02-Siggaard-Andersen Vs Stuart (I Joubert)
02-Siggaard-Andersen Vs Stuart (I Joubert)
02-Siggaard-Andersen Vs Stuart (I Joubert)
There has been significant debate in the literature as to the worth of two described approaches to the
interpretation of acid-base disturbances. The two contenders are the Siggaard-Anderson approach
(based on the calculation of base excess), and the Stewart approach (based on physicochemical
principles). So extensive has the discussion on the two approaches been, that it has been dubbed
“The great trans-altantic acid-base debate”!
Not to get engaged in the debate that rages, the differences between the two need to be understood.
The Siggaard-Anderson approach is fundamentally based on the calculation of base excess through
blood gas analysis. It is a well entrenched method that reliably quantifies both respiratory and
metabolic disturbance. Its weakness is the lack of clear mechanistic explanation of metabolic
problems. As an example, hyperchloraemic acidosis is well demonstrated through a fall in base
excess, but the question of “how” or “why” the pH changes is unaddressed.
The Stewart approach is in no dispute with Siggaard-Anderson, with respect to respiratory acid-base
disturbances, but has the capacity of identifying the causative problems in metabolic disturbance. A
hyperchloraemic acidosis is both identified and the mechanism explained.
From a practical perspective it is probably useful to make use of both, to obtain the greatest amount of
clarity in acid-base disturbances.
The following notes set out to provide essential information for use in the interpretation of metabolic
disturbances as encountered in the clinical environment.
As there is no conflict with respect to either the identification or explanation of respiratory
disturbances, what follows focuses on metabolic disturbances.
Central to the understanding of the Stewart approach are some of the unique properties that water
has. These can be considered as follows:
Water has a high molar concentration
Water can be ionised
Solutes added to water alter the ionisation of water, and hence the pH
o Note that changes in temperature and pressure can also alter the ionisation of water.
Siggaard Anderson vs Stewart
Prof. I Joubert
The definition of pH
pH is defined as the concentration of hydrogen ions expressed as the negative log to base 10.
pH log10 [ H ]
As the blood gas analyser measures pH and PCO2, the HCO3 is a calculated variable.
Bicarbonate can only be used to assess a metabolic disturbance if there is no respiratory abnormality!
As a calculated variable, bicarbonate is affected by both respiratory and metabolic disturbances. It
cannot, therefore, be an ideal measure of either. Moreover, the relationship between metabolic
acidosis and bicarbonate is neither consistent nor linear. Finally, in acid-base determinations the
concentration (mEq/L) of bicarbonate ions (HCO 3 ) is not measured, but calculated from PCO2 and pH.
Bicarbonate is therefore not a particularly useful variable – it is merely the product of calculation!
Standard bicarbonate
While bicarbonate itself is a poor measurement of either the respiratory or metabolic regulator,
standard bicarbonate is a better measurement of the metabolic component.
It was introduced in 1957 by Jorgensen and Astrup. It was defined as the bicarbonate concentration
under standard conditions: PCO2=40 mmHg (5.3kPa), temperature of 37 C, and haemoglobin being
fully saturated with oxygen.
As the standard bicarbonate includes correction for any respiratory abnormality, it is useful in the
identification of metabolic disturbance.
Siggaard Anderson vs Stewart
Prof. I Joubert
Base excess
The year after introducing Standard Bicarbonate, Astrup and Siggard-Andersen, in 1958, introduced
Base Excess as a better method of measuring the metabolic component. In essence the method
calculated the quantity of Acid or Alkali required to return the plasma in-vitro to a normal pH under
standard conditions (these being PCO2 and temperature).
Siggaard Anderson vs Stewart
Prof. I Joubert
Weak non-volatile acids - [ATOT ]
[ATOT] is the total plasma concentration of the weak non-volatile acids, inorganic phosphate, serum
proteins, and albumin.
[ATOT] = [PiTOT] + [PrTOT] + albumin.
Proteins provide a significant source of ionisable substrate that is useful in the buffering of acid-base
disturbances. A low albumin plays an alkalinising role from an acid-base perspective.
The use of the strong ion difference and abnormalities of ATOT can provide additional insight into the
appreciation of the cause of an acid-base disturbance.
Clinical considerations
Changes in acid-base status are either respiratory or non-respiratory, i.e., metabolic:
The effects of changes of PCO2 are well understood and produce the expected alterations in [H ]:
- +
CO2 + H2O <—> H2CO3 <—> HCO3 + H
Metabolic (Non-Respiratory):
Metabolic disturbances, cannot be viewed as a consequence of bicarbonate concentration because
bicarbonate is merely a dependent variable. The two possible sources of metabolic, i.e., non-
respiratory disturbances, are either [SID] or [ATOT], or both.
With normal protein levels, [SID] is about 40mEq/L. Any departure from this normal value is roughly
equivalent to the standard base excess (SBE), i.e., if the measured [SID] were 45 mEq/L, the BE
would be about 5 mEq/L, and a measured [SID] of 32 mEq/L would approximate to a BE = -8 mEq/L.
Because [SID] does not allow for haemoglobin, there is often a small discrepancy.
Changing [SID]:
[SID] can be changed by two principal methods:
1) Concentration:
Dehydration or over-hydration alters the concentration of the strong ions and therefore
increases, or decreases, any difference. The body's normal state is on the alkaline side of
neutral. Therefore, dehydration concentrates the alkalinity (contraction alkalosis) and increases
[SID]; whereas, over-hydration dilutes this alkaline state towards neutral (dilutional acidosis) and
decreases [SID].
2) Strong Ion Changes:
If the sodium concentration is normal, alterations in the concentration of other strong ions will
affect [SID]:
a. Inorganic Acids:
The only strong ion capable of sufficient change is chloride, (potassium, calcium and
magnesium do not change significantly). An increased Cl concentration causes an
acidosis and a decreased [SID] – hyperchloraemic acidosis. Because the chloride ions
are measured, the anion gap will be normal.
b. Organic Acids:
By contrast, if the body accumulates one of the organic acids, e.g., lactate, formate, keto-
acids, then the metabolic acidosis is characterized by a normal chloride concentration
and an abnormal anion gap because of the presence of the "unmeasured" organic acid.
Changing [ATOT ]:
The non-volatile weak acids comprise inorganic phosphate, albumin and other plasma proteins.
Making the greatest contribution to acid-base balance are the proteins, particularly albumin, which
behave collectively as a weak acid.
Hypoproteinaemia, therefore, causes a base excess and vice versa.
Phosphate levels are normally so low that a significant fall is impossible. However, in renal failure,
high phosphate levels contribute to the acidaemia.
Siggaard Anderson vs Stewart
Prof. I Joubert
Simple mathematics!
As a rule of thumb the following holds true:
12 mmHg
0.1 6 mEq/l
1.6 kPa
The equation means that a change of 0.1 in the pH can be caused by either:
1. A respiratory change (PCO2 change) of 12 mmHg, or
2. A metabolic change (Base Excess change) of 6 mEq/L.
3. A mixture of the two.
This relationship allows the components to be "added" and "subtracted". For example, a pH of 7.2
(0.2 more "Acid") can be caused by:
1. a PCO2 of 64 with a BE = 0 mEq/L
2. a PCO2 of 52 with a BE = -6 mEq/L
3. a PCO2 of 40 with a BE = -12 mEq/L
4. a PCO2 of 32 with a BE = -18 mEq/L
Although this relationship is an approximation, it provides acceptable clinical results in most
circumstances; its real value is in granting insight and understanding.
Identifying compensation
Compensation for acid-base disturbances is never complete from a mathematical perspective. In
other words the pH can never be brought back to 7.4 by physiologic means. Compensation may be
complete in that physiology has done all it can to offset the disturbance. At best complete physiologic
compensation will lie roughly halfway between full mathematical compensation, and no compensation.
Acid-base interpretation is easy!
Identify an acidaemia or alkalaemia
If pH is within the normal range in the face of significant respiratory and metabolic
disturbance, it might be more complex! Compensation is never mathematically complete.
Then look at PCO2 and SBE.
Start to identify either respiratory or metabolic causes of the disturbance
For metabolic acidosis
Consider both the anion gap and SID for insight
Consider SID and [ATOT ] for all metabolic disturbances