33th Imo 1992-Fix
33th Imo 1992-Fix
33th Imo 1992-Fix
33st International Mathematical Olympiad
IMO 1992 Problems and Solutions
Problem A1
Find all integers a, b, c satisfying 1 < a < b < c such that (a - 1)(b -1)(c -
1) is a divisor of abc - 1.
Answer: a = 2, b = 4, c = 8; or a = 3, b = 5, c = 15.
Let k = 21/3. If a ≥ 5, then k(a - 1) > a. [Check: (k(a - 1)3 - a3 = a3 - 6a2 +
6a - 2. For a ≥ 6, a3 ≥ 6a2 and 6a > 2, so we only need to check a = 5:
125 - 150 + 30 - 2 = 3.] We know that c > b > a, so if a ≥ 5, then 2(a -
1)(b - 1)(c - 1) > abc > abc - 1. So we must have a = 2, 3 or 4.
Suppose abc - 1 = n(a - 1)(b - 1)(c - 1). We consider separately the
cases n = 1, n = 2 and n ≥ 3. If n = 1, then a + b + c = ab + bc + ca.
But that is impossible, because a, b, c are all greater than 1 and so a <
ab, b < bc and c < ca.
Suppose n = 2. Then abc - 1 is even, so all a, b, c are odd. In particular,
a = 3. So we have 4(b - 1)(c - 1) = 3bc - 1, and hence bc + 5 = 4b + 4c.
If b >= 9, then bc >= 9c > 4c + 4b. So we must have b = 5 or 7. If b =
5, then we find c = 15, which gives a solution. If b = 7, then we find c =
23/3 which is not a solution.
The remaining case is n >= 3. If a = 2, we have n(bc - b - c + 1) = 2bc -
1, or (n - 2)bc + (n + 1) = nb + nc. But b ≥ 3, so (n - 2)bc ≥ (3n - 6)c ≥
2nc for n ≥ 6, so we must have n = 3, 4 or 5. If n = 3, then bc + 4 = 3b
+ 3c. If b >= 6, then bc ≥ 6c > 3b + 3c, so b = 3, 4 or 5. Checking we
find only b = 4 gives a solution: a = 2, b = 4, c = 8. If n = 4, then (n -
2)bc, nb and nc are all even, but (n + 1) is odd, so there is no solution. If
n = 5, then 3bc + 6 = 5b + 5c. b = 3 gives c = 9/4, which is not a
solution. b >= 4 gives 3bc > 10c > 5b + 5c, so there are no solutions.
If a = 3, we have 2n(bc - b - c + 1) = 3bc - 1, or (2n - 3)bc + (2n + 1) =
2nb + 2nc. But b ≥ 4, so (2n - 3)bc ≥ (8n - 12)c ≥ 4nc > 2nc + 2nb. So
there are no solutions. Similarly, if a = 4, we have (3n - 4)bc + (3n + 1)
= 3nb + 3nc. But b ≥ 4, so (3n - 4)bc ≥ (12n - 16)c > 6nc > 3nb + 3nc,
so there are no solutions.
Solutions are also available in István Reiman, International
Mathematical Olympiad 1959-1999, ISBN 189-8855-48-X.
Problem A2
Find all functions f defined on the set of all real numbers with real
values, such that f(x2 + f(y)) = y + f(x)2 for all x, y.
The first step is to establish that f(0) = 0. Putting x = y = 0, and f(0) = t,
we get f(t) = t2. Also, f(x2+t) = f(x)2, and f(f(x)) = x + t2. We now
evaluate f(t2+f(1)2) two ways. First, it is f(f(1)2 + f(t)) = t + f(f(1))2 = t +
(1 + t2)2 = 1 + t + 2t2 + t4. Second, it is f(t2 + f(1 + t)) = 1 + t + f(t)2 =
1 + t + t4. So t = 0, as required.
It follows immediately that f(f(x)) = x, and f(x2) = f(x)2. Given any y, let z
= f(y). Then y = f(z), so f(x2 + y) = z + f(x)2 = f(y) + f(x)2. Now given
any positive x, take z so that x = z2. Then f(x + y) = f(z2 + y) = f(y) +
f(z)2 = f(y) + f(z2) = f(x) + f(y). Putting y = -x, we get 0 = f(0) = f(x + -x)
= f(x) + f(-x). Hence f(-x) = - f(x). It follows that f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y)
and f(x - y) = f(x) - f(y) hold for all x, y.
Take any x. Let f(x) = y. If y > x, then let z = y - x. f(z) = f(y - x) = f(y) -
f(x) = x - y = -z. If y < x, then let z = x - y and f(z) = f(x - y) = f(x) - f(y)
= y - x. In either case we get some z > 0 with f(z) = -z < 0. But now
take w so that w2 = z, then f(z) = f(w2) = f(w)2 >= 0. Contradiction. So
we must have f(x) = x.
Solutions are also available in István Reiman, International
Mathematical Olympiad 1959-1999, ISBN 189-8855-48-X.
Problem A3
Consider 9 points in space, no 4 coplanar. Each pair of points is joined
by a line segment which is colored either blue or red or left uncolored.
Find the smallest value of n such that whenever exactly n edges are
colored, the set of colored edges necessarily contains a triangle all of
whose edges have the same color.
by Gerhard Wöginger
We show that for n = 32 we can find a coloring without a monochrome
triangle. Take two squares R1R2R3R4 and B1B2B3B4. Leave the diagonals
of each square uncolored, color the remaining edges of R red and the
remaining edges of B blue. Color blue all the edges from the ninth point
X to the red square, and red all the edges from X to the blue square.
Color RiBj red if i and j have the same parity and blue otherwise.
Clearly X is not the vertex of a monochrome square, because if XY and
XZ are the same color then, YZ is either uncolored or the opposite color.
There is no triangle within the red square or the blue square, and hence
no monochrome triangle. It remains to consider triangles of the form
RiRjBk and BiBjRk. But if i and j have the same parity, then RiRj is
uncolored (and similarly BiBj), whereas if they have opposite parity, then
RiBk and RjBk have opposite colors (and similarly BiRk and BjRk).
It remains to show that for n = 33 we can always find a monochrome
triangle. There are three uncolored edges. Take a point on each of the
uncolored edges. The edges between the remaining 6 points must all be
colored. Take one of these, X. At least 3 of the 5 edges to X, say XA, XB,
XC must be the same color (say red). If AB is also red, then XAB is
monochrome. Similarly, for BC and CA. But if AB, BC and CA are all blue,
then ABC is monochrome.
Solutions are also available in István Reiman, International
Mathematical Olympiad 1959-1999, ISBN 189-8855-48-X.
Problem B1
L is a tangent to the circle C and M is a point on L. Find the locus of all
points P such that there exist points Q and R on L equidistant from M
with C the incircle of the triangle PQR.
Answer: Let X be the point where C meets L, let O be the center of C, let
XO cut C gain at Z, and take Y on QR so that M be the midpoint of XY.
Let L' be the line YZ. The locus is the open ray from Z along L' on the
opposite side to Y.
mainly by Gerhard Wöginger, Technical University, Graz (I filled in a few
Let C' be the circle on the other side of QR to C which also touches the
segment QR and the lines PQ and QR. Let C' touch QR at Y'. If we take
an expansion (technically, homothecy) center P, factor PY'/PZ, then C
goes to C', the tangent to C at Z goes to the line QR, and hence Z goes to
Y'. But it is easy to show that QX = RY'.
We focus on the QORO'. Evidently X,Y' are the feet of the perpendiculars
from O, O' respectively to QR. Also, OQO' = ORO' = 90. So QY'O' and
OXQ are similar, and hence QY'/Y'O' = OX/XQ. Also RXO and O'Y'R are
similar, so RX/XO = O'Y'/Y'R. Hence QY'·XQ = OX·O'Y' = RX·Y'R. Hence
QX/RX = QX/(QR - QX) = RY'/(QR - RY') = RY'/QY'. Hence QX = RY'.
But QX = RY by construction (M is the midpoint of XY and QR), so Y = Y'.
Hence P lies on the open ray as claimed. Conversely, if we take P on this
ray, then by the same argument QX = RY. But M is the midpoint of XY,
so M must also be the midpoint of QR, so the locus is the entire (open)
Gerhard only found this after Theo Koupelis, University of Wisconsin,
Marathon had already supplied the following analytic solution.
Take Cartesian coordinates with origin X, so that M is (a, 0) and O is (0,
R). Let R be the point (b, 0) (we take a, b >= 0). Then Q is the point (2a
- b, 0), and Y is (2a, 0). Let angle XRO be θ. Then tan θ = R/b and angle
PRX = 2θ, so tan PRX = 2 tan θ/( 1 - tan2θ) = 2Rb/(b2 - R2). Similarly, tan
PQX = 2R(b - 2a)/( (b - 2a)2 - R2).
If P has coordinates (A, B), then B/(b - A) = tan PRX, and B/(b - 2a + x) =
tan PQX. So we have two simultaneous equations for A and B. Solving,
and simplifying slightly, we find A = -2aR2/(b2 - 2ab - R2), B = 2b(b -
2a)R/(b2 - 2ab - R2). (*)
We may now check that B/(2a - A) = R/a, so P lies on YZ as claimed. So
we have shown that the locus is a subset of the line YZ. But since b 2 -
2ab - R2 maps the open interval (a + √(a2 + R2), ∞) onto the open
interval (0, ∞), (*) shows that we can obtain any value A in the open
interval (-∞,0) by a suitable choice of b, and hence any point P on the
ray (except its endpoint Z) by a suitable choice of R.
Solutions are also available in István Reiman, International
Mathematical Olympiad 1959-1999, ISBN 189-8855-48-X.
Problem B2
Let S be a finite set of points in three-dimensional space. Let Sx, Sy, Sz be
the sets consisting of the orthogonal projections of the points of S onto
the yz-plane, zx-plane, xy-plane respectively. Prove that:
|S|2 <= |Sx| |Sy| |Sz|, where |A| denotes the number of points in the set A.
[The orthogonal projection of a point onto a plane is the foot of the
perpendicular from the point to the plane.]
by Gerhard Wöginger
Induction on the number of different z-coordinates in S.
For 1, it is sufficient to note that S = Sz and |S| ≤ |Sx| |Sy| (at most |Sx|
points of S project onto each of the points of Sy).
In the general case, take a horizontal (constant z) plane dividing S into
two non-empty parts T and U. Clearly, |S| = |T| + |U|, |Sx| = |Tx| + |Ux|,
and |Sy| = |Ty| + |Uy|.
By induction, |S| = |T| + |U| ≤ (|Tx| |Ty| |Tz|)1/2 + (|Ux| |Uy| |Uz|)1/2. But |Tz|,
|Uz| ≤ |Sz|, and for any positive a, b, c, d we have (a b)1/2 + (c d)1/2 ≤ ( (a
+ c) (b + d) )1/2 (square!).
Hence |S| ≤ |Sz|1/2( ( |Tx| + |Ux| ) ( |Ty| + |Uy| ) )1/2 = ( |Sx| |Sy| |Sz| ) 1/2.
© John Scholes
[email protected]
2 Sep 1999
Problem B3
For each positive integer n, S(n) is defined as the greatest integer such
that for every positive integer k ≤ S(n), n2 can be written as the sum of
k positive squares.
(a) Prove that S(n) <= n2 - 14 for each n ≥ 4.
(b) Find an integer n such that S(n) = n2 - 14.
(c) Prove that there are infinitely many integers n such that S(n) = n2 -
(a) Let N = n2. Suppose we could express N as a sum of N - 13 squares.
Let the number of 4s be a, the number of 9s be b and so on. Then we
have 13 = 3a + 8b + 15c + ... . Hence c, d, ... must all be zero. But
neither 13 nor 8 is a multiple of 3, so there are no solutions. Hence S(n)
≤ N - 14.
A little experimentation shows that the problem is getting started. Most
squares cannot be expressed as a sum of two squares. For N = 132 =
169, we find: 169 = 9 + 4 + 4 + 152 1s, a sum of 155 = N - 14 squares.
By grouping four 1s into a 4 repeatedly, we obtain all multiples of 3 plus
2 down to 41 (169 = 9 + 40 4s). Then grouping four 4s into a 16 gives
us 38, 35, ... , 11 (169 = 10 16s + 9). Grouping four 16s into a 64 gives
us 8 and 5. We obtain the last number congruent to 2 mod 3 by the
decomposition: 169 = 122 + 52.
For the numbers congruent to 1 mod 3, we start with N - 15 = 154
squares: 169 = 5 4s + 149 1s. Grouping as before gives us all 3m + 1
down to 7: 169 = 64 + 64 + 16 + 16 + 4 + 4 + 1. We may use 169 =
102 + 82 + 22 + 12 for 4.
For multiples of 3, we start with N - 16 = 153 squares: 169 = 9 + 9 +
151 1s. Grouping as before gives us all multiples of 3 down to 9: 169 =
64 + 64 + 16 + 9 + 9 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1. Finally, we may take 169 = 122
+ 42 + 32 for 3 and split the 42 to get 169 = 122 + 32 + 22 + 22 + 22 + 22
for 6. That completes the demonstration that we can write 132 as a sum
of k positive squares for all k <= S(13) = 132 - 14.
We now show how to use the expressions for 132 to derive further N. For
any N, the grouping technique gives us the high k. Simply grouping 1s
into 4s takes us down: from 9 + 4 + 4 + (N-17) 1s to (N-14)/4 + 6 < N/2
or below; from 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + (N-20) 1s to (N-23)/4 + 8 < N/2 or
below; from 9 + 9 + (N-18) 1s to (N-21)/4 + 5 < N/2 or below. So we can
certainly get all k in the range (N/2 to N-14) by this approach. Now
suppose that we already have a complete set of expressions for N1 and
for N2 (where we may have N1 = N2). Consider N3 = N1N2. Writing N3 =
N1( an expression for N2 as a sum of k squares) gives N3 as a sum of 1
thru k2 squares, where k2 = N2 - 14 squares (since N1 is a square). Now
express N1 as a sum of two squares: n12 + n22. We have N3 = n12(a sum
of k2 squares) + n22(a sum of k squares). This gives N3 as a sum of k2 + 1
thru 2k2 squares. Continuing in this way gives N3 as a sum of 1 thru k1k2
squares. But ki = Ni - 14 > 2/3 Ni, so k1k2 > N3/2. So when combined with
the top down grouping we get a complete set of expressions for N3.
This shows that there are infinitely many squares N with a complete set
of expressions, for example we may take N = the squares of 13, 13 2,
133, ... .
Solutions are also available in István Reiman, International
Mathematical Olympiad 1959-1999, ISBN 189-8855-48-X.