Who Is William F. Sharpe?
Who Is William F. Sharpe?
Who Is William F. Sharpe?
Updated May 14, 2019
Who is William F. Sharpe?
William Forsyth Sharpe is an American economist who won the 1990 Nobel Prize
in Economic Sciences, along with Harry Markowitz and Merton Miller, for
developing models to assist with investment decision making.
The CAPM model theorized that the expected return of a stock should be
the risk-free rate of return plus the beta of the investment multiplied by
the market risk premium. The risk-free rate of return compensates investors for
tying up their money, while the beta and market risk premium compensates the
investor for the additional risk they are taking on over and above simply investing
in treasuries which provide the risk-free rate.
Sharpe also created the oft-referenced Sharpe ratio. The Sharpe ratio measures
the excess return earned over the risk-free rate per unit of volatility. The ratio
helps investors determine if higher returns are due to smart investment decisions
or taking on too much risk. Two portfolios may have similar returns, but the
Sharpe ratio shows which one is taking more risk to attain that return. Higher
returns with lower risk is better, and the Sharpe ratio helps investors find that
Stock A has a returned 15% in the past year, with volatility of 10%. The Sharpe
ratio is 1.2. Calculated as (15-3)/10.
Stock B has returned 13% in the past year, with volatility of 7%. The Sharpe ratio
is 1.43. Calculated as (13-3)/7.
While stock B had a lower return than stock A, the volatility of stock B is also
lower. When factoring in the risk of the investments, stock B provides a better
mix of returns with lower risk. Even if stock B only returned 12%, it would still be
a better buy with a Sharpe ratio of 1.29.
The prudent investor chooses stock B, because the slightly higher return
associated with stock A doesn't adequately compensate for the higher risk.
Home » Valuation » Discounted Cash Flow » CAPM Beta
CAPM Beta is a theoretical measure of the way how a single stock moves
with respect to the market, by taking correlation between the both;
market represents the unsystematic risk and beta represents the
systematic risk.
CAPM Beta – When we invest in stock markets, how do we know that stock A
is less risky than stock B. Differences can arise due to market capitalization,
revenue size, sector, growth, management, etc. Can we find a single measure
that tells us which stock is riskier? The answer is YES and we call this as CAPM
Beta or Capital Asset Pricing Model Beta.
What is Beta?
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CAPM Beta Formula
If you have a slightest of the hint regarding DCF, then you would have heard
about the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) that calculates the Cost of
Equity as per the below Beta formula.
Systematic Risks are those risks that affect the overall stock markets.
What is Beta?
Basic Definition of Beta – Beta measures the stock risks in relation to the
overall market.
If Beta = 1: If Beta of the stock is one, then it has the same level of risk
as the stock market. Hence, if the stock market (NASDAQ and NYSE etc)
rises up by 1%, the stock price will also move up by 1%. If the stock
market moves down by 1%, the stock price will also move down by 1%.
If Beta > 1: If the Beta of the stock is greater than one, then it implies a
Though the direction of the stock price change will be the same,
example, assume the Beta of the ABC stock is two, then if the stock
market moves up by 1%, the stock price of ABC will move up by two
If Beta >0 and Beta<1: If the Beta of the stock is less than one and
greater than zero, it implies the stock prices will move with the overall
market, however, the stock prices will remain less risky and volatile. For
example, if the beta of the stock XYZ is 0.5, it means if the overall market
will have higher betas than firms that sell less discretionary products
will be of the equity in that business. Debt creates a fixed cost, interest
Cyclical stocks are those whose business performance and stock performance
is highly correlated with economic activities. If the economy is in recession,
then these stocks exhibit poor results and thereby stock performance takes a
beating. Likewise, if the economy is on a high growth trajectory, cyclical stocks
tend to be highly correlated and demonstrate a high growth rate in business
and stock performances.
Take for example, General Motors, its CAPM Beta is 1.43. This implies if the
stock market moves up by 5%, then General Motors stock will move up by 5 x
1.43 = 7.15%.
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The following sectors can be classified as cyclical sectors and tend to exhibit
High Stock Betas.
Automobiles Sector
Materials Sector
Industrial Sector
Banking Sector
Consumer Staples
Delete Open, High, Low, Close & Volume Column. They are not required
For using this function in excel, you need to go to the Data Tab and select
Data Analysis.
If you are unable to locate Data Analysis in Excel, then you need to install the
Analysis ToolPak. This process is relatively easy: Go to FILE -> Options ->
Add-Ins -> Analysis ToolPak -> Go -> Check Analysis ToolPak -> OK
Select Data Analysis and click on Regression.
Levered Beta or Equity Beta is the Beta that contains the effect of capital
structure i.e. Debt and Equity both. The beta that we calculated above is the
Levered Beta.
Unlevered Beta is the Beta after removing the effects of the capital structure.
As seen above, once we remove the financial leverage effect, we will be able
to find the Unlevered Beta.
Unlevered Beta can be calculated using the following formula –
Let us assume here that we want to find the Beta of a private company, let’s
call this as PRIVATE. As a first step, we find all the listed peers and identify
their Betas (levered)
Please note that for each of the competitors, you will have to find the
additional information like Debt to Equity and Tax Rates. While unlevering, we
will be able to remove the effect of financial leverage.
Step 3: Relever the Beta
We then relever the beta at an optimal capital structure of the PRIVATE
company as defined by industry parameters or management expectations. In
this case, ABC company is assumed to have the Debt/Equity of 0.25x and Tax
Rate of 30%.
It is this relevered Beta that is used for calculating the Cost of Equity of the
Private companies.
If you are curious to see some examples of Negative Beta Stocks, here is the
process through which you can hunt for negative beta stocks.
Step 4 – Click on Find Stocks and you will see the list
Step 5 – Sort the Beta column from Low to High
Step 6 – Enjoy the list of Negative Betas
year, 2 years or 5 years, etc. Using this historical beta may not hold true
in the future.
However, the problem lies in finding the true comparable that can
bear phase or the bull phase. It does not distinguish between upswings
or downswing movements.
We can think about unsystematic risk as “stock-specific” risk and systematic risk as “general-
market” risk. If we hold only one stock in a portfolio, the return of that stock may vary wildly
compared to the average gain or loss of the overall market as reflected by a major stock index
such as the S&P 500. However, as we continue adding more to the portfolio, the portfolio’s
returns will gradually start more closely resembling the overall market’s returns. As we diversify
our portfolio of stocks, the “stock-specific” unsystematic risk is reduced.
Systematic risk is the underlying risk that affects the entire market. Large changes in
macroeconomic variables, such as interest rates, inflation, GDP, or foreign exchange, are
changes that impact the broader market and that cannot be avoided through diversification. The
Beta coefficient relates “general-market” systematic risk to “stock-specific” unsystematic risk by
comparing the rate of change between “general-market” and “stock-specific” returns.
The Capital Asset Pricing Model (or CAPM) describes individual stock returns as a function of
the overall market’s returns.
Each of these variables can be thought of using the slope-intercept framework where Re = y, B =
slope, (Rm – Rf) = x, and Rf = y-intercept. Important insights to be gained from this framework
In the graph above, we plotted excess stock returns over excess market returns to find the line of
best fit. However, we observe that this stock has a positive intercept value after accounting for
the risk-free rate. This value represents Alpha, or, the additional return expected from the stock
when the market return is zero.
To calculate the Beta of a stock or portfolio, divide the covariance of the excess asset returns and
excess market returns by the variance of the excess market returns over the risk-free rate of
One of the most popular uses of Beta is to estimate the cost of equity (Re) in valuation models.
The CAPM estimates an asset’s Beta based on a single factor, which is the systematic risk of the
market. The cost of equity derived by the CAPM reflects a reality in which most investors have
diversified portfolios from which unsystematic risk has been successfully diversified away.
In general, the CAPM and Beta provide an easy-to-use calculation method that standardizes a
risk measure across many companies with varied capital structures and fundamentals.
While systematic risk inherent to the market has a meaningful impact in explaining asset returns,
it ignores the unsystematic risk factors that are specific to the firm. Eugene Fama and Kenneth
French added a size factor and value factor to the CAPM, using firm-specific fundamentals to
better describe stock returns. This risk measure is known as the Fama French 3 Factor Model.
Valuations and analysis of portfolio investments is critical work for many financial analysts. To
learn more about valuation methods and analysis, the following resources may be helpful.
Other Resources
Valuation Methods
Unlevered Beta
Weighted Average Cost of Capital
Investing: A Beginner’s Guide
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