515 AI01 AP Additive Controller

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Model 515

Application AI01
Additive Injection Controller
for Volumetric Frequency
Flowmeters & Positive
Displacement Dosing Pumps

Features Overview Calculations

• Suited for injection ratios from The 515 AI01 application is designed The Sample Ratio (in ppm) is an
10 to 10000 PPM to control the injection of additive average value based on the internal
• Programmable pump stroke chemicals with respect to a main flow. sample totals for the additive and
volumes and maximum stroke Tailored for volumetric frequency main volumes captured during a
rates to cater for wide range of flowmeters it will operate with positive sliding period of the programmable
dosing pumps displacement dosing pumps “Sample Strokes”.
• Adjustable sampling method controlling the dosing rate via either Additive sample
deals with the inherent an output pulse or 4-20mA signal. SampleRatio = -------------------------------------------  10 6
Main sample
problems of measurement and
control of pulsating injections The instrument will calculate a Target
• Continual calculation of main Stroke Rate and the intervals of main The Process Ratio (in ppm) is based
flow and required dosing rates volume at which a Stroke Output on the actual Additive Volume and
• Permissive input allows system Pulse will be generated based on the main volume since the last reset.
to settle without raising dosing pump parameters and the Additive volume
exceptions process ratio set point, programmed ProcessRatio = -------------------------------------------  10 6
Main volume
• Warnings provided for: No in PPM (parts per million).
Additive Flow, Excess Additive
Flow and Sample Deviation The additive flow is monitored and The Target Stroke Rate (in SPM,
Exceeded measured along with the main flow to strokes per minute) can be a key
• Warning of external alarms and continuously calculate the overall visual or automation aid for the
main flow too high for dosing Process Ratio and the Sample Ratio dosing operations.
pump that provides a faster “real time” PPM  Setpoint ppm 
• Allows for non-linear correction value of the dosing chemical. There  ------------------------------------  Main flowrate
 10 6 
• Selection of second language are flow and deviation exceptions, SPM = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stroke volume
and user tags alarms and a permissive that can be
• RTC logging with over 1000 used to help maintain control and
entries integrity of an additive injection
• Selectable protocols on serial system.
ports including Modbus RTU
and Printer output
• Backlit display with LCD

Example of Pulse or Frequency Frequency

additive Analog Input 1 Input 2
control Control

Main Flow

PD Dosing
Pump Flowmeters
Additive Flow

Accuracy • Quality • Performance

Displayed Information Instrument parameters including units of measurement
can be programmed in the field, according to the user
The front panel display shows the current values of the access levels assigned to parameters by the distributor.
input variables and the results of the calculations. A list of
the variables for this application and their type (total or All set-up parameters, totals and logged data are stored in
rate) is shown at the end of this document. non-volatile memory with at least 30 years retention.

The instrument can be supplied with a real-time clock for Terminal Designations
data logging of over 1000 entries of the variables as
displayed on the main menu. Terminal
Designation Comment
Communications 1 FINP 1+ Frequency Input 1+ Main line flow
2 FINP 2+ Frequency Input 2+ Additive line flow
3 SG - Signal ground
There are currently two communication ports available as 15 Vo + 8-24 volts DC output Overload protected
follows: 16 G - DC Ground
17 Vi + DC power input DC power in 12-28V
• RS-232 port 18 SH E Shield terminal
• RS-485 port (optional) 19 + RS485 (+)
20 RS485 - RS485 (-) Optional RS485 port
The ports are available for remote data reading, printouts 21 G RS485 ground

and for initial application loading of the instrument. 22 1+ Switch 1 External Alarm Signal
23 2+ Switch 2 Remote Display
24 3+ Switch 3 Remote Reset
Isolated Outputs 25
4+ Switch 4 Permissive Input
26 C- Signal ground
The opto-isolated outputs can re-transmit any main menu 27 + Output ch 1 (+)
variable. The type of output is determined by the nature of 28
- Output ch 1 (-)
Stroke Pulse output

the assigned variable. Totals are output as pulses and 29 + Output ch 2 (+) Target Stroke Rate
rates are output as 4-20 mA signals. By default, output 1 30 - Output ch 2 (-) output
has been assigned to the Stroke Count to provide a pulse 31 RC Relay common
signal and output 2 is assigned to the Target Stroke Rate 32 R1 Relay 1
to provide a 4-20mA output. 33 RELAYS R2 Relay 2
34 R3 Relay 3

Relay Outputs 35
R4 Relay 4
E Mains ground
AC AC power in 95-135 V or
N N Mains neutral
All four alarm relays can be freely assigned. As well as A
A Mains active
190-260 V

assigning a particular rate variable as a high or low alarm, RS232 port 9-pin serial port
a relay can be assigned to the unit’s exceptions/warnings
to drive external sounders, beacons or other master
control devices.

Software Configuration
The instrument can be further tailored to suit specific
application needs including units of measurement, custom
tags, second language or access levels. A distributor can
configure these requirements before delivery.

Side View Rear Top View RS232

Connectors Port
Dimension Drawings 22 mm
145 mm
25 mm
138 mm

Part Number Front

74 mm

66 mm

see Product Codes to select required
features Mounting Clip

Min. 189 mm
Default Application software:
67 mm
70 mm
139 mm
147 mm
Panel Cut-out
Specifications Communication Ports
Ports RS-232 port
RS-485 port (optional)
Operating Environment Baud Rate 2400 to 19200 baud
Temperature -20 °C to +60 °C (conformal coating)
Parity Odd, even or none
+5 °C to +40 °C (no coating)
Humidity 0 to 95% non condensing (conformal coating) Stop Bits 1 or 2
5% to 85% non condensing (no coating) Data Bits 8
Power Supply 95...135 V AC or 190...260 V AC or Protocols ASCII, Modbus RTU, Printer*
12...28 V DC
Consumption 6 W (typical)
Transducer Supply
Protection Sealed to IP65 (Nema 4X) when panel mounted
Voltage 8 to 24 volts DC, programmable
Dimensions 147 mm (5.8") width
74 mm (2.9") height Current 70 mA @ 24 V, 120 mA @ 12 V maximum
167 mm (6.6") depth Protection Power limited output

Display Isolated Output

Type Backlit LCD with 7-digit numeric display and No. of Outputs configurable output
11-character alphanumeric display
Configuration Pulse/Digital or 4-20 mA output
Digits 15.5 mm (0.6") high
Characters 6 mm (0.24") high Pulse/Digital Output
LCD Backup Last data visible for 15 min after power down Signal Type Open collector
Update Rate 0.3 second Switching 200 mA, 30 volts DC maximum
Saturation 0.8 volts maximum
Non-volatile Memory Pulse Width Programmable: 10 , 20, 50, 100, 200 or 500ms
Retention > 30 years
Data Stored Setup, Totals and Logs 4-20 mA Output
Supply 9 to 30 volts DC external
Approvals Resolution 0.05% full scale
Interference compliance Accuracy 0.05% full scale (20C)
0.1% (full temperature range, typical)
Enclosure ATEX, FM, CSA and SAA approved enclosures
available for hazardous areas
Important: Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Real Time Clock (Optional)
Printer protocol is available only if RTC option is installed.
Battery Type 3 volts Lithium button cell (CR2032)
Battery Life 5 years (typical)

Frequency Input (General)

Range 0 to 10 kHz
Overvoltage 30 V maximum
Update Time 0.3 sec
Cutoff frequency Programmable
Configuration Pulse, coil or NPS input
Non-linearity Up to 10 correction points

Signal Type CMOS, TTL, open collector, reed switch
Threshold 1.3 volts

Signal Type Turbine and sine wave
Sensitivity 15 mV p-p minimum

Signal Type NPS sensor to Namur standard

Logic Inputs
Signal Type CMOS, TTL, open collector, reed switch
Overvoltage 30V maximum

Relay Output
No. of Outputs 2 relays plus 2 optional relays
Voltage 250 volts AC, 30 volts DC maximum
(solid state relays use AC only)
Current 3 A maximum
Ordering Information
Product Codes

Model Supplementary Code Description

515 . - AI01

1 Panel mount enclosure

2 Field mount enclosure (not yet available)
3/5 Explosion proof Ex410 with metric glands (5 specifies heater version)
4/6 Explosion proof Ex410 with NPT glands (6 specifies heater version)
4 logic inputs, 1 isolated output, 2 relays (only relay type 1 is available), RS232
(DB9) communication port
4 logic inputs, 2 isolated outputs, 4 relays, real-time clock data logging, RS232
Output Options 1
(DB9) and RS485 communication ports
4 logic inputs, 2 isolated outputs, 4 relays, real-time clock data logging, RS232
(DB9) and Ethernet/RF communication ports (not yet available)
1 Electromechanical relays only

Relay Type 2 2 electromechanical and 2 solid state relays

3 Solid state relays only (not yet available)

E For 220/240 VAC
Power Supply A For 110/120 VAC
D For DC power only 12-28 VDC
Display Panel Option F Fully optioned (with backlight & LCD backup)
Conformal coating - required for maximum environmental operating range.
Recommended to avoid damage from moisture and corrosion.
PCB Protection
None - suitable for IEC standard 654-1 Climatic Conditions up to Class B2
(Heated and/or cooled enclosed locations)
Application Pack Number AI01 Defines the application software to be loaded into the instrument

Example full product part number is 515.112EFC-AI01 (this is the number used for placing orders).

Main Menu Variables

Main Menu Default Preferred Variable
Variables Units Units Type
Main Line Volume m3 Total
Main Line Flowrate m3/min Rate
Additive Line Volume L Total
Additive Sample L/min Rate
Stroke Output Count Count Total
Target Stroke Rate STK/M Rate
Sample Ratio ppm Rate
Process Ratio ppm Rate

500 Series in Ex410 Enclosure

AI01 AP 01/14

Contrec Manufacturing Ltd Contrec Europe Limited Contrec - USA, LLC Contrec Systems Pty Ltd
Riverside, Canal Road Riverside, Canal Road 916 Belcher Drive 5 Norfolk Avenue
Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire Pelham, Alabama Ringwood, Victoria 3134
HX6 3YA United Kingdom HX6 3YA United Kingdom AL 35124 United States Melbourne Australia
Tel: +44 1422 829944 Tel: +44 1422 829920 Tel: (205) 685 3000 Tel: +61 413 505 114
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

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