FX-2000 Engineering Specifications

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Mircom Technologies Limited

Printed in CANADA

1.1 Shop Drawings .1 Submit shop drawings in accordance with section

electrical general provisions

.2 Include the following detail:

.1 A complete description of the system
.2 A complete description of each system

1.2 Scope of Work .1 Division 16 shall supply and install all equipment and
accessories in order to provide a complete electrically
supervised non-coded, zoned, Fire Alarm System
based on Mircom=s FX-2000 Analog Alarm System as
described herein and as shown on the drawings.

.2 On completion of the installation, the manufacturers

representative shall check the system proper
operation and issue an inspection certificate

.3 The contractor shall retain an independent qualified

contractor to verify the system on completion of the

.4 The complete installation shall conform to the

applicable sections of ULC S524-M91 and Local Code
Requirements and Ontario Electrical Code.

1.3 Acceptable Manufacturers .1 The system specified herein is based on equipment

and design of Mircom Technologies Ltd.

1.4 Standards .1 System

.1 Must Comply with applicable national and/or
provincial/state building codes recognized at
the time of installation
.2 Must comply with the ULC/CAN - S524 Fire
Alarm or NFPA 101 70,72 installation
standards recognized at the time of
.3 The system verification (see section 1.6 of
this specification) must comply with the
CAN/ULC - S537 verification standard
recognized at the time of test.
.4 Installation must comply with requirements
of local authority having jurisdiction.

.2 Devices and Control Equipment

.1 Equipment described in the following Part 2
Section must be listed under the current
issue of the standard indicated
.1 Manual Fire Alarm Stations:
.2 Heat Detectors: CAN/ULC S528,
.3 Smoke Detectors: CAN/ULC S530,
UL 268 268A
.4 Audible Signal Devices: CAN/ULC
S525, UL-464
.5 Control and Related Equipment:
CAN/ULC S527, UL-864
.6 Visual Signals: UL1638

1.5 Operation and Maintenance .1 Provide Data to be incorporated into the maintenance manual
specified herein and including the following:

.1 Operation and maintenance instructions for the

complete Fire Alarm system to permit its effective
operation and maintenance

.2 Technical data and illustrated parts lists with part


.3 A copy of the final reviewed shop drawings

1.6 Verification .1 At the completion of the installation provide two letters of certification
one from the electrical sub-contractor and one from the system
manufacturers representative. Each on company letterhead and
signed by an authorized officer of the company. Each letter shall
indicate the following:
.1 The name of the system
.2 The name of the facility
.3 The correct address of the facility
.4 A statement that the system has been installed and that it
operates in accordance with the drawings and
specifications and that the system was found to be in
proper operating conditions

2.1 Introduction .1 The following specification describes a new fire alarm system
Provide all new materials, devices and wiring required to
complete the system described herein after.

.2 Each and all items of the Fire Alarm System shall be listed as a
product of a SINGLE fire alarm system manufacturer under the
appropriate category by the Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada
Inc. (U.L.C.) or Underwriters' Laboratories Inc, and shall bear the
"U.L.C." or ΑU.L.≅ label.

2.2 Control Panel Operation .1 The initial configuration of the panel shall incorporate the use of a
laptop type programmer in conjunction with the panel=s
microprocessor in order to set whether system is single or dual stage,
type of initiating and indicating circuits, wiring style of initiating circuits
and indicating circuits, operation of timers, number of annunciators,
operation of relays, and all other system parameters.

.2 Single Stage Operation

.1 Upon activation of a fire alarm detection device (pullstation,
heat detector, smoke detector, sprinkler waterflow device), the
Mircom FX-2000 Fire Panel shall:

.1 Turn on the respective red alarm LED at the control panel

and annunciator panel located in the main electrical room
and front vestibule as indicated on the plans
.2 Display the activated device on the LCD display at the
main Fire Alarm control panel and all fire alarm remote
annunciator panels
.3 Cause auxiliary contacts to activate door release, shut
down fans, elevator recall, etc.
.4 Activate the common alarm contact to notify the local fire
department or approved central monitor station
.5 A pulsing alarm signal tone shall occur within the control
panel and annunciator(s)
.6 Cause the alarm signal devices to sound throughout the
building until silenced
.7 Cause any visual signal device if required on plans to

.2 The audible signal appliances shall continue to sound during

alarm conditions until manually or automatically silenced. The
manual silencing via the Αsignal silence≅ switch on the panel,
shall be delayed during the first minute of alarm

.3 The audible signal alarms shall automatically time out and

switch off after twenty(20) minutes of alarm operation

.4 A subsequent alarm shall reactivate signals after they have

either timed out or have been manually silenced

.3 Dual Stage Operation

.1 In normal mode, only the green ΑAC on≅ indicator at the

Mircom FX-2000 series panel and annunciator(s) shall be lit.
.2 Upon activation of a fire alarm detection device (pull station,
heat detector, smoke detector, sprinkler waterflow device), the
Mircom FX-2000 fire panel shall:
.1 Indicate the alarm condition by lighting the red Αcommon
alarm≅ indicator at the panel control.
.2 Light the appropriate red zone LED on the panel.
.3 Light the appropriate red zone LED on the remote
annunciator(s) if required.
.4 Cause the alarm signal devices to sound in the first stage
alert pattern throughout the building until silenced or until a
five minute (or as specified) time out to second stage has
.5 Cause any visual signal devices, if required on plans, to
.6 Activate the common alarm contact in order to signal the
monitoring agency for Fire department notification.
.7 Activate any programmed auxiliary relays that may be
specified on plans for fan shutdown, elevator recall, etc.
.8 If a manual 2nd stage (through activation of a keyswitch
connected to a general alarm zone or activation of the
general alarm button on the panel) is initiated, or if the first
stage time out occurs, all audible devices shall convert to
the 2nd stage steady signal operation.
.9 If the acknowledge button on the panel is activated prior to
the first stage time out then the signals shall NOT convert
to 2nd stage, but shall remain in first stage alert until

.4 The audible signal appliances shall continue to sound during alarm

until manually or automatically silenced. The manual silencing, via
the signal silence switch on the panel or remote annunciator, shall be
delayed during the first minute of alarm. The automatic silencing shall
be set to Αinfinite≅ (i.e. signal appliances will NOT silence
automatically) unless specified otherwise.

.5 Silencing of signals shall cause the Αsilenced≅ indicator to light. A

subsequent alarm shall cause this indicator to extinguish and all
audible devices to sound again.

.6 The alarm condition shall be cleared only upon activation of the FX-
2000 panel=s Αreset≅ switch, assuming also that the device that
initiated the alarm has been cleared or restored.

.7 Operation of any standpipe or sprinkler supervisory device shall:

.1 Cause a trouble alarm to lock into the system

.2 Display the activated device on the LCD display at the
control panel and annunciator
.3 Activate a contact point in order to signal the local Fire
Department or approved central monitoring agency of the
supervisory condition
.4 Sound the audible panel and annunciator buzzer

.8 The panels and remote buzzers shall be silenced by operation of the

panels acknowledge switch

.9 A system trouble shall:

.1 Sound the panel buzzer and any remote annunciator
.2 Activate the common trouble contact on the panel in order
to transmit the trouble condition to the local Fire
Department or approved monitoring agency
.3 Describe the nature of the trouble on the panel=s LCD
display. The following conditions shall be monitored:
.1 Open circuit fault in the field wiring of an
addressable loop, addressable detection or
signal module, or a short on an addressable loop
or signal circuit
.2 Failure of a supervised indicator on the remote
annunciator or open or short on the wiring to the
.3 Disconnection or failure of the battery pack
.4 A ground fault condition on a field wire
.5 Failure of the main 120VAC power supplied to
the panel
.6 Removal or malfunction of any addressable field
device or any required panel module or
.10 The panel and remote buzzer shall b silenced by operation of the
Αacknowledge≅ switch. The trouble conditions shall clear from the
panel when the cause is rectified

.11 Control Switches

.1 Reset Switch Χ As mentioned previously the reset switch
shall clear the panel of alarm or supervisory conditions
once the field device is restored. Also shall perform lamp
test function.
.2 Signal Silence Χ Again as mentioned the signal silence
switch shall silence the audible signals during the
alarm.(switch shall be inhibited for one(1) minute from start
of the alarm
.3 Acknowledge Switch Χ As described silences panel alarm
and remote buzzer on annunciator
.4 Fire Drill Switch Χ Activation allows for testing of Fire
.5 Lamp Test Switch Χ Shall perform lamp test function of all
indicator LEDs automatically on panel

.12 Additional System Parameters

.1 The system shall be completely field programmable
through the use of a laptop computer connected
temporarily for this purpose. Programming shall create a
project specific file that may be copied to disk and kept for
permanent record.
.2 Access to the system shall be password protected to 3
levels. Program fields(Example: Device Bypass, Set Time
/ Date, etc.) must be user selectable to any Command
access level.
.3 The system shall contain four queues for Alarm,
Supervisory, trouble and monitoring with LED indicators
and selector keys
.4 The system shall contain a two history log of events; one
for alarm related events and one for all other events. The
authorized operator may view at any time. The ΑPrevious
Event≅ and ΑNext Event≅ controls on the panel shall be
used to view the events currently showing on the panel
LCD display.
.5 The addressable communication and signal circuits must
be configurable for either Class A(Style 6 or 7) or Class
B(Style 4) wiring
.6 Panel to have two spare configurable keys and LED
indicators for use to be determined at time of installation
.7 RS-232 port for remote system printer or ΑCRT≅

2.3 Supervision .1 The alarm activation of any device shall not prevent the subsequent
alarm operation of any other device.

.2 There shall be up to 4 (four) independently supervised and

independently fused indicating appliance circuits for alarm bells.

.3 All auxiliary manual controls shall be supervised so that all switches

must be returned to the normal automatic position to clear system

.4 Each independently supervised circuit shall include a discrete LCD

"Trouble" message to indicate disarrangement conditions per circuit.

.5 The incoming power to the system shall be supervised so that any

power failure shall be audibly and visually indicated at the control
panel. A green "power on" LED shall be displayed continuously while
incoming power is present.

.6 The system batteries shall be supervised so that disconnection of a

battery shall be audibly and visually indicated at the control panel. A
ΑDepleted Battery message shall indicate when standby operation
has exceeded battery capacity.≅

.7 The System Expansion Modules connected by ribbon cables shall be

supervised for module placement. Should a module become
disconnected from the C.P.U. the system trouble indicator shall
illuminate and audible trouble signal shall sound.

2.4 Power Requirements .1 The control panel shall receive 120 VAC power via a dedicated fused
circuit. The disconnect switch shall be identified in red and locked
out as per code.

.2 The system shall be provided with sufficient battery capacity to

operate the entire system upon loss of normal 120 VAC power in a
full load mode for a period of twenty-four (24) hours with at least thirty
(30) minutes of alarm indication at the end of this period. The system
shall automatically transfer to the standby batteries upon power
failure. All battery charging and recharging operations shall be
automatic. Batteries, once discharged, shall recharge at a rate to
provide a minimum of 70% capacity in 12 hours.

.3 All circuits requiring system operating power shall be 24 VDC and

shall be individually fused at the control panel.

2.5 Fire Alarm Control Panel .1 System Control Unit

.1 The system control unit shall be a Mircom Model number
FX-2003-6(6 amp), FX-2003-12(12 amp), FX-2017-12(12
amp), or a FX-2009-12(12 amp).. The control unit shall
contain the microprocessor system operating software and
non-volatile programmed memory. The unit shall be used
to process all system information. In addition, any of the
above mention system control units shall contain four(4)
standard audible/visual signal circuits with option to add
signals explain herein. The panel also to have municipal
tie circuits, alarm and trouble contacts.
.2 The system control shall contain one(1) analog loop base.
Loop shall be connected in a Class A Style configuration.
Loop wiring shall be via a twisted, unshielded pair with wire
gauge to be determined by the following: Max. 40 ohms
loop resistance and Max. of 0.5uf capacitance. Each loop
shall be capable of communicating with up to 99
addressable sensor devices and 98 monitor output
devices(198 points per loop)
.3 Store all system functionally and job specific data in non-
volatile memory. System is to survive a complete power
failure intact.
.4 System control unit shall be capable of supporting up to
sixteen(16) conventional hardwired adder modules(any
combination of signal. Detection or relay modules) and/or
four(4) analog loops.
.5 Provide a LCD Display Module of membrane style
construction with a 4 line by 20 character Liquid Crystal
Display. Use supertwist LCD technology and backlighting
for high contrast visual clarity. In normal mode display the
time, date, system condition and user definable message.
.6 Provide visual indicators for the following common control
functions: AC Power, alarm, supervisory, monitor, trouble,
disable, and ground fault. Provide common control keys
and visual indicators for reset, alarm, signal silence,
trouble silence, fire drill and two custom programmable
key/indicators. Any of the above mention system control
units to provide 16 Zone configurable LED Annunciator
with slide-in labels for zone definition with option to expand
if necessary

2.6 Expansion Modules .1 Single Loop Expansion Module

.1 The ALC-198S Single Analog loop Controller Module
provides an additional analog loop to the FX-2000
consisting of 99 Analog Sensors and 99 Addressable
.2 Analog loop can be wired in a Class A (Style 6 or 7) or
Class B (Style 4) configuration.
.3 The ALC-198S expansion module occupies one module
slot in the FX-2017-3

.2 Dual Loop Expansion Module

.1 The ALC-396S Dual Analog loop Controller Module
provides an additional two(2) analog loops to the FX-2000
consisting of 99 Analog Sensors and 99 Addressable
.2 Analog loops can be wired in a Class A (Style 6 or 7) or
Class B (Style 4) configuration.
.3 The ALC-198S expansion module occupies one module
slot in the FX-2017-3

.3 Hardwired Loop Controller Expansion Module

.1 The ALC-H16 Hardwired loop controller module allows the
FX-2000 to support an additional sixteen(16) conventional
hardwired adder modules. The hardwired modules are
explained herein

.4 Adder Hardwired Modules

.1 DM-1008A Initiating Circuit Module
.1 The DM-1008 adder module provides Eight (8)
Class B (Style B) or 4 Class A (Style D) initiating
circuits configurable for alarm, supervisory or
trouble zones
.2 The DM-1008 occupies one module slot in the
FX-2017-12 main control
.3 The circuits shall be power limited for use with
FPL, FPLR, or FPLP power limited cable, and
shall be capable of being individually
disconnected via dip switches.
.2 SGM-1004A Four Indicating Circuit Module
.1 The SGM-1004 provides four (4) Class A or B
(Style Z or Y) indicating circuits configurable as
Silenceable or Non-silenceable.
.2 Each indicating Circuit is to be capable of
1.7amps power limited supply
.3 The SGM-1004 occupies one module slot in the
FX-2017-12 main controller
.4 The circuits shall be power limited for use with
FPL, FPLR, or FPLP power limited cable, and
shall be capable of being individually
disconnected via dip switches.
.3 RM-1008A Eight Relay Circuit Module
.1 The RM-1008 provides the FX-2000 with eight
(8) individual configurable relays per module.
.2 Each relay provides one Form C contact rated at
28VDC @ 1amp (resistive load).
.3 The Rm-1008 occupies one module slot in the
FX-2017-12 main controller
.4 The contacts shall be power limited for use with
FPL, FPLR, or FPLP power limited cable, and
shall be capable of being individually
disconnected via dip- switches.
.4 .Auxiliary Modules
.1 DACT-100 shall be used if a dial up /data
transmission signal is required to a remote
monitoring agency to signify a system alarm
and/or trouble condition. Uses Ademco Contact
ID and SIA-DCS Protocols.
.2 Model PR-100 shall provide specialized
monitoring outputs (beyond the conventional
alarm contacts within the panel); specifically a
City Tie connection (i.e. to a Gamewell or similar
station box) rated at 24vdc, 200ma maximum
and a Polarity Reversal output (24vdc, 8 ma
max., switching polarity on alarm; an option also
exists for Αzero≅ volts on a system trouble).
.5 IP-2424 Programmable Input Switches
.1 The Mircom IP-2424 shall provided 24
programmable switches that can be configured
for ancillary functions such as zone by-pass or
added common control functions
.2 The switches operate in a toggle operation with
one press for Αon≅ and one press for Αoff≅. The
IPS-2424 connects to main panel or the RAX-
LCD when mounted remotely. The IPS-2424
occupies one display position in the BB-1000 or
BB-5000 enclosures.
.3 The operation of a switch programmed for zone
disconnection shall allow qualified operator to
disconnect any alarm, supervisory, device, signal
circuit, relay programmed to the switch to be
bypassed. The result is that panel will show
troubled and amber indicating LED next to
switch will illuminate steady
If any device programmed to the switch is set
into alarm while bypass a LED shall blink RED
for alarm YELLOW for supervisory warning
operator that panel will sound alarm if bypass
switch is disengaged.
If multiple switches are programmed to a single
device LED will only flash once all the switched
except one are disengaged.
If providing alternate equipment than Mircom
operation of input switches must match above or
equipment shall not be excepted.
.5 Cabinet
.1 The cabinet shall be the Mircom Model BBX-1024
Enclosure capable of handling one FX-2003-6 or FX-2003-
12 or Mircom Model BBX-1072 Enclosure capable of
handling one FX-2017-12 or Mircom Model BB-5008 or
BB-5014 Enclosure capable of handling one FX-2009-12
.2 The cabinet shall be made of 16 Gauge cold rolled steel
painted beige. Trim ring FA-1072TR shall be available to
provide flush mounting if needed.
.3 The cabinet shall have universal CAT-30 lock / key
assembly and a removable door.
.4 The BBX-1024 shall be capable of accommodating up to
17ah battery pack. The BBX-1072, BB-5008 or BB-5014
shall hold upto 40ah battery pack

2.7 DETECTION DEVICES General: Setting a device shall be by a physical means. Use of rotary
dial switches in acceptable. Devices that use electronic
addressing or require the use of special programmers will not
be accepted

.1 Addressable pullstation
.1 The addressable alarm pullstation shall be a Mircom series
MS-400AD. The series 400 shall be constructed of red
finished aluminum with rotary switches at the back to set
the device address. Reset of the station shall be
accomplished via a 1/8≅ screwdriver inserted from the
front. Model MS-401AD single stage, single action shall be
used for standard applications. For systems requiring an
additional alarm contact (non-addressable) within the
pullstation ( i.e. for door release or some other type of
auxiliary function ) models MS-405AD ( single stage with
additional N.O. switch ) or MS-407AD (single stage with
additional N.C. switch) shall be used as appropriate.

.2 Addressable heat detectors

.1 The heat detector shall be a Mircom model MIX-5551RA.
.2 The unit will have rotary switches for setting the device
.3 The unit shall contain a dual thermistor sensing circuit to
ensure rapid response and to virtually guarantee activation
after the required 15 degree F per minute temperature
.4 The detector=s sensing area shall permit 50 foot spacing
between units in open area applications. The unit shall
mount on a standard model MIX-B501B addressable
device base.

.3 Smoke detectors
.1 The smoke detector shall be one of the models listed
below as required and as specified on the project plans:
.1 Model MIX-1551A addressable smoke detector,
uses the ionization principle for smoke detection.
The unit shall be capable of communicating its
status (i.e. alarm, Αdirty sensor≅ ) and adjust its
parameters (under control of the FX-2000 panel)
to meet various environmental conditions. The
detector contains the rotary switches for address
setting and shall mount on one of the bases
listed below (as required for the particular project
or as specified in the plans).
.2 Model MIX-2551A addressable smoke detector,
uses the photo-electric principle for smoke
detection. Like the ionization unit described
above, it too shall be capable of communicating
and controlling its status. The unit shall contain
the rotary switches for address setting and shall
mount on one of the bases listed below as
specified on the plans.

.4 Addressable bases (for use with plug-in type smoke detectors

described above:
.1 Model MIX-B501B standard addressable base
.2 Model B524RBA addressable base with relay
..3 Model B524BIA addressable base with isolator (see
description of M500X fault module following for details of
Αisolator≅ operation)

.5 Addressable Duct smoke detectors

.1 The addressable duct smoke detector , if required on
project plans , shall be a model DH500A housing or, if the
detector is required to perform local fan control etc.
.2 A model DH500ACDCA housing with auxiliary relay
contacts shall be used.
.3 The sampling tubes shall be ST series in 1.5 , 3, 5, or 10
foot lengths as required.
.4 The housing shall require a model MIX-1551A ionization or
MIX-2551A photo-electric smoke head as specified.

.6 Addressable point modules

.1 MIX-M500MA Monitor Module
.1 Monitor module MIX-M500MA shall be used
when one or more normally open (N.O.)
conventional initiating devices is required to be
.2 One address per MIX-M500MA , regardless of
the number of devices connected to it). The
devices shall wire to the unit in a Class B or
Class A configuration.
.3 The MIX-M500MA shall connect to the FX-2000
system via the address loop as any other
addressable device, with the address set via the
rotary switches on the unit and it shall mount on
a standard 4 inch square electrical box.

.2 MIX-M502MA Monitor Module

.1 Monitor module MIX-502MA shall be similar to
above but shall allow the use of 2-wire smoke
detectors (not addressable type) within the
conventional device circuit.
.2 This shall require an additional 2 wires from the
FX-2000 panel for device power).

.3 MIX-M501MA Monitor Module

.1 Monitor module MIX-M501MA shall perform the
identical function as M500MA but in a Class B
device configuration only.
.2 The compact size of the M501MA shall allow the
unit to be mounted within virtually any size
electrical box or, in most cases, behind an actual
alarm device.

.4 MIX-M500CHA Output Module

.1 Output module MIX-M500CHA shall be used if
either an addressable field relay (form ΑC≅
contact) or a remote audible/visual signal circuit
is required.
.2 In either mode, the unit shall be capable of being
programmed to operate under specified alarm
and/or trouble conditions within the FX-2000
.3 In signal mode, the conventional signal devices
shall be wired Class B or Class A as required;
this mode shall also require a power limited
24vdc circuit from the FX-2000 system for signal
.4 The M500CHA shall contain the rotary switches
for addressing and shall mount on a standard 4
inch square electrical box.

.5 M500X Fault Isolator Module

.1 Fault indicator module M500X (also referred to
as an isolator module) shall be used where
required or indicated on the plans.
.2 On the address loop, the fault indicator shall
provide isolation of Αshort-circuited≅ sections of
the address loop, preventing the entire loop from
becoming inoperable and allowing address
devices and modules in the Αnon shorted≅
sections to continue to function properly.
.3 The M500X shall mount on a standard 4 inch
square electrical box. Note also that the fault
isolation function described here shall also be
contained within the B524BIA smoke detector
base described previously.
.6 Local Pilot Light
Integral on surface-mounted detectors; on the
enclosure of a duct-mounted detector; and in
addition a wall or ceiling-mounted separate pilot
light where a detector is concealed within a
ceiling space
. .7 End-of-Line Devices:
One-watt type resistors mounted within outlet
boxes separate from those for other devices at
the locations indicated. Provide on the
coverplate for each such device on approved
nameplate, engraved "END-OF-LINE
RESISTOR" or with an approved symbol.
Provide red lamacoid plate with white 6mm
letters identifying zone.

2.8 Fire Alarm Visual Signals

Mircom-FS-240R Series 200 Select-A-Strobe ,Red Colour

15/75 or 30/120 cd
Wall or Ceiling Mount
Universal Mounting Plate

Mircom-FS-240W Series 200 Select-A-Strobe ,White Colour

15/75 or 30/120 cd
Wall or Ceiling Mount
Universal Mounting Plate

2.9 Fire Alarm Audible Signals:

Mircom-MH-25R (Mini Piezo Horn)

Mini piezo horn 24VDC red flush mounted for surface mount
use Mircom Surface Box BB-300

Mircom-MH-25W (Mini Piezo Horn)

Mini piezo horn 24VDC white flush mounted for surface mount
use Mircom Surface Box BB-300W

Mircom-MH-S25R (Mini Silencalbe Piezo Horn)

Mini piezo horn 24VDC red flush mounted for surface mount
use Mircom Surface Box BB-300

Mircom-MH-S25W (Mini Silencable Piezo Horn)

Mini piezo horn 24VDC white flush mounted for surface mount
use Mircom Surface Box BB-300W
2.10 Annunciator Panel .1 The back-lit alpha numeric display shall be provided with control keys
to scroll up or down the message list. The annunciator shall include
normal, alarm, trouble and supervisory LEDs. This shall be a Mircom
RAX-LCD Remote LCD Display unit
.2 At the main entrance provide LED=s per alarm and supervisory zone
along with LCD display. Mircom=s RAM-1032 and RAX-1048 shall
be used


3.1 Installation Schedule .1 System must be complete, approved and operational for completion
date or contractor could be held accountable for costs associated
with late openingl.

.3 Do not commence any item of work affecting any part of the existing
system until all necessary materials are on site for that item of work.
Having started such an item, carry out work continuously until that
portion of the system is restored to full operation.

3.2 Installation .1 Provide suitable raceway system and wiring for complete system.

.2 Provide outlet boxes of ample size for clearance to wiring

connections; in particular, boxes for manual pull stations with plaster

.3 No knocked out type back boxes will be used.

.4 Install all components per manufacturer's recommendations, and co-

ordination with the installation schedule.

.5 Fire alarm wiring to be installed in EMT conduit throughout. Type AC-

90 cable (BX) is not acceptable.

.6 Use solid copper conductors and size wiring to Class 2 requirements,

but protect from mechanical injury or other conditions such as
moisture, excessive heat or corrosive action to Class 1 requirements.

.7 Size not less than #18 AWG for alarm receiving circuits and remote
annunciators, four or more conductors in a cable, and #14 AWG for
single conductor.

.8 Provide for resistance in wire of not more than 50 ohms for audible
signal circuits, single conductor: #12 AWG.

.9 Ensure that in no case will the voltage drop to any signal exceed
10%.Use Class B connections for all initiation circuits, Class A for
signal circuits.

3.3 Wiring .1 Provide all necessary supply interconnecting, and remote signal
wiring, in accordance with the manufacturer's wiring diagrams and
the requirements of the Electrical Code and the Inspection Authority.
.2 Provide terminal cabinets, complete with terminal blocks for wiring
convenience at various junction points in the system where
recommended by the manufacturer.

.3 All conductors shall be cut at each station, detector and bell and
connections shall be made in the approved manner to ensure proper
supervision of the wiring. This will involve using four screws at each

3.4 Testing and Inspection .1 The manufacturer=s representative shall make an inspection of the
fire alarm equipment, including those components necessary to the
direct operation of the system such as manual stations, thermal and
smoke-actuated detectors and controls, whether or not manufactured
by the manufacturer. The inspection shall comprise an examination
and test of such equipment for the

.1 That the type of equipment installed is that designated by

the specifications.

.2 That the wiring connections to all equipment components

show that the installer undertook to have observed ULC
and UL requirements.

.3 That all products-of-combustion (smoke) detectors have

been properly calibrated and adjustments set correctly.

.4 That equipment of the manufacturer's manufacture has

been installed in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations and that all alarm-initiating,
annunciation and signaling devices of whatever
manufacture have been operated or tested to verify their

.5 That supervisory wiring of those items of equipment

connected to a supervised circuit is operating and that the
wiring, having been met to the satisfaction of inspecting

.6 Testing to be done in the presence of the local building

inspector and local fire Marshall.

.7 Fire alarm system shall be verified as per CAN4-S537 M86


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