter 3, Table 3.27
17) Plan for trace metal recovery 100% of the SMS (from IF & EAF)
slag will be given for metal
recovery, converted to aggregates
(special balls) and used in road
making. The BF slag will be ground
and used for cement making in the
proposed cement plant within the
18 Trace metals in water Please refer Annexure IX and
Table 3.10 and 3.11, Chapter 3

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C Additional TORs for Integrated Steel
1 Iron ore/ coal linkage documents along Iron ore: It shall be source from
with the status of environmental Sanindpur Iorn ore Mines of M/s
clearance for limestone and coal mines Rungta Sons Private Limited/ OMC/
Other private Mines. EC letter is
enclosed as Annexure III

Coal: Company shall be

participating in the proposed e-
Auction of Coal Block to cater the
coal requirement of the project. It is
proposed to import coal (from South
Africa, indonesia, etc) and also use
domestic coal procured through e-
auction or from commercial
2 Quantum of generation of coal and Since these will be procured from
limestone from coal & limestone mines open market and different sources,
and the projects they cater to. information about their production
can be obtained when the plant
becomes operational.
3 For large ISPs, a 3-D view i.e.DEM A Digital Elevation Model for the 10
(Digital Elevation Model) for the area in km radius is given in Fig 3.2 of
10 km radius from the proposal site. Chapter 3.
4 Recent land use based on satellite The Satellite Imagery is given in Fig
imagery. High resolution satellite image 3.9 of Chapter 3.
data having 1m-5m spatial resolution like
quickbird, Ikonos, IRS P-6 pan
sharpened etc. for the 10 Km radius area
from proposed site. The same shall be
used for land used/land-cover mapping
of the area
5 PM (PM 10 and PM 2.5 ) present in the Please refer Table 3.8, of chapter 3
ambient Air must be analyzed for source for trace elements of PM 10.
analysis – Natural dust/RSPM generated
from Plant (trace elements) of PM 10 to
be carried out.
6 All Stock piles will have to be on top of a Details given in section 4.5.2 and
stable liner to avoid leaching of materials 4.7.2,of Chapter 4.
to ground water
7 Plan for the implementation of the CREP guidelines will be
recommendations made for the steel implemented in the proposed
plants in the CREP guidelines. project. Refer section 10.3 of

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Chapter 10.
8 Plan for slag utilization Plan for slag utilization from various
unit of plant is given in section 4.7.2
of Chapter 4
9 Plan for utilization of energy on off gases Gases release from coke oven plant
( coke oven, Blast furnace ) and Blast furnace shall be utilized
for power generation (WHRB) and
thereafter used as fuel within the
10 Systems for coke quenching adopted Refer section 5.2.4 of chapter 5.
with justification


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1. Executive Summary Executive Summary of the project
is given in chapter 11 of the
EIA/EMP report.
2. Introduction
i) Details of the EIA Consultant including Refer chapter 12.
NABET accreditation.
ii) Information about the project proponent Information about the project
proponent is given in section 1.3 of
Chapter 1.
iii) Importance and benefits of the project For importance of the project refer
section 1.4.5 of Chapter 1.
Benefits of project is given in
Chapter 8
3. Project Description
i) Cost of project and time of completion. Cost of the expansion project will
be Rs. 5500 crores. Proposed time
schedule for implementation of
project shall be 84 months from
date of receipt of EC
ii) Products with capacities for the proposed Please refer section 2.1 of Chapter
project 2.
iii) If expansion project, details of existing Please refer Table 1.2 of chapter 1
products with capacities and whether
adequate land is available for expansion,
reference of earlier EC if any.

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iv) List of raw materials required and their Refer section 2.9, of Chapter 2
source along with mode of transportation
v) Other chemicals and materials required with Please refer section 2.9 of Chapter
quantities and storage capacities 2 for consolidated list of raw
vi) Details of Emission, effluents, hazardous Please refer Chapter 4
waste generation and their management. Section 4.4.1, Table 4.1 for
Section 4.6.2, Table 4.10 for
Section 4.7.1 Table 4.12 for solid
vii) Requirement of water, power, with source of Please refer the following of
supply, status of approval, water balance Chapter 2:
diagram, man-power requirement (regular Water : Section 2.12, Fig. 2.16
and contract) Power: Section 2.11 and Table
Manpower : Section 2.13
Agreement of source of water is
given in Annexure IV.
viii) Process description along with major Please refer section 2.3 of Chapter
equipment and machineries, process flow 2 for flow sheet of manufacturing
sheet (quantitative) from raw material to process in proposed steel plant
products to be provided
ix) Hazard identification and details of Please refer Chapter 7
proposed safety systems
x Expansion / Modernization proposal
a) Copy of all the Environmental Clearance(s) EC is granted by MOEF&CC have
including Amendments there to obtain for been listed in section 1.1 of
the project from MOEF/SEIAA shall be chapter 1. Copy of ECs are given
attached as an Annexure. in Annexure II)

A certified copy of the latest Monitoring A certified report of the latest

Report of the Regional Office of the Ministry monitoring of the Regional office
of Environment and Forests as per circular Bhubaneswar is enclosed as
dated 30th May, 2012 on the status of Annexure XXVI.
compliance of conditions stipulated in all the
existing environmental clearances including Consent to Establish (CTE) is
Amendments shall be provided. In addition, given in Annexure XXIII.
status of compliance of Consent to Operate
for the ongoing/ existing operation of the
project from SPCB shall be attached with
the EIAEMP report.

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b) In case the existing project has not obtained For existing capacity, EC has been
environmental clearance, reasons for not obtained and given as Annexure
taking EC under the provisions of the EIA II.
Notification 1994 and /or EIA Notification
2006 shall be provided. Copies of Consent
to Establish/No Objection Certificate and
Consent to Operate (in case of units
operating prior to EIA Notification 2006,
CTE and CTO of FY 2005 - 2006) obtained
from the SPCB shall be submitted. Further,
Compliance report to the conditions of
consents from the SPCB shall be submitted
4 Site Details
i) Location of the project site covering village, Project location is shown in Fig.
Taluka/Tehsil, District and State, 1.1, of Chapter 1.
Justification for selecting the site, whether Justification for selecting the site,
other sites were considered. refer refer section 5.1 of Chapter 5.
ii) A topo-sheet of the study area of radius of Please refer Fig 3.1 of Chapter 3
10 km and site location on 1:50,000/
1:25,000 scale on an A3/A2 sheet (including
all eco-sensitive areas and environmentally
sensitive places).
iii) Details w.r.t option analysis for selection of Justification for selecting the site,
site refer refer section 5.1 of Chapter 5.
iv) Co-ordinates (lat-long) of all four corners of Refer section 1.4.3 of chapter 1.
the site.
v) Google map-Earth downloaded of the Please refer Fig. 2.2 of Chapter 2.
project site.
vi) Layout maps indicating existing unit as well Please refer Fig 2.1 of Chapter 2
as proposed unit indicating storage area,
plant area, green belt area, utilities etc. If
located within an industrial
area/Estate/Complex, layout of Industrial
Area indicating location of unit within the
Industrial area/Estate.
vii) Photographs of the proposed and existing (if Please refer Fig 2.2 of Chapter 2.
applicable) plant site. If existing, show
photographs of plantation/ greenbelt, in
viii) Land use break-up of total land of the Please refer section 3.9.1 of
project site (identified and acquired), Chapter 3.
government / private- agriculture, forest,
wasteland, water bodies, settlements, etc.
shall be included (not required for industrial

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ix) A list of major industries with name and type List of industries in 10 km radius is
within study area (10 km radius) shall be given in Table 3.25 and shown in
incorporated. Land use details of the study Fig. 3.16 of Chapter 3.
x) Geological features and Geo- hydrological Geological features and Geo
status of the study area shall be included hydrological status is given in
section 3.6.2 of Chapter 3.
xi) Details of Drainage of the project up to 5 km Refer section 3.2.2 of Chapter 3
radius of study area. If the site is within 1 km
radius of any major river, peak and lean
season river discharge as well as flood
occurrence frequency based on peak rainfall
data of the past 30 years. Details of Flood
Level of the project site and maximum Flood
Level of the river shall also be provided
(mega green field projects).
xii) Status of acquisition of land. If acquisition is Please refer section 3.9.1 of
not complete, stage of the acquisition Chapter 3
process and expected time of complete
possession of the land.
xiii) R & R details in respect of land in line with There is displacement of 54
state Government policy families which have been
rehabilitated & resettled as per
R&R Policy, Government of
Odisha. Compensation has
already been paid through IDCO.
No R&R is proposed for expansion
5. Forest and Wildlife related issues (if
i) Permission and approval; for the use of Stage II forest clearance has been
forest land (forestry clearance), if any, and obtained from MOEF&C vide letter
recommendations of the State Forest no. 5-ORB207/2014-BHU dated
Department (if applicable) 02.07.2015
ii) Land use map based on High resolution Land use map based on High
satellite imagery (GPS) of the proposed site resolution satellite imagery (GPS)
delineating the forestland (in case of is given in Fig 3.9 of Chapter 3.
projects involving forest land more than 40
iii) Status of Application submitted for obtaining Stage II forest clearance has
the stage I forestry clearance along with already been obtained from
latest status shall be submitted. MOEF&C vide letter no. 5-
ORB207/2014-BHU dated

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iv) The projects to be located within 10 km of No National Parks, Sanctuaries,
the National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere Biosphere Reserves, Migratory
Reserves, Migratory Corridors of Wild Corridors of Wild Animal is present
Animal; the project proponent shall submit within 10 km radius of plant
the map duly authenticated by Chief Wildlife
Warden showing these features vis-a-vis the
project location and the recommendations
or comments of the
Chief Wildlife Warden - thereon.
v) Wildlife Conservation Plan duly A “Site Specific Conservation Plan”
authenticated by the Chief Wildlife Warden has been approved with respect to
of the state government for conservation of Dhenkanal Steel Plant by PCCF
schedule I fauna, if any exists in the study (WL) vide letter no. 3188/1 WL-
area. SSP-10/2015 dated Bhubaneswar
the 9th April, 2015 Copy of the
letter is enclosed as Annexure
vi) Copy of application submitted for clearance Not applicable as no National
under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, to Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere
the Standing Committee of the National Reserves, Migratory Corridors of
Board for Wildlife. Wild Animal is present within 10
km radius of plant.
6. Environmental Status
i) Determination of atmospheric inversion level The site specific micro-
at the project site and site-specific micro- meteorological data has been
meteorological data using temperature, collected from the site during
relative humidity, hourly wind speed and March to May 2019.
direction and rainfall. Micrometeorology data is given in
Annexure VI and is summarized in
section 3.4 of Chapter 3
ii) AAQ data (except monsoon) at 8 locations The AAQ data has been collected
for PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx, CO and other from the site during March to May
parameters relevant to the project shall be 2019. AAQ data is given in
collected. The monitoring stations shall be Annexure VII and is summarized
based CPCB guidelines and take into in Table 3.8 of Chapter 3. Location
account the pre-dominant wind direction, of sampling stations is given in
population zone and sensitive receptors Table 3.6 and shown in Fig. 3.6 of
including reserved forests. Chapter 3.
iii) Raw data of all AAQ measurement for 12 AAQ data is given in Annexure VII
weeks of all stations as per frequency given and is summarized in Table 3.8 of
in the NAQQM Notification of Nov. 2009 Chapter 3.
along with min., max., average and 98%
values for each of the AAQ parameters from
data of all AAQ stations should be provided

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as an annexure to the EIA Report.
iv) Surface water quality of nearby River (60m The analysis results of surface
upstream and downstream) and other water quality of the study area are
surface drains at eight locations as per presented in Annexure IX
CPCB/MoEF& CC guidelines. Locations of sampling stations are
shown in Fig. 3.6 of Chapter 3.
v) Whether the site falls near to polluted The site does not falls near to
stretch of river identified by the CPCB / polluted stretch of river identified
MoEF& CC. by the CPCB / MoEF& CC.
vi) Ground water monitoring minimum at 8 The analysis results of ground
locations shall be included water and surface water quality of
the study area are presented in
Annexure IX and Surface &
ground water summarized results
is given in Table 3.10 and 3.11 of
Chapter 3. Locations of sampling
stations are given in Table 3.9 and
shown in Fig. 3.6 of Chapter 3.
vii) Noise levels monitoring at 8 locations within Results of ambient noise
the study area. measurements are presented in
Annexure XI
viii) Soil Characteristics as per CPCB Soil Characteristics as per CPCB
guidelines. guidelines is given in Table 3.18 of
Chapter -3. Test report is enclosed
as Annexure XXVII.
ix) Traffic study of the area, type of vehicles, Traffic density is monitored at 1
frequency of vehicles for transportation of location and shown in Fig. 3.6 of
materials, additional traffic due to proposed Chapter 3. The details are given in
project, parking arrangement etc. Annexure XIV.
x) Detailed description on flora and fauna The details of flora and fauna are
(terrestrial and aquatic) existing in the study given in section 3.11 of Chapter 3.
area shall be given with special reference to List of flora and fauna is given in
rare, endemic and endangered species. If Annexure XVI.
Schedule-I fauna are found within the study A “Site Specific Conservation Plan”
area, a Wildlife Conservation Plan shall be has been approved with respect to
prepared and furnished. Dhenkanal Steel Plant by PCCF
(WL) vide letter no. 3188/1 WL-
SSP-10/2015 dated Bhubaneswar
the 9th April, 2015 Copy of the
letter is enclosed as Annexure
xi) Socio-economic status of the study area. Socio-economic status of the study
area as per census 2011 is given
in Annexure XVIII and

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summarized in section 3.12 of
Chapter 3.
7. Impact Assessment and Environment
Management Plan
i) Assessment of ground level concentration of The prediction modeling for
pollutants from the stack emission based on Ground Level Concentration of
site-specific meteorological features. In case pollutants from the stack emissions
the project is located on hilly terrain is given in section to
characteristics for determining the potential, page 4-5 to 4-13 of
impacts of the project on the AAQ. Chapter 4 and the detailed study is
Cumulative impact of all sources of given in Annexure XX(a) & XX(b).
emissions (including transportation) on the
AAQ of the area shall be well assessed.
Details of the model used and the input data
used for modeling shall also be provided.
The air quality contours shall be plotted on a
location map showing the location of project
site, habitation nearby, sensitive receptors,
if any.
ii) Water Quality modeling- in case of The expansion project is a Zero
discharge in water body Liquid Discharge hence no water
shall be discharged outside the
unit. Hence, no water modelling
study has been conducted
iii) Impact of the transport of the raw materials Discussed in section 4.9, page 4-
and end products on the surrounding 38 of chapter 4.
environment shall be assessed and
provided. In this regard, options for transport
of raw materials and finished products and
wastes (large quantities) by rail or rail-cum
road transport or conveyor-cum-rail
transport shall be examined.
iv) A note on treatment of wastewater from Refer section 4.6.3, page 4-24 of
different plant operations, extent recycled Chapter 4
and reused for different purposes shall be
included. Complete scheme of effluent
treatment. Characteristics of untreated and
treated effluent to meet the prescribed
standards of discharge under E (P) Rules.
v) Details of stack emission and action plan for Details of stack emission is given
control of emissions to meet standards. in Tabe 4.1, page 4-6 of Chapter 4
a. Action plan to control emissions
is given in section 4.4.2, page 4-
13 of chapter 4
vi) Measures for fugitive emission control Measures for fugitive emission

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control is given in section 4.4.2,
page 4- 13 of chapter 4
vii) Details of hazardous waste generation, and Refer Table 4.14, page 4-30 of
their storage, utilization and disposal. Chapter 4.
Copies of MOU regarding utilization of solid Most of the solid waste generated
and hazardous waste shall also be included. from the plant shall be utilized in
EMP shall include the concept of waste plant itself. This will reuse, recycle
minimization, recycle/ reuse/ recover and minimise waste. Technology
techniques, Energy conservation, and used in various process of steel
natural resource conservation plant are modern in order to aid in
recycle /reuse/ recover. For natural
conservation of resources, the
rainwater runoff in the plant
premises will be collected through
storm water drainage and
harvested in the surface water
reservoirs/pond and used. Treated
effluents will also be 100% reused
throughout the year.
For energy conservation, wherever
possible natural light LED lights
shall be used for administrative
buildings, thereby reducing energy
consumption. Technology and
process interventions such pre-
heating, WHRB, etc also conserve
viii) Proper utilization of fly ash shall be ensured Refer Table 4.15, page 4-34 of
as per Fly Ash Notification, 2009. A detailed Chapter 4.
plan of action shall be provided. Fly ash Notification 2009 shall be
followed as per requirement and
ix) Action plan for the green belt development The green belt area kept in the
plan in 33 % area i.e. land with not less than existing setup is about 33% i.e.
1,500 trees per ha. Giving details of 584 acre of total plant area and it
species, width of plantation, planning will be maintained after proposed
schedule etc. shall be included. The green expansion project. Details are
belt shall be around the project boundary given in section 4.10.2, page 4-46
and a scheme for greening of the roads of Chapter 4.
used for the project shall also be
x) Action plan for rainwater harvesting Rain water harvesting measures
measures at plant site shall be submitted to will be taken as given in section
harvest rainwater from the roof tops and 4.6.6, page 4-26 of Chapter 4.
storm water drains to recharge the ground

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water and also to use for the various
activities at the project site to conserve fresh
water and reduce the water requirement
from other sources.
xi) Total capital cost and recurring cost/annum Total capital and recurring cost per
for environmental pollution control measures annum for environmental pollution
shall be included. control measures is given in
Chapter 10, Section 10.4, page 10-
xii) Action plan for post-project environmental Refer section 6.4, page 6-4 of
monitoring shall be submitted. Chapter 6.
xiii) Onsite and Offsite Disaster (natural and Please refer Chapter 7
Man-made) Preparedness and Emergency
Management Plan including Risk
Assessment and damage control. Disaster
management plan should be linked with
District Disaster Management Plan
8. Occupational health:
i) plan and fund allocation to ensure the Refer section 4.12.6, page 4-52 &
occupational health & safety of all contract 4-53 of Chapter 4.
and casual workers
ii Details of exposure specific health status The plant is still under construction
evaluation of worker. If the workers’ health but the OHS monitoring has
is being evaluated by pre designed format, started and the format of
chest x rays, Audiometry, Spirometry, Vision evaluation is given in Annexure
testing (Far & Near vision, colour vision and XXVIII and the health data has
any other ocular defect) ECG, during pre- been summarised in Annexure
placement and periodical examinations give XXIX.
the details of the same. Details regarding
last month analyzed data of
abovementioned parameters as per age,
sex, duration of exposure and department
iii) Details of existing Occupational & Safety Refer section 4.12, page 4-48 of
Hazards. What are the exposure levels of Chapter 4.
above mentioned hazards and whether they The permissible exposure levels
are within Permissible Exposure level (PEL). are prescribed in the Second
If these are not within PEL, what measures Schedule of the Factories Act,
the company has adopted to keep them 1948 and its amendments till date.
within PEL so that health of the workers can Of those listed in the Schedule,
be preserved. CO and iron oxide fumes are
relevant to the steel plant and will
be complied to when the steel
plant becomes operational.

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iv) Annual report of health status of workers Refer section 4.12.6, page 4-52 of
with special reference to Occupational Chapter 4. Health Record of some
Health and Safety. employees is given in Annexure
9. Corporate Environment Policy:
i) Does the company have a well laid down Covered under section 6.5, page
Environment Policy approved by its Board of 6-5 of Chapter 6
Directors? If so, it may be detailed in the
EIA report.
ii) Does the Environment Policy prescribe for Covered under section 6.5, page
standard operating process / procedures to 6-5 of Chapter 6
bring into focus any infringement / deviation
/ violation of the environmental or forest
norms / conditions? If so, it may be detailed
in the EIA.
iii) What is the hierarchical system or Covered under section 6.5, page
Administrative order of the company to deal 6-5 of Chapter 6
with the environmental issues and for
ensuring compliance with the environmental
clearance conditions? Details of this system
may be given.
iv) Does the company have system of reporting Covered under section 6.5, page
of non-compliances / violations of 6-5 of Chapter 6
environmental norms to the Board of
Directors of the company and / or
shareholders or stakeholders at large? This
reporting mechanism shall be detailed in the
EIA report.
10 Details regarding infrastructure facilities In the existing factory,
such as sanitation, fuel, restroom etc. to be infrastructure facilities are provided
provided to the labour force during to casual workers including truck
construction as well as to the casual drivers. During the construction of
workers including truck drivers during proposed expansion project, all
operation phase. facilities will be provided/ arranged
for the labour force. Refer section
2.13 page 2-55 of Chapter 2.
11 Enterprise Social Commitment (ESC)
i Adequate funds (at least 2.5 % of the Corporate Environment
project cost) shall be earmarked towards the Responsibility has been provided
Enterprise Social Commitment based on for in section 8.5 of chapter 8
Public Hearing issues and item-wise details
along with time bound action plan shall be
included. Socio-economic development
activities need to be elaborated upon.

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12 Any litigation pending against the project No litigation has arisen or pending
and/or any direction/order passed by any against and/ or any direction/ order
Court of Law against the project, if so, passed by any Court of Law
details thereof shall also be included. Has against the Existing Plant/
the unit received any notice under the Proposed Expansion Project till
Section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act, date under Environment
1986 or relevant Sections of Air and Water (Protection) Act.
13 A tabular chart with index for point wise Given in Table 1.7 to 1.10.
compliance of above TORs.
B Specific Terms of Reference for EIA
studies for cement plant
1) Limestone and coal linkage documents Limestone will be purchased from
along with the status of environmental the open market from nearby
clearance of limestone and coal mines sources. Coal will be from
domestic sources (procured from -
auction or commercial sellers) and
2) Quantum of production of coal and Since these will be procured from
limestone from coal & limestone mines and open market and different sources,
the projects they cater to; information about their production
can be obtained when the plant
becomes operational.
For large Cement Units, a 3-D view i.e. Digital Elevation Model has been
3) DEM (Digital Elevation Model) for the area provided in Fig 3.2, page 3-3 of
in 10 km radius from the proposal site. Chapter 3.
4) Present land use shall be prepared based Land use map based on High
on satellite imagery. High-resolution satellite resolution satellite imagery (GPS)
image data having 1m-5m spatial resolution will be given in Fig 3.9, page 3-32
like quickbird, Ikonos, IRS P-6 pan of Chapter 3.
sharpened etc. for the 10 Km radius area
from proposed site. The same shall be used
for land used/land-cover mapping of the
5) If the raw materials used have trace The raw material will be used in
elements, an environment management processes which will have air
plan shall also be included pollution control systems as
discussed in section 4.4.2. In
cement plant, there will be no solid
waste disposal, thus, no
contamination due to leaching of
solid waste shall be possible.
6) Plan for the implementation of the The made for the cement plants in
recommendations made for the cement the CREP guidelines will be
plants in the CREP guidelines must be implemented.

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7) Energy consumption per ton of clinker and 60 KW per tonne
cement grinding
8) Provision of waste heat recovery boiler The exhaust gases from the
cement plant will be used for pre-
heating. Waste heat recovery
boilers are proposed based on
exhaust gases of DRI, coke oven
and blast furnace
9) Arrangement for use of hazardous waste * No hazardous waste is envisaged
from the cement plant except used
oil, which will be given to
authorised recyclers.


ToR ToR Point Compliance
1. Executive Summary Executive Summary of the project is
given in chapter 11 of the EIA/EMP
2. Introduction
i) Details of the EIA Consultant including Refer chapter 12.
NABET accreditation.
ii) Information about the project proponent Information about the project
proponent is given in section 1.3 of
Chapter 1.
iii) Importance and benefits of the project For importance of the project refer
section 1.4.5 of Chapter 1.
Benefits of project is given in
Chapter 8
3. Project Description
i) Cost of project and time of completion. Cost of the expansion project will be
Rs. 5500 crores. Proposed time
schedule for implementation of
project shall be 84 months from date
of receipt of EC
ii) Products with capacities for the proposed Please refer section 2.1 of Chapter
project 2.
iii) If expansion project, details of existing Please refer Table 1.2 of chapter 1
products with capacities and whether
adequate land is available for expansion,
reference of earlier EC if any.

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iv) List of raw materials required and their Refer section 2.9, of Chapter 2
source along with mode of transportation
v) Other chemicals and materials required with Please refer section 2.9 of Chapter 2
quantities and storage capacities for consolidated list of raw materials
vi) Details of Emission, effluents, hazardous Please refer Chapter 4
waste generation and their management. Section 4.4.1, Table 4.1 for
Section 4.6.2, Table 4.10 for
Section 4.7.1 Table 4.12 for solid
vii) Requirement of water, power, with source of Please refer the following of Chapter
supply, status of approval, water balance 2:
diagram, man-power requirement (regular Water : Section 2.12, Fig. 2.16
and contract) Power: Section 2.11 and Table 2.42
Manpower : Section 2.13
Agreement of source of water is
given in Annexure IV.
viii) Process description along with major Please refer section 2.3 of Chapter 2
equipment and machineries, process flow for flow sheet of manufacturing
sheet (quantitative) from raw material to process in proposed steel plant
products to be provided
ix) Hazard identification and details of Please refer Chapter 7.
proposed safety systems
x expansion / Modernization proposal
a) Copy of all the Environmental Clearance(s) EC is granted by MOEF&CC have
including Amendments there to obtain for been listed in section 1.1 of chapter
the project from MOEF/SEIAA shall be 1. Copy of ECs are given in
attached as an Annexure. Annexure II)
A certified copy of the latest Monitoring
Report of the Regional Office of the Ministry
of Environment and Forests as per circular
A certified report of the latest
dated 30th May, 2012 on the status of
monitoring of the Regional office
compliance of conditions stipulated in all the
Bhubaneswar is enclosed as
existing environmental clearances including
Annexure XXVI.
Amendments shall be provided. In addition,
status of compliance of Consent to Operate
for the ongoing/ existing operation of the Consent to Establish (CTE) is given
project from SPCB shall be attached with in Annexure XXIII.
the EIAEMP report.
b) In case the existing project has not obtained For existing capacity, EC has been
environmental clearance, reasons for not obtained and given as Annexure II.
taking EC under the provisions of the EIA
Notification 1994 and /or EIA Notification

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2006 shall be provided. Copies of Consent
to Establish/No Objection Certificate and
Consent to Operate (in case of units
operating prior to EIA Notification 2006,
CTE and CTO of FY 2005 - 2006) obtained
from the SPCB shall be submitted. Further,
Compliance report to the conditions of
consents from the SPCB shall be submitted
4 Site Details
i) Location of the project site covering village, Project location is shown in Fig. 1.1,
Taluka/Tehsil, District and State, of Chapter 1.
Justification for selecting the site, whether
other sites were considered.
ii) A topo-sheet of the study area of radius of Please refer Fig 3.1 of Chapter 3
10 km and site location on 1:50,000/
1:25,000 scale on an A3/A2 sheet (including
all eco-sensitive areas and environmentally
sensitive places).
iii) Details w.r.t option analysis for selection of Refer section 5.1 of Chapter 5.
iv) Co-ordinates (lat-long) of all four corners of Refer section 1.4.3 of chapter 1.
the site.
v) Google map-Earth downloaded of the Please refer Fig. 2.2 of Chapter 2.
project site.
vi) Layout maps indicating existing unit as well Please refer Fig 2.1 of Chapter 2
as proposed unit indicating storage area,
plant area, green belt area, utilities etc. If
located within an industrial
area/Estate/Complex, layout of Industrial
Area indicating location of unit within the
Industrial area/Estate.
vii) Photographs of the proposed and existing (if Please refer Fig 2.2 of Chapter 2.
applicable) plant site. If existing, show
photographs of plantation/ greenbelt, in
viii) Land use break-up of total land of the Please refer section 3.9.1 of Chapter
project site (identified and acquired), 3.
government / private- agriculture, forest,
wasteland, water bodies, settlements, etc.
shall be included (not required for industrial
ix) A list of major industries with name and type List of industries in 10 km radius is
within study area (10 km radius) shall be given in section 3.13, page 3- 43 of
incorporated. Land use details of the study Chapter 3.

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x) Geological features and Geo- hydrological Geological features and Geo
status of the study area shall be included hydrological status is given in
section 3.6.2, page 3-18 of Chapter
xi) Details of Drainage of the project up to 5 km Drainage details in 5 km radius is
radius of study area. If the site is within 1 km given in Fig. 3.1, page 3-2 of
radius of any major river, peak and lean Chapter 3
season river discharge as well as flood
occurrence frequency based on peak rainfall There is no major river within 1 km
data of the past 30 years. Details of Flood radius. Only Nigra or Lingra Nadi is
Level of the project site and maximum Flood present, which is a small tributory of
Level of the river shall also be provided the major river Brahmani, located at
(mega green field projects). 4.9 km. The information of Brahmani
river is given in section 4.2.2, page
4-2 & 4-3 of Chapter 4.
xii) Status of acquisition of land. If acquisition is Please refer section 3.9.1, page 3-
not complete, stage of the acquisition 29 of Chapter 3
process and expected time of complete
possession of the land.
xiii) R & R details in respect of land in line with There were 54 families within the
state Government policy project boundary at the time the
project was conceived prior to the
year 2010. After the environmental
clearance on 02.08.2010, these
families have been resettled &
rehabilitated in village Nimabahali at
an aerial distance of 2.4 km. As in
Dec 2018, there were no inhabitants
within the plant boundary or the
proposed expansion area.
5. Forest and Wildlife related issues (if
i) Permission and approval; for the use of The total project area has 7.8 acres
forest land (forestry clearance), if any, and forest land, which has already
recommendations of the State Forest received stage II forest clearance
Department (if applicable) from MOEF&C vide letter No. 5-
ORB207/2014-BHU dated
ii) Land use map based on High resolution Land use map based on High
satellite imagery (GPS) of the proposed site resolution satellite imagery (GPS)
delineating the forestland (in case of will be given in Fig 3.9, page 3-32 of
projects involving forest land more than 40 Chapter 3.
iii) Status of Application submitted for obtaining The total project area has 7.8 acres
the stage I forestry clearance along with forest land, which has already
latest status shall be submitted. received stage II forest clearance

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from MOEF&C vide letter No. 5-
ORB207/2014-BHU dated
iv) The projects to be located within 10 km of No National Parks, Sanctuaries,
the National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere Biosphere Reserves, Migratory
Reserves, Migratory Corridors of Wild Corridors of Wild Animal is present
Animal; the project proponent shall submit within 10 km radius of plant
the map duly authenticated by Chief Wildlife However, Wildlife Conservation Plan
Warden showing these features vis-a-vis the has been prepared and got
project location and the recommendations approved from Chief Wildlife
or comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden - Warden. The copy of the approval
thereon. letter is given in Annexure XXX.
v) Wildlife Conservation Plan duly Wildlife Conservation Plan has been
authenticated by the Chief Wildlife Warden prepared and got approved from
of the state government for conservation of Chief Wildlife Warden of the state
schedule I fauna, if any exists in the study government. The copy of the
area. approval letter is given in Annexure
vi) Copy of application submitted for clearance No National Parks, Sanctuaries,
under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, to Biosphere Reserves, Migratory
the Standing Committee of the National Corridors of Wild Animal is present
Board for Wildlife. within 10 km radius of plant. Hence,
not applicable.
6. Environmental Status
i) Determination of atmospheric inversion level The site specific micro-
at the project site and site-specific micro- meteorological data has been
meteorological data using temperature, collected from the site during March
relative humidity, hourly wind speed and 2019 to May 2019.
direction and rainfall. Micrometeorology data is given in
Annexure VI and is summarized in
section 3.4, page 3-9 of Chapter 3
ii) AAQ data (except monsoon) at 8 locations The AAQ data has been collected
for PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOx, CO and other from the site during March 2019 to
parameters relevant to the project shall be May 2019. AAQ data is given in
collected. The monitoring stations shall be Annexure VII and is summarized in
based CPCB guidelines and take into Table 3.8, page 3-17 of Chapter 3.
account the pre-dominant wind direction, Locations of sampling stations are
population zone and sensitive receptors given in Table 3.9, page 3-23 and
including reserved forests. shown in Fig. 3.6, page 3-13 of
Chapter 3.
iii) Raw data of all AAQ measurement for 12 AAQ data is given in Annexure VII
weeks of all stations as per frequency given and is summarized in Table 3.8,
in the NAAQM Notification of Nov. 2009 page 3-17 of Chapter 3.
along with min., max., average and 98%
values for each of the AAQ parameters from
data of all AAQ stations should be provided

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as an annexure to the EIA Report.
iv) Surface water quality of nearby River (60m The analysis results of surface water
upstream and downstream) and other quality of the study area are
surface drains at eight locations as per presented in Annexure IX and
CPCB/MoEF& CC guidelines. summarized results is given in
section 3.6.3, page 3-23 of Chapter
3. Locations of sampling stations are
given in Table 3.9, page 3-23 and
shown in Fig. 3.6, page 3-13 of
Chapter 3.
v) Whether the site falls near to polluted The site does not falls near to
stretch of river identified by the CPCB / polluted stretch of river identified by
MoEF& CC. the CPCB / MoEF& CC.
vi) Ground water monitoring minimum at 8 The analysis results of ground water
locations shall be included quality of the study area are
presented in Annexure IX and
summarized results is given in
section 3.6.3, page 3-23 of Chapter
3. Locations of sampling stations are
given in Table 3.9, page 3-23 and
shown in Fig. 3.6, page 3-13 of
Chapter 3.
vii) Noise levels monitoring at 8 locations within Results of ambient noise
the study area. measurements are presented in
Annexure XI and summarized in
section 3.7, page 3-27 of Chapter 3.
viii) Soil Characteristics as per CPCB Soil Characteristics is given in
guidelines. Annexure XXVII.
ix) Traffic study of the area, type of vehicles, Monitored traffic volume data is
frequency of vehicles for transportation of given in section 3.8, page 3-28 of
materials, additional traffic due to proposed Chapter 3. The projected traffic has
project, parking arrangement etc. been included in section 4.9, page 4-
38 of chapter 4.
x) Detailed description on flora and fauna The details of flora and fauna are
(terrestrial and aquatic) existing in the study given in section 3.11, page 3-34 of
area shall be given with special reference to Chapter 3. List of flora and fauna is
rare, endemic and endangered species. If given in Annexure XVI.
Schedule-I fauna are found within the study Wildlife conservation Plan has been
area, a Wildlife Conservation Plan shall be prepared and its approval letter and
prepared and furnished. relevant extract is enclosed in
Annexure XXX.
xi) Socio-economic status of the study area. Socio-economic status of the study
area as per Census 2011 is given in
Annexure XVII & XVIII and
summarized in section 3.12, page 3-

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38 of Chapter 3.
7. Impact Assessment and Environment
Management Plan
i) Assessment of ground level concentration of The prediction modeling for Ground
pollutants from the stack emission based on Level Concentration of pollutants
site-specific meteorological features. In case from the stack emissions is given in
the project is located on hilly terrain section to, page 4-5
characteristics for determining the potential to 4-13 of Chapter 4 and the detailed
impacts of the project on the AAQ. study is given in Annexure XX(a) &
Cumulative impact of all sources of XX(b).
emissions (including transportation) on the
AAQ of the area shall be well assessed.
Details of the model used and the input data
used for modeling shall also be provided.
The air quality contours shall be plotted on a
location map showing the location of project
site, habitation nearby, sensitive receptors,
if any.
ii) Water Quality modeling- in case of The expansion project is a Zero
discharge in water body Liquid Discharge hence no water
shall be discharged outside the unit.
Hence, no water modelling study
has been conducted
iii) Impact of the transport of the raw materials Discussed in section 4.9, page 4-38
and end products on the surrounding of chapter 4.
environment shall be assessed and
provided. In this regard, options for transport
of raw materials and finished products and
wastes (large quantities) by rail or rail-cum
road transport or conveyor-cum-rail
transport shall be examined.
iv) A note on treatment of wastewater from Refer section 4.6.3, page 4-24 of
different plant operations, extent recycled Chapter 4
and reused for different purposes shall be
included. Complete scheme of effluent
treatment. Characteristics of untreated and
treated effluent to meet the prescribed
standards of discharge under E (P) Rules.
v) Details of stack emission and action plan for Details of stack emission is given in
control of emissions to meet standards. Tabe 4.1, page 4-6 of Chapter 4 a.
Action plan to control emissions is
given in section 4.4.2, page 4- 13 of
chapter 4
vi) Measures for fugitive emission control Measures for fugitive emission
control is given in section 4.4.2,
page 4- 13 of chapter 4

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-59
Rungta Mines Limited

ToR ToR Point Compliance

vii) Details of hazardous waste generation, and Refer Table 4.14, page 4-30 of
their storage, utilization and disposal. Chapter 4.
Copies of MOU regarding utilization of solid Most of the solid waste generated
and hazardous waste shall also be included. from the plant shall be utilized in
EMP shall include the concept of waste plant itself. This will reuse, recycle
minimization, recycle/ reuse/ recover and minimise waste. Technology
techniques, Energy conservation, and used in various process of steel
natural resource conservation plant are modern in order to aid in
recycle /reuse/ recover. For natural
conservation of resources, the
rainwater runoff in the plant
premises will be collected through
storm water drainage and harvested
in the surface water reservoirs/pond
and used. Treated effluents will also
be 100% reused throughout the

For energy conservation, wherever

possible natural light LED lights shall
be used for administrative buildings,
thereby reducing energy
consumption. Technology and
process interventions such pre-
heating, WHRB, etc also conserve
viii) Proper utilization of fly ash shall be ensured Refer Table 4.15, page 4-34 of
as per Fly Ash Notification, 2009. A detailed Chapter 4.
plan of action shall be provided. Fly ash Notification 2009 shall be
followed as per requirement and
ix) Action plan for the green belt development The green belt area kept in the
plan in 33 % area i.e. land with not less than existing setup is about 33% i.e. 584
1,500 trees per ha. Giving details of acre of total plant area and it will be
species, width of plantation, planning maintained after proposed
schedule etc. shall be included. The green expansion project. Details are given
belt shall be around the project boundary in section 4.10.2, page 4-46 of
and a scheme for greening of the roads Chapter 4.
used for the project shall also be
x) Action plan for rainwater harvesting Rain water harvesting measures will
measures at plant site shall be submitted to be taken as given in section 4.6.6,
harvest rainwater from the roof tops and page 4-26 of Chapter 4.
storm water drains to recharge the ground
water and also to use for the various
activities at the project site to conserve fresh

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-60
Rungta Mines Limited

ToR ToR Point Compliance

water and reduce the water requirement
from other sources.
xi) Total capital cost and recurring cost/annum Total capital and recurring cost per
for environmental pollution control measures annum for environmental pollution
shall be included. control measures is given in Chapter
10, Section 10.4, page 10-12
xii) Action plan for post-project environmental Refer section 6.4, page 6-4 of
monitoring shall be submitted. Chapter 6.
xiii) Onsite and Offsite Disaster (natural and Please refer Chapter 7
Man-made) Preparedness and Emergency
Management Plan including Risk
Assessment and damage control. Disaster
management plan should be linked with
District Disaster Management Plan
8. Occupational health:
i) plan and fund allocation to ensure the Refer section 4.12.6, page 4-52 & 4-
occupational health & safety of all contract 53 of Chapter 4.
and casual workers
ii Details of exposure specific health status The plant is still under construction
evaluation of worker. If the workers’ health but the OHS monitoring has started
is being evaluated by pre designed format, and the format of evaluation is given
chest x rays, Audiometry, Spirometry, Vision in Annexure XXVIII and the health
testing (Far & Near vision, colour vision and data has been summarised in
any other ocular defect) ECG, during pre- Annexure XXIX.
placement and periodical examinations give
the details of the same. Details regarding
last month analyzed data of
abovementioned parameters as per age,
sex, duration of exposure and department
iii) Details of existing Occupational & Safety Refer section 4.12, page 4-48 of
Hazards. What are the exposure levels of Chapter 4.
above mentioned hazards and whether they
are within Permissible Exposure level (PEL). The permissible exposure levels are
If these are not within PEL, what measures prescribed in the Second Schedule
the company has adopted to keep them of the Factories Act, 1948 and its
within PEL so that health of the workers can amendments till date. Of those listed
be preserved. in the Schedule, CO and iron oxide
fumes are relevant to the steel plant
and will be complied to when the
steel plant becomes operational.
iv) Annual report of health status of workers Refer section 4.12.6, page 4-52 of
with special reference to Occupational Chapter 4. Health Record of some
Health and Safety. employees is given in Annexure

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-61
Rungta Mines Limited

ToR ToR Point Compliance

9. Corporate Environment Policy:
i) Does the company have a well laid down Covered under section 6.5, page 6-5
Environment Policy approved by its Board of of Chapter 6
Directors? If so, it may be detailed in the
EIA report.
ii) Does the Environment Policy prescribe for Covered under section 6.5, page 6-5
standard operating process / procedures to of Chapter 6
bring into focus any infringement / deviation
/ violation of the environmental or forest
norms / conditions? If so, it may be detailed
in the EIA.
iii) What is the hierarchical system or Covered under section 6.5, page 6-5
Administrative order of the company to deal of Chapter 6
with the environmental issues and for
ensuring compliance with the environmental
clearance conditions? Details of this system
may be given.
iv) Does the company have system of reporting Covered under section 6.5, page 6-5
of non-compliances / violations of of Chapter 6
environmental norms to the Board of
Directors of the company and / or
shareholders or stakeholders at large? This
reporting mechanism shall be detailed in the
EIA report.
10 Details regarding infrastructure facilities In the existing factory, infrastructure
such as sanitation, fuel, restroom etc. to be facilities are provided to casual
provided to the labour force during workers including truck drivers.
construction as well as to the casual During the construction of proposed
workers including truck drivers during expansion project, all facilities will be
operation phase. provided/ arranged for the labour
force. Refer section 2.13 page 2-55
of Chapter 2.
11 Enterprise Social Commitment (ESC)
i Adequate funds (at least 2.5 % of the Corporate Environment
project cost) shall be earmarked towards the Responsibility has been provided for
Enterprise Social Commitment based on in section 8.5 of chapter 8
Public Hearing issues and item-wise details
along with time bound action plan shall be
included. Socio-economic development
activities need to be elaborated upon.
12 Any litigation pending against the project No litigation has arisen or pending
and/or any direction/order passed by any against and/ or any direction/ order
Court of Law against the project, if so, passed by any Court of Law against
details thereof shall also be included. Has the Existing Plant/ Proposed
the unit received any notice under the Expansion Project till date under
Section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act,

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-62
Rungta Mines Limited

ToR ToR Point Compliance

1986 or relevant Sections of Air and Water Environment (Protection) Act.
13 A tabular chart with index for point wise Given in Table 1.7 to 1.10.
compliance of above TORs.
B Specific TOR for Coke oven plant
1) Justification for selecting recovery/non- Choice of technology justified in
recovery (beehive) type batteries with the section 5.2.4, page 5-4. The size of
proposed unit size. the batteries is based on the coke
requirement for MBF as
2) Details of proposed layout clearly Refer Fig 2.1, page 2-5
demarcating various facilities such as coal
storages, coke making, by-product recovery
area, etc within the plant.
3) Details of coke oven plant (recovery/non- Section 2.3.7, page 2-25
recovery type) including coal handling, coke
oven battery operations, coke handling and

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 1-63
Rungta Mines Limited




Rungta Mines Limited (Dhenkanal Steel Plant) proposes for expansion of

the existing plant facilities for manufacture of downstream and associated
products from 3.0 MTPA to 3.55 MTPA steel and adding new facilities. The
production capacity and the plant facilities granted by MOEF& CC and
proposed for expansion is listed in Table 2.1


Sl. Proposed Plant Unit Capacity as per Proposed Total After
No. facilities the EC dated Additional/ Expansion
04.06.2020 change
Overall finished steel MTPA 3.0 0.55 3.55
1 Beneficiation Plant MTPA 5.4 - 5.4
(2X2.69 MTPA) (2X2.69 MTPA)
2 Pelletisation Plant
Pellet Plant (I) MTPA 2.948 0.802 3.75
(1X2.948 MTPA) (Config (1X 3.75 MTPA)
Pellet Plant (II) MTPA - 25.0 25.0
(4X3.75 +10x1 (4X3.75 MTPA
MTPA) +10x1 MTPA)
Total MTPA 2.948 25.802 28.75
3 Coal Washery MTPA 4.141 0.888 5.029
4 DRI Plant
4.1 DRI (I) (2X500 TPD) MTPA 0.4745 0.0473 0.5218
4.2 DRI (II) (3X600 TPD) MTPA 1.1387 -0.2761 0.8626
(4X600 TPD) (reduced 1 (3X600 TPD)
X600 TPD)
4.3 DRI (III) (2X900 TPD) MTPA - 0.8626 0.8626
(2X900TPD) (2X900TPD)
Total MTPA 1.6132 0.6338 2.247

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-1
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. Proposed Plant Unit Capacity as per Proposed Total After

No. facilities the EC dated Additional/ Expansion
04.06.2020 change
5 Mini Blast Furnace MTPA
5.1 MBF I (1X600 cum.) MTPA 0.567 0.210 0.777
5.2 MBF II (2X450 cum.) MTPA 0.992 0.174 1.166
(1X1050 cum.) (Config (2X450 cum.)
Total 1.559 0.384 1.943
6 Sinter Plant
6.1 Sinter Plant (I) (2X80 MTPA 0.612 0.908 1.520
sq.m.) (1X64 sq.m.) (config revised) (2X80 sq.m.)
6.2 Sinter Plant (II) 1X110 MTPA 1.051 0.256 1.307
Total MTPA 1.663 1.164 2.827
(1X64 + 1X110 (2X80 + 1X110
sq.m.) sq.m.)
7 Coke Oven Plant MTPA 1.12 -0.05 1.07
(16 batteriesX (Config (6 batteries x 70,000
70,000 TPA) revised) TPA + 1 battery x
250,000TPA + 1
battery x 400,000
8 Steel Melting Shop MTPA 2.618 0.602 3.22
8.1 Steel Melting via MTPA 0.693 0.847 1.54
Induction Furnace Route (7X 20 T IF + 4X25 (8 X20T IF (15 X20 T IF + 4x25T
T LRF) + 3x45T LRF) LRF + 3x45 T LRF)
8.2 Steel Melting via Electric MTPA 1.925 MTPA -0.245 1.680
Arc Furnace-Vacuum (1X90 T + 1X160 T (Config (1X90 T+1X110 T
Degassing-Argon EAF and 1X90 T + revised) and 1x90 T
Oxygen Decarburization 1X160 T LRF) LRF+1x110T LRF)
8.3 Continuous Casting MTPA 2.566 MTPA 0.59 3.156
Machine (Billets/ Bloom (3 nos. X 4 strands) (8 nos. X 4 (11 nos. X 4 Strand)
Caster/ Slab) Strand)
9 Finished Product MTPA 3.0 0.55 3.55
9.1 Rolling Mill (TMT/ Flat/ MTPA 1.75 0.8 2.55
Round/ Wire Rod/ (5 nos.X0.2 + 1 (Config (2 nos.X0.2 + 4
Structural Mill/ others) no.X0.3 + 1 revised) nos.X0.3 + 1 no.
no.X0.45 MTPA) X0.45 + 1 nos. X0.5
9.2 Strip Mill/ Sheet/ Coil/ MTPA 0.85 -0.35 0.5
Wire & Bar Mill/ Wire (1 no.X0.45 + 1no. (Config (1 no.X0.2 +
Rope X0.4 MTPA) revised) 1no.X0.3 MTPA)

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-2
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. Proposed Plant Unit Capacity as per Proposed Total After

No. facilities the EC dated Additional/ Expansion
04.06.2020 change
9.3 Ductile Pipe Plant MTPA 0.400 0.1 0.5
(2 nos.X0.2 MTPA) (Config (2 nos.X0.25 MTPA)
10 Producer Gas Plant Million 480 4907 5387
Nm3/ (20 nos.X3000 (32 (20 nos.X3000 + 32
Annum Nm3/hr) nos.X12500 + nos.X12500 + 28
28 nos.X7500 nos.x7500 Nm3/hr)
11 Oxygen Plant MTPA 0.098 0.196 0.294
(1 no.X100 + 1 (Config revised (2 nos.X180 TPD + 1
no.X180 TPD) & added) no.X220 TPD + 2
12 Lime Plant MTPA 0.3045 MTPA 0 0.3045 MTPA
(1 no.X 300 + 1 (Config (1 no.X390 + 1 no.X
no.X 570 TPD) revised) 480 TPD)
13 Cement Plant MTPA 1.686 - 1.686
(1 no.X2600 + 1 (1 no.X2600 + 1
no.X2300 TPD) no.X2300 TPD)
14 Captive Power Plant MW 385 310 695
14.1 Waste Heat Recovery MW 135 100 235
Boiler (WHRB) based
Captive Power Plant
(a) DRI Kiln exit gas based MW 68 82 150
(2X50+2 X60 TPH) (Config revised (2 nos.X50 + 3
& added) nos.X85 TPH + 2
nos.X120 TPH)
(b) MBF Gas based MW 31 4 35
(1 no.X50 + 1 (Config (1 no.X50 + 2
no.X90 TPH) revised) nos.X45 TPH)
(c) Coke Oven Gas based MW 36 4 40
(1 no.X 60+1 no. (2 no.X60 +
X100 TPH) 1no.X40TPH)
(d) TRT MW - 10 10
14.2 AFBC/CFBC based CPP MW 250 210 460
(2 nos.X125 + (Config revised (10 nos.x125 + 1
4nos.X250 TPH) & added) nos.X130 +
3nos.X250 TPH)
15 Colony Acres - - 34
typographical error, should read 4X60 TPH

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-3
Rungta Mines Limited


Total land required for the project is 1769 acres for factory, colony,
greenbelt, raw material stock yard, water reservoir, amenities, temporary
solid waste storage, etc. Company has acquired 608.495 acres (comprising
540.705 acres private land+67.790 acres Government land). Balance
1160.55 acres land under acquisition through IDCO (initial approval letter
given in Annexure XXIV). The proposed layout map is shown in Fig 2.1.

The breakup of area under major units is given in Table 2.2. 33% of plot
area is proposed for development of green belt and plantation. Sufficient
road and parking space has been provisioned for easy movement.


Sl. Description Sanctioned as Proposed Total after
No. per EC Additional Expansion

Area % Area Area %

1. Plants, facilities 273.685 40.56 442.715 716.4 40.50

2. Stock yards, raw 51.81 7.68 76.19 128 7.24

material complex,
railway siding

3. Area for solid waste 55.2 8.18 60.8 116 6.56

4. Green belt & plantation 222.67 33.00 361.33 584 33.01

5. Administration & other 1.4 0.21 28.6 30 1.70


6. Water reservoir 30 4.45 30 60 3.39

7. Roads 40 5.93 60.6 100.6 5.69

8. Colony 0 0 34.0 34.0 1.92

Total 674.765 100 1094.235 1769 100.0

Site Photographs showing plant area are shown in Fig 2.2. The Google
image of project site is shown in Fig 2.3.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-4
Rungta Mines Limited


EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-5
Rungta Mines Limited






EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-6
Rungta Mines Limited



Dhenkanal Seel plant had obtained Environmental Clearance from Ministry

of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India vide
letter no. J-11011/309/2018.IA.II.(I) dated 11.09.2019 (for 2.85 MTPA),
amendment dated 13.04.2020 (for change in configuration of Pellet plant)
and expansion dated 04.06.2020 (for 3.0 MTPA) for Integrated Steel Plant.

The proposed project is being further expanded. It is now proposed to

expand the sanctioned facilities from 3.0 MTPA to 3.55 MTPA. Details of the
plant configuration and proposed production is given in Table 2.1 earlier.
Expansion will be established in 1094.235 acre as land adjacent and near to
the existing land (674.765 Acres). Total land after expansion will be 1769
acres. Facilities such as 2x500 TPD DRI, 4x20T IF and 50 MW CPP (25
MW WHRB+25MW CFBC) is under construction on the land in possession
of the company.

The plant configuration for 3.55 MTPA steel is such that it includes the
under construction units. The configuration of the units in the proposed plant
have already been listed in Table 2.1 and their processes are described in
subsequent sections.

2.3.1 Iron Ore Beneficiation Plant

The configuration of beneficiation plant is given in Table 2.3. No change or

expansion has been proposed.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-7
Rungta Mines Limited


Description Quantity
Nos. 2
Throughput Capacity, MTPA 5.4
No. of working days/ anum 330
No. of working hours/ day 24
Beneficiated ore production, Output TPA 3,233,956

Process Description

Beneficiation Plant mainly involves grinding of iron-ore fines and separation

of gangue to the extent possible, within the required operational limits.

Beneficiation process mainly consists of

 Primary Grinding
 Hydro cycloning
 Two stage spiral classification
 Single stage high gradient magnetic separation
 Regrinding & thickening of concentrate received from both spirals &
magnetic separators

Iron-ore fines will be brought from the mine. The fines will be stockpiled in
the raw material yard. Iron-ore fines will be reclaimed through pay-loaders
and tippers and transported to silos through shuttle conveyor. Vibrating
feeders are provided below each of the silo. The output from the vibro
feeder will feed the grinding mill feed conveyors.

Thereafter, primary grinding in wet grinding mill shall be carried out.

The mill feed conveyors will feed primary ball mill. The primary ball mill’s
discharge is collected in pump sump for pumping to hydro cyclone clusters.
The overflow from the cyclone is sent to slime thickener. The cyclone under
flow is fed to a bank of rougher spirals. The concentrate from the rougher
spirals will be processed in cleaner spirals. The tailings from the rougher &
cleaner spirals are fed to intermediate slime thickener. The concentrate
from cleaner spiral are pumped to secondary hydro cyclone. The under flow
from cyclone are fed to regrinding mills for further grinding to required
product size. The overflow from the cyclone is fed to concentrate thickener.
The under flow from the concentrate thickener is pumped to slurry storage
tanks. The thickened concentrate at approximately 65-66% solids by weight
will be pumped into the pellet plant by single stage pumping to the slurry
storage tank fitted with agitation mechanism.

The under size from the screens is fed to High Gradient Magnetic Separator
(HGMS) for recovery of concentrate from slimes. The concentrate from
HGMS is further ground in the same regrinding mill, which is close
circulated with secondary hydro cyclone. The concentrate over flow from

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-8
Rungta Mines Limited

hydro cyclone is thickened in concentrate thickener before pumping to slurry

storage tanks provided with agitators. The tailing from HGMS is fed to a
tailing thickener. The tailing thickener underflow is pumped to a tailing dam
in the beneficiation plant site. The overflow from the tailing thickener is sent
to process water tank for re-circulation in the process. The major quantity of
water of tailing dam shall be lost in evaporation and seepage.

The slurry from this storage tank is fed to pressure filters to obtain filter
cakes. When wet grinding process is adopted, the preparation of flux
materials and binders (if bentonite is used) is done in dry state and separate
grinding equipment is to be installed.

Material balance for the iron ore beneficiation plant is given in Table 2.4.


Raw Material Inputs Specific Consumption Total Total
or generation Quantity %
T/T of Product (TPA)

Low Grade Iron Ore Fines 1.00 5389927 99.995%

(0 to 5 mm)

Flocculant 0.00005 269 0.005%

Total 1.00005 5390196 100%


Beneficiated Iron Ore 0.60000 3233956 60%


Tailing (0.4) & emission 0.40005 2156240 40%

losses (0.00005)
Total 1.00005 5390196 100%

100% of the beneficiated iron ore will be used in pellet plant. Likely
composition of beneficiated iron ore will be :

Fe content - 63 - 64 %
Al2O3 - 2.5 - 3% max
SiO2 - 2.5 - 3% max
L.O.I. - 2% max

2.3.2 Pelletisation Plant

The pellet plant is designed to produce iron oxide pellets suitable for use in
DRI and Blast Furnace. The sanctioned and proposed configuration of the
pellet plant is given in Table 2.5. The configuration of the existing
sanctioned plant will be changed from 1X2.948 to 1X3.75 MTPA. The

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-9
Rungta Mines Limited

existing sanctioned plant has started construction on 31.09.2020 as per

CTE obtained from OSPCB.


Description Sanctioned as Enhancement Proposed Total
per EC of Sanctioned Additional
as per TOR
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)=(b)+(c)+
(d) except
days & hrs
No. of Units 1 - 4 5
Actual number of 335 335 335 335
days per year likely
to be operated
No. of working 24 24 24 24
Total Capacity 2,948,000 802,000 25,000,000 28,750,000
(Based on output),
Configuration 1X2.948 4X3.75 + 5X3.75 + 10X1

Process Description

The pellet plant will produce oxide pellets suitable for use in DRI kiln. Pellets
are heat hardened balls produced from concentrates and natural iron ores
of different mineralogical and chemical composition. The pellets have
improved properties for iron making. Pelletization process involves feed
preparation, green ball formation, pellet induration and product dispatch.

Steps involved in pelletisation process are as follows:

 Lime stone is ground together with coke breeze in a ball mill. A hot
gas generator using fuel oil is attached to the ball mill to dry the
additives. The ground coke/limestone mix is sent to the day bins in
the mixing area.
 Bentonite is ground in a roller mill separately. It is equipped with a
hot gas generator for the simultaneous drying of the ground product,
bag filter and fan. Ground products are stored in silos and
transported pneumatically to bin/ mixing building.
 Iron ore concentrate from beneficiation plant is passed through
pressure filters to obtain filter cakes. They are collected on a belt
conveyor and fed into filter cake bin.
 Pre-weighed portions of filter cake, coke breeze/limestone mix and
bentonite are mixed in EIRICH mixer, enabling intensive mixing of
above materials.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-10
Rungta Mines Limited

 The above mixture is conveyed to a bin directly above pelletizing

 The green ball formation is done through disc pelletizers (6 working &
1 standby).
 The green balls are fed to an indurating machine wherein pellets are
produced. Green balls (green pellets) will be indurated on a traveling
grate which consists of an endless chain of pellet cars moving on
 To avoid thermal shocks to grate bars, green pellets are charges
over a layer of indurated pellets, called ‘hearth layer’. Pellet sidewalls
(both sided) are also protected from excessive heat, with indurated
pellets called ‘side layers’.
 A storage bin for hearth and side layers having three outlet chutes is
provided at the feed end of the travelling grate. First, hearth layer is
fed onto the indurating machine followed by simultaneous feeding of
side layers (both sides) and green balls onto the process of in
 The indurated and cooled pellets are discharged from the indurating
machine on to a product conveyor through a product discharge bin.
This belt conveyor discharges product pellets into a hearth layer
separation bin, having two outlets. From one bottom outlet, the
amount of pellets required as hearth & side layer are discharged,
controlled by the level of hearth layer bin mentioned above. Hearth
layer shall be transported by a series of belt conveyors to hearth
layer bin while product pellets are discharged for transportation to the
pellet stock pile. Material balance of the pelletisation plant is given in
Table 2.6. Process flow sheet is given in Fig 2.4.


Sanctioned as per EC Proposed additional Total after expansion
as per TOR
Total Production (TPA) 2,948,000 25,802,000 28,750,000
Raw Material & Fuel Total Quantity Specific Total Quantity Total Specific
Inputs (TPA) Consumption (TPA) Quantity Consumption
T/T of Product (TPA) T/T of Product
Iron Ore/ Fines/ concentrate 3,233,956 1.097 28,304,794 31,538,750 1.097
Dolomite (Flux) 41,272 0.014 361,228 402,500 0.014
Bentonite 44,220 0.015 387,030 431,250 0.015
Coke Breeze 50,116 0.017 438,634 488,750 0.017
Coal >= 5500 Kcal /kg 98,463 0.033 861,787 960,250 0.0334
(emergency use)
Sub-Total (solids) 3,468,027 1.176 30,353,473 33,821,500 1.176

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-11
Rungta Mines Limited

Sanctioned as per EC Proposed additional Total after expansion

as per TOR
Producer Gas (Nm3)/year 479,050,000 162.5 4,902,950,000 5,382,000,000 187.2

Sub-Total (gas) 479,050,000 162.5 4,902,950,000 5,382,000,000 187.2

Outputs Total Quantity Specific Total Quantity Total Specific

(TPA) generation T/T (TPA) Quantity generation T/T
of Product (TPA) of Product

Pellets 2,948,000 1.0 25,802,000 28,750,000 1

Dust (Iron Ore, Coke, Coal 240,772 0.082 2,107,325 2,348,097 0.082

Losses 279,255 0.095 2,444,148 2,723,403 0.095

Sub-Total (Solids) 3,468,027 1.176 30,353,473 33,821,500 1.176

Combustion Gases (Nm3) 479,050,000 162.5 4,902,950,000 5,382,000,000 187.2

Sub-Total (gas) 479,050,000 162.5 4,902,950,000 5,382,000,000 187.2



Iron Ore Feeding RM Storage

Roller Screen

Crushing/Grinding Filtering
Travelling /Grate

Hearth Layer Separation

& Coke
Pellet Stock Yard


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Rungta Mines Limited

Quality of pellets DR Grade

The expected chemical composition of DR grade pellets and their chemical,

physical & metallurgical properties are given in Table 2.7.

The properties of the finished pellets will vary depending on actual physical
and chemical characteristics of input raw materials.


Chemical Properties Specification Chemical Properties Specification

Fe (t) 66.50% min Mn 0.10% max

SiO2 + Al2O3 3.10% max P 0.04% max

Na2O 0.05% max S 0.02% max

K2O 0.05% max V ----

TiO2 0.10% max Basicity (CaO/SiO2) 0.5

Moisture (free moisture 4% max (fair

loss at 105 degree season), 6%
centigrade) : max (monsoon)

Metallurgical Specification Physical Properties Specification


Swelling (JIS) 20% max +19mm 5% max

Compression strength 250 kg/pellet min -16 mm, +9mm 85% max

Porosity 18-25% min -9mm, +5mm 5% min

Reducibility (JIS) 70% min -5mm 3% max

Tumbler test (ASTM)

Tumble Index (+6.35mm) 94% min

Source:- IS : 11092-2001

2.3.3 Coal washery

The availability of E and F grade coal mines in India is in abundance. E and

F grade coal have 40% ash, which reduces the output of DRI plant. Hence,
it is proposed to install a suitable three-Product Coal Washery. The capacity
of Coal Washery has been derived on the basis of the requirement for DRI.
The capacity of the washery will be enhanced to 5.029 MTPA throughput
The configuration of the units will be in Table 2.8 and material balance is
given in Table 2.9.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-13
Rungta Mines Limited


Description Unit Sanctioned Proposed Total
as per EC Additional
as per TOR

Coal Washery Nos. 2 - 2

Capacity TPH 400 & 235 - 400 & 235

No. of working days per/ annum 325-326 4-5 330

No. of working hours hours/ day 19-20 4-5 24

ROM throughput TPA 4,140,960 888,240 5,029,200

Washed coal 2,070,480 444,120 2,514,600

Process Description

The beneficiation consists of cleaning of raw coal by separation of mineral

matter (ash) from the coal. The cleaning of coal is mainly based on
separation of the impurities by physicochemical methods based on the
differences in the specific gravity of coal constituents and on the differences
in surface properties of the coal and its mineral matter required. The
cleaning process that will be followed will be the wet process, where water
is the main medium for washing and jigging. The washery will include:

 Primary crushing- to receive ROM coal and reduce it to a top size of 2-


 Scalping screen – for separating refuse and fines prior to size reduction

 Raw coal sizing screen- for separating the raw coal into coarse and
fine size for further processing

 Pre-wet screen- to remove fines prior to the mechanical cleaning

 Secondary crushing-to reduce the size (to a top size of 1 ¾”) of the
middling fraction from jigs or the middling fraction from heavy –
medium trough separators, and, in turn these fractions would be

 Desliming screens-to remove extreme fines; and

 Dewatering screens-to remove water

The process flow sheet of washery is given in Fig 2.5.

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Sanctioned as per EC Proposed additional Total after expansion
as per TOR

Raw Material Total Specific Total Quantity (TPA) Total Quantity Specific
Inputs Quantity Consumption (TPA) Consumption
(TPA) T/T of Product T/T of Product

ROM Coal 4,140,960 888,240 5,029,200

Total 4,140,960 888,240 5,029,200

Outputs Total Specific Total Quantity (TPA) Total Quantity Specific

Quantity generation T/T (TPA) generation T/T
(TPA) of Product of Product

Washed Coal 2,070,480 0.5 444,120 2,514,600 0.5

Middlings 1,759,908 0.425 377,502 2,137,410 0.425

Reject 310,572 0.075 66,618 377,190 0.075

Total 4,140,960 1 888,240 5,029,200 1

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-15
Rungta Mines Limited

2.3.4 DRI Plant

A 2x500 TPD DRI plant is under construction. The existing & the proposed
configuration & capacity is given in Table 2.10.


Description UnitSanctioned as Proposed as per
per EC TOR
DRI Kilns 2 X 500 TPD + 4 2 X 500 TPD +
X 600 TPD 3X600 + 2X900 TPD
No. of working days Days/Annum 350 355
No. of working hours Hours/Day 24 24
Total Production MTPA 1.613 2.247

Process Description

Iron ore (lumps or pellets) is reduced by heating with solid carbonaceous

material, such as coal, in a rotary kiln to temperature of about 1000 °C. After
reduction, products are cooled in a drum type rotary cooler and then
separated into sponge iron and char by magnetic separation. The magnetic
and non-magnetic material are stored in fully closed hoppers. The product
house consists of silo for sponge iron lumps, sponge iron fines and char.
The char shall be used as fuel in the proposed power plant.

High degree of reduction and thermal efficiency can be obtained by

controlling process parameters such as reduction temperature, rate of feed,
size of feed, grade of feed etc.

The basic reactions in this process are as given below:

 C + O2 = CO2
 CO2 + C = 2CO
 Fe2O3 + CO = Fe3O4 + CO2
 Fe3O4 + CO = FeO + CO2
 FeO + CO = Fe + CO2

Raw material handling system

Main raw materials- iron ore pellets, coal & dolomite are being fed to the
ground hoppers with the help of pay loaders and tippers and carried by belt
conveyors to the crusher house. Screened and crushed material will be
carried out by belt conveyers to the stock house, having 5 days storage
bins. Crushers for coal & limestone, will be provisioned.

Raw material feed system

The stored raw material are weighed individually and fed to the kiln through
a rotary airlock feeder. The injection coal system injects coal at the
discharge end of rotary kiln to avoid coal starvation with 1 bar pressure at

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-16
Rungta Mines Limited

which leakages are not possible. There will be a burner system, which is
used for initial heating of the kiln up to 400C. The calibrated quantity of
combustion air is also fed through the same opening. Process flow sheet for
proposed DRI plant is shown in Fig 2.6.


EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-17
Rungta Mines Limited

Proposed material balance is given in Table 2.11.


Sanctioned as per EC Proposed Total after Expansion
as per TOR
Capacity (TPA) 1,613,140 634,010 2,247,150
Raw Material Inputs Quantity Specific Quantity Quantity Specific
(TPA) consumption (TPA) (TPA) consumption
(T/T) (T/T)
Iron Ore/Iron Oxide 2,419,710 1.500 951,015 3,370,725 1.500
Coal 1,290,512 0.800 684,733 1,975,245 0.879
Dolomite 48,394 0.030 41,492 89,886 0.040
Total 3,758,616 2.330 1,677,240 5,435,856 2.419
Outputs Quantity Specific Quantity Quantity Specific
(TPA) Generation (TPA) (TPA) Generation
(T/T) (T/T)
Sponge Iron (DRI) 1,613,140 1.000 634,010 2,247,150 1.000
Char 289,759 0.180 124,588 414,347 0.184
ESP, Bag Filter Dust 200,000 0.124 -58,553 141,447 0.063
Kiln Accretion 68,474 0.042 -28,060 40,414 0.018
Losses 1,587,243 0.984 1,005,255 2,592,498 1.154
Total 3,758,616 2.330 1,677,240 5,435,856 2.419

2.3.5 Mini blast furnace

An EC has been obtained dated 04.06.2020 for 1x600 cum and 1x1050
cum to produce 1,559,250 TPA. 1x600 cum and 2x450 cum will be installed
in future to produce 1,942,500 TPA. The sanctioned and proposed
configuration of Mini Blast Furnaces will be as shown in Table 2.12.


Description Unit Sanctioned Proposed Total after
as per EC additional or expansion
change as per
MBF Nos. 2 3 3
Capacity CUM 600 & 1050 600 & 2 X 450 600 & 2 X 450
Working days days/Annum 350 - 350

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-18
Rungta Mines Limited

Description Unit Sanctioned Proposed Total after

as per EC additional or expansion
change as per
Working hours Hours /Day 24 - 24
Productivity T/Cum 2.7 1.0 3.7
Production TPA 1,559,250 383,250 1,942,500

By using superior quality raw material, the blast furnace charge mix can
comprise of upto 85% Sinter & balance blast Furnace Grade Iron-Ore/
pellet. Furthermore, use of coke with low ash content and by using best
operation & maintenance practice, the productivity of Blast Furnace will
increase upto 3.7 T/cum/day.

Manufacturing Process and facilities

The purpose of a blast furnace is to chemically reduce and physically

convert iron oxides into liquid iron called "hot metal". The blast furnace is a
huge, steel lined with refractory brick, where iron ore, coke and limestone
are dumped into the top, and preheated air is blown into the bottom. The
raw materials require 6 to 8 hours to descend to the bottom of the furnace
where they become the final product of liquid iron and reject of liquid slag.
Both of these are drained from the furnace at regular intervals.

The hot air that was blown into the bottom of the furnace ascends to the top
in 6 to 8 seconds after going through numerous chemical reactions. The air
is blown through tuyers in the bottom portion and liquid iron is tapped from
the tap hole.

The blast furnace complex will consist of two blast furnaces and two pig
casting machines along with the requisite support facilities, namely the
stock house, coal injection system, cast house, gas cleaning plant, de-
dusting facilities, slag granulation unit, etc.

The blast furnace flue gas will be passed through Waste Heat Recovery
Boiler and power generated from heat recovery. Thereafter, gas is cleaned
in Gas Cleaning Plant and utilized for stove of blast furnace and other plant
uses such as reheating furnaces. Unutilised gas shall be flared.

Stock House

The sized ore, fluxes, coke, etc., from the raw material storage yard, are
transferred to the stock house and placed in respective bins by shuttle
conveyors. The raw material will be screened before charging into the blast

The stock house will be provided with a dedusting system (bag filters) for
collection of dust arising from all material transfer points, vibratory feeder
screens, weigh hoppers, etc.

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Rungta Mines Limited


The blast furnace will be self-supporting free standing design complete with
shell, refractory, cooling system, top charging equipment, bustle main,
tuyeres/tuyere stocks etc. The blast furnace top equipment and the platform
at various levels around the furnace are supported by an independent tower

Hot Blast Stoves

The furnaces will be provided with stoves for supply of hot blast up to a
maximum of 1100oC. The stoves will be of regenerative type and fired with
blast furnace gas. Two fans, one working and one stand by will be provided
for supply of combustion air to the stove burners. A chimney will be
provided for the stoves. The different zones of the stoves will be lined with
suitable quality of Alumina/Fireclay refractories depending on the
temperature prevailing in the respective zones.

The stove valves will be electrically/hydraulically actuated, and the stove-

changing operations will be automatic and remotely controlled from the
control room.

Cast House

The furnace will have one tap hole. A cast house will be provided for
handling the tapping operations and the hot metal/ slag. The main hot metal
trough will be fixed type fabricated steel construction. The hot metal runner
from each trough will discharge the metal into hot metal ladle kept on cast
house floor. For opening and closing of the tap-hole, a hydraulically
operated mud gun and a pneumatically operated tap-hole drilling machine
will be provided. The skimmed slag from the main trough will normally be
led to the slag granulation trough. Under emergency conditions, the slag
can also be diverted to the dry slag pit. The cast house will be served by an
EOT crane in the hot metal bay, for transferring the filled up hot metal ladle
on to a ladle car for transfer to the steel melt shop. The crane will be used
also for handling hot metal ladles to and from Pig Casting Machine (PCM)
and ladle maintenance.

Slag granulation

The cast house will be served by a slag granulation unit. The slag / water
slurry after granulation will be led to storage area and the water will be
allowed to drain off. The granulated slag will be reclaimed by a pay loader
and sent to the storage yard. From the storage yard, trucks will transport the
granulated slag. The water for granulation will be routed through a water re-
circulation system. The granulation units will be designed to granulate 100%
of slag production. The granulated slag will be use in the cement plant
proposed in the project.

Process flow sheet of the blast furnaces is given in Fig 2.7.

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Rungta Mines Limited


Cement Plant SLAG


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Rungta Mines Limited

The material balance of the MBF is given in Table 2.13.


Sanctioned as per EC Proposed Total after expansion
additional as
per TOR
Total Production (TPA) 1,559,250 383,250 1,942,500
Raw Material Inputs Quantity (TPA) Specific Quantity (TPA) Quantity (TPA) Specific
consumption (T/T) consumption
Iron Ore 657,195 0.421 -492,083 165,113 0.085
Sinter 1,662,570 1.066 1,144,343 2,806,913 1.445
Pellet 330,225 330,225 0.17
Coke 951,143 0.61 -115,868 835,275 0.43
Coal dust 77,963 0.05 213,412 291,375 0.15
Dolomite 218,295 0.14 53,655 271,950 0.14
Quartz 81,081 0.052 19,929 101,010 0.052
Total 3,648,247 2.34 1,153,613 4,801,860 2.472
Outputs Quantity (TPA) Specific Generation Quantity (TPA) Quantity (TPA) Specific
(T/T) Generation (T/T)
Hot Metal/ Pig Iron 1,559,250 1 383,250 1,942,500 1
BF Slag 467,775 0.3 114,975 582,750 0.3
Dust (Iron Ore, Coke, 77,963 0.05 19,162 97,125 0.05
Sinter Fines)
Sludge from GCP 7,796 0.005 -7,796 0
Losses 1,535,463 0.985 644,022 2,179,485 1.122
Total 3,648,247 2.34 1,153,613 4,801,860 2.472

2.3.6 Sinter plant

Sinter Plant plays a very important role in increasing the productivity of Blast
Furnace and also in utilizing huge reserves of iron ore fines generated from
crushing of ROM. The sanctioned and proposed configuration of sinter plant
is as given in Table 2.14. The sinter plant construction is yet to start, hence,
configuration change is proposed for approval in expansion phase.


Description Unit Sanctioned Proposed additional or Total After
as per EC change as per TOR expansion
Sinter Plant Nos. 2 1 3
Capacity SQM 64 &110 110 & 2 X 80 110 & 2 X 80
working days days/Annum 325 5 330

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-22
Rungta Mines Limited

Description Unit Sanctioned Proposed additional or Total After

as per EC change as per TOR expansion
working Hours /Day 21 24 & 20
Productivity Ton/SQM 1.4 1.5 & 1.44
Production TPA 1,662,570 1,164,870 2,827,440

Process description

Flux and fuel crushing & screening section

Limestone, dolomite, coke will be stored in storage bins of adequate

capacity. The materials will be crushed in crushing and grinding section and
will be screened and transported by conveyor to proportioning bins.

Proportioning system

For various types of input materials, adequate number of proportioning bins

mounted on load cells to ascertain material level in each bin and electronic
weigh feeders under each bin shall be provided to draw materials of
required proportions.

Mixing & Nodulising Drum

A combined mixing and nodulising drum with water proportioning system

and calcined lime addition facilities will be provided for the sinter machine.

The drum will facilitate stage-wise intimate mixing and rolling of sinter mix
where approximate amount of water and required calcined lime will be

Sinter machine section

Sinter machine will be complete with hearth layer feeding system, raw mix
feeding system comprising anti segregation filling method at the top of raw
mix feed bin and drum feeder, ignition furnace, sinter breaker, crash deck,
segregation chute and the sinter strand proper comprising lifting wheel
assembly, support structure, sliding bars, thermal compensation device,
wind boxes with compensators, spillage chute, SG iron pallet assembly with
spring loaded sealing and high chrome grate bar, lubrication system etc.
Sintering will be performed during the movement of the bed from ignition
furnace to the discharge end.

Suitable sinter breaker will break hot sinter cake to about 200 mm size. One
elevator will be provided in sinter machine building.

Sinter cooler section

A suitable forced draft type circular cooler comprising of adequate number

of fans, drives, cooler troughs, sealing etc will be installed so that

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-23
Rungta Mines Limited

temperature of the sinter at discharge point is 1000°C (maximum). The

cooler discharge hopper shall be load cell mounted. One magnet shall be
provided on the product sinter conveyor after cooler to remove iron bearing

Waste heat recovery system from cooler for ignition furnace combustion
system will be optional for sinter machine.

Sinter stabilizing section

Cooled sinter from sinter machine will be fed to a double roll crusher via a
suitably designed separation chute. Crushed sinter of minus 50 mm size will
be screened for separation of hearth layer material and plant return fines.

The process flow of sinter plant is shown in Fig 2.8. The material balance is
shown in Table 2.15.


Sanctioned as per EC Proposed Total after expansion
additional as
per TOR
Total Production (TPA) 1,662,570 1,164,870 2,827,440
Raw Material Inputs Quantity Specific Quantity Quantity Specific
(TPA) consumption (T/T) (TPA) (TPA) consumption (T/T)
Iron Ore Fines 1,579,442 0.95 965,254 2,544,696 0.900
Coke Fines 166,257 0.1 68,443 234,700 0.083
Lime Stone 216,134 0.13 151,433 367,567 0.130
Dolomite 216,134 0.13 151,433 367,567 0.130
From Pellet plant (iron ore 240,772 0.145 2,107,325 2,348,097 0.830
ESP, BF dust, etc. from 97,376 0.059 44,071 141,447 0.050
Dust (Iron Ore, Coke, 77,963 0.047 19,162 97,125 0.034
Sinter Fines) from MBF
Sludge from GCP from 7,796 0.005 -7,796 0 -
Bag Filter Dust from coke 50,736 0.031 -2,265 48,471 0.017
oven plant
BF dust from IF 13,123 0.008 24,373 37,496 0.013
BF dust from EAF 42,989 0.026 -4,895 38,094 0.013
Sinter Return Fines 581,900 0.35 -157,784 424,116 0.150
Total 3,290,622 1.979 3,358,755 6,649,377 2.352
Outputs Quantity Specific Quantity Quantity Specific
(TPA) Generation (T/T) (TPA) (TPA) Generation (T/T)
Sinter 1,662,570 1 1,164,870 2,827,440 1.000
Sinter Return Fines 581,900 0.350 -157,784 424,116 0.150
LOI & losses 1,046,152 0.629 2,35,1669 3,397,821 1.202
Total 3,290,622 1.979 3,358,755 6,649,377 2.352

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-24
Rungta Mines Limited


Dolomite Water
Mixed gas
Lime Coke

Mixing &
Iron Ore Fines Proportioning nodulising Sinter Machine
Units Unit

Dust & sludges

from pellet
plant, DRI,
MBF, coke
oven, IF & EAF

Under sized
sinter returns

Sinter Bin and Screened Screening Sinter Cooler

then to MBF sinter

2.3.7 Coke oven plant (1,120,000 TPA 1,070,000 TPA)

Rungta Mines Limited (Dhenkanal Steel Plant) obtained EC for 16x70,000

TPA for Coke oven plant. Based on requirement, Rungta Mines Limited
(Dhenkanal Steel Plant) proposes to installed 6 batteries of 70,000 TPA, 1
batteries of 250000 TPA and one batteries of 400000TPA. The sanctioned
and proposed configuration of coke oven plant is given in Table 2.16.


Description Unit Sanctioned Proposed Total After
as per EC additional as expansion
per TOR
Coke Oven Batteries Nos. 16 -8 8
Configuration 16 X 70,000 6 X 70,000 + 1 X
TPA 250,000 + 1 X
400,000 TPA
Working days days/Annum 350 - 350
Working hours Hours /Day 24 - 24
Production TPA 1,120,000 -50,000 1,070,000

Manufacturing process

Raw coal will be crushed in a crusher into powdered form and charged in
the oven for carbonisation. The volatile matter in raw coal gets released in
the form of gas and gets burnt in the oven as well as in the flues. After the
completion of the carbonization process, raw coal get converted to coke

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-25
Rungta Mines Limited

within 36 to 38 hours. The coke is then pushed out from the oven and
quenched by water. Coke will be utilised in MBF and sinter plant.

The hot quenching water is continuously collected into a settling tank & the
coke particles are also being carried out upto the settling tank with water.
These particles are allowed to be settled below the settling tank and then
the water almost free from suspended is allowed to be again used for the
purpose of quenching of hot coke mass. Time to time the settled particles
are reclaimed and these have the large demand in mini cement plants,
briquetting plants etc.

Non-recovery type coke ovens

The proposed non-recovery coke ovens have been specially developed

based on the imported coking coal with a volatile matter content in the
range of 20%-24%. Moisture control of coal is important as it has direct
bearing on the carbonization rate & bulk density of coal.

Non-recovery coke ovens are capable of producing coke of large size,

strong, dense & abrasion resistant. The coarse mosaic micro-structure, low
porosity during carbonization and development of minor crack result in low
reactivity, strength in high temperature, stability and superior post reaction

The ovens are unique in that, no external heat source is required. All the
energy in carbonization is supplied by burning the gaseous volatile products
released from the coal charge during carbonization.

Raw material for Coke Oven Plant

The required quantity of coking coal will be met through import from
countries like Australia, China or equivalent from elsewhere. Company also
will make efforts to procure from the domestic market to the maximum
extent possible. For flexibility in operation, blending provisions in the plant
may be incorporated to operate the plant with Indian coal or more of Indian
medium coking coal and prime coking coal from suitable sources, in
admixture with imported low ash coking coal. The material balance is given
in Table 2.17.


Sanctioned as per EC Proposed Total after expansion
additional as
per TOR
Total Production (TPA) 1,120,000 -50,000 1,070,000
Raw Material Inputs Quantity (TPA) Specific Quantity Quantity Specific
consumption (TPA) (TPA) consumption
(T/T) (T/T)
Coking Coal 1,691,200 1.51 -75,500 1,615,700 1.51
Total 1,691,200 1.51 -75,500 1,615,700 1.51

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-26
Rungta Mines Limited

Sanctioned as per EC Proposed Total after expansion

additional as
per TOR
Outputs Quantity (TPA) Specific Quantity Quantity Specific
Generation (T/T) (TPA) (TPA) Generation (T/T)
Coke 1,120,000 1 -50,000 1,070,000 1
Bag Filter Dust 50736 0.0453 -2,265 48,471 0.0453
Losses & COG 520,464 0.4647 -23,235 497,229 0.4647
Total 1,691,200 1.51 -75,500 1,615,700 1.51

The process flow of coke oven is shown in Fig 2.9.


2.3.8 Steel melting shop

The Steel Melt Shop will comprise of Induction Furnaces and Electric Arc
furnace. Details are described in subsequent paragraph Induction Furnace- LRF-CCM Route (0.693 MTPA to1.54 MTPA)

Presently Dhenkanal Steel plant is under construction 0.308 MTPA Steel via
IF Route is underway. It is proposed to expand the steel melting shop by
enhancing the capacity of the induction furnace as well as added new
Induction furnace. The sanctioned and proposed configuration of steel
melting shop is given in Table 2.18. A brief description of the manufacturing
process is given in subsequent paragraphs.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-27
Rungta Mines Limited


Description Unit Sanctioned Proposed Total after
as per EC additional expansion
as per TOR
Induction Furnace Nos. 7 8 15
Capacity Tonnes 20 20 20
LRF configuration Tonnes 4 X 25 T 4 X 35 T 4 X 25 + 4 X 35 T
No. of working days Days/ 350 - 350
No. of working Hours/ 24 - 24
hours Day
No. of Heats Heats 11 - 11
Production MTPA 0.693 0.847 1.54

Induction furnace works on the principle of induction melting of scrap/

sponge iron with the help of electric power. An alternating electromagnetic
field induces eddy current in the metal so that the electrical energy converts
into heat, whose quantity depends on the resistivity of the charge. Induction
furnaces operate on current of commercial frequencies (50Hz) or on current
of higher frequencies from 500 to 2000 Hz. These furnaces are beneficial in
steel making for low melting loss.

An induction furnace constitutes a single larger primary coil made of water-

cooled copper tube. The working voltage is impressed across the terminals
of the coil. The furnace has a rammed lining. The ramming material silica
mass contains should more than 96% silica and minimum of Al2O3 & Fe2O3.
Before ramming the material, a steel template is kept inside the furnace and
the material is rammed between the template and the insulated coil of the
induction heater. To minimize the consumption of electric power and cut
down the melting period, the crucible wall must be as thin as possible. The
inside of crucible lining is in contact with liquid metal while it’s outside
surface contacts the water-cooled induction.

The LF will be complete with the transformer, ladle stirring system,

aluminum wire feeder, carbon injecting device, additives storage and
addition system, sampling and temperature measuring device. A fume
extraction and cleaning system consisting of bag filters, ID fan and chimney
with the related duct work will be provided.

Charging: The scrap pieces/ sponge iron/ hot metal should be small in size
to provide good compaction, without leaving spacing between the charge
and crucible wall. This offer an advantage of quick melting of the charge
with a minimum power spent in the stage for the heat. Large and high
melting pieces should stand parallel and close to the crucible while low
melting components should be in the middle of the crucible. Small capacity
furnaces are loaded manually and the large capacity furnaces with the aid
of buckets. Process flow sheet of SMS is given in Fig 2.10. Material balance
is given in Table 2.19.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-28
Rungta Mines Limited


Sanctioned as per EC Proposed Total after expansion
additional as
per TOR
Total Production (TPA) 693,000 847,000 1,540,000
Raw Material Inputs Quantity Specific Quantity (TPA) Quantity Specific
(TPA) consumption (TPA) consumption
(T/T) (T/T)
DRI 604,360 0.872 935,640 1,540,000 1.000
Pig Iron / Hot Metal 111,774 0.161 139,313 251,087 0.163
Steel Scrap 74,516 0.108 9,180 83,696 0.054
Total 790,650 1.141 1,084,133 1,874,783 1.217
Outputs Quantity Specific Quantity (TPA) Quantity (TPA) Specific
(TPA) Generation (T/T) Generation (T/T)
Liquid metal to CCM 693,000 1.000 847,000 1,540,000 1.000
Losses 74,140 0.107 -36,644 37,496 0.024
Slag 23,510 0.034 273,777 297,287 0.193
Total 790,650 1.141 1,084,133 1,874,783 1.217


EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-29
Rungta Mines Limited Electric arc furnace-LRF-CCM Route (1,925,000 TPA to 1,680,000 TPA)

The sanctioned and proposed configuration are given in Table 2.20. A brief
description of the manufacturing process is given in subsequent


Description Unit Sanctioned Proposed Total after
as per EC additional expansion
or change
as per TOR
Electric Arc Furnace Nos. 2 - 2
Capacity Ton 90 &160 90 & 110 90 & 110
Laddle Furnace Nos. 2 - 2
Capacity Ton 90&160 90 & 110 90 & 110
working days days/Annum 350 - 350
working hours Hours /Day 24 - 24
No. of Heats Heats 22 - 22
Production TPA 1,925,000 - 245,000 1,680,000

Electric arc is generated between electrodes which heats the metallic

charge. In both furnaces, the melted contents separate into liquid metal and
slag. The slag is removed and considered as waste. The liquid metal is sent
to the continuous casting machine (CCM) where semi-finished product is
made. The electric arc furnace (EAF) is thus particularly well suited to the
production of the full range of alloy steel grades. In the case of the basic
oxygen steel making processes, on the other hand, the danger arises that
the expensive alloying elements will be absorbed at least in part by the slag.

The charge mix being considered for Electric Arc Furnaces can be seen in
the material balance given in Table2.21. Electric Arc Furnaces Process flow
sheet of the EAF is given in Fig 2.11.


Sanctioned as per EC Proposed Total after expansion
as per TOR
Total Production (TPA) 1,925,000 -245,000 1,680,000
Raw Material Inputs Quantity Specific Quantity Quantity Specific
(TPA) consumption (TPA) (TPA) consumption
(T/T) (T/T)
DRI 1,008,000 0.524 -300,850 707,150 0.421
Hot Metal/Pig Iron from MBF 1,063,206 0.552 134,344 1,197,550 0.713
Lime 289,800 0.151 14,700 304,500 0.181
Pig Iron from Outside 78,222 0.041 -78,222 0 0.000
Total 2,439,228 1.267 -230,028 2,209,200 1.315

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-30
Rungta Mines Limited

Outputs Quantity Specific Quantity Quantity Specific

(TPA) Generation (TPA) (TPA) Generation
(T/T) (T/T)
Liquid metal to CCM 1,925,000 1.000 -245,000 1,680,000 1.000
BF dust 42,988 0.022 -4,894 38,094 0.023
Losses 57,960 0.030 2,940 60,900 0.036
Slag 413,280 0.215 16,926 430,206 0.256
Total 2,439,228 1.267 -230,028 2,209,200 1.315


The sanctioned and proposed configuration and production of the

continuous casting machine is given in Table 2.22.


Plant facilities Units Sanctioned Proposed Total capacity
as per EC Additional after Expansion
Continuous Casting MTPA 2.566 0.59 3.156
Machine (Billets/ Bloom
Caster/ Slab caster)
Configuration 3 nos X 4 8 nos X 4 strand 11 nos X 4
strand strand

2.3.9 Finished product facilities

It includes the Rolling Mill (TMT/Flat/Round/ Wire Rod/ Structural Mill /

Others), Strip Mill (Strip/Sheet/ Coil/ Wire & Bar, Wire Rope) and Ductile
Pipe Plant. The total sanctioned finished product is 3.0 MTPA and additional
0.55 MTPA will be produced. The total finished product after expansion will
be 3.55 MTPA.

It includes the Rolling Mill (TMT/Flat/Round/ Wire Rod/ Structural Mill /

Others), Strip Mill (Strip/Sheet/ Coil/ Wire & Bar, Wire Rope) and Ductile

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-31
Rungta Mines Limited

Pipe Plant. The proposed Finished Product Facilities configuration is given

in Table 2.23.


Plant facilities Units Total capacity Proposed Total after
Additional as per expansion
Rolling mill MTPA 1.75 0.8 2.55
Configuration 5 X 0.2 MTPA - 3 X 0.2 MTPA 2 X 0.2 MTPA
1 X 0.3 MTPA 3 X 0.3 MTPA 4 X 0.3 MTPA
1 x 0.45 MTPA - 1 X 0.45 MTPA
1 X 0.5 MTPA 1 X 0.5 MTPA Rolling Mill (TMT/ Round / Wire ROD / Structural/ Flat/ Others)

Semi-finished product from the CCMs of IF and EAFs converted into

finished products such as TMT, Flat, Round, Wire Rod, Structural and
others products. The Material balance for Rolling Mill is given in the Table


Sanctioned as per EC Proposed Total after expansion
additional as per
Total Production (TPA) 1,925,000 625,000 2,550,000
Raw Material Inputs Yeild Quantity Specific Quantity (TPA) Quantity (TPA) Specific
(TPA) consumption consumption
(T/T) (T/T)
Semi Finished Product from 98 1,019,153 0.529 490,047 1,509,200 0.592
Semi Finished Product from 98 679,140 0.353 440,526 1,119,666 0.439
Semi finished purchased 98 85,280 0.044 -85,280 0 0.000
from outside
Total 1,783,573 0.927 845,293 2,628,866 1.031
Outputs Quantity Specific Quantity (TPA) Quantity (TPA) Specific
(TPA) Generation Generation
(T/T) (T/T)
Finished Product 1,750,000 0.909 800,000 2,550,000 1.000
Reject 14,428 0.007 21,062 35,490 0.014
Mill Scale 19,145 0.010 24,231 43,376 0.017
Total 1,783,573 0.927 845,293 2,628,866 1.031

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-32
Rungta Mines Limited


Product from Inspection Direct Hot Roughing

Charging Mill


Cooling Cutting Quenching Finished Mill


Finished Product
(Steel Products) Strip mill (Strip/Sheet/ Coil/ Wire & Bar, Wire Rope)

Semi finished product from the CCMs of EAF will be converted into finished
products such as Strip, Sheet, Coil, Wire, Bar and Wire Rope. Configuration
of Strip mill is given in Table 2.25.


Description Unit Sanctioned Proposed Total after
as per EC additional or expansion
change as per

Strip Mill Nos. 2 - 2

Configuration MTPA 0.45 & 0.4 0.2 & 0.3 0.2 & 0.3

working days days/Annum 350 - 350

working hours Hours /Day 20 - -

Production TPA 850,000 350,000 500,000

The Material balance for Strip Mill is given in the Table 2.26.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-33
Rungta Mines Limited


Sanctioned as per EC Proposed Total after expansion
Total Production (TPA) 850,000 -350,000 500,000
Raw Material Inputs Quantity Specific Quantity Quantity Specific
(TPA) consumption (TPA) (TPA) consumption
(T/T) (T/T)
Semi Finished Product 867,347 1.020 -357,143 510,204 1.020
from CCM
Total 867,347 1.020 -357,143 510,204 1.020
Outputs Quantity Specific Quantity Quantity Specific
(TPA) Generation (TPA) (TPA) Generation
(T/T) (T/T)
Finished Product 850,000 1.000 -350,000 500,000 1.000
Reject 7,806 0.009 -3,214 4,592 0.009
Mill Scale 9,541 0.011 -3,929 5,612 0.011
Total 867,347 1.020 -357,143 510,204 1.020 Ductile Pipe Plant (400,000 TPA to 500,000 TPA)

Ductile pipe plant will receive hot metal directly from the MBF and
manufacture finished product comprising of ductile pipes. Configuration of
ductile pipe is given in Table 2.27.


Description Unit Sanctioned Proposed Total after
as per EC Additional Expansion
as per
Ductile Pipe Plant Nos. 2 - 2
Capacity MTPA 0.2 0.05 0.25
working days Days/Annum 350 - 350
working hours Hours /Day 20 - 20
Production TPA 400,000 100,000 500,000

Manufacturing process

Ductile pipe plant will receive hot metal directly from the MBF and
manufacture finished product comprising of ductile pipes. After receiving hot
metal, it is heated in holding furnace. Magnesium addition is done in

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-34
Rungta Mines Limited

magnesium converter. Once this process is completed, melted metal is fed

and spun in the mould. With the rotation of mould body, centrifugal force
distributes the liquid metal uniformly and pipe wall is formed.

Ductile iron pipe are heat treated in an annealing furnace to give ductility.
Annealing is a four stage process involving heating, soaking, rapid cooling
and slow cooling. After annealing, mechanical tests are carried out to check
the ductility and tensile strength of the pipes.

Annealed pipes will be passed through zinc coating machine for zinc
coating at outer surface to provide protection from corrosion. This will be
achieved by using a zinc spraying machine. Zinc shall be heated to a
molten state and sprayed by spray on the outer surface of the pipes.

In standard quality for ductile pipes, cement lining will be provided.

Generally 1:3.5 part cement and sand is used as a cement lining inside the
ductile pipes and pipes will be rolled with slow speed and cement mortar will
be sprayed. Then the pipes will be rolled high speed to remove the excess
water and deposited cement. After cement lining, the pipes passes through
a curing chamber. After curing, pipes will be taken to bitumen coating line
and are ready for despatch after stenciling and marking.

The Material balance for Ductile Pipe Plant is given in the Table 2.28 and
flow sheet is given in Fig 2.13.


Sanctioned as per EC Proposed Total after expansion

Total Production (TPA) 400,000 100,000 500,000

Raw Material Inputs Quantity Specific Quantity Quantity Specific

(TPA) consumption (T/T) (TPA) (TPA) consumption (T/T)

Hot Metal from Blast Furnace 408,163 1.020 102,041 510,204 1.020

Total 408,163 1.020 102,041 510,204 1.020

Outputs Quantity Specific Quantity Quantity Specific

(TPA) Generation (T/T) (TPA) (TPA) Generation (T/T)

Finished Product 400,000 1.000 100,000 500,000 1.000

Reject 3,673 0.009 919 4,592 0.009

Mill Scale 4,490 0.011 1,122 5,612 0.011

Total 408,163 1.020 102,041 510,204 1.020

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-35
Rungta Mines Limited



A PGP of 480 million Nm3/hr has been sanctioned in EC dated 04.06.2020

which will be expanded to 5387 million Nm 3/hr. The existing and proposed
capacity and configuration of the producer gas plant has been arrived at as
shown in Table 2.29.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-36
Rungta Mines Limited


Sanctioned as Proposed Total after
per EC Additional Expansion
as per TOR
Heat required for one ton of KCal/Ton 220,000 220,000 220,000
Total Pellet Production TPA 2,948,000 25,802,000 28,750,00
10 10
Total Heat Required KCal/Year 64.856 X 10 567.644x10 632.5x1010
CV of Producer Gas KCal/Nm3 1250-1375 1250-1375 1100-1200
Design CV of Producer Gas KCal/Nm 1353.78 1157 1157-1353.78
3 6
Producer Gas Requirement Nm /Year 480.0 X 10 4906.8 X10 5386.8 X106

Operational Day per Annum Days 335 - 335

Operational Hours per Day Hours 24 - 24
Per Hour Requirement Nm /Hr 59,577.1 610199 669525
Per Unit Capacity Nm /Hr 3,000 12,500 & 3,000 &
7,500 12,500 &
No. of Units Nos. 19.86
Say Nos. 20 60 80
(20x3,000) (32x12,500 & (20x3,000) +
28x7,500) (32x12,500 &

Process Description

The process stages for Producer Gas are as follows:

1. Crushed coal of the specified quality and size is carried to the top of the
bunker by means of Bucket Elevator and is put to the bunker. The
screen between the bunker and the Bucket Elevator separates out fines
from the feed stock of Coal which is taken down through a chute.

2. Coal from the bunker is fed into the Extended Shaft of the Gasifier
through a Sector Gate and two Bell Cones operated by pneumatic power
cylinders which open out the Sector Gate and Bell Cones sequentially
after getting signal from the LTC temperature whenever it touches the
set temperature of 140°C or so.

3. Fed coal travels downwards and gets dried first and then gradually
preheated up to a distillation temperature of about 450°C by the product
gas moving upwards which itself gets gradually cooled down and picks
up the volatile matter of coal and gets auto-carbureted to a much higher
calorific value before it comes out to the L.T.C off take pipes. The coal,
on the other hand, gets carbonized to nearly coke stage and its reactivity
increases for a faster gassification.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-37
Rungta Mines Limited

4. When the coal enters through the generator bottom shaft, reaction
between coal and (air + steam) occurs and following reactions take
place from bottom oxidation zone to top reduction zones

a) Oxidation zones:

Reaction is: C + O2 CO2 + 42643 K. Cal

b) Primary Reduction zone :

Reactions are: C + H2O CO + H2. 19000 K. Cal

C + 2H2O CO2 + 2H2. 19307 K. Cal
C + CO2 2CO. 18689 K. Cal
(Within 300 mm from Oxidation zone)

c) Secondary Reduction zone :

Reactions are: CO + H2O CO2 + H2. 326 K. Cal

C + CO2 2CO

Besides above reaction zones, there is an ash zone under the oxidation
zone through which calculated quantity of air saturated with steam
enters and receives heat from the ash, gets preheated and proceeds
upwards to the oxidation zone. The ash on the other hand gets cooled
down before it comes out to the ash pan.

5. The distillation zone starts from the top of Secondary Reduction Zone
and extends upward to about 2500 mm or so in which considerable
quantity of volatile matter (about more than 75%) gets stripped and
picked up by gas.

6. At the top, there is preheating zone and above all there is drying zone.

Material balance is given in Table 2.30.


Sanctioned as per EC Proposed Total after expansion
additional as
per TOR
Total Production (TPA) 480,000,000 4,906,800,000 5,386,800,000
Raw Material Inputs Quantity Specific Quantity (TPA) Quantity Specific
(TPA) consumption (TPA) consumption
(T/Nm3) (T/Nm3)
Coal 214,080 0.00045 1,418,284 1,632,364 0.00030
Total 214,080 0.00045 1,418,284 1,632,364 0.00030

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-38
Rungta Mines Limited

Sanctioned as per EC Proposed Total after expansion

additional as
per TOR
Outputs Quantity Specific Quantity (TPA) Quantity Specific
(TPA) Generation (TPA) Generation
(T/Nm3) (T/Nm3)
Coal Ash 55,661 0.00012 303,459 359,120 0.00007
Coal Tar 0 0.00000 65,295 65,295 0.00001
Losses on ignition & gas 158,419 0.00033 1,049,530 1,207,949 0.00022
Total 214,080 0.00045 1,418,284 1,632,364 0.00030


The Oxygen Plant will provide oxygen for MBF & Electric Arc Furnace to
improve lancet, which reduces the electricity consumption and also reduces
considerable tap to tap time of Electric Arc Furnace besides increasing
productivity. To meet the oxygen and argon requirement of the EAF and
MBF, tonnage oxygen plants of capacity 2x180 TPD, 1X220 TPD and
2X130 TPD will be set up for integrated steel complex. Occasional purging
need of the steel plant will be met by nitrogen, which will also be generated
from the oxygen plant. Material balance of oxygen plant is given in Table
2.31. Configuration of oxygen plant is given in Table 2.32.


Description Unit Sanctioned Revised existing Proposed additional as per TOR Total after
as per EC EAF EAF MBF MBF 1x450 MBF expansion
1x90 1x110 1x600 1x450
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)= d+e+f+g+h
(rev. wrt c) (rev. wrt c)
Capacity of EAF TPA 1,925,000 756,000 924,000 777,000 582,750 58,2750 -
Oxygen required for cum/T 35 52 52 60 60 60 52-60
1 Ton Liquid Steel
Total oxygen cum/annum 67,375,000 39,312,000 48,048,000 46,620,000 34,965,000 3,4965,000 203,910,000
Working Days Days/annum 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 max.
Working Hours Hours/day 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 max.
Daily requirement of cum / day 192,500 112,320 137,280 133,200 99,900 99,900 582,600
Oxygen Volume cum / tonne 716.8 700 700 700 700 700 700
Daily requirement of TPD 268.62 161 196 190 143 143 833
Oxygen in Ton
Proposed Plant TPD 1X100 + 2X180TPD = 360 1x220TPD+2x130TPD = 480 2x180TPD +
Capacity 1X180 1x220TPD +
2x130TPD =

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-39
Rungta Mines Limited


Raw Specific Constituent Sanctioned Proposed Total after
Material Requirement per as per EC, Additional Expansion,
Inputs cum of Product TPA as per TOR, TPA
Air 4.762 100% 466,676 933,352 1,400,028
Total 4.762 100% 466,676 933,352 1,400,028
Outputs Specific Generation
per cum of Product
Oxygen 1.000 21.00% 98,002 196,004 294,006
Nitrogen 3.714 78.00% 364,007 728,015 1,092,022
Argon 0.048 1.00% 4,667 9,334 14,000
Total 4.762 100% 466,676 933,352 1,400,028


Lime and dolomite are commonly used in converters and electric arc
furnaces, where they help to form slag which draws off harmful impurities
such as silicon and phosphorus. Lime is also used to improve productivity in
the ore agglomeration process. More recently, new products and services
have been introduced in various steps of the steel making process. These
have led to major quality improvements in processes such as hot metal
desulphurization and in effluent handling, to name but two. Steel making
industry also requires large quantities of water for all its processes.
Configuration of Lime Plant are given in Table 2.33.


Description Unit Quantity as per Revised as per
EC* present
proposal as per
Capacity of EAFs TPA 693,000 (1X90T) 756,000 (1X90T)
+ 1,232,000 + 924,000
(1X160 T) = (1X110 T) =
1,925,000 1,680,000
Lime required for 1 Ton Liquid Steel T/T 0.15 0.17
Annual Requirement TPA 288750 285,600
Working Days Days/annum 350 350
Working Hours Hours 24 24
Daily requirement of Lime TPD 300 + 528 367+449
% of Extra Lime required as of Big 7.6% for 528 6%
Furnace (considering Safe side)
Plant Capacity required TPD 300 + 568 389 + 476
Plant Capacity provided TPD 300 & 570 390 & 480
Lime Production TPA 304,500 304,500

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-40
Rungta Mines Limited

Process Description

Lime is the high-temperature product of the calcinations of limestone.

Although limestone deposits are found in many states, only a small portion
is pure enough for industrial lime manufacturing. To be classified as
limestone, the rock must contain at least 50% calcium carbonate. When the
rock contains 30-40% magnesium carbonate, it is referred to as dolomitic
limestone. Lime can also be produced from aragonite, chalk, marble & sea
shells. Lime is manufactured in various kinds of kilns by one of the following

CaCO3 + heat → CO2 + CaO (high calcium lime)

CaCO3.MgCO3+ heat →2CO2 + CaO.MgO (dolomitic lime)

Material balance of Lime plant is given in Table 2.34.


Raw Material Specific Consumption Total Quantity Revised as per Total %
Inputs T/T of Product (TPA) as per EC* present proposal as
per TOR
Lime Stone 1.8 521,640 548,100 90.00%
Fuel Oil 0.2 57960 60,900 10.00%
Total 2.0 579600 609,000 100%
Outputs Specific Generation
T/T of Product
Lime 1.0 289,800 304,500 50.00%
LOI & others 1.0 289,800 304,500 50.00%
Total 2.0 579,600 609,000 100%


The sanctioned configuration of Cement Plant is given in Table 2.35. No

change or expansion has been proposed.


Description Unit Total Quantity
Nos. 2
Capacity TPD 2,600 & 2,300
Working days per/Annum 340 & 348.5
Working hours Hours /Day 24
Total TPA 1,685,550

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-41
Rungta Mines Limited

Process Description

Limestone will be the primary raw material for clinker making. Along with
coal, it will be fed into the clinker kiln and the manufactured clinker will be
sent to cement mill. Company will installed cement plant, Portland
Pozzolana Cement (PPC) using fly ash and Portland Blast Furnace Slag
Cement (PBFS) using blast furnace slag.

Dry process of cement manufacturing offers more advantages, particularly

in fuel consumption and is the most rational and logical choice. In the
proposed plant, dry process has been selected to manufacture clinker,
which comprises of rotary kiln, preheater and pre-calciner. The typical
process diagram for cement manufacturing is depicted in the Fig 2.14.


In dry process, the raw materials are dried in a combined drying-cum-

grinding installation to reduce the moisture content to below 1%. The drying
in the grinding unit is achieved by using kiln exhaust gases for normal
moisture. The ground raw mix is then homogenized in silos and fed into the
rotary kiln. Heat required for evaporation of added moisture is eliminated in
this process. Material balance of cement plant is given in Table 2.36.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-42
Rungta Mines Limited


Sanctioned as per EC Revised as per present proposal as per TOR
(1) Cement Plant
Raw Material Inputs Specific Quantity % Specific Quantity %
consumption T/T (TPA) consumption T/T (TPA)
(i) Portland Blast Furnace
Slag Cement
Slag Generation from Blast 0.700 467,775 70% 0.400 382,750 40%
Clinker 0.250 167,063 25% 0.550 526,281 55%
Gypsum 0.050 33,412 5% 0.050 47,844 5%

(ii) Portland Pozzolana

Fly Ash from Middlings & Char 0.350 356,055 35% 0.350 255,054 35%
Clinker 0.600 610,380 60% 0.600 437,235 60%
Gypsum 0.050 50,865 5% 0.050 36,436 5%
Total 1,685,550 1,685,600
Outputs Specific Quantity % Specific Quantity %
Generation T/T (TPA) Generation T/T (TPA)
Cement 1,685,550 100% 1,685,600 100%
Total 1,685,550 100% 1,685,600 100%

(2) Clinker Plant

Raw Material Inputs Specific Total Quantity % Specific Total Quantity %
consumption T/T (TPA) consumption T/T (TPA)
Lime stone 1.500 1,166,165 83% 1.500 1,445,274 83%
Clay component 0.030 23,323 2% 0.030 28,905 2%
Silica component 0.040 31,098 2% 0.040 38,541 2%
Mill scale (from 0.030 23,323 2% 0.030 2%
Coal 0.200 155,489 11% 0.200 192,703 11%
Others 0.010 7,774 1% 0.010 9,635 1%
Total 1.810 1,407,172 100% 1.810 1,743,964 100%
Outputs Specific Quantity % Specific Quantity %
Generation T/T (TPA) Generation T/T (TPA)
Clinker 1.000 777,443 55% 1.000 963,516 55%
Burning & other losses 0.810 629,728.83 45% 0.810 780,448 45%
Total 1.810 1,407,172 100% 1.810 1,743,964 100%


2.8.1 WHRB power generation unit

135 MW waste heat recovery boilers based power plant was sanctioned in
EC. Additional 100 MW is proposed to utilize the heat from gases exiting
DRI kilns, blast furnace and coke oven. The total capacity of WHRB will be
235 MW. The waste gases emanating from DR kilns at 1000C will be
utilized for generating power through WHRBs. Additional entire flue gas
from coke oven plant shall be used in WHRB while part of the blast furnace

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-43
Rungta Mines Limited

gas shall be used in WHRB. The flue gases contain substantial sensible
heat (average temperature 950°C), it is proposed to utilize the heat for
power generation through waste heat recovery boilers. The top pressure of
the MBF will also be utilised to establish a top pressure recovery turbine
(TRT). For waste heat recovery, boiler and steam turbines to be used are
given in Table 2.37.


Facilities Sanctioned as per Proposed Total After
EC Additional or expansion
change as per
WHRBs Connected with 20 MW 5 MW 25 MW
500 TPD DR Kilns 2X50 TPH 2X50 TPH
WHRBs Connected with 48 MW 17 MW 65 MW
600 TPD DR Kilns 4X60 TPH 3 X 85 TPH
WHRBs Connected with 60 MW 60 MW
900 TPD DR Kilns 2 X 120 TPH 2 X 120 TPH
WHRB Connected with 31 MW 4 MW 35 MW
MBFs 1X50 +1X90 TPH 1X50 +2X45 TPH
WHRB connected with - 10 MW 10 MW
WHRB Connected with 36 MW 4 MW 40 MW
Coke Oven 1X60 +1X100 TPH 2X60 +1X40 TPH
Total Power (MW) 135 MW 100 MW 235 MW

The waste heat recovery boilers consist of radiation chambers with water
walls just like conventional boiler with a drum to evaporate steam at 34
kg/cm2 pressure. The steam is carried to super heater system where the
temperature is maintained at 485°C. The boiler has an economizer, which
utilises the heat of outgoing gases to raise the temperature of feed water
from 100 to 200°C. The steam is used to rotate the turbine and to generate
power. The condensed steam is collected and recycled to the boilers as
boiler feed water. A DM water plant is provided for preparation of de-
mineralized water for make-up to the steam-condensate cycle.

The output of the boilers will be used to generate electricity through Steam
Turbo Generator Sets of capacities as mentioned above. The flue gases
leave the economizer zone at about 150°C. The gases are passed through
ESPs, where the dust concentration is brought down below permissible

2.8.2 CFBC Power generation unit

AFBC/ CFBC: 250 MW power plant has been sanctioned and additional
210 MW is proposed. The total capacity of the power plant shall be 460 MW
based on coal fines, middlings from washery and char from DRI kilns has
been proposed. The sanctioned and proposed configuration of AFBC/
CFBC power plant is given in Table 2.38.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-44
Rungta Mines Limited


Description Unit Sanctioned Proposed Total after
as per EC additional as expansion
per TOR
AFBC/ CFBC Nos. 6 8 14
Capacity and TPH TPH 2x125 + 8x125 + 10x125 +
4x250 1X130 & 1X130 +
Less 1X250 3x250
Working days Per/Annum 340 340 340
Working hours Hours /Day 24 24 24
Total Power generation MW 250 210 460

Material and energy balance is given in Table 2.39.


Sanctioned as per ECProposed Total after Expansion
as per TOR
Raw Material Inputs Specific Quantity % Power Quantity Quantity % Power Power
Consumption (TPA) Generation (TPA) (TPA) Generation Generation
T/MWh (MW)
Char Generation from DR Plant 1.472 285,248 12.36 129,099 414,347 10.97 31.83
Middlings from Coal Washery 1.104 1,759,908 76.28 377,502 2,137,410 56.60 218.93
Coal Fines from RM handling at 0.883 158,001 6.85 79,028 237,029 6.28 30.35
DR Plant
Power Generated from above 2,203,157 95.5 585,629 2,788,786 73.85 281.10
Coal required for Balance Power 0.576 103,934 4.50 805,055 908,989 24.07 178.90
Limestone 0.013 32,640 45,938 78,578 0
Total 2,339,732 100 1,436,622 3,776,353 460.0
Outputs Quantity % of
(TPA) material
Material Handling Loss (5%) 115,354.59 73,463 188,818 5.00%
Material combusted in 625,135
9,39,988.67 1,565,124 41.45%
Ash from Char (52% Ash) 148,328.95 67,132 215,460 5.71%
Ash from Middlings (56% Ash) 985,548.43 211,401 1,196,950 31.70%
Ash from Coal fines (45% Ash) 71,100.67 35,563 106,663 2.82%
Ash from Coal (45% Ash) 46,770 362,275 409,045 10.83%
Limestone in ash 32,640 61,653 94,293 2%
Total 2,339,732 1,436,622 3,776,353 100

Coal Handling System

The coal received crushed and screened at plant for the use of the steel
making and in the process coal fines are generated. These coal fines are
utilized for energy generation. Also, there will be generation of middlings in
the washery which are also proposed for consumption in power generation.
Char from the sponge iron kiln are third source of fuel for the power plant.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-45
Rungta Mines Limited

Ash handling system

For handling of fly ash of the steam generator, dense phase, pneumatic
conveying system is provided. The ash collected in the hoppers located in
economizer, air pre-heated sections of ESP hoppers will be pneumatically
conveyed and collected. Ash will be utilize in manufacture Portland
Pozzolana Cement (PPC) within plant premises, Brick manufacturing and
Road making.

Cooling water system

Cooling water system is the main consumer of water in a thermal power

plant. Cooling water is required for condenser and auxiliary cooling. The
water required for condenser cooling should be soft water, free from
suspended solids. A circulating water system with a cooling tower, make-up
water system and blow down system shall be provided. flow sheet of CPP is
given in Fig 2.15.


Waste Gases From MBF

Waste Gases from Coke

Oven Plant

To the Entire Plant

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-46
Rungta Mines Limited


The overall requirement of the raw material for the integrated steel plant Chaliyama is given in Table 2.40. Mode of
transport for raw materials will be by rail/ road.

Sl. Facilities Raw Material Unit Sanctioned Proposed Total Inhouse Outhouse Source
No. as per EC additional
1 Beneficiation Low Grade Iron Ore Fines (0 to 5 mm) TPA 5,389,927 5,389,927 0 5,389,927 Own mine/ OMC/Open market
Plant Flocculant TPA 269 269 0 269 Open Market
2 Pelletisation Iron Ore/ Fines/ concentrate TPA 3,233,956 28,304,794 31,538,750 3,233,956 28,304,794 Inhouse and Own mine/
Plant OMC/Open market
Dolomite (Flux) TPA 41,272 361,228 402,500 0 402,500 Open market
Bentonite TPA 44,220 387,030 431,250 0 431,250 Open market
Coke Breeze TPA 50,116 438,634 488,750 25 488,725 Open market
Coal >= 5500 Kcal /kg (emergency use) TPA 98,463 861,787 960,250 0 960,250 Open market
3 Coal ROM Coal TPA 4,140,960 888,240 5,029,200 0 5,029,200 Open market
4 DRI Plant Iron Ore/Iron Oxide TPA 2,419,710 951,015 3,370,725 3,370,725 0 Inhouse
Coal TPA 1,290,512 684,733 1,975,245 1,975,245 0 Inhouse
Dolomite TPA 48,394 41,492 89,886 0 89,886 Open market
5 Mini Blast Iron Ore TPA 657,195 -492,083 165,113 0 165,113 Own mine/ OMC/Open market
Furnace Sinter TPA 1,662,570 1,144,343 2,806,913 2,806,913 0 Inhouse
Pellet TPA 0 330,225 330,225 330,225 0 Inhouse
Coke TPA 951,143 -115,868 835,275 835,275 0 Inhouse
Coal dust TPA 77,963 213,412 291,375 0 291,375 Open Market
Dolomite TPA 218,295 53,655 271,950 0 271,950 Open Market
Quartz TPA 81,081 19,929 101,010 0 101,010 Open Market
6 Sinter Plant Iron Ore Fines TPA 1,579,442 965,254 2,544,696 0 2,544,696 Own mine/ OMC/Open market
Coke Fines TPA 166,257 68,443 234,700 234,700 0 Inhouse
Lime Stone TPA 216,134 151,433 367,567 0 367,567 Open Market

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-47
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. Facilities Raw Material Unit Sanctioned Proposed Total Inhouse Outhouse Source
No. as per EC additional
Dolomite TPA 216,134 151,433 367,567 0 367,567 Open Market
From Pellet plant (iron ore fines) TPA 240,772 2,107,325 2,348,097 2,348,097 0 Inhouse
ESP, BF dust, etc. from DRI TPA 97,376 44,071 141,447 141,447 0 Inhouse
Dust (Iron Ore, Coke, Sinter Fines) from TPA 77,963 19,162 97,125 97,125 0 Inhouse
Sludge from GCP from MBF TPA 7,796 -7,796 0 0
Bag Filter Dust from coke oven plant TPA 50,736 -2,265 48,471 48,471 0 Inhouse
BF dust from IF TPA 13,123 24,373 37,496 37,496 0 Inhouse
BF dust from EAF TPA 42,989 -4,895 38,094 38,094 0 Inhouse
Sinter Return Fines TPA 581,900 -157,784 424,116 424,116 0 Inhouse
7 Coke Oven Coking Coal TPA 1,691,200 -75,500 1,615,700 0 1,615,700 Open Market
8.1 SMS-IF DRI TPA 604,360 935,640 1,540,000 1,540,000 0 Inhouse
Pig Iron / Hot Metal TPA 111,774 139,313 251,087 251,087 0 Inhouse
Steel Scrap TPA 74,516 9,180 83,696 44,673 39,022 Inhouse and Open market
8.2 SMS-EAF DRI TPA 1,008,000 -300,850 707,150 707,150 0 Inhouse
Hot Metal/Pig Iron from MBF TPA 1,063,206 134,344 1,197,550 1,181,209 16,341 Inhouse and open market
Lime TPA 289,800 14,700 304,500 304,500 0 Inhouse
Pig Iron from Outside TPA 78,222 -78,222 0 0
9 Finished Product facilities
9.1 Rolling Mill Semi Finished Product from IF-CCM TPA 1,019,153 490,047 1,509,200 1,509,200 0 Inhouse
Semi Finished Product from EAF-CCM TPA 679,140 440,526 1,119,666 1,119,666 0 Inhouse
Semi finished purchased from outside TPA 85,280 -85,280 0 0
9.2 Strip Mill Semi Finished Product from CCM TPA 867,347 -357,143 510,204 510,204 0 Inhouse
9.3 Ductile Pipe Hot Metal from Blast Furnace TPA 408,163 102,041 510,204 510,204 0 Inhouse
10 Producer Gas Coal TPA 214,080 1,418,284 1,632,364 539,355 1,093,008 Inhouse and Open market
11 Lime Plant Lime Stone TPA 521,640 26,460 548,100 0 548,100 Open Market

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-48
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. Facilities Raw Material Unit Sanctioned Proposed Total Inhouse Outhouse Source
No. as per EC additional
Fuel Oil TPA 57,960 2,940 60,900 0 60,900 Open Market
12 Cement Plant Slag Generation from Blast Furnace TPA 467,775 -85,025 382,750 382,750 0 Inhouse
Clinker TPA 167,063 359,218 526,281 526,281 0 Inhouse
Gypsum TPA 33,412 14,432 47,844 0 47,844 Open Market
Portland Pozzolana Cement
Fly Ash from Middlings & Char TPA 356,055 -101,001 255,054 255,054 0 Inhouse
Clinker TPA 610,380 -173,145 437,235 437,235 0 Inhouse
Gypsum TPA 50,865 -14,429 36,436 0 36,436 Open Market
Clinker Plant Lime stone TPA 1,166,165 279,109 1,445,274 0 1,445,274 Open Market
Clay component TPA 23,323 5,582 28,905 0 28,905 Open Market
Silica component TPA 31,098 7,443 38,541 0 38,541 Open Market
Mill scale (from CCM/RM/SM/DPP) TPA 23,323 5,582 28,905 28,905 0 Inhouse
Coal TPA 155,489 37,214 192,703 0 192,703 Open Market
Others TPA 7,774 1,861 9,635 0 9,635 Open Market
13 Captive Char Generation from DR Plant TPA 285,248 129,099 414,347 414,347 0 Inhouse
Power Plant Middlings from Coal Washery TPA 1,759,908 377,502 2,137,410 2,137,410 0 Inhouse
Coal Fines from RM handling at DR TPA 158,001 79,028 237,029 237,029 0 Inhouse
Coal required for Balance Power TPA 103,934 805,055 908,989 0 908,989 Open Market
Limestone TPA 32,640 45,938 78,578 0 78,578 Open Market
Total TPA 37,902,962 42,021,264 79,924,226 28,558,170 51,366,056

In addition to above, the fuel requirement shall be for the dozers and heeavy machinery used for handling and
management of raw materials and solid waste, which is anticipated to the tune of 50,000 litre per annum. The producer
gas will be used in pellet plant to the tune of 5,382,000,000 Nm3/yr. The furnace oil will be used @ 17litre/T in rolling mill
and @ 50 litre/T in Strip mill and Ductile Pipe Plant. The total FO requirement will be 93,350 KL/annum.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-49
Rungta Mines Limited


The finished and intermediate products from the plant which shall be
consumed in-house or sold are given in Table 2.41.


Sl. Facilities Product Unit Sanctioned Proposed Total Consumped Sale
No. as per EC additional Inhouse
1 Beneficiation Plant Beneficiated Iron Ore TPA 3,233,956 3,233,956 3,233,956 0
2 Pelletisation Plant Pellets TPA 2,948,000 25,802,000 28,750,000 3,700,950 25,049,050
3 Coal Washery Washed Coal TPA 2,070,480 444,120 2,514,600 2,514,600 0
4 DRI Plant Sponge Iron (DRI) TPA 1,613,140 634,010 2,247,150 2,247,150 0
5 Mini Blast Furnace Hot Metal/ Pig Iron TPA 1,559,250 383,250 1,942,500 1,942,500 0
6 Sinter Plant Sinter TPA 1,662,570 1,164,870 2,827,440 2,806,913 20,528
7 Coke Oven Plant Coke TPA 1,120,000 -50,000 1,070,000 1,070,000 0
8 SMS-IF-CCM Semi-Finished Product TPA 679,140 830,060 1,509,200 1,509,200 0
from CCM
9 SMS-EAF-CCM Semi-Finished Product TPA 1,886,500 -240,100 1,646,400 1,629,870 16,530
from CCM
10 Rolling Mill Finished Product TPA 1,750,000 800,000 2,550,000 0 2,550,000
11 Strip Mill Finished Product TPA 850,000 -350,000 500,000 0 500,000
12 Ductile Pipe Finished Product TPA 400,000 100,000 500,000 0 500,000
13 Lime Plant Lime TPA 289,800 14,700 304,500 304,500 0
14 Cement Plant Cement TPA 1,685,550 1,685,600 3,371,150 0 3,371,150
15 clinker Plant Clinker TPA 777,443 963,516 1,740,959 963,516 777,443
Total 22,525,829 32,182,026 54,707,855 21,923,155 32,784,700

2.11 POWER

DRI Kiln gas, Blast furnace gas and Coke oven gas contains significant
heat, which could be passed through Waste Heat Recovery Boiler to
generate steam. The steam could be used to generate heat energy, power
and electricity. The top pressure of the MBF can be directly used for power
generation through turbine.

The existing power requirement of the project is 394 MW. Additional 300
MW will be required of the expansion. The total power requirement of the
project shall be 694 MW. The plant shall generate 695 MW energy in form
of electricity from its captive power plant and shall be utilized in DRI, SMS,
IF LRF, etc. and the additional power is available for outside sale. Energy
consumption is given in Table 2.42

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-50
Rungta Mines Limited


S.N. Description Sanctioned as per EC Proposed additional as per TOR Total after Expansion
No of No of KWH Capacity Power Capacity (TPA) Power No of No of KWH Capacity (TPA) Power
Days Hours Req (TPA) Requirement Requirement Days Hours Req Requirement
(MW) (MW) (MW)
1 Sponge Iron Plant 350 24 80 1,613,140 15.15 634,010 -0.64 355 24 55 2,247,150 14.51
2 Pellet Plant 335 24 64 2,948,000 23.47 25,802,000 155.33 335 24 50 28,750,000 178.79
3 Iron Ore benefication 330 24 3 5,389,927 2.04 0 0.00 330 24 3 5,389,927 2.04
4 Coal Washery 327 20 15 4,140,960 9.50 888,240 -3.40 330 20 8 5,029,200 6.10
5 Mini Blast Furnace 350 24 150 1,559,250 27.84 383,250 1.06 350 24 125 1,942,500 28.91
6 Sinter 325 21 45 1,662,570 10.96 1,164,870 5.10 330 24 45 2,827,440 16.07
7 Coke Oven Plant 350 24 10 1,120,000 1.33 -50,000 -0.06 350 24 10 1,070,000 1.27
8.1 SMS-IF 350 24 750 693,000 61.88 1,540,000 66.46 350 24 700 2,233,000 128.33
8.2 SMS-EAF 350 24 400 1,925,000 91.67 -245,000 -11.67 350 24 400 1,680,000 80.00
8.3 SMS-CCM 350 24 100 2,464,000 29.33 756,000 9.00 350 24 100 3,220,000 38.33
9.1 Flat/Round/Wire/Rod/ 350 20 140 1,750,000 35.00 800,000 12.36 350 20 130 2,550,000 47.36
Structural Mill
9.2 Strip Mill/Sheet/Coil/ Wire 350 20 140 850,000 17.00 -350,000 -7.71 350 20 130 500,000 9.29
& Bar Mill/Wire Rope
9.3 Ductile Pipe Plant 350 20 100 400,000 5.71 100,000 25.54 350 16 350 500,000 31.25
10 Producer Gas Plant 333 24 0.02 480,000,000 1.20 4,906,800,000 8.85 335 24 0.015 5,386,800,000 10.05
11 Oxygen Plant 350 24 1 68,600,000 8.17 61,250,000 7.29 350 24 1 129,850,000 15.46
12 Lime Plant 350 24 1 304,500 0.04 0 0.00 350 24 1 304,500 0.04
13 Cement Plant 340 24 72 1,685,600 14.76 0 -2.51 344 24 60 1,685,600 12.25
14 Power 340 24 0.1 385 38.50 310 31.00 350 24 0.1 695 69.50
15 Colony 3.9 3.9
Total Requirement 393.54, 299.89, 693.44,
Say 394 Say 300 Say 694
Power Generation 385 310 695
Power from outside 9
Power for outside sale 10 1

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-51
Rungta Mines Limited


Fresh water will be stored in a raw water reservoir. Water from the reservoir
will be subjected to clari-flocculation, sludge settling and gravity filtration.
Clear water will be utilized for cooling water make up and as service water.
For potable water system, the filtered water will be subjected to chlorination.
For make up to the steam-condensate cycle (boiler feed water),
demineralization of the filtered water by cation and anion exchange resins is
envisaged. Consumption of industrial water in different operations can be
broadly classified under the following heads:

 Evaporation losses in raw water reservoir

 Losses in water treatment
 Make up to cooling water systems
 Boiler feed water
 Dust suppression
 Horticulture and green belt
 Service water, e.g., make-up to fire water system, etc.

2.12.1 Water requirement for entire plant

The estimated sanctioned make-up water requirement for the Complete

Steel Plant is 2981 cum per hour. Water withdrawal permission of 2950
cum/hr from Bramhani River has been obtained from the Water Resource
Department, Govt. of Odisha. Additional 771 KLH water will be required for
the proposed expansion. The total water requirement for the project shall be
3752 KLH. IPICOL recommended for allocation of additional water
requirement of 7.86 cusec from river Bramhani vide letter no.
CGM/SLNA/RML-226/18/2160 dated 24.08.2020. Water permission and
recommendation letter is enclosed as Annexure IV. Daily make up water
requirement has been given in Table 2.43. The water balance diagram is
given in Fig 2.16 for total steel plant.

The project design encompasses optimum water consumption through the

concept of recycling and reuse. The waste water generated from various
units will be treated to meet the stipulated norms and then reused within the
plant for process use, dust suppression and gardening. No waste water will
be discharged outside the plant premises.

2.12.2 Fire water requirement

Water requirement for fire protection system shall be met from the raw
water reservoir and separate pumps shall be provided.

2.12.3 Dust Suppression Water System

The dust suppression will be carried out by sprinkling water on the raw
material stock piles etc. Dust suppression will be accomplished by makeup
water as well as cooling tower blow downs from time to time thereby
reducing the make-up water requirement.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-52
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. Plant Unit Sanctioned as per EC Proposed additional as per TOR Total after Exapnsion
Capacity (TPA) Fresh/ Evaporation Discharge/ Capacity Fresh/ Evaporation Discharge/ Capacity Fresh/ Make- Evaporation/ Discharge/
Make-up / Consumed Waste Water (TPA) Make-up / Consumed Waste Water (TPA) up Water Consumed Waste Water
Water water Water water water
1 Sponge Iron Plant TPA 1,613,140 196 196 0 634,010 2 2 0 2,247,150 198 198 0
2 Pellet Plant TPA 3,000,000 55 46 9 25,750,000 1,018 850 168 28,750,000 1,073 896 177
3 Iron ore Beneficiation TPA 5,389,927 204 23 181 0 -68 -8 -60 5,389,927 136 16 120
4 Coal Washary TPA 4,140,960 68 8 61 888,240 14 2 13 5,029,200 83 9 74
5 Mini Blast Furnace TPA 686,000 408 248 160 1,256,500 -223 -136 -88 1,942,500 185 112 73
6 Sinter Plant TPA 1,662,570 397 368 29 1,164,870 -290 -268 -22 2,827,440 107 99 8
7 Coke Oven TPA 1,120,000 147 147 0 -50,000 -45 -45 0 1,070,000 102 102 0
8 SMS (I.F./L.R.F.-CCM) TPA 2,618,000 343 338 5 602,000 -36 -36 -1 3,220,000 307 302 5
9.1 TMT/Flat/ Round/ Wire/ TPA 1,750,000 300 291 9 800,000 -118 -114 -4 2,550,000 182 177 5
Rod/ Strl Mill
9.2 Strip mill/sheet TPA 850,000 158 153 5 -350,000 -122 -119 -4 500,000 36 35 1
9.3 Ductile pipe 400,000 74 74 0 100,000 -30 -30 0 500,000 45 45 0
10 PGP 480,000,000 14 0 14 4,906,800,00 140 0 140 5,386,800,000 154 0 154
11 Oxygen 68,600,000 0 0 0 61,250,000 2 2 0 129,850,000 2 2 0
12 lime plant 304,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 304,500
13 cement plant 1,685,600 182 182 0 0 -2 -2 0 1,685,600 180 180 0
14 power plant 385 385 328 57 310 553 472 81 695 938 800 138
15 Drinking Water and 50 31 19 -24 -15 -9 26 16 10
Total 2,981 2,433 548 771 555 216 3,752 2,988 765

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-53
Rungta Mines Limited


EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-54
Rungta Mines Limited


The manpower requirement for the sanctioned capacity is 2650 persons.

Additional 2200 person will be required for the proposed expansion. The
total manpower for the 3.55 MTPA plant shall be 4850 persons.

Facilities to manpower

Infrastructure facilities such as sanitation, fuel, restrooms, etc. will be

provided to the labour force during construction as well as to the casual
workers including truck drivers.


The completion schedule of the all facilities within 84 months after received
Environmental Clearance. The tentative project implementation schedule is
given in Table 2.44.


Sl. No. Facilities Completion schedule
1. DRI plant 80 month
2. Mini Blast Furnace 60 month
3. SMS 60 month
4. Rolling mill 80 month
5. Strip Mill 80 month
6. Ductile pipe 80 month
7. Power plant 80 month
8. Pelletisation plant 84 month
9. Coal washery 84 month
10. Oxygen Plant 60 month
11. Lime Plant 60 month
12. Sinter plant 60 month
13. Coke oven plant 60 month
14. Producer gas plant 84 month
15. Cement plant 60 month

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 2-55
Rungta Mines Limited




As per the requirement of EIA Notification dated 14.09.2006, the base line
data has to be generated and collected. This is to be used to establish the
present environmental scenario. This has to cover the study area, period,
components, methodology, maps and baseline for valued environmental

As per the procedure laid down in the EIA Notification dated 14.09.2006,
Form-I, proposed terms of reference (TOR) for the EIA along with the pre-
feasibility report was submitted to MOEF&CC vide online application no.
IA/OR/IND/172347/2020 dated 11th September 2020 with request to permit
use of the already collected baseline data of the period 01.03.2019 to
31.05.2019. The TOR was issued by MOEF&CC vide letter no. J-
11011/309/2018-IA.II(I) on 19.09.2020.

3.1.1 Sources of Environmental Data

The baseline information on micro-meteorological data, ambient air quality,

water quality, soil quality and noise levels have been recorded at site by M/s
Min Mec R&D Laboratory, New Delhi (NABL certificate no. TC 6337 valid
upto 20/11/2021 and MoEF&CC notification no. SO 3744(E) at Sl. No. 97,
valid upto 16/10/2025, both enclosed in Annexure XXI). Long term
meteorological data was collected from the nearest IMD station, Angul.
Primary data on flora, fauna, traffic volumes, etc. was also collected during
field visits. Apart from these, secondary data have been collected from
Census Handbook, Revenue Records, Forest Department, etc.

3.1.2 Study area

For the description of baseline environmental scenario, the plant area has
been considered as the “core zone”. The area falling within a distance of 10
km from the boundary of the core zone has been considered as the “buffer
zone”. The core zone and the buffer zone together form the “study area”.
Baseline status and impact assessment has been done for the study area
as shown in Fig 3.1.


The topography and drainage map of the study area is shown in Fig 3.1.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-1
Rungta Mines Limited


EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-2
Rungta Mines Limited


EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-3
Rungta Mines Limited

3.2.1 Topography

Core zone: The existing project area has a comparatively flat terrain and
elevation is approximately 75-95 m AMSL. The proposed expansion area
has an elevation of 65-100 m in majority area of main plant, as measured
through google earth. The overall slope is towards the northern side
towards Nigra Nala.

The elevation of the proposed colony area is 93 to 169 m. It is It is located

on a slope at the base of the Jharbandh hill. The elevation of the proposed
water reservoir area is 87-95 m and is a flat land near to Jharbandh village.

Buffer zone: Topographically, the study area represents a flat to gently

undulating sloping topography with few scattered hillocks. The notable
hillocks are Jharbandh Reserve Forest with a peak at 229 m, lying on the
eastern side of the project site. The hillock of Nimidha RF has a peak at an
elevation of 312 m, lying in north-north-east of the project.

The third prominant hillock is a dense jungle of Sal near village Naraharipur
lying west-south west of the project. Smaller hillocks exist on a line from
Jharbandh reserve forest in the centre of the study area towards south west
side. The area south of the Brahmani River gently slopes towards the
northeast. The surface elevation in buffer zone varies from 60 m to 312 m.

A digital elevation map of the study area has been prepared and given in
Fig 3.2. The prominant hillocks of the study area can be seen clearly as
elongated north east-south west oriented yellow coloured shapes lying east
of the plant and going southwest wards. The highest elevations have been
coloured in red and emerge on the east-north eastern side on Nimidha
Reserve Forest.

3.2.2 Drainage

Core zone: The proposed project site is located 0.7 km south of Nigra
(Lingra) Nala and 4.90 km south west of Brahmani River. As seen on
toposheet, five first order seasonal drains and one aquaduct originate from
within plant boundary or from its immediate vicinity and flow out from the
northern boundary. These drains originate from and connect multiple
seasonal ponds before flowing into Nigra Nala, which ultimately joins the
Brahmani river. A total of seventeen ponds exist in the total existing &
proposed plant area.

Buffer zone: The drainage of the area is controlled by the south-easterly

flowing Brahmani river situated in the north-eastern part of the study area.
The river is fed by various seasonal sub-parallel nalas like Nigra, Kisinda
Jhor, Kusumder Jhor, Bade Jhor, etc.

Rivers/ Water bodies present in 10 km radius are given in Table 3.1.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-4
Rungta Mines Limited


RIver/ Nala Nearest distance
With respect to plant With respect to With respect to Staff
water reservoir area Colony
Distance, Direction Distance, Direction Distance, Direction
km km km
Nigra or Lingra Nadi 0.7 N
Brahmani River 4.9 NE
Kisinda Jor 5.0 N
Kantei Nala 4.8 WSW
Matilia Nadi 7.0 WSW
Bauli Nadi 6.9 W
Barha Jor 7.8 SE
Kusumdor Jor 3.6 SE
Agana Nadi 9.3 ESE
Bangurasingha Nala 8.6 E
Parjang Branch Canal 7.9 NE
Ria Jor 5.9 NE
Rengali Right Main Canal 0.7 N
Pond in Khajuria 7.5 S
Pond in Ranjagol 5.6 S
Pond in Sanamunda 2.6 SW
Pond in Bankirhi 4.8 SW
Pond in Garhasantri 7.8 NW
Pond in Brundabanpur 9.7 NNW
Pond in Barhamunda 0.7 S
Pond in Sanahindola 7.5 S
Pond in Kantimili 1.8 SSW
Pond in Nuaparha 4.6 SW
Pond in Talamulapatana 7.9 WSW
Pond in 7.2 SSW
Pond in Jhanjiribahal 9.5 NW
Pond in Taltali 6.8 W
Pond in Kalandapal 9.1 W
Pond in Madhupur 1.2 SE
Pond in Nua 3.3 SE
Pond in Barsingh 4.1 SSE
Pond in Meramundali 1.0 NE
Pond in Malibirha 3.3 NE
Pond in Paribhandar 7.6 NNE
Pond in Hatura 9.5 SW
Pond in Garhatelemula 6.9 WSW
Pond in Kusuna 8.0 W
Pond in Rakala 5.2 W
Pond in Dhalapur 5.9 E

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-5
Rungta Mines Limited

RIver/ Nala Nearest distance

With respect to plant With respect to With respect to Staff
water reservoir area Colony
Distance, Direction Distance, Direction Distance, Direction
km km km
Pond in Kateni 6.4 NNE
Pond in Garha Santri 7.8 WNW
Pond in Nimidha 3.4 E
Pond in Jharband 0.1 N
Reservoir Near Nua 4.2 SE


The climate of region is mainly tropical type and is influenced to some

extent by the conditions in the Bay of Bengal. South west monsoon season
starts from June and extends upto October. The summer is severe during
May-June with high temperatures. A pleasant winter prevails from
December to January.

Meteorological parameters have been studied on the basis of data recorded

at nearest IMD station, Angul (20 km, WNW) during 2001-2011 and are
appended in Annexure V and briefly discussed in the following paragraphs.

3.3.1 Temperature, Rainfall and Relative Humidity

The average daily maximum and minimum temperature, relative humidity

and average rainfall for each of the twelve months for the period 2001-2011
as recorded at IMD station Angul have been furnished in Table 3.2.


Months Temperature °C Relative humidity in % Average
Maximum Minimum at 8.30 hrs at 17.30 hrs Rainfall
January 28.66 13.05 70 58 11.8
February 32.75 15.37 67 52 7.8
March 36.75 19.45 69 52 25.7
April 39.85 23.49 66 48 30.5
May 40.26 25.20 66 51 66.9
June 36.25 24.41 69 62 170.5
July 32.77 23.27 80 73 305.0
August 31.89 22.95 80 76 259.0
September 32.24 22.83 78 76 225.8
October 32.51 19.91 74 68 95.1
November 30.03 16.87 68 60 10.4
December 28.32 13.02 68 61 7.9
Average 33.53 19.99 71 61 Total

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-6
Rungta Mines Limited

For the above mentioned 10 years period, monthly average of minimum

temperatures recorded at IMD station Angul ranged from 13.02°C in
December to 25.20°C in May. The monthly average of maximum
temperature ranged from 28.32°C in December to 40.26°C in May.

In case of relative humidity, it is higher during the period of monsoon and

lower during other months.

The rainfall data shows that the average monthly rainfall varies between 7.8
mm (February) to 305.0 mm (July). The total of monthly average rainfall for
the period 2001-2011 comes to 1216.4 mm while the decadal average of
the annual totals comes to 1185.5 mm. Bulk of the rainfall in the study area
is received during the south west monsoon between June to October. From
Annexure V, heaviest rainfall was recorded as 589.1 mm in the month of
July 2009. More than 60% of the rainfall is recorded in the months of June,
July, August and September.

3.3.2 Wind speed and windroses

The nearest station where data was available in similar climatological

conditions is Angul. The wind speed and direction data from 2009 to 2011
have been given in Table 3.3 and the windrose diagrams for the period
1981-2010, as sourced from climatological tables of IMD, are presented in
Fig 3.3 and Fig 3.4 for 8:30 hrs and 17:30 hrs respectively.

An observation of the windroses shows that the predominant wind direction

at 8.30 am and 5.30 pm is from North-western sector almost through out the


Month At 8.30 hrs At 17.30 hrs
Speed (km/hr) Direction Speed (km/hr) Direction
January 2 NW 2 SE, NW & NE
February 2 NW 2 NW & SE
March 2 NW & SW 2 NW, SW & SE
April 2 SE, NW & NE 2 NW, SW & SE
May 2 NW & SE 2 SE & NE
June 2 NW 2 SW & SE
July 2 SW, NW & NE 2 NW, SW & SE
August 2 SW, NW & NE 2 NW & SE
September 2 NW & NE 2 SW & NE
October 2 NW & SE 2 NW & NE
November 2 NW 2 NW
December 2 NW 2 NW, SW & SE

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Rungta Mines Limited


The micro-meteorological data of the study area have been recorded

continuously by Min Mec R&D Laboratory, New Delhi with an automatic
weather station from 1st March to 31st May 2019. The daily average of the
monitored micro-meteorological data is given in Annexure VI and
summarized in Table 3.4. The various parameters are discussed in
subsequent paragraphs.


Particulars Maximum Minimum Average
Temperature (°C) 42.0 20.00 32.22
Relative humidity (%) 86.5 18.20 48.39
Cloudiness (Octas) 8.0 0.0 0.06
Wind speed (km/h) 39.2 Calm 9.91
Predominant wind direction S (12.23% Readings)
Note : Calm is <1.8 km/h

The above table shows that temperature was recorded as a minimum of

20C and maximum of 42°C and relative humidity as a minimum of 18.2%
and maximum of 86.5%. The cloudiness data shows that skies were clear
for maximum length of time during the monitoring period. The wind speed
varied between calm (less than 1.8 km/h) to 39.2 km/h with an average of
9.91 km/hr. The predominant wind direction, including calms, was observed
from S with 12.23% of occurrences. The wind frequency table is given in
Table 3.5 and the corresponding wind rose diagram is shown in Fig 3.5.


(MARCH-MAY 2019)
Direction Percent frequency (wind speed in km/h)
from Calm 1.8-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 >20 Total Ex.Calm
DAY TIME (06 hrs to 17 hrs)
E 0.09 0.82 2.36 1.27 0.09 0.00 4.63 4.54
ENE 0.09 0.82 1.81 0.72 0.09 0.00 3.53 3.44
NE 0.09 0.09 1.09 0.45 0.09 0.00 1.81 1.72
NNE 0.00 0.09 1.18 0.91 0.09 0.00 2.27 2.27
N 0.18 0.18 1.54 1.72 0.09 0.00 3.71 3.53
NNW 0.00 0.36 1.90 2.36 0.63 0.45 5.7 5.70
NW 0.54 0.72 2.72 2.08 0.54 0.18 6.78 6.24
WNW 0.63 1.45 2.45 1.45 1.45 0.54 7.97 7.34
W 1.27 1.90 1.72 0.91 0.45 0.18 6.43 5.16
WSW 1.99 1.81 2.45 0.72 0.18 0.36 7.51 5.52
SW 0.91 1.99 0.63 0.54 0.36 0.09 4.52 3.61
SSW 0.27 1.45 2.99 1.36 0.91 0.82 7.80 7.53
S 0.63 2.36 4.62 2.99 1.09 0.00 11.69 11.06
SS E 0.72 2.99 3.99 2.54 1.27 0.36 11.87 11.15

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-9
Rungta Mines Limited

Direction Percent frequency (wind speed in km/h)

from Calm 1.8-5 5-10 10-15 15-20 >20 Total Ex.Calm
SE 0.82 1.99 3.35 1.72 0.27 0.09 8.24 7.42
ESE 0.27 0.72 3.35 0.82 0.27 0.09 5.52 5.25
TOTAL 8.50 19.74 38.15 22.56 7.87 3.16 99.98 91.48
NIGHT TIME (18 hrs to 05 hrs)
E 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.63 0.27 0.27 1.44 1.44
E 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.18 0.09 0.18 0.63 0.63
ENE 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.18 0.09 0.09 0.54 0.54
NE 0.00 0.09 0.36 0.18 0.27 0.45 1.35 1.35
NNE 0.00 0.18 0.27 0.45 0.45 0.54 1.89 1.89
N 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.27 0.18 0.45 1.17 1.17
NNW 0.09 0.09 0.36 0.63 0.27 0.54 1.98 1.89
NW 0.09 0.54 2.27 0.91 0.54 0.82 5.17 5.08
WNW 0.73 0.63 3.81 2.90 1.09 0.63 9.79 9.06
W 0.82 2.72 4.90 4.26 1.18 1.54 15.42 14.60
WSW 0.09 2.81 6.26 4.53 1.90 1.45 17.04 16.95
SW 0.27 1.81 3.17 4.53 1.99 1.45 13.22 12.95
SSW 0.18 1.09 3.81 4.71 1.72 1.27 12.78 12.60
S 0.09 0.91 3.08 2.99 1.09 0.63 8.79 8.70
SSE 0.09 0.54 1.63 1.90 0.91 0.45 5.52 5.43
SE 0.00 0.45 0.82 0.91 0.63 0.36 3.17 3.17
ESE 2.45 11.86 31.64 30.16 12.67 11.12 99.90 97.45
Total 0.00 0.00 0.27 0.63 0.27 0.27 1.44 1.44
COMPOSITE (Day + Night)
E 0.05 0.41 1.31 0.95 0.18 0.14 3.04 2.99
ENE 0.05 0.41 1.00 0.45 0.09 0.09 2.09 2.04
NE 0.05 0.05 0.63 0.32 0.09 0.05 1.19 1.14
NNE 0.00 0.09 0.77 0.54 0.18 0.23 1.81 1.81
N 0.09 0.18 0.91 1.09 0.27 0.27 2.81 2.72
NNW 0.00 0.18 1.09 1.31 0.41 0.45 3.44 3.44
NW 0.32 0.41 1.54 1.36 0.41 0.36 4.40 4.08
WNW 0.36 1.00 2.36 1.18 1.00 0.68 6.58 6.22
W 1.00 1.27 2.76 1.90 0.77 0.41 8.11 7.11
WSW 1.40 2.27 3.67 2.49 0.68 0.95 11.46 10.06
SW 0.50 2.40 3.44 2.54 1.13 0.77 10.78 10.28
SSW 0.27 1.63 3.08 2.95 1.45 1.13 10.51 10.24
S 0.41 1.72 4.21 3.85 1.40 0.63 12.22 11.81
SSE 0.41 1.95 3.53 2.76 1.18 0.50 10.33 9.92
SE 0.45 1.27 2.49 1.81 0.59 0.27 6.88 6.43
ESE 0.14 0.59 2.08 0.86 0.45 0.23 4.35 4.21
TOTAL 5.50 15.83 34.87 26.36 10.28 7.16 100.00 94.50
Note: Calm is cut off at wind speed <1.8 km/hr as per CPCB
The totals may vary from 100% due to rounding off error

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-10
Rungta Mines Limited


EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-11
Rungta Mines Limited


3.5.1 Location of sampling stations

Ambient air quality monitoring was undertaken at 8 different stations within

the study area during the summer season of 2019. The ambient air
sampling stations were established in the core and buffer zone to study the
present ambient air quality. The sampling station locations are given in
Table 3.6 and the same are marked in Fig 3.6.


Station Station Location Distance & Justification for location
No. No. Direction
(Refer from Plant
Fig 3.6) boundary
CA1 1 Proposed Core Within Plant site where activities
Zone will take place
BA1 2 Nimidha village 2.8, E Between two forests.
Control location due to hill
acting as barrier
BA2 3 Mosonia village 5.3, N First predominant
downwind direction
BA3 4 Thokar village 4.6 SE Cross wind, distant station
BA4 5 Nimabahali village 1.5, NE Second predominant
downwind direction
BA5 6 Tarkabera village 1.1, S First predominant upwind
BA6 7 Kadala village 0.5, SW Second predominant
upwind direction
BA7 8 Beruanpal village 0.20, NW Nearest habitation to
expansion area

3.5.2 Sampling schedule and parameters

The study was for 3 months with frequency of twice a week at each site. 24-
hour average samples were collected from each station for respirable
particulate matter (RPM or PM10), fine particulate matter (PM2.5), sulphur
dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and carbon monoxide (CO).
Additionally, BaP, ammonia, benzene, nickel, arsenic and lead were
monitored at the core zone for the monitoring period and for one sample at
each of the sampling stations in buffer zone. These samples were analysed
in laboratory by adopting the methods specified in National Ambient Air
Quality Standards.

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Rungta Mines Limited


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Rungta Mines Limited

3.5.3 Methodology

Respirable particulate matter (PM10)

The sampling of ambient air was performed with respirable dust sampler,
which is primarily a high volume sampler fitted with a cyclone separator for
pre-separation of particles larger than 10 microns diameter. Air exiting from
the separator is drawn at a measured rate through the separator followed by
a pre-weighed glass fibre sheet of 20 x 25 cm sizes (Whatman, EPM-2000
or equivalent). The PM10 concentrations are determined gravimetrically from
the average airflow rate, sampling period and the mass of particulate matter
collected over the GF filter surface.

Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5)

The sampling of ambient air was performed with fine particulate sampler for
particles less than 2.5 microns diameter. The PM concentrations are
determined gravimetrically from the average airflow rate, sampling period
and the mass of particulate matter collected over the PTFE filter surface.

Sulphur Dioxide

The sampling of ambient air for evaluating SO2 concentrations was

performed with a multigas sampler, using the vacuum created by the
respirable dust sampler for drawing the air samples through the impingers.
Air is drawn at a measured and controlled rate of 300 ml/min through a
solution of sodium tetra-chloromercurate.

After completion of the sampling, the used absorbing reagent is treated with
dilute solutions of sulfamic acid, formaldehyde and para rosaniline
hydrochloride. The absorbance of the intensely coloured para rosaniline
methyl sulphonic acid is measured and the amount of SO 2 in the sample is
computed from graphs prepared with standard solutions. The ambient SO 2
concentrations were computed from the amount of SO 2 collected and the
volume of air sampled.

Nitrogen dioxide

The sampling of ambient air for evaluating NO2 concentrations was

performed with a multigas sampler, using the vacuum created by the
respirable dust sampler for drawing the air samples through the impingers.
Air is drawn at a measured and controlled rate of about 300 ml/minute
through an orifice-tipped impinger containing solutions of sodium hydroxide
and sodium arsenite. After completion of the sampling, an aliquot of the
used absorbing solution was treated with solutions of H2O2, sulphanilamide
and NEDA.

The nitrite ion present in the impinger was calculated from the absorbance
of the resulting solution and from the graphs prepared with standard
solutions. The ambient NO2 concentrations were computed from the total

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-14
Rungta Mines Limited

nitrite ion present in the impingers, overall efficiency of the impinger and the
procedure, and the volume of air sampled.

Carbon monoxide

The method of determining carbon monoxide is by portable CO detector

Model no. gaZguard Tx of Pollution Protection Systems which works on the
principle of eletrochemical detection of pollutant at any instant.


The sampling of ambient air for evaluating benzene concentrations is

performed by VOC Analyser by opening a tube at two ends, connecting it to
a sample pump, and pulling air through the tube with the pump. Airborne
chemicals are trapped onto the surface of the sorbent with sampling flow
rate in the range of 20-100 ml/ min. The tube is then sealed with push-on
caps. The sample is re-extracted or desorbed by conventional solvent
(generally 1-5 ml of carbon disulphide) using ultrasonication for 15 min to
remove analyte from the sorbent material. Desorbed samples are analyzed
using gas chromatograph (GC) fitted with capillary column and flame
ionization detector (FID).


The sampling of ambient air for evaluating NH3 concentrations was

performed by placing 10 ml of absorbing solution of 0.1 N H2SO4 in an
impinger and sample for one hour at the flow rate of 1 to 2 L/min. After
sampling, the volume of sample is measured and transferred to a sample
storage bottle. The contents of the sample bottle are transferred to a 25 ml
glass stopper graduated cylinder. All the solutions and sample are
maintained at 25° C. 2 ml buffer and 5 ml working phenol solution is added,
mixed, and filled to about 22 ml. 2.5 ml of working hypochlorite solution is
added and rapidly mixed. It is then diluted to 25 ml, mixed and stored in the
dark for 30 minutes to develop colour. The absorbance of the solution is
measured at 630 nm on a spectrophotometer using 1 cm cells. The
concentration of NH3 in μg/m3 is calculated from standard graph.

Benzo (a) pyrene

The sampling of ambient air is carried out using respirable dust sampler
using EPM- 2000 glass fibre or equivalent filter. Filter paper is divided in two
equal parts. Half portion of filter paper is used for the measurement of
B(a)P. For extracting the sample, the collected filter papers are cut into
strips using scissors and transferred to 250 ml beaker. These samples are
extracted with about 50ml of toluene using ultra sonic bath for about 30
minutes. The procedure is repeated twice (50ml x 2 times) for complete
extraction. The extracts are filtered into evaporative flask of 250 ml with the
help of Whatman filter paper No. 20 or filter-disc. The extraction process is
repeated twice and extractants combined. The toluene extract is evaporated
using rotary evaporator with water bath as cool as possible (temperature not

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-15
Rungta Mines Limited

exceeding 40°C) taking care that it is not evaporated upto total dryness. It
should be stopped at near dryness (less than 1 ml, visible). Then 2.0 ml of
toluene is added to rinse the wall of evaporation flask and extract
transferred into a beaker of 5 ml capacity. The extracted residue is diluted
and made up to 0.5 ml or 1 ml. 1μl or 2 μl is injected into GC-FID for
analysis. The resulting concentration is recorded.

Heavy metals (nickel, lead, arsenic)

The sampling of ambient air for evaluating lead, nickel and arsenic is done
by collect the particulate matter on glass fibre filter (EPM 2000 or equivalent)
using PM 10 sampler. Filter paper is divided in two equal parts. Half portion
of filter paper is used for the measurement of lead, nickel and arsenic. The
sample is extracted by hot plate procedure and the digested sample is
analysed using ICP. The concentration is calculated using calibration graph.

A summary of the methodology is given in Table 3.7


Parameters Testing Procedure
PM10 IS:5182 (Part 23) using respirable dust sampler (RDS),
gravimeteric analysis
PM2.5 Adapted from CPCB guidelines using fine particulate sampler,
gravimeteric analysis
SO2 Absorption in sodium tetra chloro-mercurate followed by
colorimetric estimation using P-rosaniline hydrochloride and
formaldehyde (IS : 5182 Part. II. 1969)
NO2 Absorption in dil. NaOH and then estimated through
spectrophotometer with sulphanilamide and N(I-Nepthyle)
Ethylene diamine Dihydrochloride and Hydrogen Peroxide
(IS:5182 1975, Part VI)
CO Electrochemical detection by portable CO detector
Benzene Collection by organic vapour sampler followed by solvent
extraction and GC analysis (IS:5182
(Part 11))
NH3 CPCB Guidelines- Absorption in 0.1 N H2SO4 followed by reaction
with phenol and hypochlorite solution for colour development and
spectrophotometric concetration determination
BaP Collection on filter paper using respirable dust sampler followed
by solvent extraction and GC analysis (IS:5182 (Part 12))
Arsenic, Collection on filter paper using respirable dust sampler followed
Nickel, Lead by digestion and ICP analysis (IS 3025 (Part 2))

Analysis results with respect to PM2.5, PM10, SO2 and NO2 are presented in
Annexure VII and summarized in Table 3.8. They are also compared with
the National Ambient Air Quality Standards dated 18 th November 2009,

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-16
Rungta Mines Limited

which give the limits for industrial as well as residential & rural areas, copy
given in Annexure VIII.


Pollutant 24 hourly average concentration in µg/m3 except CO in mg/m3
Proposed Nimidha Mosonia Thokar Nimabaha Tarkabera Kadala Beruan pal Permissible
Core Zone village village village li village village village village Limits,
NAAQS 2009
PM10 Min. 65.0 55.1 66.4 42.1 57.6 40.7 41.1 64.1
Max 70.9 65.8 70.8 54.9 68.9 57.7 61.1 69.9
Avg 67.8 61.0 69.2 48.3 63.1 49.6 51.5 66.6
98th %tile 70.7 65.4 70.8 54.7 68.7 57.5 60.9 69.5
PM2.5 Min. 34.7 30.5 35.7 24.3 31.4 22.6 22.0 34.5
Max 41.7 37.8 42.3 31.8 39.9 32.9 36.7 42.2
Avg 38.4 34.7 39.3 27.8 35.8 28.0 29.3 37.5
98th %tile 41.2 37.8 42.1 31.6 39.6 32.8 35.9 41.2
SO2 Min. 9.6 8.0 12.6 BDL 9.1 7.2 6.6 9.1
Max 13.2 11.5 16.9 9.3 14.6 10.0 13.3 14.0
Avg 11.0 9.7 14.5 7.1 11.8 8.5 10.6 11.5
98th %tile 13.2 11.5 16.9 9.2 14.6 9.9 13.3 14.0
NO2 Min. 13.2 11.4 15.0 8.2 13.0 9.5 11.7 12.3
Max 17.7 16.9 21.4 13.0 21.5 13.8 18.8 16.9
Avg 15.6 13.9 18.5 10.2 18.5 12.1 15.3 15.0
98th %tile 17.6 16.7 21.4 12.5 21.4 13.8 18.5 16.9
CO Min. 0.344 0.288 0.527 BDL 0.357 0.243 0.187 0.349
Max 0.596 0.496 0.790 0.357 0.646 0.400 0.575 0.620
Avg 0.497 0.373 0.630 0.219 0.485 0.333 0.406 0.472
98th %tile 0.590 0.490 0.774 0.355 0.630 0.400 0.569 0.620

TABLE 3.8 (Contd…)

Sl. Date of Sampling Location NH3 BaP C6H6 Pb As Ni
No. (µg/m3) (ng/m3) (µg/m3) (µg/m3) (ng/m3) (ng/m3)
1. 01/03/2019- Proposed Core Zone BDL N.D. N.D. BDL BDL BDL
2. 16-17/03/2019 Mosonia Village BDL N.D N.D BDL BDL BDL
3. 16-17/03/2019 Tarkabeda Village BDL N.D N.D BDL BDL BDL
4. 17-18/03/2019 Kadala Village BDL N.D N.D BDL BDL BDL
5. 17-18/03/2019 Nimabahali Village BDL N.D N.D BDL BDL BDL
6. 17-18/03/2019 Thokar Village BDL N.D N.D BDL BDL BDL
7. 18-19/03/2019 Beruanpal Village BDL N.D N.D BDL BDL BDL
8. 18-19/03/2019 Nimidha Village BDL N.D N.D BDL BDL BDL
Permissible Limits, 400 01 05 1.0 06 20
NAAQS 2009 (24 hrs) (annual) (annual) (24 hrs) (annual) (annual)
# N.D: Not detected
Note: BDL (Below Detection Limit) of SO2<6.0; NH3<1.0 µg/m3; Pb<0.07 µg/m3; As<0.6 ng/m3; Ni<0.6 ng/m3

Twenty four hour average PM10 level was found to range from 40.7 to 70.9
µg/m3, PM 2.5 was found to vary from 22.0 to 42.3 µg/m 3, SO2 from 6.6 to
16.9 µg/m3 and NO2 from 8.2 to 21.5 µg/m3. All the values are on the lower
that the permissible limits at all the locations. The concentrations of SO2
and NO2 are considerably low compared to the 80 µg/m 3 NAAQS
permissible limit for residential, rural and other areas. The concentrations of

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-17
Rungta Mines Limited

PM2.5 are within limits of 60 µg/m3 as per National Ambient Air Quality

The CO level was observed between BDL to 0.790 mg/m 3 while the limits
are 2 mg/m3.

NH3 level was observed BDL (<1 µg/m3) in all the locations. The permissible
limits for NH3 are prescribed as 400 µg/m3.

BaP and C6H6 level were not detected in any locations in the study area.

Pb, As and Ni were also observed below detectable limits of 0.07µg/m3, 0.6
ng/m3, and 0.6 ng/m3, respectively, which are much below the permissible
limits of 1 µg/m3, 6 ng/m3 and 20 ng/m3, respectively.


3.6.1 Surface water resources

Core zone: As seen on toposheet, five first order seasonal drains and one
aquaduct originate from within plant boundary or from its immediate vicinity
and flow out from the northern boundary. These drains originate from and
connect multiple seasonal ponds before flowing into Nigra Nala and
ultimately Brahmani River. There exist seventeen rain fed ponds within the
project site, which dry during the summer months. One of the south-north
seasonal streams flowing within the eastern side of the project site, also
feeds two of the seasonal ponds. No perennial surface water body exists
within the project site.

Buffer zone: River Brahmani and it’s tributaries control the drainage of the
area. The Brahmani is perennial in nature with a nominal flow during the
summer season. It’s important tributaries are Ramiala Nadi, Nigre Nadi,
Purajhor Nadi etc. The smaller streams show dendritic pattern while the
major river and it’s tributaries show sub-parallel drainage, indicating
structural control.
(Source: Ground water information booklet of Dhenkanal district, CGWB, South
Eastern Region, Bhubaneswar May, 2013.)

In the buffer zone, there several water bodies created due to the man made
embankments. The nearest such water body is adjoining the south side of
the project boundary. One of the largest man-made water bodies is between
villages Sidheshwarpur and Maniannali. Other tanks and reservoirs are
clearly visible in Fig 3.1 and are present in almost all villages. Some of the
reservoirs have water distribution networks such as canals and aqueducts.

3.6.2 Ground water resources

Ground water information booklet of Dhenkanal district, CGWB, South

Eastern Region, Bhubaneswar May, 2013 has been used as the basis of
the information presented below.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-18
Rungta Mines Limited

Geology & hydro-geology: The project falls in Hindol block of Denkanal

District. A study of the hydrogeological map (Fig 3.7) of the district shows
that the geology underlying the project site comprises Granite and Gneiss of
Pre-Cambrian group. The granite, granite gneiss are highly weathered and
fractured. In these, the ground water is restricted to weathered zones and
underlying fractured zones- confined and unconfined aquifers. The
thickness of the weathered zone varies from 5 to 20 m, which form the
repository of groundwater at shallow depth. Groundwater occurs under
phreatic condition in this zone.

Depth to water table: As per the “Ground Water Monitoring Report (Year
2019)” by Rungta Mines Ltd., water level was monitored at 20 observation
wells. At Jharbandh it varied from 8.30 m bgl (April) to 2.01 m bgl
(September). At Galapada it varied from 8.90 m bgl (April) to 2.20 m bgl
(August). In buffer zone it varied from 8.55 m bgl (April) to 0.62 m bgl (Aug)

Yield potential: The ground water potential in such formations lies between
1-5 litres per second. The deep bore wells yield up to 12 litre per second
depending upon the topographic setting, proximity to major lineaments,
thickness of weathered zone and number as well as potential of saturated
fracture zones. The result of shallow deposit wells constructed by CGWB in
this district indicates that weathered as well as semi-weathered granite
gneiss form moderately potential aquifer.

Ground water development: Ground water development in the district is

mainly through the dug wells, dug-cum-bore wells and bore wells. Ground
water is used mainly for domestic as well as irrigation purposes. The stage
of ground water development in the district is only 25.16% while in Hindol
block it is even lesser at 19.42%.

The groundwater resource potential and the utilization for the project area
and study area has been worked out as per the methodology suggested by
Groundwater Estimation Committee (GEC 2015).

A. By rainfall infiltration method

Total study area (as per Census 2011) - 501.27

Area suitable for ground water recharge - 426.26
(as per Census 2011)
Annual Average Rainfall (IMD Angul - 1216.4 mm
Rainfall infiltration index (avg) as per - 11%
GEC recommendation for Granite Acidic
Rocks (Pegmatite, Granite, Syenite,
Rhyolite etc.) - Weathered, Jointed
Monsoon groundwater recharge - 57.04 MCM

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-19
Rungta Mines Limited


EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-20
Rungta Mines Limited

B. By water table fluctuation method

Total study area (as per Census 2011) - 501.27

Area suitable for ground water recharge (as - 426.26
per Census 2011)
Average seasonal change of water table (as - 4.2 m
per CGWB brochure for May 2013)
Specific yield as per GEC recommendation - 3.0%
for Granite Acidic Rocks (Pegmatite, Granite,
Syenite, Rhyolite etc.) - Weathered, Jointed
Monsoon groundwater recharge - 53.71 MCM

The difference between the two expressed as a percentage of the rainfall

infiltration method is (-) 5.83%, thus, the rainfall recharge for normal
monsoon is to be taken as equal to 0.8 times the value estimated by the
rainfall infiltration factor method as per the recommendations on ground
water resource estimation methodology. Thus, 53.71 MCM per annum is the
estimated annual ground water resource.

C. Return flow from surface irrigation

Total irrigated area (as per Census 2011) - 4575.02 Ha.

Surface water irrigated area (as per Census 2011) - 3893.26 Ha.
Applied water / Ha. - 0.5 m/Ha.
Total applied water - 19.47 MCM
Return seepage, Average 35% - 6.81 MCM

Thus, annual ground recharge will be 53.71 + 6.81 = 60.52 MCM

Ground Water Use

There are three major consumer of ground water in the area (i) Domestic (ii)
Irrigation (iii) Livestock. There are several industries and mines in the study
area which will also have drinking water requirement. It is assumed that the
industrial requirement shall be met through surface water sources. Hence,
the drinking water of industries has been considered as a part of domestic
subheading, since majority of the employees live locally.

A. Domestic

Total population as per Census 2011 - 219562

Decadal growth rate (rural for Jharkhand) - 14.05%
Present population (2020) estimated on basis of - 247326
decadal growth rate
Population dependent on Ground water - 147839
Per capita domestic need - 135 LPD
Total annual ground water use - 7.28 MCM

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-21
Rungta Mines Limited

B. Irrigation

As per Census 2011, the total irrigated area is 4575.02 ha. The major part
of irrigation is done by surface water (canal- 3090.33 ha, tanks/ lakes-
656.20 ha and by others – 146.73 ha). Ground water is used for 681.76 ha.

Total area irrigated by ground water - 681.76 Ha

Gross irrigation (50 cm/ha) - 340.88 ha m
Return seepage, average 35% - 119 ha m
Net water withdrawal - 2.22 MCM

C. Livestock

The water consumption for livestock has been empirically considered as 5%

of human consumption, which comes to 0.36 MCM.

D. Industrial use

The water consumption for industries has been empirically considered as

500 cum/day by 5 operational industries within the study area, which comes
to 0.83 MCM.

E. Annual ground water use

7.28 + 2.22 + 0.36 + 0.83 = 10.69 MCM

Ground water balance

Sl. Particulars Million Cubic

No. Meter (MCM)
1. Total annual replenishable recharge
 By rainfall infiltration factor method (million 57.04 
m3/year) (0.8 times of
57.04 = 45.63
is considered)
 By groundwater table fluctuation method 53.71
(million m3/year)
2. Estimated annual ground water recharge 60.52
including return seepage (million m3/year)
3. Estimate Annual draft (million m3/year) 10.69
4. Net annual ground water availability (million 49.83
5. Stage of ground water development in % 17.66%
6. Category as per GEC Safe

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-22
Rungta Mines Limited

3.6.3 Water quality

The baseline status of surface and ground water quality in the study area
was carried out by collecting representative samples. The locations were
chosen on the basis of proximity to the project site, the likely impact of the
project on downstream having control samples in upstream.

Location of Sampling Stations

The location of ground and surface water sample sources is as given in

Table 3.9 and shown in Fig 3.6.


Station Station No. Source Location Distance and
No. (Ref. Fig 3.6) direction from
I. Surface Water
SW1. 9. River Brahmani river near 6.5 km, NNE
Kharhagaprasad village (Up
SW2 10 River Lingra Nadi near Plant (Up 1.8 km, NNW
SW3 11 Nala Gandhijharan nala near 1.4 km, SSW
Tarkabeda village
SW4 12 River Brahmani river near Pani 7.6 km, NNE
Gengitia village
(Down Stream)
SW5 13 River Lingra nadi near Kankalu 0.9 km, NW
village (Down Stream)
SW6 14 Nala Nala Near Beruanpal village 0.10 km, NW
SW7 15 Nala Nala near Nimabahali village 1.8 km, NE
SW8 16 Nala Kusumador jor near 6.5 km, ESE
Bishwanath village
SW9 17 Reservoir Reservoir near Minor irrigation Adjoining
project near boundary
SW10 18 Nala Kantel nala near Gulehi village 8.3 km, SSW
SW11 19 Nala Kisinda Jor near Narendarpur 7.6 km, N
II. Ground Water
GW1 2 Bore well Nimidha village 2.8 km, E
GW2 6 Hand pump Tarkabera village 1.1 km, S
GW3 7 Hand pump Kadala village 0.50 km, SW
GW4 8 Hand pump Beruanpal village 0.20 km, NW
GW5 20 Hand pump Jharbandh village 0.7 km, ENE
GW6 21 Hand pump Dhuliamunda village 6.3 km, SE

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-23
Rungta Mines Limited

Station Station No. Source Location Distance and

No. (Ref. Fig 3.6) direction from
GW7 22 Hand pump Taltali village 7.4 km,W
GW8 23 Hand pump Benipathar village 0.20 km, W
GW9 24 Hand pump Kankalu village 2.7 km, WNW
GW10 27 Hand pump Existing plant area Within


Samples from surface and ground water sources were collected by adopting
grab sampling. The samples were collected in polyethylene sampling
bottles. In case of surface water, sample was collected from a point 12”
below the surface.

The physico-chemical quality of water samples were characterized by

adopting the relevant parts of IS:3025 “Standard Methods for Water
Analysis”, APHA methods and other standard methods for select
parameters prescribed in IS 10500:2012, Schedule VI of Environment
Protection Rules and the ‘Water Quality Standards for Surface
Water Sources’ by CPCB. For analysis, the samples were brought to Min
Mec R&D Laboratory, New Delhi, after proper preservation.

Analytical Results

The physico-chemical characteristics of ground and surface water samples

are presented in Annexure IX. To facilitate comparison with drinking water
standards, “Characteristics for Drinking Water” as per IS 10500:2012, has
been included in the Annexure X. Surface water test results have been
summarised in Table 3.10 and ground water test results are summarised in
Table 3.11.


Sl. Parameters As per IS 10500:2012 & Test Results Classification as
No. Amendment No. 1 (range) per CPCB’s Water
Requirement Permissible Quality Standards
(Acceptable Limit in the for Surface Water
Limits) absence of Sources
Alternate source
1. Turbidity, NTU 1 5 BDL
2. pH value 6.5 - 8.5 No relaxation 7.16 - 7.86 A
3. Specific conductance, - - 175 - 775
4. Total Dissolved Solids, mg/l 500 2000 116 - 460
5. Total Suspended Solids, - - BDL
6. Total Hardness as CaCO3, 200 600 64 - 280
7. Alkalinity, mg/l 200 600 74 - 330

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-24
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. Parameters As per IS 10500:2012 & Test Results Classification as

No. Amendment No. 1 (range) per CPCB’s Water
Requirement Permissible Quality Standards
(Acceptable Limit in the for Surface Water
Limits) absence of Sources
Alternate source
8. Sulphate as SO4 mg/l 200 400 8.961 - 61.558
9. Phosphorous as P, mg/l - - BDL
10. Chloride as Cl, mg/l 250 1000 15 - 118
11. Calcium as Ca, mg/l 75 200 13 - 45
12. Dissolved oxygen, mg/l - - 6.8 - 7.1 A
13. Biochemical Oxygen - - 5 - 15 Below E
Demand (BOD), mg/l
14. Chemical Oxygen Demand - - 10.7527 -
(COD), mg/l 25.0896
15. Sodium as Na, mg/l - - 6.5 - 75.4
16. Potassium as K, mg/l - - 1.8 - 14.5
17. Magnesium as Mg, mg/l 30 100 8 - 34
18. Iron as Fe, mg/l 1 No relaxation BDL
19. Fluoride as F, mg/l 1 1.5 0.1418 -
20. Oil & Grease, mg/l - - BDL
21. Silver as Ag, mg/l 0.1 No relaxation BDL
22. Boron as B, mg/l 0.5 1 0.0145 -
23. Chromium as Cr,mg/l 0.05 No relaxation BDL
24. Copper as Cu, mg/l 0.05 1.5 BDL
25. Manganese as Mn, mg/l 0.1 0.3 BDL
26. Nickel as Ni, mg/l 0.02 No relaxation BDL
27. Selenium as Se, mg/l 0.01 No relaxation BDL
28. Arsenic as As, mg/l 0.01 No relaxation BDL
29. Zinc as Zn, mg/l 5 15 BDL - 0.0378
30. Acidity as CaCO3,mg/l - - 4-12 at pH 8.3
31. Nitrate as NO3, mg/l 45 No relaxation 0.74 - 14.62
32. Hexavalent Chromium, mg/l - - BDL
33. Residual Free Chlorine, mg/l 0.2 1 NIL
34. Total Coliform (MPN/100ml) - - 6 - 17 A
35. Residual free chlorine, mg/l - - NIL -
36. E. Coli - - Absent- -
* Classification:
A- Drinking Water Source, without conventional treatment but after disinfection
B- Bathing, Swimming and Recreation
C- Drinking Water Source after conventional treatment
D- Propagation of Wild Life Fisheries
E- Irrigation, Industrial Cooling and Controlled waste disposal

Note : BDL(Below Detection Limit) of Turbidity (NTU) <1, TSS <10, P <0.1, Fe <0.1,
O&G <5, Ag <0.01, Cr <0.01, Cu <0.01, Mn <0.01, Ni <0.01, Se <0.01, As <0.01,
Zn <0.01, Cr6+ <0.1 mg/l
Source: Test report No. MMW/05-2019/1 dated 08/05/2019 by Min Mec R&D
Laboratory, New Delhi

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-25
Rungta Mines Limited

The analysis of surface water sample shows that all the parameters are
within the permissible limits except total dissolved solids, total hardness,
magnesium in pond water of core zone which exceeds the desirable limits
but are within the permissible limits as per IS 10500:2012. As per CPCBs
criteria for classification of surface waters, the waters are suitable for
irrigation, industrial cooling and controlled waste disposal.


Sl. Parameters As per IS 10500:2012 & Amendment No. 1 Test Results (range)
No. Requirement Permissible Limit in the
(Acceptable absence of Alternate
Limits) source
1. Turbidity, NTU 1 5 BDL
2. pH value 6.5 - 8.5 No relaxation 6.87 - 7.76
3. Specific conductance, µmhos - - 637 - 1029
4. Total Dissolved Solids, mg/l 500 2000 366 - 628
5. Total Suspended Solids, mg/l - - BDL
6. Total Hardness as CaCO3, mg/l 200 600 288 - 384
7. Alkalinity, mg/l 200 600 212 - 433
8. Sulphate as SO4 mg/l 200 400 12.987 - 65.325
9. Phosphorous as P, mg/l - - BDL
10. Chloride as Cl, mg/l 250 1000 21 - 159
11. Calcium as Ca, mg/l 75 200 51 - 99
12. Sodium as Na, mg/l - - 23.2 - 74.3
13. Potassium as K, mg/l - - 1 - 2.5
14. Magnesium as Mg, mg/l 30 100 32 - 41
15. Iron as Fe, mg/l 1 No relaxation BDL - 0.2
16. Fluoride as F, mg/l 1 1.5 BDL - 0.7127
17. Silver as Ag, mg/l 0.1 No relaxation BDL
18. Boron as B, mg/l 0.5 1 BDL - 0.0278
19. Chromium as Cr,mg/l 0.05 No relaxation BDL
20. Copper as Cu, mg/l 0.05 1.5 BDL
21. Manganese as Mn, mg/l 0.1 0.3 BDL-0.0668
22. Nickel as Ni, mg/l 0.02 No relaxation BDL
23. Selenium as Se, mg/l 0.01 No relaxation BDL
24. Arsenic as As, mg/l 0.01 No relaxation BDL
25. Zinc as Zn, mg/l 5 15 BDL-0.3323
26. Acidity as CaCO3,mg/l - - 4-12 at pH 8.3
27. Nitrate as NO3, mg/l 45 No relaxation 0.62 - 30.84
28. Hexavalent Chromium, mg/l - - BDL
29. Residual Free Chlorine, mg/l 0.2 1 NIL
Note: BDL(Below Detection Limit) of Turbidity (NTU) <1, TSS <10, P <0.1, Fe <0.1, F <0.1,
O&G <5, Ag <0.01, B <0.01, Cr <0.01, Cu <0.01, Mn <0.01, Ni <0.01, Se <0.01, As
<0.01, Zn <0.01, Cr6+ <0.1 mg/l
Source: Test report No. MMW/05-2019/1 dated 08/05/2019 by Min Mec R&D Laboratory,
New Delhi

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-26
Rungta Mines Limited

The analysis of ground water samples shows that all the parameters are
within the permissible limits in absence of alternate source.


3.7.1 Monitoring Locations

Ten monitoring locations including plant area were selected so as to

represent the entire study area. The locations of monitoring stations are
indicated in Fig 3.6 and given in Table 3.12.


Station No. Name of Monitoring Station Distance (km) and
(Ref Fig 3.6) Direction from the Plant
1 Plant area Within
2 Nimidha village 2.8 Km, E
3 Mosonia village 5.3 Km, N
4 Thokar village 4.6 Km, SE
5 Nimabahali village 1.5 Km, NE
6 Tarkabera village 1.1 Km, S
7 Kadala village 0.5 Km, SW
8 Beruanpal village 0.20 Km, NW
9 Jharbandh village 0.7 km, NE
10 Taltali village 7.4 km, W

3.7.2 Methodology

For measurement of ambient noise level, a Digital Sound Level Meter was
used. The meter was calibrated with a standard acoustic calibrator before
using in the field. The measurements were carried out continuously for the
24-hour period to obtain hourly equivalent sound pressure level. From these
values, day and night time as well as 24-hour Leq values were also
calculated. The Leq is the equivalent continuous sound level, which is
equivalent to the same sound energy as the fluctuating sound measured
during observation period.

3.7.3 Observations

Results of ambient noise measurements are presented in Annexure XI and

summarized in Table 3.13. The Ambient Air Quality Standards in respect of
Noise is given in Annexure XII and OSHA damage risk criteria are
reproduced in Annexure XIII.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-27
Rungta Mines Limited


Location Noise levels in dB(A) Permissible limits Area
Day Night Average Day Night
Plant Area 51.18 41.35 49.41 75 70 I
Nimidha village 49.73 39.80 48.19 55 45 R
Mosonia village 48.46 41.00 48.94 55 45 R
Thokar village 51.52 42.10 50.00 55 45 R
Nimabahali village 48.58 41.12 46.98 55 45 R
Tarkabera village 49.52 41.53 47.88 55 45 R
Kadala village 49.79 40.17 48.03 55 45 R
Beruan pal village 49.98 40.02 48.44 55 45 R
Jharbandh village 51.32 42.08 49.81 55 45 R
Taltali village 50.54 41.23 49.03 55 45 R
Abbreviation: I- Industrial, R- Residential
Source: Test report no. MMN/05-19/03 dated 28/05/2019 and MMN/06-19/11 dated
12/6/2019 by Min Mec R&D Laboratory, New Delhi

Leq values observed during day time varies from 48.46 to 51.52 dB(A) and
at night time varies from 39.80 to 42.10 dB(A). The day and night time Leq
values noted from the 10 noise monitoring stations in the study area
indicate that the noise levels are well within the limits prescribed for the
noise level in the residential zone.


3.8.1 Monitoring Locations

A traffic volume survey was conducted round the clock on 16-17/04/2019 at

Nimabahali Chowk (NH-55) and on 17-18/04/2019 at Nimbahali to
Jharbandh road. The traffic monitoring station is shown in Fig 3.6.

3.8.2 Methodology

Traffic count were made continuously for 24 hours by visual observation

and counting of vehicles under four categories, viz., heavy motor vehicles,
light motor vehicles, two/three wheelers, cycles and others. At the end of
each hour, fresh counting and recording was undertaken. Thus, total
numbers of vehicles per hour under the different categories were

3.8.3 Observations

A summary of the traffic volume monitored at two locations during survey

period is given in Table 3.14 & 3.14A and details are given in Annexure

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-28
Rungta Mines Limited


Traffic vehicle No. of vehicles Equivalenc Equivalent
per day e Factor Passenger Car Unit
H.M.V. 7339 3.0 22017
L.M.V. 3138 1.0 3138
Two/three wheelers 1962 0.5 981
Cycles 610 0.5 305
Grand Total 13049 26441


Traffic vehicle No. of vehicles Equivalence Equivalent
per day Factor Passenger Car Unit
H.M.V. 54 3.0 162
L.M.V. 51 1.0 51
Two/three wheelers 154 0.5 77
Cycles 200 0.5 100
Grand Total 459 390

It was observed that the movement of heavy motor vehicles (trucks) is

uniform during the daytime and night times on NH55. These are mainly coal
carrying trucks from the Talcher coalfield. The road from project site till NH
is 5 m wide while the carriageway of NH is presently 7.0-7.5 m and
undergoing widening. The present traffic load is 88% of the maximum
capacity on the NH as per IRC norms. NH is undergoing widening from
Cuttack till Sambalpur resulting in a 23.5 m wide cross section. It will
comprise of 8.5 m wide carriageways for both directions separated by 2.5 m
median. There will be 2 m wide shoulders in either side.


3.9.1 Core zone

Land use of the total project area of 1769 acres, after expansion, prior to
project construction is agricultural land (1477.738 acres) under private
ownership and government land (291.262 acres). The government land has
7.8 acres forest land, which has already received stage II forest clearance
from MOEF&C vide letter No. 5-ORB207/2014-BHU dated 02/07/2015.
Company has acquired 608.495 acres (comprising 540.705 acres private
land + 67.790 acres Government land) and the same has been converted to
industrial use. Balance 1160.505 acres is yet to be acquired. The balance
land will be also be converted into industrial use & colony.Additionally, 9.85
acres of private land in village Jharbandh and 3.05 acres of private land in
village Nimabahali have been allotted to company for construction of
approach road, which is outside the project area.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-29
Rungta Mines Limited

3.9.2 Study area

Land use pattern of study area has been studied on the basis of 2011
Census data. The number of villages falling in different Districts and sub
districts and the corresponding areas are given in Table 3.15.


District Sub District No. of villages Area (ha)

Dhenkanal Parajung 15 3644

Motunga 47 9871

Bhushan Steel Ltd. 23 5292

Balami 45 11889

Hindol 13 2767

Rasol 13 6330

Angul Banarpal 38 9383

Bhushan Steel Ltd. 2 249

kankinali 1 130

Forest Area 572

Total 197 50127

Detailed break up of landuse pattern within study area is given in Annexure

XV and summarised in Table 3.16. The landuse pattern is graphically
presented in Fig 3.8.


Land use Area (Ha.) % of Total Area
Net area sown 28179.10 56.22
Current fallows 1197.93 2.39
Fallows land other than current fallows 1474.82 2.94
Culturable waste 700.23 1.40
Land under misc tree crops 793.03 1.58
Permanent pastures and other grazing land 2102.81 4.19
Barren land 5216.46 10.41

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-30
Rungta Mines Limited

Land use Area (Ha.) % of Total Area

Area under non agricultural uses 7500.76 14.96
Forest land 2961.96 5.91
Total 50127 100

A perusal of above table shows that 5.91% of total area is forest land,
14.96% is area under non-agricultural uses, 56.22% is net area sown,
4.19% is permanent pastures and other grazing land, 2.39% is current
fallows, 10.41% is barren and un-cultivable land, 2.94% is fallows land,
1.40% is culturable waste land and 1.58% land under miscellaneous tree

3.9.3 Land use based on satellite imagery

Land use/ land cover information relates to the status, spatial distribution &
area extent of different land use categories.

Data Inputs : Satellite-IRS-R2, Sensor- L4FX, path- 105, Row-58

Collateral Data : Survey of India Open Source map

Interpretation: The IRS–R2 STD satellite data has been used for digital
classification of land use categories. The satellite data has been geo-
referenced with Survey of India Open Source map of the area. The 10 km
area has been stratified by generating forest mask from Open Source map.
In non forest area the supervised classification of maximum likelihood
procedure has been used to classify land use classes. The satellite image
of the 10 km radius is given in Fig 3.9.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-31
Rungta Mines Limited


EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-32
Rungta Mines Limited


Top soil samples were collected from total nine locations as given in Table
3.17 and shown in Fig 3.6. Detail soil analysis result is given in Annexure
XXVII and summarized in Table 3.18.


Station no. Location Distance, km & Direction
S1 Proposed Core Zone Within
S2 Kadala village 0.5, SW
S3 Beruanpal village 0.2, NW
S4 Jharbandh Village 0.7, NE
S5 Benipathar Village 0.2, W
S6 Proposed Expansion Area within
North Side (Core zone)
S7 Existing Plant area (core within
S8 Proposed Water reservoir Part of core zone but 1.2,
Area ENE from main plant
S9 Proposed Staff Colony Area Part of core zone but 0.3, E
from main plant


Parameters Protocol Range
Textural Classification# IS 1498:1970 Medium grained sand
Colour - Brown-Blackish
pH IS 2720 (P26) 6.6-7.8
E.C. (mS/cm) IS 14767:2000 0.0642-0.507
CaCO3 (%by mass) IS 2720 (P23) 1.5-4.5
Specific Gravity IS : 2720 2.09-2.45
(P 3/Sec 1) -1980
Moisture (%by mass) IS 2720 (P 2) 14.609-25.668
Organic Carbon (%by mass) Method no. 9* 0.08-0.66
Organic Matter (%by mass) Method no. 9* 0.19-1.48
Phosphorous (mg/kg) Method no. 13* 0.04-4.17
Nitrate-Nitrogen (mg/kg) Method no. 12* 0.39-67.18
Sodium (Kg/ha) Method no. 14* 42.56-339.36

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-33
Rungta Mines Limited

Parameters Protocol Range

Potassium (Kg/ha) Method no. 14* 82-953
Calcium me/100 gram Soil Method no. 16.a* 7.4-29.6
Magnesium me/100 gram Method no. 16.b* 1.1-5.1
Source: Test report no. MMS/06-19/10dated 12/06/2019 by Min Mec R&D
Note: – *Methods Manual, Soil Testing in India, Department of Agriculture &
Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), Government of India

Soil analysis results indicate the following:

 The soil is medium grained sand having brown to blackish colour with
pH ranging from 6.6 to 7.8 which is neutral to mild alkaline in nature

 The EC for all the samples is normal ranging from 0.0642 to 0.507

 Organic carbon is deficient except soil samples taken from Kadala

village, Beruanpal village and Benipathar village.

 All the soil samples are deficient in Nitrogen, Potassium and



3.11.1 Forests

There are no National parks, Wildlife Sanctuary, Biospheres reserves within

10 km radius. The nearest sanctuary is Satkosia Gorge WLS at a distance
of 22 km in SW direction from the project.

There are three protected and reserve forests present within 10 km radius
of the project. They are listed in Table 3.19 and their location are shown in
Fig 3.10.


Sl. No. Name of forest Distance (KM) Direction
1. Jharbandh RF Adjoining SE
2. Ganthigarihia PF 3.3 km NW
3. Nimidha RF 2.0 km E

As per the revised classification of forest types of India by Champion and

Seth, the forests of Dhenkanal Division are Northern Tropical Semi-
evergreen forests. These occur in the lower hills and valleys above 600 m
elevation in the forest division of Dhenkanal. While the top storey trees are
deciduous and remain leafless for a short time, the second storey is
evergreen. The important tree species are Arjun, Mango, Mankar Kendu,
Champa, Rai, Manda and Nageswar.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-34
Rungta Mines Limited


EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-35
Rungta Mines Limited

3.11.2 Flora

Core Zone: Trees, herbs, shrubs are found in the core area. Some of the
trees found in the core zone are Babool, Mango, Neem, Jamun etc. while
herbs, shrubs and climbers are Morning glory, Jatropha, Tulsi, Doob etc.
Authenticated list of flora found in core zone is given in Annexure XVI.
Total eighteen trees, seven shrubs, six herbs and four grasses are present
in the core zone. No plantation has been started yet within the project
boundary by the project proponent. Even though the toposheet (Fig 3.10)
shows a mango garden in north eastern corner, no such garden exists as
on date.

Buffer Zone: Various types of plant species, cropping pattern, plantation on

roads etc. are discussed in subsequent paragraphs.

During the survey, 43 tree species, 2 bamboo species, 16 shrubs, 8 herbs,

2 climbers and 4 grass species were found in the study area. The plant
species authenticated by Divisional Forest Officer, Dhenkanal Division have
been listed in Annexure XVI. Some of the species of trees are Babul,
Mango, Char, Neem, Palas, Karanj, Teak, etc. Herbs, shrub, bamboo, grass
and climbers found in study area include Kanta bas, Jatropha, Kaner, Tulsi,
Ban Tulsi, Makal, Dhuba etc. The SOI map (Fig 3.10) also shows presence
of dense jungle, mainly Sal on hillock near Naraharipur and scattered
patches of open Sal in the study area.

Cropping pattern: The agriculture is dependent on the moderate monsoon.

Irrigation facilities in form of canals/ ponds/ wells are available in the study
area. The main crop of the area is paddy. The area under major field crops
and horticulture is given in Table 3.20.


Sl. No. Particulars Total Area (Ha)
Major Field Crop Cultivated
1. Paddy 112.0
2. Horse gram 7.63
3. Greengram 22.2
4. Black Gram 25.8
5. Groundnut 12.0
6. Mustard 2.48
Horticulture Crops - Fruits
1. Mango 8.4
2. Citrus 0.9
3. Cashew 1.7
4. Coconut 1.1
5. Banana 0.5

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-36
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. No. Particulars Total Area (Ha)

Horticulture Crops - Vegetables
1. Potato 0.2
2. Onion 0.8
3. Sweet Potato 3.4
4. Vegetables 25.4
Medicinal & Aromatic Crops
1. Garlic 0.7
2. Turmeric 0.4
3. Ginger 0.3
4. Corriander 0.8
Plantation Crops
1. Eucalyptus 2.0
2. Teak 0.5
(Source: Agriculture Contingency Plan for District Dhenkanal, Odisha (2008))

Plantation on roads: Plantation of species on the roadside are Acacia

nilotica, Albizia lebbek, Azardirachta indica, Butea monosperma, Cassia
fistula, Dalbergia sisoo, Diospyros melanoxylon, Ficus benghalensis, Ficus
glomereta, Mangifera indica, etc.

Vegetation in the Hamlets: The species composition near the hamlets is

different from those found in the natural environmental conditions. The
vegetation structure surrounding the hamlets reflects a typical character of
habitation. The trees in the settlement area are catering to the needs of
local population such as fodder, fuel-wood, fruit, and timber and for religious
purposes. Some of the common species found in the hamlets comprise
Mangifera indica, Syzygium cumini, Madhuca indica, Tamarindus indica,
Tectona grandis etc. Mango and cashew plantations are also present in the
study area, the location of which is visible on the toposheet (Fig 3.10).

Medicinal plant species: The study area is also endowed with several
medicinal plants. Medicinal plants found in the study area are used by the
people of villages for their daily use and minor ailments. The common
medicinal plants of the region are Azadirachta indica, Butea monosperma,
Cassia fistula, Ficus benghalensis, Madhuca indica, Melia composite,
Mangifera indica, Ocimum sanctum, Syzigium cuminii, etc.

Fuel wood plant species: Villagers collect dry leaves, stems and log to
fulfill their daily need for fuel wood requirement. Syzygium cuminii (Jamun),
Mangifera indica (Mango) etc. are the species, used for fuel wood.

3.11.3 Fauna

A “Site Specific Conservation Plan” had been prepared in the past with
respect to Dhenkanal Steel Plant and was approved by Principal Chief

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-37
Rungta Mines Limited

Conservator of Forest (WL) & Chief Wildlife Warden, Odisha vide Memo no.
3188/1/WL-SSP-10/2015 dated 09.04.2015. Copy of approval letter is
enclosed as Annexure XXX.

The complete list of fauna authenticated by Divisional Forest Officer,

Dhenkanal Division found in the plant and study area is given in Annexure
XVI. The study area does not fall under the path of migratory birds and also
no Schedule I wild life is observed in the study area. As per conservation
plan, Peafowl, Sambar, Elephant and Python are found in Dhenkanal Forest

Core zone: Fauna in the core area is less as compared to buffer area.
Avifaunal species found in area are House Crow, Indian mynah, owl, Blue
rock pigeon, Jungle fowl, Grey partridge and parakeet. Mammals found are
five stripped palm squirrel, common mongoose, Indian Hare, house rat and
monkey. Reptiles reported are krait, garden lizard, chameleon, house gecko
and rat snake.

Buffer zone: A total of 25 fauna species were recorded comprising 9

species of mammals, 6 species of reptiles and 10 bird species. The
mammalian species observed in the study area are jackal, mongoose,
squirrel, bat etc. Bird species observed are Indian myna, goose, owl,
pigeon, house crow etc. and reptiles are common krait, garden lizard,
chameleon etc.

Livestock: Livestock occupies an important place in the rural economy of

Dhenkanal and Angul district. It provides them with the draught power
required for cultivation and an additional means of supplementing their
income. The live-stock plays a vital role in the agricultural economy because
it not only supplies milk, meat, manure, bones, hides and skins, hoofs and
horns but also serves as draught cattle for drawing carts, ploughs and also
for drawing water. Villagers keep cow, goat, buffalo, sheep, hen etc. for
poultry, milk, eggs etc.


The socio-economic conditions of the area are described in the following


3.12.1 Demographic profile

Core Zone: There were 54 families within the project boundary at the time
the project was conceived prior to the year 2010. After the environmental
clearance on 02.08.2010, these families have been resettled & rehabilitated
in village Nimabahali at an aerial distance of 2.4 km. As per the directions of
Land Acquisition Officer, District Office, Dhenkanal a compensation of Rs. 7
lakhs per family has also been paid. As in Dec 2018, there are no
inhabitants within the plant boundary or the proposed expansion area.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-38
Rungta Mines Limited

Buffer Zone: There are 197 inhabited villages in the buffer zone of the
study area. The total population within the study area is 219562. The district
and sub district wise population as per Census 2011 records is given in
Table 3.21.


(CENSUS 2011)
District Sub District No. of No. of Total Males Females
villages households population
Dhenkanal Parajung 15 4034 15668 7914 7754
Motunga 47 12523 52955 27624 25331
Bhushan Steel Ltd. 23 5,185 22,293 12,025 10,268
Balami 45 12,057 47,592 24,376 23,216
Hindol 13 2164 8380 4104 4276
Rasol 13 5,621 23,154 11,920 11,234
Angul Banarpal 38 10737 47583 24673 22910
Bhushan Steel Ltd. 2 272 1,098 558 540
kantinali 1 212 839 450 389
Total 197 52,805 219,562 113,644 105,918

The village wise demographic details including population of males,

females, schedule cast, schedule tribe, literacy level are given in Annexure
XVII and summarised in Table 3.22. The population of SC & ST and sex
wise break-up of literacy levels are shown in Fig 3.11 and 3.12 respectively.


Sl. Description Population Percentage
1 Total Population 219652 100
1.1 Male Population 113644 51.76
1.2 Female Population 105918 48.24
1.3 Females/1000 males 932 -
2 No. of households 52805 -
2.1 Family size, persons/family 4 -
3 Caste wise break up
3.1 Schedule caste 52712 23.10
3.2 Schedule Tribe 11544 5.18
4 Literacy
4.1 Total literates 154089 70.18
4.2 Male literates 87394 39.80
4.3 Female literates 66695 30.38

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-39
Rungta Mines Limited

Mostly the population is rural and the percentage of Scheduled Tribes is

5.26% and Schedule Castes is 23.10% of the total population. The male
population exceeds female population. The average family size is 4-5
persons per family. The literacy level is approximately 70% and it is lower
among females (30.38%) then males (39.8%). There are 932 women
against every 1000 men in the study area.

3.12.2 Employment and occupation

Employment pattern and occupation are the two main indicators of the
economic profile. The employment pattern for individual villages, based on
2011 Census data is given in Annexure XVIII. A summary of employment
pattern and occupation for the study area is presented in Table 3.23.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-40
Rungta Mines Limited


Description Numbers %
Main workers 52746 24.02
Marginal workers 22817 10.39
Non workers 143999 65.58
Break-up of main workers
Cultivators (%) 9261 17.56
Agricultural labours (%) 8439 16.0
Household industries (%) 2382 4.53
Other workers (%) 32654 61.91
Total 52746 100
Break-up of marginal workers
Cultivators (%) 2044 8.96
Agricultural labours (%) 11018 48.29
Household industries (%) 1132 4.96
Other workers (%) 8623 37.79
Total 22817 100

The employment pattern, break-up of main workers and break-up of

marginal workers are graphically depicted in Fig 3.13, 3.14 and 3.15

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-41
Rungta Mines Limited

3.12.3 Amenities

Details of amenities available in individual villages are given in Annexure

XIX. A summary of the same in Table 3.24.


Education 8 Pre-Primary Schools, 254 Primary Schools, 126 Middle schools,
61 Secondary schools, 20 Sr. Sec. Schools, 9 Degree college
Arts& science, 3 Engineering colleges, 2 Medicine Colleges, 3
Management Institute, 4 Polytechnic and 12 Vocational Training
Medical 1 Primary Health Centre, 25 Primary Health Sub Centre, 10
and health Maternity and child welfare centre, 1 TB Clinic, 4 Allopathic
care hospitals, 2 Hospital Alternative Medicine, 11 Dispensary, 6
Veterinary hospitals, 5 family welfare centres, 2 Non Govt. Med
facilities out patient, 7 Non Govt. Medical Facilities-Medical

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-42
Rungta Mines Limited

Practitioner with MBBS degree, 1 Non Govt. Medical Facilities-

Medical Practitioner with other Degree, 1 Non Govt. Medical
Facilities-Medical Practitioner with no Degree, 1 Non Govt. Medical
Facilities-Traditional Practitioner and Faith Healer, 74 Non. Govt.
Med facilities Medicine shop and 1 Non Govt. Med. Facilities others
Power 180 Power supply for domestic use, 70 power supply for
Supply agricultural use, 64 power supply for all Users
Communica 29 post office, 11 sub post office, 10 post & Telegraph office, 195
tion Village PIN Code, 126 Telephone Line, 184 mobile phone
coverage, 5 internet cafes/ Mobile PCO and 26 private courier
Water 16 Tap with untreated water, 1 covered wells, 182 Uncovered
supply Wells, 193 Hand Pumps, 8 Tube Wells/Borehole, 41 Spring, 77
River/Canals and 184Tank/Pond/Lakes,& 9 others
Banks and 1 ATM, 1 commercial bank, 2 cooperative bank, 3 Agricultural
commercial Credit Societies, 188 Self-Help Group (SHG), 130 Public
societies Distribution System (PDS), 15 Agricultural Marketing society and
187 ASHA
Transport 27 National Highways, 17 State Highways, 40 Major District Roads,
approach to 83 Other District Roads, 119 Black Topped (pucca) Roads, 182
village Gravel (kuchha) Roads, 27 Water Bounded Macadams, 134 All
Weather Roads, Navigable waterways(Rivers/canals), 34
Navigable waterways (River/ canal) and 195 foot path.

35 Public Bus Services, 61 Private Bus Services, 15 railway station,

86 Auto/Modified Autos, 54 Taxis, 11 Vans, 93 Tractors, 194 Cycle-
pulled Rickshaws (manual driven), 179 Carts Drivens by Animals
and 30 Sea/River/Ferry Service)
Sports and 92 Sports Fields, 73 Sports Club/Recreation Centres, 1
Entertainm cinema/video halls, 15 public library, 15 Public reading Room and
ent 186 Daily Newspaper supply


The list of industries present in the study area is given below in Table 3.25
and shown in Fig 3.16.


Sl. List of industries and mines Distance (km) Operational
No. /direction status
1 MGM Steel’s sponge iron unit & 1.8 km E Operational
2 Navbharat Ventures Ltd.’s Ferro- 3.7 km N Operational
chrome plant and power plant
3 MLR’s Tulsidiha Ferro-alloys plant 2.3 km N Not operational

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-43
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. List of industries and mines Distance (km) Operational

No. /direction status
4 Bhushan Steel Limited’s Steel 1.3 km NNW Operational
5 Lanco power plant 5.2 km N Partly
constructed &
6 BRG Irons & Steel Co.’s sponge 5.3 km N Not operational
iron & ingot manufacturing unit
7 Kanak Durga stone crusher 5.6 km SE Operational
8 GMR Kamalanga Energy Ltd. 9.2 km N Operational
9 Hind Metals Pvt. Ltd.’s Ferro Alloys 3.4 km N Dismantled
10 Ravirun Vinmay Pvt. Ltd. 6.0 km N Not operational
11 Bhuvee Profile and Stainless (P) 5.1 km N Not operational


There is no important archaeological (ASI)/ historical place or other place of

tourist or religious importance within the study area except village temples
and mosques. However, the toposheet shows monuments near Garha
Santri-Arahata village road, Pirhhasahi-Taltali road, Pirhhasahi-
Ganthigarhia PF road, Kankinali-Barasingha road and near Kalandapal
village, all at distance of 7.5 km and beyond.


The Plant area falls in seismic Zone – II, which is not an active seismic


This is a proposed project which is not in operation yet. However, the raw
materials such as iron ore and scrap have been analysed in other
operational steel plant of the company, namely, Kamanda Steel Plant,
Odisha and slag analysis have been analysed in operational steel plant of
the company, namely Chaliyama Steel Plant, Jharkhand

The result of the Hg, As and Fluoride analysis with respect to Iron ore and
scrap is given in Table 3.26. The TCLP study result of slag is given in Table

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-44
Rungta Mines Limited


EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-45
Rungta Mines Limited


Scrap Iron Ore
Hg 0.69 0.61
As 5.66 6.35
F <5 <5
Source: Report no. TSP-001/08/2016/307 dated 08.09.2016 of IMMT (CSIR)
Laboratory, Bhubaneswar


Parameter Protocol Results (µg/m3)
Silver (as Ag) IS 3025 (Part-2) BDL
Aluminium (as Al) IS 3025 (Part-2) BDL
Arsenic (as As) IS 3025 (Part-2) BDL
Boron, (as B) IS 3025 (Part-2) BDL
Cadmium (as Cd) IS 3025 (Part-2) BDL
Cobalt (as Co) IS 3025 (Part-2) BDL
Chromium (as Cr) IS 3025 (Part-2) 0.0015
Copper (as Cu) IS 3025 (Part-2) 0.0210
Mercury (as Hg) IS 3025 (Part-2) BDL
Manganese (as Mn) IS 3025 (Part-2) 0.0110
Nickel (as Ni) IS 3025 (Part-2) BDL
Lead (as Pb) IS 3025 (Part-2) BDL
Selenium (as Se) IS 3025 (Part-2) 0.0003
Zinc (as Zn) IS 3025 (Part-2) 0.0014
Source: Report no. LT02-CCD/20/16 dated 26.08.2020 of IMMT (CSIR) Laboratory,

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 3-46
Rungta Mines Limited





Environment Management Plan for expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant of

M/s Rungta Mines Ltd. (RML) has been prepared for the proposed
enhancement of production capacity from 3.0 MTPA to 3.55 MTPA steel by
enhancing capacity of its facilities. The proposed plant will be established
within the existing sanctioned area (674.765 acres) as well as in additional
area adjacent & near to it (1094.235 acres). The plant will have an impact
on land, air, water, noise, soil, ecology, socio-economics, etc.

The environment management plan includes the evaluation of total impacts

after superimposing the predicted impacts over the base line data. This
helps in incorporating proper mitigation measures wherever necessary for
preventing deterioration in environmental quality. Keeping in mind the
environmental baseline scenario as detailed in Chapter 3 and the proposed
project activity described in Chapter 2, it is attempted to assess the likely
impact and its extent on various environmental parameters in this chapter.

The important environmental parameters likely to be affected due to steel

and power sector projects are as follows:

- Topography and drainage

- Climate

- Air environment

- Land environment

- Water environment

- Solid waste

- Noise environment

- Traffic density

- Ecology

- Socio-economic environment

- Occupational health and safety

- Historical Monuments

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-1
Rungta Mines Limited

The beneficial impacts anticipated from an industrial project, irrespective of

their relevance to the proposed project, would be the employment
opportunity available and the activities carried out in the surrounding
villages under corporate environment responsibility and corporate social


4.2.1 Topography

Impact: The core zone represents almost flat but sloping land. The
elevation of the existing plant area varies from 75-95 m AMSL while that of
the proposed expansion area varies from 65 to 100 m. The entire land is
devoid of topographical features like hills but has portions of low lying areas.
As in October 2020, two DRI, 4x20T IF, 1x3 strand CCM and 50 MW CPP is
under construction as per environmental clearance dated 02.08.2010 & its
subsequent amendments and enhancements. Change in topography will
occur in core zone (existing & expansion) due to digging and filling,
construction of the plant buildings, walls, stock yards, etc. and excavation
for raw water reservoir and rain water harvesting ponds. A colony will also
be constructed in 34 acres. The ground will be levelled, where required.
There will be a permanent change in the topography due to construction
activities. The construction once achieved will not be reversed. There will be
no impact on topography of the buffer zone except in the 3.05 acres area,
where it is proposed to construct the approach road.

Management: The change in topography in the core zone will lead to

changes in the sheet flow pattern of rain water within the core zone. For that
provision of storm water drains shall be made. The excavated material shall
be used in landscaping and filling low lying areas within and around the
project site. Thus, the intention is to balance the digging & filling so that no
extra earth is left or required. As soon as the material is dug, it will be
simultaneously utilised. Planning shall be done in advance for the location
and quantity of utilisation of the dug out material.

4.2.2 Drainage- Impact & Mitigation

There is no perennial river or water body in the project area. A perusal of

the toposheet shows that five first order seasonal streams, seventeen
ponds and the sheet flow of rain water shall get affected within the core
zone due to installation of buildings. Impact on the drainage in the buffer
zone is not anticipated as no construction will be taking place outside plant

There are six ponds within the project area of 674.765 acres sanctioned as
per EC dated 04.06.2020. These ponds are seasonal in nature. Of these
ponds, four are within / very near the earmarked green belt area. These four
ponds will be conserved and developed as water bodies. These would be
connected to the proposed Raw Water Reservoir and will facilitate rain
water harvesting.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-2
Rungta Mines Limited

However, the volume of water from the plant area going outside the plant
will reduce during rainfall as the rainwater will be stored in raw water
reservoir / rain water harvesting ponds. The plant area is 1769 acres
(715.90 ha) and rainfall 1216.4 mm. Thus, maximum possible runoff volume
getting affected can be 5.39 MCM/ annum of which 86% will occur in June-
October. Since 67% of the plant will get constructed or paved or have road
or have lining (where material will be stored in open) and 33% will be green
belt, average 0.6 runoff coefficient for entire plant has been considered.

The seasonal drains flow into Lingra Nala, which joins Brahmani river.
Brahmani river flow was estimated as 145.39 cum/s on 14.07.2010 as per
“Report on Discharge Measurement Survey of River Brahmani in and
around Dhenkanal, Orissa” by Geosolution Pro Services Pvt. Ltd. As per
“Integrated Hydrological Data Book (non classified river basins)” of Central
Water Commission, March 2012, the nearest hydrological observation site
on Brahmani river is at Talcher. The maximum discharge observed was
8386 cumecs and minimum observed was 23.7 cumecs. The annual 50%
dependable flow has been identified as 14041 MCM/annum. The runoff
from plant can atmost reduce by 5.39 MCm, which is 0.038% of the likely
flow in Brahmani river with 50% dependability. Thus, the impact shall be
negligible on the flow of Brahmani river.


a) Construction phase

The plant and colony construction will have marginal impact on climate or
meteorology during construction phase as mostly civil/ mechanical work
concerning erection of plant will be carried out. There will be use of fossil
fuel in the vehicles bringing raw material, DG sets used during construction
or any specific diesel based machinery such as JCB, dozer, etc. The
emissions will be insignificant and temporary to have any impact on the long
term climate of the region.

b) Operation phase

The project envisages installation of several units within the integrated steel
plant, many of which will require cooling. This will add substantial heat and
increase the ambient temperature locally. The project envisages installation
of power generating units based on Waste Heat Recovery Boilers (WHRB)
to recover heat from exit gases from DRI kilns, MBF and coke oven.
However, even with the heat recovery boilers, the gases get discharged at
about 150°C. Thus, during operational phase, slight variation in temperature
is likely on account of heat generation from various units and their cooling

Due to concrete buildings heat island phenomenon will occur which will be
localized and manifest itself in the premises of the plant. Therefore impact
on climate will be small and insignificant.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-3
Rungta Mines Limited

The other activity, which can be considered in this context is the stack
emissions and thermal pollution. The thermal pollution will be restricted to a
smaller area around the stacks till the air cools naturally and the stack
emissions will contribute to incremental values of pollutants. The climate is
controlled by the pressure depression in the Bay of Bengal and is not
anticipated to be affected by local activities under discussion. Therefore no
mitigation measures are proposed.

Further, carbon dioxide (green house gas) contributing fossil fuels will be in
the form of diesel and auxiliary oil used to operate the trucks, vehicles and
rolling mill, which will be a necessity. In order to sequester CO 2, plantation is
a suitable method. Hence, 33% of the plant area shall be under greenbelt.

In coal/ middling/ fines based power plants, the carbon dioxide emissions
are a global concern since it is a green house gas (GHG). In addition to
power plants, combustion or loss of Fixed carbon from coal will take place in
other units such as DRI kilns, clinker kiln, MBF, pellet plant, sinter plant and
coke oven, to some extent. The CO2 emissions have been calculated on the
basis of the likely fixed carbon content of the various fuels that will be
consumed on the plant will be follows:

Raw material Quantity, Fixed carbon Quantity of

TPA content % CO2 likely to
be released,
Coal & coal fines* 5960926 35.09 7669526
Coking coal 1615700 40 2369694
Coke 835275 80-86 2542020
Coke breeze & fines 723450 (consider 83) 2201700
Mol. weight
Material CO2
Dolomite 1131903 184 44 270673
Limestone [CaCO3] 2360941 100 44 1038814
Total 18613355
Note :
* Middlings, washed coal or dolochar have not been considered separately as the
total FC of coal will be getting distributed into these fractions by virtue of
process flow
** It is assumed that entire carbon from fuels by forming CO2 and one CO2 molecule
from limestone & dolomite will be released

As such, there is no practically applicable technology to sequester this CO 2

at present. However, research underway across the world and pilot projects
have been executed. If any such technology becomes commercially viable
in the future, it shall be taken up. Plantation is a suitable method to
sequester carbon and 33% of the plant area shall be under greenbelt.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-4
Rungta Mines Limited


4.4.1 Impact on air quality

a) Construction phase

The construction and erection of proposed plant and equipment will

generate dust resulting in higher SPM levels in surrounding area. Further
due to deployment of various mechanical equipment and transport vehicle,
enhanced SO2 and NO2 levels are expected. Thus, air quality is likely to be
affected which will require mitigation measures. However, the impact on the
air quality during construction phase will be localized, temporary and
reversible in nature.

Dust emissions from non-residential and commercial construction are a

function of the total area of land disturbed and the duration of activities
done. Based on field studies, the AP-42 (Compilation of Air Pollutant
Emission Factors, US EPA, Section 13.2.3) gives the total suspended
particulate emission factor estimate as 2.69 megagrams
(Mg)/hectare/month of activity. The entire plant area is 1769 acres (715.90
ha) but the construction activity will occur only in a part according to the
implementation plan given in Table 2.45 of Chapter 2. The duration of the
activity will also last as long as scheduled.

The likely impacts on air quality during the construction phase are
comparatively low and reversible, and managed through proper
maintenance and operation of construction/erection equipment as well as
periodic sprinkling. However, during operation phase, the various operations
would discharge huge quantities of particulates and gaseous pollutions,
which must be controlled before discharge into atmosphere.

b) Operation phase

Two types of generation and discharge of pollutants, viz., fugitive emissions

and stack emissions, have been considered and discussed in subsequent

(I) Stack emission of gases from the various units and the associated
facilities will add pollutants to the atmosphere, which will require
mitigation measures.

(II) Fugitive emissions comprise mostly of dust generated due to handling

of raw material/ pollution control equipment dust and solid waste. The
products have not been considered to contribute to dust generation
due to their nature. Stack emissions

The details of stacks and stack emissions for proposed plant are given in
Table 4.1.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-5
Rungta Mines Limited

S.N. Production Units Stack Top Area Volumetric Volumetric Exit Temp. Temp. Pollutant emission
Height Dia (m2) Flow Rate Flow Rate Velocity (°C) (°K) Rate (mg/Nm3)
(m) (m) (Nm3/Hr) (m3/s) (m/Sec)
WHRB ESP (2X500TPD, 3x600TPD
& 2X900TPD DR Plant)
1 500 TPD Kiln WHRB Stack K-1 80 2.75 5.94 125,000 53.800 18.13 150 423 30 281 1.053
2 500 TPD Kiln WHRB Stack K-2 125,000 53.800
3 600 TPD Kiln WHRB Stack K-3 80 3.0 7.07 145,000 62.408 17.67 150 423 30 291 0.545
4 600 TPD Kiln WHRB Stack K-4 145,000 62.408
5 600 TPD Kiln WHRB Stack K-5 80 3.0 7.07 145,000 62.408 8.83 150 423 30 291 1
6 900 TPD Kiln WHRB Stack K-6 80 3.0 7.07 160,000 68.864 19.49 150 423 30 396 1.480
7 900 TPD Kiln WHRB Stack K-7 160,000 68.864
1 DRI K-1 to K-4 in-plant Dedusting RMHS 35 2 3.14 120,000 39.438 12.56 50 323 30
2 CDH 30 1.8 2.54 65,000 24.669 9.70 100 373 30
3 PSB 35 2 3.14 120,000 39.438 12.56 50 323 30
4 DRI K-5 to K-7 in-plant Dedusting RMHS 35 2.2 3.80 145,000 47.655 12.54 50 323 30
5 CDH 30 2 3.14 80,000 30.362 9.67 100 373 30
6 PSB 35 2.2 3.80 145,000 47.655 12.54 50 323 30
10X 1.0 MTPA)
1 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in 90 6.5 33.17 940,000 420.838 12.69 167 440 30 2.6355 0.089
Travelling Grate
2 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in 90 6.5 33.17 940,000 420.838 12.69 167 440 30 2.6355 0.089
Travelling Grate
3 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in 90 6.5 33.17 940,000 420.838 12.69 167 440 30 2.6355 0.089
Travelling Grate
4 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in 90 6.5 33.17 940,000 420.838 12.69 167 440 30 2.6355 0.089
Travelling Grate
5 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in 90 6.5 33.17 940,000 420.838 12.69 167 440 30 2.6355 0.089
Travelling Grate
6 Raw Material Handling Stack 30 1.8 2.54 90,000 34.158 13.43 100 373 30
7 Finished Product Handling Stack 30 1.8 2.54 90,000 34.158 13.43 100 373 30
8 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in 60 4 12.56 433,884 194.250 15.47 167 440 30 1.5226 0.051
Travelling Grate
9 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in 60 4 12.56 433,884 194.250 15.47 167 440 30 1.5226 0.051
Travelling Grate
10 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in 60 4 12.56 433,884 194.250 15.47 167 440 30 1.5226 0.051
Travelling Grate
11 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in 60 4 12.56 433,884 194.250 15.47 167 440 30 1.5226 0.051
Travelling Grate
12 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in 60 4 12.56 433,884 194.250 15.47 167 440 30 1.5226 0.051
Travelling Grate
13 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in 60 4 12.56 433,884 194.250 15.47 167 440 30 1.5226 0.051
Travelling Grate
14 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in 60 4 12.56 433,884 194.250 15.47 167 440 30 1.5226 0.051
Travelling Grate
15 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in 60 4 12.56 433,884 194.250 15.47 167 440 30 1.5226 0.051
Travelling Grate

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-6
Rungta Mines Limited

S.N. Production Units Stack Top Area Volumetric Volumetric Exit Temp. Temp. Pollutant emission
Height Dia (m2) Flow Rate Flow Rate Velocity (°C) (°K) Rate (mg/Nm3)
(m) (m) (Nm3/Hr) (m3/s) (m/Sec)
16 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in 60 4 12.56 433,884 194.250 15.47 167 440 30 1.5226 0.051
Travelling Grate
17 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in 60 4 12.56 433,884 194.250 15.47 167 440 30 1.5226 0.051
Travelling Grate
18 Raw Material Handling Stack 30 1.8 2.54 42,000 15.940 6.27 100 373 30
19 Finished Product Handling Stack 30 1.8 2.54 15,000 5.693 2.24 100 373 30
(1X400TPH+1X235 TPH)
1 Coal Washery in-plant Dedusting 30 1.7 2.27 90,000 29.579 13.04 50 323
(400 TPH)
2 Coal Washery in-plant Dedusting 30 1.7 2.27 52,294 17.187 7.58 50 323
(235 TPH)
4 BLAST FURNACE (1x600 cum +
2x450 cum)
1 Stove Stack (to WHRB 450 cum) BF-01 30 1.8 2.54 80,000 34.432 13.54 150 423 30 200 150
2 Stock House De-dusting BF-02 47 1.8 2.54 93,000 29.618 11.65 40 313 30
3 Stove Stack (to WHRB 600 cum) BF-05 30 2.2 3.80 140,000 60.256 15.86 150 423 30 200 150
4 Stock House De-dusting BF-06 47 2.2 3.80 163,000 51.912 13.66 40 313 30
5 SINTER (2x80 m2+1x110 m2)
1 Sinter Plant-Main Stack (80 m2) SP-MS 55 5 19.63 865,000 372.299 18.97 150 423 30 49.747 0.227
2 Sinter Plant-De-Dusting SP-DD 45 2 3.14 160,000 50.956 16.23 40 313 30
3 Sinter Plant-Main Stack (110 m2) SP-MS 80 6.5 33.17 1,184,000 509.597 15.36 150 423 30 31.233 0.119
4 Sinter Plant-De-Dusting SP-DD 55 2.5 4.91 273,000 86.944 17.72 40 313 30
6 COKE OVEN, 1.07 MTPA (6
Batteries x 0.07 MTPA + 1 Battery
x 0.25 MTPA + 1 Battery x 0.4
1 Coke Oven 1x250000 TPA (to SP-MS 85 2.5 4.91 175,000 87.785 17.89 220 493 30 27.744 0.025
WHRB stack)
2 Coke Oven 1x400000 TPA (to SP-MS 100 3.2 8.04 290,000 145.472 18.10 220 493 30 28.138 0.025
WHRB stack)
3 Coke Oven 6x70000 TPA (to WHRB SP-MS 100 3.2 8.04 290,000 145.472 18.10 220 493 30 26.801 0.024
7X20T + LRF 4X25T + 3X45 T)
1 2x20T IF DES + 25T LRF IF-01 30.5 2 3.14 90,000 34.158 11 100 373 30
2 2x20T IF DES + 25T LRF IF-02 30.5 2 3.14 90,000 34.158 11 100 373 30
3 2x20T IF DES + 25T LRF IF-03 30.5 2 3.14 90,000 34.158 11 100 373 30
4 1x20T IF DES IF-04 30.5 1.8 2.54 90,000 34.158 13 100 373 30
5 2x20T IF DES + 25T LRF IF-05 30.5 2 3.14 90,000 34.158 11 100 373 30
6 2x20T IF DES + 45T LRF IF-06 30.5 2 3.14 90,000 34.158 11 100 373 30
7 2x20T IF DES + 45T LRF IF-07 30.5 2 3.14 90,000 34.158 11 100 373 30
8 2x20T IF DES + 45T LRF IF-08 30.5 2 3.14 90,000 34.158 11 100 373 30
1X90T LRF and 1X110 T EAF +
1X110T LRF)
1 90T EAF Fume Extraction+LRF EAF-01 60 4 12.56 627,000 257.103 20 130 403 30

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-7
Rungta Mines Limited

S.N. Production Units Stack Top Area Volumetric Volumetric Exit Temp. Temp. Pollutant emission
Height Dia (m2) Flow Rate Flow Rate Velocity (°C) (°K) Rate (mg/Nm3)
(m) (m) (Nm3/Hr) (m3/s) (m/Sec)
2 110T EAF Fume Extraction+LRF EAF-02 70 5 19.63 766,000 314.101 16 130 403 30
MILL (2.55 MTPA)
1 Reheating Furnace Stack RH-1 60 3 7.07 92,700 60.178 8.52 365 638 30 176.05 114.617
2 Reheating Furnace Stack RH-2 60 3 7.07 92,700 60.178 8.52 365 638 0 0.000
3 Reheating Furnace Stack RH-2 60 3 7.07 92,700 60.178 8.52 365 638 0 0.000
4 Reheating Furnace Stack RH-2 60 3 7.07 92,700 60.178 8.52 365 638 0 0.000
1 Reheating Furnace Stack RH-1 80 4 12.56 209,000 135.676 10.80 365 638 0 0.000
1 Reheating Furnace Stack (for back- RH-1 60 3 7.07 92,700 60.178 8.52 365 638 0 0.000
up only)
1 Coal Handling System for Producer PGP-1 30 2 3.14 52,450 19.906 6.34 100 373
Gas Plant
2 Coal Handling System for Producer PGP-1 30 2 3.14 52,450 19.906 6.34 100 373
Gas Plant
3 Coal Handling System for Producer PGP-1 30 2 3.14 52,450 19.906 6.34 100 373
Gas Plant
10 CEMENT PLANT (1+2300 TPD +
1X2600 TPD)
1 Crushing Section 30 2 3.14 157,000 50.800 17 45 318 30
2 Raw Mill / Kiln (for 2300 TPD) 80 4 12.56 704,000 281.514 20 120 393 30 3.8906 6.225
3 Cement Plant Mill CP-1 60 4 12.56 950,000 324.786 21 63 336 30
4 Bag Filling / Packing / Product Area 35 1 0.79 30,000 10.714 16 78 351 30
5 Crushing Section 30 2 3.14 134,000 43.358 17 45 318 30
6 Raw Mill / Kiln (for 2600 TPD) 80 4 12.56 600,000 239.927 20 120 393 30 5.1604 8.257
7 Cement Plant Mill CP-2 60 4 12.56 809,000 276.581 21 63 336 30
8 Bag Filling / Packing / Product Area 35 1 0.79 25,000 8.929 16 78 351
+1x130+3X250TPH FBB
1 125 TPH FBB FBB-01 90 2.7 5.72 113,750 48.958 17.11 150 423 30 100 100
2 125 TPH FBB FBB-02 113,750 48.958
3 125 TPH FBB FBB-03 90 2.7 5.72 113,750 48.958 17.11 150 423 30 100 100
4 125 TPH FBB FBB-04 113,750 48.958
5 125 TPH FBB FBB-05 90 2.7 5.72 113,750 48.958 17.11 150 423 30 100 100
6 125 TPH FBB FBB-06 113,750 48.958
7 125 TPH FBB FBB-07 90 2.7 5.72 113,750 48.958 17.11 150 423 30 100 100
8 125 TPH FBB FBB-08 113,750 48.958
9 125 TPH FBB FBB-09 90 2.7 5.72 113,750 48.958 17.11 150 423 30 100 100
10 125 TPH FBB FBB-10 113,750 48.958
11 250 TPH FBB FBB-11 110 3.8 11.34 227,500 97.917 17.28 150 423 30 100 100
12 250 TPH FBB FBB-12 227,500 97.917
13 250 TPH FBB FBB-13 110 2.7 5.72 227,500 97.917 17.11 150 423 30 100 100

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-8
Rungta Mines Limited

S.N. Production Units Stack Top Area Volumetric Volumetric Exit Temp. Temp. Pollutant emission
Height Dia (m2) Flow Rate Flow Rate Velocity (°C) (°K) Rate (mg/Nm3)
(m) (m) (Nm3/Hr) (m3/s) (m/Sec)
14 Power Plant Raw Material in-plant PP-01 45 2.5 4.91 135,000 44.368 9.04 50 323 30
15 Power Plant Raw Material in-plant PP-02 45 2.5 4.91 135,000 44.368 9.04 50 323 30
16 Power Plant Raw Material in-plant PP-03 45 2.5 4.91 135,000 44.368 9.04 50 323 30
17 Power Plant Raw Material in-plant PP-04 45 2.5 4.91 135,000 44.368 9.04 50 323 30

The gases coming out from the units shown above contain pollutants like
particulate matter, SO2 and NO2. These gas streams are a major source of
air pollution, if control/ mitigation measures are not incorporated. The
control measures are discussed in Section 4.4.2. Fugitive emissions

For the purpose of assessing fugitive emission from the plant after
expansion to 3.55 MTPA, the sources of fugitive emission have been
identified as follows:


Pollution source Loading Material Emission rates μg/m2-h
Unit / location (legend on area loaded SPM PM10 PM2.5
map in Fig 2.1, Chapter 2) m2 TPH
Raw material pellet plant 30484 365.393 2.63E-09 9.85E-10 5.66E-10
Raw material complex 175328 2101.55 2.63E-09 9.85E-10 5.66E-10
Raw material complex 187212 2243.99 2.63E-09 9.85E-10 5.66E-10
Solid waste management 108447 752.282 5.07E-09 1.90E-09 1.09E-09
Slag dump management 108125 750.049 5.07E-09 1.90E-09 1.09E-09
Raw material storage 139773 1675.37 2.63E-09 9.85E-10 5.66E-10

Since coal is the pre-dominant raw material, the fugitive emission factors
have been calculated as per the research presented in “Emission factors for
the quantification of dust in Indian Coal Mines” by Mrinal K. Ghose
(Published by Center for Mining Environment, ISM, Dhanbad in its "Journal
of Scientific & Industrial Research", Vol 63, September 2004 on pages 763-
768). Continuous loading and unpaved surfaces have been considered and
emission rate has been calculated as follows:

Particulate emission, lb/tonne of material loaded =


Where S = Silt %, considered as 2.02%

U = Wind speed (mph at 4 m AG), considered as 5.725 mph
M= Unbound moisture in material (%), considered as 10%
.h= Drop height (ft), considered as 3.28 ft

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-9
Rungta Mines Limited Simulation model for prediction of ground level concentrations due to

stack and fugitive emissions

In order to predict the impact of the project, air quality prediction modelling
has been carried out using US EPA’s ISCST3 model. ISC3 short term mode
(ISCST3) is a steady-state Gaussian plume model which can be used to
assess pollutant concentrations from a wide variety of sources associated
with an industrial complex. This model can account for the following: settling
and dry deposition of particles; downwash; point, area, line, and volume
sources; plume rise as a function of downwind distance; separation of point
sources; and limited terrain adjustment.

The following options were considered while modeling to predict the

incremental ground level concentrations of pollutants due to emissions from
the proposed units.

 The stack and emission details for Proposed unit have been adopted
from Table 4.1 and Table 4.2.

 The prediction has been done to estimate concentration value over a

radial distance of 10 km from the source for receptors outside the
project boundary.

 Emission rate was considered constant throughout the averaging


 Ground level concentrations were computed without any decay co-


 The micro-meteorological observations made during the study period

have been taken as input meteorological data. Calm wind conditions
recorded during study period were also considered.

The dispersion modelling has been carried out for the following scenarios:

 Stack and fugitive emissions from stacks & material handling in stock &
solid waste yards as approved in EC dated 04/06/2020 for 3.0 MTPA
steel plant (Refer Annexure XX(b) for input and output data). The
stack data has been updated with respect to previous EIA since
detailed designing has been carried out in some units and is underway
in some units.

 Stack and fugitive emissions from the entire project due to stacks &
material handling in stock & solid waste yards (Refer Annexure XX(a)
for input and output data)

The maximum computed concentrations in the entire study area and on the
ambient air quality stations is given in Table 4.4.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-10
Rungta Mines Limited Resultant GLC due to stack emissions and fugitive emissions

The predicted incremental ground level concentration (Table 4.3 & 4.4)
obtained due to stack emissions and fugitive emissions when superimposed
on baseline concentration is high, but within the National Ambient Air
Quality Standards for Residential Areas as can be seen in Table 4.3 and
Table 4.5. It is assumed that while transportation will occur through road
initially, the railway siding will be developed in about 5 years time and
majority of transportation will shift to rail, thus, the impact of traffic will
eventually become negligible.


Pollutant Incremental GLC Max. Resultant NAAQS
3.0 MTPA 3.55 MTPA Increment Baseline 2009
due to observed
expansion by
0.55 MTPA
(a) (b) (c) (d)=(b)-(c) (e) (f) = (g)
PM10 21.31154 21.4364 0.12486 70.9 92.3364 100
PM2.5 12.25414 12.32598 0.07184 42.3 54.62598 60
SO2 28.98054 35.32741 6.34687 16.9 52.22741 80
NO2 14.55249 14.5858 0.03331 21.5 36.0858 80
Refer Annexure Annexure
XX(a) XX(b)


Sl. Station name PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2
3.0 3.55 Incre 3.0 3.55 Incre 3.0 3.55 Incre 3.0 3.55 Incre
CA1 Proposed Core 6.07 6.16 0.09 3.49 3.54 0.05 28.98 32.89 3.91 10.56 10.59 0.02
BA1 Nimidha village 4.20 4.20 0.00 2.42 2.42 0.00 9.71 11.06 1.35 4.49 4.50 0.01
BA2 Mosonia village 4.09 4.17 0.08 2.35 2.40 0.05 9.73 11.21 1.49 4.35 4.36 0.01
BA3 Thokar village 1.75 1.76 0.01 1.01 1.01 0.00 4.52 5.30 0.78 2.48 2.48 0.00
BA4 Nimabahali 4.89 4.95 0.06 2.81 2.85 0.03 9.63 11.94 2.31 5.24 5.25 0.01
BA5 Tarkabera village 2.82 2.79 -0.03 1.62 1.61 -0.02 7.92 9.34 1.42 3.16 3.17 0.01
BA6 Kadala village 6.00 6.04 0.04 3.45 3.48 0.02 11.48 13.43 1.95 4.79 4.80 0.01
BA7 Beruan pal 5.91 5.98 0.07 3.40 3.44 0.04 25.01 28.10 3.09 9.87 9.89 0.02
Note : Refer Annexure XX(A) and XX(B) for input & output of model

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-11
Rungta Mines Limited


Pollutant Sampling Station Base line Incremental Values Total
value due to stack
emissions (refer
Table 4.4)
PM10 Proposed Core Zone 70.90 0.09 70.99
Nimidha village 65.80 0.00 65.80
Mosonia village 70.80 0.08 70.88
Thokar village 54.90 0.01 54.91
Nimabahali village 68.90 0.06 68.96
Tarkabera village 57.70 -0.03 57.67
Kadala village 61.10 0.04 61.14
Beruan pal village 69.90 0.07 69.97
PM2.5 Proposed Core Zone 41.70 0.05 41.75
Nimidha village 37.80 0.00 37.80
Mosonia village 42.30 0.05 42.35
Thokar village 31.80 0.00 31.80
Nimabahali village 39.90 0.03 39.93
Tarkabera village 32.90 -0.02 32.88
Kadala village 36.70 0.02 36.72
Beruan pal village 42.20 0.04 42.24
SO2 Proposed Core Zone 13.20 3.91 17.11
Nimidha village 11.50 1.35 12.85
Mosonia village 16.90 1.49 18.39
Thokar village 9.30 0.78 10.08
Nimabahali village 14.60 2.31 16.91
Tarkabera village 10.00 1.42 11.42
Kadala village 13.30 1.95 15.25
Beruan pal village 14.00 3.09 17.09
NO2 Proposed Core Zone 17.70 0.02 17.72
Nimidha village 16.90 0.01 16.91
Mosonia village 21.40 0.01 21.41
Thokar village 13.00 0.00 13.00
Nimabahali village 21.50 0.01 21.51
Tarkabera village 13.80 0.01 13.81
Kadala village 18.80 0.01 18.81
Beruan pal village 16.90 0.02 16.92

A perusal of above table shows that the pollutant concentrations in the

ambient air will remain below the National Ambient Air Quality Standard
prescribed by CPCB (Annexure VIII). The highest resultant values at

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-12
Rungta Mines Limited

ambient air quality stations are likely to be 92.336 µg/m3, 54.626 µg/m3,
52.227 µg/m3 and 36.086 µg/m3 for PM10, PM2.5, SO2 and NO2 which will be
well within the permissible limits for residential and rural areas after adding
to the baseline values. (Standards for PM10 is 100 µg/m3, PM2.5 is 60
µg/m3, SO2 80 µg/m3 and NO2 80 µg/m3 as per CPCB). Cumulative impact due industries in study area

Cumulative impact assessment for industries within 2 km is usually been

carried out in the past. There are no industries within 2 km radius of the
proposed project.

4.4.2 Management of air quality

Following mitigation measures shall be taken:

a) Construction phase

 Water spraying on material to be handled before beginning work and

spraying on unpaved surfaces twice a day will improve the working
conditions and minimize dust pollution.

 Water spraying during loading and unloading operations to be carried

out, where applicable

 The designated areas for roads and parking spaces shall be black
topped at the earliest.

 Transportation to be carried out in covered trucks.

 Transport vehicles shall be maintained leak proof to avoid spillage of

rubble and soil.

 Welding operations shall be carried out within cordoned areas.

 Preventive maintenance of all trucks, earthmovers and construction

equipment to be done as per manufacturers norms

The mitigation measures will apply both on plant buildings and colony
construction. As per AP-42 of US EPA, the recommended measures for
various activities during construction phase are summarised in Table 4.6.


Emission Source Recommended Control Method(s)
Debris handling Wind speed reduction, Wet suppression#
Truck transport## Wet suppression, Paving
Chemical stabilization^
Bulldozers Wet suppression^^
Pan scrapers Wet suppression of travel routes

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-13
Rungta Mines Limited

Emission Source Recommended Control Method(s)

Cut/fill material handling Wind speed reduction, Wet suppression
Cut/fill haulage Wet suppression, Paving, Chemical
General construction Wind speed reduction, Wet suppression
Early paving of permanent roads
# Dust control plans should contain precautions against watering programs
that confound track out problems.

## Loads could be covered to avoid loss of material in transport, especially if

material is transported offsite.

^ Chemical stabilization usually cost-effective for relatively long-term or

semi-permanent unpaved roads.

^^ Excavated materials may already be moist and not require additional

wetting. Furthermore, most soils are associated with an" optimum
moisture" for compaction.

b) During operation phase

The air quality prediction exercise carried out for stack, fugitive and traffic
emissions gave maximum resultant ground level concentrations of 92.336
µg/m3, 54.626 µg/m3, 52.227 µg/m3 and 36.086 µg/m3 for PM10, PM2.5, SO2
and NO2. These resultant concentrations are within the required standards.

Following general control measures shall be adopted for controlling air


 Use of After Burning Chamber in the DRI units for combustion of CO.

 Use of high efficiency electrostatic precipitators in case of DRI kilns,

sinter plant and power plants

 Keeping appropriate stack height as per CPCB norms.

 Dust extraction system with bag filters shall be provided at different

places, such as kiln inlet area, crushing unit, cooling out let area

 PM from level below 30 mg/Nm3 will be released from DRI kiln and
sinter plant, 30 mg/Nm3 at BF stove, WHRB exit (based on DRI, MBF
& coke oven gases) and in all other sub-units below 30 mg/Nm3.
Some of these emissions will be equal or much below the norms
specified by MOEF&CC vide GSR 414(E) dated 30.05.2008, GSR
277(E) dated 31/03/2012 and SO 3305(E) dated 07.12.2015. Even
though the permissible limit for PM emissions is 250 mg/Nm 3 for
rolling mills, the emissions are not expected to go that high in view of
the fuels proposed to be used. Furthermore, the reheating furnaces
will be operational for about 20% of the time since hot charging is
envisaged for 80% of the time.

 Gas Cleaning Plant will be incorporated in the blast furnace.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-14
Rungta Mines Limited

 Dust and fume extraction systems will incorporated in the electric arc
furnace and the induction furnaces for control of dust and fumes

 Rungta Mines Limited (Dhenkanal Steel Plant) will installed advanced

controller based ESPs, PTFE based high volume bag filters

 The use of dolomite, limestone as additive in the kilns (DRI, clinker,

etc) will reduce SO2 emissions significantly.

 Controlled combustion air supply, controlled combustion temperature

and use of low NOx burners will control NO2 formation in all sub-unit

 Fugitive dust due to handling of coal and iron ore and other raw
materials etc. will be controlled by sprinkling /dust extraction system.

 Waste heat recovery boiler to utilize waste heat from exit DRI gases,
coke oven gas and MBF gas for generation of steam and
subsequently power.

 Leakage from the equipment, ducts and transfer points shall be

regularly checked and stopped.

 Development of green belt will help to check air pollution

 All fugitive emissions will be minimized.

 Regular monitoring and awareness among workers will help in

controlling air pollution.

The colony is not anticipated to have any emissions during operation since
only people will be living there. The fuel that they will consume will be in
cooking or driving. It will be ensure that only cylinder gas is used for cooking
and vehicles in the premises have ‘Pollution Under Check” Certificate at the
most, the DG set will operate in.

Fugitive emissions control

Control and mitigation measures specifically for fugitive dust emissions are
as follows:

1. Dust extraction systems, with bag filters will be provisioned at all

transfer points and crushing/ grinding operations. Dust laden air will be
drawn through ID Fans, and passed through bag filters to bring down
the dust content below 30 mg/Nm3. The clean air will be discharged
into the atmosphere.

2. Few raw materials and most finished product will stored in covered

3. Water sprinkling will be done regularly over all open storage dumps of
solid wastes and raw materials.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-15
Rungta Mines Limited

4. In order to prevent the spread of fugitive dust, green belt of adequate

width will be developed all along the plant boundary.

4.4.3 Control of emissions from various sub-units Stack emissions from DRI plant

 The flue gas coming out from the rotary kiln passes through a dust
settling chamber, in which the heavier dust is settled down. The
bottom of the dust settling chamber is immersed in the wet scrapper
water which is working as the sealing to avoid the gas leakage and
false air entry.
 Then the gas passes through the After Burning Chamber (A.B.C.) in
which the carbon monoxide and un-burnt carbon are burnt completely
and converted into CO2.
 The flue gas is taken to the Waste Heat Recovery Boiler (WHRB),
where the recoverable heat is utilized for generation of high pressure
 The flue gas is next passed through an electro static precipitator
(ESP), where the particulate matter concentration is reduced to less
than 30 mg/Nm3.
 Control of SO2 is achieved by provision of adequate height to the
stack. The heights of the stacks have been determined by estimated
‘S’ contents in coal and CPCB guideline. About 90-95% sulphur from
coal can be absorbed by the limestone. For the purpose of air quality
prediction modelling, only 80% has been assumed as worst case
scenario. Stack emissions from steel melting shop

In order to control the air pollution in the induction furnace, dust extraction
system will be installed. It consists of a suction hood, a cyclone and a bag
filter. The suction hood is mounted on the head of furnace, the flue gases
will be sucked through the hood. The blower sucks the flue gases through
the hood and along the pipe, which is connected to the cyclone and filter.
The cyclone and filter separate the solid particles. These particles fall to the
bottom and are collected and removed. The clean air is exhausted through
the Air Vent, in which the dust concentration will be much less than the limit
of 30 mg/Nm3. Stack emissions from blast furnace

 Gas Cleaning Plant:

The major source of pollution in the blast furnace is top gas. The top gas
from the furnace will flow through four off-takes and a single down-comer
into the dust catcher for primary cleaning. Here, major portion of the dust in

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-16
Rungta Mines Limited

the gas is separated. The bottom of the dust catcher is fitted with a pug mill
for withdrawing the dust and loading it on to self-dumping type trucks. The
semi-clean gas is further cleaned in a high energy dry scrubber gas
cleaning unit in two stages. The scrubber controls the furnace top pressure.
The scrubber outlet gas will have a maximum dust content of 30 mg/Nm 3.
The dust from the gas-cleaning unit will be reused in the sinter plant.

The blast furnace flue gas will be passed through Waste Heat Recovery
Boilers for power generation. Thereafter, the gas will be used as fuel in blast
furnace stove, reheating furnaces or elsewhere after cleaning in Gas
Cleaning Plant. Unutilised gas will be flared.

 Dust and fume extraction systems:

They will be provided for the stock house. Necessary hoods and duct work
will be installed inside the buildings to control the pollution levels. The dust-
laden air will be passed through bag filter where the dust will be collected
before the gases are exhausted through ID fans to the tall stacks. Stack emissions from WHRB and FBC boilers

 High efficiency electrostatic precipitator has been provided for

separation of dust from the flue gas. The ESP would bring down the
concentration of particulate matter to less than 30 mg/Nm3 level.
Overall efficiency of ESP will be around 99.50%.

 For control of SO2, a stack of adequate height shall be provided. Lime

dosing at atleast 2T/hr shall be done. The dosing will be done as per
sulphur content of fuel.

 Low NOx burners shall be used to minimise NOx generation.

 The boiler bottom hoppers and E.S.P. hoppers will be provided with a
dense phase ash handling system. The dust collected from these
hoppers will be sent to an ash silo by pneumatic conveying system.
The ash stored in the ash silo will be taken to the solid waste disposal
site for storage and final disposal to brick manufacturing plants of the
company and others as well as own proposed cement plant. Emissions from Sinter plant

Centralised plant dedusting system will be installed to provide dust free

working atmosphere in sintering plant. All dust generating points will be
covered. The dust laden air will be sucked through hoods and duct work
and clean the air in ESP before releasing into the atmosphere through the

Dust will be collected in hoppers which will be fitted with double cone valves
to discharge dust without air leakage. Dust collected below the sinter

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-17
Rungta Mines Limited

strands and in the ESP will be transported to the proportioning building and
recycled in the sinter making process. Emissions from Pelletisation Plant

High efficiency electrostatic precipitators will be used with indurating

furnace to control emissions. The stack height has also been calculated
based on CPCB norms. Dust extraction system with bag filters shall be
provided at various locations as shown below:

Sub-unit of pellet plant Air Pollution Maximum

Control Measure Emission, mg/m3
1. Raw material Handling Bag Filter 30
2. Travelling Grate ESP 30
3. Finished product Handling Bag Filter 30

Low NOx burners will be used in indurating furnace. Fugitive dust due to
handling of coal and iron ore and other raw materials etc. will be controlled
by sprinkling/ dust extraction system. Leakage from the equipment, ducts
and transfer points shall be regularly checked and stopped. Emissions from Coal washery

1. Transportation of the coal will be through completely enclosed

conveyors to avoid fugitive emissions. The transfer points will be
provided with water sprays to avoid dust generation.
2. All the crushers and screens will be erected on vibration absorbing
platforms to avoid noise and vibrations.
3. The crushers and screens will be provided with acoustic enclosures
to reduce noise in ambient environment.
4. Workers working near high noise generating machineries will be
provided with ear plugs/muffs. Emissions from Coke Oven Plant

Uncontrolled fugitive particulate emissions are associated with material

handling operations. These operations consist of unloading, storing,
grinding / crushing. Dry fog type dust suppression system will be installed in
the coal preparation unit including crushers, screens, etc.

Oven charging in non-recovery type ovens produces insignificant emissions

of particulate matter and organic compounds because of negative pressure
inside ovens. Proper charging techniques normally allow most charging
emissions to be captured by the battery collecting main. During the coking
cycle of 66 hours, uncontrolled organic compound emissions from the
thermal distillation process may occur through poorly sealed doors, charge

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-18
Rungta Mines Limited

lids, off take caps, collecting main, and through cracks that may develop in
oven brickwork. Door leaks will be controlled by diligent cleaning and
maintenance, rebuilding, and by manual application of eluting material to
the door seal. An effective patching may control charge lid and off take
leaks and eluting program. Adequate flue gas desulphurization system shall
be adopted for the coke oven.

Pushing coke out of coke ovens and into a quench car is a major source of
particulate emissions. If the coke mass is not fully coked (green coke),
gaseous pollutants will be emitted. Pushing emissions are minimized by
using mobile scrubber cars with hoods, shed enclosures evacuated to gas
cleaning devices like cyclone and bag houses, or traveling hoods with a
fixed duct leading to a stationary gas cleaner. The outlet of bag filter will be
connected to stack.

The coke dust collected by dust collector shall be delivered to the dust
storage bin and finally shall be transported out by trucks after humidifying
treatment. The dust transfer system shall be totally enclosed and dust
suction hoods shall be installed in each dust generation point, which shall
be connected to the ground de-dusting system. The whole system shall be
PLC controlled.

The quenching facilities will also be appropriately designed with demister

system to trap particulate matter emission. This is necessary because
quenching hot coke with cold water creates thermal shock, releasing
particulate matter from hot coke. Water vapor from water heated during
contact with hot coke rises from quenched coke and entrains particulate
matter from the coke mass. In addition, dissolved solids from the quench
water may also become entrained in the steam plume rising from the tower. Emissions from Producer Gas plant:

The coal handling plant in the PGP shall have bag filter and dry fog
systems while the gas emission from coal gasification process containing
tar shall be directly used in pellet plant by feeding to kiln and burned. Kiln
flue gas is passed through ESP before releasing to the atmosphere. Emissions from Ductile Pipe Plant:

1. Provision of bag filter and ID fan

2. Annealing Furnace- scrubber and ID fan (when heating will be done
by burning of Furnace Oil)
3. Air Pollution from magnesium converter, zinc coating units will be
taken care of by installing bag filter and ID fan
4. Air pollution from Bitumin/ Epoxy Painting unit shall be taken care by
installing flue air duct connected to a chimney via scrubber and ID fan
5. Fugitive emissions control from various transfer points/ storage areas,
etc. by bag filters, suction hoods, dust collector systems and dust
suppression systems.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-19
Rungta Mines Limited

6. Regular maintenance of plant/ machinery will reduce noise and keep

it under 70 db(A)
7 Ear pugs to be given to workers in the ductile pipe plant area. Emissions from Cement Plant

 For dedusting of Kiln/Raw Mill gases, RABH has been envisaged which
shall keep the dust content in exhaust gases below 30 mg/Nm 3. The
main exhaust stack of the kiln will be kept sufficiently high to enable the
dispersion of the dust particles over a larger area.
 For dedusting of gases from the clinker cooler, existing ESP modification
has been considered which shall keep dust content in exhaust gases
below 30 mg/Nm3.
 For drying of coal in the drying-cum-grinding operation of coal, kiln
exhaust gases shall be used.
 Bag filter has been envisaged for dedusting of coal mill vent gases,
which shall maintain a clean dust content of less than 30 mg/Nm3.
 All other dust sources are considered as secondary sources as these are
not process implied. These will have -
 Dust suppression systems on the hopper to supress the generated
during unloading of trucks in dump hoppers.
 Nuisance bag filters on raw material transport section, corrective
material transport section, raw material grinding section, raw meal
silo section, clinker handling section, clinker transport section,
additive material handling section, cement mill hopper section,
cement mill section and cement silo section. Summary of air pollution control systems used and their efficiency

A summary of the various air pollution control systems in various units of the
integrated steel plant is given in Table 4.7.


Sl. Name of Unit Air Pollution Control % Efficiency
No. Device (approx)
1. Sponge Iron Plant ESP 99.95
2. DRI Dedusting ESP / Bag House 99.90
3. Sinter Plant Dedusting ESP 99.95
4. Sinter Machine ESP 99.98
5. Blast Furnace Multicyclone & dry gas 85% & 95%
cleaning plant
6. BF Stock House Bag Filters 99.6
7. SMS (EAF) FES and Bag Filters Capture
efficiency – 96

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-20
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. Name of Unit Air Pollution Control % Efficiency

No. Device (approx)
8. SMS (IF) FES and Bag Filter Capture
efficiency -95
9. SMS Plant Dedusting Bag Filters 99
10. Rolling/ strip/ ductile Bag filter 95
pipe Mill (reheating
11. Coke Oven Scrubber 90
12. Power Plant (AFBC) ESP 99.98
13. Pelletisation plant ESP, Bag filter 99.95, 98
14. Ferro alloys plant FES and Bag Filters Capture
efficiency – 95
15. Washery Bag filter 99.5
16. Cement mill RABH, Bag filters 99.5, 95
Abbreviation: Fume extraction system; ESP- electrostatic precipitator,
RABH - Reverse Air bag filter


4.5.1 Impact on Land & its Management

Construction phase: The possible impact on landform of the area will

occur due to land grading, digging, filling, excavation of earthworks, making
roads, boundary wall and plant related civil construction activity. Exact
volume of excavated earthworks is difficult to estimate at this preliminary
stage. The plant layout has been designed after considering the slope of the
land. No earth will be brought from outside or disposed outside the
premises, if possible. In case filling is required in any portion of the land, it
shall be done by using solid waste from other plants of the Company. Any
excavated earth will be stored at earmarked place with proper slopes and
utilized for levelling and landscaping purpose within the plant premises. The
surplus earth generated during excavation will be used for grading work,
utilized in making approach road and landscaping activities. Compaction of
the reclaimed land will be done and the area will be regenerated with trees
and bushes. Excavation work will be carried out during dry season and
avoided during rainfall events to prevent soil erosion and washout of
excavated materials.

Operation: The land use of the core area will be changed during the
construction and the operation phases. Land use of the land already under
possession of the project proponent has been changed to industrial. The
plant will be spread over 1769 acres land. During construction phase, parts
of the project area will be converted into internal roads, water reservoir,
buildings, green belt and plantation, etc. The features of the plot will
undergo changes due to construction. The resultant land uses within the
plot is shown in Table 4.8.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-21
Rungta Mines Limited


Sl. Description Sanctioned as Proposed Total after
No. per EC Additional Expansion
Area % Area Area %
1 Plants, facilities 273.685 40.56 442.715 716.4 40.50

2 Stock yards, raw material 51.81 7.68 76.19 128 7.24

complex, railway siding

3 Area for solid waste 55.2 8.18 60.8 116 6.56

4 Green belt & plantation 222.67 33.00 361.33 584 33.01

5 Administration & other 1.4 0.21 28.6 30 1.70


6 Water reservoir 30 4.45 30 60 3.39

7 Roads 40 5.93 60.6 100.6 5.69

8 Colony 0 0 34.0 34.0 1.92

Total 674.765 100 1094.235 1769 100.0

Three tier greenbelt (10 m wide) will be developed all along the plant
boundary so that the visual aesthetic is improved, it acts as a pollutant sink,
forms a barrier against noise propagation and forms a micro-habitat for
small sized fauna.

4.5.2 Soil quality

Impact: Soil quality might change during construction phase due to

handling of construction material but may also change during operation due
to open yard storage of raw materials like iron ore, coal and limestone.
Further, temporary storage of solid wastes like char, ESP dust, sludge from
DRI/ blast furnace, FES dust, BF slag, fly ash, etc. and slightly longer
storage of tailings, rejects from washery and DRI kiln accretions in solid
waste storage yard would also deteriorate soil quality, if appropriate control
and mitigation measures are not implemented. The topsoil generated during
construction will be preserved and spread over the area identified for
development of green belt and afforestation.

Management: The waste disposal area shall be lined by impervious

material. The raw material stack yard will also be having concrete
impervious base to protect the soil below it. All stock piles will have a stable
liner to avoid leaching of materials to ground water. The run off and
leachates from the raw materials stack yard and solid waste disposal yard,

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-22
Rungta Mines Limited

respectively, shall not be allowed to mix with storm water drainage but led to
settling tank where from they will be released into the common monitoring
basin for reuse.


4.6.1 Water consumption

Total fresh water requirement for the operation of entire 3.55 MTPA
complex is estimated as 3752 m3/hour. Water shall be sourced from
Brahmani River. The other source of water will be the recycled water within
the plant, collected from various sub-units in a common monitoring basin
after decentralised treatment (if needed for that sub-unit). From the common
monitoring basin, the water will be reused for dust suppression, sprinkling,
ash quenching, fly ash brick plant and green belt watering inside and
outside plant area.

The company does not propose to use ground water for any purpose during
operation of the plant.

4.6.2 Waste water generation from various sources

The waste water generation from various sources is given in Table 4.9.


Plant facilities Waste Water Reused Waste water
generated utilisation
Beneficiation 120 120 Reused in beneficiation
Coal Washery 74 74 Reused in washery
Pellet Plant 177 177 Into Common
Mini Blast Furnace 73 73 Monitoring basin and
Sinter plant 8.0 8.0 thereafter utilised for
Ash quenching
Steel Melt Shop 5 5
fly ash brick making
Flat/Round/Wire/Rod/ 5 5
Structural Mill
Dust suppression
Strip Mill/Sheet/Coil/ Wire 1 1
& Bar Mill/Wire Rope
Producer Gas Plant 154 154
Power Plant 138 138
Drinking Water and 10 10 Treated in STP and
Sanitary used in green belt
Grand Total 765 765

The water consumption and waste water generation along with its route for
reutilisation is given in Fig 2.16 of Chapter 2.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-23
Rungta Mines Limited

4.6.3 Waste water sources and treatment

Waste water generation from the operation phases will be on account of the
following activities which are described along with the treatment option:

1. The prevention and control of water pollution aims at conserving the

make-up water by recycling more than 90% of the waste water.
However, occasionally small quantities of effluents have to be
discharged to prevent build up of excess dissolved solids. Industrial
waste water comprising blow downs from cooling towers and boilers,
DM unit regeneration waste water, wastewater from water pre-
treatment, effluent from service water uses like plant washings,
leakages, etc. and effluents from various sub-units contain high TDS &
SS and will be collected in a “common monitoring basin (CMB)” sump
and utilized for dust suppression, ash handling, fly ash brick making
and horticulture.
2. DM Plant- In the chemical water treatment plant, acidic and alkaline
effluents are generated during the generation of cation /anion and the
mixed bed exchangers. The effluents from the chemical water
treatment plant will be led to a properly sized impervious, neutralization
pit. Normally these effluents are self-neutralizing. But, provision will be
made for dosing lime into the neutralizing pit to ensure the sufficiently
high pH value before these effluents are reused.
3. Run off (during rainfall days and monsoon) from coal and iron ore
handling areas and run off from solid waste storage & handling areas.
will be routed through catch pits of sufficient volume to settle out
suspended solids present in the storm water runoff.
4. Washery waste water will be recycled in its five stage treatment
system and 100% reuse achieved by recirculating the treated water
back to the washery.

The media water after being used for washery operations will be
screened through a five stage clarification process and all the
suspended particulate matter would be squeezed and the clear water is
recycled back to the process. The five stage clarification can be
schematically depicted in Fig 4.1.






EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-24
Rungta Mines Limited

5. In the iron ore beneficiation plant, the waste water will be sent to the
tailing pond wherefrom the overflow will be recirculated back to the iron
ore beneficiation plant. 100% reuse is anticipated.

6. Sewage from plant buildings & colony- Sewage from the toilets,
washrooms, canteen and colony will be treated in STP & soak pit
systems. A sequential MBBR technology is planned to be installed with
the capacity of 250 m3/day. The treated water from the STP will be
utilised in green belt development. Zero discharge concepts are
planned for the project.

7. Workshop: Oil & grease during repair and maintenance of machinery

and vehicles will get spilled for which the water collected in the
workshop will be passed through oil-water separator (OWS) to remove
oil & grease. The water from plant washing or maintenance work will
also be passed through OWS to collect oil & grease, which will be
stored in a separate container and disposed to authorized recycling

8. DI Pipe plant: In DI pipe plant water is required mainly for cooling the
casting machines. The estimated fresh water requirement is about 45
cum/hr. This water will be recirculate back to systems.

4.6.4 Summary of effluent sources and their control systems

The list of water pollution control systems envisaged are summarised in

Table 4.10.


Source Pollutants Control systems
Raw materials handling Suspended Solids Garland drains, Catch
yards pits and settling tanks
DM water plant pH Neutralising pit
Cooling tower blow Temperature, Common monitoring
down, Boiler blow down Suspended Solids, basin and reuse in dust
and effluent from various Dissolved solids suppression, ash
sub-units management, fly ash
brick manufacturing &
Washery Suspended Solids Five stage treatment
Beneficiation plant Suspended Solids Tailing pond
Canteens, toilets BOD, Suspended Septic tank
Storm water drains Suspended solids Desilting chamber prior
to storage in rain water
harvesting ponds and
raw water reservoir

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-25
Rungta Mines Limited

4.6.5 Ground water pollution and management plan

As such the plant working has been planned on zero discharge basis
therefore no pollution of any form is anticipated on account of industrial
activity. As no effluent will be released leading to contamination of surface
or underground water.

The company does not propose to use ground water for any purpose during
operation of the plant, hence, no adverse impact on account of industrial
activity is foreseen. However the company proposes to enhance ground
water recharge by adopting artificial recharge practice.

4.6.6 Rain water harvesting

It is planned to harvest rain water from the plot area as well as from out of it
to collect and store it in the surface water reservoir for plant use.

Rain water harvesting is planned in the plot area. It is proposed to collect

the rain water in the surface water reservoir. The water that shall get
collected in the surface water reservoir is calculated in Table 4.11.


Area, ha Runoff Rainfall Run off Remark
co- Avwrag harvested,
efficient e MM cum/ year
(1) Plants, facilities & 716.4 0.8 1216.4 6971432 To rain water harvesting
tailing pond, part pond(s)
(2) Stock yards & 128 0.5 1216.4 778496 To settling tank & then
railway siding rain water harvesting
(3) Area for solid 116 0.5 1216.4 705512 To settling tank & then
waste common monitoring
basin for reuse
(4) Green belt & 584 0.3 1216.4 2131133 To Rain water harvesting
plantation trenches
(5) Administration & 30 0.8 1216.4 291936 To Rain water harvesting
other buildings pits
(6) Water reservoir 60 1 1216.4 729840 Directly into Raw water
(7) Roads 100.6 0.7 1216.4 856589 To desilting chambers
and the rain water
harvesting pits
(8) Colony 34 0.8 1216.4 330861 To Rain water harvesting
Total 1769 12795799
Reused for plant (1)+(2)+(3)+(6) 9185280 71.78%
Recharged to ground (4)+(5)+(7)+(8) 3610519 28.22%

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-26
Rungta Mines Limited

Ignoring losses, it can be seen that water harvesting shall help meet 55
days water requirement of the plant and, therefore, reduce withdrawal from
the river.

The surface run off water shall be passing through settling chambers before
reaching the reservoir or rain water harvesting ponds to reduce suspended
particulate load. It is proposed to have atleast two separate rain water
harvesting ponds with cumulative area of 2 ha and depth 5, capable of
storing about 1 lakh cum of water. Once the suspended solids settle further
in the rain water harvesting pond, the water will be pumped to the raw water
reservoir for utilisation. The typical settlement system is shown in Fig 4.2.




4.7.1 Solid waste generation and impact

The characteristics of solid waste generated is given in the Table 4.12. The
likely solid waste generated from entire plant facilities is given in Table 4.13.


Sl. Source Characteristics
DRI Plant
1 Char Ash 60%, C 32%, H2O 3.5%, VM 1.5%
2 Coal fines Ash 55 %, C 35%
3 ESP & In plant Fe 10-15%, C 35%, Ash 50%
4 Kiln Accretion Fe 60-80%, C 3-5%, Ash 15-25%
Blast Furnace
5 Slag FeO 25-28%, CaO 50%, MnO 3-5%, Al2O3 4-
6%, SiO2 20-22%, MgO 5-7%
6 MBF Flue Dust Fe 45-55%, CaO 18-20%, SiO2 2-4%, Al2O3 3-
4%, Fe2O3 60-70%, SiO2 5-7%, Al2O3 1-2%,
CaO 5-7%, MgO 3-4%, C 10-12%
7 GCP Sludge Fe2O3 60-70%, SiO 5-7%, AlO3 1-2%, CaO 5-
7%, MgO 3-4%, C 10-12%
8 IF & LRF Slag CaO 40-60%, SiO 12-18%, MgO 4-7%, Fe2O3
EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-27
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. Source Characteristics

Power Plant
9 Fly Ash SiO2 55-60%, Al2O3 25-30%, CaO 2-5%
Coal Washery
10 Middlings Ash : 45%, Carbon : 24%, and S : 0.5%


Sl. Facility Solid waste Sanctioned as Proposed Total after
No. per EC Additional Expansion
1 Beneficiation Plant Tailing 2,156,240 0 2,156,240
2 Pellet Plant Dust (Iron Ore, Coke, 240,772 2,107,325 2,348,097
Coal Fines)
3 Coal Washery Middlings 1,759,908 377,502 2,137,410
Reject from washery 310,572 66,618 377,190
4 DRI Kilns Char 289,759 124,588 414,347
ESP dust Bag Filter Dust, 200,000 -58,553 141,447
scrapper etc
Kiln Accretion 68,474 -28,060 40,414
5 MBF BF Slag 467,775 114,975 582,750
Dust (Iron Ore, Coke, 77,963 19,162 97,125
Sinter Fines)
Sludge from GCP 7,796 -7,796 0
6 Sinter Plant Sinter Return Fines 581,900 -157,784 424,116
7 Coke Oven Plant Bag Filter Dust 50,736 -2,265 48,471
8 Induction Furnace Bag filter dust 74,140 -36,644 37,496
Slag 23,510 273,777 297,287
SMS (Caster) Mill Scale 13,860 30,800 44,660
9 Electric Arc Slag 413,280 16,926 430,206
Bag Filter dust 42,988 -4,894 38,094
SMS (Caster) Mill scale 38,500 -4,900 33,600
10 Rolling Mill Reject from 14,428 21,062 35,490
Mill Scale 19,145 24,231 43,376
11 Strip Mill Reject 7,806 -3,214 4,592
Mill Scale 9,541 -3,929 5,612
12 Ductile Pipe Plant Reject 3,673 919 4,592
Mill Scale 4,490 1,122 5,612
13 Producer Gas Coal Ash 55,661 303,459 359,120
Coal Tar 0 65,295 65,295
14 CPP Fly Ash from Char, 1,284,388 738,024 2,022,412
middlings, coal fines &
Total 8,217,305 3,977,745 12,195,050

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-28
Rungta Mines Limited

Unplanned disposal of these solid wastes will have severe adverse impact
on the environment; therefore, adequate control and mitigation measures
are to be taken, which have been spelt and in the management plan.

4.7.2 Solid waste management

A. Construction phase:

 The provisions of Construction and Demolition Waste

Management Rules, 2016 shall be followed

 Construction wastes will be segregated as much as possible at

site itself to increase the feasibility of recycling concrete and
masonry as filling material and steel pieces as saleable scrap.

 Litter disposal and collection points will be established around the

work sites.

 Empty packaging materials, drums, glass, tin, paper, plastic, pet

bottles, wood, thermocol and other packaging materials, solder
butts, etc will be disposed through recyclers (locally called

 The construction spoils, Muck generated from drains and

sedimentation pits, etc. will be temporarily stored at designated
dumpsite located inside the plant premises. Later on these
wastes will be used for landfilling / leveling work within the plant

 Careful design, planning and good site management would

minimize muck mixed with soil, concrete, mortars and cement
grouts. Such waste shall be stored at earmarked place and used
as filler for plinth raising purpose.

B. Operation phase:

The principal solid wastes produced by this integrated steel plant will be Ash,
generated from power plant. Fly ash shall be utilised in brick making, road
embankments and cement plant, etc, Bag Filter Dust, Char, Kiln Accretion,
Slag from SMS, Middlings, Mill Scale, Reject from washery, Reject from
RMs/SM/DPP, dusts from dry gas cleaning plant, Sinter Return Fines and
Tailing. These wastes will be recycled to the extent possible in the plant
itself or sold to outside parties for reuse. BF Slag will be granulated and
used in cement manufacturing within plant premises

The quantum of solid waste generation from the different units of proposed
plant of 3.55 MTPA along with their reuse and disposal is given in Table

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-29
Rungta Mines Limited


Sl. Facility Solid waste Total after Consumped Dispatch Reuse/ Disposal method
No. Expansion Inhouse outside
1 Beneficiation Tailing 2,156,240 0 2,156,240 Collected in small tailing
Plant pond, dewatered and
dredged for 100%
reutilisation as sand
substitute in infrastructure/
fine concrete aggregate/
cement manufacture
2 Pellet Plant Dust (Iron Ore, 2,348,097 2,348,097 0 100% reused in sinter
Coke, Coal Fines) making within project
3 Coal Washery Middlings 2,137,410 2,137,410 0 100% reused in CFBC
boiler within project
Reject from 377,190 0 377,190 100% temporarily stored in
washery solid waste disposal area
within project site till sent for
backfilling in mine
4 DRI Kilns Char 414,347 414,347 0 100% reused in CFBC
boiler within project
ESP dust Bag Filter 141,447 141,447 0 100% reused in sinter
Dust, scrapper etc making within project
Kiln Accretion 40,414 0 40,414 100% stored in in land fill
temporarily till reused in
road sub-based
5 MBF BF Slag 582,750 382,750 200,000 100% reutilised in making
PBS cement within project
Dust (Iron Ore, 97,125 97,125 0 100% reused in sinter
Coke, Sinter Fines) making within project
Sludge from GCP 0 0 0 100% eliminated after
shifting to dry GCP
6 Sinter Plant Sinter Return Fines 424,116 424,116 0 100% reused in sinter
making within project
7 Coke Oven Bag Filter Dust 48,471 48,471 0 100% reused in sinter
Plant making within project
8 Induction Bag filter dust 37,496 37,496 0 100% reused in sinter
Furnace making within project
Slag 297,287 0 297,287 100% given for metal
recovery, converted to
aggregates (special balls)
and used in road making
SMS (Caster) Mill Scale 44,660 28,905 15,755 100% reuse/ sale in own/
other cement plant, useable
in pellet making & sinter
plant, LRF
dephosphorisation process
9 Electric Arc Slag 430,206 0 430,206 100% given for metal
Furnace recovery, converted to
aggregates (special balls)
and used in road making
Bag Filter dust 38,094 38,094 0 100% reused in sinter
making within project

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-30
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. Facility Solid waste Total after

Consumped Dispatch Reuse/ Disposal method
No. Expansion Inhouse outside
SMS (Caster) Mill scale 33,600 0 33,600 100% sale
10 Rolling Mill Reject from 35,490 35,490 0 100% reused in steel
RMS/SM/DPP making within project
Mill Scale 43,376 0 43,376 100% sale
11 Strip Mill Reject 4,592 4,592 0 100% reused in steel
making within project
Mill Scale 5,612 0 5,612 100% sale
12 Ductile Pipe Reject 4,592 4,592 0 100% reused in steel
Plant making within project
Mill Scale 5,612 0 5,612 100% sale
13 Producer Gas Coal Ash 359,120 0 359,120 100% reused as per MOEF
Plant Notification 2009. Used in
cement making, brick
making, block making,
aggregate making, and road
Coal Tar 65,295 0 65,295 100% sale
14 CPP Fly Ash from Char, 2,022,412 255,054 1,767,358 100% reused as per MOEF
middlings, coal Notification 2009. Used in
fines & coal cement making, brick
making, block making,
aggregate making, and road
Total 12,195,050 6,397,986 5,797,064

Following practices will be followed for effective management of solid


 Dust (as handling loss, from air pollution control equipment) from
beneficiation plant to the tune of 2%, not accounted in above table,
will be re-used in sinter making within the plant.
 Dry grit, dust captured in the initial stage of blast furnace gas
cleaning will normally be sufficiently free of tramp elements such as
zinc and lead to be recycled to the sinter plant.
 Wet sludge from the scrubber system is usually disposed of to
landfill. However, classification of blast furnace sludge using a
hydroclone can give a zinc-rich overflow and zinc-lean underflow.
The later can be recycled to the sinter plant.
 In general, slag from steel production is crushed to recover the
metallic content and the residual slag can be sold as a road
aggregate or used on site to build roads or noise barriers.
 BF Slag granulation processes are generally preferable to
traditional slag cooling methods from the environmental viewpoint,
because the process can be enclosed, less water is consumed and
more of the sulphur remains in the slag rather than being emitted.
Fume capture and total condensation shall be used. Care is

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-31
Rungta Mines Limited

required to avoid producing mineral fibres (“angel hair”). Granulated

slag can also be used for cement making.
 While hot, the sulphur in the blast furnace slag reacts with air to
release SO2. When water is added, H2S is produced by the reaction
of water on hot CaS and MnS. It appears that controlling the pH of
the cooling water to between 7.5 and 9.5 may inhibit this reaction,
which can be significant in slag pit cooling.
 Scale is removed from the open cooling circuit at various points,
including the scale pit and sedimentation tanks. This scale is
normally relatively free from oil, unless abnormal leaks occur. The
scale can be recycled at the sinter plant although it is planned to
sell it for cement manufacturing, in current proposal.
 Flyash shall be collected in dry form from the ESP and use in
cement plant & manufacturing bricks.
 Reject from washery, which is proposed to store in the solid waste
storage area can be later on sent back to the mine for backfilling.
This will not only reduce land for waste disposal in plant site but
also take care of extra void space at the mine end.
 Mg & Zn Dust/ dross (solid waste) generated will be sold in market
to paint manufacturer or used in sinter plan, within premises Other wastes:

 Soiled cotton / cloth wastes (generated during cleaning of machines

and equipment) will be collected in bins burnt in the boilers.
 Electronic wastes and used batteries will be collected and given to
authorized recyclers. Management of e-waste shall be in line with
the E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016
 Domestic garbage will be collected from dustbins in containers;
biodegradable, inerts and non-biodegradable materials in
segregated manner. The manpower is expect to generate a
maximum of 150 gms/capita/day of solid waste.
 The biodegradable material will be composed and used as manure
inside the premises.
 Recyclable materials like packaging materials, empty drums,
bottles, glass, metals, paper, plastic, etc will be given to recyclers.
 Non-recyclable materials will be disposed in sanitary landfill sites as
per the local laws and regulations.
 Waste management will be done under following applicable rules
 In dispensary and first aid centres- as per Biomedical Waste
(Management & Handling) Rules, 2016
 Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016
 Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016
 Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-32
Rungta Mines Limited

 E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016

 Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and
Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016. Details of dumping area

Company has earmarked 116 acres for solid waste disposal within the
Integrated steel plant. The area will be well protected with garland drain all
around the stacking area. The garland drain would have slope from all sides
so that the rain water can travel by gravity through the slope up to collection
pit. This garland pit will be constructed with pitch stones. Vertical baffle
walls will be constructed at suitable intervals at the bend points of garland
drain. They will be constructed on both side of the vertical wall, in alternate
manner, to settle the solid waste that flow along with water in the garland
drain. The deposited material is manually drawn out from the garland drain
to minimize the silting at water collection tank.

The stacking of solid wastes will be done properly, layer by layer, in

separate areas, that too step by step. Care shall be taken in dumping area
about proper approach roads for transportation. Stacking / dumping of
different solid wastes shall be done on separate dumping areas identified
for them within the solid waste disposal yard. Each tipper shall be unloaded
uniformly in planned manner so that equal height of stack is maintained all
around at all the times. Transportation of solid waste

Transportation of solid waste from point of generation to dumping yard plays

a major role in the entire system. As the dumping site is within the plant
premises, transportation is not a major problem. The main points concerns

 Proper approach roads- plain, wide & stiff

 Solid Waste Loading system & methods at point of generation.
 The Char shall be directly loaded to the tipper. There will be
arrangement for temporary stack at the site in case of an emergency
arising due to failure of traffic system or shortage of transporting
 Water sprinkling arrangement - to minimize fugitive dust.
 Dumping site- proper zigzag roads with good construction & safe
measures is must. As the stacking height increases, new approach
roads for proper stacking needs to be constructed with utmost safety,
precautions & considering ease of unloading.
 Periodical transport road cleaning - to avoid air pollution problem due
to dust
 Maintaining the transport vehicles (tippers) - to avoid break downs &
road blockages.
EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-33
Rungta Mines Limited

 Maintenance of road and strengthening the stability of slope road at

the deposition point. Fly ash utilisation plan

A tentative ash utilisation scheme as per the MOEF&CC guidelines is given

in Table 4.15.


Fly ash Generation Total
From PGP 359120
From CPP 2022412
Total Generated 2381532
Bottom Ash generated (20%) 476306
Fly Ash generated (80%) 1905225
Fly ash utilisation
Fly ash to own brick plant 86016
Fly ash to other brick plants 591360
Fly ash for road making 972796
Utilisation in Cement plant 255054
Total utilised 1905225
Bottom Ash utilization
Road making and land levelling 476306
Bottom ash for disposal 0

The following may be noted in context of fly ash utilisation:

 The company will establish total 4000 bricks/ hour brick plant(s)

 Based on the current consumption of fly ash by other brick

manufacturers in the region, it is estimated that fly ash required to
manufacture nearly 27500 bricks/ hour will also get consumed

 The utilisation in proposed cement plant in the project site will be

commensurate with the clinker production facilities

 Some portion will be used for fly ash for road making Fly Ash Brick plant

The company will install total 4000 bricks/hr pant(s) to manufactured brick
to utilise in house generated fly ash.

Fly Ash, cement, finely ground gypsum in requisite proportions will be

manually fed into pan mixer where water is also added. The mixing
proportion will generally be as follows:

Fly Ash 90-92%

Cement 1-2%
Gypsum 5-6% Water 2-3%

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-34
Rungta Mines Limited

After mixing, the mixture will be allowed to belt conveyor through feed in to
automatic brick making machine where the bricks will be pressed
automatically. The bricks will then be withdrawn from the molding machine
and air dried under sun for a day and then water cured for 7 days. The final
products will be sorted out and inspected for quality and stacked. The
manufacturing process is diagramaticaly represented below:

Fly Ash + Gypsum + Cement + Water


Automatic Fly Ash Brick Making Plant (Hydraulic or Power Press)

Kept as it is for 1 day for setting


Storage/ dispatch


4.8.1 Impact due to noise

Construction phase: During construction phase, the equipment used for

construction will be the main noise sources which will have temporary and
reversible impact on the noise level of the area. The movement of vehicles
bringing construction material and plant components for installation will also
generate noise. Construction activities such as cutting, welding, use of
vibration machines, etc shall also generate noise. The workers in the vicinity
of construction activities, construction machinery, vehicles, etc will be
exposed to noise during working hours.

Operation phase: In the proposed set up, boilers, turbine generators, DRI
Kilns, Continuous Casting Machines, etc will be the major noise sources.
The entry gate area will be the traffic-affected and hence, a noise prone
After the establishment of the proposed plant, noise sources & traffic
affected area will become a major noise concerned areas. The sources of
noise generation during operation phase will be as follows:

 Operation of the kilns, furnaces and other sub-units

 Material handling operations, crushers
 ID Fans, motors, pumps
 Trucks, dumpers, loaders, scrappers and earth-movers
 Operation of turbines, etc.

Operation of plant equipments will continuously generate noise, which will

have adverse impact on the ambient noise levels. However, the adverse
impact is anticipated to be limited to the plant area and its immediate
EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-35
Rungta Mines Limited

surroundings. The adverse impact can be more within the project area, and
may cause hearing loss and other related problems to the workmen, if
mitigation through protective measures are not taken.

Noise propagation through mathematical model and impacts of noise with

distance from source has been studied and brought out below.

As the equipment generate noise generally in the range of 100 dB(A) at

source it can be safely assumed that the ambient noise levels on any point
of boundary line of plant are not higher than 100 dB(A). It has, also been
assumed that the area within the units within an imaginary line running at a
distance of 3-5 m (say) from noise generating machines will be termed as
point noise source to avoid complication in the absence of availability of
exact location of various noise generating units, their arrangements and
shapes. Taking extreme case of two machines each generating 100 dB(A)
working at a point will add upto 103 dB(A) overall noise level. Such source
noise level has been considered here for anticipating the impacts.

Noise attenuation with distance in all directions over flat open bare ground
is given by

Sound level dB(A) = Lw – 20 log10R - 8

Where :

LW = Sound level of source, dB(A) assumed 103 dB(A)

R = Source distance, m

The same has been plotted in Fig 4.3. Assuming source noise level as 103



EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-36
Rungta Mines Limited

A perusal of graph shows that the sound levels attenuate to value as shown
in Table 4.16.


Distance from Noise level reduced from 103 dB(A)
source (m) Without green belt, dB(A) With green belt, dB(A)
20 70.0 68.5
60 60.0 55.5
100 56.0 49.0
150 52.0 41.0
180 50.0 33.0
300 45.0 <33.0

It means that after distance of about 300 m, the machine noise will merge
into the background noise in the day time. This noise level is same as the
limit [45 dB(A)] prescribed by GSR 742 (E) dt. 30 th August 1990 at night
time for residential areas. Due to plantation around the plant site, it will be
possible to further lower the noise levels below the prescribed limits. It may
be noted that the combined noise from various sub-units cannot be more
than 103 dB(A) at any point considering the distance between their relative
locations. Hence, by combination of such control measures, it will be
possible to keep the noise levels below the prescribed limits.

Negligible impact will be there to local people as the plant will develop a
thick peripheral greenbelt which will act as a noise absorbing medium and
the main habitation of the nearest village is Berunapal at 0.2 km north
although some part of the village is settled next to the proposed project

The noise level data recorded at various places in the study area is well
within the desired limit. But, the future establishment of noise due to the
proposed project activity may pose some problem, if project management
will not adopt appropriate control measures.

4.8.2 Noise pollution control measures

Construction phase: Modern and well maintained machinery will be used

for construction activities such that noise levels will be minimized at source
itself. The equipment will be kept in good condition to keep noise level well
below limits at work place. The onsite workers exposed to high noise
equipment and noisy area will be provided with protective devices like ear
muffs/plugs. Also traffic will be monitored, vehicles will have PUC
certificates and the heavy vehicles carrying construction material will not be
allowed during peak traffic hours. Noise and fugitive dust curtains/ barriers
will be erected around the areas under construction.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-37
Rungta Mines Limited

Operation phase: The following measures will be taken up to keep the

noise levels within permissible limits:

 Provision and maintenance of green belt to prevent noise generated

within the plant from spreading beyond the plant boundary.
 Periodic maintenance of noise generating machinery including
transportation vehicles
 The noise generation will be reduced at source by erecting noise
dampening enclosures or acoustic enclosures and by maintaining the
machines and greasing them regularly.
 Provision made for special vibration dampners, rubber packing etc to
prevent propagation of noise and vibration to surrounding areas.
 Provision of air silencers to modulate the noise generated by the
machines/ equipments/ vehicles
 Noise from safety valves, start up vents, steam jet ejectors of
condenser etc. will be reduced by providing silencers at the outlet of
down steam piping.
 All the workers engaged at and around high noise generating sources
will be provided with ear protection devices like ear mufflers/plugs.
Their place of work will be changed regularly so as to reduce their
exposure duration to high levels. They will be regularly subjected to
medical check-up for detecting any adverse impact on the ears.
 Noise level would be monitored inside and around the plant on a
regular basis
 The damage risk criteria as enforced by OSHA and CPCB to reduce
hearing loss, stipulates the noise levels up to 90 dB(A) as acceptable
limits for 8 hour working shift per day. Noise levels may, however,
exceed the prescribed limits in certain work places. At these work
places, workers will be posted for shorter durations only. The OSHA
damage risk criteria are reproduced in Annexure XIII and the Ambient
Air Quality Standard in respect of noise is given in Annexure XII.


4.9.1 Impact of transportation

It may be noted that transportation shall take place through the following
likely routes (Refer Fig 4.4):

Route 1 - From west i.e. Rourkela and Talcher coal field side to plant
Route 2 - From east i.e. Paradeep port or Bhubaneswar side to plant

Both routes come together at Nimabahali on the NH 55 and move

southwards towards the plant. Traffic for the over all quantity of raw material
and finished products have been calculated for the 3.55 MTPA plant and
given in Table 4.17.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-38
Rungta Mines Limited


EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-39
Rungta Mines Limited


Sl. Facilities Raw Material Outhouse (TPA) Outhouse
No. (TPD)
1 Beneficiation Low Grade Iron Ore Fines (0 to 5,389,927 16,333
Plant 5 mm)
Flocculant 269 1
2 Pelletisation Iron Ore/ Fines/ concentrate 28,304,794 84,492
Plant Dolomite (Flux) 402,500 1,201
Bentonite 431,250 1,287
Coke Breeze 488,725 1,459
Coal >= 5500 Kcal /kg 960,250 2,866
(emergency use)
3 Coal Washery ROM Coal 5,029,200 15,240
4 DRI Plant Dolomite 89,886 253
5 Mini Blast Iron Ore 165,113 472
Furnace Coal dust 291,375 833
Dolomite 271,950 777
Quartz 101,010 289
6 Sinter Plant Iron Ore Fines 2,544,696 7,711
Lime Stone 367,567 1,114
Dolomite 367,567 1,114
7 Coke Oven Coking Coal 1,615,700 4,616
8.1 SMS-IF Steel Scrap 39,022 111
8.2 SMS-EAF Hot Metal/Pig Iron from MBF 16,341 47
9 Producer Gas Coal 1,093,008 3,263
11 Lime Plant Lime Stone 548,100 1,566
Fuel Oil 60,900 174
12 Cement Plant Gypsum 47,844 139
Portland Pozzolana Cement
Gypsum 36,436 106
Clinker Plant Lime stone 1,445,274 4,201
Clay component 28,905 84
Silica component 38,541 112
Coal 192,703 560
Others 9,635 28
13 Captive Power Coal required for Balance 908,989 2,597
Plant Power
Limestone 78,578 225
Total 51,366,056 153,271
Truck Capacity (T) 25
No. of Trucks/Day 6131

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-40
Rungta Mines Limited


Sl. Facilities Product Sale (TPA) Sale
No. (TPD)
1 Pelletisation Plant Pellets 25,049,050 74,773
2 Sinter Plant Sinter 20,528 62
3 SMS-EAF-CCM Semi-Finished Product 16,530 47
from CCM
4 Rolling Mill Finished Product 2,550,000 7,286
5 Strip Mill Finished Product 500,000 1,429
6 Ductile Pipe Finished Product 500,000 1,429
7 Cement Plant Cement 3,371,150 9,800
8 clinker Plant Clinker 777,443 2,260
Total 32,784,700 97,085
Truck Capacity (T) 25
No. of Trucks/Day 3884


Sl. Facility Solid waste Dispatch outside Dispatch
No. (TPA) outside (TPD)
1 Beneficiation Plant Tailing 2,156,240 6,534
2 Coal Washery Reject from washery 377,190 1,143
3 DRI Kilns Kiln Accretion 40,414 114
4 MBF BF Slag 200,000 571
5 Induction Furnace Slag 297,287 849
6 SMS (Caster) Mill Scale 15,755 45
7 Electric Arc Furnace Slag 430,206 1,229
8 SMS (Caster) Mill scale 33,600 96
9 Rolling Mill Mill Scale 43,376 124
10 Strip Mill Mill Scale 5,612 16
11 Ductile Pipe Plant Mill Scale 5,612 16
12 Producer Gas Plant Coal Ash 359,120 1,072
Coal Tar 65,295 195
13 CPP Fly Ash from Char, 1,767,358 5,050
middlings, coal fines
& coal
Total 5,797,064 17,054
Truck Capacity 25
No. of Trucks/Day 683

The truck movement has been assumed for 25 T trucks on an average for
raw material, product and for solid waste. In addition there will be 10-25 KL
fuel tankers containing LSHS/ FO. The worst case scenario for coal has
been considered i.e. Indian coal, wherein higher truck movement will take
place. When South African coal will come, the number of coal trucks will

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-41
Rungta Mines Limited

For transportation of the above volume, the maximum increase in traffic is

10698 trucks/day (21,396 trips) or 891 trucks/hour. The equivalent
passenger car units (PCU’s) (1 truck=3 PCU’s) are 2673/hour. The total
number of HMV is 7339 per day during monitoring. The Integrated steel
plant, therefore, will lead to quadrupling of the the traffic volume of HMVs,
which is a considerable impact on the traffic density. The impact shall be in
terms of increase is pollutant gases due to vehicular emissions and dust on
road becoming air-borne.

The design service volume of the existing national highway (7.0-7.5 m wide)
is 15000 PCUs/day. However, it will get widened to 8.5 m either side road
with median, the work of which is already underway. The design service
volume of widened highway will become 35,000 PCUs. Thus, the increase
in traffic will be 61% of the design service volume. This is further calculated
as 30.5% of the maximum carrying capacity. The existing traffic volume on
the road at its current width is 88% of the maximum carrying capacity. After
widening, the existing traffic volume will be 37.7% of the maximum carrying
capacity. Thus, resultant will become 68.2% at full capacity of 3.55 MTPA
steel production.

4.9.2 Mitigation

Vehicular pollution control and management plan:

 All trucks used for transportation of raw material and finished product
will be covered with tarpaulin, maintained, optimally loaded and have
PUC certificates.
 Maintenance shall be as per the periodicity and procedure specified
by the manufacturer
 Trucks will be weighed at the weigh bridge to ensure optimal loading,
which in turn optimizes emissions
 Annual statutory Fitness certification for commercial vehicles will be
 Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificates will be obtained every three
months for all categories of vehicles. In case of petrol vehicles idling
CO measurements will be taken and in case of diesel vehicles, free
acceleration smoke will be measured.
 Vehicles will be Euro-IV compliant, as applicable
 Old vehicles will be phased out to ensure lower emissions by newer
 Water sprinkling on roads and parking area within plant
 Speed bumps and caution signs along roads
 Training and sensitisation of drivers as part of safety week awareness

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-42
Rungta Mines Limited

The alternate method of raw material transportation will be railways, once

the siding becomes operational.

The local infrastructure of the area such as road network is adequate to

handle the additional traffic and no additional infrastructure needs to be
constructed. Only an access road to the plant will be constructed over an
area of 12.9 acres in villages Jharbandh and Nimabahali, land for which has
been allotted to company, outside the project area.


4.10.1 Impact on ecology

Construction Phase: Total area of the plant is 1769 acres. Presently

2x500 TPD DRI, 4x20 T IF and 50 MW power plant is under construction
over an area of 674.765 acres. To undertake the construction in the balance
area, top soil will be disturbed and rehandled. Vegetation over this area will
also be disturbed. Few plants, which will be up-rooted, will be compensated
through future plantation during operation. 584 acres (33%) of the above
mentioned area is proposed for green belt and plantation. Hence, negligible
impact is anticipated on the flora in the plant area.

The buffer area has floral species, which are commonly found species.
Agricultural crops and fruit trees form a part of the commonly found flora in
the study area. Impact due to airborne dust from construction activities and
transportation are envisaged. Impact can be there in terms of tree cutting for
firewood by construction labour in case control measures are not adopted.

7.8 acres (3.156 ha) of Forest land is present within plant area. Stage II
forest clearance has been obtained from MOEF&C vide letter no. 5-
ORB207/2014-BHU dated 02.07.2015. A “Site Specific Conservation Plan”
has been prepared and has been approved by Principal Chief Conservator
of Forest (WL) & Chief Wildlife Warden, Odisha vide Memo no 3188/1/WL-
SSP-10/2015 dated 09.04.2015.

There are three forests within 10 km namely Jharbandh RF, Ganthigarihia

PF and Nimidha RF. There are no wildlife sanctuaries or fragile ecosystems
within the study area. Hence, adverse impact on wildlife or fragile eco-
system is not envisaged.

Some increase in the concentration of SO2 in the study area is envisaged.

Concentrations of NO2 and PM will also increase. Fugitive dust emissions
may also cause higher ambient PM concentration, if adequate control
measures in the management plan are not implemented. These increased
concentrations will have adverse secondary impacts on the eco-system if
control/ mitigation measures are not implemented.

Availability of water and food wastes during the day will attract some birds
and animals towards the site. During construction phase, no impact on
terrestrial eco-system comprising birds and animals is envisaged. On the

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-43
Rungta Mines Limited

contrary, with progressive growth of greenery, terrestrial micro-habitats will

be developed in the long run.

During construction phase, there are trees planted by farmers in the

agricultural land, which will have to be removed, where required as per the
proposed layout. Mitigation of the impact is discussed in subsequent

Operation Phase: Company has done plantation along periphery of

existing plant premises in 18 ha out of the proposed 90.11 ha green belt of
the sanctioned EC. The impact on the surrounding ecology during the
operation of the project will mainly occur from the deposition of air
pollutants. Chronic and acute effects on plants and animals may be induced
when the concentration of air pollutants exceeds threshold limits. The
incremental emissions of air pollutants are not likely to induce any
significant changes in the ecology because the national ambient air quality
standards will remain within the limits. However deposition of small amount
of pollutants may also affect the surrounding ecosystem. Thus, the project
has been planned with most efficient air pollution control systems on its
stacks. Most of the fugitive dust emission points are also fitted with efficient
air pollution control systems (fume extraction systems and bagfilters). Water
sprinkling / dry fog type system will be used at to suppress the generation of
fugitive dust, where necessary.

USEPA air quality criteria for SO2 stipulates 0.2 ppm (524 μg/m3) level when
visible injury to sensitive vegetation in humid regions after 3 hours exposure
is observed. In another case, 0.5 ppm SO2 level (1310 μg/m3) for 1 hour
exposure results in visible injury to sensitive vegetation in humid regions. At
higher SO2 concentration of 10 ppm (26214 μg/m3), visible injury to
vegetation in arid regions is observed. Such high ambient air concentration
of sulphur dioxide, is not likely to occur in the area.

USEPA air quality criteria for NO2 stipulates 2 ppm (3760 μg/m3) level when
foliar injury to vegetation at 4 hours exposure is observed. At a lower NO 2
concentration of 0.25 ppm (470 μg/m3) during the growing period, decrease
of growth and yield of tomatoes and oranges are observed. Such high
ambient air concentration of nitrogen dioxide is unlikely in the study area.

4.10.2 Management of ecology

Construction phase: The top soil removed prior to construction will be

stored and laid back on the area identified for further plantation. Any tree or
plant remove will be compensated manifold.

For trees that will have to be removed as per the proposed layout, the
endeavour will be to conserve them to the extent possible. However, if tree
needs to be cut, due permission will be sought from the concerned authority
and compensatory plantation carried out. Transplantation of tree will be
preferred, if possible.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-44
Rungta Mines Limited

There was no resident fauna in the undeveloped area, but the development
of proposed green belt and plantation will provide food and habitat for
fauna. Under the proposed green belt and plantation programme, 584 acres
of land within premises (about 33.0 % area) shall be provided with green
cover in the form of green belt and plantation.

Operation phase: During the previous year, the company has carried out
tree plantation & greenbelt development within the plant. Till date, the
company planted 40,000 trees covering 18 ha land. The main consideration
during development of green belt and plantation are effective trapping of
fugitive emission, act as sink for stack emissions, sequester carbon, noise
control, balancing ecology, waste water reuse and aesthetics.

Plants act as natural sink for a variety of pollutants as well as replenish air
with fresh oxygen. The plant species would be fast growing, evergreen
having large crown. As a single plant does not have all the qualities, a
mixture of several varieties of plants will be chosen. Native trees will be
preferred. The widths of the belt will be as per the availability all along the
boundary, the criterion for selection of area/ location for green belt would be
along pre dominant wind direction, along plant boundary and roadside
avenue plantation and around administrative building.

The species suggested for plantation are Kaner (Nerium), Ber (Zizyphus)
Gulmohar (Delonix regia) (as a bio-indicator), Babool (Acacia), Siris
(Albizzia lebbeck), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Mango (Mangifera indica)
and Peepal (Ficus religiosa) etc. Native species will be preferred.

The plantation programme has been proposed as given in Table 4.18. A

total of 585,000 trees will be planted by the time of project becomes fully


Year Area in acres Trees (Nos)
past 40 40000
2020-2021 85 85000
2021-2022 97.66 98000
2022-2023 100 100000
2023-2024 100 100000
2024-2025 100 100000
2025-2026 61.33 62000
Total 584 585000

4.10.3 Wildlife Conservation Plan

Stray elephant sometimes come in the study area. Therefore, a “Site

Specific Conservation Plan” has been prepared and has been approved by
Principal Chief Conservator of Forest (WL) & Chief Wildlife Warden, Odisha
vide Memo no 3188/1/WL-SSP-10/2015 dated 09.04.2015. The plan aims at
minimizing the impact of all threats and to identify measures for

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-45
Rungta Mines Limited

conservation of fauna available in the study area. The salient management

and mitigation strategies are given below:

1 Gully plugging with check dams have been suggested to stabilize the
gullies. It is suggested to take up low cost structures with locally
available material such as LBCD, Brush wood etc.
2 Maintenance of fire line, will help prevention and controlling of fire
3 Lighting arrangement in project area requires a careful planning to
reduce interference with normal activities of the wild animals in the
impact zone. creation of a peripheral barrier and channelization of rain
water to designated collection points will prevent contamination of
springs and streams outside the project area. Measures suggested to
minimize air pollution, noise pollution and to minimize impact of
vibration requires proper attention of the project proponent.
4 With increase in human and economic activities man-animal conflicts
may rise. To meet the exigencies, permanent arrangement requires to
be made for immediate treatment of persons affected by wild animal
attack and also for payment of ex-gratia.
5 The proposed area for implementation of this Action Plan includes
three forest blocks spreading over 392.765 hectare and also some
area outside the Impact Zone.
6 Provision of suitable amounts has been kept for outstanding
contribution of NGOs, Schools and Villages towards protection and
biodiversity conservation.
7 There is also provision for eco-development activities to be taken up
by the Company in the impact zone.
8 Arrangement will be made for monitoring and evaluation of physical
changes of vegetation and for status of population of wild animals.

Budgetary provision has been made by the Company for execution of the
wildlife conservation in consultation with the DFO. Rs. 586.53 lakhs have
been allocated for plantation, awareness and cattle immunisation within
core zone and buffer zone. This includes Rs. 188.63 lakhs by the user
agency, Rs. 284.78 lakhs by DFO Dhenkanal and Rs. 113.12 lakhs by the
DFO, Angul. Some activities of wildlife conservation plan may be
undertaken under CER.



During operation phase, total manpower under direct employment

requirement will be 4850 persons for various activities like loading,
unloading, handling, transportation, general cleaning, horticulture and other

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-46
Rungta Mines Limited

miscellaneous works inside the Plant. Three shifts working for 355 days is
planned for most sub-units. Many more persons will be indirectly engaged
either on contract basis or in transportation of materials in provision of
different services associated with the project. As majority of unskilled and
semi-skilled persons will be from the surrounding villages, the net in-
migration on account of the job opportunities will be for the highly skilled
and supervisory/managerial level posts. Therefore, marginal impact on
demographic profile is foreseen. A colony will be built near plant to
accommodate the non-native employees.

Employment and occupation

As stated above, the proposed project will provide direct and indirect job
opportunities to a significant number of persons in this rural and under-
developed area. Therefore, the project will have significant positive impact
on employment and economy of the study area. A portion of the wages
earned by the employees and other workers will find its way into the study
area in form of cost of services and local food products. This will improve
the economic conditions of local inhabitants involved in such service

Amenities and health

With the commencement of operation, amenities for communication,

education, health, entertainment, canteen, etc would be developed in and
around the project area. These amenities will be available to local people
also, who will be directly associated with the plant. Even those not
associated in the project related activities will be benefited by these

There were 54 families within the sanctioned project boundary (674.765

acres) at the time the project was conceived prior to the year 2010. After the
environmental clearance on 02.08.2010, these families have been resettled
& rehabilitated in village Nimabahali at an aerial distance of 2.4 km. As per
the directions of Land Acquisition Officer, District Office, Dhenkanal a
compensation of Rs. 7 lakhs per family has also been paid. Those
displacees opting for job in the company will be trained and absorbed. Land
losers will be given preference in employment. Additionally, provision of
contractual jobs shall also be there. Land losers not opting for employment
will be provided training & skill development opportunities and priority in job
contracts. Scholarships to students from project affected families will be
given. Additional land (1094.235 acres) for expansion is being acquired
through IDCO Government of Odisha. The compensation for fixed assets in
land will be paid as per IDCO rules. No displacees are anticipated from
expansion area.


Part of the land acquired for the project was low yield agricultural land
without irrigation facilities. This is a very small fraction of total agricultural

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-47
Rungta Mines Limited

land falling in study area; hence, no significant adverse impact on

agriculture is envisaged.


With the commencement of plant, there will be substantial improvement in

the overall economy of the local people in the form of additional income
through employment, development of infrastructure in surrounding areas
such as transport facility, health and education, shops and ancillary
industries. The details of the project benefits through CSR and CER have
been given in Chapter 8.


The “Code of practice on safety and health in the iron and steel industry”
has been published by International Labour Organisation, Geneva in 2005.
It is proposed to comply to the code to ensure safety and health of the
workers in the plant.

4.12.1 Occupational & Safety Hazards

The proposed plant is an steel manufacturing unit. The table below

summarises the main injury causes and the corresponding prevention
strategies. These prevention strategies are proposed in daily plant

Injury Causes: Prevention:

a) Slip, Trips & Falls a) Housekeeping, clear designated
b) Falling/Moving Objects walkways
c) Lifting & Overload b) Guards on Machines and
elevated areas
Injury Types
c) Manual Handling Training
d) Arms and Hands
d) Proper use of PPE
e) Legs and Feet
e) Proper use of PPE
f) Back Injuries
f) Lifting gear, forklifts

4.12.2 Impact on workers

The occupational safety and health are very closely related to productivity
and healthy relation between employer and employees. The main factors of
occupational health in the operations are dust, gases and noise, and those
for safety are exposure to excessive heat, accidental contact with hot
materials, contact with moving parts of machines & equipment, etc. The
health and safety of personnel is the primary consideration during operation
to achieve uninterrupted production and compliance with statutory
requirements. Workers in a steel plant are exposed to many health hazards.
The common health hazards are:

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-48
Rungta Mines Limited

i. Exposure to high temperature operations

ii. Exposure to gases such as CO and fugitive dust in material handling
and operations, which may cause respiratory diseases
iii. Direct contact with moving machines and equipment.

All these can cause adverse impact if appropriate control measures are not
adopted. Exposure problems to noise, dust, heat and gases are the major
occupational hazards. Bronchitis, asthama and Noise induced hearing loss
are the typical occupational health hazards identified in such plants.

4.12.3 Mitigation measures for protection of health of workers

Measures to be implemented to reduce the dust generation at the

originating point are by installing control devices and / or regular water
sprinkling. Plant personnel working in dust prone areas will be required to
wear personnel protective equipment like air filters over their nose. Job
rotation schemes shall be practiced for over-exposed persons.

Personal Protective Equipments (PPE) like earplugs and muffs will be

provided and administrative pressure shall be applied for using them.
Auditory examination by qualified doctors upon the first employment and
thereafter periodic examination will be conducted which include
determination of auditory threshold for pure tones.

Following general measures shall be implemented for protection of health of


a) Maintenance of pollution control system such as dust suppression

system, safety appliances;

b) Regular maintenance of equipment;

c) Regular checking and up keeping of break down or leakage;

d) Use of personal protection equipment wherever needed;

e) Display of relevant safety norms to be followed in different

operational areas;

f) Use of ‘Safety Permit’ system for all maintenance jobs;

g) Provision of ear plugs or muffs to workers exposed to high noise


h) Rotation of duties of workers;

i) Creating awareness amongst workers concerning health, pollution

and safety through posters, discussion, slogan etc.;

j) Periodical medical examination of workers;

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-49
Rungta Mines Limited

k) Provision of suitable civil amenities such as plain drinking water,

good service in canteen, etc.;

l) Assessment of risk from health hazards at work place;

m) Monitoring of different factors leading to occupational health hazards

and taking timely action to mitigate the impact, etc.

4.12.4 Specific Measures for Ensuring Safety

The practices to be followed in the plant are as follows:

Electrical safety – All the electrical installations will have rain protection
shed, earth pit, three pin industrial plug top, rubber mat in front of panels,
fire extinguishers. All the electrical equipment like welding machines, light
points, portable electrical tools etc will be connected through ELCBs. In
case of defects found during checking will be replaced immediately. Also
the earth resistance value will be checked at regular intervals.

Display of Safety Posters/ Slogans/ Warnings – It will be displayed at

conspicuous locations to spread awareness amongst the workers at site.

Work Permit System – Before starting of any critical/ hazardous work

(excavation/ radiography/ working at height/ confined space/ electrical
maintenance, etc.) it will be mandatory to take prescribed work permit which
will be in the knowledge of authorized persons as they sign in that format.

Valid Test Certificate – It will be mandatory to have valid load test

certificate by Competent Person for all the cranes, lifts, hoists, lifting
tools/tackles used at site and displayed on the machine.

PPEs & Safety Gadgets – Use of PPEs will be necessary for all staffs/
workers of the project and contracting agencies.

License for all drivers/operators – All the drivers/ operators inside the
premises will have to have valid license with the, and should be produced
when asked. The speed limit inside the premises will be 20km/hr displayed
at various locations.

Fire Management System – Portable fire extinguishers/ fire buckets at

various fire prone locations will be provided.

4.12.5 OHS Facility

An OHS centre shall be constructed in the plant. It will have a first aid center
which will be well equipped and manned by competent person and safety
Manager. Qualified MBBS doctor with assistant shall be hired to run the
centre. Presently pre-induction and periodical medical test prescribed under
Rule 62 J are being carried out by Max Diagnostic Private Limited,
Dhenkanal. The formats being used and the findings of the tests of the

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-50
Rungta Mines Limited

employees of the company have been given in Annexure XXVIII and XXIX,

The following tests will be conducted at the OHS centre along with technical
support from private clinical laboratory, for the proposed project:

Pre-employment medical examination: A detail history with through

physical examination will be done prior to induction. The purpose of this
examination is to place right man in right job and for future reference.

Periodic Medical Examination: periodic medical examination is/ will be

carried out as per the national Factories Act & Odisha Factories Rule.

Specific Examination: Of workers returning to work after long illness or

injury. This will be done in special cases only.

Supervision and Notification: The activities are:

i) To ensure cleanliness and good quality of food in the canteen.

ii) Notification of any Occupational Health problems to the
management, if encountered.
iii) Maintenance of Health Records and its analysis

Other measures for OHS

 As per requirement, 4 nos of First-aid boxes shall be provided and

maintained in different locations of plant.

 Safety Induction – All the new staffs/ workers will go through safety
induction before engagement at site. A prescribed format will be filled
and signed by Safety Officer as an evidence of induction.

 Safety Tool Talk – It will be organized every month for the workers in
the presence of site supervisor, site engineer, Safety manager. Job
related safety precautionary measures, good safety practices, case
studies etc. will be discussed.

 Site Safety Inspection – Safety manager appointed by Rungta Mines
Limited (Dhenkanal Steel Plant) & contracting agencies are/ will take
daily round in site and the unsafe conditions as well as the unsafe
actions noticed will be informed to the immediate supervisor/ engineer
for an early rectification. Apart from the above activity, every week a
selected area will be inspected jointly like agency, safety manager, area
engineer, workmen etc. and the unsafe points observed will be sent to
the concerned site in-charge in the prescribed format for an early
compliance. Follow-up will be made by safety manager for timely

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-51
Rungta Mines Limited

 Reporting of incidents/ near miss case – It will be mandatory to report

all the incidents & near miss cases in the prescribed format by the
contracting SO within 12 hours of incident to Plant Head

 Safety Committee Meeting – Company is/ will conduct safety review
meeting with all the contracting agencies once in every month. The
project head and the SO of the contracting agency will be present in the
meeting. Various issues related to incidents, non-complied unsafe
points, good safety practices, improvements, incident trend & near
misses will be discussed religiously with target date. The minutes of
meeting will be circulated to all members for their compliance.

 Safety Awareness/ Motivational Program – Company is/ will conduct
the National Safety Week, Road Safety Week, World Environment Day,
National Fire Service Week etc. and distributes prizes to the winners of
the contests organized among the staffs/ workers for the purpose. Apart
from this contracting agencies will also organize safety competitions
among their workers quarterly and distribute prizes to the best safety
conscious workers to motivate.

 Safety Pledge – Safety Pledge is/ will be administered at site first day of
every month where the entire worker gather and safety messages will
also delivered them by Safety manager.

 Fire & Safety Training – Site based safety training programs will be
arranged time to time for the staffs and workmen to educate and make
conscious. Best safety practices, case studies on incidents and root
causes will also be discussed to make them aware. Demonstrations like
rescue, effective use of PPEs will also be organized by various PPEs
and safety gadget suppliers for their optimum use.

 Penalty system– Company will have a penalty system for those who
violate safety norms repeatedly after various instruction verbally and
written. The amount will be debited from the Running Bill of the
concerned contractor.

 Good House Keeping- Company is/ will maintain good house keeping
and will reward the contractors who maintain the best house keeping.

 Self Containing Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) – Company will procure
the SCBA for emergency use.

 Safety Reward Scheme – Company will plan to award the best safety
performing contractors’ quarterly/yearly.

4.12.6 Occupational health data

Since the units of the plant are under construction, the PME data of the
workers is presented below:

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-52
Rungta Mines Limited

Parameter Details
OHS facility Out side
OHS agency Max Diagnostic Pvt. LTD Dhenkanal
Pre-Employment / Periodical Periodic medical, Pre employment & annual
monitoring frequency as per as per Form no. 31 A and 30 (Sample given in
Factory Act Annexure XXVIII)
Records available Yes, in plant premises (summary given in
Annexure XXIX)
Tests carried out / records Sl. Parameters for Medical Examination
Periodical Medical No.
Examination (PME) & Initial 1 Age
Medical Examination (IME) 2 Height
3 Weight
4 Body Mass Index (BMI)
5 Blood Group
6 Eye Vision (LT/RT)
7 Heart Sound
8 Respiratory systems
9 Cardivascular systems
10 Abdomen Tenderness (Yes/No
11 Nervous System (Fits/Epilepsy)
12 Locomotors System
13 Skin
14 Harnia
15 Hydrocele
OHS budget Capital cost for occupational health = Rs. 180
lakhs and Recurring cost = Rs. 121.78 lakhs
Safety measures in plant  Safety Manager appointed to look after the
safety aspect
 Provision of rest shelter in plant premises
with amenities like canteen, drinking water
 Provision to use of safety appliances,
display board, safety slogan etc.
 PPE to workers
 Training to workers for safe handling of
material and machines
 Safety awareness week

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 4-53
Rungta Mines Limited




The proposed Steel Plant shall be located in Jharbandh, Galpada,

Tarkabeda Kothalu, Beruan Pal, Kankalu, Benipathar, Kadala and
Badamunda villages, Dhenkanal, Odisha. Since it is an existing site where
construction is already ongoing as per the environmental clearance dated
02.08.2010 for 1.9 MTPA and environmental clearance dated 04.06.2020
for 3.0 MTPA, the Company plans to establish a higher capacity plant of
3.55 MTPA within the same area. The under construction units will be
incorporated in the proposed configuration. The site has many advantages
such as:

 Rungta Mines Limited has a strong base in the state of Odisha

 About 90% of the existing land (674.765 acres) land required for the
project is already in possession of the company. The balance land has
already been approved for allotment by IPICOL
 Water requirement from Brahmani river is located nearby (distance of
river is 4.9 km in NE)
 Source of power will be captive power plant of the company.
 Raw materials like iron ore, coal, coke, etc will be available in close
vicinity for this location or imported through nearest port.
 Availability of labour from nearby village is there
 Access through road and rail is convenient.
 Railway siding can be constructed at site.
 Environmental aspects such as distance from national parks,
sanctuaries, forests, environmentally sensitive areas, etc. are


Various units have been assessed for alternatives as given in subsequent

paragraphs. They shall be equipped with various air pollution control
systems, as applicable, such as dust extraction systems with bag filters at
various suction points and electrostatic precipitator (ESP) for separation of
dust from the gas.

5.2.1 Beneficiation Plant

Beneficiation Plant mainly involves grinding of iron-ore fines and separation

of gangue to the extent possible within the required operational limits.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 5-1
Rungta Mines Limited

Grinding of ore can be done in two alternatives (1) Wet Grinding & (2) Dry

Later one is more expensive than the wet grinding system in terms of
processing & environmental measures. It is generally preferred in areas
where there is a scarcity of water. In view of the requirement to transport
beneficiated fines in the form of slurry, wet grinding system has been

a) Dry grinding process

In case of dry grinding, the iron ore fines are dried in a separate dryer to
reduce moisture content to less than 1%. The dried fines are fed to grinding
mill. It is desirable to add flux materials and/or bentonite with the iron ore
fines in case of dry grinding. Extensive dust separation and pollution control
measures are to be adopted for dry grinding. Dry grinding can be carried out
either in open circuit or in close circuit.

b) Wet grinding process

The iron ore fines are ground in wet grinding mill. The ground product in the
form of slurry is pumped to the slurry storage tank fitted with agitation
mechanism. Water and finely ground raw materials are separated by
pressure filters to obtain filter cakes. The moisture content of the filter cake
is very important and depends on the size of the fine materials, nature of the
ore, etc. Wet grinding can also be done either in open circuit or in close

In the present context, for production of DR grade pellets, further up-

gradation or higher degree of beneficiation of lower grade ore fines is
necessary. The wet beneficiation process is more efficient. Wet grinding is
necessary when iron ore fines are transported to pellet plant site in the form
of slurry. The comparison between wet & dry grinding is given in Table 5.1.


Wet grinding Dry grinding
Advantages Lower capital costs Lower wear on mill balls
Lower energy No need for thickening &
requirement filtering
Less Pollution Wider selection of materials for
Low water requirement
Low binder requirement
Dis- “Difficult to filter” More Pollution
advantages materials are excluded
High wear on mill balls High cost of drying
Moisture level control is Considerable noise level

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 5-2
Rungta Mines Limited

5.2.2 Pelletisation plant

There are two established processes for pelletisation of iron-ore as follows:-

i. Straight Grate Process- Developed by M/s Lurgi (now Outokumpu) of

Germany. In this process, drying, preheating, induration & cooling of
pellets take place on the same strand.
ii. Grate Kiln Process- Developed by M/s Allis Chalmers (now Metso
Minerals) of USA. In this process pellets are dried & preheated on a
grate, indurated in a rotary kiln and cooled in a circular cooler.

However, based on the techno-economic analysis and operating experience

of existing pellet plants, straight travelling grate kiln process has been
selected for this project.

5.2.3 Coal Washery

A coal washery will consist of a coal crushing, screening station and a

gravity separation method.

Different types of crushers available are:

 Rotary Breakers
 Single – Roll Crusher
 Double – Roll Crusher
 Hammer Mills
 Ring Crushers

Screens Used in Coal Preparation are:

 Scalping screen – for separating refuse and fines prior to size reduction
 Raw coal sizing screen- for separating the raw coal into coarse and fine
size for further processing
 Pre-wet screen- to remove fines prior to mechanical cleaning
 Heavy media recovery screens- for recovery and reuse of magnetite
 Desliming screens- to remove extreme fines; and
 Dewatering screens- to remove water

Various gravity based separation methods are given in Table 5.2.


Methods Jigs Dense-medium Hydro cyclones
State of technology Commercial Commercial Commercial
Advantages Large capacity Good separation second -
Inexpensive Common most common method
type - world wide usage
Disadvantages Lower separation than Small capacities Water

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 5-3
Rungta Mines Limited

Methods Jigs Dense-medium Hydro cyclones

dense-medium consumption
Costs Inexpensive Expensive -
Suitability Intermediate efficiency For difficult or most For coarse to
device. For moderately difficult to clean coal. intermediate
difficult to clean coal. Specific gravity >1.3-1.9, particles
Specific gravity >1.5-1.6, Size: 0.5-150mm Size:0.5-150mm
Size: 0.5-150 mm
Methods Concentration Froth flotation Dry cleaning
State of technology Commercial Commercial Commercial
Advantages Inexpensive Good pyrite Good results on fines No water
separation required
Disadvantages Quite small capacities, 10- Complex Poor pyrite Not for difficult to
15 tones/h separation Poor clean coal
Cost Inexpensive Expensive Lower than wet
Suitability Used for fine coal Used for fines. Mainly Requires easy
containing a great deal of used for metallurgical coal, Size:
pyrite. coals >100mm Rough
Specific gravity >1.5, Size: <0.5mm Separation for
Size: 0.0-15 mm coal tending to
form slimes in
west processes
Source: Environmental Impact Assessment Guidance Manual for coal washeries by
Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad, February 2010

The coal washery will consist of a coal crushing and screening station
followed by washing unit. It will be a three-product coal washery separating
washed coal, middlings and rejects.

5.2.4 Coke oven plant

There are mainly two methods for carbonizing coal to get coke.

1. Recovery type / Bye-Product coke ovens

In this system, coking coal is heated in ovens in absence of air. In this way
coal is carbonized into coke with evolution of coke oven gas from where get
fuel gas and bye-products like tar, benzol, naphthalene are obtained.

2. Non- Recovery or Bee-Hive coke Ovens

In this system coal is heated at 1100 -1200°C in presence of restricted

supply of air. Thus, coal yields only coke and the volatile matter are burnt to
generate heat. This heat is then utilized for carbonization of the coal inside

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 5-4
Rungta Mines Limited

the oven and the burnt flue gas is released in the atmosphere. These types
of coke ovens are popularly known as Bee-hive ovens or Non-recovery
coke Ovens.

Also the quenching type for the coke can be (1) wet or (2) dry. In
conventional practice, hot coke is pushed from the oven and quenched by
means of water spray. In wet quenching of coke heat is lost, coke quality
deteriorates and water pollution is caused. Hence, coke dry cooling
technology was developed and adopted on a commercial scale. In Coke dry
quenching (CDQ), hot coke from the coke oven is cooled in specially
designed refractory lined steel cooling chambers. An inert gas medium is
circulated counter-current wise in a closed circuit.

CSQ (Coke Stabilization Quenching) is an advanced wet quenching system

with low environmental impact. It was developed as an environmental
friendly alternative to CDQ (Coke Dry Quenching). The emissions of dust
are as low as for a CDQ and the gaseous emissions are even less. Besides,
investment and O&M costs are substantially lower. The process itself is a
combination of bottom and top quenching methods, providing extremely
short cooling time.

Considering the need of the project, non recovery type of coke oven with
wet quenching is proposed to be set up. The proposed plant will have a
non-recovery type coke oven with following advantages:

- Low capital cost.

- Low revenue cost in regard to operating & maintenance of oven.
- Low cost per tonne of coke / conversion.
- High coke yield.
- Any oven in a battery may be isolated and cooled down for repair any
time during running condition without any considerable effect on oven
- No effluent, only air emission which are fully combusted. Thus, clean
flue gas is released resulting to minimal environmental impact.
- Ovens of non-recovery type are being operated under suction to avoid
any leakage during operation to prevent pollution.

5.2.5 Steel melting

Several specialised furnaces are used to melt the metal. Furnaces are
refractory lined vessels that contain the material to be melted and provide
the energy to melt it. Modern furnace types include electric arc furnaces
(EAF), induction furnaces, cupolas, reverberatory, and crucible furnaces.
Furnace choice is dependent on the alloy system quantities produced. For
ferrous materials EAFs, cupolas, and induction furnaces are commonly
used. Reverberatory and crucible furnaces are common for producing
aluminium, bronze, and brass castings. The various melting processes
assessed were as follows:

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 5-5
Rungta Mines Limited

Induction furnace : An induction furnace is an

electrical furnace in which the heat is applied by
induction heating of metal. The advantage of the
induction furnace is a clean, energy-efficient and well-
controllable melting process compared to most other
means of metal melting. Most modern foundries use
this type of furnace and now also more iron foundries
are replacing cupolas with induction furnaces to melt
cast iron, as the former emit lots of dust and other

Electric arc furnaces : An electric arc furnace (EAF)

is a furnace that heats charged material by means of
an electric arc. Industrial electric arc furnace
temperatures can be up to 1,800°C. Arc furnaces
differ from induction furnaces in that the charge
material is directly exposed to an electric arc, and the
current in the furnace terminals passes through the
charged material.

Submerged Arc Furnaces: The Submerged-arc

furnace for phosphorus production is a particular sub-
type of electric arc furnace used to produce
phosphorus and other products. The nomenclature
submerged means that the furnace's electrodes are
buried deep in the furnace burden. A reduction
reaction takes place near the tip of the electrodes to
facilitate the furnace's process. The electrode tips are
buried in the slag/charge, and arcing occurs through
the slag, between the matte and the electrode.
The term “Submerged Arc Furnace” does not really describe all Electric
Smelting processes because in some cases, arcing is to be avoided.
Although each Smelting Process is unique, most processes fall into one of
three operating modes:-

 Slagless Processes- with an arc between the electrode and the

metal bath.
 Slag Processes- frequently with a coke bed formed under the
electrode. The coke bed floats on the slag layer and the current
passes through the coke bed and the slag before reaching the molten
metal. In these slag processes arcing is usually minimized.
 Slag Resistance Processes- where the heat is generated by the
current passing through a slag layer. There is no coke bed and no
arcing should occur.

The most widespread use of Submerged Arc Furnaces in the United States
today is in the production of Silicon Alloys in these Slags-Less processes an

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 5-6
Rungta Mines Limited

arc is made between the Electrodes and the Metal bath within a cavity
under the charge mix.

Chosen technology: The technology adopted in this plant will be induction

furnace and electric arc furnace for steel melt shop.

5.2.6 Captive Power Plant

Thermal power technologies involve combustion or gasification of oil,

natural gas or coal to produce electricity. Steam generating plants burn all
types of coals (anthracite, bituminous, sub-bituminous, lignite and brown
coals), oil, natural gas and biomass independently or in combination.

The two fundamental processes for extraction of energy from coal are (i)
Direct Solid Combustion such as conventional Pulverised Coal (PC)
Combustion or the emerging Fluidised Bed Combustion (FBC) and (ii)
Indirect combustion through Coal Gasification followed by coal gas

(i) Fluidized bed combustion plant

Fluidised Bed Combustor is a “three-in-one device” characterized by highly

desirable features of multi-fuel capability, pollution (SO2 and NOx) control
and energy conservation.

Fluidized bed combustion (FBC) reduces emissions of SO2 and NO2 by

controlling combustion parameters and by injecting a sorbent (such as
crushed limestone) into the combustion chamber along with coal. Coal
mixed with limestone is fluidized by jets of air in the combustion chamber.
Sulphur released from the coal as SO2 is captured by the sorbent in the bed
to form a solid calcium compound that is removed with ash. More than 90
per cent of SO2 can be captured this way.

At combustion temperatures of 760 to 871°C, the fluidized mixing of the fuel

and sorbent enhanced both combustion and sulphur capture. The operating
temperature range is about half of that of a conventional pulverized coal
boiler and below the temperature at which thermal NO x is formed. In fact,
fluidized bed NOx emissions are about 70 to 80 percent lower than those for
conventional pulverized coal boilers. Thus, fluidized bed combustors
substantially reduce both SO2 & NOx emissions.

Fluidized bed combustion can be circulating atmospheric (CFBC),

atmospheric (AFBC), pressurized (PFBC) or Integrated Gasification
Combined Cycle (IGCC). AFBC operates at atmospheric pressure while
PFBC operates 6 to 16 times higher pressure. PFBC offers potentially
higher efficiency and consequently, reduce operating costs and waste
relative to AFBC.

The principle of the various types of boilers are diagrammatically seen in

Fig 5.1.

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Rungta Mines Limited



1) CFBC (Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion) : Circulating fluidized

bed is a relatively new technology with the ability to achieve lower emission
of pollutants. During the combustion phase, upwards jets of air will cause
the solid fuels to be suspended. This is to ensure the gas and solids will mix
together turbulently for better heat transfer and chemical reactions. The fuel
will be burnt at a temperature of 760-920°C to prevent nitrogen oxide from
forming. Sulfur dioxide released during combustion will be absorbed by
limestone or dolomite used to mix with the fuel particles in the fluidization
phase. The sulfur absorbing chemical and fuel are recycled to increase the
efficiency of producing a higher quality steam as well as lower the emission
of pollutants.

2) AFBC (Atmospheric Fluidised Bed Combustion): Atmospheric

fluidized beds use limestone or dolomite to capture sulfur released by the
combustion of coal. Jets of air suspend the mixture of sorbent and burning
coal during combustion, converting the mixture into a suspension of red-hot
particles that flow like a fluid. These boilers operate at atmospheric

3) PFBC (Pressurised Fluidised Bed Combustion): The first-generation

PFBC system also uses a sorbent and jets of air to suspend the mixture of
sorbent and burning coal during combustion. However, these systems
operate at elevated pressures and produce a high-pressure gas stream at
temperatures that can drive a gas turbine. Steam generated from the heat in
the fluidized bed is sent to a steam turbine, creating a highly efficient
combined cycle system.

4) IGCC (Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle) : is a technology that

uses a high pressure gasifier to turn coal and other carbon based fuels into
pressurized gas-synthesis gas (syngas). IGCC plants are advantageous in
comparison to conventional coal power plants due to their high thermal
efficiency, low non-carbon greenhouse gas emissions and capability to
process low grade coal. The key disadvantage is the amount of CO2
released without pre-combustion capture.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 5-8
Rungta Mines Limited

Chosen technology: Both AFBC and CFBC have been considered at pre-
feasibility stage to generate 460 MW power. However, it has been now
decided to only opt for CFBC, in view of its several advantages over AFBC.

(ii) WHRB Power Generation Unit

Sponge Iron is produced by heating Iron with coal and other additives under
controlled conditions in Rotary Kiln. The outlet gases are mixed with air and
burnt to convert CO into CO2. As the flue gases contain substantial sensible
heat, it is proposed to utilize the heat for power generation through waste
heat recovery boilers.

The waste heat recovery boilers consist of radiation chambers with water
walls just like conventional boiler with a drum to evaporate steam at
pressure. The steam is carried to super heater system where the +500°C
temperature is maintained. The boiler has an economizer, which utilises the
heat of outgoing gases to raise the temperature of feed water from 100 to
200 °C. The steam is used to rotate the turbine and to generate power. The
condensed steam is collected and recycled to the boilers as boiler feed
water. A DM water plant is provided for preparation of de-mineralized water
for make-up to the steam-condensate cycle. The output of the boilers will be
used to generate electricity through Steam Turbo Generator Sets. The flue
gases leave the economizer zone at about 150°C. The gases are passed
through ESPs, where the dust concentration is brought down to below 100
mg/m3. Three ESPs and stacks of appropriate heights are provided, one for
each boiler.

In the proposed project, three types of waste heat recovery will occur from:
(1) Exiting DRI kiln gases, (2) coke oven gases and (3) MBF gas. Total
WHRB based power generation will be 135 MW.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 5-9
Rungta Mines Limited




Success of any environmental management programme depends upon the

efficiency of the organisational set up responsible for implementation of the
programme. Regular monitoring of various environmental parameters is
also necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the management
programme so that necessary corrective measures can be taken in case
there are some drawbacks in the proposed programme. Since
environmental quality parameters at work zone are important for
maintaining safety, the monitoring work forms part of safety measures also.
This chapter deals with the creation of an arrangement for successful
implementation of environmental monitoring plan.


An Environment Department shall be establish at the plant, which will

function in conjunction with the Environment Department at Head office in
Chaibasa. The organizational chart in the company along with the DGM
(Environment) and his team has been shown in Fig 6.1.

The said team will be responsible for:

 Ensuring collection of ambient air samples, stack emission samples,

water samples, soil samples, effluent samples, noise measurement for
analysis, etc. by accredited/ recognised laboratory.

 Implementing the control, protective and mitigation measures.

 Co-ordinating the environment related activities within the project as

well as with outside agencies.

 Collecting statistics of health of workers and population of the

surrounding villages.

 Green belt development, plantation schedule etc.

 Monitoring the progress of implementation of environmental

management programme.

 Monitoring of waste water management plan and disposal of solid


EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 6-1
Rungta Mines Limited



The monitoring for various parameters of air, water, noise, soil, waste water,
stack, etc. will be carried out by an MOEF&CC/ NABL recognized lab as per
the monitoring schedule. The samples will be collected from the plant and
taken to be analyzed in their laboratory. Within the plant, various online
monitoring equipment shall be installed in the stack for monitoring various


To evaluate the effectiveness of environment management programme,

regular monitoring of the important environmental parameters will be done
to ascertain the following:

 Pollution control status within the plant area.

 Generate data for predictive or corrective purpose in respect of
 Effectiveness of pollution control measures and control facilities.
 To assess environmental impacts.
 To follow the trend of parameters which have been identified as
 Ensure compliances to the conditions of the environmental
clearances, consent to operate and consent to establish.
 Submit periodical compliance reports to MOEF&CC, SPCB and
submission of various returns under Hazardous waste, Environmental
Statement, etc.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 6-2
Rungta Mines Limited

Monitoring is as important as pollution control since the efficiency of the

control measures can only be determined by monitoring. The schedule,
duration and parameters for monitoring have been proposed as given in
Table 6.1.


Sl. Description of Location Schedule and duration of
No. parameters monitoring
1. Air Quality Monitoring:
Parameters: Plant premises Online continuous air
PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NO2, quality monitoring stations
CO, Ozone, Lead, are already installed.
Ammonia, Benzene, In nearby villages One 24 hour sample per
BaP, Arsenic and season except monsoon or
Nickel (As per NAAQS as per the MoEF&CC/
2009) CPCB/ SPCB guidelines,
whichever are most
2. Stack Emission At all major Online continuous
Monitoring: combustion based monitoring system shall
PM, SO2, NOX stacks installed as per SPCB
In absence of online
system, once a month
manual monitoring.
3. Water Quality/effluents
Water quality of surface Ground water- One Once in every season.
and ground as per IS : within plant, one on
10500-2012 except down gradient and
radioactivity one on up gradient
of plant in addition to
5 more samples in
10 km radius
Surface water-
upstream &
downstream at
Bramhani River and
atleast 6 other nala/
river flowing through
nearby villages.
Effluent- pH, TSS, ETP- inlet and outlet ETP- daily/ online
4. Ambient noise level One near plant and Prior to every compliance
at four locations submission
around the plant

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 6-3
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. Description of Location Schedule and duration of

No. parameters monitoring
5. Inventory of flora (Tree Green belt Once in a year within the
plantation, survival etc.) green belt
6. Soil quality for fertility One plant area and Once in every season
parameters such as N, one from outside except monsoon
P, K, organic matter, plant area from
water holding capacity, agricultural land
density, texture, etc. within 2 km radius
7. Inventory of hazardous Within plant Monthly or as directed in
waste NOC by SPCB

After study of the monitoring results, mid-course corrections, modifications,

improvements, etc. can be carried out in the major equipment’s of Air
Pollution Control system such as Dust settling Chambers, Electrostatic
Precipitator (ESP), Multicone Cyclones, Filter Bag House, Wet Scrubber,
etc. These pollution control equipments are an integral part of the
production units. They are maintained like any other equipments of
production units. Expenses are made every year in the operation and
maintenance of such equipments and the performance will have to be
monitored periodically.

Within the premises of the plant, tree plantation in green belt will be carried
out. Continuous vigil and monitoring of green belt will be done for its
performance and survival rate. The plantation will be properly guarded by
watch and ward personnel. Provision will be made for fertilizers application
and watering on schedule. The company will celebrate 5th of June every
year as World Environment Day with an aim to spread the message of clean


Capital and recurring cost estimated for monitoring through in-house

equipment as well as through third party, is given in Table 6.2 and 6.3,


Particulars No. of Unit cost Capital cost (Rs. Lakh)
equipment (Rs. Lakhs) As per Additional Total
PM2.5 sampler 4 1.00 4.00 - 4.00
Respirable dust sampler 4 0.65 2.60 - 2.60
Micro-meteorological 1 1.50 1.50 - 1.50
station (Auto)
Laboratory for testing LS 10.00 10.00 - 10.00
Online stack sampler 13 15.00 195.00 225.00 420.00

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 6-4
Rungta Mines Limited

Particulars No. of Unit cost Capital cost (Rs. Lakh)

equipment (Rs. Lakhs) As per Additional Total
AAQM 4 15.00 60.00 - 60.00
Noise meter 2 0.50 1.00 - 1.00
Total 274.10 225.00 499.10


Particulars Recurring cost
(Rs. Lakhs)
As per Addition Total
EC al
Testing/Chemicals etc. 2.5 0 2.5
Annual Depreciation 54.15 45 99.15
Power consumption 2.67 1.35 4.02
Repair & Maintenance including oils, lubricants 11.1 9.13 20.23
Manpower 8.28 0 8.28
Third party monitoring 3.0 0 3.0
Total 81.7 55.48 137.18
Notes :
 Manpower considered for monitoring- 20% time of environmental engineer
(Grade-II) and 100% time of 1 Grade-III chemist, 2 Grade-IV (Lab assistant)
 The monitoring equipments will operate with electricity @Rs. 5.5/unit
 Annual depreciation will occur within 5 years for all except lab, which has been
considered 7 years)

The total capital investment on environmental monitoring of 3.55 MTPA

plant is envisaged as Rs 4.99 Crores and recurring expenditure is
envisaged as Rs. 137.18 lakhs/year. The increase in investment for
expansion from 3.0 to 3.55 MTPA will be Rs. 2.55 Crores and in recurring
expenditure it will be Rs. 55.48 lakhs.


The Company has formulated a Corporate Environment Policy and it has

been duly approved by the Board of Directors vide agenda item no. 6 of
minutes of meeting/ resolution dated 10.12.2018 (copy enclosed as
Annexure XXV).

The Corporate Environment Policy (copy enclosed as Annexure XXV)


“It is the policy of M/s Rungta Mines Limited to strive to ensure that all
aspects of the business have the least harmful effect on the Environment by
implementing an effective Environmental Management system to:

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 6-5
Rungta Mines Limited

 Have full awareness of all Environmental and Factory legislation in

India and to ensure that regulatory requirements are duly met with
including the conditions/ stipulations/ norms of Environment
 Monitor the implementation of the Policy by carrying out periodic
audits of compliance with full reporting to the Board of Directors and to
suggest necessary remedial measures, if required, thereto.
 Ensure that all Employees in the course of their duties act in
accordance with the Environmental Policy. To encourage suppliers,
contractors and vendors to act an accordance with Company’s
Environmental Standards.
 Maintain transparency in matters of Environmental compliance.
 Selection of non polluting technology, waste minimisation, reuse/
recycling and the reduction of energy consumption will be particular
areas of attention of the business.
 The Company will also makes a positive environmental contribution in
the local community by encouraging open communication, general
Environmental awareness and the promotion of CSR activities.”

On start of operation, more detailed documentation shall be laid down in line

with the specific activities in the project, functions and role of the

Standard operating process / procedures to address deviation/ non-

compliances/ violation

Environmental Manual shall be prepared, either stand alone or as part of

the Environmental Management System such as ISO 9001,14001 and
45001and implement it. The Manual shall be prepared to comply the
Corporate Environmental Policy covering the following aspects:

1) Environment clearance conditions/ stipulations/ norms

2) Consent to establish conditions / stipulations / norms
3) Consent to operate conditions / stipulations / norms
4) Monitoring mechanism for compliance through periodic audits
5) Reporting of the audit results to Board of Directors
6) Corrective and Preventive Actions to be taken
7) Self improvement measures

Hierarchical systems to deal with the environmental issues and for

ensuring compliance

The Company will established an environmental cell which will be

responsible for the compliance of the environmental conditions.
EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 6-6
Rungta Mines Limited

Environment Department will operate under the Plant Head, who will report
to the Board of Directors.

Furthermore, Environmental Manual shall be prepared and will define the

roles and responsibilities of various members of the team in different
hierarchical levels with respect to adherence to the Environmental policy
and compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations.

Systems of reporting of non compliances/ violations

Half yearly Progress Report to the conditions imposed by Ministry of

Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Govt. of India, in respect of
Environmental Clearance of Steel Plant (2.85 MTPA & 3.0 MTPA dated
11.09.2020 & 04.06.2020, respectively) is being uploaded at Company’s
website regularly. Deviations from the policy and cases of violation of
Environmental clearance conditions as well as Consent to operate as found
by MoEF&CC and OSPCB or other public authority will be reported to Board
of Directors and corrective as well as preventive action will be taken.

Inputs  Perusal of data from online monitoring systems

attached to stacks
 Continuous ambient air quality stations
 SMS alerts from SPCB/ CPCB
 NOC/ EC conditions compliance status
 Periodic manual monitoring data
 Inspection report of MOEF&CC
 Inspection report of SPCB
 Complaints from local people, NGO or any other
 Environmental statement (Form V)
Heirarchy of DGM (Environment) at project --> Plant head -->
reporting upwards Director --> Board of Directors
Type of reporting (1) Periodic written report, every fortnight is
submitted even when all conditions are complied
(2) Event based written reporting whenever any of
the inputs reveals non compliance
Frequency of Board of director meets regularly and considers the
consideration by reports received as one of the agenda items. It is to
Board be recorded in minutes of meeting. In case of non
compliance, a decision for its resolution is to be
taken and communicated down the line to the
person executing the compliance.
The Environmental Statement (Form V) is to be
considered annually and recorded in the Annual

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 6-7
Rungta Mines Limited

Heirarchy of Board of Directors --> Director --> Plant head --> to

downward relevant OHS head/ staff or horticulture department
implementation or housekeeping or instrumentation department or
pollution control devices operator or ETP operator
or analysts with intimation to DGM (Environment) of
the plant

Flow chart of the system of reporting of non compliances or violations has

been shown in Fig 6.2.



EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 6-8
Rungta Mines Limited



As per generic structure of the EIA/EMP report prescribed in EIA

Notification dated 14.09.2006, this chapter is to comprise of public
consultation, disaster management, social impact assessment and R&R
Action plan. Public Hearing shall be held on the basis of report being
prepared and shall be added in this Chapter after it is held. The Corporate
Social Responsibility and Corporate Environment Responsibility programme
has been detailed in Chapter 9. Only the aspect of disaster management
plan has been covered in this chapter.

This chapter deals with identification of hazards and disaster and preventive
measures for disaster. Proposed Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant may
face certain types of hazards which can disrupt normal activities abruptly
and lead to disaster like fires, inundation, failure of machinery, hot metal
spill, electrocution to name a few. DRI plant, WHRB plant, etc. also pose
fire, electrocution, spill and explosion hazards. Disaster management plan is
formulated with an aim of taking precautionary steps to control the hazard
propagation and avert disaster and also to take such action after the
disaster which limits the damage to the minimum.


As a consequence of health and safety awareness many measures shall be

taken to ensure the security of an individual working in the industrial
premises. Risk assessment follows an extensive hazard analysis. Risk is
defined as a likelihood of an undesired event (accident injury or death)
occurring within a specified period or under specified circumstances. This
may be either a frequency or a probability depending on the circumstances.
In the working atmosphere, it is not possible to avoid or eliminate risk factor
completely. However it is possible to minimize the risk factor to minimal or
acceptable level.

The simple six-step risk assessment process includes:

1. Identification of a hazard
2. Identification of the associated risk
3. Assessment of the risk, which includes the (i) likelihood, (ii) severity
and (iii) assigning a priority for correction
4. Control of the risk, which includes (i) Elimination, (ii) Engineering a
barrier, (iii) Administration controls and (iv) Personal protection
5. Documentation of the process.
6. Monitoring and review of the process.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-1
Rungta Mines Limited

7.1.1 Identification of a hazard and associated risk

The hazard shall be higher for workers directly exposed to hot metal,
machines with moving parts, hot machines, hot water conduits, high places,
near high pressure equipment, noise, etc. There the danger due to failure of
machinery, spillages, exposure to heat, hazard of explosion due to high
pressure. Several examples of hazards that may cause injury or illness can

(i) slips, trips and falls on the same level;

(ii) falls from height;
(iii) unguarded machinery;
(iv) falling objects;
(v) engulfment;
(vi) working in confined spaces;
(vii) moving machinery, on-site transport, forklifts and cranes;
(viii) exposure to controlled and uncontrolled energy sources;
(ix) exposure to asbestos;
(x) exposure to mineral wools and fibres;
(xi) inhalable agents (gases, vapours, dusts and fumes);
(xii) skin contact with chemicals (irritants (acids, alkalis), solvents and
(xiii) contact with hot metal;
(xiv) fire and explosion;
(xv) extreme temperatures;
(xvi) radiation (non-ionizing, ionizing);
(xvii) noise and vibration;
(xviii) electrical burns and electric shock;
(xix) manual handling and repetitive work;
(xx) failures due to automation etc

In the existing plant & proposed expansion project, type of likely hazards
and possible areas where this can occur are tabulated in Table 7.1.


Hazard Probable Locations

Mechanical Coal Crushing Plant, Sponge Iron Plant, Steel

Melting Shop, Continuous Casting Machines,
Rolling Mills, etc.

Fire & Explosion Boiler House, Coal Storage Area, Coal Crushing
Plant, Mini Blast Furnace, Sponge Iron Plant,
Steel Melting Shop, Continuous Casting

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-2
Rungta Mines Limited

Hazard Probable Locations

Machines, Rolling Mills, Boiler House, Sinter
Plant, Oxygen Plant etc.

Electrical. TG Area, Electrical Substation, Steel Melting

Shop, Rolling Mills etc.

Chemical. Treatment plants, CPP, Pump House

There can be hazards on the road while coming and going from duty, during
transportation of material due to following:

 High concentration of traffic during duty hours

 Heterogenous traffic
 Violation of traffic rules/ speed limit
 Road Condition
 Condition of vehicle

7.1.2 Assessment of the risk

Risk analysis follows as extensive hazard analysis. It involves the

identification and assessment of potential impact. This requires a thorough
knowledge of failure probability, credible accident scenario, vulnerability of
population, etc. Much of this information is difficult to get or generate.
Consequently the risk analysis is often confined to maximum credible
accident studies.

Risk evaluation

Risk is defined as probability of occurrence of an accident and its

consequences. The risk may be computed by the following formula:

FAR = 108 ฀ (xi*fi)
24*365*N i=1

xi = Number of deaths from a particular accident

fi = Frequency of occurrence of the particular accident

n = Potential types of accidents

N = Total number of people at risk

FAR = Fatality accident rate

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-3
Rungta Mines Limited

The above concept of risk is quite straight forward. It is based on one

specific aspect i.e. individual working in a particular environment that is
exposed to a definite level of risk. The formula is based on actual historical
record of the accident episodes reported in that particular type of
environment. Accordingly the risk factor i.e. probability level of occurrence
of accident works out to nil in this case.

All systems natural or man made shall be subject to failure. The nature of
failure varies widely as do the causes of failure and the events leading to
failure. The failure of systems could be due to:

- Misconception of required capability of systems or environment.

- Design deficiencies and erroneous assumption.
- Errors in operational process
- Improper management of the systems.
- Risk evaluation to determine the acceptable level and reduce the risk
- Control decision monitored for meticulous implementation to prevent
the occurrence of unclassified and unacceptable accidents.

Attempts have been made to reduce failures of man-made systems with the
introduction of safety measures, quality control, reliability analysis, condition
monitoring and other approaches in design in order to reduce the probability
of failure. Use of measures such as factor of safety shall be usually resorted
to in order to improve the reliability of design and where health of the person
is at great risk. Such factor has to be very high reducing probabilities of
accidents/ disaster to a very low level.

The auxiliary fuels as Low Sulphur Heavy Stock (LSHS)/ Furnace Oil (FO)
shall be required at proposed expansion of steel plant. For storage of
auxiliary fuels, underground fabricated steel tanks shall be installed, which
shall conform to the regulations. Since the tank(s) shall not be above
ground, assessment of fire in tank and pool fire in dyke have not been
carried out.

The fuel storage tanks shall be operated at ambient conditions. Fire hydrant
points and fire extinguishers shall be provided at these locations. The
characteristics of auxillary fuel based on IS 11489 -1985 (Reaffirmed in
2016) has been given in Table 7.2.


Sl. Parameter Specification
1 Pour Point °C +66 Max.
2 Flash Point (PMC), °C 76 Min.
3 Kinematic Viscosity, at 100°C, cSt 50 Max.
4 Relative Density @ 15 °C g/ml Report

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-4
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. Parameter Specification

5 Gross Calorific Value, Cal/g Report
6 Acidity, Inorganic, mg KOH/gm, NIL
7 Ash, percent by Mass. 0.10 Max.
8 Sediment, percent by Mass 0.25 Max.
9 Sulphur, Total percent by Mass 1.0 Max.
10 Water content % by Vol. 1.0 Max.
11 Accelerated Dry Sludge, percent by 0.10 Max
12 Spot Test for cleanliness, Rating No 2 (Faint or poorly
defined inner ring), Max

7.1.3 Risk control

On site emergency planning

The on site emergency plan would be related to the final assessment and it
is the responsibility of the management to formulate it. The plan must
therefore, be specific to the site.

The plan sets out the way in which designated people at the site of the
incident initiate supplementary action at an appropriate time. Designated
people may or may not be from amongst the workers. An essential of the
plan is the provision for making the affected unit safe, for example, by
shutting it down. The plan also contains the full sequence of key personal to
be called in from other sections or from off site.

Off site emergency plan

The off site emergency plan is an integral part of any major hazard control
system. It should be based on those accidents identified by the works
management, which could affect people and the environment outside the
works. Thus, the off site emergency plan follows logically from the analysis
that took place to provide the basis for the on site emergency plan and the
two plans should therefore complement each other. The key feature of a
good off site emergency plan is flexibility in its application to emergencies
other than those specifically included in the formation of the plan. The role
of the various parties that may be involved in the implementation of an
offsite plan are described in detail. The responsibility for the off site plan will
be likely to rest either with the works management or with the local
authority. Emergency control centers

The emergency control center is the place from which the operations to
handle the emergency will be directed and coordinated. It will be manned by

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-5
Rungta Mines Limited

the site work main controller, key personnel and the senior officers of the
fire and police services.

Emergency control centers therefore contains the following :

a) An adequate number of external telephone.

b) An adequate numbers of internal telephones

c) A plan of the workers to show

d) Areas where there are inventories of LSHS and chlorine

e) Sources of safety equipment

f) Fire hydrant system and alternate supply sources

g) Assembly point, First-aid centre/ casualty treatment centre

h) Truck parking information

i) A nominal roll of employee

j) List of personnel with addresses telephone numbers

k) Specialized monitoring equipment will be available at all the sensitive

points to deal with small to medium spillages of the chemical.

l) The equipment operators must be trained in development of the

equipment. General safety rules

At the plant where fuels chemicals and other materials are reactive in nature
following general guidelines will be made.

- Fitting dress and use of personnel protective equipment recommended

for respective job should be adhered to by everyone.
- All unsafe conditions or natural occurrences should be reported promptly
to the supervisor/ head of the department of safety. Personal protective equipment (PPE)

Personnel protective equipment play vital role in reducing the losses in case
of an accident. They provide protection to the workmen from injuries during
the execution of job. The various protective equipment will be used during
expansion phase are:

Gloves and protective clothing: Since the chemicals are very corrosive
and toxic, those called upon to handle will be provided with gloves and
protective clothing.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-6
Rungta Mines Limited

Safety Helmets: Every one inside the plant and the visitors shall wear
safety helmets for protection of their head. The material of the helmet will be
conform to the safety standard.

Safety Belts: Safety belts will be provided for protection in case of fall while
working at height.

Safety Shoes: Every one inside the plant and the visitors shall wear safety
shoes for protection their toes and heels. The material of the shoes will be
resistant to the type of chemicals and heat within the plant.

Safety goggles and face shields: Suitable goggles protect the eyes from
flying objects and harmful rays of welding and furnace flames and also heat,
dust and chemicals substances. Standard welders goggles, face shield or
hood will be used by the workers and helpers while involved in operations,
wherever applicable.


Disaster can be natural or man made which have a negative impact on

society or environment or both.

1) Natural disasters

A natural disaster is the consequence of a natural hazard (e.g. earthquake,

flood, tsunamis, hurricane, etc.) which affects humans. The damage is
caused by the lack of appropriate emergency management leading to
financial, environmental and human life loss. Due to the location of this
plant, earthquake is the first and foremost natural hazard followed by
flooding. This shall is not near the coast and thus, is not affected by
tsunamis or hurricanes.

2) Man-made disasters

The man-made disasters shall be caused by human action, negligence,

error, or involving the failure of a system. Human-made disasters can be
termed as technological disaster. Technological disasters shall be the
results of failure of technology involving material, design, system or
operational failures.

7.2.1 Natural disasters Seismic & Earthquake risk management

As per the recent categorization, the country has been divided into four
zones (II, III, IV and V) and Odisha falls between Zones II and III i.e. low
damage risk zone and moderate damage risk zones. The earthquake map
from Odisha State Disaster Management Agency is given in Fig 7.1.

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Rungta Mines Limited


(Source: accessed 15.10.2020)

No major earthquake has been noticed in Odisha state since 2002.

However, details of the earthquakes in last 2 decades is given below.
(Source: Amateur Seismic Centre,
orissa.htm, last accessed on 15.10.2020):

Date Description
08 April 1982 Bay of Bengal, Mw 5.2
18.510 N, 86.310 E, D=024.0 kms, OT=02:41:16 UTC
14 October 1982 Khajuripada-Banigochha area, Odisha, Mb 4.7
20.390 N, 84.420 E, OT=12:56:09 UTC
01 July 1985 Bay of Bengal, Mw 5.4
18.367 N, 87.188 E, D=010.0 kms, OT=02:23:52 UTC
27 March 1995 Laimura-Deogarh area, Odisha, Mb 4.6
21.671 N, 84.565 E, D=010.0 kms, OT=07:52:10.60 UTC
21 June 1995 Kasijodi-Nuakot area, Odisha, Mb 4.7
21.780 N, 85.327 E, D=033.0 kms, OT=18:35:41.23 UTC
12 June 2001 Konokjora-Sundargarh area, Odisha, Mw 4.7
22.240 N, 83.918 E, D=025.5 kms, OT=12:41:00 UTC

After assessment of the website

dhenkanal/recent (accessed 15.10.2020) which lists the latest earthquakes,
it was found that no earthquakes were found to have occurred in or within
10 km radius of the project site in the last ten years. The earthquake,

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-8
Rungta Mines Limited

nearest to project site was on January 19, 1986, 06:53 UTC (approximately
33 years ago) about 4.4 magnitude earthquake, with epicenter at 21.003,
85.172, 8.2 km from Talcher.

Despite the low level of seismicity and the proximity of low magnitude
earthquake that has occurred in the region, the construction of the buildings
will be done as per National Building Code and IS 875. In case of damage
due to earthquake, the disaster management shall be done in line with
National Disaster Management Authority’s system.

There is no threat of landslide at project site, it being flat in topography.

Although Jharbandh reserve forest is near to the project and located on a
hill, the presence of forest will protect the hillside from sliding.

Management Measures:

Things that need to be done shall be as follows:

 During construction of the various building byelaws and BIS codes will
be followed.

 A common meeting point inside the plant site and a contact outside the
plant will be identified and known to all employees and workers.

 List important telephone numbers and torch, water, transistor, first-aid kit
and non-perishable food will be kept at a designated place. An
emergency kit shall be ready at all times.

 Train workers in basic first aid. Teams for first-aid; search and rescue
etc. has been formed in the area and preparedness drills are and will be
conducted for what to do in case of an event.

In case of occurrence of an earthquake, every individual would have to

follow the pointers below:

 Keep calm and help others to keep calm. Do not panic.

 If you shall be inside of a building: Protect yourself by ducking under
sturdy table, and staying there until the shaking stops. Turn off
electricity and gas.
 If you shall be on the road in a built up area: Immediately move away
from buildings, slopes, streetlights, power lines, hoardings, fly-overs
etc. into open spaces. Do not run or wander; keep the roads free for
 If you shall be driving: Stop the vehicle away from the buildings, slopes
and electric cables; come out of the vehicle, hold it and stay by its side
 Keep calm and expect aftershocks.
 Check if you or anyone else is hurt. Use first-aid and wait for medical

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-9
Rungta Mines Limited

 Do not move seriously injured people.

 Do not turn-on electrical appliances and gas.
 Check your building for damages.
 Do not waste water and do not block telephone lines.
 Do not spread rumours and don’t panic.
 Volunteer to help.
 Keep the streets clear for emergency services.
 Do not use matches, lighters, camp stoves or electrical equipments,
appliances until you can be sure there are no gas leaks. They may
create a spark that could ignite leaking gas and cause an explosion
and fire.
 Do not use your telephone except for a medical or fire emergency. It
could tie up the lines needed for emergency response. If the phone
doesn’t work send someone for help. Conserve mobile phone & laptop
batteries for use in emergency as power may be cut for long.

For general structural safety, the following codes shall be followed:

 IS: 456:2000 “Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete.

 IS: 800-2007 “Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel.
 IS: 801-1975 “Code of Practice for Use of Cold Formal Light Gauge
Steel Structural Members in General Building Construction.
 IS 875 (Part 2):1987 Design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures Part 2 Imposed Loads.
 IS 875 (Part 3):1987 Design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures Part 3 Wind Loads.
 IS 875 (Part 4):1987 Design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures Part 4 Snow Loads.
 IS 875 (Part 5):1987 Design loads (other than earthquake) for
buildings and structures Part 5 special loads and load combination
(second revision).
 IS: 883:1994 “Code of Practice for Design of Structural Timber in
 IS: 1904:1986 “Code of Practice for design and construction of
foundations in soil”.
 IS1905:1987 “Code of Practice for Structural Use of Unreinforced
 IS 2911-1-4:2010: Code of Practice for Design and Construction of
Pile Foundations.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-10
Rungta Mines Limited

For Earthquake Protection, the following codes shall be followed:

 IS: 1893-2002 “Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures

(Fifth Revision)”
 IS:13920-1993 “Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures
subjected to Seismic Forces - Code of Practice”
 IS:4326-1993 “Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of
Buildings - Code of Practice (Second Revision)”
 IS:13828-1993 “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Low Strength
Masonry Buildings - Guidelines”
 IS:13827-1993 “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Earthen
Buildings - Guidelines”,
 IS:13935-2009 “Seismic Evaluation, Repair and Strengthening of
Masonry Buildings - Guidelines” Flood Hazard

A perusal of the flood hazard map of Odisha state given in Fig 7.2 shows
that the project area lies in the area of “no significant flooding”.


(Source : accessed 15.10.2020)

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-11
Rungta Mines Limited

Flood management

In case of extreme scenario of occurrence of flood in study area, people

from the nearby-flooded villages might flock for shelter to the higher
elevations and this project could be one of their refuges in times of distress.
Hence, arrangement of flood shelter is proposed in the project as follows:

 Several clean containers for water, large enough for a 3-5 day supply
of water.
 A 3-5 day supply of non-perishable food and a non-electric can opener.
 A first aid kit and manual and prescription medicines and special
medical needs.
 A battery-powered radio, flashlights, and extra batteries.
 Sleeping bags or extra blankets.
 Water-purifying supplies, such as chlorine or iodine tablets or
unscented, ordinary household chlorine bleach.
 Baby food and/ or prepared formula, diapers, and other baby supplies.
 Disposable cleaning cloths, such as "baby wipes" for the whole family
to use in case bathing facilities are not available.
 Personal hygiene supplies, such as soap, toothpaste, sanitary napkins,
 An emergency kit for your car with food, flares, booster cables, maps,
tools, a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, sleeping bags, etc.
 Rubber boots, sturdy shoes, and waterproof gloves.
 Insect repellent containing DEET or Picaridin, screens, or long-sleeved
and long-legged clothing for protection from mosquitoes which may
gather in pooled water remaining after the flood.

7.2.2 Man made disasters

Disaster may occur due to following hazards in the steel complex.

- Fire
- Explosion
- Oil spillage
- Electrocution
- Hazardous waste
- Accident
- Liquid hot metal spill

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-12
Rungta Mines Limited

In any plant there shall be various activities or area which pose substantial
threat to the workers and hence hazardous in nature. In the proposed
project, type of likely hazards that can occur shall be tabulated in Table 7.3.


Group Item Nature of Hazard Remarks
Hazard Potential
Raw materials Coal for coking Fire Moderate Fire hazard
Water treatment Toxic Major Bio-corrosive
Chemicals like acids/
Lube oils/greases Fire Moderate Flammable
Production units
- Coke Plant Dusts and fumes Asphyxiation Moderate Air pollution
VOC emissions from Toxic Moderate Health hazard
Coke over gas Fire & Toxic Major Fire and CO
- Agglomeration Dusts Respiratory Moderate Ambient air
(Sintering) pollution
- Iron making in Release of untreated Toxic Major Severe pollution
DRI/ BF wastewater of surface water
BFG handling Fire Major Fire hazard
Hot metal & slag Fire Major Fire hazard
Handling, dolochar
- Steel making in Release of untreated Toxic Major Severe pollution
BOFs wastewater of surface water
BOFG handling Fire Major Fire hazard
Hot liq. Steel & Slag Heat radiation Major Bio-corrosive
- Rolling Mills Gas firing/fuel firing Fire Major Fire hazard
Release of untreated Toxic Major Severe pollution
wastewater of surface water
- Captive Power MBF Gas, Coke over Fire Major Fire hazard
Plant (CPP) Gas
- Fuel gas Gas leaks Fire & Toxic Major Fire & Co
- Electric Power Short circuit Fire Major Fire hazard
- Liquid fuel Fuel handling & storage Fire & Toxic Major Fire Hazard
- Hydraulic oil and Accidental discharge of Fire & Toxic Moderate Fire & personal
lubricants hydraulic oil under injury

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Rungta Mines Limited


If there is any disaster in any part of plant/work place due to any reason the
classification of area, which may be affected, and nature of accidents can
be made as follows:

1 Level I Operator level

2 Level II Local community level
3 Level III Regional/national level
4 Level IV International level

Out of the above, only level-I and level - II class of accidents can be
considered applicable for steel complex.

Level - I Accidents

Accidents that may happen due to electrocution, fire, explosion, oil spillage,
liquid hot metal spill and spontaneous ignition of combustible material at
operator level. This level has low probability of occurrence and affects
persons inside the plant. Various hazardous area, which have been
mentioned above in Table 7.3 as potential hazard area will be affected
during this level of accidents.

Level-II Accidents

Accidents of this level can occur in case of sabotage and complete failure of
all automatic control/warning systems, and also if the fuel oil stored in tank
leaks out. However probability of occurrence of this is very low due to
adequate security, training and education of persons of plant responsible for
operating such systems.


In order to prevent disaster due to fire, explosion, oil spillage, electrocution,

liquid hot metal spillage and other accidents, following preventive measures
shall be adopted:

1. Design, manufacture and construction of all plant and machineries

building will be as per national and international codes as applicable
in specific cases and laid down by statutory authorities.

2. Provision of adequate access way for movement of equipment and

personnel shall be kept.

3. Minimum two no. of gates for escape during disaster shall be


4. Water spraying in coal storage shall be provided.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-14
Rungta Mines Limited

5. System of fire hydrants comprising electrical motor division and

diesel engine drivers fire pumps with electrical motor driver jockey
pump for keeping the fire hydrant system properly pressurized and
automatic water sprinkling system for all important transformers.

6. Fire hydrants with fire hoses in all areas where fire can break.

7. Shielded cover will be paved on the signal cable to separate from the
power cable if they shall be laid together.

8. Steam fire extinguishers shall be adopted at all the dangerous places

in the workshops and plant.

9. Ventilation and temperature control facilities is set at all operation

room, duty room, and assistant room as well as overhang fans to
ensure labour health.

10. The design of this project is set with safety measurements such as
lighting proof grounding and anti- electric shock.

11. The safety exit and safety evacuation space would meet the
requirements of building design for fireproofing regulations GBJ16-87
(1997 Edition).

7.4.1 Site emergency control room

In order to control the disaster more effectively, a Site Emergency Control

Room (SECR) shall be established at the plant site. The facilities proposed
to be provided shall be given in following sections:

- Plant Layout.
- Plant Layout with inventories and locations of fuel oil, storage tanks,
coal storage, assembly points, location of safety equipment, etc.
- Hazard identification chart, maximum number of people working at a
time, etc.
- Data & location of population around factory.
- Internal telephone connections.
- External telephone connections.
- Hotline connection to district collector, police control room, fire
brigade, hospital etc.
- Public address system.
- Torch-lights.
- List of dispensaries and registered medical practitioners around

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-15
Rungta Mines Limited

- Area map of surrounding villages.

- Nominal roll of employees.
- List of personnel with addresses, telephone numbers
- Note pads and ball pens to record message received and instructions
to be passed through runners.
- The blown up copy of Layout plan showing areas where accident has
- Fire hydrant system in different location.
- Truck parking information
- Specialized monitoring & management equipment will be available at
all the sensitive points to deal with small to medium spillages of the

7.4.2 Safety department

Safety department will be manned by experienced engineers and other

supporting staff who brings safety consciousness amongst the work force of
plant. The safety department conducts regular safety awareness courses by
organizing seminars and training of personnel among the various working

The management will form a “Safety Committee” consisting of equal

number of representative of workers and management. The tenure of the
committee is of 2 years and the worker’s representative of committee will be
elected by the workers. The committee will meet quarterly and most of the
safety activities and workers complaints and suggestions will be
implemented through this committee.


To tackle the situation, a disaster control room will be set up which will have
links with all control rooms of the plant. An up to date communication facility
will be provided to control rooms. In case of disaster, emergency meeting of
all concerned sectional heads will be convened to decide control measures
and ensure it's implementation. The emergency organisation shall be
headed by emergency leader called Site Main Controller (SMC) who will be
plant manager. In his absence senior most person available at plant shall be
emergency leader till arrival of plant manager.

Besides the top officials described above, rest of the employees shall be
divided into three action teams namely A, B, C, and a Non-action Group D.
Action team 'A' will consist of staff of section in which accident has
occurred. Action team ‘B’, will consist of staff of non-affected sections and
maintenance department. Action team 'C' will consist of supporting staff i.e.
Security supervisor, Warehouse Supervisor, Shift Supervisor etc. Group ‘D’

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-16
Rungta Mines Limited

will consist of people not included in those teams like contractor, labour,
security men etc.

Team 'A' comprising staff of affected section will be taking up the action in
case of an emergency. Team 'B' will help team 'A' by remaining in their
respective sections ready to comply with specific instructions of SMC. Team
'C' consisting of supporting staff will help team ‘A’ as required and directed
by Team 'B’. Group ‘D’ will be evacuated to safe region under supervision of
Team 'C'.

A multichannel communication network shall connect SECR to control

rooms of plant, various shops, and other departments of plant, fire station
and neighboring industrial units. Co-ordination among key personnel and
their team has been shown in Fig 7.3.

7.5.1 Outside organisations involved in control of disaster

In the event of massive spillage of fuel oil or occurrence of fire, population

inside and outside plant boundaries, vegetation and animal etc. may be
affected. In such circumstances secondary fire may also take place. In such
an event help shall be taken from outside agencies also.

The organizations that shall be involved shall be as follows:

(a) State and local authorities: District Collector, Revenue Divisional

Officer, etc.
(b) Factory Directorate, Director of factories and boiler, Joint Director of
factories and boiler, Asstt. Director of factories and boiler
(c) Environmental agencies: Member Secretary of State Pollution Control
Boards, Regional Officer State Pollution Control Board.
(d) Fire Department: Chief District Officer
(e) Police Department: District Superintendent of Police, SHOS of nearby
Police Stations
(f) Public Health Department:
- District Medical Officer
- Residential medical officers of PHCs in a radius of 4-5 km around
plant site
(g) Local Community Resources
- Regional Transport officer
- Divisional Engineer Telephones

The outside organisations shall directly interact with district magistrate, who
in consultation with SMC, shall direct to interact with plant authorities to
control the emergencies.

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Rungta Mines Limited




1. Administrative Head 1. Head of Operation ADMINISTRATIVE HEAD/
2. Personnel Officer 2. Head of Maintenance PERSONNEL MANAGER
3. Telephone Operator 3. Head of Engineering
4. Time Office Staff 4. Head of Administration



EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-18
Rungta Mines Limited

7.5.2 Hazard emergency control procedure

The onset of emergency will in all probability, commence with a major fire or
explosion, the following activities will immediately take place to interpret and
take control of emergency.

1. Staff member on duty will go to nearest fire alarm call point and trigger
off the fire alarm.

2. On site fire crew led by fireman will arrive at the site of incident with fire
foam tenders and necessary equipments.

3. Site main controller will arrive at SECR, from where he will receive
information continuously from incident controller and give decisions and
direction to the incident controller, plant control room, Emergency
security controllers and to the site medical officer to take care of

Site Main Controller will be directing and deciding a wide range of issues. In
particular SMC has to decide and direct:

- Whether incident controller requires reinforcement of manpower and

- Whether plant is to be shut down or more importantly kept running.
- Whether staff in different locations is to remain indoor or to be
evacuated and assembled at designated collection center.
- Whether missing staff members shall be searched or rescued.
- Whether off-site emergency plan to be activated and a message to that
effect is to be sent to district headquarter.

When the incident has eventually been brought under control as declared
by the Incident Controller, the SMC shall send two members of his advisory
team as inspectors to incident site for:

- An assessment of total damage and prevailing conditions with

particular attention to possibility of re-escalation of emergency which
might, for the time being, be under control.
- Inspection of other parts of site, which might have been affected by
impact of incident.
- Inspection of personnel collection and roll call centers to check if all
persons on duty have been accounted for.
- Inspection of all control rooms of plant to assess and record the status
of respective plants and any residual action deemed necessary.

Post emergency, the inspectors will return to SECR with their observations
and report of finding and will submit the same to SMC.

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Rungta Mines Limited


7.6.1 Alarm system to be followed during disaster

On receiving the message of “Disaster, from Site Main Controller, fire

station control room attendant will sound SIREN I WAILING TYPE FOR 5
MINUTES. Incident controller will arrange to broadcast disaster message
through public address system.

On receiving the message of “Emergency Over” from Incident Controller the

fire station control room attendant will give “All Clear Signal, by sounding
alarm straight for two minutes. The features of alarm system will be
explained to one and all to avoid panic or misunderstanding during disaster.

7.6.2 Actions to be taken on hearing the warning signal

On receiving the disaster message following actions will be taken:

- All the members of advisory committee, personnel manager, security

controller, etc. shall reach the SECR.
- The process unit persons will remain ready in their respective units for
crash shutdown on the instruction from SECR.
- The persons from other sections will report to their respective officer.

7.6.3 Safety devices/equipments

In order to make the services more effective the workers and rescue team
will be provided with the safety equipment and items like gas mask
respirators, fire entry suits, fire blankets, rubber shoes or industrial shoes,
rubber glove, ladders, ropes, petromax lamp torches etc.

7.6.4 Fire extinguisher

The different type of fire extinguishers will be provided at strategic locations

in the plant. The types of fire extinguisher which have been proposed are
given in Table 7.4.


Name of Site Type of Fire Extinguishers
Generator area CO2 & Foam Type, Dry Chemical Powder
Cable galleries CO2 & Foam type, Dry chemical powder
High voltage panel CO2 & Foam type, Dry chemical powder
Control rooms CO2 & Foam type, Dry chemical powder
MCC rooms CO2 & Foam type, Dry chemical powder
Pump Houses CO2 & Foam type, Dry chemical powder

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-20
Rungta Mines Limited

Name of Site Type of Fire Extinguishers

Fuel storage CO2 & Foam type, Dry chemical powder
sand basket
Guest houses and offices Dry chemical powder, foam type
Godowns, store CO2 & Foam type

7.6.5 Casualty services

The casualty services section will be headed by a medical officer who will
be responsible for immediate medical aid and first aid. The section will be
fully equipped with all first aid medical facilities. An ambulance will be
provided on duty round the clock to tackle the emergency. On receiving the
call of emergency, the medical officer will report immediately to disaster site
along with mobile first aid equipment and ambulance. The immediate first
aid will be made available and the medical officer will assess further line of
action in the best interest of victim.

7.6.6 Specific Treatment

Specific treatment / preventive measures for injuries and hazards will be

provided in the Medical Centre. Eye and body showers will be provided in
different required places of plant. Which shall be identified by the Safety
Officer. Major hazards/injuries and treatment facilities in the plant shall
comprise of all primary pathological diagnosis, X-Ray, Ultra sound, ECG,
Trauma cases, Audiometry Test, Spirometry test, Vision testing, Eye
treatment, Burn treatment, Poisoning treatment Electrical Shock treatment
and Ambulance Facility.

The emergency, critical cases & diseases which cannot be treated shall be
referred & treated at larger hospitals in the district or Medical Colleges or
super speciality hospitals.

7.6.7 Industrial Safety

For protection of working personnel, equipment and machineries from any

damage or loss and to ensure uninterrupted production, adequate safety
and fire fighting measures will be provided. Important provisions shall be as

 Laying down specific Safety, Health & Environment policy to guide.

 Provision of adequate personal safety appliances to workers engaged
in hazardous installations.
 Practices of safety inspections / monitoring at regular intervals by a
team of experienced professionals to guide & educate the workforce.
 Provision of detection and alarm system to allow a developing fire to
be detected at an early stage.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-21
Rungta Mines Limited

Plant uses a wide variety of specialized equipments and methods for

handling raw materials. This equipment ranges from the most basic forklift
to Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Elevators and Conveyors. The hazards of using
powerful equipment and of moving heavy materials require a wide variety of
protective measures for employees on the site. The work talks about
regulatory requirements and safe use for this equipment. The work covers
safe rigging and slings for proper lifting, and safety requirements for specific
types of Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Elevators, Conveyors, and forklifts.
Bearing this in mind the cranes, hoists, lifts shall be periodically tested and
certificate issued for continuous use.

Fitted dress and use of personnel protective equipment will be essential by

everyone. All unsafe conditions or unnatural occurrences should be
reported promptly to the supervisor/ head of the department of safety.

7.6.8 Safety management

The number of elements of safety management shall be quite large. They

also vary from case to case. They can be grouped under five broad
categories or sub-systems as follows:

 Managerial Systems
 Accident Prevention Systems
 Support Systems
 Event Management Systems
 Evaluation Systems

Managerial systems is comprising of:

 Safety Policy
 Safety Organization
 Safety Objectives
 Safety Responsibilities
 Safety Accountability
 Safety Coordination
 Safety Budget
 Safety Committees
 Safety Meetings
 Safety Laws / Rules

Accident prevention systems is comprising of:

 Equipment and workplace standards

 Maintenance & Testing Procedures
 Contractor & Visitor Control
 Safety Work Permit (SWP)
EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-22
Rungta Mines Limited

 Hazard Identification, Reporting, Investigation & corrective Action

 Inspection Systems
 Monitoring Systems
 Risk Assessment
 Personal Protective Equipments

Support systems is comprising of:

 Induction
 Management skills training
 Job specific training
 Safety Awareness Promotion
 Safety Information Services

Event management systems is comprising of:

 Emergency Management
 Occurrence Reporting, Investigation & Analysis
 Compensation & Rehabilitation

Evaluation systems is comprising of:

 Safety Performance Reviews

 Safety systems audits (Internal)
 Safety systems reviews
 SWPs compliance
 Safety action plan review
 Safety system audits (External)

7.6.9 Appropriate Personal Protective Equipments (PPE)

Personal protective equipments shall be given in Table 7.5.


Sl. No. Unit Hazard Injury Use of PPE
1. Material Dust pollution Eye Injury, Dust a) Safety Goggles Eye
handling Hands going between inhalation wash taps
and running parts of Physical injuryb) Safety boot, Hand
storage conveyors leather gloves
Hearing system
Machine’s sound damage c) Ear muffles Fire
fighting equipments

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-23
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. No. Unit Hazard Injury Use of PPE

2. All Dust pollution, hand Burn injury, a) Safety Goggles Eye
manufact going into parts of physical injury, wash taps
uring sub- machines/ conveyors, fatality, damage b) Safety boot, Hand
units body part touching to ear drum leather gloves,
hot components, leather aprons
machine’s sound,
explosion/ blast, hot c) Ear muffles Fire
air/ steam release, fighting equipments
hot metal spillage


The public hearing will be held on the basis of the prepared EIA-EMP
report, which includes the Terms of References prescribed by the Ministry
of Environment, Forests and Climate Change. Various points will be raised
by the local people and NGOs before or during the public hearing. The
same will have to be replied to and the points requiring action from the
Company shall be clearly addressed and their execution outlined. The
summary of the proceedings of the public consultation and the actions taken
or to be taken by the company shall be covered in this section after the
completion of the public hearing.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 7-24
Rungta Mines Limited




During operation of 3.55 MTPA steel plant 4850 persons will be under direct
employment of the company while 150 persons are already employed in
construction period. Many more persons will be indirectly engaged either on
contract basis or in transportation of materials or in provision of different
services associated with the project. As majority of unskilled and semi-
skilled persons will be from the surrounding villages, benefits will extend to
the local population.


With the commencement of operation, amenities for communication,

education, health, entertainment, canteen, etc. will get developed in and
around the project area. These amenities will be available to local people
also, who will be directly associated with the plant. Even those not
associated with project related activities will be benefited by these
amenities. With the commencement of plant, there is likely to be substantial
improvement in the social and physical infrastructure in surrounding
villages. This is likely to occur due to the expenditure under Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) and Corporate Environment Responsibility
(CER) (also termed as Environment Social Responsibility previously by
MoEF&CC) being done and to be done by the company. These are
elaborated in subsequent sections.


8.3.1 Activities in the past

Company believes in growth with a human face and pursuing people-

centered development. Company is a socially committed organization and a
socially responsible corporate citizen. It attaches great importance to
discharging its overall social responsibilities to the community and the
society at large where its project is located. The Company is primarily
focused on the development of the resident of the surrounding localities
under various thematic areas and specific outcomes as given in Table 8.1.


Sl. Thematic Area Targeted Outcome
1. Education and  Enhanced literacy rate
communication  Enhanced enrollment ratio in primary
 Enhanced proportion of students starting

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 8-1
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. Thematic Area Targeted Outcome

grade 1 who reach last grade of primary
 Locally available skilled and trained
 Increased teacher student ratio
2. Health care  Reduction in occurrences of diseases
 Reduction in mortality due to diseases
3. Provision of safe  Reduction in occurrence of water borne
drinking water diseases
4. Sustainable livelihood  Increased per capita income
options  Reduced migration
 Increased green vegetation
 Increased local agriculture product
 Food security ensured
5. Infrastructure  Better communication round the year
development  Quality education ensured
 Better community hygiene and sanitation
6. Promotion of local  Increased participation of locals in sports
culture & sports at district and state level
 Increased constructive participation of
people in company activity and govt.

Photographs of some activities under CSR are shown below:

Aganwari centre in village Jharbandh Aganwari centre in village Galpada

RO Plant at village Jharbandh RO Plant at village Tarkabeda

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 8-2
Rungta Mines Limited

Construction of RCC Road from village Aganwari at Village Jharbandh

Jharbandh to Nimabahali

The Company

 has installed deep bore-wells in Jharbandh, Tarkabeda, Galapada

 also supplies drinking water through water tankers in acute summer
months of May and June
 provided drinking water supply through pipe lines and overhead tanks
in village Jharbandh.
 provided an open well as per choice of the people in village Galapada
 has excavated and renovated derelict ponds and created big water
bodies in the three project affected villages. Bathing ghats have also
been provided in each pond as civic amenities for public convenience
and utility.
 has educated 102 unemployed youths from affected families and
trained in local Industrial Training Centres (ITC) for up-gradation of
their skills and employment. Some of them have successfully passed
out in All Odisha Trade Test (AITT). 30 (thirty) other candidates
presently are under training in two batches in the local Industrial
Training Centres (ITC) who would pass out shortly in two years.
 local people were given financial and social support in education and
training in sustainable livelihood opportunities to increase their source
of income.

8.3.2 Activities in the future

Based on identified needs of the community priorities have been set out for
education, health, infrastructure, sustainable economic development,

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 8-3
Rungta Mines Limited

sports, arts & culture support and employee voluntarism. Each of the above
is described in subsequent sections. Education

In the field of education, a number of initiatives will be undertaken:

 Community Teacher Support: To make up for the deficiency of

teachers in Govt Primary, Middle & Secondary Schools in rural areas,
particularly in the adopted villages, teachers from the community will be
provided. This will also assist in providing job opportunity to the local

 Financial Support to meritorious and needy students for higher education

and for those who clear national/ technical exams.

 Furniture, Fixture, uniforms, sports kit, school bus facility and other
infrastructure development in schools. Health

Comprehensive health services to the community from periphery villages

will be provided by conducting/ providing:

 Ambulance
 Periodic Community health checkup at adopted villages and free
distribution of medicines.
 Special camps on health issues at village level – Health check up
camps with medical specialists (gynecologist, pediatric, skin, medicine,
ENT, eye etc.) and distribution of medicines free of cost.
 Population Control: Organizing family planning camps in the rural
 Financial assistance to critical health cases of adopted villages.
 School Health Check-up Camps

In addition to human health, health of domestic animals will also be

addressed through veterinary health camps. Sports, Arts and Culture

Financial and infrastructure support in form of space provisioning for various

sports activities and competitions will be promoted. Local festivals, repair
and protection of heritage structures and structures/ places of religious
significance, local art, etc shall be supported by the Company.

To create awareness for sports, culture, national integrity, social harmony

and socio-economic development, the company will organize Youth Clubs
in villages. These clubs will be the torch bearers in promoting social
harmony and national integrity.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 8-4
Rungta Mines Limited Infrastructure

The infrastructure in the rural areas is still in the nascent stage and requires
support. In this regard, the company has undertaken a holistic approach to
develop villages and also improve and provide basic facilities like internal
roads, drinking water, drainage system and cleaning of ponds and
constructing bathing places for adopted village. Self Sustainability and Livelihood Program

These will cover the following topics:

Agriculture: Support for multiple cropping, horticulture, medicinal plantation

through irrigation and credit support.

Socio-Economic Development: Livelihood Activities

 In the nearby villages livelihood activities are being conducted, wherein

school dropouts, female adolescents and rural ladies are trained about
stitching, tailoring, embroidery & knitting, so that they can be self-
dependent. Some trained girls are involved in school dress making work.
These activities will be continued in future also

 In addition to this, school dropout boys are trained in skill training on

Fitter & Electrician work. The trained persons are able to earn money
from outside. The training has helped the community in a very significant
manner, where in the poor has been employed and supplemented the
family incomes.


The CSR Budget shall be as per the Companies Act 2013 which states that
two percent (2%) of the average net profit of the company for last 3 (three)
financial years as per the Annual Report of the company has to be alocated
for CSR. Since the project is not yet operational or profit making, the
expenditure on CSR shall be earmarked as per discussion with villagers
and District administration.

Company shall constitute committee of the executives of the company in

order to look after the day to day activities, recommendations of release of
payments, certifying the completion of work etc. and which will in turn report
to CSR Committee on quarterly basis. Committee of executive meets and
will continue to meet at regular intervals to ascertain the accomplishment of
work/ release of payment.


Rungta Mines Limited intends to undertake CER activities for community

development as per MoEF&CC’s Office Memorandum F.No.22-65/2017-
IA.III dated 01.05.2018. As per point 6(III) of the office memorandum, the

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 8-5
Rungta Mines Limited

activities are to be identified based on the issues raised during public

hearing, social need assessment, R&R plan, EMP, etc.

The budget for EMP has been separately identified and given in Chapter 10.
The budget for environmental monitoring has been covered in Chapter 6.
The public hearing is yet to be held. Hence, the proposed CER activities
have been identified on the basis of social need assessment as described in
Table 8.2. The activities under focus are infrastructure creation for:

 Drinking water supply

 Sanitation
 Health
 Education
 Skill development
 Roads
 Drains
 Electrification including solar power
 Solid waste management facilities
 Scientific support and awareness to local farmers to increase yield of
crop and fodder
 Rain water harvesting
 Soil moisture conservation works
 Avenue plantation
 Plantation in community areas

Project would initially target the villages within 2 km of Dhenkanal Steel


Village level observations were made in Nimabahali, Gandhijhara,

Beruanpal, Chandrashekharpur, Kadela, Tarkabera, Madhupur, Jharbandh
and Galpada villages to identify deficiencies or needs. There are two
villages Balisahi and Jairampur visible on toposheet but are not in the
Census 2011 list. It is presumed they have been enumerated as a part of
the above mentioned 9 villages. The amenities as reported for the villages
in Census 2011 were also studied. As per Census 2011 data, almost all the
facilities are available in the villages. The field observations and data
analysis indicate that the villages have concerns related to safe drinking
water & proper water supply system, open pond and roads at some
locations. The summary of the sector wise findings, their present status,
identified deficiency and proposed intervention are discussed in Table 8.2.

As per the MOEF&CCs office memorandum dated 01.05.2018, an amount

equivalent to 0.25% of the capital cost will be spent on Corporate
Environment Responsibility (CER) for brownfield projects. Accordingly, the
amount of Rs. 13.75 Crores proportional to the proposed investment of Rs.
5500 crore for expansion project shall be spent. It is proposed over a period
of ten years of project or commensurate with the actual investment till that
time. The above activities will be carried out in consultation with the
government authorities and the agencies incharge of the respective
infrastructure in the areas of interest.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 8-6
Rungta Mines Limited

Sector Present status Identified Deficiencies Proposed intervention

1. Roads  The approach road to only three villages is black topped  People of Chandrashekharpur,  Construction of approach roads in
(pucca) road. These are Gandhijhara, Nimabahali and Beruanpal, Jharbandh, Madhupur, Chandrashekharpur, Beruanpal, Jharbandh,
Galpada Tarkabera and Kadela villages are Madhupur, Tarkabera and Kadela villages
 Chandrashekharpur, Beruanpal, Jharbandh, Madhupur, facing problem due to absence of  Also maintenance of roads, where required in
Tarkabera and Kadela have other kinds of roads such as black topped road phased manner in collaboration with local
all weather road, WBM or gravel roads.  Air borne dust is high due to Panchayat and Govt. schemes.
 Apart from the above, internal street roads needs condition of roads  Solar based street lights

2. Drainage  Drainage system is available but not everywhere.  Water logging in monsoon,  Construction of drainage system in villages
 Where drainage is present, they are open drains. breeding of mosquitoes, odour in phased manner
problem and water borne diseases  Covering of open drains in collaboration with
 Due to open drainages odour problem is prevalent are prevalent. local Panchayat heads and Govt. schemes.
 Where absent, drainage system is

3. Sanitation &  Toilets are available in majority of the village homes and  Open urination and defecation in Swachh Bharat Mission has initiated
solid waste where not present, construction under Swach Bharat public places causes spread of construction of toilets, hence, Rungta Mines Ltd.
management Mission shall be initiated. diseases. Completion of toilets in will focus on improvement of overall hygiene &
 Dustbins are not there at public places. houses is required on priority cleanliness by:
 Due to lack of proper disposal of  Awareness camps about solid waste
solid waste, the dumped wastes are segregation and household composting
breeding place for many vectors.  Purchase of dustbins for garbage collection
Stray animals ingest some harmful for solid waste disposal.
substances along with food from
waste, which results in many  Purchase of anti mosquito fumigation
diseases and ultimately death of machine.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 8-7
Rungta Mines Limited

Sector Present status Identified Deficiencies Proposed intervention

these animals.  Intensive awareness drive among residents
 Attention towards cleanliness and to prevent water logging and mosquito
solid waste management would be breeding
required in near by villages.  Provide support for cleaning staff to clean
 Dustbins shall be put at various village roads and common areas periodically.
public places

4. Drinking  Villages withdraw water from hand pumps and open dug  Lack of ghats on all water bodies Activities to be carried out in other villages that
Water wells for drinking & cooking. Ghats are there on few makes access unsafe to them. those already covered :
ponds only.  Improvement in existing water  Construction and maintenance of ghats in
 Pipeline water supply systems are not available in the supply system is required. commonly used ponds.
villages except Jharbandh, where it has been constructed  Due to lack of adequate safe  Construction of Water storage tanks.
by the company. drinking water, people are using  Purchase of water tankers.
 Borewells have been installed by the company in water of handpumps and uncovered
Jharbandh, Tarkabeda, Galapada. Galpada has also well for drinking and they are using  Water supply through mobile water tankers
been provided an open well. Bathing ghats and pond water for domestic purposes. during festivals and dry season to local
excavation of ponds has been carried out in these three villages.
villages so far  Construction of pond for Rain Water
 Adequate safe drinking water source are not available in Harvesting.
villages hence company supplies drinking water through  Deepening and cleaning of existing ponds
water tankers in acute summer months of May and June.
 Water supply through pipeline

5. Market access  Weekly haat/ markets are there at Galpada.  Other vocations, which are not  vocational training centre to build capacity for
and local  Limited local livelihood means are there due to less dependent on industries also need self-employment [for Ladies (stitching,
livelihood industries in the 2 km radius area. to be taught to local people. embroidery, tailoring, pickles, etc), for Men
means (mushroom farming, dairy improvement,
 Local people are involved in agricultural activities. Dairy,  Youth need training in ITIs in
poultry farming, fish rearing, bee keeping,
poultry farming, fishing etc. are being followed for income different vocations to prepare
themselves for recruitment in the etc)]

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 8-8
Rungta Mines Limited

Sector Present status Identified Deficiencies Proposed intervention

 Company is supporting the education of 102 unemployed upcoming projects.  The Company is also establishing its own
youths from affected families and trained in local  Women empowerment by making Industrial Training Centre in the locality for
Industrial Training Centres (ITC) them financially self reliant is providing training on skill development and
 local people were given financial and social support in necessary employment.
education and training in sustainable livelihood  Training to people for improvement of
opportunities to increase their source of income agriculture

6. Education  Primary schools are available in all villages except  Construction of primary and middle  Maintenance & expansion of existing of
Chandrashekharpur. schools schools as per requirement
 Middle schools are not available in villages  General measures for encouraging  Construction of schools in consultation with
Chandrashekharpur, Gandhijhara and Madhupur. students to excel in studies statutory regulatory bodies/ government
 Secondary school is available in only 4 villages i.e. scheme.
Beruanpal, Galpada, Tarkabeda, Kadala  Scholarship to meritorious students as
 For higher education such as graduation and masters educational assistance
level, institutes are available at Dhenkanal and Angul at  Financial support to needy students
distance of 36 km and 22 km respectively from the  Adult education centre
 Mid day meals
 Distribution of Bags, Study Material (Slate,
Globe, Maps Charts, Exercise Book, Duster,
Chalk etc.) as per demand from school.

7. Health Care  Lack of adequate health facilities such as medicine,  Diabetes, hypertension, fever, and  Purchase of ambulance.
testing, diagnostic and ambulance facilities in the area. dysentery/ diarrhoea are the  Post the contact number for the ambulance
 Primary Health subcentre is available only at Galpada common diseases prevalent in the at Panchayat house/ community centre in the
village at a distance of 0.5 km from project site, as per area. villages
Census 2011.  General steps required to make  Construction of about 10 bedded hospital
 Under nourishment/ malnourishment in children medical access easier for local with facilities in Jharband village.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 8-9
Rungta Mines Limited

Sector Present status Identified Deficiencies Proposed intervention

 Lack of veterinary facilities  Absence of veterinary centre  Provide free consultation and medicines to
project affected villagers at proposed hospital
of the company.
 Conducting mobile health/ awareness camp
for protection against prevalent common
diseases/ family planning camp (Doctor,
para-medical staff and free supply of
 Financial help to critical medical cases
 Provision of veterinary doctor and centre.

8. Sports and  Most of the villages have small or big grounds designated  Maintenance of existing facilities  Construction of community centre
entertainment for sports. and motivation to the sports  Sponsorship to Rural Sports events
 Perusal of amenities as reported in Census 2011 shows player is required.
 Sponsorship to local talent to participate at
that Beruanpal, Galpada, Nimabahali, Jharbandh, state & national levels
Tarkabeda and Kadela have sports fields.
 Provide equipment to village level teams in
different sports such as crickets, football and
badminton etc.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 8-10
Rungta Mines Limited



The scope of the EIA/EMP has been prescribed vide the Standard Terms of
References (TOR) issued by MoEF&CC, New Delhi vide letter no. J-
11011/309/2018-lA.ll(l) dated 19.09.2020 (Annexure I).

As per SO 1533 dated 14th September 2006, this chapter is to be prepared

if prescribed at scoping stage.

The prescribed scope does not require environmental cost benefit analysis.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 9-1
Rungta Mines Limited




Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is required to minimize adverse environmental impacts by implementing
mitigation measures with implementation and responsibilities during the project under construction and operation.
Proposed management measures for pollution control and environmental management in the proposed area are given in
Table 10.1. The administrative roles of the personnel involved is detailed in Section 10.2.


Discipline Potential impacts and Mitigation measures Administrative Aspect Monitoring
Source Implementation Monitoring Parameters
During Construction Phase
Topography Change in topography The total project area will be 1769 Civil contractor DGM (Civil) Measurement of material
due to construction of acres. There shall be expansion due to handling
steel plant, excavation proposed project from existing 674.765
for reservoir etc. acres including construction of colony.
There will be levelling of land by filling
of soil taken out during construction of
Drainage  Disturbance to  Runoff will be diverted through the Civil Contractor DGM (Civil) Verification of
sheet flow man made storm water drainage construction of surface
 Disturbance to system within plant to the surface reservoir, rain water
drains water reservoir and harvesting harvesting ponds &
ponds drains
 No canal within project. Natural

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 10-1
Rungta Mines Limited

Discipline Potential impacts and Mitigation measures Administrative Aspect Monitoring

Source Implementation Monitoring Parameters
drains are passing through the
project site. Drain volume of which
will continue to be conveyed to
Lingra Nala
Water quality  Suspended solids  During monsoon season run off from Civil Contractor DGM  Verification of settling
due to soil run-off construction site will be routed to a (Environment) tank & septic tank
during heavy temporary sedimentation tank for system installed
precipitation. settlement of suspended solids  Water quality from
 Loose soil at before release of water. overflow of
construction site.  Domestic waste water shall be settlement tank
 Domestic waste treated in septic tank- soak pit
water (sewage) system
from workers in
Air quality Dust concentration due  Isolating the construction area with  Civil contractor  DGM  Verifying construction
to construction flexible enclosures/ curtains so that (Environment) of enclosures
activities, vehicular the air emissions will not spread in  Verification of log of
movement, excavation the surroundings. sprinkling & actual
and material handling  Sprinkling of water in the site conditions
activities construction area and unpaved  Verifying cover on
roads. trucks and
 Covering material carrying vehicles construction of speed
 Periodic maintenance of vehicles breakers
shall be done and ensuring PUC  Records of PUC of
 Trucks shall be covered with vehicles
 Vehicles speed shall be restricted on

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 10-2
Rungta Mines Limited

Discipline Potential impacts and Mitigation measures Administrative Aspect Monitoring

Source Implementation Monitoring Parameters
construction roads and vehicles will
ply on dedicated construction roads
and access points.
 Visually monitor particulate
emissions from diesel vehicles
Noise Increase in noise level  Equipment to be kept in maintained  Civil contractor  DGM  Noise levels at site
due to construction condition to keep the noise level (Environment)  Verification of PPE of
equipment. within 90 dB(A). workers through
 Develop and implement a surprise checks
construction noise management
 Limit hours of construction where
practical. Workers will be provided
with necessary protective equipment
e.g. earplug, earmuffs.
Terrestrial Clearing of vegetation Landscaping and plantation shall be  Civil contractor  DGM  Verification by
ecology due to soil handling done as per green belt development  Horticulture (Environment) observation
activities plan. staff  Records of plantation
Excavated Loss of excavated top The top soil shall be temporarily stored  Civil contractor  DGM Verification by
soil soil in designated area and used in green  Horticulture (Environment) observation and material
belt and for leveling in the low lying staff handling records
area within project site
During Operation phase
Air quality  PM, SO2 and NO2  The list of pollution control  Sr. Manager  DGM  Continuous and error
levels in ambient air equipment for fugitive and stack (Instrumentatio (Environment) free operation of
due to stack emission in steel plant are n) online stack

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 10-3
Rungta Mines Limited

Discipline Potential impacts and Mitigation measures Administrative Aspect Monitoring

Source Implementation Monitoring Parameters
emissions summarised in Chapter 4  DGM (Mech.) monitoring systems
 Fugitive dust  The resultant air quality will conform CPP and continuous
emission due to to the stipulated standards.  Engineers & ambient air quality
material handling  Bag Filters will be installed to control Staff of stations
 Emission due to Particulates. Maintenance  Third party periodical
traffic  Stacks heights as per norms will be
departments of ambient air quality
respective monitoring for PM2.5,
provided for the proper dispersion of
pollutants. units PM10, SO2, NO2, etc
 Maintenance record
 Particulate emission from stacks
expected to be below 30 mg/Nm3 of Bag Filters, ESP,
dust extraction
 Product stock yards will be covered systems, etc
 Transport of raw material will be by  Verification of cover
road through covered trucks of trucks, dust
 Green belt/ green cover suppression
development programs will be measures &
undertaken within project site over plantation
33% of the area.
Terrestrial  Impact on plant  Control and disperse emission  Horticulture  DGM  Inventory of trees
ecology species due to through APCM and appropriate staff (Environment) planted with species
emission from stack heights. (gardeners) and survival rate
stacks  Extensive tree plantation will be  Area under plantation
 Planting trees within carried out and any tree cut will get  Height and girth to be
premises compensated manifold annually measured
 Impact on fauna  Boundary wall has already been  Inspection of
and flora constructed around the plant area of boundary wall
674.765 acres (after EC dt.
02.08.2010) so that there is no

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 10-4
Rungta Mines Limited

Discipline Potential impacts and Mitigation measures Administrative Aspect Monitoring

Source Implementation Monitoring Parameters
interaction with the fauna of the
surrounding except birds and small
mammals who make their way into
the planted areas of the plant. The
boundary wall for the additional area
of 10947.235 acres is yet to be
constructed and flora and fauna are
currently undisturbed. Air emissions
shall also reduce to a level so that
negligible impact will be there.
Noise Noise levels in the  Equipment will be designed to  Engineers &  DGM  Noise level
plant area due to conform to noise levels prescribed Staff of (Environment)  Vibration level
equipment in main by regulatory agencies where Maintenance
 Tree inventory as in
plant and auxiliaries. necessary, high noise generating departments of
previous point
equipment shall be acoustically respective
treated or housed. units  Verification of PPE
 Provision of green belt and  Manager
plantation would further help in (Safety)
attenuating noise. Acoustic system
for turbines will be provided. Noise
attenuation will be acquired to
reduce noise level to 85 dB (A) at
1m distance.
 Employees working in high noise
areas shall be provided with ear
plugs/ear muffs as protective device.
 Maintenance of all equipment as per

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 10-5
Rungta Mines Limited

Discipline Potential impacts and Mitigation measures Administrative Aspect Monitoring

Source Implementation Monitoring Parameters
Traffic Impact on infrastructure Provision of the designated parking  Sr. Manager DGM Verification by
impacts and impact on air area and maintenance of roads and (Safety) (Environment) observation
quality and noise due transportation vehicles. Use of covered  DGM
to vehicular movement trucks for transportation of raw material (Operation)
to prevent spillage or fugitive dust. assisted by
Cleaning &
Demography During the construction  Plant will generate direct Plant Head DGM  Employment and
and socio- phase, no family will employment. Preference will be (Environment) domicile records
economics displace from the given to local population for  CER compliances
proposed expansion employment in the semi-skilled and
area (1094.235 acres) unskilled category.
as there is no  Indirect employment will get
habitation now. Major generated in transportation, helpers,
part of the existing land sweepers, service providers, etc
(674.765 acres)  Additional facilities will be developed
already belongs to the
by the project proponent in
company. Previous
surrounding villages as part of CSR
inhabitants have been and CER.
compensated and
resettled after EC dt.
02.08.2010. Therefore,
no impact on
demographic profile of
the area is foreseen.
There will be influx of
operating personnel

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 10-6
Rungta Mines Limited

Discipline Potential impacts and Mitigation measures Administrative Aspect Monitoring

Source Implementation Monitoring Parameters
Green belt Air and noise pollution Green belt will be provided all along the Horticulture staff DGM  Verification by
due to emissions from periphery of the project area and vacant (Environment) observation
stack and noise levels areas in the plant, along roads etc. Part  Waste water reuse
due to the equipment. of the treated waste water from the log books
plant will be used for greenbelt
Fire and Accidents/ disasters  Prepare and implement Disaster  DGM Plant Head  Verification of
Safety related to fire and Management Plan (DMP) or (Operation) approvals from
safety Emergency Preparedness Plan.  Manager factory inspector
 Firefighting system and fire (Safety)  Fire fighting
extinguishers will be installed as per approvals
fire safety norms.  Training and mock
 Regular fire safety training and drill records
mock drills will be conducted.
Solid Waste  Pollution of air due  Municipal solid waste due to  Manager  DGM  Log of solid waste
to waste handling everyday sweeping, canteen and (Safety) (Environment) handling, reuse and
 Municipal solid domestic activities will be used as  Engineers &  Maintenance disposal
waste due to manure. Non biodegradable waste Staff of of respective  Inspection of solid
everyday sweeping shall be sold to recyclable vendor. Maintenance departments waste storage site
and canteen  The sludge from water and waste departments of  Log books of STP
 Sludge from water water treatment systems shall be respective  Surprise checks
and waste water composted and used as manure in units
horticulture. Treated waste water will  Cleaning  Verification by
treatment systems &
be used for irrigation of green belt in observation
 Miscellaneous maintenance
wastes from plant Plant Area. staff
 Management of other wastes from
the steel plant has been discussed

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 10-7
Rungta Mines Limited

Discipline Potential impacts and Mitigation measures Administrative Aspect Monitoring

Source Implementation Monitoring Parameters
in detail in chapter 4
Liquid Pollution of surface and  DM Plant regeneration waste water  Treatment Unit  DGM  Quality parameters
Effluent ground water, after passing through neutralization operators (Environment)  Log books
propagation of vectors, pit shall be used for irrigation of  Sr. Manager  Inspection
creation of odour due green belt and horticulture. (Q/C)
to effluents from water  Treated Effluent from various sub-
treatment systems, units will be collected common
waste water treatment monitoring basin and reused in
systems, domestic sprinkling, watering, irrigation of
sewage, etc. green belt and horticulture, ash
quenching, brick plant, etc.
Health and Injury  Working as per approved plans.  Sr Manager  Plant Head  Examination format
Safety  Periodical Medical Examination. (Safety) as given in
 Extensive publicity and propaganda  Doctor(s)
Annexure XXVIII
related to safety.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 10-8
Rungta Mines Limited



Rungta Mines Ltd. is an existing company having qualified and experienced

personnel in environmental management and pollution control. The
company has existing environmental monitoring cell at head office in
Chaibasa for environmental monitoring and legal compliances. Cell for
environment management in the proposed project is planned and given in
Fig. 6.1, Chapter 6. The details of cell are given below:

The overall responsibility of environment management will lie on Plant

Head. However, actual responsibility for execution of environmental
mitigation measures will be of Deputy General Manager and their
subordinates. The responsibilities of various cadre are given below:

Additional GM (P&A): This post already exists and duties carried out. It will
continue for expansion phase also. He will co-ordinate all the social
activities such as finding out the social needs of the study area, collection of
statistics of social requirements, budgeting the social needs, plan the
activities as per CSR budget, approve the needs from management,
execute the activities, look after their successful completion.

Sr. Manager (Safety): This post already exists and duties carried out and
will continue for expansion phase also. He will develop, implement and
monitor occupational health and safety policy, programs and procedures.
He will assist the management in complying with current health and safety
legislation and/or regulations with the objective of ensuring that all
reasonable and proper measures are to be taken to protect the safety and
health of workers staff and visitors.

Dy General Manager (Environment): This post already exists and duties

carried out. It will continue for expansion phase also. He is responsible for
legal compliances of the company related to MOEF&CC, CPCB & OSPCB.
He will arrange regular monitoring of the proposed pollution control system.
He will arrange evaluation environmental performance of the systems and
ensure that the stipulated measures are being satisfactorily implemented
and operated. He will ensure that there shall not be any adverse impact on
air, water, noise and land environment due to construction & operation of
proposed project. As per report of DGM (Environment), the management
shall take effective steps through the concerned section head to curb the
pollution and effective environmental management. He will also be
responsible for green belt development within the factory premises as well
as within the study area in consultation with the horticulturists within the



The CREP guidelines for proposed steel plant, as applicable has been
given in Table 10.2.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 10-9
Rungta Mines Limited


Sl. Recommendation Plan for Implementation
1. Coke Oven Plants As the coke oven plant will be a new
 To meet the parameters PLD (% plant, it will be implemented with all
leaking doors), PLL (%leaking lids), latest technology to meet the
PLO (% leaking off take), of the parameters PLD (% leaking doors),
notified standards under EPA within PLL (%leaking lids), PLO (% leaking
three years (by December 2005). off take)
Industry will submit time bound action
plan and PERT Chart along with the
Bank Guarantee for the
implementation of the same.
 To rebuild at least 40% of the coke
oven batteries* in next 10 years (by
December 2012).
2. Steel melting shop The fugitive emissions will be
To reduce 30% fugitive emissions by controlled by installation of de-
March 2004 and 100% by March 2008 dusting systems and bag filters. The
(including installations of secondary pollution control systems will be
dedusting facilities.) installed at the time of installation of
the SMS plant itself
3. Blast Furnace Blast furnace will be installed
Direct inject of reducing agents 55% by ensuring that direct injection of
June 2013. reducing agents meets the norms
4. Solid waste/ Hazardous Waste
Utilisation of Steel Melting Shop (SMS)/ 100% of the SMS (from IF & EAF)
Blast Furnace (BF) Slag as per the slag will be given for metal recovery,
following schedule: converted to aggregates (special
By 2004 – 70% balls) and used in road making.
By 2006 – 80% The BF slag will be ground and used
By 2007 – 100% for cement making in the proposed
cement plant within the project.
5. Water conservation/ water pollution  The specific water requirement for
To reduce specific water consumption rolling mill output over 350 days
to 5m3/t for long products and 8 m3/t for will be <5 m3/t considering sponge
flat products by December 2005. iron unit, MBF, SMS, rolling mills,
To operate CO-BP effluent treatment strip mill and Ductile pipe plant.
plant efficiently to achieve the notified  An neutralising pit and effluent
effluent discharge standards- by July collection sump (called common
2020. monitoring basin) will be installed
for treating & reusing the effluent

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 10-10
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. Recommendation Plan for Implementation

6. Installation of Continuous Stack The continuous stack monitoring
Monitoring system and its calibration in system and ambient air quality
major stacks and setting up of the stations will be installed.
online ambient air quality monitoring
stations by June 2005.
7. To operate the existing pollution control The pollution control devices will be
equipment efficiently and to keep installed and efficiently operated and
proper record of run hours, failure time regular record will be maintained
and efficiency with immediate effect. after commencement of operation.
Compliance report in this regard be The records will be submitted to the
submitted to CPCB/SPCB. SPCB at regular intervals.
8. To implement the recommendations of The recommendations of MoEF&CC
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study shall be implemented on complete
sponsored by MoEF by December installation of all the plant facilities
9. The industry will initiate the steps to
adopt the following clean technologies /
measures to improve the performance
of industry towards production, energy
and environment.
 Energy recovery of top Blast WHRB based on BF gas is proposed.
Furnace (BF) gas. A TRT is also proposed.
 Use of Tar-free runner linings. Fire clay bricks are in use for the
 De-dusting of Cast House at tap De dusting units shall be operational
holes, runners, skimmers ladle and at various locations in cast house
charging points.
 Suppression of fugitive emissions This shall be carried out in the
using nitrogen gas or other inert applicable equipment
 To study the possibility of slag and The slag and fly ash will be used to
fly ash transportation back to the manufacture cement in the proposed
abandoned mines, to fill up the cement plant within the project
cavities through empty railway
wagons while they return back to
the mines and its implementation.
 Processing of the waste containing Scrap material will be recycled as raw
flux & ferrous wastes through waste material in induction furnace
recycling plant.
 To implement rainwater harvesting. Rainwater harvesting scheme is
proposed for the plant and will be
implemented within first year of
 Reduction of Green House Gases

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 10-11
Rungta Mines Limited

Sl. Recommendation Plan for Implementation

1. Reduction in power consumption 1. The power use will be reduced
through energy conservation
2. Use of by-products gases for measures on commencement of
power generation operation
3. Promotion of Energy 2. DRI exhaust, BF gas and coke
Optimisation Technology oven gas will be use for power
including energy audit generation
3. Energy auditing will be carried out
 To set targets for Resource It shall be aimed at resource
Conservation such as Raw conservation for raw material, energy
material, energy and water and water as can be seen in the
consumption to match International material balances of different sub-
Standards. units
 Up-gradation in the monitoring and A state of the art laboratory will be
analysis facilities for air and water established for analysis.
pollutants. Also to impart elaborate Elaborate training to the manpower
training to the manpower so that and establishment of laboratory will
realistic data is obtained in the be carried out as required.
environmental monitoring
 To Improve overall housekeeping. Good housekeeping shall be ensured
10. Sponge Iron Plants All necessary air pollution control
Inventorisation of sponge iron plants to equipments (ESP/ DES) will be
be completed by SPCBs/CPCB by June installed and it will be ensured that
2003 and units will be asked to install they are working efficiently to control
proper air pollution control equipment emissions within the permissible
by December 2003 to control primary limits.
and secondary emissions.


A. Capital cost estimated for EMP

Adequate budgetary provisions have been made by the Company for

execution of Environmental Management Plan. Table 10.3 give overall
investment on the environmental safeguards and recurring expenditure for
successful monitoring and implementation of control measures.

Assumptions for cost calculation:

 Manpower considered- 10% project head (Gr.-I), 100% environmental

engineer (Gr-II) (20% in air, 20% in water & 10% in noise pollution
control, 40% in monitoring and 10% in misc.), 100% one OHS officer
(Gr.-II), 100% one Horticulturist (Grade-III), 4 grade-IV gardeners, 1
Grade-III chemist, 1 Grade-IV (Lab assistant), Grade IV (operators- 5

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 10-12
Rungta Mines Limited

bag filters, 1 ESP, 1 dust collectors, 1 waste water treatment system,

2 water tanker drivers & their 2 helpers),

 Life of projects – 30 years

 Annual salary of Class I assumed as Rs. 150,000 pm, Class II

assumed as Rs. 50,000 pm, Class III assumed as Rs. 25,000 pm,
Class IV assumed as Rs. 8,000 pm

 Unit cost of electricity (Rs./kWh)- Rs. 5.5 (self generation), diesel Rs.
73/ litre, Petrol Rs. 72/ litre

 Number of shifts are three with annual 355 working days

 Debt: Equity ratio -zero since the plant will be self funded.

Capital and recurring cost estimated for EMP is given in Table 10.3.


Description Capital cost Recurring cost
Sanctioned Additional Total Sanctioned Additional Total
as per ECs as per EC
till day
Air pollution control 8919.88 4055.12 12975.00 2096.51 13.42 2109.93
Water pollution control 277.50 77.00 354.50 17.13 2.63 19.76
Noise pollution control 10.00 0.00 10.00 1.43 -0.30 1.13
Env. Monitoring and 274.10 225.00 499.10 79.54 57.64 137.18
Occupational health 150.00 30.00 180.00 75.76 46.02 121.78
Green belt 225.28 365.57 590.85 36.88 48.74 85.62
Others (expert advice, 10.00+50# 0.00 10.00 7.91+2# 0.00 7.91
vehicle for environment
monitoring &
management work,
additional for expansion
under clause 7 (ii) of EIA
Notification 2006)
Overheads (3% of dep., 0.00 0.00 0.00 59.37 2.84 62.21
energy, R&M & interest)
Total 9916.76 4702.69 14619.45 2376.53 168.99 2545.52
* Env. Monitoring and management is detailed in chapter 6
# for expansion under clause 7 (ii) of EIA Notification 2006 from 2.85 to 3.00 MTPA dated

The total capital investment on environmental protection work is envisaged

as Rs. 146.19 Crores and recurring expenditure during the Steel production
is envisaged as Rs. 25.45 Crores/year.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 10-13
Rungta Mines Limited



11.1.1 General background

Rungta Mines Ltd. (R.M.L.) had received an environmental clearance for 3.0
million tonnes per annum steel (M.T.P.A.) and 385 mega watt power plant
on 06.04.2020. Now R.M.L. proposes to enhance production capacity from
3.0 to 3.55 million tonnes per annum steel by enhancing capacity of its
various sub-units such as D.R.I., M.B.F., S.M.S. (I.F., L.R.F., E.A.F.,
C.C.M.), rolling mill, strip mill, ductile pipe plant, captive power plant,
pelletisation plant, coal washery, oxygen plant, sinter plant, coke oven plant,
producer gas plant, and colony. There will be no change in beneficiation
plant, lime plant and cement plant. The plant area will expand from 674.765
to 1769.0 acres. Cost of expansion project will be Rs. 13,386.9 crores.

11.1.2 Location and communication

The proposed plant, after expansion will fall in villages Jharbandh, Galpada,
Tarkabeda Kothalu, Beruan Pal, Kankalu, Benipathar, Kadala and
Badamunda of district Dhenkanal in Odisha. The location of plant is given in
Fig 1.1 of Chapter 1. The outermost coordinaates of various parts of the
proposed plant, based on google earth, are:

Plant area : 20° 45’ 05’’ to 20° 46’ 23’’ N, 85° 15’ 42’ to 85° 18’ 39’ E
Colony area : 20° 45’ 51’’ to 20° 46’ 03’’ N, 85° 18’ 39’to 85° 18’ 55’ E
Water Reservoir area : 20° 46’ 14’’ to 20° 46’ 33’’ N, 85° 18’ 58’ to 85° 19’
13’ E

The proposed plant is accessible by all weather road from the district
headquarter Dhenkanal (32 km) and town Angul (18.2 km). The site is
located 1.33 km aerially from NH-55, which connects Bhubaneswar to
Angul. The nearest railway station is Meramandali at a distance of 3.4 km.
The nearest airport is at Bhubaneswar, which is approximately 77 km from
the site.


11.2.1 Plant layout

The existing and proposed steel plant shall be constructed in 1769 acres.
Out of this total land, 716.40 acres shall be under plant & facilities, 128
acres under stock yards & railway siding, 116 acres for solid waste
management, 584 acres for green belt & plantation, 30 acres for
administration & other buildings, 60 acres for water reservoir, 100.6 acres
for roads and 34 acres for colony. Green belt will comprise 33% of the
project area.
EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 11-1
Rungta Mines Limited

Layout of plant is shown in Fig 2.1 of Chapter 2.

11.2.2 Process Description

Iron ore beneficiation plant (2X2.69 M.T.P.A.): It mainly involves wet

grinding of iron-ore fines and separation of gangue to improve the quality of
iron ore. The product from the washery shall be fed into the pellet plant. The
rejects will be sent to temporary tailing storage area till further utilisation/

Pelletization plant (2.948 to 28.75 M.T.P.A.): The pellet plant will produce
oxide pellets suitable for use in D.R.I. and blast furnace. Pellets are heat
hardened balls produced from concentrates and natural iron ores of
different mineralogical and chemical composition. The pellets have
improved properties for iron making. Pelletization process involves feed
preparation, green ball formation, pellet induration and product dispatch.

Coal washery (4.141 to 5.029 MTPA): The raw coal needs crushing and
washing to reduce the ash content before it can be used in DRI kilns and
producer gas plant. Therefore, a three product coal washery has been
provided. It consists of a coal crusher, screening station and washing
equipment. Raw coal will be fed to the washery. Washed coal recovered will
be 50%, middlings will be 42.5% and rejects will be 7.5%.

Direct reduced iron (D.R.I.) plant (1.6132 to 2.247 M.T.P.A.): Main raw
materials - iron ore, coal and dolomite are fed to the ground hoppers with
the help of pay loaders and tippers. They are carried away by belt
conveyors to the crusher house and thereafter fed to kiln. Iron ore is
reduced by heating with coal in the rotary kiln at a temperature of about
1000°C. After reduction, products are cooled in a drum type rotary cooler.
Product is then separated into D.R.I. or sponge iron and char by magnetic
separation. In rotary cooler, product is cooled by indirect water spray.

Mini blast furnace (1.559 to 1.943 M.T.P.A.): The purpose of a blast

furnace is to chemically reduce and physically convert iron oxides into liquid
iron called "hot metal". Iron ore, coke and limestone are fed into the top of
the blast furnace. Preheated air is blown into the bottom. The raw materials
descend to the bottom of the furnace where they become liquid iron (final
product) and liquid slag (waste). These are drained from the furnace at
regular intervals. The blast furnace flue gas will be passed through Waste
Heat Recovery Boilers (W.H.R.B.) for power generation. Thereafter, the gas
will be used as fuel in blast furnace stove and elsewhere after cleaning in
Gas Cleaning Plant (G.C.P.). Unutilised gas will be flared.

Steel melting shop (2.618 TO 3.22 M.T.P.A.) : Steel melting shop will have
(1) 15X20 tonne induction furnaces (I.F.) with 4X25 + 3X45 tonne ladle
refining furnaces (L.R.F.) and (2) 1X90 + 1X110 tonne electric arc furnaces
(E.A.F.) with 1X90 + 1X110 tonne L.R.F. in it. Induction furnace works on
the principle of induction melting of scrap/ sponge iron with the help of
electric power. In the electric arc furnace, electric arc is generated between

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 11-2
Rungta Mines Limited

electrodes, which heats the metallic charge. In both furnaces, the melted
contents separate into liquid metal and slag. The slag is removed and
considered as waste. The liquid metal is sent to the continuous casting
machine (C.C.M.) where semi-finished product is made.

Rolling mill (1.75 to 2.55 M.T.P.A.): Semi-finished product from the

continuous casting machine of induction furnace and electric arc furnace as
well as from outside purchase will be reheated and converted into finished
products such as TMT, Flat, Round, Wire Rod, Structural and others

Strip Mill (0.85 to 0.5 M.T.P.A.): Semi finished product from the continuous
casting machine of electric arc furnace shall be sent to the strip mill where it
will be converted into finished products such as strip, sheet, coil, wire, bar
and wire rope. Reheating furnace has also been provisioned at strip mill.

Ductile Pipe Plant (0.4 to 0.5 M.T.P.A.): Ductile pipe plant will receive hot
metal directly from the mini blast furnace and manufacture finished product
comprising of ductile pipes. As a back up measure, provision of reheating
furnace has also been made.

Sinter Plant (1.663 to 2.827 M.T.P.A.): Sintering is an agglomeration

process of iron ore fines/ blue dust, coke breeze and fluxes. The iron ore
dusts collected from other units and pollution control equipments will also be
utilised as raw material for sinter. Thus, utilising maximum solid waste from
within the plant. The sinter generated will be 100% utilised in mini blast

Coke oven plant (1.12 to 1.07 M.T.P.A.): Raw coal will be crushed in a
crusher into powdered form and charged in the oven for carbonisation. The
volatile matter in raw coal gets released in the form of gas and gets burnt in
the oven as well as in the flues. After the completion of the carbonization
process, raw coal get converted to coke within 36 to 38 hours. The coke is
then pushed out from the oven and quenched by water. Coke will be utilised
in mini blast furnace and sinter plant. Balance leftover shall be sold in the

Captive Power Plant (C.P.P.): (1) Waste Heat Recovery Boiler: 235 MW
waste heat recovery boilers based power plant is proposed to utilize the
heat from gases exiting DRI kilns, blast furnace and coke oven. (2) AFBC/
CFBC: 460 MW power plant based on coal fines, middlings from washery
and char from DRI kilns has been proposed. The power generated from the
CPP will meet the requirement of the steel plant.

Cement Plant (1.686 M.T.P.A.): Limestone will be the primary raw material
for clinker making. Along with coal, it will be fed into the clinker kiln and the
manufactured clinker will be sent to cement mill. At cement mill, Portland
Pozzolana Cement (P.P.C.) using fly ash and Portland Blast Furnace Slag
Cement (P.B.F.S.) using blast furnace slag shall be manufactured and sold
in the market.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 11-3
Rungta Mines Limited

For material handling within plant premises a coal handling system, ash
handling system, roads etc shall be provided. Water requirement in various
locations within the plant will be supplied through a circulating water system
with a cooling tower, make up water system and blow down system.

11.2.3 Raw material, power and water

Major raw material and fuel requirement for project will be various grades of
iron ore (from own mines/other private mines), non coking coal
(domestic/Import) and coking coal (imported). Other raw material required is
limestone, dolomite, bentonite, clay, silica component, flocculant, gypsum,
quartz, silica, pig iron and semi finished products. Total raw material to be
purchased from outside will be 51.37 million tonnes per annum. Fuels
required in various units will be coking and non coking coal, coke breeze &
fines, low sulphur heavy stock diesel oil/ furnace oil, coke oven gas and
MBF gas.

Total power requirement of the plant for operating different facilities is

estimated as 694 MW. It shall be sourced from Captive Power Plant. For
emergency backup total 24 MVA DG sets are proposed.

The total water requirement for the 3.55 million tonne per annum plant will
be 3,752 m3/hr. It shall be sourced from Brahmani River.

11.2.4 Manpower

The manpower requirement will be 4850 persons for various activities of the
3.55 million tonne plant like plant operation, loading, unloading, handling,
transportation, general cleaning, horticulture and other miscellaneous works
inside the plant. Three shifts working for 355 days is planned.

11.2.5 Site services

Infrastructure facilities such as administrative office, rest rooms, canteen,

first aid centre, etc. will be provided to employees.


The project area has been referred to as the “core zone” while the area upto
10 km radius of the project has been referred to as the “buffer zone”.
Together they comprise the study area which can be seen Fig 3.1.

11.3.1 Topography and drainage

Topography: The existing project area has a comparatively flat terrain and
elevation is approximately 75-95 m above mean sea level. The proposed
expansion area has an elevation of 65-100 m in majority area of main plant.
The study area has a flat to gentle, undulating sloping topography with few
scattered hillocks. The surface elevation in buffer zone varies from 60-

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 11-4
Rungta Mines Limited

Drainage: The proposed project site is located 0.7 km south of Nigra Nadi
(or Lingra Nadi) and 4.9 km south west of Brahmani River. As seen on
toposheet, five first order seasonal drains and one aquaduct originate from
within plant boundary or from its immediate vicinity and flow out from the
northern boundary. These drains originate from and connect multiple
seasonal ponds before flowing into Nigra Nala. The drainage of the area is
controlled by the south-easterly flowing Brahmani river, which is situated in
the north-eastern part of the study area. The river is fed by various seasonal
sub-parallel nalas like Nigra, Kisinda Jhor, Kusumdor Jhor, Bade Jhor etc.

11.3.2 Climate and micro-meteorology

The climate of region is mainly tropical type. Monthly average of minimum

temperatures recorded at IMD station Angul from 2001-2011, ranges from
13.02°C to 25.20°C and maximum temperature ranges from 28.32°C to
40.26°C, total of average monthly rainfall is 1216.4 mm and average wind
speed is 2 km/hr.

The micro meteorological data of the core zone has been recorded using an
automatic weather station from 1st March to 31st May 2019. The temperature
ranged between 20.0°C to 42.0°C and relative humidity ranged between
18.2% to 86.5 % during the monitoring period. The wind speed varied
between calm to 39.2 km/hr and the predominant wind direction was
observed from South with 12.23% of occurrences (including calm).

11.3.3 Ambient air quality

Ambient air quality study was monitored at 8 locations including one

location in the core zone (expansion area). Seven locations in the buffer
zone are near village Nimidha, Mosonia, Thokar, Nimabahali, Tarkabera,
Kadala and Beruanpal. Twenty four hour average PM10 level was found to
range from 40.7 to 70.9 µg/m3, PM 2.5 was found to vary from 22.0 to 42.3
µg/m3, SO2 from 6.6 to 16.9 µg/m3 and NO2 from 8.2 to 21.5 µg/m3. The
concentration of carbon monoxide, nickel, arsenic, lead, B(a)P and benzene
were also measured.

11.3.4 Water resource and quality

Brahmani river and it’s tributaries control the drainage of the study area.
Brahmani is a perennial river. The drainage pattern is dendritic in nature.
Brahamani River (4.9 km), Nigra Nadi (0.7 km), Kisinda Jhor (5.0 km),
Kantei nala (4.8 km), Matilia Nadi (7.0 km), Bauli Nadi (6.9 km), Barha Jor
(7.8 km), Kusumdor Jor (3.6 km), Agana Nadi (9.3 km), Bangurasingha
Nala (8.6 km), Parjang branch canal (7.9 km), Ria Jor (5.9 km), Rengali
right main canal (0.7 km), etc. are present within study area in addition to
various ponds in villages.

Ground water monitoring during 2019 showed that the ground water level
below ground level varied from 8.30-2.0 m (in April-September) at
Jharbandh. At Galapada, it varied from 8.90-2.20 m (in April-August). In 18

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 11-5
Rungta Mines Limited

other locations in buffer zone, it varied from 8.55-0.62 m (in April-August).

The ground water estimation of the study area shows that the stage of
ground water development is within safe category.

Water samples were collected from 10 ground water sources. These are
Nimidha, Tarkabera, Kadala, Beruanpal, Jharbandh, Dhuliamunda, Taltali,
Benipathar and Kankalu villages along with a hand pump in existing plant
area. It is observed that the physico-chemical parameters present in ground
water are within the permissible limits specified by IS: 10500:2012 for
drinking purposes in absence of alternate source.

Water samples were collected from 11 surface water sources. These are (1)
Brahmani river near Kharhagaprasad village (up stream) (2) Lingra Nadi
near plant (up stream), (3) Gandhijharan nala near Tarkabeda village, (4)
Brahmani river near Pani Gengutia village (down stream),(5) Lingra nadi
near Kankalu village (down stream),(6) Nala Near Beruanpal village, (7)
Nala near Nimabahali village, (8) Kusumador Jor near Bishwanath village,
(9) Reservoir near Minor irrigation project near boundary, (10) Kantel nala
near Gulehi village and (11) Kisinda Jor near Narendrapur village. The
analysis of surface water sample shows that all the parameters are within
the permissible limits as per IS 10500:2012.

11.3.5 Land use pattern and soil quality

Total land required for the project is 1769 acres. The company has acquired
608.495 acres of land. Out of this 540.705 acres is private land and 67.790
acres is government land. Balance 1160.505 acres is has been
recommended for allotment and is under acquisition through Odisha
Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (IDCO).

The study area has 195 villages 2 census towns. Of total study area land,
5.91% is forest land, 14.96% is area under non-agricultural uses, 56.22 % is
net area sown, 4.19% is permanent pastures and other grazing land, 2.39%
is current fallows, 10.41% is barren and un-cultivable land, 2.94% is fallows
land, 1.40% is culturable waste land and 1.58% is land under miscellaneous
tree crops, etc.

Top soil samples were collected and analyzed from 9 locations in and
around plant premises. The results indicate that all the soil samples are
medium grained sand and have pH between 6.6-7.8. They are deficient in
organic carbon except Kadala and Beruanpal.

11.3.6 Noise and traffic volume survey

Noise levels at ten stations (1 within the core area and nine within buffer
area) were observed. Leq values observed during day time varied from
48.46 to 51.52 dB (A) and at night time varied from 39.8 to 42.1 dB (A).
Traffic volume survey was conducted round the clock during 16-18/04/2019
at Nimabahali Chowk (on NH-55) and on Nimbahali to Jharbandh road.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 11-6
Rungta Mines Limited

Total number of motorised vehicles and cycles were found as 13,409 and
459, respectively.

11.3.7 Ecology

7.8 acres (3.156 ha) of forest land is present within the project area. Stage-
II forest clearance for the same was received on 02.07.2015 from Ministry of
Environment, Forest & Climate Change vide letter No. 5-ORB207/2014-
BHU. Forests of the study area are Northern Tropical Semi-evergreen
forests based on classification by Champion and Seth. Forest present in the
study area, as per toposheet, are Jharbandh RF (adjoining), Ghanthigarhia
PF (3.3 km) and Nimidra RF (2.0 km). No wildlife park or sanctuary or eco-
sensitive zone exists within 10 km radius.

Flora in the study area comprises 43 tree species, 2 bamboo species, 16

shrubs, 8 herbs, 2 climbers and 4 grass species. Fauna in the study area
comprises 25 species comprising 9 species of mammals, 6 species of
reptiles and 10 species of birds.

11.3.8 Socio-economic conditions

As on Dec 2018, there is no habitation within proposed expansion area.

There were 54 families previously in the existing plant area who have been
resettled in village Nimabahali and paid compensation. As per Census
2011, total population within the study area is 219652 persons that include
113644 males and 105918 females.

The SC population is 23.10% and ST population is 5.18%. The average

literacy rate is 70.18%.

The literacy amongst women is poorer at 30.38%. 24.02% of the total

population are main workers, while 10.39% are marginal workers and the
rest 65.58% are non workers.

11.3.9 Places of archaeological/ historical/ tourist/ religious importance

There is no important archaeological (ASI)/ historical place or other place of

tourist or religious importance within the study area except village temples
and mosques. However, the toposheet shows monuments near Garha
Santri-Arahata village road, Pirhhasahi-Taltali road, Pirhhasahi-
Ganthigarhia PF road, Kankinali-Barasingha road and near Kalandapal
village, all at distance of 7.5 km and beyond.


11.4.1 Topography and drainage

Impact: Change in topography is occurring in core zone due to cutting,

filling, construction activities such as walls, buildings, stock yards, etc. For
the plant sanctioned vide environmental clearances dated 04.06.2020 &

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 11-7
Rungta Mines Limited

before. The ground is being levelled, where required, due to ongoing

construction. One D.R.I., induction furnace, caster and power plant unit is
under construction within 674.765 acres. Similarly, in additional 1094.235
acres expansion area, the topography will change permanently due to
leveling and establishment of additional buildings. The construction once
achieved will not be reversed. There will be no impact on topography of the
buffer zone since no construction is proposed except widening and

Six first order seasonal streams, seventeen ponds and the sheet flow of rain
water shall get affected within the core zone due to installation of buildings.
Impact on the drainage in the buffer zone is not anticipated as no
construction will be taking place outside plant boundary. However, the
volume of water from the plant area going outside the plant will reduce
during rainfall as the rainwater will be stored in raw water reservoir / rain
water harvesting ponds.

Mitigation: The change in topography in the core zone will be permanent

and irreversible. Excavated soil will be used in leveling, filling and
landscaping to minimise the impact of change in topography. Changes in
the sheet flow pattern of rain water will be managed through storm water
drains. The impact of the new construction will, therefore, be managed
through mitigation measures.

11.4.2 Air quality

Impact: During construction phase, sources of air pollution will be due to

vehicle exhausts, excavation work, construction material handling (cement,
sand and gravel), vehicle movement on unpaved roads and exhaust from
non-mobile construction equipment like compressors. Primary impact will be
high dust generation resulting into increased suspended particulate matter
levels in the surrounding areas. The secondary impacts of air emissions,
dust as well as other emission may affect the health of the labour force
working in close vicinity and nearby villagers. During operation phase the air
quality impact will be due to emissions from the stacks attached to various
units, from stock yards and from transportation. Each of these has been
evaluated for potential impact using mathematical models.

Mitigation: During construction, dust is anticipated due to levelling,

construction and transportation activities. It will be controlled by sprinkling of
water and using covers & wind breaks. Construction equipment and
transport vehicle will be maintained periodically as per manufacturers
norms. All trucks that will be used for transportation of construction material,
raw material and finished product will be covered with tarpaulin, kept
maintained, be optimally loaded, be spill proof and have Pollution-Under-
Check (PUC) certificates. Various pollution control equipment like
electrostatic precipitators (E.S.P.), bag filters, dust extraction systems, dry
fog systems, gas cleaning plant, scrubber and sprinklers shall be installed
as per the requirement of every unit. The air quality prediction exercise was
carried out for stack emissions and fugitive dust from stock yards. The

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 11-8
Rungta Mines Limited

incremental ground level concentrations on expansion from 3.0 to 3.55

M.T.P.A. has been calculated as 0.125 µg/m3 for PM10, 0.072 µg/m3 for
PM2.5, 6.347 µg/m3 for SO2 and 0.033 µg/m3 for NO2. The impact of the
plant will remain within permissible limits.

11.4.3 Noise and traffic density

Impact: The noise level during construction will be due to construction

machinery. It will be temporary and reversible in nature. The noise level at
sources like plant machinery are anticipated to go as high as 90 dB(A).
During operation, noise will be generated due to operation of various
equipment, machinery, pumps, turbo generators, etc.

Mitigation: The equipment shall be provided with acoustic shields or

enclosures to limit the sound level within the plant boundary. Vibration
dampners shall be used during erection of machinery. Maintenance of
machinery and vehicles will be done regularly. The proposed green belt will
also help to prevent noise generated within the plant from spreading beyond
the plant boundary. Ear muffs or plugs will be provided to the workers in
close vicinity of noise source.

11.4.4 Water environment

Impact: During construction phase, water will be required for concrete

mixing, curing, cooling water for various machineries, sprinkling for dust
suppression, irrigation for green belt and lawns. Sewage will be generated
from site office and labour camp.

During operation phase, the requirement of water will be for process and
sourced from Brahmani river. The withdrawal of water from Bramhani River
can also have an impact in absence of mitigation measures. 764 m3/hour
waste water will be generated after expansion from DM unit regeneration;
water pre-treatment; discharges from various units like CPP, kilns, furnaces,
etc.; plant washings; leakages and sewage from buildings. During monsoon
there will be run off from stock yard, solid waste storage area, roads, open
areas and roof tops.

Mitigation: During construction phase, the sewage from site office and
labour camps will be treated in septic tank- soak pit system. During
operation, waste water streams from various units, processes and services
of the plant will be collected in neutralisation tank (if needed) and common
monitoring basin. From common monitoring basin, it will be utilized for dust
suppression, sprinkling, ash quenching, fly ash brick plant and green belt
watering. The sewage from toilets, washrooms and canteen of plant and
colony sewage shall be treated in de-centralised septic tanks and sewage
treatment plant.

The rainwater falling within the entire project area will be routed to the raw
water reservoir and/or intermediate rainwater harvesting ponds through

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 11-9
Rungta Mines Limited

storm water drains. This will reduce water demand from the Bramhani river.
Rooftop rainwater will be recharged to the ground.

The run off from stock yards and solid waste storage areas will be guided to
settling chambers prior to discharge into rainwater harvesting ponds or raw
water reservoir.

11.4.5 Land use

Impact: The total plant area of proposed 3.55 million tonne steel plant will
be spread over 1769 acres. The construction and development in the
existing project area has or is taking place. It comprises of internal roads,
water reservoir, buildings, green belt and plantation, etc. During expansion,
additional buildings and sheds of the new units will come up along with
facilities. The temporary storage of solid wastes like char, ESP & bag filter
dusts, sludges, FES dust, various slags from various sub-units, fly ash and
other solid wastes on land would also impact the land.

Mitigation: The topsoil generated during construction will be preserved and

shall be spread over the area where plantation is proposed. Plantation will
be carried out at earliest to minimise soil erosion. To prevent contamination
of water and soil, the finished product stock yards will be covered. Raw
material stock yard and solid waste storage areas will have impervious
flooring to prevent seepage of leaching due to rains. Runoff will be collected
in a garland drain around the stock yard & solid waste storage areas, settled
in settling pond and directed to rain water harvesting ponds or raw water

11.4.6 Solid waste

Impact: During construction phase, due to work force deployed for

construction, there will be development of temporary establishment of
residential and commercial nature. These will generate garbage. In the
integrated steel plant operation dust collected from dust collectors, empty
barrels (metal and plastic), bags, fly ash, bed ash, dust from air pollution
control equipment, dolochar, E.A.F. & I.F. slag, mill scale, scrap, rejected
billets, coal fines & rejects, M.B.F. slag, iron ore fines, sinter returns, effluent
treatment sludges, sweepings and other biodegradable wastes from the
canteen are the solid wastes generated.

Mitigation: Sponge iron kilns ESP dust and dolochar will be used as fuel in
power plant. The E.A.F. and I.F. slag will be given for metal recovery,
converted into aggregates and used for road making. M.B.F. slag will be
used for cement manufacturing. Mill scales, coke fines, iron ore fines, sinter
returns and various E.S.P. & bagfilter dusts will be used for sinter. Steel
scraps and rejects will be recycled by melting. Fly and bottom ash from
existing & proposed expansion of power plant shall be used for brick making
in house and balance given to cement plants, brick plants, road projects &
other users. All stock piles will be laid on top of a stable liner to avoid
leaching of materials to ground water.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 11-10
Rungta Mines Limited

11.4.7 Ecology

Impact: During construction and operation phase, negligible impact is

anticipated on the flora in the plant area. There is 3.156 ha forest land in the
existing plant area of 674.765 acres. Stage II forest clearance has been
obtained from MOEF&CC for the same on 02.07.2015. There is no forest
land in the expansion area of 442.82. Negligible adverse impact of
proposed project is anticipated on the fauna as the density is low in the area
immediately surrounding the proposed project. The air quality modeling
shows that negligible impact will be caused on the surrounding forests.

Mitigation: Under the proposed green belt and plantation programme after
expansion, 584 acres of land within premises (33% of total area) shall be
provided with green cover. The greenbelt will act as a micro-habitat for
small sized mammals and birds. Mitigation measures as suggested in the
Wild Life Conservation Plan shall be taken. The plan has been approved by
Principal Chief Conservator of Forest (Wildlife), Odisha on 07.04.2015.
Company proposes extensive plantation outside plant boundary also. The
expenditure for plantation and wildlife conservation plan shall be met
through the fund earmarked for Corporate Environment Responsibility

11.4.8 Socio-economics

Impact: There were 54 families within the project boundary at the time the
project was conceived prior to the year 2010. After the environmental
clearance on 02.08.2010, these families have been resettled & rehabilitated
in village Nimabahali at an aerial distance of 2.4 km. As per the directions of
Land Acquisition Officer, District Office, Dhenkanal a compensation of Rs. 7
lakhs per family has also been paid. As in Dec 2018, there are no
inhabitants within the plant boundary. Hence, there are no displacees for
expansion of steel plant. However, there will be land losers and land will be
acquired through IDCO.

Most of the work force required for construction and operation of the
proposed project will be drawn from the surrounding areas. Once the plant
will commence operation, amenities like education, school, health, medical,
entertainment, canteen, etc. will get developed in and around the plant.
These facilities will inevitably be available to local people also in addition to
those directly associated with the plant. During operation phase, 4850
people will be employed at full capacity of 3.55 million tonne.

Mitigation: It is proposed to hire the manpower locally in the proposed

plant, to the extent possible in order to have a positive socio-economic
impact. For the purpose, training for capacity building shall be undertaken
by the company. Land owners from whom land has been bought, will be
given preference in employment. Other than direct and indirect employment
leading to economic growth, the major benefit to the community will be
through Corporate Social Responsibility (C.S.R.) and Corporate
Environment Responsibility (C.E.R.) activities of the company.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 11-11
Rungta Mines Limited


Dhenkanal Steel Plant already has an environmental clearance of 3.0

million tonne finished steel dated 04.06.2020. Its construction is underway.
Therefore, no alternative site has been selected. It is intended to expand the
plant into adjoining or nearby areas and share the resources and facilities of
the sanctioned plant. For steel making, the Induction Furnace (I.F.) and
Electric Arc Furnace (E.A.F.) technologies have been selected. The Non
Recovery type Coke Oven plant has been proposed for use.

For the captive power plant, waste heat recovery boiler & AFBC/ CFBC
boiler is proposed. Based on the techno-economic analysis and operating
experience of existing pellet plants, straight kiln process has been selected
in which drying, preheating, induration & cooling of pellets take place on the
same strand.


Rungta Mines Ltd. already has an Environment Management Department at

the headquarter. It will also be responsible for ensuring the environmental
monitoring of the proposed plant. Monitoring of stack emissions, ambient air
quality, water quality, water levels, noise levels, soil quality, tree count, etc.
shall be carried out periodically at plant level. An environment officer will be
appointed at the plant. He will be responsible for the aforementioned plant
level monitoring, developing greenbelt, ensuring good housekeeping,
ensuring statutory compliances as well as imparting environmental training
to work force.

The total capital investment on environmental protection work is envisaged

as Rs. 4702.69 Lakhs and recurring expenditure during operation will be Rs.
168.99 Lakhs/year.


All types of industries face certain types of hazards which can disrupt
normal activities abruptly. They can lead to disasters like fires, inundation,
failure of machinery, explosion, oil spillage, acid spillage, electrocution and
hazardous waste spillage/ exposure, etc. Disaster management plan is
formulated with an aim of taking precautions to control hazard propagation
and avert disaster. It also instructs to take action after the disaster to limit
the damage to minimum. To tackle the situation, a disaster control room will
be established having links with all control rooms of the plant. An up-to-date
communication facility will be provided to control rooms. The disaster
control room shall be headed by emergency leader called Site Main
Controller, who will be the plant manager.


During operation phase, around 4850 persons will be under direct

employment of the company, at full capacity. Many more persons will be

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 11-12
Rungta Mines Limited

indirectly engaged either on contract basis or in transportation of materials

or in provision of different services associated with the project. As majority
of unskilled and semi-skilled persons will be from the surrounding villages,
social & infrastructural benefits will extend to the local population.
Improvement is expected in education facilities, health care services, road
infrastructure and drinking water facilities through proposed Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) and Corporate Environment Responsibility
(CER) programs. Company will spend 2% of the average annual profit of
the previous three years on CSR. For CER, Ministry of Environment, Forest
and Climate Changes circular dated 01.05.2018 shall be followed and
0.25% of the total investment shall be spent over ten years. This works out
as Rs. 13.75 Crores.


The consultants engaged for the preparation of the EIA/EMP of the project
are Min Mec Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Company. It was registered in July 1983
with the Registrar of Companies, Delhi & Haryana, India. In 1994, Min Mec
established a modern R&D Laboratory. Min Mec is ISO 9001: 2015 certified
under ANZ-JAS. In June 2006, the laboratory received accreditation from
NABL (latest certificate no. TC-6337), which has been renewed as per
procedure since. In 2012, lab had been accredited under Environment
Protection Act (EPA) by Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change,
Government of India and has been renewed till 2024. Min Mec has
prepared the EIA/EMP based on the permission granted from Delhi High
Court vide LPA 110/2014 and CM No. 2175/2014 (stay) and in W.P.(C)

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 11-13
Rungta Mines Limited



Min Mec provides services in the field of environmental impact assessment
and management for all types of industries (chemical/ cement/ steel
industries, power stations, infrastructure projects, mines, etc), risk analysis,
disaster management, environmental health and safety auditing, socio-
economic studies, R&R studies, mine planning and engineering software
development. Min Mec conducts studies as per international requirements
such as those for IFC (World Bank) and CIDA sponsored projects and of
national standards of MoEF&CC.

Min Mec Consultancy Pvt. Ltd was registered in July 1983 with the Registrar
of Companies, Delhi & Haryana, India. In 1994, Min Mec established a
modern R & D laboratory. On 02.02.2003, Min Mec received ISO 9001
certification under ANZ-JAS which is renewed periodically. In June 2006,
the laboratory received accreditation from NABL for compliance to ISO
17025 and is recognised by MoEF&CC (Gazette Notification No. S.O. 3744
(E) dated 17.10.2019) Copy of the latest valid certificate is given in
Annexure XXI. The laboratory also received IS/ISO 14001 and OHSAS
18001 (Revised to IS/ISO 45001) certifications in the year 2011, which have
been renewed regularly.

Services and expertise

Services are provided to the following sectors

 Mines-surface and under ground for all minerals and metals

 Infrastructure projects such as jetties, highways, water supply pipelines
projects, power stations, canals, minor dams, etc.
 Industries such as cement plants, smelters, steel, chemicals,
pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, salt works, pesticides and other
hazardous and polluting industries.

As on 01.03.2019, the following projects have been executed:

Studies Numbers
EIA/EMP, Environmental Studies, obtaining ECs & NOCs, EC 370
amendments, validity extensions, EC/ NOC compliances, etc.
Risk Analysis & Disaster Management Plan 17
EHS audits 4
Socio Economics surveys & studies 13
Feasibility studies (sponge iron & power plants) 40
Pre Feasibility studies/Techno Economic Feasibility reports 62
(coal blocks)
Market surveys 8
Mine Planning and Mine Closure Plans(Coal/non coal) 130
Regional Studies 2

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 12-1
Rungta Mines Limited

Studies Numbers
Hydro- geological & hydrological studies 68
Others (due diligence, satellite imagery interpretation, 25
softwares etc.)
Traffic Impact Assessment Studies 16
Wildlife conservation plan 11
Satellite Imagery Interpretation 11
Total 777


Min Mec has a strong team of in-house experts in EIA, EMP, DMP, RA,
EHS, mining, socio economics and software development. The team of
experts is supported by a panel of experts in various fields with an average
experience of over 30 years.


I, Marisha Sharma, hereby, confirm that the below mentioned experts

prepared the EIA/EMP for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant, Odisha
of M/s Rungta Mines Ltd.

I also confirm that the consultant organization shall be fully accountable for
any mis-leading information mentioned in this statement.

It is certified that no unethical practice like ‘copy and paste’, and use of
external data / text without proper acknowledgement has been done, while
preparing this EIA report.

I, hereby, certify that I was a part of the EIA team in the capacity of EIA
coordinator that developed the above EIA.

Date : 20.10.2020
Name: Marisha Sharma, Director (Technical), Min Mec Consultancy Pvt.
Period of involvement: Various months (of 2018-2020)
Contact information: Mobile- 9811077603

As per Circular no. F. No. J-11013/77/2004-IA II (I), dated 30th September

2011 of MoEF&CC, Min Mec is listed at serial no. 7 in List ‘B. Min Mec is
preparing and presenting reports as per the High Court of Delhi orders in
LPA 110/2014 and CM No.2175/2014 (stay) and in W.P.(C) 3665/2016
(Copy given in Annexure XXII).

Team engaged

The team of Min Mec Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. and Min Mec R&D Laboratory
involved in EIA preparation was as follows:

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 12-2
Rungta Mines Limited

Role Expert Qualifications Experience Involvement in EIA report

Team Dr. Ph.D., M. Plan Since 2001, experienced in preparation of EIA/EMP Water balance calculation for the project,
leader & Marisha (Env.), BE for mines, thermal power plants, steel plants, new prediction of impacts & proposed
EC Sharma (Civil) construction projects, townships, etc. mitigation measures,
Core FAE- PG Certificate Certified Energy auditor & visiting faculty to School Identified source, quantity and propose
WP, SE, in participatory of Planning & Architecture. management measures of all solid
SHW, SC management of wastes from project.
displacement, Expertise provided in water balance, water
Supporting resettlement budgeting, water conservation, waste water Soil conservation and protection
FAE- AP, and treatment, supervising water and waste water measures.
AQ, LU, rehabilitation sample collection and analysis, impact on water
NV, HG resources, overseeing census data processing, site Evaluation of socio-economic status of
surveys, R&R planning (if applicable), impact on soil the area, need based assessment for
and its management, municipal and industrial solid CSR/ CER, socio-economic impact &
waste management. management & contribution in EIA
Guidance in land use analysis, mathematical
modelling of air, hydrogeological studies, impact on
noise and air.
Core FAE- B. D. M. Tech Since, 1973 active in mining sector and allied Interpretation of baseline condition of air
AP, AQ, Sharma (Hons), B. Tech activities (washeries, beneficiation, pit head environment. Evaluation of results of
HG, RH (Min.), PG industries like cement, power, etc.) with 29 years in Ambient Air Quality Monitoring and air
Diploma (Env. environmental impact assessment, management quality prediction modelling, suggesting
Supporting & Ecology) and planning with over 300 projects executed. control measures, risk analysis and
FAE- SHW, Identifying and assessing quantum of emissions and disaster management. Contribution in
NV, GEO guiding computer based modelling, impact on EIA documentation
ground water, water budgeting, water balancing,
identification of hazards and hazardous substances, Verifying & approving hydrogeological
risk analysis and preparation of on-site emergency assessment of the study area.
preparedness plan.

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 12-3
Rungta Mines Limited

Role Expert Qualifications Experience Involvement in EIA report

Core FAE- Rashmi M.Sc. Since 2006, experienced in ecology and Ecology study, review of greenbelt
EB, AP, Gupta (Environment) biodiversity, ecological surveys and preparation of development requirement of the project-
WP, SC flora - fauna lists, wildlife conservation plan (if suggestion for species, type of plantation
Supporting required), environmental data interpretation and and contribution in EIA documentation
FAE- SHW, preparation of EIA/EMP report. Planning of meteorology station, air and
NV water quality stations, noise & soil
sampling locations and monitoring
program, analysis data verification and
Core FAE- M.S. M. Sc. Since 1995, experienced in survey data processing, Meteorology data processing, air quality
AP, AQ, NV Yadav (Environment) Census data analysis, identifying and assessing models run using meteorology data,
Supporting quantum of emissions, computer based impact identifying source and receptor,
FAE- EB prediction modelling for air (including GLC calculating emissions, prediction of GLC
mapping), noise modelling, meteorological data & plotting isopleths for various scenarios
processing, etc. of with & without control measures.
Processing of Noise data from field and
Prediction of noise levels due to project
Core FAE- Santosh M.Sc. Since 2006, experienced in geomorphological & Satellite image interpretation and
GEO, LU, Kumar (Geology) geological survey, hydrogeology, land use analysis preparation of land use map of study
HG, SC Sadangi through GIS, soil conservation and soil analysis. area, prediction of impact on land use
pattern, suggest mitigation measures, soil
Supporting analysis, representing geology & ground
FAE-WP water condition, preparing ground water
balance of study area, identification of
seismicity and contribution to EIA
Core FAE- Gaurav M.Sc. (Env. Since 2012, research in bioremediation of water Water, microbiology & soil quality
EB, WP, Yadav Sc.), B.Sc. (Life pollutants, water & soil quality analysis, ecological analysis, ecological studies and report
SC sciences) studies, microbiology studies and impact of writing under guidance of various FAEs
pollutants on environment

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 12-4
Rungta Mines Limited

Role Expert Qualifications Experience Involvement in EIA report

Core FAE - Santosh B.Sc. (Chem) Since 2007, analysis of water, soil, air, wastes, raw Laboratory analysis for water, soil, air, etc
WP Kumar materials etc
FAA Nitesh B. Tech (Env. Since 2016, assisting in preparation of Lab work, report writing under guidance
Dalal Engineering) documentation for environmental clearance, water of various FAEs related to material
quality data analysis, air quality data analysis, balancing, water balancing, etc.
selection of air quality stations, air quality modelling,
water resource calculations, coordination with
laboratory, etc.
FAA Pappu B. Tech (Env. Since 2017, assisting in preparation of Traffic analysis, prediction and
Kumar Engineering) documentation for environmental clearance, water management proposal, report writing
quality data analysis, air quality data analysis, water under guidance of various FAEs
resource calculations, coordination with laboratory,


Environmental monitoring and testing has been done by Min Mec R&D Laboratory, NABL accredited (Certificate No. TC-6337 valid
till 20.11.2021) and is recognised by MoEF&CC (Gazette Notification No. S.O. 3744 (E) dated 17.10.2019 valid for 5 years).

EIA/EMP of Dhenkanal Steel Plant Expansion (3.55 MTPA), District Dhenkanal, Odisha 12-5

Goverment of India
Minister of Enviroment,Forest and Climate Change
Impact Assessment Division

Indira Paryavaran Bhavan,

Vayu Wing,3rd Floor,Aliganj,
Jor Bagh Road,New Delhi-110003
19 Sep 2020




Tel.No.676-276891; Email:[email protected]


This has reference to the proposal submitted in the Ministry of Environment, Forest
and Climate Change to prescribe the Terms of Reference (TOR) for undertaking detailed EIA
study for the purpose of obtaining Environmental Clearance in accordance with the provisions of
the EIA Notification, 2006. For this purpose, the proponent had submitted online information in the
prescribed format (Form-1 ) along with a Pre-feasibility Report. The details of the proposal are
given below:

1. Proposal No.: IA/OR/IND/172347/2020

Expansion of Integrated Steel Plant (Dhenkanal

2. Name of the Proposal:
Steel Plant)

3. Category of the Proposal: Industrial Projects - 1

4. Project/Activity applied for: 2(b) Mineral beneficiation

3(a) Metallurgical industries (ferrous & non
3(b) Cement plants
4(b) Coke oven plants

5. Date of submission for TOR: 11 Sep 2020

In this regard, under the provisions of the EIA Notification 2006 as amended, the Standard TOR
for the purpose of preparing environment impact assessment report and environment
management plan for obtaining prior environment clearance is prescribed with public consultation
as follows:

2(b):STANDARD TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONDUCTING environmental norms to the Board of Directors of the Company and/or shareholders or stakeholders
ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY FOR MINERAL at large,may also be detailed in the EIA Report.
BENEFICIATION PROJECTS AND INFORMATION TO BE 15) Issues relating to Safety should be detailed. The proposed safeguard measures in each case should
INCLUDED IN EIA/EMP REPORT also be provided. Disaster management plan shall be prepared and included in the EIA/EMP Report.
16) The study area will comprise of 10 km zone around the Plant.
1) The alternate sites considered, the relative merits and demerits and the reasons for selecting the
proposed site for the Beneficiation Plant should be indicated. 17) Cumulative impact study of both Beneficiation Plant with suggested mitigation measures as per the
study should be described.
2) Details of the technology and process involved for beneficiation should be given. .
18) Location of Railway siding with its handling capacity and safety measures should be indicated.
3) Location of the proposed Plant w.r.t. the source of raw material and mode of transportations of the
ore from mines to the beneficiation plant should be justified. 19) Option to provide only silo for storage of minerals instead of open stacking to avoid fugitive dust
should be explored and arrangements finalized justified.
4) Treatment of run of mine (ROM) and or of the fines/waste dump should be spelt out.
20) Land use of the study area delineating forest area, agricultural land, grazing land, wildlife sanctuary,
5) Estimation of the fines going into the washings should be made and its management described.
national park, migratory routes of fauna, water bodies, human settlements and other ecological
6) Details of the equipment, settling pond etc. should be furnished. features should be indicated. Land use plan of the lease area should be prepared to encompass
7) Detailed material balance should be provided. preoperational, operational and post operational phases and submitted. Impact, if any, of change of
land use should be given.
8) Sources of raw material and its transportation should be indicated. Steps proposed to be taken to
protect the ore from getting air borne should be brought out. 21) Details of the land for any Over Burden Dumps outside the lease, such as extent of land area,
distance from lease, its land use, R&R issues, if any, should be given.
9) Management and disposal of tailings and closure plan of the tailing pond, if any after the project is
over, should be detailed in a quantified manner. 22) A Certificate from the Competent Authority in the State Forest Department should be provided,
confirming the involvement of forest land, if any, in the Project area. In the event of any contrary
10) The water requirement for the project, its availability and source should be furnished. A detailed
claim by the Project Proponent regarding the status of forests, the site may be inspected by the State
water balance should also be provided. Fresh water requirement for the project should also be
Forest Department along with the Regional Office of the Ministry to ascertain the status of forests,
based on which, the Certificate in this regard as mentioned above be issued. In all such cases, it
11) A copy of the document in support of the fact that the Proponent is the rightful lessee of the unit would be desirable for representative of the State Forest Department to assist the Expert Appraisal
should be given. Committees.
12) All documents including EIA and public hearing should be compatible with one another in terms of 23) Status of forestry clearance for the broken up area and virgin forestland involved in the Project
the production levels, waste generation and its management and technology and should be in the including deposition of net present value (NPV) and compensatory afforestation (CA) should be
name of the lessee. indicated. A copy of the forestry clearance should also be furnished.
13) All corner coordinates of the Unit, superimposed on a High Resolution Imagery/Toposheet should 24) Implementation status of recognition of forest rights under the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional
be provided. Such an Imagery of the proposed Unit should clearly show the land use and other Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 should be indicated.

ANNEXURE : I Contd..
ecological features of the study area (core and buffer zone).
25) The vegetation in the RF / PF areas in the study area, with necessary details, should be given.
14) It should be clearly indicated whether the proponent Company has a well laid down Environment
26) A study shall be got done to ascertain the impact of the Project on wildlife of the study area and
Policy approved by its Board of Directors? If so, it may be spelt out in the EIA Report with description
details furnished. Impact of the project on the wildlife in the surrounding and any other protected
of the prescribed operating process/procedures to bring into focus any infringement/deviation/
area and accordingly detailed mitigative measures required, should be worked out with cost
violation of the environmental or forest norms/ conditions? The hierarchical system or administrative
implications and submitted.
order of the Company to deal with the environmental issues and for ensuring compliance with the
EC conditions may also be given. The system of reporting of non-compliances / violations of 27) Location of National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves, Wildlife Corridors, Tiger/Elephant
Reserves/(existing as well as proposed), if any, within 10 km of the mine lease should be clearly

indicated, supported by a location map duly authenticated by Chief Wildlife Warden. Necessary mineral. The details of the model used and input parameters used for modeling should be provided.
clearance, as may be applicable to such projects due to proximity of the ecologically sensitive areas The air quality contours may be shown on a location map clearly indicating the location of the site,
as mentioned above, should be obtained from the Standing Committee of National Board of Wildlife location of sensitive receptors, if any, and the habitation. The wind roses showing pre-dominant
and copy furnished. wind direction may also be indicated on the map.
28) A detailed biological study of the study area [core zone and buffer zone (10 km radius of the periphery 34) The water requirement for the Project, its availability and source should be furnished. A detailed
of the mine lease)] shall be carried out. Details of flora and fauna, endangered, endemic and RET water balance should also be provided. Fresh water requirement for the Project should be indicated.
Species duly authenticated, separately for core and buffer zone should be furnished based on such
35) Necessary clearance from the Competent Authority for drawl of requisite quantity of water for the
primary field survey, clearly indicating the Schedule of the fauna present. In case of any scheduled-
Project should be secured and copy furnished. .
I fauna found in the study area, the necessary plan alongwith budgetary provisions for their
conservation should be prepared in consultation with State Forest and Wildlife Department and 36) Description of water conservation measures proposed to be adopted in the Project should be given.
details furnished. Necessary allocation of funds for implementing the same should be made as part Details of rainwater harvesting proposed in the Project, if any, should be provided.
of the project cost. 37) Impact of the project on the water quality, both surface and groundwater should be assessed and
29) Proximity to Areas declared as 'Critically Polluted' shall also be indicated and where so required, necessary safeguard measures, if any required, should be provided.
clearance certifications from the prescribed Authorities, such as the SPCB/CPCBshall be secured 38) Details of any stream, seasonal or otherwise, passing through the lease area and modification /
and furnished to the effect that the proposed activities could be considered. diversion proposed, if any, and the impact of the same on the hydrology should be brought out.
30) Similarly, for coastal Projects, A CRZ map duly authenticated by one of the authorized agencies 39) A time bound Progressive Greenbelt Development Plan shall be prepared in a tabular form (indicating
demarcating LTL. HTL, CRZ area, location of the unit w.r.t CRZ, coastal features such as mangroves, the linear and quantitative coverage, plant species and time frame) and submitted, keeping in mind,
if any, should be furnished. (Note: The Projects falling under CRZ would also need to obtain approval the same will have to be executed up front on commencement of the project. The plant species
of the concerned Coastal Zone Management Authority). selected for green belt should have greater ecological value and should be of good utility value to
31) R&R Plan/compensation details for the Project Affected People (PAP) should be furnished. While the local population with emphasis on local and native species and the species which are tolerant to
preparing the R&R Plan, the relevant State/National Rehabilitation & Resettlement Policy should the pollution.
be kept in view. In respect of SCs /STs and other weaker sections of the society in the study area, a 40) Impact on local transport infrastructure due to the Project should be indicated. Projected increase in
need based sample survey, family-wise, should be undertaken to assess their requirements, and truck traffic as a result of the Project in the present road network (including those outside the
action programmes prepared and submitted accordingly, integrating the sectoral programmes of Project area) should be worked out, indicating whether it is capable of handling the incremental
line departments of the State Government. It may be clearly brought out whether the village(s) load. Arrangement for improving the infrastructure, if contemplated (including action to be taken
located in the lease area will be shifted or not. The issues relating to shifting of village(s) including by other agencies such as State Government) should be covered.
their R&R and socio-economic aspects, should be discussed in the report.
41) Details of the onsite shelter and facilities to be provided to the workers should be included in the
32) One season (non-monsoon) [i.e. March-May (Summer Season); October-December (post monsoon EIA report.
season) ; December-February (winter season)] primary baseline data on ambient air quality as per
42) Occupational Health impacts of the Project should be anticipated and the proposed preventive
CPCB Notification of 2009, water quality, noise level, soil and flora and fauna shall be collected
measures spelt out in detail. Details of pre-placement medical examination and periodical medical
and the AAQ and other data so compiled presented date-wise in the EIA and EMP Report. Site-
examination schedules should be incorporated in the EMP. The project specific occupational health
specific meteorological data should also be collected. The location of the monitoring stations should

ANNEXURE : I Contd..
mitigation measures with required facilities proposed in the mining area should be be detailed.
be such as to represent whole of the study area and justified keeping in view the pre-dominant
downwind direction and location of sensitive receptors. There should be at least one monitoring 43) Public health implications of the Project and related activities for the population in the impact zone
station within 500 m of the unit in the pre-dominant downwind direction. The mineralogical should be systematically evaluated and the proposed remedial measures should be detailed along
composition of PM10, particularly for free silica, should be given. with budgetary allocations.

33) Air quality modeling should be carried out for prediction of impact of the project on the air quality 44) Measures of socio economic significance and influence to the local community proposed to be
of the area. It should also take into account the impact of movement of vehicles for transportation of provided by the Project Proponent should be indicated. As far as possible, quantitative dimensions
may be given with time frames for implementation.

45) Public hearing points raised and commitment of the Project Proponent on the same along with time 3(a):STANDARD TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONDUCTING
bound Action Plan to implement the same should be provided and also incorporated in the final ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY FOR
46) Details of litigation pending against the project, if any, with direction /order passed by any Court of PROJECTS AND INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN EIA/EMP
Law against the project should be given. REPORT
47) The cost of the Project (capital cost and recurring cost) as well as the cost towards implementation
of EMP should be clearly spelt out.

48) A brief background of the Project, its financial position, Group Companies and legal issues etc 1) Executive Summary
should be provided with past and current important litigations if any. 2) Introduction
49) Benefits of the Project, if the project is implemented should be outlined. The benefits of the projects i. Details of the EIA Consultant including NABET accreditation
shall clearly indicate environmental, social, economic, employment potential, etc.
ii. Information about the project proponent
50) Besides the above, the below mentioned general points are also to be followed:-
iii. Importance and benefits of the project
a) All documents to be properly referenced with index and continuous page numbering.
3) Project Description
b) Where data are presented in the report especially in Tables, the period in which the data were
collected and the sources should be indicated. i. Cost of project and time of completion.

c) Project Proponent shall enclose all the analysis/testing reports of water, air, soil, noise etc. using the ii. Products with capacities for the proposed project.
MoEF&CC/NABL accredited laboratories. All the original analysis/testing reports should be available iii. If expansion project, details of existing products with capacities and whether adequate land
during appraisal of the project. is available for expansion, reference of earlier EC if any.
d) Where the documents provided are in a language other than English, an English translation should iv. List of raw materials required and their source along with mode of transportation.
be provided.
v. Other chemicals and materials required with quantities and storage capacities
e) The Questionnaire for environmental appraisal of project as devised earlier by the Ministry shall
vi. Details of Emission, effluents, hazardous waste generation and their management.
also be filled and submitted.
vii. Requirement of water, power, with source of supply, status of approval, water balance diagram,
f) While preparing the EIA report, the instructions for the proponents and instructions for the consultants
man-power requirement (regular and contract)
issued by MoEF vide O.M. No. J-11013/41/2006-IA.II(I) dated 4th August, 2009, which are available
on the website of this Ministry, should also be followed. viii. Process description along with major equipments and machineries, process flow sheet
(quantative) from raw material to products to be provided
g) Changes, if any made in the basic scope and project parameters (as submitted in Form-I and the
PFR for securing the TOR) should be brought to the attention of MoEF&CC with reasons for such ix. Hazard identification and details of proposed safety systems.
changes and permission should be sought, as the TOR may also have to be altered. Post Public

ANNEXURE : I Contd..
x. Expansion/modernization proposals:
Hearing changes in structure and content of the draft EIA/EMP (other than modifications arising
out of the P.H. process) will entail conducting the PH again with the revised documentation. a. Copy of all the Environmental Clearance(s) including Amendments thereto obtained for
the project from MOEF/SEIAA shall be attached as an Annexure. A certified copy of the
h) As per the circular no. J-11011/618/2010-IA.II(I) dated 30.5.2012, certifiedReport of the status of latest Monitoring Report of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment and Forests
compliance of the conditions stipulated in the environment clearance for the existing operations of as per circular dated 30th May, 2012 on the status of compliance of conditions stipulated
the project by the Regional Office of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, as may in all the existing environmental clearances including Amendments shall be provided. In
be applicable. addition, status of compliance of Consent to Operate for the ongoing Iexisting operation
of the project from SPCB shall be attached with the EIA-EMP report.


b. In case the existing project has not obtained environmental clearance, reasons for not iii. Status of Application submitted for obtaining the stage I forestry clearance along with latest
taking EC under the provisions of the EIA Notification 1994 and/or EIA Notification status shall be submitted.
2006 shall be provided. Copies of Consent to Establish/No Objection Certificate and
iv. The projects to be located within 10 km of the National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves,
Consent to Operate (in case of units operating prior to EIA Notification 2006, CTE and
Migratory Corridors of Wild Animals, the project proponent shall submit the map duly
CTO of FY 2005-2006) obtained from the SPCB shall be submitted. Further, compliance
authenticated by Chief Wildlife Warden showing these features vis-à-vis the project location
report to the conditions of consents from the SPCB shall be submitted.
and the recommendations or comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden-thereon
4) Site Details
v. Wildlife Conservation Plan duly authenticated by the Chief Wildlife Warden of the State
i. Location of the project site covering village, Taluka/Tehsil, District and State, Justification Government for conservation of Schedule I fauna, if any exists in the study area
for selecting the site, whether other sites were considered.
vi. Copy of application submitted for clearance under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, to the
ii. A toposheet of the study area of radius of 10km and site location on 1:50,000/1:25,000 scale Standing Committee of the National Board for Wildlife
on an A3/A2 sheet. (including all eco-sensitive areas and environmentally sensitive places)
6) Environmental Status
iii. Details w.r.t. option analysis for selection of site
i. Determination of atmospheric inversion level at the project site and site-specific micro-
iv. Co-ordinates (lat-long) of all four corners of the site. meteorological data using temperature, relative humidity, hourly wind speed and direction
v. Google map-Earth downloaded of the project site. and rainfall.
vi. Layout maps indicating existing unit as well as proposed unit indicating storage area, plant ii. AAQ data (except monsoon) at 8 locations for PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOX, CO and other
area, greenbelt area, utilities etc. If located within an Industrial area/Estate/Complex, layout parameters relevant to the project shall be collected. The monitoring stations shall be based
of Industrial Area indicating location of unit within the Industrial area/Estate. CPCB guidelines and take into account the pre-dominant wind direction, population zone
vii. Photographs of the proposed and existing (if applicable) plant site. If existing, show and sensitive receptors including reserved forests.
photographs of plantation/greenbelt, in particular. iii. Raw data of all AAQ measurement for 12 weeks of all stations as per frequency given in the
viii. Landuse break-up of total land of the project site (identified and acquired), government/ NAQQM Notification of Nov. 2009 along with - min., max., average and 98% values for
private - agricultural, forest, wasteland, water bodies, settlements, etc shall be included. (not each of the AAQ parameters from data of all AAQ stations should be provided as an annexure
required for industrial area) to the EIA Report.
ix. A list of major industries with name and type within study area (10km radius) shall be iv. Surface water quality of nearby River (100m upstream and downstream of discharge point)
incorporated. Land use details of the study area and other surface drains at eight locations as per CPCB/MoEF&CC guidelines.
x. Geological features and Geo-hydrological status of the study area shall be included. v. Whether the site falls near to polluted stretch of river identified by the CPCB/MoEF&CC, if
xi. Details of Drainage of the project upto 5km radius of study area. If the site is within 1 km yes give details.
radius of any major river, peak and lean season river discharge as well as flood occurrence vi. Ground water monitoring at minimum at 8 locations shall be included.
frequency based on peak rainfall data of the past 30 years. Details of Flood Level of the
vii. Noise levels monitoring at 8 locations within the study area.
project site and maximum Flood Level of the river shall also be provided. (mega green field
projects) viii. Soil Characteristic as per CPCB guidelines.

ANNEXURE : I Contd..
xii. Status of acquisition of land. If acquisition is not complete, stage of the acquisition process ix. Traffic study of the area, type of vehicles, frequency of vehicles for transportation of materials,
and expected time of complete possession of the land. additional traffic due to proposed project, parking arrangement etc.
xiii. R&R details in respect of land in line with state Government policy x. Detailed description of flora and fauna (terrestrial and aquatic) existing in the study area
5) Forest and wildlife related issues (if applicable): shall be given with special reference to rare, endemic and endangered species. If Schedule-
I fauna are found within the study area, a Wildlife Conservation Plan shall be prepared and
i. Permission and approval for the use of forest land (forestry clearance), if any, and
recommendations of the State Forest Department. (if applicable)
xi. Socio-economic status of the study area.
ii. Landuse map based on High resolution satellite imagery (GPS) of the proposed site delineating
the forestland (in case of projects involving forest land more than 40 ha)

7) Impact and Environment Management Plan xiii. Onsite and Offsite Disaster (natural and Man-made) Preparedness and Emergency Management
Plan including Risk Assessment and damage control. Disaster management plan should be
i. Assessment of ground level concentration of pollutants from the stack emission based on
linked with District Disaster Management Plan.
site-specific meteorological features. In case the project is located on a hilly terrain, the
AQIP Modelling shall be done using inputs of the specific terrain characteristics for 8) Occupational health
determining the potential impacts of the project on the AAQ. Cumulative impact of all sources
i. Plan and fund allocation to ensure the occupational health & safety of all contract and casual
of emissions (including transportation) on the AAQ of the area shall be assessed. Details of
the model used and the input data used for modelling shall also be provided. The air quality
contours shall be plotted on a location map showing the location of project site, habitation ii. Details of exposure specific health status evaluation of worker. If the workers' health is being
nearby, sensitive receptors, if any. evaluated by pre designed format, chest x rays, Audiometry, Spirometry, Vision testing (Far
& Near vision, colour vision and any other ocular defect) ECG, during pre placement and
ii. Water Quality modelling - in case of discharge in water body
periodical examinations give the details of the same. Details regarding last month analyzed
iii. Impact of the transport of the raw materials and end products on the surrounding environment data of above mentioned parameters as per age, sex, duration of exposure and department
shall be assessed and provided. In this regard, options for transport of raw materials and wise.
finished products and wastes (large quantities) by rail or rail-cum road transport or conveyor-
iii. Details of existing Occupational & Safety Hazards. What are the exposure levels of hazards
cum-rail transport shall be examined.
and whether they are within Permissible Exposure level (PEL). If these are not within PEL,
iv. A note on treatment of wastewater from different plant operations, extent recycled and reused what measures the company has adopted to keep them within PEL so that health of the workers
for different purposes shall be included. Complete scheme of effluent treatment. Characteristics can be preserved,
of untreated and treated effluent to meet the prescribed standards of discharge under E(P)
iv. Annual report of heath status of workers with special reference to Occupational Health and
v. Details of stack emission and action plan for control of emissions to meet standards.
9) Corporate Environment Policy
vi. Measures for fugitive emission control
i. Does the company have a well laid down Environment Policy approved by its Board of
vii. Details of hazardous waste generation and their storage, utilization and management. Copies Directors? If so, it may be detailed in the EIA report.
of MOU regarding utilization of solid and hazardous waste in cement plant shall also be
ii. Does the Environment Policy prescribe for standard operating process / procedures to bring
included. EMP shall include the concept of waste-minimization, recycle/reuse/recover
into focus any infringement / deviation / violation of the environmental or forest norms /
techniques, Energy conservation, and natural resource conservation.
conditions? If so, it may be detailed in the EIA.
viii. Proper utilization of fly ash shall be ensured as per Fly Ash Notification, 2009. A detailed
iii. What is the hierarchical system or Administrative order of the company to deal with the
plan of action shall be provided.
environmental issues and for ensuring compliance with the environmental clearance
ix. Action plan for the green belt development plan in 33 % area i.e. land with not less than conditions? Details of this system may be given.
1,500 trees per ha. Giving details of species, width of plantation, planning schedule etc. shall
iv. Does the company have system of reporting of non compliances / violations of environmental
be included. The green belt shall be around the project boundary and a scheme for greening
norms to the Board of Directors of the company and / or shareholders or stakeholders at

ANNEXURE : I Contd..
of the roads used for the project shall also be incorporated.
large? This reporting mechanism shall be detailed in the EIA report
x. Action plan for rainwater harvesting measures at plant site shall be submitted to harvest
10) Details regarding infrastructure facilities such as sanitation, fuel, restroom etc. to be provided to the
rainwater from the roof tops and storm water drains to recharge the ground water and also to
labour force during construction as well as to the casual workers including truck drivers during
use for the various activities at the project site to conserve fresh water and reduce the water
operation phase.
requirement from other sources.
11) Enterprise Social Commitment (ESC)
xi. Total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for environmental pollution control measures
shall be included. i. Adequate funds (at least 2.5 % of the project cost) shall be earmarked towards the Enterprise
Social Commitment based on Public Hearing issues and item-wise details along with time
xii. Action plan for post-project environmental monitoring shall be submitted.

bound action plan shall be included. Socio-economic development activities need to be C. ADDITIONAL TOR FOR INTEGRATED STEEL PLANT
elaborated upon.
1). Iron ore/coal linkage documents along with the status of environmental clearance of iron ore and
12) Any litigation pending against the project and/or any direction/order passed by any Court of Law coal mines
against the project, if so, details thereof shall also be included. Has the unit received any notice
2). Quantum of production of coal and iron ore from coal & iron ore mines and the projects they cater
under the Section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 or relevant Sections of Air and Water
to. Mode of transportation to the plant and its impact
Acts? If so, details thereof and compliance/ATR to the notice(s) and present status of the case.
3). For Large ISPs, a 3-D view i.e. DEM (Digital Elevation Model) for the area in 10 km radius from
13) 'A tabular chart with index for point wise compliance of above TOR.
the proposal site. MRL details of project site and RL of nearby sources of water shall be indicated.
B. SPECIFIC TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR EIASTUDIES FOR 4). Recent land-use map based on satellite imagery. High-resolution satellite image data having 1m-5m
METALLURGICAL INDUSTRIES (FERROUS & NON FERROUS) spatial resolution like quickbird, Ikonos, IRS P-6 pan sharpened etc. for the 10 Km radius area from
proposed site. The same shall be used for land used/land-cover mapping of the area.
1) Complete process flow diagram describing each unit, its processes and operations, along with material
and energy inputs & outputs (material and energy balance). 5). Respirable Suspended particulate matter (RSPM) present in the ambient air must be analysed for
2) Details on blast furnace/ open hearth furnace/ basic oxygen furnace/ladle refining, casting and source analysis - natural dust/RSPM generated from plant operations (trace elements). The RSPM
rolling plants etc. shall also be analysed for presence of poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), i.e. Benzene soluble
fraction, where applicable. Chemical characterization of RSPM and incorporating of RSPM data.
3) Details on installation/activation of opacity meters with recording with proper calibration system
6). All stock piles will have to be on top of a stable liner to avoid leaching of materials to ground water.
4) Details on toxic metals including mercury, arsenic and fluoride emissions
7). Plan for the implementation of the recommendations made for the steel plants in the CREP guidelines.
5) Details on stack height requirement for integrated steel
6) Details on ash disposal and management -Non-ferrous metal 8). Plan for slag utilization

7) Complete process flow diagram describing production of lead/zinc/copper/ aluminium, etc. 9). Plan for utilization of energy in off gases (coke oven, blast furnace)

8) Raw materials substitution or elimination 10). System of coke quenching adopted with justification.

9) Details on smelting, thermal refining, melting, slag fuming, and Waelz kiln operation
10) Details on Holding and de-gassing of molten metal from primary and secondary aluminum, materials ***
pre-treatment, and from melting and smelting of secondary aluminium
11) Details on solvent recycling
12) Details on precious metals recovery
13) Details on composition, generation and utilization of waste/fuel gases from coke oven plant and
their utilization.

ANNEXURE : I Contd..
14) Details on toxic metal content in the waste material and its composition and end use (particularly of
15) Trace metals Mercury, arsenic and fluoride emissions in the raw material.
16) Trace metals in waste material especially slag.
17) Plan for trace metal recovery
18) Trace metals in water

3(b):STANDARD TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONDUCTING 2006 shall be provided. Copies of Consent to Establish/No Objection Certificate and
ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY FOR CEMENT Consent to Operate (in case of units operating prior to EIA Notification 2006, CTE and
CTO of FY 2005-2006) obtained from the SPCB shall be submitted. Further, compliance
report to the conditions of consents from the SPCB shall be submitted.
4) Site Details
A. STANDARD TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) i. Location of the project site covering village, Taluka/Tehsil, District and State, Justification
1) Executive Summary for selecting the site, whether other sites were considered.

2) Introduction ii. A toposheet of the study area of radius of 10km and site location on 1:50,000/1:25,000 scale
on an A3/A2 sheet. (including all eco-sensitive areas and environmentally sensitive places)
i. Details of the EIA Consultant including NABET accreditation
iii. Details w.r.t. option analysis for selection of site
ii. Information about the project proponent
iv. Co-ordinates (lat-long) of all four corners of the site.
iii. Importance and benefits of the project
v. Google map-Earth downloaded of the project site.
3) Project Description
vi. Layout maps indicating existing unit as well as proposed unit indicating storage area, plant
i. Cost of project and time of completion. area, greenbelt area, utilities etc. If located within an Industrial area/Estate/Complex, layout
ii. Products with capacities for the proposed project. of Industrial Area indicating location of unit within the Industrial area/Estate.

iii. If expansion project, details of existing products with capacities and whether adequate land vii. Photographs of the proposed and existing (if applicable) plant site. If existing, show
photographs of plantation/greenbelt, in particular.
is available for expansion, reference of earlier EC if any.
viii. Landuse break-up of total land of the project site (identified and acquired), government/
iv. List of raw materials required and their source along with mode of transportation.
private - agricultural, forest, wasteland, water bodies, settlements, etc shall be included. (not
v. Other chemicals and materials required with quantities and storage capacities required for industrial area)
vi. Details of Emission, effluents, hazardous waste generation and their management. ix. A list of major industries with name and type within study area (10km radius) shall be
vii. Requirement of water, power, with source of supply, status of approval, water balance diagram, incorporated. Land use details of the study area
man-power requirement (regular and contract) x. Geological features and Geo-hydrological status of the study area shall be included.
viii. Process description along with major equipments and machineries, process flow sheet xi. Details of Drainage of the project upto 5km radius of study area. If the site is within 1 km
(quantative) from raw material to products to be provided radius of any major river, peak and lean season river discharge as well as flood occurrence
frequency based on peak rainfall data of the past 30 years. Details of Flood Level of the
ix. Hazard identification and details of proposed safety systems.

ANNEXURE : I Contd..
project site and maximum Flood Level of the river shall also be provided. (mega green field
x. Expansion/modernization proposals: projects)
a. Copy of all the Environmental Clearance(s) including Amendments thereto obtained for xii. Status of acquisition of land. If acquisition is not complete, stage of the acquisition process
the project from MOEF/SEIAA shall be attached as an Annexure. A certified copy of the and expected time of complete possession of the land.
latest Monitoring Report of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment and Forests
xiii. R&R details in respect of land in line with state Government policy
as per circular dated 30th May, 2012 on the status of compliance of conditions stipulated
in all the existing environmental clearances including Amendments shall be provided. In 5) Forest and wildlife related issues (if applicable):
addition, status of compliance of Consent to Operate for the ongoing Iexisting operation i. Permission and approval for the use of forest land (forestry clearance), if any, and
of the project from SPCB shall be attached with the EIA-EMP report. recommendations of the State Forest Department. (if applicable)
b. In case the existing project has not obtained environmental clearance, reasons for not ii. Landuse map based on High resolution satellite imagery (GPS) of the proposed site delineating
taking EC under the provisions of the EIA Notification 1994 and/or EIA Notification the forestland (in case of projects involving forest land more than 40 ha)

iii. Status of Application submitted for obtaining the stage I forestry clearance along with latest 7) Impact and Environment Management Plan
status shall be submitted.
i. Assessment of ground level concentration of pollutants from the stack emission based on
iv. The projects to be located within 10 km of the National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves, site-specific meteorological features. In case the project is located on a hilly terrain, the
Migratory Corridors of Wild Animals, the project proponent shall submit the map duly AQIP Modelling shall be done using inputs of the specific terrain characteristics for
authenticated by Chief Wildlife Warden showing these features vis-à-vis the project location determining the potential impacts of the project on the AAQ. Cumulative impact of all sources
and the recommendations or comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden-thereon. of emissions (including transportation) on the AAQ of the area shall be assessed. Details of
the model used and the input data used for modelling shall also be provided. The air quality
v. Wildlife Conservation Plan duly authenticated by the Chief Wildlife Warden of the State
contours shall be plotted on a location map showing the location of project site, habitation
Government for conservation of Schedule I fauna, if any exists in the study area
nearby, sensitive receptors, if any.
vi. Copy of application submitted for clearance under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, to the
ii. Water Quality modelling - in case of discharge in water body
Standing Committee of the National Board for Wildlife
iii. Impact of the transport of the raw materials and end products on the surrounding environment
6) Environmental Status
shall be assessed and provided. In this regard, options for transport of raw materials and
i. Determination of atmospheric inversion level at the project site and site-specific micro- finished products and wastes (large quantities) by rail or rail-cum road transport or conveyor-
meteorological data using temperature, relative humidity, hourly wind speed and direction cum-rail transport shall be examined.
and rainfall.
iv. A note on treatment of wastewater from different plant operations, extent recycled and reused
ii. AAQ data (except monsoon) at 8 locations for PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOX, CO and other for different purposes shall be included. Complete scheme of effluent treatment. Characteristics
parameters relevant to the project shall be collected. The monitoring stations shall be based of untreated and treated effluent to meet the prescribed standards of discharge under E(P)
CPCB guidelines and take into account the pre-dominant wind direction, population zone Rules.
and sensitive receptors including reserved forests.
v. Details of stack emission and action plan for control of emissions to meet standards.
iii. Raw data of all AAQ measurement for 12 weeks of all stations as per frequency given in the
vi. Measures for fugitive emission control
NAQQM Notification of Nov. 2009 along with - min., max., average and 98% values for
each of the AAQ parameters from data of all AAQ stations should be provided as an annexure vii. Details of hazardous waste generation and their storage, utilization and management. Copies
to the EIA Report. of MOU regarding utilization of solid and hazardous waste in cement plant shall also be
included. EMP shall include the concept of waste-minimization, recycle/reuse/recover
iv. Surface water quality of nearby River (100m upstream and downstream of discharge point)
techniques, Energy conservation, and natural resource conservation.
and other surface drains at eight locations as per CPCB/MoEF&CC guidelines.
viii. Proper utilization of fly ash shall be ensured as per Fly Ash Notification, 2009. A detailed
v. Whether the site falls near to polluted stretch of river identified by the CPCB/MoEF&CC, if
plan of action shall be provided.
yes give details.
ix. Action plan for the green belt development plan in 33 % area i.e. land with not less than
vi. Ground water monitoring at minimum at 8 locations shall be included.
1,500 trees per ha. Giving details of species, width of plantation, planning schedule etc. shall
vii. Noise levels monitoring at 8 locations within the study area. be included. The green belt shall be around the project boundary and a scheme for greening

ANNEXURE : I Contd..
viii. Soil Characteristic as per CPCB guidelines. of the roads used for the project shall also be incorporated.

ix. Traffic study of the area, type of vehicles, frequency of vehicles for transportation of materials, x. Action plan for rainwater harvesting measures at plant site shall be submitted to harvest
additional traffic due to proposed project, parking arrangement etc. rainwater from the roof tops and storm water drains to recharge the ground water and also to
use for the various activities at the project site to conserve fresh water and reduce the water
x. Detailed description of flora and fauna (terrestrial and aquatic) existing in the study area
requirement from other sources.
shall be given with special reference to rare, endemic and endangered species. If Schedule-
I fauna are found within the study area, a Wildlife Conservation Plan shall be prepared and xi. Total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for environmental pollution control measures
furnished. shall be included.

xi. Socio-economic status of the study area. xii. Action plan for post-project environmental monitoring shall be submitted.

xiii. Onsite and Offsite Disaster (natural and Man-made) Preparedness and Emergency Management bound action plan shall be included. Socio-economic development activities need to be
Plan including Risk Assessment and damage control. Disaster management plan should be elaborated upon.
linked with District Disaster Management Plan.
12) Any litigation pending against the project and/or any direction/order passed by any Court of Law
8) Occupational health against the project, if so, details thereof shall also be included. Has the unit received any notice
under the Section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 or relevant Sections of Air and Water
i. Plan and fund allocation to ensure the occupational health & safety of all contract and casual
Acts? If so, details thereof and compliance/ATR to the notice(s) and present status of the case.
13) A tabular chart with index for point wise compliance of above TOR.
ii. Details of exposure specific health status evaluation of worker. If the workers' health is being
evaluated by pre designed format, chest x rays, Audiometry, Spirometry, Vision testing (Far
& Near vision, colour vision and any other ocular defect) ECG, during pre placement and B. SPECIFIC TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR EIASTUDIES FOR CEMENT
periodical examinations give the details of the same. Details regarding last month analyzed PLANTS
data of above mentioned parameters as per age, sex, duration of exposure and department
wise. 1. Limestone and coal linkage documents along with the status of environmental clearance of limestone
and coal mines
iii. Details of existing Occupational & Safety Hazards. What are the exposure levels of hazards
and whether they are within Permissible Exposure level (PEL). If these are not within PEL, 2. Quantum of production of coal and limestone from coal & limestone mines and the projects they
what measures the company has adopted to keep them within PEL so that health of the workers cater to;
can be preserved, 3. For large Cement Units, a 3-D view i.e. DEM (Digital Elevation Model) for the area in 10 km radius
iv. Annual report of heath status of workers with special reference to Occupational Health and from the proposal site.
Safety. 4. Present land use shall be prepared based on satellite imagery. High-resolution satellite image data
9) Corporate Environment Policy having 1m-5m spatial resolution like quickbird, Ikonos, IRS P-6 pan sharpened etc. for the 10 Km
radius area from proposed site. The same shall be used for land used/land-cover mapping of the
i. Does the company have a well laid down Environment Policy approved by its Board of area.
Directors? If so, it may be detailed in the EIA report.
5. If the raw materials used have trace elements, an environment management plan shall also be included.
ii. Does the Environment Policy prescribe for standard operating process / procedures to bring
into focus any infringement / deviation / violation of the environmental or forest norms / 6. Plan for the implementation of the recommendations made for the cement plants in the CREP
conditions? If so, it may be detailed in the EIA. guidelines must be prepared.

iii. What is the hierarchical system or Administrative order of the company to deal with the 7. Energy consumption per ton of clinker and cement grinding
environmental issues and for ensuring compliance with the environmental clearance 8. Provision of waste heat recovery boiler
conditions? Details of this system may be given.
9. Arrangement for use of hazardous waste
iv. Does the company have system of reporting of non compliances / violations of environmental
norms to the Board of Directors of the company and / or shareholders or stakeholders at

ANNEXURE : I Contd..
large? This reporting mechanism shall be detailed in the EIA report
10) Details regarding infrastructure facilities such as sanitation, fuel, restroom etc. to be provided to the
labour force during construction as well as to the casual workers including truck drivers during
operation phase.
11) Enterprise Social Commitment (ESC)
i. Adequate funds (at least 2.5 % of the project cost) shall be earmarked towards the Enterprise
Social Commitment based on Public Hearing issues and item-wise details along with time

4(b):STANDARD TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR CONDUCTING 2006 shall be provided. Copies of Consent to Establish/No Objection Certificate and
ENVIRONMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT STUDY FOR COKE OVEN Consent to Operate (in case of units operating prior to EIA Notification 2006, CTE and
PLANTS PROJECTS AND INFORMATION TO BE INCLUDED IN EIA/ CTO of FY 2005-2006) obtained from the SPCB shall be submitted. Further, compliance
report to the conditions of consents from the SPCB shall be submitted.
4) Site Details
i. Location of the project site covering village, Taluka/Tehsil, District and State, Justification
1) Executive Summary for selecting the site, whether other sites were considered.
2) Introduction ii. A toposheet of the study area of radius of 10km and site location on 1:50,000/1:25,000 scale
on an A3/A2 sheet. (including all eco-sensitive areas and environmentally sensitive places)
i. Details of the EIA Consultant including NABET accreditation
iii. Details w.r.t. option analysis for selection of site
ii. Information about the project proponent
iv. Co-ordinates (lat-long) of all four corners of the site.
iii. Importance and benefits of the project
v. Google map-Earth downloaded of the project site.
3) Project Description
vi. Layout maps indicating existing unit as well as proposed unit indicating storage area, plant
i. Cost of project and time of completion.
area, greenbelt area, utilities etc. If located within an Industrial area/Estate/Complex, layout
ii. Products with capacities for the proposed project. of Industrial Area indicating location of unit within the Industrial area/Estate.
iii. If expansion project, details of existing products with capacities and whether adequate land vii. Photographs of the proposed and existing (if applicable) plant site. If existing, show
is available for expansion, reference of earlier EC if any. photographs of plantation/greenbelt, in particular.
iv. List of raw materials required and their source along with mode of transportation. viii. Landuse break-up of total land of the project site (identified and acquired), government/
v. Other chemicals and materials required with quantities and storage capacities private - agricultural, forest, wasteland, water bodies, settlements, etc shall be included. (not
required for industrial area)
vi. Details of Emission, effluents, hazardous waste generation and their management.
ix. A list of major industries with name and type within study area (10km radius) shall be
vii. Requirement of water, power, with source of supply, status of approval, water balance diagram,
incorporated. Land use details of the study area
man-power requirement (regular and contract)
x. Geological features and Geo-hydrological status of the study area shall be included.
viii. Process description along with major equipments and machineries, process flow sheet
(quantative) from raw material to products to be provided xi. Details of Drainage of the project upto 5km radius of study area. If the site is within 1 km
radius of any major river, peak and lean season river discharge as well as flood occurrence
ix. Hazard identification and details of proposed safety systems.
frequency based on peak rainfall data of the past 30 years. Details of Flood Level of the
x. Expansion/modernization proposals: project site and maximum Flood Level of the river shall also be provided. (mega green field
a. Copy of all the Environmental Clearance(s) including Amendments thereto obtained for

ANNEXURE : I Contd..
the project from MOEF/SEIAA shall be attached as an Annexure. A certified copy of the xii. Status of acquisition of land. If acquisition is not complete, stage of the acquisition process
latest Monitoring Report of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment and Forests and expected time of complete possession of the land.
as per circular dated 30th May, 2012 on the status of compliance of conditions stipulated
xiii. R&R details in respect of land in line with state Government policy
in all the existing environmental clearances including Amendments shall be provided. In
addition, status of compliance of Consent to Operate for the ongoing Iexisting operation 5) Forest and wildlife related issues (if applicable):
of the project from SPCB shall be attached with the EIA-EMP report. i. Permission and approval for the use of forest land (forestry clearance), if any, and
b. In case the existing project has not obtained environmental clearance, reasons for not recommendations of the State Forest Department. (if applicable)
taking EC under the provisions of the EIA Notification 1994 and/or EIA Notification

ii. Landuse map based on High resolution satellite imagery (GPS) of the proposed site delineating 7) Impact and Environment Management Plan
the forestland (in case of projects involving forest land more than 40 ha)
i. Assessment of ground level concentration of pollutants from the stack emission based on
iii. Status of Application submitted for obtaining the stage I forestry clearance along with latest site-specific meteorological features. In case the project is located on a hilly terrain, the
status shall be submitted. AQIP Modelling shall be done using inputs of the specific terrain characteristics for
iv. The projects to be located within 10 km of the National Parks, Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves, determining the potential impacts of the project on the AAQ. Cumulative impact of all sources
Migratory Corridors of Wild Animals, the project proponent shall submit the map duly of emissions (including transportation) on the AAQ of the area shall be assessed. Details of
authenticated by Chief Wildlife Warden showing these features vis-à-vis the project location the model used and the input data used for modelling shall also be provided. The air quality
and the recommendations or comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden-thereon contours shall be plotted on a location map showing the location of project site, habitation
v. Wildlife Conservation Plan duly authenticated by the Chief Wildlife Warden of the State nearby, sensitive receptors, if any.
Government for conservation of Schedule I fauna, if any exists in the study area ii. Water Quality modelling - in case of discharge in water body
vi. Copy of application submitted for clearance under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, to the iii. Impact of the transport of the raw materials and end products on the surrounding environment
Standing Committee of the National Board for Wildlife. shall be assessed and provided. In this regard, options for transport of raw materials and
6) Environmental Status finished products and wastes (large quantities) by rail or rail-cum road transport or conveyor-
i. Determination of atmospheric inversion level at the project site and site-specific micro- cum-rail transport shall be examined.
meteorological data using temperature, relative humidity, hourly wind speed and direction iv. A note on treatment of wastewater from different plant operations, extent recycled and reused
and rainfall. for different purposes shall be included. Complete scheme of effluent treatment. Characteristics
ii. AAQ data (except monsoon) at 8 locations for PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOX, CO and other of untreated and treated effluent to meet the prescribed standards of discharge under E(P)
parameters relevant to the project shall be collected. The monitoring stations shall be based Rules.
CPCB guidelines and take into account the pre-dominant wind direction, population zone
v. Details of stack emission and action plan for control of emissions to meet standards.
and sensitive receptors including reserved forests.
vi. Measures for fugitive emission control
iii. Raw data of all AAQ measurement for 12 weeks of all stations as per frequency given in the
NAQQM Notification of Nov. 2009 along with - min., max., average and 98% values for vii. Details of hazardous waste generation and their storage, utilization and management. Copies
each of the AAQ parameters from data of all AAQ stations should be provided as an annexure of MOU regarding utilization of solid and hazardous waste in cement plant shall also be
to the EIA Report. included. EMP shall include the concept of waste-minimization, recycle/reuse/recover
iv. Surface water quality of nearby River (100m upstream and downstream of discharge point) techniques, Energy conservation, and natural resource conservation.
and other surface drains at eight locations as per CPCB/MoEF&CC guidelines. viii. Proper utilization of fly ash shall be ensured as per Fly Ash Notification, 2009. A detailed
v. Whether the site falls near to polluted stretch of river identified by the CPCB/MoEF&CC, if plan of action shall be provided.
yes give details.
ix. Action plan for the green belt development plan in 33 % area i.e. land with not less than
vi. Ground water monitoring at minimum at 8 locations shall be included. 1,500 trees per ha. Giving details of species, width of plantation, planning schedule etc. shall

ANNEXURE : I Contd..
vii. Noise levels monitoring at 8 locations within the study area. be included. The green belt shall be around the project boundary and a scheme for greening
of the roads used for the project shall also be incorporated.
viii. Soil Characteristic as per CPCB guidelines.
x. Action plan for rainwater harvesting measures at plant site shall be submitted to harvest
ix. Traffic study of the area, type of vehicles, frequency of vehicles for transportation of materials,
rainwater from the roof tops and storm water drains to recharge the ground water and also to
additional traffic due to proposed project, parking arrangement etc.
use for the various activities at the project site to conserve fresh water and reduce the water
x. Detailed description of flora and fauna (terrestrial and aquatic) existing in the study area requirement from other sources.
shall be given with special reference to rare, endemic and endangered species. If Schedule-
I fauna are found within the study area, a Wildlife Conservation Plan shall be prepared and xi. Total capital cost and recurring cost/annum for environmental pollution control measures
furnished. shall be included.

xi. Socio-economic status of the study area.


xii. Action plan for post-project environmental monitoring shall be submitted. 11) Enterprise Social Commitment (ESC)
xiii. Onsite and Offsite Disaster (natural and Man-made) Preparedness and Emergency Management i. Adequate funds (at least 2.5 % of the project cost) shall be earmarked towards the Enterprise
Plan including Risk Assessment and damage control. Disaster management plan should be Social Commitment based on Public Hearing issues and item-wise details along with time
linked with District Disaster Management Plan. bound action plan shall be included. Socio-economic development activities need to be
elaborated upon.
8) Occupational health
12) Any litigation pending against the project and/or any direction/order passed by any Court of Law
i. Plan and fund allocation to ensure the occupational health & safety of all contract and casual
against the project, if so, details thereof shall also be included. Has the unit received any notice
under the Section 5 of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 or relevant Sections of Air and Water
ii. Details of exposure specific health status evaluation of worker. If the workers' health is being Acts? If so, details thereof and compliance/ATR to the notice(s) and present status of the case.
evaluated by pre designed format, chest x rays, Audiometry, Spirometry, Vision testing (Far
13) 'A tabular chart with index for point wise compliance of above TOR.
& Near vision, colour vision and any other ocular defect) ECG, during pre placement and
periodical examinations give the details of the same. Details regarding last month analyzed
data of above mentioned parameters as per age, sex, duration of exposure and department B. SPECIFIC TERMS OF REFERENCEFOREIASTUDIES FOR COKE OVEN
wise. PLANTS
iii. Details of existing Occupational & Safety Hazards. What are the exposure levels of hazards 1. Justification for selecting recovery/non-recovery (beehive) type batteries with the proposed unit
and whether they are within Permissible Exposure level (PEL). If these are not within PEL, size.
what measures the company has adopted to keep them within PEL so that health of the workers
2. Details of proposed layout clearly demarcating various facilities such as coal storages, coke making,
can be preserved,
by-product recovery area,etc within the plant.
iv. Annual report of heath status of workers with special reference to Occupational Health and
3. Details of coke oven plant (recovery/non-recovery type) including coal handling, coke oven battery
operations, coke handling and preparation.
9) Corporate Environment Policy
i. Does the company have a well laid down Environment Policy approved by its Board of
Directors? If so, it may be detailed in the EIA report.
ii. Does the Environment Policy prescribe for standard operating process / procedures to bring
into focus any infringement / deviation / violation of the environmental or forest norms /
conditions? If so, it may be detailed in the EIA.
iii. What is the hierarchical system or Administrative order of the company to deal with the
environmental issues and for ensuring compliance with the environmental clearance
conditions? Details of this system may be given.

ANNEXURE : I Contd..
iv. Does the company have system of reporting of non compliances / violations of environmental
norms to the Board of Directors of the company and / or shareholders or stakeholders at
large? This reporting mechanism shall be detailed in the EIA report
10) Details regarding infrastructure facilities such as sanitation, fuel, restroom etc. to be provided to the
labour force during construction as well as to the casual workers including truck drivers during
operation phase.
ANNEXURE : II(a) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(a) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(a) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(a) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(a) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(a) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(b) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(e) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(e) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(e) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(f) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(f) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(f) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(f) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(f) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(f) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(f) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(f) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(f) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(f) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(f) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(f) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(f) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(f) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(f) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(f) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(f) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(g) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(g) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(g) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(h) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(h) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(h) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(h) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(h) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(h) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(h) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(h) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(h) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(h) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(h) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(h) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(h) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(h) Contd..
ANNEXURE : II(h) Contd.. ANNEXURE : II(h) Contd..


2001 29.60 34.70 36.80 38.50 42.30 32.20 29.10 31.30 - - - - 34.31
2002 28.50 33.50 37.90 40.50 41.00 32.30 35.10 31.60 32.60 34.20 31.30 29.60 34.01
2003 28.70 31.70 35.80 40.50 41.60 38.10 33.60 31.90 31.60 31.10 29.60 26.90 33.43
2004 27.50 32.00 37.30 39.70 39.10 37.70 33.00 31.20 32.80 31.40 29.30 29.00 33.33
2005 28.70 32.80 36.60 39.00 41.30 40.00 33.70 32.50 32.30 32.30 28.90 26.60 33.73
2006 29.40 35.70 35.80 39.20 38.20 36.00 32.70 30.90 32.70 33.60 28.70 29.40 33.53
2007 29.80 32.20 35.60 39.90 39.20 36.10 33.60 32.80 32.00 32.20 30.00 29.10 33.54
2008 28.70 29.40 35.60 38.80 40.70 33.20 31.90 31.70 31.50 32.60 29.80 29.20 32.76
2009 31.30 34.40 37.50 42.10 40.50 40.40 31.30 33.50 33.60 32.20 30.10 28.10 34.58
2010 27.60 33.10 38.40 42.90 39.40 38.00 33.50 31.60 32.50 32.00 30.60 26.00 33.80
2011 25.50 30.80 37.00 37.30 39.60 34.80 33.00 31.80 30.80 33.50 32.00 29.30 32.95
AVG. 28.66 32.75 36.75 39.85 40.26 36.25 32.77 31.89 32.24 32.51 30.03 28.32 33.53


2001 11.90 16.40 21.10 23.90 25.60 23.90 23.20 23.60 - - - - 21.20
2002 13.90 15.50 19.90 23.60 24.70 22.60 24.70 23.00 22.60 20.50 15.30 11.90 19.85
2003 14.10 15.70 17.80 22.40 24.10 23.60 22.50 21.90 21.70 20.10 13.60 10.70 19.02
2004 15.10 11.80 17.10 20.90 23.30 23.60 21.50 21.90 20.80 18.50 13.30 10.50 18.19
2005 10.90 14.20 18.20 22.20 26.90 28.50 23.30 25.30 24.60 21.80 20.70 14.10 20.89
2006 13.30 15.00 22.10 26.40 27.50 22.60 21.00 19.60 21.00 14.40 18.30 16.00 19.77
2007 14.60 16.30 16.90 24.20 25.60 25.90 25.20 24.90 24.50 20.50 17.00 13.00 20.72
2008 13.10 15.60 20.30 23.50 25.90 24.50 24.70 24.00 24.00 21.70 17.10 14.20 20.72
2009 13.90 17.90 19.30 24.60 25.20 26.30 24.40 25.00 24.50 19.70 17.20 12.40 20.87
2010 11.40 15.30 21.20 25.50 24.90 23.50 22.00 21.30 22.40 21.20 20.00 13.90 20.22
2011 11.30 15.40 20.10 21.20 23.50 23.50 23.50 22.00 22.20 20.70 16.20 13.50 19.43
AVG. 13.05 15.37 19.45 23.49 25.20 24.41 23.27 22.95 22.83 19.91 16.87 13.02 19.99


2001 74 71 73 60 63 80 88 86 - - - - 74
2002 74 70 74 64 66 71 75 76 78 69 58 61 70
2003 68 66 65 63 67 69 81 83 83 85 73 74 73
2004 76 61 73 65 61 65 82 82 71 71 56 55 68
2005 57 62 66 68 65 61 79 76 76 74 61 60 67
2006 58 43 51 60 68 64 68 80 69 59 62 51 61
2007 64 61 61 57 50 71 88 81 78 73 58 65 67
2008 82 83 77 69 62 59 77 82 80 75 77 81 75
2009 80 69 68 68 68 59 79 77 75 77 76 79 73
2010 72 78 80 76 75 78 74 70 74 72 71 75
2011 62 69 69 73 77 81 88 91 92 85 93 84 80
AVG. 70 67 69 66 66 69 80 80 78 74 68 68 71


2001 43 37 45 41 47 79 84 84 - - - - 58
2002 57 45 45 46 46 62 62 79 80 65 56 51 58
2003 51 43 33 42 45 56 77 77 81 DNA 61 57 57
2004 54 49 54 39 45 64 83 80 77 68 51 53 60
2005 54 41 48 51 44 51 81 74 81 77 60 60 60
2006 52 40 52 46 54 58 62 65 62 54 47 47 53
2007 58 61 50 45 48 70 66 74 77 75 62 62 62
2008 74 74 73 58 61 52 71 79 74 66 72 78 69
2009 75 54 59 54 55 58 75 70 73 73 70 64 65
2010 62 56 55 47 63 63 67 67 70 65 74 63
2011 63 67 56 56 52 70 79 86 80 67 65 64 67
AVG. 58 52 52 48 51 62 73 76 76 68 60 61 61


2001 0.0 0.0 22.3 14.4 49.8 293.3 558.0 353.6 - - - - 1291.4
2002 8.8 0.0 1.8 45.8 74.7 89.2 70.6 203.0 230.9 13.6 5.6 0.0 744.0
2003 0.0 4.4 6.7 23.8 43.4 221.6 209.2 328.4 180.4 254.5 23.8 32.2 1328.4
2004 11.2 8.4 33.0 66.4 81.8 142.4 351.6 175.4 113.9 132.0 0.0 0.0 1116.1
2005 36.8 0.8 54.6 44.6 78.2 161.2 525.2 39.8 226.6 222.2 6.0 1.0 1397.0
2006 0.0 0.0 15.2 24.4 78.2 153.8 252.7 449.1 112.6 27.6 8.0 0.0 1121.6
2007 1.6 25.2 15.2 46.4 64.7 195.4 198.3 113.5 366.9 11.8 0.0 0.0 1039.0
2008 69.4 7.4 9.2 24.6 30.9 277.2 231.4 333.2 409.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 1393.1
2009 0.0 0.0 2.9 0.0 57.2 48.5 589.1 186.2 59.4 136.4 36.4 0.0 1116.1
2010 2.0 1.2 108.4 0.0 119.1 142.2 280.2 282.4 140.2 119.2 24.0 46.0 1264.9
2011 0.0 38.2 13.8 44.6 57.8 150.6 89.0 384.2 418.0 33.2 0.0 0.0 1229.4
TOTAL 11.8 7.8 25.7 30.5 66.9 170.5 305.0 259.0 225.8 95.1 10.4 7.9 1216.4
Date Calm <------------------------- DIRECTION WISE AVERAGE WIND SPEED (km/hr) EXCLUDING CALM ---------------------> Temp Rel_Hum Cloud
<1.8kmph E ENE NE NNE N NNW NW WNW W WSW SW SSW S SSE SE ESE (°c) (%) (Octa)
01-03-2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.73 6.55 8.02 7.59 9.07 0.00 8.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.40 38.00 0.00
02-03-2019 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.50 8.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.37 6.30 7.10 7.90 7.40 13.50 0.00 0.00 27.65 45.00 0.00
03-03-2019 0.00 0.00 29.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.50 7.10 0.00 6.90 5.75 6.90 14.10 11.38 9.23 10.20 10.50 28.11 50.00 0.00
04-03-2019 0.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.00 9.70 11.15 14.38 0.00 10.00 6.90 5.40 0.00 10.70 13.27 8.65 28.42 52.00 0.00
05-03-2019 0.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.60 9.20 10.55 6.90 6.45 14.60 5.30 6.26 2.70 5.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.62 51.00 0.00
06-03-2019 0.90 10.90 0.00 8.10 8.70 11.42 0.00 0.00 8.35 6.15 6.67 5.73 2.50 6.13 9.10 0.00 0.00 29.31 48.00 0.00
07-03-2019 0.00 11.30 9.40 7.00 7.30 8.95 0.00 7.65 9.87 6.00 7.13 6.53 9.90 4.20 0.00 6.70 0.00 29.48 48.00 0.00
08-03-2019 1.58 0.00 0.00 11.70 10.90 8.50 8.48 8.10 0.00 6.28 8.12 7.50 0.00 0.00 4.50 0.00 0.00 29.47 44.00 0.00
09-03-2019 1.17 10.73 13.35 0.00 0.00 5.10 8.10 8.20 0.00 6.30 1.90 7.40 10.60 10.20 9.50 0.00 0.00 29.20 39.00 0.00
10-03-2019 1.10 11.50 8.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.80 0.00 7.70 4.00 8.45 9.80 7.45 12.90 7.90 10.55 30.02 48.00 0.00
11-03-2019 1.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.15 8.63 5.60 0.00 12.50 0.00 7.33 8.63 0.00 3.50 13.00 0.00 7.27 30.39 48.00 0.00
12-03-2019 1.00 11.10 5.60 0.00 6.80 0.00 0.00 5.50 9.60 9.98 9.80 5.28 2.40 9.07 13.40 7.60 6.40 30.41 53.00 0.00
13-03-2019 1.40 10.20 9.40 8.60 7.10 10.90 2.50 7.70 8.10 6.50 0.00 7.65 16.63 6.55 0.00 15.35 8.20 30.39 53.00 0.00
14-03-2019 0.20 0.00 15.40 0.00 0.00 11.43 14.90 16.30 4.07 7.95 6.06 14.90 5.70 6.65 0.00 7.30 0.00 30.40 49.00 0.00
15-03-2019 1.60 11.30 0.00 10.70 11.00 10.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.90 2.70 13.93 11.52 12.90 4.60 0.00 8.55 30.98 37.00 0.00
16-03-2019 0.00 7.00 4.90 0.00 12.45 0.00 10.05 4.80 3.00 13.17 11.00 6.90 7.20 14.65 0.00 7.40 5.00 31.88 39.00 0.00
17-03-2019 0.75 0.00 5.85 0.00 18.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.17 10.40 3.30 8.68 8.90 9.70 9.30 8.45 6.65 31.26 52.00 0.00
18-03-2019 0.00 22.30 0.00 7.60 14.13 12.60 11.80 0.00 14.97 0.00 0.00 10.60 0.00 0.00 14.13 13.93 21.38 29.55 56.00 0.00
19-03-2019 1.10 6.90 6.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.40 26.10 15.95 5.97 3.40 15.40 12.15 14.20 8.45 11.30 7.80 28.31 43.00 0.00
20-03-2019 1.57 5.10 0.00 7.30 0.00 0.00 8.13 0.00 12.83 14.40 5.50 10.52 8.73 9.20 10.25 0.00 0.00 32.93 45.00 0.00
21-03-2019 1.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.20 7.30 9.25 5.00 6.15 32.50 13.15 17.58 10.38 8.80 11.00 0.00 33.99 47.00 0.00
22-03-2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.05 13.45 10.00 10.68 10.64 13.56 9.40 0.00 10.80 34.01 46.00 0.00
23-03-2019 1.10 8.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.27 6.38 7.50 26.85 9.77 11.90 9.20 32.04 56.00 0.00
24-03-2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.26 6.00 16.05 15.92 9.76 16.90 0.00 30.95 64.00 0.00
25-03-2019 0.40 21.60 11.20 0.00 16.10 0.00 0.00 9.90 12.35 13.40 3.10 10.65 2.30 0.00 6.20 5.47 8.97 29.41 69.00 0.00
26-03-2019 1.65 7.20 6.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.60 0.00 3.03 12.82 8.17 6.44 10.75 7.10 29.40 63.00 0.00
27-03-2019 1.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.10 4.73 11.10 5.42 6.69 9.80 3.60 8.50 30.24 61.00 0.00
28-03-2019 1.25 8.93 10.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.40 4.60 2.10 11.05 12.18 0.00 12.75 11.98 30.84 63.00 0.00
29-03-2019 0.70 10.30 5.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.60 10.07 8.53 9.74 11.30 9.20 31.86 57.00 0.00
30-03-2019 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.40 5.10 0.00 9.50 6.67 9.15 12.50 7.90 7.02 32.50 54.00 0.00
31-03-2019 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.95 13.18 7.48 7.87 6.20 0.00 14.30 14.60 0.00 0.00 32.79 44.00 0.00
01-04-2019 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 13.00 13.13 16.35 4.10 11.50 4.90 12.27 8.43 10.77 9.70 7.90 0.00 33.11 48.00 0.00
02-04-2019 1.20 6.00 0.00 5.80 6.80 0.00 5.40 12.90 9.10 7.55 8.10 8.10 11.60 12.13 12.85 6.50 12.80 32.95 46.00 0.00
03-04-2019 0.00 8.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.80 14.05 13.23 14.73 11.80 9.05 6.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.93 36.00 0.00
04-04-2019 0.87 0.00 0.00 11.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.02 5.60 9.32 9.80 7.40 0.00 0.00 4.40 0.00 32.72 37.00 0.00
05-04-2019 1.50 12.60 9.10 15.20 0.00 0.00 4.60 6.70 6.20 1.80 9.70 5.15 7.23 6.10 13.08 10.80 0.00 32.71 47.00 0.00
06-04-2019 1.25 6.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.60 9.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.87 15.40 15.65 9.10 6.30 0.00 32.03 34.00 0.00
07-04-2019 1.45 4.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.30 0.00 10.03 13.80 5.45 5.30 6.90 6.83 11.80 0.00 0.00 32.43 46.00 0.00

08-04-2019 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.90 15.85 15.24 26.30 13.70 14.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.48 61.00 0.00
09-04-2019 0.00 0.00 7.90 9.90 0.00 0.00 14.87 9.77 12.32 7.30 11.70 8.65 9.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.90 32.38 50.00 0.00
10-04-2019 0.90 3.60 9.20 0.00 11.10 0.00 8.65 10.65 10.45 14.60 8.20 6.82 14.10 13.00 7.20 0.00 0.00 32.72 46.00 0.00
11-04-2019 0.90 0.00 8.80 0.00 12.00 0.00 8.70 9.15 7.87 18.60 7.80 11.60 0.00 12.23 0.00 14.10 0.00 31.45 49.00 0.00
12-04-2019 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.90 0.00 9.10 7.20 6.95 34.90 14.60 16.98 10.90 7.80 7.65 0.00 34.02 47.00 0.00
13-04-2019 1.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.10 7.30 8.90 0.00 7.70 0.00 19.03 16.24 9.18 7.90 11.20 0.00 33.80 47.00 0.00
14-04-2019 0.00 0.00 7.60 9.10 11.40 17.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.50 14.46 16.62 11.17 12.70 0.00 8.60 32.56 48.00 0.00
15-04-2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.70 10.65 11.32 8.65 15.00 11.10 9.20 11.23 11.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.20 32.35 50.00 0.00
16-04-2019 1.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.70 22.00 23.85 11.85 0.00 9.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.90 39.00 0.00

Date Calm <------------------------- DIRECTION WISE AVERAGE WIND SPEED (km/hr) EXCLUDING CALM ---------------------> Temp Rel_Hum Cloud
<1.8kmph E ENE NE NNE N NNW NW WNW W WSW SW SSW S SSE SE ESE (°c) (%) (Octa)
17-04-2019 1.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.85 17.87 15.40 9.45 6.20 13.30 8.13 0.00 8.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.71 36.00 0.00
18-04-2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.70 13.40 12.30 13.67 7.05 0.00 7.10 9.30 9.23 0.00 0.00 6.30 0.00 0.00 31.78 33.00 0.00
19-04-2019 0.00 0.00 8.80 13.30 0.00 0.00 7.95 8.80 9.97 5.00 6.40 4.27 9.70 8.07 8.00 0.00 11.00 31.99 39.00 0.00
20-04-2019 1.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.13 11.60 9.70 8.25 5.15 9.15 11.10 7.50 14.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.22 41.00 0.00
21-04-2019 1.80 0.00 0.00 8.00 8.10 0.00 0.00 11.60 9.10 5.75 7.70 10.13 7.45 12.33 16.05 8.85 9.80 32.92 46.00 0.00
22-04-2019 1.20 5.00 0.00 0.00 6.90 8.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.92 6.70 8.53 11.56 0.00 11.00 10.20 0.00 33.65 49.00 0.00
23-04-2019 1.00 7.70 6.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.25 20.10 11.44 5.20 11.30 6.20 8.50 8.10 9.60 10.40 5.90 34.74 43.00 0.00
24-04-2019 1.10 5.60 0.00 8.70 0.00 0.00 10.17 0.00 12.40 12.80 6.65 9.95 4.30 13.20 7.40 0.00 0.00 34.90 45.00 0.00
25-04-2019 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.80 0.00 7.87 2.20 5.80 33.90 19.20 15.90 11.58 6.80 11.30 0.00 34.14 47.00 0.00
26-04-2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.90 15.88 16.18 12.21 11.10 11.50 7.50 33.94 49.00 0.00
27-04-2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.90 0.00 0.00 16.23 0.00 20.40 18.10 11.80 14.80 14.38 17.30 0.00 32.94 49.00 0.00
28-04-2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.65 18.87 11.25 20.10 12.37 13.22 12.88 10.17 0.00 33.30 47.00 0.00
29-04-2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.90 19.00 10.62 14.60 7.13 17.48 22.75 0.00 0.00 33.48 48.00 0.00
30-04-2019 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.23 9.07 18.60 22.10 2.20 15.20 15.90 0.00 0.00 33.47 47.00 0.00
01-05-2019 0.20 22.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.25 13.48 24.20 13.98 11.50 10.00 16.52 22.33 33.78 47.00 0.00
02-05-2019 0.00 11.78 0.00 0.00 25.90 0.00 0.00 16.35 16.50 14.23 18.75 0.00 14.30 0.00 15.70 0.00 9.60 33.22 51.00 0.00
03-05-2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.90 21.75 7.65 0.00 6.55 6.10 0.00 20.70 26.20 16.74 9.37 22.00 0.00 0.00 33.15 47.00 0.00
04-05-2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.65 18.95 12.55 0.00 12.69 11.68 6.60 7.80 0.00 33.85 48.00 0.00
05-05-2019 0.00 4.70 0.00 0.00 7.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.10 10.03 14.40 7.10 14.50 16.87 8.40 0.00 2.80 33.10 42.00 1.00
06-05-2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.90 17.20 17.85 15.34 9.87 14.34 0.00 0.00 33.64 37.00 0.00
07-05-2019 1.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.60 0.00 29.45 0.00 0.00 15.85 14.78 20.14 15.50 20.80 0.00 33.76 46.00 0.00
08-05-2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.70 12.20 9.70 12.05 11.60 13.87 21.28 20.45 0.00 33.82 53.00 0.00
09-05-2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.40 11.70 15.40 11.66 12.44 10.87 14.00 0.00 0.00 33.02 52.00 0.00
10-05-2019 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.50 9.98 17.12 21.77 12.30 19.78 12.53 9.90 0.00 33.01 52.00 0.00
11-05-2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.30 0.00 17.58 13.33 14.30 11.06 12.53 18.23 0.00 0.00 33.46 54.00 1.00
12-05-2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.90 9.60 7.78 7.20 9.99 9.86 10.20 0.00 0.00 33.52 48.00 0.00
13-05-2019 1.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.30 11.20 9.90 0.00 5.75 3.43 3.77 3.40 0.00 33.42 54.00 4.00
14-05-2019 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.35 10.30 7.47 6.53 4.90 7.32 6.00 0.00 0.00 33.45 49.00 0.00
15-05-2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.30 11.70 14.60 9.65 6.40 5.95 0.00 0.00 33.84 63.00 0.00
16-05-2019 1.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.30 8.06 6.73 6.20 8.75 4.60 3.00 0.00 34.17 68.00 0.00
17-05-2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.80 8.13 8.93 6.33 6.80 6.40 0.00 0.00 32.31 58.00 0.00
18-05-2019 1.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.65 5.70 5.10 11.60 10.50 2.00 9.60 6.20 34.14 63.00 0.00
19-05-2019 1.12 3.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.85 5.16 4.57 34.87 59.00 0.00
20-05-2019 1.20 10.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.88 7.74 7.07 35.15 53.00 0.00
21-05-2019 1.60 8.24 5.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.16 10.44 0.00 0.00 33.43 44.00 0.00
22-05-2019 0.00 0.00 2.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 14.50 13.80 8.76 3.10 3.73 10.40 33.71 48.00 0.00

23-05-2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.70 8.60 8.77 6.43 6.31 14.13 17.00 32.68 46.00 0.00
24-05-2019 1.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.10 5.89 10.31 16.46 33.08 39.00 0.00
25-05-2019 1.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.80 6.80 4.89 6.28 5.97 6.60 32.90 39.00 0.00
26-05-2019 1.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.90 0.00 7.85 5.67 9.23 8.13 4.20 2.00 0.00 2.50 1.90 0.00 32.80 49.00 0.00
27-05-2019 1.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 4.60 4.91 4.15 0.00 6.23 3.00 9.70 9.75 0.00 33.10 48.00 0.00
28-05-2019 0.00 10.36 6.30 0.00 0.00 16.87 10.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.87 7.95 0.00 32.58 47.00 0.00
29-05-2019 0.00 5.22 8.83 8.90 19.60 16.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.53 0.00 3.80 32.43 48.00 0.00
30-05-2019 1.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.05 8.23 6.88 7.00 33.84 47.00 0.00
31-05-2019 1.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.10 5.72 6.95 6.87 33.12 44.00 0.00
Note : The above daily averages have been arrived after processing the hourly readings monitored by automatic weather station



(Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant to 3.55 MTPA steel)

Sl. Date of sampling PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2 NH3 BaP C6H6 CO* Pb As Ni PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2 CO* PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2 CO*
No. µg/m3 µg/m3 µg/m3 µg/m3 µg/m3 ng/m3 µg/m3 mg/m3 µg/m3 ng/m3 ng/m3 µg/m3 µg/m3 µg/m3 µg/m3 mg/m3 µg/m3 µg/m3 µg/m3 µg/m3 mg/m3
LOCATION: Proposed Core Zone Mosonia Village Tarkabera Village
1 1 - 02-03-2019 65.0 34.7 10.7 17.6 BDL N.D N.D 0.573 BDL BDL BDL 67.2 38.9 14.6 16.9 0.527 47.6 25.4 8.0 11.9 0.388
2 5 - 06-03-2019 66.1 36.2 10.0 16.3 BDL N.D N.D 0.527 BDL BDL BDL 70.7 40.5 16.6 19.4 0.750 47.4 26.3 8.6 13.1 0.382
3 9 - 10-03-2019 70.2 39.5 11.3 15.0 BDL N.D N.D 0.544 BDL BDL BDL 69.9 38.7 12.6 16.3 0.527 55.9 30.8 9.3 10.0 0.336
4 12 - 13-03-2019 69.4 38.9 10.7 13.8 BDL N.D N.D 0.447 BDL BDL BDL 69.3 38.9 16.6 18.2 0.790 50.3 27.5 7.3 11.3 0.249
5 16 - 17-03-2019 69.0 38.0 12.0 16.3 BDL N.D N.D 0.521 BDL BDL BDL 68.2 38.4 14.6 19.4 0.590 53.3 28.3 10.0 13.8 0.324
6 20 - 21-03-2019 67.3 38.7 10.0 13.2 BDL N.D N.D 0.487 BDL BDL BDL 69.3 37.5 14.7 20.1 0.699 48.9 29.3 8.0 13.8 0.318
7 24 - 25-03-2019 65.2 39.1 11.5 17.6 BDL N.D N.D 0.355 BDL BDL BDL 70.1 40.1 16.9 20.8 0.705 44.4 27.1 8.4 13.6 0.353
8 28 - 29-03-2019 68.0 40.3 10.2 15.6 BDL N.D N.D 0.401 BDL BDL BDL 69.3 39.2 12.7 18.9 0.682 45.9 25.8 8.5 11.7 0.307
9 1 - 02-04-2019 70.5 40.3 12.1 13.7 BDL N.D N.D 0.596 BDL BDL BDL 68.6 37.7 14.5 15.0 0.596 56.2 32.6 8.4 12.4 0.301
10 5 - 06-04-2019 66.2 37.5 12.0 14.3 BDL N.D N.D 0.538 BDL BDL BDL 67.8 40.0 16.3 21.4 0.556 40.8 24.2 9.1 13.0 0.307
11 9 - 10-04-2019 66.9 39.2 10.9 16.3 BDL N.D N.D 0.344 BDL BDL BDL 67.2 38.8 16.3 20.8 0.55 53.2 29.7 7.2 9.8 0.342
12 12 - 13-04-2019 67.8 36.2 10.8 15.6 BDL N.D N.D 0.464 BDL BDL BDL 68.8 40.8 13.9 18.2 0.63 52.3 28.8 8.4 12.3 0.295
13 16 - 17-04-2019 65.7 36.7 12.0 17.5 BDL N.D N.D 0.579 BDL BDL BDL 69.9 41.8 14.5 18.2 0.533 57.3 32.9 9.7 13.7 0.400
14 20 - 21-04-2019 69.0 38.8 11.4 16.3 BDL N.D N.D 0.573 BDL BDL BDL 66.9 35.7 13.2 17.5 0.705 40.7 22.6 7.8 10.4 0.377
15 24 - 25-04-2019 70.5 41.7 9.7 14.3 BDL N.D N.D 0.475 BDL BDL BDL 69.9 40.2 15.1 20.8 0.756 46.7 25.4 7.2 13.7 0.400
16 27 - 28-04-2019 70.9 39.1 9.7 15.0 BDL N.D N.D 0.527 BDL BDL BDL 69.5 38.0 16.9 19.5 0.584 57.7 31.6 9.6 13.6 0.353
17 1 - 02-05-2019 67.0 36.4 12.1 14.3 BDL N.D N.D 0.527 BDL BDL BDL 70.0 40.5 13.2 15.6 0.601 48.3 27.8 9.0 12.3 0.324
18 5 - 06-05-2019 70.4 37.6 9.6 15.6 BDL N.D N.D 0.527 BDL BDL BDL 70.1 40.3 13.3 16.3 0.727 42.6 23.8 8.4 11.0 0.382
19 9 - 10-05-2019 66.4 38.0 9.9 15.9 BDL N.D N.D 0.544 BDL BDL BDL 70.6 42.3 13.2 17.7 0.556 42.0 24.2 7.4 9.5 0.377
20 12 - 13-05-2019 68.9 40.6 13.2 15.0 BDL N.D N.D 0.527 BDL BDL BDL 70.1 38.8 15.6 19.5 0.693 52.2 31.0 9.9 10.0 0.260
21 16 - 17-05-2019 66.5 39.6 10.7 17.7 BDL N.D N.D 0.584 BDL BDL BDL 66.4 37.5 13.2 16.8 0.561 55.3 32.0 7.4 13.2 0.289
22 20 - 21-05-2019 67.6 39.6 9.9 15.9 BDL N.D N.D 0.39 BDL BDL BDL 70.4 38.1 13.2 21.4 0.659 55.6 30.0 7.4 13.2 0.382
23 24 - 25-05-2019 65.4 36.6 13.2 15.4 BDL N.D N.D 0.378 BDL BDL BDL 70.0 41.2 14.0 18.2 0.538 43.6 25.4 9.9 11.8 0.313
24 28 - 29-05-2019 67.3 37.2 10.7 15.5 BDL N.D N.D 0.493 BDL BDL BDL 70.8 40.0 13.2 18.2 0.607 52.8 30.0 9.1 10.9 0.243
Minimum 65.0 34.7 9.6 13.2 BDL - - 0.344 - - - 66.4 35.7 12.6 15.0 0.527 40.7 22.6 7.2 9.5 0.243
Maximum 70.9 41.7 13.2 17.7 BDL - - 0.596 - - - 70.8 42.3 16.9 21.4 0.790 57.7 32.9 10.0 13.8 0.400
Average 67.8 38.4 11.0 15.6 BDL - - 0.497 - - - 69.2 39.3 14.5 18.5 0.630 49.6 28.0 8.5 12.1 0.333
98 percentile 70.7 41.2 13.2 17.6 BDL - - 0.590 - - - 70.8 42.1 16.9 21.4 0.774 57.5 32.8 9.9 13.8 0.400

Sl. Date of sampling PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2 CO* PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2 CO* PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2 CO*
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
No. µg/m µg/m µg/m µg/m mg/m µg/m µg/m µg/m µg/m mg/m µg/m µg/m µg/m µg/m mg/m
LOCATION: Kadala Village Nimabahali Village Thokar Village
1 2 - 03-03-2019 61.1 36.7 9.3 17.5 0.557 68.5 38.8 11.3 16.9 0.427 51.8 29.6 9.3 11.9 BDL
2 6 - 07-03-2019 41.5 23.8 11.3 13.8 0.282 61.3 35.4 10.0 20.1 0.432 49.7 29.2 8.6 11.3 0.334
3 10 - 11-03-2019 60.6 34.3 7.3 17.5 0.318 62.8 35.9 12.0 18.2 0.369 47.3 27.2 8.0 10.0 0.132
4 13 - 14-03-2019 56.1 32.1 6.6 18.8 0.229 57.6 34.1 14.6 18.8 0.571 51.5 30.0 BDL 9.4 0.115
5 17 - 18-03-2019 60.1 34.5 13.3 17.5 0.366 68.9 37.1 11.3 17.5 0.357 45.4 25.4 8.0 9.4 0.236
6 21 - 22-03-2019 60.6 35.0 13.3 18.2 0.563 60.2 33.4 9.3 13.8 0.392 51.6 29.3 8.0 8.8 0.161
7 25 - 26-03-2019 48.5 27.2 7.2 13.7 0.187 68.0 38.5 11.5 18.9 0.646 47.0 27.5 6.0 10.4 0.300
8 29 - 30-03-2019 41.9 22.0 12.0 14.3 0.497 58.6 33.0 11.4 19.5 0.409 49.7 27.9 6.0 8.5 0.155
9 2 - 03-04-2019 49.4 27.9 10.8 13.0 0.312 64.9 37.6 13.3 15.6 0.548 45.4 26.7 BDL 8.5 0.357
10 6 - 07-04-2019 59.9 33.5 12.7 17.6 0.515 67.9 36.3 9.6 20.2 0.404 44.4 25.0 6.0 11.0 0.126
11 10 - 11-04-2019 41.1 23.4 12.1 13.0 0.527 58.6 33.3 14.5 20.8 0.461 45.3 26.7 6.0 11.7 0.334
12 13 - 14-04-2019 52.1 28.7 12.7 18.2 0.533 57.7 32.2 9.6 20.2 0.409 46.7 26.3 9.1 9.1 0.300
13 17 - 18-04-2019 60.0 33.5 10.3 11.7 0.557 61.4 34.5 12.0 20.1 0.560 47.6 27.2 BDL 10.4 0.219
14 21 - 22-04-2019 48.9 27.9 11.5 13.0 0.420 58.3 31.4 11.5 20.2 0.583 43.2 24.7 9.0 13.0 0.253
15 25 - 26-04-2019 60.6 34.5 8.4 13.0 0.557 60.5 36.4 10.9 21.5 0.611 42.1 24.3 7.2 11.7 0.172
16 28 - 29-04-2019 46.1 27.9 13.3 14.3 0.342 66.9 39.9 13.3 20.2 0.513 48.6 27.5 6.0 8.4 0.138
17 2 - 03-05-2019 54.8 30.3 7.2 13.0 0.575 65.8 38.4 11.4 13.0 0.438 54.0 31.3 7.8 9.8 0.265
18 6 - 07-05-2019 47.0 25.7 13.2 16.4 0.217 58.6 33.3 12.3 21.3 0.404 42.3 24.6 BDL 11.4 0.178
19 10 - 11-05-2019 52.4 30.0 7.4 18.2 0.485 65.6 36.3 9.1 16.8 0.594 43.6 25.9 8.2 9.6 0.317
20 13 - 14-05-2019 43.6 25.9 6.6 14.6 0.324 65.8 36.6 12.4 20.9 0.473 54.4 31.2 7.4 11.8 0.167
21 17 - 18-05-2019 42.4 24.2 13.2 14.1 0.527 63.6 33.9 13.2 21.4 0.600 54.1 31.8 7.4 9.1 0.155
22 21 - 22-05-2019 50.5 28.3 12.4 13.6 0.223 60.2 34.2 12.3 17.7 0.525 48.3 27.5 7.4 9.1 0.352
23 25 - 26-05-2019 44.2 25.9 9.1 17.7 0.396 65.7 39.3 14.0 14.5 0.531 54.9 31.2 BDL 11.8 0.207
24 29 - 30-05-2019 51.9 30.6 13.2 14.1 0.223 67.0 38.3 12.3 16.8 0.375 49.9 29.7 7.4 8.2 0.172
Minimum 41.1 22.0 6.6 11.7 0.187 57.6 31.4 9.1 13.0 0.357 42.1 24.3 BDL 8.2 BDL
Maximum 61.1 36.7 13.3 18.8 0.575 68.9 39.9 14.6 21.5 0.646 54.9 31.8 9.3 13.0 0.357
Average 51.5 29.3 10.6 15.3 0.406 63.1 35.8 11.8 18.5 0.485 48.3 27.8 7.1 10.2 0.219
98 percentile 60.9 35.9 13.3 18.5 0.569 68.7 39.6 14.6 21.4 0.630 54.7 31.6 9.2 12.5 0.355


Sl. No. Date of sampling PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2 CO* PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2 CO*
µg/m3 µg/m3 µg/m3 µg/m3 mg/m3 µg/m3 µg/m3 µg/m3 µg/m3 mg/m3
LOCATION: Beruanpal Village Nimidha Village
1 3 - 04-03-2019 68.1 39.7 9.3 16.3 0.567 64.2 37.1 11.3 11.9 0.293
2 7 - 08-03-2019 64.3 35.9 10.0 16.9 0.408 64.1 36.6 8.6 14.4 0.380
3 11 - 12-03-2019 65.2 36.0 9.3 15.1 0.426 63.4 33.6 8.0 16.9 0.438
4 14 - 15-03-2019 67.9 36.3 10.6 16.3 0.361 60.1 34.6 10.6 15.0 0.340
5 18 - 19-03-2019 66.7 37.7 10.6 15.7 0.567 60.4 37.3 11.3 15.7 0.311
6 22 - 23-03-2019 67.2 39.2 9.6 15.0 0.549 64.6 35.4 11.4 14.3 0.288
7 26 - 27-03-2019 66.3 36.6 13.3 14.3 0.508 60.0 34.2 8.5 13.0 0.484
8 30 - 31-03-2019 64.5 35.7 12.0 14.3 0.520 60.1 34.2 8.4 16.3 0.328
9 3 - 04-04-2019 65.9 38.0 11.5 16.3 0.579 60.4 35.0 9.6 13.0 0.380
10 7 - 08-04-2019 65.0 37.1 13.3 13.0 0.473 64.0 37.7 9.7 13.0 0.438
11 11 - 12-04-2019 69.9 42.2 11.4 16.2 0.385 64.6 36.8 10.9 13.0 0.322
12 14 - 15-04-2019 67.1 37.2 12.7 16.9 0.620 60.1 33.3 9.7 11.7 0.415
13 18 - 19-04-2019 67.3 36.0 12.7 14.3 0.361 56.8 31.4 9.7 13.7 0.450
14 22 - 23-04-2019 68.8 40.1 9.6 13.7 0.502 60.9 33.6 8.4 14.9 0.398
15 26 - 27-04-2019 65.7 36.2 12.7 15.0 0.414 57.0 34.2 9.0 15.0 0.386
16 29 - 30-04-2019 67.5 36.7 13.9 14.3 0.514 64.2 35.7 8.4 13.6 0.380
17 3 - 04-05-2019 69.1 36.8 12.1 15.6 0.361 55.5 31.4 8.4 11.7 0.351
18 7 - 08-05-2019 67.8 36.7 14.0 15.0 0.514 64.9 37.3 10.7 15.5 0.496
19 11 - 12-05-2019 65.0 38.3 14.0 14.1 0.414 57.5 33.3 9.9 11.8 0.363
20 14 - 15-05-2019 64.1 38.5 10.7 13.2 0.455 62.6 34.3 9.1 16.4 0.305
21 18 - 19-05-2019 69.0 38.8 9.1 15.5 0.490 56.8 30.5 9.1 13.2 0.363
22 22 - 23-05-2019 65.0 34.5 9.9 13.2 0.379 55.1 33.0 11.5 13.2 0.328
23 26 - 27-05-2019 64.9 36.7 13.2 16.8 0.620 65.8 37.8 10.7 11.4 0.369
24 30 - 31-05-2019 66.2 38.2 11.5 12.3 0.349 62.0 35.0 10.7 15.0 0.345
Minimum 64.1 34.5 9.1 12.3 0.349 55.1 30.5 8.0 11.4 0.288
Maximum 69.9 42.2 14.0 16.9 0.620 65.8 37.8 11.5 16.9 0.496
Average 66.6 37.5 11.5 15.0 0.472 61.0 34.7 9.7 13.9 0.373
98 percentile 69.5 41.2 14.0 16.9 0.620 65.4 37.8 11.5 16.7 0.490

Sl. Date of Sampling Location NH3 BaP C6H6 Pb As Ni

No. (µg/m3) (ng/m3) (µg/m3) (µg/m3) (ng/m3) (ng/m3)
1 16-17/03/2019 Mosonia Village BDL N.D N.D BDL BDL BDL
2 16-17/03/2019 Tarkabeda Village BDL N.D N.D BDL BDL BDL
3 17-18/03/2019 Kadala Village BDL N.D N.D BDL BDL BDL
4 17-18/03/2019 Nimabahali Village BDL N.D N.D BDL BDL BDL
5 17-18/03/2019 Thokar Village BDL N.D N.D BDL BDL BDL
6 18-19/03/2019 Beruanpal Village BDL N.D N.D BDL BDL BDL
7 18-19/03/2019 Nimidha Village BDL N.D N.D BDL BDL BDL
N.D: Not detected, * Parameter 1ppm CO is 1.146mg/m3 at 25°C
Note: BDL (Below Detection Limit) of SO2<6.0; NH3<1.0; Pb<0.07µg/m3; As < 0.6ng/m3; Ni<0.6 ng/m3
Source: Test Report no. MMA/06-19/12 from Min Mec R&D Laboratory, New Delhi

Page 1 of 4 .

Customer's Name & Address Sample Particulars
Type of Sample : Surface & Ground water
Rungta Mines Ltd. Work Order No. : 4800009067
Dhenkanal Steel Plant Sampling Location : In and around Dhenkanal
Village - Jharbandh Steel Plant, Odisha
PO.- Nimbahali, Via- Meramandali Sampling Procedure : IS 3025 (Part 1)
Dist. Dhenkanal - 759121 Sample Volume/Quantity : 1 ltr.
Odisha Sampling Team : MMRDL (Manoj)
Sample Reg. No. : MMW/05-2019/1.1-1.5,2.1-2.3
Date of Sampling : 30-04-2019
Date of Receipt : 01-05-2019
Contact Person : Mr. G. P. Sharma Date of Testing : 01/05/2019 to 07/05/2019
Phone : 06582-255261 Date of Report : 08-05-2019
Test Report No. : MMW/05-2019/1
ULR Number : TC633719000000059P
Parameters Drinking water limits (IS: Protocol TEST RESULTS
10500:2012 and
Ammendment No. 1)
Desirable Permissible

Turbidity, NTU 1 5 IS 3025 (Part 10) BDL BDL BDL BDL

pH value 6.5 - 8.5 No relaxation IS 3025 (Part 11) 7.5 6.9 7.1 7.3
Specific conductance, µmhos - - IS 3025 (Part 14) 867 960 637 1029
Total Dissolved Solids, mg/l 500 2000 IS 3025 (Part 16) 490 626 366 628
Total Suspended Solids, mg/l - - IS 3025 (Part 17) BDL BDL BDL BDL
Total Hardness as CaCO3, mg/l 200 600 IS 3025 (Part 21) 320 312 288 384
Alkalinity, mg/l 200 600 IS 3025 (Part 23) 384 222 335 212
Sulphate as SO4 mg/l 200 400 IS 3025 (Part 24) 28 55 13 65
Phosphorous as P, mg/l - - IS 3025 (Part 31) BDL BDL BDL BDL
Chloride as Cl, mg/l 250 1000 IS 3025 (Part 32) 39 157 21 159
Calcium as Ca, mg/l 75 200 IS 3025 (Part 40) 74 72 51 99
Dissolved oxygen, mg/l - - IS 3025 (Part 38) - - - -
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), - - IS 3025 (Part 44) - - - -
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), - - APHA 5220 D - - - -
Sodium as Na, mg/l - - IS 3025 (Part 45) 62.4 70 23.2 52.0
Potassium as K, mg/l - - IS 3025 (Part 45) 2.5 2.4 1.0 2.2
Magnesium as Mg, mg/l 30 100 IS 3025 (Part 46) 33 32 38 33
Iron as Fe, mg/l 1.0 No relaxation IS 3025 (Part 53) BDL 0.2 BDL BDL
Fluoride as F, mg/l 1.0 1.5 APHA 4500-F-D 0.71 BDL 0.36 0.15
Oil & Grease, mg/l - - IS 3025 (Part 39) - - - -

Page 2 of 4 .
Report No :MMW/05-2019/1 .

Parameters Drinking water limits (IS: Protocol TEST RESULTS
10500:2012 and
Ammendment No. 1)
Desirable Permissible

Silver as Ag, mg/l 0.1 No relaxation IS 3025 (Part 2) BDL BDL BDL BDL
Boron as B, mg/l 0.5 1 IS 3025 (Part 2) BDL BDL BDL BDL
Chromium as Cr,mg/l 0.05 No relaxation IS 3025 (Part 2) BDL BDL BDL BDL
Copper as Cu, mg/l 0.05 1.5 IS 3025 (Part 2) BDL BDL BDL BDL
Manganese as Mn, mg/l 0.1 0.3 IS 3025 (Part 2) BDL 0.020 0.022 0.022
Nickel as Ni, mg/l 0.02 No relaxation IS 3025 (Part 2) BDL BDL BDL BDL
Selenium as Se, mg/l 0.01 No relaxation IS 3025 (Part 2) BDL BDL BDL BDL
Arsenic as As, mg/l 0.01 No relaxation IS 3025 (Part 2) BDL BDL BDL BDL
Zinc as Zn, mg/l 5 15 IS 3025 (Part 2) BDL 0.020 0.236 0.332
Acidity as CaCO3,mg/l - - IS 3025 (Part 22) 4 at 4 at pH 12 at pH 8 at
pH 8.3 8.3 8.3 pH 8.3

Nitrate as NO3, mg/l 45 No relaxation APHA (4500-NO3-B) 8.62 8.06 3.20 30.84
Hexavalent Chromium, mg/l - - APHA 3500-Cr B BDL BDL BDL BDL
Residual Free Chlorine, mg/l * 0.2 1 IS 3025 (Part 26) NIL NIL NIL NIL
Total Coliform (MPN/100ml) * - - APHA 9221 B - - - -
E. Coli * - - APHA 9221 F - - - -
NOTE : BDL(Below Detection Limit) of Turbidity (NTU) <1, TSS <10, P <0.1, Fe <0.1, F <0.1, O&G <5, Ag <0.01, B <0.01, Cr
<0.01, Cu <0.01, Mn <0.01, Ni <0.01, Se <0.01, As <0.01, Zn <0.01, Cr6+ <0.1 mg/l

* Parameter not in NABL scope.

Page 3 of 4 .
Report No :MMW/05-2019/1 .

Customer's Name & Address Sample Particulars
Type of Sample : Surface & Ground water
Rungta Mines Ltd. Work Order No. : 4800009067
Dhenkanal Steel Plant Sampling Location : In and around Dhenkanal
Village - Jharbandh Steel Plant, Odisha
PO.- Nimbahali, Via- Meramandali Sampling Procedure : IS 3025 (Part 1)
Dist. Dhenkanal - 759121 Sample Volume/Quantity : 1 ltr.
Odisha Sampling Team : MMRDL (Manoj)
Sample Reg. No. : MMW/05-2019/1.1-1.5,2.1-2.3
Date of Sampling : 30-04-2019
Date of Receipt : 01-05-2019
Contact Person : Mr. G. P. Sharma Date of Testing : 01/05/2019 to 07/05/2019
Phone : 06582-255261 Date of Report : 08-05-2019
Test Report No. : MMW/05-2019/1
ULR Number : TC633719000000059P
Parameters Drinking water limits (IS: Protocol TEST RESULTS
10500:2012 and
Ammendment No. 1)
Desirable Permissible


Turbidity, NTU 1 5 IS 3025 (Part 10) BDL BDL BDL BDL

pH value 6.5 - 8.5 No relaxation IS 3025 (Part 11) 7.8 7.9 7.9 7.2
Specific conductance, µmhos - - IS 3025 (Part 14) 959 175 775 726
Total Dissolved Solids, mg/l 500 2000 IS 3025 (Part 16) 610 116 460 432
Total Suspended Solids, mg/l - - IS 3025 (Part 17) BDL BDL BDL BDL
Total Hardness as CaCO3, mg/l 200 600 IS 3025 (Part 21) 328 64 184 280
Alkalinity, mg/l 200 600 IS 3025 (Part 23) 433 74 143 330
Sulphate as SO4 mg/l 200 400 IS 3025 (Part 24) 19 9 62 21
Phosphorous as P, mg/l - - IS 3025 (Part 31) BDL BDL BDL BDL
Chloride as Cl, mg/l 250 1000 IS 3025 (Part 32) 69 15 118 56
Calcium as Ca, mg/l 75 200 IS 3025 (Part 40) 63 13 45 37
Dissolved oxygen, mg/l - - IS 3025 (Part 38) - 6.9 7.1 6.8
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), - - IS 3025 (Part 44) - 5 15 10
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), - - APHA 5220 D - 11 25 18
Sodium as Na, mg/l - - IS 3025 (Part 45) 74.3 6.5 75.4 43.1
Potassium as K, mg/l - - IS 3025 (Part 45) 1.7 1.8 11.9 14.5
Magnesium as Mg, mg/l 30 100 IS 3025 (Part 46) 41 8 17 34
Iron as Fe, mg/l 1.0 No relaxation IS 3025 (Part 53) 0.1 BDL BDL BDL
Fluoride as F, mg/l 1.0 1.5 APHA 4500-F-D 0.27 0.14 0.78 0.17
Oil & Grease, mg/l - - IS 3025 (Part 39) - BDL BDL BDL

Page 4 of 4 .
Report No :MMW/05-2019/1 .

Parameters Drinking water limits (IS: Protocol TEST RESULTS
10500:2012 and
Ammendment No. 1)
Desirable Permissible

Silver as Ag, mg/l 0.1 No relaxation IS 3025 (Part 2) BDL BDL BDL BDL
Boron as B, mg/l 0.5 1 IS 3025 (Part 2) 0.028 0.015 0.164 0.057
Chromium as Cr,mg/l 0.05 No relaxation IS 3025 (Part 2) BDL BDL BDL BDL
Copper as Cu, mg/l 0.05 1.5 IS 3025 (Part 2) BDL BDL BDL BDL
Manganese as Mn, mg/l 0.1 0.3 IS 3025 (Part 2) 0.067 BDL BDL BDL
Nickel as Ni, mg/l 0.02 No relaxation IS 3025 (Part 2) BDL BDL BDL BDL
Selenium as Se, mg/l 0.01 No relaxation IS 3025 (Part 2) BDL BDL BDL BDL
Arsenic as As, mg/l 0.01 No relaxation IS 3025 (Part 2) BDL BDL BDL BDL
Zinc as Zn, mg/l 5 15 IS 3025 (Part 2) 0.131 BDL 0.033 0.038
Acidity as CaCO3,mg/l - - IS 3025 (Part 22) 4 at pH 4 at pH 4 at pH 12 at pH
8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3

Nitrate as NO3, mg/l 45 No relaxation APHA (4500-NO3-B) 0.62 0.74 14.62 2.76
Hexavalent Chromium, mg/l - - APHA 3500-Cr B BDL BDL BDL BDL
Residual Free Chlorine, mg/l * 0.2 1 IS 3025 (Part 26) NIL NIL NIL NIL
Total Coliform (MPN/100ml) * - - APHA 9221 B - 6 17 12
E. Coli * - - APHA 9221 F - Absent Present Absent
NOTE : BDL(Below Detection Limit) of Turbidity (NTU) <1, TSS <10, P <0.1, Fe <0.1, F <0.1, O&G <5, Ag <0.01, B <0.01, Cr
<0.01, Cu <0.01, Mn <0.01, Ni <0.01, Se <0.01, As <0.01, Zn <0.01, Cr6+ <0.1 mg/l

* Parameter not in NABL scope.

ANNEXURE : X Contd..
ANNEXURE : X Contd..
A-121, Paryavaran Complex,IGNOU Road, New Delhi – 110 030
Phone :29534777, 29532236, 29535891; Fax : 91-11-29532568
Email : [email protected] ; Visit us at :

Type of Sample : Noise
Rungta Mines Ltd. Work Order No. : 4800009067
Dhenkanal Steel Plant Sampling Location : As per table given below in and around Dhenkanal
Village- Jharbandh, Steel Plant, Odisha
PO.- Nimabahali, Via - Meramandali Sampling Procedure : Protocol for Ambient Level Noise Monitoring, CPCB
Dist.- Dhenkanal-759121 Sample Duration : 24 hours
Odisha Sampling Team : MMRDL (Ravikant)
Sample Reg. No. : MMN/05-19/2.1- 2.4
Date of Monitoring : 28/04/2019 to 30/04/2019
Date of Receipt : 21/05/2019
Contact Person : Mr. G. P. Sharma
Date of Report : 28/05/2019
Phone: 06582-255261
Test Report No. : MMN/05-19/03
ULR No. TC633719000000061F
Page : 1 of 1

Hours Plant area Nimbahali Village Tarkabeda Village Kadala Village

Date of monitoring→ 28-29/04/2019 28-29/04/2019 29-30/04/2019 29-30/04/2019
10-11 52.27 46.72 52.44 51.22
11-12 54.08 47.69 48.37 45.11
12-13 46.85 47.06 47.91 45.12
13-14 47.41 50.61 49.18 45.65
14-15 51.5 50 48.68 48.99
15-16 51.17 49.68 48.43 47.78
16-17 50.79 48.14 48.37 52.46
17-18 48.04 47.95 47.72 52.46
18-19 47.92 48.2 47.23 51.19
19-20 47.65 48.02 47.47 41.63
20-21 42.83 40.61 43.26 41.98
21-22 42.96 41.03 42.93 42.15
22-23 42.66 40.97 42.96 42.74
23-00 40.83 40.71 40.91 38.96
00-01 41.24 41.44 41.15 38.9
01-02 41.02 41.48 41.15 39.61
02-03 40.43 41.07 40.95 39.46
03-04 40.94 41.02 40.87 38.73
04-05 40.32 41.15 40.98 39.08
05-06 40.89 41.15 41.15 39.59
06-07 52.96 50.07 51.06 50.93
07-08 53.39 50 51.42 51.01
08-09 52.8 49.31 51.53 52.56
09-10 53.81 47.87 51.61 50.5
Day time Leq. 51.18 48.58 49.52 49.79
Night time Leq. 41.35 41.12 41.53 40.17
24 hour Avg. Leq. 49.41 46.98 47.88 48.03

Category of area Ambient Air Quality Standards in Respect of Noise in db (A) Leq as per Noise Pollution
(Regulation and Control) Rules 2000
Day time Night time
Industrial area 75 70
Commercial area 65 55
Residential area 55 45
Silence zone 50 40
Source: Pollution Control Acts, Rules and Notifications Issued Thereunder, Pollution Control Law Series: PCLS/02/1992
(Fourth edition) of Central Pollution Control Board, Sept -2001, Page 711

Prepared by Checked by

Rashmi Gupta Dr. Marisha Sharma

Administrative Manager Authorised Signatory
-end of report-
♦ The results indicated only refer to the tested samples and listed parameters and do not endorse any product
♦ Total liability of the laboratory is limited to the invoice amount
♦ This certificate shall not be reproduced wholly or in part without prior written consent of the laboratory
♦ Unused balance of samples received shall be destroyed after one month from the date of issue of test report, unless other wise specified
♦ This report shall not be used in any advertising media or as evidence in the court of law without prior written consent of the laboratory
♦ Complaint register is available with the laboratory, in case required
A-121, Paryavaran Complex,IGNOU Road, New Delhi – 110 030
Phone :29534777, 29532236, 29535891; Fax : 91-11-29532568
Email : [email protected] ; Visit us at :

Type of Sample : Noise
Rungta Mines Ltd. Work Order No. : RML/DSP/EMP/19-20/502(A)
Dhenkanal Steel Plant Sampling Location : As per table given below in and around Dhenkanal Steel
Village- Jharbandh, Plant, Odisha
PO.- Nimabahali, Via - Meramandali Sampling Procedure : Protocol for Ambient Level Noise Monitoring, CPCB
Dist.- Dhenkanal-759121 Sample Duration : 24 hours
Odisha Sampling Team : MMRDL (Mahesh Dutt)
Sample Reg. No. : MMN/05-19/8.1-8.6
Date of Monitoring : 01/05/2019 to 07/05/2019
Contact Person : Mr. G. P. Sharma
Date of Receipt : 03/06/2019
Phone: 06582-255261
Date of Report : 12/06/2019
Test Report No. : MMN/06-19/11
ULR No. : TC633719000000091F
Page : 1 of 1

Hours Nimidha Village Mosonia Village Thokar Village Beruanpal Village Jharbandh Village Taltali Village
Date of Monitoring→
→ 01-02/05/2019 02-03/05/2019 03-04/05/2019 04-05/05/2019 05-06/05/2019 06-07/05/2019
10-11 46.53 48.85 50.20 46.03 50.38 48.69
11-12 47.23 48.76 49.65 49.94 49.68 48.29
12-13 47.08 50.25 50.43 49.44 50.07 49.77
13-14 50.29 50.30 49.95 49.94 49.48 50.41
14-15 49.80 49.64 50.18 49.73 49.65 49.59
15-16 50.35 50.23 49.87 49.36 49.32 48.92
16-17 52.78 52.93 50.07 49.98 52.78 53.25
17-18 52.00 52.08 50.08 49.75 53.53 53.53
18-19 53.20 52.48 54.70 52.43 54.31 53.55
19-20 52.12 40.88 54.59 52.68 52.89 41.61
20-21 41.50 41.58 43.27 41.62 43.02 41.51
21-22 41.69 41.96 43.31 41.31 42.87 41.77
22-23 41.77 42.32 43.10 41.60 42.76 41.47
23-00 39.17 40.34 41.07 39.31 42.12 41.16
00-01 38.89 40.41 41.96 39.34 41.59 41.25
01-02 38.56 40.63 41.92 39.17 41.77 41.23
02-03 38.85 40.80 41.80 39.80 41.89 41.54
03-04 38.80 40.44 41.73 39.03 41.48 40.81
04-05 39.08 40.64 41.39 39.73 41.94 40.48
05-06 39.12 40.79 41.55 39.70 41.89 41.23
06-07 49.39 52.51 52.87 51.18 53.20 52.47
07-08 49.47 53.02 53.32 50.89 52.74 52.47
08-09 49.10 52.87 52.84 51.51 52.80 51.97
09-10 46.59 48.56 53.83 50.59 49.69 49.10
Day time Leq. 49.73 50.46 51.52 49.98 51.32 50.54
Night time Leq. 39.8 41 42.1 40.02 42.08 41.23
24 hour Avg. Leq. 48.19 48.94 50 48.44 49.81 49.03

Category of area Ambient Air Quality Standards in Respect of Noise in db (A) Leq as per Noise Pollution
(Regulation and Control) Rules 2000
Day time Night time
Industrial area 75 70
Commercial area 65 55
Residential area 55 45
Silence zone 50 40
Source: Pollution Control Acts, Rules and Notifications Issued Thereunder, Pollution Control Law Series: PCLS/02/1992
(Fourth edition) of Central Pollution Control Board, Sept -2001, Page 711

Prepared by Checked by

Rashmi Gupta Dr. Marisha Sharma

Administrative Manager Authorised Signatory

-end of report-

♦ The results indicated only refer to the tested samples and listed parameters and do not endorse any product
♦ Total liability of the laboratory is limited to the invoice amount
♦ This certificate shall not be reproduced wholly or in part without prior written consent of the laboratory
♦ Unused balance of samples received shall be destroyed after one month from the date of issue of test report, unless other wise specified
♦ This report shall not be used in any advertising media or as evidence in the court of law without prior written consent of the laboratory
♦ Complaint register is available with the laboratory, in case required



[ See Rule 3(1) and 4(1) ]

Ambient Air Quality Standards in respect of Noise

Area Code Category of Area/Zone Limits in dB(A) Leq*
Day Time Night Time
(A) Industrial area 75 70
(B) Commercial area 65 55
(C) Residential area 55 45
(D) Silence Zone 50 40

Note :
1. Day time shall mean from 6.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.

2. Night time shall mean from 10.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m.

[3. Silence zone is an area comprising not less than 100 metres around hospitals,
educational institutions, courts, religious places or any other area which is
declared as such by the competent authority].

4. Mixed categories of areas may be declared as one of the four above mentioned
categories by the competent authority.

* dB(A) Leq denotes the time weighted average of the level of sound in decibels on
scale ‘A’ which is relatable to human hearing.

A “decibel” is a unit in which noise is measured.

“A”, in dB(A) Leq, denotes the frequency weighting in the measurement of noise
and corresponds to frequency response characteristics of the human ear.

Leq : It is an energy mean of the noise level over a specified period.

SOURCE : Pollution Control Acts, Rules and Notifications Issued Thereunder, Pollution
Control Law Series : PCLS/02/1992 (Fourth Edition) of Central Pollution
Control Board, September 2001, pp 711

Substituted by Rule 4 of the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) (Amendment) Rules, 2000 notified vide
S.O. 1046(E), dated 22.11.2000.

Ann_12_AAQSIRN.doc [1]





8 90

6 92

4 95

3 97

2 100

1.5 102

1.0 105

0.5 110

0.25 or Less 115




90 8

93 4

96 2

99 1

102 ½

105 ¼

108 1/8 or 7.5 min



DATE OF MONITORING : 16-17/04/2019 DATE OF MONITORING : 17-18/04/2019
Time (hrs) Cycles 2/3 LMV HMV Total Time (hrs) Cycles 2/3 LMV HMV Total
/ Carts wheelers / Carts wheelers

0.00 to 1.00 0 0 22 263 285 0.00 to 1.00 0 0 1 2 3

1.00 to 2.00 0 0 11 429 440 1.00 to 2.00 0 0 1 3 4
2.00 to 3.00 0 0 18 334 352 2.00 to 3.00 0 0 1 3 4
3.00 to 4.00 0 6 21 382 409 3.00 to 4.00 0 1 1 2 4
4.00 to 5.00 3 13 30 368 414 4.00 to 5.00 1 1 1 2 5
5.00 to 6.00 10 19 93 481 603 5.00 to 6.00 3 1 1 3 8
6.00 to 7.00 20 23 137 508 688 6.00 to 7.00 5 2 2 3 12
7.00 to 8.00 53 47 87 382 569 7.00 to 8.00 15 3 1 2 21
8.00 to 9.00 58 53 105 401 617 8.00 to 9.00 16 4 2 2 24
9.00 to 10.00 58 156 109 191 514 9.00 to 10.00 20 12 2 2 36
10.00 to 11.00 46 184 218 215 663 10.00 to 11.00 16 14 3 2 35
11.00 to 12.00 29 163 263 143 598 11.00 to 12.00 10 13 4 1 28
12.00 to 13.00 27 145 153 191 516 12.00 to 13.00 9 11 2 2 24
13.00 to 14.00 15 225 109 212 561 13.00 to 14.00 6 17 2 2 27
14.00 to 15.00 24 123 109 96 352 14.00 to 15.00 8 10 2 1 21
15.00 to 16.00 27 109 131 143 410 15.00 to 16.00 9 9 2 1 21
16.00 to 17.00 54 98 131 167 450 16.00 to 17.00 18 8 2 2 30
17.00 to 18.00 67 143 218 238 666 17.00 to 18.00 23 11 3 2 39
18.00 to 19.00 74 157 240 287 758 18.00 to 19.00 25 12 4 2 43

19.00 to 20.00 33 196 263 334 826 19.00 to 20.00 11 15 4 3 33
20.00 to 21.00 10 65 174 334 583 20.00 to 21.00 4 5 3 3 15
21.00 to 22.00 2 13 153 382 550 21.00 to 22.00 1 2 2 3 8
22.00 to 23.00 0 13 188 429 630 22.00 to 23.00 0 2 3 3 8
23.00 to 24.00 0 11 155 429 595 23.00 to 24.00 0 1 2 3 6
TOTAL 610 1962 3138 7339 13049 TOTAL 200 154 51 54 459
Town/ Town/village name Populat Total Forest Area under Barren & Permanent Land Culturable Fallows Land Current Net Area Total Area Canals Wells/ Tanks/ Waterf Other
village ion area land Non- Un- Pastures Under Waste other than Fallows Sown Unirrigated Irrigated Tube Lakes all Source
code Agricultural cultivable and Other Misc. Tree Land Current Land by Source Wells
Uses Land Grazing Crops etc. Fallows

District Dhenkanal
Sub Distt. Parajang

402286 Palasahi 1283 410.00 12.02 88.07 0.00 8.36 1.77 2.68 21.69 5.58 269.83 269.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402287 Dihakamar 286 96.00 0.87 19.54 0.00 2.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 71.73 67.60 4.13 4.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402288 Patarapada 3069 694.00 19.87 64.35 0.00 21.28 7.30 8.16 52.74 13.84 506.46 388.15 118.31 118.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402289 Sankamar 657 31.00 0.00 2.97 5.56 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.01 22.27 22.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402290 Gailo 854 212.00 5.54 17.08 43.35 3.57 6.72 1.24 3.01 0.00 131.49 99.75 31.74 31.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402291 Kundandeipur 598 154.00 0.00 24.31 16.75 0.00 1.82 1.40 2.47 0.00 107.25 73.59 33.66 33.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402292 Panibhandar 1129 248.00 14.07 2.62 36.96 8.19 0.98 0.00 2.89 0.02 182.27 182.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402293 Badakamar 521 88.00 0.00 20.56 0.00 0.73 0.60 1.59 0.00 0.76 63.76 36.46 27.30 27.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402294 Katabahal 2372 233.00 6.34 32.39 1.49 12.29 2.88 5.00 1.65 5.51 165.45 162.82 2.63 2.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402298 Ria 431 130.00 0.10 3.20 10.71 0.98 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 114.86 0.00 114.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 114.86
402304 Panigengutia 1269 531.00 47.21 36.77 119.50 11.92 1.63 0.00 5.10 0.03 308.84 308.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402305 Roda 2190 503.00 10.47 113.28 52.84 8.24 0.49 0.00 7.07 0.00 310.61 288.04 22.57 22.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402306 Renthapat 259 103.00 0.00 20.80 7.75 1.20 0.45 0.00 0.60 0.01 72.19 72.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402307 Tarahata 162 60.00 0.00 16.15 1.01 21.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.27 0.00 21.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.27
402308 Siarimalia 588 151.00 1.33 24.40 11.58 2.85 2.17 0.00 1.49 0.00 107.18 107.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Sub total 15668 3644.00 117.82 486.49 307.50 103.60 26.96 20.07 98.84 27.26 2455.46 2078.99 376.47 240.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 136.13

Sub Distt. Motunga

402897 Kusupanga 1911 107.00 0.00 46.47 48.41 1.99 0.01 0.28 5.63 4.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402898 Kurunti 2910 649.00 12.57 275.63 226.62 21.53 0.02 2.24 88.16 22.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402899 Kochilamada 1114 127.00 0.00 31.56 81.50 1.16 0.00 0.96 4.84 6.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402901 Charadagadia 835 104.00 6.58 21.11 58.88 3.34 0.00 1.63 11.59 0.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402905 Motunga 1883 157.00 0.00 84.01 65.40 1.02 0.01 0.00 2.84 3.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402906 Kharagprasad 4507 1313.00 73.51 192.05 419.69 61.21 113.95 26.83 278.12 147.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402907 Kharagprasadpatna 1696 16.00 0.00 3.35 0.00 0.21 0.01 11.78 0.61 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402908 Suravi 765 179.00 0.00 48.15 124.64 2.75 0.01 0.00 3.04 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402909 Bido 1407 272.00 0.00 42.60 88.11 1.26 1.29 0.03 2.71 0.00 136.00 136.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402910 Taladanga 438 45.00 0.00 4.16 15.95 0.80 0.01 0.00 1.09 0.49 22.50 22.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402911 Ranjasinga 1256 112.00 0.00 28.69 42.55 0.73 0.03 0.11 23.67 16.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402913 Nagari 940 103.00 0.00 29.33 42.50 2.86 0.00 0.10 15.56 12.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402914 Gaudapasi 124 131.00 0.00 5.75 53.07 0.39 0.05 0.00 4.05 2.19 65.50 65.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402915 Chintapokhari 775 93.00 0.00 13.57 70.04 1.27 0.00 0.15 5.73 2.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

402916 Malibido 674 123.00 0.36 16.83 40.10 0.16 0.01 0.03 1.77 2.24 61.50 61.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402917 Binakarkateni 587 76.00 0.00 9.61 62.46 0.48 0.03 0.02 2.96 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402918 Budhapanka 669 97.00 0.87 21.44 18.58 1.53 0.00 0.08 3.69 2.31 48.50 48.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402919 Brajabiharipur 230 125.00 0.00 34.73 77.88 0.02 0.00 0.02 4.16 3.51 4.68 4.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402920 Salapada 63 51.00 0.00 3.35 16.09 0.03 0.00 0.00 4.44 1.59 25.50 25.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402922 Kunjabiharipur 531 240.00 0.33 39.24 58.17 0.19 0.00 0.26 13.96 7.85 120.00 120.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402924 Nadhara 1370 6.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402925 Ekagharia 893 165.00 0.42 8.64 0.02 3.36 1.06 0.35 62.09 6.35 82.71 82.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402926 Bangurasinga 2838 293.00 1.63 17.76 6.94 1.29 2.03 47.65 5.89 33.48 176.33 176.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402927 Jarada 484 90.00 0.00 9.03 0.11 0.00 0.25 0.34 3.75 9.86 66.66 66.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402928 Nuara 103 9.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.44 0.02 8.38 8.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Town/ Town/village name Populat Total Forest Area under Barren & Permanent Land Culturable Fallows Land Current Net Area Total Area Canals Wells/ Tanks/ Waterf Other
village ion area land Non- Un- Pastures Under Waste other than Fallows Sown Unirrigated Irrigated Tube Lakes all Source
code Agricultural cultivable and Other Misc. Tree Land Current Land by Source Wells
Uses Land Grazing Crops etc. Fallows

402929 Talabaghalunda 905 97.00 0.00 8.39 22.61 0.00 0.00 0.05 12.26 9.41 44.28 44.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402930 Uparbaghalunda 955 157.00 0.00 11.47 43.05 3.21 0.00 0.15 8.22 12.29 78.61 51.52 27.09 27.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402931 Nayabhagirathipur(East) 1254 135.00 0.00 5.75 21.93 1.55 0.00 0.36 19.80 18.26 67.35 67.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402932 Nayabhagirathipur(West) 1027 99.00 0.00 9.00 22.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.12 53.51 53.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402933 Kalusahukateni 753 176.00 1.88 14.07 64.71 3.89 1.00 0.48 1.60 0.37 88.00 88.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402934 Haladibahali 1662 384.00 2.38 38.59 133.48 6.00 0.00 0.21 6.68 4.62 192.04 192.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402935 Budhipahad 492 211.00 61.34 11.45 0.88 0.00 0.03 32.39 103.07 0.00 1.84 1.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402936 Uperpal 420 104.00 0.00 9.70 40.01 0.94 0.54 0.15 0.66 0.01 51.99 0.00 51.99 51.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402937 Meramandali 1377 276.00 10.18 75.89 161.55 10.06 0.00 2.31 10.94 5.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402938 Nimidha 3118 1102.00 99.08 44.38 11.00 43.58 3.53 26.16 63.07 19.74 791.46 738.60 52.86 52.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402939 Ranibania 672 172.00 2.97 6.67 0.06 6.91 0.49 11.49 15.30 3.12 124.99 22.28 102.71 102.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402940 Badalo 1355 243.00 0.00 14.13 0.00 8.91 2.34 10.91 27.39 1.51 177.81 90.50 87.31 87.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402942 Artasantrakateni 1263 157.00 0.00 15.19 0.34 5.04 0.17 1.30 3.86 10.35 120.75 120.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402943 Murdangapali 962 14.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402944 Balaramprasad 3237 836.00 54.61 84.47 3.64 5.45 8.35 120.59 18.30 44.41 496.18 496.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402946 Handifuta 670 120.00 4.21 3.41 0.19 4.79 0.23 5.15 9.25 7.97 84.80 34.08 50.72 50.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402947 Ghodadian 1348 269.00 13.49 12.83 0.10 9.01 1.04 11.13 39.58 1.23 180.59 35.41 145.18 145.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402948 Naraharipur 237 84.00 1.51 4.58 0.72 2.71 1.11 5.31 0.36 55.11 12.59 0.00 12.59 12.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402949 Sridihi 686 266.00 0.00 8.48 0.00 7.25 0.51 7.71 39.88 2.41 199.76 124.29 75.47 75.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402950 Bachhuribanka 520 128.00 4.55 3.27 0.19 4.98 0.86 5.78 12.26 5.74 90.37 90.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402951 Chheliabedha 273 96.00 8.07 10.42 0.01 0.12 1.20 0.89 5.76 0.12 69.41 69.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402952 Paneilo 766 62.00 1.38 1.51 1.33 1.68 0.40 7.46 1.67 15.60 30.97 30.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Sub total 52955 9871.00 361.92 1383.75 2145.88 233.66 140.69 342.84 950.70 533.00 3778.56 3172.64 605.92 605.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Sub Distt. Bhusan Steel Limited

402967 Mangalpur 5448 1084.00 16.72 554.86 336.60 36.16 1.99 6.11 115.73 15.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402968 Itapa 335 65.00 8.43 18.35 30.90 3.81 0.00 0.97 1.46 1.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

402969 Narendrapur 1940 279.00 27.94 129.99 46.05 0.00 8.03 2.17 12.52 52.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402970 Asanabania 221 71.00 2.50 23.41 32.34 0.00 0.00 1.20 2.74 8.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402971 Sibapur 1813 419.00 21.74 234.17 113.28 17.53 9.69 0.98 9.52 12.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402972 Rakala 636 218.00 6.15 0.23 7.85 10.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 192.81 192.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402973 Panaghudughuda 344 152.00 1.83 1.59 14.28 9.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 124.26 124.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402974 Amana 1421 304.00 0.00 0.89 24.31 17.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 261.20 261.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402975 Sanjapada 1927 374.00 0.00 40.85 1.80 23.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 307.43 269.85 37.58 37.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402976 Badibahal 518 140.00 11.65 0.23 11.33 7.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 109.51 79.47 30.04 0.00 0.00 30.04 0.00 0.00
402977 Khaliberana 823 200.00 2.52 0.15 18.96 13.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 164.69 164.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402978 Nadeilo 529 101.00 0.00 0.71 12.13 1.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 86.14 86.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402979 Bramhanapurunakot 627 257.00 0.00 0.24 40.29 14.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 202.36 202.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402980 Naraharipur 198 33.00 0.00 0.09 3.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.62 29.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402981 Chandrasekharpur 91 34.00 0.00 3.27 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 30.23 30.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402982 Kankalu 1210 205.00 0.00 0.48 32.81 9.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 161.91 161.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402983 Mitikapasi 125 74.00 4.20 0.61 5.50 5.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 58.35 58.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402984 Sarapa 486 176.00 23.71 0.74 14.45 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 125.10 125.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402985 Raghunathapur 823 232.00 9.68 1.46 45.47 9.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 165.25 165.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402986 Nuagan 975 195.00 0.00 0.26 23.51 9.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 162.10 162.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402987 Mahatala 71 56.00 0.00 0.38 2.79 3.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 49.36 49.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Town/ Town/village name Populat Total Forest Area under Barren & Permanent Land Culturable Fallows Land Current Net Area Total Area Canals Wells/ Tanks/ Waterf Other
village ion area land Non- Un- Pastures Under Waste other than Fallows Sown Unirrigated Irrigated Tube Lakes all Source
code Agricultural cultivable and Other Misc. Tree Land Current Land by Source Wells
Uses Land Grazing Crops etc. Fallows

402989 Paikpurunakot 1345 434.00 123.19 1.07 65.87 21.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 221.91 221.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402991 Jhaduberani 387 189.00 17.53 0.33 42.98 5.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.44 122.37 122.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Sub total 22293 5292.00 277.79 1014.36 926.79 232.46 19.71 11.43 141.97 92.89 2574.60 2506.98 67.62 37.58 0.00 30.04 0.00 0.00

Sub Distt. Balimi

402993 Beruanpal 1217 296.00 0.00 10.40 0.00 19.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.91 242.55 122.66 119.89 119.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402994 Gandijhara 218 79.00 0.00 0.97 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.30 60.74 60.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402995 Galapada 1222 338.00 11.00 7.03 0.00 22.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.10 259.96 237.52 22.44 22.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402996 Bhanupada 293 69.00 0.00 2.46 0.00 3.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.22 49.82 49.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402997 Chitipada 256 66.00 0.00 3.23 0.00 4.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.73 47.68 47.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402998 Nimabahali 967 206.00 13.89 3.04 0.00 8.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.45 153.80 153.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
402999 Kothalu 379 48.00 0.00 3.90 0.00 2.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.19 37.78 37.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403000 Jhadabandha 1635 560.00 104.79 11.64 0.00 30.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 81.46 331.96 331.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403001 Madhupur 126 190.00 37.31 12.12 11.09 11.35 13.09 3.57 3.61 0.00 97.86 97.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403002 Nua 2250 576.00 48.68 20.30 10.59 19.05 18.21 1.17 15.27 0.85 441.88 429.66 12.22 12.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403003 Thokar 1721 358.00 22.59 18.24 13.20 12.91 8.37 0.65 6.30 2.83 272.91 272.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403004 Barasingha 2455 647.00 43.23 36.43 20.24 14.89 40.40 5.75 24.29 8.50 453.27 453.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403005 Tarkabeda 1073 766.00 54.31 43.46 31.05 41.09 53.58 3.00 20.36 29.29 489.86 489.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403006 Kadala 2129 261.00 7.19 12.14 8.00 5.17 9.00 18.81 2.02 0.00 198.67 198.15 0.52 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403007 Benipathara 142 67.00 0.00 2.82 0.00 25.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.78 38.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403008 Badamunda 649 205.00 4.97 0.29 0.00 10.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 189.51 189.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403009 Kantimili 1469 280.00 12.97 10.20 15.01 8.29 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 233.51 233.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403010 Sanamunda 831 259.00 19.14 12.00 13.01 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 202.85 202.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403011 Solanali 428 92.00 0.00 3.75 4.04 6.13 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.00 77.74 77.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403012 Jharabeda 899 199.00 7.05 13.23 18.09 19.06 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.00 141.18 141.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403013 Nuapada 685 221.00 15.37 18.70 22.05 7.53 0.00 0.00 0.78 1.72 154.85 154.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403014 Patala 2003 332.00 17.34 18.03 11.00 1.99 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 283.59 283.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403015 Bankidi 1114 214.00 8.86 13.00 11.62 5.40 0.00 0.00 1.12 0.32 173.68 173.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403016 Panuberani 316 158.00 6.50 0.46 25.02 6.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 119.50 119.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

403017 Dahanimara 73 35.00 0.00 1.44 0.00 1.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.00 32.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403018 Khalapal 332 32.00 0.00 0.19 0.27 1.67 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 29.79 29.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403019 Nagiaberani 179 33.00 0.00 1.45 3.14 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.52 27.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403020 Iswarapur 241 39.00 7.75 0.86 1.41 0.00 0.00 0.18 2.51 0.00 26.29 0.00 26.29 26.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403021 Gotiaberani 119 60.00 0.00 3.00 2.01 1.86 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.09 52.96 52.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403022 Kantamila 449 115.00 13.90 7.09 3.80 7.38 0.00 0.00 0.86 0.00 81.97 81.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403024 Mahalunda 1494 161.00 0.00 3.62 12.57 1.54 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 143.20 143.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403025 Bedanali 150 38.00 0.00 0.01 0.12 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.00 37.63 37.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403026 Maguberani 396 55.00 3.86 4.74 1.83 1.58 0.00 0.00 1.40 0.25 41.34 41.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403027 Krushnachandrapur 559 90.00 0.00 3.28 4.02 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 82.48 82.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403028 Gulehi 1814 337.00 16.33 24.26 8.30 13.27 11.33 1.78 10.12 2.02 249.59 107.33 142.26 0.00 0.00 142.26 0.00 0.00

Town/ Town/village name Populat Total Forest Area under Barren & Permanent Land Culturable Fallows Land Current Net Area Total Area Canals Wells/ Tanks/ Waterf Other
village ion area land Non- Un- Pastures Under Waste other than Fallows Sown Unirrigated Irrigated Tube Lakes all Source
code Agricultural cultivable and Other Misc. Tree Land Current Land by Source Wells
Uses Land Grazing Crops etc. Fallows

403029 Dudurokot 5189 1451.00 120.79 100.07 32.90 43.96 85.35 20.89 40.37 28.36 978.31 900.33 77.98 0.00 0.00 77.98 0.00 0.00
403030 Bramhanamara 939 238.00 20.31 22.26 13.76 10.15 6.07 1.87 3.20 0.00 160.38 160.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403031 Kumurusinga 1276 412.00 40.46 11.19 6.12 20.10 19.51 0.00 4.07 2.07 308.48 294.36 14.12 0.00 0.00 14.12 0.00 0.00
403032 Ranjagola 2817 709.00 55.48 32.38 6.07 27.51 2.83 2.26 40.02 4.45 538.00 488.69 49.31 49.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403033 Asarada 1061 268.00 41.46 15.12 8.90 19.90 9.31 0.23 4.58 0.00 168.50 168.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403034 Balimi 889 206.00 11.42 20.31 1.33 3.13 10.76 0.00 2.02 0.00 157.03 157.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403035 Kukuta 2961 520.00 9.78 14.02 12.95 13.74 21.27 0.16 10.93 1.66 435.49 435.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403036 Sanahindol 749 139.00 16.61 12.81 4.64 4.07 5.07 0.00 3.21 0.00 92.59 92.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403037 Nandapur 802 185.00 8.02 6.26 4.04 2.08 8.50 0.00 1.09 0.50 154.51 154.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403038 Gurilo 626 279.00 42.46 15.78 6.31 13.25 14.00 0.84 16.24 5.26 164.86 164.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Sub total 47592 11889.00 843.82 577.98 348.50 486.55 336.65 61.16 215.53 301.96 8716.85 8251.82 465.03 230.67 0.00 234.36 0.00 0.00

Sub Distt. Hindol

403040 Chhelachheli 45 80.00 0.00 23.88 26.60 1.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.95 27.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403041 Kalihundi 234 54.00 0.00 1.60 4.34 0.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.36 47.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403042 Tutupada 213 57.00 0.00 2.60 1.78 3.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 48.93 48.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403043 Tangisal 346 108.00 11.14 3.80 6.74 6.94 0.00 0.00 1.84 0.00 77.54 77.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403044 Balasar 1198 226.00 7.77 9.96 9.04 26.72 4.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 168.03 168.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403045 Hatura 997 168.00 0.01 5.87 0.00 3.79 4.16 12.83 0.00 0.01 141.33 141.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403046 Jayapanga 297 124.00 9.94 5.00 5.71 8.38 0.00 0.00 0.95 0.00 94.02 94.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403047 Hariharapur 539 140.00 14.08 10.69 4.77 9.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.89 100.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403048 Bangu 460 152.00 17.56 3.74 6.73 10.68 0.00 0.00 0.69 0.26 112.34 112.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403049 Pada 2018 768.00 35.00 59.32 150.62 8.45 0.03 0.00 15.38 73.02 426.18 426.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403070 Kalanda 1044 460.00 28.89 5.16 72.64 18.59 0.00 0.00 26.63 3.52 304.57 304.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403072 Keutaganthi 2 59.00 5.53 0.06 0.00 4.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 49.16 49.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403074 Baghadharia 987 371.00 40.76 4.85 12.15 52.05 41.04 9.27 12.15 5.67 193.06 193.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Sub total 8380 2767.00 170.68 136.53 301.12 155.22 49.71 22.10 57.64 82.64 1791.36 1791.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Sub Distt. Rasol

403094 Panchupada 2383 641.00 66.37 33.20 1.26 46.54 13.65 0.88 0.35 0.41 478.34 470.42 7.92 7.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403095 Jarada 1499 231.00 2.60 14.68 0.23 10.32 4.52 0.37 0.35 0.00 197.93 91.38 106.55 0.00 0.00 106.55 0.00 0.00
403096 Haripur 278 111.00 1.03 2.93 0.22 3.10 0.51 0.00 0.16 0.00 103.05 103.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403097 Badabahal 672 97.00 0.00 6.97 8.02 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 81.51 81.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403098 Giridharprasad 2421 675.00 48.98 8.40 4.32 100.42 23.08 32.94 0.00 0.00 456.86 456.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403099 Karanda 6778 1952.00 18.42 24.46 435.40 71.90 22.40 37.44 0.00 0.00 1341.98 1341.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403100 Khanditiri 1673 361.00 24.23 9.96 29.58 23.45 43.50 3.55 0.00 0.00 226.73 226.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403101 Brahmapur 1653 685.00 82.44 6.03 148.12 45.07 8.09 65.97 0.00 0.00 329.28 329.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403102 Bedapada 3541 893.00 145.81 9.89 98.49 10.28 8.61 95.37 0.00 0.14 524.41 318.28 206.13 206.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403117 Bhingira 455 278.00 79.67 4.37 31.73 23.29 0.00 0.44 0.00 0.00 138.50 138.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403119 Basanta pokhari 122 68.00 5.82 0.88 5.55 0.36 0.67 0.08 0.00 0.42 54.22 54.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403120 Thenga 1340 290.00 41.77 3.30 9.95 19.34 2.89 5.59 0.00 0.00 207.16 207.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
403122 Gulugundi 339 48.00 0.80 1.87 0.00 0.62 0.64 0.00 0.08 0.00 43.99 20.37 23.62 23.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Sub total 23154 6330.00 517.94 126.94 772.87 355.19 128.56 242.63 0.94 0.97 4183.96 3839.74 344.22 237.67 0.00 106.55 0.00 0.00

Town/ Town/village name Populat Total Forest Area under Barren & Permanent Land Culturable Fallows Land Current Net Area Total Area Canals Wells/ Tanks/ Waterf Other
village ion area land Non- Un- Pastures Under Waste other than Fallows Sown Unirrigated Irrigated Tube Lakes all Source
code Agricultural cultivable and Other Misc. Tree Land Current Land by Source Wells
Uses Land Grazing Crops etc. Fallows

District Anugul
Sub Distt. Banarpal

404141 Tentulihata 768 85.00 0.00 19.80 2.40 9.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 52.60 28.40 24.20 12.00 5.00 2.20 0.00 5.00
404142 Apartipur 552 55.00 2.40 26.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 24.20 12.20 12.00 3.00 8.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
404145 Banarpal 1522 60.00 0.00 30.97 0.00 13.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.68 7.94 7.74 2.90 2.90 1.94 0.00 0.00
404146 Joragadia 389 79.00 0.80 20.20 0.00 8.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 48.60 24.40 24.20 15.00 8.00 1.20 0.00 0.00
404147 Birabahanpur 384 95.00 0.00 26.99 2.13 16.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.53 44.20 18.49 25.71 15.94 8.50 1.27 0.00 0.00
404148 Badakhali 362 128.00 1.82 46.13 0.00 4.74 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.73 73.85 29.18 44.67 9.11 27.35 8.21 0.00 0.00
404149 Bhagabatpur 725 162.00 5.20 32.40 0.00 20.40 0.80 0.00 0.80 1.20 101.20 32.40 68.80 20.00 25.00 18.80 0.00 5.00
404150 Narendrapur 405 181.00 0.00 126.00 3.60 6.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.40 22.20 10.20 12.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00
404151 Chauridiha 892 123.00 0.00 40.40 3.60 13.80 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.80 28.40 36.40 25.00 10.00 1.40 0.00 0.00
404152 Jhajiribahal 994 177.00 0.00 77.67 5.96 28.21 3.18 0.00 0.00 2.38 59.60 27.81 31.79 17.88 8.94 4.97 0.00 0.00
404153 Gadasantri 3877 796.00 0.00 141.33 20.05 32.16 3.18 0.00 1.98 6.76 590.54 269.17 321.37 248.13 49.62 23.62 0.00 0.00
404155 Gangijodi 149 41.00 0.01 11.14 1.26 1.26 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.84 25.65 13.04 12.61 0.00 10.51 2.10 0.00 0.00
404156 Tulasipal 3060 603.00 4.00 170.42 22.99 25.01 18.76 0.00 3.23 4.64 353.95 109.92 244.03 176.47 25.21 42.35 0.00 0.00
404159 Languliabeda 1201 234.00 2.37 51.93 8.89 0.00 6.12 0.00 0.00 0.80 163.89 44.03 119.86 78.98 29.62 11.26 0.00 0.00
404160 Rajibpur 374 41.00 0.00 13.00 4.80 2.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.20 20.20 20.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
404163 Purkia 1284 225.00 0.40 58.20 0.00 11.40 1.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 153.80 69.80 84.00 50.00 30.00 4.00 0.00 0.00
404164 Arahat 1513 287.00 0.00 17.34 9.77 36.67 0.80 0.00 1.59 1.60 219.23 57.00 162.23 101.51 48.34 12.38 0.00 0.00
404165 Talatali 1619 420.00 31.27 101.76 37.37 42.74 5.18 0.00 0.00 2.23 199.45 94.54 104.91 74.01 27.75 3.15 0.00 0.00
404166 Kusuna 420 182.00 2.00 53.80 14.60 6.80 0.80 0.00 0.00 21.00 83.00 39.00 44.00 30.00 10.00 4.00 0.00 0.00
404167 Kalandapal 303 82.00 0.00 14.60 2.60 1.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 63.00 22.00 41.00 20.00 10.00 11.00 0.00 0.00
404168 Ramimunda 429 147.00 0.00 23.33 14.25 10.32 0.83 0.00 0.00 3.30 94.97 41.29 53.68 14.12 32.97 6.59 0.00 0.00
404170 Fulapada 2103 672.00 0.00 178.60 76.80 34.00 21.60 0.00 1.60 3.40 356.00 194.00 162.00 98.00 42.00 22.00 0.00 0.00
404172 Rankasinga 554 128.00 0.00 17.00 12.00 1.60 3.60 0.00 0.00 12.80 81.00 32.00 49.00 25.00 15.00 9.00 0.00 0.00
404173 Juharpur 379 63.00 0.00 19.80 8.40 0.80 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.40 32.70 13.00 19.70 5.00 10.00 4.40 0.00 0.30
404174 Similichhuin 440 137.00 0.00 14.20 22.60 11.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.80 88.20 28.20 60.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0.00
404175 Chakuriapal 73 43.00 0.00 15.60 4.00 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.60 10.60 12.00 8.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
404178 Kainchhabahala 298 66.00 0.00 9.62 3.96 10.75 0.75 0.00 0.00 3.02 37.90 29.04 8.86 1.88 5.66 1.32 0.00 0.00
404179 Girdhabasa 318 109.00 0.00 20.79 2.02 11.91 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 73.88 33.10 40.78 20.19 15.14 5.45 0.00 0.00

404180 Tilapanga 356 62.00 0.00 16.70 2.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 42.40 42.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
404181 Talamulasasan 4749 1098.00 44.70 33.84 62.58 83.65 7.66 0.00 0.00 25.86 839.71 322.80 516.91 399.10 79.82 37.99 0.00 0.00
404182 Gadatalamul 1813 279.00 0.00 47.00 25.20 6.00 3.90 0.00 0.00 2.40 194.50 68.80 125.70 100.00 20.00 5.40 0.00 0.30
404183 Harichandabasti 124 1.00 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
404184 Talmulpatna Basti 1673 9.00 0.00 3.20 0.00 1.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 4.00 0.80 3.20 0.00 2.00 1.20 0.00 0.00
404187 Harichandajami 13 101.00 1.40 27.20 7.60 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.80 28.80 32.00 10.00 15.00 7.00 0.00 0.00
404189 Khandanali 79 24.00 0.00 4.65 2.01 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 7.54 8.80 4.40 4.40 3.14 1.26 0.00 0.00 0.00
404190 Serenabeda 1340 321.00 2.83 63.88 15.56 38.41 4.04 0.00 0.00 20.42 175.86 65.69 110.17 83.89 20.22 6.06 0.00 0.00
404192 Budhapanka (CT) 6129 1219.00 - 1219.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
404194 Nuahata (CT) 5920 848.00 - 848.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sub total 47583 9383.00 99.20 3643.09 399.80 497.63 87.97 0.00 9.20 152.75 4493.36 1873.44 2619.92 1703.25 631.81 274.26 0.00 10.60

Town/ Town/village name Populat Total Forest Area under Barren & Permanent Land Culturable Fallows Land Current Net Area Total Area Canals Wells/ Tanks/ Waterf Other
village ion area land Non- Un- Pastures Under Waste other than Fallows Sown Unirrigated Irrigated Tube Lakes all Source
code Agricultural cultivable and Other Misc. Tree Land Current Land by Source Wells
Uses Land Grazing Crops etc. Fallows

Sub Distt. Bhusan Steel Limited

404195 Talabahal 673 74.00 0.00 25.20 2.40 7.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 38.40 22.40 16.00 10.00 5.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
404196 Ganthigadia 425 175.00 0.79 94.62 0.00 29.30 1.98 0.00 0.00 4.76 43.55 27.71 15.84 9.90 4.95 0.99 0.00 0.00

Sub total 1098 249.00 0.79 119.82 2.40 36.50 1.98 0.00 0.00 5.56 81.95 50.11 31.84 19.90 9.95 1.99 0.00 0.00

Sub Distt. Anugul

404232 Kankinali 839 130.00 0.00 11.80 11.60 2.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.80 103.00 39.00 64.00 15.00 40.00 9.00 0.00 0.00

Sub total 839 130.00 0.00 11.80 11.60 2.00 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.80 103.00 39.00 64.00 15.00 40.00 9.00 0.00 0.00


Jharbandh RF 308.00 308.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nimidha RF 140.00 140.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gandhigariya PF 124.00 124.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sub total 572.00 572.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GRAND TOTAL 219562 50127.00 2961.96 7500.76 5216.46 2102.81 793.03 700.23 1474.82 1197.83 28179.10 23604.08 4575.02 3090.33 681.76 656.20 0.00 146.73
% 100.00 5.91 14.96 10.41 4.19 1.58 1.40 2.94 2.39 56.22 47.09 9.13 67.55 14.90 14.34 0.00 3.21

Town/ Town/village No. of Population break-up Population (0-6 years) Schedule Schedule Literacy level
village name house- Total Male Female Total Male Female Caste Tribe Total Male Female
code holds literates literates literates

District Dhenkanal
Sub Distt. Parajang

402286 Palasahi 333 1283 594 689 154 80 74 88 0 830 444 386
402287 Dihakamar 78 286 160 126 18 9 9 61 0 220 136 84
402288 Patarapada 770 3069 1520 1549 243 132 111 223 0 2300 1225 1075
402289 Sankamar 177 657 343 314 77 50 27 130 0 494 258 236
402290 Gailo 231 854 443 411 103 56 47 318 0 601 339 262
402291 Kundandeipur 154 598 311 287 57 35 22 110 0 432 238 194
402292 Panibhandar 257 1129 603 526 123 58 65 204 0 943 533 410
402293 Badakamar 139 521 273 248 57 32 25 100 0 394 227 167
402294 Katabahal 633 2372 1209 1163 268 140 128 291 0 1613 905 708
402298 Ria 98 431 211 220 43 26 17 21 0 331 175 156
402304 Panigengutia 322 1269 602 667 148 81 67 364 212 840 451 389
402305 Roda 564 2190 1171 1019 208 119 89 507 16 1510 878 632
402306 Renthapat 68 259 125 134 37 19 18 143 4 157 81 76
402307 Tarahata 52 162 73 89 27 14 13 122 0 77 41 36
402308 Siarimalia 158 588 276 312 56 33 23 58 2 362 183 179

Sub total 4034 15668 7914 7754 1619 884 735 2740 234 11104 6114 4990

Sub Distt. Motunga

402897 Kusupanga 450 1911 1013 898 220 134 86 434 0 1323 755 568
402898 Kurunti 673 2910 1737 1173 312 173 139 309 140 2012 1290 722
402899 Kochilamada 314 1114 617 497 130 73 57 189 10 867 512 355
402901 Charadagadia 195 835 430 405 107 55 52 272 39 559 326 233
402905 Motunga 446 1883 998 885 201 117 84 356 21 1283 733 550
402906 Kharagprasad 966 4507 2375 2132 581 324 257 2020 108 3412 1919 1493
402907 Kharagprasadpatna 355 1696 882 814 222 105 117 154 22 1257 744 513
402908 Suravi 170 765 416 349 83 43 40 259 12 551 334 217
402909 Bido 319 1407 661 746 157 74 83 411 0 930 482 448

402910 Taladanga 112 438 201 237 57 30 27 92 0 282 144 138
402911 Ranjasinga 298 1256 669 587 126 76 50 102 5 962 553 409
402913 Nagari 246 940 459 481 111 56 55 403 0 634 349 285
402914 Gaudapasi 34 124 62 62 18 9 9 111 0 74 45 29
402915 Chintapokhari 170 775 391 384 96 47 49 68 0 578 317 261
402916 Malibido 170 674 338 336 84 45 39 183 0 467 251 216
402917 Binakarkateni 124 587 292 295 68 34 34 6 0 408 220 188
402918 Budhapanka 175 669 358 311 80 40 40 184 0 558 310 248
402919 Brajabiharipur 65 230 124 106 25 17 8 67 0 170 96 74
402920 Salapada 15 63 33 30 7 4 3 8 0 53 28 25
402922 Kunjabiharipur 117 531 269 262 78 34 44 154 371 356 207 149

Town/ Town/village No. of Population break-up Population (0-6 years) Schedule Schedule Literacy level
village name house- Total Male Female Total Male Female Caste Tribe Total Male Female
code holds literates literates literates

402924 Nadhara 356 1370 719 651 118 71 47 96 0 1103 606 497
402925 Ekagharia 228 893 469 424 91 45 46 99 8 713 406 307
402926 Bangurasinga 696 2838 1506 1332 267 153 114 704 239 2031 1171 860
402927 Jarada 108 484 256 228 55 33 22 66 92 372 212 160
402928 Nuara 18 103 54 49 20 11 9 0 0 78 43 35
402929 Talabaghalunda 198 905 472 433 95 59 36 98 0 716 390 326
402930 Uparbaghalunda 258 955 485 470 117 66 51 381 11 625 353 272
402931 Nayabhagirathipur(East) 311 1254 636 618 103 55 48 208 79 1014 537 477
402932 Nayabhagirathipur(West) 282 1027 535 492 141 71 70 380 93 704 420 284
402933 Kalusahukateni 167 753 390 363 77 47 30 210 0 659 338 321
402934 Haladibahali 407 1662 867 795 186 99 87 448 0 1319 735 584
402935 Budhipahad 117 492 257 235 79 43 36 140 209 267 163 104
402936 Uperpal 104 420 208 212 50 26 24 23 91 292 163 129
402937 Meramandali 351 1377 701 676 136 71 65 487 0 955 553 402
402938 Nimidha 706 3118 1603 1515 414 215 199 684 823 1935 1120 815
402939 Ranibania 161 672 328 344 81 37 44 167 17 455 242 213
402940 Badalo 330 1355 698 657 145 77 68 403 124 925 540 385
402942 Artasantrakateni 269 1263 646 617 127 64 63 530 49 895 498 397
402943 Murdangapali 217 962 472 490 127 71 56 322 0 608 346 262
402944 Balaramprasad 720 3237 1682 1555 387 208 179 502 69 2449 1377 1072
402946 Handifuta 163 670 364 306 90 55 35 216 2 435 255 180
402947 Ghodadian 321 1348 700 648 181 94 87 401 5 859 510 349
402948 Naraharipur 63 237 119 118 28 14 14 76 19 164 89 75
402949 Sridihi 171 686 340 346 79 36 43 252 219 506 285 221
402950 Bachhuribanka 135 520 271 249 61 40 21 177 16 372 210 162
402951 Chheliabedha 57 273 127 146 39 17 22 0 0 196 102 94
402952 Paneilo 195 766 394 372 118 65 53 512 91 490 276 214


Sub total 12523 52955 27624 25331 6175 3333 2842 13364 2984 37873 21555 16318

Sub Distt. Bhusan Steel Limited

402967 Mangalpur 1209 5448 3188 2260 585 302 283 1210 241 4045 2571 1474
402968 Itapa 75 335 179 156 41 25 16 0 2 239 132 107
402969 Narendrapur 509 1940 1078 862 246 114 132 297 810 1242 802 440
402970 Asanabania 47 221 118 103 35 22 13 46 0 148 80 68
402971 Sibapur 383 1813 1015 798 250 135 115 561 707 1452 839 613
402972 Rakala 138 636 326 310 81 45 36 128 0 467 272 195
402973 Panaghudughuda 84 344 155 189 38 21 17 171 0 206 102 104
402974 Amana 329 1421 716 705 179 89 90 100 102 921 520 401
402975 Sanjapada 421 1927 992 935 217 111 106 474 19 1262 743 519
402976 Badibahal 128 518 255 263 73 36 37 10 128 359 207 152
402977 Khaliberana 216 823 428 395 86 45 41 43 42 629 353 276

Town/ Town/village No. of Population break-up Population (0-6 years) Schedule Schedule Literacy level
village name house- Total Male Female Total Male Female Caste Tribe Total Male Female
code holds literates literates literates

402978 Nadeilo 131 529 276 253 55 32 23 78 173 398 221 177
402979 Bramhanapurunakot 142 627 317 310 89 41 48 182 76 429 246 183
402980 Naraharipur 48 198 100 98 15 5 10 24 22 156 82 74
402981 Chandrasekharpur 24 91 47 44 9 4 5 0 0 70 41 29
402982 Kankalu 277 1210 622 588 146 82 64 452 0 925 508 417
402983 Mitikapasi 32 125 80 45 11 7 4 0 0 92 65 27
402984 Sarapa 118 486 255 231 67 37 30 218 34 354 207 147
402985 Raghunathapur 231 823 443 380 108 55 53 271 74 564 345 219
402986 Nuagan 221 975 505 470 121 62 59 167 128 679 396 283
402987 Mahatala 18 71 40 31 8 5 3 18 0 51 30 21
402989 Paikpurunakot 307 1345 689 656 152 84 68 339 21 916 527 389
402991 Jhaduberani 97 387 201 186 44 22 22 70 0 250 158 92

Sub total 5185 22293 12025 10268 2656 1381 1275 4859 2579 15854 9447 6407

Sub Distt. Balimi

402993 Beruanpal 325 1217 616 601 158 80 78 513 76 799 457 342
402994 Gandijhara 55 218 114 104 28 19 9 218 0 156 88 68
402995 Galapada 320 1222 622 600 138 61 77 621 0 735 437 298
402996 Bhanupada 76 293 154 139 23 10 13 0 0 238 136 102
402997 Chitipada 72 256 153 103 30 19 11 0 0 185 119 66
402998 Nimabahali 239 967 496 471 79 41 38 167 40 743 424 319
402999 Kothalu 110 379 196 183 46 23 23 100 0 291 169 122
403000 Jhadabandha 410 1635 811 824 187 106 81 324 0 1208 654 554
403001 Madhupur 34 126 61 65 15 10 5 0 11 85 43 42


403002 Nua 539 2250 1142 1108 259 162 97 246 36 1508 832 676
403003 Thokar 431 1721 865 856 184 112 72 110 13 1168 636 532
403004 Barasingha 642 2455 1254 1201 270 131 139 988 0 1532 912 620
403005 Tarkabeda 328 1073 578 495 116 76 40 197 37 778 470 308
403006 Kadala 480 2129 1094 1035 223 116 107 535 0 1368 804 564
403007 Benipathara 38 142 80 62 14 7 7 67 0 106 64 42
403008 Badamunda 132 649 325 324 87 38 49 227 0 446 261 185
403009 Kantimili 333 1469 744 725 164 76 88 208 0 915 537 378
403010 Sanamunda 203 831 421 410 95 47 48 327 0 511 305 206
403011 Solanali 111 428 206 222 64 31 33 25 0 232 125 107
403012 Jharabeda 201 899 467 432 111 61 50 270 57 579 333 246
403013 Nuapada 186 685 358 327 89 44 45 285 0 460 259 201
403014 Patala 525 2003 1020 983 204 103 101 631 0 1334 769 565
403015 Bankidi 307 1114 586 528 101 54 47 340 0 730 432 298
403016 Panuberani 111 316 148 168 32 16 16 13 14 224 113 111
403017 Dahanimara 21 73 33 40 10 4 6 55 0 40 23 17
403018 Khalapal 93 332 176 156 32 25 7 0 0 197 123 74

Town/ Town/village No. of Population break-up Population (0-6 years) Schedule Schedule Literacy level
village name house- Total Male Female Total Male Female Caste Tribe Total Male Female
code holds literates literates literates

403019 Nagiaberani 49 179 88 91 26 13 13 86 11 78 45 33

403020 Iswarapur 61 241 132 109 25 15 10 0 0 189 108 81
403021 Gotiaberani 27 119 64 55 16 10 6 101 0 67 39 28
403022 Kantamila 133 449 238 211 51 31 20 0 0 285 170 115
403024 Mahalunda 349 1494 785 709 177 105 72 247 48 1011 588 423
403025 Bedanali 34 150 78 72 25 16 9 0 0 85 50 35
403026 Maguberani 112 396 207 189 51 34 17 0 0 270 144 126
403027 Krushnachandrapur 165 559 285 274 55 25 30 224 97 324 185 139
403028 Gulehi 407 1814 932 882 216 110 106 397 55 1193 668 525
403029 Dudurokot 1350 5189 2687 2502 630 349 281 1167 224 3335 1915 1420
403030 Bramhanamara 231 939 482 457 101 56 45 129 81 611 352 259
403031 Kumurusinga 286 1276 636 640 129 65 64 339 31 916 489 427
403032 Ranjagola 714 2817 1440 1377 256 145 111 482 0 2009 1121 888
403033 Asarada 276 1061 543 518 124 67 57 273 0 800 456 344
403034 Balimi 227 889 466 423 78 39 39 54 4 685 396 289
403035 Kukuta 727 2961 1478 1483 267 137 130 511 26 2138 1175 963
403036 Sanahindol 201 749 377 372 99 45 54 171 0 527 292 235
403037 Nandapur 238 802 402 400 97 54 43 239 99 571 302 269
403038 Gurilo 148 626 336 290 72 46 26 19 9 382 220 162

Sub total 12057 47592 24376 23216 5254 2834 2420 10906 969 32044 18240 13804

Sub Distt. Hindol

403040 Chhelachheli 13 45 22 23 4 1 3 41 4 32 19 13
403041 Kalihundi 60 234 117 117 29 14 15 219 0 162 96 66


403042 Tutupada 66 213 105 108 26 13 13 61 0 160 88 72
403043 Tangisal 90 346 192 154 44 28 16 77 0 278 157 121
403044 Balasar 283 1198 608 590 142 78 64 272 263 839 456 383
403045 Hatura 272 997 486 511 108 51 57 96 3 700 368 332
403046 Jayapanga 77 297 142 155 21 8 13 85 33 184 97 87
403047 Hariharapur 141 539 278 261 56 38 18 40 0 370 205 165
403048 Bangu 107 460 229 231 33 19 14 128 0 365 197 168
403049 Pada 526 2018 906 1112 239 126 113 552 80 1376 669 707
403070 Kalanda 257 1044 516 528 120 59 61 233 59 627 341 286
403072 Keutaganthi 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
403074 Baghadharia 271 987 502 485 94 47 47 209 9 647 359 288

Sub total 2164 8380 4104 4276 916 482 434 2013 451 5740 3052 2688

Sub Distt. Rasol

403094 Panchupada 586 2383 1197 1186 249 138 111 722 187 1597 860 737

Town/ Town/village No. of Population break-up Population (0-6 years) Schedule Schedule Literacy level
village name house- Total Male Female Total Male Female Caste Tribe Total Male Female
code holds literates literates literates

403095 Jarada 362 1499 795 704 156 92 64 530 28 1003 568 435
403096 Haripur 81 278 134 144 33 16 17 47 0 212 111 101
403097 Badabahal 174 672 342 330 57 26 31 242 0 450 258 192
403098 Giridharprasad 599 2421 1243 1178 238 119 119 389 43 1669 941 728
403099 Karanda 1568 6778 3504 3274 716 386 330 1268 326 4730 2698 2032
403100 Khanditiri 438 1673 832 841 162 87 75 327 12 1187 630 557
403101 Brahmapur 421 1653 845 808 217 119 98 335 262 1146 632 514
403102 Bedapada 840 3541 1853 1688 394 238 156 510 104 2473 1414 1059
403117 Bhingira 121 455 238 217 59 25 34 165 30 287 176 111
403119 Basanta pokhari 36 122 64 58 17 9 8 91 0 69 41 28
403120 Thenga 312 1340 699 641 145 77 68 238 11 1003 572 431
403122 Gulugundi 83 339 174 165 34 14 20 158 16 221 131 90

Sub total 5621 23154 11920 11234 2477 1346 1131 5022 1019 16047 9032 7015

District Anugul
Sub Distt. Banarpal

404141 Tentulihata 180 768 402 366 129 74 55 755 0 567 307 260
404142 Apartipur 126 552 284 268 66 30 36 28 153 393 222 171
404145 Banarpal 335 1522 769 753 176 87 89 632 25 1205 641 564
404146 Joragadia 87 389 204 185 44 27 17 0 0 270 152 118
404147 Birabahanpur 91 384 193 191 56 27 29 381 0 242 138 104
404148 Badakhali 88 362 192 170 41 21 20 53 90 248 147 101
404149 Bhagabatpur 169 725 394 331 84 46 38 90 137 507 307 200
404150 Narendrapur 92 405 209 196 47 26 21 90 235 313 169 144


404151 Chauridiha 189 892 445 447 74 41 33 78 0 632 341 291
404152 Jhajiribahal 212 994 508 486 111 63 48 212 23 715 411 304
404153 Gadasantri 883 3877 2062 1815 426 241 185 554 222 2689 1561 1128
404155 Gangijodi 42 149 82 67 18 10 8 29 5 106 59 47
404156 Tulasipal 683 3060 1561 1499 349 181 168 429 126 2179 1210 969
404159 Languliabeda 281 1201 609 592 129 66 63 133 21 974 517 457
404160 Rajibpur 88 374 198 176 47 25 22 26 0 276 160 116
404163 Purkia 323 1284 674 610 127 73 54 82 9 947 533 414
404164 Arahat 403 1513 770 743 157 92 65 40 100 1078 604 474
404165 Talatali 384 1619 815 804 146 82 64 264 34 1104 615 489
404166 Kusuna 93 420 215 205 67 39 28 375 0 202 121 81
404167 Kalandapal 71 303 175 128 35 23 12 43 0 218 139 79
404168 Ramimunda 93 429 218 211 48 30 18 23 13 291 162 129
404170 Fulapada 434 2103 1071 1032 235 129 106 464 546 1511 841 670
404172 Rankasinga 120 554 276 278 60 35 25 143 39 419 221 198
404173 Juharpur 83 379 197 182 61 37 24 341 0 262 145 117
404174 Similichhuin 105 440 215 225 39 13 26 316 0 353 186 167

Town/ Town/village No. of Population break-up Population (0-6 years) Schedule Schedule Literacy level
village name house- Total Male Female Total Male Female Caste Tribe Total Male Female
code holds literates literates literates

404175 Chakuriapal 20 73 33 40 8 3 5 8 0 63 30 33
404178 Kainchhabahala 70 298 158 140 41 21 20 120 64 220 127 93
404179 Girdhabasa 63 318 155 163 49 24 25 0 303 243 120 123
404180 Tilapanga 71 356 179 177 41 24 17 0 20 256 138 118
404181 Talamulasasan 1119 4749 2500 2249 632 356 276 1214 49 3295 1899 1396
404182 Gadatalamul 427 1813 939 874 197 104 93 629 242 1306 742 564
404183 Harichandabasti 28 124 58 66 13 7 6 0 0 101 49 52
404184 Talmulpatna Basti 365 1673 891 782 199 114 85 103 95 1240 716 524
404187 Harichandajami 4 13 5 8 3 1 2 6 0 7 3 4
404189 Khandanali 19 79 42 37 11 9 2 2 0 58 27 31
404190 Serenabeda 330 1340 667 673 169 96 73 556 0 944 504 440
404192 Budhapanka (CT) 1265 6129 3162 2967 661 381 280 1225 615 4339 2471 1868
404194 Nuahata (CT) 1301 5920 3146 2774 690 385 305 1516 76 4309 2485 1824

Sub total 10737 47583 24673 22910 5486 3043 2443 10960 3242 34082 19220 14862

Sub Distt. Bhusan Steel Limited

404195 Talabahal 179 673 351 322 110 64 46 620 28 503 270 233
404196 Ganthigadia 93 425 207 218 53 28 25 0 0 323 169 154

Sub total 272 1098 558 540 163 92 71 620 28 826 439 387

Sub Distt. Anugul

404232 Kankinali 212 839 450 389 81 51 30 228 38 519 295 224


Sub total 212 839 450 389 81 51 30 228 38 519 295 224
GRAND TOTAL 52805 219562 113644 105918 24827 13446 11381 50712 11544 154089 87394 66695
Percentage 100.00 51.76 48.24 11.31 6.12 5.18 23.10 5.26 70.18 39.80 30.38

Town/ Town/village Employment pattern
village name Total Main workers Marginal workers Non
code workers Total Cultivators Agri. Labours HH ind. Others Total Cultivators Agr. Labours HH ind. Others workers

District Dhenkanal
Sub Distt. Parajang

402286 Palasahi 366 330 154 13 2 161 36 0 10 1 25 917

402287 Dihakamar 88 19 1 0 0 18 69 15 47 1 6 198
402288 Patarapada 965 291 37 200 10 44 674 101 432 12 129 2104
402289 Sankamar 216 39 11 1 0 27 177 4 166 1 6 441
402290 Gailo 268 35 24 2 2 7 233 6 224 1 2 586
402291 Kundandeipur 171 71 14 2 2 53 100 22 30 3 45 427
402292 Panibhandar 353 331 160 101 2 68 22 3 17 0 2 776
402293 Badakamar 174 69 24 9 0 36 105 7 49 1 48 347
402294 Katabahal 1138 546 238 107 19 182 592 18 327 27 220 1234
402298 Ria 113 79 24 40 7 8 34 0 23 9 2 318
402304 Panigengutia 423 332 84 97 38 113 91 1 80 3 7 846
402305 Roda 667 538 92 86 113 247 129 2 71 7 49 1523
402306 Renthapat 82 40 5 8 0 27 42 2 26 0 14 177
402307 Tarahata 73 21 0 0 1 20 52 0 42 0 10 89
402308 Siarimalia 295 51 17 4 1 29 244 26 185 2 31 293

Sub total 5392 2792 885 670 197 1040 2600 207 1729 68 596 10276

Sub Distt. Motunga

402897 Kusupanga 553 409 31 8 0 370 144 13 9 1 121 1358

402898 Kurunti 1423 1317 160 34 21 1102 106 14 17 12 63 1487
402899 Kochilamada 342 191 12 89 12 78 151 19 78 18 36 772
402901 Charadagadia 300 243 19 7 1 216 57 6 13 0 38 535
402905 Motunga 880 527 163 94 7 263 353 15 261 0 77 1003
402906 Kharagprasad 1444 977 53 37 60 827 467 12 85 41 329 3063
402907 Kharagprasadpatna 484 464 9 3 50 402 20 5 1 2 12 1212

402908 Suravi 244 209 42 8 2 157 35 3 16 0 16 521
402909 Bido 376 327 111 7 31 178 49 3 18 16 12 1031
402910 Taladanga 125 120 21 3 0 96 5 1 2 0 2 313
402911 Ranjasinga 600 415 75 49 16 275 185 13 1 0 171 656
402913 Nagari 289 137 40 11 58 28 152 14 60 41 37 651
402914 Gaudapasi 42 32 3 2 24 3 10 3 0 3 4 82
402915 Chintapokhari 219 200 42 9 0 149 19 0 13 0 6 556
402916 Malibido 205 146 15 12 8 111 59 3 20 3 33 469
402917 Binakarkateni 168 135 17 16 1 101 33 2 4 2 25 419
402918 Budhapanka 263 237 26 82 83 46 26 1 1 12 12 406
402919 Brajabiharipur 74 65 1 22 1 41 9 0 3 0 6 156
402920 Salapada 17 17 3 1 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 46
402922 Kunjabiharipur 300 10 0 0 0 10 290 0 246 0 44 231

Town/ Town/village Employment pattern
village name Total Main workers Marginal workers Non
code workers Total Cultivators Agri. Labours HH ind. Others Total Cultivators Agr. Labours HH ind. Others workers

402924 Nadhara 342 322 78 53 2 189 20 0 16 0 4 1028

402925 Ekagharia 312 272 80 8 13 171 40 3 1 0 36 581
402926 Bangurasinga 1084 702 49 177 28 448 382 10 258 5 109 1754
402927 Jarada 177 101 9 11 0 81 76 0 0 0 76 307
402928 Nuara 28 28 3 5 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 75
402929 Talabaghalunda 255 142 22 9 8 103 113 9 52 3 49 650
402930 Uparbaghalunda 288 229 39 58 7 125 59 4 3 0 52 667
402931 Nayabhagirathipur(East) 397 381 39 39 13 290 16 0 3 4 9 857
402932 Nayabhagirathipur(West) 518 422 104 19 3 296 96 26 64 0 6 509
402933 Kalusahukateni 184 184 123 42 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 569
402934 Haladibahali 540 470 131 78 6 255 70 10 40 4 16 1122
402935 Budhipahad 187 105 0 1 0 104 82 0 11 1 70 305
402936 Uperpal 151 115 21 7 1 86 36 1 15 1 19 269
402937 Meramandali 482 459 95 13 2 349 23 2 8 1 12 895
402938 Nimidha 937 848 73 12 3 760 89 43 12 1 33 2181
402939 Ranibania 224 220 10 92 0 118 4 0 0 0 4 448
402940 Badalo 396 389 79 0 13 297 7 2 0 0 5 959
402942 Artasantrakateni 514 486 10 292 4 180 28 2 12 0 14 749
402943 Murdangapali 333 319 26 5 0 288 14 0 0 0 14 629
402944 Balaramprasad 1049 992 45 15 23 909 57 8 9 1 39 2188
402946 Handifuta 268 195 34 48 0 113 73 5 52 0 16 402
402947 Ghodadian 588 587 87 7 5 488 1 1 0 0 0 760
402948 Naraharipur 81 80 22 0 4 54 1 0 0 0 1 156
402949 Sridihi 188 51 24 0 0 27 137 7 123 1 6 498
402950 Bachhuribanka 167 155 42 5 7 101 12 4 2 0 6 353
402951 Chheliabedha 80 28 2 1 2 23 52 3 3 2 44 193
402952 Paneilo 280 200 4 68 16 112 80 0 20 3 57 486


Sub total 18398 14660 2094 1559 535 10472 3738 267 1552 178 1741 34557

Sub Distt. Bhusan Steel Limited

402967 Mangalpur 2072 1934 163 26 16 1729 138 29 39 3 67 3376

402968 Itapa 99 99 7 0 1 91 0 0 0 0 0 236
402969 Narendrapur 1017 920 18 5 2 895 97 3 0 16 78 923
402970 Asanabania 58 58 0 0 0 58 0 0 0 0 0 163
402971 Sibapur 675 413 41 29 1 342 262 21 93 3 145 1138
402972 Rakala 191 122 82 8 2 30 69 7 6 1 55 445
402973 Panaghudughuda 111 60 1 1 2 56 51 5 24 0 22 233
402974 Amana 497 353 56 15 10 272 144 17 32 4 91 924
402975 Sanjapada 598 446 71 139 13 223 152 4 10 0 138 1329
402976 Badibahal 163 131 1 16 1 113 32 2 15 0 15 355
402977 Khaliberana 209 195 2 0 1 192 14 4 2 0 8 614

Town/ Town/village Employment pattern
village name Total Main workers Marginal workers Non
code workers Total Cultivators Agri. Labours HH ind. Others Total Cultivators Agr. Labours HH ind. Others workers

402978 Nadeilo 166 115 8 1 0 106 51 1 0 18 32 363

402979 Bramhanapurunakot 206 117 6 0 0 111 89 7 22 1 59 421
402980 Naraharipur 50 39 13 1 1 24 11 3 3 4 1 148
402981 Chandrasekharpur 33 26 11 4 0 11 7 7 0 0 0 58
402982 Kankalu 381 155 14 5 78 58 226 25 182 10 9 829
402983 Mitikapasi 62 59 1 1 0 57 3 1 1 0 1 63
402984 Sarapa 151 109 2 0 0 107 42 6 4 2 30 335
402985 Raghunathapur 269 231 1 1 7 222 38 2 18 2 16 554
402986 Nuagan 345 309 60 113 5 131 36 1 1 1 33 630
402987 Mahatala 37 23 4 5 3 11 14 0 1 12 1 34
402989 Paikpurunakot 432 339 25 13 7 294 93 4 19 0 70 913
402991 Jhaduberani 128 64 4 0 2 58 64 27 37 0 0 259

Sub total 7950 6317 591 383 152 5191 1633 176 509 77 871 14343

Sub Distt. Balimi

402993 Beruanpal 414 372 72 8 5 287 42 18 22 0 2 803

402994 Gandijhara 62 10 2 0 0 8 52 4 39 0 9 156
402995 Galapada 575 179 25 6 64 84 396 16 214 49 117 647
402996 Bhanupada 94 67 2 3 14 48 27 0 3 2 22 199
402997 Chitipada 92 77 18 0 1 58 15 1 2 2 10 164
402998 Nimabahali 320 92 9 12 8 63 228 3 182 19 24 647
402999 Kothalu 196 95 14 2 10 69 101 2 5 29 65 183
403000 Jhadabandha 595 356 185 8 40 123 239 69 76 15 79 1040
403001 Madhupur 33 33 10 22 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 93
403002 Nua 641 382 135 73 0 174 259 3 176 0 80 1609
403003 Thokar 510 238 78 9 4 147 272 32 105 2 133 1211


403004 Barasingha 847 425 50 160 22 193 422 45 243 12 122 1608
403005 Tarkabeda 363 46 8 3 0 35 317 15 65 2 235 710
403006 Kadala 692 484 60 34 108 282 208 8 86 22 92 1437
403007 Benipathara 49 17 11 1 0 5 32 2 9 0 21 93
403008 Badamunda 279 197 47 22 0 128 82 33 30 0 19 370
403009 Kantimili 480 397 126 44 34 193 83 7 25 13 38 989
403010 Sanamunda 284 245 37 108 3 97 39 11 25 0 3 547
403011 Solanali 172 112 35 0 3 74 60 55 4 0 1 256
403012 Jharabeda 307 271 66 32 9 164 36 19 11 5 1 592
403013 Nuapada 247 230 63 125 1 41 17 4 11 0 2 438
403014 Patala 704 435 89 216 9 121 269 15 127 65 62 1299
403015 Bankidi 389 233 63 141 3 26 156 9 147 0 0 725
403016 Panuberani 69 67 16 13 10 28 2 0 1 0 1 247
403017 Dahanimara 18 16 0 8 0 8 2 1 0 0 1 55
403018 Khalapal 116 26 12 0 1 13 90 0 37 4 49 216

Town/ Town/village Employment pattern
village name Total Main workers Marginal workers Non
code workers Total Cultivators Agri. Labours HH ind. Others Total Cultivators Agr. Labours HH ind. Others workers

403019 Nagiaberani 60 4 1 1 0 2 56 0 27 4 25 119

403020 Iswarapur 76 34 7 0 0 27 42 2 38 0 2 165
403021 Gotiaberani 35 17 3 4 1 9 18 0 11 0 7 84
403022 Kantamila 158 113 0 112 0 1 45 0 43 1 1 291
403024 Mahalunda 806 448 95 77 13 263 358 24 32 69 233 688
403025 Bedanali 52 48 20 0 2 26 4 4 0 0 0 98
403026 Maguberani 139 133 28 27 8 70 6 1 2 0 3 257
403027 Krushnachandrapur 182 82 1 3 2 76 100 0 37 8 55 377
403028 Gulehi 731 319 11 215 41 52 412 5 392 11 4 1083
403029 Dudurokot 1833 759 119 260 16 364 1074 21 826 3 224 3356
403030 Bramhanamara 334 226 99 42 2 83 108 5 100 1 2 605
403031 Kumurusinga 691 159 49 14 0 96 532 13 502 0 17 585
403032 Ranjagola 1005 226 31 7 8 180 779 67 424 70 218 1812
403033 Asarada 411 143 57 9 12 65 268 44 60 34 130 650
403034 Balimi 279 225 65 6 0 154 54 5 27 3 19 610
403035 Kukuta 948 789 218 202 16 353 159 70 48 2 39 2013
403036 Sanahindol 271 102 26 16 3 57 169 14 141 5 9 478
403037 Nandapur 258 153 9 24 11 109 105 2 83 4 16 544
403038 Gurilo 174 173 48 5 3 117 1 0 0 0 1 452

Sub total 16991 9255 2120 2074 487 4574 7736 649 4438 456 2193 30601

Sub Distt. Hindol

403040 Chhelachheli 14 14 1 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 31
403041 Kalihundi 64 62 0 58 0 4 2 0 2 0 0 170
403042 Tutupada 62 53 18 0 0 35 9 0 6 0 3 151


403043 Tangisal 102 97 16 0 0 81 5 0 3 0 2 244
403044 Balasar 502 313 55 71 9 178 189 3 140 7 39 696
403045 Hatura 358 264 61 23 3 177 94 2 45 0 47 639
403046 Jayapanga 90 89 33 48 1 7 1 0 0 0 1 207
403047 Hariharapur 271 147 30 42 3 72 124 1 80 1 42 268
403048 Bangu 218 217 22 163 0 32 1 0 0 0 1 242
403049 Pada 536 447 141 98 8 200 89 19 43 3 24 1482
403070 Kalanda 369 328 72 198 3 55 41 2 5 0 34 675
403072 Keutaganthi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
403074 Baghadharia 335 262 87 55 11 109 73 21 21 0 31 652

Sub total 2921 2293 536 768 39 950 628 48 345 11 224 5459

Sub Distt. Rasol

403094 Panchupada 700 661 218 216 41 186 39 10 14 12 3 1683

Town/ Town/village Employment pattern
village name Total Main workers Marginal workers Non
code workers Total Cultivators Agri. Labours HH ind. Others Total Cultivators Agr. Labours HH ind. Others workers

403095 Jarada 449 442 124 234 4 80 7 4 0 0 3 1050

403096 Haripur 98 90 14 11 2 63 8 0 4 0 4 180
403097 Badabahal 261 117 43 7 17 50 144 22 10 10 102 411
403098 Giridharprasad 867 499 163 111 6 219 368 19 296 3 50 1554
403099 Karanda 2384 1882 361 56 71 1394 502 29 168 16 289 4394
403100 Khanditiri 574 306 169 2 12 123 268 52 65 12 139 1099
403101 Brahmapur 547 485 135 19 5 326 62 1 10 1 50 1106
403102 Bedapada 1110 745 40 200 53 452 365 44 142 12 167 2431
403117 Bhingira 131 131 46 0 0 85 0 0 0 0 0 324
403119 Basanta pokhari 39 38 20 0 0 18 1 0 0 0 1 83
403120 Thenga 509 264 74 70 26 94 245 41 151 23 30 831
403122 Gulugundi 139 36 4 1 9 22 103 0 7 13 83 200

Sub total 7808 5696 1411 927 246 3112 2112 222 867 102 921 15346

District Anugul
Sub Distt. Banarpal

404141 Tentulihata 198 165 52 12 96 5 33 12 2 7 12 570

404142 Apartipur 190 144 29 2 1 112 46 5 6 6 29 362
404145 Banarpal 484 458 54 107 20 277 26 4 3 6 13 1038
404146 Joragadia 136 93 13 10 51 19 43 3 28 11 1 253
404147 Birabahanpur 127 66 2 20 36 8 61 2 48 10 1 257
404148 Badakhali 128 110 2 40 16 52 18 4 4 3 7 234
404149 Bhagabatpur 409 280 56 11 0 213 129 62 22 0 45 316
404150 Narendrapur 123 110 14 0 0 96 13 1 0 1 11 282
404151 Chauridiha 303 157 18 3 9 127 146 19 12 9 106 589


404152 Jhajiribahal 292 283 37 12 2 232 9 1 0 0 8 702
404153 Gadasantri 1218 679 53 150 128 348 539 62 204 65 208 2659
404155 Gangijodi 57 45 12 1 0 32 12 2 6 0 4 92
404156 Tulasipal 1012 900 213 279 7 401 112 10 65 2 35 2048
404159 Languliabeda 325 180 82 2 0 96 145 23 100 0 22 876
404160 Rajibpur 121 90 22 0 0 68 31 10 18 0 3 253
404163 Purkia 367 284 40 5 2 237 83 19 60 0 4 917
404164 Arahat 388 373 25 101 16 231 15 1 10 0 4 1125
404165 Talatali 444 413 37 31 5 340 31 2 19 5 5 1175
404166 Kusuna 120 83 1 47 0 35 37 0 4 1 32 300
404167 Kalandapal 98 89 4 35 1 49 9 5 0 0 4 205
404168 Ramimunda 314 83 37 45 0 1 231 50 176 4 1 115
404170 Fulapada 758 665 58 275 23 309 93 29 49 0 15 1345
404172 Rankasinga 258 258 73 142 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 296
404173 Juharpur 88 88 65 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 291
404174 Similichhuin 170 167 59 99 2 7 3 0 3 0 0 270

Town/ Town/village Employment pattern
village name Total Main workers Marginal workers Non
code workers Total Cultivators Agri. Labours HH ind. Others Total Cultivators Agr. Labours HH ind. Others workers

404175 Chakuriapal 21 18 9 3 3 3 3 1 1 0 1 52
404178 Kainchhabahala 171 171 46 124 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 127
404179 Girdhabasa 92 90 6 42 0 42 2 0 1 0 1 226
404180 Tilapanga 126 125 12 46 0 67 1 0 0 0 1 230
404181 Talamulasasan 1430 685 140 118 76 351 745 42 446 43 214 3319
404182 Gadatalamul 467 313 16 15 25 257 154 26 33 11 84 1346
404183 Harichandabasti 20 15 0 0 0 15 5 1 0 0 4 104
404184 Talmulpatna Basti 485 171 8 11 0 152 314 6 40 11 257 1188
404187 Harichandajami 6 1 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 0 5 7
404189 Khandanali 23 3 0 0 0 3 20 0 0 1 19 56
404190 Serenabeda 694 297 31 138 3 125 397 3 40 5 349 646
404192 Budhapanka (CT) 1888 1652 98 29 64 1461 236 38 74 18 106 4241
404194 Nuahata (CT) 1904 1477 122 67 141 1147 427 13 92 19 303 4016

Sub total 15455 11281 1546 2022 727 6986 4174 456 1566 238 1914 32128

Sub Distt. Bhusan Steel Limited

404195 Talabahal 219 168 6 12 4 146 51 6 11 2 32 454

404196 Ganthigadia 146 5 0 0 0 5 141 12 0 0 129 279

Sub total 365 173 6 12 4 151 192 18 11 2 161 733

Sub Distt. Anugul

404232 Kankinali 283 279 72 24 5 178 4 1 1 0 2 556


Sub total 283 279 72 24 5 178 4 1 1 0 2 556
GRAND TOTAL 75563 52746 9261 8439 2392 32654 22817 2044 11018 1132 8623 143999
Percentage 34.42 24.02 17.56 16.00 4.53 61.91 10.39 8.96 48.29 4.96 37.79 65.58


code Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt.

District : Dhenkanal
Sub distt.: Parajang
402286 Palasahi (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. -
402287 Dihakamar (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402288 Patarapada (10+ km) - 3 - 1 - 1 - - 2 (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - - N.A. N.A. - N.A. -
402289 Sankamar (10+ km) - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - N.A. N.A. - N.A. -
402290 Gailo (10+ km) - 1 - 1 1 (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - 1 1 (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. -
402291 Kundandeipur (10+ km) - 1 - 1 - 1 - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. -
402292 Panibhandar (10+ km) - 2 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. -
402293 Badakamar N.A. - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. -
402294 Katabahal (10+ km) - 3 - 2 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. -
402298 Ria (10+ km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402304 Panigengutia (10+ km) - 1 - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. -
402305 Roda (5-10 km) - 2 - 1 - 1 - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. -
402306 Renthapat (10+ km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. -
402307 Tarahata (10+ km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402308 Siarimalia (10+ km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -

Sub distt.: Motunga

402897 Kusupanga (<5 km) - 2 - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402898 Kurunti (5-10 km) - 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. -
402899 Kochilamada (5-10 km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402901 Charadagadia (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402905 Motunga (<5 km) - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. -
402906 Kharagprasad - 1 4 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. -
402907 Kharagprasadpatna (<5 km) - 2 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402908 Suravi (<5 km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. -
402909 Bido (10+ km) - 1 1 1 1 - 1 (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402910 Taladanga (5-10 km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - N.A. - N.A. -
402911 Ranjasinga (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - N.A. - (<5 km) - N.A. -
402913 Nagari (<5 km) - 1 - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. -
402914 Gaudapasi (10+ km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - - 1 (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -

402915 Chintapokhari - 1 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. -
402916 Malibido (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402917 Binakarkateni N.A. - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. -
402918 Budhapanka N.A. - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402919 Brajabiharipur N.A. - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - - 1 (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - - 1 N.A. - N.A. - N.A. -
402920 Salapada N.A. - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - - 1 (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - - 1 (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402922 Kunjabiharipur N.A. - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - N.A. -
402924 Nadhara (10+ km) - 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402925 Ekagharia (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402926 Bangurasinga (<5 km) - 3 1 1 1 - 1 (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - - 1 N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402927 Jarada (<5 km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402928 Nuara N.A. - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. -
402929 Talabaghalunda N.A. - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. -
402930 Uparbaghalunda N.A. - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -


code Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt.

402931 Nayabhagirathipur(East) N.A. - 1 - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402932 Nayabhagirathipur(West) N.A. - 1 - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402933 Kalusahukateni N.A. - 1 - 1 - 1 - - 1 - 1 (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - (5-10 km) - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. -
402934 Haladibahali N.A. - 2 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402935 Budhipahad N.A. - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - 1 - 1 - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. -
402936 Uperpal (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402937 Meramandali (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402938 Nimidha (<5 km) - 1 1 1 1 - 1 (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402939 Ranibania (10+ km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402940 Badalo (<5 km) - 1 - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402942 Artasantrakateni (10+ km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402943 Murdangapali (10+ km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402944 Balaramprasad N.A. - 3 - 1 - 1 - (10+ km) - - 1 (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - - 1 N.A. - N.A. - N.A. -
402946 Handifuta N.A. - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402947 Ghodadian N.A. - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402948 Naraharipur N.A. - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. -
402949 Sridihi (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402950 Bachhuribanka (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. -
402951 Chheliabedha N.A. - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. -
402952 Paneilo (5-10 km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -

Sub distt.: Bhusan Steel Limited

402967 Mangalpur N.A. - 4 - 1 - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. -
402968 Itapa N.A. - 1 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. - (5-10 km) - N.A. - N.A. -
402969 Narendrapur (<5 km) - 2 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402970 Asanabania (5-10 km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. - N.A. -
402971 Sibapur (5-10 km) - 2 - 1 - 1 - - 1 (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402972 Rakala (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - 1 - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) -
402973 Panaghudughuda (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -


402974 Amana (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402975 Sanjapada (10+ km) - 2 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402976 Badibahal (10+ km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402977 Khaliberana (10+ km) - 1 - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402978 Nadeilo (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402979 Bramhanapurunakot (<5 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402980 Naraharipur (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402981 Chandrasekharpur (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) -
402982 Kankalu (<5 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402983 Mitikapasi (<5 km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402984 Sarapa N.A. - 1 - - 1 (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402985 Raghunathapur (<5 km) - 1 - - 1 (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402986 Nuagan (<5 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402987 Mahatala (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402989 Paikpurunakot - 1 1 - 1 - 1 - - 1 (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -


code Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt.

402991 Jhaduberani (<5 km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) -

Sub distt.: Balimi

402993 Beruanpal (10+ km) - 2 - 1 - 1 - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402994 Gandijhara (10+ km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402995 Galapada N.A. - 1 - 1 - 1 - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402996 Bhanupada (10+ km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402997 Chitipada (10+ km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402998 Nimabahali (10+ km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
402999 Kothalu (10+ km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403000 Jhadabandha (10+ km) - 2 - 1 - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403001 Madhupur (10+ km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403002 Nua (10+ km) - 2 - 2 - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403003 Thokar (10+ km) - 2 - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403004 Barasingha (5-10 km) - 2 - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403005 Tarkabeda (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - 1 - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403006 Kadala (10+ km) - 2 - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403007 Benipathara (10+ km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403008 Badamunda (10+ km) - 1 - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403009 Kantimili (<5 km) - 1 - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403010 Sanamunda (5-10 km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403011 Solanali (<5 km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403012 Jharabeda (5-10 km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403013 Nuapada (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403014 Patala (<5 km) - 3 - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403015 Bankidi (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403016 Panuberani (<5 km) - 1 - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403017 Dahanimara (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403018 Khalapal (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -


403019 Nagiaberani (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403020 Iswarapur (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403021 Gotiaberani (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403022 Kantamila (5-10 km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403024 Mahalunda (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - 1 - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403025 Bedanali (5-10 km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403026 Maguberani (5-10 km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403027 Krushnachandrapur (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403028 Gulehi N.A. - 2 - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403029 Dudurokot (5-10 km) - 4 - 2 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403030 Bramhanamara (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403031 Kumurusinga (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403032 Ranjagola (<5 km) - 3 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403033 Asarada (5-10 km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403034 Balimi (<5 km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -


code Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt.

403035 Kukuta - 1 3 - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403036 Sanahindol (<5 km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403037 Nandapur (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403038 Gurilo (<5 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -

Sub distt.: Hindol

403040 Chhelachheli (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403041 Kalihundi (<5 km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403042 Tutupada (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403043 Tangisal (5-10 km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403044 Balasar (10+ km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403045 Hatura - 1 1 - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403046 Jayapanga (<5 km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403047 Hariharapur (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403048 Bangu (10+ km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403049 Pada (<5 km) - 2 - 1 - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403070 Kalanda (10+ km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403072 Keutaganthi (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403074 Baghadharia (10+ km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - - 1 (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -

Sub distt.: Rasol

403094 Panchupada (10+ km) - 3 - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403095 Jarada - 1 1 - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403096 Haripur (<5 km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403097 Badabahal (10+ km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403098 Giridharprasad (10+ km) - 2 - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403099 Karanda (<5 km) - 6 - 3 - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - - 1 (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403100 Khanditiri (10+ km) - 2 1 1 1 - 1 (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -


403101 Brahmapur (10+ km) - 2 - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403102 Bedapada (<5 km) - 3 - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403117 Bhingira (10+ km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403119 Basanta pokhari (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403120 Thenga (<5 km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
403122 Gulugundi (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -

District : Anugul
Sub distt.: Banarpal
404141 Tentulihata (5-10 km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404142 Apartipur (<5 km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404145 Banarpal - 1 2 - 1 - 1 - - 1 - 1 (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - - 2 (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404146 Joragadia (<5 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404147 Birabahanpur (5-10 km) - 1 - - 1 (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404148 Badakhali (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404149 Bhagabatpur (5-10 km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -


code Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt. Govt. Pvt.

404150 Narendrapur (5-10 km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404151 Chauridiha (<5 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404152 Jhajiribahal (5-10 km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - N.A. -
404153 Gadasantri (5-10 km) - 3 - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404155 Gangijodi (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404156 Tulasipal (<5 km) - 1 - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404159 Languliabeda (10+ km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404160 Rajibpur (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404163 Purkia (10+ km) - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404164 Arahat (5-10 km) - 2 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - - 1 - 1 (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. -
404165 Talatali (5-10 km) - 2 - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404166 Kusuna (<5 km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404167 Kalandapal (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404168 Ramimunda (5-10 km) - 1 1 - 1 - 1 (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404170 Fulapada - 1 3 - 1 - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404172 Rankasinga (<5 km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404173 Juharpur (10+ km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404174 Similichhuin (5-10 km) - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404175 Chakuriapal (<5 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404178 Kainchhabahala N.A. - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404179 Girdhabasa (<5 km) - 1 4 - 1 (<5 km) - - 1 (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404180 Tilapanga (<5 km) - 1 1 - 1 - 1 (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404181 Talamulasasan (<5 km) - 4 - 1 - (<5 km) - - 1 - 1 (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404182 Gadatalamul (<5 km) - 2 - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404183 Harichandabasti N.A. - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404184 Talmulpatna Basti (<5 km) - 2 - 1 - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404187 Harichandajami (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404189 Khandanali (<5 km) - 1 1 - 2 - 1 (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -


404190 Serenabeda (<5 km) - 1 - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - N.A. - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -

Sub distt.: Bhusan Steel Limited

404195 Talabahal (5-10 km) - 1 - 1 - 1 - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -
404196 Ganthigadia (5-10 km) - 1 - (<5 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (5-10 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (5-10 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -

Sub distt.: Anugul

404232 Kankinali (10+ km) - 1 - 1 - 1 - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (<5 km) - (<5 km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - (10+ km) - N.A. -


District : Dhenkanal
Sub distt.: Parajang
402286 Palasahi (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402287 Dihakamar (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402288 Patarapada (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - 3 -
402289 Sankamar (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km)
1 - - - - - - - - -
402290 Gailo (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402291 Kundandeipur (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402292 Panibhandar (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402293 Badakamar (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402294 Katabahal (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402298 Ria (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - - -
402304 Panigengutia (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402305 Roda (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - 1 -
402306 Renthapat (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402307 Tarahata (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - 1 - - - 1 1
402308 Siarimalia (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -

Sub distt.: Motunga

402897 Kusupanga (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402898 Kurunti (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - 3 -
402899 Kochilamada (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402901 Charadagadia (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402905 Motunga (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) 1 1 (10+ km) 1 - - - 1 - - - - -
402906 Kharagprasad (10+ km) (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - 3 -
402907 Kharagprasadpatna (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402908 Suravi (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402909 Bido (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - 1 - - - 3 -
402910 Taladanga (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402911 Ranjasinga (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -


402913 Nagari (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402914 Gaudapasi (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402915 Chintapokhari (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402916 Malibido (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402917 Binakarkateni (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402918 Budhapanka (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402919 Brajabiharipur (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402920 Salapada (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402922 Kunjabiharipur (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402924 Nadhara (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402925 Ekagharia (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) 1 (10+ km) (5-10 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402926 Bangurasinga (5-10 km) (10+ km) 1 1 (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) 1 - - - - - - - 3 -
402927 Jarada (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402928 Nuara (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402929 Talabaghalunda (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402930 Uparbaghalunda (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - - -


402931 Nayabhagirathipur(East) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402932 Nayabhagirathipur(West) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - - -
402933 Kalusahukateni (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402934 Haladibahali (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402935 Budhipahad (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402936 Uperpal (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402937 Meramandali (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 1 (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) 1 - - - 1 - - - - -
402938 Nimidha (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 1 (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - 3 -
402939 Ranibania (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402940 Badalo (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - 3 -
402942 Artasantrakateni (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - - -
402943 Murdangapali (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402944 Balaramprasad (10+ km) (5-10 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - 3 -
402946 Handifuta (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - - -
402947 Ghodadian (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402948 Naraharipur (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402949 Sridihi (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402950 Bachhuribanka (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402951 Chheliabedha (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402952 Paneilo (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -

Sub distt.: Bhusan Steel L

402967 Mangalpur (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - - -
402968 Itapa (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402969 Narendrapur (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402970 Asanabania (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402971 Sibapur (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402972 Rakala (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -


402973 Panaghudughuda (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402974 Amana (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402975 Sanjapada (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402976 Badibahal (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402977 Khaliberana (10+ km) (5-10 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - 3 -
402978 Nadeilo (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402979 Bramhanapurunakot (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402980 Naraharipur (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402981 Chandrasekharpur (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402982 Kankalu (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
402983 Mitikapasi (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402984 Sarapa (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402985 Raghunathapur (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402986 Nuagan (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402987 Mahatala (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402989 Paikpurunakot (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) 1 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - 3 -


402991 Jhaduberani (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -

Sub distt.: Balimi

402993 Beruanpal (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402994 Gandijhara (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402995 Galapada (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - 3 -
402996 Bhanupada (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402997 Chitipada (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402998 Nimabahali (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
402999 Kothalu (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
403000 Jhadabandha (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
403001 Madhupur (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
403002 Nua (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - 3 -
403003 Thokar (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403004 Barasingha (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403005 Tarkabeda (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403006 Kadala (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - - -
403007 Benipathara (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - - -
403008 Badamunda (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403009 Kantimili (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
403010 Sanamunda (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
403011 Solanali (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403012 Jharabeda (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403013 Nuapada (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403014 Patala (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - 3 -
403015 Bankidi (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403016 Panuberani (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
403017 Dahanimara (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -


403018 Khalapal (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
403019 Nagiaberani (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403020 Iswarapur (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403021 Gotiaberani (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403022 Kantamila (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403024 Mahalunda (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403025 Bedanali (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403026 Maguberani (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403027 Krushnachandrapur (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - - -
403028 Gulehi (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 1 (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - 3 -
403029 Dudurokot (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 1 (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - 3 -
403030 Bramhanamara (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
403031 Kumurusinga (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403032 Ranjagola (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 1 (10+ km) 1 - - - - - - - - -
403033 Asarada (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403034 Balimi (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -


403035 Kukuta (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403036 Sanahindol (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403037 Nandapur (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403038 Gurilo (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -

Sub distt.: Hindol

403040 Chhelachheli (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403041 Kalihundi (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403042 Tutupada (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403043 Tangisal (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403044 Balasar (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
403045 Hatura (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - 3 -
403046 Jayapanga (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
403047 Hariharapur (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403048 Bangu (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403049 Pada (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403070 Kalanda (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403072 Keutaganthi (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
403074 Baghadharia (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - - -

Sub distt.: Rasol

403094 Panchupada (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 1 (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403095 Jarada (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) 1 (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - 1 - - -
403096 Haripur (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
403097 Badabahal (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
403098 Giridharprasad (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
403099 Karanda (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - 3 -
403100 Khanditiri (10+ km) (5-10 km) 1 (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - 1 3 -


403101 Brahmapur (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
403102 Bedapada (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - 3 -
403117 Bhingira (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
403119 Basanta pokhari (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
403120 Thenga (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - - -
403122 Gulugundi (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -

District : Anugul
Sub distt.: Banarpal
404141 Tentulihata (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
404142 Apartipur (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
404145 Banarpal (10+ km) 1 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) 1 - - - 2 - - - 3 -
404146 Joragadia (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km)(10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - - -
404147 Birabahanpur (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - - -
404148 Badakhali (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - - -
404149 Bhagabatpur (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - - -


404150 Narendrapur (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - - -
404151 Chauridiha (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
404152 Jhajiribahal (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
404153 Gadasantri (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - 3 -
404155 Gangijodi (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
404156 Tulasipal (10+ km) (5-10 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - 3 -
404159 Languliabeda (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km)(10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
404160 Rajibpur (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
404163 Purkia (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
404164 Arahat (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
404165 Talatali (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
404166 Kusuna (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
404167 Kalandapal (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
404168 Ramimunda (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
404170 Fulapada (10+ km) (5-10 km) 1 1 (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - 1 -
404172 Rankasinga (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
404173 Juharpur (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) - - - - - - - - -
404174 Similichhuin (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
404175 Chakuriapal (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - - -
404178 Kainchhabahala (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
404179 Girdhabasa (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
404180 Tilapanga (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
404181 Talamulasasan (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) 2 - - - - - - 2 -
404182 Gadatalamul (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - 1 1 - - - -
404183 Harichandabasti (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
404184 Talmulpatna Basti (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - 3 -
404187 Harichandajami (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
404189 Khandanali (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -


404190 Serenabeda (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -

Sub distt.: Bhusan Steel L

404195 Talabahal (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -
404196 Ganthigadia (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) - - - - - - - - -

Sub distt.: Anugul

404232 Kankinali (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) - - - - - - - - -


District : Dhenkanal
Sub distt.: Parajang
402286 Palasahi N N N Y Y N Y Y Y N (<5 km) (10+ km) 1 759120 1 N.A. 1 1 (10+ km)
402287 Dihakamar N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (<5 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759120 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402288 Patarapada N N N Y Y Y N Y Y Y 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759120 1 1 1 (5-10 km) 1
402289 Sankamar N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759120 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402290 Gailo N N N Y Y N N Y N N (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759120 1 1 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402291 Kundandeipur N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759120 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402292 Panibhandar N N N Y Y N N N Y N (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759120 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
402293 Badakamar N N N Y Y N N Y Y N 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) 759120 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402294 Katabahal N N N Y Y N Y N Y Y (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759120 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) 1
402298 Ria N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759019 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402304 Panigengutia N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759120 1 1 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402305 Roda N N N Y Y N N Y Y Y 1 (10+ km) 1 759120 1 1 1 (10+ km) 1
402306 Renthapat N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (5-10 km) (10+ km) 1 759120 1 N.A. (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km)
402307 Tarahata N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (<5 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759019 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402308 Siarimalia N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (<5 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759019 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)

Sub distt.: Motunga

402897 Kusupanga N N N Y Y N N Y Y N 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402898 Kurunti N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) 1
402899 Kochilamada N N N Y Y N Y N Y N (<5 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402901 Charadagadia N N N Y Y N Y N Y N (5-10 km) (<5 km)(<5 km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
402905 Motunga N N N Y Y N Y Y Y Y 1 (10+ km) 1 759121 1 1 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402906 Kharagprasad N Y N Y Y Y N Y Y N 1 (<5 km) (<5 km) 759121 1 1 1 (10+ km) 1
402907 Kharagprasadpatna N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (<5 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402908 Suravi N N N Y Y N Y Y Y N (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759121 (10+ km) 1 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402909 Bido N N N Y Y N N Y Y N 1 (10+ km) (5-10 km) 759121 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
402910 Taladanga N N N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)


402911 Ranjasinga N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402913 Nagari N Y N Y Y N N Y Y N (<5 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402914 Gaudapasi N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) 1 (<5 km) 759013 (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
402915 Chintapokhari N N N Y Y N N N Y N 1 (10+ km) 1 759121 (10+ km) 1 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402916 Malibido N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) 759121 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
402917 Binakarkateni N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (<5 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (<5 km) (<5 km)
402918 Budhapanka N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (10+ km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
402919 Brajabiharipur N N N Y Y N N N Y N (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759032 1 N.A. (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km)
402920 Salapada N N N Y Y N N N Y N (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) 759121 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
402922 Kunjabiharipur N N N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) 759019 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
402924 Nadhara N N N Y Y N N Y Y N 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759019 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
402925 Ekagharia N N N Y Y N Y Y Y N (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) 759019 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
402926 Bangurasinga N N N Y Y N N Y Y N 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) 759019 1 N.A. 1 1 1
402927 Jarada N N N Y Y N Y Y Y N (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759019 1 N.A. 1 (<5 km) (<5 km)
402928 Nuara N N N Y Y N N N Y N 1 (10+ km) 1 759121 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (<5 km) (<5 km)
402929 Talabaghalunda N N N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759019 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
402930 Uparbaghalunda N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) 759019 1 N.A. 1 (<5 km) (<5 km)


402931 Nayabhagirathipur(East) N N N Y Y N N Y Y N 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759019 1 1 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
402932 Nayabhagirathipur(West) N N N Y Y N N Y N N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759019 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402933 Kalusahukateni N N N Y Y N N N Y N 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402934 Haladibahali N N N Y Y N N N Y N 1 (10+ km) (5-10 km) 759121 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

402935 Budhipahad N N N Y Y N N N Y N 1 (10+ km) 1 759019 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402936 Uperpal N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759121 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

402937 Meramandali N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (<5 km) (<5 km) 1 759121 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402938 Nimidha N N N Y Y Y N N N N (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) 759020 1 1 1 (5-10 km) 1
402939 Ranibania N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 1 759020 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

402940 Badalo N N N Y Y N Y Y Y N 1 (5-10 km) (10+ km) 759020 (5-10 km) 1 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402942 Artasantrakateni N N N Y Y N N N Y N 1 (<5 km) 1 759019 1 1 1 (<5 km) (<5 km)
402943 Murdangapali N N N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) 759019 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (<5 km) (<5 km)
402944 Balaramprasad N N N Y Y Y Y Y N N 1 (<5 km) (<5 km) 759019 1 1 1 (<5 km) 1
402946 Handifuta N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (<5 km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) 759020 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402947 Ghodadian N N N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759020 (10+ km) 1 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402948 Naraharipur N N N Y Y N N Y N N (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759019 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402949 Sridihi N N N Y Y N Y Y Y N (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) 759019 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

402950 Bachhuribanka N N N Y Y N Y N N N (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759019 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

402951 Chheliabedha N N N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) 759019 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (<5 km) (<5 km)
402952 Paneilo N N N Y Y N Y Y N N (<5 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) 759019 (<5 km) (<5 km) 1 (<5 km) (<5 km)

Sub distt.: Bhusan Steel L

402967 Mangalpur N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y (<5 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759121 1 1 1 (5-10 km) 1
402968 Itapa N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759121 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
402969 Narendrapur N N N Y Y N N N Y N (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759121 1 1 1 (<5 km) (<5 km)
402970 Asanabania N N N Y Y N N N Y N (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759121 (<5 km) (<5 km) 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
402971 Sibapur N N N Y Y N Y Y Y N 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)


402972 Rakala N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759128 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402973 Panaghudughuda N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759128 1 N.A. (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km)
402974 Amana N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402975 Sanjapada N N N Y Y N N Y Y N 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402976 Badibahal N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759128 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402977 Khaliberana N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759128 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402978 Nadeilo N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (5-10 km) (10+ km) (<5 km) 759128 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402979 Bramhanapurunakot N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

402980 Naraharipur N N N Y Y N N Y N N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km)
402981 Chandrasekharpur N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 (<5 km) (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402982 Kankalu N N N Y Y N N Y Y N 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
402983 Mitikapasi N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) 759128 (10+ km) (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

402984 Sarapa N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) 759121 1 N.A. (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

402985 Raghunathapur N N N Y Y N Y Y Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
402986 Nuagan N N N Y Y N Y Y Y N (<5 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759102 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402987 Mahatala N N N Y Y N N Y N N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759102 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
402989 Paikpurunakot N Y N Y Y N Y Y Y N 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)


402991 Jhaduberani N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 (<5 km) (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)

Sub distt.: Balimi

402993 Beruanpal N N N Y Y N Y Y Y N (5-10 km) 1 (5-10 km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402994 Gandijhara N Y N Y Y N Y Y Y N (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) 759121 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402995 Galapada N N N Y Y N Y Y Y N (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402996 Bhanupada N N N Y Y N Y Y Y N (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) 759121 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402997 Chitipada N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (<5 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) 759121 (<5 km) (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402998 Nimabahali N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
402999 Kothalu N Y N Y Y N N N Y N (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

403000 Jhadabandha N N N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (<5 km) (<5 km)
403001 Madhupur N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403002 Nua N N N Y Y N N N Y Y (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759020 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) 1
403003 Thokar N N N Y Y N N N Y Y (<5 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) 759020 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403004 Barasingha N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) 759020 1 1 1 (5-10 km) 1
403005 Tarkabeda N N N Y Y N Y N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759121 1 1 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

403006 Kadala N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) 1
403007 Benipathara N N N Y Y N Y N Y N (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759121 (<5 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km)
403008 Badamunda N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403009 Kantimili N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 1 1 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403010 Sanamunda N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 1 1 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403011 Solanali N N N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 (<5 km) (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403012 Jharabeda N N N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 (10+ km) 1 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403013 Nuapada N Y N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403014 Patala N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 1 1 1 (10+ km) 1
403015 Bankidi N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403016 Panuberani N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403017 Dahanimara N N N Y Y N Y N Y N (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 (<5 km) (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)


403018 Khalapal N N N Y Y N Y N Y N (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 (<5 km) (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403019 Nagiaberani N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403020 Iswarapur N N N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 (<5 km) (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403021 Gotiaberani N N N Y Y N Y N Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 (<5 km) (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403022 Kantamila N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 (<5 km) (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403024 Mahalunda N Y N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759121 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403025 Bedanali N N N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759121 (<5 km) (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403026 Maguberani N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759020 (<5 km) (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403027 Krushnachandrapur N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) 759020 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403028 Gulehi N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759020 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403029 Dudurokot N Y N Y Y Y N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759020 1 1 1 (5-10 km) 1
403030 Bramhanamara N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) 759020 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

403031 Kumurusinga N N N Y Y N N N Y Y (<5 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759121 (5-10 km) 1 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

403032 Ranjagola N Y N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759020 1 1 1 1 1

403033 Asarada N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) 759020 (10+ km) 1 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

403034 Balimi N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) 1 (<5 km) 759020 1 1 1 (<5 km) (<5 km)


403035 Kukuta N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km)(<5 km) (<5 km) 759020 1 1 1 (<5 km) 1
403036 Sanahindol N N N Y Y N N N Y N 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) 759020 1 1 1 (<5 km) (<5 km)
403037 Nandapur N N N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) 759020 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

403038 Gurilo N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759020 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (<5 km) (<5 km)

Sub distt.: Hindol

403040 Chhelachheli N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) 759020 (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km)
403041 Kalihundi N N N Y Y N N N Y N (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759022 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403042 Tutupada N N N Y Y N N N Y N (5-10 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759020 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403043 Tangisal N N N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) 759020 (<5 km) (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403044 Balasar N N N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759020 1 1 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403045 Hatura N Y N Y Y N N N Y N 1 (10+ km) (10+ km) 759020 1 1 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403046 Jayapanga N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759020 (<5 km) (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403047 Hariharapur N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759020 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403048 Bangu N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (<5 km) 759020 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

403049 Pada N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759020 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) 1
403070 Kalanda N N N Y Y N Y N Y N 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759020 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403072 Keutaganthi N N N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759022 (<5 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) (<5 km) (<5 km)
403074 Baghadharia N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759020 1 1 1 1 (10+ km)

Sub distt.: Rasol

403094 Panchupada N N N Y Y N N N Y N 1 (<5 km) (10+ km) 759020 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) 1
403095 Jarada N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) 759021 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
403096 Haripur N N N Y Y N Y N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) 759021 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403097 Badabahal N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759020 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
403098 Giridharprasad N N N Y Y N Y N Y N 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759020 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) 1
403099 Karanda N N N Y Y Y N N Y N 1 (<5 km) (<5 km) 759020 1 1 1 (<5 km) 1
403100 Khanditiri N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759020 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)


403101 Brahmapur N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759019 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
403102 Bedapada N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y N 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759019 1 1 1 (5-10 km) 1
403117 Bhingira N N N Y Y N Y N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759020 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
403119 Basanta pokhari N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759020 (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
403120 Thenga N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) 759021 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)
403122 Gulugundi N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759021 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

District : Anugul
Sub distt.: Banarpal
404141 Tentulihata N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

404142 Apartipur N N N N Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (<5 km) (<5 km)
404145 Banarpal N Y N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) 759128 1 1 1 1 1
404146 Joragadia N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (<5 km) (<5 km)
404147 Birabahanpur N N N N Y N Y N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

404148 Badakhali N N N Y Y N N N Y N (5-10 km) 1 (5-10 km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

404149 Bhagabatpur N N N Y Y N N N Y N (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)


404150 Narendrapur N N N N Y N N N Y N (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

404151 Chauridiha N N N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (<5 km) (<5 km)
404152 Jhajiribahal N Y N Y Y N N N Y N (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

404153 Gadasantri N N N Y Y N N N Y N (5-10 km) 1 (5-10 km) 759128 1 1 1 (5-10 km) 1

404155 Gangijodi N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

404156 Tulasipal N Y N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) 1 (<5 km) 759128 1 1 1 (<5 km) 1

404159 Languliabeda N N N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (<5 km) (<5 km)
404160 Rajibpur N N N Y Y N N N Y N (<5 km) (<5 km) (<5 km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (<5 km) (<5 km)
404163 Purkia N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
404164 Arahat N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (5-10 km) (<5 km) (5-10 km) 759128 1 1 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

404165 Talatali N Y N Y Y N N Y Y N (5-10 km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
404166 Kusuna N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
404167 Kalandapal N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
404168 Ramimunda N N N Y Y N N Y Y N (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
404170 Fulapada N N N Y Y N Y Y Y N (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) 759029 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) 1
404172 Rankasinga N N N Y Y N Y Y Y N (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759040 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
404173 Juharpur N N N N Y N N Y Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) 759040 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
404174 Similichhuin N N N N Y N N Y Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (10+ km) 759040 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
404175 Chakuriapal N N N N Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759040 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
404178 Kainchhabahala N N N N Y N Y N Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759040 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
404179 Girdhabasa N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759029 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
404180 Tilapanga N N N Y Y N Y N Y N (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759029 (10+ km) (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
404181 Talamulasasan N N N Y Y N Y N Y N (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) 759040 1 1 1 (10+ km) 1
404182 Gadatalamul N Y N N Y N Y N Y Y (10+ km) 1 (10+ km) 759040 1 1 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
404183 Harichandabasti N N N N Y N Y N Y N (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) 759040 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
404184 Talmulpatna Basti N Y N Y Y N Y N Y N (10+ km) (<5 km) (<5 km) 759040 1 1 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)
404187 Harichandajami N N N N N N N N N N (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759040 (<5 km) (<5 km) (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km)
404189 Khandanali N N N N N N N N N N (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759128 (<5 km) (<5 km) 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)


404190 Serenabeda N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (10+ km) (10+ km) 759022 1 N.A. 1 (<5 km) (<5 km)

Sub distt.: Bhusan Steel L

404195 Talabahal N N N N Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

404196 Ganthigadia N N N N Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (5-10 km) (5-10 km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (5-10 km) (5-10 km)

Sub distt.: Anugul

404232 Kankinali N N N Y Y N N N Y N (10+ km) (<5 km) (10+ km) 759128 1 N.A. 1 (10+ km) (10+ km)



PPS (Pre-Primary School) 8 TWT (Tap Water-Treated) 0 NH (National Highway) 27
PS (Primary school) 254 TWUT (Tap Water Untreated) 16 SH (State Highway) 17
MS (Middle school) 126 CW (Covered Well) 1 MDR (Major District Road) 40
SS (Secondary school) 61 UW (Uncovered Well) 182 ODR (Other District Road) 83
SSS (Sr. Sec. School) 20 HP (Hand Pump) 193 BTPR (Black Topped (pucca) Road) 119
DCAS (Deg. College Arts & Science only) 9 TW/ BW (Tube Wells/Borehole) 8 GCR (Gravel (kuchha) Roads) 182
EC ( Engg. College) 3 S (Spring) 41 WBM (Water Bounded Macadam) 27
MC (Medicine College) 2 R/C (River/Canal) 77 AWR (All Weather Road) 134
MI (Management Institute) 3 T/P (Tank/Pond/Lake) 184 NWR/C (Navigable Waterways (River/Canal)) 34
P (Polytechnic) 4 WO (Others) 9 FP (Foot Path) 195
VTS/ITI (Vocational Trg School/ITI) 12
SFD (School For Disabled) 0 PO (Post Office) 29 ATM (ATM) 1
EO (Others) 0 SPO (Sub Post Office) 11 CB (Commercial bank) 1
P&T (Post & Telegraph office) 10 COB (Co-operative bank) 2
MEDICAL FACILITIES PIN (Village PIN code) 195 ACS (Agricultural Crredit Societies) 4
CHC (Community Health Centres ) 0 T (Telephone (landline)) 126 SHG (Self-Help Group (SHG)) 188
PHC (Primary Health Centre) 1 PCO (Public Call Office/ Mobile PCO) 41 PDS (Public Distribution System (PDS)) 130
PHSC (Primary Health Sub-Centre) 25 MPC (Mobile phone coverage) 184 M/RM (Mandis/Regular Market) 26
MCWC (Maternity And Child Welfare Centre) 10 IC/CSC (Internet Cafes/Common Service Centre) 5 WH (Weekly Haat) 34
TBC (TB Clinic) 1 PCF (Private Courier Facility) 26 AMS (Agricultural Marketing Society) 15
HA (Hospital Allopathic) 4 NCICDS (Nutritional Centres-ICDS) 43
HAM (Hospiltal Alternative Medicine) 2 TRANSPORT SYSTEM NCAC (Nutritional Centres-Anganwadi Centre) 176
D (Dispensary) 11 PBS (Public Bus Service) 35 NCO (Nutritional Centres-Others) 4
VH (Veterinary Hospital) 6 PvtBS (Private Bus Service) 61 ASHA (ASHA) 187
MHC (Mobile Health Clinic) 0 RS (Railway station) 15 CC-TV (Community Centre with/without TV) 73
FWC (Family Welfare Centre) 5 MA (Auto/Modified Autos) 86
NGMF-OP (Non Govt. Med. facilities Out Patient) 2 Taxi (Taxi) 54 SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT
NGMF-IOP (Non Govt. Med. facilities In And Out Patient) 0 Van (Vans) 11 SF (Sports Field) 92

NGMF-C (Non Govt. Med. facilities Charitable) 0 T (Tractors) 93 SC/RC (Sports Club/Recreation Centre) 73
NGMF-MBBS (Non Govt. Med. facilities Medical Prctitioner 7 CPR-Man (Cycle-pulled Rickshaws (manual driven)) 194 C/VH (Cinema/Video Hall) 1


with MBBS Degree )
CPR-Mec (Cycle-pulled Rickshaws (machine driven)) 0 PL (Public Library) 15

NGMF-OD (Non Govt. Med. facilities Medical Prctitioner 1 CDA (Carts Drivens by Animals) 179 PRR (Public Reading Room) 15
with other Degree ) S/R/FS (Sea/River/Ferry Service) 30 DNS (Daily Newspaper Supply) 186
NGMF-ND (Non Govt. Med. facilities Medical Practitioner 1 APS (Assembly Polling Station) 145
with no Degree ) POWER SUPPLY BDRO (Birth and Death Registration Office) 5

NGMF-TPFH (Non Govt. Med. facilities Traditional 1 PSDU (Power Supply For Domestic Use) 180
Practitioner and Faith Healer ) PSIAU (Power Supply ForAgriculture Use) 70
NGMF-MS (Non Govt. Med. facilities Medicine Shop ) 74 PSCU (Power Supply For Commercial Use) 0

NGMF-O (Non Govt. Med. facilities Others) 1 PSALL (Power Supply For All Users) 64


Govt. Primary School (Nos.) 3 Govt.-Desk Top Publishing (Nos.)) 0 Latrines-Pit (Nos.) 412
Private Primary School (Nos.) 0 Private-Desk Top Publishing (Nos.) 0 Latrines-Flush/Pour Flush (Nos.) 791
Govt. Middle School (Nos.) 2 Govt.-Vocational(Others) (Nos.)) 0 Latrines-Service (Nos.) 0
Private Middle School (Nos.) 0 Private-Vocational(Others) (Nos.) 0 Latrines-Others (Nos.) 9
Govt. Secondary School (Nos.) 2 Govt.-Non Formal Education (Nos.)) 12 Protected Water Supply Source-1 0
Private Secondary School (Nos.) 0 Private-Non Formal Education (Nos.) 0 Capacity Source-1 (KL) 0
Govt. Senior Secondary School (Nos.) 0 Govt.-Special School for Disabled (Nos.)) 0 Protected Water Supply Source-2 0
Private Senior Secondary School (Nos.) 0 Private-Special School for Disabled (Nos.) 0 Capacity Source-2 (KL) 0
Govt. Degree College-Art Only (Nos.) 0 Govt.-Others(Specify) (Nos.)) 0 Protected Water Supply Source-3 0
Private Degree College-Art Only (Nos.) 0 Private-Others(Specify) (Nos.) 0 Capacity Source-3 (KL) 0
Govt. Degree College-Science Only (Nos.) 0 MEDICAL Protected Water Supply Source-4 0
Private Degree College-Science Only (Nos.) 0 Hospital Allopathic (Nos.) 0 Capacity Source-4 (KL) 0
Govt. Degree College-Commerce Only (Nos.)) 0 Hospital Alternative Medicine (Nos.) 0 Protected Water Supply Source-5 0
Private Degree College-Commerce Only (Nos.) 0 Dispensary/Health Centre (Nos.) 2 Capacity Source-5 (KL) 0
Govt. Degree College-Art and Science Only (Nos.)) 0 Family Welfare Centre (Nos.) 0 TRANSPORT
Private Degree College-Art and Science Only (Nos.) 0 Maternity and Child Welfare Centre (Nos.) 0 Bus Route Road Distance (in kms.) 0
Govt. Degree College-Art and Commerce Only (Nos.)) 0 Maternity Home (Nos.) 0 Pucca Road Length (in kms.) 8.0
Private Degree College-Art and Commerce Only (Nos.) 0 Maternity Home Nearest facility Distance (in kms.) 6 Kutcha Road Length (in kms.) 10
Govt. Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce (Nos.)) 0 T.B. Hospital/ Clinic (Nos.) 0 ENTERTAINMENT AND COMMODITY
Private Degree College-Art,Science and Commerce (Nos.) 0 Nursing Home (Nos.) 1 Govt.-Stadium (Nos.)) 0
Govt. Degree College-Law (Nos.)) 0 Veterinary Hospital (Nos.) 0 Private-Stadium (Nos.) 0
Private Degree College-Law (Nos.) 0 Mobile Health Clinic (Nos.) 0 Govt.-Cinema Theatre (Nos.)) 0
Govt. Degree College-University (Nos.)) 0 Others (Nos.) 0 Private-Cinema Theatre (Nos.) 0
Private Degree College-University (Nos.) 0 Non-Government Out-Patient (Nos.) 0 Govt.-Auditorium/Community Hall (Nos.)) 0
Govt. Degree College-Others (Nos.)) 0 Non-Government In and Out Patient (Nos.) 0 Private-Auditorium/Community Hall (Nos.) 0
Private Degree College-Others (Nos.) 0 Non-Government Charitable-Hospital/Nursing Home (Nos.0 Govt.-Public Library (Nos.)) 0
Govt.-Medical College (Nos.)) 0 Non-Government Medicine Shop (Nos.) 3 Private-Public Library (Nos.) 0
Private-Medical College (Nos.) 0 ELECTRICITY Govt.-Public Reading Room (Nos.)) 0
Govt.-Engineering College (Nos.)) 0 Electricity-Domestic Connection (Nos.) 648 Private-Public Reading Room (Nos.) 0


Private-Engineering College (Nos.) 0 Electricity-Industrial Connection (Nos.) 4 Manufactured Commodity (First) 0
Govt.-Management Institute (Nos.)) 0 Electricity-Commercial Connection (Nos.) 25 Manufactured Commodity (Second) 0
Private-Management Institute (Nos.) 0 Electricity-Road Lighting Connection (Nos.) 10 Manufactured Commodity (Third) 0
Govt.-Polytechnic (Nos.)) 0 Electricity-Others Connection (Nos.) 10 HELP HOMES
Private-Polytechnic (Nos.) 0 FINANCIAL Govt.-Orphanage Home (Nos.)) 0
Govt.-Shorthand (Nos.)) 0 Nationalised Bank (Nos.) 1 Private-Orphanage Home (Nos.) 0
Private-Shorthand (Nos.) 0 Private Commercial Bank (Nos.) 0 Govt.-Working Women's Hostel (Nos.)) 0
Govt.-Typewriting (Nos.)) 0 Co-operative Bank (Nos.) 0 Private-Working Women's Hostel (Nos.) 0
Private-Typewriting (Nos.) 0 Agricultural Credit Society (Nos.) 2 Govt.-Old Age Home (Nos.)) 0
Govt.-Shorthand and Typewriting (Nos.)) 0 Non-Agricultural Credit Society (Nos.) 0 Private-Old Age Home (Nos.) 0
Private-Shorthand and Typewriting (Nos.) 0 FIRE FIGHTING
Govt.-MS Office (Nos.)) 0 Fire Fighting Service (Status A(1)/NA(2)) 4

CO STARTING ** S-55 2x20T IF DES + 25T LRF IF-03 SO LOCATION S-06 POINT 322591 2296659 94 SO LOCATION S-73 POINT 322994 2297731 73
TITLEONE EXPANSION IN EC UPTO 3.55 MTPA ** S-56 1x20T IF DES IF-04 SO LOCATION S-07 POINT 322396 2296775 87 SO LOCATION S-74 POINT 323264 2297726 75
STEEL IN JHARBANDH STEEL PLANT ** S-57 2x20T IF DES + 25T LRF IF-05 SO LOCATION S-08 POINT 322313 2296843 85 SO LOCATION S-75 POINT 323536 2297763 78
TITLETWO PM10 EMISSIONS FROM ALL STACKS ** S-58 2x20T IF DES + 45T LRF IF-06 SO LOCATION S-09 POINT 322557 2296843 87 SO LOCATION S-76 POINT 322798 2297505 77
WITH FUGITIVE EMISSION SOURCES ** S-59 2x20T IF DES + 45T LRF IF-07 SO LOCATION S-10 POINT 322726 2296840 88 SO LOCATION S-77 POINT 322990 2297500 76
MODELOPT DFAULT CONC RURAL ** S-60 2x20T IF DES + 45T LRF IF-08 SO LOCATION S-11 POINT 322260 2296587 91 SO LOCATION S-78 POINT 323259 2297495 77
AVERTIME 24 PERIOD ** S-61 90T EAF Fume Extraction+LRF Stack EAF- SO LOCATION S-12 POINT 322571 2296439 95 SO LOCATION S-80 POINT 323038 2296464 88
POLLUTID PM10 01 SO LOCATION S-13 POINT 322718 2296436 90 SO LOCATION S-81 POINT 323124 2296462 92
RUNORNOT RUN ** S-62 1100T EAF Fume Extraction+LRF Stack SO LOCATION S-14 POINT 322871 2296433 87 SO LOCATION S-82 POINT 323210 2296461 94
TERRHGTS ELEV EAF-02 SO LOCATION S-15 POINT 322473 2296404 95 SO LOCATION S-83 POINT 323285 2296459 96
CO FINISHED ** S-63 Reheating Furnace Stack RH-1 SO LOCATION S-16 POINT 322748 2296769 92 SO LOCATION S-84 POINT 323092 2296820 84
SO STARTING ** S-72 Crushing Section SO LOCATION S-17 POINT 322645 2296841 88 SO LOCATION S-85 POINT 323174 2296819 86
** S-01 500 TPD Kiln WHRB Stack K-1 ** S-73 Raw Mill / Kiln (for 2300 TPD) SO LOCATION S-18 POINT 322818 2296397 88 SO LOCATION S-86 POINT 323257 2296817 89
** S-12 600 TPD Kiln WHRB Stack K-3 ** S-74 Cement Plant Mill CP-1 SO LOCATION S-19 POINT 322946 2296765 84 SO LOCATION S-87 POINT 323222 2296708 87
** S-13 600 TPD Kiln WHRB Stack K-5 ** S-75 Bag Filling / Packing / Product Area SO LOCATION S-20 POINT 322947 2296835 84 SO LOCATION S-88 POINT 323159 2296623 88
** S-14 900 TPD Kiln WHRB Stack K-6 ** S-76 Crushing Section SO LOCATION S-21 POINT 321762 2296444 83 SO LOCATION S-89 POINT 322403 2296574 91
** S-15 DRI K-1 to K-4 in-plant Dedusting RMHS ** S-77 Raw Mill / Kiln (for 2600 TPD) SO LOCATION S-22 POINT 321871 2296442 85 SO LOCATION S-90 POINT 322638 2296570 93
** S-16 0 CDH ** S-78 Cement Plant Mill CP-1 SO LOCATION S-23 POINT 321979 2296440 88
** S-17 0 PSB ** S-80 125 TPH FBB FBB-01 SO LOCATION S-24 POINT 322088 2296438 91 SO LOCATION A-1 AREA 321967 2296590 85
** S-18 DRI K-5 to K-7 in-plant Dedusting RMHS ** S-81 125 TPH FBB FBB-03 SO LOCATION S-25 POINT 322183 2296437 93 SO LOCATION A-2 AREA 320382 2296039 90
** S-19 0 CDH ** S-82 125 TPH FBB FBB-05 SO LOCATION S-26 POINT 322084 2296742 85 SO LOCATION A-3 AREA 319338 2296060 81
** S-20 0 PSB ** S-83 125 TPH FBB FBB-07 SO LOCATION S-27 POINT 321739 2296815 85 SO LOCATION A-4 AREA 320503 2295898 88
** S-21 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in Travelling ** S-84 125 TPH FBB FBB-09 SO LOCATION S-28 POINT 320504 2296478 85 SO LOCATION A-5 AREA 320539 2295797 85
** S-22 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in Travelling ** S-85 250 TPH FBB FBB-11 SO LOCATION S-29 POINT 320671 2296474 83 SO LOCATION A-6 AREA 320594 2295749 85
** S-23 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in Travelling ** S-86 250 TPH FBB FBB-13 SO LOCATION S-30 POINT 320837 2296471 80 SO LOCATION A-7 AREA 320654 2295698 84
** S-24 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in Travelling ** S-87 Power Plant Raw Material in-plant SO LOCATION S-31 POINT 321003 2296467 77 SO LOCATION A-8 AREA 320729 2295639 84
** S-25 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in Travelling Dedusting PP-01 SO LOCATION S-32 POINT 320503 2296398 86 SO LOCATION A-9 AREA 320886 2295838 80
** S-26 Raw Material Handling Stack ** S-88 Power Plant Raw Material in-plant SO LOCATION S-33 POINT 320669 2296395 84 SO LOCATION A-10 AREA 320956 2295928 81
** S-27 Finished Product Handling Stack Dedusting PP-02 SO LOCATION S-34 POINT 320835 2296391 80 SO LOCATION A-11 AREA 321173 2297818 74
** S-28 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in Travelling ** S-89 Power Plant Raw Material in-plant SO LOCATION S-35 POINT 321002 2296388 78 SO LOCATION A-12 AREA 321089 2297611 76
** S-29 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in Travelling Dedusting PP-03 SO LOCATION S-36 POINT 319885 2296337 84 SO LOCATION A-13 AREA 321035 2297488 78
** S-30 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in Travelling ** S-90 Power Plant Raw Material in-plant SO LOCATION S-37 POINT 320143 2296326 92 SO LOCATION A-14 AREA 321504 2297686 72
** S-31 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in Travelling Dedusting PP-04 SO LOCATION S-38 POINT 320082 2296188 90 SO LOCATION A-15 AREA 322328 2296026 96
** S-32 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in Travelling ** FUGITIVE SO LOCATION S-39 POINT 320367 2296373 88 SO LOCATION A-16 AREA 322964 2296097 97
** S-33 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in Travelling ** A-1 RAW MATERIAL PALLET PLANT SO LOCATION S-42 POINT 321962 2297207 76
** S-34 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in Travelling ** A-2 RAW MATERIAL COMPLEX SO LOCATION S-43 POINT 322189 2297202 83 SO SRCPARAM S-01 0.78125 80 423 18.13 2.75
** S-35 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in Travelling ** A-3 RAW MATERIAL COMPLEX SO LOCATION S-44 POINT 320096 2297273 75 SO SRCPARAM S-12 0.90625 80 423 17.67 3
** S-36 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in Travelling ** A-4 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SO LOCATION S-45 POINT 320093 2297164 78 SO SRCPARAM S-13 0.453125 80 423 8.83 3
** S-37 ESP-Drying &Pre.heating in Travelling ** A-5 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SO LOCATION S-46 POINT 321937 2296936 79 SO SRCPARAM S-14 1 80 423 19.49 3
** S-38 Raw Material Handling Stack ** A-6 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SO LOCATION S-47 POINT 322078 2296978 79 SO SRCPARAM S-15 0.375 35 323 12.56 2
** S-39 Finished Product Handling Stack ** A-7 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SO LOCATION S-48 POINT 320134 2297050 81 SO SRCPARAM S-16 0.203125 30 373 9.7 1.8
** S-42 Stove Stack (to WHRB 450 cum) BF-01 ** A-8 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SO LOCATION S-49 POINT 320132 2296941 78 SO SRCPARAM S-17 0.375 35 323 12.56 2
** S-43 Stock House De-dusting BF-02 ** A-9 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SO LOCATION S-50 POINT 323259 2297230 79 SO SRCPARAM S-18 0.453125 35 323 12.54 2.2
** S-44 Stove Stack (to WHRB 600 cum) BF-05 ** A-10 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SO LOCATION S-51 POINT 323137 2297233 83 SO SRCPARAM S-19 0.25 30 373 9.67 2
** S-45 Stock House De-dusting BF-06 ** A-11 SLAG DUMP MANAGEMENT SO LOCATION S-52 POINT 319750 2296773 77 SO SRCPARAM S-20 0.453125 35 323 12.54 2.2
** S-46 Sinter Plant-Main Stack (80 m2) SP-MS ** A-12 SLAG DUMP MANAGEMENT SO LOCATION S-53 POINT 322624 2296989 84 SO SRCPARAM S-21 2.9375 90 440 12.69 6.5
** S-47 Sinter Plant-De-Dusting SP-DD ** A-13 SLAG DUMP MANAGEMENT SO LOCATION S-54 POINT 322698 2296988 85 SO SRCPARAM S-22 2.9375 90 440 12.69 6.5
** S-48 Sinter Plant-Main Stack (110 m2) SP-MS ** A-14 SLAG DUMP MANAGEMENT SO LOCATION S-55 POINT 322772 2296986 86 SO SRCPARAM S-23 2.9375 90 440 12.69 6.5
** S-49 Sinter Plant-De-Dusting SP-DD ** A-15 RAW MATERIAL STORAGE SO LOCATION S-56 POINT 322845 2296985 84 SO SRCPARAM S-24 2.9375 90 440 12.69 6.5
** S-50 Coke Oven 1x250000 TPA (to WHRB stack) ** A-16 RAW MATERIAL STORAGE SO LOCATION S-57 POINT 322919 2296983 82 SO SRCPARAM S-25 2.9375 90 440 12.69 6.5
SP-MS SO LOCATION S-58 POINT 322992 2296982 82 SO SRCPARAM S-26 0.28125 30 373 13.43 1.8
** S-51 Coke Oven 1x400000 TPA (to WHRB stack) ** LOCATION OF STACKS SO LOCATION S-59 POINT 323066 2296980 83 SO SRCPARAM S-27 0.28125 30 373 13.43 1.8
SP-MS SO LOCATION S-01 POINT 322375 2296443 93 SO LOCATION S-60 POINT 323140 2296979 84 SO SRCPARAM S-28 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4
** S-52 Coke Oven 6x70000 TPA (to WHRB stack) SO LOCATION S-02 POINT 322264 2296793 85 SO LOCATION S-61 POINT 322381 2297276 84 SO SRCPARAM S-29 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4
SP-MS SO LOCATION S-03 POINT 322258 2296474 93 SO LOCATION S-62 POINT 320391 2297232 82 SO SRCPARAM S-30 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4
** S-53 2x20T IF DES + 25T LRF IF-01 SO LOCATION S-04 POINT 322455 2296843 86 SO LOCATION S-63 POINT 322489 2297061 82 SO SRCPARAM S-31 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4
** S-54 2x20T IF DES + 25T LRF IF-02 SO LOCATION S-05 POINT 322594 2296777 90 SO LOCATION S-72 POINT 322802 2297736 74 SO SRCPARAM S-32 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 1 ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 2

SO SRCPARAM S-33 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4 SO SRCPARAM A-5 2.71493664533829E-10 1 DISCCART 322807 2298978 74 DISCCART 325463 2294001 110
SO SRCPARAM S-34 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4 109.6407 194.1483 0 4 DISCCART 322813 2299531 67 DISCCART 325844 2293598 100
SO SRCPARAM S-35 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4 SO SRCPARAM A-6 2.71493664533829E-10 1 DISCCART 322819 2300085 62 DISCCART 326606 2292815 103
SO SRCPARAM S-36 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4 57.3047 45.1073 0 4 DISCCART 322824 2300638 67 DISCCART 328142 2291227 91
SO SRCPARAM S-37 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4 SO SRCPARAM A-7 2.71493664533829E-10 1 DISCCART 322830 2301192 76 DISCCART 330441 2288857 111
SO SRCPARAM S-38 0.13125 30 373 6.27 1.8 216.9145 287.2999 137 4 DISCCART 322842 2302299 70 DISCCART 323392 2295229 114
SO SRCPARAM S-39 0.046875 30 373 2.24 1.8 SO SRCPARAM A-8 2.71493664533829E-10 1 DISCCART 322865 2304513 59 DISCCART 323595 2294718 110
SO SRCPARAM S-42 0.25 30 423 13.54 1.8 112.4453 55.9388 0 4 DISCCART 322901 2307834 60 DISCCART 323809 2294195 118
SO SRCPARAM S-43 0.290625 47 313 11.65 1.8 SO SRCPARAM A-9 2.71493664533829E-10 1 DISCCART 323425 2298296 69 DISCCART 324012 2293684 112
SO SRCPARAM S-44 0.4375 30 423 15.86 2.2 65.8719 151.6386 0 4 DISCCART 323638 2298803 67 DISCCART 324214 2293172 107
SO SRCPARAM S-45 0.509375 47 313 13.66 2.2 SO SRCPARAM A-10 2.71493664533829E-10 1 DISCCART 323862 2299310 60 DISCCART 324417 2292661 112
SO SRCPARAM S-46 2.703125 55 423 18.97 5 38.8078 65.2744 0 4 DISCCART 324076 2299817 58 DISCCART 324823 2291627 116
SO SRCPARAM S-47 0.5 45 313 16.23 2 SO SRCPARAM A-11 4.75113912934201E-10 1 DISCCART 324289 2300335 65 DISCCART 325636 2289581 105
SO SRCPARAM S-48 3.7 80 423 15.36 6.5 237.41 74.7882 0 4 DISCCART 324503 2300842 61 DISCCART 326865 2286491 114
SO SRCPARAM S-49 0.853125 55 313 17.72 2.5 SO SRCPARAM A-12 4.75113912934201E-10 1 DISCCART 324930 2301856 58 DISCCART 322766 2295103 96
SO SRCPARAM S-50 0.546875 85 493 17.89 2.5 390.3435 198.3284 0 4 DISCCART 325784 2303896 57 DISCCART 322760 2294549 104
SO SRCPARAM S-51 0.90625 100 493 18.1 3.2 SO SRCPARAM A-13 4.75113912934201E-10 1 DISCCART 327075 2306949 67 DISCCART 322754 2293996 123
SO SRCPARAM S-52 0.90625 100 493 18.1 3.2 44.2434 216.0915 0 4 DISCCART 323952 2297925 86 DISCCART 322749 2293442 134
SO SRCPARAM S-53 0.28125 30.5 373 10.88 2 SO SRCPARAM A-14 4.75113912934201E-10 1 DISCCART 324352 2298319 79 DISCCART 322743 2292889 121
SO SRCPARAM S-54 0.28125 30.5 373 10.88 2 44.5043 76.2365 0 4 DISCCART 324741 2298703 75 DISCCART 322737 2292335 125
SO SRCPARAM S-55 0.28125 30.5 373 10.88 2 SO SRCPARAM A-15 4.92576699663779E-10 1 DISCCART 325130 2299086 69 DISCCART 322725 2291228 131
SO SRCPARAM S-56 0.28125 30.5 373 13.43 1.8 637.068 202.9619 0 4 DISCCART 325519 2299481 73 DISCCART 322702 2289014 130
SO SRCPARAM S-57 0.28125 30.5 373 10.88 2 SO SRCPARAM A-16 4.92576699663779E-10 1 DISCCART 325909 2299864 72 DISCCART 322667 2285693 123
SO SRCPARAM S-58 0.28125 30.5 373 10.88 2 82.5805 126.813 0 4 DISCCART 326687 2300642 63 DISCCART 322143 2295242 124
SO SRCPARAM S-59 0.28125 30.5 373 10.88 2 SO SRCGROUP ALL DISCCART 328254 2302187 53 DISCCART 321929 2294735 88
SO SRCPARAM S-60 0.28125 30.5 373 10.88 2 SO FINISHED DISCCART 330599 2304511 63 DISCCART 321715 2294217 97
SO SRCPARAM S-61 1.959375 60 403 20.47 4 RE STARTING DISCCART 324311 2297390 92 DISCCART 321502 2293710 102
SO SRCPARAM S-62 2.39375 70 403 16.01 5 ELEVUNIT METERS DISCCART 324813 2297595 90 DISCCART 321277 2293203 97
SO SRCPARAM S-63 0.289688 60 638 8.52 3 ** AT PLANT BOUNDARY DISCCART 325325 2297800 81 DISCCART 321064 2292696 100
SO SRCPARAM S-72 0.490625 30 318 17 2 DISCCART 322795 2297792 76 DISCCART 325827 2298005 79 DISCCART 320636 2291671 116
SO SRCPARAM S-73 2.2 80 393 20 4 DISCCART 323238 2297843 74 DISCCART 326339 2298210 79 DISCCART 319781 2289643 131
SO SRCPARAM S-74 2.96875 60 336 21 4 DISCCART 323693 2297668 79 DISCCART 326841 2298415 76 DISCCART 318488 2286579 118
SO SRCPARAM S-75 0.09375 35 351 16 1 DISCCART 324096 2297301 90 DISCCART 327856 2298837 75 DISCCART 321615 2295602 82
SO SRCPARAM S-76 0.41875 30 318 17 2 DISCCART 323545 2296759 99 DISCCART 329884 2299657 66 DISCCART 321226 2295219 89
SO SRCPARAM S-77 1.875 80 393 20 4 DISCCART 323497 2296459 106 DISCCART 332926 2300900 53 DISCCART 320826 2294836 94
SO SRCPARAM S-78 2.528125 60 336 21 4 DISCCART 323455 2296074 133 DISCCART 324429 2296746 148 DISCCART 320437 2294441 97
SO SRCPARAM S-80 0.710938 90 423 17.11 2.7 DISCCART 323059 2296075 103 DISCCART 324970 2296741 96 DISCCART 320047 2294058 101
SO SRCPARAM S-81 0.710938 90 423 17.11 2.7 DISCCART 322776 2295945 101 DISCCART 325522 2296735 99 DISCCART 319657 2293663 98
SO SRCPARAM S-82 0.710938 90 423 17.11 2.7 DISCCART 322425 2295915 99 DISCCART 326064 2296729 108 DISCCART 318878 2292897 112
SO SRCPARAM S-83 0.710938 90 423 17.11 2.7 DISCCART 322166 2296154 91 DISCCART 326615 2296724 115 DISCCART 317310 2291341 116
SO SRCPARAM S-84 0.710938 90 423 17.11 2.7 DISCCART 320491 2295833 86 DISCCART 327157 2296718 93 DISCCART 314971 2289020 104
SO SRCPARAM S-85 1.421875 110 423 17.28 3.8 DISCCART 319544 2296801 76 DISCCART 328250 2296707 94 DISCCART 321267 2296148 78
SO SRCPARAM S-86 0.710938 110 423 17.11 2.7 DISCCART 320990 2297542 77 DISCCART 330437 2296685 76 DISCCART 320755 2295944 79
SO SRCPARAM S-87 0.421875 45 323 9.04 2.5 DISCCART 321980 2297600 81 DISCCART 333717 2296652 53 DISCCART 320253 2295739 89
SO SRCPARAM S-88 0.421875 45 323 9.04 2.5 DISCCART 322432 2297655 83 DISCCART 324297 2296117 105 DISCCART 319740 2295534 86
SO SRCPARAM S-89 0.421875 45 323 9.04 2.5 ** AT 1000 m DISCCART 324795 2295901 107 DISCCART 319238 2295318 84
SO SRCPARAM S-90 0.421875 45 323 9.04 2.5 DISCCART 322408 2297709 80 DISCCART 325303 2295685 107 DISCCART 318725 2295113 83
DISCCART 323783 2296753 147 DISCCART 325801 2295470 115 DISCCART 317711 2294703 82
SO SRCPARAM A-1 9.85153399327559E-10 1 DISCCART 323706 2296366 113 DISCCART 326309 2295243 113 DISCCART 315681 2293872 94
181.011 168.4097 126 4 DISCCART 323484 2296048 133 DISCCART 326806 2295028 116 DISCCART 312636 2292644 89
SO SRCPARAM A-2 9.85153399327559E-10 1 DISCCART 323159 2295830 141 DISCCART 327812 2294597 97 DISCCART 319504 2296798 71
625.6192 280.2479 0 4 DISCCART 322773 2295756 121 DISCCART 329824 2293724 104 DISCCART 318962 2296804 77
SO SRCPARAM A-3 9.85153399327559E-10 1 DISCCART 322389 2295838 97 DISCCART 332842 2292431 80 DISCCART 318410 2296810 82
668.0226 280.2479 0 4 DISCCART 322068 2296062 87 DISCCART 323927 2295578 107 DISCCART 317317 2296822 74
SO SRCPARAM A-4 2.71493664533829E-10 1 ** All directions at 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 DISCCART 324319 2295186 111 DISCCART 315130 2296846 81
34.895 98.703 0 4 4000 5000 7000 10000 m DISCCART 324700 2294795 128 DISCCART 311850 2296882 83
DISCCART 322801 2298424 77 DISCCART 325081 2294392 115 DISCCART 320773 2297637 76

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 3 ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 4
ANNEXURE : XX(a) Contd..

DISCCART 320275 2297853 68 DISCCART 327125 2296902 95 9. No Exponential Decay for RURAL Mode
DISCCART 319767 2298069 71 DISCCART 322586 2303927 72
DISCCART 319270 2298285 70 DISCCART 325628 2291636 118 **Model Accepts Receptors on ELEV Terrain.
DISCCART 318762 2298500 68 DISCCART 324283 2299557 74
DISCCART 317756 2298943 80 DISCCART 321688 2294449 98 **Model Assumes No FLAGPOLE Receptor Heights.
DISCCART 315746 2299806 96 DISCCART 319933 2295352 94
DISCCART 312730 2301113 95 DISCCART 320660 2297853 77 **Model Calculates 1 Short Term Average(s) of: 24-HR
DISCCART 321640 2297949 71 RE FINISHED and Calculates PERIOD Averages
DISCCART 321259 2298352 66 ME STARTING
DISCCART 320868 2298744 66 INPUTFIL ORI\JB\OCT2020\DK19S.MET **This Run Includes: 95 Source(s); 1 Source Group(s); and 172 Receptor(s)
DISCCART 320487 2299135 65 ANEMHGHT 5.0
DISCCART 320106 2299538 78 SURFDATA 99999 2019 XXX **The Model Assumes A Pollutant Type of: PM10
DISCCART 319725 2299929 81 UAIRDATA 99999 2019 XXX
DISCCART 318963 2300724 90 WDROTATE 180 **Model Set To Continue RUNning After the Setup Testing.
DISCCART 317429 2302302 78 ME FINISHED
DISCCART 315143 2304674 86 OU STARTING **Output Options Selected:
DISCCART 322175 2298309 76 OU RECTABLE 24 FIRST Model Outputs Tables of PERIOD Averages by Receptor
DISCCART 321972 2298820 68 OU MAXTABLE 24 50 Model Outputs Tables of Highest Short Term Values by Receptor (RECTABLE Keyword)
DISCCART 321769 2299332 61 OU PLOTFILE 24 ALL FIRST ORI\JB\OCT2020\JB- Model Outputs Tables of Overall Maximum Short Term Values (MAXTABLE Keyword)
DISCCART 321567 2299843 70 PM10.PLT Model Outputs External File(s) of High Values for Plotting (PLOTFILE Keyword)
DISCCART 321354 2300366 70 OU FINISHED
DISCCART 321151 2300877 75 **NOTE: The Following Flags May Appear Following CONC Values: c for Calm Hours
DISCCART 320745 2301900 71 *********************************** m for Missing Hours
DISCCART 319934 2303957 69 *** SETUP Finishes Successfully *** b for Both Calm and Missing Hours
DISCCART 318708 2307038 78 ***********************************
** AT AAQ **Misc. Inputs: Anem. Hgt. (m) = 5.00 ; Decay Coef. = .0000 ; Rot. Angle = 180.0
DISCCART 321119 2297297 75 Emission Units = GRAMS/SEC ; Emission Rate Unit Factor = .10000E+07
Output Units = MICROGRAMS/M**3

*** ISCST3 - VERSION 95250 *** *** EXPANSION IN EC UPTO 3.55 MTPA STEEL IN JHARBANDH STEEL PLANT *** 10/20/20 **Input Runstream File: ORI\JB\OCT2020\JB-PM10.INP ; **Output Print File: ORI\JB\OCT2020\JB-


**Intermediate Terrain Processing is Selected
ID CATS. PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2 (M) (M) (M) (M) (°K) (M/SEC) (M)
S-01 0 7.81E-01 4.49E-01 1.95E+01 7.31E-02 322375 2296443 93 80 423 18.13 2.75 NO
**Model Is Setup For Calculation of Average CONCentration Values.
S-12 0 9.06E-01 5.21E-01 2.34E+01 4.39E-02 322571 2296439 95 80 423 17.67 3 NO
S-13 0 4.53E-01 2.61E-01 1.17E+01 4.39E-02 322718 2296436 90 80 423 8.83 3 NO
S-14 0 1.00E+00 5.75E-01 3.52E+01 1.32E-01 322871 2296433 87 80 423 19.49 3 NO
S-15 0 3.75E-01 2.16E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322473 2296404 95 35 323 12.56 2 NO
S-16 0 2.03E-01 1.17E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322748 2296769 92 30 373 9.7 1.8 NO
**NO WET SCAVENGING Data Provided. S-17 0 3.75E-01 2.16E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322645 2296841 88 35 323 12.56 2 NO
**Model Does NOT Use GRIDDED TERRAIN Data for Depletion Calculations S-18 0 4.53E-01 2.61E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322818 2296397 88 35 323 12.54 2.2 NO
S-19 0 2.50E-01 1.44E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322946 2296765 84 30 373 9.67 2 NO
**Model Uses RURAL Dispersion. S-20 0 4.53E-01 2.61E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322947 2296835 84 35 323 12.54 2.2 NO
S-21 0 2.94E+00 1.69E+00 6.88E-01 2.32E-02 321762 2296444 83 90 440 12.69 6.5 NO
**Model Uses Regulatory DEFAULT Options: S-22 0 2.94E+00 1.69E+00 6.88E-01 2.32E-02 321871 2296442 85 90 440 12.69 6.5 NO
1. Final Plume Rise. S-23 0 2.94E+00 1.69E+00 6.88E-01 2.32E-02 321979 2296440 88 90 440 12.69 6.5 NO
2. Stack-tip Downwash. S-24 0 2.94E+00 1.69E+00 6.88E-01 2.32E-02 322088 2296438 91 90 440 12.69 6.5 NO
3. Buoyancy-induced Dispersion. S-25 0 2.94E+00 1.69E+00 6.88E-01 2.32E-02 322183 2296437 93 90 440 12.69 6.5 NO
4. Use Calms Processing Routine. S-26 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322084 2296742 85 30 373 13.43 1.8 NO
5. Not Use Missing Data Processing Routine. S-27 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 321739 2296815 85 30 373 13.43 1.8 NO
6. Default Wind Profile Exponents. S-28 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 320504 2296478 85 60 440 15.47 4 NO
7. Default Vertical Potential Temperature Gradients. S-29 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 320671 2296474 83 60 440 15.47 4 NO
8. "Upper Bound" Values for Supersquat Buildings. S-30 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 320837 2296471 80 60 440 15.47 4 NO

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 5 ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 6
ANNEXURE : XX(a) Contd..


S-31 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 321003 2296467 77 60 440 15.47 4 NO CORNER)
S-32 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 320503 2296398 86 60 440 15.47 4 NO SOURCE PART. (GRAMS/SEC) X Y ELEV. HEIGHT OF AREA OF AREA OF AREA SZ
S-33 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 320669 2296395 84 60 440 15.47 4 NO ID CATS. PM10 PM2.5 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (DEG) (M)
S-34 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 320835 2296391 80 60 440 15.47 4 NO A-1 0 9.85E-10 5.66E-10 321967 2296590 85 1 181.01 168.41 126 4
S-35 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 321002 2296388 78 60 440 15.47 4 NO A-2 0 9.85E-10 5.66E-10 320382 2296039 90 1 625.62 280.25 0 4
S-36 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 319885 2296337 84 60 440 15.47 4 NO A-3 0 9.85E-10 5.66E-10 319338 2296060 81 1 668.02 280.25 0 4
S-37 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 320143 2296326 92 60 440 15.47 4 NO A-4 0 2.71E-10 1.56E-10 320503 2295898 88 1 34.9 98.7 0 4
A-5 0 2.71E-10 1.56E-10 320539 2295797 85 1 109.64 194.15 0 4
S-38 0 1.31E-01 7.55E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 320082 2296188 90 30 373 6.27 1.8 NO
A-6 0 2.71E-10 1.56E-10 320594 2295749 85 1 57.3 45.11 0 4
S-39 0 4.69E-02 2.70E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 320367 2296373 88 30 373 2.24 1.8 NO A-7 0 2.71E-10 1.56E-10 320654 2295698 84 1 216.91 287.3 137 4
S-42 0 2.50E-01 1.44E-01 4.44E+00 3.33E+00 321962 2297207 76 30 423 13.54 1.8 NO A-8 0 2.71E-10 1.56E-10 320729 2295639 84 1 112.45 55.94 0 4
S-43 0 2.91E-01 1.67E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322189 2297202 83 47 313 11.65 1.8 NO A-9 0 2.71E-10 1.56E-10 320886 2295838 80 1 65.87 151.64 0 4
S-44 0 4.38E-01 2.52E-01 7.78E+00 5.83E+00 320096 2297273 75 30 423 15.86 2.2 NO A-10 0 2.71E-10 1.56E-10 320956 2295928 81 1 38.81 65.27 0 4
S-45 0 5.09E-01 2.93E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 320093 2297164 78 47 313 13.66 2.2 NO A-11 0 4.75E-10 2.73E-10 321173 2297818 74 1 237.41 74.79 0 4
S-46 0 2.70E+00 1.55E+00 1.20E+01 5.45E-02 321937 2296936 79 55 423 18.97 5 NO A-12 0 4.75E-10 2.73E-10 321089 2297611 76 1 390.34 198.33 0 4
A-13 0 4.75E-10 2.73E-10 321035 2297488 78 1 44.24 216.09 0 4
S-47 0 5.00E-01 2.88E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322078 2296978 79 45 313 16.23 2 NO
A-14 0 4.75E-10 2.73E-10 321504 2297686 72 1 44.5 76.24 0 4
S-48 0 3.70E+00 2.13E+00 1.03E+01 3.90E-02 320134 2297050 81 80 423 15.36 6.5 NO A-15 0 4.93E-10 2.83E-10 322328 2296026 96 1 637.07 202.96 0 4
S-49 0 8.53E-01 4.91E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 320132 2296941 78 55 313 17.72 2.5 NO A-16 0 4.93E-10 2.83E-10 322964 2296097 97 1 82.58 126.81 0 4
S-50 0 5.47E-01 3.14E-01 1.35E+00 1.21E-03 323259 2297230 79 85 493 17.89 2.5 NO
S-51 0 9.06E-01 5.21E-01 2.27E+00 2.03E-03 323137 2297233 83 100 493 18.1 3.2 NO
S-52 0 9.06E-01 5.21E-01 2.16E+00 1.93E-03 319750 2296773 77 100 493 18.1 3.2 NO
S-53 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322624 2296989 84 30.5 373 10.88 2 NO
S-54 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322698 2296988 85 30.5 373 10.88 2 NO GROUP ID SOURCE IDs
S-55 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322772 2296986 86 30.5 373 10.88 2 NO ALL S-01, S-02, S-03, S-04, S-05, S-06, S-07, S-08, S-09, S-10, S-11, S-12, S-13, S-14, S-15, S-16,
S-56 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322845 2296985 84 30.5 373 13.43 1.8 NO S-17, S-18, S-19, S-20, S-21, S-22, S-23, S-24, S-25, S-26, S-27, S-28, S-29, S-30, S-31, S-32, S-33, S-
S-57 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322919 2296983 82 30.5 373 10.88 2 NO 34, S-35, S-36, S-37, S-38, S-39, S-42, S-43, S-44, S-45, S-46, S-47, S-48, S-49, S-50, S-51, S-52, S-
S-58 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322992 2296982 82 30.5 373 10.88 2 NO 53, S-54, S-55, S-56, S-57, S-58, S-59, S-60, S-61, S-62, S-63, S-72, S-73, S-74, S-75, S-76, S-77, S-
S-59 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 323066 2296980 83 30.5 373 10.88 2 NO 78, S-80, S-81, S-82, S-83, S-84, S-85, S-86, S-87, S-88, S-89, S-90, A-1 , A-2 , A-3 , A-4 , A-5 , A-6 ,
S-60 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 323140 2296979 84 30.5 373 10.88 2 NO
A-7 , A-8 , A-9 , A-10, A-11, A-12, A-13, A-14, A-15, A-16,
S-61 0 1.96E+00 1.13E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322381 2297276 84 60 403 20.47 4 NO
S-62 0 2.39E+00 1.38E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 320391 2297232 82 70 403 16.01 5 NO
S-63 0 2.90E-01 1.67E-01 4.53E+00 2.95E+00 322489 2297061 82 60 638 8.52 3 NO
S-72 0 4.91E-01 2.82E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322802 2297736 74 30 318 17 2 NO
S-73 0 2.20E+00 1.27E+00 7.61E-01 1.22E+00 322994 2297731 73 80 393 20 4 NO
S-74 0 2.97E+00 1.71E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 323264 2297726 75 60 336 21 4 NO
S-75 0 9.38E-02 5.39E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 323536 2297763 78 35 351 16 1 NO
S-76 0 4.19E-01 2.41E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322798 2297505 77 30 318 17 2 NO
S-77 0 1.88E+00 1.08E+00 8.60E-01 1.38E+00 322990 2297500 76 80 393 20 4 NO
S-78 0 2.53E+00 1.45E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 323259 2297495 77 60 336 21 4 NO
S-80 0 7.11E-01 4.09E-01 6.32E+00 6.32E+00 323038 2296464 88 90 423 17.11 2.7 NO
S-81 0 7.11E-01 4.09E-01 6.32E+00 6.32E+00 323124 2296462 92 90 423 17.11 2.7 NO
S-82 0 7.11E-01 4.09E-01 6.32E+00 6.32E+00 323210 2296461 94 90 423 17.11 2.7 NO
S-83 0 7.11E-01 4.09E-01 6.32E+00 6.32E+00 323285 2296459 96 90 423 17.11 2.7 NO
S-84 0 7.11E-01 4.09E-01 6.32E+00 6.32E+00 323092 2296820 84 90 423 17.11 2.7 NO
S-85 0 1.42E+00 8.18E-01 1.26E+01 1.26E+01 323174 2296819 86 110 423 17.28 3.8 NO
S-86 0 7.11E-01 4.09E-01 6.32E+00 6.32E+00 323257 2296817 89 110 423 17.11 2.7 NO
S-87 0 4.22E-01 2.43E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 323222 2296708 87 45 323 9.04 2.5 NO
S-88 0 4.22E-01 2.43E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 323159 2296623 88 45 323 9.04 2.5 NO
S-89 0 4.22E-01 2.43E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322403 2296574 91 45 323 9.04 2.5 NO
S-90 0 4.22E-01 2.43E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322638 2296570 93 45 323 9.04 2.5 NO

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 7 ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 8
ANNEXURE : XX(a) Contd..

*** ISCST3 - VERSION 95250 *** ( 330441.0, 2288857.0, 111.0, .0); ( 323392.0, 2295229.0, 114.0, .0);
*** EXPANSION IN EC UPTO 3.55 MTPA STEEL IN JHARBANDH STEEL PLANT *** 10/20/20 ( 323595.0, 2294718.0, 110.0, .0); ( 323809.0, 2294195.0, 118.0, .0);
*** PM10 EMISSIONS FROM ALL STACKS WITH FUGITIVE EMISSION SOURCES *** 10:42:02 ( 324012.0, 2293684.0, 112.0, .0); ( 324214.0, 2293172.0, 107.0, .0);
**MODELOPTs: CONC RURAL ELEV DFAULT ( 324417.0, 2292661.0, 112.0, .0); ( 324823.0, 2291627.0, 116.0, .0);
( 325636.0, 2289581.0, 105.0, .0); ( 326865.0, 2286491.0, 114.0, .0);
*** DISCRETE CARTESIAN RECEPTORS *** ( 322766.0, 2295103.0, 96.0, .0); ( 322760.0, 2294549.0, 104.0, .0);
(X-COORD, Y-COORD, ZELEV, ZFLAG) ( 322754.0, 2293996.0, 123.0, .0); ( 322749.0, 2293442.0, 134.0, .0);
(METERS) ( 322743.0, 2292889.0, 121.0, .0); ( 322737.0, 2292335.0, 125.0, .0);
( 322795.0, 2297792.0, 76.0, .0); ( 323238.0, 2297843.0, 74.0, .0); ( 322725.0, 2291228.0, 131.0, .0); ( 322702.0, 2289014.0, 130.0, .0);
( 323693.0, 2297668.0, 79.0, .0); ( 324096.0, 2297301.0, 90.0, .0); ( 322667.0, 2285693.0, 123.0, .0); ( 322143.0, 2295242.0, 124.0, .0);
( 323545.0, 2296759.0, 99.0, .0); ( 323497.0, 2296459.0, 106.0, .0); ( 321929.0, 2294735.0, 88.0, .0); ( 321715.0, 2294217.0, 97.0, .0);
( 323455.0, 2296074.0, 133.0, .0); ( 323059.0, 2296075.0, 103.0, .0); ( 321502.0, 2293710.0, 102.0, .0); ( 321277.0, 2293203.0, 97.0, .0);
( 322776.0, 2295945.0, 101.0, .0); ( 322425.0, 2295915.0, 99.0, .0); ( 321064.0, 2292696.0, 100.0, .0); ( 320636.0, 2291671.0, 116.0, .0);
( 322166.0, 2296154.0, 91.0, .0); ( 320491.0, 2295833.0, 86.0, .0); ( 319781.0, 2289643.0, 131.0, .0); ( 318488.0, 2286579.0, 118.0, .0);
( 319544.0, 2296801.0, 76.0, .0); ( 320990.0, 2297542.0, 77.0, .0); ( 321615.0, 2295602.0, 82.0, .0); ( 321226.0, 2295219.0, 89.0, .0);
( 321980.0, 2297600.0, 81.0, .0); ( 322432.0, 2297655.0, 83.0, .0); ( 320826.0, 2294836.0, 94.0, .0); ( 320437.0, 2294441.0, 97.0, .0);
( 322408.0, 2297709.0, 80.0, .0); ( 323783.0, 2296753.0, 147.0, .0); ( 320047.0, 2294058.0, 101.0, .0); ( 319657.0, 2293663.0, 98.0, .0);
( 323706.0, 2296366.0, 113.0, .0); ( 323484.0, 2296048.0, 133.0, .0); ( 318878.0, 2292897.0, 112.0, .0); ( 317310.0, 2291341.0, 116.0, .0);
( 323159.0, 2295830.0, 141.0, .0); ( 322773.0, 2295756.0, 121.0, .0); ( 314971.0, 2289020.0, 104.0, .0); ( 321267.0, 2296148.0, 78.0, .0);
( 322389.0, 2295838.0, 97.0, .0); ( 322068.0, 2296062.0, 87.0, .0); ( 320755.0, 2295944.0, 79.0, .0); ( 320253.0, 2295739.0, 89.0, .0);
( 322801.0, 2298424.0, 77.0, .0); ( 322807.0, 2298978.0, 74.0, .0); ( 319740.0, 2295534.0, 86.0, .0); ( 319238.0, 2295318.0, 84.0, .0);
( 322813.0, 2299531.0, 67.0, .0); ( 322819.0, 2300085.0, 62.0, .0); ( 318725.0, 2295113.0, 83.0, .0); ( 317711.0, 2294703.0, 82.0, .0);
( 322824.0, 2300638.0, 67.0, .0); ( 322830.0, 2301192.0, 76.0, .0); ( 315681.0, 2293872.0, 94.0, .0); ( 312636.0, 2292644.0, 89.0, .0);
( 322842.0, 2302299.0, 70.0, .0); ( 322865.0, 2304513.0, 59.0, .0); ( 319504.0, 2296798.0, 71.0, .0); ( 318962.0, 2296804.0, 77.0, .0);
( 322901.0, 2307834.0, 60.0, .0); ( 323425.0, 2298296.0, 69.0, .0); ( 318410.0, 2296810.0, 82.0, .0); ( 317317.0, 2296822.0, 74.0, .0);
( 323638.0, 2298803.0, 67.0, .0); ( 323862.0, 2299310.0, 60.0, .0); ( 315130.0, 2296846.0, 81.0, .0); ( 311850.0, 2296882.0, 83.0, .0);
( 324076.0, 2299817.0, 58.0, .0); ( 324289.0, 2300335.0, 65.0, .0); ( 320773.0, 2297637.0, 76.0, .0); ( 320275.0, 2297853.0, 68.0, .0);
( 324503.0, 2300842.0, 61.0, .0); ( 324930.0, 2301856.0, 58.0, .0); ( 319767.0, 2298069.0, 71.0, .0); ( 319270.0, 2298285.0, 70.0, .0);
( 325784.0, 2303896.0, 57.0, .0); ( 327075.0, 2306949.0, 67.0, .0); ( 318762.0, 2298500.0, 68.0, .0); ( 317756.0, 2298943.0, 80.0, .0);
( 323952.0, 2297925.0, 86.0, .0); ( 324352.0, 2298319.0, 79.0, .0); ( 315746.0, 2299806.0, 96.0, .0); ( 312730.0, 2301113.0, 95.0, .0);
( 324741.0, 2298703.0, 75.0, .0); ( 325130.0, 2299086.0, 69.0, .0); ( 321640.0, 2297949.0, 71.0, .0); ( 321259.0, 2298352.0, 66.0, .0);
( 325519.0, 2299481.0, 73.0, .0); ( 325909.0, 2299864.0, 72.0, .0); ( 320868.0, 2298744.0, 66.0, .0); ( 320487.0, 2299135.0, 65.0, .0);
( 326687.0, 2300642.0, 63.0, .0); ( 328254.0, 2302187.0, 53.0, .0); ( 320106.0, 2299538.0, 78.0, .0); ( 319725.0, 2299929.0, 81.0, .0);
( 330599.0, 2304511.0, 63.0, .0); ( 324311.0, 2297390.0, 92.0, .0); ( 318963.0, 2300724.0, 90.0, .0); ( 317429.0, 2302302.0, 78.0, .0);
( 324813.0, 2297595.0, 90.0, .0); ( 325325.0, 2297800.0, 81.0, .0); ( 315143.0, 2304674.0, 86.0, .0); ( 322175.0, 2298309.0, 76.0, .0);
( 325827.0, 2298005.0, 79.0, .0); ( 326339.0, 2298210.0, 79.0, .0); ( 321972.0, 2298820.0, 68.0, .0); ( 321769.0, 2299332.0, 61.0, .0);
( 326841.0, 2298415.0, 76.0, .0); ( 327856.0, 2298837.0, 75.0, .0); ( 321567.0, 2299843.0, 70.0, .0); ( 321354.0, 2300366.0, 70.0, .0);
( 329884.0, 2299657.0, 66.0, .0); ( 332926.0, 2300900.0, 53.0, .0); ( 321151.0, 2300877.0, 75.0, .0); ( 320745.0, 2301900.0, 71.0, .0);
( 324429.0, 2296746.0, 148.0, .0); ( 324970.0, 2296741.0, 96.0, .0); ( 319934.0, 2303957.0, 69.0, .0); ( 318708.0, 2307038.0, 78.0, .0);
( 325522.0, 2296735.0, 99.0, .0); ( 326064.0, 2296729.0, 108.0, .0); ( 321119.0, 2297297.0, 75.0, .0); ( 327125.0, 2296902.0, 95.0, .0);
( 326615.0, 2296724.0, 115.0, .0); ( 327157.0, 2296718.0, 93.0, .0); ( 322586.0, 2303927.0, 72.0, .0); ( 325628.0, 2291636.0, 118.0, .0);
( 328250.0, 2296707.0, 94.0, .0); ( 330437.0, 2296685.0, 76.0, .0); ( 324283.0, 2299557.0, 74.0, .0); ( 321688.0, 2294449.0, 98.0, .0);
( 333717.0, 2296652.0, 53.0, .0); ( 324297.0, 2296117.0, 105.0, .0); ( 319933.0, 2295352.0, 94.0, .0); ( 320660.0, 2297853.0, 77.0, .0);
( 324795.0, 2295901.0, 107.0, .0); ( 325303.0, 2295685.0, 107.0, .0);
( 325801.0, 2295470.0, 115.0, .0); ( 326309.0, 2295243.0, 113.0, .0);
( 326806.0, 2295028.0, 116.0, .0); ( 327812.0, 2294597.0, 97.0, .0);
( 329824.0, 2293724.0, 104.0, .0); ( 332842.0, 2292431.0, 80.0, .0);
( 323927.0, 2295578.0, 107.0, .0); ( 324319.0, 2295186.0, 111.0, .0);
( 324700.0, 2294795.0, 128.0, .0); ( 325081.0, 2294392.0, 115.0, .0);
( 325463.0, 2294001.0, 110.0, .0); ( 325844.0, 2293598.0, 100.0, .0);
( 326606.0, 2292815.0, 103.0, .0); ( 328142.0, 2291227.0, 91.0, .0);

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 9 ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 10
ANNEXURE : XX(a) Contd..

*** ISCST3 - VERSION 95250 *** *** ISCST3 - VERSION 95250 ***


(1=YES; 0=NO) FILE: ORI\JB\OCT2020\DK19S.MET FORMAT: 4I2,2F9.4,F6.1,I2,2F7.1,f9.4,f10.1,f8.4,i4,f7.2)
1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 SURFACE STATION NO.: 99999 UPPER AIR STATION NO.: 99999
1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 NAME: XXX NAME: XXX
1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 YEAR: 2019 YEAR: 2019
1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111
1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 FLOW SPEED TEMP STAB MIXING HEIGHT (M) USTAR M-O LENGTH Z-0 IPCODE PRATE
1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 YEAR MM DD HH VECTOR (M/S) (K) CLASS RURAL URBAN (M/S) (M) (M) (mm/HR)
1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 19 3 1 1 187.9 3.90 297.3 4 333.0 333.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
1111111111 111111 19 3 1 2 284.3 3.10 297.4 4 333.0 333.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
19 3 1 4 247.0 1.60 296.8 6 283.0 283.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
19 3 1 5 243.5 2.30 295.9 5 228.0 228.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
*** UPPER BOUND OF FIRST THROUGH FIFTH WIND SPEED CATEGORIES *** 19 3 1 6 265.0 1.40 297.1 1 253.0 253.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
(METERS/SEC) 19 3 1 7 233.4 1.10 297.7 1 358.0 358.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
19 3 1 8 309.9 .70 298.7 1 530.0 530.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
1.54, 3.09, 5.14, 8.23, 10.80, 19 3 1 9 247.6 .50 298.8 1 715.0 715.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
19 3 1 10 229.3 .80 302.0 1 950.0 950.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
*** WIND PROFILE EXPONENTS *** 19 3 1 11 181.2 .90 304.7 1 1140.0 1140.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
19 3 1 12 285.2 .60 305.1 1 1258.0 1258.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
STABILITY WIND SPEED CATEGORY 19 3 1 13 271.1 3.70 305.7 2 1303.0 1303.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
CATEGORY 1 2 3 4 5 6 19 3 1 14 249.1 1.90 305.5 1 1315.0 1315.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
A .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 19 3 1 15 254.4 1.80 308.0 1 1305.0 1305.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
B .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 19 3 1 16 259.7 .60 306.1 1 1255.0 1255.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
C .10000E+00 .10000E+00 .10000E+00 .10000E+00 .10000E+00 .10000E+00 19 3 1 17 305.7 2.20 306.6 2 1150.0 1150.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
D .15000E+00 .15000E+00 .15000E+00 .15000E+00 .15000E+00 .15000E+00 19 3 1 18 236.0 5.70 306.4 3 948.0 948.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
E .35000E+00 .35000E+00 .35000E+00 .35000E+00 .35000E+00 .35000E+00 19 3 1 19 304.8 4.40 303.9 2 735.0 735.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
F .55000E+00 .55000E+00 .55000E+00 .55000E+00 .55000E+00 .55000E+00 19 3 1 20 259.1 3.40 301.4 4 445.0 445.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
19 3 1 21 253.7 3.50 301.2 4 488.0 488.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
*** VERTICAL POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE GRADIENTS *** 19 3 1 22 244.6 3.20 299.8 4 428.0 428.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
(DEGREES KELVIN PER METER) 19 3 1 23 267.2 2.50 299.6 5 408.0 408.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
19 3 1 24 286.7 .00 297.6 6 393.0 393.0 .0000 .0 .0000 0 .00
CATEGORY 1 2 3 4 5 6 *** NOTES: STABILITY CLASS 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=E AND 6=F.
A .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 FLOW VECTOR IS DIRECTION TOWARD WHICH WIND IS BLOWING.
B .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00
C .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00
D .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00
E .20000E-01 .20000E-01 .20000E-01 .20000E-01 .20000E-01 .20000E-01
F .35000E-01 .35000E-01 .35000E-01 .35000E-01 .35000E-01 .35000E-01

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 11 ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 12
ANNEXURE : XX(a) Contd..
ANNEXURE : XX(a) Contd..


INCLUDING SOURCE(S): S-01 , S-02 , S-03 , S-04 , S-05 , S-06 , S-07 ,
S-08 , S-09 , S-10 , S-11 , S-12 , S-13 , S-14 , S-15 , S-16 , S-17 , S-18 , S-19 ,
S-20 , S-21 , S-22 , S-23 , S-24 , S-25 , S-26 , S-27 , S-28 , S-29 , S-30 , . . . ,



322795.00 2297792.00 8.25319 (19052524) 323238.00 2297843.00 6.80687 (19051324)
323693.00 2297668.00 6.76284 (19051724) 324096.00 2297301.00 8.37255c (19030124)
323545.00 2296759.00 11.55029 (19052724) 323497.00 2296459.00 11.98454 (19040824)
323455.00 2296074.00 13.67649 (19040824) 323059.00 2296075.00 9.36655 (19052824)
322776.00 2295945.00 10.20462 (19052824) 322425.00 2295915.00 5.31261 (19031324)
322166.00 2296154.00 6.55150 (19052924) 320491.00 2295833.00 5.85842 (19052924)
319544.00 2296801.00 6.44926 (19052924) 320990.00 2297542.00 6.31021c (19051924)
321980.00 2297600.00 8.83335 (19052424) 322432.00 2297655.00 9.29654 (19053024)
322408.00 2297709.00 8.84261 (19053024) 323783.00 2296753.00 21.43648c (19030124)
323706.00 2296366.00 12.62982 (19040824) 323484.00 2296048.00 13.82718 (19040824)
323159.00 2295830.00 13.03420 (19052824) 322773.00 2295756.00 14.18460 (19052824)
322389.00 2295838.00 4.93861 (19031324) 322068.00 2296062.00 5.76142 (19052924)
322801.00 2298424.00 8.37981 (19052524) 322807.00 2298978.00 7.42154 (19052524)
322813.00 2299531.00 6.60416 (19052524) 322819.00 2300085.00 5.96882 (19052524)
322824.00 2300638.00 5.54938 (19052524) 322830.00 2301192.00 5.33130 (19052524)
322842.00 2302299.00 4.67901 (19052524) 322865.00 2304513.00 3.81752 (19052524)
322901.00 2307834.00 3.08513 (19052524) 323425.00 2298296.00 5.98893 (19051324)
323638.00 2298803.00 6.04596 (19050324) 323862.00 2299310.00 4.97613 (19050324)
324076.00 2299817.00 4.24878 (19050324) 324289.00 2300335.00 4.03839 (19041424)
324503.00 2300842.00 3.67334 (19041424) 324930.00 2301856.00 3.22507 (19041424)
325784.00 2303896.00 2.59569 (19041424) 327075.00 2306949.00 2.17274 (19041424)
323952.00 2297925.00 8.16350 (19051724) 324352.00 2298319.00 7.41599 (19051724)
324741.00 2298703.00 6.22992 (19051724) 325130.00 2299086.00 5.20655 (19051724)
325519.00 2299481.00 4.59277 (19051724) 325909.00 2299864.00 4.07288 (19051724)
326687.00 2300642.00 3.26058 (19051724) 328254.00 2302187.00 2.45284 (19051724)
330599.00 2304511.00 2.02071 (19051724) 324311.00 2297390.00 8.16072c (19030124)
324813.00 2297595.00 6.97317c (19030124) 325325.00 2297800.00 5.64152c (19030124)
325827.00 2298005.00 5.26744 (19041624) 326339.00 2298210.00 5.13225 (19041624)
326841.00 2298415.00 4.77153 (19041624) 327856.00 2298837.00 4.33489 (19041624)
329884.00 2299657.00 3.57101 (19041624) 332926.00 2300900.00 2.84632 (19041624)

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 13


324429.00 2296746.00 16.83935 (19040824) 324970.00 2296741.00 6.52560 (19052724)

325522.00 2296735.00 5.91390 (19052724) 326064.00 2296729.00 5.45964 (19052724)
326615.00 2296724.00 5.11802c (19030124) 327157.00 2296718.00 4.34581 (19052724)
328250.00 2296707.00 3.64429 (19052724) 330437.00 2296685.00 2.72315 (19052724)
333717.00 2296652.00 1.96542 (19052724) 324297.00 2296117.00 7.80214 (19040824)
324795.00 2295901.00 6.57415 (19040824) 325303.00 2295685.00 5.68707 (19040824)
325801.00 2295470.00 6.10237 (19040824) 326309.00 2295243.00 5.24532 (19040824)
326806.00 2295028.00 5.17276 (19040824) 327812.00 2294597.00 3.16921 (19040824)
329824.00 2293724.00 2.42901 (19040824) 332842.00 2292431.00 1.47037 (19040824)
323927.00 2295578.00 7.65511 (19040824) 324319.00 2295186.00 6.76007 (19040824)
324700.00 2294795.00 6.89473 (19040824) 325081.00 2294392.00 5.19989 (19040824)
325463.00 2294001.00 4.22285 (19040824) 325844.00 2293598.00 3.46614 (19040824)
326606.00 2292815.00 2.98893 (19040824) 328142.00 2291227.00 2.26015 (19040824)
330441.00 2288857.00 1.86322 (19040824) 323392.00 2295229.00 5.81852 (19041524)
323595.00 2294718.00 4.74660 (19041524) 323809.00 2294195.00 4.01615 (19041524)
324012.00 2293684.00 3.21651 (19041524) 324214.00 2293172.00 2.70431 (19041524)
324417.00 2292661.00 2.34102 (19041524) 324823.00 2291627.00 1.98008 (19052724)
325636.00 2289581.00 1.26899 (19041524) 326865.00 2286491.00 1.27871 (19052724)
322766.00 2295103.00 7.65999 (19052824) 322760.00 2294549.00 7.32961 (19052824)
322754.00 2293996.00 7.96509 (19052824) 322749.00 2293442.00 7.52271 (19052824)
322743.00 2292889.00 5.92605 (19052824) 322737.00 2292335.00 5.28728 (19052824)
322725.00 2291228.00 4.14205 (19052824) 322702.00 2289014.00 2.68723 (19052824)
322667.00 2285693.00 1.71484 (19052824) 322143.00 2295242.00 5.92654 (19030224)
321929.00 2294735.00 2.57076 (19041524) 321715.00 2294217.00 2.71726 (19041524)
321502.00 2293710.00 2.63490 (19052824) 321277.00 2293203.00 2.53675 (19052824)
321064.00 2292696.00 2.26373 (19052824) 320636.00 2291671.00 2.07737 (19030224)
319781.00 2289643.00 2.46680 (19050524) 318488.00 2286579.00 1.53146 (19030224)
321615.00 2295602.00 4.07208 (19052924) 321226.00 2295219.00 3.72851 (19052924)
320826.00 2294836.00 3.32657 (19052924) 320437.00 2294441.00 2.90109 (19052924)
320047.00 2294058.00 2.65474 (19052924) 319657.00 2293663.00 2.50757 (19052924)
318878.00 2292897.00 2.08012 (19052924) 317310.00 2291341.00 1.65883 (19052924)
314971.00 2289020.00 1.16131 (19052924) 321267.00 2296148.00 5.74309 (19052924)
320755.00 2295944.00 5.91009 (19052924) 320253.00 2295739.00 5.83772 (19052924)
319740.00 2295534.00 5.52424 (19052924) 319238.00 2295318.00 4.86199 (19052924)
318725.00 2295113.00 4.38720 (19052924) 317711.00 2294703.00 3.65243 (19052924)
315681.00 2293872.00 2.59864 (19052924) 312636.00 2292644.00 1.55782 (19052924)
319504.00 2296798.00 6.23611 (19052924) 318962.00 2296804.00 4.85606 (19052924)
318410.00 2296810.00 4.15648 (19052924) 317317.00 2296822.00 3.19381 (19052924)
315130.00 2296846.00 2.20562 (19052924) 311850.00 2296882.00 1.52005 (19052924)
320773.00 2297637.00 5.85977c (19051924) 320275.00 2297853.00 5.12996 (19052424)
319767.00 2298069.00 6.70786 (19052424) 319270.00 2298285.00 5.97162c (19051924)
318762.00 2298500.00 5.76588c (19051924) 317756.00 2298943.00 5.54642c (19051924)
315746.00 2299806.00 5.15289c (19051924) 312730.00 2301113.00 4.06498c (19051924)
321640.00 2297949.00 7.19831 (19052024) 321259.00 2298352.00 6.29855 (19052024)

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 14
ANNEXURE : XX(a) Contd..

320868.00 2298744.00 5.80329 (19052024) 320487.00 2299135.00 5.37593 (19052024)

320106.00 2299538.00 5.61600 (19053024) 319725.00 2299929.00 5.60490 (19053024)
318963.00 2300724.00 5.52168 (19052024) 317429.00 2302302.00 3.90718 (19052424)
315143.00 2304674.00 3.29072 (19052024) 322175.00 2298309.00 9.20983 (19053024)
321972.00 2298820.00 8.56212 (19053024) 321769.00 2299332.00 7.58263 (19053024)
321567.00 2299843.00 7.19802 (19053024) 321354.00 2300366.00 6.62377 (19053024)
321151.00 2300877.00 6.28959 (19053024) 320745.00 2301900.00 5.47711 (19053024)
319934.00 2303957.00 4.60029 (19053024) 318708.00 2307038.00 3.75630 (19053024)
321119.00 2297297.00 6.16193c (19051924) 327125.00 2296902.00 4.20409 (19052724)
322586.00 2303927.00 4.16867 (19052524) 325628.00 2291636.00 1.75633 (19052724)
324283.00 2299557.00 4.94935 (19041424) 321688.00 2294449.00 2.79173 (19041524)
319933.00 2295352.00 6.04418 (19052924) 320660.00 2297853.00 5.97971c (19051924)

1. 21.43648c(19030124) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 26. 13.98431 (19033124) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
2. 21.32815 (19041124) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 27. 13.82718 (19040824) AT ( 323484.00, 2296048.00) DC
3. 19.93677 (19040824) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 28. 13.77813 (19031424) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
4. 19.93550 (19052624) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 29. 13.72945 (19042524) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
5. 19.87599 (19043024) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 30. 13.67649 (19040824) AT ( 323455.00, 2296074.00) DC
6. 18.82522 (19052724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 31. 13.57231 (19051724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
7. 18.04510 (19042524) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 32. 13.31813 (19030524) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
8. 17.86438 (19040324) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 33. 13.25154 (19041224) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
9. 17.62008 (19041724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 34. 13.03420 (19052824) AT ( 323159.00, 2295830.00) DC
10. 17.53475 (19041624) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 35. 12.66280 (19052624) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
11. 17.14911 (19040724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 36. 12.63247 (19051324) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
12. 16.83935 (19040824) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 37. 12.62982 (19040824) AT ( 323706.00, 2296366.00) DC
13. 16.79792 (19051324) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 38. 12.37278 (19041324) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
14. 16.37162 (19041124) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 39. 12.35601 (19041724) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
15. 15.60375 (19041324) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 40. 12.33643 (19051424) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
16. 15.38670 (19051024) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 41. 11.98454 (19040824) AT ( 323497.00, 2296459.00) DC
17. 15.14597 (19031924) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 42. 11.93433 (19040924) AT ( 323455.00, 2296074.00) DC
18. 14.99494 (19032124) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 43. 11.86554 (19040324) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
19. 14.72450 (19040924) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 44. 11.70269 (19040924) AT ( 323484.00, 2296048.00) DC
20. 14.65284 (19042324) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 45. 11.63499 (19052724) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
21. 14.45972c(19030124) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 46. 11.55029 (19052724) AT ( 323545.00, 2296759.00) DC
22. 14.18460 (19052824) AT ( 322773.00, 2295756.00) DC 47. 11.53613 (19031224) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
23. 14.15422 (19030824) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 48. 11.33086 (19030724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
24. 14.14904 (19043024) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 49. 11.03241 (19031624) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
25. 14.01452 (19040424) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 50. 10.99355 (19030624) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 15



INCLUDING SOURCE(S): S-01 , S-02 , S-03 , S-04 , S-05 , S-06 , S-07 ,
S-08 , S-09 , S-10 , S-11 , S-12 , S-13 , S-14 , S-15 , S-16 , S-17 , S-18 , S-19 ,
S-20 , S-21 , S-22 , S-23 , S-24 , S-25 , S-26 , S-27 , S-28 , S-29 , S-30 , . . . ,



322795.00 2297792.00 4.74559 (19052524) 323238.00 2297843.00 3.91395 (19051324)
323693.00 2297668.00 3.88863 (19051724) 324096.00 2297301.00 4.81422c (19030124)
323545.00 2296759.00 6.64142 (19052724) 323497.00 2296459.00 6.89111 (19040824)
323455.00 2296074.00 7.86399 (19040824) 323059.00 2296075.00 5.38577 (19052824)
322776.00 2295945.00 5.86766 (19052824) 322425.00 2295915.00 3.05475 (19031324)
322166.00 2296154.00 3.76711 (19052924) 320491.00 2295833.00 3.36859 (19052924)
319544.00 2296801.00 3.70832 (19052924) 320990.00 2297542.00 3.62837c (19051924)
321980.00 2297600.00 5.07917 (19052424) 322432.00 2297655.00 5.34551 (19053024)
322408.00 2297709.00 5.08450 (19053024) 323783.00 2296753.00 12.32598c (19030124)
323706.00 2296366.00 7.26215 (19040824) 323484.00 2296048.00 7.95062 (19040824)
323159.00 2295830.00 7.49467 (19052824) 322773.00 2295756.00 8.15615 (19052824)
322389.00 2295838.00 2.83970 (19031324) 322068.00 2296062.00 3.31281 (19052924)
322801.00 2298424.00 4.81839 (19052524) 322807.00 2298978.00 4.26739 (19052524)
322813.00 2299531.00 3.79739 (19052524) 322819.00 2300085.00 3.43207 (19052524)
322824.00 2300638.00 3.19089 (19052524) 322830.00 2301192.00 3.06550 (19052524)
322842.00 2302299.00 2.69043 (19052524) 322865.00 2304513.00 2.19507 (19052524)
322901.00 2307834.00 1.77395 (19052524) 323425.00 2298296.00 3.44364 (19051324)
323638.00 2298803.00 3.47642 (19050324) 323862.00 2299310.00 2.86128 (19050324)
324076.00 2299817.00 2.44305 (19050324) 324289.00 2300335.00 2.32207 (19041424)
324503.00 2300842.00 2.11217 (19041424) 324930.00 2301856.00 1.85442 (19041424)
325784.00 2303896.00 1.49252 (19041424) 327075.00 2306949.00 1.24933 (19041424)
323952.00 2297925.00 4.69401 (19051724) 324352.00 2298319.00 4.26419 (19051724)
324741.00 2298703.00 3.58220 (19051724) 325130.00 2299086.00 2.99377 (19051724)
325519.00 2299481.00 2.64084 (19051724) 325909.00 2299864.00 2.34190 (19051724)
326687.00 2300642.00 1.87484 (19051724) 328254.00 2302187.00 1.41038 (19051724)
330599.00 2304511.00 1.16191 (19051724) 324311.00 2297390.00 4.69242c (19030124)
324813.00 2297595.00 4.00957c (19030124) 325325.00 2297800.00 3.24387c (19030124)
325827.00 2298005.00 3.02878 (19041624) 326339.00 2298210.00 2.95104 (19041624)
326841.00 2298415.00 2.74363 (19041624) 327856.00 2298837.00 2.49256 (19041624)
329884.00 2299657.00 2.05333 (19041624) 332926.00 2300900.00 1.63663 (19041624)

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 16
ANNEXURE : XX(a) Contd..

324429.00 2296746.00 9.68263 (19040824) 324970.00 2296741.00 3.75221 (19052724)

325522.00 2296735.00 3.40049 (19052724) 326064.00 2296729.00 3.13929 (19052724)
326615.00 2296724.00 2.94286c (19030124) 327157.00 2296718.00 2.49884 (19052724)
328250.00 2296707.00 2.09547 (19052724) 330437.00 2296685.00 1.56581 (19052724)
333717.00 2296652.00 1.13011 (19052724) 324297.00 2296117.00 4.48623 (19040824)
324795.00 2295901.00 3.78014 (19040824) 325303.00 2295685.00 3.27007 (19040824)
325801.00 2295470.00 3.50886 (19040824) 326309.00 2295243.00 3.01606 (19040824)
326806.00 2295028.00 2.97434 (19040824) 327812.00 2294597.00 1.82230 (19040824)
329824.00 2293724.00 1.39668 (19040824) 332842.00 2292431.00 .84546 (19040824)
323927.00 2295578.00 4.40169 (19040824) 324319.00 2295186.00 3.88704 (19040824)
324700.00 2294795.00 3.96447 (19040824) 325081.00 2294392.00 2.98994 (19040824)
325463.00 2294001.00 2.42814 (19040824) 325844.00 2293598.00 1.99303 (19040824)
326606.00 2292815.00 1.71863 (19040824) 328142.00 2291227.00 1.29959 (19040824)
330441.00 2288857.00 1.07135 (19040824) 323392.00 2295229.00 3.34565 (19041524)
323595.00 2294718.00 2.72930 (19041524) 323809.00 2294195.00 2.30929 (19041524)
324012.00 2293684.00 1.84949 (19041524) 324214.00 2293172.00 1.55498 (19041524)
324417.00 2292661.00 1.34609 (19041524) 324823.00 2291627.00 1.13855 (19052724)
325636.00 2289581.00 .72967 (19041524) 326865.00 2286491.00 .73526 (19052724)
322766.00 2295103.00 4.40450 (19052824) 322760.00 2294549.00 4.21453 (19052824)
322754.00 2293996.00 4.57993 (19052824) 322749.00 2293442.00 4.32555 (19052824)
322743.00 2292889.00 3.40748 (19052824) 322737.00 2292335.00 3.04018 (19052824)
322725.00 2291228.00 2.38168 (19052824) 322702.00 2289014.00 1.54516 (19052824)
322667.00 2285693.00 .98603 (19052824) 322143.00 2295242.00 3.40776 (19030224)
321929.00 2294735.00 1.47819 (19041524) 321715.00 2294217.00 1.56243 (19041524)
321502.00 2293710.00 1.51506 (19052824) 321277.00 2293203.00 1.45863 (19052824)
321064.00 2292696.00 1.30164 (19052824) 320636.00 2291671.00 1.19449 (19030224)
319781.00 2289643.00 1.41841 (19050524) 318488.00 2286579.00 .88059 (19030224)
321615.00 2295602.00 2.34144 (19052924) 321226.00 2295219.00 2.14389 (19052924)
320826.00 2294836.00 1.91278 (19052924) 320437.00 2294441.00 1.66813 (19052924)
320047.00 2294058.00 1.52647 (19052924) 319657.00 2293663.00 1.44186 (19052924)
318878.00 2292897.00 1.19607 (19052924) 317310.00 2291341.00 .95383 (19052924)
314971.00 2289020.00 .66775 (19052924) 321267.00 2296148.00 3.30227 (19052924)
320755.00 2295944.00 3.39830 (19052924) 320253.00 2295739.00 3.35669 (19052924)
319740.00 2295534.00 3.17643 (19052924) 319238.00 2295318.00 2.79565 (19052924)
318725.00 2295113.00 2.52264 (19052924) 317711.00 2294703.00 2.10015 (19052924)
315681.00 2293872.00 1.49422 (19052924) 312636.00 2292644.00 .89575 (19052924)
319504.00 2296798.00 3.58577 (19052924) 318962.00 2296804.00 2.79223 (19052924)
318410.00 2296810.00 2.38998 (19052924) 317317.00 2296822.00 1.83644 (19052924)
315130.00 2296846.00 1.26823 (19052924) 311850.00 2296882.00 .87403 (19052924)
320773.00 2297637.00 3.36937c (19051924) 320275.00 2297853.00 2.94973 (19052424)
319767.00 2298069.00 3.85702 (19052424) 319270.00 2298285.00 3.43368c (19051924)
318762.00 2298500.00 3.31538c (19051924) 317756.00 2298943.00 3.18919c (19051924)
315746.00 2299806.00 2.96292c (19051924) 312730.00 2301113.00 2.33736c (19051924)
321640.00 2297949.00 4.13903 (19052024) 321259.00 2298352.00 3.62167 (19052024)

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 17


320868.00 2298744.00 3.33689 (19052024) 320487.00 2299135.00 3.09116 (19052024)

320106.00 2299538.00 3.22920 (19053024) 319725.00 2299929.00 3.22282 (19053024)
318963.00 2300724.00 3.17496 (19052024) 317429.00 2302302.00 2.24663 (19052424)
315143.00 2304674.00 1.89217 (19052024) 322175.00 2298309.00 5.29565 (19053024)
321972.00 2298820.00 4.92322 (19053024) 321769.00 2299332.00 4.36001 (19053024)
321567.00 2299843.00 4.13886 (19053024) 321354.00 2300366.00 3.80867 (19053024)
321151.00 2300877.00 3.61651 (19053024) 320745.00 2301900.00 3.14934 (19053024)
319934.00 2303957.00 2.64516 (19053024) 318708.00 2307038.00 2.15987 (19053024)
321119.00 2297297.00 3.54311c (19051924) 327125.00 2296902.00 2.41735 (19052724)
322586.00 2303927.00 2.39698 (19052524) 325628.00 2291636.00 1.00989 (19052724)
324283.00 2299557.00 2.84588 (19041424) 321688.00 2294449.00 1.60524 (19041524)
319933.00 2295352.00 3.47540 (19052924) 320660.00 2297853.00 3.43833c (19051924)

1. 12.32598c(19030124) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 26. 8.04098 (19033124) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
2. 12.26369 (19041124) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 27. 7.95062 (19040824) AT ( 323484.00, 2296048.00) DC
3. 11.46364 (19040824) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 28. 7.92243 (19031424) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
4. 11.46291 (19052624) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 29. 7.89443 (19042524) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
5. 11.42869 (19043024) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 30. 7.86399 (19040824) AT ( 323455.00, 2296074.00) DC
6. 10.82450 (19052724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 31. 7.80408 (19051724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
7. 10.37594 (19042524) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 32. 7.65792 (19030524) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
8. 10.27202 (19040324) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 33. 7.61963 (19041224) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
9. 10.13155 (19041724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 34. 7.49467 (19052824) AT ( 323159.00, 2295830.00) DC
10. 10.08248 (19041624) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 35. 7.28111 (19052624) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
11. 9.86074 (19040724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 36. 7.26367 (19051324) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
12. 9.68263 (19040824) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 37. 7.26215 (19040824) AT ( 323706.00, 2296366.00) DC
13. 9.65881 (19051324) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 38. 7.11434 (19041324) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
14. 9.41369 (19041124) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 39. 7.10471 (19041724) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
15. 8.97216 (19041324) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 40. 7.09345 (19051424) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
16. 8.84735 (19051024) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 41. 6.89111 (19040824) AT ( 323497.00, 2296459.00) DC
17. 8.70894 (19031924) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 42. 6.86224 (19040924) AT ( 323455.00, 2296074.00) DC
18. 8.62210 (19032124) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 43. 6.82269 (19040324) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
19. 8.46660 (19040924) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 44. 6.72905 (19040924) AT ( 323484.00, 2296048.00) DC
20. 8.42539 (19042324) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 45. 6.69011 (19052724) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
21. 8.31435c(19030124) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 46. 6.64142 (19052724) AT ( 323545.00, 2296759.00) DC
22. 8.15615 (19052824) AT ( 322773.00, 2295756.00) DC 47. 6.63327 (19031224) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
23. 8.13868 (19030824) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 48. 6.51525 (19030724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
24. 8.13570 (19043024) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 49. 6.34364 (19031624) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
25. 8.05835 (19040424) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 50. 6.32129 (19030624) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 18
ANNEXURE : XX(a) Contd..


INCLUDING SOURCE(S): S-01 , S-12 , S-13 , S-14 , S-21 , S-22 , S-23 ,
S-24 , S-25 , S-28 , S-29 , S-30 , S-31 , S-32 , S-33 , S-34 , S-35 , S-36 , S-37 ,
S-42 , S-44 , S-46 , S-48 , S-50 , S-51 , S-52 , S-63 , S-73 , S-77 , S-80 , . . . ,



322795.00 2297792.00 31.20754 (19052524) 323238.00 2297843.00 27.76533 (19052524)
323693.00 2297668.00 17.83527 (19051724) 324096.00 2297301.00 28.73425 (19051724)
323545.00 2296759.00 16.29510c (19030124) 323497.00 2296459.00 24.72024 (19052724)
323455.00 2296074.00 31.25385 (19040824) 323059.00 2296075.00 8.54261 (19040824)
322776.00 2295945.00 5.67849 (19041524) 322425.00 2295915.00 12.96313 (19052924)
322166.00 2296154.00 19.24255 (19052924) 320491.00 2295833.00 17.59113 (19031624)
319544.00 2296801.00 15.04245 (19052924) 320990.00 2297542.00 32.16713c (19051924)
321980.00 2297600.00 33.67469 (19053024) 322432.00 2297655.00 35.11639 (19052424)
322773.00 2295756.00 13.62671 (19041524) 323159.00 2295830.00 22.31454 (19040824)
323484.00 2296048.00 32.68936 (19040824) 323706.00 2296366.00 35.31443 (19052724)
323783.00 2296753.00 26.55408c (19030124) 322408.00 2297709.00 35.32741 (19052424)
322068.00 2296062.00 23.09889 (19052924) 322389.00 2295838.00 12.96001 (19052924)
322801.00 2298424.00 28.57533 (19052524) 322807.00 2298978.00 24.90949 (19052524)
322813.00 2299531.00 21.64181 (19052524) 322819.00 2300085.00 19.04296 (19052524)
322824.00 2300638.00 16.94013 (19052524) 322830.00 2301192.00 15.34228 (19052524)
322842.00 2302299.00 12.93320 (19052524) 322865.00 2304513.00 10.10222 (19052524)
322901.00 2307834.00 8.03965 (19052524) 323425.00 2298296.00 23.69692 (19052524)
323638.00 2298803.00 18.56204 (19051224) 323862.00 2299310.00 15.64749 (19050324)
324076.00 2299817.00 13.61033 (19050324) 324289.00 2300335.00 12.38357 (19050324)
324503.00 2300842.00 10.62181 (19050324) 324930.00 2301856.00 8.39987 (19050324)
325784.00 2303896.00 6.84395 (19041424) 327075.00 2306949.00 6.04389 (19041424)
323952.00 2297925.00 17.42822 (19051724) 324352.00 2298319.00 15.60107 (19051724)
324741.00 2298703.00 13.38221 (19051724) 325130.00 2299086.00 11.56265 (19051724)
325519.00 2299481.00 10.25686 (19051724) 325909.00 2299864.00 9.23875 (19051724)
326687.00 2300642.00 7.68034 (19051724) 328254.00 2302187.00 6.04487 (19051724)
330599.00 2304511.00 5.03668 (19051724) 324311.00 2297390.00 26.69816 (19051724)
324813.00 2297595.00 20.82825 (19051724) 325325.00 2297800.00 15.54132 (19051724)
325827.00 2298005.00 12.17651 (19051724) 326339.00 2298210.00 10.23555c (19030124)
326841.00 2298415.00 9.27278c (19030124) 327856.00 2298837.00 8.20215 (19041624)
329884.00 2299657.00 7.77237 (19041624) 332926.00 2300900.00 7.04428 (19041624)

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 19


324429.00 2296746.00 26.49643 (19052724) 324970.00 2296741.00 19.65134 (19052724)

325522.00 2296735.00 17.18540 (19052724) 326064.00 2296729.00 15.65703 (19052724)
326615.00 2296724.00 14.06344 (19052724) 327157.00 2296718.00 12.19427 (19052724)
328250.00 2296707.00 10.16158 (19052724) 330437.00 2296685.00 7.58269 (19052724)
333717.00 2296652.00 5.50508 (19052724) 324297.00 2296117.00 28.50338 (19052724)
324795.00 2295901.00 19.71253 (19052724) 325303.00 2295685.00 19.01385 (19040824)
325801.00 2295470.00 17.92734 (19040824) 326309.00 2295243.00 15.83318 (19040824)
326806.00 2295028.00 14.24651 (19040824) 327812.00 2294597.00 10.11876 (19040824)
329824.00 2293724.00 7.34709 (19040824) 332842.00 2292431.00 4.33096 (19040824)
323927.00 2295578.00 25.38322 (19040824) 324319.00 2295186.00 23.31525 (19033124)
324700.00 2294795.00 20.89738 (19040824) 325081.00 2294392.00 15.13915 (19033124)
325463.00 2294001.00 11.90172 (19033124) 325844.00 2293598.00 9.59126 (19033124)
326606.00 2292815.00 7.48486 (19040824) 328142.00 2291227.00 5.24162 (19040824)
330441.00 2288857.00 4.99453 (19040824) 323392.00 2295229.00 25.34683 (19041524)
323595.00 2294718.00 21.82156 (19041524) 323809.00 2294195.00 17.29991 (19041524)
324012.00 2293684.00 13.22421 (19041524) 324214.00 2293172.00 10.37316 (19041524)
324417.00 2292661.00 8.39067 (19041524) 324823.00 2291627.00 5.80482 (19041524)
325636.00 2289581.00 3.58670 (19041524) 326865.00 2286491.00 3.37748 (19052724)
322766.00 2295103.00 18.63197 (19052824) 322760.00 2294549.00 22.17568 (19052824)
322754.00 2293996.00 24.15787 (19052824) 322749.00 2293442.00 23.29276 (19052824)
322743.00 2292889.00 17.45168 (19052824) 322737.00 2292335.00 15.48852 (19052824)
322725.00 2291228.00 12.08364 (19052824) 322702.00 2289014.00 7.63746 (19052824)
322667.00 2285693.00 4.72218 (19052824) 322143.00 2295242.00 15.21893 (19031324)
321929.00 2294735.00 10.55508 (19031324) 321715.00 2294217.00 8.50774 (19031324)
321502.00 2293710.00 6.77546 (19031324) 321277.00 2293203.00 5.35725 (19031324)
321064.00 2292696.00 4.39535 (19031324) 320636.00 2291671.00 4.29283 (19030224)
319781.00 2289643.00 5.62711 (19030224) 318488.00 2286579.00 4.11660 (19030224)
321615.00 2295602.00 23.16130 (19052924) 321226.00 2295219.00 17.49673 (19052924)
320826.00 2294836.00 14.67299 (19052924) 320437.00 2294441.00 12.77286 (19052924)
320047.00 2294058.00 11.66036 (19052924) 319657.00 2293663.00 10.84163 (19052924)
318878.00 2292897.00 9.63445 (19052924) 317310.00 2291341.00 7.31148 (19052924)
314971.00 2289020.00 4.98307 (19052924) 321267.00 2296148.00 23.04145 (19052924)
320755.00 2295944.00 19.56694 (19031624) 320253.00 2295739.00 16.14538 (19031624)
319740.00 2295534.00 14.60428 (19031624) 319238.00 2295318.00 12.72197 (19031624)
318725.00 2295113.00 10.77136 (19031624) 317711.00 2294703.00 8.68433 (19031624)
315681.00 2293872.00 6.40024 (19031624) 312636.00 2292644.00 4.61367 (19031624)
319504.00 2296798.00 15.08271 (19052924) 318962.00 2296804.00 12.68617 (19052924)
318410.00 2296810.00 10.42063 (19052924) 317317.00 2296822.00 7.83361 (19052924)
315130.00 2296846.00 5.47416 (19052924) 311850.00 2296882.00 3.84268 (19052924)
320773.00 2297637.00 29.29175c (19051924) 320275.00 2297853.00 23.92919c (19051924)
319767.00 2298069.00 20.70380c (19051924) 319270.00 2298285.00 19.43509c (19051924)
318762.00 2298500.00 17.55616c (19051924) 317756.00 2298943.00 14.96484c (19051924)
315746.00 2299806.00 11.91900c (19051924) 312730.00 2301113.00 8.69523c (19051924)
321640.00 2297949.00 33.23432 (19053024) 321259.00 2298352.00 25.42510 (19053024)

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 20
ANNEXURE : XX(a) Contd..

320868.00 2298744.00 20.63342 (19053024) 320487.00 2299135.00 17.73423 (19053024)

320106.00 2299538.00 16.77068 (19053024) 319725.00 2299929.00 15.72692 (19053024)
318963.00 2300724.00 14.81409 (19052024) 317429.00 2302302.00 10.98926 (19052024)
315143.00 2304674.00 9.45385 (19052024) 322175.00 2298309.00 34.81524 (19052424)
321972.00 2298820.00 31.06029 (19052424) 321769.00 2299332.00 27.28905 (19052424)
321567.00 2299843.00 24.15620 (19052424) 321354.00 2300366.00 21.43449 (19052424)
321151.00 2300877.00 19.28422 (19052424) 320745.00 2301900.00 16.41261 (19053024)
319934.00 2303957.00 13.60480 (19053024) 318708.00 2307038.00 11.46877 (19053024)
321119.00 2297297.00 32.89106c (19051924) 327125.00 2296902.00 11.06063 (19052724)
322586.00 2303927.00 11.21080 (19052524) 325628.00 2291636.00 5.29529 (19041724)
324283.00 2299557.00 11.93797 (19041424) 321688.00 2294449.00 9.33641 (19031324)
319933.00 2295352.00 13.43361 (19031624) 320660.00 2297853.00 28.10283c (19051924)

1. 35.32741 (19052424) AT ( 322408.00, 2297709.00) DC 26. 28.20746 (19051824) AT ( 321980.00, 2297600.00) DC
2. 35.31443 (19052724) AT ( 323706.00, 2296366.00) DC 27. 28.10283c(19051924) AT ( 320660.00, 2297853.00) DC
3. 35.11639 (19052424) AT ( 322432.00, 2297655.00) DC 28. 27.76533 (19052524) AT ( 323238.00, 2297843.00) DC
4. 34.81524 (19052424) AT ( 322175.00, 2298309.00) DC 29. 27.68457 (19051824) AT ( 321640.00, 2297949.00) DC
5. 34.40340 (19053024) AT ( 322432.00, 2297655.00) DC 30. 27.28905 (19052424) AT ( 321769.00, 2299332.00) DC
6. 34.39580 (19053024) AT ( 322408.00, 2297709.00) DC 31. 26.91114 (19033024) AT ( 320990.00, 2297542.00) DC
7. 33.67469 (19053024) AT ( 321980.00, 2297600.00) DC 32. 26.69816 (19051724) AT ( 324311.00, 2297390.00) DC
8. 33.23432 (19053024) AT ( 321640.00, 2297949.00) DC 33. 26.55408c(19030124) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
9. 33.22562 (19052424) AT ( 321980.00, 2297600.00) DC 34. 26.49643 (19052724) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
10. 32.98264 (19052424) AT ( 321640.00, 2297949.00) DC 35. 26.27327 (19052324) AT ( 322175.00, 2298309.00) DC
11. 32.89106c(19051924) AT ( 321119.00, 2297297.00) DC 36. 26.17413 (19052024) AT ( 320990.00, 2297542.00) DC
12. 32.68936 (19040824) AT ( 323484.00, 2296048.00) DC 37. 25.59138 (19051824) AT ( 322408.00, 2297709.00) DC
13. 32.46495 (19053024) AT ( 322175.00, 2298309.00) DC 38. 25.44529 (19033024) AT ( 320773.00, 2297637.00) DC
14. 32.16713c(19051924) AT ( 320990.00, 2297542.00) DC 39. 25.42510 (19053024) AT ( 321259.00, 2298352.00) DC
15. 31.29420 (19052324) AT ( 322432.00, 2297655.00) DC 40. 25.38322 (19040824) AT ( 323927.00, 2295578.00) DC
16. 31.25385 (19040824) AT ( 323455.00, 2296074.00) DC 41. 25.34683 (19041524) AT ( 323392.00, 2295229.00) DC
17. 31.20754 (19052524) AT ( 322795.00, 2297792.00) DC 42. 25.31822 (19053024) AT ( 321769.00, 2299332.00) DC
18. 31.06029 (19052424) AT ( 321972.00, 2298820.00) DC 43. 25.30974 (19051824) AT ( 322432.00, 2297655.00) DC
19. 30.59948 (19052324) AT ( 322408.00, 2297709.00) DC 44. 25.16194 (19033024) AT ( 321119.00, 2297297.00) DC
20. 29.50204 (19052324) AT ( 322795.00, 2297792.00) DC 45. 25.08388 (19052324) AT ( 322801.00, 2298424.00) DC
21. 29.29175c(19051924) AT ( 320773.00, 2297637.00) DC 46. 25.03179c(19030124) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
22. 28.86606 (19053024) AT ( 321972.00, 2298820.00) DC 47. 24.90949 (19052524) AT ( 322807.00, 2298978.00) DC
23. 28.73425 (19051724) AT ( 324096.00, 2297301.00) DC 48. 24.90932 (19052024) AT ( 320660.00, 2297853.00) DC
24. 28.57533 (19052524) AT ( 322801.00, 2298424.00) DC 49. 24.72024 (19052724) AT ( 323497.00, 2296459.00) DC
25. 28.50338 (19052724) AT ( 324297.00, 2296117.00) DC 50. 24.41987 (19033124) AT ( 323927.00, 2295578.00) DC

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 21



INCLUDING SOURCE(S): S-01 , S-12 , S-13 , S-14 , S-21 , S-22 , S-23 ,
S-24 , S-25 , S-28 , S-29 , S-30 , S-31 , S-32 , S-33 , S-34 , S-35 , S-36 , S-37 ,
S-42 , S-44 , S-46 , S-48 , S-50 , S-51 , S-52 , S-63 , S-73 , S-77 , S-80 , . . . ,



322795.00 2297792.00 14.42518 (19053024) 323238.00 2297843.00 13.58927 (19052524)
323693.00 2297668.00 6.64141 (19032724) 324096.00 2297301.00 10.09753 (19051724)
323545.00 2296759.00 3.32597 (19041124) 323497.00 2296459.00 3.54989 (19040824)
323455.00 2296074.00 7.42132 (19040824) 323059.00 2296075.00 3.46088 (19040824)
322776.00 2295945.00 3.47573 (19040224) 322425.00 2295915.00 10.17525 (19052924)
322166.00 2296154.00 10.85265 (19052924) 320491.00 2295833.00 5.85922 (19031624)
319544.00 2296801.00 7.02377 (19052924) 320990.00 2297542.00 11.05111c (19051924)
321980.00 2297600.00 12.46241 (19052024) 322432.00 2297655.00 13.70656 (19052424)
322408.00 2297709.00 13.88581 (19052424) 323783.00 2296753.00 8.77385 (19041124)
323706.00 2296366.00 5.45573 (19040824) 323484.00 2296048.00 7.63130 (19040824)
323159.00 2295830.00 7.37244 (19052824) 322773.00 2295756.00 4.83289 (19031324)
322389.00 2295838.00 9.32830 (19052924) 322068.00 2296062.00 9.97960 (19052924)
322801.00 2298424.00 10.59790 (19053024) 322807.00 2298978.00 9.04780 (19052324)
322813.00 2299531.00 7.77318 (19052524) 322819.00 2300085.00 6.97792 (19052524)
322824.00 2300638.00 6.25816 (19052524) 322830.00 2301192.00 5.69459 (19052524)
322842.00 2302299.00 4.86091 (19052524) 322865.00 2304513.00 3.89567 (19052524)
322901.00 2307834.00 3.22673 (19052524) 323425.00 2298296.00 12.01132 (19052524)
323638.00 2298803.00 9.25420 (19032724) 323862.00 2299310.00 7.61582 (19032724)
324076.00 2299817.00 6.31249 (19032724) 324289.00 2300335.00 5.36974 (19050324)
324503.00 2300842.00 4.51847 (19050324) 324930.00 2301856.00 3.44053 (19050324)
325784.00 2303896.00 2.39885 (19050324) 327075.00 2306949.00 1.87331 (19041424)
323952.00 2297925.00 6.56715 (19042924) 324352.00 2298319.00 5.59585 (19052624)
324741.00 2298703.00 4.64603 (19051724) 325130.00 2299086.00 4.00140 (19051724)
325519.00 2299481.00 3.55809 (19051724) 325909.00 2299864.00 3.18722 (19051724)
326687.00 2300642.00 2.64424 (19051724) 328254.00 2302187.00 2.09689 (19051724)
330599.00 2304511.00 1.74036 (19051724) 324311.00 2297390.00 9.90824 (19051724)
324813.00 2297595.00 8.34138 (19051724) 325325.00 2297800.00 6.38002 (19051724)
325827.00 2298005.00 5.26822c (19030124) 326339.00 2298210.00 4.67754c (19030124)
326841.00 2298415.00 4.21168c (19030124) 327856.00 2298837.00 3.60598c (19030124)
329884.00 2299657.00 2.77762c (19030124) 332926.00 2300900.00 2.58095 (19041624)

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 22
ANNEXURE : XX(a) Contd..

324429.00 2296746.00 12.01701 (19052724) 324970.00 2296741.00 8.74556 (19052724)

325522.00 2296735.00 7.36769 (19052724) 326064.00 2296729.00 6.62773 (19052724)
326615.00 2296724.00 5.83763 (19052724) 327157.00 2296718.00 4.97227 (19052724)
328250.00 2296707.00 4.07061 (19052724) 330437.00 2296685.00 2.97726 (19052724)
333717.00 2296652.00 2.12278 (19052724) 324297.00 2296117.00 8.89507 (19040424)
324795.00 2295901.00 9.99660 (19040824) 325303.00 2295685.00 9.26168 (19040824)
325801.00 2295470.00 8.51435 (19040824) 326309.00 2295243.00 7.38644 (19040824)
326806.00 2295028.00 6.57474 (19040824) 327812.00 2294597.00 4.49346 (19040824)
329824.00 2293724.00 3.21208 (19040824) 332842.00 2292431.00 1.75728 (19040824)
323927.00 2295578.00 7.91996 (19040824) 324319.00 2295186.00 8.53147 (19033124)
324700.00 2294795.00 7.75798 (19033124) 325081.00 2294392.00 5.95310 (19033124)
325463.00 2294001.00 4.67433 (19033124) 325844.00 2293598.00 3.73892 (19033124)
326606.00 2292815.00 2.91350 (19033124) 328142.00 2291227.00 2.01949 (19033124)
330441.00 2288857.00 1.79538 (19040824) 323392.00 2295229.00 11.57006 (19052824)
323595.00 2294718.00 9.41970 (19052824) 323809.00 2294195.00 6.53166 (19052824)
324012.00 2293684.00 4.55537 (19041524) 324214.00 2293172.00 3.56921 (19041524)
324417.00 2292661.00 2.87767 (19041524) 324823.00 2291627.00 1.96548 (19041524)
325636.00 2289581.00 1.20282 (19041524) 326865.00 2286491.00 1.48547 (19052724)
322766.00 2295103.00 6.19817 (19031124) 322760.00 2294549.00 6.27620 (19031124)
322754.00 2293996.00 6.93456 (19052824) 322749.00 2293442.00 8.44950 (19052824)
322743.00 2292889.00 6.54928 (19052824) 322737.00 2292335.00 6.36443 (19052824)
322725.00 2291228.00 5.45157 (19052824) 322702.00 2289014.00 3.56546 (19052824)
322667.00 2285693.00 2.08774 (19052824) 322143.00 2295242.00 6.13336 (19031324)
321929.00 2294735.00 3.83771 (19031324) 321715.00 2294217.00 2.82916 (19031324)
321502.00 2293710.00 2.18544 (19031324) 321277.00 2293203.00 1.69839 (19031324)
321064.00 2292696.00 1.40808 (19030224) 320636.00 2291671.00 1.75948 (19030224)
319781.00 2289643.00 2.61023 (19030224) 318488.00 2286579.00 2.23757 (19030224)
321615.00 2295602.00 7.69304 (19052924) 321226.00 2295219.00 6.13901 (19052924)
320826.00 2294836.00 5.32543 (19052924) 320437.00 2294441.00 4.74075 (19052924)
320047.00 2294058.00 4.37856 (19052924) 319657.00 2293663.00 4.27295 (19052924)
318878.00 2292897.00 3.72954 (19052924) 317310.00 2291341.00 2.84799 (19052924)
314971.00 2289020.00 1.93623 (19052924) 321267.00 2296148.00 6.87535 (19031624)
320755.00 2295944.00 6.77042 (19031624) 320253.00 2295739.00 5.33354 (19031624)
319740.00 2295534.00 5.15364 (19031624) 319238.00 2295318.00 4.53295 (19031624)
318725.00 2295113.00 3.81943 (19031624) 317711.00 2294703.00 3.28591 (19052924)
315681.00 2293872.00 2.85497 (19052924) 312636.00 2292644.00 1.93924 (19052924)
319504.00 2296798.00 7.08579 (19052924) 318962.00 2296804.00 5.33848 (19052924)
318410.00 2296810.00 4.80295 (19052124) 317317.00 2296822.00 3.22493 (19052124)
315130.00 2296846.00 2.12120 (19050224) 311850.00 2296882.00 1.34763 (19052924)
320773.00 2297637.00 9.64077c (19051924) 320275.00 2297853.00 7.73798c (19051924)
319767.00 2298069.00 6.91489c (19051924) 319270.00 2298285.00 7.00628c (19051924)
318762.00 2298500.00 6.45880c (19051924) 317756.00 2298943.00 5.54613c (19051924)
315746.00 2299806.00 4.56245c (19051924) 312730.00 2301113.00 3.39321c (19051924)
321640.00 2297949.00 12.85526 (19052024) 321259.00 2298352.00 10.81463 (19052024)

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 23


320868.00 2298744.00 9.18615 (19052024) 320487.00 2299135.00 7.92923 (19052024)

320106.00 2299538.00 7.47022 (19052024) 319725.00 2299929.00 6.76482 (19052024)
318963.00 2300724.00 7.15518 (19052024) 317429.00 2302302.00 4.81223 (19052024)
315143.00 2304674.00 3.95562 (19052024) 322175.00 2298309.00 14.58580 (19052424)
321972.00 2298820.00 13.07701 (19052424) 321769.00 2299332.00 11.48556 (19052424)
321567.00 2299843.00 10.14013 (19052424) 321354.00 2300366.00 8.92734 (19052424)
321151.00 2300877.00 7.98227 (19052424) 320745.00 2301900.00 6.58104 (19052424)
319934.00 2303957.00 5.18521 (19053024) 318708.00 2307038.00 4.32772 (19053024)
321119.00 2297297.00 10.58886c (19051924) 327125.00 2296902.00 4.49937 (19052724)
322586.00 2303927.00 4.35580 (19052524) 325628.00 2291636.00 2.48071 (19040924)
324283.00 2299557.00 5.24869 (19051224) 321688.00 2294449.00 3.16687 (19031324)
319933.00 2295352.00 4.80296 (19052924) 320660.00 2297853.00 9.88623c (19051924)

1. 14.58580 (19052424) AT ( 322175.00, 2298309.00) DC 26. 10.61910 (19032724) AT ( 323425.00, 2298296.00) DC
2. 14.42518 (19053024) AT ( 322795.00, 2297792.00) DC 27. 10.59790 (19053024) AT ( 322801.00, 2298424.00) DC
3. 13.95672 (19052424) AT ( 322795.00, 2297792.00) DC 28. 10.58886c(19051924) AT ( 321119.00, 2297297.00) DC
4. 13.88581 (19052424) AT ( 322408.00, 2297709.00) DC 29. 10.52700 (19052324) AT ( 322801.00, 2298424.00) DC
5. 13.70656 (19052424) AT ( 322432.00, 2297655.00) DC 30. 10.47413c(19051924) AT ( 321640.00, 2297949.00) DC
6. 13.67442 (19053024) AT ( 322408.00, 2297709.00) DC 31. 10.33422 (19051824) AT ( 322408.00, 2297709.00) DC
7. 13.58927 (19052524) AT ( 323238.00, 2297843.00) DC 32. 10.30111 (19051824) AT ( 321640.00, 2297949.00) DC
8. 13.57713 (19053024) AT ( 322432.00, 2297655.00) DC 33. 10.17525 (19052924) AT ( 322425.00, 2295915.00) DC
9. 13.07701 (19052424) AT ( 321972.00, 2298820.00) DC 34. 10.16074 (19051824) AT ( 322432.00, 2297655.00) DC
10. 12.98777 (19053024) AT ( 322175.00, 2298309.00) DC 35. 10.14013 (19052424) AT ( 321567.00, 2299843.00) DC
11. 12.85526 (19052024) AT ( 321640.00, 2297949.00) DC 36. 10.09753 (19051724) AT ( 324096.00, 2297301.00) DC
12. 12.46241 (19052024) AT ( 321980.00, 2297600.00) DC 37. 9.99660 (19040824) AT ( 324795.00, 2295901.00) DC
13. 12.01701 (19052724) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 38. 9.98965 (19053024) AT ( 321640.00, 2297949.00) DC
14. 12.01132 (19052524) AT ( 323425.00, 2298296.00) DC 39. 9.97960 (19052924) AT ( 322068.00, 2296062.00) DC
15. 11.95045c(19051924) AT ( 321980.00, 2297600.00) DC 40. 9.90824 (19051724) AT ( 324311.00, 2297390.00) DC
16. 11.82774 (19052324) AT ( 323238.00, 2297843.00) DC 41. 9.90079 (19052424) AT ( 322801.00, 2298424.00) DC
17. 11.57006 (19052824) AT ( 323392.00, 2295229.00) DC 42. 9.88623c(19051924) AT ( 320660.00, 2297853.00) DC
18. 11.56021c(19030124) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 43. 9.86583 (19053024) AT ( 321769.00, 2299332.00) DC
19. 11.48556 (19052424) AT ( 321769.00, 2299332.00) DC 44. 9.73442 (19032724) AT ( 323238.00, 2297843.00) DC
20. 11.39893 (19053024) AT ( 321972.00, 2298820.00) DC 45. 9.64077c(19051924) AT ( 320773.00, 2297637.00) DC
21. 11.36473 (19052324) AT ( 322795.00, 2297792.00) DC 46. 9.50565 (19052424) AT ( 321640.00, 2297949.00) DC
22. 11.05111c(19051924) AT ( 320990.00, 2297542.00) DC 47. 9.49868 (19051424) AT ( 322801.00, 2298424.00) DC
23. 10.97148 (19051424) AT ( 322795.00, 2297792.00) DC 48. 9.41970 (19052824) AT ( 323595.00, 2294718.00) DC
24. 10.85265 (19052924) AT ( 322166.00, 2296154.00) DC 49. 9.37886 (19042624) AT ( 322801.00, 2298424.00) DC
25. 10.81463 (19052024) AT ( 321259.00, 2298352.00) DC 50. 9.34699 (19051624) AT ( 323238.00, 2297843.00) DC

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 24
ANNEXURE : XX(a) Contd..



*** Message Summary : ISCST3 Model Execution ***

--------- Summary of Total Messages --------

A Total of 0 Fatal Error Message(s)

A Total of 0 Warning Message(s)
A Total of 2 Informational Message(s)

A Total of 2 Calm Hours Identified

******** FATAL ERROR MESSAGES ********

*** NONE ***

******** WARNING MESSAGES ********

*** NONE ***

*** ISCST3 Finishes Successfully ***

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 25


ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 26

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 27
ANNEXURE : XX(a) Contd..

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 28
ANNEXURE : XX(a) Contd..

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 29
ANNEXURE : XX(a) Contd..

ISCST3 Model for Expansion of Dhenkanal Steel Plant (upto 3.55 MTPA), Odisha of RML 30
ANNEXURE : XX(a) Contd..
CO STARTING SO LOCATION S-58 POINT 322992 2296982 82 SO SRCPARAM S-27 0.28125 30 373 13.43 1.8 SO SRCPARAM A-2 2.1811072299914E-10 1
TITLEONE AS PER EC DT 04-06-2020 FOR 3.0 MTPA SO LOCATION S-59 POINT 323066 2296980 83 SO SRCPARAM S-28 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4 625.6192 280.2479 0 4
STEEL IN JHARBANDH STEEL PLANT SO LOCATION S-60 POINT 323140 2296979 84 SO SRCPARAM S-29 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4 SO SRCPARAM A-3 2.18110722999141E-10 1
TITLETWO PM10 EMISSIONS FROM ALL STACKS SO LOCATION S-61 POINT 322381 2297276 84 SO SRCPARAM S-30 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4 668.0226 280.2479 0 4
WITH FUGITIVE EMISSION SOURCES SO LOCATION S-62 POINT 320391 2297232 82 SO SRCPARAM S-31 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4 SO SRCPARAM A-4 6.46000859137509E-11 1
MODELOPT DFAULT CONC RURAL SO LOCATION S-63 POINT 322489 2297061 82 SO SRCPARAM S-32 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4 34.895 98.703 0 4
AVERTIME 24 PERIOD SO LOCATION S-72 POINT 322802 2297736 74 SO SRCPARAM S-33 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4 SO SRCPARAM A-5 6.46000859137509E-11 1
POLLUTID PM10 SO LOCATION S-73 POINT 322994 2297731 73 SO SRCPARAM S-34 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4 109.6407 194.1483 0 4
RUNORNOT RUN SO LOCATION S-74 POINT 323264 2297726 75 SO SRCPARAM S-35 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4 SO SRCPARAM A-6 6.46000859137509E-11 1
TERRHGTS ELEV SO LOCATION S-75 POINT 323536 2297763 78 SO SRCPARAM S-36 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4 57.3047 45.1073 0 4
CO FINISHED SO LOCATION S-76 POINT 322798 2297505 77 SO SRCPARAM S-37 1.355887 60 440 15.47 4 SO SRCPARAM A-7 6.46000859137509E-11 1
SO STARTING SO LOCATION S-77 POINT 322990 2297500 76 SO SRCPARAM S-38 0.13125 30 373 6.27 1.8 216.9145 287.2999 137 4
SO LOCATION S-01 POINT 322375 2296443 93 SO LOCATION S-78 POINT 323259 2297495 77 SO SRCPARAM S-39 0.046875 30 373 2.24 1.8 SO SRCPARAM A-8 6.46000859137509E-11 1
SO LOCATION S-12 POINT 322571 2296439 95 SO LOCATION S-80 POINT 323038 2296464 88 SO SRCPARAM S-42 0.25 30 423 13.54 1.8 112.4453 55.9388 0 4
SO LOCATION S-14 POINT 322871 2296433 87 SO LOCATION S-81 POINT 323124 2296462 92 SO SRCPARAM S-43 0.290625 47 313 11.65 1.8 SO SRCPARAM A-9 6.46000859137509E-11 1
SO LOCATION S-15 POINT 322473 2296404 95 SO LOCATION S-82 POINT 323210 2296461 94 SO SRCPARAM S-44 0.4375 30 423 15.86 2.2 65.8719 151.6386 0 4
SO LOCATION S-16 POINT 322748 2296769 92 SO LOCATION S-83 POINT 323285 2296459 96 SO SRCPARAM S-45 0.509375 47 313 13.66 2.2 SO SRCPARAM A-10 6.46000859137509E-11 1
SO LOCATION S-17 POINT 322645 2296841 88 SO LOCATION S-84 POINT 323092 2296820 84 SO SRCPARAM S-46 2.703125 55 423 18.97 5 38.8078 65.2744 0 4
SO LOCATION S-18 POINT 322818 2296397 88 SO LOCATION S-85 POINT 323174 2296819 86 SO SRCPARAM S-47 0.5 45 313 16.23 2 SO SRCPARAM A-11 3.39150451047192E-11 1
SO LOCATION S-19 POINT 322946 2296765 84 SO LOCATION S-86 POINT 323257 2296817 89 SO SRCPARAM S-48 3.7 80 423 15.36 6.5 237.41 74.7882 0 4
SO LOCATION S-20 POINT 322947 2296835 84 SO LOCATION S-87 POINT 323222 2296708 87 SO SRCPARAM S-49 0.853125 55 313 17.72 2.5 SO SRCPARAM A-12 3.39150451047192E-11 1
SO LOCATION S-21 POINT 321762 2296444 83 SO LOCATION S-88 POINT 323159 2296623 88 SO SRCPARAM S-50 0.546875 85 493 17.89 2.5 390.3435 198.3284 0 4
SO LOCATION S-22 POINT 321871 2296442 85 SO LOCATION S-89 POINT 322403 2296574 91 SO SRCPARAM S-51 0.90625 100 493 18.1 3.2 SO SRCPARAM A-13 3.39150451047192E-11 1
SO LOCATION S-23 POINT 321979 2296440 88 SO LOCATION S-90 POINT 322638 2296570 93 SO SRCPARAM S-52 0.90625 100 493 18.1 3.2 44.2434 216.0915 0 4
SO LOCATION S-24 POINT 322088 2296438 91 SO LOCATION A-1 AREA 321967 2296590 85 SO SRCPARAM S-53 0.28125 30.5 373 10.88 2 SO SRCPARAM A-14 3.39150451047192E-11 1
SO LOCATION S-25 POINT 322183 2296437 93 SO LOCATION A-2 AREA 320382 2296039 90 SO SRCPARAM S-54 0.28125 30.5 373 10.88 2 44.5043 76.2365 0 4
SO LOCATION S-26 POINT 322084 2296742 85 SO LOCATION A-3 AREA 319338 2296060 81 SO SRCPARAM S-55 0.28125 30.5 373 10.88 2 SO SRCPARAM A-15 1.0905536149957E-10 1
SO LOCATION S-27 POINT 321739 2296815 85 SO LOCATION A-4 AREA 320503 2295898 88 SO SRCPARAM S-56 0.28125 30.5 373 13.43 1.8 637.068 202.9619 0 4
SO LOCATION S-28 POINT 320504 2296478 85 SO LOCATION A-5 AREA 320539 2295797 85 SO SRCPARAM S-57 0.28125 30.5 373 10.88 2 SO SRCPARAM A-16 1.0905536149957E-10 1
SO LOCATION S-29 POINT 320671 2296474 83 SO LOCATION A-6 AREA 320594 2295749 85 SO SRCPARAM S-58 0.28125 30.5 373 10.88 2 82.5805 126.813 0 4
SO LOCATION S-30 POINT 320837 2296471 80 SO LOCATION A-7 AREA 320654 2295698 84 SO SRCPARAM S-59 0.28125 30.5 373 10.88 2 SO SRCGROUP ALL
SO LOCATION S-31 POINT 321003 2296467 77 SO LOCATION A-8 AREA 320729 2295639 84 SO SRCPARAM S-60 0.28125 30.5 373 10.88 2 SO FINISHED
SO LOCATION S-32 POINT 320503 2296398 86 SO LOCATION A-9 AREA 320886 2295838 80 SO SRCPARAM S-61 1.959375 60 403 20.47 4 RE STARTING
SO LOCATION S-33 POINT 320669 2296395 84 SO LOCATION A-10 AREA 320956 2295928 81 SO SRCPARAM S-62 3.484375 70 403 23.3 5 ELEVUNIT METERS
SO LOCATION S-34 POINT 320835 2296391 80 SO LOCATION A-11 AREA 321173 2297818 74 SO SRCPARAM S-63 0.289688 60 638 8.52 3 ** AT PLANT BOUNDARY
SO LOCATION S-35 POINT 321002 2296388 78 SO LOCATION A-12 AREA 321089 2297611 76 SO SRCPARAM S-72 0.490625 30 318 17 2 DISCCART 322795 2297792 76
SO LOCATION S-36 POINT 319885 2296337 84 SO LOCATION A-13 AREA 321035 2297488 78 SO SRCPARAM S-73 2.2 80 393 20 4 DISCCART 323238 2297843 74
SO LOCATION S-37 POINT 320143 2296326 92 SO LOCATION A-14 AREA 321504 2297686 72 SO SRCPARAM S-74 2.96875 60 336 21 4 DISCCART 323693 2297668 79
SO LOCATION S-38 POINT 320082 2296188 90 SO LOCATION A-15 AREA 322328 2296026 96 SO SRCPARAM S-75 0.09375 35 351 16 1 DISCCART 324096 2297301 90
SO LOCATION S-39 POINT 320367 2296373 88 SO LOCATION A-16 AREA 322964 2296097 97 SO SRCPARAM S-76 0.41875 30 318 17 2 DISCCART 323545 2296759 99
SO LOCATION S-42 POINT 321962 2297207 76 SO SRCPARAM S-77 1.875 80 393 20 4 DISCCART 323497 2296459 106
SO LOCATION S-43 POINT 322189 2297202 83 SO SRCPARAM S-01 0.78125 80 423 18.13 2.75 SO SRCPARAM S-78 2.528125 60 336 21 4 DISCCART 323455 2296074 133
SO LOCATION S-44 POINT 320096 2297273 75 SO SRCPARAM S-12 0.90625 80 423 17.67 3 SO SRCPARAM S-80 0.710938 90 423 17.11 2.7 DISCCART 323059 2296075 103
SO LOCATION S-45 POINT 320093 2297164 78 SO SRCPARAM S-14 0.90625 80 423 17.67 3 SO SRCPARAM S-81 0.710938 90 423 17.11 2.7 DISCCART 322776 2295945 101
SO LOCATION S-46 POINT 321937 2296936 79 SO SRCPARAM S-15 0.375 35 323 12.56 2 SO SRCPARAM S-82 0.710938 90 423 17.11 2.7 DISCCART 322425 2295915 99
SO LOCATION S-47 POINT 322078 2296978 79 SO SRCPARAM S-16 0.203125 30 373 9.7 1.8 SO SRCPARAM S-83 0.710938 90 423 17.11 2.7 DISCCART 322166 2296154 91
SO LOCATION S-48 POINT 320134 2297050 81 SO SRCPARAM S-17 0.375 35 323 12.56 2 SO SRCPARAM S-84 0.710938 90 423 17.11 2.7 DISCCART 320491 2295833 86
SO LOCATION S-49 POINT 320132 2296941 78 SO SRCPARAM S-18 0.453125 35 323 12.54 2.2 SO SRCPARAM S-85 1.421875 110 423 17.28 3.8 DISCCART 319544 2296801 76
SO LOCATION S-50 POINT 323259 2297230 79 SO SRCPARAM S-19 0.25 30 373 9.67 2 SO SRCPARAM S-86 0.710938 110 423 17.11 2.7 DISCCART 320990 2297542 77
SO LOCATION S-51 POINT 323137 2297233 83 SO SRCPARAM S-20 0.453125 35 323 12.54 2.2 SO SRCPARAM S-87 0.421875 45 323 9.04 2.5 DISCCART 321980 2297600 81
SO LOCATION S-52 POINT 319750 2296773 77 SO SRCPARAM S-21 2.9375 90 440 12.69 6.5 SO SRCPARAM S-88 0.421875 45 323 9.04 2.5 DISCCART 322432 2297655 83
SO LOCATION S-53 POINT 322624 2296989 84 SO SRCPARAM S-22 2.9375 90 440 12.69 6.5 SO SRCPARAM S-89 0.421875 45 323 9.04 2.5 ** AT 1000 m
SO LOCATION S-54 POINT 322698 2296988 85 SO SRCPARAM S-23 2.9375 90 440 12.69 6.5 SO SRCPARAM S-90 0.421875 45 323 9.04 2.5 DISCCART 322408 2297709 80
SO LOCATION S-55 POINT 322772 2296986 86 SO SRCPARAM S-24 2.9375 90 440 12.69 6.5 DISCCART 323783 2296753 147
SO LOCATION S-56 POINT 322845 2296985 84 SO SRCPARAM S-25 2.9375 90 440 12.69 6.5 SO SRCPARAM A-1 2.18110722999141E-10 1 DISCCART 323706 2296366 113
SO LOCATION S-57 POINT 322919 2296983 82 SO SRCPARAM S-26 0.28125 30 373 13.43 1.8 181.011 168.4097 126 4 DISCCART 323484 2296048 133

1 2
DISCCART 323159 2295830 141 DISCCART 326806 2295028 116 DISCCART 315681 2293872 94 DISCCART 319934 2303957 69
DISCCART 322773 2295756 121 DISCCART 327812 2294597 97 DISCCART 312636 2292644 89 DISCCART 318708 2307038 78
DISCCART 322389 2295838 97 DISCCART 329824 2293724 104 DISCCART 319504 2296798 71 ** AT AAQ
DISCCART 322068 2296062 87 DISCCART 332842 2292431 80 DISCCART 318962 2296804 77 DISCCART 321119 2297297 75
** All directions at 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 DISCCART 323927 2295578 107 DISCCART 318410 2296810 82 DISCCART 327125 2296902 95
4000 5000 7000 10000 m DISCCART 324319 2295186 111 DISCCART 317317 2296822 74 DISCCART 322586 2303927 72
DISCCART 322801 2298424 77 DISCCART 324700 2294795 128 DISCCART 315130 2296846 81 DISCCART 325628 2291636 118
DISCCART 322807 2298978 74 DISCCART 325081 2294392 115 DISCCART 311850 2296882 83 DISCCART 324283 2299557 74
DISCCART 322813 2299531 67 DISCCART 325463 2294001 110 DISCCART 320773 2297637 76 DISCCART 321688 2294449 98
DISCCART 322819 2300085 62 DISCCART 325844 2293598 100 DISCCART 320275 2297853 68 DISCCART 319933 2295352 94
DISCCART 322824 2300638 67 DISCCART 326606 2292815 103 DISCCART 319767 2298069 71 DISCCART 320660 2297853 77
DISCCART 322830 2301192 76 DISCCART 328142 2291227 91 DISCCART 319270 2298285 70 RE FINISHED
DISCCART 322842 2302299 70 DISCCART 330441 2288857 111 DISCCART 318762 2298500 68 ME STARTING
DISCCART 322865 2304513 59 DISCCART 323392 2295229 114 DISCCART 317756 2298943 80 INPUTFIL ORI\JB\OCT2020\DK19S.MET
DISCCART 322901 2307834 60 DISCCART 323595 2294718 110 DISCCART 315746 2299806 96 ANEMHGHT 5.0
DISCCART 323425 2298296 69 DISCCART 323809 2294195 118 DISCCART 312730 2301113 95 SURFDATA 99999 2019 XXX
DISCCART 323638 2298803 67 DISCCART 324012 2293684 112 DISCCART 321640 2297949 71 UAIRDATA 99999 2019 XXX
DISCCART 323862 2299310 60 DISCCART 324214 2293172 107 DISCCART 321259 2298352 66 WDROTATE 180
DISCCART 324076 2299817 58 DISCCART 324417 2292661 112 DISCCART 320868 2298744 66 ME FINISHED
DISCCART 324289 2300335 65 DISCCART 324823 2291627 116 DISCCART 320487 2299135 65 OU STARTING
DISCCART 324503 2300842 61 DISCCART 325636 2289581 105 DISCCART 320106 2299538 78 OU RECTABLE 24 FIRST
DISCCART 324930 2301856 58 DISCCART 326865 2286491 114 DISCCART 319725 2299929 81 OU MAXTABLE 24 50
DISCCART 325784 2303896 57 DISCCART 322766 2295103 96 DISCCART 318963 2300724 90 OU PLOTFILE 24 ALL FIRST
DISCCART 327075 2306949 67 DISCCART 322760 2294549 104 DISCCART 317429 2302302 78 ORI\JB\OCT2020\300PM10.PLT
DISCCART 323952 2297925 86 DISCCART 322754 2293996 123 DISCCART 315143 2304674 86
DISCCART 324352 2298319 79 DISCCART 322749 2293442 134 DISCCART 322175 2298309 76 OU FINISHED
DISCCART 324741 2298703 75 DISCCART 322743 2292889 121 DISCCART 321972 2298820 68 ***********************************
DISCCART 325130 2299086 69 DISCCART 322737 2292335 125 DISCCART 321769 2299332 61 *** SETUP Finishes Successfully ***
DISCCART 325519 2299481 73 DISCCART 322725 2291228 131 DISCCART 321567 2299843 70 ***********************************
DISCCART 325909 2299864 72 DISCCART 322702 2289014 130 DISCCART 321354 2300366 70
DISCCART 326687 2300642 63 DISCCART 322667 2285693 123 DISCCART 321151 2300877 75
DISCCART 328254 2302187 53 DISCCART 322143 2295242 124 DISCCART 320745 2301900 71
DISCCART 330599 2304511 63 DISCCART 321929 2294735 88
DISCCART 324311 2297390 92 DISCCART 321715 2294217 97
DISCCART 324813 2297595 90 DISCCART 321502 2293710 102 *** ISCST3 - VERSION 95250 *** *** AS PER EC DT 04-06-2020 FOR 3.0 MTPA STEEL IN JHARBANDH STEEL PLANT *** 10/20/20
DISCCART 325827 2298005 79 DISCCART 321064 2292696 100 **MODELOPTs: CONC RURAL ELEV DFAULT
DISCCART 326339 2298210 79 DISCCART 320636 2291671 116
DISCCART 326841 2298415 76 DISCCART 319781 2289643 131 *** MODEL SETUP OPTIONS SUMMARY ***
DISCCART 327856 2298837 75 DISCCART 318488 2286579 118 ---------------------------------------------------------------
DISCCART 329884 2299657 66 DISCCART 321615 2295602 82
DISCCART 332926 2300900 53 DISCCART 321226 2295219 89 **Intermediate Terrain Processing is Selected
DISCCART 324429 2296746 148 DISCCART 320826 2294836 94
DISCCART 324970 2296741 96 DISCCART 320437 2294441 97 **Model Is Setup For Calculation of Average CONCentration Values.
DISCCART 325522 2296735 99 DISCCART 320047 2294058 101
DISCCART 326064 2296729 108 DISCCART 319657 2293663 98 -- SCAVENGING/DEPOSITION LOGIC –
DISCCART 326615 2296724 115 DISCCART 318878 2292897 112
DISCCART 327157 2296718 93 DISCCART 317310 2291341 116 **Model Uses NO DRY DEPLETION. DDPLETE = F
DISCCART 328250 2296707 94 DISCCART 314971 2289020 104 **Model Uses NO WET DEPLETION. WDPLETE = F
DISCCART 330437 2296685 76 DISCCART 321267 2296148 78 **NO WET SCAVENGING Data Provided.
DISCCART 333717 2296652 53 DISCCART 320755 2295944 79 **Model Does NOT Use GRIDDED TERRAIN Data for Depletion Calculations
DISCCART 324297 2296117 105 DISCCART 320253 2295739 89 **Model Uses RURAL Dispersion.
DISCCART 324795 2295901 107 DISCCART 319740 2295534 86
DISCCART 325303 2295685 107 DISCCART 319238 2295318 84 **Model Uses Regulatory DEFAULT Options:
DISCCART 325801 2295470 115 DISCCART 318725 2295113 83 1. Final Plume Rise.
DISCCART 326309 2295243 113 DISCCART 317711 2294703 82 2. Stack-tip Downwash.

3 4
ANNEXURE : XX(b) Contd..
5. Not Use Missing Data Processing Routine. ID CATS. PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2 (M) (M) (M) (M) (°K) (M/SEC) (M)
6. Default Wind Profile Exponents. S-25 0 2.94E+00 1.69E+00 6.88E-01 2.32E-02 322183 2296437 93 90 440 12.69 6.5 NO
7. Default Vertical Potential Temperature Gradients. S-26 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322084 2296742 85 30 373 13.43 1.8 NO
8. "Upper Bound" Values for Supersquat Buildings. S-27 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 321739 2296815 85 30 373 13.43 1.8 NO
9. No Exponential Decay for RURAL Mode S-28 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 320504 2296478 85 60 440 15.47 4 NO
S-29 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 320671 2296474 83 60 440 15.47 4 NO
**Model Accepts Receptors on ELEV Terrain. S-30 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 320837 2296471 80 60 440 15.47 4 NO
S-31 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 321003 2296467 77 60 440 15.47 4 NO
**Model Assumes No FLAGPOLE Receptor Heights. S-32 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 320503 2296398 86 60 440 15.47 4 NO
S-33 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 320669 2296395 84 60 440 15.47 4 NO
**Model Calculates 1 Short Term Average(s) of: 24-HR S-34 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 320835 2296391 80 60 440 15.47 4 NO
and Calculates PERIOD Averages S-35 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 321002 2296388 78 60 440 15.47 4 NO
S-36 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 319885 2296337 84 60 440 15.47 4 NO
**This Run Includes: 95 Source(s); 1 Source Group(s); and 172 Receptor(s) S-37 0 1.36E+00 7.80E-01 1.84E-01 6.19E-03 320143 2296326 92 60 440 15.47 4 NO
S-38 0 1.31E-01 7.55E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 320082 2296188 90 30 373 6.27 1.8 NO
S-39 0 4.69E-02 2.70E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 320367 2296373 88 30 373 2.24 1.8 NO
**The Model Assumes A Pollutant Type of: PM10
S-42 0 2.50E-01 1.44E-01 4.44E+00 3.33E+00 321962 2297207 76 30 423 13.54 1.8 NO
S-43 0 2.91E-01 1.67E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322189 2297202 83 47 313 11.65 1.8 NO
**Model Set To Continue RUNning After the Setup Testing.
S-44 0 4.38E-01 2.52E-01 7.78E+00 5.83E+00 320096 2297273 75 30 423 15.86 2.2 NO
S-45 0 5.09E-01 2.93E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 320093 2297164 78 47 313 13.66 2.2 NO
**Output Options Selected:
S-46 0 2.70E+00 1.55E+00 1.20E+01 5.45E-02 321937 2296936 79 55 423 18.97 5 NO
Model Outputs Tables of PERIOD Averages by Receptor
S-47 0 5.00E-01 2.88E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322078 2296978 79 45 313 16.23 2 NO
Model Outputs Tables of Highest Short Term Values by Receptor (RECTABLE Keyword)
S-48 0 3.70E+00 2.13E+00 1.03E+01 3.90E-02 320134 2297050 81 80 423 15.36 6.5 NO
Model Outputs Tables of Overall Maximum Short Term Values (MAXTABLE Keyword) S-49 0 8.53E-01 4.91E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 320132 2296941 78 55 313 17.72 2.5 NO
Model Outputs External File(s) of High Values for Plotting (PLOTFILE Keyword) S-50 0 5.47E-01 3.14E-01 1.35E+00 1.21E-03 323259 2297230 79 85 493 17.89 2.5 NO
S-51 0 9.06E-01 5.21E-01 2.27E+00 2.03E-03 323137 2297233 83 100 493 18.1 3.2 NO
**NOTE: The Following Flags May Appear Following CONC Values: c for Calm Hours S-52 0 9.06E-01 5.21E-01 2.16E+00 1.93E-03 319750 2296773 77 100 493 18.1 3.2 NO
m for Missing Hours S-53 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322624 2296989 84 31 373 10.88 2 NO
b for Both Calm and Missing Hours S-54 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322698 2296988 85 31 373 10.88 2 NO
S-55 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322772 2296986 86 31 373 10.88 2 NO
**Misc. Inputs: Anem. Hgt. (m) = 5.00 ; Decay Coef. = .0000 ; Rot. Angle = 180.0 S-56 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322845 2296985 84 31 373 13.43 1.8 NO
Emission Units = GRAMS/SEC ; Emission Rate Unit Factor = .10000E+07 S-57 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322919 2296983 82 31 373 10.88 2 NO
Output Units = MICROGRAMS/M**3 S-58 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322992 2296982 82 31 373 10.88 2 NO
S-59 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 323066 2296980 83 31 373 10.88 2 NO
**Input Runstream File: ORI\JB\OCT2020\300PM10.INP ; **Output Print File: S-60 0 2.81E-01 1.62E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 323140 2296979 84 31 373 10.88 2 NO
ORI\JB\OCT2020\300PM10.OUT S-61 0 1.96E+00 1.13E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322381 2297276 84 60 403 20.47 4 NO
S-62 0 3.48E+00 2.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 320391 2297232 82 70 403 23.3 5 NO
S-63 0 2.90E-01 1.67E-01 4.53E+00 2.95E+00 322489 2297061 82 60 638 8.52 3 NO
*** POINT SOURCE DATA *** S-72 0 4.91E-01 2.82E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322802 2297736 74 30 318 17 2 NO
NO. EMISSION RATE BASE STACK STACK STACK STACK BUILDING S-73 0 2.20E+00 1.27E+00 7.61E-01 1.22E+00 322994 2297731 73 80 393 20 4 NO
SOURCE PART. (GRAMS/SEC) X Y ELEV. HEIGHT TEMP. EXIT VEL. DIA. EXISTS S-74 0 2.97E+00 1.71E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 323264 2297726 75 60 336 21 4 NO
ID CATS. PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NO2 (M) (M) (M) (M) (°K) (M/SEC) (M) S-75 0 9.38E-02 5.39E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 323536 2297763 78 35 351 16 1 NO
S-01 0 7.81E-01 4.49E-01 1.95E+01 7.31E-02 322375 2296443 93 80 423 18.13 2.8 NO S-76 0 4.19E-01 2.41E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322798 2297505 77 30 318 17 2 NO
S-12 0 9.06E-01 5.21E-01 2.34E+01 4.39E-02 322571 2296439 95 80 423 17.67 3 NO S-77 0 1.88E+00 1.08E+00 8.60E-01 1.38E+00 322990 2297500 76 80 393 20 4 NO
S-14 0 9.06E-01 5.21E-01 2.34E+01 4.39E-02 322871 2296433 87 80 423 17.67 3 NO S-78 0 2.53E+00 1.45E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 323259 2297495 77 60 336 21 4 NO
S-15 0 3.75E-01 2.16E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322473 2296404 95 35 323 12.56 2 NO S-80 0 7.11E-01 4.09E-01 6.32E+00 6.32E+00 323038 2296464 88 90 423 17.11 2.7 NO
S-16 0 2.03E-01 1.17E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322748 2296769 92 30 373 9.7 1.8 NO S-81 0 7.11E-01 4.09E-01 6.32E+00 6.32E+00 323124 2296462 92 90 423 17.11 2.7 NO
S-17 0 3.75E-01 2.16E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322645 2296841 88 35 323 12.56 2 NO S-82 0 7.11E-01 4.09E-01 6.32E+00 6.32E+00 323210 2296461 94 90 423 17.11 2.7 NO
S-18 0 4.53E-01 2.61E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322818 2296397 88 35 323 12.54 2.2 NO S-83 0 7.11E-01 4.09E-01 6.32E+00 6.32E+00 323285 2296459 96 90 423 17.11 2.7 NO
S-19 0 2.50E-01 1.44E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322946 2296765 84 30 373 9.67 2 NO S-84 0 7.11E-01 4.09E-01 6.32E+00 6.32E+00 323092 2296820 84 90 423 17.11 2.7 NO
S-20 0 4.53E-01 2.61E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322947 2296835 84 35 323 12.54 2.2 NO S-85 0 1.42E+00 8.18E-01 1.26E+01 1.26E+01 323174 2296819 86 110 423 17.28 3.8 NO
S-21 0 2.94E+00 1.69E+00 6.88E-01 2.32E-02 321762 2296444 83 90 440 12.69 6.5 NO S-86 0 7.11E-01 4.09E-01 6.32E+00 6.32E+00 323257 2296817 89 110 423 17.11 2.7 NO
S-22 0 2.94E+00 1.69E+00 6.88E-01 2.32E-02 321871 2296442 85 90 440 12.69 6.5 NO S-87 0 4.22E-01 2.43E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 323222 2296708 87 45 323 9.04 2.5 NO
S-23 0 2.94E+00 1.69E+00 6.88E-01 2.32E-02 321979 2296440 88 90 440 12.69 6.5 NO S-88 0 4.22E-01 2.43E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 323159 2296623 88 45 323 9.04 2.5 NO
S-24 0 2.94E+00 1.69E+00 6.88E-01 2.32E-02 322088 2296438 91 90 440 12.69 6.5 NO S-89 0 4.22E-01 2.43E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322403 2296574 91 45 323 9.04 2.5 NO
S-90 0 4.22E-01 2.43E-01 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 322638 2296570 93 45 323 9.04 2.5 NO

5 6
ANNEXURE : XX(b) Contd..
( 324503.0, 2300842.0, 61.0, .0); ( 324930.0, 2301856.0, 58.0, .0);
( 325784.0, 2303896.0, 57.0, .0); ( 327075.0, 2306949.0, 67.0, .0);
( 323952.0, 2297925.0, 86.0, .0); ( 324352.0, 2298319.0, 79.0, .0);
( 324741.0, 2298703.0, 75.0, .0); ( 325130.0, 2299086.0, 69.0, .0);
*** AREA SOURCE DATA *** ( 325519.0, 2299481.0, 73.0, .0); ( 325909.0, 2299864.0, 72.0, .0);
COORD (SW ( 326687.0, 2300642.0, 63.0, .0); ( 328254.0, 2302187.0, 53.0, .0);
NO. EMISSION RATE CORNER) BASE RELEASE X-DIM Y-DIM ORIENT. INIT. ( 330599.0, 2304511.0, 63.0, .0); ( 324311.0, 2297390.0, 92.0, .0);
SOURCE PART. (GRAMS/SEC) X Y ELEV. HEIGHT OF AREA OF AREA OF AREA SZ ( 324813.0, 2297595.0, 90.0, .0); ( 325325.0, 2297800.0, 81.0, .0);
ID CATS. PM10 PM2.5 (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (DEG) (M) ( 325827.0, 2298005.0, 79.0, .0); ( 326339.0, 2298210.0, 79.0, .0);
A-1 0 2.18E-10 1.25E-10 321967 2296590 85 1 181.01 168.41 126 4
A-2 0 2.18E-10 1.25E-10 320382 2296039 90 1 625.62 280.25 0 4 ( 326841.0, 2298415.0, 76.0, .0); ( 327856.0, 2298837.0, 75.0, .0);
A-3 0 2.18E-10 1.25E-10 319338 2296060 81 1 668.02 280.25 0 4 ( 329884.0, 2299657.0, 66.0, .0); ( 332926.0, 2300900.0, 53.0, .0);
A-4 0 6.46E-11 3.71E-11 320503 2295898 88 1 34.9 98.7 0 4 ( 324429.0, 2296746.0, 148.0, .0); ( 324970.0, 2296741.0, 96.0, .0);
A-5 0 6.46E-11 3.71E-11 320539 2295797 85 1 109.64 194.15 0 4
A-6 0 6.46E-11 3.71E-11 320594 2295749 85 1 57.3 45.11 0 4
( 325522.0, 2296735.0, 99.0, .0); ( 326064.0, 2296729.0, 108.0, .0);
A-7 0 6.46E-11 3.71E-11 320654 2295698 84 1 216.91 287.3 137 4 ( 326615.0, 2296724.0, 115.0, .0); ( 327157.0, 2296718.0, 93.0, .0);
A-8 0 6.46E-11 3.71E-11 320729 2295639 84 1 112.45 55.94 0 4 ( 328250.0, 2296707.0, 94.0, .0); ( 330437.0, 2296685.0, 76.0, .0);
A-9 0 6.46E-11 3.71E-11 320886 2295838 80 1 65.87 151.64 0 4
( 333717.0, 2296652.0, 53.0, .0); ( 324297.0, 2296117.0, 105.0, .0);
A-10 0 6.46E-11 3.71E-11 320956 2295928 81 1 38.81 65.27 0 4
A-11 0 3.39E-11 1.95E-11 321173 2297818 74 1 237.41 74.79 0 4 ( 324795.0, 2295901.0, 107.0, .0); ( 325303.0, 2295685.0, 107.0, .0);
A-12 0 3.39E-11 1.95E-11 321089 2297611 76 1 390.34 198.33 0 4 ( 325801.0, 2295470.0, 115.0, .0); ( 326309.0, 2295243.0, 113.0, .0);
A-13 0 3.39E-11 1.95E-11 321035 2297488 78 1 44.24 216.09 0 4 ( 326806.0, 2295028.0, 116.0, .0); ( 327812.0, 2294597.0, 97.0, .0);
A-14 0 3.39E-11 1.95E-11 321504 2297686 72 1 44.5 76.24 0 4
A-15 0 1.09E-10 6.27E-11 322328 2296026 96 1 637.07 202.96 0 4 ( 329824.0, 2293724.0, 104.0, .0); ( 332842.0, 2292431.0, 80.0, .0);
A-16 0 1.09E-10 6.27E-11 322964 2296097 97 1 82.58 126.81 0 4 ( 323927.0, 2295578.0, 107.0, .0); ( 324319.0, 2295186.0, 111.0, .0);
( 324700.0, 2294795.0, 128.0, .0); ( 325081.0, 2294392.0, 115.0, .0);
*** SOURCE IDs DEFINING SOURCE GROUPS *** ( 325463.0, 2294001.0, 110.0, .0); ( 325844.0, 2293598.0, 100.0, .0);
GROUP ID SOURCE IDs ( 326606.0, 2292815.0, 103.0, .0); ( 328142.0, 2291227.0, 91.0, .0);
ALL S-01, S-12, S-14, S-15, S-16, S-17, S-18, S-19, S-20, S-21, S-22, S-23, S-24, S-25, S-26, S-27, ( 330441.0, 2288857.0, 111.0, .0); ( 323392.0, 2295229.0, 114.0, .0);
S-28, S-29, S-30, S-31, S-32, S-33, S-34, S-35, S-36, S-37, S-38, S-39, S-42, S-43, S-44, S-45, S-46, ( 323595.0, 2294718.0, 110.0, .0); ( 323809.0, 2294195.0, 118.0, .0);
S-47, S-48, S-49, S-50, S-51, S-52, S-53, S-54, S-55, S-56, S-57, S-58, S-59, S-60, S-61, S-62, S-63, ( 324012.0, 2293684.0, 112.0, .0); ( 324214.0, 2293172.0, 107.0, .0);
S-72, S-73, S-74, S-75, S-76, S-77, S-78, S-80, S-81, S-82, S-83, S-84, S-85, S-86, S-87, S-88, S-89, ( 324417.0, 2292661.0, 112.0, .0); ( 324823.0, 2291627.0, 116.0, .0);
S-90, A-1 , A-2 , A-3 , A-4 , A-5 , A-6 , A-7 , A-8 , A-9 , A-10, A-11, A-12, A-13, A-14, A-15, A-16, ( 325636.0, 2289581.0, 105.0, .0); ( 326865.0, 2286491.0, 114.0, .0);
( 322766.0, 2295103.0, 96.0, .0); ( 322760.0, 2294549.0, 104.0, .0);
*** DISCRETE CARTESIAN RECEPTORS *** ( 322754.0, 2293996.0, 123.0, .0); ( 322749.0, 2293442.0, 134.0, .0);
(X-COORD, Y-COORD, ZELEV, ZFLAG) (METERS) ( 322743.0, 2292889.0, 121.0, .0); ( 322737.0, 2292335.0, 125.0, .0);
( 322795.0, 2297792.0, 76.0, .0); ( 323238.0, 2297843.0, 74.0, .0); ( 322725.0, 2291228.0, 131.0, .0); ( 322702.0, 2289014.0, 130.0, .0);
( 323693.0, 2297668.0, 79.0, .0); ( 324096.0, 2297301.0, 90.0, .0); ( 322667.0, 2285693.0, 123.0, .0); ( 322143.0, 2295242.0, 124.0, .0);
( 323545.0, 2296759.0, 99.0, .0); ( 323497.0, 2296459.0, 106.0, .0); ( 321929.0, 2294735.0, 88.0, .0); ( 321715.0, 2294217.0, 97.0, .0);
( 323455.0, 2296074.0, 133.0, .0); ( 323059.0, 2296075.0, 103.0, .0); ( 321502.0, 2293710.0, 102.0, .0); ( 321277.0, 2293203.0, 97.0, .0);
( 322776.0, 2295945.0, 101.0, .0); ( 322425.0, 2295915.0, 99.0, .0); ( 321064.0, 2292696.0, 100.0, .0); ( 320636.0, 2291671.0, 116.0, .0);
( 322166.0, 2296154.0, 91.0, .0); ( 320491.0, 2295833.0, 86.0, .0); ( 319781.0, 2289643.0, 131.0, .0); ( 318488.0, 2286579.0, 118.0, .0);
( 319544.0, 2296801.0, 76.0, .0); ( 320990.0, 2297542.0, 77.0, .0); ( 321615.0, 2295602.0, 82.0, .0); ( 321226.0, 2295219.0, 89.0, .0);
( 321980.0, 2297600.0, 81.0, .0); ( 322432.0, 2297655.0, 83.0, .0); ( 320826.0, 2294836.0, 94.0, .0); ( 320437.0, 2294441.0, 97.0, .0);
( 322408.0, 2297709.0, 80.0, .0); ( 323783.0, 2296753.0, 147.0, .0); ( 320047.0, 2294058.0, 101.0, .0); ( 319657.0, 2293663.0, 98.0, .0);
( 323706.0, 2296366.0, 113.0, .0); ( 323484.0, 2296048.0, 133.0, .0); ( 318878.0, 2292897.0, 112.0, .0); ( 317310.0, 2291341.0, 116.0, .0);
( 323159.0, 2295830.0, 141.0, .0); ( 322773.0, 2295756.0, 121.0, .0); ( 314971.0, 2289020.0, 104.0, .0); ( 321267.0, 2296148.0, 78.0, .0);
( 322389.0, 2295838.0, 97.0, .0); ( 322068.0, 2296062.0, 87.0, .0); ( 320755.0, 2295944.0, 79.0, .0); ( 320253.0, 2295739.0, 89.0, .0);
( 322801.0, 2298424.0, 77.0, .0); ( 322807.0, 2298978.0, 74.0, .0); ( 319740.0, 2295534.0, 86.0, .0); ( 319238.0, 2295318.0, 84.0, .0);
( 322813.0, 2299531.0, 67.0, .0); ( 322819.0, 2300085.0, 62.0, .0); ( 318725.0, 2295113.0, 83.0, .0); ( 317711.0, 2294703.0, 82.0, .0);
( 322824.0, 2300638.0, 67.0, .0); ( 322830.0, 2301192.0, 76.0, .0); ( 315681.0, 2293872.0, 94.0, .0); ( 312636.0, 2292644.0, 89.0, .0);
( 322842.0, 2302299.0, 70.0, .0); ( 322865.0, 2304513.0, 59.0, .0); ( 319504.0, 2296798.0, 71.0, .0); ( 318962.0, 2296804.0, 77.0, .0);
( 322901.0, 2307834.0, 60.0, .0); ( 323425.0, 2298296.0, 69.0, .0); ( 318410.0, 2296810.0, 82.0, .0); ( 317317.0, 2296822.0, 74.0, .0);
( 323638.0, 2298803.0, 67.0, .0); ( 323862.0, 2299310.0, 60.0, .0); ( 315130.0, 2296846.0, 81.0, .0); ( 311850.0, 2296882.0, 83.0, .0);
( 324076.0, 2299817.0, 58.0, .0); ( 324289.0, 2300335.0, 65.0, .0); ( 320773.0, 2297637.0, 76.0, .0); ( 320275.0, 2297853.0, 68.0, .0);

7 8
ANNEXURE : XX(b) Contd..
( 319767.0, 2298069.0, 71.0, .0); ( 319270.0, 2298285.0, 70.0, .0); STABILITY WIND SPEED CATEGORY
( 318762.0, 2298500.0, 68.0, .0); ( 317756.0, 2298943.0, 80.0, .0); CATEGORY 1 2 3 4 5 6
( 315746.0, 2299806.0, 96.0, .0); ( 312730.0, 2301113.0, 95.0, .0); A .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00
( 321640.0, 2297949.0, 71.0, .0); ( 321259.0, 2298352.0, 66.0, .0); B .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00
( 320868.0, 2298744.0, 66.0, .0); ( 320487.0, 2299135.0, 65.0, .0); C .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00
( 320106.0, 2299538.0, 78.0, .0); ( 319725.0, 2299929.0, 81.0, .0); D .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00 .00000E+00
( 318963.0, 2300724.0, 90.0, .0); ( 317429.0, 2302302.0, 78.0, .0); E .20000E-01 .20000E-01 .20000E-01 .20000E-01 .20000E-01 .20000E-01
( 315143.0, 2304674.0, 86.0, .0); ( 322175.0, 2298309.0, 76.0, .0); F .35000E-01 .35000E-01 .35000E-01 .35000E-01 .35000E-01 .35000E-01
( 321972.0, 2298820.0, 68.0, .0); ( 321769.0, 2299332.0, 61.0, .0);
( 321567.0, 2299843.0, 70.0, .0); ( 321354.0, 2300366.0, 70.0, .0);
( 321151.0, 2300877.0, 75.0, .0); ( 320745.0, 2301900.0, 71.0, .0);
( 319934.0, 2303957.0, 69.0, .0); ( 318708.0, 2307038.0, 78.0, .0);
( 321119.0, 2297297.0, 75.0, .0); ( 327125.0, 2296902.0, 95.0, .0);
( 322586.0, 2303927.0, 72.0, .0); ( 325628.0, 2291636.0, 118.0, .0);
( 324283.0, 2299557.0, 74.0, .0); ( 321688.0, 2294449.0, 98.0, .0);
( 319933.0, 2295352.0, 94.0, .0); ( 320660.0, 2297853.0, 77.0, .0);


(1=YES; 0=NO)
1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111
1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111
1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111
1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111
1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111
1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111
1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111 1111111111
1111111111 111111

1.54, 3.09, 5.14, 8.23, 10.80,


CATEGORY 1 2 3 4 5 6
A .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01
B .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01 .70000E-01
C .10000E+00 .10000E+00 .10000E+00 .10000E+00 .10000E+00 .10000E+00
D .15000E+00 .15000E+00 .15000E+00 .15000E+00 .15000E+00 .15000E+00
E .35000E+00 .35000E+00 .35000E+00 .35000E+00 .35000E+00 .35000E+00
F .55000E+00 .55000E+00 .55000E+00 .55000E+00 .55000E+00 .55000E+00



9 10
ANNEXURE : XX(b) Contd..
ANNEXURE : XX(b) Contd..

*** NOTES: STABILITY CLASS 1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=E AND 6=F.








YEAR: 2019



1.10 297.7 1
1.40 297.1 1
2.30 295.9 5
1.60 296.8 6
1.80 296.4 6
3.10 297.4 4
3.90 297.3 4
.50 298.8 1
.70 298.7 1
2.50 299.6 5
3.20 299.8 4
3.50 301.2 4
3.40 301.4 4
4.40 303.9 2
5.70 306.4 3
2.20 306.6 2

1.80 308.0 1
1.90 305.5 1
3.70 305.7 2
.00 297.6 6

.60 306.1 1

.60 305.1 1
.90 304.7 1
.80 302.0 1

*** ISCST3 - VERSION 95250 ***

YEAR: 2019

FORMAT: 4I2,2F9.4,F6.1,I2,2F7.1,f9.4,f10.1,f8.4,i4,f7.2)
715.0 715.0 .0000
530.0 530.0 .0000

1255.0 1255.0 .0000

1258.0 1258.0 .0000

1140.0 1140.0 .0000


393.0 393.0 .0000

333.0 333.0 .0000

950.0 950.0 .0000

358.0 358.0 .0000

253.0 253.0 .0000
228.0 228.0 .0000
283.0 283.0 .0000
303.0 303.0 .0000
333.0 333.0 .0000
1150.0 1150.0 .0000

1305.0 1305.0 .0000

1315.0 1315.0 .0000
1303.0 1303.0 .0000
408.0 408.0 .0000
428.0 428.0 .0000
488.0 488.0 .0000
445.0 445.0 .0000
735.0 735.0 .0000
948.0 948.0 .0000

.0 .0000 0 .00
.0 .0000 0 .00

.0 .0000 0 .00

.0 .0000 0 .00

.0 .0000 0 .00
.0 .0000 0 .00
.0 .0000 0 .00
.0 .0000 0 .00
.0 .0000 0 .00
.0 .0000 0 .00
.0 .0000 0 .00
.0 .0000 0 .00
.0 .0000 0 .00
.0 .0000 0 .00
.0 .0000 0 .00
.0 .0000 0 .00
.0 .0000 0 .00

.0 .0000 0 .00

.0 .0000 0 .00
.0 .0000 0 .00
.0 .0000 0 .00

.0 .0000 0 .00
.0 .0000 0 .00
.0 .0000 0 .00





*** ISCST3 - VERSION 95250 *** *** AS PER EC DT 04-06-2020 FOR 3.0 MTPA STEEL IN JHARBANDH STEEL PLANT *** 10/20/20

INCLUDING SOURCE(S): S-01 , S-12 , S-14 , S-15 , S-16 , S-17 , S-18 ,
S-19 , S-20 , S-21 , S-22 , S-23 , S-24 , S-25 , S-26 , S-27 , S-28 , S-29 , S-30 ,
S-31 , S-32 , S-33 , S-34 , S-35 , S-36 , S-37 , S-38 , S-39 , S-42 , S-43 , . . . ,



322795.00 2297792.00 8.08767 (19052524) 323238.00 2297843.00 6.70182 (19051324)
323693.00 2297668.00 6.71360 (19051724) 324096.00 2297301.00 8.25783c (19030124)
323545.00 2296759.00 11.57807 (19052724) 323497.00 2296459.00 11.99422 (19040824)
323455.00 2296074.00 13.46401 (19040824) 323059.00 2296075.00 9.36639 (19052824)
322776.00 2295945.00 10.18872 (19052824) 322425.00 2295915.00 5.29321 (19031324)
322166.00 2296154.00 6.43746 (19052924) 320491.00 2295833.00 5.80180 (19052924)
319544.00 2296801.00 6.37138 (19052924) 320990.00 2297542.00 6.22543c (19051924)
321980.00 2297600.00 8.62500 (19052424) 322432.00 2297655.00 9.14841 (19053024)
322408.00 2297709.00 8.70264 (19053024) 323783.00 2296753.00 21.31154 (19041124)
323706.00 2296366.00 12.63314 (19040824) 323484.00 2296048.00 13.61219 (19040824)
323159.00 2295830.00 13.03525 (19052824) 322773.00 2295756.00 14.05321 (19052824)
322389.00 2295838.00 4.91213 (19031324) 322068.00 2296062.00 5.58141 (19052924)
322801.00 2298424.00 8.26330 (19052524) 322807.00 2298978.00 7.32864 (19052524)
322813.00 2299531.00 6.52475 (19052524) 322819.00 2300085.00 5.89604 (19052524)
322824.00 2300638.00 5.47731 (19052524) 322830.00 2301192.00 5.25702 (19052524)
322842.00 2302299.00 4.60193 (19052524) 322865.00 2304513.00 3.74444 (19052524)
322901.00 2307834.00 3.02525 (19052524) 323425.00 2298296.00 5.88638 (19051324)
323638.00 2298803.00 5.97764 (19050324) 323862.00 2299310.00 4.92147 (19050324)
324076.00 2299817.00 4.19969 (19050324) 324289.00 2300335.00 4.00169 (19041424)
324503.00 2300842.00 3.64030 (19041424) 324930.00 2301856.00 3.19638 (19041424)
325784.00 2303896.00 2.57352 (19041424) 327075.00 2306949.00 2.15249 (19041424)
323952.00 2297925.00 8.11991 (19051724) 324352.00 2298319.00 7.38031 (19051724)
324741.00 2298703.00 6.20154 (19051724) 325130.00 2299086.00 5.18499 (19051724)
325519.00 2299481.00 4.57724 (19051724) 325909.00 2299864.00 4.06171 (19051724)
326687.00 2300642.00 3.25581 (19051724) 328254.00 2302187.00 2.45191 (19051724)
330599.00 2304511.00 2.01835 (19051724) 324311.00 2297390.00 8.05418c (19030124)
324813.00 2297595.00 6.88350c (19030124) 325325.00 2297800.00 5.56448c (19030124)
325827.00 2298005.00 5.22337 (19041624) 326339.00 2298210.00 5.08717 (19041624)
326841.00 2298415.00 4.72661 (19041624) 327856.00 2298837.00 4.28944 (19041624)

ANNEXURE : XX(b) Contd..


329884.00 2299657.00 3.52805 (19041624) 332926.00 2300900.00 2.80887 (19041624)
324429.00 2296746.00 16.79415 (19040824) 324970.00 2296741.00 6.52515 (19052724)
325522.00 2296735.00 5.91268 (19052724) 326064.00 2296729.00 5.45753 (19052724)
326615.00 2296724.00 5.08515 (19052724) 327157.00 2296718.00 4.34566 (19052724)
328250.00 2296707.00 3.64460 (19052724) 330437.00 2296685.00 2.72395 (19052724)
333717.00 2296652.00 1.96623 (19052724) 324297.00 2296117.00 7.77874 (19040824)
324795.00 2295901.00 6.53803 (19040824) 325303.00 2295685.00 5.65093 (19040824)
325801.00 2295470.00 6.06811 (19040824) 326309.00 2295243.00 5.21461 (19040824)
326806.00 2295028.00 5.14448 (19040824) 327812.00 2294597.00 3.14901 (19040824)
329824.00 2293724.00 2.41274 (19040824) 332842.00 2292431.00 1.45891 (19040824)
323927.00 2295578.00 7.52709 (19040824) 324319.00 2295186.00 6.65399 (19040824)
324700.00 2294795.00 6.80641 (19040824) 325081.00 2294392.00 5.14988 (19040824)
325463.00 2294001.00 4.19235 (19040824) 325844.00 2293598.00 3.45079 (19040824)
326606.00 2292815.00 2.98620 (19040824) 328142.00 2291227.00 2.26629 (19040824)
330441.00 2288857.00 1.86380 (19040824) 323392.00 2295229.00 5.67017 (19041524)
323595.00 2294718.00 4.63670 (19041524) 323809.00 2294195.00 3.93783 (19041524)
324012.00 2293684.00 3.16125 (19041524) 324214.00 2293172.00 2.66460 (19041524)
324417.00 2292661.00 2.31174 (19041524) 324823.00 2291627.00 1.96827 (19052724)
325636.00 2289581.00 1.26140 (19041524) 326865.00 2286491.00 1.27156 (19052724)
322766.00 2295103.00 7.52323 (19052824) 322760.00 2294549.00 7.21808 (19052824)
322754.00 2293996.00 7.87198 (19052824) 322749.00 2293442.00 7.44592 (19052824)
322743.00 2292889.00 5.87139 (19052824) 322737.00 2292335.00 5.24320 (19052824)
322725.00 2291228.00 4.11495 (19052824) 322702.00 2289014.00 2.68248 (19052824)
322667.00 2285693.00 1.72061 (19052824) 322143.00 2295242.00 5.88403 (19030224)
321929.00 2294735.00 2.59218 (19041524) 321715.00 2294217.00 2.74630 (19041524)
321502.00 2293710.00 2.66085 (19052824) 321277.00 2293203.00 2.58134 (19052824)
321064.00 2292696.00 2.31241 (19052824) 320636.00 2291671.00 2.07005 (19030224)
319781.00 2289643.00 2.46286 (19050524) 318488.00 2286579.00 1.52469 (19030224)
321615.00 2295602.00 3.95063 (19052924) 321226.00 2295219.00 3.63883 (19052924)
320826.00 2294836.00 3.25204 (19052924) 320437.00 2294441.00 2.83636 (19052924)
320047.00 2294058.00 2.59422 (19052924) 319657.00 2293663.00 2.45357 (19052924)
318878.00 2292897.00 2.03516 (19052924) 317310.00 2291341.00 1.62764 (19052924)
314971.00 2289020.00 1.14248 (19052924) 321267.00 2296148.00 5.65363 (19052924)
320755.00 2295944.00 5.84554 (19052924) 320253.00 2295739.00 5.78825 (19052924)
319740.00 2295534.00 5.48962 (19052924) 319238.00 2295318.00 4.83868 (19052924)
318725.00 2295113.00 4.36915 (19052924) 317711.00 2294703.00 3.63017 (19052924)
315681.00 2293872.00 2.56709 (19052924) 312636.00 2292644.00 1.51699 (19052924)
319504.00 2296798.00 6.15924 (19052924) 318962.00 2296804.00 4.86165 (19052924)
318410.00 2296810.00 4.19217 (19052924) 317317.00 2296822.00 3.23618 (19052924)
315130.00 2296846.00 2.23483 (19052924) 311850.00 2296882.00 1.53831 (19052924)
320773.00 2297637.00 5.78433c (19051924) 320275.00 2297853.00 5.09708 (19052424)
319767.00 2298069.00 6.48060 (19052424) 319270.00 2298285.00 5.77518c (19051924)
318762.00 2298500.00 5.57449c (19051924) 317756.00 2298943.00 5.40221c (19051924)



315746.00 2299806.00 5.06121c (19051924) 312730.00 2301113.00 4.00826c (19051924)
321640.00 2297949.00 7.13255 (19052024) 321259.00 2298352.00 6.23760 (19052024)
320868.00 2298744.00 5.74685 (19052024) 320487.00 2299135.00 5.32457 (19052024)
320106.00 2299538.00 5.48725 (19053024) 319725.00 2299929.00 5.48690 (19053024)
318963.00 2300724.00 5.47508 (19052024) 317429.00 2302302.00 3.85284 (19052024)
315143.00 2304674.00 3.25846 (19052024) 322175.00 2298309.00 9.12212 (19053024)
321972.00 2298820.00 8.49563 (19053024) 321769.00 2299332.00 7.52817 (19053024)
321567.00 2299843.00 7.14905 (19053024) 321354.00 2300366.00 6.57849 (19053024)
321151.00 2300877.00 6.24391 (19053024) 320745.00 2301900.00 5.43005 (19053024)
319934.00 2303957.00 4.55298 (19053024) 318708.00 2307038.00 3.71522 (19053024)
321119.00 2297297.00 6.06829c (19051924) 327125.00 2296902.00 4.20262 (19052724)
322586.00 2303927.00 4.08796 (19052524) 325628.00 2291636.00 1.75071 (19052724)
324283.00 2299557.00 4.89022 (19041424) 321688.00 2294449.00 2.82331 (19041524)
319933.00 2295352.00 6.00135 (19052924) 320660.00 2297853.00 5.90950c (19051924)

1. 21.31154 (19041124) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 26. 13.89547 (19033124) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
2. 21.24568c(19030124) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 27. 13.74876 (19031424) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
3. 19.91225 (19040824) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 28. 13.72573 (19042524) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
4. 19.90033 (19052624) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 29. 13.61219 (19040824) AT ( 323484.00, 2296048.00) DC
5. 19.79624 (19043024) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 30. 13.48710 (19051724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
6. 18.82952 (19052724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 31. 13.46401 (19040824) AT ( 323455.00, 2296074.00) DC
7. 18.04398 (19042524) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 32. 13.31295 (19030524) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
8. 17.84433 (19040324) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 33. 13.25067 (19041224) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
9. 17.55411 (19041724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 34. 13.03525 (19052824) AT ( 323159.00, 2295830.00) DC
10. 17.35100 (19041624) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 35. 12.63314 (19040824) AT ( 323706.00, 2296366.00) DC
11. 17.08638 (19040724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 36. 12.62778 (19052624) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
12. 16.79415 (19040824) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 37. 12.60582 (19051324) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
13. 16.77288 (19051324) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 38. 12.37197 (19041324) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
14. 16.36403 (19041124) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 39. 12.30460 (19041724) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
15. 15.60241 (19041324) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 40. 12.28719 (19051424) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
16. 15.19199 (19051024) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 41. 11.99422 (19040824) AT ( 323497.00, 2296459.00) DC
17. 15.12269 (19031924) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 42. 11.82194 (19040324) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
18. 14.99447 (19032124) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 43. 11.79443 (19040924) AT ( 323455.00, 2296074.00) DC
19. 14.72588 (19040924) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 44. 11.62317 (19052724) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
20. 14.64708 (19042324) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 45. 11.57807 (19052724) AT ( 323545.00, 2296759.00) DC
21. 14.32334c(19030124) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 46. 11.56207 (19040924) AT ( 323484.00, 2296048.00) DC
22. 14.13473 (19030824) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 47. 11.51873 (19031224) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
23. 14.06714 (19043024) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 48. 11.23240 (19030724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
24. 14.05321 (19052824) AT ( 322773.00, 2295756.00) DC 49. 10.99069 (19031624) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
25. 13.90744 (19040424) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 50. 10.95469 (19030624) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC

ANNEXURE : XX(b) Contd..


*** ISCST3 - VERSION 95250 *** *** AS PER EC DT 04-06-2020 FOR 3.0 MTPA STEEL IN JHARBANDH STEEL PLANT *** 10/20/20

INCLUDING SOURCE(S): S-01 , S-12 , S-14 , S-15 , S-16 , S-17 , S-18 ,
S-19 , S-20 , S-21 , S-22 , S-23 , S-24 , S-25 , S-26 , S-27 , S-28 , S-29 , S-30 ,
S-31 , S-32 , S-33 , S-34 , S-35 , S-36 , S-37 , S-38 , S-39 , S-42 , S-43 , . . . ,



322795.00 2297792.00 4.65041 (19052524) 323238.00 2297843.00 3.85355 (19051324)
323693.00 2297668.00 3.86032 (19051724) 324096.00 2297301.00 4.74826c (19030124)
323545.00 2296759.00 6.65739 (19052724) 323497.00 2296459.00 6.89668 (19040824)
323455.00 2296074.00 7.74182 (19040824) 323059.00 2296075.00 5.38567 (19052824)
322776.00 2295945.00 5.85851 (19052824) 322425.00 2295915.00 3.04360 (19031324)
322166.00 2296154.00 3.70154 (19052924) 320491.00 2295833.00 3.33603 (19052924)
319544.00 2296801.00 3.66355 (19052924) 320990.00 2297542.00 3.57962c (19051924)
321980.00 2297600.00 4.95938 (19052424) 322432.00 2297655.00 5.26034 (19053024)
322408.00 2297709.00 5.00402 (19053024) 323783.00 2296753.00 12.25414 (19041124)
323706.00 2296366.00 7.26406 (19040824) 323484.00 2296048.00 7.82701 (19040824)
323159.00 2295830.00 7.49527 (19052824) 322773.00 2295756.00 8.08060 (19052824)
322389.00 2295838.00 2.82448 (19031324) 322068.00 2296062.00 3.20931 (19052924)
322801.00 2298424.00 4.75140 (19052524) 322807.00 2298978.00 4.21397 (19052524)
322813.00 2299531.00 3.75173 (19052524) 322819.00 2300085.00 3.39023 (19052524)
322824.00 2300638.00 3.14945 (19052524) 322830.00 2301192.00 3.02279 (19052524)
322842.00 2302299.00 2.64611 (19052524) 322865.00 2304513.00 2.15305 (19052524)
322901.00 2307834.00 1.73952 (19052524) 323425.00 2298296.00 3.38467 (19051324)
323638.00 2298803.00 3.43714 (19050324) 323862.00 2299310.00 2.82984 (19050324)
324076.00 2299817.00 2.41482 (19050324) 324289.00 2300335.00 2.30097 (19041424)
324503.00 2300842.00 2.09317 (19041424) 324930.00 2301856.00 1.83792 (19041424)
325784.00 2303896.00 1.47977 (19041424) 327075.00 2306949.00 1.23768 (19041424)
323952.00 2297925.00 4.66895 (19051724) 324352.00 2298319.00 4.24368 (19051724)
324741.00 2298703.00 3.56588 (19051724) 325130.00 2299086.00 2.98137 (19051724)
325519.00 2299481.00 2.63191 (19051724) 325909.00 2299864.00 2.33548 (19051724)
326687.00 2300642.00 1.87209 (19051724) 328254.00 2302187.00 1.40985 (19051724)
330599.00 2304511.00 1.16055 (19051724) 324311.00 2297390.00 4.63116c (19030124)
324813.00 2297595.00 3.95802c (19030124) 325325.00 2297800.00 3.19958c (19030124)
325827.00 2298005.00 3.00343 (19041624) 326339.00 2298210.00 2.92512 (19041624)
326841.00 2298415.00 2.71780 (19041624) 327856.00 2298837.00 2.46643 (19041624)



329884.00 2299657.00 2.02863 (19041624) 332926.00 2300900.00 1.61510 (19041624)
324429.00 2296746.00 9.65664 (19040824) 324970.00 2296741.00 3.75196 (19052724)
325522.00 2296735.00 3.39979 (19052724) 326064.00 2296729.00 3.13808 (19052724)
326615.00 2296724.00 2.92396 (19052724) 327157.00 2296718.00 2.49875 (19052724)
328250.00 2296707.00 2.09564 (19052724) 330437.00 2296685.00 1.56627 (19052724)
333717.00 2296652.00 1.13058 (19052724) 324297.00 2296117.00 4.47278 (19040824)
324795.00 2295901.00 3.75937 (19040824) 325303.00 2295685.00 3.24929 (19040824)
325801.00 2295470.00 3.48916 (19040824) 326309.00 2295243.00 2.99840 (19040824)
326806.00 2295028.00 2.95807 (19040824) 327812.00 2294597.00 1.81068 (19040824)
329824.00 2293724.00 1.38732 (19040824) 332842.00 2292431.00 .83887 (19040824)
323927.00 2295578.00 4.32807 (19040824) 324319.00 2295186.00 3.82605 (19040824)
324700.00 2294795.00 3.91369 (19040824) 325081.00 2294392.00 2.96118 (19040824)
325463.00 2294001.00 2.41060 (19040824) 325844.00 2293598.00 1.98420 (19040824)
326606.00 2292815.00 1.71706 (19040824) 328142.00 2291227.00 1.30312 (19040824)
330441.00 2288857.00 1.07168 (19040824) 323392.00 2295229.00 3.26035 (19041524)
323595.00 2294718.00 2.66610 (19041524) 323809.00 2294195.00 2.26425 (19041524)
324012.00 2293684.00 1.81772 (19041524) 324214.00 2293172.00 1.53214 (19041524)
324417.00 2292661.00 1.32925 (19041524) 324823.00 2291627.00 1.13175 (19052724)
325636.00 2289581.00 .72531 (19041524) 326865.00 2286491.00 .73115 (19052724)
322766.00 2295103.00 4.32586 (19052824) 322760.00 2294549.00 4.15040 (19052824)
322754.00 2293996.00 4.52639 (19052824) 322749.00 2293442.00 4.28140 (19052824)
322743.00 2292889.00 3.37605 (19052824) 322737.00 2292335.00 3.01484 (19052824)
322725.00 2291228.00 2.36610 (19052824) 322702.00 2289014.00 1.54243 (19052824)
322667.00 2285693.00 .98935 (19052824) 322143.00 2295242.00 3.38332 (19030224)
321929.00 2294735.00 1.49050 (19041524) 321715.00 2294217.00 1.57912 (19041524)
321502.00 2293710.00 1.52999 (19052824) 321277.00 2293203.00 1.48427 (19052824)
321064.00 2292696.00 1.32963 (19052824) 320636.00 2291671.00 1.19028 (19030224)
319781.00 2289643.00 1.41615 (19050524) 318488.00 2286579.00 .87670 (19030224)
321615.00 2295602.00 2.27161 (19052924) 321226.00 2295219.00 2.09233 (19052924)
320826.00 2294836.00 1.86993 (19052924) 320437.00 2294441.00 1.63091 (19052924)
320047.00 2294058.00 1.49168 (19052924) 319657.00 2293663.00 1.41080 (19052924)
318878.00 2292897.00 1.17022 (19052924) 317310.00 2291341.00 .93589 (19052924)
314971.00 2289020.00 .65693 (19052924) 321267.00 2296148.00 3.25084 (19052924)
320755.00 2295944.00 3.36119 (19052924) 320253.00 2295739.00 3.32824 (19052924)
319740.00 2295534.00 3.15653 (19052924) 319238.00 2295318.00 2.78224 (19052924)
318725.00 2295113.00 2.51226 (19052924) 317711.00 2294703.00 2.08735 (19052924)
315681.00 2293872.00 1.47608 (19052924) 312636.00 2292644.00 .87227 (19052924)
319504.00 2296798.00 3.54157 (19052924) 318962.00 2296804.00 2.79545 (19052924)
318410.00 2296810.00 2.41050 (19052924) 317317.00 2296822.00 1.86080 (19052924)
315130.00 2296846.00 1.28503 (19052924) 311850.00 2296882.00 .88453 (19052924)
320773.00 2297637.00 3.32599c (19051924) 320275.00 2297853.00 2.93082 (19052424)
319767.00 2298069.00 3.72635 (19052424) 319270.00 2298285.00 3.32073c (19051924)
318762.00 2298500.00 3.20533c (19051924) 317756.00 2298943.00 3.10627c (19051924)

ANNEXURE : XX(b) Contd..


315746.00 2299806.00 2.91020c (19051924) 312730.00 2301113.00 2.30475c (19051924)
321640.00 2297949.00 4.10122 (19052024) 321259.00 2298352.00 3.58663 (19052024)
320868.00 2298744.00 3.30444 (19052024) 320487.00 2299135.00 3.06163 (19052024)
320106.00 2299538.00 3.15517 (19053024) 319725.00 2299929.00 3.15497 (19053024)
318963.00 2300724.00 3.14817 (19052024) 317429.00 2302302.00 2.21539 (19052024)
315143.00 2304674.00 1.87361 (19052024) 322175.00 2298309.00 5.24522 (19053024)
321972.00 2298820.00 4.88498 (19053024) 321769.00 2299332.00 4.32869 (19053024)
321567.00 2299843.00 4.11071 (19053024) 321354.00 2300366.00 3.78263 (19053024)
321151.00 2300877.00 3.59025 (19053024) 320745.00 2301900.00 3.12228 (19053024)
319934.00 2303957.00 2.61796 (19053024) 318708.00 2307038.00 2.13625 (19053024)
321119.00 2297297.00 3.48927c (19051924) 327125.00 2296902.00 2.41650 (19052724)
322586.00 2303927.00 2.35058 (19052524) 325628.00 2291636.00 1.00666 (19052724)
324283.00 2299557.00 2.81188 (19041424) 321688.00 2294449.00 1.62340 (19041524)
319933.00 2295352.00 3.45078 (19052924) 320660.00 2297853.00 3.39796c (19051924)

1. 12.25414 (19041124) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 26. 7.98989 (19033124) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
2. 12.21627c(19030124) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 27. 7.90554 (19031424) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
3. 11.44954 (19040824) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 28. 7.89229 (19042524) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
4. 11.44269 (19052624) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 29. 7.82701 (19040824) AT ( 323484.00, 2296048.00) DC
5. 11.38284 (19043024) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 30. 7.75508 (19051724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
6. 10.82698 (19052724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 31. 7.74182 (19040824) AT ( 323455.00, 2296074.00) DC
7. 10.37529 (19042524) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 32. 7.65495 (19030524) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
8. 10.26049 (19040324) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 33. 7.61913 (19041224) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
9. 10.09361 (19041724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 34. 7.49527 (19052824) AT ( 323159.00, 2295830.00) DC
10. 9.97683 (19041624) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 35. 7.26406 (19040824) AT ( 323706.00, 2296366.00) DC
11. 9.82467 (19040724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 36. 7.26097 (19052624) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
12. 9.65664 (19040824) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 37. 7.24835 (19051324) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
13. 9.64441 (19051324) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 38. 7.11388 (19041324) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
14. 9.40932 (19041124) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 39. 7.07515 (19041724) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
15. 8.97139 (19041324) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 40. 7.06514 (19051424) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
16. 8.73539 (19051024) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 41. 6.89668 (19040824) AT ( 323497.00, 2296459.00) DC
17. 8.69555 (19031924) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 42. 6.79762 (19040324) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
18. 8.62183 (19032124) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 43. 6.78180 (19040924) AT ( 323455.00, 2296074.00) DC
19. 8.46739 (19040924) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 44. 6.68332 (19052724) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
20. 8.42208 (19042324) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 45. 6.65739 (19052724) AT ( 323545.00, 2296759.00) DC
21. 8.23593c(19030124) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 46. 6.64819 (19040924) AT ( 323484.00, 2296048.00) DC
22. 8.12747 (19030824) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 47. 6.62327 (19031224) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
23. 8.08861 (19043024) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 48. 6.45863 (19030724) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
24. 8.08060 (19052824) AT ( 322773.00, 2295756.00) DC 49. 6.31965 (19031624) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
25. 7.99678 (19040424) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC 50. 6.29895 (19030624) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC



*** ISCST3 - VERSION 95250 *** *** AS PER EC DT 04-06-2020 FOR 3.0 MTPA STEEL IN JHARBANDH STEEL PLANT *** 10/20/20

INCLUDING SOURCE(S): S-01 , S-12 , S-14 , S-21 , S-22 , S-23 , S-24 ,
S-25 , S-28 , S-29 , S-30 , S-31 , S-32 , S-33 , S-34 , S-35 , S-36 , S-37 , S-42 ,
S-44 , S-46 , S-48 , S-50 , S-51 , S-52 , S-63 , S-73 , S-77 , S-80 , S-81 , . . . ,



322795.00 2297792.00 24.52278 (19052524) 323238.00 2297843.00 22.90209 (19052524)
323693.00 2297668.00 15.49804 (19051724) 324096.00 2297301.00 23.26643 (19051724)
323545.00 2296759.00 12.18651c (19030124) 323497.00 2296459.00 19.03598 (19052724)
323455.00 2296074.00 24.70689 (19040824) 323059.00 2296075.00 8.10116 (19040824)
322776.00 2295945.00 5.45758 (19041524) 322425.00 2295915.00 11.96270 (19052924)
322166.00 2296154.00 14.99778 (19052924) 320491.00 2295833.00 14.60172 (19031624)
319544.00 2296801.00 13.75371 (19052924) 320990.00 2297542.00 28.51621c (19051924)
321980.00 2297600.00 27.37808 (19053024) 322432.00 2297655.00 27.96881 (19053024)
322773.00 2295756.00 11.79428 (19041524) 323159.00 2295830.00 17.95688 (19040824)
323484.00 2296048.00 25.93175 (19040824) 323706.00 2296366.00 27.03159 (19052724)
323783.00 2296753.00 21.43804c (19030124) 322408.00 2297709.00 28.24894 (19053024)
322068.00 2296062.00 16.65514 (19052924) 322389.00 2295838.00 11.51915 (19052924)
322801.00 2298424.00 23.72799 (19052524) 322807.00 2298978.00 21.02116 (19052524)
322813.00 2299531.00 18.39792 (19052524) 322819.00 2300085.00 16.25837 (19052524)
322824.00 2300638.00 14.48635 (19052524) 322830.00 2301192.00 13.12439 (19052524)
322842.00 2302299.00 11.09541 (19052524) 322865.00 2304513.00 8.72398 (19052524)
322901.00 2307834.00 6.99519 (19052524) 323425.00 2298296.00 20.07830 (19052524)
323638.00 2298803.00 15.59220 (19052524) 323862.00 2299310.00 13.06463 (19050324)
324076.00 2299817.00 11.45887 (19050324) 324289.00 2300335.00 10.46937 (19050324)
324503.00 2300842.00 8.98645 (19050324) 324930.00 2301856.00 7.11909 (19050324)
325784.00 2303896.00 5.87921 (19041424) 327075.00 2306949.00 5.18453 (19041424)
323952.00 2297925.00 15.27894 (19051724) 324352.00 2298319.00 13.72945 (19051724)
324741.00 2298703.00 11.74448 (19051724) 325130.00 2299086.00 10.11666 (19051724)
325519.00 2299481.00 8.96927 (19051724) 325909.00 2299864.00 8.06550 (19051724)
326687.00 2300642.00 6.69720 (19051724) 328254.00 2302187.00 5.26987 (19051724)
330599.00 2304511.00 4.38531 (19051724) 324311.00 2297390.00 21.81335 (19051724)
324813.00 2297595.00 17.28768 (19051724) 325325.00 2297800.00 13.02036 (19051724)
325827.00 2298005.00 10.28517 (19051724) 326339.00 2298210.00 8.84473c (19030124)
326841.00 2298415.00 8.01014c (19030124) 327856.00 2298837.00 6.96497c (19030124)

ANNEXURE : XX(b) Contd..


329884.00 2299657.00 6.50231 (19041624) 332926.00 2300900.00 5.95169 (19041624)
324429.00 2296746.00 23.67198 (19052724) 324970.00 2296741.00 17.44993 (19052724)
325522.00 2296735.00 15.17363 (19052724) 326064.00 2296729.00 13.79653 (19052724)
326615.00 2296724.00 12.35435 (19052724) 327157.00 2296718.00 10.70207 (19052724)
328250.00 2296707.00 8.90271 (19052724) 330437.00 2296685.00 6.63324 (19052724)
333717.00 2296652.00 4.80782 (19052724) 324297.00 2296117.00 23.59388 (19052724)
324795.00 2295901.00 17.41949 (19040824) 325303.00 2295685.00 16.74959 (19040824)
325801.00 2295470.00 15.79638 (19040824) 326309.00 2295243.00 13.96300 (19040824)
326806.00 2295028.00 12.58188 (19040824) 327812.00 2294597.00 8.92865 (19040824)
329824.00 2293724.00 6.52469 (19040824) 332842.00 2292431.00 3.82284 (19040824)
323927.00 2295578.00 21.36768 (19040824) 324319.00 2295186.00 19.46796 (19033124)
324700.00 2294795.00 17.85716 (19040824) 325081.00 2294392.00 12.94360 (19040824)
325463.00 2294001.00 10.18379 (19033124) 325844.00 2293598.00 8.22457 (19033124)
326606.00 2292815.00 6.56509 (19040824) 328142.00 2291227.00 4.60642 (19040824)
330441.00 2288857.00 4.34389 (19040824) 323392.00 2295229.00 19.34813 (19041524)
323595.00 2294718.00 17.17180 (19041524) 323809.00 2294195.00 13.81650 (19041524)
324012.00 2293684.00 10.60556 (19041524) 324214.00 2293172.00 8.33147 (19041524)
324417.00 2292661.00 6.89463 (19041724) 324823.00 2291627.00 4.83020 (19041724)
325636.00 2289581.00 2.94812 (19030824) 326865.00 2286491.00 3.04457 (19052724)
322766.00 2295103.00 14.12943 (19052824) 322760.00 2294549.00 18.03962 (19052824)
322754.00 2293996.00 20.26224 (19052824) 322749.00 2293442.00 19.84449 (19052824)
322743.00 2292889.00 14.97105 (19052824) 322737.00 2292335.00 13.36100 (19052824)
322725.00 2291228.00 10.48352 (19052824) 322702.00 2289014.00 6.67431 (19052824)
322667.00 2285693.00 4.14257 (19052824) 322143.00 2295242.00 13.01919 (19031324)
321929.00 2294735.00 8.99680 (19031324) 321715.00 2294217.00 7.23841 (19031324)
321502.00 2293710.00 5.78676 (19031324) 321277.00 2293203.00 4.59102 (19031324)
321064.00 2292696.00 3.77732 (19031324) 320636.00 2291671.00 3.69564 (19030224)
319781.00 2289643.00 5.16527 (19030224) 318488.00 2286579.00 3.84415 (19030224)
321615.00 2295602.00 18.61807 (19052924) 321226.00 2295219.00 14.11949 (19052924)
320826.00 2294836.00 11.87989 (19052924) 320437.00 2294441.00 10.35272 (19052924)
320047.00 2294058.00 9.47144 (19052924) 319657.00 2293663.00 8.91857 (19052924)
318878.00 2292897.00 7.91108 (19052924) 317310.00 2291341.00 6.05160 (19052924)
314971.00 2289020.00 4.15841 (19052924) 321267.00 2296148.00 19.43606 (19052924)
320755.00 2295944.00 16.37386 (19031624) 320253.00 2295739.00 13.36430 (19031624)
319740.00 2295534.00 12.23208 (19031624) 319238.00 2295318.00 10.67238 (19031624)
318725.00 2295113.00 8.97475 (19031624) 317711.00 2294703.00 7.24467 (19031624)
315681.00 2293872.00 5.53904 (19052924) 312636.00 2292644.00 3.89463 (19031624)
319504.00 2296798.00 13.80297 (19052924) 318962.00 2296804.00 11.55004 (19052924)
318410.00 2296810.00 9.40263 (19052924) 317317.00 2296822.00 6.99089 (19052924)
315130.00 2296846.00 4.84767 (19052924) 311850.00 2296882.00 3.38972 (19052924)
320773.00 2297637.00 26.00567c (19051924) 320275.00 2297853.00 21.31146c (19051924)
319767.00 2298069.00 18.51536c (19051924) 319270.00 2298285.00 17.55118c (19051924)
318762.00 2298500.00 15.90881c (19051924) 317756.00 2298943.00 13.57180c (19051924)



315746.00 2299806.00 10.81761c (19051924) 312730.00 2301113.00 7.88599c (19051924)
321640.00 2297949.00 28.62815 (19053024) 321259.00 2298352.00 21.82072 (19053024)
320868.00 2298744.00 17.66644 (19053024) 320487.00 2299135.00 15.20494 (19053024)
320106.00 2299538.00 14.50834 (19053024) 319725.00 2299929.00 13.71476 (19053024)
318963.00 2300724.00 13.00745 (19052024) 317429.00 2302302.00 9.48294 (19052024)
315143.00 2304674.00 8.12229 (19052024) 322175.00 2298309.00 28.96816 (19052424)
321972.00 2298820.00 26.14586 (19052424) 321769.00 2299332.00 23.12773 (19052424)
321567.00 2299843.00 20.55804 (19052424) 321354.00 2300366.00 18.32297 (19053024)
321151.00 2300877.00 16.95719 (19053024) 320745.00 2301900.00 14.68158 (19053024)
319934.00 2303957.00 12.17406 (19053024) 318708.00 2307038.00 10.25206 (19053024)
321119.00 2297297.00 28.98054c (19051924) 327125.00 2296902.00 9.70990 (19052724)
322586.00 2303927.00 9.72569 (19052524) 325628.00 2291636.00 4.52025 (19040924)
324283.00 2299557.00 9.62952 (19041424) 321688.00 2294449.00 7.91744 (19031324)
319933.00 2295352.00 11.48010 (19052924) 320660.00 2297853.00 25.01317c (19051924)

1. 28.98054c(19051924) AT ( 321119.00, 2297297.00) DC 26. 23.37537 (19051824) AT ( 321640.00, 2297949.00) DC
2. 28.96816 (19052424) AT ( 322175.00, 2298309.00) DC 27. 23.34943 (19052324) AT ( 322795.00, 2297792.00) DC
3. 28.62815 (19053024) AT ( 321640.00, 2297949.00) DC 28. 23.26643 (19051724) AT ( 324096.00, 2297301.00) DC
4. 28.51621c(19051924) AT ( 320990.00, 2297542.00) DC 29. 23.12773 (19052424) AT ( 321769.00, 2299332.00) DC
5. 28.34669 (19053024) AT ( 322175.00, 2298309.00) DC 30. 22.90209 (19052524) AT ( 323238.00, 2297843.00) DC
6. 28.24894 (19053024) AT ( 322408.00, 2297709.00) DC 31. 22.68694 (19051824) AT ( 321980.00, 2297600.00) DC
7. 28.24657 (19052424) AT ( 322408.00, 2297709.00) DC 32. 22.67842 (19053024) AT ( 321769.00, 2299332.00) DC
8. 27.96881 (19053024) AT ( 322432.00, 2297655.00) DC 33. 22.33702 (19033024) AT ( 320990.00, 2297542.00) DC
9. 27.92503 (19052424) AT ( 322432.00, 2297655.00) DC 34. 21.82072 (19053024) AT ( 321259.00, 2298352.00) DC
10. 27.67161 (19052424) AT ( 321640.00, 2297949.00) DC 35. 21.81335 (19051724) AT ( 324311.00, 2297390.00) DC
11. 27.37808 (19053024) AT ( 321980.00, 2297600.00) DC 36. 21.75097 (19052024) AT ( 320990.00, 2297542.00) DC
12. 27.03159 (19052724) AT ( 323706.00, 2296366.00) DC 37. 21.70214 (19052324) AT ( 322175.00, 2298309.00) DC
13. 26.14586 (19052424) AT ( 321972.00, 2298820.00) DC 38. 21.47950c(19030124) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC
14. 26.00567c(19051924) AT ( 320773.00, 2297637.00) DC 39. 21.43804c(19030124) AT ( 323783.00, 2296753.00) DC
15. 25.93175 (19040824) AT ( 323484.00, 2296048.00) DC 40. 21.36768 (19040824) AT ( 323927.00, 2295578.00) DC
16. 25.92589 (19052424) AT ( 321980.00, 2297600.00) DC 41. 21.31958 (19051824) AT ( 322408.00, 2297709.00) DC
17. 25.66593 (19053024) AT ( 321972.00, 2298820.00) DC 42. 21.31146c(19051924) AT ( 320275.00, 2297853.00) DC
18. 25.01317c(19051924) AT ( 320660.00, 2297853.00) DC 43. 21.21798 (19033024) AT ( 320773.00, 2297637.00) DC
19. 24.70689 (19040824) AT ( 323455.00, 2296074.00) DC 44. 21.02116 (19052524) AT ( 322807.00, 2298978.00) DC
20. 24.52278 (19052524) AT ( 322795.00, 2297792.00) DC 45. 20.97017 (19051824) AT ( 322432.00, 2297655.00) DC
21. 24.03765 (19052324) AT ( 322432.00, 2297655.00) DC 46. 20.81527 (19052024) AT ( 320660.00, 2297853.00) DC
22. 23.75035 (19052324) AT ( 322408.00, 2297709.00) DC 47. 20.79695 (19052324) AT ( 322801.00, 2298424.00) DC
23. 23.72799 (19052524) AT ( 322801.00, 2298424.00) DC 48. 20.55804 (19052424) AT ( 321567.00, 2299843.00) DC
24. 23.67198 (19052724) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 49. 20.49556 (19033024) AT ( 320660.00, 2297853.00) DC
25. 23.59388 (19052724) AT ( 324297.00, 2296117.00) DC 50. 20.33736 (19053024) AT ( 321567.00, 2299843.00) DC

ANNEXURE : XX(b) Contd..


*** ISCST3 - VERSION 95250 *** *** AS PER EC DT 04-06-2020 FOR 3.0 MTPA STEEL IN JHARBANDH STEEL PLANT *** 10/20/20

INCLUDING SOURCE(S): S-01 , S-12 , S-14 , S-21 , S-22 , S-23 , S-24 ,
S-25 , S-28 , S-29 , S-30 , S-31 , S-32 , S-33 , S-34 , S-35 , S-36 , S-37 , S-42 ,
S-44 , S-46 , S-48 , S-50 , S-51 , S-52 , S-63 , S-73 , S-77 , S-80 , S-81 , . . . ,



322795.00 2297792.00 14.40802 (19053024) 323238.00 2297843.00 13.56081 (19052524)
323693.00 2297668.00 6.63527 (19032724) 324096.00 2297301.00 10.06698 (19051724)
323545.00 2296759.00 3.32411 (19041124) 323497.00 2296459.00 3.54975 (19040824)
323455.00 2296074.00 7.39146 (19040824) 323059.00 2296075.00 3.45921 (19040824)
322776.00 2295945.00 3.47514 (19040224) 322425.00 2295915.00 10.16828 (19052924)
322166.00 2296154.00 10.82975 (19052924) 320491.00 2295833.00 5.84373 (19031624)
319544.00 2296801.00 7.01658 (19052924) 320990.00 2297542.00 11.02800c (19051924)
321980.00 2297600.00 12.44337 (19052024) 322432.00 2297655.00 13.66581 (19052424)
322408.00 2297709.00 13.84559 (19052424) 323783.00 2296753.00 8.76848 (19041124)
323706.00 2296366.00 5.45417 (19040824) 323484.00 2296048.00 7.59979 (19040824)
323159.00 2295830.00 7.37081 (19052824) 322773.00 2295756.00 4.82613 (19031324)
322389.00 2295838.00 9.31893 (19052924) 322068.00 2296062.00 9.94642 (19052924)
322801.00 2298424.00 10.58601 (19053024) 322807.00 2298978.00 9.02825 (19052324)
322813.00 2299531.00 7.75508 (19052524) 322819.00 2300085.00 6.96236 (19052524)
322824.00 2300638.00 6.24443 (19052524) 322830.00 2301192.00 5.68218 (19052524)
322842.00 2302299.00 4.85062 (19052524) 322865.00 2304513.00 3.88795 (19052524)
322901.00 2307834.00 3.22087 (19052524) 323425.00 2298296.00 11.99018 (19052524)
323638.00 2298803.00 9.23985 (19032724) 323862.00 2299310.00 7.60477 (19032724)
324076.00 2299817.00 6.30367 (19032724) 324289.00 2300335.00 5.36216 (19032724)
324503.00 2300842.00 4.50922 (19050324) 324930.00 2301856.00 3.43332 (19050324)
325784.00 2303896.00 2.39379 (19050324) 327075.00 2306949.00 1.86869 (19041424)
323952.00 2297925.00 6.55672 (19042924) 324352.00 2298319.00 5.58659 (19052624)
324741.00 2298703.00 4.63710 (19051724) 325130.00 2299086.00 3.99348 (19051724)
325519.00 2299481.00 3.55103 (19051724) 325909.00 2299864.00 3.18078 (19051724)
326687.00 2300642.00 2.63883 (19051724) 328254.00 2302187.00 2.09262 (19051724)
330599.00 2304511.00 1.73678 (19051724) 324311.00 2297390.00 9.88065 (19051724)
324813.00 2297595.00 8.32113 (19051724) 325325.00 2297800.00 6.36557 (19051724)
325827.00 2298005.00 5.26039c (19030124) 326339.00 2298210.00 4.67053c (19030124)
326841.00 2298415.00 4.20534c (19030124) 327856.00 2298837.00 3.60036c (19030124)



329884.00 2299657.00 2.77316c (19030124) 332926.00 2300900.00 2.57516 (19041624)
324429.00 2296746.00 12.00145 (19052724) 324970.00 2296741.00 8.73317 (19052724)
325522.00 2296735.00 7.35637 (19052724) 326064.00 2296729.00 6.61726 (19052724)
326615.00 2296724.00 5.82802 (19052724) 327157.00 2296718.00 4.96387 (19052724)
328250.00 2296707.00 4.06352 (19052724) 330437.00 2296685.00 2.97192 (19052724)
333717.00 2296652.00 2.11886 (19052724) 324297.00 2296117.00 8.87684 (19040424)
324795.00 2295901.00 9.98358 (19040824) 325303.00 2295685.00 9.24870 (19040824)
325801.00 2295470.00 8.50214 (19040824) 326309.00 2295243.00 7.37577 (19040824)
326806.00 2295028.00 6.56528 (19040824) 327812.00 2294597.00 4.48671 (19040824)
329824.00 2293724.00 3.20747 (19040824) 332842.00 2292431.00 1.75442 (19040824)
323927.00 2295578.00 7.89920 (19040824) 324319.00 2295186.00 8.50967 (19033124)
324700.00 2294795.00 7.74068 (19033124) 325081.00 2294392.00 5.94044 (19033124)
325463.00 2294001.00 4.66456 (19033124) 325844.00 2293598.00 3.73116 (19033124)
326606.00 2292815.00 2.90793 (19033124) 328142.00 2291227.00 2.01585 (19033124)
330441.00 2288857.00 1.79176 (19040824) 323392.00 2295229.00 11.56490 (19052824)
323595.00 2294718.00 9.41462 (19052824) 323809.00 2294195.00 6.52763 (19052824)
324012.00 2293684.00 4.54179 (19041524) 324214.00 2293172.00 3.55875 (19041524)
324417.00 2292661.00 2.86930 (19041524) 324823.00 2291627.00 1.95975 (19041524)
325636.00 2289581.00 1.19935 (19041524) 326865.00 2286491.00 1.48368 (19052724)
322766.00 2295103.00 6.18017 (19031124) 322760.00 2294549.00 6.26066 (19031124)
322754.00 2293996.00 6.91250 (19052824) 322749.00 2293442.00 8.42936 (19052824)
322743.00 2292889.00 6.53490 (19052824) 322737.00 2292335.00 6.35199 (19052824)
322725.00 2291228.00 5.44217 (19052824) 322702.00 2289014.00 3.55984 (19052824)
322667.00 2285693.00 2.08439 (19052824) 322143.00 2295242.00 6.12155 (19031324)
321929.00 2294735.00 3.82921 (19031324) 321715.00 2294217.00 2.82218 (19031324)
321502.00 2293710.00 2.17998 (19031324) 321277.00 2293203.00 1.69415 (19031324)
321064.00 2292696.00 1.40483 (19030224) 320636.00 2291671.00 1.75615 (19030224)
319781.00 2289643.00 2.60763 (19030224) 318488.00 2286579.00 2.23603 (19030224)
321615.00 2295602.00 7.66937 (19052924) 321226.00 2295219.00 6.12133 (19052924)
320826.00 2294836.00 5.31083 (19052924) 320437.00 2294441.00 4.72808 (19052924)
320047.00 2294058.00 4.36707 (19052924) 319657.00 2293663.00 4.26281 (19052924)
318878.00 2292897.00 3.72037 (19052924) 317310.00 2291341.00 2.84122 (19052924)
314971.00 2289020.00 1.93180 (19052924) 321267.00 2296148.00 6.85837 (19031624)
320755.00 2295944.00 6.75395 (19031624) 320253.00 2295739.00 5.31910 (19031624)
319740.00 2295534.00 5.14129 (19031624) 319238.00 2295318.00 4.52226 (19031624)
318725.00 2295113.00 3.81006 (19031624) 317711.00 2294703.00 3.28135 (19052924)
315681.00 2293872.00 2.85187 (19052924) 312636.00 2292644.00 1.93717 (19052924)
319504.00 2296798.00 7.07864 (19052924) 318962.00 2296804.00 5.33214 (19052924)
318410.00 2296810.00 4.79966 (19052124) 317317.00 2296822.00 3.22214 (19052124)
315130.00 2296846.00 2.12058 (19050224) 311850.00 2296882.00 1.34509 (19052924)
320773.00 2297637.00 9.61987c (19051924) 320275.00 2297853.00 7.72114c (19051924)
319767.00 2298069.00 6.90075c (19051924) 319270.00 2298285.00 6.99407c (19051924)
318762.00 2298500.00 6.44809c (19051924) 317756.00 2298943.00 5.53713c (19051924)

ANNEXURE : XX(b) Contd..


315746.00 2299806.00 4.55539c (19051924) 312730.00 2301113.00 3.38803c (19051924)
321640.00 2297949.00 12.83748 (19052024) 321259.00 2298352.00 10.79878 (19052024)
320868.00 2298744.00 9.17180 (19052024) 320487.00 2299135.00 7.91635 (19052024)
320106.00 2299538.00 7.45834 (19052024) 319725.00 2299929.00 6.75369 (19052024)
318963.00 2300724.00 7.14496 (19052024) 317429.00 2302302.00 4.80375 (19052024)
315143.00 2304674.00 3.94813 (19052024) 322175.00 2298309.00 14.55249 (19052424)
321972.00 2298820.00 13.04913 (19052424) 321769.00 2299332.00 11.46201 (19052424)
321567.00 2299843.00 10.11980 (19052424) 321354.00 2300366.00 8.90959 (19052424)
321151.00 2300877.00 7.96650 (19052424) 320745.00 2301900.00 6.56815 (19052424)
319934.00 2303957.00 5.17603 (19053024) 318708.00 2307038.00 4.32004 (19053024)
321119.00 2297297.00 10.56462c (19051924) 327125.00 2296902.00 4.49179 (19052724)
322586.00 2303927.00 4.34754 (19052524) 325628.00 2291636.00 2.47812 (19040924)
324283.00 2299557.00 5.24045 (19051224) 321688.00 2294449.00 3.15903 (19031324)
319933.00 2295352.00 4.79368 (19052924) 320660.00 2297853.00 9.86647c (19051924)

1. 14.55249 (19052424) AT ( 322175.00, 2298309.00) DC 26. 10.60110 (19032724) AT ( 323425.00, 2298296.00) DC
2. 14.40802 (19053024) AT ( 322795.00, 2297792.00) DC 27. 10.58601 (19053024) AT ( 322801.00, 2298424.00) DC
3. 13.93999 (19052424) AT ( 322795.00, 2297792.00) DC 28. 10.56462c(19051924) AT ( 321119.00, 2297297.00) DC
4. 13.84559 (19052424) AT ( 322408.00, 2297709.00) DC 29. 10.50269 (19052324) AT ( 322801.00, 2298424.00) DC
5. 13.66581 (19052424) AT ( 322432.00, 2297655.00) DC 30. 10.46301c(19051924) AT ( 321640.00, 2297949.00) DC
6. 13.63792 (19053024) AT ( 322408.00, 2297709.00) DC 31. 10.30924 (19051824) AT ( 322408.00, 2297709.00) DC
7. 13.56081 (19052524) AT ( 323238.00, 2297843.00) DC 32. 10.27772 (19051824) AT ( 321640.00, 2297949.00) DC
8. 13.53925 (19053024) AT ( 322432.00, 2297655.00) DC 33. 10.16828 (19052924) AT ( 322425.00, 2295915.00) DC
9. 13.04913 (19052424) AT ( 321972.00, 2298820.00) DC 34. 10.13532 (19051824) AT ( 322432.00, 2297655.00) DC
10. 12.96137 (19053024) AT ( 322175.00, 2298309.00) DC 35. 10.11980 (19052424) AT ( 321567.00, 2299843.00) DC
11. 12.83748 (19052024) AT ( 321640.00, 2297949.00) DC 36. 10.06698 (19051724) AT ( 324096.00, 2297301.00) DC
12. 12.44337 (19052024) AT ( 321980.00, 2297600.00) DC 37. 9.98358 (19040824) AT ( 324795.00, 2295901.00) DC
13. 12.00145 (19052724) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 38. 9.96405 (19053024) AT ( 321640.00, 2297949.00) DC
14. 11.99018 (19052524) AT ( 323425.00, 2298296.00) DC 39. 9.94642 (19052924) AT ( 322068.00, 2296062.00) DC
15. 11.93820c(19051924) AT ( 321980.00, 2297600.00) DC 40. 9.89037 (19052424) AT ( 322801.00, 2298424.00) DC
16. 11.81666 (19052324) AT ( 323238.00, 2297843.00) DC 41. 9.88065 (19051724) AT ( 324311.00, 2297390.00) DC
17. 11.56490 (19052824) AT ( 323392.00, 2295229.00) DC 42. 9.86647c(19051924) AT ( 320660.00, 2297853.00) DC
18. 11.54182c(19030124) AT ( 324429.00, 2296746.00) DC 43. 9.84822 (19053024) AT ( 321769.00, 2299332.00) DC
19. 11.46201 (19052424) AT ( 321769.00, 2299332.00) DC 44. 9.71361 (19032724) AT ( 323238.00, 2297843.00) DC
20. 11.37779 (19053024) AT ( 321972.00, 2298820.00) DC 45. 9.61987c(19051924) AT ( 320773.00, 2297637.00) DC
21. 11.32970 (19052324) AT ( 322795.00, 2297792.00) DC 46. 9.48413 (19051424) AT ( 322801.00, 2298424.00) DC
22. 11.02800c(19051924) AT ( 320990.00, 2297542.00) DC 47. 9.47929 (19052424) AT ( 321640.00, 2297949.00) DC
23. 10.95051 (19051424) AT ( 322795.00, 2297792.00) DC 48. 9.41462 (19052824) AT ( 323595.00, 2294718.00) DC
24. 10.82975 (19052924) AT ( 322166.00, 2296154.00) DC 49. 9.35651 (19042624) AT ( 322801.00, 2298424.00) DC
25. 10.79878 (19052024) AT ( 321259.00, 2298352.00) DC 50. 9.32876 (19051624) AT ( 323238.00, 2297843.00) DC






*** Message Summary : ISCST3 Model Execution ***

--------- Summary of Total Messages --------

A Total of 0 Fatal Error Message(s)

A Total of 0 Warning Message(s)
A Total of 2 Informational Message(s)

A Total of 2 Calm Hours Identified

******** FATAL ERROR MESSAGES ********

*** NONE ***

******** WARNING MESSAGES ********

*** NONE ***

*** ISCST3 Finishes Successfully ***


Subsequently the hearings at High Court of Delhi have been held on the following dates with the
contents of the orders as follows:
Date Content of order
14.03.2014 The Hon’ble Division bench could not assemble today. Renotify on 13.05.2014
13.05.2014 Re-notify for 14.08.2014,. Interim order to continue
14.08.2014 An adjournament slip is moved by the learned counsel for the appellant. Renotify on 13.11.2014.
13.11.2014 It is represented by the learned counsel for both the parties that transfer writ petitions are moved before the
the Supreme Court of India for the transfer of several cases pending before different High Courts in which an
identical issue is raised.
Hence, we deem it appropriate to adjourn the hearing.
Re-notify on 06.02.2015.
Interim orders to continue.
06.02.2015 It is represented that on 16.01.2015 notice has been ordered in the Transfer Petitions by the Supreme Court.
Re-notify on 25.05.2015.
Interim orders to continue.
25.05.2015 It is brought to our notice that the Transfer Petition before the Supreme Court of India stands posted to
Hence, call on 04.09.2015
04.09.2015 Renotify on 01.12.2015
01.12.2015 On joint request, call on 23.02.2016
23.02.2016 It is brought to our notice that the Transfer Petition(s) (Civil) Nos. 1682-1722/2014 are still pending before the
Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
List on 11th July 2016
11.07.2016 It is stated that the Transfer Petition(s) (Civil) Nos. 1682-1722/2014 before Supreme Court are still pending.
Re-notify on 26.09.2016
26.09.2016 It is brought to our notice that the Transfer Petition(s) (Civil) Nos. 1682-1722/2014 are still pending before the
Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
List on 20.01.2017
20.01.2017 Since the proceedings before the Supreme Court are still pending, renotify on 04.07.2017.
04.07.2017 Proceedings before the Supreme Court are still pending. Renotify on 04.12.2017.
04.12.2017 Learned counself or the appelant states that transfer petition is still pending consideration before the
Supreme Court and its is listed today before the Registrar for completion of pleadings.
List on 18th July, 2018 in the category of “directions” for reporting the orders passed by the Supreme Court. In
the event, the petition before the Supreme Court is decided before the next date, a copy of the order shall be
placed on record
18.07.2018 1. Hon’ble Division Bench has not assembled today as Hon’ble Ms. Justice Hima Kohli is busy attending
workshop “Environmental Adjudication for the Green Bench Judges of Bhutan” to be held in Thimpu, Bhutan.
2. List on 14.11.2018
14.11.2018 Learned counsel for the appellants seeks an adjournment . At request, adjourned to 29.04.2019
29.04.2019 In view of the fact that the transfer petition being Transfer Petition(s) (Civil) Nos. 1682-1722/2014 which were
pending before the Hon’ble Supreme Court have been dismissed as withdrawn, this Court can now proceed
with the matter.
Accordingly, list the matter for hearing in the category of ‘After Notice Miscellaneous Matters’ on 8th August,
In the meanwhile, pleadings to be completed.
Interim orders to continue.
08.08.2019 List on 3.03.2020
03.03.2020 Next date of hearing is 19.05.2020
15.05.2020 Court on its own motion “….. wherein the interim orders issued, as mentioned in our order dated 25 th March,
2020, were subsisting as on 15.05.2020 and expired or will expire thereafter, the same shall stand
automatically extended till 15.06.2020 or until further orders ….”
15.06.2020 Court on its own motion “….. we hereby further extend the implementation of the directions contained in our
order dated 25th March, 2020 and 15th May, 2020 till 15th July, 2020 with the same terms and conditions”
13.07.2020 Court on its own motion “…..we hereby further extend the implementation of the directions contained in our
order dated 25th March, 2020 and 15th May, 2020 and 15th June 2020, till 31st August, 2020 with the same
terms and conditions”
24.08.2020 Court on its own motion “…..we hereby further extend the implementation of the directions contained in our
orders dated 25th March, 2020, 15th May, 2020, 15th June, 2020 and 13th July, 2020, till 31st October, 2020
with the same terms and conditions.”

Subsequently the hearings at High Court of Delhi have been held on the following
dates with the contents of the orders as follows:

Date Content of order

14.03.2017 Hon’ble Judge was on leave. Renotified on 21.08.2017
21.08.2017 The learned counsel for the petitioner seeks some time to file a
rejoinder. Let the same be filed within a period of four weeks from
today. List on 23.03.2018. Interim order to continue
23.03.2018 1. There is no representation on behalf of the parties. Adverse
orders are deferred.
2. Renotify the matter on 25.09.2018
25.09.2018 It is already 5.00 p.m. The petition cannot be taken up today due
to paucity of time.
List on 17.04.2019.
Interim order to continue.
22.04.2019 1. The learned counsel appearing for the petitioner seeks final
opportunity to file a rejoinder affidavit. It is seen more than
sufficient time has been granted to the petitioner for doing so.
Nonetheless, in the interest of justice, a final opportunity is
granted to the petitioner to file a rejoinder affidavit
2. In the meanwhile, the petitioner shall also ascertain the status
of other matters having a bearing on the controversy in the
present petition.
3. List on 31.10.2019
4. Interim order to continue
31.10.2019 At the request of the learned counsel for the petitioners, relist on
27th April, 2020.
Court on its own motion “….. such interim orders issued were
25.03.2020 subsisting as on 16.03.2020 and expired or will expire thereafter,
the same shall stand automatically extended till 15.05.2020 or
until further orders ….”
15.05.2020 Court on its own motion “….. wherein the interim orders issued,
as mentioned in our order dated 25th March, 2020, were
subsisting as on 15.05.2020 and expired or will expire thereafter,
the same shall stand automatically extended till 15.06.2020 or
until further orders ….”
15.06.2020 Court on its own motion “….. we hereby further extend the
implementation of the directions contained in our order dated 25th
March, 2020 and 15th May, 2020 till 15th July, 2020 with the same
terms and conditions”
13.07.2020 Court on its own motion “…..we hereby further extend the
implementation of the directions contained in our order dated 25th
March, 2020 and 15th May, 2020 and 15th June 2020, till 31st
August, 2020 with the same terms and conditions”
2 4 .0 8 .2 0 2 0 Court on its own motion “…..we hereby further extend the
implementation of the directions contained in our orders dated
25th March, 2020, 15th May, 2020, 15th June, 2020 and 13th
July, 2020, till 31st October, 2020 with the same terms and
A-121, Paryavaran Complex,IGNOU Road, New Delhi – 110 030
Phone :29534777, 29532236, 29535891; Fax : 91-11-29532568
Email : [email protected] ; Visit us at :

Type of Sample : Soil
Rungta Mines Ltd.,
Dhenkanal Steel Plant Work Order No. : RML/DSP/EMP/19-20/502(A)
Village : Jharbandh Sampling Location : In and near Dhenkanal Steel Plant, Jharkhand.
PO.- Nimbhali, Via- Meramandali Sampling Procedure : IS 2720 (Part -1)
Dist. – Dhenkanal – 759121 Sample Volume/ Quantity : 1.2 Kg
Sampling Team : MMRDL (Mahesh Dutt)
Sample Reg. No. : MMS/05-19/2.1-2.9
Date of Monitoring : 29/05/2019
Contact Person : Mr. G.P. Sharma
Date of Receipt : 30/05/2019
Phone : 06582-255261
Date of Testing : 30/05/2019 to 10/06/2019
Date of Report : 12/06/2019
Test Report No. : MMS/06-19/10
ULR No. TC633719000000090P
Page : 1 of 2

Parameters Protocol Proposed Core Kadala Village Beruanpal Village Jharbandh Benipathar
Zone Village Village
Textural Classification# IS 1498:1970 Medium grained Medium grained Medium grained Medium grained Medium grained
sand sand sand sand sand
Grain size analysis# IS 2720 (P 4) % retain % finer % retain % finer % retain % finer % retain % finer % retain % finer
2.0 mm 10.2 89.8 12.03 87.97 26.8 26.8 12.99 87.01 16.19 83.81
425 µm 49.23 40.57 42.47 45.5 41.18 67.98 49.36 37.65 48.62 35.19
75 µm 31.36 9.21 35.17 10.33 24.56 92.54 26.64 11.01 25.93 9.26
<75 µm 9.21 - 10.33 - 7.46 - 11.01 - 9.26 -
Colour# - Brown Blackish Blackish Brown Blackish
pH IS 2720 (P26) 6.6 7.8 7.3 7.8 7.5
E.C. (mS/cm) IS 14767:2000 0.07 0.507 0.1575 0.1234 0.22
CaCO3 (%by mass) IS 2720 (P23) 2.5 4.0 3.5 4.5 2.0
Specific Gravity IS : 2720
2.45 2.40 2.18 2.40 2.09
(P 3/Sec 1) -1980
Moisture (%by mass) IS 2720 (P 2) 22.217 16.722 25.668 22.236 14.609
Organic Carbon (%by mass) # Method no. 9* 0.33 0.66 0.63 0.08 0.66
Organic Matter (%by mass) # Method no. 9* 0.74 1.48 1.42 0.19 1.48
Phosphorous (mg/kg) # Method no. 13* 0.31 4.17 0.04 0.08 0.11
Nitrate-Nitrogen (mg/kg) # Method no. 12* 0.58 67.18 0.77 0.39 0.39
Sodium (Kg/ha) Method no. 14* 69.44 339.36 87.36 88.48 164.64
Potassium (Kg/ha) Method no. 14* 157.0 953.0 213.0 82.0 351.0
Calcium2+ me/100 gram Soil# Method no. 16.a* 13.8 13.9 29.6 18.2 14.5
Magnesium2+ me/100 gram Soil# Method no. 16.b* 4.4 2.7 1.7 5.1 1.2

♦ The results indicated only refer to the tested samples and listed parameters and do not endorse any product
♦ Total liability of the laboratory is limited to the invoice amount
♦ This certificate shall not be reproduced wholly or in part without prior written consent of the laboratory
♦ Unused balance of samples received shall be destroyed after one month from the date of issue of test report, unless other wise specified
♦ This report shall not be used in any advertising media or as evidence in the court of law without prior written consent of the laboratory
♦ Complaint register is available with the laboratory, in case required
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Test Report No. : MMS/06-19/10

Page : 2 of 2


Parameters Protocol Proposed Existing Plant Proposed Water Proposed Staff

Expansion Area area (core zone) reservoir Area Colony Area
North Side
(Core zone)
Textural Classification# IS 1498:1970 Medium grained Medium grained Medium grained Medium grained
sand sand sand sand
Grain size analysis# IS 2720 (P 4) % retain % finer % retain % finer % retain % finer % retain % finer
2.0 mm 12.21 87.79 14.03 85.97 18.26 81.74 11.08 88.92
425 µm 53.23 34.56 42.71 43.26 56.42 25.32 43.13 45.79
75 µm 25.33 9.23 37.06 6.2 18.2 7.12 36.25 9.54
<75 µm 9.23 - 6.2 - 7.12 - 9.54 -
Colour# - Brown Brown Blackish Brown
pH IS 2720 (P26) 6.9 6.8 7.1 7.3
E.C. (mS/cm) IS 14767:2000 0.0811 0.0642 0.1108 0.1119
CaCO3 (%by mass) IS 2720 (P23) 2.0 1.5 2.5 2.0
Specific Gravity IS : 2720
2.29 2.34 2.24 2.35
(P 3/Sec 1) -1980
Moisture (%by mass) IS 2720 (P 2) 22.096 16.708 22.047 15.936
Organic Carbon (%by mass) # Method no. 9* 0.36 0.44 0.33 0.39
Organic Matter (%by mass) # Method no. 9* 0.80 0.99 0.74 0.86
Phosphorous (mg/kg) # Method no. 13* 0.34 0.15 0.19 0.31
Nitrate-Nitrogen (mg/kg) # Method no. 12* 0.58 0.77 0.39 0.58
Sodium (Kg/ha) Method no. 14* 76.16 90.72 98.56 42.56
Potassium (Kg/ha) Method no. 14* 179.0 92.0 141.0 155.0
Calcium2+ me/100 gram Soil# Method no. 16.a* 13.9 7.4 21.6 9.6
Magnesium2+ me/100 gram Soil# Method no. 16.b* 2.7 2.3 4.8 1.1
Note: – *Methods Manual, Soil Testing in India, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture (MOA),
Government of India
# Parameter not in NABL Scope.

Prepared by Checked by

Rashmi Gupta Dr. Marisha Sharma

Administrative Manager Authorised Signatory

-end of report-

♦ The results indicated only refer to the tested samples and listed parameters and do not endorse any product
♦ Total liability of the laboratory is limited to the invoice amount
♦ This certificate shall not be reproduced wholly or in part without prior written consent of the laboratory
♦ Unused balance of samples received shall be destroyed after one month from the date of issue of test report, unless other wise specified
♦ This report shall not be used in any advertising media or as evidence in the court of law without prior written consent of the laboratory
♦ Complaint register is available with the laboratory, in case required
DATE : 15/11/2019
623 DINESH KUMAR NAYAK M 47 O+ Sr. Manager 75/174 24.7 130/80 76 Normal Fit
624 NARAHARI SAHOO M 38 O+ HR Assistant 45/170 15.5 104/64 76 Normal Fit
625 GOVIND CHANDRA NAYAK M 44 A+ Asst. Manager 75/168 26.5 110/80 78 Normal Fit
626 AJAYA KUMAR DASH M 50 A+ AGM-HR 80/162 30.4 140/90 86 Normal Fit
627 PRAVAT RANJAN AICH M 38 B+ Asst. Mgr (HR) 82/184 24.2 144/84 84 Normal Fit
628 MADAL LAL SHARMA M 43 B+ Asst. Mgr (Store) 78/173 26.0 130/90 84 Normal Fit
629 ARUN KUMAR SINGH M 39 O+ Dy. Manager (Purch) 90/182 27.1 130/90 84 Normal Fit
630 VIVEK KRISHNA M 45 O+ Manager (HR& Admin) 70/161 27.0 114/76 82 Normal Fit
631 LAXMIDHAR POI M 44 O+ Security Supervisor 76/175 24.8 120/80 84 Normal Fit
632 11110053 DUSMANTA KUMAR ROUT M 36 O+ Peon 50/168 17.7 130/80 76 Normal Fit
633 1118050 SAROJ KUMAR ROUT M 41 A+ Asst. Mgr (Electrical) 65/163 24.4 120/80 76 Normal Fit
634 5106005 RABINARAYAN MISHRA M 53 A+ Sr. Manager 58/169 20.3 140/90 84 Normal Fit
635 11180081 NIRAKAR ROUL M 45 O+ AGM - SMS 69/169 24.1 110/70 84 Normal Fit
636 11060057 MANAS RANJAN JENA M 48 O+ Manager (Survey) 75/171 25.6 120/80 82 Normal Fit
637 11180258 DEBABRATA MISRA M 53 O+ Sr. G.M. (Project) 100/180 30.0 140/90 84 Normal Fit
638 11170067 DEBANATH PADHI M 47 B+ Manager (Purchase) 75/178 24.6 140/90 84 Normal Fit
639 11040076 MANAS RANJAN TRIPATHY M 49 O+ DGM -Civil 66/168 23.9 120/80 84 Normal Fit
640 PRATIK PATTANAYAK M 23 O+ GET 85/180 26.0 130/80 96 Normal Fit
641 11190089 DEBABRATA MOHANTY M 47 O+ Manager (Mechanical) 65/178 20.5 126/88 78 Normal Fit
642 11190088 ANADI BEHERA M 42 A+ Dy. Manager 64/164 23.7 130/80 78 Normal Fit
643 SHIVJEE THAKUR M 59 O+ Supervisor 50/159 19.7 128/88 80 Normal Fit
644 DEBASIS NAYAK M 27 B+ Engineer 67/169 23.4 130/80 84 Normal Fit
645 DILLIP KUMAR MISHRA M 48 B+ DGM(Mechanical) 85/173 28.4 130/90 76 Normal Fit
646 DEBABRATA DHAL M 48 AB+ Sr. Manager (Safety) 84/182 25.3 120/80 84 Normal Fit

653 PRADEEP KUMAR CHATURVEDI M 61 B+ Jt. V.P (Project) 98/185 28.6 140/90 84 Normal Fit

Note : Due to restriction in file size that can be uploaded, part of report has been uploaded

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