numbers where the first two terms are 1 and scales, the imperial system and the metric
1 each succeeding term is the sum of the two system
preceding is covered by
Divine proportion - the term synonymous to
Asymmetrical balance - In composition, it is the golden proportion given during the
established by equalizing the element forces renaissance period when they discovered
in spite of their differences that the body and nature follows the same
Proximity - In gestalt principle, when
objects that are close to each other are of the Common Spaces - which of the ff. is not a
same group is known as characteristic of territoriality
Theory - explaining a phenomenon is a radial balance - when elements of a
component of the definition a: composition grow from a central line or are
aligned around a central point
Modulor - method of proportioning based on
height of an English man with his arm raised balance - is the arrangement of elements so
that no part of a work overpowers the other,
Rhythm - A visibly perceived sequence of
or seems heavier than any other part
architectural elements in a design is
metaphors - a design concept which uses
Analogous - The color harmony where
symbols and meanings is which type of
colors are located side by side in color wheel
thematic or symbolic concept
Biaxial balance - Arranging visually equal
anthropometrics - study of proportioning
elements in each four quadrants create by a
systems based on the dimensions and
pair of crossed axes
proportions of the human body
Proxemics - A relation concept, typically
conceptual theory - PD1096 is an example
measured in terms of how far one individual
is from the other
primary and secondary colors - tertiary
Perceptual - Perceiving architectural through
colors result from a mix of which types of
all 5 senses and not just the visual sense is
which level of architectural orders
anonymity - designing a religious retreat
Closure - Gestalt principle- complete figure
house would normally require which type of
that are incomplete
Circulation - space is always defined by:
perception - a process by which the brain
Form - the point of contact between mass takes all the sensation of the people
and space experience at any given moment and allows
them to be interpreted in some meaningful
Figure ground - gestalt principle-tendency to fashion.
perceive objects or figure, as existing on a
background Scale - dimensional relationships of the
elements of an architectural design to a
primary territory - a person's house is an standard is a definition of
example of
Balance - an axis that creates symmetry
Three colors away from the second color found in which design principle
a color complementary to another color is Hierarchy - the horizontal SM megamall
found in which position of the color wheel building seen against the high-rise structure
in relation to the second color of the ortigas center is an example of:
modulor - an anthropometric scale of
proportions devised by swiss-born French
architect Le Corbusier. It was developed as a
Feminine - the central atrium of the trinoma curtain wall - which of the ff is not
shopping mall may be perceived as which manifested in Frank Lloyd Wright's Prairie
type of architecture house
provides visual equilibrium to composition the political ideology of socialism which
of elements - principle of unity private property ownership is banned and
housing storall - the approach of the
school canteen - which of the following is
architecture GDR was heavily influenced by
not a behavior setting
De Architectura Libri Decem - the book
accent to grouping of elements - dominance
written by Vitruvius
overhead plane - the branches and leaves of
the urban transect based on the historic
the trees are some examples of what planar
arrangement of cities, towns, and
countryside. the philosophy of Andres
asymmetrical balance - guggenheim Duany
museum bilbao, falling water, sydney opera
Tratto d'architettura (treatise of
house are examples that describe
Architecture) - book written by Filarete
to simulate gastronomic sensation -
the location of our residential and work
competitive fast food chains deliberately
place have great influence on people - the
choose color red, yellow, orange in their
30th Mary Axe reflects Norman Foster's
color scheme
provides opposition to the composition of
Re de aedificatorial on the art of building -
elements - principle of contrast
the book written by Alberti
organismicist - preferring the greenbelt
the curtain walls used as building envelope -
shopping mall over the SM megamall
which of the ff is a characteristic of
because of the former's park-like setting is
International style
an example of which aesthetic theory
Sforzinda - the ideal city planned by Filarete
structure as form giver - calatrava's works
are an architectural line may be towers with pinnacles - which of the ff is not
a characteristic of Neo-classical style
wall - an example of architectural line may
be sustainable architecture - the use of
renewable sources of energy such as solar
a residential dining table - which of the ff is
panels, renewable materials such as lumber
an example of socio-petal space
from commercial farming and the minimal
personal territory - annoyed when a stranger use of natural material thru reduce, reuse,
is standing so close to you is recycle
walls and ceilings should be with lighter concrete - which of the ff is BETON BRUT
color - in making a small room appear
biomimicry - the formulation of design
concept from the inspiration of plants and
townhouses - a linear organization of spaces animals
in an architectural design may be perceived
futurism - a cult of the machine age and
even a glorification of war and violence
social acceptance - internet cafes are an were among the themes of this movement
example of the architectural application of
the character of the building was from the
which Maslow's level of needs
emotional interpretation of the architect and
3.5 m - what is the distance from a person to materials showed poetic expression - the
a stranger in planning a public park expressionism style of structure manifest
open split-level living space and cell-like technical space analysis - stage in design
bedrooms - which of the ff is not a process where the kind, quality and quantity
characteristic of Villa Savoye of Le of spaces and their requirements relative to
Corbusier site are determined
consctivism - architectural style after 1917 design consideration - the use of information
russian war where new architecture is a such as climate, laws and codes, culture and
remedy for russian social discontentment traditions are examples of
Calatrava - biotecture is reflected on the matrix - a technique in analyzing space
works of adjacency where one space is compared to
all spaces using table
I.M Pei - large abstract forms, sharp
geometric designs, glass clad structure and design objective - if sustainable
traditional combining with modern elements development is the "central theme" of a
are design characteristics of project, which one of the ff stages of the
design process should the development of
free standing columns - which of the ff is not
the concept be stopped
a characteristic of Philip Johnson's glass
house a maximum of 100% of the light is coming
from the sun during the daytime - from the
definition of the project - the stage where the
abstract program concept "sustainability"
project objectives are studied
which of the ff statement is a performance
integrity of materials - which of the ff is not requirement
a description of Eero Saarinen's building
sketches and doodles of designers or reflect
project objectives - development of design what is on their minds - which of the ff is
strategies not a description of a concept
integrity of material - describe paul rudolf's none of the above - which of the ff
buildings programmatic concepts does not reflect the
central idea of sustainability
semi-circular arches - not a characteristic of
art nouveau green architecture - what do you think will
be your design philosophy of you believe in
idea of unity and harmony in composition - sustainability
which of the ff is not a characteristic of
Frank Gehry's building personal analogy - the turning torso
bubble diagram - graphical diagrams used to
represent spaces with no consideration to a design of an office that economical -
actual areas of the spaces brundtland commission of the united nations
on march 20, 1987 states that "sustainable
final design and presentation - the stage development is the development that meets
where working drawings, models, the needs of the present w/o compromising
presentation drawings are prepared the ability of future generations to meet their
use of zebra prints - not a characteristic of own needs. this is the definition of:
art deco definition of terms - which of the ff is not
definition of the project - stage of the design classified as a good characteristic of
where the site is studied program concept development
orientation - the proper positioning of the curtain wall used as building envelope -
structure taking into consideration solar which of the ff is a characteristic of
view, privacy international style
2. Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Dutch in origin, its style was one of austere
abstractions, law of equilibrium and clarity
Theories of Proportion of art.
1. Ken
2. Golden Section (0.618)
Ethnocentrism - Habitual disposition to Bauhaus Movement - Rational design where
judge foreign people or groups by the art and technology are united
standards and practices of one's own culture
Corporatism - The business of architecture
or ethnic group.
focuses on proficiency of the process and
Critical Regionalism - Factoring in cultural product of architecture.
variations and contextual realities.
Deconstructivism - Proponent of which is
Eclecticism - Free trade and travel resulted Jacques Derrida, breaking the norms of a
to the mixed style of architecture. box.
Art Nouveau - No traces of historical style, Physiological - Maslow's Hierarchy of
use of glass and metal. Needs: Breathing, food, water, sex, sleep,
homeostasis, excretion
International Style - Transcends culture and
nations. Safety Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs:
Security of body, of employment, of
Robert Venturi- "Less is bore."
resources, of morality, of the family, of
Modernism - Open planning and free of health, of property.
historic detail
Love/Belonging Maslow's Hierarchy of
Academism - 19th century, also related to Needs: Friendship, family, sexual intimacy
Beaux Arts
Esteem Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs: Self-
Metabolism - 1960's movement in Tokyo esteem, confidence, achievement, respect of
about organic architecture. others, respect by others.
Materials: Concrete
Structures: Temples, Basilicas, Thermae, Philibert de l'orme
Ampitheaters, Utilities
-contested Roman architecture as the ideal
-rejected the doctrine of absolute beauty of
Romanesque Architecture measures
Gothic Architecture
Character: Lofty & Aspiring Quality, Baroque Architecture
Structural Honesty, Economy in Materials A European style of architecture of the 17th
Materials: Stone and 18th centuries.
Renaissance Buildings Not a style in its own right, but is the last
phase of the Baroque. Prominent in early
Tend to have a square, symmetrical 18th century France, Rococo developed
appearance with central columns and from Baroque as a reaction to the heavy,
windows, arches supported by piers or opulent aesthetic, and instead was more
columns, decorated flat ceilings and domes. light, playful and graceful. Placed emphasis
upon asymmetry, curves and natural forms
(such as tree branches, clouds, flowers or
Leon Battista Alberti seashells), and detailing was frequently
Developed a clever system of classical highlighted in gold
pilasters and architraves which could be
Anthropocentrism - The human being is the Personalization and Personalized Space -
most important entity in the universe. The Manifestation of desire for control and an
world is perceived according to the values expression of aesthetic taste as well as an
and experiences of the human being. effort to make environment fit activity
Staking claim to places.
Anthropomorphism - Human qualities are
associated with non-human entities/events
such as form, values, and emotions.
Territory - A delimited space that a person
or a group of persons uses and defends as an
exclusive preserve.
Anthropometrics - Study of measurements
of the human body
Privacy - The ability of individuals or group
of individuals to control their visual,
Ergonomics - An applied science concerned
auditory, and olfactory interactions with
with the characteristics of people that need
others. The ability to control interactions to
to be considered in the design of devices and
have options and to achieve the desired level
systems in order that people and things will
of interaction.
interact effectively and safely.