Animal Transport

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1. How do animals transport materials inside their bodies?

 A circulatory system is an important form of transportation via the body of vitamins and
minerals and gasses. Diffusion makes it possible to exchange several layers of cells of water,
nutrients, disposal, and gas for animals; after all, the only way that the entire corpus of
wider, more complex life forms has instant access to mass flow.
2. What structures are necessary for animal transport?
 When it comes to the transportation that happens inside the animal, which is essential.
These are animal hearts, blood vessels, arteries, veins, capabilities, and blood.
3. State the function of the following components of animal transport: heart, blood, and blood
 HEART – The function of this heart, is to pump the blood through the system, especially the
veins and arteries.
 BLOOD – Blood is common and essential in living human organisms and animals. It’s role is
vital, which is to flow through the system that contains oxygen and nutrients, going to veins.
 BLOOD VESSELS – It is the road or tunnel or track where the blood is circulating. Arteries is
vital because its need blood that goes in vessels, going to branches, which is arterioles.

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