Module-3-Investment-Properties Correction
Module-3-Investment-Properties Correction
Module-3-Investment-Properties Correction
Study Guide
Learning Outcomes
Topic Presentation
Items Treatment
1. Property intended for sale in the ordinary course of Inventories
business or in the process of construction or
development for such sale, for example, property
acquired exclusively with a view to subsequent
disposal in the near future or for development and
2. Owner-occupied property, including (among other Either:
things) property held for future use as owner- a. Property, Plant and
occupied property, property held for future Equipment
development and subsequent use as owner- b. Right-of-use Asset under
occupied property, property occupied by employees IFRS 16
(whether or not the employees pay rent at market c. Noncurrent asset held for
rates) and owner-occupied property awaiting sale under IFRS 5 (if
disposal. there is intent to sell)
3. Property that is leased to another entity under a Not reported in the books of
finance lease the company
Ancillary Services
In some cases, an entity provides ancillary services to the occupants of a property it
holds. Ancillary services include security and maintenance services to the property
and other administrative services and functions. If the entity provides ancillary
services to the occupants of the property held by the entity, the appropriateness of
classification as investment property is determined by the significance of the services
Property rented to a parent, subsidiary or fellow subsidiary is accounted as follows:
1. Consolidated financial statements – it is an owner-occupied property from
the perspective of the group
Transaction costs include directly attributable costs such as property transfer taxes,
legal fees, professional fees and other transaction costs.
Investment properties, like property, plant and equipment can be acquired on several
ways, namely:
1. Cash basis
2. Acquisition on account
3. Deferred Settlement Terms/Installment basis
4. Issuance of share capital
5. Issuance of bonds payable
6. Exchange
7. Donation
8. Government grant
9. Construction
If the asset was acquired on a cash basis, the amount to be capitalized is equal to
the cash price or cash equivalents paid in the acquisition date plus directly
attributable costs such as freight, installation costs and other costs necessary in
bringing the asset to the location and condition for the intended use.
For acquisition of several assets that are purchased at its lump sum price or basket
price, the capitalizable cost should be allocated based on their relative fair values.
2. Acquisition on account
When an is acquired on account subject to a cash discount, the cost of the asset is
equal to the invoice price minus the discount, regardless of whether the discount is
taken or not. Two methods may be used in recording:
a. Gross method – on the acquisition date, the property, plant and equipment is
recorded at invoice price before deducting the cash discount. On the payment
date, the cash discount is deducted from the invoice price by a credit to property,
plant and equipment.
b. Net method - on the acquisition date, the property, plant and equipment is
recorded at invoice price net of cash discount. This is the preferable approach
since PAS 16 requires recording of the property, plant and equipment at the
cash price equivalent at the recognition date (i.e., the acquisition date)
When payment for item of property, plant and equipment is deferred beyond normal
credit terms, the cost of property, plant and equipment is:
a. If there is available cash price – the property, plant and equipment must be
recorded at cash price or cash equivalent paid at the acquisition date. The
difference between the cash price equivalent and the total payment is
recognized as interest expense over the period of credit unless such interest is
recognized in the carrying amount of the item in accordance with PAS 23
Borrowing Costs.
b. No available cash price - the property, plant and equipment must be recorded at
an amount equal to present value of all payments using an implied/imputed
interest rate.
If the entity cannot estimate reliably the fair value of the goods or services, received
the entity shall measure their value, and the corresponding increase in equity,
indirectly, by reference to the fair value of the equity instruments granted.
According to PAS 16, The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment is the
cash price equivalent at the recognition date.
According to PFRS 9, the fair value of a financial instrument at initial recognition is
normally the transaction price. However, if part of the consideration is given or
received is for something other than the financial instrument, an entity shall measure
the fair value of the instrument.
a. the configuration (risk, timing and amount) of the cash flows of the asset
received differs from the configuration of the cash flows of the asset transferred;
b. the entity-specific value of the portion of the entity’s operations affected by the
transaction changes as a result of the exchange; and
c. the difference in (a) or (b) is significant relative to the fair value of the assets
3. Cost or book value of the property Recipient of cash: Fair of the asset
given given minus cash payment (in effect,
this is the fair value of the asset
Gain or loss on exchange is fully recognized when the exchange has commercial
Exchange without Commercial Substance
7. Acquisition by donation
When an entity acquires property, plant and equipment through donation, the asset is
recorded at the fair value when received or receivable considering the source of the
donated asset:
9. Acquisition by construction
When an entity constructs an asset that is classified property, plant and equipment,
the cost of self-constructed asset shall include:
After initial recognition, an entity that chooses the cost model shall measure
investment property:
a. in accordance with IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and
Discontinued Operations if it meets the criteria to be classified as held for sale
(or is included in a disposal group that is classified as held for sale);
b. in accordance with IFRS 16 if it is held by a lessee as a right-of-use asset and
is not held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5; and
c. in accordance with the requirements in IAS 16 for the cost model in all other
A gain or loss arising from a change in the fair value of investment property shall be
recognized in profit or loss for the period in which it arises.
In determining the carrying amount of investment property under the fair value model,
an entity does not double-count assets or liabilities that are recognized as separate
assets or liabilities. For example:
2. At Subsequent Recognition
If an entity has previously measured an investment property at fair value, it shall
continue to measure the property at fair value until disposal (or until the
property becomes owner-occupied property or the entity begins to develop the
property for subsequent sale in the ordinary course of business) even if
comparable market transactions become less frequent or market prices
become less readily available.
A change in use occurs when the property meets, or ceases to meet, the definition of
investment property and there is evidence of the change in use. In isolation, a
change in management’s intentions for the use of a property does not provide
evidence of a change in use.
Examples of evidence of a change in use include:
a. commencement of owner-occupation, or of development with a view to
owner-occupation, for a transfer from investment property to owner-occupied
The entity shall treat any difference at that date between the carrying amount of
the property in accordance with IAS 16 or IFRS 16 and its fair value in the same
way as a revaluation in accordance with IAS 16.
Up to the date when an owner-occupied property becomes an investment
property carried at fair value, an entity depreciates the property and recognizes
any impairment losses that have occurred.
At the date of reclassification, the entity treats any difference at that date between
the carrying amount of the property and its fair value as follows:
1. Any resulting decrease in the carrying amount of the property is recognized
in profit or loss.
However, to the extent that an amount is included in revaluation surplus
for that property, the decrease is charged against that revaluation
2. Any resulting increase in the carrying amount is treated as follows:
a. to the extent that the increase reverses a previous impairment loss for
that property, the increase is recognized in profit or loss.
The amount recognized in profit or loss does not exceed the amount
needed to restore the carrying amount to the carrying amount that would
have been determined (net of depreciation) had no impairment loss
been recognized.
For a transfer from inventories to investment property that will be carried at fair
value, any difference between the fair value of the property at that date and its
previous carrying amount shall be recognized in profit or loss.
3. Transfers to investment
property that will be
carried using fair value
a. From owner- Fair value on date of
No gain or loss on transfer is
occupied property transfer recognized. Account the change of the
owner-occupied property using IAS 16
up to the date of transfer
b. From inventories to Fair value on date of Fair value at the date of transfer less
investment property transfer the carrying amount on previous
reporting period (that is LCNRV)
Investment properties are presented in the statement of financial position as one line
item under the non-current section.
Gains or losses arising from the retirement or disposal of investment property shall
be determined as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the
carrying amount of the asset and shall be recognized in profit or loss in the period
of the retirement or disposal.
An entity recognizes in the carrying amount of an asset the cost of replacement for
part of an investment property, it derecognizes the carrying amount of the replaced
1. Cost Model
For investment property accounted using cost model, a replaced part may or
may not be a part was depreciated separately.
Under the fair value method, the fair value of the investment property may
already reflect that the part to be replaced has lost its value.
An alternative, to reducing the fair value of the replaced part, when it is not
practical to do so, is to include the cost of the replacement in the carrying
amount of the asset and then to reassess the fair value, as would be required
for additions not involving replacement.
On December 31, 2021, the following data was provided during the financial
statement preparation of PERALTA CORP. and its subsidiaries consolidated financial
Item Amount
1. Farming land that was purchased for its investment Php 800,000
potential. Planning permission has not been obtained
for building constructions of any kind.
2. A building that is leased to an associate under 1,260,000
operating lease
3. Factory building which due to decline in activity 500,000
because of COVID-19 pandemic, is no longer needed
and is now being held for immediate sale in its present
condition and the sale is highly probable.
4. A building being constructed on behalf of SANTIAGO 1,000,000
5. A property that is in the process of construction for sale 950,000
6. A property intended for sale in the ordinary course of 450,000
7. Owner-occupied properties 1,600,000
8. Buildings occupied by employees. The employees pay 760,000
rent on the building they occupy.
9. Buildings occupied by employees. The employees do 240,000
not pay market rent on the building they occupy.
10. A new machine leased by PERALTA under operating 530,000
11. A building that is being constructed for future use as 870,000
administration building.
12. A building that is held under mixed use; half of it is 1,720,000
owner-occupied and the other half is to earn rentals.
13. A building wherein significant security and maintenance 960,000
services are provided to occupants
14. Land and building leased to a subsidiary of PERALTA 2,100,000
15. An equipment that is leased to a third party under 1,110,000
finance lease
HOLT INC. completed the construction of a hotel with a swimming pool at a cost of
Php105,000,000 at January 1, 2021. The estimated useful life of the hotel is 30 years
and HOLT uses the cost model in accounting for its fixed assets.
A. Assume that HOLT INC. provides security services for its guest belongings as
part of the service it provides, what amount should HOLT report as
investment property in its statement of financial position as of December 31,
The construction of the condominium was completed on January 1, 2021 and it was
available for use on February 1, 2021. The cost of construction of the condominium
are as follows (all paid in cash):
Materials, labor and overhead 40,000,000
Borrowing costs specifically identified on the construction 2,000,000
Driveway, parking bay and safely lighting 8,000,000
Architect and engineer’s fee 5,000,000
Savings on construction 10,000,000
Cost of changes during construction to make the
condominium more energy efficient 3,000,000
Marketing fee for the promotion of the condominium 1,000,000
The useful life of the condominium is 25 years and the residual value is Php
Cost to dispose, as per assessment of the appraiser for 2021, 2022 and 2023 are
Php 5,000,000, 6,000,000 and 7,000,000 respectively.
1. Compute for the total cost of the condominium.
2. Prepare journal entries for 2021, 2022 and 2023 assuming LINETTI uses:
a. Cost model
b. Fair value model
BOYLE CORP. owns a building purchased on January 1, 2021 for Php 100,000,000.
The building was used as the company’s home office. The building has an estimated
life of 25 years.
In 2025, the company transferred its home office and decided to lease the old
building. Tenants began occupying the old building by the end of 2025. On
December 31, 2025, BOYLE reclassified the building as investment property.
The fair value on the date of reclassification was Php 86,000,000.
Required: Answer the following:
A. If the investment property is to be carried using cost model, how much
should be recognized in the 2025 profit or loss as a gain or loss on transfer
from owner-occupied to investment property?
B. If the investment property is to be carried using cost model, how much
should be recognized in the 2025 OCI as a gain or loss on transfer from
owner-occupied to investment property?
C. If the investment property is to be carried using fair value model, how much
should be recognized in the 2025 profit or loss as a gain or loss on transfer
from owner-occupied to investment property?
D. If the investment property is to be carried using fair value model, how much
should be recognized in the 2025 OCI as a gain or loss on transfer from
owner-occupied to investment property?
On January 1, 2021, DIAZ INC. acquired property consisting of ten bungalows, each
with separate legal title including the land on it which it is built for Php 200,000,000,
20% of which is attributable to the land. The bungalow units have a useful life of 50
The following costs are also incurred and paid on such date:
Nonrefundable transfer taxes not included in the purchase price 20,000,000
Legal fees directly attributable to the acquisition 1,000,000
Reimbursement to the previous owner for prepaying nonrefundable
property taxes for the six-month period ending June 30, 2021 100,000
Marketing and advertising expenses on flyers and commercials 500,000
Ribbon cutting expense to celebrate the opening of the
new rental business 200,000
On June 30, 2021, DIAZ paid local property taxes of Php 100,000 for the year ending
December 31, 2021
On August 1, 2021, the entity incurred repairs and maintenance of Php 120,000.
On December 31, 2021, the fair value of each unit was reliably estimated at Php 25
M. The accounting policy is to use the fair value model of the investment property.
D. What is the gain from increase in fair value of investment property for the
current year?
E. What is the depreciation expense of the building for the current year?
The fair value of the building at the end of 2021 and 2022 is Php 3,100,000 and Php
2,450,000, respectively. On January 1, 2023, the company terminated all lease and
sold the building for Php 2,990,000, incurring disposal cost of Php 120,000. The
value in use of the building at the end of 2021 and 2022 is Php 3,600,000 and Php
A. If the investment property is accounted using the cost model, what should be
the amount of derecognition gain or loss to be reported on its profit or loss in
B. If the investment property is accounted using the fair value model, what
should be the amount of derecognition gain or loss to be reported on its profit
or loss in 2023?