ANSYS Fluent Workbench Tutorial Guide 19.1

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ANSYS Fluent Workbench Tutorial Guide

ANSYS, Inc. Release 19.1

Southpointe April 2018
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Table of Contents
Using This Manual ........................................................................................................................................ ix
1. What’s In This Manual .......................................................................................................................... ix
2.Typographical Conventions Used In This Manual .................................................................................. ix
1. Introduction to Using ANSYS Fluent in ANSYS Workbench: Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Mixing
Elbow .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Prerequisites ..................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Problem Description ......................................................................................................................... 2
1.4. Setup and Solution ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.4.1. Preparation .............................................................................................................................. 4
1.4.2. Creating a Fluent Fluid Flow Analysis System in ANSYS Workbench ........................................... 4
1.4.3. Creating the Geometry in ANSYS DesignModeler ...................................................................... 8
1.4.4. Meshing the Geometry in the ANSYS Meshing Application ...................................................... 18
1.4.5. Setting Up the CFD Simulation in ANSYS Fluent ...................................................................... 25 Starting ANSYS Fluent ................................................................................................... 25 Setting Up Domain ........................................................................................................ 27 Setting Up Physics ......................................................................................................... 30
1.4.6. Solving .................................................................................................................................. 40
1.4.7. Displaying Results in ANSYS Fluent and CFD-Post .................................................................... 49
1.4.8. Duplicating the Fluent-Based Fluid Flow Analysis System ........................................................ 58
1.4.9. Changing the Geometry in ANSYS DesignModeler .................................................................. 59
1.4.10. Updating the Mesh in the ANSYS Meshing Application .......................................................... 61
1.4.11. Calculating a New Solution in ANSYS Fluent .......................................................................... 63
1.4.12. Comparing the Results of Both Systems in CFD-Post .............................................................. 65
1.5. Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 70
2. Parametric Analysis in ANSYS Workbench Using ANSYS Fluent ........................................................... 71
2.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 71
2.2. Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................... 72
2.3. Problem Description ....................................................................................................................... 72
2.4. Setup and Solution ......................................................................................................................... 75
2.4.1. Preparation ............................................................................................................................ 76
2.4.2. Adding Constraints to ANSYS DesignModeler Parameters in ANSYS Workbench ...................... 76
2.4.3. Setting Up the CFD Simulation in ANSYS Fluent ...................................................................... 82 Starting ANSYS Fluent ................................................................................................... 82 Setting Up Physics ......................................................................................................... 83
2.4.4. Defining Input Parameters in ANSYS Fluent ............................................................................. 87
2.4.5. Solving .................................................................................................................................. 92
2.4.6. Postprocessing and Setting the Output Parameters in ANSYS CFD-Post ................................... 95
2.4.7. Creating Additional Design Points in ANSYS Workbench ........................................................ 104
2.4.8. Postprocessing the New Design Points in CFD-Post ............................................................... 107
2.4.9. Summary ............................................................................................................................. 111
3. Solving a Cold Flow Simulation ........................................................................................................... 113
3.1. Preparation ................................................................................................................................... 114
3.2. Step 1: Setting the Properties ........................................................................................................ 114
3.3. Step 2: Performing the Decomposition .......................................................................................... 116
3.4. Step 3: Meshing ............................................................................................................................ 124
3.5. Step 4: Setting up the Simulation ................................................................................................... 127
3.6. Step 5: Running the Solution ......................................................................................................... 141
3.7. Step 6: Obtaining the Results ......................................................................................................... 144
3.8. Step 7: Postprocessing ................................................................................................................... 168

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Workbench Tutorial Guide

3.9. Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 173

3.10. Further Improvements ................................................................................................................ 173
4. Solving a Port Flow Simulation ........................................................................................................... 175
4.1. Preparation ................................................................................................................................... 176
4.2. Step 1: Setting the Properties ........................................................................................................ 176
4.3. Step 2: Performing the Decomposition .......................................................................................... 177
4.4. Step 3: Meshing ............................................................................................................................ 188
4.5. Step 4: Setting up the Simulation ................................................................................................... 190
4.6. Step 5: Running the Solution ......................................................................................................... 197
4.7. Step 6: Obtaining the Results ......................................................................................................... 206
4.8. Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 221
4.9. Further Improvements .................................................................................................................. 221
5. Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector ................................................................................... 223
5.1. Preparation ................................................................................................................................... 224
5.2. Step 1: Setting the Properties ........................................................................................................ 224
5.3. Step 2: Performing the Decomposition .......................................................................................... 226
5.4. Step 3: Meshing ............................................................................................................................ 232
5.5. Step 4: Setting up the Simulation ................................................................................................... 234
5.6. Step 5: Running the Solution ......................................................................................................... 248
5.7. Step 6: Obtaining the Results ......................................................................................................... 252
5.8. Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 285
5.9. Further Improvements .................................................................................................................. 286
6. Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation ...................................................................... 287
6.1. Preparation ................................................................................................................................... 288
6.2. Step 1: Setting the Properties ........................................................................................................ 288
6.3. Step 2: Performing the Decomposition .......................................................................................... 289
6.4. Step 3: Meshing ............................................................................................................................ 302
6.5. Step 4: Setting up the Simulation ................................................................................................... 303
6.6. Step 5: Running the Solution ......................................................................................................... 321
6.7. Step 6: Obtaining the Results ......................................................................................................... 325
6.8. Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 369
6.9. Further Improvements .................................................................................................................. 369

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iv of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
List of Figures
1.1. Problem Specification ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.2. Selecting the Fluid Flow (Fluent) Analysis System in ANSYS Workbench ................................................... 5
1.3. ANSYS Workbench with a New Fluent-Based Fluid Flow Analysis System .................................................. 5
1.4. ANSYS Workbench Files View for the Project After Adding a Fluent-Based Fluid Flow Analysis System ....... 7
1.5. Elbow Main Pipe Geometry ................................................................................................................... 14
1.6. ANSYS Workbench Files View for the Project After Creating the Geometry .............................................. 17
1.7. The ANSYS Meshing Application with the Elbow Geometry Loaded ....................................................... 19
1.8. Selecting a Face to Name ...................................................................................................................... 20
1.9. Applying a Name to a Selected Face ...................................................................................................... 21
1.10. The Computational Mesh for the Elbow Geometry in the ANSYS Meshing Application .......................... 24
1.11. ANSYS Workbench Files View for the Project After Mesh Creation ......................................................... 25
1.12. Fluent Launcher .................................................................................................................................. 26
1.13. The ANSYS Fluent Application ............................................................................................................. 27
1.14. The Create/Edit Materials Dialog Box ................................................................................................... 34
1.15. Convergence History of the Maximum Temperature at Pressure Outlet ................................................. 47
1.16. Residuals for the Converged Solution .................................................................................................. 48
1.17. Velocity Distribution Along Symmetry Plane ........................................................................................ 51
1.18. Temperature Distribution Along Symmetry Plane ................................................................................ 52
1.19. The Elbow Geometry Loaded into CFD-Post ......................................................................................... 54
1.20. Velocity Distribution Along Symmetry Plane ........................................................................................ 56
1.21. Temperature Distribution Along Symmetry Plane ................................................................................ 57
1.22. Duplicating the Fluid Flow System ....................................................................................................... 58
1.23. The Original Fluid Flow System and Its Duplicate ................................................................................. 59
1.24. Changing the Diameter of the Small Inlet in ANSYS DesignModeler ..................................................... 61
1.25. Updating the Mesh for the Changed Geometry ................................................................................... 62
1.26. The Updated Geometry and Mesh in the ANSYS Meshing Application .................................................. 63
1.27. The New Results System in the Project Schematic ............................................................................. 65
1.28. Connecting the First Fluid Flow System to the New Results System ...................................................... 65
1.29. Connecting the Second Fluid Flow System to the New Results System .................................................. 66
1.30. CFD-Post with Both Fluid Flow Systems Displayed ............................................................................... 66
1.31. CFD-Post Displaying Velocity Contours for Both Geometries ................................................................. 68
1.32. CFD-Post Displaying Temperature Contours for Both Geometries ......................................................... 69
2.1. Automotive HVAC System ..................................................................................................................... 73
2.2. HVAC System Valve Location Details ...................................................................................................... 74
2.3. Flow Pattern for the Cooling Cycle ......................................................................................................... 75
2.4. The Project Loaded into ANSYS Workbench ........................................................................................... 77
2.5. Parameters Defined in ANSYS DesignModeler ....................................................................................... 78
2.6. New Parameters Defined in ANSYS Workbench ...................................................................................... 78
2.7. Constrained Parameter hcpos ............................................................................................................. 79
2.8. Constrained Parameter ftpos ............................................................................................................. 80
2.9. Constrained Parameter wsfpos ........................................................................................................... 81
2.10. ANSYS Fluent Launcher ....................................................................................................................... 82
2.11. The ANSYS Fluent Application ............................................................................................................. 83
2.12. The Input Parameters Sub-Branch in ANSYS Fluent .............................................................................. 90
2.13. The Parameters View in ANSYS Workbench .......................................................................................... 90
2.14. The Automotive HVAC Geometry Loaded into CFD-Post ....................................................................... 95
2.15. Vectors Colored by Pressure ................................................................................................................ 98
2.16. Vectors Colored by Velocity ................................................................................................................. 99
2.17. Vectors Colored by Temperature ........................................................................................................ 100
2.18. The Updated Project Loaded into ANSYS Workbench Displaying the Files View ................................... 104

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Workbench Tutorial Guide

2.19. Table of Design Points (with DP0) ...................................................................................................... 105

2.20. Table of Design Points (with DP0, DP1, and DP2 Defined) .................................................................... 106
2.21. Table of Design Points (Showing Output Parameters for DP0, DP1, and DP2) ....................................... 107
2.22. Vectors Colored by Temperature (DP1) ............................................................................................... 108
2.23. Vectors Colored by Pressure (DP1) ..................................................................................................... 108
2.24. Vectors Colored by Velocity (DP1) ...................................................................................................... 109
2.25. Vectors Colored by Temperature (DP2) ............................................................................................... 110
2.26. Vectors Colored by Pressure (DP2) ..................................................................................................... 110
2.27. Vectors Colored by Velocity (DP2) ...................................................................................................... 111
3.1. Problem Schematic ............................................................................................................................. 113
3.2. Cylinder Faces ..................................................................................................................................... 119
3.3. Symmetry Faces .................................................................................................................................. 119
3.4. Intake Valve ........................................................................................................................................ 120
3.5. Intake Valve Seat ................................................................................................................................. 121
3.6. Exhaust Valve Seat .............................................................................................................................. 122
3.7. Decomposed Geometry ...................................................................................................................... 124
3.8. Meshed Geometry .............................................................................................................................. 127
4.1. Problem Schematic ............................................................................................................................. 175
4.2. Cylinder Faces ..................................................................................................................................... 179
4.3. Symmetry Faces .................................................................................................................................. 180
4.4. Postprocessing Planes ......................................................................................................................... 181
4.5. Intake Valve ........................................................................................................................................ 182
4.6. Intake Valve Seat ................................................................................................................................. 183
4.7. Exhaust Valve Seat .............................................................................................................................. 184
4.8. Inlet Face ............................................................................................................................................ 185
4.9. Decomposed Geometry ...................................................................................................................... 187
4.10. Meshed Geometry ............................................................................................................................ 190
5.1. Problem Schematic ............................................................................................................................. 223
5.2. Cylinder Face ...................................................................................................................................... 228
5.3. Valves ................................................................................................................................................. 229
5.4. Valve Seats .......................................................................................................................................... 230
5.5. Decomposed Geometry ...................................................................................................................... 232
5.6. Meshed Geometry .............................................................................................................................. 233
6.1. Problem Schematic ............................................................................................................................. 287
6.2. Direction for Normal Defined by ........................................................................................................ 292
6.3. Spark, Beam and Footprint Points ........................................................................................................ 293
6.4. Cylinder Face ...................................................................................................................................... 296
6.5. Symmetry Faces .................................................................................................................................. 297
6.6. Intake Valve ........................................................................................................................................ 298
6.7. Intake Valve Seat ................................................................................................................................. 298
6.8. Exhaust Valve Seat .............................................................................................................................. 299
6.9. Decomposed Geometry ...................................................................................................................... 301
6.10. Meshed Geometry ............................................................................................................................ 302

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vi of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
List of Tables
1. Mini Flow Chart Symbol Descriptions ........................................................................................................ ix
1.1. DesignModeler View Manipulation Instructions ..................................................................................... 12
5.1. Species Composition ........................................................................................................................... 238
6.1. Injection Properties ............................................................................................................................. 309
6.2. Boundary Conditions .......................................................................................................................... 311
6.3. Patching ............................................................................................................................................. 316

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Release 19.1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
viii of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Using This Manual
This preface is divided into the following sections:
1. What’s In This Manual
2.Typographical Conventions Used In This Manual

1. What’s In This Manual

The ANSYS Fluent Workbench Tutorial Guide contains a number of tutorials that teach you how to use
ANSYS Fluent to solve different types of problems.

2. Typographical Conventions Used In This Manual

Several typographical conventions are used in this manual’s text to help you find commands in the
user interface.

• Different type styles are used to indicate graphical user interface items and text interface items. For example:

Iso-Surface dialog box

surface/iso-surface text command

• The text interface type style is also used when illustrating exactly what appears on the screen to distinguish
it from the narrative text. In this context, user inputs are typically shown in boldface. For example,

Customize your FMG initialization:

set the number of multigrid levels [5]

set FMG parameters on levels ..

residual reduction on level 1 is: [0.001]

number of cycles on level 1 is: [10] 100

residual reduction on level 2 is: [0.001]

number of cycles on level 2 is: [50] 100

• Mini flow charts are used to guide you through the ribbon or the tree, leading you to a specific option, dialog
box, or task page. The following tables list the meaning of each symbol in the mini flow charts.

Table 1: Mini Flow Chart Symbol Descriptions

Symbol Indicated Action

Look at the ribbon

Look at the tree

Double-click to open task page

Select from task page

Right-click the preceding item

For example,

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Using This Manual

Setting Up Domain → Mesh → Transform → Translate...

indicates selecting the Setting Up Domain ribbon tab, clicking Transform (in the Mesh group box)
and selecting Translate..., as indicated in the figure below:


Setup → Models → Viscous Model → Realizable k-epsilon

indicates expanding the Setup and Models branches, right-clicking Viscous, and selecting Realizable
k-epsilon from the Model sub-menu, as shown in the following figure:


Setup → Boundary Conditions → velocity-inlet-5

indicates opening the task page as shown below:

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x of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Typographical Conventions Used In This Manual

In this manual, mini flow charts usually accompany a description of a dialog box or command, or a
screen illustration showing how to use the dialog box or command. They show you how to quickly
access a command or dialog box without having to search the surrounding material.

• In-text references to File ribbon tab selections can be indicated using a “/”. For example File/Write/Case...
indicates clicking the File ribbon tab and selecting Case... from the Write submenu (which opens the Select
File dialog box).

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Release 19.1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
xii of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Using ANSYS Fluent in ANSYS Workbench:
Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in a Mixing Elbow
This tutorial is divided into the following sections:
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Prerequisites
1.3. Problem Description
1.4. Setup and Solution
1.5. Summary

1.1. Introduction
This tutorial illustrates using ANSYS Fluent fluid flow systems in ANSYS Workbench to set up and solve
a three-dimensional turbulent fluid-flow and heat-transfer problem in a mixing elbow. It is designed to
introduce you to the ANSYS Workbench tool set using a simple geometry. Guided by the steps that
follow, you will create the elbow geometry and the corresponding computational mesh using the
geometry and meshing tools within ANSYS Workbench. You will use ANSYS Fluent to set up and solve
the CFD problem, then visualize the results in both ANSYS Fluent and in the CFD-Post postprocessing
tool. Some capabilities of ANSYS Workbench (for example, duplicating fluid flow systems, connecting
systems, and comparing multiple data sets) are also examined in this tutorial.

This tutorial demonstrates how to do the following:

• Launch ANSYS Workbench.

• Create a Fluent fluid flow analysis system in ANSYS Workbench.

• Create the elbow geometry using ANSYS DesignModeler.

• Create the computational mesh for the geometry using ANSYS Meshing.

• Set up the CFD simulation in ANSYS Fluent, which includes:

– Setting material properties and boundary conditions for a turbulent forced-convection problem.

– Initiating the calculation with residual plotting.

– Calculating a solution using the pressure-based solver.

– Examining the flow and temperature fields using ANSYS Fluent and CFD-Post.

• Create a copy of the original Fluent fluid flow analysis system in ANSYS Workbench.

• Change the geometry in ANSYS DesignModeler, using the duplicated system.

• Regenerate the computational mesh.

• Recalculate a solution in ANSYS Fluent.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1
Introduction to Using ANSYS Fluent in ANSYS Workbench: Fluid Flow and Heat
Transfer in a Mixing Elbow
• Compare the results of the two calculations in CFD-Post.

1.2. Prerequisites
This tutorial assumes that you have little to no experience with ANSYS Workbench, ANSYS DesignModeler,
ANSYS Meshing, ANSYS Fluent, or CFD-Post, and so each step will be explicitly described.

1.3. Problem Description

The problem to be considered is shown schematically in Figure 1.1: Problem Specification (p. 3). A
cold fluid at 293.15 K flows into the pipe through a large inlet and mixes with a warmer fluid at 313.15 K
that enters through a smaller inlet located at the elbow. The mixing elbow configuration is encountered
in piping systems in power plants and process industries. It is often important to predict the flow field
and temperature field in the area of the mixing region in order to properly design the junction.


Because the geometry of the mixing elbow is symmetric, only half of the elbow must be

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Setup and Solution

Figure 1.1: Problem Specification


The functionality to create named selections exists in both ANSYS DesignModeler and ANSYS
Meshing. For the purposes of this tutorial, named selections are created in ANSYS Meshing
since the meshing application provides more comprehensive and extensive named selection

1.4. Setup and Solution

To help you quickly identify graphical user interface items at a glance and guide you through the steps
of setting up and running your simulation, the ANSYS Fluent Tutorial Guide uses several type styles and
mini flow charts. See Typographical Conventions Used In This Manual (p. ix) for detailed information.

The following sections describe the setup and solution steps for this tutorial:
1.4.1. Preparation
1.4.2. Creating a Fluent Fluid Flow Analysis System in ANSYS Workbench
1.4.3. Creating the Geometry in ANSYS DesignModeler
1.4.4. Meshing the Geometry in the ANSYS Meshing Application
1.4.5. Setting Up the CFD Simulation in ANSYS Fluent
1.4.6. Solving
1.4.7. Displaying Results in ANSYS Fluent and CFD-Post
1.4.8. Duplicating the Fluent-Based Fluid Flow Analysis System

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 3
Introduction to Using ANSYS Fluent in ANSYS Workbench: Fluid Flow and Heat
Transfer in a Mixing Elbow
1.4.9. Changing the Geometry in ANSYS DesignModeler
1.4.10. Updating the Mesh in the ANSYS Meshing Application
1.4.11. Calculating a New Solution in ANSYS Fluent
1.4.12. Comparing the Results of Both Systems in CFD-Post

1.4.1. Preparation
1. Download the file here.

2. Unzip to your working folder. This file contains a folder, workbench_elbow,
that holds the following items:

• two geometry files, elbow_geometry.agdb and elbow_geometry.stp


ANSYS Fluent tutorials are prepared using ANSYS Fluent on a Windows system. The screen
shots and graphic images in the tutorials may be slightly different than the appearance on
your system, depending on the operating system or graphics card.

1.4.2. Creating a Fluent Fluid Flow Analysis System in ANSYS Workbench

In this step, you will start ANSYS Workbench, create a new Fluent fluid flow analysis system, then review
the list of files generated by ANSYS Workbench.

1. From the Windows Start menu, select Start > All Programs > ANSYS 19.1 > Workbench 19.1 to start a
new ANSYS Workbench session.

This displays the ANSYS Workbench application window, which has the Toolbox on the left and the
Project Schematic to its right. Various supported applications are listed in the Toolbox and the
components of the analysis system will be displayed in the Project Schematic.


Depending on which other products you have installed, the analysis systems that appear
may differ from those in the figures that follow in this tutorial.

2. Create a new Fluent fluid flow analysis system by double-clicking the Fluid Flow (Fluent) option under
Analysis Systems in the Toolbox.


You can also drag-and-drop the analysis system into the Project Schematic. A green
dotted outline indicating a potential location for the new system initially appears in the
Project Schematic. When you drag the system to one of the outlines, it turns into a red
box to indicate the chosen location of the new system.

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Setup and Solution

Figure 1.2: Selecting the Fluid Flow (Fluent) Analysis System in ANSYS Workbench

Figure 1.3: ANSYS Workbench with a New Fluent-Based Fluid Flow Analysis System

3. Name the analysis.

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Introduction to Using ANSYS Fluent in ANSYS Workbench: Fluid Flow and Heat
Transfer in a Mixing Elbow
a. Double-click the Fluid Flow (Fluent) label underneath the analysis system (if it is not already highlighted).

b. Enter elbow for the name of the analysis system.

4. Save the project.

a. In ANSYS Workbench, under the File menu, select Save.

File → Save

This displays the Save As dialog box, where you can browse to your working folder and enter
a specific name for the ANSYS Workbench project.

b. In your working directory, enter elbow-workbench as the project File name and click the Save
button to save the project. ANSYS Workbench saves the project with a .wbpj extension and also saves
supporting files for the project.

Note that the fluid flow analysis system is composed of various cells (Geometry, Mesh, etc.) that
represent the workflow for performing the analysis. ANSYS Workbench is composed of multiple
data-integrated and native applications in a single, seamless project flow, where individual cells
can obtain data from other cells and provide data to other cells. As a result of this constant flow
of data, a cell’s state can quickly change. ANSYS Workbench provides a visual indication of a
cell’s state at any given time via icons on the right side of each cell. Brief descriptions of the
various states are provided below:

• Unfulfilled ( ) indicates that required upstream data does not exist. For example, when you first
create a new Fluid Flow (Fluent) analysis system, all cells downstream of the Geometry cell appear
as Unfulfilled because you have not yet specified a geometry for the system.

• Refresh Required ( ) indicates that upstream data has changed since the last refresh or update.
For example, after you assign a geometry to the geometry cell in your new Fluid Flow (Fluent)
analysis system, the Mesh cell appears as Refresh Required since the geometry data has not yet
been passed from the Geometry cell to the Mesh cell.

• Attention Required ( ) indicates that the current upstream data has been passed to the cell, however,
you must take some action to proceed. For example, after you launch ANSYS Fluent from the Setup
cell in a Fluid Flow (Fluent) analysis system that has a valid mesh, the Setup cell appears as Attention
Required because additional data must be entered in ANSYS Fluent before you can calculate a

• Update Required ( ) indicates that local data has changed and the output of the cell must be re-
generated. For example, after you launch ANSYS Meshing from the Mesh cell in a Fluid Flow (Fluent)
analysis system that has a valid geometry, the Mesh cell appears as Update Required because the
Mesh cell has all the data it must generate an ANSYS Fluent mesh file, but the ANSYS Fluent mesh
file has not yet been generated.

• Up To Date ( ) indicates that an update has been performed on the cell and no failures have occurred
or that an interactive calculation has been completed successfully. For example, after ANSYS Flu-
ent finishes performing the number of iterations that you request, the Solution cell appears as Up-

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6 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Setup and Solution

• Interrupted, Update Required ( ) indicates that you have interrupted an update (or canceled an
interactive calculation that is in progress). For example, if you select the Cancel button in ANSYS
Fluent while it is iterating, ANSYS Fluent completes the current iteration and then the Solution cell
appears as Interrupted, Update Required.

• Input Changes Pending ( ) indicates that the cell is locally up-to-date, but may change when
next updated as a result of changes made to upstream cells. For example, if you change the Mesh
in an Up-to-Date Fluid Flow (Fluent) analysis system, the Setup cell appears as Refresh Required,
and the Solution and Results cells appear as Input Changes Pending.

• Pending ( ) indicates that a batch or asynchronous solution is in progress. When a cell enters the
Pending state, you can interact with the project to exit Workbench or work with other parts of the
project. If you make changes to the project that are upstream of the updating cell, then the cell will
not be in an up-to-date state when the solution completes.

For more information about cell states, see the Workbench User's Guide.

5. View the list of files generated by ANSYS Workbench.

ANSYS Workbench allows you to easily view the files associated with your project using the Files
view. To open the Files view, select the Files option under the View menu at the top of the ANSYS
Workbench window.

View → Files

Figure 1.4: ANSYS Workbench Files View for the Project After Adding a Fluent-Based Fluid
Flow Analysis System

In the Files view, you will be able to see the name and type of file, the ID of the cell that the file is
associated with, the size of the file, the location of the file, and other information. For more inform-
ation about the Files view, see the Workbench User's Guide.


The sizes of the files listed may differ slightly from those portrayed in Figure 1.4: ANSYS
Workbench Files View for the Project After Adding a Fluent-Based Fluid Flow Analysis
System (p. 7).

From here, you will create the geometry described in Figure 1.1: Problem Specification (p. 3), and
later create a mesh and set up a fluid flow analysis for the geometry.

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1.4.3. Creating the Geometry in ANSYS DesignModeler
For the geometry of your fluid flow analysis, you can create a geometry in ANSYS DesignModeler, ANSYS
SpaceClaim Direct Modeler, or import the appropriate geometry file. In this step, you will create the
geometry in ANSYS DesignModeler, then review the list of files generated by ANSYS Workbench.


Note the Attention Required icon ( ) within the Geometry cell for the system. This
indicates that the cell requires data (for example, a geometry). Once the geometry is
defined, the state of the cell will change accordingly. Likewise, the state of some of the
remaining cells in the system will change.


If you would rather not create the geometry in ANSYS DesignModeler, you can import a pre-
existing geometry by right-clicking the Geometry cell and selecting the Import Geometry
option from the context menu. From there, you can browse your file system to locate the
elbow_geometry.agdb geometry file that is provided for this tutorial. If you do not have
access to ANSYS DesignModeler, you can use the elbow_geometry.stp file instead.

To learn how to create a mesh from the geometry you imported, go to Meshing the Geometry
in the ANSYS Meshing Application (p. 18).

1. Start ANSYS DesignModeler.

In the ANSYS Workbench Project Schematic, right-click the Geometry cell in the elbow fluid flow
analysis system to display the context menu, then select New DesignModeler Geometry.... This
displays the ANSYS DesignModeler application.

2. Set the units in ANSYS DesignModeler.

When ANSYS DesignModeler first appears, you should select desired system of length units to work
from. For the purposes of this tutorial (where you will create the geometry in millimeters and perform
the CFD analysis using SI units) set the units to Millimeter.

Units → Millimeter

3. Create the geometry.

The geometry for this tutorial (Figure 1.1: Problem Specification (p. 3)) consists of a large curved
pipe accompanied by a smaller side pipe. ANSYS DesignModeler provides various geometry primitives
that can be combined to rapidly create geometries such as this one. You will perform the following
tasks to create the geometry:

• Create the bend in the main pipe by defining a segment of a torus.

• Extrude the faces of the torus segment to form the straight inlet and outlet lengths.

• Create the side pipe by adding a cylinder primitive.

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• Use the symmetry tool to reduce the model to half of the pipe assembly, thus reducing computa-
tional cost.

a. Create the main pipe:

i. Create a new torus for the pipe bend by choosing the Create → Primitives → Torus menu item
from the menubar.

A preview of the torus geometry will appear in the graphics window. Note that this is a preview
and the geometry has not been created yet. First you must specify the parameters of the torus
primitive in the next step.

ii. In the Details View for the new torus (Torus1), set Base Y Component to -1 by clicking the 1 to
the right of FD10, Base Y Component, entering -1, and pressing Enter. This specifies the direction
vector from the origin to the center of the circular cross-section at the start of the torus. In the same
manner, specify Angle; Inner Radius; and Outer Radius as shown below.


Enter only the value without the units of mm. They will be appended automatically
because you specified the units previously.

iii. To create the torus segment, click the Generate button that is located in the ANSYS
DesignModeler toolbar.

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The Torus1 item appears in the Tree Outline view. If you want to delete this item, you can
right-click it and select Delete from the context menu that opens.

iv. Ensure that the selection filter is set to Faces. This is indicated by the Faces button appearing
depressed in the toolbar and the appearance of the Face selection cursor, when you mouse
over the geometry.

v. Select the top face (in the positive Y direction) of the elbow and click the Extrude button
from the 3D Features toolbar.

vi. In the Details View for the new extrusion (Extrude1), click Apply to the right of Geometry. This
accepts the face you selected as the base geometry of the extrusion.

vii. Click None (Normal) to the right of Direction Vector. Again, ensure that the selection filter is set
to Faces, select the same face on the elbow to specify that the extrusion will be normal to the face
and click Apply.

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viii.Enter 200 for FD1, Depth (>0) and click Generate.

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ix. In a similar manner, create an extrusion of the other face of the torus segment to create the 200
mm inlet extension. You will probably find it helpful to rotate the view so that you can easily select
the other face of the bend.

You can use the mouse buttons to change your view of the 3D image. The following table
describes mouse actions that are available:

Table 1.1: DesignModeler View Manipulation Instructions

Action Using Graphics Toolbar Buttons and the Mouse

Rotate view
(vertical, After clicking the Rotate icon, , press and hold the left mouse button and
horizontal) drag the mouse. Dragging side to side rotates the view about the vertical axis,
and dragging up and down rotates the view about the horizontal axis.
Translate or
pan view After clicking the Pan icon, , press and hold the left mouse button and
drag the object with the mouse until the view is satisfactory.

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Action Using Graphics Toolbar Buttons and the Mouse

Zoom in and
out of view After clicking the Zoom icon, , press and hold the left mouse button and
drag the mouse up and down to zoom in and out of the view.
Box zoom
After clicking the Box Zoom icon, , press and hold the left mouse button
and drag the mouse diagonally across the screen. This action will cause a
rectangle to appear in the display. When you release the mouse button, a new
view will be displayed that consists entirely of the contents of the rectangle.

Clicking the Zoom to Fit icon, , will cause the object to fit exactly and be centered in
the window.

After entering the extrusion parameters and clicking Generate, the geometry should appear
as in Figure 1.5: Elbow Main Pipe Geometry (p. 14).

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Figure 1.5: Elbow Main Pipe Geometry

b. Next you will use a cylinder primitive to create the side pipe.

i. Choose Create → Primitives → Cylinder from the menubar.

ii. In the Details View, set the parameters for the cylinder as follows and click Generate:

Setting Value
BasePlane XYPlane
FD3, Origin X Coordinate 137.5
FD4, Origin Y Coordinate -225
FD5, Origin Z Coordinate 0
FD6, Axis X Component 0
FD7, Axis Y Component 125

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Setting Value
FD8, Axis Z Component 0
FD10, Radius (>0) 12.5

The Origin Coordinates determine the starting point for the cylinder and the Axis Components determine
the length and orientation of the cylinder body.

c. The final step in creating the geometry is to split the body on its symmetry plane which will halve the
computational domain.

i. Choose Tools → Symmetry from the menu bar.

ii. Select the XYPlane in the Tree Outline.

iii. Click Apply next to Symmetry Plane 1 in the Details view.

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iv. Click Generate.

The new surface created with this operation will be assigned a symmetry boundary condition
in Fluent so that the model will accurately reflect the physics of the complete elbow geometry
even though only half of it is meshed.

d. Specify the geometry as a fluid body.

i. In the Tree Outline, open the 1 Part, 1 Body branch and select Solid.

ii. In the Details View of the body, change the name of the Body from Solid to Fluid.

iii. In the Fluid/Solid section, select Fluid from the drop-down list.

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iv. Click Generate.


In addition to the primitives you used in this tutorial, ANSYS DesignModeler offers a full
suite of 2D sketching and 3D solid modeling tools for creating arbitrary geometry. Refer
to the DesignModeler User's Guide for more information.

4. Close ANSYS DesignModeler by selecting File → Close DesignModeler or by clicking the ‘X’ icon in the
upper right-hand corner. ANSYS Workbench automatically saves the geometry and updates the Project
Schematic accordingly. The question mark in the Geometry cell is replaced by a check mark, indicating
that there is a geometry now associated with the fluid flow analysis system.

5. View the list of files generated by ANSYS Workbench by selecting View → Files.

Figure 1.6: ANSYS Workbench Files View for the Project After Creating the Geometry

Note the addition of the geometry file (FFF.agdb, where FFF indicates a Fluent-based fluid flow
system) to the list of files. If you had imported the geometry file provided for this tutorial rather
than creating the geometry yourself, the elbow_geometry.agdb (or the elbow_geometry.stp)
file would be listed instead.

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1.4.4. Meshing the Geometry in the ANSYS Meshing Application
Now that you have created the mixing elbow geometry, you must generate a computational mesh
throughout the flow volume. For this section of the tutorial, you will use the ANSYS Meshing application
to create a mesh for your CFD analysis, then review the list of files generated by ANSYS Workbench.


Note the Refresh Required icon ( ) within the Mesh cell for the system. This indicates
that the state of the cell requires a refresh and that upstream data has changed since
the last refresh or update (such as an update to the geometry). Once the mesh is defined,
the state of the Mesh cell will change accordingly, as will the state of the next cell in
the system, in this case the Setup cell.

1. Open the ANSYS Meshing application.

In the ANSYS Workbench Project Schematic, double-click the Mesh cell in the elbow fluid flow
analysis system (cell A3). This displays the ANSYS Meshing application with the elbow geometry
already loaded. You can also right-click the Mesh cell to display the context menu where you can
select the Edit... option.

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Figure 1.7: The ANSYS Meshing Application with the Elbow Geometry Loaded

2. Create named selections for the geometry boundaries.

In order to simplify your work later on in ANSYS Fluent, you should label each boundary in the
geometry by creating named selections for the pipe inlets, the outlet, and the symmetry surface
(the outer wall boundaries are automatically detected by ANSYS Fluent).

a. Select the large inlet in the geometry that is displayed in the ANSYS Meshing application.


• Use the Graphics Toolbar buttons and the mouse to manipulate the image until you can
easily see the pipe openings and surfaces.

• To select the inlet, the Single select ( ) mode must be active.

b. Right-click and select the Create Named Selection option.

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Figure 1.8: Selecting a Face to Name

This displays the Selection Name dialog box.

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Figure 1.9: Applying a Name to a Selected Face

c. In the Selection Name dialog box, enter velocity-inlet-large for the name and click OK.

d. Perform the same operations for:

• The small inlet (velocity-inlet-small)

• The large outlet (pressure-outlet)

• The symmetry plane (symmetry).

The named selections that you have created appear under the Named Selections item in the
Outline view.


It is important to note that by using the strings “velocity inlet” and “pressure outlet”
in the named selections (with or without hyphens or underscore characters), ANSYS
Fluent automatically detects and assigns the corresponding boundary types accordingly.

3. Create a named selection for the fluid body.

a. Change the selection filter to Body in the Graphics Toolbar ( ).

b. Click the elbow in the graphics display to select it.

c. Right-click, select the Create Named Selection option and name the body Fluid.

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By creating a named selection called Fluid for the fluid body you will ensure that ANSYS Fluent
automatically detects that the volume is a fluid zone and treats it accordingly.

4. Set basic meshing parameters for the ANSYS Meshing application.

For this analysis, you will adjust several meshing parameters to obtain a finer mesh.

a. In the Outline view, select Mesh under Project/Model to display the Details of “Mesh” view below
the Outline view.


Note that because the ANSYS Meshing application automatically detects that you
are going to perform a CFD fluid flow analysis using ANSYS Fluent, the Physics
Preference is already set to CFD and the Solver Preference is already set to

b. Expand the Quality node to reveal additional quality parameters. Change Smoothing to High.

c. Add a Body Sizing control.

i. With Mesh still selected in the Outline tree, click the elbow in the graphics display to select it.

ii. Right click in the graphics area and select Insert → Sizing from the context menu.

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A new Body Sizing entry appears under Mesh in the project Outline tree

iii. In the Outline tree, click the new Body Sizing control.

iv. Enter 6e-3 for Element Size and press Enter.

d. Click again Mesh in the Outline view and in the Details of “Mesh” view, expand the Inflation node
to reveal additional inflation parameters. Change Use Automatic Inflation to Program Controlled.

5. Generate the mesh.

Right-click Mesh in the project Outline tree, and select Update in the context menu.

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Figure 1.10: The Computational Mesh for the Elbow Geometry in the ANSYS Meshing Application


Using the Generate Mesh option creates the mesh, but does not actually create the
relevant mesh files for the project and is optional if you already know that the mesh
is acceptable. Using the Update option automatically generates the mesh, creates
the relevant mesh files for your project, and updates the ANSYS Workbench cell that
references this mesh.


Once the mesh is generated, you can view the mesh statistics by opening the Statistics
node in the Details of “Mesh” view. This will display information such as the number of
nodes and the number of elements.

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6. Close the ANSYS Meshing application.

You can close the ANSYS Meshing application without saving it because ANSYS Workbench automat-
ically saves the mesh and updates the Project Schematic accordingly. The Refresh Required icon
in the Mesh cell has been replaced by a check mark, indicating that there is a mesh now associated
with the fluid flow analysis system.

7. View the list of files generated by ANSYS Workbench.

View → Files

Figure 1.11: ANSYS Workbench Files View for the Project After Mesh Creation

Note the addition of the mesh files (FFF.msh and FFF.mshdb) to the list of files. The FFF.msh
file is created when you update the mesh, and the FFF.mshdb file is generated when you close
the ANSYS Meshing application.

1.4.5. Setting Up the CFD Simulation in ANSYS Fluent

Now that you have created a computational mesh for the elbow geometry, you will set up a CFD ana-
lysis using ANSYS Fluent, then review the list of files generated by ANSYS Workbench. Starting ANSYS Fluent

1. In the ANSYS Workbench Project Schematic, double-click the Setup cell in the elbow fluid flow analysis
system. You can also right-click the Setup cell to display the context menu where you can select the Edit...

When ANSYS Fluent is first started, the Fluent Launcher is displayed, enabling you to view and/or
set certain ANSYS Fluent start-up options.


The Fluent Launcher allows you to decide which version of ANSYS Fluent you will use,
based on your geometry and on your processing capabilities.

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Figure 1.12: Fluent Launcher

2. Ensure that the proper options are enabled.


Note that the Dimension setting is already filled in and cannot be changed, since
ANSYS Fluent automatically sets it based on the mesh or geometry for the current

a. Select Parallel under Processing Options.

b. Set Processes to 4.

To show details of the parallel settings, click Show More Options, then go to the Parallel Settings
tab. Note that your Run Types will be Shared Memory on Local Machine.

c. Select Double Precision under Options.

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d. Ensure that the Display Mesh After Reading and Workbench Color Scheme options are enabled.


An option is enabled when there is a check mark in the check box, and disabled when
the check box is empty. To change an option from disabled to enabled (or vice versa),
click the check box or the text.


Fluent will retain your preferences for future sessions.

3. Click OK to launch ANSYS Fluent.


The ANSYS Fluent settings file (FFF.set) is written as soon as ANSYS Fluent opens.

Figure 1.13: The ANSYS Fluent Application Setting Up Domain

In this step, you will perform the mesh-related activities using the Setting Up Domain ribbon tab (Mesh

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These controls are also available in the General task page that can be accessed by clicking
the Setup/General tree item.

1. Change the units for length.

Because you want to specify and view values based on a unit of length in millimeters from within
ANSYS Fluent, change the units of length within ANSYS Fluent from meters (the default) to millimeters.


Note that the ANSYS Meshing application automatically converts and exports meshes
for ANSYS Fluent using meters (m) as the unit of length regardless of what units
were used to create them. This is so you do not have to scale the mesh in ANSYS
Fluent under ANSYS Workbench.

Setting Up Domain → Mesh → Units...

This displays the Set Units dialog box.

a. Select length in the Quantities list.

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b. Select mm in the Units list.

c. Close the dialog box.


Now, all subsequent inputs that require a value based on a unit of length can be specified
in millimeters rather than meters.

2. Check the mesh.

Setting Up Domain → Mesh → Check


ANSYS Fluent will report the results of the mesh check in the console.

Domain Extents:
x-coordinate: min (m) = -2.000000e-01, max (m) = 2.000000e-01
y-coordinate: min (m) = -2.250000e-01, max (m) = 2.000000e-01
z-coordinate: min (m) = 0.000000e+00, max (m) = 5.000000e-02
Volume statistics:
minimum volume (m3): 2.166851e-09
maximum volume (m3): 5.586736e-08
total volume (m3): 2.510747e-03
Face area statistics:
minimum face area (m2): 1.573986e-06
maximum face area (m2): 3.281947e-05
Checking mesh....................................


The minimum and maximum values may vary slightly when running on different platforms.
The mesh check will list the minimum and maximum x and y values from the mesh in
the default SI unit of meters. It will also report a number of other mesh features that are
checked. Any errors in the mesh will be reported at this time. Ensure that the minimum
volume is not negative as ANSYS Fluent cannot begin a calculation when this is the case.

3. Review the mesh quality.

Setting Up Domain → Mesh → Quality


ANSYS Fluent will report the results of the mesh quality below the results of the mesh
check in the console.

Mesh Quality:

Minimum Orthogonal Quality = 1.94135e-01

cell 1403 on zone 4 (ID: 41835 on partition: 2) at location ( 1.37173e-01 -1.58338e-01 8.42947e-03)
(To improve Orthogonal quality , use "Inverse Orthogonal Quality" in Fluent Meshing,

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where Inverse Orthogonal Quality = 1 - Orthogonal Quality)

Maximum Aspect Ratio = 3.13471e+01

cell 1014 on zone 4 (ID: 826 on partition: 2) at location ( 1.25759e-01 -1.56927e-01 3.18020e-03)


The quality of the mesh plays a significant role in the accuracy and stability of the numer-
ical computation. Checking the quality of your mesh is, therefore, an important step in
performing a robust simulation. Minimum cell orthogonality is an important indicator of
mesh quality. Values for orthogonality can vary between 0 and 1 with lower values indic-
ating poorer quality cells. In general, the minimum orthogonality should not be below
0.01 with the average value significantly larger. The high aspect ratio cells in this mesh
are near the walls and are a result of the boundary layer inflation applied in the meshing
step. For more information about the importance of mesh quality refer to the Fluent
User's Guide. Setting Up Physics

In the steps that follow, you will select a solver and specify physical models, material properties, and
zone conditions for your simulation using the Setting Up Physics ribbon tab.

1. In the Solver group of the Setting Up Physics ribbon tab, retain the default selection of the steady pressure-
based solver.

Setting Up Physics → Solver

2. Set up your models for the CFD simulation using the Models group of the Setting Up Physics ribbon tab.


You can also use the Models task page that can be accessed by double-clicking the
Setup/Models tree item.

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a. Enable heat transfer by activating the energy equation.

In the Setting Up Physics ribbon tab, select Energy (Models group).

Setting Up Physics → Models → Energy

b. Enable the - turbulence model.

i. In the Setting Up Physics ribbon tab, click Viscous... (Models group).

Setting Up Physics → Models → Viscous...

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ii. In the Viscous Model dialog box, select k-epsilon from the Model list.


The Viscous Model dialog box will expand.

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iii. Use the default Standard from the k-epsilon Model group.

iv. Select Enhanced Wall Treatment for the Near-Wall Treatment.


The default Standard Wall Functions are generally applicable if the first cell center
adjacent to the wall has a y+ larger than 30. In contrast, the Enhanced Wall
Treatment option provides consistent solutions for all y+ values. Enhanced Wall
Treatment is recommended when using the k-epsilon model for general single-
phase fluid flow problems. For more information about Near Wall Treatments in
the k-epsilon model refer to the Fluent User's Guide.

v. Click OK to accept the model and close the Viscous Model dialog box.

Note that the Viscous... label in the ribbon is displayed in blue to indicate that the Viscous
model is enabled.

3. Set up the materials for your CFD simulation using the Materials group of the Setting Up Physics ribbon

Create a new material called water-liquid using the Create/Edit Materials dialog box.

a. In the Setting Up Physics ribbon tab, click Create/Edit... (Materials group).

Setting Up Physics → Materials → Create/Edit...

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b. Copy the material water-liquid (h2o < l >) from the materials database (accessed by clicking the Fluent
Database... button).

Figure 1.14: The Create/Edit Materials Dialog Box

c. Select water-liquid (h2o < l >) from the materials list and Click Copy, then close the Fluent Database...

d. Ensure that there are now two materials (water and air) defined locally by examining the Fluent Fluid
Materials drop-down list in the Create/Edit Materials dialog box .


Both the materials will also be listed under Fluid in the Materials task page and under
the Materials tree branch.

e. Close the Create/Edit Materials dialog box.

4. Set up the cell zone conditions for the CFD simulation using the Zones group of the Setting Up Physics
ribbon tab.

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a. In the Setting Up Physics tab, click Cell Zones.

Setting Up Physics → Zones → Cell Zones

This opens the Cell Zone Conditions task page.

b. Set the cell zone conditions for the fluid zone.

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i. In the Cell Zone Conditions task page, in the Zone list, select fluid and click Edit... to open the
Fluid dialog box.


You can also double-click fluid in the Cell Zones Conditions task page or under
the Setup/Cell Zone Conditions tree branch in order to open the corresponding
dialog box.

ii. Select water-liquid from the Material Name drop-down list.

iii. Click OK to close the Fluid dialog box.

5. Set up the boundary conditions for the CFD analysis using the Zones group of the Setting Up Physics
ribbon tab.

a. In the Setting Up Physics tab, click Boundaries (Zones group).

Setting Up Physics → Zones → Boundaries

This opens the Boundary Conditions task page.

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To display boundary zones grouped by zone type (as shown above), click the Toggle
Tree View button in the upper right corner of the Boundary Conditions task page
and under the Group By category select Zone Type from the drop-down list.

b. Set the boundary conditions at the cold inlet (velocity-inlet-large).


If you are unsure of which inlet zone corresponds to the cold inlet, you can use the
mouse to probe for mesh information in the graphics window. If you click the right

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mouse button with the pointer on any node in the mesh, information about the asso-
ciated zone will be displayed in the ANSYS Fluent console, including the name of the
zone. The zone you probed will be automatically selected from the Zone selection
list in the Boundary Conditions task page.

Alternatively, you can click the probe button ( ) in the graphics toolbar and click
the left mouse button on any node. This feature is especially useful when you have
several zones of the same type and you want to distinguish between them quickly.
The information will be displayed in the console.

i. From the Zone selection list, select velocity-inlet-large and click Edit....

ii. In the Velocity Inlet dialog box, ensure that Magnitude, Normal to Boundary is selected for Ve-
locity Specification Method.

iii. Enter 0.4 for Velocity Magnitude.

iv. In the Turbulence group, from the Specification Method drop-down list, select Intensity and
Hydraulic Diameter.

v. Retain the default of 5 for Turbulent Intensity.

vi. Enter 100 mm for Hydraulic Diameter.


The hydraulic diameter is defined as:

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where is the cross-sectional area and is the wetted perimeter.

vii. Click the Thermal tab.

viii.Enter 293.15 for Temperature.

ix. Click OK to close the Velocity Inlet dialog box.

c. In a similar manner, set the boundary conditions at the hot inlet (velocity-inlet-small), using the values
in the following table:

Setting Value
Velocity Specification Method Magnitude, Normal to Boundary
Velocity Magnitude 1.2 [m/s]
Specification Method Intensity & Hydraulic Diameter
Turbulent Intensity 5%
Hydraulic Diameter 25 [mm]
Temperature 313.15[K]

d. Double-click pressure-outlet and set the boundary conditions at the outlet, as shown in the Pressure
Outlet dialog box.

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ANSYS Fluent will use the backflow conditions only if the fluid is flowing into the
computational domain through the outlet. Since backflow might occur at some point
during the solution procedure, you should set reasonable backflow conditions to
prevent convergence from being adversely affected.

1.4.6. Solving
In the steps that follow, you will set up and run the calculation using the Solving ribbon tab.


You can also use the task pages listed under the Solution branch in the tree to perform
solution-related activities.

1. Set up solution parameters for the CFD simulation.

a. Change the Gradient method.

i. In the Solving ribbon tab, click Methods... (Solution group).

Solving → Solution → Methods...

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This will open the Solution Methods task page.

ii. In the Spatial Discretization group of the Solution Methods task page, change the Gradient to
Green-Gauss Node Based. This gradient method is suggested for tetrahedral meshes.

b. Enable the plotting of residuals during the calculation.

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i. In the Solving ribbon tab, click Residuals... (Reports group).

Solving → Reports → Residuals...

In the Residual Monitors dialog box, ensure that Plot is enabled in the Options group.

ii. Keep the default values for the Absolute Criteria of the Residuals, as shown in the Residual
Monitors dialog box.

iii. Click OK to close the Residual Monitors dialog box.


By default, all variables will be monitored and checked by ANSYS Fluent as a means
to determine the convergence of the solution.

c. Create a surface report definition at the outlet (pressure-outlet).

Solving → Reports → Definitions → New → Surface Report → Facet Maximum

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i. In the Surface Report Definition dialog box, enter temp-outlet-0 for the Name.

ii. Under the Create group, enable Report File and Report Plot.

During a solution run, ANSYS Fluent will write solution convergence data in a report file and
plot the solution convergence history in a graphics window.

It is good practice to monitor physical solution quantities in addition to equation residuals when
assessing convergence.

iii. Set Frequency to 3 by clicking the up-arrow button.

This setting instructs ANSYS Fluent to update the plot of the surface report and write data to a
file after every 3 iterations during the solution.

iv. Select Temperature... and Static Temperature from the Field Variable drop-down lists.

v. Select pressure-outlet from the Surfaces selection list.

vi. Click OK to save the surface report definition and close the Surface Report Definition dialog box.

The new surface report definition temp-outlet-0 appears under the Solution/Report
Definitions tree item. ANSYS Fluent also automatically creates the following items:

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• temp-outlet-0-rfile (under the Solution/Monitors/Report Files tree branch)

• temp-outlet-0-rplot (under the Solution/Monitors/Report Plots tree branch)

d. In the tree, double-click the temp-outlet-0-rfile (under the Solution/Monitors/Report Files) and ex-
amine the report file settings in the Edit Report File dialog box.

The dialog box is automatically populated with data from the temp-outlet-0 report definition.
The report that will be written in a report file during a solution is listed under Selected Report

Retain the default output file name and click OK.

e. In the tree, double-click temp-outlet-0-rplot (under Solution/Monitors/Report Plots) and examine

the report plot settings in the Edit Report Plot dialog box.

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The dialog box is automatically populated with data from the temp-outlet-0 report definition.
As the solution progresses, the report that is listed under Selected Report Definitions will be
plotted in a graphics tab window with the title specified in Plot Title.

Retain the default names for Plot Title and Y-Axis Label and click OK.


You can create report definitions for different boundaries and plot them in the same
graphics window. However, report definitions in the same Report Plot must have the
same units.

f. Initialize the flow field using the Initialization group of the Solving ribbon tab.

Solving → Initialization

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i. Keep the Method at the default of Hybrid.

ii. Click Initialize.

g. Check to see if the case conforms to best practices.

Solving → Run Calculation → Check Case

i. Click the Models and Solver tabs and examine the Recommendation in each. These recommend-
ations can be ignored for this tutorial. The issues they raise will be addressed in later tutorials.

ii. Close the Case Check dialog box.

2. Calculate a solution using the Run Calculation group of the Solving tab.

Solving → Run Calculation

a. Start the calculation by requesting 300 iterations.

i. Enter 300 for No. of Iterations.

ii. Click Calculate.

Note that while the program is calculating the solution, the states of the Setup and Solution
cells in the fluid flow ANSYS Fluent analysis system in ANSYS Workbench are changing. For ex-

• The state of the Setup cell becomes Up-to-Date and the state of the Solution cell becomes Refresh
Required after the Run Calculation task page is visited and the number of iterations is specified.

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• The state of the Solution cell is Update Required while iterations are taking place.

• The state of the Solution cell is Up-to-Date when the specified number of iterations are complete
(or if convergence is reached).

As the calculation progresses, the surface report plot will be plotted in the graphics window
(temp-outlet-0–rplot tab window) (Figure 1.15: Convergence History of the Maximum Temper-
ature at Pressure Outlet (p. 47)).

Figure 1.15: Convergence History of the Maximum Temperature at Pressure Outlet

The residuals history will be plotted in the Scaled Residuals tab window (Figure 1.16: Residuals
for the Converged Solution (p. 48)).

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Figure 1.16: Residuals for the Converged Solution


The solution will be stopped by ANSYS Fluent when the residuals reach their specified
values or after 300 iterations. The exact number of iterations will vary depending on
the platform being used. An Information dialog box will open to alert you that the
calculation is complete. Click OK in the Information dialog box to proceed.

Because the residual values vary slightly by platform, the plot that appears on your
screen may not be exactly the same as the one shown here.

Note that the ANSYS Fluent settings file (FFF.set) is updated in the Files view of the ANSYS
Workbench before the calculation begins.

b. Examine the plots for convergence (Figure 1.16: Residuals for the Converged Solution (p. 48) and Fig-
ure 1.15: Convergence History of the Maximum Temperature at Pressure Outlet (p. 47)).


There are no universal metrics for judging convergence. Residual definitions that are
useful for one class of problem are sometimes misleading for other classes of problems.
Therefore it is a good idea to judge convergence not only by examining residual
levels, but also by monitoring relevant integrated quantities and checking for mass
and energy balances.

There are three indicators that convergence has been reached:

• The residuals have decreased to a sufficient degree.

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The solution has converged when the Convergence Criterion for each variable
has been reached. The default criterion is that each residual will be reduced to a
value of less than , except the energy residual, for which the default criterion
is .

• The solution no longer changes with more iterations.

Sometimes the residuals may not fall below the convergence criterion set in the
case setup. However, monitoring the representative flow variables through iterations
may show that the residuals have stagnated and do not change with further itera-
tions. This could also be considered as convergence.

• The overall mass, momentum, energy, and scalar balances are obtained.

You can examine the overall mass, momentum, energy and scalar balances in the
Flux Reports dialog box. The net imbalance should be less than 0.2 of the net
flux through the domain when the solution has converged. In the next step you
will check to see if the mass balance indicates convergence.

3. With ANSYS Fluent still running, go back to ANSYS Workbench and view the list of generated files.

View → Files

Note the addition of the surface report definition file temp-outlet-0.out to the list of files.

The status of the Solution cell is now up-to-date.

1.4.7. Displaying Results in ANSYS Fluent and CFD-Post

In this step, you will display the results of the simulation in ANSYS Fluent, display the results in CFD-
Post, and then review the list of files generated by ANSYS Workbench.

1. Display results in ANSYS Fluent using the Postprocessing ribbon tab.

In ANSYS Fluent, you can perform a simple evaluation of the velocity and temperature contours on
the symmetry plane. Later, you will use CFD-Post (from within ANSYS Workbench) to perform the
same evaluation.

a. Display filled contours of velocity magnitude on the symmetry plane (Figure 1.17: Velocity Distribution
Along Symmetry Plane (p. 51)).

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Postprocessing → Graphics → Contours → Edit...


You can also double-click the Results/Graphics/Contours tree item.

i. In the Contours dialog box, in the Options group, enable Filled.

ii. Ensure that Node Values is enabled in the Options group.

iii. From the Contours of drop-down lists, select Velocity... and Velocity Magnitude.

iv. From the Surfaces selection list, deselect all items by clicking and then select symmetry.

v. Click Display to display the contours in the active graphics window.

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Figure 1.17: Velocity Distribution Along Symmetry Plane


You may want to clear Lighting in the Viewing ribbon tab (Display group).

b. Display filled contours of temperature on the symmetry plane (Figure 1.18: Temperature Distribution
Along Symmetry Plane (p. 52)).

Postprocessing → Graphics → Contours → Edit...

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i. Select Temperature... and Static Temperature from the Contours of drop-down lists.

ii. Click Display and close the Contours dialog box.

Figure 1.18: Temperature Distribution Along Symmetry Plane

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c. Close the ANSYS Fluent application.

File → Close Fluent


Note that the ANSYS Fluent case and data files are automatically saved when you exit
ANSYS Fluent and return to ANSYS Workbench.

d. View the list of files generated by ANSYS Workbench.

View → Files

Note the addition of the compressed ANSYS Fluent case and data files to the list of files. These
will have names like FFF-1.cas.gz and FFF-1-00222.dat.gz. Note that the digit(s) fol-
lowing FFF may be different if you have had to restart the meshing or calculation steps for any
reason and that the name of the data file is based on the number of iterations. Thus your file
names may be slightly different than those shown here.

2. Display results in CFD-Post.

a. Start CFD-Post.

In the ANSYS Workbench Project Schematic, double-click the Results cell in the elbow fluid
flow analysis system (cell A6). This displays the CFD-Post application. You can also right-click the
Results cell to display the context menu where you can select the Edit... option.


The elbow geometry is already loaded and is displayed in outline mode. ANSYS Fluent
case and data files are also automatically loaded into CFD-Post.

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Figure 1.19: The Elbow Geometry Loaded into CFD-Post

b. Reorient the display.

Click the blue Z axis on the axis triad in the bottom right hand corner of the graphics display to
orient the display so that the view is of the front of the elbow geometry.

c. Ensure that Highlighting ( ) is disabled.

d. Display contours of velocity magnitude on the symmetry plane (Figure 1.20: Velocity Distribution Along
Symmetry Plane (p. 56)).

i. Insert a contour object using the Insert menu item at the top of the CFD-Post window.

Insert → Contour

This displays the Insert Contour dialog box.

ii. Keep the default name of the contour (Contour 1) and click OK to close the dialog box. This dis-
plays the Details of Contour 1 view below the Outline view in CFD-Post. This view contains all of
the settings for a contour object.

iii. In the Geometry tab, from the Domains drop-down list, select fluid.

iv. In the Locations list, select symmetry.

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v. In the Variable list, select Velocity.

vi. Click Apply.

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Figure 1.20: Velocity Distribution Along Symmetry Plane

e. Display contours of temperature on the symmetry plane (Figure 1.21: Temperature Distribution Along
Symmetry Plane (p. 57)).

i. In the Outline tree view, under User Locations and Plots, clear the check box beside the Contour
1 object to disable the Contour 1 object and hide the first contour display.

ii. Insert a contour object.

Insert → Contour

This displays the Insert Contour dialog box.

iii. Keep the default name of the contour (Contour 2) and click OK to close the dialog box. This dis-
plays the Details of Contour 2 view below the Outline view.

iv. In the Geometry tab, from the Domains drop-down list, select fluid.

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v. In the Locations list, select symmetry.

vi. In the Variable list, select Temperature.

vii. Click Apply.

Figure 1.21: Temperature Distribution Along Symmetry Plane

3. Close the CFD-Post application by selecting File → Close CFD-Post or by clicking the ‘X’ in the top right
corner of the window.


Note that the CFD-Post state files are automatically saved when you exit CFD-Post
and return to ANSYS Workbench.

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4. Save the elbow-workbench project in ANSYS Workbench.

5. View the list of files generated by ANSYS Workbench.

View → Files

Note the addition of the CFD-Post state file (elbow.cst) to the list of files. For more information
about CFD-Post (and the files associated with it), see the CFD-Post documentation.

1.4.8. Duplicating the Fluent-Based Fluid Flow Analysis System

At this point, you have a completely defined fluid flow system that has a geometry, a computational
mesh, a CFD setup and solution, and corresponding results. In order to study the effects upon the flow
field that may occur if you were to alter the geometry, another fluid flow analysis is required. One ap-
proach would be to use the current system and change the geometry, however you would overwrite
the data from your previous simulation. A more suitable and effective approach would be to create a
copy, or duplicate, of the current system, and then make the appropriate changes to the duplicate

In this step, you will create a duplicate of the original Fluent-based fluid flow system, then review the
list of files generated by ANSYS Workbench.

1. In the Project Schematic, right-click the title cell of the Fluid Flow (Fluent) system and select Duplicate
from the context menu.

Figure 1.22: Duplicating the Fluid Flow System

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Figure 1.23: The Original Fluid Flow System and Its Duplicate


Notice that in the duplicated system, the state of the Solution cell indicates that the cell
requires a refresh while the state of the Results cell indicates that the cell requires atten-
tion. This is because when a system is duplicated, the case and data files are not copied
to the new system, therefore, the new system does not yet have solution data associated
with it.

2. Rename the duplicated system to new-elbow.

3. Save the elbow-workbench project in ANSYS Workbench.

1.4.9. Changing the Geometry in ANSYS DesignModeler

Now that you have two separate, but equivalent, Fluent-based fluid flow systems to work from, you
can make changes to the second system without impacting the original system. In this step, you will
make a slight alteration to the elbow geometry in ANSYS DesignModeler by changing the diameter of
the smaller inlet, then review the list of files generated by ANSYS Workbench.

1. Open ANSYS DesignModeler.

Right-click the Geometry cell of the new-elbow system (cell B2) and select Edit Geometry in
DesignModeler... from the context menu to display the geometry in ANSYS DesignModeler.

2. Change the diameter of the small inlet (velocity-inlet-small).

a. In the Tree Outline, select Cylinder1 to open the Details View of the small inlet pipe.

b. In the Details View, change the FD10, Radius (>0) value from 12.5 millimeters to 19 millimeters.

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c. Click the Generate button to generate the geometry with your new values.

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Figure 1.24: Changing the Diameter of the Small Inlet in ANSYS DesignModeler

3. Close ANSYS DesignModeler.

4. View the list of files generated by ANSYS Workbench.

View → Files

Note the addition of the geometry, mesh, and ANSYS Fluent settings files now associated with the
new, duplicated system.

1.4.10. Updating the Mesh in the ANSYS Meshing Application

The modified geometry now requires a new computational mesh. The mesh settings for the duplicated
system are retained in the duplicated system. In this step, you will update the mesh based on the mesh
settings from the original system, then review the list of files generated by ANSYS Workbench.

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In the Project Schematic, right-click the Mesh cell of the new-elbow system (cell B3) and select Update
from the context menu. This will update the mesh for the new geometry based on the mesh settings
you specified earlier in the ANSYS Meshing application without having to open the ANSYS Meshing
editor to regenerate the mesh.

Figure 1.25: Updating the Mesh for the Changed Geometry

It will take a few moments to update the mesh. Once the update is complete, the state of the Mesh
cell is changed to up-to-date, symbolized by a green check mark.

For illustrative purposes of the tutorial, the new geometry and the new mesh are displayed below.

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Figure 1.26: The Updated Geometry and Mesh in the ANSYS Meshing Application

Inspecting the files generated by ANSYS Workbench reveals the updated mesh file for the duplicated

View → Files

1.4.11. Calculating a New Solution in ANSYS Fluent

Now that there is an updated computational mesh for the modified geometry in the duplicated system,
a new solution must be generated using ANSYS Fluent. In this step, you will revisit the settings within
ANSYS Fluent, calculate another solution, view the new results, then review the list of files generated
by ANSYS Workbench.

1. Open ANSYS Fluent.

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In the Project Schematic, right-click the Setup cell of the new-elbow system (cell B4) and select
Edit... from the context menu. Since the mesh has been changed, you are prompted as to whether
you want to load the new mesh into ANSYS Fluent or not.

Click Yes to continue, and click OK when Fluent Launcher is displayed in order to open ANSYS Fluent.

2. Ensure that the unit of length is set to millimeters.

Setting Up Domain → Mesh → Units...

3. Check the mesh (optional).

Setting Up Domain → Mesh → Check

4. Revisit the boundary conditions for the small inlet.

Setup → Boundary Conditions → velocity-inlet-small Edit...

In the Velocity Inlet dialog box for velocity-inlet-small, you must set the hydraulic diameter to
38 mm based on the new dimensions of the small inlet.

5. Re-initialize the solution.

Solving → Initialization

Keep the Method at the default of Hybrid and click Initialize.

6. Recalculate the solution.

Solving → Run Calculation → Calculate

Keep the No. of Iterations set to 300 and click Calculate.

7. Close ANSYS Fluent.

8. Revisit the results of the calculations in CFD-Post.

Double-click the Results cell of the new-elbow fluid flow system to re-open CFD-Post where you
can review the results of the new solution.

9. Close CFD-Post.

10. Save the elbow-workbench project in ANSYS Workbench.

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11. View the list of files generated by ANSYS Workbench.

View → Files

Note the addition of the solution and state files now associated with new duplicated system.

1.4.12. Comparing the Results of Both Systems in CFD-Post

In this step, you will create a new Results system in ANSYS Workbench, use that system to compare
the solutions from each of the two Fluent-based fluid flow analysis systems in CFD-Post at the same
time, then review the list of files generated by ANSYS Workbench.

1. Create a Results system.

In ANSYS Workbench, drag a Results system from the Component Systems section of the Toolbox
and drop it into the Project Schematic, next to the fluid flow systems.

Figure 1.27: The New Results System in the Project Schematic

2. Add the solutions of each of the systems to the Results system.

a. Select the Solution cell in the first Fluid Flow analysis system (cell A5) and drag it over the Results cell
in the Results system (cell C2). This creates a transfer data connection between the two systems.

Figure 1.28: Connecting the First Fluid Flow System to the New Results System

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b. Select the Solution cell in the second Fluid Flow analysis system (cell B5) and drag it over the Results
cell in the Results system (cell C2). This creates a transfer data connection between the two systems.

Figure 1.29: Connecting the Second Fluid Flow System to the New Results System

3. Open CFD-Post to compare the results of the two fluid flow systems.

Now that the two fluid flow systems are connected to the Results system, double-click the Results
cell in the Results system (cell C2) to open CFD-Post. Within CFD-Post, both geometries are displayed
side by side.

Figure 1.30: CFD-Post with Both Fluid Flow Systems Displayed

a. Re-orient the display.

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In each view, click the blue Z axis on the axis triad in the bottom right hand corner of the
graphics display to orient the display so that the view is of the front of the elbow geometry.


Alternatively, you can select the synchronization tool ( ) in the 3D Viewer

Toolbar to synchronize the views, so that when you re-orient one view, the
other view is automatically updated.

b. Display contours of velocity magnitude on the symmetry plane.

i. Insert a contour object.

Insert → Contour

This displays the Insert Contour dialog box.

ii. Keep the default name of the contour (Contour 1) and click OK to close the dialog box. This dis-
plays the Details of Contour 1 view below the Outline view in CFD-Post. This view contains all of
the settings for a contour object.

iii. In the Geometry tab, from the Domains list, select fluid.

iv. In the Locations list, select symmetry.

v. In the Variable list, select Velocity.

vi. Click Apply. The velocity contours are displayed in each view.


To better visualize the velocity display, you can clear the Wireframe view option under
User Locations and Plots in the Outline tree view.

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Figure 1.31: CFD-Post Displaying Velocity Contours for Both Geometries

c. Display contours of temperature on the symmetry plane.

i. In the Outline tree view, under User Locations and Plots, deselect the Contour 1 object to hide
the first contour display in CFD-Post.

ii. Insert another contour object.

Insert → Contour

This displays the Insert Contour dialog box.

iii. Keep the default name of the contour (Contour 2) and click OK to close the dialog box. This dis-
plays the Details of Contour 2 view below the Outline view in CFD-Post.

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iv. In the Geometry tab, select fluid in the Domains list.

v. Select symmetry in the Locations list.

vi. Select Temperature in the Variable list.

vii. Click Apply. The temperature contours are displayed in each view.

Figure 1.32: CFD-Post Displaying Temperature Contours for Both Geometries

4. Close the CFD-Post application.

5. Save the elbow-workbench project in ANSYS Workbench.

6. View the list of files associated with your project using the Files view.

View → Files

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Note the addition of the Results system and its corresponding files.

1.5. Summary
In this tutorial, portions of ANSYS Workbench were used to compare the fluid flow through two slightly
different geometries. ANSYS DesignModeler was used to create a mixing elbow geometry, ANSYS
Meshing was used to create a computational mesh, ANSYS Fluent was used to calculate the fluid flow
throughout the geometry using the computational mesh, and CFD-Post was used to analyze the results.
In addition, the geometry was altered, a new mesh was generated, and a new solution was calculated.
Finally, ANSYS Workbench was set up so that CFD-Post could directly compare the results of both cal-
culations at the same time.

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Chapter 2: Parametric Analysis in ANSYS Workbench Using ANSYS
This tutorial is divided into the following sections:
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Prerequisites
2.3. Problem Description
2.4. Setup and Solution

2.1. Introduction
This tutorial illustrates using an ANSYS Fluent fluid flow system in ANSYS Workbench to set up and
solve a three-dimensional turbulent fluid flow and heat transfer problem in an automotive heating,
ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) duct system. ANSYS Workbench uses parameters and design
points to allow you to run optimization and what-if scenarios. You can define both input and output
parameters in ANSYS Fluent that can be used in your ANSYS Workbench project. You can also define
parameters in other applications including ANSYS DesignModeler and ANSYS CFD-Post. Once you have
defined parameters for your system, a Parameters cell is added to the system and the Parameter Set
bus bar is added to your project. This tutorial is designed to introduce you to the parametric analysis
utility available in ANSYS Workbench.

The tutorial starts with a Fluid Flow (Fluent) analysis system with pre-defined geometry and mesh
components. Within this tutorial, you will redefine the geometry parameters created in ANSYS Design-
Modeler by adding constraints to the input parameters. You will use ANSYS Fluent to set up and solve
the CFD problem. While defining the problem set-up, you will also learn to define input parameters in
ANSYS Fluent. The tutorial will also provide information on how to create output parameters in ANSYS

This tutorial demonstrates how to do the following:

• Add constraints to the ANSYS DesignModeler input parameters.

• Create an ANSYS Fluent fluid flow analysis system in ANSYS Workbench.

• Set up the CFD simulation in ANSYS Fluent, which includes:

– Setting material properties and boundary conditions for a turbulent forced convection problem.

– Defining input parameters in Fluent

• Define output parameters in CFD-Post

• Create additional design points in ANSYS Workbench.

• Run multiple CFD simulations by updating the design points.

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Parametric Analysis in ANSYS Workbench Using ANSYS Fluent

• Analyze the results of each design point project in ANSYS CFD-Post and ANSYS Workbench.


The mesh and solution settings for this tutorial are designed to demonstrate a basic paramet-
erization simulation within a reasonable solution time-frame. Ordinarily, you would use addi-
tional mesh and solution settings to obtain a more accurate solution.

2.2. Prerequisites
This tutorial assumes that you are already familiar with the ANSYS Workbench interface and its project
workflow (for example, ANSYS DesignModeler, ANSYS Meshing, ANSYS Fluent, and ANSYS CFD-Post).
This tutorial also assumes that you have completed the introductory ANSYS Fluent tutorials, and that
you are familiar with the ANSYS Fluent graphical user interface. Some steps in the setup and solution
procedure will not be shown explicitly.

2.3. Problem Description

In the past, evaluation of vehicle air conditioning systems was performed using prototypes and testing
their performance in test labs. However, the design process of modern vehicle air conditioning (AC)
systems improved with the introduction of Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Engineering
(CAE) and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM). The AC system specification will include minimum
performance requirements, temperatures, control zones, flow rates, and so on. Performance testing
using CFD may include fluid velocity (air flow), pressure values, and temperature distribution. Using
CFD enables the analysis of fluid through very complex geometry and boundary conditions.

As part of the analysis, a designer can change the geometry of the system or the boundary conditions
such as the inlet velocity, flow rate, and so on, and view the effect on fluid flow patterns. This tutorial
illustrates the AC design process on a representative automotive HVAC system consisting of both an
evaporator for cooling and a heat exchanger for heating requirements. This HVAC system is symmetric,
so the geometry has been simplified using a plane of symmetry to reduce computation time.

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Problem Description

Figure 2.1: Automotive HVAC System

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Parametric Analysis in ANSYS Workbench Using ANSYS Fluent

Figure 2.2: HVAC System Valve Location Details

Figure 2.1: Automotive HVAC System (p. 73) shows a representative automotive HVAC system. The system
has three valves (as shown in Figure 2.2: HVAC System Valve Location Details (p. 74)), which control the
flow in the HVAC system. The three valves control:

• Flow over the heat exchanger coils

• Flow towards the duct controlling the flow through the floor vents

• Flow towards the front vents or towards the windshield

Air enters the HVAC system at 310 K with a velocity of 0.5 m/sec through the air inlet and passes to
the evaporator and then, depending on the position of the valve controlling flow to the heat exchanger,
flows over or bypasses the heat exchanger. Depending on the cooling and heating requirements, either
the evaporator or the heat exchanger would be operational, but not both at the same time. The position
of the other two valves controls the flow towards the front panel, the windshield, or towards the floor

The motion of the valves is constrained. The valve controlling flow over the heat exchanger varies
between 25° and 90°. The valve controlling the floor flow varies between 20° and 60°. The valve con-
trolling flow towards front panel or windshield varies between 15° and 175°.

The evaporator load is about 200 W in the cooling cycle. The heat exchanger load is about 150 W.

This tutorial illustrates the easiest way to analyze the effects of the above parameters on the flow pat-
tern/distribution and the outlet temperature of air (entering the passenger cabin). Using the parametric

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Setup and Solution

analysis capability in ANSYS Workbench, a designer can check the performance of the system at various
design points.

Figure 2.3: Flow Pattern for the Cooling Cycle

2.4. Setup and Solution

The following sections describe the setup and solution steps for this tutorial:
2.4.1. Preparation
2.4.2. Adding Constraints to ANSYS DesignModeler Parameters in ANSYS Workbench
2.4.3. Setting Up the CFD Simulation in ANSYS Fluent
2.4.4. Defining Input Parameters in ANSYS Fluent
2.4.5. Solving
2.4.6. Postprocessing and Setting the Output Parameters in ANSYS CFD-Post
2.4.7. Creating Additional Design Points in ANSYS Workbench
2.4.8. Postprocessing the New Design Points in CFD-Post
2.4.9. Summary

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Parametric Analysis in ANSYS Workbench Using ANSYS Fluent

2.4.1. Preparation
To prepare for running this tutorial:

1. Download the file here.

2. Unzip the file to your working folder.

The extracted workbench_parameter folder contains a single archive file fluent-workbench-

param.wbpz that includes all supporting input files of the starting ANSYS Workbench project and a
folder called final_project_files that includes the archived final version of the project. The final
result files incorporate ANSYS Fluent and ANSYS CFD-Post settings and all already defined design points
(all that is required is to update the design points in the project to generate corresponding solutions).

2.4.2. Adding Constraints to ANSYS DesignModeler Parameters in ANSYS

In this step, you will start ANSYS Workbench, open the project file, review existing parameters, create
new parameters, and add constraints to existing ANSYS DesignModeler parameters.

1. From the Windows Start menu, select Start > All Programs > ANSYS 19.1 > Workbench 19.1 to start
ANSYS Workbench.

This displays the ANSYS Workbench application window, which has the Toolbox on the left and the
Project Schematic to its right. Various supported applications are listed in the Toolbox, and the
components of the analysis system are displayed in the Project Schematic.


When you first start ANSYS Workbench, the Getting Started message window is displayed,
offering assistance through the online help for using the application. You can keep the
window open, or close it by clicking OK. If you need to access the online help at any
time, use the Help menu, or press the F1 key.

2. Restore the archive of the starting ANSYS Workbench project to your working directory.

File → Restore Archive...

The Select Archive to Restore dialog box appears.

a. Browse to your working directory, select the project archive file fluent-workbench-param.wbpz,
and click Open.

The Save As dialog box appears.

b. Browse, if necessary, to your working folder and click Save to restore the project file, fluent-work-
bench-param.wbpj, and a corresponding project folder, fluent-workbench-param_files,
for this tutorial.

Now that the project archive has been restored, the project will automatically open in ANSYS

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Setup and Solution

Figure 2.4: The Project Loaded into ANSYS Workbench

The project (fluent-workbench-param.wbpj) already has a Fluent-based fluid flow analysis

system that includes the geometry and mesh, as well as some predefined parameters. You will first
examine and edit parameters within Workbench, then later proceed to define the fluid flow model
in ANSYS Fluent.

3. Review the input parameters that have already been defined in ANSYS DesignModeler.

a. Double-click the Parameter Set bus bar in the ANSYS Workbench Project Schematic to open the
Parameters Set tab.


To return to viewing the Project Schematic, click the Project tab.

b. In the Outline of All Parameters view (Figure 2.5: Parameters Defined in ANSYS DesignModeler (p. 78)),
review the following existing parameters:

• The parameter hcpos represents the valve position that controls the flow over the heat exchanger.
When the valve is at an angle of 25°, it allows the flow to pass over the heat exchanger. When the
angle is 90°, it completely blocks the flow towards the heat exchanger. Any value in between allows
some flow to pass over the heat exchanger giving a mixed flow condition.

• The parameter ftpos represents the valve position that controls flow towards the floor duct. When
the valve is at an angle of 20°, it blocks the flow towards the floor duct and when the valve angle is
60°, it unblocks the flow.

• The parameter wsfpos represents the valve position that controls flow towards the windshield and
the front panel. When the valve is at an angle of 15°, it allows the entire flow to go towards the

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windshield. When the angle is 90°, it completely blocks the flow towards windshield as well as the
front panel. When the angle is 175°, it allows the flow to go towards the windshield and the front

Figure 2.5: Parameters Defined in ANSYS DesignModeler

4. In the Outline of All Parameters view, create three new named input parameters.

a. In the row that contains New input parameter, click the parameter table cell with New name (under
the Parameter Name column) and enter input_hcpos. Note the ID of the parameter that appears
in column A of the table. For the new input parameter, the parameter ID is P4. In the Value column,
enter 15.

b. In a similar manner, create two more parameters named input_ftpos and input_wsfpos. In the
Value column, enter 25, and 90 for each new parameter (P5 and P6), respectively.

Figure 2.6: New Parameters Defined in ANSYS Workbench

5. Select the row (or any cell in the row) that corresponds to the hcpos parameter. In the Properties of
Outline view, change the value of the hcpos parameter in the Expression field from 90 to the expression

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Setup and Solution

min(max(25,P4),90). This puts a constraint on the value of hcpos, so that the value always remains
between 25° and 90°. The redefined parameter hcpos is automatically passed to ANSYS DesignModeler.
Alternatively the same constraint can also be set using the expression max(25, min(P4,90)).

After defining this expression, the parameter becomes a derived parameter that is dependent on
the value of the parameter input_hcpos with ID P4. The derived parameters are unavailable for
editing in the Outline of All Parameters view and could be redefined only in the Properties of
Outline view.


When entering expressions, you must use the list and decimal delimiters associated with
your selected language in the Workbench regional and language settings, which corres-
pond to the regional settings on your machine. The instructions in this tutorial assume
that your systems uses “.” as a decimal separator and “,” as a list separator.

Figure 2.7: Constrained Parameter hcpos

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6. Select the row or any cell in the row that corresponds to the ftpos parameter and create a similar expression
for ftpos: min(max(20,P5),60).

Figure 2.8: Constrained Parameter ftpos

7. Create a similar expression for wsfpos: min(max(15,P6),175).

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Figure 2.9: Constrained Parameter wsfpos

8. Click the X on the right side of the Parameters Set tab to close it and return to the Project Schematic.

Note the new status of the cells in the Fluid Flow (Fluent) analysis system. Since we have changed
the values of hcpos, ftpos, and wsfpos to their new expressions, the Geometry and Mesh cells
now indicates Refresh Required ( ).

9. Update the Geometry and Mesh cells.

a. Right-click the Geometry cell and select the Update option from the context menu.

b. Likewise, right-click the Mesh cell and select the Refresh option from the context menu. Once the cell
is refreshed, then right-click the Mesh cell again and select the Update option from the context menu.

10. Save the project in ANSYS Workbench.

In the main menu, select File → Save

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Parametric Analysis in ANSYS Workbench Using ANSYS Fluent

2.4.3. Setting Up the CFD Simulation in ANSYS Fluent

Now that you have edited the parameters for the project, you will set up a CFD analysis using ANSYS
Fluent. In this step, you will start ANSYS Fluent, and begin setting up the CFD simulation. Starting ANSYS Fluent

In the ANSYS Workbench Project Schematic, double-click the Setup cell in the ANSYS Fluent fluid flow
analysis system. You can also right-click the Setup cell to display the context menu where you can select
the Edit... option.

When ANSYS Fluent is first started, Fluent Launcher is displayed, allowing you to view and/or set certain
ANSYS Fluent start-up options.

Fluent Launcher allows you to decide which version of ANSYS Fluent you will use, based on your geometry
and on your processing capabilities.

Figure 2.10: ANSYS Fluent Launcher

1. Ensure that the proper options are enabled.


Note that the Dimension setting is already filled in and cannot be changed, since ANSYS
Fluent automatically sets it based on the mesh or geometry for the current system.

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a. Ensure that the Display Mesh After Reading and Workbench Color Scheme options are enabled.


An option is enabled when there is a check mark in the check box, and disabled when
the check box is empty. To change an option from disabled to enabled (or vice versa),
click the check box or the text.

b. Select Parallel under Processing Options.

c. Set Processes to 4.

d. Ensure that the Double Precision option is enabled.


Fluent will retain your preferences for future sessions.

2. Click OK to launch ANSYS Fluent.

Figure 2.11: The ANSYS Fluent Application Setting Up Physics

1. In the Solver group of the Setting Up Physics ribbon tab, retain the default selection of the steady pressure-
based solver.

Setting Up Physics → Solver

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2. Set up your models for the CFD simulation using the Models group of the Setting Up Physics ribbon tab.

a. Enable heat transfer by activating the energy equation.

In the Setting Up Physics ribbon tab, select Energy (Models group).

Setting Up Physics → Models → Energy

b. Enable the - turbulence model.

Setting Up Physics → Models → Viscous...

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i. Select k-epsilon (2 eqn) from the Model group box.

ii. Select Enhanced Wall Treatment from the Near-Wall Treatment group box.

The default Standard Wall Functions are generally applicable when the cell layer adjacent to the
wall has a y+ larger than 30. In contrast, the Enhanced Wall Treatment option provides consistent
solutions for all y+ values. Enhanced Wall Treatment is recommended when using the k-epsilon

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Parametric Analysis in ANSYS Workbench Using ANSYS Fluent

model for general single-phase fluid flow problems. For more information about Near Wall
Treatments in the k-epsilon model refer to the Fluent User's Guide.

iii. Click OK to retain the other default settings, enable the model, and close the Viscous Model dialog

Note that the Viscous... label in the ribbon is displayed in blue to indicate that the Viscous
model is enabled.

3. Define a heat source cell zone condition for the evaporator volume.

Setting Up Physics → Zones → Cell Zones


All cell zones defined in your simulation are listed in the Cell Zone Conditions task page
and under the Setup/Cell Zone Conditions tree branch.

a. In the Cell Zone Conditions task page, under the Zone list, select fluid-evaporator and click Edit...
to open the Fluid dialog box.

b. In the Fluid dialog box, enable Source Terms.

c. In the Source Terms tab, click the Edit... button next to Energy.

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Setup and Solution

d. In the Energy sources dialog box, change the Number of Energy sources to 1.

e. For the new energy source, select constant from the drop-down list, and enter -787401.6 W/m3 —
based on the evaporator load (200 W) divided by the evaporator volume (0.000254 m3) that was com-
puted earlier.

f. Click OK to close the Energy Source dialog box.

g. Click OK to close the Fluid dialog box.

2.4.4. Defining Input Parameters in ANSYS Fluent

You have now started setting up the CFD analysis using ANSYS Fluent. In this step, you will define
boundary conditions and input parameters for the velocity inlet.

1. Define an input parameter called in_velocity for the velocity at the inlet boundary.

a. In the Setting Up Physics tab, click Boundaries (Zones group).

Setting Up Physics → Zones → Boundaries

This opens the Boundary Conditions task page.


All boundaries defined in the case are also displayed under the Setup/Boundary
Conditions tree branch.

b. In the Boundary Conditions task page, click the Toggle Tree View button (in the upper right corner),
and under the Group By category, select Zone Type. This displays boundary zones grouped by zone

c. Under the Inlet zone type, double-click inlet-air.

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d. In the Velocity Inlet dialog box, from the Velocity Magnitude drop-down list, select New Input

This displays the Input Parameter Properties dialog box.

e. Enter in_velocity for the Name, and enter 0.5 m/s for the Current Value.

f. Click OK to close the Input Parameter Properties dialog box.

g. Under the Turbulence group box, from the Specification Method drop-down list, select Intensity
and Hydraulic Diameter.

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h. Retain the value of 5 for Turbulent Intensity.

i. Enter 0.061 for Hydraulic Diameter (m).

2. Define an input parameter called in_temp for the temperature at the inlet boundary.

a. In the Thermal tab of the Velocity Inlet dialog box, select New Input Parameter... from the
Temperature drop-down list.

b. Enter in_temp for the Name and enter 310 K for the Current Value in the Input Parameter
Properties dialog box.

c. Click OK to close the Input Parameter Properties dialog box.

d. Click OK to close the Velocity Inlet dialog box.

3. Review all of the input parameters that you have defined in ANSYS Fluent under the Parameters & Cus-
tomization/Parameters tree branch.

Parameters & Customization → Parameters → Input Parameters

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Figure 2.12: The Input Parameters Sub-Branch in ANSYS Fluent

These parameters are passed to ANSYS Fluent component system in ANSYS Workbench and are
available for editing in ANSYS Workbench (see Figure 2.13: The Parameters View in ANSYS Work-
bench (p. 90)).

Figure 2.13: The Parameters View in ANSYS Workbench

4. Set the turbulence parameters for backflow at the front outlets and foot outlets.

a. In the Boundary Conditions task page, type outlet in the Zone filter text entry field. Note that as
you type, the names of the boundary zones beginning with the characters you entered appear in the
boundary condition zone list.


• The search string can include wildcards. For example, entering *let* will display all zone
names containing let, such as inlet and outlet.

• To display all zones again, click the red X icon in the Zone filter.

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Setup and Solution

b. Double-click outlet-front-mid.

c. In the Pressure Outlet dialog box, under the Turbulence group box, select Intensity and Hydraulic
Diameter from the Specification Method drop-down list.

d. Retain the value of 5 for Backflow Turbulent Intensity (%).

e. Enter 0.044 for Backflow Hydraulic Diameter (m).

These values will only be used if reversed flow occurs at the outlets. It is a good idea to set reasonable
values to prevent adverse convergence behavior if backflow occurs during the calculation.

f. Click OK to close the Pressure Outlet dialog box.

g. Copy the boundary conditions from outlet-front-mid to the other front outlet.

Setup → Boundary Conditions → outlet-front-mid Copy...

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i. Confirm that outlet-front-mid is selected in the From Boundary Zone selection list.

ii. Select outlet-front-side-left in the To Boundary Zones selection list.

iii. Click Copy to copy the boundary conditions.

Fluent will display a dialog box asking you to confirm that you want to copy the boundary con-

iv. Click OK to confirm.

v. Close the Copy Conditions dialog box.

h. In a similar manner, set the backflow turbulence conditions for outlet-foot-left using the values in the
following table:

Parameter Value
Specification Method Intensity and Hydraulic Diameter
Backflow Turbulent Intensity (%) 5
Backflow Hydraulic Diameter (m) 0.052

2.4.5. Solving
In the steps that follow, you will set up and run the calculation using the Solving ribbon tab.


You can also use the task pages listed under the Solution branch in the tree to perform
solution-related activities.

1. Set the Solution Methods.

Solving → Solution → Methods...

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This will open the Solution Methods task page.

a. From the Scheme drop-down list, select Coupled.

The pressure-based coupled solver is the recommended choice for general fluid flow simulations.

b. In the Spatial Discretization group box, configure the following settings:

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Parametric Analysis in ANSYS Workbench Using ANSYS Fluent

Setting Value
Pressure PRESTO!
Momentum First Order Upwind
Energy First Order Upwind

This tutorial is primarily intended to demonstrate the use of parameterization and design points
when running Fluent from Workbench. Therefore, you will run a simplified analysis using first
order discretization, which will yield faster convergence. These settings were chosen to speed up
solution time for this tutorial. Usually, for cases like this, we would recommend higher order
discretization settings to be set for all flow equations to ensure improved results accuracy.

2. Initialize the flow field using the Initialization group of the Solving ribbon tab.

Solving → Initialization

a. Retain the default selection of Hybrid Initialization.

b. Click the Initialize button.

3. Run the simulation in ANSYS Fluent from the Run Calculation group of the Solving tab.

Solving → Run Calculation

a. For Number of Iterations, enter 1000.

b. Click the Calculate button.

The solution converges within approximately 75 iterations.

Throughout the calculation, Fluent displays a warning in the console regarding reversed flow at the
outlets. This behavior is expected in this case since air is redirected to the outlets, creating small regions
of recirculation.

4. Close Fluent.

File → Close Fluent

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Setup and Solution

5. Save the project in ANSYS Workbench.

File → Save

2.4.6. Postprocessing and Setting the Output Parameters in ANSYS CFD-Post

In this step, you will visualize the results of your CFD simulation using ANSYS CFD-Post. You will plot
vectors that are colored by pressure, velocity, and temperature, on a plane within the geometry. In ad-
dition, you will create output parameters within ANSYS CFD-Post for later use in ANSYS Workbench.

In the ANSYS Workbench Project Schematic, double-click the Results cell in the ANSYS Fluent fluid
flow analysis system to start CFD-Post. You can also right-click the Results cell to display the context
menu where you can select the Edit... option.

The CFD-Post application appears with the automotive HVAC geometry already loaded and displayed
in outline mode. Note that ANSYS Fluent results (that is, the case and data files) are also automatically
loaded into CFD-Post.

Figure 2.14: The Automotive HVAC Geometry Loaded into CFD-Post

1. Plot vectors colored by pressure.

a. From the main menu, select Insert → Vector or click in the ANSYS CFD-Post toolbar.

This displays the Insert Vector dialog box.

b. Keep the default name of Vector 1 by clicking OK.

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c. In the Details view for Vector 1, under the Geometry tab, configure the following settings.

i. Ensure All Domains is selected from the Domains drop-down list.

ii. From the Locations drop-down list, select symmetry central unit.

iii. From the Sampling drop-down list, select Equally Spaced.

iv. Set the # of Points to 10000.

v. From the Projection drop-down list, select Tangential.

d. In the Color tab, configure the following settings.

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i. From the Mode drop-down list, select Variable.

ii. From the Variable drop-down list, select Pressure.

e. In the Symbol tab, configure the following settings.

i. Set the Symbol Size to 0.05.

ii. Enable Normalize Symbols.

f. Click Apply.

Vector 1 appears under User Locations and Plots in the Outline tree view.

In the graphics display window, note that symmetry-central-unit shows the vectors colored by
pressure. Use the controls in CFD-Post to rotate the geometry (for example, clicking the dark blue
axis in the axis triad of the graphics window). Zoom into the view as shown in Figure 2.15: Vectors
Colored by Pressure (p. 98).


To better visualize the vector display, you can deselect the Wireframe view option
under User Locations and Plots in the Outline tree view.

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Figure 2.15: Vectors Colored by Pressure

2. Plot vectors colored by velocity.

a. In the Details view for Vector 1, under the Color tab, configure the following settings.

i. Select Velocity from the Variable drop-down list.

ii. Click Apply.

The velocity vector plot appears on the symmetry-central-unit symmetry plane.

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Figure 2.16: Vectors Colored by Velocity

3. Plot vectors colored by temperature.

a. In the Details view for Vector 1, under the Color tab, configure the following settings.

i. Select Temperature from the Variable drop-down list.

ii. Select User Specified from the Range drop-down list.

iii. Enter 273 K for the Min temperature value.

iv. Enter 310 K for the Max temperature value.

v. Click Apply.

The user-specified range is selected much narrower than the Global and Local ranges in order
to better show the variation.

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Parametric Analysis in ANSYS Workbench Using ANSYS Fluent

Figure 2.17: Vectors Colored by Temperature

Note the orientation of the various valves and how they impact the flow field. Later in this tutorial, you
will change these valve angles to see how the flow field changes.

4. Create two surface groups.

Surface groups are collections of surface locations in CFD-Post. In this tutorial, two surface groups
are created in CFD-Post that will represent all of the outlets and all of the front outlets. Once created,
specific commands (or expressions) will be applied to these groups in order to calculate a particular
numerical value at that surface.

a. Create a surface group consisting of all outlets.

i. With the Outline tree view open in the CFD-Post tree view, open the Insert Surface Group dialog

Insert → Location → Surface Group

ii. Enter alloutlets for the Name of the surface group, and click OK to close the Insert Surface
Group dialog box.

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Setup and Solution

iii. In the Details view for the alloutlets surface group, in the Geometry tab, click the ellipsis icon

next to Locations to display the Location Selector dialog box.

iv. Select all of the outlet surfaces (outlet foot left, outlet front mid, outlet front
side left, and outlet windshield) in the Location Selector dialog box (hold Ctrl for
multiple selection) and click OK.

v. Click Apply in the Details view for the new surface group.

alloutlets appears under User Locations and Plots in the Outline tree view.

b. Create a surface group for the front outlets.

Perform the same steps as described above to create a surface group called frontoutlets
with locations for the front outlets (outlet front mid and outlet front side left).

5. Create expressions in CFD-Post and mark them as ANSYS Workbench output parameters.

In this tutorial, programmatic commands or expressions are written to obtain numerical values for
the mass flow rate from all outlets, as well as at the front outlets, windshield, and foot outlets. The
surface groups you defined earlier are used to write the expressions.

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a. Create an expression for the mass flow from all outlets.

i. With the Expressions tab open in the CFD-Post tree view, open the Insert Expression dialog box.

Insert → Expression

ii. Enter floutfront for the Name of the expression and click OK to close the Insert Expression
dialog box.

iii. In the Details view for the new expression, enter the following in the Definition tab.

The sign convention for massFlow() is such that a positive value represents flow into the domain
and a negative value represents flow out of the domain. Since you are defining an expression for
outflow from the ducts, you use the negative of the massFlow() result in the definition of the

iv. Click Apply to obtain a Value for the expression.

Note the new addition in the list of expressions in the Expressions tab in CFD-Post.

In this case, there is a small net backflow into the front ducts.

v. Right-click the new expression and select Use as Workbench Output Parameter from the context
menu. A small “P” with a right-pointing arrow appears on the expression’s icon.

b. Create an expression for the mass flow from the wind shield.
i. Perform the same steps as described above to create an expression called floutwindshield
with the following definition:
-(massFlow()@outlet windshield)*2

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Setup and Solution

ii. Right-click the new expression and select Use as Workbench Output Parameter from the context

c. Create an expression for the mass flow from the foot outlets.
i. Perform the same steps as described above to create an expression called floutfoot with the
following definition:
-(massFlow()@outlet foot left)*2

ii. Right-click the new expression and select Use as Workbench Output Parameter from the context

d. Create an expression for the mass weighted average outlet temperature.

i. Perform the same steps as described above to create an expression called outlettemp with the
following definition:

ii. Right-click the new expression and select Use as Workbench Output Parameter from the context

6. Close ANSYS CFD-Post.

In the main menu, select File → Close CFD-POST to return to ANSYS Workbench.

7. In the Outline of All Parameters view of the Parameter Set tab (double-click Parameter Set), review the
newly-added output parameters that you specified in ANSYS CFD-Post and when finished, click the Project
tab to return to the Project Schematic.

8. If any of the cells in the analysis system require attention, update the project by clicking the Update Project
button in the ANSYS Workbench toolbar.

9. Optionally, review the list of files generated by ANSYS Workbench. If the Files view is not open, select View
→ Files from the main menu.

You will notice additional files associated with the latest solution as well as those generated by CFD-

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Parametric Analysis in ANSYS Workbench Using ANSYS Fluent

Figure 2.18: The Updated Project Loaded into ANSYS Workbench Displaying the Files View

10. Save the project in ANSYS Workbench.

In the main menu, select File → Save


You can also select the Save Project option from the CFD-Post File ribbon tab.

2.4.7. Creating Additional Design Points in ANSYS Workbench

Parameters and design points are tools that allow you to analyze and explore a project by giving you
the ability to run optimization and what-if scenarios. Design points are based on sets of parameter
values. When you define input and output parameters in your ANSYS Workbench project, you are es-
sentially working with a design point. To perform optimization and what-if scenarios, you create multiple
design points based on your original project. In this step, you will create additional design points for
your project where you will be able to perform a comparison of your results by manipulating input
parameters (such as the angles of the various valves within the automotive HVAC geometry). ANSYS

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Setup and Solution

Workbench provides a Table of Design Points to make creating and manipulating design points more

1. Open the Table of Design Points.

a. In the Project Schematic, double-click the Parameter Set bus bar to open the Table of Design
Points view. If the table is not visible, select Table from the View menu in ANSYS Workbench.

View → Table

The table of design points initially contains the current project as a design point (DP0),
along with its corresponding input and output parameter values.

Figure 2.19: Table of Design Points (with DP0)

From this table, you can create new design points (or duplicate existing design points) and
edit them (by varying one or more input parameters) to create separate analyses for future
comparison of data.

2. Create a design point (DP1) by duplicating the current design point (DP0).

a. Right-click the Current design point and select Duplicate Design Point from the context menu.

The cells autofill with the values from the Current row.

b. Scroll over to the far right to expose the Retain column in the table of design points, and ensure
the check box in the row for the duplicated design point DP 1 (cell N4) is selected.

This allows the data from this new design point to be saved before it is exported for future

3. Create another design point (DP2) by duplicating the DP1 design point.

a. Right-click the DP1 design point and select Duplicate Design Point from the context menu.

Since this is a duplicate of DP1, this design point will also have its data retained.

4. Edit values for the input parameters for DP1 and DP2.

For DP1 and DP2, edit the values for your input parameters within the Table of Design Points
as follows:

input_hcpos input_ftpos input_wsfpos in_velocity in_temp

DP1 45 45 45 0.6 300
DP2 90 60 15 0.7 290

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Figure 2.20: Table of Design Points (with DP0, DP1, and DP2 Defined)

For demonstration purposes of this tutorial, in each design point, you are slightly changing the
angles of each of the valves, and increasing the inlet velocity and the inlet temperature. Later,
you will see how the results in each case vary.

5. Update all of your design points.

Click the Update all Design Points button in the ANSYS Workbench toolbar. Alternatively, you
can also select one or more design points, right-click, and select Update Selected Design
Points from the context menu. Click OK to acknowledge the information message notifying
you that some open editors may close during the update process. By updating the design
points, ANSYS Workbench takes the new values of the input parameters for each design point
and updates the components of the associated system (for example, the geometry, mesh, set-
tings, solution, and results), as well as any output parameters that have been defined.


It may take significant time and/or computing resources to re-run the simulations
for each design point.

6. Export the design points to separate projects.

This will allow you to work with calculated data for each design point.

a. Select the three design points, DP0, DP1, and DP2 (hold Shift for multiple selection).

b. Right-click the selected design points and select Export Selected Design Points.

Note the addition of three more ANSYS Workbench project files (and their corresponding
folders) in your current working directory (fluent-workbench-param_dp0.wbpj,
fluent-workbench-param_dp1.wbpj and fluent-workbench-param_dp2.wbpj).
You can open each of these projects up separately and examine the results of each para-
meterized simulation.


You can easily access files in your project directory directly from the Files view by
right-clicking any cell in the corresponding row and selecting Open Containing
Folder from the menu that opens.

7. Inspect the output parameter values in ANSYS Workbench.

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Once all design points have been updated, you can use the table of design points to inspect
the values of the output parameters you created in CFD-Post (for example, the mass flow
parameters at the various outlets: floutfront, floutfoot, floutwindshield, and
outlettemp). These, and the rest of the output parameters are listed to the far right in the
table of design points.

Figure 2.21: Table of Design Points (Showing Output Parameters for DP0, DP1, and

8. Click the Project tab, just above the ANSYS Workbench toolbar to return to the Project Schematic.

9. View the list of files generated by ANSYS Workbench (optional).

View → Files

The additional files for the new design points are stored with their respective project files since
you exported them.

10. Save the project in the current state in ANSYS Workbench.

In the main menu, select File → Save.

11. Quit ANSYS Workbench.

In the main menu, select File → Exit.

2.4.8. Postprocessing the New Design Points in CFD-Post

In this section, you will open the ANSYS Workbench project for each of the design points and inspect
the vector plots based on the new results of the simulations.

1. Study the results of the first design point (DP1).

a. Open the ANSYS Workbench project for the first design point (DP1).

In your current working folder, double-click the fluent-workbench-param_dp1.wbpj

file to open ANSYS Workbench.

b. Open CFD-Post by double-clicking the Results cell in the Project Schematic for the Fluid Flow
(Fluent) analysis system.

c. View the vector plot colored by temperature. Ensure that Range in the Color tab is set to User
Specified and the Min and Max temperature values are set to 273 K and 310 K, respectively.

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Figure 2.22: Vectors Colored by Temperature (DP1)

d. View the vector plot colored by pressure. Ensure that Range in the Color tab is set to Global.

Figure 2.23: Vectors Colored by Pressure (DP1)

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Setup and Solution

e. View the vector plot colored by velocity. Ensure that Range in the Color tab is set to Global.

Figure 2.24: Vectors Colored by Velocity (DP1)

f. When you are finished viewing results of the design point DP1 in ANSYS CFD-Post, select File →
Close CFD-Post to quit ANSYS CFD-Post and return to the ANSYS Workbench Project Schematic,
and then select File → Exit to exit from ANSYS Workbench.

2. Study the results of the second design point (DP2).

a. Open the ANSYS Workbench project for the second design point (DP2).

In your current working folder, double-click the fluent-workbench-param_dp2.wbpj

file to open ANSYS Workbench.

b. Open CFD-Post by double-clicking the Results cell in the Project Schematic for the Fluid Flow
(Fluent) analysis system.

c. View the vector plot colored by temperature. Ensure that Range in the Color tab is set to User
Specified and the Min and Max temperature values are set and the Min and Max temperature
values are set to 273 K and 310 K, respectively.

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Parametric Analysis in ANSYS Workbench Using ANSYS Fluent

Figure 2.25: Vectors Colored by Temperature (DP2)

d. View the vector plot colored by pressure. Ensure that Range in the Color tab is set to Global.

Figure 2.26: Vectors Colored by Pressure (DP2)

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Setup and Solution

e. View the vector plot colored by velocity. Ensure that Range in the Color tab is set to Global.

Figure 2.27: Vectors Colored by Velocity (DP2)

3. When you are finished viewing results in ANSYS CFD-Post, select File → Close CFD-Post to quit ANSYS
CFD-Post and return to the ANSYS Workbench Project Schematic, and then select File → Exit to exit
from ANSYS Workbench.

2.4.9. Summary
In this tutorial, input and output parameters were created within ANSYS Workbench, ANSYS Fluent, and
ANSYS CFD-Post in order to study the airflow in an automotive HVAC system. ANSYS Fluent was used
to calculate the fluid flow throughout the geometry using the computational mesh, and ANSYS CFD-
Post was used to analyze the results. ANSYS Workbench was used to create additional design points
based on the original settings, and the corresponding simulations were run to create separate projects
where parameterized analysis could be performed to study the effects of variable angles of the inlet
valves, velocities, and temperatures. Also, note that simplified solution settings were used in this tutorial
to speed up the solution time. For more improved solution accuracy, you would typically use denser
mesh and higher order discretization for all flow equations.

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Chapter 3: Solving a Cold Flow Simulation
A three dimensional single cylinder CFD simulation of a 4-stroke engine is performed under motored
conditions (cold flow) in this tutorial. Detailed boundary conditions are shown in Figure 3.1: Problem
Schematic (p. 113). Engine simulation is started from Intake valve opening (IVO) followed by air flow
during intake stroke. Air is compressed as piston moves towards top dead centre (TDC). This is followed
by expansion of air as piston moves towards bottom Dead centre (BDC). This tutorial serves as an intro-
duction in releasing the streamlined workflow between pre-processing, solver and post processing while
carrying out simulations with Fluent.

Figure 3.1: Problem Schematic

This tutorial illustrates the following steps:

• Launch IC Engine system.

• Read an existing geometry into IC Engine.

• Decompose the geometry.

• Define the mesh setup and mesh the geometry.

• Run the simulation.

• Examine the results in the report.

• Perform additional postprocessing in CFD-Post.

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you are familiar with the IC Engine system and that
you have a good working knowledge of ANSYS Workbench.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

3.1. Preparation
3.2. Step 1: Setting the Properties
3.3. Step 2: Performing the Decomposition
3.4. Step 3: Meshing
3.5. Step 4: Setting up the Simulation
3.6. Step 5: Running the Solution
3.7. Step 6: Obtaining the Results
3.8. Step 7: Postprocessing
3.9. Summary
3.10. Further Improvements

3.1. Preparation
1. Download the file here.

2. Unzip to your working directory.

3. Copy the files (demo_eng.x_t and to your working directory.

4. Start Workbench.

3.2. Step 1: Setting the Properties

1. Create an IC Engine analysis system in the Workbench interface by dragging or double-clicking IC Engine
under Analysis Systems in the Toolbox.

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114 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 1: Setting the Properties

2. If the Properties view is not already visible, right-click ICE, cell 2, and select Properties from the context

3. Select Cold Flow Simulation from the Simulation Type drop-down list.

4. In the Properties dialog box under Engine Inputs enter 144.3 for Connecting Rod Length.

5. Enter 45 for Crank Radius.

6. Retain 0 for Piston Offset/Wrench.

7. Enter 0.5 for Minimum Lift.

8. Click Browse File next to Lift Curve. The File Open dialog box opens. Select the valve profile file and click Open.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

3.3. Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

Here you will read the geometry and prepare it for decomposition. Right-click the Geometry cell and
select Edit Geometry in DesignModeler to open DesignModeler.

1. Select Millimeter from the Units menu.

2. Import the geometry file, demo_eng.x_t.

File > Import External Geometry File...

3. Click Generate to complete the import feature.

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116 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

4. Click Input Manager located in the IC Engine toolbar.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

a. Select IVO from Decomposition Position drop-down list.

b. Click next to Inlet Faces, select the face of the inlet valve and click Apply.

c. Click next to Outlet Faces, select the face of the exhaust valve and click Apply.

d. Select the four faces as shown in Figure 3.2: Cylinder Faces (p. 119) for Cylinder Faces and click Apply.

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118 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

Figure 3.2: Cylinder Faces

e. Retain selection of Yes from the Symmetry Face Option drop-down list.

f. Select the three faces shown in Figure 3.3: Symmetry Faces (p. 119) for Symmetry Faces and click

Figure 3.3: Symmetry Faces

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

g. Retain the selection of Full Topology from the Topology Option drop-down list.

h. Retain selection of No for Crevice Option.

i. Retain selection of No for Validate Compression Ratio.

j. Retain selection of InValve from the Valve Type drop-down list.

k. Select the valve body as shown in Figure 3.4: Intake Valve (p. 120) for Valve Bodies and click Apply.

Figure 3.4: Intake Valve

l. Select the valve seat face as shown in Figure 3.5: Intake Valve Seat (p. 121) for Valve Seat Faces and
click Apply.

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120 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

Figure 3.5: Intake Valve Seat

m. Select invalve1 from the Valve Profile drop-down list.

n. Right-click IC Valves Data in the Details of InputManager and select Add New IC Valves Data
Group from the context menu.

o. In this IC Valves Data group following the steps for the intake valve, set the other valve body to
ExValve and set its profile to exvalve1. Select the valve seat face of that valve as shown in Fig-
ure 3.6: Exhaust Valve Seat (p. 122).

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

Figure 3.6: Exhaust Valve Seat

p. Retain the default options under Under IC Advanced Options.

q. After all the settings are done click Generate .

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122 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

You can see that the Decomposition Angle is set to 329.6 after clicking on Generate.

5. Click Decompose ( located in the IC Engine toolbar).


The decomposition process will take a few minutes.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

Figure 3.7: Decomposed Geometry

6. You can close the DesignModeler, after the geometry is decomposed without any errors.

7. Save the project by giving it a proper name (demo_tut.wbpj).

File > Save

3.4. Step 3: Meshing

Here you will mesh the decomposed geometry.

1. Click Edit Mesh Settings in Properties of Schematic A4: Mesh under IC Engine to open the ICEngine
Mesh Settings dialog box.

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Step 3: Meshing

a. Select Coarse from the Mesh Type drop-down list.

b. Click OK to create mesh controls according to the settings.

c. Right-click Mesh, cell 4, and click Update from the context menu.


You can also open Meshing by double-clicking on Mesh cell in the ICE analysis

1. Click IC Setup Mesh ( located in the IC Engine toolbar).

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

This shows the mesh controls in details.

2. Retain the default settings in the IC Mesh Parameters dialog box and click OK

3. Then click IC Generate Mesh ( located in the IC Engine toolbar)

to generate the mesh.

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Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

Figure 3.8: Meshed Geometry

4. Close the ANSYS Meshing window once the mesh is generated.

5. Before starting to run the solution, update the Mesh cell. You can do this by right-
clicking on Mesh cell in the Workbench window and selecting Update from the
context menu.

2. Save the project.

File > Save


It is a good practice to save the project after each cell update.

3.5. Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

After the decomposed geometry is meshed properly, you can set boundary conditions, monitors, and
postprocessing images or set the Keygrid crank angles. You can also decide which data and images
should be included in the report.

1. If the Properties view is not already visible, right-click ICE, cell 2, and select Properties from the context

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

2. Click Edit Solver Settings to open the Solver Settings dialog box.

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128 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 4: Setting up the Simulation


In the Solver Settings dialog box you can check the default settings in the various tabs.
If required you can change the settings.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

a. In the Basic Settings tab you can see that the under-relaxation factors (URF) and mesh details will
be included in the final report. Also the default models are used and the flow is initialized.

• Enter 2000 for Engine Speed.

b. Click the Boundary Conditions tab.

i. Double-click ice-outlet-exvalve-1–port to open the Edit Boundary Conditions dialog box.

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130 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

A. Enter -1325 pascal for Gauge Pressure.

B. Enter 333 k for Temperature.

C. Click OK to close the dialog box.

ii. Select ice-inlet-invalve-1–port and click Edit.

A. Enter -21325 pascal for Gauge Pressure.

B. Enter 313 k for Temperature.

C. Click OK to close the Edit Boundary Conditions dialog box.

iii. Click Create to open the Create Boundary Conditions dialog box.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

A. Select cyl-head from the list of Zones.

B. Enter 348 k for Temperature.

C. Click Create.

D. Similarly set the liner which includes the three zones —cyl-piston, cyl-quad, and cyl-tri
to 318k.

E. Also set piston to 318 k.

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132 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

F. Close the Create Boundary Conditions dialog box.

c. In the Monitor Definitions tab you can see that four volume monitors have been set. Cell Equivolume
Skewness, Turbulent Kinetic Energy, Temperature, and Pressure will be plotted on the zones
fluid-ch, fluid-layer-cylinder, and fluid-piston.

You will add volume monitors of volume and mass for the chamber zone.

i. Click Create to open the Monitor Definition dialog box.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

ii. Select the chambers zones — fluid-ch, fluid-layer-cylinder, and fluid-piston from the list of

iii. Retain the selection of Volume from the Type drop-down list.

iv. Select Volume from the Report Type drop-down list.

v. Click Create.

vi. Retaining the selection of the Zones and Type, select Mass from the Report Type drop-down
list and click Create.

vii. Close the Monitor Definition dialog box.

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134 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

d. In the Initialization tab you can see the default set values for the various parameters. You will be
deleting the existing patching conditions and adding new ones.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

i. Click Patch to open the Patching Zones dialog box.

ii. For the inlet port, select fluid-invalve-1–port, fluid-invalve-1–vlayer, and fluid-invalve-1–ib
from the list of Zone.

iii. Select Pressure from the list of Variable.

iv. Enter -21325 for Value(pascal) and click Create.

v. Similarly patch the same zones for Temperature value 313 k.

vi. For outlet port, patch zones fluid-exvalve-1–port, fluid-exvalve-1–vlayer, and fluid-exvalve-
1–ib to Pressure equal to -1325 pascal and Temperature equal to 333 k.

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136 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

vii. For chamber select fluid-ch, fluid-layer-cylinder, and fluid-piston from the list under Zone
and patch the Temperature to a value of 348 k.

viii. Close the Patching Zones dialog box.

e. In the Solution Control tab select Yes from the Enable Adaptive Timestep drop-down list. Retain
the default settings.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

• In the Solution Summary tab you can select from the list and check the plots in the Summary

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Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

f. In the Post Processing tab you can see that velocity-magnitude contours on the surface of cut-plane
will be saved during simulation and displayed in a table format in the report.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

i. Double-click image-1 to open the Edit Image dialog box.

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140 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 5: Running the Solution

ii. Select Yes from the Overlay with Vectors drop-down list.

iii. Click OK.

3. Click OK to set and close the Solver Settings dialog box.

4. Save the project.

File >Save

3.6. Step 5: Running the Solution

In this step you will run the solution.

1. Double-click the Setup cell.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

2. Ensure that Double Precision is enabled under Options.

3. Change the Processing Options as required.

4. Click OK in the Fluent Launcher dialog box.


ANSYS Fluent opens. It will read the mesh file and setup the case till initializing and
patching the solution.

5. Click Run Calculation in the navigation pane.

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142 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 5: Running the Solution

6. As you can see Number of Time Steps is already set to 2940 which is calculated from the Number of
CA to Run set in the Basic Settings tab of Solver Settings dialog box.

7. Click Calculate.

8. Close the Fluent window after it finishes running the solution.

9. Save the project.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 143
Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

File > Save


Running the solution can take around forty hours for a 8 CPU machine. You can open
the project file provided and check the results of intermediate steps in CFD-Post. The
intermediate solution is also provided as a separate project. You can open this project
and continue the simulation.

3.7. Step 6: Obtaining the Results

1. Go to the ANSYS Workbench window.

2. Right-click the Results cell and click on Update from the context menu.

3. Once the Results cell is updated, view the files by clicking on Files from the View menu.

View > Files

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144 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

4. Right-click Report.html from the list of files, and click Open Containing Folder from the context menu.

5. In the Report folder double-click on Report.html to open the report.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

• You can check the node count and mesh count of the cell zones in the table, Mesh Information for

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146 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• You can see the change in volume-average cell skewness with crank angle, in the chart Monitor: Max
Cell Equivolume Skew (fluid-piston fluid-layer-cylinder fluid-ch). Also the table Cell count at crank
angles, shows the mesh count at 0 and 180 degree crank angles.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 147
Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

• You can see the boundary conditions set, in the table Boundary Conditions.

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148 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• Check the piston and valve lift profiles in the figures displayed below.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

• The table Relaxations at crank angles, shows the under-relaxation factors at different crank angles.

• The table Dynamic Mesh Events, shows the events at different crank angles.

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150 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

• In the section IC Engine System Inputs check engine inputs you have entered in the Properties dialog
box. It also lists the Journal Customization files if they are provided.

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152 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• Check the mesh motion in the section Solution Data.

• Check the velocity contour animation under section Solution Data.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 153
Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

• Observe the saved images of the mesh at the cut-plane in the table mesh-on-ice_cutplane_1.

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154 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• Similarly observe the saved images of the velocity contours on the cut-plane in the table velocity-
magnitude on ”ice_cutplane_1”.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 155
Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

• Check the residuals in the Residuals table. The residual chart is saved after every 180 degrees.

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156 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• Check the Last iteration residual values corresponding to each time step chart.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

• Observe the chart of swirl ratio at different crank angles in chart Swirl Ratio.

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158 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• Observe the chart of tumble at different crank angles in charts Tumble Ratio and Cross Tumble Ratio

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

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160 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• Check the changes in time steps.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

• Check the Number of Iterations per Time Step.

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162 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• Observe the convergence history of static pressure in the figure below.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

• Observe the convergence history of static temperature in the figure below.

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164 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• Observe the convergence history of turbulent kinetic energy in the figure below.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

• Check the mass monitor.

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166 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• Observe the volume monitor.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

3.8. Step 7: Postprocessing

In this step you will display the velocity vectors in CFD-Post.

1. Double-click the Results cell to open CFD-Post.

2. You can choose the time step at which you want to display the velocity vectors. Open the Timestep Se-
lector dialog box by selecting Timestep Selector ( ) from the Tools menu.

Tools > Timestep Selector

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168 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 7: Postprocessing

1. Select the Step of your choice from the list and click Apply.

2. Close the Timestep Selector dialog box.

3. Select Streamline ( ) from the Insert menu.

Insert > Streamline

a. Retain the default name and click OK in the Insert Streamline dialog box.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

b. Click Location Editor ( ) next to Start From, in the Geometry tab.

c. Select all items under ICE in the Location Selector dialog box and click OK.

d. Enter 3 for Max Points.

e. Enter 1 for Line Width under the Symbol tab.

f. Click Apply.

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170 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 7: Postprocessing

4. Include the image in the report.

a. Select Figure ( ) from the Insert menu

Insert > Figure

b. Retain the default name and click OK.


This will copy the image displayed in the 3D Viewer, to the list under Report in
the Outline tree.

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Solving a Cold Flow Simulation

c. Click the Report Viewer tab in the display window and click Refresh ( ).


The vectors figure is displayed in the report.

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172 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Further Improvements

5. To save the appended report, click Publish ( ).

This concludes the tutorial which demonstrated the setup and solution for a cold flow simulation of an
IC engine.

3.9. Summary
In this tutorial you have learnt how streamlined workflow is achieved in WB-ICE. Motored engine oper-
ation was performed using K-epsilon with standard wall treatment turbulence model in Fluent.

3.10. Further Improvements

You may use mesh refinement while using keygrids for accurate results.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 173
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174 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 4: Solving a Port Flow Simulation
In this tutorial of port flow analysis, you will measure mass and angular momentum flux (swirl and
tumble) for given cylinder head and intake port design over varying valve lifts of 2mm, 6mm and 10mm.
You will create swirl monitor planes at 30 mm, 45 mm, and 60 mm below the cylinder head. The inlet,
outlet and wall boundary conditions are as shown in the Figure 4.1: Problem Schematic (p. 175). Initial
conditions are pressure 101325 Pa and temperature 300 K. The tutorial illustrates the following steps
in setting up and solving a port flow simulation of an IC engine.

• Launch IC Engine system.

• Read an existing geometry into IC Engine.

• Decompose the geometry.

• Define mesh setup and mesh the geometry.

• Add design points to observe the change in results with change in input parameters.

• Run the simulation.

• Examine the results in the report.

Figure 4.1: Problem Schematic

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you are familiar with the IC Engine system and that
you have a good working knowledge of ANSYS Workbench.

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Solving a Port Flow Simulation

4.1. Preparation
4.2. Step 1: Setting the Properties
4.3. Step 2: Performing the Decomposition
4.4. Step 3: Meshing
4.5. Step 4: Setting up the Simulation
4.6. Step 5: Running the Solution
4.7. Step 6: Obtaining the Results
4.8. Summary
4.9. Further Improvements

4.1. Preparation
1. Download the file here.

2. Unzip to your working directory.

3. Copy the file (tut_port.x_t) to your working directory.

4. Start Workbench.

4.2. Step 1: Setting the Properties

1. Create an IC Engine analysis system in the Workbench interface by dragging or double-clicking on IC
Engine under Analysis Systems in the Toolbox.

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176 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

2. Right-click ICE, cell 2, and click Properties (if it is not already visible) from the context menu.

3. Select Port Flow Simulation from the Simulation Type drop-down list.


The ICE cell is updated after you select Port Flow Simulation. You can now proceed
to decomposition.

4.3. Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

Here you will read the geometry and prepare it for decomposition. Right-click the Geometry cell and
select Edit Geometry in DesignModeler to open DesignModeler.

1. Select Millimeter from the Units menu.

2. Import the geometry file, tut_port.x_t.

File > Import External Geometry File...

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Solving a Port Flow Simulation

3. Click Generate to complete the import feature.

4. Click Input Manager located in the IC Engine toolbar.

a. Select the face as shown in Figure 4.2: Cylinder Faces (p. 179) for Cylinder Faces and click Apply.

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178 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

Figure 4.2: Cylinder Faces

b. Retain Yes from the Symmetry Face Option drop-down list.

c. Select the face shown in Figure 4.3: Symmetry Faces (p. 180) for Symmetry Faces and click Apply.

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Solving a Port Flow Simulation

Figure 4.3: Symmetry Faces

d. For Post Planes Dist. From Ref. you can enter the distance at which you would like to have the
postprocessing plane(s). It is a semicolon separated list, for example, you can enter 30;45;60.

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180 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

Figure 4.4: Postprocessing Planes

The representation of the reference planes and the postprocessing planes is visible in the geometry
after you enter the distances. These planes are required for creating swirl monitors in Fluent.

e. Retain selection of InValve from the Valve Type drop-down list.

f. Select the valve body as shown in Figure 4.5: Intake Valve (p. 182) for Valve Bodies and click Apply.

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Solving a Port Flow Simulation

Figure 4.5: Intake Valve

g. Select the valve seat face as shown in Figure 4.6: Intake Valve Seat (p. 183) for Valve Seat Faces and
click Apply.

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182 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

Figure 4.6: Intake Valve Seat

h. Enter 2 for Valve Lift.

i. Right-click IC Valves Data in the Details of InputManager and select Add New IC Valves Data
Group from the context menu.

j. In this IC Valves Data group following the steps for the intake valve, set the other valve body to
ExValve. Select the valve seat face of that valve as shown in Figure 4.7: Exhaust Valve Seat (p. 184).

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Solving a Port Flow Simulation

Figure 4.7: Exhaust Valve Seat

k. Retain 0 for Valve Lift.


This port will be automatically deactivated.

l. Click next to Inlet/(Plenum Inlet) Faces, select the face of the inlet valve and click Apply.

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184 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

Figure 4.8: Inlet Face

m. Select Hemisphere from the Plenum Type drop-down list.

n. Retain the default value for Inlet Extension Length.

o. Enter 100 for Plenum Size.

p. Retain the default value for Plenum Blend Rad.

q. The Outlet Plenum Option is set to Yes.

r. Enter 130 for Cylinder Extension Length .

s. Retain the default selection of Cylinder for Pleum Type.

t. Enter 160 for Plenum Size.


The default values Plenum Size and Cylinder Extension Length are reduced so
that the number of mesh elements generated will be reduced. This will reduce the
solution time. This is one way to optimize the solution.

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Solving a Port Flow Simulation

u. After all the settings are done click Generate .

5. Click Decompose ( located in the IC Engine toolbar).


The decomposition process will take a few minutes.

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Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

Figure 4.9: Decomposed Geometry

6. Add an input parameter.


Most of the port flow simulations are done to study the effect of valve lift on the velocity,
mass flow rate, and other flow parameters. Here you will add design points. Valve lift is
selected as the input parameter for this tutorial.

a. Select InputManager1 from the Tree Outline.

b. Enable FD1 next to Valve Lift for the InValve.

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Solving a Port Flow Simulation

This will create a parameter for this component. A dialog box opens asking you to name the parameter.
Enter ValveLift for the Parameter Name. Click OK to close the dialog box.

A Parameters cell is added to the ICE system and the Parameter Set is connected to the cell.

7. Close the DesignModeler.

8. Save the project by giving it a proper name (demo_port.wbpj).

4.4. Step 3: Meshing

Here you will mesh the decomposed geometry.

1. Right-click Mesh, cell 4, and click Update from the context menu.

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Step 3: Meshing

In a single step it will first create the mesh controls, then generate the mesh and finally update the mesh


If you want to check or change the mesh settings click Edit Mesh Settings in Properties
of Schematic A4: Mesh under IC Engine.

For this tutorial you are going to retain the default mesh settings.

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Solving a Port Flow Simulation

Figure 4.10: Meshed Geometry

2. Save the project.

File > Save


It is a good practice to save the project after each cell update.

4.5. Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

After the decomposed geometry is meshed properly you can set boundary conditions, monitors, and
postprocessing images. You can also decide which data and images should be included in the report.

1. If the Properties view is not already visible, right-click ICE, cell 2, and select Properties from the context

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190 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

2. Click Edit Solver Settings to open the Solver Settings dialog box.

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Solving a Port Flow Simulation


In the Solver Settings dialog box you can check the default settings in the various tabs.
If required you can change the settings.

a. In the Basic Settings tab you can see that the default models are used and the flow is initialized using

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Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

b. In the Boundary Conditions tab you can see that the wall ice-slipwall-outplenum and ice-slipwall-
inplenum1 are set to slipwall with Temperature set to 300.

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Solving a Port Flow Simulation

ice-outlet is set as Pressure Outlet with Gauge Pressure set to –5000 and Temperature set to 300.
Similarly for ice-inlet-inplenum1 which is set to type Pressure Inlet, Temperature is set to 300 and
Gauge Pressure to 0.

c. In the Monitor Definitions tab you can see that four surface monitors have been set. Three plot the
Flow Rate of swirl on the three swirl planes you have define in the Input Manager. One surface
monitor plots the Mass Flow Rate on ice-inlet-inplenum1 and ice-outlet.

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194 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

d. In the Post Processing tab you can see that four images are saved during simulation. Velocity-
magnitude contours plotted on the surface of cut-plane and all the swirl planes will be saved during
simulation and displayed in a table format in the report.

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Solving a Port Flow Simulation

The details will be displayed after selecting the image name and clicking Edit.

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196 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 5: Running the Solution


For this tutorial you will be using the default solver settings. You can try changing the
settings and observe the difference in the results.

3. After checking the settings close the Solver Settings dialog box.

4. Right-click the ICE Solver Setup cell and click Update from the context menu.

4.6. Step 5: Running the Solution

In this step you will setup the solution.

1. Double-click the Setup cell.

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Solving a Port Flow Simulation

2. Ensure that Double Precision is enabled under Options.

3. You can run the simulation in parallel with increased number of processors to complete the solution in
less time.

4. Click OK in the Fluent Launcher dialog box.


ANSYS Fluent opens. It will read the mesh file and setup the case.

5. For the solution of this tutorial you will use monitor based convergence criteria. To achieve this you will
define one velocity-magnitude surface monitor on an interior face zone and then will use this data for
defining convergence criteria.

• Solution → Report Definitions → New → Surface Report select Area Weighted Average...
under the group box.

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198 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 5: Running the Solution

a. Retain the default name of surf-mon-5.

b. Select Repot File.

c. Select Print to Console

d. Select Velocity... and Velocity Magnitude from the Field Variable drop-down lists.

e. Select ice-int-chamber1–outplenum from the list of Surfaces.

f. Click OK in the Surface Monitor dialog box and close it.

6. Add convergence criteria for the Area-Weighted Average monitor.

• Solution → Monitors → Convergence Conditions select Create/Edit... under the group box.

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Solving a Port Flow Simulation

a. In the Convergence Conditions dialog box click Add.


The solution is considered to be converged if the criteria of all of the Active mon-
itors are satisfied.

b. Select surf-mon-5 from the Report Definition list.

c. Enter 5e-05 as the Stop Criterion for surf-mon-5.


Stop Criterion indicates the criterion below which the solution is considered to be

d. Enter 600 as the Initial Iterations to Ignore for surf-mon-5.


Enter a value in the Initial Iterations to Ignore column if you expect your solution
to fluctuate in the initial iterations. Enter a value that represents the number of it-
erations you anticipate the fluctuations to continue. The convergence monitor cal-
culation will begin after the entered number of iterations have been completed.
For more information refer to the section on Convergence Manager in the Fluent
User's Guide.

e. Enable Print for surf-mon-5.

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200 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 5: Running the Solution

f. Click OK to set and close the Convergence Manager dialog box.

7. Double Click Run Calculation in the navigation pane.

• Enter 1200 for the Number of Iterations.

8. Add an output parameter.


To quantify the output result, mass flow rate is defined as the output parameter. So at
the end of this design points study, change in the mass flow rate for the above defined
valve lifts can be observed.

a. Click User-Defined tab.

b. Click the User-Defined tab.

c. In the Parameters dialog box click Create and select From Report Defintions... from the drop-down

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202 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 5: Running the Solution


ii. Select mass-flow-rate-mon from the list of Report Definitions.

iii. Click Create Output Parameter.

iv. Close the Report Defintions panel.

v. The parameter mass-flow-rate-mon-op is added under Output Parameters in the Parameters

dialog box. Click Close.

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Solving a Port Flow Simulation

9. Go to the ANSYS Workbench window. The parameter loop is now complete.

10. In ANSYS Workbench double-click the parameter bar or right-mouse click and select Edit... from the
context menu to access the Parameters and Design Points workspace.

11. In the Parameters and Design Points view, you will see the work area of Table of Design Points. Enter 6
and 10 in the column of P1–ValveLift.

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204 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 5: Running the Solution

12. Enable the check box next to Retain which will enable all check boxes in the Retain column for the design
points you have added.

After adding the desired valve lift values click Update All Design Points ( )
from the menu bar.


Click Yes in the message dialog box that appears.

Now the simulation will run for each design point. This process will take some time to complete.
As solution for each design point is completed its output parameter is updated in the Table of
Design Points under MassFlowRate.


Updating the design points can take around 5 hours on a 8 CPU machine. You can open the
project file provided and check the results.

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Solving a Port Flow Simulation

4.7. Step 6: Obtaining the Results

1. Right-click the Results cell and click Update from the context menu.

2. Once the Results cell is updated, view the files by clicking Files from the View menu.

3. View > Files

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Step 6: Obtaining the Results

Right-click Report.html from the list of files, and click Open Containing Folder from the context menu.

• In the Report folder double-click Report.html to open the report.

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Solving a Port Flow Simulation

• You can check the node count and mesh count of the cell zones in the table, Mesh Information for

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208 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• You can see the boundary conditions set, in the table Boundary Conditions.

• The table Models, shows the models selected for the simulation.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 209
Solving a Port Flow Simulation

In the table Equations you can see for which equations the simulation has been solved.

The Relaxations table displays the under relaxation factors set for the various variables.

• The Pressure-Velocity Coupling table displays the settings.

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210 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

The Discretization Scheme table displays the discretization schemes set for the various variables.

• Check the animation of velocity magnitude on the cut-plane in the section Solution Data.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 211
Solving a Port Flow Simulation

• In a Table you can observe the velocity-magnitude contours on the swirl planes which you have created.
These images are taken at the end of the simulation.

• You can also observe the contours of pressure on the cut-plane taken in intervals, in another table.

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212 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• Check the residuals.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 213
Solving a Port Flow Simulation

• Check the mass flow rate surface monitor plot. Also you can check the mass flow rate plots on the swirl

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214 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 215
Solving a Port Flow Simulation

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216 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 217
Solving a Port Flow Simulation

• In a chart under Design Points report you can check the values of input parameter against the output

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218 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• In different tables you can observe the velocity magnitude contours on the different swirl planes for
the design points which you have created. These images are taken at the end of the simulation.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 219
Solving a Port Flow Simulation

• In another table you can observe the contours of velocity magnitude on the cut-plane for the different
design points. These images are taken at the end of the simulation.

This concludes the tutorial which demonstrated the setup and solution for a port flow simulation of an
IC engine.

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220 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Further Improvements

4.8. Summary
In this tutorial, you have learned to set up and solve an IC Engine problem. You have also learned how
to use ANSYS Workbench parametric system, which is here used for varying the valve lifts and examining
their effect on mass flow rate.

4.9. Further Improvements

This tutorial presents streamlined workflow between pre-processing, solver and post processing for
ease of port flow simulations and performing parametric analysis for varying valve lifts. You may use
different meshing strategies for accurate results. You may use parametric system in workbench for
analysis of different port angles, valve seat inclinations etc.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 221
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222 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 5: Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector
In this tutorial a complete Direct injection (DI) compression ignition (CI) engine geometry is transformed
into 60° sector in-order to reduce mesh size and solution time. Detailed boundary conditions are as
shown in the Figure 5.1: Problem Schematic (p. 223). Sector simulation is started at intake valve Closing
(IVC) with initial conditions as 3.45 bar and 404 K, species mass fraction of O2=0.1369, N2=0.7473,
CO2=0.0789, H2O=0.0369. n-heptane (nc7h16) is used as surrogate for diesel fuel and is injected 8 degrees
before compression (Top Dead Centre). Engine rpm is increased from 1500 rpm to 2000 rpm and its
effect on unburnt fuel is examined. This tutorial illustrates the following steps in setting up and solving
a combustion simulation for a sector.

• Launch IC Engine system.

• Read an existing geometry into IC Engine.

• Decompose the geometry.

• Define mesh setup and mesh the geometry.

• Define the solver setup.

• Run the simulation.

• Examine the results in the report.

Figure 5.1: Problem Schematic

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 223
Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you are familiar with the IC Engine system and that
you have a good working knowledge of ANSYS Workbench.
5.1. Preparation
5.2. Step 1: Setting the Properties
5.3. Step 2: Performing the Decomposition
5.4. Step 3: Meshing
5.5. Step 4: Setting up the Simulation
5.6. Step 5: Running the Solution
5.7. Step 6: Obtaining the Results
5.8. Summary
5.9. Further Improvements

5.1. Preparation
1. Download the file here.

2. Unzip to your working directory.

3. Copy the files (tut_comb_sect.x_t, injection-profile, Diesel_1comp_35sp_chem.inp,

and Diesel_1comp_35sp_therm.dat) to your working directory.

4. Start Workbench.

5.2. Step 1: Setting the Properties

1. Create an IC Engine analysis system in the Workbench interface by dragging or double-clicking on IC
Engine under Analysis Systems in the Toolbox.

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224 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 1: Setting the Properties

2. Right-click ICE, cell 2, and click Properties (if it is not already visible) from the context menu.

3. Select Combustion Simulation from the Simulation Type drop-down list.

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

4. Select Sector from the Combustion Simulation Type drop-down list.

5. Enter 165 for Connecting Rod Length.

6. Enter 55 for Crank Radius.

7. From the Input option for IVC and EVO drop-down list select Enter Direct Values.

8. Enter 570 for IVC (Inlet Valve Closed).


This will be set as the decomposition crank angle.

9. Enter 833 for EVO (Exhaust Valve Open).

10. Right-click ICE cell and select Update from the context menu.

5.3. Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

Here you will read the geometry and prepare it for decomposition. Right-click the Geometry cell and
select New Geometry in DesignModeler to open DesignModeler.

1. Select Millimeter from the Units menu.

2. Import the geometry file, tut_comb_sect.x_t.

File >Import External Geometry File...

3. Click Generate to complete the import feature.

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226 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

4. Click Input Manager located in the IC Engine toolbar.

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

a. Retain the selection IVC for Decomposition Position.


The inlet valve closing (IVC) angle is chosen as the geometry decomposition angle,
since for combustion simulation you are more interested in the power stroke of
the engine cycle, starting from closing of valves to the end of the compression

b. Retain Complete Geometry from the Sector Decomposition Type drop-down list as the input
geometry you have chosen is a complete geometry.

c. Select the face as shown in Figure 5.2: Cylinder Face (p. 228) for Cylinder Faces and click Apply.

Figure 5.2: Cylinder Face

d. Retain 60 ° for Sector Angle drop-down list.


This will slice the geometry into a sector of 60 °.

e. Select Yes for Validate Compression Ratio.

f. Enter 15.83 for Compression Ratio.

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228 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

g. Retain the default setting 3 for Crevice H/T Ratio.

h. Select the valve bodies as shown in Figure 5.3: Valves (p. 229) for Valve and click Apply.

Figure 5.3: Valves

i. Select the valve seat faces as shown in Figure 5.4: Valve Seats (p. 230) for Valve Seat and click Apply.

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

Figure 5.4: Valve Seats

j. Retain the selection of Height and Radius for Spray Location Option under IC Injection 1.

k. Enter 0.3 mm for Spray Location, Height.

l. Enter 0.5 mm for Spray Location, Radius.


Depending upon the height and radius the spray location is calculated.

m. Enter 70° for Spray Angle.

n. After all the settings are done click Generate .

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230 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

5. Click Decompose ( located in the IC Engine toolbar).

6. During decomposition a warning pops up asking if you would like to compensate for the difference in
compression ratio.

Click Yes.


The decomposition process will take a few minutes. During decomposition the following
changes take place:

1. The engine port is divided into a sector of the given Sector Angle.

2. The valves are removed.

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

3. The clearance volume is formed into a crevice.

4. The compression ratio difference is adjusted in the crevice.

5. The piston is moved to the appropriate position as per the Decomposition Crank

Figure 5.5: Decomposed Geometry

7. Close the DesignModeler.

8. Save the project by giving it a proper name (demo_sector.wbpj).

File >Save

5.4. Step 3: Meshing

Here you will mesh the decomposed geometry.

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232 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 3: Meshing

1. Right-click the Mesh cell in the IC Engine analysis system and select Update from the context menu.


This meshing process will take a few minutes.

2. You can double-click the Mesh cell to check the mesh. See Figure 5.6: Meshed Geometry (p. 233)

Figure 5.6: Meshed Geometry

3. Save the project.

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

File >Save


It is a good practice to save the project after each cell update.

5.5. Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

After the decomposed geometry is meshed properly you can set boundary conditions, monitors, and
postprocessing images. You can also decide which data and images should be included in the report.

1. If the Properties view is not already visible, right-click ICE Solver Setup, cell 5, and select Properties
from the context menu.

2. Click Edit Solver Settings to open the Solver Settings dialog box.

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234 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 4: Setting up the Simulation


In the Solver Settings dialog box you can check the default settings in the various tabs.
If required you can change the settings.

a. Click the Basic Settings tab.

i. Enter 1500 for Engine Speed.

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

Enable the check box next to Engine Speed. This will add an engine speed input para-

ii. The Number of CA to Run is set to 263.


You have entered the IVC and EVO as 570 and 833. You are interested only in
the compression and power stroke. So the Number of CA to Run is automat-
ically calculated from these values.

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236 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

iii. Click Read Profile File and select in the Select Profile File
dialog box.


You will be using this file to set the Total Flow Rate and Velocity Magnitude
in the Injection Properties dialog box.

b. In the Physics Settings tab select Diesel Unsteady Flamelet from the Species Model drop-down
list in the Combustion Model group box.

c. In the Physics Settings tab click Chemistry tab.

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

i. Click Browse next to Chemkin File and select the file Diesel_1comp_35sp_chem.inp from
your working folder.

ii. Similarly select the file Diesel_1comp_35sp_therm.dat for Thermal Data File from your
working folder.

d. In the Physics Settings tab click Boundary tab.

• Enter the values shown in Table 5.1: Species Composition (p. 238) for the Oxid values for the listed

Table 5.1: Species Composition

Species Oxid
o2 0.1369
n2 0.7473
co2 0.0789
h20 0.0369

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238 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

e. In the Physics Settings tab click Injection tab. Select injection-0 from the list and click Edit to open
the Injection Properties dialog box.

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

i. Select uniform from the Diameter Distribution drop-down list.

ii. Enter 0.1415e-3 for Diameter.

iii. Enter 712 for Start CA.

iv. Enter 738.2 for End CA.

v. Enter 0.0845e-3 for Cone Radius.

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240 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

vi. Click the Constant button next to Total Flow Rate and select injection_mass massflowrate
from the drop-down menu.

vii. Click the Constant button next to Velocity Magnitude and select injection_vel velocity from
the drop-down menu.

viii. Click OK to apply the settings.

f. In the Boundary Conditions tab you can see that no default settings are present. For this tutorial
you will create some wall boundary conditions. Click Create to open the Create Boundary Conditions
dialog box.

i. Select ice-cyl-chamber-bottom from the Zones list. Retain the default selection of wall as the
Type and set the Temperature to 440. Click Create.

ii. Make same settings for zones ice-cyl-chamber-top and ice-cyl-piston.

iii. For zone ice-piston set the Temperature to 560.

iv. Similarly for ice-sector-top-faces set the Temperature to 480.

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

v. Close the Create Boundary Conditions dialog box.

g. In the Monitor Definitions tab you can see that nine volume monitors have been set on the zones
ice-fluid-chamber-bottom, ice-fluid-chamber-top, and ice-fluid-piston. You will set additional

i. Click Create.

ii. In the Monitor Definition dialog box select all in the list of Zones.

iii. Retain selection of Volume for Type.

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242 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

iv. Select Mass-Average from the Report Type drop-down list.

v. Select Phi from the Field Variable drop-down list.

vi. Click Create. A volume monitor named mass-average-phi-mon is created.

vii. Now select DPM Monitor from the Type.

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

viii. Select injected-mass from the Injection Fate drop-down list.

ix. Select all-injections from the list of Injection.

x. Click Create. A monitor by the name of injected-mass-all-injections-mon is created.

xi. Select influid-mass from the Injection Fate drop-down list and click Create to create a monitor
of influid-mass-all-injections-mon.

xii. Close the Monitor Definition dialog box.

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244 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

h. In the Initialization tab enter 243412.5 for Gauge Pressure and 404 for Temperature.

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

i. In the Post Processing tab you can see four types of images will be saved during simulation and
displayed in a table format in the report. The details will be displayed after selecting the image name
and clicking Edit.

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246 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

3. Click OK to close the Solver Settings dialog box.

4. Right-click the Solution cell and click on Properties to open the Properties of Schematic window (if
not already open).

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

a. In the Properties of Schematic window ensure that the Initialization Method is set to Solver

b. Disable Solution Monitoring.

5. Save the project.

File >Save

5.6. Step 5: Running the Solution

In this step you will start the simulation.

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248 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 5: Running the Solution

1. Double-click the Setup cell.

2. You can run the simulation in parallel with increased number of processors to complete the solution in
less time.

3. Click OK in the FLUENT Launcher dialog box.


ANSYS Fluent opens. It will read the mesh file and setup the case.

4. To add an output parameter click User-Defined tab and click Parameters....

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

a. In the Parameters dialog box click Create and select From Report Definitions... from the drop-
down list.

b. In the Report Definitions panel click New and selectVolume Report and Mass-Average from the
drop-down list.

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250 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 5: Running the Solution

c. In the Volume Report Definition enter unburnt_fuel for the Name.

d. Select Species... and Mass fraction of nc7h16 from the Field Variable drop-down list.

e. Select all zones from the list of Cell Zones.

f. Under the Create group, enable Report File and Report Plot.

g. Select Create Output Parameter.

h. Close the Volume Integrals and Parameters dialog box.

5. Return to Workbench window.

6. Double-click Parameter Set.

a. In the Table of Design Points you can see DP 0. Under P1–rpm enter 2000 for DP 1.

b. Enable the check box under Retain for each design point.

c. Click Update All Design Points.

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

5.7. Step 6: Obtaining the Results

1. Right-click the Results cell and click Update from the context menu.

2. Once the Results cell is updated, view the files by clicking Files from the View menu.

View >Files

3. Right-click Report.html from the list of files, and click Open Containing Folder from the context menu.

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252 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• In the Report folder double-click Report.html to open the report.

• You can check the node count and mesh count of the cell zones in the table, Mesh Information for

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

• You can see the boundary conditions, under-relaxations factors, and other setup conditions under

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254 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• Check the animation of mesh on the cut-plane in the section Solution Data.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 255
Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

• Check the two animations of particle traces in the section Solution Data. Both show the animation
from different views.

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256 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 257
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• Check the animation of temperature.

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258 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• Check the animation of velocity magnitude.

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

• In a Table you can observe the mesh images at various stages of the simulation.

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260 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• In two tables you can observe the particle traces images at various stages of simulation from two different

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262 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• In another Table you can observe the temperature contours on the cut plane. These images are taken
at the end of the simulation.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 263
Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

• You can also observe the velocity-magnitude contours on the cut-plane in another Table. These images
are taken at the end of the simulation.

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264 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• Under Charts you will find plots of Residuals and Last iteration residual corresponding to each time

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

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266 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• You will find plots for Swirl Ratio, Tumble Ratio, and Cross Tumble Ratio.

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

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268 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

• You will find plots of AHRR (Apparent Heat Release Rate) and Number of Iterations per Time Step.
Apparent heat release rate is defined as:

1.35 (can also be computed from Fluent)
Volume of sector, m3 X number of sectors
Absolute pressure, Pa
Crank Angle

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270 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 271
Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

• Monitors of Mass-Average phi, Mass-Average Turbulent Kinetic Energy, and Volume Integral
Density are plotted against the crank angle.

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272 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

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274 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• The report also includes the plots of Max Static Pressure, Max Static Temperature, and Max Velocity
Magnitude on the surfaces ice-fluid-piston, ice fluid chamber-top and ice fluid chamber-bottom
at different crank angles.

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

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276 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

• Chart plotting the Penetration length of injection-0 per Time Step is also included in the report..

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278 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• Monitor plots of Volume Average Static Pressure, Volume Average Static Temperature, and Volume
Static Pressure against Crank Angle can be checked in the report.

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

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Step 6: Obtaining the Results

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

• Monitor plots of Total mass influid for all injections per Time Step, Total mass injected for all in-
jections per Time Step, and Total mass evaporated for all injections per Time Step against Crank
Angle can be checked in the report.

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282 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

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Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

• Lastly in the report you can see the chart of rpm vs unburnt-fuel.

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284 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

This concludes the tutorial which demonstrated the setup and solution for the combustion simulation
of a sector of an IC engine.

5.8. Summary
In this tutorial Diesel Unsteady Flamelet (DUFL) non-premixed combustion model was used to simulate
turbulent combustion process. Pressure trace and heat release rate were examined. You also learned
how to use parametric system in Workbench for varying engine rpm and examining its effect on fuel

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 285
Solving a Combustion Simulation for a Sector

5.9. Further Improvements

This tutorial presents streamlined workflow between pre-processing, solver and post processing for
ease of diesel sector simulations and performing parametric analysis of engine operating variables. You
may switch on pollutant models and compare Nox and Soot.

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286 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 6: Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation
A three dimensional single cylinder CFD simulation, of a 4-stroke spray guided Gasoline Direct Injection
(GDI) Spark Ignition (SI) engine, is performed in this tutorial. Detailed boundary conditions are shown
in Figure 6.1: Problem Schematic (p. 287). Engine simulation is started from Intake valve opening (IVO)
and fuel is injected during the intake stroke. Homogeneous fuel air mixture is compressed and spark
ignited 15° before compression Top Dead Center (TDC).

Figure 6.1: Problem Schematic

This is followed by power stroke and subsequent exhaust stroke. This tutorial illustrates the following
steps in setting up and solving a Gasoline Direct Injection engine combustion simulation.

• Launch IC Engine system.

• Read an existing geometry into IC Engine system.

• Decompose the geometry.

• Define mesh setup and mesh the geometry.

• Run the simulation.

• Examine the results in the report.

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you are familiar with the IC Engine system and that
you have a good working knowledge of ANSYS Workbench.
6.1. Preparation
6.2. Step 1: Setting the Properties
6.3. Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

6.4. Step 3: Meshing

6.5. Step 4: Setting up the Simulation
6.6. Step 5: Running the Solution
6.7. Step 6: Obtaining the Results
6.8. Summary
6.9. Further Improvements

6.1. Preparation
1. Download the file here.

2. Unzip to your working directory.

3. Copy the files (tut_gdi_comb.x_t,, footprint.txt, massflowrate.csv,

and velocity-0.7cd.csv) to your working directory.

4. Start Workbench.

6.2. Step 1: Setting the Properties

1. Create an IC Engine analysis system in the Workbench interface by dragging or double-clicking on IC
Engine under Analysis Systems in the Toolbox.

2. Right-click ICE, cell 2, and click Properties (if it is not already visible) from the context menu.

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288 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

3. Select Combustion Simulation from the Simulation Type drop-down list.

4. Select Full Engine Full Cycle from the Combustion Simulation Type drop-down list.

5. Enter 144.3 for Connecting Rod Length.

6. Enter 45 for Crank Radius.

7. Retain 0.2 for Minimum Lift.

8. Click Browse File next to Lift Curve. The File Open dialog box opens. Select the valve profile file and click Open.

6.3. Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

Here you will read the geometry and prepare it for decomposition. Right-click the Geometry cell and
select New Geometry in DesignModeler to open DesignModeler.

1. Select Millimeter from the Units menu.

2. Import the geometry file, tut_gdi_comb.x_t.

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

File > Import External Geometry File...

3. Click Generate to complete the import feature.

4. Create a spark point.


Before creating a point ensure that the Display Points button is pressed to enable
you to see the point created in the graphics window.

Create > Point

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290 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

a. In the Details View enter Spark for Point.

b. Select Construction Point from the Type drop-down list.

c. Select Manual Input from the Definition drop-down list.

d. Under the Point Group 1 enter -0.94526, 5.5096, and -1.6782 for X Coordinate, Y Coordinate,
and Z Coordinate, respectively.

e. Right click and click Generate from the context menu. See Figure 6.3: Spark, Beam and Footprint
Points (p. 293).

5. Similarly create a beam point before invoking Input Manager.

Create >Point

a. In the Details View enter Beam for Point.

b. Select Construction Point from the Type drop-down list.

c. Select Manual Input from the Definition drop-down list.

d. Under the Point Group 1 enter 0, -6, and 8.58 for X Coordinate, Y Coordinate, and Z Coordinate,

e. Right click and click Generate from the context menu. See Figure 6.3: Spark, Beam and Footprint
Points (p. 293).

6. To create a footprint point you need to create a plane first.

a. Create a plane.

Create >New Plane

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

b. In the Details View enter inj_plane for Plane.

c. Select From Point and Normal from the Type drop-down list.

d. Select the beam point created (Beam) for Base Point.

e. Select the face and then the direction as shown in Figure 6.2: Direction for Normal Defined by (p. 292)
for Normal Defined by.

Figure 6.2: Direction for Normal Defined by

f. Right click and click Generate from the context menu.

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292 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

g. Create the footprint point.

Create >Point

h. In the Details View enter Footprint for Point.

i. Select Construction Point from the Type drop-down list.

j. Select From Coordinates File from the Definition drop-down list.

k. Click the button next to Coordinates File text box ( ) and select the file footprint.txt.

l. Select the plane created, inj_plane for Base Plane.

m. Retain the default settings for the rest, right-click and click Generate from the context menu. See
Figure 6.3: Spark, Beam and Footprint Points (p. 293).

Figure 6.3: Spark, Beam and Footprint Points

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

7. Click Input Manager located in the IC Engine toolbar.

a. Retain selection of Specified Angle for Decomposition Position.

b. Enter 323 for Decomposition Angle.


This is just before IVO.

c. Click next to Inlet Faces, select the face of the inlet valve and click Apply.

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294 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

d. Click next to Outlet Faces, select the face of the exhaust valve and click Apply.

e. Select the face as shown in Figure 6.4: Cylinder Face (p. 296) for Cylinder Faces and click Apply.

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

Figure 6.4: Cylinder Face

f. Symmetry Face Option will be set to Yes. Retain the selection.

g. Select the three faces shown in Figure 6.5: Symmetry Faces (p. 297) for Symmetry Faces and click

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Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

Figure 6.5: Symmetry Faces

h. Retain the selection of Full Topology from the Topology Option drop-down list.

i. Retain selection of No for Crevice Option.

j. Select Yes for Validate Compression Ratio.

k. Enter 10.25 for Compression Ratio.

l. Select the Spark point created for Spark Points. See Figure 6.3: Spark, Beam and Footprint
Points (p. 293).

m. Select the valve body as shown in Figure 6.6: Intake Valve (p. 298) for Valve Bodies and click Apply.

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

Figure 6.6: Intake Valve

n. Select the valve seat face as shown in Figure 6.7: Intake Valve Seat (p. 298) for Valve Seat Faces and
click Apply.

Figure 6.7: Intake Valve Seat

o. Select invalve1 from the Valve Profile drop-down list.

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298 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

p. Right-click IC Valves Data in the Details of InputManager and select Add New IC Valves Data
Group from the context menu.

q. In this IC Valves Data group following the steps for the intake valve, set the other valve body to
ExValve and set its profile to exvalve1. Select the valve seat face of that valve as shown in Fig-
ure 6.8: Exhaust Valve Seat (p. 299).

Figure 6.8: Exhaust Valve Seat

r. Under IC Injection 1 select the option Beam Origin, Footprint from the Spray Location Option
drop-down list.

s. Select the Beam point created before for Injection Beam Origin. See Figure 6.3: Spark, Beam and
Footprint Points (p. 293). Click Apply.

t. Select the 3 points after creating Footprint as shown in Figure 6.3: Spark, Beam and Footprint
Points (p. 293) for Footprint Point.

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

u. After all the settings are done click Generate .

8. Click Decompose ( located in the IC Engine toolbar).

9. During decomposition you get a warning informing you that the chamber will not be decomposed.

The chamber will be decomposed between the insert_angle and the delete_angle. Click OK to continue.

10. Then you get a warning about the compression ratio validation.

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Step 2: Performing the Decomposition

Click OK to continue.


The decomposition process will take a few minutes.

11. Click Show Spray Cone to check the view of the injections.

Figure 6.9: Decomposed Geometry

12. Close the DesignModeler.

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

13. Save the project by giving it a proper name (demo_comb.wbpj).


Once decomposition is completed you can open the icSolverSettings.txt file

saved in the ~demo_comb_files\dp0\ICE\ICE folder and check the insert_angle
and the delete_angle.

6.4. Step 3: Meshing

Here you will mesh the decomposed geometry.

1. Right-click Mesh, cell 4, and click Update from the context menu. In a single step it will first create the
mesh controls, then generate the mesh and finally update the mesh cell.


If you want to check or change the mesh settings click Edit Mesh Settings in Properties
of Schematic A4: Mesh under IC Engine. For this tutorial you are going to retain the
default mesh settings. This meshing process will take a few minutes.

Figure 6.10: Meshed Geometry

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Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

2. Save the project.

File > Save


It is a good practice to save the project after each cell update.

6.5. Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

After the decomposed geometry is meshed properly you can set keygrids, boundary conditions, monitors,
and postprocessing images. You can also decide which data and images should be included in the report.

1. If the Properties view is not already visible, right-click ICE Solver Setup, cell 5, and select Properties
from the context menu.

2. To set the KeyGrids select Yes from the KeyGrid drop-down list.

3. Click Select KeyGrid Angles to open the KeyGrid Angle Selection dialog box.

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

a. Click Add Angle.

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Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

i. Enter 160 for Angle.

ii. Rename the Description to Before EVO.

iii. Retain the default settings and click OK to close the Add Angle dialog box.

b. Similarly add another angle at 564 and rename it to After IVC.

c. For angle 564 select Yes for Spark Refinement Around Spark.

d. Enable Update with slave KeyGrid system.

e. Click Update KeyGrid.


While the KeyGrids are being updated in the slave system you can setup the solver.

After all the Keygrids have been updated click Close to close the KeyGrid Angle
Selection dialog box.

4. Click Edit Solver Settings to open the Solver Settings dialog box.

a. In the Basic Settings tab enter 2000 for Engine Speed(rpm) and 0 for ICE Swirl Number.

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

b. Click Read Profile File.

i. In the Browse profile file click Profile Files (.prof) (*.prof) and select CSV Files (.csv) (*.csv).

ii. Select the file massflowrate.csv from your working folder and click Open.

iii. In the Read CSV File dialog box that open rename the Profile Name as massflowrate and
click OK.

iv. Similarly read the velocity-0.7cd.csv file and rename it as velocity.

You can click Profile Editor and check the profile charts.

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306 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

c. In the Physics Settings tab select SI Engine from the Engine Type drop-down list and Partial Pre-
mixed from the Species Model drop-down list.

i. Click the Premix tab.

A. Select G Equation from the Premixed Model list.

B. Select Peters from the Flame Speed Model drop-down list.

C. Select Yes for Blind Modifier.

ii. Click the Injection tab you can see that three injections have been created.

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

A. Select all three injections —injection-0, injection-1, and injection-2 and click Edit.


You can select all three injections by pressing Ctrl key and then selecting.

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308 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

B. Set the values in the Injection Properties dialog box as shown in the Table 6.1: Injection
Properties (p. 309).

Table 6.1: Injection Properties

Parameter Value
Material n-octane-liquid
Evaporating Species c8h18<iso>
Temperature 293
Start CA 420
End CA 438.4
Cone Angle 3
Total Flow Rate massflowrate massflowrate
Velocity Magnitude velocity velocity
Max Diameter 300e-6
Mean Diameter 55e-6
Spread Param 3

iii. Click the Spark tab. Select Spark-0 and click Edit to open the Spark Properties dialog box.

A. Enter 705 for Start Crank Angle.

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

B. Select Turbulent Length from the Flame Speed Model drop-down list.

C. Click OK to close the Spark Properties dialog box.

iv. Click the Inert tab.

A. Select Fixed H/C Ratio from the Inert Model drop-down list.

B. Retain the default setting of 2.25 for H/C Ratio.

d. Click the Boundary Conditions tab.

i. Double-click ice-outlet-exvalve-1–port to open the Edit Boundary Conditions dialog box.

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Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

A. Enter -1325 pascal for Gauge Pressure.

B. Enter 1070 k for Temperature.

C. In the Species tab enter 0.98 for Inert Stream.

D. Click OK to close the dialog box.

ii. Select ice-inlet-invalve-1–port and click Edit.

A. Enter -21325 pascal for Gauge Pressure.

B. Enter 313 k for Temperature.

C. Click OK to close the Edit Boundary Conditions dialog box.

iii. Click Create to open the Create Boundary Conditions dialog box.

Set the Temperature for the for the zones as shown in the table.

Table 6.2: Boundary Conditions

Part Zone Boundary Condition

Head cyl-head, invalve1–ch, and exvalve1–ch 485k
Piston piston 485k
Liner cyl-tri 500k
Exhaust valve exvalve1–ib, exvalve1–ob, and exvalve1–stem 777k
Exhaust port exvalve1–port and exvalve1–seat, 485k

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

Intake valve invalve1–ib, invalve1–ob, and invalve1–stem 400k

Intake port invalve1–port and invalve1–seat, 313k

iv. After creating all the above boundary conditions close the Create Boundary Conditions dialog

e. In the Monitor Definitions tab you can see that four volume monitors have been set on the zone
fluid-ch. You will create some additional monitors.

i. Select the monitor mass-avg-pressure-mon from the list and click Edit.

A. Select New Variable from the Field Variable drop-down list.

B. In the Add Quantity/Variable dialog box select Pressure from the Quantity drop-down

C. Select Absolute pressure from the Quantity Subtype drop-down list and click OK.

D. Close the Monitor Definition dialog box.

ii. Click Create to open the Monitor Definition dialog box.

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312 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

iii. Select fluid-ch from the list of Zones.

A. Select Volume from the Type drop-down list.

B. Select Mass from the Report Type drop-down list.

C. Click Create.

iv. For the same zone create a volume monitor by selecting Volume from the Report Type drop-
down list.

v. Similarly for the same zone create a volume monitor with Mass-Average selected from the
Report Type drop-down list. From the Field Variable drop-down list select Phi.

vi. Select DPM Monitor from the Type drop-down list.

A. Select influid-mass from the Injection Fate drop-down list.

B. Select all-injections from the list of Injection and click Create.

C. Similarly retaining the selection of all-injections, select injected-mass from the Injection
Fate drop-down list and click Create.

D. Create another monitor by selecting vapor-mass from the Injection Fate drop-down list

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

f. In the Initialization tab you can see the default set values for the various parameters.

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Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

i. Click Patch to open the to open the Patching Zones dialog box.

ii. For the inlet port, select fluid-invalve-1–port, fluid-invalve-1–vlayer, and fluid-invalve-1–ib
from the list of Zone.

iii. Select Pressure from the list of Variable.

iv. Enter -21325 for Value(pascal) and click Create.

v. Similarly patch the same zones for Temperature value 313 k.

vi. For outlet port, patch zones fluid-exvalve-1–port, fluid-exvalve-1–vlayer, and fluid-exvalve-
1–ib to Pressure equal to -1325 pascal, Temperature equal to 1070 k, and Inert Variable
to 1.

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

vii. For chamber select fluid-ch from the list under Zone and patch the Temperature to 1070 k,
Pressure to 4025 pascal, and Inert Variable to 1.

Table 6.3: Patching

Variable Zones Value

Pressure fluid-invalve-1–port, -21325 pascal
Temperature fluid-invalve-1–port, 313 k
Pressure fluid-exvalve-1–port, -1325 pascal
Temperature fluid-exvalve-1–port, 1070 k
Pressure fluid-ch 4025 pascal
Temperature fluid-ch 1070 k
Inert Variable fluid-ch 1
Inert Variable fluid-exvalve-1–port, 1

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316 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

viii. Close the Patching Zones dialog box.

g. In the Solution Control tab enter 419 under Start CA for PDF.

i. Right-click in Save Case/Date group box and select Insert Row Below from the context menu.

ii. Enter 419 for Crank Angle and add Before_inj_st as Comment.

iii. Similarly add angle 440 as After_inj_end and 700 as Before_spark.

h. In the Post Processing tab you can see that velocity-magnitude contours on the surface of cut-plane
will be saved during simulation and displayed In a table format in the report.

i. Double-click image-1 to open the Edit Image dialog box.

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

A. Select Yes from the Overlay with Vectors drop-down list.

B. Click OK to close the Edit Image dialog box.

ii. Click Create in the Post Processing tab.

A. Select ice_cutplane_1 from the list of Surfaces.

B. Select Temperature from the Quantity drop-down list.

C. Select No for DPM.

D. Select Yes from the Overlay with Vectors drop-down list.

E. Click Create.

iii. Click Add Iso Surface.

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318 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 4: Setting up the Simulation

A. In the Add Iso Surface dialog box enter iso-surface-flame for Surface Name.

B. Select New Variable from the Quantity drop-down list.

I. In the Add Quantity/Variable dialog box select User Defined from the Quantity
drop-down list.

II. Enter mean-distance-from-flame for User Defined.

C. Retain Absolute Value for Iso Value Input.

D. Retain 0 for Absolute Value.

E. Click OK to close the Add Iso Surface dialog box.

iv. To add another post processing image, select iso-surface-flame from the list of Surfaces.

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

A. Retain the selection of ice_cutplane_1–view for View.

B. Select mean-distance-from-plane from the Quantity drop-down list.

C. Select No from the DPM drop-down list.

D. Enter 705 for Start Crank Angle(deg).

E. Enter 1043 for End Crank Angle(deg).

F. Click Create and close the Create Image dialog box.

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320 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 5: Running the Solution

5. Click OK to close the Solver Settings dialog box.

6. Save the project.

File > Save

6.6. Step 5: Running the Solution

In this step you will start the simulation.

1. Double-click the Setup cell.

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2. You can run the simulation in parallel with increased number of processors to complete the solution in
less time.

3. Click OK in the FLUENT Launcher dialog box.


ANSYS Fluent opens. It will read the mesh file and setup the case.

4. In the tree expand Models and double-click Discrete Phase.

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Step 5: Running the Solution

• In the Discrete Phase Model dialog box enter 500 for Number of Continuous Phase Iterations
per DPM Iteration and click OK.

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This will reduce solution time.

5. Click Run Calculation in the navigation pane.

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Step 6: Obtaining the Results

a. Retain the default set Number of Time Steps.


The Number of Time Steps are automatically calculated from the entered start
and end crank angles.

b. Click Calculate.

6.7. Step 6: Obtaining the Results

1. Right-click the Results cell and click Update from the context menu.

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2. Once the Results cell is updated, view the files by clicking Files from the View menu.

View >Files

3. Right-click Report.html from the list of files, and click Open Containing Folder from the context menu.

• In the Report folder double-click Report.html to open the report.

• You can check the node count and mesh count of the cell zones in the table, Mesh Information for

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Step 6: Obtaining the Results

You can see the Max Cell Equivolume Skew monitor.

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• You can see the boundary conditions, under-relaxations factors, and other setup conditions under

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Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• The table of the dynamic mesh events can also be seen in the report.

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Step 6: Obtaining the Results

You can check the engine inputs.

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

• Check the animation of mesh on the cut-plane in the section Solution Data.

There are also additional mesh animations on the three injection planes.

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332 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• You can check the animation of the mean distance from flame, on the isosurface.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 333
Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

• Check the animations of particle traces of three injections. The animation are shown from different

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Step 6: Obtaining the Results

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

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Step 6: Obtaining the Results

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

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Step 6: Obtaining the Results

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

• Check the animations of temperature on injection plane.

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340 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• Check the animation of velocity magnitude on the cut-plane.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 341
Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

• In a Table you can observe the mesh images at various stages of the simulation.

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342 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

There are also additional mesh animations on the three injection planes.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 343
Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

• In another Table you can observe the temperature contours on the iso-surface.

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344 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• You can observe the particle traces images at various stages of simulation from two different views in
the different tables.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 345
Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

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Step 6: Obtaining the Results

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 347
Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

• In another Table you can observe the temperature contours on the injection plane.

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348 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• You can also observe the velocity-magnitude contours on the cut-plane in another Table.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 349
Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

• You can check the residual plot in the Table: Residuals.

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350 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• Under Charts you will find plots for the last iteration residual values, Swirl Ratio, Tumble Ratio, and
Cross Tumble Ratio.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 351
Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

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Step 6: Obtaining the Results

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

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354 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• The report also includes the plots of Mass-Average Absolute Pressure and Mass-Average phi.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 355
Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

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356 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• Chart plotting the penetration length of injection-0 is also included in the report.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 357
Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

• Monitors of Mass-Average Turbulent Kinetic Energy, Mass (fluid-ch) and Number of Iterations per
Time Step are plotted against the crank angle.

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358 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 359
Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

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360 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• You will find plots of Area-Weighted Average Static Temperature and Volume of fluid-ch.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 361
Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

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362 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• Along with the chart plotting the penetration length of injection-1 a report for total mass influid for all
injections is also included in the report.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 363
Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

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364 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• Along with the total mass evaporated for all injections the chart plotting the penetration length of in-
jection-2 is included in the report.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 365
Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

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366 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Step 6: Obtaining the Results

• You will find plot of AHRR (Apparent Heat Release Rate) and Area-Weighted Average Static Temper-
ature. Apparent heat release rate is defined as:

1.35 (can also be computed from Fluent)
Volume of sector, m3 X number of sectors
Absolute pressure, Pa
Crank Angle

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Solving a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Simulation

• Monitor plot Total mass evaporated for all injections per Time Step against Crank Angle can be
checked in the report.

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368 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Further Improvements

This concludes the tutorial which demonstrated the setup and solution for the combustion simulation
of a sector of an IC engine.

6.8. Summary
In this tutorial spray was injected in engine using Discrete Phase Model of Fluent. Fuel air mixture was
then spark ignited by using spark model in Fluent. Partially premixed Combustion model was used for
simulating turbulent combustion process. Pressure trace and heat release rate were examined.

You have also learnt on how to use key-grids and use different meshing strategies.

6.9. Further Improvements

This tutorial presents streamlined workflow between pre-processing, solver and post processing for
ease of GDI simulations. You may obtain more accurate solution by using temperature and/or compos-
ition dependent material properties.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 369
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