It Q2
It Q2
It Q2
1. Who among the following individual taxpayers is not allowed to claim deductible
expenses as a deduction from his gross income? d
a. Non-resident citizen
b. Resident alien
a. The taxpayer has the burden of proof in proving the expenses by means of
receipts and other evidence.
b. The 40% deduction rate shall be multiplied to the gross sales or gross receipts in
the case of individual taxpayers.
c. The 40% deduction rate shall be multiplied to the gross income in the case of
corporate taxpayers.
d. The deduction is claimed ahead of the personal and additional exemptions in the
income tax return.
3. Who among the following taxpayers may avail of the 40% optional standard
deduction for income tax purposes? d
a. A Filipino boxer on his cash prizes from boxing bouts here and abroad
c. A Singaporean who stays in the Philippines for eight (8) months each year on his
income from the sale of used vehicles.
The most advantageous deduction that X may avail to minimize his Philippine
income tax liability is:
7. Who among the following individual taxpayers may avail of the itemized
deductions for income tax purposes? d
d. It must be reasonable.
9. Which of the following items is not part of “expenses in general” and, therefore, is
not deductible from gross income? c