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IS 1644 : 2013

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Indian Standard
( Second Revision)

ICS 13.220. 01

© BIS 2013


NEW DELHI 110002

August 20 J 3 Price Group 8

Fire Safety Sectional Committee, CED 36

This Indian Standard (Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Fire Safety Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
Indian Standards relating to fire safety of buildings have been formulated covering general principles and fire
grading, details of construction, exposure hazard and exit requirements. This standard covering the last aspect
was formulated in 1960 and revised in 1988. In the past years, useful data has been made available. The provision
in this revision has, therefore, been made based on the data adopted by some developed countries. Requirements
for stair case and horizontal exit have been modified. Additional precautions, exceptions and deviations in
requirements for various occupancies incorporated. Fire protection provisions for cinema halls and metro stations
included. Criteria for compartmation is now given. Further the provisions have been aligned with SP 7 : 2005
'National Building Code of India 2005'.
The exit requirements and personal hazard dealt with in this standard is considered as at least of equal importance
to all other aspects; in fact in most cases, it is paramount because of the density of population associated with
particular occupancy; an example is that of a cinema or similar densely occupied building when constructed with
a godown of similar occupancy.
Density of population varies from one building to another and also in the same building from time-to-time; one
example is that of a large general or mixed bazar, emporium or stores where a great variety of goods are displayed
for sale; and at certain periods may be offered at special attractive bargain prices, with the result that normal
population will be rapidly exceeded, more so during peak shopping hours when an outbreak of fire would cause
considerable confusion, possibly panic; therefore, the closet attention to design and maintenance of escape routes
including any staircases, cannot be overemphasized. Likewise special consideration is essential to arrangement
of display of any highly flammable articles or materials for sale in such risks because of the danger; normal
escape routes being made unsafe or altogether useless.
It would be neither possible nor advisable to rely on electrical or mechanical devices, such as lifts for moving the
population of various floors to a place of safety because of the probability of fire rendering these devices inoperative.
Therefore, staircases with associated escape routes become all important and staircases considered in this Code
are the means of communication in an up and down direction of a building and serve not only as escape routes for
occupants but also afford a direct means of access to the source of fire by the fire fighting staff. In fact, staircase
landings of buildings which present a serious hazard are required to have fire fighting equipment mounted thereon
comprising hydrant stand, pipes and accessories.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex A.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
'Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised), . The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 1644 : 2013

Indian Standard
( Second Revision )


This standard covers requirements regarding fire safety 3.1 Ample provision for escape of population of a
of buildings with respect to exit requirements and building when on fire is vital and all routes should be
personal hazard. constructed to ensure that the population reaches a
place of safety in the shortest period of time without
2 REFERENCES undue hindrance by smoke, fumes, debris and the like.
The standards listed below contain provisions which Every exit, exit access or exit discharge shal1 be
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of continuously maintained free of all obstructions or
this standard. At the time of publication, the editions impediments to full use in the case of fire or other
listed were valid. All standards are subject to revision emergency.
and the parties to agreements based on this standard Every building meant for human occupancy should be
are encouraged to investigate the possibility of apply provided with exits sufficient to permit safe escape of
the most recent editions of the standards indicated occupants, in case of fire or other emergency.
3.2 Types of Exits
IS No. Title
IS 1641 : 1988 Fire safety of building 3.2.1 An exit may be a doorway, a corridor or
(general) : General principles of fire passageway(s) to an internal staircase, or external
grading and classification - Code of staircase, or to a verandah or terrace(s) which have
practice access to the street, or roof of a building, or a refuge
IS 1642 : 1989 Fire safety of buildings area. An exit may also include a horizontal exit leading
(general) : Details of construction to an adjoining building at the same level.
Code of practice
3.2.2 Lifts and escalators should not be considered as
IS 1646 : 1997 Fire safety of buildings
(general) : Electrical installations -
Code of practice 3.3 General
3614 (Part 1) : Specification for fire check doors:
1966 Part 1 Plate, metal covered and rolling 3.3.1 In every building, exits should comply with the
type minimum requirements except those not accessible for
4786: 1968 Specification for variable high general public use.
pressure regulators for use with 3.3.2 All exits should be free of obstructions.
liquefied petroleum gases
4878: 1986 Byelaws for construction of cinema 3.3.3 No building should so altered as to reduce the
buildings number, width or protection of exits to less than that
4963 : 1987 Recommendations for buildings and required.
facilities for the physically 3.3.4 Exits should be clearly visible and the routes to
handicapped reach the exit should be clearly marked and sign posted
5572 : 1994 Classification of hazardous areas to guide the population of the floor concerned. Signs
(other than mines) having flammable shall be illuminated and wired to an independent
gases and vapours for electrical electrical circuit on an alternative source of supply. The
installations colour of the exit signs shall be green.
SP 7: 2005 National Building Code of India
NOTE -This provision should not apply to A-2 and A-4
occupancies up to 15 m in height (see 3.7.3 and 3.7.5).
IS 1644 : 2013

3.3.5 The floors of areas covered for the means of exit 3.5 Capacity of Exits
shaH be illuminated to values not less than 1 ft candle
3.5.1 The unit of exit width, used to measure the capacity
(10 lux) at floor level. In auditoriums, theatres,. concert
halls and such olher places of assembly, the illumination of any exit, should be 50 cm. A clear width of 25 cm
should be counted as an additional half unit. Clear widths
of floor exit/access may be reduced during period of
performances to values not less than 1/5 ft candle (2 lux). less than 25 cm should not be counted for exit width.

3.3.6 Fire check doors [see IS 3614 (Part 1)] should at 3.5.2 Occupants per unit exit width should be in
appropriate places along the escape routes to prevent accordance with Table 2.
spread offire and smoke and particularly at the entrance 3.5.3 Horizontal Exit Allowance
to lifts and stairs where a 'funnel or flue effect' may
be created, including an upward spread of fire. When horizontal exit is provided in buildings of
mercantile, storage, industrial, business and assembly
3.3.7 All exits should provide continuous means of
occupancies, the capacity per storey per unit width of
access to the exterior of a building or to an exterior
exit of stairways in Table 2 may be increased by 50
open space leading to a street.
percent; and in buildings of institutional occupancy, it
3.3.8 Exits should be so arranged that they may be may be increased by 100 percent.
reached without passing through another occupied unit.
Table 2 Occupant per Unit Exit Width
3.4 Occupant Load (Clauses 3.5.2 and 3.5.3)
For determining the exits requirement, the number of Sl Group of Number of Occupants
persons within any floor area or the occupant load No. Occupancy ,---~
should be based on the actual number of occupants, (see IS 1641) Stairway Ramps Doors
but in no case less than that specified in Table 1. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
i) Residential (A) 25 50 75
3.4.1 Mezzanine and Balcony ii) Educational (B) 25 50 75
iii) Institutional (C) 25 50 75
The occupant load of a mezzanine floor and balcony iv) Assembly (D) 40 50 60
discharging to a floor below should be added to that v) Business (E) 50 60 75
floor occupancy and the capacity of the exits shall be vi) Mercantile (F) 50 60 75
vii) Industrial (G) 50 60 75
designed for the local occupancy load thus established. viii) Storage (H) 50 60 75
ix) Hazardous (J) 25 30 40
Table 1 Occupant Load
(Clause 3.4)
3.6 Arrangement of Exits
SI Group of Occupancy Occupant Load, Floor
No. (see IS 1641) Area in m2 /Person 3.6.1 Exits should be so located that the travel distance
(I) (2) (3)
on floor should not exceed the distance given in Table 3.
i) Residential (A) 12.5
ii) Educational (B) 4 3.6.2 The dead end travel distance to an exit in a
iii) Institutional (C) 15 I)
IV) Assembly (D)
corridor should not exceed half the distance specified
a) with fixed or loose seats and 0.6 I) in Table 3 except in educational, assembly and
dance floors
institutional occupancies in which case it should not
b) without seating facilities 1.5 )
including dining rooms
v) Mercantile (F) Table 3 Travel Distance for Occupancy and Type
a) street floor and sales basement 3 of Construction
b) upper sale floors 6 (Clauses 3.6.1 and 3.6.2)
vi) Business and Industrial (E and G) 10
vii) Storage (H) 30 Sl Group of Maximum Travel Distance as
viii) Hazardous (]) 10 No. Occupancy per Construction (see IS 1642)
I) Occupant load in dormitory portions of homes for the aged,
(see IS 1641)
orphanages, insane asylums etc, where sleeping accommodation Types 1 & 2 Types 3 & 4
is provided, should be calculated at not less than 7.5 m2 gross (1) (2) (3) (4)
floor area/person. m m
i) Residential (A) 22.5 22.5
The gross floor area should include, in additional to the main
ii) Educational (B) 22.5 22.5
assembly room or space, any occupied connecting room or space iii) Institutional (C) 22.5 22.5
in the same storey or in the storeys above or below where entrance iv) Assembly (D) 30.0 30.0
in common to such rooms and spaces and they are available for v) Business (E) 30.0 30.0
use by the occupants of the assembly place. No deductions should vi) Mercantile (F) 30.0 30.0
be made in the gross area for corridors, closets or other sub- vii) Industrial (G) 45.0 30.0
division; the area should include all space serving the particular viii) Storage (H) 30.0 30.0
assembly occupancy. ix) Hazardous (J) 22.5 22.5

IS 1644 : 2013

exceed 6 m. The capacity of any open mezzanine or the outside in an emergency.

balcony shall be added to the capacity of the floor for
3.7.4 Dormitories (A-3)
the purpose of determining exit capacity.
All dormitories, except those mentioned in 3.7.6 should
3.6.3 Whenever more than one exit is required for any
have exits so arranged that from any sleeping room or
room, space or floor of a building, exits should be
open dormitory sleeping area, there should be access
placed as remote from each other as possible and
to two separate and distinct exits in different directions
should be arranged to provide direct access in separate
with no common path of travel unless the room or space
directions from any point in the area served.
is subject to occupancy by not more than 10 persons
3.7 Number of Exits and has a door opening directly to the outside of the
building at street or grade level, or to an outside
3.7.1 General Requirement stairway in which case one means of exit may be
All buildings which are more than 15 m in height and accepted.
all buildings used as educational (B), assembly (D), 3.7.5 Apartment House (A-4)
institutional (F), industrial (G), storage (H), and
hazardous (1) occupancies and mixed occupancies with Every individual living unit should comply with
any of the aforesaid occupancies, having area more the requirements for occupancy sub-division A-2 in
than 500 m 2 on each floor should have a minimum respect of exit (see 3.7.3 ).
two staircases. They should be of enclosed type; at least Every living unit should have access to at least
one of them should be on external walls of buildings two separate exits which are remote from each other
and should open directly to the exterior, interior open and are reached by travel in different directions except
space or to an open place of safety. Further, the that a common path of travel may be permitted for the
provision or otherwise of alternative staircase should first 6 m (that is, a dead-end corridor up to 6 m long
be subject to the requirements of travel distance being may be permitted) provided that single exit may be
complied with. permitted under any of the conditions given in
3.7.2 Rooming Houses of Residential Buildings (A-I) Any building not more than two storeys in height
Every sleeping room above the street floor should have with no basement, or in case there is a basement and
access to two separate means of exit, at least one of with street floor level not more than 2.5 m above ground
which should consist of an enclosed interior stairway at any point next to the building, excluding driveways,
or an exterior stairway, or a fire escape or horizontal not more than 10 percent of the perimeter should be
exit, all so arranged as to provide a safe path of travel subject to the condition that the access to the basement
to the outside of the building without traversing any is only from the exterior of the building if the basement
corridor or space exposed to an unprotected vertical contains a heating plant, group storage, incinerator room
opening. or paint shop or other hazardous occupancy.

3.7.3 One or Two Family Private Dwellings or At least half of required exits should discharge
Residential Building (A-2) direct to the outside of the buildings, any other exit
should be the same as required for the hotels (see 3.7.6). For more than two rooms, every occupied room
excluding areas used solely for storage, should have at 3.7.6 Hotels (A-5)
least two means of exit, at least one of which should Not less than two exits, as remote from each
be a door or a stairway providing a means of other as practicable, should be accessible from every
unobstructed travel to the outside of the building or floor, including basements occupied for hotel purposes,
street or grade level and not more than one of which except as a single exit as permitted in Exits
may be a window. No room or space should be and ways of access thereto should be so arranged that
occupied which is accessible only be a ladder, folding they are accessible in at least two different directions
stairs or through a trap door. from every point in any open area, or from any room All locking devices which would impede or door.
prohibit exit, such as chain type bolts, limited opening Any room or section with an outside door at
sliding type locks and burglar locks which are not street or grade level may have such outside door as a
disengaged easily by quick releasing catches, should single exit provided no part of the room or area is more
be prohibited. All closet door latches should be such than 15 m from the door measured along the natural
that even children may open the doors from inside. All path of travel.
bathroom door locks or fasteners should be designed
to permit the opening of the locked or closed door from Where stairways or other exits serve two or

IS 1644 : 2013

more upper floors, the same stairway or other exit b) Each building shall be provided with an
required to serve anyone upper 1100r may also serve approved outside gas shut-off valve
other upper floors except that no inside open stairway conspicuously marked. The detailed
or ramp may serve as a required egress facility from requirements regarding safe use of gas shall
more than one floor. be as specified in IS 4786.
NOTE Under this provision, if the second and third tloors c) All exterior openings in a boiler room or
were each required to have three stairways, the second floor rooms containing central heating equipment,
may use the stairways serving the third floor so that the total if located below opening in another storey or
number of stairways required is three, and not six.
if less than 3 m from other doors or windows
3.7.7 Basement Exits for Residential Buildings (A) of the same building, shall be protected by a
fire door assembly. Such assemblies shall be Basements occupied for hotel purposes should
fixed, automatic or self-closing. Provisions of
have exits arranged in accordance with 3.7.6.
residential buildings shall also apply to this Basement exits should be sufficient to provide group of occupancy.
for the capacity of the basement as determined in Exception and deviation
accordance with 3.3 and in no case should there be
less than two independent basement exits. a) Gymnasiums, indoor stadiums and similar
occupancies may have floors/ running tracks Basements or. sub-basements not open to the
of wood, cinder, synthetic or unprotected steel
public and used only for heating equipment, storage
or iron.
and service operations (other than kitchens which are
considered part of the hotel occupancy) should have b) In gymnasiums and in multi-purpose school
exits appropriate to the actual occupancy, in accordance rooms having an area not greater than 300 m2 ,
with applicable provisions or in case of mixed 25 mm nominal tight tongue-and-grooved or
occupancy where there may be doubt as to which other 20 mm plywood wall covering may be used
section is applicable, such basements should have exits in the inner side in lieu of fire-resistance
determined on the basis of lesser exit capacity. plaster.
c) A building, which will have only the first floor
3.7.8 Educational (B) and is accessible to not more than 20 students Buildings intended for educational occupancy at any time, may be used for school purposes
shall not be used for any hazardous occupancy except with the following exceptions:
incidental to educational buildings like laboratories etc. 1) Exterior walls or parts of walls which are
less than 1 000 mm from adjacent At least two separate exits are available in every
property lines shall have no openings
floor area. Exits should be as remote from each other
as practicable and so arranged that there are no pockets
or dead ends of appreciable size in which occupants 2) Classrooms may have only one exit not
ma y be trapped. less than 1 000 mm wide.
3.7.9 Institutional (C) Every room with a capacity of over 45 persons
in area should have at least two doorways as remote In buildings or sections occupied by bedridden
from each other as practicable. Such doorways should patients where the floor area is over 280 m 2 , facilities
provide access to separate exits but may open upon a should be provided to move patients in hospital beds
common corridor leading to separate exits in opposite to the other side of a smoke barrier from any part of
directions. such building or section not directly served by approved
horizontal exits or exits from the first floor (Floor 2) Exterior doors should be operated by bars or of a building to the outside.
some other panic hardware device except that doors
leading from classroom directly to the outside may be Not less than two exits of one or more of the
equipped with the same type of lock as is used on following types should be provided for every floor,
classroom doors leading to corridor with no provision including basement, of every building or section:
whatsoever for locking against egress from the a) Doors leading directly outside the building,
b) Stairways, Additional precautions c) Ramps,
a) Storage of volatile flammable liquids shall be d) Horizontal exits, and
prohibited and the handling of such liquids e) Fire tower.
shall be restricted to science laboratories only.

IS 1644 : 2013 All required exits which serve egress from and mental institutions used for manufacturing, storage
hospital or infirmary sections should be not less than or office purposes should have exits in accordance with
2 m in clear width, including patient bedroom doors, the provisions of occupancies.
to permit transport of patients on beds, litters or Additional precautions
mattresses. The minimum widths of corridors serving
patients bedrooms in building should be 240 cm. For a) No combustible material of any kind shall be
detailed information on recommendations for buildings stored or used in any building or section
and facilities for the physically handicapped, reference thereof used for institutional occupancy,
may be made to IS 4963. except as necessary to normal occupancy and
use of the building. Revolving doors should not be counted as
required exits and should not be installed, except in b) Bare minimum quantities of flammable
situations, such as revolving doors at a main entrance material such as chloroform, ethyl alcohol,
where they are not subject to emergency exit used by spirit, etc shall be allowed to be stored and
patients. handled. The handling of such liquids shall
not be permitted by un-authorized persons. Elevators constitute a desirable supplementary Bulk storage of these items, will be governed
facility but are not counted as required exits. Patient by relevant rules and safe practices.
lifts shall also be provided with enough room for
transporting a stretcher trolley. Exception and deviation Each storey in which 35 or more patients are It is recognized that in institutions or part of buildings
housed should be divided into at least two housing various types of psychiatric patients, or used
compartments by smoke barriers and the Authority may as penal and mental institutions, it is necessary to
require storeys housing a lesser number of patients to maintain locked doors and barred windows; and to such
be divided into compartments when, in its judgment, extent the necessary provision in other sections of the
such division is essential for the protection of the Code requiring the keeping of exits unlocked may be
patients. Any area providing sleeping accommodation waived. It is also recognized that certain type of
to the patients exceeding 500 m 2 (unsprinkled) or psychiatric patients are not capable of seeking safety
750 m2 (sprinkled) shall be divided into compartments without adequate guidance. In buildings where this
by tire resisting walls. situation prevails, reliable means for the rapid release
of occupants shall be provided, such as remote control Doors in smoke barriers should be so installed oflocks, or by keying all locks to keys commonly used
that these may normally be kept in open position but by attendants.
will close automatically or may be released manually
to self-closing action. Corridor door openings in smoke 3.7.10 Assembly Building (D)
barriers should not be less than 150 cm in width. Every place of assembly, every tier or balcony,
Provision should also be made for double swing singlet and every individual room used as a place of assembly
double leaf type door. should have exits sufficient to provide for the total Exits and other features for penal and mental capacity thereof as determined in accordance
institutions, and custodial institutions should be the with 3.7.7. Door width for assembly buildings shall
same as specified for hospitals, in so far as applicable. not be less than 2 000 mm.
Reliable means should be provided to permit the Every place of assembly of sub-division D-l
prompt release of inmates from any locked section in should have at least four separate exits as remote from
case of fire or other emergency. each other as practicable. Wherever any inmates are confined in any Every place of assembly of sub-division D-2
locked rooms or spaces, adequate guards or other should have at least two separate exits remote from
personnel should be continuously on duty or each other as practicable and if of capacity is over 600,
immediately available to provide for release of inmates at least three exits should be provided with each exit
or for such other action as may be indicated in case of not less than of 2 000 mm widths.
fire or other emergency. Every place of assembly of sub-divisions D-3, No building constructed in whole or in part D-4 and D-5 should have atleast two means of exit,
of combustible materials should be used to combine consisting of separate exits or doors leading to corridor
inmates in cells or sleeping quarters unless automatic or other spaces giving access to two separate and
sprinkler protection is provided. independent exits in different directions, except that All buildings or sections of buildings penal for places of assembly having a capacity of less than

IS 1644 : 2013

100 persons, one 2 000 mm doorway may be permitted construction and all booths and temporary construction
in rooms where no part of the room is more than 15 m in connection with it should be so limited in
from the doorway, measured along the line of travel. combustibility or protected as to avoid any undue
and the doorway leads directly outside the building at hazard of fire which might endanger occupants before
grade level or leads to a corridor or other space giving they have opportunity to use the available exits.
access to two separate and independent exits. No mirrors should be placed in or adjacent Clear aisles not less than 1.2 m in width should to any exit way in such a manner as to confuse the
be formed at right angles to the line of seating in such direction of the exit.
number and manner that no seat should be more than Places of assembly in buildings of other
seven seats away from an aisle. Rows of seats opening
occupancy may use exits common to the place of
on to an aisle at one end only should have not more
assembly and other occupancy. Provided the assembly
than seven seats. Under the conditions where all these
area and other occupancy are considered separately,
aisles do not directly meet the exit doors, cross-aisles
each has exits sufficient to meet the requirements.
should be provided parallel to the line of seating so as
to provide direct access to the exit, provided that not Exits should be sufficient for simultaneous
more than one cross-aisle for every 10 rows should be occupancy of both the places of assembly and other
req uired. The width of cross-aisles should be a parts of the building, unless the conditions are such
minimum of 1 m. Steps should not be placed in aisles that simultaneous occupancy will not occur.
to overcome differences in levels unless the gradient For any place of assembly under sub-division
exceeds 1 in 10.
D-l, at least half the required means of exits should The fascia of boxes, balconies and galleries lead directly outdoors or through exit ways completely
shall have substantial railings not less than 1 000 mm separated from exits serving other parts of the building.
high above the floor. The railings at the end of aisles For detailed information regarding cinema
extending to the fascia shall be not less than 1 100 mm
buildings, reference may be made to the latest
high for the width of the aisle or 1 200 mm high at the
provisions of Cinematography Act. However, following
foot of steps.
guidelines may be adopted: Cross-aisles except where the backs of seats Lighting
on the front of the aisle project 60 cm or more above
the floor of the aisle, should be provided with railings No open flame lighting devices shall be used in any
not less than 90 cm high. place of assembly, except in the following cases: No turnstiles or other devices to exits which a) Where necessary for ceremonial purposes, the
restrict the movement of persons should be installed enforcing Authority may permit open flame
in any place of assembly in such a manner as to lighting under such restrictions as are
interfere in any way with the required exit facilities. necessary to avoid danger of ignition of
combustible materials or injury to occupants. In theatres and similar places of public
assembly where persons are admitted to the building b) Candles may be used on restaurant tables if
at a time when seats are not available for them and are securely supported on non- combustible bases
allowed to wait in a lobby or similar space until seats and so located as to avoid danger of ignition
are available, such use of lobby or similar space should of combustible materials.
not encroach upon the required clear width of exits. c) Open flame devices may be used on stages
where they are a necessary part of theatrical
Such waiting should be restricted to areas separated performance, provided adequate precautions,
from the required exit ways by substantial permanent satisfactory to the Authority are taken to
partitions or fixed rigid railing not less than 105 cm prevent ignition of combustible materials.
high. Exits should be provided for such waiting spaces
on the basis of one person for each 0.3 m 2 of waiting Additional precautions
space area. Such exits should be in addition to the exits
The decorations of places of assembly shall be of non-
specified for the main auditorium area and should
flammable materials. Fabrics and papers used for such
conform in construction and arrangement to the general
purpose shall be treated with an effective flame-
rules of exits given above.
retardant material. Stage settings made of combustible No display or exhibit should be so installed materials shall likewise be treated with fire retardant
or operated as to interfere in any way with access to materials of Class 1 name spread.
any required exit, or with any required exit sign. All Seats in places of public assembly,
displays or exhibits of combustible material or

IS 1644 : 2013

accommodating more than 300 persons, shall be the passage of smoke.

securely fastened to the floor, except as permitted in The stage roof of every theatre using movable
next subclause. All seats in balconies and gallericsshaU
scenery or having a motion picture screen of highly
be securely fastened to the floor, except that in nailed-
combustible construction shall have a ventilator or
in enclosures, boxes with level floors and having not
ventilators in or above it, open able from the stage floor
more than 14 seats, the seats need not be fastened.
by hand and also opening by fusible links or some other Chairs not secured to the floor may be approved automatic heat/smoke actuated device, to give
permitted in restaurants, night clubs and other a free opening equal to at least one-eighth the area of
occupancies where the fastening of seats to the floor the floor of the stage.
may not be practicable, provided that in the area used The proscenium wall of every theatre using
for seating, excluding dance floor, stage, etc, there shall
movable scenery of decorations shall have, exclusive
be not more than one seat for each 1.4 m:! of floor area
of the proscenium opening, not more than two openings
and adequate aisles to reach exits shall be maintained
entering the stage, each not to exceed 2 m2 and fitted
at all times.
with self-closing fire resistant doors.
Rows of seats between aisles shall have not more than Every place of assembly in which projection
14 seats.
of motion pictures by light is made shall have the
Rows of seats opening on to an aisle at one end only projection apparatus enclosed in a fire-resisting lixed
shall have not more than 7 seats. booth in accordance with IS 4878, except that such
booth shall not be required where no nitrocellulose
Seats without dividing arms shall have their capacity
motion picture film is used.
determined by allowing 450 mm per person. Automatic smoke vents actuated by smoke
The spacing of rows of seats from back to back shall
detectors shall be installed above the auditorium or
be neither less than 850 mm nor less than 700 mm
theatres, including motion picture houses, with vent
plus the sum of the thickness of the back and inclination
area equal to not less than 3 '/3 percent of the floor area
of the back. There shall be a space of not less than
of the auditorium, including the sum of the floor areas
350 mm between the back of one seat and the front of
of all balconies, galleries, boxes and tiers. It may be
the seat immediately behind it as measured between
desirable to provide a large number of small vents
plumb lines.
rather than a small number of large vents. Rooms containing high pressure boilers, Exception and deviation
refrigerating machinery other than domestic
refrigerator type, large transformers or other service Where boilers or central heating plants using liquid or
equipments subject to possible explosion shall not be solid fuel are located at grade level, these shall be
located directly under or adjacent to the required exits. separated from the remainder of the building by a
All such rooms shall be effectively cut off from other separating wall with openings protected as given under
parts of the building and provided with adequate vents mixed occupancies and openings in separating walls
to the outer air. and floors in the general requirements. All rooms or areas used for storage of any Gymnasiums, indoor stadiums and similar occupancies
combustible materials or equipment, or for painting, may have floors/running tracks of wood, cinder,
refinishing, repair or similar purposes shall be synthetic or un-protected steel or iron.
effectively cut off from assembly areas or protected
The underside of continuous steel deck grand stands
with a standard system of automatic sprinklers. They
when erected outdoors need not be fire-protected when
shall be located away from staircases.
occupied for public toilets. Every stage equipped with fly galleries, grid Fire protection and fire fighting system for
irons and rigging for movable theatre type scenery, shall
metro stations
have a system of automatic sprinklers over and under
such stage areas or spaces and auxiliary spaces, such Wet riser system
as dressing rooms, store rooms and workshops, and
Main and diesel fire pump of 1 800 LPM capacity to
the proscenium opening shall be provided with a fire-
be provided to support 3 to 4 hydrants at a time. Jockey
resisting curtain, capable of withstanding a lateral
pump capacity shall be 180 LPM. Where it is possible
pressure of 4 kN/m 1 over the entire area. The curtain
to extend reliable DG supply to the fire pump room
shall have an emergency closing device capable of
without routing through the station building, the
causing the curtain to close without the use of power
provision of diesel pump can be dispensed with and
and when so closed, it shall be reasonably tight against

IS 1644 : 2013

instead, two electric pumps may be provided out of Manual call box
which at least one should have DG backup. The jockey
Manual call box should be provided at a central place
pump should also have DG back up.
on each platform (near emergency plunger) and at least Internal hydrant two on the concourse, on each sidewall. When the
concourse in two halves there should be one manual
The internal hydrant is proposed to be provided with 2
call box on each side.
numbers RRL hose pipes of 38 mm diameter with
63 mm standard instantaneous coupling along with Manual panel gas flooding
associated branch pipes and cabinet and a first aid hose
Electric panels should have provision of manual gas
reel of 25 mm diameter, length 45 m and fitted with
flooding. Alternatively panels can be provided with
6.5 mm nozzle.
linear heat sensing tubes with CO 2 cylinder. This
Two internal hydrants are proposed to be provided on required to be provided only in main power panels that
each platform in such a way so that most of the platform is HT panel, main LT panel, main LT distribution board
is covered by hose. However, in case of necessity, the and Essential power panels and other such major
hose pipes from other hose cabinets can be utilized for panels.
extending the length of fire hose pipe for fire fighting, External area of the station
if need be. At the concourse level minimum two
hydrants will be provided. In station where the A 'two way/four way' fire brigade inlet to be provided
concourse is split into two halves at least one hydrant at ground level on each rising main for hydrants/
is to be provided in each half of the concourse. Further, sprinkles.
in case the area is more than 2 000 sq m, an additional
The 'Draw Off Connection' shall be provided on the
first aid hose-reel point shall be provided for every
underground tank for fire brigade.
additional 1 000 sq m. Water tank capacity
In addition, hydrants shall be provided in commercial
areas also. One hydrant shall be provided at entry of Capacity of fire tanks at stations without any
each station at ground floor for providing the coverage commercial development (Beverage stall/ATMIFloristi
to the parking area. Book stalls up to total 250 m 2 excluded) shall be
50 000 litres. Sprinklers
However, at stations having commercial development,
Sprinklers are required to be provided only in the
the fire tank capacity shall be 100000 litres.
commercial areas, if any, in the station. The commercial
areas will be segregated from the station area through Portable fire extinguishers
2 h fire rated walls and doors. Additional sprinklers
The following portable extinguishers are
pumps are not required, as two pumps already provided
for hydrant system will take care of the sprinkler flow
requirements. a) Water CO2 type 9 litres, and
However, if such commercial areas in the premises of b) CO2 fire extinguishers 4.5 kg.
stations are in isolated building separate from the 3.7.11 Business (E)
station building then the provision of sprinkler pump
and water tank capacities shall be as per SP 7. The In the case of mezzanines or balconies open
water storage and pumps may however be common. to the floor below, or other unprotected vertical
openings between floors, the population of the Detectors mezzanine or other subsidiary floor level should be
Detectors are required to be provided only in areas added to that of the main floor for the purpose of
where there are false ceiling and false floor and areas determining the required exits, provided, however, that
of equipment rooms. Wherever there are false ceiling, in no case should the total number of exits, units be
the detectors should be provided both above and below less than that required if all the vertical openings were
false ceiling giving due consideration to depth of false enclosed.
ceiling/flooring. However, in concourse, the detectors Not less than two exits should be provided
below false ceiling may not be effective due to heights/ for every tloor, including basements occupied for office
cross ventilation and therefore may not be provided. purposes or uses incidental thereto.
In other areas, because of high heights and cross-
ventilations, detectors will not be effective and hence Additional requirements
therefore can be dispensed. A conventional detection The handling and use of gasoline, fuel oil and other
system will suffice at a normal station.
IS 1644 : 2013

flammable liquids shall not be permitted, unless such provided canopies over individual small stands to
use and handling complies with the appropriate protect merchandise from the weather shall not be
regulations. constructed to constitute buildings for the purpose of
the Code.
Every boiler room or room containing a central heating
plant using solid or liquid fuel shall be separated from NOTE Classification of Low/Moderate/High hazard
occupancies are given in IS L641.
the rest of the building by a separating wall of 4 h rating.
Every boiler room or room containing a central heating Exception and deviation
plant, which burns gas as a fuel shall be adequately
Any mercantile occupancy, where goods of a highly
separated from the rest of the building.
hazardous nature are pre-dominant, shall be considered Exception and deviation under Group J occupancy for the purpose of the Code.
Basements used only for storage, heating, any other 3.7.13 Industrial (G)
service equipment shall conform to exit requirements Not less than two exits should be provided
for Group H occupancies in all respects.
for every floor or section, including basements used
3.7.12 Mercantile (F) for industrial purposes or uses incidental thereto. In the case of mezzanines or balconies open In buildings used for aircraft assembly or other
to the floor below, or other unprotected vertical occupancy requiring undivided floor areas so large that
openings between floors, the population or area of the the distance from points within the area to the nearest
mezzanine or other subsidiary floor level should be outside walls where exit doors could be provided are
added to that of the main floor for the purpose of in excess of 45 m, requirements for distance to exits
determining the required exits, provided, however, that may be satisfied by providing stairs leading to exit
in no case should the total number of exits units be tunnels or to overhead passageways. In cases where
less than that required if all vertical openings were such arrangements are not practicable, permit other exit
enclosed. arrangements for one storey buildings with distance in
excess of the maximum distances specified in 3.6. If At least two separate exits should be accessible
completely automatic sprinkler protection is provided
from every part of every floor, including basements;
and if the heights of ceiling curtain boards and roof
such exits should be as remote from each other as
practicable and so arranged as to be reached by ventilation are such as to minimize the possibility that
employees will be overtaken by the spread of fire or
different paths of travel in different directions except
that a common path of travel may be permitted for the smoke within 180 cm of the floor level before they
first 15 m from any point. have time to reach exits, provided, however, that in no
case may the distance of travel to reach the nearest Additional precautions exit exceed 120 m where smoke venting is required as
Requirements specified for Business buildings shall a condition for permitting distances of travel to exits
be applicable to all Group F occupancies also. in excess of the maximum otherwise allowed. The
distance of travel to reach the nearest exit shall be 45 m
Hazardous areas of mercantile occupancies shall be for unsprinkled and 60 m for sprinkled.
segregated or protected suitably as per the requirements
laid down in J (Hazardous Occupancy). Basements used only for storage, heating and
other service equipment, and not subject to industrial
In self-service stores, no check-out stand or associated occupancy should have exits in accordance with the
railings or barriers shall obstruct exits or required aisles requirements of Group H occupancies.
or approaches thereto. The following exceptions should apply to
Open-air mercantile operations, such a'i open-air markets, special purpose industrial occupancies:
gasoline filling stations, roadside stands for the sale of a
farm produce and other outdoor mercantile operations a) Exits need be provided only for the persons
shall be so arranged and conducted as to maintain free actually employed; spaces not subject to
and unobstructed ways of travel at all times to penn it human occupancy because of the presence of
prompt escape from any point of danger in case of fire or machinery or equipment may be excluded
other emergency, but no dead-ends in which persons might from consideration.
be trapped due to display stands, adjoining bUildings, b) Where unprotected vertical openings are
fences, vehicles or other obstructions. necessary to manufacturing operations, these
may be permitted beyond the limits specified
If mercantile operations are conducted in roofed-over for industrial occupancy provided every floor
areas, these shall be treated as mercantile buildings, level has direct access to one or more enclosed

IS 1644 : 2013

stairways or other exits protected against they have time to utilize exits to escape.
obstruction by any fire in the open areas
Industrial buildings of moderate and high hazard are
connected by the unprotected vertical
permitted only up to 15 m height.
openings or smoke therefrom.
For detailed information on fire safety of certain The following exceptions should apply to high
individual (specific) industrial occupancies reference
hazard industrial occupancies:
may be made to relevant standards.
a) Exits should be so located that it will not be
Fire protection considerations for venting industrial
necessary to travel more than 22.5 m from
occupancies shall be as given in Annex D of SP 7.
any point to reach the nearest exit.
b) From every point in every floor area, there 3.7.14 Storage (H)
should at least be two exits accessible in Every building or structure used for storage,
different directions; where floor areas are and every section thereof considered separately, should
divided into rooms, there should be at least have access to at least one exit so arranged and located
two ways of escape from every room, however as to provide a suitable means of escape for any person
small, except toilet rooms, so located that the employed therein and in any room or space exceeding
points of access thereto are out of or suitably 1 400 m 2 gross area, or where more than 10 persons
shielded from areas of high hazard. may be normally present, at least two separate means
c) In addition to types of exits for upper floors of exit shall be available, as remote from each other as
specified for Group G occupancies, slide practicable.
escapes may be used as required exits for both
new and existing buildings. Every storage area should have access to at
least one means of exit which can be readily opened. Additional precautions This should not be subject to locking so long as any
In any room in which flammable substances are used persons are inside and should not depend on power
or stored, no device generating a glow or flame capable operation.
of igniting flammable vapour shall be installed or used. The following special provisions should apply
Such a room shall be provided with a suitably designed to parking garages of closed or open type, above or
exhaust ventilation system. To ensure safety from tire below ground but not to mechanical parking facilities
due to short circuit, faulty electrical connection or some where automobiles move into and out of storage
similar cause, proper care shall be taken in designing mechanically which are not normally occupied by
electrical installations in such room (see IS 1646). All persons and thus require no exit facilities. Where repair
electrical fittings of class 0 rating shall be as per operations are conducted, the exits should comply with
IS 5572. the requirements of Group G occupancies in addition
The storage, use and handling of gasoline, fuel oil and to compliance with the following:
other flammable liquids shall not be permitted in any a) Where both parking and repair operations are
Group G occupancy unless it complies with regulations conducted in the same building, the entire
pertaining to Petroleum Act, 1934 and Rules thereunder. building should comply with the requirements
Every boiler room or room below the first floor for Group G occupancies unless the parking
containing a heating plant shall be adequately separated and repair sections are effectively separated
by 4 h rating wall from the rest of the buildings. by separation walls.
b) Every floor of every closed parking garage
For requirements regarding electrical generating and should have access to at least two separate
distribution stations, reference may be made to IS 1646. means of exit so arranged that from any point
Industrial buildings of low hazard are permitted only in the garage, the paths of travel to the two
up to 18 m height. means of exit should be in different directions,
except that a common path of travel may be
The following exceptions shall apply to high hazard permitted for the first 15 m from any point.
industrial occupancies:
c) On the street floor, at least two separate exit
All high hazards industrial occupancies shall have doors should be provided except that any
automatic sprinkler protection or such other protection opening for the passage of automobiles may
as may be appropriate to the particular hazard, serve as a means of exit provided no door or
including explosion venting for any area subject to shutter is installed thereon. Street floor exits
explosion hazard, designed to minimize danger to in closed garages should be so arranged that
occupants in case of fire or other emergency before no point in the area is more than 30 m from

IS 1644 : 2013

the nearest exit, or 45 m in the case of garages maximum travel to reach the nearest exit from any point
protected by automatic sprinklers, distance on the mezzanine should not exceed 22.5 m. Such exits
being measured along the natural path of should lead directly to a properly enclosed stairwell
travel. discharging directly to the exterior or to a suitably cut-
d) On floors above the street, at least two means off area or to outside fire escape stairs.
of exit should be provided, one of which The following provisions should apply to grain
should be an enclosed stairway. The other elevators:
means of egress may be a second exit of any
of the types, or in a ramp type garage with a) There should at least be one stair tower from
open ramps not subject to closure, the ramp basement to first floor and from first floor to
may serve as the second means of exit. top floor of the workhouse enclosed in a dust-
e) Upper floor exits in closed garages should be tight non-combustible shaft;
so arranged that no point in the area should b) Non-combustible doors of self-closing type
be more than 30 m from the nearest exit other should be provided at each floor landing;
than a ramp on the same floor level, or 45 m c) An exterior fire escape of the stair or basket
in the case of garages protected by automatic ladder type should be provided from the roof
sprinklers. of the workhouse to the ground level or to the
£) On Hoors below the street (either basement roof of an adjoining annex with access from
or outside underground garages), at least two all floors above the first; and
exits should be provided, not counting any d) An exterior fire escape of either the stair or
automobile ramps except that for garages basket ladder type should be provided from
extending only one floor level below the the roof of each storage annex to the ground
street, a ramp leading direct to the outside may level.
constitute one required means of exit. In Every area used for storage of hazardous
garages below street level, exits should be so
commodities should have an exit within 22.5 m of any
arranged that no part of the area should be
point in the area where persons may be present or 30 m
more than 30 m from the nearest stair exit.
where automatic sprinkler protection is provided.
g) If any gasoline pumps are located within any
closed parking garage, exits should be so Additional precautions
located that travel away from the gasoline In addition to the general requirements specified for
pump in any direction should lead to an exit, type of construction and occupancy group and the exit
with no dead-end in which the occupants requirements, the following requirements shall be
might be trapped by fire or explosion at any complied with:
gasoline pump. Such exit should lead to the
outside of the building on the same level, or Fire Detection! Extinguishing System
downstairs; no upward travel should be The requirements for group H occupancy, as specified
permitted unless direct outside exits are in Table 23 and Annex C (for high rise building) of
available from the floor and any floor below SP 7 shall apply.
(as in the case of a basement garage where
the grade is one storey or more lower at the NOTE - Automatic sprinklers are prohibited where water
reactive materials are kept. Instead automatic fire alarm system
rear than at the street). coupled with suitable fire extinguishing systems shall be Exits from aircraft hangars (storage or installed.
servicing areas) should be provided at intervals of not Exceptions and deviations
more than 45 m on all exterior walls of aircrafts
hangars. There should be a minimum of two exits Every area used for the storage of hazardous
serving each aircraft storage or servicing area. commodities shall have an exit within 22.5 m of any
Horizontal exits through interior fire walls should be point in the area where persons may be present or 35 m
provided at intervals of not more than 30 m. 'Dwarf' where automatic sprinkler protection is provided.
or 'smash' doors in doors accommodating aircraft may 3.7.15 Hazardous ( J)
be used to comply with these requirements. All doors
designated as exits should be kept unlocked in the Same as in
direction of exit travel while the area is occupied. Additional precautions Exits from mezzanine floors in aircraft storage In addition to the general requirements specified for
or servicing area should be so arranged that the type of construction and occupancy group and the exit

IS 1644 : 2013

requirements, the following requirements shall be g) Equipment or machinery which generates or

complied with: emits combustible or explosive dust or fibres
shan be provided with an adequate dust
Fire Detection/ Extinguishing System
collecting and exhaust system.
The requirements for Group J occupancy, as specified
in Table 23 and Annex C (for high rise building) of 3.8 Doorways
SP 7 shall apply. 3.8.1 Every exit doorway should open into an enclosed
NOTE - Hazardous buildings shall have vapour detectors/ stairway, or horizontal exit of a corridor, or passageway
explosion suppression systems/automatic sprinklers, besides providing continuous and protected means of egress.
hydrant system, wet risers and automatic fire alarm system
depending on the type of tire hazard involved. 3.8.2 No exit doorway shall be less than I 000 mm in
width except assembly buildings where door width
Exit Facilities
shall be not less than 2 000 mm. Doorways shall be
General requirements and those specified for industrial not less than 2 000 mm in height.
buildings shall apply to Group J occupancies also.
Mirrors shall not be placed in exit ways or exit doors The following requirements shall also apply to avoid confusion regarding the direction of exit.
to all Group J occupancies, as applicable:
3.8.3 Exit doorways should open outwards, that is,
a) Each building where gas is employed for any away from the room but should not obstruct the travel
purpose shall be provided with an approved along any exit. No door, when opened, should reduce
outside gas shut-off valve conspicuously the required width of stairway or landing to less than
marked. The detailed requirements regarding 90 em; overhead or sliding door should not be installed.
safe use of gas shall be as specified in relevant NOTE In the case of buildings where there is a central
standards. corridor, the doors of rooms should open inwards to permit
b) Each boiler room or room containing a smooth flow of traffic in the corridor.
heating plant shall be separated from the rest 3.8.4 Exit door should not open immediately upon a
of the building by a separating wall. flight of stairs, a landing equal to at least the width of
c) In any room in which volatile flammable the door should be provided in the stairway at each
substances are used or stored, no device doorway; the level of landing should be the same as
generating a spark, or glow flame capable of that of the floor which it serves.
igniting flammable vapour shall be installed
or permitted unless it is enclosed in a 3.8.5 Exit doorways should be openable from the side
which they serve without the use of a key.
flameproof enclosure.
d) The use, handling, storage and sale of gasoline, 3.8.6 Revolving Doors
fuel oil and other flammable liquids snail not Revol ving doors should not be considered as
be permitted in Group J occupancies unless such
required exits. Additional doors should be provided
use, handling, storage and sale is in accordance
for exits from fire safety point of view. In mercantile
with appropriate legislation in force.
buildings where there is possibility of congregation of
e) All openings in exterior walls except wall vents a large number of people (more than 200), revolving
shall be protected by a fire stop assembly and doors should not be permitted.
they shall be fixed, automatic or self-closing.
Wall vents having an area of not less than Where the revolving door provided are
100 cm 2 each shall be placed in the exterior completely made of toughened glass (plate glass), a
walls near the floor line, not more than 1 800 red circle or emblem or logo at 1.5 m level above sill
mm apart horizontally. Each building shall be should be painted on the glass. The thickness of the
provided with a power driven fan exhaust toughened glass should not be not less than 12 mm.
system of ventilation which shall be arranged
3.9 Corridors and Passageways
and operated so as to produce a complete
change of air in each room every 3 min. 3.9.1 Exit corridors and passageways should be of
f) Each machine in dry-cleaning establishments width not less than the aggregate required width of
which uses flammable liquid shall have an exit doorways leading from them in the direction of
adequate steam line or any other suitable travel to the exterior. All means of exit including
extinguishing agent directly connected to it, staircases lifts lobbies and corridors shall be adequately
so arranged as to have the agent automatically ventilated.
released to the inside of each machine should 3.9.2 Where stairways discharge through corridors and
an explosion occur in the machine.
IS 1644 : 2013

passageways, the height of corridors and passageways that the width of staircase does not reduce.
should be not less than 2.4 m.
3.10.10 The design of staircase shall also take into
3.10 Internal Staircases account the following:

3.10.1 Interior stairs should be constructed of non- a) The minimum headroom in a passage under
combustible materials throughout. the landing of a staircase and under the
staircase shall be 2.2 m.
3.10.2 Interior staircase should be constructed as a self-
b) For building 15 m in height or more, access
contained unit with an external wall constituting at least
to main staircase shall be through afire/smoke
one of its sides and should be completely enclosed.
check door of a minimum 2 h fire resistance
3.10.3 A staircase should not be arranged round a lift rating. Fire resistance rating may be reduced
shaft unless the latter is totally enclosed by a material to 1 h for residential buildings or half of the
of fire-resistance rating as that for the type of rating if sprinkled with open and control valve
construction itself. (except hotels and starred hotels).
3.10.4 Hollow combustible construction should not be c) No living space, store or other fire risk shall
permitted. open directly into the staircase or staircases.
d) External exit door of staircase enclosure at
3.10.5 No gas piping or electrical panels shall be allowed
ground level shall open directly to the open
in the stairway. Ducting in stairway may be permitted if
spaces or through a large lobby, if necessary.
it is of the fire resistance rating of the enclosure.
e) The main and external staircases shall be
3.10.6 Notwithstanding the detailed provision for exits continuous from ground floor to the terrace
given above the following minimum width should be level.
provided for staircases:
f) No electrical shafts/AC ducts or gas pipes, etc,
a) Residential buildings (dwellings) - 1.0 m shall pass through or open in the staircases.
NOTE - For row housing with 2 storeys, the width Lifts shall not open in staircase.
should be 0.75 m. g) No combustible material shall be used for
b) Residential hotel buildings -1.5 m decoration/wall paneling in the staircase.
c) Assembly buildings like auditorium, h) Beams/Columns and other building features
theatres and cinemas - 1.5 m shall not reduce the head room/width of the
d) Educational buildings: staircase.
1) Up to 24 m in height - 1.5 m j) The exit sign with arrow indicating the way
2) More than 24 m in height -2.0m to the escape route shall be provided at a
300 mm height from the floor level on the wall
e) Institutional buildings like hospitals:
and shall be illuminated by electric light
1) Up to 10 beds - 1.5 m connected to corridor circuits. All exit way
2) More than 10 beds - 2.0 m marking signs should be tlush with the wall
f) All other buildings -1.5m and so designed that no mechanical damage
shall occur to them due to moving of furniture
3.10.7 The minimum width of tread without nosing
should be 25 cm for internal staircase of residential or other heavy equipments. Further, all
buildings. This should be 30 cm for hotels, assembly, landings of floor shall have floor indicating
educational, institutional, business and other buildings. boards prominently indicating the number of
The treads should be constructed and maintained in a tloor as per bye-laws.
manner to prevent slipping. The floor indication board shall be placed on
the wall immediately facing the flight of stairs
3.10.8 The maximum height of riser should be 19 cm and nearest to the landing. It shall be of size
for residential buildings and 15 cm for other buildings not less than 0.5 m x 0.5 m.
and the number should be limited to 15 per flight.
k) Individual floors shall be prominently
3.10.9 Hand rails should be provided at a minimum indicated on the wall facing the staircases.
height of 100 cm and not exceeding 120 cm to be m) In case of single staircase it shall terminate at
measured from the base of the middle of the treads to the ground floor level and the access to the
the top of the hand rails. Further, the gap between the basement shall be by a separate staircase.
two verticals should not exceed 30 cm. This gap should
be reduced to 15 cm where children are likely to use The second staircase may lead to basement levels
the staircase. Balusters/railing shall be provided such provided the same is separate at ground level by

IS 1644 : 2013

ventilated lobby with discharge points to two different NOTE - This does not apply to A-2 and A-4 occupancies up
ends through enclosures. to 15 m height.

3.11 Fire Escapes or External Stairs 3.13 Horizontal Exits

An external staircase is desirable to be provided for 3.13.1 The width of horizontal exit should be the same
high rise buildings. External stairs, when provided shall as for the exit doorways (see 3.8).
always be kept in sound operable conditions. 3.13.2 A horizontal exit shall be equipped with at least
3.11.1 Fire escapes should not be taken into account one fire/smoke door of minimum 1 h fire resistance,
in calculating the evacuation time of a building. of self-closing type. Further, it is required to have direct
connectivity to the fire escape staircase for evacuation.
3.11.2 All fire escapes should be directly connected to
the ground. 3.13.3 Floor area on the opposite or refuge side of a
horizontal exit should be sufficient to accommodate
3.11.3 Entrance to the fire escape should be separate occupants of the floor areas served, allowing not less
and remote from the internal staircase. than 0.3 m 2/person. For buildings more than 24 m in
height, refuge area of 15 m 2 or an area equivalent to
3.11.4 Care should be taken to ensure that the wall
opening or window opens on to or close to a fire escape. 0.3 m 2 per person to accommodate the occupants of
two consecutive floors, whichever is higher, shall be
3.11.5 The route to the fire escape should be free of provided as under:
obstructions at all times.
The refuge area shall be provided on the periphery of
3.11.6 The fire escape should be constructed of non- the floor or preferably on a cantilever projection and
combustible materials, and any doorway leading to the open to air at least on one side protected with suitable
fire escape should have the required fire resistance. railings.
3.11.7 No staircase, used as a fire escape, should be a) For floors above 24 m and Up to 39 m - One
inclined at an angle greater than 45° to the horizontal. refuge area on the floor immediately above
3.11.8 External stairs shall have straight flight not less
than 1 250 mm wide with 250 mm treads and risers b) For floors above 39 m - One refuge area on
not more than 190 mm. The number of risers shall be the floor immediately above 39 m and so on
limited to 15 per flight. after every 15 m. Refuge area provided in
excess of the requirements shall be counted
3.11.9 Handrails shall be of a height not less than towards FAR.
I 000 mm and not extending 1 200 mm. There shall be NOTE - Residential flats in multi-storied building
provisions of balusters with maximum gap of 150 mm. with balcony, need not be provided with refuge area,
however flats without balcony shall provide refuge area
3.11.10 Spiral Fire Escape as given above.

The use of spiral staircase should be limited to low 3.13.4 Where there is a difference in level between
occupant load and to a building not exceeding 9 m in connected areas for horizontal exits, ramps, not more
height unless they are connected to platforms, such as than 1 in lOin slope should be provided; steps should
balconies and terraces to allow escapees to pause. not be used.
3.11.11 Spiral fire escape should be not less than 3.13.5 Doors in horizontal exits should be open able at
150 cm in diameter and should be designed to give all times from both sides.
adequate headroom. Unprotected steel frame staircase
shall not be accepted as means of escape. However, 3.14 Fire Tower
steel staircase in an enclosed fire rated compartment Fire towers are the preferred type of escape route for
of 2 h will be accepted as means of escape. storeyed buildings and their application should be
considered as the safest route for escape. Their number,
3.12 Roof Exit
location and size should depend on the building
In all buildings over three storeys in height where the concerned, and its associated escape routes.
slope of the roof is less than 20°, direct access to the
3.14.1 In every mercantile, industrial, business, assembly
roofs should be provided from the street by means of a
buildings other than theatres, institutional and residential
stairway. Where roofs are used as roof gardens or for
buildings, over 8 storeys or 24 m in height, at least one
other habitable purposes, sufficient stairways should
required means of egress should be a fire tower.
be extended to them to provide necessary exit facilities
required for such occupancy. 3.14.2 The enclosure of fire towers should be

IS 1644 : 2013

constructed of walls with a 2 h fire-resistance rating capacity and limiting dimensions except where
without openings other than the exit doorways with specified for special uses and occupancies.
platforms, landings and balconies having the same fire-
3.15.2 The slope of a ramp should not exceed 1 in 10.
resistance rating.
In certain cases, steeper slopes may be permitted but
3.15 Ramps in no case greater than 1 in 8.
3.15.1 Ramps should comply with all the applicable 3.15.3 For all slopes exceeding I in 10 and wherever
requirements for stairways regarding enclosure, the use is such as to involve danger of slipping, the ramp
should be surfaced with approved non-slipping material.

IS 1644 : 2013

Fire Safety Sectional Committee, CED 36

Organization Represe1!wtive(s)
Delhi Fire Services, New Delhi SHRI R. C. SHARMA (Chairmall)
SHRI A. K. SHARMA (Altemale)
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai SHRI A. K. T ANDLE

Builders Association of India, New Delhi REPRESENTATIVE

Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee DR M. P. SINGH

DR SUVIR SINGH (Alternate)
Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi SHRI C. S. KASANA
SHRI P. C. KUREEL (Alternate)
Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata REPRESENTATIVE

Central Industrial Security Force, New Delhi DEPUTY INSPECTOR GENERAL (FIRE)
SHRI S. L NAGARKAR (Alternate)
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi SHRI SATYA PRAKASH BARNWAl
Centre for Fire & Explosive Environment Safety, New Delhi DIRECTOR
DR K. C. WADHWA (Alternate)
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd, Chennai SHRI J. P. K. HEPAT

Controllerate of Quality Assurance, Pune LT-COL B. T. MANJUNATH

SHRI M. B. PARADKAR (Alternate)
Council of Architecture, New Delhi SHRI A. R. RAMANATHAN
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd, New Delhi SHRIMATI TRIPTA KHURANA

Directorate General of Factory Advice Service & Labour Institute, SHRt A. K. GANGULY
Mumbai SHRI S. P. BANDOPADHYAYA (A/temale)
Electricity Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum, New Delhi SHRI HEMANT KUMAR

Engineer-in-Chief's Branch, New Delhi SHRI A. K. RAY

SHRI S. K. GUPTA (Alternate)
Engineering Industrial Technical Section, Ministry of Industry, SHRI P. K. SUNKARIA
New Delhi SHRI K. C. MATHUR (Alternate)
Engineers India Limited, New Delhi SHRI ARVIND KUMAR

Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Noida SHRI T. K. KUMAR

Institution of Fire Engineers, New Delhi PRESIDENT

Lloyd Insulations (India) Limited, New Delhi SHRI K. K. MITRA
Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi SHRI OM PRAKASH
SHRI D. K. SHAMI (Alternate)
Mumbai Fire Brigade, Mumbai CHIEF FIRE OFFICER
National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd, New Delhi SHRI D. K. SURYANARAYAN

Oil Industry Safety Directorate, New Delhi SHRI S. C. GUPTA

SHRt B. R. GADEKAR (Alternate)

Reliance Retineries Limited, Jamnagar SHRI VARADENDRA KOTI

Shriram Institute of Industrial Research. Delhi REPRESENTATIVE

State Bank of India, Mumbai SHRI J. S. GAHLAUT

IS 1644 : 2013

Organization Representative(s)
In personal capacity, PI4 Belgacuta, Kolkata SHR[ S. N. KUNDU
]n personal capacity, K-33-A Green Park, New Delhi SHRI S. K. OHERI
In personal capacity, C-127 Kendriya Vihar, Noida SHR[ H. S. KAPARWAN
In personal capacity, 305 SJR Verity, Amrita College Road, SHRI T. R. A. KRISHNAN
Kasavana/za/li, Bangalore
BIS Directorate General SHR[ A. K. SAINI, Scientist 'F' & Head (Civil Engg)
[Representing Director General (Ex-oj]icio) I
Member Secretary
Scientist 'E' (Civil Engg), BIS

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
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and attending to connected matters in the country.


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Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
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should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
'BIS Catalogue' and 'Standards: Monthly Additions'.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 36 (7665).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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