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Unit 5

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The textile industry consumes both electrical and thermal energy. All the four major commercial
energy sources i.e. coal, electricity, oil and gas are utilised. Power from hydroelectric, nuclear
power and natural gas also contributes important source of energy, solar energy, bio-gas may be
used for textile drying, for heating water, singeing, desizing, kier-boiling etc. [7-11 ]. About 55
to 60% energy consumed in the textile industry is used in various pre-treatment stages. Table
13.5 shows the pattern of steam consumption in a composite textile mill. Wet processing of
textiles consume only a small proportion of electrical energy (= 15%) mainly for running various
processing machineries. Fuel in terms of coal or oil is used extensively in the textile industry and
thermal energy in the form of steam generated in the boiler is supplied to the various equipment
through pipes. Several plants/machinery developments and technological advancements have
been witnessed over the last decade to meet the challanges for conserving both thermal and
electrical energy. Some 0fthe important approaches are given below.
13.4.1 Efficient generation of energy and minimum consumption
The boiler itself should be very efficient to generate steam and for this preparation of oil, air to
fuel ratio, stack temperature of flue gases, conversion of furnace oil to LSHS oil, maximum
condensate recovery, cleaning of the fire side, replacement of old boilers etc. are the various
important factors to be taken care-of. Factors responsible for optimum consumption of steam
such as supply of steam at correct pressure, provision of pressure reducing valves, water
separators in steamlines for supply of dry steams at requisite pressure, selection of trap of right
typeand size for efficient recovery of condensate etc. should be considered for the saving
of thermal energy.
13.4.2 Mechanical removal of water before drying
Use of squeezing systems to pick-up 40-50% water by using Kuster mangle, Rotomat washing
machine Kleinewefers Jaeggli Bioflex [ 14], Aquilan air cushion squeezing [ 15] and Roberto
rolls in place of rubber rolls [16] are some of the machineries related to efficient removal of
water/process liquids or controlled application. Use of vacuum impregnation technique [17, 18]
and vacuum roller extractor [19] claim 75% fuel saving by the use of vacuum for expulsion and
expansion of air from the fabric for better and uniform impregnation. Use of suction slot for
mechanical removal of water for fuel saving is also reported [20].
13.4.3 Increased efficiency of drying and heat-setting
The total energy consumed in wet processing may be in heating water, 35-65%; drying, heat-
setting or baking, 25-60% ; liquor circulation, 10% ; the rest is consumed in moving and
handling fabric and so on. Increased efficiency of drying is achieved by improved thermal
insulation, reduced leakages, appropriate steam pressure and proper steam line distribution. Use
of radio-frequency technique in drying can be used as low energy electromagnetic radiation.
High speed heat-setting system can be developed by the use of mixture of air and superheated
steam and swelling compounds like polyethylene glycollic ether in place of conventional hot air
can be used and 60-70% saving in thermal and electrical energy is thus, possible.
13.4.4 Reduced liquor to material ratio
Generally, machines with bigger trough sizes cause major wastage of water and chemicals. V-
shaped troughs give better impregnation time with low liquor ratio and the quantity of steam
required for heating the liquor is also less. Further, switching over to semi-continuous or
continuous operations can also lead to reduced liquor ratio, time and cost. The spraying of liquor,
nip padding, foam application, minimum application techniques etc. are also the various
approaches in this direction.
13.4.5 Efficient heat recovery
In the process house water is generally heated from room temperature to 80- 90~ and at the end
of the process water is run away into the drain. This is absolutely uneconomic. Many of the
modem machine is equipped with effective heatexchangers, in which the outflowing hot water
heats up the inflowing cold water and is only then discharged into the drain. Another possible
source of recoverable heat is the waste heat contained in the condensate. Owing to the
condensation problems, the flue gas temperature is around 200~ If the flue gases are cooled
down from 200~ to 50~ by boiler feed water or processing water, the result is considerable
saving in energy. Exhaust air heat recovery units can also be employed as the energy carrier may
be gas or air. During heat-setting of textiles on stenter frames emission of compound capable of
vaporisation may occur and the flue gases is escaped from the chimney. The air exhausted from
the stenter is fed through an insulated air duct into the boiler house, where together with the
quantity of air required for combustion, is passed through a blower system into the the boiler.
When the boiler comes into operation, clean flushing energy is drawn-in through an intake via a
switch equipped with an automatic drop flap. The switch changes over to exhaust air after the
burning unit has ignited. Above the roof is an open buffer chimney, through which the
excess exhaust air can escape or the fresh air required for further combustion canbe drawn-in.
13.4.6 Heat recovery from process effluents
Textile processing houses discharge a lot of contaminated hot waste water and emit smoke,
which are sources of water and air pollution. There is an inter-relationship of energy recovery
and environmental protection. Increased temperature have negative effect on the organisms
living in water and destroy the ecological system. The waste water and exhaust gas can be used
to heat up clean, cold water and this can be returned to the production process.

Economy Through Water Conservation

It is always essential to use less quantity of water with proper quality for a particular process.
The cost of water is increasing and in order to conserve energy it is necessary to reduce the water
consumption in the process house. This is expected to result in savings of chemicals, water,
reduce the effluent quantity and related problems of treatment and disposal. Machineries with
new designs and new process techniques are developed for minimising the requirement of water.
13.5.1 Minimising liquor to material ratio
Reduced liquor ratio not only reduces water consumption but also reduce the quantity of effluent
to be treated. The liquor ratio in kier and peroxide boil, usually ranges from 2.5 to 4. In pressure
boils, the water consumption for cooling and washing is found to vary from 6 to 9 litres/kg of
cloth. It is possible to reduce the water consumption by about 25% by regulating the water
particularly at the time of cooling and washing operations with the help of water meter or timer.
The aspect of liquro ratio is already discussed while describing the conservation of energy
through plant and machinery modification.
13.5.2 Minimising wash liquor
Washing machines are the major consumer of water. Generally old type of washing machines
like slack and tight rope require more quantity of water for washing. Counter-current principles
of washing, aquatex washing, beam and suction washing, powerful jet with pumps and vibrators,
horizontal or inclind washers etc. will not only increase the washing performance but also
decrease the water consumption
13.5.3 Re-using rinsing bath water
Water and heat energy consumption, together with effluent accumulation can be reduced in batch
type bleaching of textiles by re-using rinsing and treatment baths on the counterflow principle
This system has been patented under the name Bleachstar. Due to the better usuage of the
individual baths, large quantities of clean water and heat energy are saved.
13.5.4 Direct steam injection
For reducing flesh water requirement in a boiler, direct steam injection in jiggers and other
equipment may be replaced with indirect heating system. The continuous machines offer, besides
reduction in quantity of water with better washings and labour requirement, produce more even
quality of fabric. By proper cleaning and sequencing one can avoid down time during continuous
processing operations.
13.6 Economy Through Process Modification
Process modifications/developments for minimising energy consumption in the pre-treatment
processes are very important and some of the major developments are briefly mentioned.
13.6.1 Mather and Platt's Vaporloc bleaching
Vaporloc system is a continuous washing and bleaching unit with a reaction chamber for
scouring under steam pressure of about 30-40 p.s.i, at 130-140~ for 60-80 sec, followed by
washing and peroxide bleaching in another chamber. Considerable savings in steam, time, labour
are achieved. Only 3-7 min is required for scouring and bleaching. Reducing the time of
treatment by modifying the pressure kier boiling for 2-6 h at 15-25 lb/in 2 in presence of sodium
sulphite in the scouring bath is recommended [23].
13.6.2 J-Box bleaching
Du Pont Co. has developed a two minutes bleaching process [24] for heavy fabrics using H202 at
very high pH values using a special formulation to prevent undue decomposition of peroxide and
damage of fabric during the process.
13.6.3 Solvent Scouring
"Markal Process" developed by ICI for desizing and scouring of fabric involves the treatment of
a suspension of enzyme, TCE and surfactant solution. The material after treatment for 10-20 sec
passes through a steaming chamber where the solvent is flashed-off. About 80% saving in steam
consumption is reported
13.6.4 Cold bleaching
A cold bleaching method is reported in which decomposition ofNaC102 is caused by
acidification or by addition of reducing agent [26]. Sodium hypochlorite is an intermediate in the
release of active chlorine dioxide. A combination ofbisulphite with an aldehyde is said to initiate
the cold bleaching action and practically no thermal energy is required. The use of
azetropic/emulsion based scouting cum bleaching formulation helps in processing at room
temperature. This process uses a hot wash at not less than 70~ to achieve the required result. In
the cold pad-batch method, the use of peroxide, sulphates and some accelerators like urea,
glucose, penta-acetate etc. can cause considerable savings in energy, water and labour.
13.6.5 Combined processes
Several single stage combined pre-treatment processes are to minimise the energy consumption.
In recent years there has been a trend to save labour and energy by combining different processes
with dyeing operations. The combined mercerizing and scouring process consists of
impregnating the fabric with caustic soda of mercerizing strength at elevated temperature with a
steaming unit within the hot mercerizing section [27]. In the Bruckners Remaflame Process
[28] for combined drying and finishing, a mixture of methanol and water is applied to the fabric
along with finishing solutions. As the fabric is moved rapidly upward through the drying
chamber, methanol is ignited, the solution bums away and the fabric is left with lesss than 4%
moisture. Remaflame dryers have been claimed to give fuel efficiency as high as 72% as
compared to 50% for conventional dryers.
13.6.6 Shortening of process sequence
The time of various pre-treatment processes can be reduced by judicious approach of the
shortening of process sequence without compromising the quality of goods. The heat-setting
speed can be improved by making use of super-heated steam and some swelling compounds
instead of hot air. Grey mercerization can reduce the number of drying operations. Running two
or more ends side by side or superimposed on machines like shearing, cropping, chainless
mercerizer, cylinder drying range etc. can increase the production. Hydrosetting of synthetic
fibres and its blends at HT/HP beam dyeing machine can reduce the energy consumption.
Combined optical brightening and heat-setting for synthetic fibre fabrics and combined
bleaching and optical whitening are commonly employed

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